Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE DAILY BEE-MONDAY , MARCH 23 , 1885 ,
Ghosts Say It Mil Do No Good to Clcss
Die Saloons ,
An EK5ptlun "Who Died
of Yearn AK < > Still
The mooting at the Progroisivo apirltu-
al hill yesterday afternoon proved very
Interesting , even to these who have not
boon converted to that form of belief.
The spirit of a Roman senator was the
Pint to take poasosslon of ono of the ino <
dlnmfl , and opened his address in poetry
then followed with n prose argument in
favor of Bplrltua'ism ' suit closed with an
other pootlol effusion , of considerable
merit. There was much curiosity to know
who this Roman senator WAS , Mid
in answer to a query , ho replied
through the medium , "Wherever you cm
toll the name of the Roman that aald in
the Donate that a nun goes to ho'l ' with a
piece of money In his mouth , thou you
have my name. " No ono was ablu to re
call any such porsinage , and hero the
matter dropped.
An Indian chief known as "Midnight , "
then got control of a inadlum , who pro
ceeded to give quite a diacnureoln a sort
of unintclllgablo mixture of Indian with
English. ItiiM Dually asked him what
ho thought of having the saloons closed
in Council Bluffs , llo answered that he
did not believe it would do any good but
Qnvico Landamu'thu Egyptian , who had
commenced a discourse hero at a , meeting
two weeks ago could toll tnoro about It
than lie.
It apposnthat thn Indian "Midnight"
could get cjntrolof the inodlutnraster tlun
Ihe Egyptian , s ml thin accounted for his
litst taking possession of the medium and
then turning liar over to Graocco. The
Egyptian Is one who lived 400 j cars B. 0. ,
and belonged to n royal family. Ha Is
eald to nppoir dressed In EXJP i n n ylc ,
very richly , oid : ta bo , in fast , a llomau ,
but dark-visaged , till und well proper
tlonod. At a meeting two woika ngo hit
commenced a discourau on "A Lost Soul , "
tind yesterday ho conMnned the thema.
It seems that ho found fault with the re
port made of Lisspoech thenand ho took
occasion yeateidty to rebuke the proas ,
showing that , though duii nearly 2,000
years , ho still retains the human pro
pensity to i i k about what the news-
papois say. Ilia address , as given through
the medlunmhip of Mw. Bradbury , waa
.11 follows :
"Have you neb as parents often
thought how dumb your children are ?
You could not teem to nuke them see a
thing as you e.v * ir , cr do a thing as yon
do It. You could not seem to inako
them , como up to what you supposed
would bo co in miti sonsu. Jutt toke that
reflection to youraeivea yen rva the
children of Jv ; or growth. You cannot
seem to understand , and the reflections
you get era an thringh a glass , dark.
Wo cannot seoin to bring y u up to the
standing that you want. I will proceed
further on that by and by. Ono thit g I
do not like , tbii cult 113 and curtailing.
If a thiug is worth being known to the
world put it in its pure etate. If you
think a spirit' * aidicai is worth listening
to don't think it can bo advanced in merit
by writing wh-U It did not say , and
leaving out n hat it did cay. I will not
have an address of mine gibtf ra thn
public unlois it is in shape ; and really I
was not satisfied with it the hs1 ; time ;
and I do not know that 1 can do the sub
ject moro jiutico. But to tjj on with
that lost soul.
I bcllovo wo brought it Crat to the sea.
I told you nothing was lest. There it
but a rebound. Tbo rebound has to be
taken , and th t Jojt spirit la g tilling , yet
gaining a hold. and as jpa teach youi
babies how to take their tottering atom
in thutirat lessons tf life , eo these epirlti
have to bo brit'ght back and tangli1- , and
the lessons they have neglected , in white
or In black , tva against them. Thej
hive to toil and march on their ways am
journeys dsy by day , month by month ,
and year by your , till thtir lifo ia con <
sumiuitod. They hive t > nuke thcii
own atonement. They rec gnlzo no a -
vlor as you with your life. Yon do
not have some ono else to luo tt
So much the br'ghter ' your life will bo bj
going through the vlciasitudisi. So your
characters will emu out blighter with the
They continue to grow on , and by thai
growing hive advanced in humanity. II
sees tilings with a brighter , cloarei
vision. By good actions they atone theii
character , they atone their pact , anc
so by that wonderful machinery I ho )
come to the front little by little , till a
last they octlilto spirits with their prupoi
calibre and they can teach jou the waj
they have come.
