Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday Morning ! March 11.
Charles 1' , Carlson mid Miss tolda Jacob-
son. ot the city , w o married Saturday
evening by Kcv. J. A. iruUman ,
A marriage license was leaned in the
county court yesterday mornlnj to Andrew J.
Shepherd and Jcnnlo L. Johnton ,
The council meeting last night was not
very Important , but the many petitions und
resolutions presented were rmhod through
with great speed.
Monday's local freight receipts from the
west , via the Union 1'ftclfic , wore : Corn 22
cars , merchandise 11 , coal 9 , bullion ? , flour 1
Btono 1 , lumber 1 , o 1 , hay lor hogs 1.
Mr. K. Motzis the father of a hnndjomo
boy , which IIIM just put in nppearanco nt his
horrc. Both mother and child arc doing
OUlccr Crawford performed ycomnn er
vice yo terdfty afternoon In shooting n vicious
dog belonging to n South Tenth street grocer.
The animal had bitten a soven-yenr-old boy ,
nnmcd Bauer.
Wostbrook and llacker , professional bl-
cyclUtf , have returned to Omaha , after a few
wooW trip through the other atatjs. West-
brook has received a request from Woodsldo
to accompany him on a trip to Cuba , buf
Ihlnksthat ho will not go.
Special preaching services are being halt
this week in the Third Congregational church
just organized , the pwtor being assisted bj
clerical brethren of the city. Kov. Mr. Sher
rill will preach this evening. Hour of ser
vices , 7:30. All are Invited.
Mr. Chas. B. Wcstren IIM purchased th
dmro of his partner , Mr. M. 0. Mnclood , In
the business of the Grand Union Tea com-
jmny , which loaves Mr. Wostron the solo pro
prietor. Mr. Macleod's future buslnes
operations are not yet known.
The threo-story brick , adjoining thi
steam laundry of Wilkina & Kvans , 22X90
foot , with binomont , on Eleventh street , be
twocn Farnam and Douglas , is rapidly ap
preaching completion , It will bo finished it
about twenty days nnd bo an ornament to
that locality.
The plumbsra of Omalu bavo some
causes for grievance , they say , and in orde
to get at them and legislature fairly , If any
legislation is necessary , the city council determined
terminod to meet next Thursday ovoninp n' '
' in commltteo of th
7:30 : o'clock nnd hear ,
whole , the whole of their complaints.
Before JudgoAndersonyesterday morning
John Anderson began suit against John Knit-
sen and Johanna Knltsen , tenants , who have
looted property from him near Irvington.
Damages are claimed for fruit trees demol
ished by the defendants , nnd for general In
juries received by the property during the
period of lease.
_ Yesterday being the anniversary of the lat
Bishop Clarkson'a death , was fitly observed
by the people of Brownoll hall. The holy
communlou was celebrated by the rector in
Trinity Cathedral at 7:30 : in the morning , nnd
n special service , suitably commemorative ,
was bold in the school at 9:30 o'clock ,
About 9 o'clock last ni ht Officers Donovan
van and White nrroted and put in jail two
women , Lyclia Hntncs and Blanche Smith ,
charged with stsaling from Frank Hogbort
SCO In money. The officers searched the par-
tics and found only SI. 80 on the person of
'Jjydia , and nothing on that of Blanche ,
Whisky at the bottom of It.
The county commissioners intend to send
the Adams girl , who was brought from Lin
coln Saturday night , and left in this city in a
very critical condition , to Kansas City , where
Bho claims to have friends. The action of the
Lincoln authorities in doing as they did about
the matter is regarded as highly reprehensible ,
and there is some talk of investigating the
cose further.
About four o'clock Monday afternoon a
man whose name could not bo learned In
attempting to escape a passing freight train ,
ran across a track on which another one was
pabsing. Ho was hit in the head and sus
tained frightful bruises , but fortunately was
not knocked oft his feet. His wounds were
dressed by Dr. Dnrrow , in Bell'd drug store.
