Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1885, Image 8

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TTT1 ? . /Morning ) MarohlBi
' *
/ Men-
pfficer John Turnbull was engaged
in posting election proclamation no-
iico .
Tha indictment for libel nflMnst Charles
Kyle , 0. W. Kagcrton and MM. Dollie Chick
has boon nollcd ,
Tha remains of the murdered man Henry
Vanpoortcn were buried yesterday altcrnoon
at 4 o'clock in J'rospoct Hill.
Kdward Hyan was tried In the police
court yesterday nfternoon for cruelty toward
his wife. Ho was discharged.
The clearances at the Omah * clearing
house hut week footed np In totixl $1,803,930.
This puts Omaha twelfth in n list of twonty-
f oven cities.
The worklngmen'a central commHteo will
moot at the police court room at 7:30 : this
( Wednesday ) evening , A full attendance ia
requested. 1'er order of chairman.
The C. , B. & Q. train from the oait last
I night waa three hours late , while the overland
Denver left the depot two hours behind time ,
1 delayed by eastern connections ,
The populor Arion club , which ha * figured
BO prominently In the Omaha world of ooclcty
lor tlio past season , has not concluded ita
series of putics , as erroneously stated , The
dub will continue its popular dancing soirees
throughout the year ,
.Tustico Steuborg yesterday made two
people happy by uniting Lew Hermann nnd
Hattie 1'iyor in marriage. They nro young
people , grown up here in Omaha , and hand in
hand have started on Hfo'a great highway.
Joy to them both.
Mr. Barney Lucky , living at Fourteenth
and Center , reported Monday that some
colored vandal whose pouchant for "murder
most fowl" is self evident , had broken into his
henhouse the night before nnd appropriating
twenty chickens had wrung their nocks nnd
silently stolen away with them.
Circulars have boon received in this city
offering n $600 rewatd for the recovery of the
goods itolen from the dry goods store of
tiling & Miller , Lincoln , on the night of
March ID , as well as the apprehension and
conviction of the thieves. It is believed that
the plunder has been shipped to or through
The types made an nrt'cla about Ida
Ilcnnlngr , published yesterday , snyinp that
there "is reason to bollove" her not a good
woman. It should have been there is "no1
reason to BO bolleve. Tlio reporter has made
diligent inquiry about this poor woman , and
And her a hard-working , honest nnd virtuous
person , who is to bo pitied and consoled ,
Misfortune and sorrow have temporarily af
fected her mental balance , it is beliaed.
A BEE reporter yesterday met Hon.
James E. Boyd and called his attention to an
editorial article in a uaily paper. Mr. Boyd
said ho had read it , and could only say that
ho did not seek to bo mayor ; It would serious
ly inconvenience him to bo such. If ho waa
elected mayor he would know no interest ex
cept the city's , and all her people's welfare ,
but could not see how that intrefered with
his acceptance of bis party's nomination also.
A wedding of charming simplicity occurred
currod Monday Mtornoon , in the nuptials ,
which made maatind wit o Albert HOBS and
Mies Minnie lioland. The marriage wm
, . , J Bolemnued at the residence of the bride , or
the corner of Fifth and Marcy streets , The
event came a surprise to friends of both con
tracting parties , who claim that the two were
to have been married to-day , according to the
circulated announcement. Mr. and Mrs ,
Iloss left the city this morning for a short
wedding tour.
nlono confined to the higher of nclontlfii
research. Indeed but few have doni
moro for the welfare of the worklnf
masses than James Pylo through the In
troductlon of his labor-saving Pcarllno.
Superintendent Drake , of the Miesoui
1'acilic , is in the city.
| lUnited States District Attorney Lambert
ton arrived In the city yesterday morning.
Mr. Ira P. Higby , well and favorabl ;
known throughout the state as an ollicien
hotel man may now bo found behind the oilic
counter of the Canflcld house.
Deputy Marshal Allen loft yesterday mornin
a business trip in western Nebraska , where h
will servo some legal papers in civil aetiorj
filed In the United States court.
Mr. M. II. Goblo , who lett with his wife o
Saturday for Las Vegas , has tolegraphe
friends In this city of their safe arrival an
says Mrs. G. has been very inudi benefitte
by trip so far.