Uuwovcr , there is still advancement
Wo bavo our schools hcr < j ia which yet
are taught to manage aud conduct your
self to o higher standuid , and to pattm
by these who luvo got up to the realm !
of moro ppr'eet cino. Understand , tha' '
as you have dark ami light , sunshine anc
shadow , that p o ; salrlt that wont awaj
bad has a right to come bjck as a gooc
one.When they first como back , they siczi
the medium and make him act strange
They como back , and i
they 'havo had a love o
drink , they nnka thosa whom they con
trol have such a desire. This is why yoi
will not close your saloons. Men who an
fond of drink will make resolutions thn
and time again , yit th y cannot piss thi
door of n saloon. They ara taken ia bj
that irreals'ablo force in was spoken of i
few mlnutas ao. When you obey na
turo's laws and get brighter retUct'ons '
then your xaloons will be nblo to clou ;
and you will then begin to know what 1
Is to live. Yo'i will have to begin at th
base and start your structure afrech.
tell you It Is up-hill won , which It wil
take jour life to aooompllth.
Then comes that brighter than all th
CDtuclouEiiurH of a wo 1-spsnt life. Th
rough ind rugged road has been tra\
orsed ; the redemption of our atonemou
lus baen golrg on ; and you lay ) on
burden down , and pass to the other side
But make It as light as you can , and the
you won't bavo that dark , deep , trouble
breast of that ono lint was loat and
saved. " .
'Xho H'nil Kurt , as It Can't Have Hi
County Heat , AVoulil Ijlko the
Honors ,
Last week's Macedonian anbnil
ppacefully to the voice of the people c
the court bousa question" tiles I
All ssctlonal ijaojtloni that have figure
n political Issues of the past seem now
0 1)0 ) cottlcd , at Inast for several years to
ome. Another rulroad east and wett
liioigh the county In the near future
radically settled the civi ion question ,
'he court houss question U settled fand
voryono seems glad of It ) ; now lot us
'go in" and win this fight.
The west end having the senator ,
hlch Is one-half tha
- legislative rcpre-
ontatlon , wo presume the members of
ho homo will bo conceded to tha east
nd. In this field Dr. Thomas , of Car-
on , has already been prominently men-
ionod as ono of the candidates. lie Is a
nan of excellent character , lat go oxperi-
lies , a soldier with a splendid tocord ,
ddcd ta this is the fact that ho came
'itliln two votes of being nominated for
lie oamo oflico a fojv years ago , speaks
well in his favor
Hon. E , W. Davis has been mentioned
s hia own succerfior , and should ko con-
ont to let his name bo used , it will bo a
old day when ho ia left ,
8. B. Frum , for years a member of
bo board of supervisors , has been named
s a strong man. He waa a republican
n cast Tonnoseoo when it was n dangor-
ns experiment to vote that ticket. Qo
1 of the Brownlotr stump , was a soldier
irough the war ; la a thorough , practical
QMUCSS man , and the farmers of this
punty have no bettor representative or
'canor handed exponent than "Sam"
Wo a'sD hear mentioned in connection
Ith the Eiimo ollico Ell Clayton , E. A.
iuleigny , Prcnnmt Bonjamino , Austin
alio , all tirst class men , while the west
ud could como up with such mon as
pencor Smith , Hon. T. S. Axtell , D.
! . Olsrk , T. F. Treynor , 0. M. Hurfo ,
acob Sltns and a hrst of other equally
tioxig men. Lot us put up our ationg-
st mon and victory is our.s.
'lie ' FovfrlHh EVelliifr. CaiiHOS.Mncli
NccdlcKa Kvclti'inont.
For the past two or three days thoto
ave been all sorts of rumors afloat about
hat wai to bo done with the saloons in
low of the recent decision of the an-
rente court. Visions of injunctions
ave been dancing before the oycs of tha
Aloon men by day and by
ight , It was currently repotted
mt Captain O eiton had three
; rang5rs hero , who \\eva gathering up
videnca under his directions , end lint
icy got frightened by threats aud chip-
cd out. The whole aiTatr aioio out of
le fact that three men stopped Captain
verton on the street ana inquired of
im where the ' 'Blue Jay" saloon wa- .
[ o told them ho did not know of any
ich p'uce , nr.d after a little talk , they
moved on. Some ouo saw them ,
HIJ mooting , and conjccturtd
lat there was s metiug In
10 wind , and the story grow s it
icd ah ng , showing the fovenah state of
ubllc feeling.
Saturday ic was currently reported
iat the prohibitionists wcro luvipg c
ccting to decide on steps to be tukeo
or closing the saloons of the city. Thuro
as a meeting , but it wcs for the purpos-
: perfectiuK anangemouts for thesa
isetings being held by the graat temn
orance aposvlo and orator ,
Ir1 George Woodford , of
llinois , and no step ] Trrra taken in
ogard to the Itgil aspect cf tlw cnnteat.
ho state of public feeling is such as to
nuke apparent by the readiness with
ivhich the wildcat sorts of reports find
llllng believers , that the utmost c u-
ion , the most sober thought ai.d the
olest nctiin on all sides. Threats and
ash acts by whomsoever made may m-
olvd this city in sctnes which will forever
n a disgrace on Its lecord Of itll times
tow is the ono rcipiirini ; mtditaUon of
ctlon and wisdom of judgment.
