Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE DAILY BEE-TUESDAY , MARCH 17 , 1885.
Tuesday Morning , March 17
The * pirilnMI t.i are holding forth In
Council Bluffs to-day.
To-day will witness the opening of tha
ticket meetings , where- exhortation and song
will reign.
I After the Ktorm comes the calm , as the
newspaper men learned last night. Even the
jails \vero quiet. ,
Bishop Wdrthlngton will preach t St.
John's mission , L ko school house , North
Omaha , to-night at 7:80. :
A false alarm of fire WM sounded Sunday
about 3 p. m. The alarm was for Sixteenth
trcct and Capitol a\onuo , but there waa no
The remains of the murdered man Henry
Vanpootlcn will bo butled this afternoon at1
o'clock in Prospect Hill. Friends are in-
The criminal cases in Jndgo Neville's It thought , bo all disposed ol
this or nest week. The Judpo is weary , and
no wonder at it ,
Constable George Karl has returned
from n highly unsuccessful duck hunting
trip up Iho rialto tlvcr. Ho reports that the
river is frozen and that ducks are not flying
low these days.
There is n one-year old child at tha
museum with a head as largo as a Georgia
pumpkin. It was born at Spirit Lake , Iowa
Talk about the "big head , " why , the Iowa
babies have It.
W.JII. Green , over First National bank
lias customers for the purchase of differen
Blocks of goods. Persons having any sue !
property to sell would do well to call a
There la a rumor about town that tha op
poncnts of the pooplo'a ticket programmo are
looking around to find some one to put up
against the pooplo'a nominees for city offices
Tlmo will soon toll , at the election ianotfa
The cold of last night waa apparently
equal to January. Suppose the sun waa to be
eclipsed totally forono day , wouldn't the
merchants with winter gooda on hand foe
happy ? Overcoats yesterday wcra necessities
not luxuries ,
Hon. George M. Chilcott , of Pueblo City
Col , , ex-U. S. senator and repeatedly eenato
and representative in Colorado's legislature
a pioneer withal , will , upon the adjournmen
of tl.a Colorado senate , go to Sooorrp. N. M.
for the summer , where ho has valuable mininj
Sunday night about half past 10 o'clock
the general merchandise store of Lamb & Whit
ton at Nickerson , waa entered by thieves who
rifled the till of some $30. The robbery
waa perpetrated whllo all the mo a of the little
tlo village were at the Elkborn bridge tryinj
to save It from the crush of ico.
Two gentlemen just from Southern Max
ice inform a BEE reporter that the Barrio
trouble in Central America is more serious
than ia generally supposed. Barrio is ono o
thoeo devll-way-caro follows , who combine
dash with cheek and courage with vanity ant
s\ill. The idol of the dark-eyed women o
the tropics , bo Is envied of men and balovct
by the other sex.
Nowa was received in this city yesterdn ;
morning of the death of A. Saulebury , o
Springfield , Neb. Air. S. waa an old resident o
Sarpy county , having been engaged in the
banking bualnnss up to the time of his death
He waa 82 years old. Mr. M. O , Maul left
yeetorday morning for Springfield and will em
balm the remains , when they will bo sent to
Henry M. Hunt , general western mana
ger of the United Press association , arrived in
the city yesterday morning and held an in
formal meeting withNnbraska and Iowa ropre
sontatlvos of the various journals interested in
the organization , on matters of private butinoss.
The delegates , uomo four or five In number ,
left last evening and Mr. Hunt will go dl
roct to Chicago.
Various Mnttora ot tbo District and
Otbor Judiciaries.
The Bates va. Price caio was given to
the jury yesterday noon and that body
speedily rendered a verdict for defend
The case of McLoan & Rlttoa vs. Gold
berg in a ault brought to recover balance
on an account , was next .called for trial
before Judge Wakeley.
Mrs. Margaret Hammers files a cnit in
the district court to obtain a divorce from
her husband , on grounds of cruelty ,
drunkenness and desertion.
Anguatus Koontzo files suit aga'mt ' the
city to recover tax judgment.
Mr , Parko Godwin ban filed a de-
fcunrror to the phlntlff a petition in the
Garnoau-Wftdo cue , of recent notoriety.
The demutror objects to the petitions ,
elating that there are not enough facts
nllcgcd therein to conitituto a nuflkeut
cauRO of action ,
In the county coutt yesterday morning
the creditors of Hawley , Langworthy &
0) . hold a mooting to discuss the situa
tion and elect an assignee. As thpro
wis not a sufficiently largo ropresonUtion
prcsoot , the meeting waa adjourned.
