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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE TUESDAY , MARCH 17. 1885. 2gH lira wasi sSW iittl i Kg- mr' cnmMnlnff Iron with r w i6 lonlM. nuickly r.nd romplctf'/ O * jprpln , JmllBrMloitVrnunriu < , ni ) .NrnralRln. [ l IF MI unfnllini ? remedy for Dlscucic * sin Hiln ( > nnil I.l rr. It If inMiltnMo for Dtteuw fecrJItr to Wotimri. ami all who lend Muloutaiy lives II UHPJ r.ot Iriluro tlio teeth , canse hCRilR'he'i i odiitc ccmtlpatloti oAcr Iron t a It tnrlchcs find purifies Hid Mood , Etlmvilat * tLe&pi'Otito.ftlils the d.'slmllntlor. of fooA rn . > < Ittiirttmm and Dclchlng. knil tnenjrt. > u > i iho mnw.los and nerve i ) ? or Intirmiuent Fevers. viawHudc , Lat't o' tnc'KjAc. . , it has no equal. The pcnjilno hiw aliovo trade fintrlane illlneion vimpixT. Tutati > t riioirirrviiiciiCa.Eii.Tiw an Mltnted la me BROAD CLA IN . VEBY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING AND I Ever offered to the nubile. Mendelssohn & Fisher , ARCHITECTS Rooms 28 and 29OmnlmNntl.BankBlock Buccsssoas TO Dufrene & . Mendelssohn Goo. It. Flahft , termerwith. . W. L. B. Jenny Architect , Chicago. lanHolm J. F. SEGER , I U JIANEKACrUBBrt Of Harness Saddles uno of thi most complete stock ) of llarneu , HAS Saddle ) , Whips , Brushes , noise Clothln-r , etc. , h ncl. 110 N. 10th St. , Bet. Dodge and Capital icnuo. mBedlmlp IS CONDUCTED BY Royal Havana Lottery I ( A GOVERNMENT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba , Eve/y 12 to 14 Days. ICKET3 , tl.OO. . HALVES , 1.00 Bnbjocl to no mutlpnltUon , not controlled by the parties In Interest , It li the Ulrtat thine Inlbe Mtnia of ohinoe In existence. For tickets apply to sniPSEY & CO. , 1212 Broad- w yN. Y. City ; SOUND Kit & CO. , 103 South 4th St. St. Lonli , Mo , or II. OTTEN8 & CO , 819 Main St. , Kansas Citv , Mo. Manhood Restored RKMEDTFILEE. Avictlmof youthfulltuprudence cauiin Prtcftturo DecsNorroun Debility , Lo > t aUnnood , do. , h vine tried In Tain ororjr Known rflmedy.hcr discovered Mitmple means of aelf-cure , which bo nil' ( and KUKK toliis fellow-oufforers. AddreuiI.UOlKKVlUi.i30ha on Horlick'i Ifond , " vrrlfo hundreds of grateful mothers Mott.ur's . mil * contain uo ( torch. An artificial ! . d for lufauta riiouia .xmtcin no Ptarcn , Tlio boat and Hid ! nutrillGua Icxxl In health or PltknwH tor INKAN'JS.aud tlio lxt diet for benclldiil to uralntf JHIithiv an a drluk. 1'rlco 4O undidcent * . IJyulldnwIiil * . Bend ( or Book on the a roatilient of Otilldreu , f nxx "KuIlT dlrr.tcil and ouU llous. " OH" . BMif , U .i'HlalM.V./ . " rinl It til tb > t could be dellrdr IT , IT. JilM , St' > .n , Aanio. . . "N bttUtoor In rrenounclQit It sop.rior to toy. ki ! ( .11.01. - * . if Oilum , J7J , JV , M r. -vn'lll l Mnt liy mill on receipt ot price in LJimpe llOKIjlCK'H FOOII CO. , llnclne. Win. * " * 1l < HOIILIOI.'B 1)UV ElTU/OT OF MAI.TfcO tas Medical hsU Jl Chartered by theStatcof 1111. Knots for theexpresii purpose f ofglvlnglmmediate reliclln all chronic , urinary and prl- tvate diseases. Qonorrhcea , I Gleet nndSyphills In all theii ' complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and Blood promptly relieved and permonentlycured by reme- , dicstestedlna.h'or < f/l' ! r _ lai > cctall'raetica. Seminal Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on the Kace , Lost M ntioodr ojJw/yciir | f.27icr ( < io xjirrlmmiiq. The appropriate remedy is at once used In each case , Consultations , per * eonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. .Med icines Bent by Mail and Express. No marks on package to indicate content * or sender. Addresi DR. JAMES.No. 204Washlnglon St.ChcagoUI ! lewfoodfori ! new AttacHient Warranted 5 Years .SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. Ruis lloiestiG * isPisssBsssssssssi l i ' ' ' J K. J , LOVEJOT 4cent , lor Putt * , A OYCLON10 OHOIIUS. ThclForty 8lnjlnB I'ollcctnon Crcnto nil K Btcrj ) | Gnlo In tlio Aoatlcmy. Kcw York Sun. " The tinging polloomou aang In iho ' Pirates of l > ens' nco" at the Acndomy of Music l.-ut night , and beat onfc of el ht any policeman's choral over hoard in Now York. So many people crowded to hoar It that n thousand at loist couldn't got ( a at at any price * t all , and stood up hroo hour * . The policemen aang for the pnofit of tbolr pension fnnd nnd the ahnomaun llcspltal ttoaanry , and m.tdo oth thouianda of dollars richer. Tbo eingiog policemen came on in the tcond act. When the forty gianta 'Ainped in in double ranks the applause aa to great that the bull'a-oc lanterns nilU-o'-tho . The Ian- nmpod llko - - wisp. - crna were hung In their bolts , and a now ilno silk tassel dangled from each club , . 