Itcnl Estnto TraiiHfera.
The folio rring is a list of real estate
ranefcrs Clod Saturday in the recorder's
flico of Pottawattomio county , Iowa , as
nrnlshcd by A. J. Stephenson , abstrac-
.or , real estate and loan agent , Council
Bluffs , lows , March L'l , 1885 :
OrbndM. Fco lo Joehua Alston , n.1 ,
nw 1 8 , 74 , 40 ; S2.800.CO.
John S. Gnss to Ba'ihcl Yonne , part
I nwfrl7 , 77 , 41 ; $17850.
Israel Diouiaut to Thomas Green , part
, swj U2 , 75 , 4 ; ? 1,080.00. Total
ales , Ig4,058.50.
; \"ANTED Good city falc m D. A. Hospei 3JS
1 I lroitlniy , Council llluile.
C\\i ) HiisiiibEH HOIISCH Pinched a
To the surprise of many , the dry goods
toro of James Portcrfiold was closed
Saturday and the sheriu" in charge , the
cacao proving to bo the foreclosure of n
mortgage of 83,500 , field by the Council
Blulli savings bank. The wholesale dry
goods firm of M. K. Smith & Co. also at-
ached tbu stock on a claim of $1000.
Another surprise was the announce
ment that Joseph Keiter , the merchant
ailor , was in trouble , on account of hn
liability to meet a 52,000 mortgage held
> y St. Louis parties. An invoice of Mr.
Winter's stock shows about § 3,000 of
; oods on hand , and it is \poctod tint he
vlll bo able to adjust matters as to be
bio to go on In business , ho having c
good trido , and being an excellent mm :
'n his lino.
I'lio Motion fur a Now Trial Not to lie
Arguptl for Three " \VooUs.
The public will have a little breathing
spell on the Dr. Cross sensation Thi
attorneys went to Glenwood Saturday
and thofo for the defense filed the expected
pectod motion before Judge Loofbourov
to arrest judgment and order a now trial
The tim for arguing the motion wai
s'pjiied until April 17 , and the defense
fenso was granted until April 5 to fill
amendment ) to thler motion. Dr. Cross
In the meantime Is t } bu kept In thi
jail at Glenwood.
The agent of a railway station on thi
branch of a popular JNewliagland rout
ha * the following posted on' the di.or
"Notts. All Pnrsons ar for-BHn tres
pason round tbu Station , under the Pen
elty of the law. ther hai bin damig
dun hem an wo kno hua did It ,
The is a constant stream of Invalids i
the Arkansas Hot Springs , and , wlill
many get no relief and die , it Is aitertei
tbat during the past ten years upward
of L'5C03 people have been cured of dig
eases th&re aftar having baon given up b ,
'heir dcctoia.
A. Iilttlo Statrsnmn AVIio Mltfht be
Tkkcn for M l'J > KC.
New York World.
The oddest lonklnp addition to the Sen *
ate comes with Wisconsin. Ills name is
Spoonor. Ho Is the successor to Angus
Cameron , whs served out Matt Carpoo-
ter'a unexplred term. Ilooccnpits Sen
ator Oullom's old seat upon the short row
behind the main body of the Republican
Senators scats. Thcro have been before
In the Sciuto inMRnificant looking men ,
but never ono who hasapprcachcd Spoon-
or in this regard. It ia the castom of the
clcrki and motsengen about the Senate
when they are In the Senate chamber
waiting for orders to drop into any of the
vacant seats that there may happen to bo
in tha back rows. Spooner's position
gives him the appearance of a mcstonger
waiting to cairy some bundle. Tlura Is
not ono * the messengers or clerks
vho does not look to bo moro of a man
ban ho. In the firat place , ho ii under-
ized , lid is not a bit over five foot six
nchcs lu height and would not weigh
ivcr n hundred and twenty pound * ,
'his would not bo enough to make him
ook conspicuously inferior among the
all men in too Senate if hit had a gond
Izod head , ono even in proportion to his
mall body. Senator Vest is a small man ,
) ut ho has a largo head full of character ,
ind nsho sits at his desk compares very
avorably with those nbont him. Spoou-
r'a head is grotesque in its emallnoits.
Us taco is almost wizened in its thinness
nd sharpness of lino. The lower part of
i If face runs to a sharp point. His eyes
re small and deeply sunk. Ella nose Is
'oping ' , thin and straight. His mouth h
very large. His hair Is a thick , sandy
od which is brushed up Illppintly as If
with a stiff whijp-brooui from hta right
ar smooth into a sjlid Innkof luir which
lands c ut at r'ght angles from the loft
tde of his hcaa , complcttly covering the
aft car. The luir upon the back of his
icad is also brushed to this central point.
