THE DAILY BEE-SATURDAY , MARCH 14 , 1885. cHr mm i'rtfjm i'rtfjmTHK ' ' -THK 4 TONIC , s our " , - „ . comtilrilni ? Iron nlth pa- * .iiiirklj find romtiletelf . " * . inii Svimilula. t < d in .inf.illlrifr reuu-dy fcr Diseases of th Hilni i" nnil I.ICT. it ii 'nvnlunblfl for Dlsrft , c rccullM SJ " 'MICH , nil dll who ItHd eertenUiry Hus 'ViwuriM luJmcttiQtoctIicftH < ohcBdi < rlr , " > i IK me cotisllpatlon other JronntdiciMiniti Itvnrfelie * nil purifies the Mood , stlrnnUt i .a * M iflito , lil * the assimilation of ftod , - < - s He.iithiirn and Ilolchlne , nr ) rtreir'r ' cii ihe nui'dji BIH ! ncnti ror Intermittent Kevets , t ultude , I-trVo in , rrv , etc. , U has no equal , * * - Thofrcnulno bus above trn < 5ornMi r. . irrtrc.1 red Hues 014 wrapper- Take tin otr < > xttmlrk * MUlHIKIIimCJI. CXI , BJLTI < " " ' 7EBY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING AND II KTCF offered to tlio oubllo. HAMMG1IEEI0AI PACKET COMPANY. Direct Line for England , France and Germany. The eiearnthlpa of this well known line are built of Iron , In water-tight compartments , and are fur- nlehed with orcry requisite to make the passage both safe and agreeable. They carry the United Btatea and European malls , and leave Now York Thusdayaand 8aturda\s for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cberboug , ( l'AUI3 and UAMBUItO. Ilatoa : Steerage from Hamburg $10 , to Hamburg 110 ; round trip § 20 Firat Cabin , S55 , 0S and 875. Henry Pundt Mark Hansen , F. E. Mooros.lf. Toft , agents la Omaha , Qrononcg It Sjhocntpen , ftgcntslnCouuollBluOa. C. It. UICIIAUD & CO , Don. Foes. Agta , 61 Br&adway , N. Y. Chas. Koc * mlnskl & Oa. , Oonrnl Western AgoaU , 170 WashIng - Ing St. , Chicago , 111. lck rnnaDantci IS CONDUCTED BT Royal Havana Lottery I ( A dOVEaNMKNT INSHTDT10N. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 12 to 14 Days. ICKKTS , IS.OO , . . . HALVES , 11.00 Snbjecl to no minlpnlatlon , not controlled by the pirtlcu In tntereet. II la the lUrest thine In Ibe niloro of ohanooln exlitenoe. For tickets apply to sniPSKYfe CO 1212 Broad. w yN. Y. City ; SOLING Kit k CO. , ICCSouth 4th t. St. Louis , Mo , or U. OTTKNS & CO , 019 Main St. , y. Ma. fl'iiEE. ATlctlm of youthful Imnrudonc * cau lne Pnmatnro Docny , Nerrom Debility , Lost AiannooU do.tiavlne tried In r&ia every Vnowa rnruedy.hcriliccoTored ftffimplorao&nsof flelf-oura , which liown > < cnd KHKi ; tohlsfalloirHiutrerera. A4lre 3.J.U.UliEVEa.i30hfttbua6LJ < vf Ve U Uorllck'n root tor TDf&nti na ' uftQr llvei , " wrltci K.V.ToaktT , 11,11. , Cklcaso.M. Bold by til drulgliti. IT lee 40 BdSceots. Sent ty lukll for amoaot In look irolfrte. llurllck't > owl Co. . lUtlnt.M U. ' " > James Moalln&liliilo & Chartered by theStnteofllll- noia for theexpresitpurpose of yivlnnlminodlatcrcliclin nll chronic , urinary nnd prl- vato dlscascc. Conorrhaa , GlcctandSyptilismnlUhclr complicated forms , also all diseases of ttic Skin and Ulood promptly rclievcdnnil permanentlycured by reme ' ' . _ , _ _ Apcciiill'ractloo. Bemlnal Weakness , Nicht Looses by Dreams , Pimples on the Pace , Lost Manhood , jiosltletyrttrmj. . Z/ioi-o > < . 'rlini-iiJi The fl > ulThe appropriate remedy is at once used In each case. Consultations , ner- by letter , , saeiMdly conlidcnUal. Med- iclncsi Bent by Mall auri Express , No cnatks on trackaen to Indicate contents or sender. Addre&n DR. JAMES.NO. 204Wahngton ! St.ChicagoUL Mendelssohn & Fisher ARCHITECTS Rooms SC and 29 OawlwK'fttl.Bftnk Block uDocuuiotta.i : Bufrerce & Memdelssohn Oeo. L. FUbtr , ftrmerr with ; W. L. D. leun Jaulielm KcwWoodw&ri ! Warranted 5 Yaars SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. A Jjtnlcn Jjjrlc. She trips no more With light foot o'er The bMl-room floors Bat daily wcnn A look auatorc , And utyi her prnrcte , For Lent ii here , She puts away Her fine nrny Till KMter-bay. Ko more flirtation , lint contemplation , Self-abnegation , And fervpnt piety , To tnaich becoming , And for variety , A httlo "olumming. " With this to cheer her On her wty , As the draws nearer ] 'aster-l ) y , This pleasant thought % To clieer her heart , Whcn'cr her mind dwells on it ; On Winter-Day Sho'll cnrno out gay And wear a dnlny bonnet , [ Ibstcn Courier. 1IONKY KOH TUB \D1I39. . Bnws of Rutin ribbon with Icng streamers > ro worn un the left shoulder. Some of the nowly-introduced ackots are cut with postilion backs , Furrlcra use 1,250,000 cat skins annually in , hls country , and 350 , < X)0 ) skunk skins , A French woman has invented a bonnet trimmed with asses' curt. B pluribus unutn. How long does a widow mourn for her hus- inndt Hhe mourns for a second , [ Chicago 3un. 3un.Birds Birds of all kinds are inorw faihionablo than : cathcrr , and as many as 11 to or six appear on ono hat. Small gilt pins placed closely together around the \el\et binding of a bonnet ha\o n pretty effect. Now bolt-clasps are made of bronze plaque * , with old Ilomau heads in relief , in gold or liammcred silver. A widow in Icdla burns liepelf for her htur land. In Americ.i she nUrries another and rives him a roasting , ' That's a little off color , " said the ( twain as ip wiped the paint from his lips after he kissed lis