'ho ' forty gianta blew on the ends of heir clubs llko horcalean buglera in the rst chorus. When they simultaneously greed with the sergeant's observations ho effect was cyclonic. It sent a great mrrcnt of air swooping through the uudl orlnm. Encores rang through ( he build ing llko explosions of innskotry when the ilnging policemen tackled the "unhappy ot choras. It waa inimenso and Inlml- lo , and itc reached a tremendous oil trax nfter six rounds cf encores , when , ho llttlo\sorgcnnt \ straightened himself p and let out this : Sergeant Wo are not exactly built for ongth singing. Policemen Lengthy singing. Sergeant And as yet wc'ro not cngag d by yonng Damrcach. Policemen Young Damrosch. Sergeant Bat your preclnts are with bombs already ringing. Policemen 'Ready ringing Sergeant So we'll hnvo to scoot it ] uiokly to tbo watch. Policemen To the watch. Sergeant Onr throats are getting parched and rather stuffy. Policemen Rather stuffy. Sergeant So wo think its ample time hat wo wcro done. Policemen Wo troro dono. Sergeant ShonlE we moot you at the lourt before Judge Duffy. Policemen 'Foro Jndgo Dufiy. Sergeant Then are lot , Indeed , wonld bo a happy one. Policemen 0 when constabulary duty'a to bo done to bo dono. A policeman a lot la not a happy ono iiappy ono. When the forty gianta quailed before ; ho pirates the stage became spectacular , , nd when they smiled 'upon the happy mooting of the whole group of General tanloy'a half-orphan daughters , they railed with true professional ability. Especially to "Women. "Sweet is revenge especially to wo men , " said the gifted , but naughty , Lord Byron. Snroly ho was In bad humor when he wrote each words. But there re complaints that only women sailer , ; hat are carrying numbers of them down o early graves. There is hope for those who suffer , no matter how sorely , or to- eroly , In Dr. R. V. Pierce'a "Favorite 'roacrlption. " Safe in Its action it la a leasing , eiipecially to women and to men , too , for whenwomen ] suffer , the " ouaehold Is askew. The Imtc Bliastresrt of tbc "White House. Boston Transcript. At her reception two weeks ago , among thora who were presented to her by Marshal HoMlchael , the master ot cere monies , was Dr. Mary Walker. The nondescript personage , wearing tight : rousora and a little coat , and carrying a cane , presented a most grotetquo and idlculons figure , utterly out of keoplng with the eurroun dings. Mre. McElroy poke a word or two to her rather unex pected guest ; and , as It so happened , the next person that waa presented to her waa a Miss Mann. To her Mra McElroy made the neat remark. "I have just been presented to a woman who would Ilka to ba a man. I am pleased now to meet a Mann who is content to remain a woman. " STOP THAT COUGH By using Dr. Frazier'a Throat and Lung Bal sam the only , BUfo euro for Coughs , Colds , Hoarseness and'Soro Throat , and all diseases of the throat and lungs. Do not neglect a cough. It may prove fatal. Scores and hundreds of grateful people ewe their lives to Dr. IVazier't Throat and Lunp Balsam , and no family will ever be without It after once using it , and discovering its marvelous power. It is put up in largo family bottles and sold "or the small price of 75 cents per bottle. Sold Kubp & Oo. and O. F. Goodman , Paste This in Your Hat , Pendulums of clocks were Invented In 1041. 1041.An An infant'child In Now Brunswick , N. J. died in hyatorits while laughing. The ratca of public telephones in Paria arc 10 conta for five-minutes' conversa tion. Tornadoes occur moat frequently in the afternoon , 4 o'clock being ca'led ' the tor nado hour. Hotel-keepers in India never recolvo a native guest through fear of losing his custom. Twenty European theaters receive state aid in sums ranging from 935,000 to $100,000 a year. The Japanese have a now dictionary of the Chinese language comprising no loss than forty volumes. In many countloa in Tennessee there are no carriage roids , and horseback Is the only mode of locomotion. Berlin contributes to its local unlvorsitj 811 of the 5,000 students who are regis tered for the winter term. There are 10,000,000 school children in the United States , 10,000.000 of when are enrolled In the public schools. The old moss found rnoro than a fooi thick in various parta of Sweden provei an excellent material for piper making. One of the Now "York prison convicb Utoly Invented a hat-pressing machine the patent on which sold for'$10,000. lloruford's Acid Phoapbato AS A BRAIN FOOD. vr , S. F. NEWCOMEU , Greenfield , 0. aays : "In cases of general debility , ant torpor of mind and