Ia has the appearance of having been
out ia a very high ga'o ' of wind and cf
laving had his hair tro/m still when the
viud was b'omng at ita highest gnago of
eloclty. Involun'eiily , ax ono looks at
Sjioonor , ho thinks of his windward and
us leeward sides. Underneath hii wildly
ilown mosa'of hair his naturally small face
iccoines so reduced through contrast that
noth ng but u photcgfuph would moke
tny ono bclluvu in thu seal absuib'ty of
115 appearance. Over this smiiH fico
hero steals whenever ho is n dicjsed the
hrewd smltk c f the village oracle. When
le stands up to talk he eipinrts his legs
xna slips his bauds into his trousjispock-
t > after the faibion of the loaier in the
village goeslp inthelendlnggrncerystoiui
of Hudson , VNis , his home. Ho has been
a ns'ful l < tto ! man about Madiacn , where
10 has been fora number of yoara cm-
> toyed by the tailroad interejts of the
Stato. Ho la said to bo an nttoiney with
; oed railroad practice , and hss some repa-
a'i'jn for skill aud legal knowledge. Ho
nas spnt to thu Senate by the railroad cor-
lorations who hiva employed him in the
ust. Ho is In the Senate to-day as the
nosscngor boy of theeo corporations.
It Is No UNO.
) etroitFree i'rees.
Ho looked in at the door , saw eix or
eight men around the stove , and then ho
[ row la.'k to arrange his tri'ob. ' In his
iolt were two revolvers. Down the back
of his neck was a bnvle knife. In his
ye the lightning lurkad , and around hh
month TV .11 an expression to frcczo the
ilooi. When lie ontercd the Dilcou it
j with a war-uhoop which elionld have
Ifted every man a foot h gh , but no one
noved. When IIB advanced to the bai
and asked for a glass of dciiblo and-
, T/lslcd doith at forty rods his voice aTid
iiinnor should have dtivon the bar-
under down through the iloor. but he
didn't sink ( in Inch.
"Thi ? is my day for gore ! " bellowed
the stranger , as he held up the gluts and
surveyed the audience.
Nobody seemed to care.
'Who put Tiger Jack under the sod ? "
10 demanded in awful voice.
Nobody answered
"Who run Bkoiy Peta out of Deadwood -
wood ? Who made Awful Smith take
water at Ddnvei'1'
( Jnu man said something about the
weather , but no onu minded the inquiry.
"And I've como down form tha moun
tain ] to got a do on scalp-locks for a now
tiblcclotal" howled the stranger. "I
want a dozen 'Jeven wzuldu't do me !
Whoopl Whoopeei"
At this point ono of the men who bad
been trying to catch a nap got uu and
walked over to the stranger audlook him
by the oar and led him to thu dcor and
gave him a lift. As ho returned to his
chair one of the crowd Inquired :
"Who waa he ? "
"Dunno , but ho made mo tired , " was
the reply , and the entire affair waa drep-
pod without another word.
Good-byu , Catamount Sam , Panther
Jack , and Bnckskin Bill ! You've had
your day. It'a no uao ringing up the
cnrUIn on empty buncher.
A Mftn 'Who Doles on Horse Flosli
nil SnaUo Steaks.
Pittsburgh Dispatch ,
"My friends call mo a crank on the
subject , bnt I am a red hot advocate ol
liorso flesh as food , " sa'd Col , J. J. Lee-
land yesterday to a Die patch importer.
The colontl Is a gontlnmau of cosmopll-
tan edaotlon who , hid ho been born
poor , would liavn made his mark In the
world. Such not being the case , ho has
devoted the best years of his life to
knocking about tup obscnro corners ol
tbo oartn , gratifying an overwhelming
desire for travel and an inaatlto thirst for
"You liavo eatsn horse , then ? "
"Ob , yes ; I do so whenever I cm gel
any. in my estimation n nice , juicy
horse roast throws beef way in thu shade.
Thera arj three or four places In Now
York whcrti horse moat may be found ,
and one in Chicago. The home of the
custom Is in Pant , whirs it is openly
sold in ivshur tuts , and IB not only
cheaper than beef , bnt I bellevehealtblor.
