THE DAILY BEE-WEDNESDAY , MARCH 11. 1885. -THE , BEST TONIC. ? ii tnod' ! R" , combining Iron with pun t t > M tTiI ( . , ( jtlirkly and _ ct > mpl ; tcl ? f + llfw | > c | " > ln. . fpurclMnnil. Jn U MI unlallliij rcminly far DIseaM.iof tht t.nliipyn nml l.lvrr. . . U invalunblo for Dl cwe pfeallw if tf > ninn , and nil who IcndtcdonUiryHni " I 'iiKsnollnJnrntliotcclh.cnHsahcadaclva/it ff-'iinm fwistlpatlon cAT ( Iron tnctiMtfJ Jr ; . eii Ichcn And piirlfic * the blood , stlmulal i tf" fi.ftntlio.Btd < tlio OMlmllatlonof Too < l , r „ < m Heartburn mid Ilelchliig , and itrea 'i * t'io rnmcljs null ncrvct * > ' Intermittent 1'cTcn , il ' " ST. < lo. , it has no equal. it Thocpniiluo bus above trade Miark c.i re rilnc or. roppcr. T .kot otti. lgutcl la me BROAD GLAft - 7SBY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING AND ECrer offered to tlio Dubllo , HAIBIM ] PACKET COMPANY. " Direct Line for England , Franco and Germany. The Btoinuhlpa ot this well known line are built of Iron , In water-tight compartments , and are fur- clflhod with every requisite to make the passtgo both tale and ngreoablo. They carry the United Gtatos and European malls , and Icavo Now York ThuscUys and Saturdays ( or Plymouth ( LONDON ) Chorboug , ( PARIS and IIAMBUKQ. Rates : Steerage from Hamburg 810 , to Hamburg BIO ; round trip $20. First Cabin , $55 , f < 35 and 875. Henry PunJt Mark Hanson , F. E. Moorea , II. Xolt , nzonta In Omaha , Qronoweg & Sshnontgen , ngcnta In CouncilBluffs. C. B. KICHA.UI ) & CO. , Gon. F 83. Agta , 01 llrcajwiy , N. Y. Chas. Koz- mlnskl & Co. , Oenrrftl Western Agents , 170 WashIng - Ing St. . Chicago , III. Rlcktn/nuo Tlnlitlitw Qnlck p nnnenlCOM. Roe cfrta. llDrVOU8UHllIlltVlll.l.l.i .ucj.l50riilloutfl..N.T. ! 18 CONDUCTED BY Soyal Havana Lottery i ( A GOVERNMENT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 12 to 14 Days. IOKBT8 , J3.00 , HALVES , f 1.00 Snbjool to no minlpnlatlon , not controlled by tbe parties In Interest. It Is the fittest thing In tbe Dtttua ol ohanoo In existence. For tickets apply to Sail'SEYft CO. , 1212 Brood- w yN. Y. City ; SOUNdSR & CO. , 103 South 4th St. Bt Louis , Mo , or M. OTTEK3 & CO , 019 Main St. , KuiBosCltv , Mo. JlttMEDYKniK-Avictimoouthfuiimiradanca cauilng rVeraltnre Decay , Nerrous Debility , I/oat fitauhood , Ac. , having tried In rain every known mnody.hcdi0ooreroil nniraple means of aelf-cure , which ho wil'BBml KKKH to Ills tcllovr-nulferors. Addroa.J.U4UiKVJia. 3 Ohatbaui SUNnwYoilu "llorllak'i Foo4 for Infant ! n t Y It ? ei. " wrltei . .t . .t Chtcago.M. Bold by all druRglili. Trie * 40 n < 175 ceati. Scot by mill for amount la James Meal Institute K Chartered by theStnteof IIIU ' { nols for the express purpose sfof ElviDElmmediate rcliclln Jnll chronic , urinary and pri- fvate diseases. Qonorrhcca , JGIeet andSyphills in nil their ' complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and Blood promptly relieved and permanentlycured by reme- iHcstcsUdinnI''or//l'c ; < ! rji . Jbjicelall'rttctice , Seminal Weakness , NiRlit Losses by Dreams , Pimples on the PaceLost Manhoodlioa\tlvtl\cnrfilTlHi'O \ \ isnotrperlineHtlnn * The appropriate remedy is at once used In each case. Consultations , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential , Med icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Address Dn.JAMESNo.20 < nVastiingonSI.ChicagoIJI. ! Mendelssohn & Fisher , ARCHITECTS Rooms 23 and 29 Omaha KatUBank Block BUOCKSSOia TO Dufrene & , Mendelssohn Goo. L. Pislior , tcrmery Hlth * W. ! . B. Jenny Architect , Chicago. JanUeJm KewWoofiworK ! Warranted 5 Years. BOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. E J. LOVBJOT , A seat , ( cr Pmtta. RANGE PIRAIES. A Traveler Tolls What He Knows About Wyoming Cattle Kings , Freezing Out Small Owners A De cidedly /vudaclouB Article Ho- plctcvltli Grave Charges , A correspondent of the Blnokfoot ( Ida ho ) Register , -who aiqns his commnnlca- lion as "Driftwood , " gives some iioints npon what ho tortns "Tho Piracy of Knngcs" in Wyoming , ns followa : It ii a mistaken idea that wo Imvo anywhere - where in the United Stntos arid desott wastes that will subsist vast herds of stock that will not eventually bo Bottled , Hera arc the great mid plains of tlio Snoko river. Three yoara ago this was unoccupied ; three years houco not iv spare inch will bo loft. Lot us turn oar attention for a moment to