body , It dooa exceed Ingly well. " _ _ BEATING HOTELS. Not as Ea y as It Ijooks How Clorki Kccocnlzo a "Beat. " Chicago Tribune. ' How much Is my bill ? I had thret meals and no room , " said a departing guoit to the cashier in one of the hoteli ytsterdoy afternoon. Without looking at the boots the cishler named the amount which waa paid , and tbo traveler loft. ' 'You have a good deal of confidence in that nun's honesty , " w&s suggested tc the caahler by a reporter waiting near by. "How are we going to help ouwolves , " wts the reply'ts the cajblenhrugged hit shoulders If wo take his word for It and rely on his honor ten chance to ono ho will bo honest. "If wo watch the guests some of thorn will think It A fine trick to beat us just for the fun of the game. How did I know jnst how many meals that laat man took hero ) Ho looked like an honest man for ono thin : ? . That goes a long way. The beat betrays signs in spite of all ho cm do that the clerk makes a mental note of when ho registers , and looks out for any game ho may try. It Is really curious how a man shows in small things what ho really Is. Signs that you or I would not notice ho detects inntaut- ly , and the man cannot boat the hotel out of a cent. " "Tho clerk * quietly look over the gnoats during every meal , and can tell from long practice pretty oloso , but of course some flip through. It goes html with them when they are caught you can believe. Wo have got tired of arresting them , and the edict has gene forth that bcro&ftor the biggest porter sball kick the boat from the dining-room into the street Bat wo dent have many of them not two this year. " "Isn't the mcal-tlckot arrangement bettor. " "That la very easy to got around , I have known ef ono follow making enough to p > y his board loaning his ticket to Imoala alter ho had como from Iho dining- room. Ilia cronies paid him full price for the ute of the ticket for the pleasure f getting ahead of the hotel , There is 10 good way to got around it either , for ftor a man goes into the dining room ? ith a ticket , that Is supposed to end , > nd a clerk would only got in trouble by sking people for tickets which they would iroduco. and that would end It. It oems easy to beat a hotel , but It Is html- ir than it looks for ono not in the mystor- Tlironr. Discuses commence with a sough , cold.or sere throat. "Bnow.i's BrtON- Aii Trtocius" give immediate relief. SOLD iNLY IN BOXH8. Didn't Komombor the Details. ' Detroit 1'reo Press. "Woro you over bllkodl" ho oskod f the boy who waa blacking his boots. " ' " "Yos'r. "How much ? " "Don't remember , air. The excite ment of borrowing a pistol and running "dm down and shooting him dead ana Diving my testimony before the coroner so upset mo that I dlareckoloct the mount. " A CARD. Toftll who are BuOerlnf ; ( rota errors and Indigestions of youth , ncriouscakno93 eaily lecay , loss of manhood , eta I will send a receipt .hat will euro you FUEE OF CHARGE. This Rreat remedy MAS discovered by a missionary to South America. Send eclt addressed envelope to UKV. Jo- IBMI T. I.NMAN Station "D " Now York. Too Now for Him , Now York Journal. Tommy Nelson of the oaot eido , ruehed up to Patrick Darlin ? In Grand street and aid : "Aro you able to tosa your tile ? " "What do you moan ? " asked Darling. "Why , are you going to shout 1" "I don't catch on. " "Well , to bo plain , are you going to ay something T "I doa't grasp your meaning , " answered Darling. "You don't want mo to write it out , do you , persisted Temmy. " 1 mean are ou going to ball off ? " "You are away offyot. Tell mo what you mean ? " "Aro you ready to talk spirits ? " " 0 , " replied Patriot , "jon want mo rent yon ; that's the Idea , eh ? " With that ho dumped Tommy Into tbo garbage-box and filled his month with ashes. Tommy called at the Essex Market ycstortiay to ge.t a warrant for Darling , but when ho' told a lawyer how the rouble originated he was advised to go homo and not make himself too prelim inary horoaftor. SKIN DISEASES CURED. By Dr. Frazler's Marie Ointment. Onros f by magic : Pimples , Black Heads or Grub Blotches and Eruptions on the face , leaving the skin clear and beautiful. Also cures Itch , Salt Rheum , Sere Nipples , Sere Lips and old , Obstinate TJlcera Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt price , 50 cents. Sold by Kuhn & Oo. and 0. K. Goodman. ANSWERED THE WRONG IjEXTEIl How a Mistake Maclo by Treasurer Spinner Raised a Country- man's Hopes. United States Treasurer Spinner , when n oilico , used to receive a score of ro- qucsts daily for hia autograph , about the oddest over written. The labor of an swering them became so