sweetheart's cheek. Women , a * a rule , live longer than men Cho paying for bonnets is much moro fatal than the wearing of them. Cain evidently hated th o society flirts of ( arly times as ho i ) credited with killing a jelle , [ Waterloo Observer. "You didn't talk to mo that way before wo vore married , " she cried. "I know it , " lisped ho husband , "but I had all my front teeth hen. " A benedict says that a small , soft , dainty land looks very pretty on a woman , but noney quickly slips through its nerveless ingers. When a dealer In hosiery fails ho socks his : rcditors. Oil City Blizzard. He's gatterdo t to save his stock in trade , [ Merchant Traveler , The favorite practical dress of light weight or cool summer days is unquestionably the oulards sometimes called China crape , again ndia silk. Finished kid gloves with buttons are pro- erred for little girls under ton. Woen older inn that they wear the undressed mousque- aire gloves. A man- who ha ? lately gone to housokeep- ng has discovered that a woman never feels hat she has too many thumb-nails until eho tacking down n carpet. "Charles Kgbert Craddock , " a well-known ontributorto periodicals , turns out to be a oung married Mufrees , much to tha aston- jhtncnt of Boston literary circles , The spring hat for ladies is four stories liitjh nd is called the Buckingham. If it Is to bo worn at the theater we say ; "Off with Its head ! So much for Buckingham. " Very handsome collars to revive the np- > ? aranco of the wool dress can be improvised. The collar is of velvet , either corresponding or ontrasting In color with the dress. Quaint little patterns in the old fashioned lolalno have groups of flowers in pale pinks r Chinese blue arabesque , and are sold for ress purposes or for robes do cbambres. A new crape-cloth has been brought ut for widows' second mourning which eally wears well. It is all wool , though heie- oforo I hero baa been a cotton warp in such abrica , "Biscuit sociables have como In : did you enow it ? " "No , but why are they so called ? " 'Probably because theyoung men won't make move to go homo until something rises from he yf ast. Copper color is much liked , and clusters of > errlea of that tint , with leaves in the many > ecuhar shades of green now in vogue , mixed with delicate ferns , form an attractive trim ming for hats , f1'aintod lacss are among the newest novel- ies , and the idea h said to have come from he exertion of some foreign ladies who have son obliged to supplement their incorna by heir own handiwork. S Short mantle } will bo worn this spring , made of the same material r.s the suit , or of olvet or light cloth. They are cut short In liei back , with square or pointed ends in front and are trimmed with laoo and passementerie. "If man wants to own the earth , what docs woman want ? " inquired Mr. Grap of his bet- or half , after n little family matmeo , a few days ago "Well , my dear , " responded that ady in a gentle , smothering tone , ' to own ho man , I suppose. " Deided pokes , high-crowned Eng Mi walk- ag hats with Hit. narrow ibrim , and high > ointed crowns with rolled brims are the most ashlonablo hat shapes for young ladies , while in bonnets , the rrancass , poke nnd rolled brims are In favor. Last vear'i silk or cashmere drcs cm easily )0 freshened up by the addition of velvet col ars and culls. A littlfl ornamentation iu angora ( woo ) ) lace for the cashmere , and a or lace fichu bust gauze drapery or some addi tlonal jet or bead trimming for the silks. Wife -Did you know that you wrapped the _ Jtt clothuj round jou every night and left me to < freeze ? Husband-No , my love , I did not ; but I don C see how you can be cold , for I am warm enough , and you know man and wife are ono. ono.Those Those ladies who cannot or will not wear the high coiffurewith tbo hair drawn up from the inaps of .the neck , .eon prom lee by wearing lu'gh or conspicuous back combs and sldo-combs , and for evening weal these must bo jeweled , A bonnet suitable for a young married lad ] ii of d ap .garnet straw , faced with cream colored velvet , over which is n fall of coffee laee , iheld down by dark-red beads. Crimson t el vet mingled with Coffee lace Wins tin crown , and fawn birds , touched with scarlet forma handsome ornaieent at tha side. Amomf modern toilet inventions are atrip of felt , highly perfumed , tvhlch are intendei to bo worn inside the dr * bodies. Ita pres * nce w supposed to obviate ome of the tin pleasant , elfecti which dmclng some tiuwa brings tbout. The odor l that of fianglpam a .perfume . which many people detest. Fashionable wife-Did ycu notice , dear , A the party last evening , Low grandly ou daughter Clara , twept into the room , HUB band ( with a gruntf-D , yoaCJar ( can sweet into a room grrndljr enough but when i comes to swveplng.sut a room al.o isn't there Now York flnn. In fabrics for spring costumoq , the style * thua far shown are quitu the opposite of man ; of the pronounced fashions of several KM on' patt , Fine-patterned materials areacnt out showing tiny plaids , hur-IInod tltijies , nod minute dotianj other wnall figure * Jn lilk wool , or chenille. Throat bows are coming into > oua