Lieutenant Mcrriam , of the Fourth ii
fontry , is In the city , on n tick leave , tb
guest of Col. Burnbam and is improvin
slowly. Mrs , Merriam returned to Fort Kic
brara yesterday ,
W. J. Taylor , S wardF. r.Veddo&wlfi
Fremont ; A. D. Jonop , Had Cloud ; J.i
Nelser , Peaelerj J. S. Hitter , North Hem
G. 12. Melron , Uheycnne ; D , Oiuoy , Hui
tmgton/.are at the Cnnfield.
At the Metropolitan : M , 0. Motcal
Wahoa ; W. J. Crane , llev. H. Gorten. A
lington ; Geo. II. Powers , Alfret Ilaztci
Bcatrioo ; 8. Cole and wife , Plattsmouth ; ]
E. Smith : md wife , Beatrice ; Samuel Welc ;
North PJatte ; Mr . T , F. Wheeler , Brok <
Bow , and J. A. Wells of Grand Islan
The Only Ono or tlio Kind in tli
a. Ickon , Siemaeu it Co. , hai
opened a wholesale fish house at 911 an
! U3 Jones .street , next ta Pax ton & Ga
Uglier. An Institution of this kind hi
long been needed In ( ho wett and willi
doubt enjoy a largo patronage from 11
merchants of Nebraska and west U tt
ooist. HeteiB. Oust. Icken and Ot
S'emien are both well known youi
business eaon nnd nro poi
soim'ly ' popular with a grei
many retail merchants in this locality i
they have been xsouneoted with Poyil
Bros , for anveral ytura put. Mr. Wet
dell Benson , who la tbo Co. cf the fim
nnd the travelling ropretenUtiva ia n H !
long full merchant mid is master of tb
biulueea ia ; U1 iti branches , lie bai bee
in this line of ttado in Chicago and tl
ait tiace boyhood and by Ills v& tcxpei
coco and the unlimited caplt.l of the fir :
will be able to buy iiib for the bouio i
"fuel il or" figures , while his two par
new , Mown , Gnat lokon md Ottc
Siractcn , will tell oorrotpondlngly low ,
Snnko SIB ) of North C iolins Ti
Crowfis Attend IbG Oping Seryices
anft Follow the Fat Man
Around tbc Circle ,
The "Ticket Ortlor" Itcvokccl ami
tlio Doors Thrown Open ,
The morning session of the first day of
the Moody revival convention waa hold
yesterday morning In the Baptist church
voUry , corner Fifteenth and Davenport.
The room , ono of fair capacity , waa
filled to overflowing with a congregation
which was hardly composed of the Ido l
revival olomonta. It was undo up almost
entirely of staid church-going people ,
and the unconverted were very meagrely
represented. Some , too , It may bo sup
posed , wcroon hand merely to BOO the man
who canpoaoBUccoatfally as a curiosity for
thoto who have no eye or oar for his
powers aa an ovangelictl mlislonary pro *
claiming the eternal truths. The audience ,
taken ns a whole , wai an Interested ono ,
though for the reasons suggested ,
there was no great manifestation of re
ligions power.
The preliminary mooting wai opened
with prayer by Rov. A. F. Sheirill.
Her. Thomas L. Sexton , of So ward ,
gave n scripture reading , selecting part of
the first and second chapters of Acts.
Rov. E. B. Grabnm followed him in an
earnest and Interesting fifteen minutes' '
address on the nature and work of the
Holy Spirit.
Prof. Townor and wife , the sweut sing
er * who chant in anthem the gospel
truths expounded by the evangelist , then
appeared and conducted the song service ,
which filled In the Intervening time np to
11 o'clock. Several goapol HOURS were
sung by Mr. and Mrs , Townor with very
fine effect.
Rav. A. K. Bates , of the Council
Bluffs First Presbyterian , then arose and
delivered a short but tolling address on
the "Usa of the Biblo. " The speaker
showed tint the Bible is the essential In
strument of Christian work. Both thoao
who preach the gospel doctrines and
these who receive them , must bo perfect
ly familiar with the Holy Writ in order
that the best results may bo produced
Mr. Moody closed the morbiog session
In a characteristic talk. The great apostle
of living truth Is not eloquent. Ho Is
not a speaker of rhetorical finoeaa. On
the contrary ho Is above over ; thing clso
homely In his discourse. Bis ten-
toncos are rough , unpolished , ovoncruao ,
hat Irrislstlbly forcible , pithy , searching.