Irktomo that ho had a form printed us followe : "Your request of ( such a date ) is hereby com piled with. " When a request for his antograph came In ho fllgned the blank "orm. Bnt ono day his "form" got him nto trouble. A tall , raw-boned countryman walked into his office. "Morning , sir , " ho said. "Good-morning , " said Spinner , look ing up. "I came for that place you promlecd mo , " said the countryman , after an awk ward pause. "Place ? " said Spinner , crossly ; "I promised yon no place. " "Yes you did , " Insisted the country man , stoutly ; I've got your promise In your own handwriting. " With that ho hauled out ono of Spin ner's autograph replies : "Your request of such a date , " etc. "But , man alive , " said Spinner , that was in response to a request from yon for my autograph. " "No 'twaan't , " said the man ; I never aiked for no autograph. I want a place ; that's what I wrote for. " Spinner had the man's letter hunted up. Sure enough it was a formal appli cation for a place. "Here , " aaid Spinnei emptying Into hia big hand all the money ho had In his pocket , "Here's some money for you. I can't give you a place : I haven't any to give. " And with thai the countryman had to bo content. Youth's Companion. YOUNQMENI HEAD THIS. TUB YOLTAIO BELT Co. , of Marshall , Mich. , offer to send their celebrated ELECTBO-YOL TAIO BKLT and other ELKOTHIO APPLIANCES 01 trial for thirty days , to men ( young or old afflicted with nervous debility , loss of vitalit ] and manhood , and all kindred troubles. Alet for rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , one many other diseases , Complete restoration U health , vigor and manhood guaranteed. Nc risk n incurred aa thirty days trial is allowed Write them at once for Illustrated pamphlet free , As an argument tervlng to prove thai plants are bsneQoial to health It is observed od that no class of men average healthlei than those who work constantly among growing plan'a In hot houses. DCJIIKEE'S SALAD DHESSINO & OOLI MEAT SAUCE. The finest mayona'ae ' foi meat , fhh and vegetable salads , and i aupcrb table ranee. It far surpasses an ] homo made dressing , Krerybody llkei 11EKAT. Tito Importance of ft Small City , Herat , the present bone ot contention between England aud Ilnssia , la compar atively small for a place of such para mount Importance , containing barely 00,000 inhabitants. It Is situated In a alight depression on ( ho summit of a rocky ridge 2,050 foot high , forming ono of the westernmost spurs of the great SVoId Koh ( White mountains ) range , which runa across Northern Afghanistan from irost to east. It is surrounded by by a wall which , measured from the baao of the caribou mound on which it stands , attains a night ot stvcnty-fivo feet , which li considerably exceeded by several of the 1DO towers that strengthen it. But thcso defenses , though sootnfnply formidable , vro now , llko most Afghan fortresses , "ast" tumbling to decay from long icgloct , The citadel , like that of Cairo , tands on a steep rack In the ccutro of ho town. There are four bazaars , which lo jnst within the four principal gates. The place has n considerable trade with Persia , India , Torkcstan , nnd Western China , the chief local products being sail- on , asnfcottda , saddlery , caps , cloaks , ihooa , carpets , sables , and dressed sheep- kins. The name of the town Is aald to bo derived from the "HeriHud. . " or Ivor , which flows along the southern baao of the rhlgo upon which Herat lands. Angostura Blttcra nro endorsed by nl bo leading physicians nnd chimists for their .rarity nnd wholoeomonosa. Bownro of coun terfeits and ask your grocer nnd druggist for the genuine article , prepared by Dr , J. G. B Slegert & Sons. Opera in tlio West. San Francisco Chronicle , ' Wish'lcould pick up my programme" aaid the 'only dude' aa ho gazed at it on the floor and remembered that his tailor told him not to stoop ovor. Charley Doro had his pretty siatara with him In the parquet , "Whenever I fell frisky , " raid Judge Boalt , "I look at the female ohoruB , and that Immedlatolyqnlota mo down. " When Harry Gilmor took hia seat In the orchestra three of the prettiest girls "n the house bowed to htm. * "Safety" Jones chaperoned three giddy girls. v The poor relations staid at homo last night. Zarlnis the chorus master , has laid In a stock of six gross of bloom youth for the female members of the chorda. 