A communication has been received at
this olllce , addressed to the city editor , written
by two gentlemen who have made a wager as
to the best record mtxdo by a terrier , in the
tPfxttor of killing rats , Ono of the disputants
claims that seventy rats per minute have been
I killed , while the other claims that such a feat
Is impossible. Sorry to 1)3 obliged to confess
It , but the local editor of this sheet is not
authority on the subject of rat killing , lie
IIM always had an insatiable and soulful
yearning to study that branch of clastioknowl <
edge , but nlasl his aims and desires were
thwarted by unfeeling parents who opposed
his devoting much time to rat killing records ,
Ifnw indeed in the folly and degradation o !
such a course made painfully manifest.
The LiramioBoomeraDg thus tolls of Char
lie Sloan , the U. P. detective : A veryflasbilj
dresied Chinaman attracted coniiderablo at
tuition on the street yesterday , and upon in-
ijuiry it was learned that his name was Char
llo Sloan , He Is the interpreter of the Unloi
Pacific railroad , and aho acts as a detective
Ha carries a very fine gold-headed cane , val
unblo watch , and sport * a costly diamond pin
A gentleman who has known him n gren
many years , informs us that ho has a vor
pretty American wife living in Omhaa , am
says ho is very wealthy , owning conildeabl
real estate , In Nebraska and Wyoming , in
eluding valuable coal property in tha vicinit
of Rock Springs. He has been west spendin
the Chinoto Now Year , and lookin ? after hi
interests , He left for Cheyenne this mori
The Colleen liawn.
Thn famoui drama , the Colleen Bawr
willbo produced at tlio opera homo nea
Saturday evening , aa a benefit to Stag
G rpsnttr Booth. The pUy will bo ban
died by local talent can fully'drilled fo
tlio occasion. Thn folio ( ting ii the casl
Mylea-Na-Coppaleen Mr , P , Fallo
Hardrts C egan . .Chas. MoDonal
Danny Mann K. A. O'Brte
yrtuDalr 0. K. Orall
Father Tom W. Sandc
Mr. CorrlRan. . . . , W. O. Sandei
Bettie O'Moore Hon. Win. Turtl
Hyland CreaBh , J. W. Kvai
Servant. W.Hensha
Corporal J. U. Withne
Klly O'Connor MUs Gunevlevelngerso
Aunio Chute Miss Ella MoUrid
Mre. Creg n Mr . J. W. Ev r
Sheelah , . , . , . , Miss McDonal
Kathleen Creah Misa WooUor
Duels BIennerban3et.Mrj. W. Hensha
Scoring'Iho Cnnnoks.
KINGSTON , Out , March 10 , A promlnei
military officer received a letter Informlc
him there were 3,500 fenlans At Buffalo drl
liog with n view to intklng raid o
Canada ,
They Attempt Conflilonoo Gfimoon
a Stranger nnd nro Jnllcil ,
Dnrlnq yesterday forenoon abont 8 or 0
o'clock Mlko BIcOlpan , n young man from
Perry , Iowa , cnmo over to Omahn from
Council Bluffs. Ho was looking nloug
the ronto west for work , Intending as ho
stopped nt different places to make In-
fjoirlos as to prices of land for persona in
Iowa. Abont 10 o'clock ho foil into the
company of Frank Barns , who Is well
known in police and criminal circled , hav
ing boon Indicted , along with McClelland
as a participant , for the Doko hard
ware robbery which by lomo
technicality ho escaped. Barns U a no
torlouely bad character , Ho proposed to
McOloin when ho learned that ho
wanted work , andhad , some money , that
ho should co to wo'rk for him ( Burns ) on
a farm. McClenn did not fancy Barns'
appearance nnd manner , so ho refused the
oiler. Barns left htm but soon mot his
confederate , J. P. Benton ( who is not
well known to the police ) and told him
of the game ho had flashed. Benton
lost no t'mo in mooting with young Me-
Gltan and tolling him that he hcaid ho
was looking for employment , offered him
ono of two jobs nt Lincoln , as farm-hand
at $22 per month or as clerk in his gro
cery at $40 per month. Bonton's nppaar-
anco ) of" a decent business man de
ceived McOIcan , and the two went
from Tenth direct to the B. & M. freight
house on Eight and Howard. AtrlvlDR
there , * Benton told McOlean to remain
outside a moment until ho rotnrnod from
