Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1885, Image 4

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    t' '
Hnr TOBK Orno , , oou 63 TB BM BOOD-
Tetr warning.
eolT Monday morning dally f ublls
0 * . T.I. . - " ' ! % ' . . . . . '
ItUonthi . 8.00 | Ons Month. . . . 100
Tha Weekly Boo.rublibied orery Wedneiday
nuia , rosifAm.
OntTtar , with premlnm. . . . . . . ( . * ° °
. . * "
One Year , without premium
Bit : Months , without premium . "J
Ons Month , on trial. . "
All Commnnlcatlons rel
natteri hould be addressed to the
and Remittance ihonld b
All Baslnest Letter *
B PDiaumiJta OpurAHT , Oiuru.
addressed to Tni n .
SafW.Ohecki and Voit office orderi to be mode pay.
Able to the order of the company.
A. H. Pitch , Mimager D&Uy Circulation.
g. 0. Box , * 88 Omaha , Neb. _
SPRING will have to make another
spring before aho gets hero.
PRESIDENT BARRIO ? , of Guatemala , ev
idently bollovca In the United States
motto : "E Plurlbua Unnm. "
THE people of Chicago nay Cottar Harrison
risen must go. Unless ho can find oorno
"fino workers" to fill the places of Mackln
and Gallagher , the convicted election
crooks , ho will not bo his own successor.
JOHN McLEANi of the Cincinnati Jn
fruircr , has announced himself an a can
didate for the United Stitoa senate two
years hence , to rmecood : Senator Sher
man. Mr. McLoan Is probably a little
previous. _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
"LIBKRTY" la now being removed In
flections to Havro for shipment to this
country in a French national vessel. It
la sad to contemplate that when the poor
thing gets hero aho will find no resting-
place for the solo of her foot.
TDK Boston Advertiser thinka that the
BEG that "Be
atatement of the Omaha
atrice ia to bo congratulated upon the lo
cation of the homo of the feeble-minded
In that city , " is , at laft , a doubtful com-
plimont. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SECRETARY MAY , of the democratic
atita central committee , has engaged a
spaclal freight train to transport to the
place of meotiog oil the 19th , the appli
cations for office that have been filed
with him.
THE announcement that poatago stamps
- rlll bo received in payment of subscrip
tions may bo taken as conclusive evidence
that Ex-Postmaster General Hatton has
returned to his old editorial stamping
ground in the Burlington Uawkeyc
office. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
THE Boston Globe , In commenting on
the "Backbone" affair , nays : "If ho did
nothing wrong during his adminis
tration of the department of thc
Interior , ex-Secretary Teller , instead
of being angry with Senatoi
Van Wyok for offering that resolution
of inquiry as to patent ] recently issued tc
southern railroads , should cheerfully ac
quiesce. No public officer should fear to
have his books and accounts overhauled
at any time. "
terltorial delegation , who called on bin
to inquire what conrao ho Intended tc
pursue in regard to territorial appoint
ments , that ho would appoint to office
none but the residents of the territories
and that ho would not pay any attcntloi
to the pressure of outside partiea whi
anight wish to dictate as ta"who shall fil
the gubernatorial chairs. The posltloi
of the 'president on ih'a matter is eml
nontly correct.and will prove sitiofictorj
to the residents of the territories who wil
not hereafter bo ruled by carpet-baggers
DESPITE assurances to the contrary , 1
Is hinted In certain engineering quaiter
that the foundations of the Washlogtoi
monument are insufficient and that th
monument will bo likely to fall If the
are not soou attended to. The Soicntifl
American , in referring to this report
says that the condition of the foundation
forms a good subject for examination am
and discussion , and It trusts that It wil
receive attention by the most compotcn
.judges. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
So PAH , according to Dorman B. Eaton
president of the civil service commieslorj
vacancies are bolng regularly filled undo
the roles , and there ia not tbo least alg
of examinations being arrested or th
rules being disregarded. He has 'no
heard of any partisan removals , and doc
not bollovo any such removals will I
made , This matter Is respectfully r <
forrcd for consideration to the Nebratk
state central democratlo distribution con
mlttoe , which moots on the 10th.
TUB plan of burying the bodies of an
mals which have died of contagious dli
c so Is declared to be unsafe , KB the dl
ease poison works Iti was through tl
soil and Infects other animals. Follow
Ing the experiments of M. Alme Gtrarc
it ia proposed to dissolve them In concet
trated sulphuric acid , which , while di
stroylng the body effectually di
atroys all dlseaao germs. This CM
lor the dumb creatures Is all very wol
but glvos rise to the question why the
should bo hotter guarded atairutlnfeotio ;
than human creatures. Year after yei
myriads of the victims of contagion ai
buried In the eatth , and the dlaeai
poison la loft to work Its way upward I
myriads of others , who In turn take the
places with the rest. Hermetically seale
burial boxes and private funerals or en
matlon would no doubt lessen tbo nun
bora ol this ghastly succession Wli
nhoald not some such measure be ot
forced ! It fa only fair to glvo ti'our fo
low-men tbo same attention we best ?
upon the boasts of the field.
Last fall , shortly after the presidential
lection , como of the Now , York ropubli-
in clubs attempted to reject the appli
cations for membership of all men
who did not vote for Blaine or Logan ,
'ho ' "Blaino and Logan toil , " as it was
ailed , created considerable discussion , ai
well as ill-feeling , and wo believe that It
was not strictly enforced , but gradually
llowod to dlo a natural death , It becom *
ng evident that it would not do to refaaa
enforcements as It h votes that the
arty needs. It seems that the Union
jcagno club had also adopted the Blaine
nd Logan teat , and net long ago the
matter waa revived by the inquiry of the
ommlttoo on admissions If n certain np-
ilicant had attained his majority , and , if
o , how ho had voted at the last preii <
ontlal election. The gentleman who
ad proposed the name of the applicant
cpllcd that before answering any such
nqniry ho would llko to know by what
uthority the committee asked any such
nestlon , as according to the constitution
nd by-laws of the club the only teat of
candidate was abaoluto and unqualified
oyalty to the government of the United
States. As the quottlon of loyalty was
not an issno In the last presidential oloo-
ion , ho could not see the propriety cf the
nqulry. This controversy came up for
ottlomont at a meeting of the club last
week. A resolution to the effect that an
nquiryas to how a man voted is In con-
ravontlon of the secrecy of the ballot ,
nd calculated to destroy the indopsnd-
nee of the voters , that the committee
was wrong in making the demand , and
hat It bo instructed to omit such qnoi-
lens In the future , wai introduced , and
naturally there aroio an animated ills-
ussion ever it. The resolution ,
n a modified form , was final-
y adopted by qulto a largo
majority of the member ; , who were not
favor of prolonging the animosities of
do campaign. In the future , therefore ,
pplicants to the Union Leap-no club will
iot have to toll for whom they voted In
do last presidential election. If there
ro any other republican clubs In .Now
fork that continue to enforce the Blaine
ind Logan test it is high time that the ?