1)111 ) Hamilton , who viewed ' 'Somi- ramldo" from the parquet , said ho liked it , but would rather bo at a horse race. The air was redolent whh the perfume exhaled from the hyacinths that abounded In every part of the houEo , The "only dude" were a collar four nnd a half Inches In the back. The boya In the lobby called it a "Semmyrammy. " The pretty girl in blue secured n good seat in the family circle by being first at the door at 3 o'clock. Levllly shouted "BravoJ" in fear differ ent languages in the first act. SICK HEADACHE , Thousands who have Buffered intensely with sick headache say that Hood's Sarsaparilla has completely cured them. Ono gentleman thus re lieved , writes : "Hood's Sarsaparilla ia worth its weight in gold. " Reader , if you are a suilerer with sick headache , glvo Hood'a Sarjaparllla a trial , it will do you positive good. Made by 0. I Hood & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Sold by all druggists. 100 Doses Ono Dollar. The young ladles In Cleveland , Ohio , are organizing a society for the suppres sion of alang. Every member found us ing a slang term is to bo fined , and the money will be demoted to charity , A Skeleton. It is unpleasant to have a skeleton in the family , although It is aaid such thlngt are very common. But it is still more unpleasant to be a skeleton. And ic it even worse to bo "a skeleton full of neu ralgic pains. " This Is just what Mr. P , H. Carson , of Santafoo , Florida , says he was. But In writing about it he says , "Brown's Iron Bitter * restored mj health" Take the hint from his im provement. To put flesh on your bones , drive out neuralgia , and invigorate yoni system , take Brown's Iron Bitters. In New York there has been organized a bureau of "useful Information , " com posed of literary and scientific men , whc propose to answer any question pro , pounded fora moderate sum. General Chase of Rhode Island , says : "I always kcop Hunt's Ramody in my house , it prevents headache and kldnuj ro ubles. Wo depart from our usual practice and recommend Hunt's Remedy aa a euro cure for all kidney diseases. Medical Qa- zcltc. SMUGGLING AS A FINE ART. The Devices Resorted to in Order tc Evade the Custom. Duties. Boiton Globe , "Smuggling , " said Special Inspoctoi Emery , "la , of course , carried on , more or IOBS , In this port , although not noarlj ai extensively aa formerly. Moat of it now is of a very potty nature ; a lad } smuggles a silk dress or some laces , 01 something of that kind. There is more smuggling done now on the Canadian line than anywhere else. Of 100 offentee committed there , perhaps ninety can be traced to residents of that vicinity on both sides of the line who smuggle foi their own use. The remaining offenses , committed by those who make a butlnest of smuggling , aggregate , very possibly , more than all the others combined. Foi example , I reoently vulted the farm of a man living on tlio American tide , not fai from Houlton , Me. , and learned that within a month ho had had two tons o ! butter in hia barn , all of which had beer smuggled. It had been shipped to market - ket , and I could find no trace of it. Thoj also smuggle a great many potatoes. " "Bat Isn't ' It possible to raise potatoei and make butter as cheaply on this aide aa the other1 "Yea ; but the point is there la a mud better market on this side. On the othoi aide , you aeo , there la only the home market. The duty on potatoes la 15 centi per bushel , and on butter 4 canls pei pound. Then there are a great inanj aheepsklna smuggled. Thero. la a dnt > of about 10 centa per pound on the wool that they bear , the 'slats'or skins not be ing dutiable. There are many othei frauds , such as smuggling shirt * , stock' ings , blankets , brandy , gin , and ram ic barrels of potatoes and catmeal. In trifling cases of that kind we simply con fiscate the goods wo find. The government - ment ia cheated out of a great deal , too , by undervaluation , especially of horaea. ' "What is the duty on thoao ? ' "Twenty per cent. I once wont intc the little tiwn of Patten , Me. , having In formation in regard to only two horses , 1 foand six or eight cises , remained in town just two hours , and carried away 995 , I will toll you how it is dono. You and I jach want a pair of hones. Wo cross the line , and find it pair that suits mo , for which the owner aaka $500. I say : "I can't pay so much as that ; I will pay yon 8300 for them , and my friend will pay you the balance ? So they are billed tome mo for $300. Then wo find a pair for $100 that anils you , You s y you can only pay $250 for them , and that I will pay the bulanoo. So they are billed to iron for $250. Wo then present the bills Lo the custom house , and save , if wo are not caught , $70. Wo aottlo any olflar. once that there may bo on this side of the lino. " "What is the penalty if caught ? " "Tho horses are , legally , the property f the government , and tbo smugglers uo liable to proeooutlou , If , however , a man pays the full value of the horse , and ho full duty , bcsldea what ho hai already paid , wo lot him have the horses and do not prosecute. For example , a man pays $500 for a pilr of horses and enters thorn at $300. If wo find him out , he has to pay us $000 , the cost of horses and duty , tnd having already paid $500 for the licrsos and $00 for duty , the pair cost htm , Including commission for entering , itc. , ia the vicinity of $1,180. "It would sooin hardly worth tnkicg ho chances. " "True. I remember a caio in Frank- In , Mo. I drove up to a man's house ono day just as ho was hitching up a ptlr of horses that had , I know , been entered at loan than what they cost him. 'A ntco pair of horaos , ' I tald. 'Yes'ho replied , 'they're good ones. ' 'You bought them in the provinces , didn't you ? " 'Yes , I did. ' 'What did you p y for them ? ' 'I paid $165 for them. ' 1 then told him that I had raaaon to bollovo ho paid moro than tbat , and wo wont into the house and talked the matter over. I told him if ho bought a surclnglo or a blanket with his horses th.t ho mint enter the oat of it with the cost of the horaca. " "It is a common practice to cheat the government in that way. Perhaps n man says to the owner of a $300 horse : I trill glvo you $150 for your horao and $150 for the surclnglo , ' and in that way gets the horao billed to him for $150 , in the hope of being able to cheat the gov ernment out of $30 duty. Well , tbo man I spoke of finally acknowledged his enilt , and the horses cost him , all told , $565. The coat him originally $250 , and in an attempt to cave about $17 ho loat $285. "Yon atlll occasionally detect attempts at smuggling by foreign steamers ? " "Oh ! yes , I had an amusing case in East Boston some time ago. An English woman , a steerage paescngor , came in on a steamer , and I noticed that she had on an unusually largo bustle. I spoke to our lady searcher about It , and aho took the woman into the searching room and asked her what she had under her drcsa behind. 'Why , that'a ray hiraprover , ' she Bald very indignantly , but It didn't work. The bustle was examined and fonnd to contain twoaty yards of silk I And hero referring to his seizure book is a man caught smuggling cie.-un. Ho waa attempting to run them in for one of the leading importers cf Boston wo fonnd out who it waa but the man wouldn't sqneal , and was fined $50. I trill toll you another interesting case. I noticed , one afternoon , a num ber of very largo puncheons of. rum being taken out of the custom house , and , upon examination and inquiry , found that they had arrived about a week before from Yarmouth , N. S. , had been entered here In bond , and were bolng exported to Tusket , N. S. , about seven miles above Yarmouth. My suspicions were aroused , and I had the rum watched to BOO If it wont out of the country. It wont out that night in a schooner , and I had a man on the watch at Tuskot for a three wcokp , but it never turned up there. The only redress the government had was to sue the bonds men. This was done , and a verdict en tered for $3G89. That was all It amount ed to , for the principal bondsman took the poor debtor's oatb , and the other wasn't worth anything. " , "What became of tha rum ? " "It was pumped out of the schooner into barrels on a smaller scdoonor in St. Mary's Bay , and there wo lost all track of it. Whether it was smuggled back into the provinces or Into some American port , TTO never knew. Wo made quite a seizure a while ago on Capo Cod. An American schooner from tbc West Indies hove to oil' Orleans , and landed thirty- five bottles of bay oil , twelve rases of bay ruin and ten cases of gin. The captain paid a fine of $1,100. " "la much cinug llng carried on through the mall ? " vrns inked an attache of the collector's oflico. ' 'Yes , a good deal. Many articles of a trifling value , addressed to persona of a foreign birth , are allowed to pass through free. As , for example , a cinglo pair of gloves or a pair of stools inga for a servant girl. The following articles are allowed to bo imported through the foreign mai's free of duty : Magazines , periodicals , oto , in pamphlet form , news papers and other similar matter , photo graphs and inutic. Wo find , however , all sorts of things , clgarotto holders , precious 'stones , laces , jewelry , kid gloves , pam'icgi ' , etc. I examine every merchandise package that comes in in the foreign mails , and notify the owners of such as contain anything dutiable. The homo value of articles imported through the math in 