And on this ono point his great success
The speaker amplified upon the subject
chosen by Mr. Bates. Ho took np the
old and now testaments and directed hta
remark R toward proving that both wore
Inspired and that one part cannot bo loft
out without damaging the effect of the
other. Ho took np the portions of scrip
ture , especially In the old toatamont ,
which there iaa tendency torejoct , such as
the story of the flood , the destruction of
Sodom , etc. , and explained that on each
ono of thcso stories tf o'.d testament lore ,
Christ had founded a specific point of
doctrine , and consequently , not without
rejecting the truth of the one , could
faith in the other bo abandoned.
In the jccond part of his discourse , Mr.
Moody nrged that the preaching of the
American pulpit must bo made moro ex-
nository , toicach alhlghor development of
effectiveness. Pastors should urge each
and every member of their congregation
to como to divine worship with blblo In
hand and follow the reading of the pastor.
The mooting then adjourned to moot
at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Owing to the fact that the Baptist
church has boon found too small for the
crowds who manifest a desire to attend
the Moody meetings it has boon determ
ined to hold the rest of the convention
in the opera house , which has been kind
ly tendered by Mr. Boyd. Accordingly ,
commencing with the afternoon Deflator
of to-day the meetings will bo hold Ir
that olaco. Everybody is Invited , and
tickets of admission are freely obtain'
A stranger passing along the street It
front ef the 1'axton house about hal :
after two o'clock yesterday afternoon ,
seeing a crowd collected and constant ! )
increasing , naked the BEE reporter 1 :
there was "a show" in town , and If there
waa to bo a luitiueo performance ia thi
opera houso. Ho was advised to go Ir
and eee. "What'a the admission ? " askoc
the stranger. Ho was told that at thai
time ho could go right In without a ticket
as the suggestion cf the BEE had beei
lieoded , and even sinners and commot
folks Ilka newspaper people could go ii
and partake freely of whatever wai
Following along with the stream o
people the reporter ontaroi the apaclou
building and watched tho' oata fill. Then
are eighteen hundred seats In the open
honso , a gentleman remarked Bitting nca
by , and room enough for perhaps tw <
hundred persons on the ttago. Withli
an hour's time every seat in parquet ant
drees circle was taken and the stagi
packed with people. To the credit o
this multitude bo it said , that the mos
perfect order and decorum provailet
throughout the somewhat remarkabli
scenes that at times were witnested.
The exercises , which consisted of sing
Ing , praying and addresses npon aom
chosen subject akin to the purpose o
these meetings , were opened by Mr
Moody , who called for the sineing of th
200th hymn. This waa clone by Mr
Towner and the persons on the stage , th
congregation generally not taking parl
The singing was not at this time effectlv
10 by any means ; it seemed to bo smothered
as it wero. Upon the conclusion o
hymn 200 , Mr. Moody cried , as he gar. .
out another hymn to bo sang , "All to
gothcr ! " and tbo proceedings went on.
The spi'it did not seem to enter th
audlouca for an hour or so , notwitlistand
ing tbo gentleman nnd hla song leade
used every effort to "warm It up. " Th
same programme of eong and prayei
and song mid silent prayer was kept n
nntil an address was delivered by Dr. R
N. McKiig upon ' 'How to make ou
prayer meetings more attractive. "
In personal appearance one ia muo
disappointed if lie expecti to find
lltcriry looking person in Mr , Moodj
Ho ia large , very fat , with heavily ic
heard , nothing intellectual in his appeal
atice nor aa to that in Ills address. HI
animil ir.t anslty which ia apparent , win
one's sjinpalhy and no one doubts hi
sincerity .f purpose. It Is fiir to sa
that throe fifths if hla hoarm attend fo
curkslty'a take , nd tbo rett perhap
from principle. His atago acting I
unique , and being singular , Is attractive
Hla manner ia familiar , and he has
habit of speaking In half wblspera , as I
he la tolling the Almighty something Ii
a tone tfrat indicates 'tla privata mat
ter , and yet A matter tha
ho does not object to the
audience hearing. All in all , ho is doubt *
'DBS n good man in purpose , and his
pparont sincerity helps him to captivate
nd hold an audience.
The music was about like moat church
nping by Urge crowds , except that the
> ader , Mr. Towns , has A fine voice , well
rained and controlled and at times aomo
f hla notes wcro boantifnl. To give
omo of the roadora of the BEE , who may
lot aeo tlieso gentlemen , a hotter Idea of
heir personal appearance , lot the report *
r say that Mr , Moody la just the Imago
if Capt. Bonnolt (9th ( U. S. Cavalry
leglmont ) who was agent for the Navajo
ndians for aomo time and now with
roops near Oklahoma , and Mr. Townor
cry much In general appearance like
Ir. J. W. Llveringhonso , of the Grand
sland Timoa.