At least , harass are subject to fewer dls-
oatoa likely to nifect the quality of-the
lleth than are meat cattle , * '
"How does it tastel'
"Much like bfcf. One can hardly
toll the difference. The only objeotlci
ia that the usual horse Ibeh a person
Qudi in the Paritiin restaurants come ;
from old , worn-out animals , having outlived -
lived thiir nsofulnesr , and , In fact , nearlj
everything except tbolr toughness
Bat a o It etoak or roast makes ae
toothsome a bit at cvur tickled the palatt
of an epicure. Even tough horse ia but
ter than tough beef. Understand , too
a Frenchman has invented a process ol
freezing , which without pii'ugiing the texture
turo or fltvoi' , render j the most rubber
like meat as tender en rabbit ; and , 1
what thu inventor a ys is true , he car
make a cir eprlrg iuta infanta' food1 '
"Remove tao Billy and idiotic preju
d cj a aimt horse ilesh and tbo ccsto
.Iving'.of the American people would be
reduced $11,000,000 or $12,000,000 pet
annum , for that Amount of horse Utah ia
thrown aw y every year. Added to this
nus'-.botho ' item of reduction In the
nice of rival meata , which the Introduct-
on of hojsa Uesh would bring about. A 1
, bls Is saciificod for an illogical , unreasonable
enable , silly prejudice , in a day and ago
when prejudices has no bntincsi
o exist. Horses ate clean ,
ar cloarnor _ in their habits than
ho average animal which Is considered
ediblr. They are particular about their
bed , find it Is of a nature to make good ,
inoly flavored flesh. There Is no reaion
on earth why you shouldn't cat your
lorses instead of turning them over ID
omo street railway company or ash mane
o kill for yon. "
"How did you como to got interested
n the subject ? "
' 'It was during the late war. I was
on the _ other side , ypu know. Llko
housands of others I gave my stomach
an Introduction to mule meat , which I
ogard as Inferior to that of the horse.
like it , however , and finally came teat
at it in preference to beef or pork. I
wived the old acquaintance In this line
n Paris during the siege. Before that
vent the Parisbns had cat but sparingly
f horse , and It was used as an article of
iet only among the lower classes , but
bo sicgo and its privations taught them
ho virtue of equine diet , and they re-
aincd the before despised article on the
menu _ from preference alone , after the
necessity for it hod ccated.1
' Have you tried any other peculiar
kinds of food ? "
"Woll , yes somp. You remember
hat Bayard Tajlor had an ambition to
let hilarious on the mtlonal drinks of
ho various countries ho visited. My
agary was somewhat similar. I have
rled nearly all the national dishes from
Yankee potk and beans to the locusts of
.ho South African Bushmen and the ana-
onda steak of the Amazon Indians.
'Snako steak ia not bad. The meat is
rhito and savory a sort of cross between
rog " legs and veil. When I ate it I
was the gueit of Don Almcdo Jocado , a
rador in bark Peruvian bark , you
; now which come ) from the upper
Amazon. Wo had juat got through
vlth a coii'sj cf rotst peccary when
, hin now dich was introduced as some-
, bing especially choice. The steak had
been wrapped iu Urge loaves and roasted
ith a few oily nuts end a popper or two ,
, o give It richness and flavor. 1 enjoyed
t hugely. At the conclusion of the meal
my host told mo I had been tnting anv
conda. I wai rather glad that ho had
not mentioned it to mo before , for while
' . wanted to taete it , the act would have
cost an effort had I known what it
was. "
"Did I over oat do ? ? Certainly.
That Is tha Sioux national dish. I
vcu dn't slight America ia anything.
Che dog flesh thai ; I tsstod waj so burned
urd ssnokeJ that it was difficult to per
ceive any distinct iUvor , though it
suggested squirrel. I am told that n
foung , fat puppy , properly roasted , is as
nicy a morsel m any ono could doeire.
"There arc many cats devoured in
? ranee thit any ono not pasted would
bollove. I have eaten oats nmro than
once. Thera are no distinguishable fea-
.tires between cat pot pie and rabbit pot-
jie. In fact , when & Paris restaurant if
? ou should discover that the fore If ga of
r'our hare are of the same length as the
otbera you moy safely put it down that
) oico reigns In some one's back yard. Bnt
; hcro Is ono diah with all my experience
[ can't worry down. "
"What ii that ? "
"Crow. "
JH'un 111 a ( street Car.
York Mail and Impress.
A few days ago , having finished hli
work connected with the Mall and Ex
a reporter , accompanied by t
iriend who aiplros to the honorable posi
ion of an author , and who was of a verj
observing disposition , boarded a Fourtl
ivcnuo car.
Did you ever , " said the observer
"philosophize ) in a street car as to the llvei
aud thoughts of the people you sav
around you ? "
The reporter admitted that ho had not
and added that his thoughts were tmmllj
centered on the immediate business hi
bad in hand.
"Well , " continued the author , "wit !
your permission no will make a carolu
study of the faces in this car , and try tc
read thi history of the man or womat
behind the face , or , I should say , the im
rnea'i&to object of his or her thoughts. "
"Of conrae , " said the author , drawing
closer , "you must bo a man of sympathy ,
You miut have had some praclica to dc
this thing well. 1 hive had great fur.
myself in wa ching and studying the poo-
pie I have mot. Lot us commence ic
the corner by the driver.