aln Not only are the plaided surah and moyruagi aiamiua _ bows and eeirfs ( tjiokcn of Iwtoic worn with rooming wrappers , but ( aunty , cockade roeettes. and close bushy bows til bright colored velvet or fauy ribbon , sw worn 01 the front of the corsage with dark < lrea 4 , The dress-shirt Is a thing of beauty and a oy forever ; the ono glorified article of linen which liar escaped the severity of thn fines upon which /nodern mau'u toilet i built , II nay cchanca t ha pleaiura of the proud weir- era ot full dri-M to know that the women who eke dres-ibirts receive 65 cents per Jozen ir their work. The inoit stylish goods in novelties for ewer WrU and veils have brocaded de ign n woolen goodi , tha figure woven o M to land little out from the main ground , pro ducing cropped , wooly effect , which l very Ich. Inwhltotheio goods iiwgcats Tuikijh towelling , ud nuOtes effective yklrta with plain soft goods to match for w l t nd un- lerdross. Silk handkerchlffs of bright colors are much lied , not only for hat tumminw.but for mak- ng pretty afternoon ftprons. The handker chief is not cut , but tiowod to a ribbon matching it in color , M far in front as at ths sldci- . The ribbon Is tied at the side In full oops and bows , "I declare , I'll never go to the mutlnce again ! " said Mrs. Skldmoro , tearing off her sealskin indlsnuntly. "Wasn't the play good } " oakcd her huibatd. "Oh , good enouph , I Buppoto , but that horrible , stuck-up Mrs. Guffoy sat just below mo with such an ox- ) n Svo bonnet on that I couldn't hear a word. " liny sachets of orris root and velvet pow der , if laid among the articles of drcsnn the wardrobe and Inside tha muff or wrap when not In use , are f r moro agreeable than any sudden shower or dash of the extract used for the time being. Bunches of natural violets , after they have become a little faded , If loft to dry for a little time and then placed in the wardrobe , impart a faint but delicious odor of .ho flower for a long time after the bluEsoms themselves are scentless and dead , A very handncma dress worn recently bv' n Now Yoik lady is of the palest lavender Mlk , combined with dark velvet nnd oriental lace , Tim front has eido panel of the vohet and i ) milled to the waist in II luncos of oriental laco. The back has a full train of the silk , edged with a slight pulling of velvet , nbo\a which falls clusters of ribbon of a delicate violet shade. The neck Is pointed in a V and a fall of vlolot tulle crosses the shoulders and fasten at the waist by a bow of the velvet , caught by a Khino-stouo bucklo. The shapes of bonnets nnd hats ns thus far displayed In Parisian pattern1 ; and other hn- ported models are almost without exception neat , trim , aud etylish. Black , brown , and brown with a tlnget of red in it , abound among the now straws In Milan braid , Uunstable , and satin braid. Some of the now fancy straws are mingled with fine silver or gold cord , thus imparting a gay appearance to the sombre brown or block bonnet. The fishwife poke , the modified Hubbard bonnet , the graceful pypsy shapa , and Ihocapoto of per ennial popularity , all reappear among the pop ular spring models. Grnnt , tbc Hero. Dying ? What is this sad rumor flying ? Grant , the sturdy soldier , dying ? Grant , the grim , yet glorious Mare , Savior of the stripes and stars Grant , tbo warrior , dying ? Grant , whose cool , intrepid bearing Stimulated deeds of daring In the hottest of the field , And whoso cry was : "Never yield " Grant , uiconqnored , dying ? Grant , whoso many faults are hidden 'Neath the cloak that weaves unbidden Royal robe of purple dye In tha loom of memory- Grant , the here , dying ? Ah ! Tis worth nation's sighing } On Truth's wings the minor's flying , Softly , friend ! a here falls When the unwelcome angel calls. Grant , at workis dying , -Columbus ( O. ) Dispatch. MUSICA.D AND DHAMAT1C. Sarah Bernh&idt gets $800 n day for act- ng. ng.Frau Frau Materna gets 312,00) a month for her singing. Suppo has finished another operette "The Twins.'y Fritz tEmmot is in an asylum near Tittsburg. Edwin Booth denies that ho contemplates etiring from the stage. . Germany ana Austria together boast as many as ninety special opera nouses. The twentieth anniversary of Tony Pastor's itaga management is to be celebrated in New York on the 22d. The Symphony and Oratorio societies of S'ow York have projected a monument in Woodlawn cemetery to the late Dr , Dam- rosch. Some weeks ago a Parisian manager adver tised for 100 virgins to appear in Lecoq's opera of that name , but to date only two ap- jlicatioiia are recorded , Helen Vincent , an American actress in Lon don , has sued Wilson Barrett , the actor , for damages for betrayal and breach of contract , and compromised for § 7,600 ' The Chicago Operatic festival will begin on April C with a performance of "Semirainide" with Madame Patti , Madame Scalchl and Signer do Pasqualis in the cast , The gygsy violinist and composer Ilacz Poll died at Pesth on January SO. Ho had four wives and thirty-four children. His funeral was attended by fully 10,000 people. ) Mies Annie Clarke , who Is supporting Kd win Booth , is five feet ten inches In height , aui portly