the great terri tory cf Wyoming , ojd BOO how a country that but n little wbilo ago tras almost universally termed nn arid and nlknll Gold , is fixed. About twenty years ago 03 I came along up the North Platlc , Swcotwatcr , ou through'Soath Pass and down the Bandy to Green river , hostile Indians , alkali and bufl'ilo on every tide , worn and tired out , If anybody had told tno ihon I would llvo to BCD that country settled , cr that any thing hoyond SD O brush and greasewood would grow up Ihcro which would entice aptraoalo stop , I would hevo thought him n llltlo lunoy , Two years ago I passed over the tame route. Note the change I The dried and patched alkali plains of twenty years before were clothed In a vcrduro of bonoh and buffalo grass unequaled anywhere. The ' North PJatto passed along down on its COBKC , fed by a hundred trlbntanoj that could furnish homes for thousands. Yet , beyond the cattle feeding ou the luxurious gratsDD , there was no ovldonco of civilisation , except atlntorvalaof prob ably twenty or thirty miles , a house , the licidquartcra of a cattleman or a company would bo found. On Deer Creek I stopped at a "catto king's" ranch owned by Major Wolcott. Ho was not at homo on my arrival. I found a garden ipot ready for planting. The retainers of the estate told mo that nearly any thing would grow there if planted. Directly the major came homo and I ditcovered the secret. These "cattlo kings" did not want the country settled ; they did everything - thing to discourage It. I learned uhllo in that country thatany DOIBOII or a small number of persons coming to tafco up lands , would become discouraged by the talk and treatment of the cattlemen that they would not dare to stop. The cow boys and bosses wera extremely hospitable to a person traveling through , but show a disposition to stop and locate a homo , and a sudden change is easily notice able. able.Mr. . George Sailor , living on the Medl- clnu 'Bow river near its mouth , termed Limaclf a nmll stock raiser. Ho only had about 1,000 head of cattle , and in consequence of his InsigniQcanco ho con templated selling out ; the big cattle men treated him so badly ho could not endure It longer. The big hcrdcrj had control of the round nps , and they managed to round up his stck away off of his range and to bring their stock on his range to round up. It took Sailor the remainder of the season to get his cattle back. Ho did sell oat. A poor man located himself a home stead in Albany county , The "cattlo kings , " Swan Brothers , ran a fence In such a manner that the homesteader conld not make his exit without going through the mighty man's fcnco. This ho did. Ho was arrested and sued for trespass , and was Qnoi § 000 for damages , and this for cutting a fence built upon the public domain by men trespassing themselves. This little Incident and other persecutions so wrought upon the wretchoi homesteader that hu went crazy and was sent to the lunatic asylum. This transaction was so notorious that it was brought to the attention of the secretary of the interior. Swan Brothers were prosecuted for fencing the public domain , bonce the order for the removal of all 'onces built on the public domain. In my rambles I cot onto the waters of Powder rlvor. While in camp a lot of cowboys cmio olonp , and ono of them asked : 'W'at hare you fellow doing "orcV 'They , were so Intensely English [ did not know what they were talking about. I told them I was going to settle. 'Oawn't do that , you know , " eaid ho. 'This is Frowon Bros. ' cattle range. " My camp was about thirty-five miles from the Englishman's castle. The natural disposition of the water courses of Wyoming makes It easy , with proper system of irrigation , to plant a deueo population and leavabutfow places where cuttlo cannot live. The land Crabbing argument in the newspapers will bo hailed with delight by the cattle "ords who doroiuoer It over fair Wyom- .ng. Wind river , Owl creek , Grey Bull , StinkinR water , Nowood , Powder , Paint Rook , Shell creek , Platte , Swcotwatcr and many other streams have splendid agricultural lanes along their course. Watermelons and tomatoes can bo grown to perfection on Paint Rock and Shell creek. Just across the Big Horn maun- alna wild plnrus grow In great quanti ties. 7ho Inauguration Crowd. Train-DispatcherLiflln , at the Balti more and Potomac station makes the fol lowing estimate of