Irop it , and take in every respectable
voter who applies for membership. It
honld not be forgotten that there is to
10 another presidential election in 1888 ,
when we shallneed _ all the votes that can
> o obtained.
THE report that cholera has again bro-
cen out in Toulon Is a waining to the
American authorities to take early pro-
autltna against the invasion of the dread
ACCORDING to a writer in the Chicago
Tribune , who claims to be well posted ,
ho selection of Cleveland's cabinet was
he work of the Mannlng-Tlldcu combi
nation. Mr. Manning , who seems to
lave boon the chief manipulator , line
'or ' his advisors such mon as W. H. Bar-
num , Smith M. Weed , and W. L. Scott.
Now all this does not agree with the gen-
irally accepted belief that Manning ,
Cllden , and Weed were the warm sup-
lortcrs of Dr. George L. Miller for the
losltion of poBtmatter-generaL. Elthei
Manning and his ctowd played Dr.
filler false , or else the Tribune write :
s simply mistaken. It may just bo posal-
) lo that Manning , who ii an editor , came
to the conclusion that one editor in the
cabinet was enough , and he therefore
shnt Dr. Miller out.
THE Missouri democrats have rallloc
on masse at Washington In search of of
fice. Tholr demands at firat took in
nearly every first-class office within the
1ft of the president , and when attention
was Incidentally called by some ono tc
the monumental cheek of the Missou
rlans , they handed In 'a supplementa
list , which they claim is modestly reduced
ducod in view of Cleveland's Idea of clvi
service reform Besides those asked fo
before , they now want the commieslono
of agriculture , an assistant secretary estate
state , oommissloner of Internal revenue
governor of Washington territory , i
South American mission , consuls at Yi
onna , Hong Chow , Siam , and Ma tame
raj , attorney-general of Alaska ally sever
al places in the departments. The St
Louis Globe-Democrat made a gooi
gaots when It said some time ago tha
Missouri would bo tbo Ohio of domocrao ;
in the matter of office-seeking. That pa
per in commenting upon Missouri's ma
nia for office , says that under Hayes am
Gatfield the Ohio man wanted the earth
under Cleveland the Missouri man want
the whole planetary system. '
THE big strike ontho , Gould lines hai
ended and the men have returned t <
work. Upon the recommendation am
petition of the governor ! and railroai
commissioners of Missouri and Kansas
Vice-president Hayes , of the Mlssonr
Pacific and associated roads , has rostorec
the wages to the rates that prevailed Ii
September , 1834 , without projudlc
against any of the striking employes. I
has been a costly strike to the railroads
and a great Inconvenience to the public
Tno employes are to bs congratulate
upon their victory , as they only strut
against an unjust reduction. While I
may be trno that the roads are not earn
Ing as much as they were during tbo proa
porous times , It waa not reasonable t
force the employes , whoso wages wer
already barely sufficient to pay the !
actual living expenses , to share in th
doprcsilon which was caused to a grea
degree by the too extensive watering c
railroad stock. Tha trouble with th
Miisourl Pacific reduction , us It has beei
with most all others , was that It wa
begun at the wrong ond. We would sng
gast to tuggc'st to Jay Gould , if ho Is s
anxious to make up the losses on watira
itock , that he uow try a redaction in th
salaries of the high-priced officials , wh
are able to a'and ' a very reipostabla cut
TUB Mormons are beginning to see the
andwtiting on the wall. It is stated
t at the April conference to bo hold at
jogan , Utah , A proclamation will ba
asuod suspending the "dtvlno law of
olygumy , and directing the people to
bandon polygamous practices , In con-
'deration of this action the Mormans cx-
) oot a general amncs'y of past offrneop ,
nd it Is asserted that they will g'.vo par-
onal guarantees of good faith , It acorns
hat they have como to the conclusion
that It is cheaper to reform than It Is to
The poalofiica department at Washing-
on has received Inquiries from nll'quar-
ors as to the now legislation In the poat-
flico appropriation bill. It was not
poaalblo on account of the work done in
conference to ascertain what the changes
a to postage were until the bill had been
ifllclally printed. A certified copy of the
rill furnished by the state department ,
laa at last boon obtained from the gov-
rnmont printer. The changes In postal
rates , provided for In this bill , wlllgo into
effect on July 1st.
The weight of all single-rale letters ia
ncroased from one-half of ouncn each or
'motion thereof to ono ounce oich or
raotlon thereof. The same increase oi
weight is allowed for drop letters ,
whether mailed at stations where thorj
B a free delivery or where carrier service
s not established.
All newspapers sent from the office oi
publication , Including sample copies , or
when aon > from a news agency to actual
aubccrlbera thereto , or to other news
agents , shall bo entitled to transmission
at the rate of ono cent per pound or frac-
ion thereof , the postage to bo prepaid.
Dhis Is a reduction of one-half from ox-
sticg rates. Any article in a newspaper
or other publication may bo marked for
observation , written or printed
words , without increase of postage.