1883 , and so'zed ' for duties , was $3GG7. There was In all s < xty-nino seizures , and tbo duties collected amount ed to $960. These were illopal importa tions. The foreign value of the books detained was $1,988 , on which tho' duty was $497. In 1884 , homo valno of arti cles seized , $2,400 ; duties collected on same $050 ; foreign value of books , $2- 401 ; duties on same , $501. There were fifty-two aelfuroa of articles on which duty had to bo paid. Books over twenty years old are allowed to come in free , and for tliat reason wo are moro suspicious of old bookn than new ones. Look at this one. " The appearance of the book referred to would have thrilled the heart of an anti quarian with delight ; but'an examination showed that its very heart , ao to apeak , had been cut out , and a sot of cheap jew elry neatly inserted in the aperture. It also contained a small piece of pper , on which were these worda : "Dear William , If yon got this safely , I will send the watch in the game way heard nothing from the cattle dealer. " If "Dear Wll- Ham" la wise , he will ndviso hia amup- gllng friend not to ship the watch "in the same way , " "I received an old Biblotbls morning , " continued the officer , that was cat in the B3nio way. It contained an old-faih- loned seal and part of a watch chain. I found one a while ago that contained a pearl card case , end anothur a diamond ring , There ia no doubt about it ; many people that are otherv , las peifectly hon est will cheat Uncle Sara whenever they got a chance , " Mr. Arthur Bent , New York , who was cornotlst to the Queen of England , states ho had an alarming swelling o.f tbo knee , He used St. Jacob a .Oil , and n a .short time ho was cured , w Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache , .SoroTlirnnf.SivrlllitEo.SprnltlM.llrtllitc * , Hut-it * . NruliU. V'ro t Illi - , AMI ill , OTHtll II01I1IT IMI\S iM jUIIIS. SoU 1 jr Prucclltl > ml rinilrri ttrtrx lirrr. tinOnll Votllp. lurrcnotmlnll lAnpiAfftfi. Tim CHAKI.KS A. A ii < iti.r.u : co. ( SiminntoA MJOBUDiCO ) llilllnorr , Jld. , V. B. A. Snltt'i Spoclflo cured mo ot rheumatism three months afro , after my phjr tclao § bad exhausted their remedies without R\PR | | relict. C. 1' . OOODTRAR , Alt y tit LAW , Drum wick , Clrv. I hu\o been afflicted n Ith rheumatism nfnrly forty \ earn , And a few botttfa ol Sn Ufa Specific cured mo. It U ft Qed send t * the lufTcrlnR. J. U. WADLBR , Thomson , Qk I hMcliccn entirely rclloted ol sovcro rhcumivttsin In ray tight turn by the use of S ltt'a Specilla and passed through last winter without ft relapse. SlUM.T UFRDIKT , Ed. S * . Cultivator , Atlanta , On T\VKNTY YEARS 1 had been a suffcror from rheumatism tncntv jenrs ; was rouiccj ton skeleton ; oeuU hardly K t about , o\on on crutches. Snltt'd Sroo flo liae cured mo sounds ml well , MRS EZRA UKRSMON , Uaoon , Ox Swlft'a Srcclflo has relief od tno of rheumatism which at ono time threatened to plop my ministerial voik. JUv. W. A. KIRK , Croft ) l'laUisAlo. Swllt's Spoclflo Is entirely \ ogctablo. Treatise on Blood and Skin DUcoaea matloj free , Init SWIFT Srr.cmc Co. , Atlantt , Qa. [ ( SnccEBsons TO DAVIS & . SNYDEB. ) OENGItAL DEALKU3 IN IMS FARNAM STREET. - . OMAHA. Ilavo for sale 200,000 acres carefully selected lauds In Eastern NobrasVa , at low price and on easy terms Improved farms for silo In Douglas , Dodge , Colfax , Ha tie. Hurt , Cumlnp , Barpy , Washington , ITcrrlok , Baundcrs , and Butler counting , Taxes paid In all parts ot the state. Money InitoJ on Improved farms. Notary 1'ablla alnays in office. Correspondence solicited G17 St. Charles St. , St. Lenis , Mo. A regular graduate of two Medical Collcgci , has been lonx ORtged la the epecUUreatmcnt of Cwnottc , Nitvoui , BKII ftod BLOOD DisKiiuthan * DT other tfbjtlclaaia EUIso uclty piperiihowftad all oil residents know. Nervous Prostration , Debility , MonUl and Physical Weakness ; 'Mcrcurlal and other & lions oT Throat. Skin or Cones , Blood PofswN. Old Sores and Ulcers , are tre&lcd with nnptrlei ! > d lueeeii , on lateit * f I entitle firlaelrtet. Safely , Private/ ! . Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , vbleh produce some of tha following cBccUi Bcrrouincsi , debility , < JImni of tight ind defective memory , flraplci on tbo face , i > njiiealdecaj , averilcD totlit octet j o f female * , confusUi ofUea , eld * rendering Marriage Improper or unhappy * MJ permantitlycurcd , rnmpliltt ( $ ft pageion tbe above , * ert la sealed envelope , free to anyaddrrgi. Coniultatioaattf Coe or by mall free , and Invited. Wilto forquciUooi. A Positive V/ritten Guarantee give * In tl earablo cue. . Medicines geot eveirwbere. rnraphlcti , Enrrllsh or German , 04 pneei , do. icrlbluc above diseases , In znalo or female , P11H11 MARRIAGE GUIDE ! SSO pages , fine platen. Jltuitrated ID ! oth ftadflltbladlDK , We. nxmejror poaUce ; lame , popercorns. . 