ineido- the houto. Meantime Officers
Burdlah and Mostyn happened along ,
McOIcan approached thorn and told
them of the facts aa stated hero. Pres
ently Benton came oat bat found the
officers there , much to Ills Baptise , and
was at once tnken into custody upon
suspicion. Upon searching him the
officers found besides some valuloss
papers , a knife nnd watch , ono $100
and ono $500 confedcrata not ; , which
were carefully folded and stowed in his
pockotbnok. Benton had told 'McGlenn
that ho would got him a ticket and send
him light on to Lincoln ; his programme
was the old ono of getting his cash ,
cither because ho had no change ,
or until ho conid got ono of
these notes broken. By an unsuspecting
person these notes would , nlno tlmo in
ton , in a harry at a ticket office , bo mis
taken for good money. Benton is in
Frank Barns , when ho loft McOlonn
and put his "pal , " Benton , on his track ,
kept within convenient dis'anco until ho
saw the two officers , then ho moved off.
ButMcClcan had told the oiliceraof Burns'
movements , and they wont to arrest
him also. Ho resisted the officers vigor-
ondy , and obliged them to use tholr
clubs to take him. Ho Is not seriously
hurt , but is safe behind the bars where
it is to bo hoped ho will bo properly
dealt with. The timely appearance of
the police saved McOloau the loss of all
ho nad , as it Is almost certain that in a
few minutes mora Benton wonld have
fleeced him. Aa it Is they got nothing
from him.
The New Enactment Kcqulrlng
Meeting of the Asuessors In
March Salary
Changed ,
The recent legislature placed upon the
statute book of Nebraska a most import
ant law touching upon the duties of aa-
aaasors. An emergency clause was at
tached to the law which put it in force
from and after Its passage.
The fact that this lair changes the time
for the meeting of the assessors at the
office.of the county clerk , for the purpose
of consulting as to the values of the vari
ous kinds of property to bo assessed bv
them , and to receive from the clerk the
necessary books and blanks fcr eucli
assessment , from the first of Aptll to the
third Tuesday of March , requires that it
should bo particularly mentioned and
The provision regulating the p y ol
aesaasora is so amended as to moke the
pay throe dollars per day while engaged
In matting the assessment and two foi
each day of the tlmo necessarily employed
in attending the mooting of the assessors
and making returns to the county clerk
of his aesaesmont book and the state
moats and schedules of penonal prop
erty. While doing this work mileage at
the rate of five cants per mile is allowed
nlgan left his hem in Denizen , Ohu , ot
the ! hh of January last , intending to eool
work with Mr. Elmorc , contractor , aomi
place ID Iowa. Any informa'ion ' regard
ing hia whereabouts will ba thankfull ;
received by his anxious mother , Mra
Oatharino Kennedy , Eleventh and Lenv
onworth streets , Omaha , Neb. , or at thi
The Cumins Street Fight.
Abont nine-tenths of the prop oil
ownora and citizens along Cumlng atroc
and Thirteenth street have for the pai
year boon trying to aocuro the paaaago c
an ordinance to change the grade on tl [
Gaming street extension , commencing i
Dlvition street and cutting woat 1
Charles street , which would make about
ton foot cut at the deepest point , and C
the mud hole west of Charles , whore th
low place is now cat three feat as far i
Browa. This would have made a BGVC
foot rleo at Line street In place of a thr <
foot ditch , aa it Is now , where the entli
water of the hills la emptied , and runs f <
quite a distance through the street , mak
ing It virtually the bed of a creel
walled three feet on either nidi
Thoao who favor thii work had tho.dam
agoi properly npprilaod , ani to those nc
wanting damages the money was tendore >
andfplacod with the city treasurer , Thoa
parties claimed that they had promise
from n majority of the council that th
ordinanos would pisi long before this.