A special stamp of the value of ten
cents may bo issued , which , when at-
ached to a letter , in addition to the law-
ul postage thereon , shall entitle the lot-
: or to immedlato delivery at any place
containing 4,000 population or ever , ac
cording to the federal census , within the
carrier limit of any free delivery office , oi
within ono mlle of tha post-office ot
any other poat-oQico coming within
; ho provisions of this law which
may , in like manner , bo designated as a
special delivery office , that such specially
stamped letters shall bo delivered between
7 o'clock a. m. and midnight ; that a book
shall bo provided in which the person tc
whom the letter Is addressed shall ac-
Kiiowlodgo its receipt : that meoaengorE
'or this special delivery are to be paid 8G
per cent of 'the face value of all the
stamps received and recorded in a month ,
provided that the aggregate compensation
paid to any ono person for such service
shall not exceed $30 per mnnth , and pro
vided fnither that the regulations for the
delivery of these specially stamped let
ters shall In no way interfere with the
prompt delivery of letters as provided
by existing law or regulations.
The ten-cent stamp delivery Is an ex
pertinent , and we believe that it will
prove a success. In Omaha for instance ,
letter arriving on the fast mail In the
evening from the east , or upon any othei
train after the regular delivery trips have
ceased , will bo delivered before midnlghl
If it has this special stamp , which as t
rule will Indicate that the letter is 1m' '
portant. This system will undoubtedly
bo appreciated by our business men ,
many of whom do not close their store :
or offices befoio 0 p. m , , by which houi
every specially-stamped letter can b <
delivered. Now all letters arriving or
the evening train remain over night Ir
the pcstoflioe. This now arrangemcn
ll necessarily require the immodlati
opening and examination of the oveninj
mails in order to select the specially
stamped lottera so that they can be delivered
livered at onca.
A FEW days ago a congressman callei
on President Cleveland and urged th
removal cf a certain postmaster agains
whom ho bad made manycomplantB. ) ! Th
president asked how long ho had hoi
his commission , and was told ono yoai
Thereupon ho Invited the congressman t
call again at the end of throe yean
when ho would consider the matter. Thi
little incident ought to make Pcstmaste
Coutant , or any other postmaster , fee
pretty solld , and the gentlemen who ar
ambitious to handle Undo Sam's mail
might as well ohango their plans fcr th
present and lay their wires for som
other office.
Of tbo Kmllroad Troubles ,
New York Herald.
The strike of railroad employes ia a
yet confined to certain roads known a
the "Gould system , " and may therefor
be regarded as a local diiaffection. Bn
it must bo confessed that there is abund
ant opportunity for it to spread. Th
railroads of the country have been mad
to feel the general depression In trade
and have naturally sought to curtail Ii
every way their expense * . Unfortunately
when ihey undertake to do this the ;
almost Invariably begin at the wrong end
and the first out Is made In the wages o
their employes. The theory of railroai
construction , that has prevailed In nearl ;
all the westernlinos has made them raucl
more costly to equip and to manag
than they cither need or ought to ba
Two , three , or even four dollars ii
securities are issued for every dollar o
actual cash Invested , and the rcaultln ]
forms of indebtedness , moit of which ar
pore "water , " are expect d to draw inter
eat or dividends , and the managers o
the road are to tea that theco returns ar
maie. There ia little use Ju crying ou
that the railroad industry has been over
done , end tha we are now snfierlni
from the legitimate consequences of thl
ovoroonstrnclion , from which the om
ployes of the lines can hardly Lope I
In accepting the nomination for gov
ernor of Maseachnsatts last fall I placet
myself on record as a chll-serv ce reform
er , and also as In favor of the benefit alive
ollar. I asserted that when the demo-
rat a came lute power their policy should
o to insist on a faithful dlschargo of
nblio duties and the retention of all
atthful employes in office , no matter
vhat Iholr politics might bo , sa long as
lie la'tor had not boon raado prooml-
iant ever their duties. My record Is
made and of course I shall stand by It.
About Civil. * crvloo llcform.
[ Secretary of State Bayard. ]
I am on record on the subject of civll-
orvlco reform , and I don't proppto to
abandon the views I expressed during the
campaign now. 1 am heartily in favor of
ilvll-sorvlco reform , as are nil the moni
tors of the now administration so far as
. ' know.
[ Secretary oi the Navy Whitney ]
All of the administration Is commltod
lirough the now president to the clvlL
serelca llaw , and will doubtless coiula'
, cutly odboro to It. It is ono of the
easiest laws to evade , however , and muoli
will depend upon the construction placed
upon some of Us provisions after a cabinol
consultation which , as you know , we
lave not had. I bavo no doubt , however ,
, tmt It will bo a natural and unstralnod
ntcrprotatlon of it that will bo adopted ,
and tbat iti spirit as well as letter will b (
faithfully carried on.
[ Secretary of War Endlcott. ]
escape. Thla IB taking too easy r
view of the matter. For while ( he
engineer and brakeman cannot oxpocl
; ho state to fix their wages or llmil
; heir power to hire out tholr labor thoj
may look for aomo remedy by which tin
hat conaoquoncBS of stock jobbery and
speculation will not bo visited upon
; iioin. These recent strikes are but uur
'aco indications of a fundamental error In
our railroad system. Should the trade
depression continue , these difference :
will increase , and It Is easy to predict the
course of events a general cutting down
n wages , cut-throat competition foi
traffic , a decrease and final disappearance
of dividends , a default in interest , a ro <
celvorahip , a foreclosure , and a final re'
organization under now direction and
now conditions. The remedy is either an
application of bnsinets principles to rail
road management or a revival in trade.
[ Attorney-General Garland ]
I am committed to civil-service reform
as a member of President Cleveland's
cabinet. The president's letter of accept
once and 'Inaugural address define the
position of himself and cabinet. I am on
record upon the subject by my vote foi
the bill.
Secretary of the Treasury Manning
Civil service reform ? Oh , yes , I am it
favor of it ; all the administration is , bn <
you cannot interview an officer you know ,
[ am an old newspaper man myself , ant
I'll do anything 1 can for you , only don'i
put mo in print ,
G ssip Atoat tue Mon M foiei
Under Bonrlion Rnle ,
Hemlrlclcs in tbo Senate An lotvni
Outshines all lUvnla at the Big
Ball Dresses Damaged in
the Crush.