Laat night the opera _ house waa jammed -
mod and the Impression of the throng ,
"icard by the reporter as the people pass-
d from the house , was , that It was en-
oyablo because Unusual , unique and
arnoat. What the result trill bo , of
ourso the noxl few days will develop ,
iloantlmo the doors are open and no
'ckota required.
Special Notice.
The Christian convention will continue
ta sessions in Boyd's opera house , which
fill accommodate many moro people than
he church , When the convention waa
ailed , therefore , all who failed to got
'ckots will bo admitted without tickets
t 9:45 : a. m , and at 12:45 : p , m. Moro
Ickots have boon printed and can ho had
or morning sessions at 117 North Six-
eonth etroot , ot the pastor and of the
she vs.
The Klusa Murder Trial District
Conrt Notes A Case ul Transgres
sion ot tha Itcvcnuo Uaws.
Betoro Judge Neville yesterday after-
loon the trial of Snsina Klusa , charged
with complicity in the murder of her
husband , John Klusa , was still on trial.
The main point of the testimony , as
irought forth by the prosecution , was
, hat Mrs. Kloea and her alleged para
mour , Frank Grabno , had boon seen to
narrol with the deceased a number of
lines , and that her conduct had not boon
that of a loving , dutiful wifo. No di-
oct ovldonca relative to the commission
) f the crime iteolf.
During the examination of witnesses ,
which Is carried on largely through inter
preter , Mrs. Klusn eita with an air of
patient , mystified resignation. She
corns , nevertheless , to comprehend in
omo measure the situation , for her fea-
, ures have gradually assumed a look of
painful anxiety which is rather touching.
She appears in court with a four-year-old
baby girl in her arms , a lavishing pict
ure of infantile beauty and cherubin in
ocence. Another child , a little boy ,
also plays about her kneci , and later on
will testify in behalf of his mother.
Before Judge Wakolty yesterday
verdict wna obtained in the
: ase of McLean & Rltter vs. Lcona
ildman , for balance on account ,
n favor of plaintiff's , and awarding dam
ages in the sum of $90.83 ; and la the
else of Cordner vs. tbo St. L. & P. rail
way for plaintiff , awarding damages in
the sum of $ G1 00. The latter nuit was
brought by a stock-grower , Cordner , to
recover damages for cattle killed while In
process of transportation by the defend-
J. S. Haccall and D. L Thomas com
menced tax-grading suits against the
Before Udited States Commissioner
Anderson yeeterday Ltcder t McDon
ald , propriotiri of tno saloon an the cor
ner of Fourteenth and Doughs , were
arraigned , on complaint off District
United States Attorney Anderson , for
selling liquor without having previously
obtained , In proper process , the special
United States tax of $25 in addition to
the regular tax necessary under the pro
visions of the Slocumb law. Edward
Leeder testified in his own behalf that
he , in company with McDonald , had
bought out the silconof Jacob Vlllcboi- ,
now In the insane asylum , and had sup
posed that the new fiim could ute until
the end of the fiscal year of 1885 , the
United States special license taken oul
by Yillobo's ' , Bo had been ao informed ,
ho said , by a United States rovonui
d Iliccr , William Hynes , and consequent ! 3
had not iaVen out a new license. At
torney Lambertaon showed , however
that the rjvcnuo department at Wash
ington , acting by advice of the suprcmi
court , had ruled that with a disiolutioi
of the original firm , a special license ex
plrcd , and Mesr * > . Leader & McDonalc
were bonnd over to tbo next term of thi
United States court , in the sum of $200
Both were released on their persona
It la quite evident that both defendants
dants have acted with honott intention
in the matter , and the penalty imposei
for the offence , doubtless , will not bi
The school land frauds are now ap
pearing to bob up serenely through the
pliuid waters of legal seas. Hon. J M
Woolwortb , who represents Willlan
Ronnie , nf Colorado , commenced actiot
in the United States Court Mondt ]
against Oliver P. Alexander , Gov
DawFB , and the other members of the
board of public lands and buildings. It
the legal papers of petition the plalntif
sots forth that in 1870 ho leased qtmrtei
ecctlnn of school land in Adams count ]
at $25.10 a year , subject to the usual re
appraisement at the end of five yean. I
is claimed that Rennie paid his rental , ai
agreed , up to 1882 , at which time , in accordance
cordanco with the contract , then
should have boon a reappraisoment
The board , ho claims , never made sue ]
icappraisement , and never served thi
notice on him required by law , but li
October , 1883 , without his knowledg
and against his consent , declared tbi
leaeo forfeited , and made another con
tract with Alexander , who now claim
the title. Rennlo brings this action t
prevent the defendants from dispossess
ing him , or bringing suit against him ii
connection with the lease , The plalntll
asks that the members of tbo board be re
quired to appear at such time as th
court may direct , and maVo answer t
tuch questions as may ba put to them
and ba bound to abide by the decitioi
reached ,
As tills case covers some of the moe
serious cbargrs ogslnst Commisslone
Kendtll , it Is believed that tome of th
inward truths of bis administration wil
ba brought to light.