The United States court has adjourned
until the 2Gth inst.
\Vliy Tlicy Won't Meet ,
"What has become- the Millcr'Mo-
Nally fixht ? " asked a reporter of a well-
known sporting man yesterday morning.
"Nothing moro heard ot It , " replied
tho. gontlomin interrogated , "dnd you
m y icit assured that it wil | never take
, place , "
"Whj ? "
"Wbyl For the timplo reason that
both men are afraid. Miller knows that
MoNnlly cin boat him in n fair hand-to-
hand , and it of course determined to
crawlish oat of an oncountor. McNally ,
on the other hand , thinks ho can down
Miller , bat isn't certain'and go ii afraid
to ttst his prowMd And BO that
is the way the mtttcr atanda , To uro an
oxprrs.ivo bit of cltnpr , "ono Is afra'd
aud the other drmsa'c. " Tbo truth is
that Miller can lay no qlaim to being
pugilist. lie basu'c got the roquUilo
couingo. MoNally it but little better ,
and both rf them in their parleying and
talk about a "meeting' hive all alcng
determined to got out of it if they
could. And they have tu o&cdod pretty
well , to far ; and mirk my word , it they
come ti gjthor , the whole tffiir will ba a
hippodrome. "
Ida Hennas Tells Abort Her Troubles ,
Sic Weeps ss She Speaks of
Her Little Children ,
KlnilVoriU "Work A Maglcnl Change.
Yesterday nf'crnoon a BEE reporter
called nt the building of tbo Woman's
Christian association nnd was admitted
by the lady in charge to the room where
Ida Hcnnlngs , who attempted snicldo by
Inking ton cents worth of morphine
Saturday night , lay upon a sofa.
In reply to several general questions
the BEE man learned that aho was In
leas pain than yesterday , though yet
( Toting with aching about the shoulders
and head. She had oaten nothing and
steadfastly , BO far , had refused to take
any nontuhment , either of food or drink.
Her eyes were almost naturally clear ,
her fdca and general appearance greatly
improved , compared ta the stupid , re
volting eight they presented on Sunday.
She we a perfectly clear headed and fcpako
with a readiness that was in marked con
trast with her utterances at the former
interview had with hor.
In answer to a number of sldo later-
rotatories it was learned that oho has
worked for several persons In Omaha ,
among them Mr. Boyd of the opera
house. She Bays she cannot do hard
Kbor because of liver complaint ; that she
has been taking medicine for this all the
time , but pcoplo won't employ a woman
if they know aho is regularly taking
medicine. She claims that while employed -
ployed at Mr. Mackoy's ocma ono took
bor key and wont Into her trunk and
took various articles of clothing , also her
pocketbook with , to her , valuable papers
aud cut up her hat and ether articles of
apparel. She does not know who did
this , but atatod distinctly that "Mr.
Mnckoy and his folks were all right. "
She received her trunk key yesterday
from a lady. Her story about this trunk
and the taking of Its content * was the
burden of her converea'ion on
Sunday , and yesterday it . was
at first tbo only thing alluded
to. She grow moro communicative as
kindly toned and worded questions were
put , end finally when the reporter asked
her directly what caused her to try to kill
horeolf , the poor woman's chin began to
quiver and with tears flooding eyes and
and cheeks , she sobblngly taid : "I was
married ten years ago , when a girl ; I
have three children , ono nlno the ether
fivo. They were put with a Mr. Ilublo
near Sao Oity , because I was unable to
maintain them , and their father hung
around ealoons and would not work , al
though strong and able to do so. I had
to work for them , my husband and my-
solf. 1 could not stand his cruelty tome
mo so I loft him , got a divorce and the
children were taken by stranger * . I
came hero and have suffered with liver
complaint and always with & misery In
my back. I have lost all heart.
My father loaned Mr. Carman , my
for husband , some money and ho would
not try to pay father , and ho came on
mo to pay. I saved 05 that a brother
owed mo and paid father that , taking his
racoipt for it. When that receipt was
stolen from moiithmy pookotbook I
gave up. I bavo no friends ; everything
goes to destruction. I cannot got along ,
and I want to die. Oh , If I had only
taken enough morphine. " Hero she waa
unable to proceed , and THE BEE man
awaltad for the coming of that relief
which teafa never fall to bring to woe.