"There you see a man about 00. Bj
the bye , did you over notice that old
qnifet looking lollops always seek thi
cornets In the front end of the cat ? It'i
fact I - . \ I Well because
a , assure you.Vhj ,
cause they are old and camomitivo arc
like to bo by themselves. Now , thi
thought of Urn particular old fellow up
poslto us , as ho has just nettled do n ii
his corner and wrapped his overcoat abou
his lower extremities , having in tin
meanwhile got ids nickel reedy forth <
conductor his thought , I s y , is some
thing Ilka thh ;
"Ah , that's good ; got the corner of tin
car. No ono to tread on my feet. Cui
may be crowded , but ho won t got on roj
feet. Conductor will jell out to "Please
move up , gentlemen , " but they never dc
move up , that is as far as the corner. Oul
of the way of the women , too. Won'i
havo'em looking at mo as It I ought tc
give 'em my seat. Lot's see , 1'vo got mj
fare all right I haven't got a piper. Ir
running to catch the car and get my fa
vorlte seat t had no chance to get mj
paper. No matter , will get it on tin
news stand up town. How slow the cai
gves Wonder how long it will take t (
get horns. Wonder I guess I'll doze
I've worked herd to-day. Elevated eel
ol stocki property damages ' Tin
old nun'n < sleep.
Next to him ia a younc ; girl. She hsi
just mancged to get on the car in time t <
uet a eeat. She has had an extra h&r.
day's work. She feels tired and cron
over it. She wonders how much longo
she's got to work , and If she will get an ]
mora pay for what the does. Hu
thoughts tarn ta her mother , sickly anc
poor. Of couiaa she must do all she cai
to help her There's marriage. Well
who's thine ? There's young Giblotr
the clerk , who doten't earn much mon
than she does. 'There's that old bach
clor that Minnfe Ross introduced to mi
at the soiree ; he's got money , but ho'i
moan. Oh , heavens I tboro'a a dudi
over there trying to 11 rt w th me. '
"Now the dude referred to you sei
what ha la doing. He'd trying * as thi
young folks ay , to mash the youni
woman whom I have just made thit.l
aloud for us , 4Ah , ' ho thinks to himself
'It'a a well dicstud fellow , after all , tha
catches them , She saemi a little thv
but there's no trouble. Yc * , she's lott
irg , die's beginning to smllo at tha coi
acts of hsr mouth. By Jove ' 1'vo go
'ior ' ; I've got her ! I'll cil oat when tin
does and have a chat wi'h her. "
"Thera ia a fat old | lady. She hss
; een down town to the ttirr. Sbo'
hlnklng about the cars being so drtad-
'ully crowded , 4Do rmo ' four fat mtn
and two ladles standing between mo aud
the conductor , and she must catch his
eye and toll him to lot her ctf nt Furiioth
street. Oh ' this Is dreadful , '
"Tluro's a young man who has boon
diislpntcd too much. He's going throcgh
ho rcmortcful stngo. 'By Jove 1 ho says ,
I'vo had a big head on mo for the pasteur
our dftTS , and the bois has noticed it ,
oo. Didn't say anything , but ho knows.
. bet he's been ono of thu boys himself
ills , the landlady's pretty daughter , lus
noticed it , too. Wtll , 1'vo made n fool
of myself. I'm ' going to get straight sued
out , and stop the whole buslnesj. I
guess the'll ' bo all right when I toll her
"The young lady with the Seaside
level is dwelling in nglieh castles. The
at German with the legal document Iras
uat leased n lagorbeor taloon and is
wondering how It will pay. Then the
young mother with the baby in her
"Twenty third street 1" yelled the con-
"Woll , I've arrived at my destination , "
aid tbo author ; "go on and finish it
'ouraolf , and toll mo how you succeeded.
Good-by , " and the next in mi to the
ho reporter was alone.
Onawa hui a population of 1,128.
Muscatlno Is building a ferry dock.
Clarlnda has an Oklahoma colony.
Steamers are beginning to move on the
What Cheer keeps its courage up with
twenty-two saloons.
Mnuchostor refused to bond itself
§ 8,000 worth for n high school.
Progressive spelling matchou nro Meth
odist novelties in Dca Molnes.
The Burlington Uankoyo was dished
ip on the halt oholl last woeK.
Thoto wore 210 doiths and GO ! ) births
n Davenport the Crjt two mciitha of the
The census glvea Davenport a popula
tion 8f 23,811 , a giln of 2.000 in foui
Hog cholera has dleapneared from
Woodbury county after doing $10OOG
worth of damage.
Tho. ice dealers of Dubuque have
jooled to put up pr oos , and coolly whm-
per , "what ere wo hcrj Lr ? "
Mt. PJeatant'ij water worka foiled tc
come up to the requirements of the towi :
and wore r.jcc'cd.
Bloody'a work among the tinners ol
Davenport cott § 100 a day and bci > d
the great revivalist pocketicg built.
A Minmsata farmer named Honricl
Witman dropped § 7oO while vinving tht
elephant in Slonx City.
The queation of torching gir'.a sewing
n the public schools of the state i ) ru.
celviug favorable comment.
Last week Albert Xeare , living neat
Osknloosa , was morUlly wounded by the
discharge of his own gun while out mint-
At the coil mining town cf Fiohvillo
sixty mini w struck , owing to the com ,
pony's inability to pay their wages It
The now spans'in the Clinton railwaj
Iron bridge are said to bo aruorg tvu
strongest of any single track bridge Ii
thoUmtad Stales.