Many cosmetics for the complexio :
have from time to iime been upon th
market. But none have stood the tee
aa baa Pozzonl'a medicated complexio :
powder. It ( a an absolute curative fo
. blotches , discoloration , freckles , ete , Fet
t rale by drngglsUr ,
Rfplar Mcting ( anfl Largo Amount of
Rontine Work Pushed Ttirongh ,
ho Imto Mayor Notifies Ilio Connoil
thnt ho Is Itcmly to Tnko Coin-
ninnd of the Ship Again.
The city council met in regular session
t night , Acting Mayor Murphy In the
ihalr. A considerable amount of routine
work was done and no discordant sound
waa hoard. It was a business meoting.
Communications from the mayor op-
roving certain ordinances as to grading
, nd changing streets , and as to piving
istrict No , 44 , and appropriating certain
mds to pay II. H. Walkln's claim. Also
ppolntlng J. Redman , E. L. Stone and
dwin Davis appraisers of the damage to
ho change of Oumlngs street grade , and
ppointlng J. L. McCaugo , W , J. Mount
nd William Dow appraises of like dam-
, gos on Phil Kearney street , worcaccept-
d and the appointments confirmed.
A communication from tlio late
iloyot Champion Cliaso was
ilactd on filo. The following is
March 17 , 1885. /
To the President and Members of the
City Council.
GENTLEMEN : My last communication
o your honorable body , of date Juno
23 last , Informed you. in substance , that
n account of disability arising from my
sickness , it had become necessary for mo
o request the president of the council ,
Mr. Mnrpby , to take charge of the n flairs
of the city temporarily aa acting mayor ,
which ho did.
It becomes ray duty , therefore , to in-
'arm you , and through you all whom It
may concern , that 1 am now able to por-
"orm the wotk of the mayoralty , and am
cady to resume the duties devolving
upon the mayor , and most respectfully
ask recognition as such oQlclal.
J. P. Hainan asked the removal of of-
oneivo matter near his promises. Ro-
'erred to police committee.
Mrs. Jane Latey asked for the refund
ing of certain lax interest paid by her.
Referred to finance committee.
Petition to grade Capital avenue from
Twenty-second to Twenty-sixth streets
n same manner as it now graded from
Twenty-third to Jefferson streets. Re-
'erred io committee on grades and
street ; .
Petition to have the grade of Four-
oonth street established between Prince
md Williams. Referred to city engineer.
Communication showing concent of
property holders 'for a railroad track
.o ba run through block 19 , between
Tenth and Eleventh streets , and waiving
ll damages thotoby. Referred to city
ttornoy to prepare papers.
Petition of William Drew for § 125 for
Wl ork done of which city has benefit.
Referred to committee on streets and
; radcs.
Report of city physician of deaths in
February , 1885. Filed.
Petition of German Lutheran church
Lo exempt lot G of block Ili5 from lax.
Refeirctl to judiciary committee.
Report cf city marshal of arrest of
proprietors of Buckingham theater , and
he continuance of thd caEO to the 21st
prox. Received.
Petition from citizens to have the
cattle stock yard on Bnrt street abated
as a nuisance. Referred to commltteo
on police.
Petition for lamps between Dodge and
Faruam streets. Referred.
Protest against ordinance to change-
; rado of Park avenue and asking rovoca-
on of action taken. Referred to com-
mittoa on appralsatnonts.
Petition to extend Georgia avenue
from Farragut to Farnara streets. Re
Leave of absence granted Policeman
Patrick : Mostyn and Councilman Foray.
City treasurer was directed to collect
tax of M. J. Groevoy as per amended
A resolution that sidewalk on tbo
south and west side of lot 5 in block "G"
bo repaired , was adopted.