in proportion , while Booth is two lichee lees in length , and relatively smaller yetia breidth. It is now certain that Mr. Maphson'd two veeks' stay in San Francisco will bo prc- onged , but [ whether the company's sojourn will extend over an additional week or an ad ditional fortnight has not yet baeu decided. Mr. Daly'd newest pipce , called "A Night 3ff , " has made altogether tlip greatest success tnowa in connection with his pretent theatre , Tlio IIOUBQ lias been overcrowded at every performance since the opening night. Probably the hardest "assignment" a repor ler ever got was the ono given to a western newspaper man , who was told to go to the thsatie and write up three-quarters of i col' umn about Mile. Atmee's stage costume. Mr * . Langry 'wears a No , 3J boot ; Mr George S. .Knight wears a No , 1 ; Mmo. son a.11 ; Mrs. McKee liankin a No , 2 ; ling , gia Mitchell a No. 3 ; Annie 1'ixley a No. lj ; Ellen Terry a No. ii , and Lillian llussell a No , 3J. Patti wept , they siy , when she eanp "Home , Sweet Bpino" in St. Louis the other night. The Norristowji Herald suggests that piobably she wai singing for 75 par cent ol the houeo receipts an just discovered for the Brat time that there was not that much money in It. A sing'o performance of it ho dramatization of Mark Twain's ' "Turn Bawyor"will be given at the British IJon Concert Garden , London , simultaneously with its first production ic America , to protect thn Brlt'th copyright. It will bo produced here at the Bijou opera house , with Miss Mollie llavel as Tom. For the present , however , Mr. Dlsey as Adonis occu pies the stage of the Bijou , During the recent German opera season nl the Metropolitan , New York , the "Hugue nots" cost § 3,200 to place on the stage and drew $ i , ( > 35 , Ita largest house , at a matinee. ' "Die Walkura" cost W.200 , while the "Prophet , " with C58 people , required only S3iCO. ! The largest receipts were realized on the opening night with "Tnnnbauser , " the returns footing $4,013 , although the soata exclusive of the stockholders' * box will only realize $3 , GOO , ' Tickets for the opera are being hiwkec round town In tbo manner of the Chinesi vegetable peddler. Wagons with the legenc "Opora tickets for tale" on a large board pass along the streets. It must be humiliating for great artists like Patti , ( ilanmni Kmma Ne vada , Kcalchi and J'urech-Madl to hear a they pass tlong the * treet the cry , "Ere1 your front seats for tha opera ! 'lire's your tickets to 'ear the creat bartlatr , " etc. We pityljatti.-j8an [ Francisco Post. New York is threatened with at least 1m ! a dozen new tkeatera. Firat of all there U Mr Lawrence Barrett , who Intends to erect one Tpen Mr. A. M. Palmer u credited with wishing to build-another. Mr , Daniel Fjoh man Is alto slid .to be possessed of the same de > ire , Mr. Neil Burgess expeU to build a house for auch pl yn as ha has mule familiar to the public , Mr Hartley Campbell has de clared hia ambition to open a theater , too , Mr , Towusand U Percy satisfied that a new burlesque theater would meat with success. Mr , Martin It at work on tin construction ol anew theater to tupply ( he place of the Windsor theater , on the Bowery , which was destroyed by fire , and tb Kiralfy Brothers htto determined to build a theater en the plau of the 1'Meu theater In Paris , DROPS. llussain eleighers have taken to carrying afgham. Chimney swoops prefer to wear dark soots. Cbls smutch can bo said in their favor , Ytcult Dudley threaUns to lecture when olcased , What will O'Donovan Dhn then ! It U notthochango of fceno that cures so many traveling invalid , It is absence from ho doctor. King Kalaktua talks of building a roller- katlog rink. Ho docs not get exercise enough by only wearing a stiaw hat. Why h It dangerous to bo out In spring ? kcfuiso the gra s has blades , the flowers pia- Hi , the loaves shoot Mid the bullnishos out , The favorite flower of the democratic Office ecker is the forgot-mo-not. Kx. It may be , but ifhocouldn't scoancmono In itho wouldn't cck the office. Queen Olga of Greece Is said to be the most leautlful woman now .on n throne , "Bully or the Ol' gals , " shouts the enthusiastic editor of the St. Paul Herald. A Cleveland widow locontly cowhlded a young man who refused to marry her on the lay appointed , She was merciful , She might iavo married him. [ Puck. "Ah ! I'm glad to tee you on your feet igaln , " as the chiropodist remarked to the ujurrectod corn on tlio pedestal of his retrular customer. [ Boston Transcript. Lord Wojseloy has Invested the Mudir of Dongola with the Order of St , Michael and 5t. George , By the waygeneral , "doosvour Sludir know your route ? ' [ Norristown Her ald , The Priuco of Waloi should visit the Mahdi ifter ho has recovered from his proposed trip n Ireland , IIo never will know how many 'rionds ho has until he finds out , - [ Hartford Post. Post.Tho The face of the railroad restaurant man in Washington woais n broad-gauge grin. Ho disposed of his entire stock of rubber sand wiches , eoino of which ho had made when Jackson was inaugurated. "Therp , " exclaimed Blobson , pointing to a tramp who was attempting to leave tbo prcm lies with