Alluding to her courto In refusing to
take nourishment , the reporterjuuggested
& glass of wine eangaroo , some tea , a few
rawoj stew , and the like. Her answer ,
wearily spoken , was that she did not
want anything and would not oat. She
went on to tell that for several years she
lived and kept house at Ponca , Iowa ,
near Sac Oity. Her parents live in Iowa
City , Iowa , but when she left her hus
band ho went to Sao City , where she supposes -
poses ho Is new.
Her thoughts were gradually diverted
to ether channels , and the happier days
of her girlhood brought back to her ;
again aho wept , but presently eoamed to
yield to the kind words spoken to her by
the lady proaent and the BEE man , and
half-way consented to try just two oys-
ttrj or a glass of wine. An alludon to
her jestingwhon she declared she would ,
as soon as aho nonld go down town , take
morphine enough to "kill her auro" next
time , brought a vigorous declaration that
ahowould ; that ehewasof nouseandcould
bopo for nothing In life. At this point
the reporter made light of such nonsense ,
and by a deftly put assurance that a
young , healthy and pretty woman , like
herhad all the world before her , she
emlled and jokingly said , "Do yon think
10 , surely ? " A few moro carelessly carp.
Ful questions and suggestions sat her to
aughing mairlly , and she was loft with
the aisuranca that oho must bo np to-day
and help the good lady dust and fix up
her room. She made no toply , bnt her
face clouded when , with a deeply-drawn
sigh , BOO said , "You think BO , but I
know I do not want to live , and I will
Tbis Interview has been given thus
lengthily for two purposes. Ono ia , to
let the good women of this town know-
that Euoh cases are in their midst and
oil for their ministrations of charity , ' .if
not uiateria ! charity , th&t of kind and
cho aring words to a lonely woman no
matter if she bo base , and thora is reason
to suspect that in this case , Tbo ether
purpose is to call attention to the melan
choly increase of such un
happy relations between numbers
of husbands and wives. Somebody ( s to
blame for this state of affairs. Existing
cases cannot now bo helped , bat a few
aols of kindness and a few words of a
cheerful , considerate nature , cpoken to
tbia lister , would most probably aava her
from oelf-deatruotlon , or , if aho lives ,
from vrors9.No woman can bo unworthy
who weeps at tha mention of her chil
dren , and no woman bise who under
such clrcumatanojs einllca gratefully to a
Iho Weather.
The mercury has taken a sudden tum
ble duricg the past thirty-til hours and
ia cow hovering dangerously near the
zro point. At the early morning ob
servation ycs'orday , thn thermometer
registered 18 ° , at 12 o'clock 12 ° , and
at 2 o'clock 11 ° . Tbo wind has been
blowing pretty eteadily from tha north ,
east at the rate of eighteen miles an
hour. This cold weather may last a day
or eo , bnt will not be of prolonged dura
From the west and noithwoit reports
oornc , telling of fallirg mercury and the
pro vale na cf rold weather. At Vlnom ,
Dikota , and points in that vcintty , the
themometcr rcgUters from 10 to SJ5 do *
greea below zero.
rEIlSONAt/ ,
C. 13. Donnelly it at the Metropolitan.
W , 0. Gregg , St. Taul , is at tha Faxton.
J , PASO ! , Fremont , Is at the Metropolitan
iT , 1L Amos , Esq , ot Nebraska's capital is
in Omaha ,
J. A. Kdney , Fairmont , was at the Paxton
last night.
H. 0. McNarr , St. Paul , stops at the PAX
J. H. McDonnell , North Platte , is at the
Paxton ,
A. L , West and wife , Hastings , are at the
S. H. Seanoy , B. Jt M. R. It. , dined at the
Jthn T. Luckoy , Grand Island , passed Sun
day at the Metropolitan.
Thomas Co'fax , McCook , slept with the
Millard folks last night.
J , A. Cordoal , Alma , is stopping at the
Platt Adams , Now York , supped at Iho
0. 0. Jones. Noltgh , took tea at the Pa\ .
A. S. Potter lolt West Point to find good
rest with the Paxton people.
0. T. Hoyt , Bcatiico , is stopping with the
1'axton fclkf.
Henry Lehman , of wall paper fame , has
gone oast.
John J , Kuhn and wife are gaosts at the
J. 0 Crawford , West Point , la at the Pax
ton ,
Mra. G , West Is a guest at the Metropolitan
tan ,
F. G. Klipsor , Weeping Water , stops at th
Metropolitan ,
James Marsh , Beatrice , stops at the Metro
polltan ,
David Wise and wife , Lincoln , are Mlllarc
L. H , Kogers , Fremont , took tea at th
W. F. Norris , Ponca , stopped at the Ml'
lard last ova.