Special Correspondonca of THE BEE.
WASHINGTON , D.O. , March 10 , 1885-
I have no adjectives to waste upon thi
now political era just dawned upon us
That Bomethlng startling has happonec
to shako the weak nerves of one Btalwar
republicans is evident , and well may the ;
rob tholr sleepy eyes and wonder how 1
all happened. Something will contlnui
to happen to call forth censure or pralai
for months to come. Already I hca
prominent democrats grumbling over BO
lections made for high office. "Thi
great unwashed" must bo taken care o
or they'Jibe a sort of cholera palltica
when hot weather comes. It ia fortnnati
that our new president ia a
physically ; for no man hai evershoalderei
heavier load to carry than haa ho. Yoi
wouldn't think it , m yho , but politician
are a very sansativo lot o
followD. Who haa forgotten ho ?
poor General GarCold woundei
the tender , pathetic , sensitive Roscoi
Conkllng ? That President Olovelani
will ctueh some like eoft soul there Is m
question. Indiana hosQ a grlevaaca am
a special favorlts Icicd-heariod Jco He
Donald 1 a man beloved by all whi
know him ; bat then Indiana has a Dai
Voorhees and a Mice-president in thi
United States senate , and it might strik
the "solid south" that is quite onougl
for one state. Ono thing is sure , tin
"toll Sycamore of Iho Wabash" carries i
mighty force with him as a democrat !
leader of the senate , as well as being i
political god in hla own state. They al
expected a place In tbo cabinet fo
"Uncle Joe , " and knowing that he ho
an elegant wife to preside ever and d
thp eoslal honors for him in a magniQcon
stjle , wo are disappointed hero in Wash
iogton and join our sympathies wit ]
Indiana's wounded pride.
looks happy ; indeed I don't ' think thor
Is a happier conplo in the world to-day-
unless it bo Frinco Oolunna and hi
bonanza bride than Vice-President am
Mrs. Hendrloks. Ho looks well aatiaGed
g&vel in hind , watching the frisk ;
senators as an old cat blinka at a lot o
playful kittens. Ho hain't got tbo exac
"hang of the school house" yet. _ N >
doubt the senate will ba more obodiun
after they fully realize that ho Is roall ;
master of coremonioi. Senator * , Ilk
artiste , have to practice making gracefu
lines of demarcation ! It la not f ir ti
jodgo of our vlca-prosldent's skill In pre
tiding over the senate now , and I bav
no criticism to offer or to repeat , for , o
coune , ono hears all sorts of comments Ii
the gallery. As Mr. Hondrioks Is not i
stranger t3 the ways of dolog things ii
the senate , wo expected him to take u |
the gavel laid dqwn by Senator Edmund ,
snd go right along , not as tbat worth ;
old chap did , that would ba nnreaionabli
to expect , for Edmundsttands unequalloi
as a presiding oillcer , in that he conli
bring a billlgeront senator to order , am
demand quiet from the galleries as non
other bai done In my day and genoia
tlon. Senator Van Wyck is conslderec
the "wont pill iu that box" to swallow
but Edmunds could gulp him down , a
Hendrlcks coaldu't yesterday during hi
heated contest with ex-Secretary Tel
ler. Poor Hendrlckg used his give
hopelessly , end ineffectually and elidn'
Edmonds grin ! Of coureo , ll who read
have become familiar with the persona
ppoaranco of our now tico-prosldent.
Tot I snpposo while looking nt him and
oolnR him under different circumstances ,
ro should got different impressions of
ilm and wo all have our opinions , n per-
cot right , the glorious freedom America
3xtonde ; in this respect wo all have equal
ights regardless of back bair and other
disabilities. The Indies about mo in the
; allorv on inauguration day pronounced
Hr. Hendrlcks a "nice looking man. " So
10 Is ; good figure , well dressed In n black
ult , clean shaven face , close cut grey
ialr and light blue eyes with n kindly
expression in them.
appeared beaming with pleasure and hap-
} lness on that great day when her bus-
jand was belli ; ; sworn In , and why
shouldn't she ? Of cornea all OVGJ , and
opotri glasses too , were leveled at her. She
s.\t in the gallery opposite of the chair ,
3n the third seat fr in tbo fronttho other
Lwo seats bplng'nllod by the families ol
bho out-going and in-coming presidents.
She Is n largo woman a "stout" woman ,
evidently enjoying good health , nnd I
navon't the least doubt she understands
how to manage that husband of hers , thai
[ s If he requires managing. Some hus
bands don't , they mam go thomsolvoi.
She wai dressed qulto consplcuoutly , rod
bolng the favorite color on her bcnnot
and carrying a largo red fan which she
very mojost'cully ' waved. At the inaugu
ration ball she was euporbly dreeaod , 1
nm told by thoeo who attended ; a tollel
of creamy white tatln brocaded In amber ,
the roToraa and facings of the train bolng
of caiman pink silk , the whole front ol
the skirt composed of netting and lace
embroidery of pearl bends laid ever eal-
mon pink silk , Her coraago was high ,
with diamond onumonts. Her hair
dressed high , with a cluster 'of pink
roses , llko the largo boquettho carried in
her hand. By the way I am told tlwt
one of the handeomojt drossea soon at
the ball was worn by Mis. Jamea
Savory , of Das Moinea , Iowa ,
a Paris costume of electric blno satin
trimmed with old point loco to the tuna
of several thousand dollar ? , and her diamonds
mends the largest , finest and most biil-
liant present. Qood for Iowa ; u state
that can produce the finest class of men ,
the noblest stateemon , the handsome si
women and brightest girls , and the best
school houses , the lichest coil and. , the
biggest ears of corn of any state in" the
was no place to show off fine clothes or
fine people. Twenty thousand pcoplo
packed into ono building must stand
pretty close to each other. Members ol
my family who attended , come home
looking rather wiltcel nnd did much
grumbling nbout the way some thing ;
weio arranged. But bo it romomberct
that the managers of that ball bnd n big
thing on their hands and it has boennlorj
time einco-they had an entertainment o
that kind t wont jr-iiyo years or more , one
men will get rtuty in that time unless
kept in practice. I btlievo Preslden
Lincoln's inauguration ball waoBomewha
cri'iV.Uod ' for'the mistakes aud blunder"
very uncbarltablo to expect our goje
democratlo brothers toba tnigda of porfec
management , and besides in such n crush
rules and floor manacera are trampled
under foot. Stllaon Hutchlns , of the
Washington Post , was ono of the masters
of ceremonies , handaoma elegant anc
attentive , and It is well understood tha
ho can tun the domocrntlc legislature o
Now Hampshire and his daily paper mos
successfully , but when it cornea to an in
auguration ball with 20,000 people to
form into line for dancing , that was quito
another realtor , and he couldn't bo look
ing in every direction at once , though ho
has n gift that way. I have no donb
that many of Nobraska'a lively sons anc
daughters were present bavin ; their crrns
trod on whllo trying to "trip the lighi
fantastic too. " I didn't learn tbnt Sena
tor Mandorson waltzed with Miss Phcnbe
Cousins , though both were mentioned
among the Hat of prominent and dis
tlngulflhod parsons present who
were Grct to be presentee
to the president. Poor fellow ,
it IB evident ho don't like bills , for ho
slid out of that hot crush just ni sson as
he found n loop hole , and let the res
of the party follow as best they might.