the number of persons brought into and carried out of Washing ton lait week on the lines of the north and south controlled by the Pennsylvania railroad : 'Tho northern travel consisted ot 883 trains , each train avenging 14 cars and each car coatatniug 40 portous. That makes a total of 214.480 , The eouthorn travel consisted of 181 trains , averaging 7 cars each , with an average of 52 persons to a cir. If you multiply that yon will find that a total of 62,884 , or a grand total of 277,304. " "All that , of coarse , was not ono way ) " "O , no. The figures I hrva given you represent the total number of persons wo brutgbt bore and carried away. There are , however , six thousand persons in the clly'who c mo hfra dime Monday. " "How dots the crowd compare with other great crowds ? " "It is beyond doubt the greats ; number of persona over cirried by single railroad , in the same apace of time Supt. Barker , of the Pullman car company tolls mo that 452 of their cirs were brought here and taken away during the week a larger number then were taken in or out cf Chicago during either of the conventions. I think Wathlngtoa had as b'g ' n crowd as vras over g&tbered temporarily arily iu a city. " The above estimate dees notlnoludo the number of persons brought Into and taken out of the city by the Baltimore and Ohio road. Senators Brown and Co'qnltt , of Getrg'a ' , and a p rty of friends viewf troproceeii n on Wodnoidiy from the balcony of the Metropolitan hotel. An otthualajtlo lady iskcd Senator Brown if ho over saw a finer procession. "Nono that I was bettor plcasod to BOS , " aald the tcnator , "but I once saw n military parade much more imposing than thlc , nnd so did my friend X sb Vanoo. Wo were provided with B window aplcco to view It at the expense of the government , too. It was M y 24 , 1805. Wo were inmates of the Old Capitol prison , and iu front of our prison windows marched the armies of Grant and Sherman to the greatest rovlow of victorious armies over teen iu the history of the world. " n Dead llouucr , \ iiRlnln ( Nov. ) Entorpriss. The case of Wolli , Fargo & Co , verans John Rogers , which is now before the , courts , is rather a trnuco one. About four years ego the Be die and Canon fctago was robbed thrco tlmci in as many weeks by two highwaymen named Sharp and Jonoi. To stop those depredations a shotgun messenger was put on tbo routs and the Bret trip hotnndo the sttigo was again attacked , but this tlmo cno of the robbers Jones was allot dead. A con siderable amount of money in greenbacks Trni lost by the company on the two prov < Ions occasions. Short was shortly aft or ward captured and Is now serving a sen tence in the ctato prison , and ho states that at the tlmo Jones was killed ho ( Jones ) had n large amount of money concealed abont his person. When Jones was burled , however , no money was found on him , and it bns recently been brought to light that a man named Rogers a resident of Smith's valley , whoso homo was near where Jones wat killed took the money from the do&d robber as ho came by nnd found the body lying iu the road. The money was In bills of larao denomi nations and the fact that Rogers had lately tried to ch&ngo ajino largo bills led to his being suspected. It is understood that Rogers admit ? that ho took abont $200 from Jones , and offers to return that amount , but Wells , Fnrgo & Co , claim that ho inntt have taken in the neighborhood of § 1,800 , hence the null. The " of 10" itcnl "Ship n Shin. California Argonaut. Bret Hatta 'a now njory , "A Ship of ' 49. " is evidently Inspired by the stracga fate of the ship Niantlc. For many years eho lay at what w now the northwest earner of Clay and Sanscmo streets , and was occupied very much described in the story. At the last the raiting of the street grades and the filling in of the low- lying water Iota earned her to disappear from the sight of men. Over her were erected some shanties , which were torn down about 1872 , to make way for the erection of a building. Whoa the work men who were excavating for the f jun- datlon got down some six cr eight feet below the level of the street they struck the skeleton of the ship. The discovery was quite a San Frinclsco sensation at the time. A four story building now stands where the ship lay for so many years , and bears the name of "Tho Nian tlc. " Those who are not familiar with San Francisco may be interested