Another party , consisting of a few poc
pie on the hill , back of Oumiog atreoti
on Idaho , aud at the corner of Cumin
and Idaho , oppose every grade ezcoj
ono that would make the crown of tti
hill it Idaho street , bat they did nothln
to bring about such a change of grade.
Still another party , composed o
perions living along the cut o
Cumlng street , opposed any cut what
ever , unices Ouming street thonld b
filled six or seven feet at the loir poln
nt In front of Councilman Furay'a barn , i
the military bridge , making a gradui
rfs9 , and when that is done they sa
they are willing to submit.
flathaway's plan , to fhl from Twen' ;
second .street west ta Division ttreot\
catting from Diviilon to Charles , and
filling from Charles to Drown , Is in fact
the best proposition , if It could bo car
ried out. The next best seems to bo the
first mentioned plan. Iho cut which
makes the crown at Idaho street , damages -
ages everybody , loaves the mud hole at
both ends , and in no way subserves the
public interest and ought not to bo
Councilman Funy , who was elected on
the Issno of making the cut first men *
tlonod , hni fa'lcd ' to have U done , nnd
his constituents urge that the south end
of town and Farnam street coald secure
an expenditure high up In the thousands
through the Influence of their councilmen -
men , while this important business thor-
ouqhfaro , Cumlng street , has not been
able lo got n small cut and fill , the total
amount of damages and expenses of
which wonld not bo over $3,000. AfUr
repeated delays and petitions on
the part of thoto who secured -
cured the waiver and paid the
damages for the firat grade , the matter
hai been deferred from time to tlmo by
gentlemen who have a mayoralty bag in
tholr oar and now after a promise from a
special committee , consisting of Councilmen -
men Ilascttll , Bechel and Furay , it Is
said that they have agreed to Ignore the
petition of the various interests , return
the money to the owners , adopt the
grodo commencing with n crown at Idaho
street , slaughter everybody as far east as
Center , lot the city pay the damages , ns
there is no waiver on that grade , nnd
leave the mud hole unfilled west of
Idaho. The result will bo excessive
expenses in the way of damages , an In
complete street , a hill with a mud hole
at each end , nobody beucfitted , and
everybody disgusted. It is understood
that the citizens are going to have a
mooting very soon and probably those
matters will play n very prominent part
in the next election. *
The Little Folks of "Walnut ; H111
Congratulate . Companion.
The eighth instant being the aoventl
anniversary of the birth of little Miss
Mary Taggnit , only child of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Toggart , the first named so
familiarly and favorably known especial
ly in the railway postal service , there wai
quite a congratulatory gathering at thoi
residence , WalnutvHill , Woat Omaha pro
cincr. Twenty-five little ones graced th
occasion , and a merrier collection of in
nocent youth has eoldcm been seen in
these parts. Of course some of the old
folks had to ba on hand to live over In
memory , ' at lea&t , the happiest days o :
their llvet , and ono noticeable feature o :
this birthday party was the presence
of Mr. Connell Furay and his estimabl
wife , grandparents of the little hostess
whoio honored lives have passed thci
four-score milestones , while gently sleep
ing near by was the baby Fink , another
grandchild scarcely half a year id till
world. Of course Undo John B. Furay
had to bo on hand or the birthday party
would have lost half Its intorcet. The
alderman was as lively as the livollos
and made moro Innocent fun for the as
sembled children than a circus. Ho ssy ,
his relatives arc increasing so rapidly li
number that It will not be long befon
ho will have to attend two birthday par
ties per day in order to take them all in
Altogether Miss Mary Taggatt had a
right royal reception , and It is the earnca
with of a best of friends that she wil
live as long as her estimable grandparent
who from tholr prenent hale and heart ;
appearance will most probably celebrat :
their "ninetieth. "
A little bat not nice Schenectady glr
plays this game : She rings a house bo !
about dusk. When the door is opened
she sobs violently , saying that she hsi
lost five cents near by , and wants a lau
tern to look for it. Instead of a lantern
which she does neb want , she is given thi
five cents , which she does wane. The :
she goes on to the next house.