City engineer was directed to lay out
tbo eutranco to the high school grounds
preparatory to steps being built.
A resolution that sidewalks on block G ,
lots 1 , 2 and 3 , west Tenth street wore
ordered to ba built within fifteen days ,
was referred to board of public worka.
A resolution that two gas lampi bo
placed on Eighteenth between Jack-
ton and LoaVdnworth and one lamp on
Twentieth between St. Mary's and Leav-
onwoith streets was referred.
The city treasurer was authorized to
collect tax on lot 7 , block 4 , Kuuntze'e
third addition , according to the reduced
Isaac Tompaett's claim for $00 iraa
G. A. Hoagland'o communication as to
correcting uncaamont was referred.
Dr. Gtbbs' $20 account was allowed.
James Honnor'a account for 810.75
was referred.
City treasurer ordered to adjust
"Omaha Post's" bill ogaimt the city for
? 82 78.
Report of commltteo , favoring the or
dinance relating to grading Jefferson
street. Adopted.
Report of committee as to Redfiold &
Souer's petition. Referred.
Report ot committee , opposing the pe
tition as to grade of Jefferson street.
Report ordering repairs to Cass street.
Referred , Like order as to Summit
Street commissioner was ordered to put
teams and men to work whenever neces
sary.City attorney ordered to confess a
judgment for $1,700.00 in favor of Wm.
Dully for work , and to reserve $300 on
the contract for contingencies.
Report of city marshal as to llquoi
dealers filed.
A considcrablo number of bills against
the oily , properly certified , was allowed ,
Report of street commissioner as tt
crosswalks , etc. , filed.
A'protest against paving certain streoti
was filed ,
A petition as to tidowalks on Willlami
street was referred to the delegation fron
the Second ward for settlement and re
port.Tbo report of the committee who wen
to select a site ior a market house wai
accepted. The plica selected is that par' '
cf CapUol avenue between the east line
of Thirteenth strict and the west line ol
Twelfth street. The ordinance to thli
end was passed.
Street commissioner ordered to remove
obstructions from the streets , provided il
co t the city nothing.
Raiolutioa for bnilaiug tidewalks on
the north eido af Williams street from
Tenth to Thirteenth streets and that
bcatd of public worka take charge of Iho
work was adopted , and was referred to
board of public worka.
Ordinance to amend section 0 of ordi
nance Ho. 830 , passed ,
Ordinance appropriating special funds
for public improvements , WAS patsod ,
Ordinance wealing paving district No.
i , was passed.
Ordinance directing the paving of cor-
: nln parts of streets In districts Nos. 36 ,
17. 38 , 40 and 45 , nnd allowing citizens
: hirty days to salect kind of material to
bo us&d was passed.
Mayor's approval of ordinance creat
ing paving district 45 ; and also approving
ordinance No. * 830J was received nnd
/ * m J
Report of commltteo making Twelfth
itroot to Jackson n paving district WAS
accepted ,
Ordinance establishing grade of JctTor
ion street from south curb of Jefferson
o north curb of Capitol avenuo. Passed.
On motion adjourned.
Follco Conrt.
In the police comt yesterday morning ,
like GilUgin , pooroldboy , was again ar
raigned for drunkenness. Ho pleaded
luccossfnlly thnt ho was but preparing
or St. Patrick's day , nnd the judge ro-
cascd him. "Besides , " said Mike , "I
am going to St. Joe to-day If yor honor
11 just glv mo n chance. " Judge Weiss
roloanocl him with this understanding.
J. G. Motiihan had boon also toying
with the charms cf the rosy-hncd
tempter , wine , and had become sadly do
moralized. J. G. was accordingly sentenced
tonced to pay a line of $5 and costs. Ho
did so and WAS released.
"J. T. Hardio" mournfully gazing
upon nn individual of benevolent fea
tures nnd a dirty shirt , , " 1 fear you have
boon Intoxicated. How is it ? "
' 1 am afeard your honor , " said Mr.
Hardio in a tone of intense apologetic
force , "that I might have taken just a
drop too much. But , yor honor , 1 hopes
as how your honor won't bs too hard up
on mo. You see 1 have n family of
olght wives and ono child to "
"What ! gasped Judge Weiss , nearly
rolling oil the judicial bench.
"I moan ouo wife and eight children
to support and I must go to work right
awAy. "
"Yes , well , where do you live ? " asked
the judgo.