to know that the place where the ship In tha stoiy ( and in fact ) was beashcd io now over n half a milo from the shore lino. Old residents of the city will , wo think , roc- ogniza another local curiosity In ono of Mr. Harte'a characters the Frenchman. Do Ferrleres. Ho seams much like a strange individual once so familiar in San Francisco's streets and locally known as "Tho Great Unknown. " Abbott , LITTLE ROCK , Ark. , March C. At the Grand opera house to-night during the play of "La Travlata , " by Emma Abbott , the scenery caught fire from the toppling over of a candle used to light up the fire place. As the Rimes sprang up the audi ence sprang npon their feet and cammonc- od a stampede. The house was crowded and for a moment It seemed nothing could prevent a death-dealing rush for the doon. Abbott , who was then en- gaped in dying , sprang from the couch and throw a heavy woolen blanket over the flames , ( mothering them completely. The andionce stopped halt way in the flight , and seeing her standing with the smoking blanket in her hand , commenced to cheer. The apptauso rose and swelled into ono long and continued roar. There IB no doubt that thirty eeconds longer would have soon a horrible sacrifice cf lifo and limb , and the town is wild over the dlvino Emma. Above all otherearthly ilia , 1 bate the big , old-fnshlonod pills ; By slow degrees they downward wend , And often pause , or upward tend , With such discomfort are they fraught , Their Rood effects amount to naught , Now , lir. Pierce prepares a pill That just exactly fills the bill A Pellet , rather , that is all A Pleasant Purgative , and small ; Just try them ns you feel their need , You'll find that I apeak truth , Indeed , North Georgia marble is claimed to bo the finest iu the world. A local quarry- nun hns just cut a counter for the Kimball - ball houao , Atlanta , sixteen foot ID length and four foot broad out of cno solid bloek , Bo ( aye : "Wo could supply a flawless marb'.o ' column eighty feet lone ; and five fcot In diameter. A hundred years from to-day the quarry Trill have boon barely toncbcd. The supply of marble of Biir- pasjing quality and of every shade of color is exhauBtloes. " _ PILES ! 1'lJL.ESl A SURE OUEB FOUND AT uASTJ NO ONE NEED ECFFEtl. A euro euro for Blind , Blooding , Itching and Ulcerated Piloa has been discovered by Dr. Williams ( an Indian Remedy , ) called Dr , William's Indira Pile Ointment. A single. box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or SO years standing. No ona need suffer five mluutoa after applying thia wonderful sooth ing medicine. Lotions , Instruments and elec tuaries do more harm than good. William's Indian Pile Ointment nbnorbs the turners , al- laya the Intense itcliiug , ( particularly at night after getting warm in bed , ) acts as a poultice , glvoa Instant relief , and IB prepared only for Pllw , itching of the private parts , and for nothlno else , Head what the Hon. J. M. Goffinbei.ry. of Cleveland , Bays about Dr. William's Indian Pile Oolntmcnt : "I have used scores of Pile Cures , and it affords me pleasure to say that I have never found anything which gave such immediate nnd permanent relief as Dr. Wil liam's Indian Ointment. For sale by all drug gists and mailed on receipt of price. Wo and 81. Sold at retail by Kuhn & Co , C. F. GOODMAN , Wholesale Agent , In CnMciBB , Venezuela , there standj a hurolo figure in bronze , with no In- tcrlptlcn upon Its pedestal but the name "Washington. " It was erected to cele brate the centenary of Simon Bolivar's birth , and Its dedication was accompanied by a ceremony which has never been equalled in magnificence on that cnnti- nont. There nro chops and etoroi , hotels and streets in OarACcai named afUr Washington , and hi ) m-.mory is loveronccd thrra is much aa at home , A Paris conipmy Is making white bricks of a very hmdsorao apuearanco from the pure silica used in tha mami facturo of plate gl s . They t > ra lighter Iu wolgbt than olay bricks , but are not porout , being rubjectod to hydnullo pressure before the final biking process j to which they are eubjtcted. Changes cf clluisto hare no cfiet upon Iheiru AND KATHINOi Tlio Uses ana Abusca of the ClcnniiiK Process. Health nnd Home. Much of the llloratnro on the subject cf the Turkish bath owes { Is origin to these who are financially interested iu the success of the Inthe. As such It la , cf course , to bo regarded with a certain degree of tk ptlclim. In order to get the opinion of high and disinterested mod'cal ' authority in the matter , an emi nent physician was called npon. In re- sponeo to the question : "Is the Turkish bath always beneficial In Its i Hoots , " ho said : "Th'b Turkish bath Is generally beneficial to a pert on In goad health. Always is a word which never ccctirs In a physicians vocabulary. Thus the layman might say that strawberries were always healthful , but the physician knows that the generally Imrmleaj strawberry when oaten by certain persona will prodnco n most violent eruption of the skin. I am justified In raying , then , that the Tur kish bath is generally beneficial , although I have known cisos iu which n serious de rangement of the body's functions has resulted from a single ) bath , ( > In what cases are the bkths most in jurious ? " "In nil cases _ where there Is a tenden cy to heart disses ) . Men have died in the bath from aggravation cf this trouble produced by It. No ono thould enter the hot room for the first tlmo without having hid his heart examined by a physician.1' "Aro you a patron of the Turkiel bath ? " was the next question , "I used to frequent thom/Vns the ra plrbntcf ; late have contented myscll with a cold both every morning. I find that iho best both for health and cleanliness " ness "Would you recommend that for a per. son of slight phydlquo ? " with n glance a' the doctor's atoinard figure. "I would recommend it for every ono with whom It agrees. That ia the teat o" common sanso and medical science. I ; you remain blue and cold after a bath don't tnko it again whllo in the name state of health. If , on the other hand , your system reacts , the effect is entirely beneficial. If you pin mo down to gen eralization , I should Eay that the tepid bath is mott beneficial to the majority of the people. The hot bath should never bo taken in one's honss. " When handed n long newspaper clip ping In which it wes laboriously provu that the curse of this oga was a too free uao of soap nnd water , the people of the temperate regions growing weak and short-lived under it ] application , while the nntlvod of the ncrlh lived to a good o'd age , encased In dirt nnd train oil , the dostor characterized it as "an elaborate argument built upon false premises. " "A person should wash once a day , " ho C3ntlnued , "with soap ; for without coip the akin will shed Ivrator like the plu mage of a duck. Indulgence in a Turkish bath iihould not bo frequent , owing to its weakening tendencies. It is preposter ous to say that the Inhabit ints of the north outllvo these of the south. The Ei qulmaux are a very shortl-ived race , while the negroes are nt the other ex trerne. Witmess the number ot colored nurses who dandled the father of his country npon their knees , and siill live to toll the tale. " of a 1'uir of Skates. New York Times. "Thero is a pretty romance connected with thoao skates , " said the manager of a Nerr York roller-f kiting rink , exhibiting a neat llitlo ruir of silver-mounted roll ers. "They were the moans cf bringing together the most charming young couple that over rolled around this rink. They're married nowtho young people , not lha akatoa and are living in a pratty furnished - nished flat In Fourteenth street. You can. see them on the floor hero about every other evening in the week , and amore moro graceful pair of eta tars never did credit to the art. "Tho fortunate young fellow so pleasantly concerned came hcra from "down oast" somewhere just bofcre the holidaja and began an engagement as a fancy skster. Ho TTBS good-looking , dressed well , had a pleasing address , and was In hia element on roller. * . The ladies said 'what a real nice young man ho was , ' and were never tired ot making a circuit of the rink with him. As for him , ho appeared to think but little of the attentions paid him ; in fact , I be- Hfcvo ho was bored by it , but ho was al- wayj g lhnt and polits when ho was trapped into a 'double , ' no mathr who caught him. Ho vi as as quick as a cat on tkatcHacd no ono could run him if thfy tried. He would glide through a reckless crowd of skaters without at much as touching them , and I have knoirn him tosavo hdlrs from n fall who have stumbled fifty feet away from him. He OEC3 told me of a corta'n light-headed maiden who pretended she was going to fall whenever she