J. 0. BrusCeld , Auburn , is a guest at th
H. N. Withnell and wife returnedycstorda
from New Orleans ,
Col. Stanton , paymaster U. S. A. , lef
last evening for a two-week's visit to wester
Wm. Stephenson , Eeq. , Fort Nlobrara , I
at the Paxton house. .
A. P. Hews , Blair , lodged with Kitche
Bros. last night.
J. H. Houton arrived from West Point i
time for dinner yesterday at the Faxton.
Fred N , Vaughan , Fremont , took break
fast yesterday with the Paxton people.
Judge W. H. Platt , Grand Island , lelt fo
the future capital last evening.
A. H. Baker , Grand Island , mine host o
the Commercial , has gone home.
J. T. Haydcn , Lincoln , and E , B , Jones
Kearney , were at the Metropolitan Sunda ;
Miss J. Davis , Blair , dined at the Metro
politan yesterday.
T , 8. Clarkson , of Schnyler , has his head
quarters at the Paxton during his visit t
Miss Carrie Cole , ono of DesMoinestbelles
and daughter of Judge Cole , of that city , i
visiting friends in Omaha.
John Withnell and daughtors. Misses Lib-
hie and Eliza , have returned from a trip t
the Now Orleans exposition.
Capt. A. D. Baker , of Grand Island , known
to everybody in the west as the IT. P. railroad
landlord , who was , is at the Paxton.
Mr. Clinton Powell , the well-known attor
ney , has recovered from a severe attack o
erysipelas in the foot , and made his appear
ance yesterday , for the first time , Jon the street.
S. S. Reynolds , David City ; W. J.Suthor
land , Schuyler ; Ira P. Higby , Beatrice ; H.H
Daing , North Platte ; M. C. Robinson , Mis
souri Valley ; S. H. Dickson , Oahkoah , Wis.
nra at the Canfield ,
Mr. Frank Bandle. who is visiting friends
in this city , will leave the latter part of tbo
week for St. Louis , where he will play during
the coming season with the Lucas has a bal
At the Metropolitan : J. Davis , Blair ; C.
B. Donnelly , Pluttamouth ; G. West , Grand
Island ; J. Faecal , Fremont ; R. F. Miller ,
Oakland ; C , J. Clark and wife , Liberty ;
James Marsh , Beatrice ; F. S. Klipsor , J. 1C
Keithley , Weeping \ \ ater ; and A. E. Shel
don , of Burnett , Neb ,
Fitzhugh Lee , a major general of cavalry ,
and ono of the safest and most daring officers
in the southern army during the war between
the states , will probably accept a high com
mission in the army of lil MahdI. If "Fitz1
docs , and wishes to take a conple or three
veteran regiments of light civalry with him
bo will find little difficulty in collecting them.
It was ho of whom Stonewall Jackson asked
at a critical moment in a great battle , "Whoto
iroops are en the left ? " "My compliment1 ,
general , I have the honor to command them , "
replied the ruddy-face rider , undlstinguisb *
bio by uniform. "You , Fitz ? then nil is
well. Gen , Pendleton , you can open with
your artillery. " Gen , Fitzhugh Lee is a
nephew , not a eon , of Robert E. Leo ,
Public speakers and singers find B. H.
Ojuglass & Sons' Capsicum Cough Drops
a Buro remedy for horseuess. 2
1'ollco Oonrt.
Yesterday morning the andienoo room
of Judge Wclea' bar was tbronpod by an
eager crowd of loafers , such as usually
frequent tbii court on Monday mornings.
The buslneco transacted was important ,
tflno vagrants were nnalgnod , pleaded
; u Ityaad various sentences wore impost d
ipon some of them and othoJs were or.
dorod to leave town.
Fourteen plain drunks answered the
roll call and stood in solemn array.
L'hreo wore discharged , two paid tbo cus-
ornary fine and tbo other nine were
ormod In single file and tenderly march *
d np to the oonnty jail , under the pro-
octlng Ming if Officer Tom Oormlck ,
Twelve women clothed In the garmcnU
of frailty , wtra released on payment of
monthly social evil fino.