25e. Yhtu boi toDUlb * all tbo curious , douttrul or InquUlllro voat tt inow. i book or great ( ni tut W lit UuJU ) , ' prcm ud 6 ? ii Ovta. "Will rurlf } 11m DLOOO'rc-rn lulu the I.IV/EK unit KIDNEYS. and HKHTUI.U line liiAi.Til rind VIQOH of YOUXK. ly - l > p li. ! Want of Amietlte , In. ( JlK'cstlnn , I ucl > . ot Strength , < ITI re'1 u < " "Jnif absolutely urc'il. Hones , imisclrsaml UTX OG ) CILU o n ( wlone. Ki llvuis tliu niiiiil mid . Supplies Hlillll I'tWIT. < c ? > 8nfli.rliKlioiiumiUliiit ! ! O | , cuilur ! to tliclr Br X w'll I nil In EJi. XI' EF.'S IH05T TONIC a riife nnd re. itlJTcs a ileur , lierJUiy complex Inn. it * tfcniiilu l oo"v'aM ( > illii ( ? only uJtf lienopninrltyorthoorlirlnnl. Douotexpiri * IJOIIt got IllO UNHIl.N ALAND jil'-ST. Send Tpnrnddr bStoThP l > r. llnriorlfed Co V . Ht Louis , Mo. , lor our "imKAM. BOOK , " H ] .Fuller etronra and u&ifuUiiiarmauon.itoaJI' J HRPHESENTS1 Phffinlr Insurance ) Co. , London , Cub Aeeeta | 5,6 i,000 Wcstobo8terN. T , Capital 1,000,000 ThoMerchanUoINe > warkN.J.C plUl. . . . 1,276,000 Olr&rcl Klro , Phlladelphla.CtplUl 1,200,000 Woman'i Fund. GarlUl . 1.229000 BOTTLES. ffirlanger . . IJaTttria , - - - - - * - - Calinbaoher , , * . . . . . . . .Bavaria Pilsner. t. . . . t + Bohemian , Kaiser. - - . - . - . . . < .Bremen. DOMESTIC. Bud Teiser Sfc , Louio. Inhausor. . . . . St. Louis , Best's. . . . . . . . . Milwaukop. Schlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee. SJUR'S - . . . . Omaha Ale , Povter , Domestic and Rhine Wine , PD. MAUKEK. 1218FnrnamSt. A FINS I/INB OF IN OMAHA ( .NEB , ( ITho lomnrknblo gtonlh ot Ocuvha daring the last few years la a mattoi ol great ftutoulnhmont to tLoio who poy an oocAslonal visit to this growing olty. Tha dorolonmout ot the HtorV yards the nocooelty of the Bolt Llni Road tha iinoly paved ntrootfl tha hundred * ot now rosluonoos and costly bnolnoen block , with the population of onr city moro than doubled In the last five yoara. All thlo IB a great surprise to vialtoro and la tha admiration ot onr oltixona. Thla rnplcX growth , the buslnoaa activity , and tha many substantial Improvomontn made n lively demand for Omaha real estate , and every Investor haa made B bindioma profit. Since the Wall Street panlo May , with the BubBoquont cry of hard time * , there h&a boon Ions demand from spooula * torn , but a fall demand from Investor a necking homos. Thla latter oltuta ere taking advantage of low prices In building - ing material and are securing their homca at much leas cost than will ba possible n year honco. Speculators , too , can buy real oata * a cheaper now and ought to taka advanti o of present prices for futnio pro ts. The nozt few years promises greateo divolopmonta In Omaha than the paid Qv ) years , which have been aa good aa wo could reasonably doslro. Now man ufacturing establishments and largo Job bing houses MO added almost weekly , and nil add to the prosperity of Omaha. There are many in Omaha and through * but the State , who have their money in the banks drawing n nominal rate of in terest , which , if judiciously Invested In Omaha real ottato , woulA bring them much greater returns. Wo have many bargalnn which wo are confident will bring the purchaser largo profits in the near future. Wo have for sale the finest resi dence property in the north and western ports of the city. North we have fine lots at reason able prices on Sherman nvenue,17th , ' 18th , 19th and 20th streets , West on Farnani , Davenport * Cuming , and all the leading streets in that direction. The grading of Farnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible Borne . of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of tha street car line out Faruam , the pro perty m tlie western part of the city will increase in valnn _ Wo also have the agency for tha Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. Tha developments made in this section by the Stock Yards Company and the railroads will certainly double the urico in a short timo. We also have fiomo ime businosa lots and some elegant inside rcsi- dencep for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find some gocd b > cnllingi ESTATE BROKERS. 213 South 14th St , Bet , roen Farnham and Douglas. P. S. Wo ask thoae who bare property for sale at a bargain to gjvo us a callWe want only bargains We will positively not handle prop erty at moro than ita real value.