came near htm , only to bring him to her asslstaucc , "i'ho pretty g'rl who rolled Into fortune - tune on those abates was a reguhr patron who bad the prevalent craze for roller- skat 113 fully developed. Her father is an employe in the poitofllco. She used b come hero with another ghl abont her own ago , Bkth of them lavished their admliatlcn upon my fancy skater , and , btforo they know It , wtra a little jcalocs ' of ono anothe. Their coolnoeu was shortly chinged into cpon enmity when the younger the ono who were thoao skatoa laughed at a } 'header' taken by her companion. After that they wouldn't speak to ono another , and I don't think I ever saw any ono over enjoy the dis comfiture of another sa much as tbo older of these girls < l'd when hi r rival's petticoat slipped an inch or two beneath her drcis and threatened even worse. It was amusing to BOO tbo charming manner Iu which those glrla oxercUed tholr skill to gain the greater degree cf favor with my sVattr , and still ho teemed to think no mora of cither of them than of his other fair admirers , which was pnotlcally nothing at all. "The ino'dent , or ratber the accident , which was destined to bring about the preeent happy condition cf ndaliu occur red at ono of our Saturday matinees. As I said before , our heroine was an excel lent sfca'or ' , dashing and graceful , and always attracted the attention ] of specta tors. Ih'J nfiernoon cf which I epeak she was moving rap'd ' y down the ibcr with her course and attention directed toward a fiiond who had just entered. Core in ; ; towaid her on diagonal and rapidly converging courses were a couple of bis awkward fallows , each exerting himself to bo first to tco dressing-room , They apparently did not see her or she them , and it soon baamo evident that there was to bo a collition , and for a fr il girl to be upiot by two gio t lubbers at thf y wera Is a more serious matter thin you rn y Imagine. Our heroine saw h < r dancer juit too Ute to eave hereol/ , and at the same ins tat t taught a cllmpse of her rival's face , aa tha t jld ice afterward , which were an expression of oicited an ticipation and do'ixht. She raid that tbo terrors of the prcspictive acideut wera het enliiely In her dismay over tha satU faolion hof fall would bo to her rival , "At tha critical rromcnt roy fncy man took intho _ situation. Ho was near them at the lime , and quicker than a wink ho ho was at the scene of clangor. Another moment and ho cut In nt full sptod be tween the girl and the two mon , coming in contact with them with so much fprco that all thtoo crashed to tbo Moor in n 'heap. The girl cecapod the collision al together , but when my fancy tkator getup up ho was pile as death The follow ha' broken his nrm , I novcr s w any nn who Appealed to feel 83 badly ns tha girl did when aho tnw how seriously h was hurt. She actually burst out cry Ing. 1 never supposed she ws really in love with the follow till then. Well , could do nothing with him but send hirr to his boarding house a gloomymmpt up little place among strangers. My family wasn't here then , and I hid no place of my own to talio him to , "But as ho had mot with haul luck in rescuing the girl her family natural ! took o grateful sort of interest iu him and the mother , n good , whole-souled little woman , had htm removed to her homo , You may bo snro ho received thi best attention from at loitt ona mciubo of the family. The arm tvai rome tlmi in coming around , but long before thi patient was well enough to bo up ho wa ! as dead in love as aho was. Tha motho : was filled with consternation when shi found how matters stool Sbo protested but it was of no usa , The levers wor sure they could never bo happy opart and a week's total separation went fa toward proving the assertion. Accord ingly inquiry was nude relative to the young man's antecedents , whicn prove" highly ratlsfaotory. They nero married botoro he had his arm out of sling. "Which proves , " continued the Jink manager sagely , "all'a well that end well. Homo CcrtlllcntCH of Prl/cn in the Monthly Drnwlnn or ( he Tjoulslmia Btato Ijottery Company , Drawn Vou rnary loth , 1885. 