a largo doc attached to his trousers , "there is what I call a good example of n con < tested seat- " [ Burlington Free Press. "Did the murderer inako any confession ? " asked the city editor of the execution repor- ler. "Not a word. " "Was ho resigned to Ilia fate ? " "Ho appeared to bo at fust , but towaid the last ho did considerable kicking , " "My dear , " said Mrs. Smith nt the break fast table , "why is this Mahdi called Mil ? " ' 'Oh , " replied Mr. Smith , as ho took tliroo moro buckwheats , ' that's a moro abbreviation , you know the Knglibli habit of dropping the h's. " It wai just a Httlo suggestive for an editor who had lost a servant girl by reason of her starting up herself instead of the fire by means of kerosene to end the obituary with , "Sho has gone , wo trust , where Bros are no moro , " The portraits of Mark Twain and George W. Cable are now appearing in ho amuse ment columns of the newspapers in close prox imity to the throe-legged man , the bearded woman , the dog-faced boy an other "freaks. " And this is fame ! A Gorman on a steamer returning to the land of his birth informed another passenger : "America is der best country In der vorld. I liaf lived der more as den years , und failed vivo dimes , und seven dimes burnt out. Now I'goos homo to lit mit a fortune und my fam ily.-Now [ York Tribune. The Utica diuln who carries a hollow cane went into n drug store recently to have it filled with a weak decoction of card am an wa ter. By mistake the clerk filled It with the rinsings of hot soda glasses. The victim of .his cad blunder was carried homo In a beast- y state of intoxication , Chchtor A. Arthur , Farew ell , Thy stewardship Is done A stewardship in strife begun , Amid a nation's tears , Amid a nation's doubts and foara That only wisdom could dispel. Farewell. Farewell , The trust in blood bequeathed In tranquil peace to-d y is wreathed. To-day thou layest down A noble patriot a well-earned crown. While grateful tongues thy praises tell. Farewell. Farewell. 'Tis not on hist'ry'a page Thou'lt find thy dearest heritage , But on the faithful scroll Where all the motives of the eoul Are truly written. Fare thee well , , Farewell. [ Chicago News , ) Hon. T , I , Dawes has presented to tha his- tprical Eccioty of Montana a souvenir of con siderable interest in the shape of a medal pre sented by President Van Bur en to the Crow Indians in 1837. . A little strip of stdowalk about five feet wide in front of the United States court house in Boston is constantly tbo refuge of itrent reddlers of bouquets who wish to evade the payment of tha licensa fee which the city A veritable hop o' my thumb is reported an infant child born in Fayetto county whoso hand and arm were drawn through a common sowing thimble to the arm pits or shoulder. The father Is proud ot it. [ Macon ( G a. ) Telegraph. ordinances require. As the strip is tbo prop erty of the United States , they can hero bid defiance to the police , but is not unfmjuently that their eagerness to soil lures them out. and thou if caught they ara brought to court and fined. William A. Brown , a _ Minneapolis man , was liornon Christmas ; his wife was born on St. Valentino'd day , their first child put in its ppearanco on the "ciueen'd birthday , " and on Washington's birthday last month there was another addition to the family , this time a boy. Fourth of July and Thanksgiving day yet remain to bo heard from. A curious Incident will happen in the Selg family , of Americus , the 10th of this month. There will be three persons of the same- family have birthdays on tlio same day. Mr. Seig will be 40 , his father 80 , nnd his daughter 1 year old. There IB10 years difference be tween Mr. Soig'd ago and that of his father , and 39 years between his daughter's and hie own. [ Ainerlcus < Ga. ) Uecorder , All tbo wooden toothpicks nro made In Malno , two firms controlling the business. The business is about l-.OOj cases a year , 1,00) ) of thorn going to Europe and Mexico. Each case contains 250,000 picks. They are made of poplar and birch. Some of the swell Now York clubs hao _ imported orangewood pirJiS and a flavored pick from Japan. A letter from Cooperstown , New York , cays that five persons , three men and two wo men , have died during the winter months just clewed in Otsego county , aged 100 years and upward. It ia doubted if any county In the union can exceed this record of longevity , To live a hundred years In these times ii equate to having lived at least five or six hundrec years in the middle ages , About fifteen miles from Richmond , V , I a farm houeo with some of the first window panes brought over to America. They are 10x13 in size and were brought hero In the saili , At that tlmo tha use of putty was no known for glazing , and the lights were hole In place by strips of wood tacked agains them. The coat of each light In England was about S3. Another girl full of needlei , whose present cannot be accounted for , has been beard from this time In Man r township , near Pittsburg , where her father la a dairyman. A couple o ; months , ago , .tho Account states , sbu was seized with pricking eonsatlonsj aud wtthln n v/eek a physician has