In making the assertion that Pczzoul's
ilodlcatod complexion powder is entirely
roe from injurious or deadly poisons , we
do It upon the authority of a thorough
chemical analysis. It ia ono of the oldest
ace powders in the American market ,
and ia need in the families of some of our
most prominent medical men who have
teaonally acknowledged to the proprle-
or that they not only consider it harm-
OH , but eotoemed it highly beneficial in
every respect , not only for the uao of
adlea and children , bnt for the "Lord of
creation" himself. Sold by all druggista.
Vnnlitnil < cmonOrange , etc. , flavor Cnkei ,
! renm , liiilillniti , < fzc.ini itellcntclynmlnnt.
urntly in the fruit from which Ihcjrnrentnilo.
rnt'inio ir THI
Price Baking PowdenCo. ,
Chloago , III. Ot. Loulo , Mo ,
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Dr. Price's lupuliu Ycnst Gems >
licit Jtry Hop Ycnit.
The Wife of the Mnrfl rrt Klosa Ar
raigHCd for Trial ,
Ycstonlny's Preliminary btcpa for th
IjUo > ml Death Battle To-tiny.
On Monday before Jndgo Neville tin
tihl of Mrs. Luclnda Klusa , TV idow o
the man Klnsa who died last Decombo
as it is claimed , from a broken nock , Lav
ing been thrown down a fl ght of etop b ;
ono Frank Grabno , and his own wife , th
defendant In this case. The charge is
in the first dogroe.
Lee Estello , EiqM district attorney ,
represents the ntito and Messrs , Burn' '
bam and Breckoniidgo the defendant
Frank Grabno has already been ttiod
this term of court and convicted.
A conaidnrablo amount of time was con
Burned in cclectlng jurors competent t
servo. Finally , however , the followin ;
persons were selected who will compos
the twelve who pass upon the guilt or in
nocenoo of this woman , viz : J. 'Vr. Pen
ny , tf. E , Hoinrickson , P. B. Knight , T ,
Stophonhorst , 0. F. Hamsun , John
Peltz , S. L. Mills , John Taylor , G. L
Dennis , A. G Rockfollow , II. 0. Gush
ing and J. S. Miller.
Judge Novlllo warned the jurors
against holding converse with outalden
and one another about the case. II
spoke of the enormity of the oifoasc
charged , of the terrlblo consequences to
the accused if she should bo found
guilty , and the high duty devolving on
each juror , and dlsmicssd them to 9:30 :
thin morning.
It was noticeable that d.'sjgreoabla ' a :
was the weather , cold and raw f s W.Y
the wind , consequent , perhaps , upon th
disarrangement of the auua&phero by
reason of the partial eclipse of the enn
on yesterday , the court room was well
filled , and that too by a class oE people
who are not generally found nnnecoasar
lly about B court-room. The unusual oc
currencies of the past twenty-four or
thlrtyaix hours the murder , attempted
suicide , confidence games and lessor
offences , seemed to have created a mor
bid curiosity among the people towitnocs
every scene that partakes of the sensa
tional ; and the repeated allusions of tbo
court to the noceotlty of n ccnst&nt roc
olleclion by tbo jury of the grivity of
the case at bar , were strikingly appro
priate. It is a fact that moro sentntinnal
matters were chronicled yesterday than
the newspaper people of Omaha have
had to deal wita for a long timo.
AB Is usual in such cases , five-sixths of
the pcoplo on the ( treats Sunday know
and could tell just how the Ballard shoot
ing occurred. But when tbo testimony
was taken it turned out that not more
; ban two persona Baw it. Such is the
caio always. If all the "smart onoi" of
; hi country cou'd bo colonized on tbo
African plains Mr. Cleveland's cutting
down policy would practically ba a ne
cessity , for there would not bo enough
men left to run thd federal and state
governments. The ovlta of this custom
if manufacturing circumstances and tee-
; raony has be on noticeable ia this
city lately , part cularly in the criminal
courts. All that is known about tha
3 .Hard ca33 so far la that Ballard quietly
walked up to tbo barkeeper and shot him
dead , then turned nif , gave up his
weapon , declared ho did it on purpose ,
was glad of it , and refused to toll why.
His reason will doubtless appear at tbo
> roper time , bnt it don't matter about
ho reason , the crlmo has been commit-
ed , and as a fact the newspapers pun
ish It.
Otnulaa Medical &Sur-
gical Institute.
13th St. , Cor. Oapitol Ave ,
Chronic and Surgical Diseases.