Absolutely Pure.
st Tills powder never varies. A marvel ol purely ,
etrenifth anil wholeaomences. More economical than
of the ordinary klnJ . nd cannot be sold In competi
tion with the multitude ot low test , short weight
10 phynchrte pnwden. Sold only In oana ,
I1OYAL lUKIvo POWnK'l ' OO 0 w.ll V V
ma ill Linen. MTH
Llo'ngs ' AND EiUrlars.
k ,
iot CAM N BROS..Aaenta foOtnnhn
IB 08 d COWING & CO ,
Millt.bU and C..t Iron
, Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead ,
lie Plnmlers1 Gas and Steam Fitters'
ofn Hth & Dodge SU..OMAHA.HEB.
, [ IUOCZS30B3 TO JOB * 0. UOOEI )
At th old itmd HIT Farnun Bt CrdcnbjrUla
( cr ph iolldtftJuwlprompU ittendrd to. Tclephow
mE : isxa
1312 DOUGLAS STREET , 1312 ,
1312 UP-STAIRS. 1312
Accounts for the throng of people gathered at 1312
Douglas street to inspect and select from that elegant
Merchant Tailor Misfit and Uncalled for Garments now
displayed at the Misfit Clothing Parlors bought up at
such prices thatyou can buy them in suits , Spring Over
lfl coats , separate Pantaloons , separate Vests , and Coats
I ; / atabout the eost of making. These garments are cut in
! . all styles ; no question , you can be suited in every respect
no matter how fastidious or eccentric you may be in
your ideas of dress.
$25 00 Merchant-Tailor made nt 81200
30 00 ' . . 14 00
35 00 . 10 00
40 00 . 1825
45 00 . 20 00
5000 . 23 50
60 00 . 28 00
65 CO , . 30 00
75 CO . . S50fl
8 G 00 Merchant-Tailor made at
. . 3 00
. 400
1000 . ; > > > 500
1200 ' '
. coo
The best talent is employed to make alterations when neces-
sarv to insure a fit which is done alwavs free of charge. A visit
will satisfy vou that money is saved bv patroniziner.
I3I2 Open until 9 P. M. Saturdays until 10 P. M ,
N. B , Merchant tailors with misfits and uncalled for Clothing to d. .
? -
PcSoerf T" c onfrrfavo.r by addressing Original Misfit Clothing Parlors
I312 Douglas street , Omaha , Neb , & < "lul ° i
One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States
to Select From :
Are now
The greatest bargains ever seen in Omaha
200 ORGANS ! ! 100 PIANOS !
Also great reductions in Diamonds , Jew
elrv. Clocks and Silverware.
TUT A " r ivi"ii | ' j"ir8u A rn >
IfJLjEx rL J.7JLJUi A , JiiJ& CG wU1.
The only importers of Havana Cigars ,
and Meerschaum Goods in Omaha.
"Wholesale dealers in Guns , Ammunition ,
Sporting Goods , Notions and Smokers9 Ar
M , H1LLMAN & CO. ,
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH ,
Wholesale Druggists
J *
Having quite a number of
Misfits and Uncalled for Suits
F ? rrlour Merchant Tailoring department , we
otter them to all purchasers at about one-half of
their actual value. These are no Ready Made
Goods , advertised as Custom Made , but Real
Merchant-Tailor work.
Clothiers and Merchant Tailors ,
13JL6 Farnam Street.
Buy your Fine 'Bronzed ' Hardware at Home for
fs less than [ Eastern Cities Can Deliver it.
Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nenraash
Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track ,
Orders for the Indian Department given for Buflalo Scales ex *
clusivflly. Scale * _ _ _ _ _ . _