removed twenty-fcur needles from variuus parts of her body , with other ) still to como out. A curious burial cuitom is practiced br an old \VirfzinU family-tho Fendd * , of Alexan dria. Whenever a member of tbo family dies tha male representative of the older branch thereof , just before the hour of intoiment , buiien a dagger in tha heart of thn de&d to as sure hlr&salf of no reawakening. The dagger used is one sacred to the purpose and has been devoted to Its lisa for many generations. The cuitom originated because ot'tho burial alivoof a mwnberof tbo f-iaily aud an in herited tendency to a peculiar form of hccrt dise&ae. A UK osinr * HUtrrH were prep red bv Dr , J , G. 11. Siegert for his private use. Their reputation Is such to-day that they ha\p be come generally known as the best appetizing tonic. Beware of counterfeits , A k your grocer or druggist for the genuine article man ufactured by Dr , J , G , B , Siegert & Soni , I U WAS a Cat. It was the tat , The anthracite flew at ; It hit him just abaft the tall , Ho uttered an unearthly wall , And Into the atmosphere did tall. His heart is broke , Ha cannot croak. No more ho climbs the back yard fence , And braves the terrible consequence Of bootjacks , chairs and flying COM , That stirs him to his very soul , And causes him on the ground to roll , Solomon , Goozolum , Tommy-o. Chicago Sun. IMPIETIES. London contains 2,000 clergymen and 8 70D drinking places. This makes over four drink- ng placoj for each clergyman. A Hartford reporter who managed to get nto n secret Salvationist praise eeruco says lh members acted llho lunntlcs , and all the nalos kissad the females except a colored pitl. Klborton , Ga. . claims to have a corurrcRft- Ion called the ' 'Heformed Hardshell Baptist church. " Ono ot its tenets It that no female member shall wear any dross moro costly , lmn calico , n r any headdress except a sun- xinnot. It was in tha midst of his sermon that the minister exclaimed vehemently : "Turni , , ° turn , ' when a barbar awoke and broke in with : "All right , sir ; Its your turn noxtl" The domlnlo had ft closn shave Ironi being completely strapped. "When I was quartered as pat tor at In dianapolis , in mv early days of tliominmlry , ' sayfl Henry Ward Bccchir , "n celebrated preacher came there , n Geneva dlvlno , who naturally spoke ingliih : with variations. It was In the year 1837 , in which the country was covered with ruin , and the homos and property of half the citizens of Indianapolis were In the sheriff's hands. Ono Sunday ho took my pulpit , and wound up ft thrilling discourse with the tender perotalion : 'If you will bear with resignation and fortitude the misfortunes which h vo fallen on you for a brief tlrao here balow , the time will como when you will bo bnrno up aloft to a honvon- ly la-d by the Cherubim nnd Sheriff-im 'Oh , holll" groaned n voice ; 'ore wo to find tham there too ? ' " , _ _ _ _ The astoniihlng conqueror of Pain , St. Jacobj Oil euros aero jointa nnd muscles. There fa a rage in England just now for ambulance clauses. Lingo gatherings take place at LadyBrassoj'a with thla end In view. _ _ _ _ _ line , But Not Hopeless. When you have pain In your hoid , lame ness in your aldo , dUtreas In your hack , shortness of breath and frequent apolls of couqhing it Booms pretty bad , docs it not ? Many physicians would gtvo up eucli n case as beyond restoration. But Mrs , Nettle Hastings of Cambrldgeport.Mais. , who was thu aflllclod , took Brown'a Iron Blttora and gratefallyvrltea tbftt the Prince of Tonics completely rottored her to health. It nill rastcro joa , too. Spinal diaeaiea8uporlndiiod'bybicycle | riding , are becoming alarmingly numer ous , according to n Philadelphia physi cian. "For economy and comfort , every spring , wo UBS Hood's Satsaparlila , " writes a Buffalo ( N. Y. ) ] a3y. 400 dotes for SI. Thn lifo of a locomotive Is reckoned at tweiits-Qvo years , and to keepup the sup ply 1,1QO should bo constructed annually. Take It Tills Mpntli , Spring rapidly opproichea and it is im portant that every ono ahould bo prepared pared for the depressing effects of the changing season. This is the lima to purify the blood and strengthen the sya torn by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla , which stands unequalled as a spring medicine , and has endorsements of a character seldom given any proprietary medicine. A book cant lining statements of tbo many wonderful curea it has accomplished will bo sent upcn application to C. L Hood & Co , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass. 100 doses Ono Dollar. The phcj where the gun-boata lay when bombarding Vicksburg ia now a huge sandbank , tbo course ot the liver having considerably changed. Above all otherearthly ills , I hate the big , old-fashioned pills ; By slow degrees they downward wend , And often pnmo , or upward tend , With such discomfort are they fraught , Their good cllects amount to naught. Now , Dr. Pisrco prepares a pill That just exactly fills the bill A Pellet , rather , that ia all A Pleasant I'urgativo , and tnuiH ; Just try them as you feel their need , You'll n'nd that I speak truth , indeed. Over 200,000 women and boya In Now York are engaged at various kinds of wotk which w.