Nelsan Case , living near Missouri Val
ley , is the champion wolf-catuher in thi
state , having captured eix full-growt
howlers the past year.
The total cost cf the now state c.tplto
building up to date Is given at $2UGG ,
910 and an estimate of § 180,000 it ia HOK
will complete the structure ,
Judo Thayer , editor of the Clintot
Ago , Is in Washington tryiog to catch or
to the ollico of commissioner of the gen
lind oflice.
Several companies of the Iowa Na
tional guard will accompany the governor
ornor In hia attendance , on lena day
at the New Urlcans exposition , Aprt
2ch. ! )
Tha ministers of Cedar llaplds an
alarmed at thu inaclivity of the mat'i-
menial market. One of them states tin
lie has performed but ono carciujny thi
past year.
The city ma"h l of Cedar Rapids ad
vonccd some § .17 atorage and drayagc or
seized 1 quora , wherein the"ciau whet
Oiled was disunite' ! and goods ordurtc
returned. The marshal is now long on ex
porleucf , but § 37 shcrt on cash.
Gocrgo Hediick , of Ottumwa , ha1
tapped the fifteen soft maple trees grow
Ing about hia residence ) in town , and ii
engaged In the manufacture of pur.
maple syrup. He mil be able to pu
about 1,500 barrels on the market durlci
the no it thirty days.
In replying to the charge of thi
Chicago Ho'ald that "thoro has beoi
mere lawlessness and general public vil
lainy in Iowa during the past year that
in any other ntato in thu union , " tht
Sioux City Journal bristles up am
shout ? , "Tho Chicag ) Htraid ii a li r , '
Kama jour woapjns , gentlemen ,
Mrs. Johneon , of BOODO , becatno BO In
caneod at the marriage of her 15-yeur
old daughter to a worthies ? , drunken fel
named Shield , that she wont int (
spasms , and her life for a tlmo was den
paired tf. The man who futnlehed thi
perjury nocoesiry to obtain the merriagi
.IHM ) for the child is close on the raggec
gi ) of trouble.
A siiccmakor named Thomas , unabh
to secure anything to drink in the prohi
bi ion town uf Marlon , Imparted a ) ack
uje of the crjunt through the expran
comp\ny , took it to his shop , invi ed i
friend to pin him , when both tilled up
had a war dance , nd wound up with ai
umucessful attempt to pulvet M anc
carve eich other. They were bjth jailtd
A letter was received at the depart
ment from an Iowa pojtmas'cr asking ti
bo retained in his position. It was accom
panled by a photograph of the wr.tur
and stated that ho was a BUll'erer from in
( Uinmatory rheumatism. At the closa o
along diagnosis of his ailments was i
rough drawing cf a man'd leg , twht'i
and contorted into almost a right angle
while beneath wore the words , "This iai
dUgiam of my leg. "
"A graat gob t f gloom" struck the sa
loon keepers of Des Molnea when the dc
c'aton ' of the supreme court wai recelvu (
there. The Leader says the vendor ! 0
that which cheers and stimulate s otn
palpus , voluntarily closed up nad the ei
lonce of a dozen graveyards fell upon tin
town. "One or two healthy prohibition
Ists attending strictly to business , tiuiio
loose in any town in thoatato , caa oro&t
more cons'ornution to thn fqaaio inc
than a wh h nest of hornet j attending
picnic. The dechlon settles thu aaloo
and browiy bralncaj la Iowa.
Passenger Klevnlor to nil floors. 1JOG , IMS aiul 1210 J'ainam Street ,
Lots Again on Sale
And Large Ones at That.
GOxlSO ftot , with 20 foot nllojs , and st cis 80 and 100 ft wide
The Inrgo pnckiurr houses nrn 7iow in operntiou , mid additions coal
ing ? ( > ( ) ,0U ( ) fire being ndded to them.
Those that buy lots whilethey are cheap will get
the benefit ot the sure rise in value.
Fonth 0innlm is going to bo n largo pluce. The live stock market ,
th laugh ierpa eking end dn-ssod beef houses nml other establishments ,
th rnilro m fiicil ities , together witn the pure 'pnni : wutar from th
company's works , and the healthy location , is bound to mukeit so.
For'information , maps , prio'S nnd terms , apply to the company's of
fice , 210 13th btreot , 4lcrchuut's National Unuk Building , lirsb lloor.