Dlscisai of Ftmilet , ol the Nervous Syitera , PriMe -
Mo Diseases of tha Urinary anil Bcxuil organs and
Hieuca o ! the Head , Throat and Lunge , ej-ocUltles.
) laeatea treated by an experienced spcoUllat , also
Iseaaeiol the HeirtUvor , Stomach , Kidney * , Iliad.
er , Neuralgia , nummatlim , I'llen , Cancer * , etc ,
nd all other dlaeatra of the Throat and Lunre , treat
ed bf Mxlloitccl Vapori Bend lor Inhilor
or circular on Inhalation ,
All dlieawl of the Blood. Urloarjr and Stiuil Or-
gam. 1'rUate Dlteate * and ItlM Cured or no Fay.
IS Y < ar * Horoltal and Private Practlor
Coniultatlon and Examination free
llonrrUelorclrcularioncbronlidlgoueaand deform
loa , DltetBCd of Females , l'rltuteIH cai < ol.lhe
rlnny ard Sexual Orgatu. Bomlnal Weakneea , Ntr-
ou Debility or Kxhtuitlcn , eta. , etc. , and our new
entorative treatment ,
All Utters and conaultMloni ,
Uedldnei tent to inputs of the country bv ex.
real , eru clv packed from observation , If fall de-
ulntlon of ouo i > tlrtc , One | > crional Intirvlew
irt lined If ootnenlcnt , Open at all hours.
Patients ( torn a distance can obtain roomi and
board ,
AddreM all Uttcri to
) iuBlia Medical & Surgical Institute
IJth St. . Cor , Capitol A > e , Om :
1212 Douglas St. , Up-Stairs.
1312 TAILORS 1312
1312 Douglas St. , Up-Stairs.
1812 Douglas St. , JUp-Stairs.
1312 Douglas St. , Up-Stairs.
1312 Douglas St. , UjSta it's.
1312 Douglas St. , Up-Stairs.
Now styles mOuta and Fabrics , ConSsl1Ug , of
Spring Overcoats , Coats aud Vests , all Btyles of Frock and
Sack Suits and Pantaloons m unsurpassed , sold
upon the reputation of the tailor at leu than the cost
charge. of malenal. Each garment warrantad as represented , and all alterations to insure a perfect fit made free ?
Open until J P.M. Saturdays until W P. M ,
fhla powder never varies. A marvel ol pnioty ,
troDKth and wholesomcncas. Moro economical than
he ordinary kinds.anil cannot bo sola In competl *
Ion with the multitude of low test , short weigtl
iluin ot rliysrhrto powders. Sold only In cans ,
lOYAL UA.KINQ 1'OWDEll CO. , 100 Wall bt ; N.Y
"or Gentlemen's wear , In the world , for the money
are nuulo by
Stacv , Adams & Co.
_ A fact thoroughly and unequivocally eatab-
iahed by the unparalleled success and con.
tantly increasing demand for them.
Their shoes combine '
Jomforfc , Style and Durability.
ASK TOVR DE1LIK 0r. lire
Stacy , Adams & Co. , Shoe.
Those Roods are made of the bent French
nd Domestic Block , Kangaroo tops , ia Hand
nd Machine sowed , in
Dongress Button & Lace
Firrell & Cook ,
ISOBFarnamBtiect ,
ole Aif nts for Omaha
M > ll U u < lCutIr
, ead Plpo and Sheet
Plumbers1 CajanJ Steam Fftiere'
Ith & Dodaa SU.OMXlIANtfl.
Best oeations Being Taken.
Qet a Lot [ or Two iWhile They are
Apply at Company's Office , 216 S. 13th St
Omaha , Nebraska.
M. A. UPTON , Ass'L Sec'y and fiTauagor.
101 3 Jones Stieet j &SK FOB KED OMAHA
Factory Prices ,
Send for our catalogue
and price list before pur
chasing elsewhere ,
And Sola Importers of
Fine Diamonds , Watches , Silver
ware , Rich Jewelry ,
Wholesale and Retail. „
Cor. llth t-nd FarnamSts ,
Meerschaum Goods ,
Wholesale uncTKotail Dcalor In
Chins , Ammunition ,
Sporting Goods
Notions end Smokers' Articles.
Stationery , Cutlery ,
Druggists1 Sundries
And Fancy Goods.
Fall and complete line and
Max Mover & Co , .
1020 to 1024-Farnam St. , Omaha.
Milwaukee. Wis.
BEER GUNTHER & 00 , , Sole Bottlers