-u performed exclusively by men some years ago. TliroRt DinR HCH commence with a cough , cold.or sere throat. "Buou.N'H BnoK CHIAL Tflocius" give immediate relief. SOLD ONLY IN DOXKa , The Duke cf Buckingham , who has no heir to hla dukedom , has just married the daughter of a Scotch baronet. Ho la sixty-three. A C 4 R D. To nil u ho are Buffering from errors and Indigestions of juntil , ncnouseakncaa eaily decay , loss ol manhooil , etc. In 111 send a receipt that will euro jouFHEE Of CHAHOK. Tills Kreat remedy was discovered by a missionary to Houth America. Send felt-addressed emtlopoto HKV. Jo- sum T. IMIAN Station "D " New York. An examination of tha works of the celebrated Auttriui painter Mnkurt has recently been opened at Vienna. BKIN 1MSK/V.HK8 COUED , By Dr , Frazlor'a Made Ointment , Cures If by magic : Pimples , Black Heada or Grub Blotches and Eruptions on the face , leaving the skin clear and beautiful. Also euros Itch , Salt Ilhouin , Bora Nipples , Sere Lips and old , Obstinate Ulcera Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt price. 60 cants. Sold by Kuhn & Co. and 0 , I1. * Goodman , The large catfish caught in tlio Gulf ol Mexico are now smoked , dried and salted in three days , by a new process1. YOUNGMKNl IvEAl ) THIS. TUB VOLTAIO BELT Co. , of Marshall , Mich , , offer to send their celebrated BLKOTHO-VOL TAIC BELT and other ELKCTiua API'LIANCKS ot trial for thirty days , to men ( young or old ; afflicted with nervous debility , loss of vitality and manhood , and all kindred troubles. Alsc for rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and many other diseases. Complete restoration to health , vigor and manhood guaranteed , No rink is Incurred as thirty days trial ia allowed. Write them at once for Illustrated pamphlet froe. Queen Victoria's bestowal of the Al bert medal on a simple police connfablo has given great satisfaction to the force , BTOP THAT COUGH By using Dr , Trailer's Throat and Lung Bal sam the only euro euro for Coughs , Colds , Hoarseness and Sere Throat , and all diseases of the throat and lungs. Do not neglect a cough. It may prove fatal , Scores and hundreds of grateful people owe their live * to Dr , Frazier't Throat and Lunp Balsam , and no family nil ! ever be without It after nnco using it , and discovering 1U marvelous power , It ia put up in largo family bottled aud sold for tU small prlco of 75 cents per bottle. Sold Co. and 0. K , Goodman , Of the whcld jiupuhtion tf the globe it i ) oitlrrmtcd thnt 00,000 persona dlo every day , or moro than ono cash icoond. There sro nineteen kinds of mctil more precioui than god. ! . , , u Rheumatism , ouralnia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache , NorcTlironlNnrllliiK.Nirnliiriltriiliie , Hum * , SrnliU , I'rool Itllcn , * " "Turn imwi.v IMIVI MI AMIIX. IK-nhrnnrrrwIirr * . lini Oruu a tvtlto , nuKiuro. Tin : CHAUUS : A. votiiuu : : co. ITO.U , \OQtUBtCO. . ) l.UIi.ortJllf. ! | HEALTH. Swltt'a SpcclOo cured mo of rheumatism three months ftiro , after my phjMcUas hml exhausted their remedies u Ithout plvng \ relief. 0.1 * . doom HAH , Att y at Law , Urunsntck , Oa. I have bcoi nflllct d with rheumatism nearly forty earg , and n few bottles of Sniffs SpcclOo cured me. b Is Qed Bend U the HifTcrlnR. J , B , WADLKR , Thomson , 0 * . I hio been entirely rcllocd of severe rhemmtl m In my light aim by tlio use of Sftltt'a Specific. nnO passed through Itst winter without a rcl j'80. SlUMit llKiitiuiT , Ed. So. Cultivator , Atlanta , OA , TWENTY YEARS 1 had been a sufferer from rbcumatlsm t cntv jcara ; was reduced tn * > ekolcton could hardly tfct about , o\on on cruther. Swift's Spec 0o lias cured mo round and w ell , MRS EuiOlKRBiiox , Macon , On. Swift's Sfcclflo has rcllcvoil mo cf rheumatism which at one tlmo tnrcatcnod to utop my mlnlsterla woik. Kitv. W. A. KIRK , Cruss 1'Ulns.AIa. Swift's Spoclfle Is entirely \ojjotable. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases malloJ free , TIIK Bwirr Smcinc Co. , Atlanta , da. CUronle ANerroni nUraMM QnlcK. Sure CnrM. Sursond two nt mp5 for Celebrated llmllcalWorki , Addreti.F. D. CLAIIItK , JI.U.i8G Soutt CUrlc Street. CHICAGO. ILL. _ a H [ ( SUCCESSORS TO DAVIS & SNIDER. ) QENK1UL DEALB11S IN iSTATE 1605 FAKNAM STREET. - - OMAHA Have for sale 200,000 acres carefully selected land In Eastern NobrasVa , at low price and on easy term Improved farms for sale In Douglas , Dodge , Colfax Platte , Hurt , Cumlng , Harpy , Washington , Mcrrlck Saundcra , and Butler counting , Taxes paid In all parts of the etato. Money loatod on Improved farms. Notary Public always In office. Correspondence DOCTOR IIVHITTIER 617 St. Charles St. , St. lonlf , Mo. -A regular graduate of two Vertical College * , bi been locgffl optgetl ID iboBpetlal treatment of OKBOMIC , KiH\oti , BKI < nod IILOOD piiitfutbaa ny other tfbyriclin la fit. Lcoli , u eltr ptpcri shew aod all old reildentt * know. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mcntsl And Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otner K tc- lions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood PoItoa'Jag , Old SorCS and Ulcers. &ro trc&ted vlth nDr.artllelM . of ecu , on lateit clcntiHo prlDelrlei. Pa'ety , Prlvitelj. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , which rroJuco tome or tha Tollonlnj cffcctii nervouiDcni , dtLllitr , dlmn * i ofalfiht ted dercetlrfl memory , plmplei on tbo fare , jinjdcul docaj , ft\erilontotbc joclttj of femnlet , OQiDiUi of UeaseUx , rondcrine filarriago improper or unhappy , 'J ( te&Icil envelopefree * to any aiMnns. Conaultatloniittf Dee or bj mall free , andlnrlled. W rlto for question ! . A Positive Written Guarantee give * la all curable caieu , Modtclnei ecnl every where. Pamphleti , ncllsb or Gorman , 04 paeei , do * Jcrlbiuc QDOVO dlscflecfl , in male or fomaU. F1IES. MARRIAGE GUIDE ! KOpagei. flneplateB , Illuitrated In eloth and filt bind Ice , ftOc , money of joiUge ; name , ) > ap r coivrt , 26c. Tbh t * < eotitalQi all the curloiu , doubtfol or iuqulttltlfe vant t * know. _ . A , . book . . ofKrtat Jnt rwt to all. UetJtili Coacto. n " ' .ff t xtcvitd tty - - - Will the purify i Itttu the LIVER and KIDNEYS , and JIKHTOiiu T1IK IIUA1.T11 ana viaon of VODTIL i > j-i pepsin. Want of Appetite , jn dlKcsllon , Lack ul blruiiRth. inl'1 Ire- " * "Inn absolutely cm cil. Denes , luiiiclcsaix ! Vfs receive iiLWlorcc. IUcii3 the tiiliul ami niipnlles Jlralu 1'owcr. iirurliiKfroni complaint * J iiuLUllurto tliclr ei'\ will lad In R. El' JirER'S IBON TONIC u pah fin * Cecily euro. Ullvts u clear , liualUiv complexion. i"reiioiit | ittcniptaat oo""ri * ' > UiiB onlyaOd J the popularity of I ho orlclnnl. Do not expert * Sent ( reo. . ANUllKfiT. nd jvur uddrm to'Ibe Dr. Ilnrtnr M d u > > V i Ht.Loii ! . Wo. , for our "BKEAM BOOK. " B I "nllof DtVanuaoDd unefallofirmaUon.fre JF i M. R. RISDON , REPRE3KNTSI rhcenlz Insurance Co. ( London , Cash Assets . IB.8S1.000 Wcetcheator.N , T .Capital . 1,000,000 TheMerohanUof Newark.N. J. , Capital , . . . 1,276,000 OtrardFlre , rhtladelpbla.Capltal . 1,200,000 Woman'n Kund. Carltal . , , . . . - . 1.ES9POO Imported Beer ) X BOTTLES. firlonger , . - - * - - - - > Bavaria Culmbnober , , . . . . . - . . Bavaria Pilsner. . . . . . * , . . . Bohemian. Soiser . . . * . . . . - . . . . .Bromoa DOMESTIC. Qndwoiaor . St , Louiis , .St. Lenis , Beat's . . . . . Sohlitz-Piloner _ . Milwaukee. Krujj'a . . . . . .Omaha Ale , Porter , Domestic nud Rhine Wine. * "D. MAURKR , ISlSFarnom St. A FINE LINE OF THE ONLYIKXOLUfelVK IN OMAHA'INEB , Tha rom&rkkblo growth of Omahn during the Iwt few yc&ra la nuttoi o ! great iwtonlshmont to these who pity n occaalotukl visit to this growing oltr. The development of the StocV Yards the nooosnUy of the Bolt Line Road the finely paved atrooU the hundreds of now residences and costly bnslnosa blooki , with the population of our city more than doubled In the laat fire yoari. All thin la a great narprloo to visitors end la the admiration of onr cltlions. Thli rapid growth , the business activity , and the many substantial Improvements made A lively demand for Omaha real estate , and every Invostoi hai made a haudsomt profit. Slnoo the Wall Street panic May , with the subsequent cry of hard times , there has boon loss demand from specula tors , bat a fall demand from Invontoia socking homes. This latter class axa taking advantage of low prices In build. Ing material and are securing their homco at much less cost than will bo possible B year hence. Speculators , too , can buy real cat1 a cheaper now and ought to Uko advant o of present prices fet futoia pro ts. The next few yews promises greatoi divolopmonta In Omaha than the past Qv > yean , which have boon as good aa wo could roaaonably desire. Now man. ufaotnrlng establishment * and largo Job. blng housoa are added almost weekly , and all add to the prosperity of Omaha. There are many In Omaha and through , bat the State , who bavo their money In the banks drawing a nominal rate o ! In * torost , which , If judiciously Invested In Omaha real obtato , would bring them much greater returns. Wo have many bargains which wo are confident will bring the purchase * largo profit * In tht near future. We have for sale the finest resi dence property in the north and western parts of the city. North we have fine lots at reason able prices on Sherman aveuue,17th , 18th , 19th and 20th streets. West on Farnam , Davenport , , Cuming , and all the leading streets in that direction. The grading of Farnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible some of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the street car line out Faruam , the pro perty in the western part of the city will increase in valnw We also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. The developments made in this section by the Stock Yards Company nnd the railroads will certainly double the unco in a short limn. Wo also have some fine busineos lots and some elegant inside rnsi- donccp for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find some good bujgoiEp ti calling REAL 1STATI BROKERS. 213 South 14th St , Bet .roen Farnhnm aud Douglas. P. 8. We oak those who hav property for enlo at a bargain to givfl as a callWe want only bargains We will positively not handle prop ertv at more than itn real value. * -m