pleases me wonderfully so far. I am nol
going to guah over him yet. I don'
want to say anything I shall.havc to take
back either for or against him. My firs
sight of him was aa ho entered the eenato
chamber. Of course every eye was cen
tered upon him , a fact ho was keenly
alive to , yet his faoo was palo and 1m
moveable as marble and still a tromon
dons intensity of exproseion in every
inch of the man which spoke volumes
The storm of grtetlng which went out to
receive him waa something louder than '
have over heard in that old solemn ctam
her ; a volume of sound only equaled by
the applause which greeted the announcement
mont of.tho retirement of General Grant
and , by the way , there was much in
President Cleveland's manner to
remind mo of General Grant. Am
It was well for the republican
administration tint it died with Genera
Grant's name on its lips , and well for
America's honor that justice was at las
done that r.oblo old genera ] , and I am
proud that lowa'a son in congress , Mr
Wilson , was willing to bo sacrificed In
yielding his seat , or contest for it , in the
house , that the bill for retiring Uenora
Grant might bo considered. But I wa
speaking cf President Olovehnd and
must stick to my text. Again , I res pee
and like our now president , and if I hav <
the viiion of the future clearly , I roac
that ho will make a satisfactory execatin
in the white house. He has a oplondk
physique , looks as solid as a granite roctr
a perfect figure. Not eo tall aa Mr
Arthur , but larger , and yet not a fa1
man. His black suit , with Piinco Alber
coat fitted him to perfection : rather an
old fashioned collar , high dicky , llko the
one Senator Voorhees wears. Ho isqo
so graceful as Mr. Arthur , ( imply bickeu
around with the least possible bob of hi
head , and neither did ho break his necl
bowing to the crowd on his way to the
white house. He doesn't strike mo as a
man and follow country man who will bo
much affected with "Washington mi-
larla. " Heaven forbid 1 Should ho re
slit that , I'll aik him for his autograph
a favor I novcr naked but once and thui
it was purely a csso of "love at firs
sight. " I'll BOO you laterl CON.
JU UV tJUtuKRtlnf SW > \
At the old etand 1117 Fninim 81. Crdert by Ule
graph solicited and | > romptl attended to , Telepbogi
No 22 < S.
Is tbo simplest , belt and moat oompleto type
wjlur mada. 118 Interchangeable type p'atei , liag
few paiU and print * from the f ce of the type , In
stead of llnouzh an Inked nbbou. I'dos only NO
Bend for deturlptlw circulars.
mlldtw 1m 1' . 0. Box 714 , Omaha , Neb.
. TO LOAN On C I Obtnto Mitl chdltels
M D. I , . ThoniM. 740tf.
' TOAN-S,000 on cltr octulty. 19 per cent
I'O longtime , 11 C. Patterson. 6
LoMied on rtiikttdn , cut t t , U II
MONEY DOBght and lolJ. A. Foiman.SIS SJUth 8t
ONBt to tmnonKOodre lost4tetccuttty. M.
M K. Scars. Williams Mock.
LOANED l C. F. Hood fcCo'o. IXJMI olllco
MONKY , t-l no , hottcs , widens , pcrapnM
i.rorcily ol Ml Mmls unit oil other itlolo ot value ,
KlUiontremoiM. Orcr ut National Bank.ooirner 13th
and Ftttnam. All biulnws strictly cotflilonlljl
to loan on chuttcts. Woollcy &
MONEY SO , Om&li NMlonal Bulk building.
Cfr'rnfi TO $2COCO TO LOAN On rcalcilft'o so-
3) I Utf otnlU &t rciwonabla rates. 0. K. M > n ,
lT\V cor 16lh and F&tnum. 4S3-m2T
rpo LOAN Prom $5 to $ ! > COO , In 6um.i to inlt.
JL nunolal exchange IMS farnam. 832-m2lp
LOANKU J. T. Ucntly loam on chattel
MONEY . 213 8. Uth t.uinUlr8. 2g6ml8p
TO LOAN In suras of fcSOOanil upward.
MONKY n\Ifl and Co. , Boal KiUts and Tx > an
Atrontn , 1505 Farnam St. 463 U
ANTKU OIrl to do Kitchen work 1724 Douglas
eticot. 072-lOp
ANTED A girl lo do housonork ; Gentian or
W Uolumloti pio.crrcd , SCO iN 10th Bt 770 17p
\TTANTED L dy agents lor "Quoon 1'aotector' ,
> V dal y stocking ami skirts supporters , nhouMcr
btncos , lustl-s , bosom forms , eicos shields , palely
belt" , nltovc'rirotoctoiF , do , , entirely IIMV dot lees ,
unprecedented proflta.ohao 600 Bginta miUtnir
SlUO monthly. Addr.9J with stamp , Ii. U. Giwpbol !