"I live ia Omaha and oh , judge , for the
sake of my nine children , 1 hopes as how
you won't bo too hard. "
"But you said before you only had
eight children , "
"If ycr honor'll only let mo go I'll
promise never to get drunk again , " tald
Mr. Hordln , oblivions of this last query.
"I tbink now as hotv I sue my poor dear
family of ten children starving before
my e-yes. "
"What ! 1" gasped Judge Woiss.
"Yes , yes , yon must not bo too hard
upon me , yor honor , " continued the mail
of family eagerly. "I am a poor man ,
and with eleven children at homo "
Hero Judge Weiss fainted. When
31erk Jerome Pentzel had soused him
tberall/ with a bucketful of republican
enthusiasm ( present standard ) , tbo juigo
immediately revived under the icy Influ
ence."Get thea hence , FalstaiT , " he faintly
And Hirdlo tied.
Xlioinns Bulluul Waives Examination
and is Recommitted The Man
nnd His Case.
Thomas Ballord. the murderer of Henry
Vprpoorten , the St. James hotel bartend-
. , was arraigned before Judga Weis *
yesterday morning on A complaint sworn
out by C. A. Baldwin. Ballard waived
examination and was recommitted to jail
without ball. His casa , of course , will
bo thrown into the jurisdiction of the dia
tiict judiciary.
Ballard's appearance has greatly altered
since the evening of the tragedy. Ho
seems to realize the enormity of the bur
den of guilt which rests upon him. His
air of braggadocio has vanished , and has
been replaced by a look of subdued penitence
tenco and sorrow.
The evidence agalnsb him is damning ,
and there is no doubt but that ho wil.
swing for his crime. An effort , of course ,
will bo made by his counsel to bring him
out on the plea of insanity , but It la very
much to bo doubted whether such a lega
ruse will be successful. Nothing of spec
lal Importance in his past actions or his
tory , so far as now discovered tvnrran.
the belief that his deed of assassination
can bo palliated on the ground of a dl
seaaod mind. Tha fact , too , that ho wa <
partially intoxicated at the time Trill havi
no weight in the eyes of the law.
Seal of North Carolina Smoking To
bacco is the best.
Another Pioneer of Early Days 1'asscs
The sad news was received in this city
by private telegram yesterday that Dr.
Graff suddenly died ( n Denver in the
morning. No tarthor particulars have
yet been received.
Dr. Graff was an old resident of Oma
ha and had been , Indeed , a member of
the community from the pioneer days
of city and state. Ho was
a physician by profession , though
for late yeaw , abandoning the practice of
medicine , ho had devoted himself to
butinoss enterprises of varied nature.
Though at the tlmo of his death , ho was
far past the prime life , over 70 years of
age , ho retained to the last a spirit of
Indomitable spirit and activity ,
which defied all defeat. Of
recent years he hsa baen
engaged In the development of the oil
wella of Wyoming , noith of Rtwllns.
Connected with the enterprise from its
firs' incipency , ho had pushed It vigor
ously and was just on tbo verge of suc
cess when ho passed away. The oil re
sources of that country , he was convin
ced , were inexhaustible , and to his pluck
and enterprise In laying a foundation for
a business realization ot the fact , tlio
success of the future development of the
tpriugs will have to bn ascribed. Several
times bo went to England , to consult
with a syndicate of English capitalist ! ,
uho proposed to undertake the enterprise
of developing the oil wella , and the busi
ness negotiations were fast approaching
a successful consummation.
Dr. Graff leavoa a family consisting of
several adult sons ,
Factory Prices !
Send for our catalogue
and price list before pur
chasing elsewhere.
And Solo Importers of
Fine Diamonds , Watches , Silver
ware , Rich Jewelry ,
Wholesale and Ifotail.
Uor. llth tnd Faruam Sts.
Thin powder novcr varies. A marvel ol pnrcty ,
strength Red w hoosomcac33. ! Moro economical than
the ndlnary Uml ? . nd cnnnol bonoU lu competl
tlon with tbo multitude ot low test , short weight
ktutaot ph\ai'hrto pandora. Sold only In oanb.
BROS. . AennfJ for Omnli
Omaha Medical & Surgical
13th St. , Cor Capital Ave ,
Chronic and Surgical Diseases
Diseases ot Females , nf the Noivoui vstem , Pr
vato Diseases ot the Urinary and ox ml Organs ,
and Ulsoftaoa ol the Head , Throat and Lungs ,
Diseases treated by unexperienced specialists also
diseases ol the Heart. Llvor , Stomach , Kidneys ,
ladder , Ncurtlglt , Rheumatism , riles , Cancer , etc.