M. A. UPTON , Asst. Soc'y. and Manager.
Are the Cheapest , Most Durable , Smallest in Six.e and Lightest in
Wlth'no Hny Trccsoa nt any klml can tbo amount of uorlcpm ucp1surh llttln cxpniEf , ( ten ton .f hay
nioxtr ) to loud ral'0 (1 box caras can lx > duiien > th the EiUI IinproM-il Madilner. NVtrranfdl or no
alp. Kor llluist'n'cil now circular address , EUl'KL VV CO ( ) 'ilicillliuh
Mention Omalm Bco a llcm l.btiljliihc- l'l > s\
rtsltll , Window 0 p9lTon Orrntlnjs , Hrlilllo HSy-llgbli , fco. Tin Jrr.a n
ui 113 Sooto IJ'.li tliott -
Absolutely Pure and Unadulterated , Entirely Free from PUSIL OIL.
noyrm know what It IsT Ask- your I'livslclan DEADI V DRICDM
_ _ _ or DnicKlbtand liowlll tell von thnt HT IS A UCAULT rUloUll.
, * , FoNiihn Sure Cum for Itlalnrlii , I'liliiioniii-y ConiplaliilN , litill rNiloii ,
, * I'i'ONd'atlon , Kroiiflilal'I'ruiitilcM , 4 < < 'iiornl I > cl > llltV. I.imNoritlPiitiil I'oiver I
1 % ii nil \Vantlnit ] > lNciiNfN. Kmlorseil hy OUT : i.r.OO I'liyHli'liiii * ' anil
Xjmuliwlilonsu STIMUIjANT AMI TONIO III Tyiilmlil "
ami nil low lorniM ol I Uca c 'I'llli il
' , Wo nro the only COIR-ITU In tliu Unltm ! Btnti-s who anbottllnpr nml M-llinj ; to tm ) Moillcal
' , I'rnfcKslon nml Drug Tiailu nu absolutely IMmi niult Wlilnltny , ono ilmt is frcn from
' I'USIli OIIi uiul thnt IB not only loiniil on thu Hlik-bonrds of thu bint families lu thu
' country , hut aim lu thu rihyhlclau's ( llspcusinn room.
DR. ARENDTt " ' " Vf t Gminii' < YewM sayH : "TjHivaniniltannHaliiiit *
U'liir J'lrjli ; M.IISJ. ' n'tllKKKV , ii'/i/r.'t fr i n rrrit yriitlft/liui remit. Yimr
* ll'ltlslce//iilitiitiidl Huitttli/ liicrttnrl of mult fottvimlnn unit it wry can-fill
* : fermentation uiul < llntlllatt < > n. In entirely free from fusil oil unit HUH "ftlniiK
T tlHillarlll iiliiiosliiitH iilrnlinl * tr/ifc/i urn an fiftfiioiintt In ir/i/j// / / . / tliciftorv ,
Prof 10.VO.Mliil : | IU8 " 1'iirlly Itwlf- nioiiaMullVlil l.iy I Unuw Ii to bo whulcdumu.
inryV Malt Whlnurr , In thu t > in < "t Iliuur Hint I cUaii uml imuUult inttd.M
luvu OTOT unali io < l. 1 nuitl I lifi i r > i i uuiiuallllully . " Kjni : > . it.A \ \ miM.i , , nf irwiip tprN.Y.
riMruniutnillttutlio niidlcilpnilth lull. I n i/imluatlt iif Ilioli lullni-1 uio | ui nil , xu. . m ) ; "I
Tliulatull VIIM'V I. . HM1I . M. li.Prci > likiit JIUM riUtyour Mull U hl l * * v lit tui ( irattliu lie ri ,
cfll.i Kiu-ulty HiiJ I'lofi'ustn of ih" lljannoit Uil i-r ihi < lT H rt vi-iy i > ujH-iljr n-IUIilu urtliln iintl tun
li'aiUulliKfiiuifH 'Illn'l it ri-inarkdliiy Inn inmi In u ily iv < uiiiiiit'ii < l Ii lulim bHitiii r ( iii-iii ni-iitii
null oil aiirl utlitr olijf t oniiljlo irmtert i nu of Cm liiHiimiiiailuiis , nii'l driitiK liid mulHilliH ui in nillj
found In thu liltkim of thu | irment Ua > uml tiU , iu u toim In fi t hiu ill i wtlon uml rumul
J\Mis : .1 ( I'lHlX , 3I.I > . , t htoten Jtliiiil.ttin iviiiiu kliinnl nt fioiu U InJlcaUU ucutn UlHiuHD , uml , uhi n nil lu uli-olinllt 1'lilliUN *
nutliur uf nu * iaiorlH onintiiiilty , uriluK Ult u I'lllUIOIUllld. "
I I'HiMriUouii uliciliulk ttlimilaiit I onlirjoirr fa-
v.ilh lirniOItltllAljUS , * * *
V Rainplo Ouurt Hollies hunt to uii ) aililn-ss In tlu < t'ulUM Status U iht of the Itouky Jlrnui *
* * tnlna ; , Bixurily jiacUeil lu ( ilalii cuui , J.'xirf cliitfi/ea jirfjuild on rweljit of t 3L.3Q
> > : x w > x w > x x x