Ii Co , 0 South May St. , Ch'cig * . 709-nUp
TX/ANTED A cord Pramllnatlan girl for illsh-
V > WMhltiK at the Atlantla hotel , Itth H. 778-77p
"I TANTKU Uoorl cook and chambermaid n' Oo-
> V cldontallmmcdlUdy. !
Tno persons tolnstruct In book-koip-
WANTED situation 1610 Douglas bt. J. U.
Smith. 771-lOp
A Rlrl to do general kitchen work at
WANTXIJ 13th St. 761 lOp
W ANTED-Noat cook at Carl & Cojlo's 1MO Fnr-
tarn St. 703-17p
WANTED A good dtCfUtn&Vcr with cxrorlonoo
who ran ttka charge cf a shop. Apply to JllracJ
Wlodncr & White , No folk , Neb. 732-17
WANTED CxOmpelcntRliI for genertlhouse-work
Ocrmdn prtferrod,1017 Chliago&t. 730-17p
ANTnD-OIrl tor bouso wojktogoln thociun.
W try. Apply nt 15U Howard St. 732-lOp
WANTKU-QIrls at the Slavcn homo , 10th St.
ANTED Anrst-clasa girl at 1613 Howard St.
ANTED A yourg girl for light house work Im
W mediately at 1011 Farnam street. 7E117
'ANTED- Girl for general house work at corner
114th and How aid Sts. 741-tf
WANTED A girl for rooond work and to care for
children , 104 N. ISihSt. , near Dodge. 746-17p
Two young men to make a party ol
Ihom a nicely furnished cottage Ia one of the
best locations. Hoard convenient , Addrces "A. 11. "
Boo olllco. 703-lOp
WANTED Klr't-class woman cook In hot , ' ! , 1QC
miles from Omaha , where she will hiuo a good
homo. Apply to II Mann A cllcr. 418 S. 13th Street ,
Omaha. 678 tf
WANTED A flret-olaes dry goods clothing , boot
andehoo talesman , must speak Gcroian and
well acquainted with diy cooai1 , only tingle end tx-
porlenced man with refurcnco need apply. . G. Adlcr ,
Sewtrd.Neb 001-tf
WAKTBD Immediately , a first-class barber.
None other need apply. Paclfta UOUEO Uar-
ber Shop , Council Blufti. Bt-780-18
TTTANTED A flret classdressmaker.would llko a
W nltcatlun In a shop. Good reference. Address
'G. E. " Pott office. 711.17p
WANTED SHuatlou l > y good tinner and hard
ware salesman 9 jcars experience , speaks Ger
man and Kcgl'th. ' Addross817 south 10th St. ,
TTIT'ANTED By a mldaio-agoi lady , tltuatlou as
W house keepflr , Invalid mirfe to take care of chil
dren or do up-etalrs work. Address "Bee office. "
Apply at J. N. Arnold , S14 North 9tt ) . 734,10p
TTITANTKD A position as tilrmner or sale ] lady In
VV a mllinc-y or dry goods bouse , speaks Swedish ,
German and English , have bad many jenra exper
ience , can give references. Address " / X. Y. " Lin
coln , Nob. 7E8-20p
WANTED Situation by reap cot blo > oung man
in store or prhato fimll ) , understands care
of horses , cm speak Hkandlnavian and Ecgllah. A cl-
dress "P. N. " Bto office. 7S3-17p
WANTED-Situatlon as book keeper by a youn
man with cxprricnco andgtOj rclcrcncc ? . Ad
dress "K. L" Bee omco. 710-lflp
Furnlehod or unfurnlihed rooms lor
WANTED ? keeping for tine * adults. "K. B. '
Bo3 onico. 801 IBp
'ANTEC Two gentlemen boarder ; ; room and
board , 638 South 21 t ' 777-18J1
Uooms and board or furnished or "U-
WANTED rooms tor light lioiiFO-koiplnR ltli a
private family for tbroo adults. "II. " Booofflco.
ANTED -To lent n snail farm to work on bharcs
W good references. Address "V. T. " Bee ollicc.
7C1 lip
WANTED Partner ; lite , buulnecs m nwith two
or throe thousand < l"Urd ) cash , can learn cf a
gocd opanlnthoto three tbouaand a jeer can be
made by oncn partner , and wlero brains and puih
can doublothe amount the second year. Adilr 83
Strictly Ugltlnmte , Bco oinco , Oniahn. 746 17p
To rent ry May 1st. 8-10 room house
n-oiler n lmpro\ements , good location for term
ofycars. Ed. I'oycka. 737-tf
To exchange fannforrealdiLcoln Oma.
1m. Inquire At 1612 lion aid St. 783-24p
To purchase for a cath-cuetomor , a
WANTED residence In a Orst-cliss neighbor-
hood. CollonoraddroisO. F. Davis & Co. 712-10
A \JAi TKl > A lot with 08 ( cet or more , front Mm-
VV proved or unimproved. Address 'C. K. " this
olllce , gl > In ) ( particulars oa to price , location aad
terms. 670 tf
WANTED DroR tnre ; advertiser would llko to
Duy a dniistore In a eood , live growing town ;
address Uo662 , Itock UUnd , III. fiU.lOp
To rent one or twn unfurnished rooms
with or near board. Addresa F. P. Kosdyke ,
813 and 315 Scuth 14th St 602 tf
WANTKD Every l dy In need of a sewing ma
chine , to see the new Improved American No.
7. P. E. Hodman & Co. , agents ; 203 N IBth. 343tf
EK YI A brick jaid. Inquire at McCague
FOR . OfpOsitel'OBtofflso. 773-2Sp
RENT Ilrlok bcuie of sovcn rooms Indudlcg
piano and safe Inquire I ) . W , YanCo'.t , Hi ) .
mond's Jewelry store. 77ri-tt
KENT A brick bouse of 8 rooms $20 per
month. Apply to John Huiele , Hardware 6t
2407 corner Cumlng and Baunders tts. I * . Clark.
T710U RENT Home ol 6 rooms , with or without
X1' stable ; good neighborhood ; near comer of 17th
and Chicago et ( . Enquire 001.16th and Harney.