And all other diseases ol tbo ' < liroat and Lungsi reM
ed by Medicated Vapors. ( Send tor Inhaler or
circular on Inhalation. )
All diseases ot tbo Blood , Urinary and oxual Or
gans. Prhato Diseases and
Piles Cured or no Pay.
(16 ( Yo&ra Hoapttalaml Prlvnto Practice. )
Consultation and examination troo.
Cell or write fur circulars on chronic dlieaiofl and
deformities , Diseased Females , Private OUcoaoi
ot the Urinary and Sexual organs , Seminal Weak
ness , Nervous Debility or Exhaustlcu.eta , eta. , and
our new rcstorativctroatment.
II letters and consultations Confidential.
Medicines tent to all parts ol the country t > y ex
press , securely packed from observation , II lull de.
scrlptlon ol case Is given , Ono personal Interview
preferred II convenient. Open at all hours.
dJms all letters to
Omaha Medical & Surgical Insttute ,
13th St. Cor. Capital Ave.
Prtndl ttilT J m absolutely pur *
Plica a can top down on a liotttore until h at dtn
emove th oor r n < l unull. A chemist will uol b i >
duUct th6 pre * < mco of ammonia.
in iiuLTiircugsi ius NEVER
In a million here i for a quarter ot a century U bat
Itvixl tbe coniumen * rellablo leit ,
Dr , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts ,
Tkf ilnwHtMit dlltJ M ud luUnlfliur k ( 4
Dr , Price's Lupulln Yeast Gims
fer Light , lltallbr Brtad , The Dry Uop
Ytut lu tb. World.
Meerschaum Goods.
'Wholesale nnd Retail Donlors In
G it us , Ammunition ,
Notions mid Smokers1 Articles.
Stationery , Cutlery ,
Druggists' Sundries
And Fancy Goods.
Full nnd complete line and
Max Mever & Co , .
1020 to 1024-Farnam St. , Omaha.
" Milwaukee. Wis.
Ji sUi GUNTHER & CO , , Sole Bottler
n llr > l > l ind Cut Iran
Load Pipe and Shoot Load
Plumbers'Gas and Steam Fitters
I4lh & DodQO Sls.OMAHA , EB.
DTE&'cS'V 'WTr JB * T&ff & THfT
J&JSAJSJli $3 > M UJu §
At the old stand 1417 Farn m Bt Crdcre by t Ie >
CT ph solloltod and prompt ! tt'cadcdto. Tolcphooc
\e the nlmplcsr , best and moot oompleta type
writer made. HialntcrchnnKeallctrpo p'atos , ho.i
few parts and prints from thu face of tha typo , In
stead of through an Inked r.bbou. 1'ilcoouly $10.
Send for dcicrlptlto circulars.
ml4d& lm P. O. Pox 7U , Omaha , Neb.
i two HI Llneiu MTH
Llo'igj AND Exterior * .
JL&k for them
Railway Time Table.
Ia Effect March 9th. 18S5.
The lUontlcn ol the travelling public Is called to
tbe ( act that thla la the only complete and abnolntoly
correct time table published In the city ,
All trains arrho at and depart from Omaha by
Central Standard Time.
Trains of the 0 St. P. U. t 0. irrlve at end d
part frem their depot , corner of 14th and Webetet
ttroeia ; trains 01 the B. &M. , 0. D. & O. , and K , 0
St. J. & C. B. from the B. A il , depot ; all others from
tbe Union Pacific depot.
a Dally ; b , except Batarday ; o , except Sunday ) d ,
except Monday.
ational Bank !
U , B. DEl'OairORY ,
S. W. Cor , Farnam and 12th Sts
" "
Capital , - $100,000,00
0. W. HAMILTON , Prei't.
M. T. HAULOW , Oa hle
n , M. OALDWKLL , 1) . If. Surra ,
Aooounto solicitor and kept auto
Joct to Bight ohook.
Oortirioatoo of Deposit loauod pay
able In 3 6 and 12 months bearing
Interest , or on demand without In *
Advanoos made to customers en
approved csourltlooat market rat * 1 !
of Intoroot.
The Interests ef customers ro
o'osoly guarded and every faollltv
compatible with principles sf
sound banking freely'extended. '
Draw olght drafts on EnglandIr
land , Scotland , and all parts f Ku
r po.