KENT Now cliht room house ) Inquire of
FOR . E. Koddls , 25tb , between Davenport and
Chicago Sts. 700-tf
KENT i tore with four rooms on CumlnR st
FOR for any buslncsi ; ? ZB per month ; inqulie
J. Kline , 1818 DougUs st flSO-aprO
OU ItKNT Two new store ) on 18th St. 0 K
F MavneHth and Farnam. 618tt
KENT Bilekhouie , good Older , barn , cor.
FOH lot Shlnn's addition t0 per month. AM 1 ,
1607 Farnam St. 6SO 17
RENT One story dwilllng bouse five rooms ,
Full , niarClark itrect. Charles Ogden , corner
ISlb and Dcuglis Btrett. 6t8 It
Oil PENT Three brick store * corner 16th and
F CumlngHt. J. I * McCague , Agent. 401-aS
IOR KENT CotUgeat 1718 Dodge street
F 271tf
BKNT New brick house , 11 rooms , modern
Improvement * , No. 813 N. 22d st Inquire 2116
California st.
RUNT New cottage , B rooms. . Pllpps Itoo
FOR 8. 6th st. "Str
IlENT-Small furnllhtd front room at 1724
FOR ciiKl J treet , 771-J7p
T7IOR RKNT f nrnljhexl rooms , 1811 Direnpott
X ! str t. nt-ltp
RKNT Kurnli heel rooms slty and plctnns
IpOIl 1 rnexlern improvominU , piloci reasonable ,
one block from Post ofllcj , south-welt comer Utb.
and capltol avo. 7f18
I70H RENT A Uret ( crnUhed front room with
K drcwtns ; room tffor onoilnglo room , 71010th SU
432-2 Ip
> OR RKNT Tire well turntthcxl front roonuS. W.
Ii 1 corner Howard ind 13th St. , up < talr . 749-101)
UGNT-Furnlshcd toim at 1S18 Jacloon fit ,
FOR DS3 allp
RENT Two front rooms ISeX ) Capitol ave.
FOR 070 17p
RKNT Furnished rooa at 1013 Karaam.
POR 051-
> OH RKNT Ono largo il'gantfront ' room furnish.
1r cd s.nel 3 unlurnlshcel rooma In new house
with all the rnexlern Improvement ! , on JOth SI , near
Et Mart's a\o. Address & W. corner ICth and
Dodge. 031-lt
TOR RENT--A nicely furi.lshcd fronttoom with
I 1 closets and bath to geutlcmauacd wife 101 south
! 0th St. C07-tt
fJiOR HKNT Ononicfly furnlsSoil room miltftblo
X1 for 2 pontlcnicn , and t tmtllcr room on P'taKanb '
St. Inquire 1207 tarnamSt CH-tt
OK RKNT-Nlccly lurnlshoj rooms IDA M. 18th.
1 Cl-21p
F OH HKNr A raomfor on feentlcman. ix' o table
board tor ono or two gentlemen at 1012 Farnam.
IJ JAOH HUNT Klejjant front room ( or l o gcntlo-
1 Inquire at A. llotpo , IMS Uoug'ai bt.
614 *
, ' Fiunlshnl and unlurrlshed rooms
1 with board. Institute Hotel , formerly CrclRh-
on house , Capitol IVM ) , aad ISlli ; t , Mrs IV. . Halel.
FOIl IlKNT Mi < to of furnished rooms , IClfl Ca
fornln tt. Mrs. A. CaMetwcxxl. S/0 tf
F Oil HKNT-Nloely lurolthtxl looms at 1718 Casa
fit. , 472-U
00118 With hoard , dotliable or winter. Apply
t St. ChMics Uetol. 474-tf
1711)11 H KM Two elegant rcotng lu Kodlol'd block ,
L1 1'aulwn A Co. , 1618 Farnam. P414I
FOR SALE CHEAP Ono elegant ehtmbcr Bet ,
former coat 376.00. One rcgulttor clock ,
ono nearly now Kuabo Piano , two cold trained
pictures , one horse , harncu and plmcton. In.
quire 1016 Dodge St. 33-tf
FOH BALK Frorr 6 to 7 hundred bushils early
rosa t o'atocs. Inqidie At Fred JItillcr , corner
18th and Vlnton. 70 > ! lp
TTWHSAT , " : At Mualn ( or cash , two good homes
J. ' andlotOOxlC6 , gocd ncltand cistern end ttablo
on ricrco Btrco * , 2 housoa west of JOin street ; aouth
tide No. 2009. Apply on the premlsoa. 78C-18p
FOR SAL1C-A kiln of brick about J85COT. . F.
Totter , Florence , Nob. 707-21p
TpOR SALE OR TRADE TV o ot the mc t deslra-
J ? bio stock ranob.cs In Central Neb , will cxch.nRO
for a dcdt.'blo stock cf grncrilmerchandiser hard
ware. Applyto Norto Loup llanklcg Co. , North
loup , Neti 76D 28p
FOR SALE-Cheap.bulldlDg 1003 Farnam St. In-
qulro SCO South llth St. 72fl-17p
F I OR SALE ISO yearling stoerj and htlfcrs. Ad-
drssa C H. Corbln , Terry , Ii. 72S-21p
FOR SALK A grocery business In Omaha , hating :
n goodtradot(03h clean stock , reason for Belling
other business Interest. Addicsj "J. II. " Beeoflloe.
FOR SALE-A desirable lot03x163 ft. on Picrco
St. between J4th anuS6lh St , 3 blooks cast ot
St. car track , $ ICOO cith or bait en time. Apply on
premises J. Williams. 707-13p
FOR SALE-HouseltoId Itirrlturc , sultnbla for
keeping boardiM In good location. Mrs. V. K.
Booth , 1012 Pacific St. Tofl-lOp
FOR SALK Thofurnituro and fixtures cf a good
lodgl'j ? housa on a principal Btrcot , n nt WO Ap
ply IX. JUnnsvtller. 418 South 13th St. 07B-17p
FOR SALE OR TRADE Foundrv and miohlno
shop In Clarlndi , lena ; go d point for buslnoaa ;
six railroads ; town on a Ijiom. satl factory reasons
fortelllEg. Address BPRAGUE & CO. , Union Iron
Works , Third street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. 632-10
FOR SALE Four joir old horsa has been worked
double. For particulars h qutro at n o corner
llth and I'irnam st In barbar shop. J. Klrner.
FOR SALE Three beautiful lots on Parko ave ,
cast front , must bo Bold soon. O. F. Davis &
Co. 660-18
FOR SALE Lot on Georgia ate , chcapiat $360.
O. F. Davis & Co. 0(33-18 (
FOR BALE Now house 7 rooms full Irt , large
barn very cheap. D. P. Joccs , Oth and Dancrof t
South Omaha. t > 02-a"p
T7MJK SALK$500 dnwn , Dalanco J20. per month.
X1 Good 7 room house and Varn iilcasant'y ' located
Shlnn's addition. AMES , 1607 Farnam. 688 17
FOK SALE Why pay rent , when you can buy a
house and lot on easy payments from P. J.
Crcodon , 27th and Webs or ft 66I-tt
F 10R SALE Cheap , saloon natures and itock N.
W. corner ICtb am ! Capitol a\o. 617 03
SALE Second hand ten horse power , upright -
right bcilor and enclno ; In good condition ; low
for cnah. Chas. S. Poor , 103 S lUh st , Omaha , Neb.
Iron SALK A. ( arm ot 580 acres , 6 miles northwcn
1 of North Bord , 169 acres under cul [ ration , 6 ?
mlleaof Ilvowl.Iow posts , ono tnllo ol which la solid
hedge ISjears.old , 3 mlltrfof wire fence , mclo'lng
prsiuro ormeadow nearlr all seeded to tatno ijtaiH.
Uarn JSxSO feet , cilbblng for 2,00) bushel ! ) of corn , 8
good corrals , 1 wind mill , nml Swells of water , !
granary 15xSO feet , a house 10x24 feet , with base
ment under entire house. Price $20 per acre ; half
down , balance on tltro to suit purchaser. Knqulro at
KAIL olllcc , or of W. II. Yaw , Worth Bond. Nib.
* | 7 < 0n SALK - 06x106 feat on Curnlng etrcet 8 blocks
JL1 west of Military bridge , 41,000. John L.McCaguo
opposlto Pool olllco. 481-t
FOK 8ALB 132x12 * foot on corner , ponth-eut
frot.t , house 3 rooms , barn , 3 blocks nest o
Park ave. and Loncnwortli , easy pajmrnts , cheap
$1,700. John It. McCaguo , oppoalte Post Olilco. 483-1
PEKSONAL John Ilamlln lias removed to Omaha-
and rta'iles r > t 1510 Lea veil worth St. 073-alOp
pKUSONAL-WIII W. I. S. write to 0. S. , at MIn-
JL notpulla ; Important. OtS-lBp
M IIS. II U. IIOOl'KK , clalrvojant and franco
rnodlumcan be found at N. W. corner 20th and
CassetrtctB , hours 11 a. m to 0p.m. S74-m24
FOH SALE Ort TUAWE o Improved land , a
good 2 utoryntore , property In Wayne , Neb , A
resldcnro , barn , 2 lota In Allcrton Iowa , and 2 gooi.
Urge Norman stallions. .Addrcsj o , U. Illrilsall ,
Walnut , Pott Co , Iowa. 173 mflp
ITiOR SALE Oil fiXCIIANOB At (10 pel aore. a
X1 or part of two thousand acres ot timber land
forty miles CM of Kansas City , wil exchange foi
Nbrtska land or morohandlso. Bedford , Boner M
Davis Oi4tf
rpo EXCHANGE Improved farms and wild land to
JL trade for stocks of merchandise or Omaha city
properly. Chan It. Woolly , room 20 , Onmrta National
Bank , Omaha , Neb. SOOmarlO
WANTED-Partncr with 8300 or (100 to take a
half Interewt In a panoraira to travel , a good
Inveitment and wl'lpay , Addrera "Jno , U. F. " Iteo
office , Omaha. 7S2-17p
OIt SALE Block and fixtures ono of the bett
saloons In the city. Possession glren the flrst
of April Reason ! for selling , 111 health. Addreee
"X. W. Bee office. 477U
"JDillVV , vaults , iluk B > nd cowpoola cleaned at tbo
X shortest notice and satisfaction guarantcedby t.
. Abel. P. O. Box 878 218-a p 7
[ jOR * SALK lle'taurint rood locality , rta o < i fur
D selllnir , 111 health. Address "U. if. " Ilee office.
SALIC A ida fountain with Keneiator and
FOH founts In gnod condition. Address box283 ,
"A. & W " gprlnijllelil Neb. 7JO 20p
TT OR 8AI.B Onoor twoucc lena of good land la
JL1 central Neb. , will t > ke > oungctttleli part pay.
ment Addresa ' ' 0. N. H.'rV , O , box DM. 7f3 17p
H10R HA LI'-A choice lot of freiih milch cowg and
I1 springers at 2Cth and CtlllornU St. 741-2Vp
rTiOIl SALB-SexlS feet between llth and 12tb
I ? onJicksoaSt. Iiujulro No. 1117. 742 58p
HALK OR TIUDK-Farm 0 mllcatouth on
Uellevue and U , I' . Roads , fruit and cto. 1' , M.
1'cckham , 1 * . O. box 707 Omaha.
BALK A Ho. I. Improved faiu of iUO auei.
IriOll cultivate 1 an J 10) pasture , throe houses and
all other Improvements loaded lei Washington Coun.
t ) , Addresi or call Joi. IColowratcb,1324 BoutU 13th
tt. 741.10
IU1VY vaults , sinks and co n | > eel clwuod at tbo
shortcvt not'oo ' and at any time of the day , In an
entirely orderlcsn way without the kait molMtatlon
to occupanU or oelgubori , with our Improved and
odorltx * app&ratui. A , Evaostil/o. , 12'.o VeMlge St.