975,000. NEW Oni.KiKS , Feb. 20,18S5. The undersigned certifies that ho held foi collection tor account of Nevada Hank of Sail Francisco , Gal. , whole ticket No. 28.COC Single Number , Class 13 , in the Louisiana State Lottery , which drew the First Capital Prize of SKVttNTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAU1 , on Tuesday , Fob. 10,18 0 , and that the amount was promptly paid , by a check on the New Orleans National Bank , or presentation of tha ticket at the ollico of tbo company , L. F. SEHVARY. General Bookkeeper of State National Baul ; of Now Orleans , La , $ (5,000. NEW OIUEANS , Feb. , 11 , 1885. The undersigned coitifioa that sha was the holder of whole Ticket No. 70,929 Sicgle Number , Class 13 , In 'Iho Louis iana State Lottery , which drew the Fourth Capital prize of SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS , on Tuesday , Feb. , 10,1885 , and that tha amount was promptly paid , by a check on the Now Orleans National Bank , on presentation of the ticket at the office of the company. BERTHA CAREY , Algous , Iowa , Exhibitor at the New Orleans Exposition ! ? ,000. NEW ORLEANS , Feb. 1C , 1885. The undersigned certifies that he held for collection for account of Mrs. J. B , Franz , Munsfield , Ohio , whole ticket No. 98.470 , Single Number , Class li , in the Louisiana State Lottery , which drew the Fourth Capi tal Priza of SIX THOUSAND DOLLAIIS on Tuesday , February 10,1885 , pnd that the amount was promptly paid , by a check on the New Orleans National Bank , on presentation of the ticket at the ollico of the company , CHAS. SANTANA. Note Clerk Louisiana National Bank , Now Orleans , $1,000. Niw : OrtLTANS , Feb. 23 , 1885. The undersigned certifies that bo held for collection on account of F. Gocsscl , 421 Street , N. W. , Washington , D. C , whole Ticket No. 80,021 , Single Number , CiatsB , in The Louisiana Statu Lottery , which drew the Bifth Capital Priza of TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS , on Tuesday , February 10 , 1880 , alee for account of Itouben Joel , G2 Monroe Street , Lynn , Mass. , one-fifth of Ticket No. 1,730 , Single Number , Class B , in the Louisiana State Lottery , which drew the Third Capital Prize of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS , en Tuesday , Feb. 10,1885 , and that the amounts were promptly paid , by checks on the New Orleans National Bank , on presentation of the tickets at the office of the Company. FRANK K. O3BORNE , Agent Southern Express Co , , Now Orlean ? , La. Boston has always been very proud of of the equestrian statue of Washington by Thomai Ball , in the Publis Garden. The borao has been declared perfect. A ooi Bottonhn took a friend fioni the country to see the ttituo , The old gen tleman looked at it some time , and linol- ly exclaimed : "A splendid hcrjo but ho lialn't got no tongue. " And all these retrs no Boston critic tad di'coverod that a hone with the bits In his month would naturally show hia tongue. "That tired feeling" frcm which you suffer eo much , particularly in the inorn- 'ng , ij tntiro'y ' thrown elf by Hood's. Sarsapsnlla. The Japaneseluvo a LOVO ! method cf idvcrtisirig , They arrange small rooms ilong the sidewalks of some of the large thoroughfares and represent the inteiior rf a student's chainar ! crowded with pent , ink-slabs , dainty ssroens and popu lar literature. Home rooms giro an idea 3f a model kitchen , and others show the scene of a tea ceremcinil , being adorned u'lih fragile cups and saucers , lacquered tobacco bens , tin tea services and carved trays. The following testimonial la from Mlt. Hoi.- DMON WKII < , a gentleman w < ll known in Bal timore : Mr , Well'H case was considered hopeless from thu start , his friends actually having ar ranged for his funeral. 'Jliey hearine of the curutivo nualitloi ( fDully'u Malt Whisky suggested a trial. Tbo suggestion was acted on with great success , fur m a short tlmo he was fntirely curotl , nnd by the uic ofthiiultif \li atone Mr , Well ia to-dav attending to his busino * us usual. IULTIMOIIE , Md. , May D , 188) ) . The Duffy Malt Whisky Company : Gentlemen Iu December luit I was sud ( 'only stricken at my hotel with a icvere hfm- orrago , losing about ono gallon of blood at the tirat attack , nnd largo quantites frequent ly thereafter , My rate was considered hope- lots from the stare , and to certain weru my fiiends that they actually arranged for my funeral. On the t'Oth day of December I wa removed to the lltbrew hospital , and was thuio ordered by my physician to use Cod Liver Oil and Whisky. On udvico the whisky I used was your famous sure Malt. In n short time 1 dmcaidod tbo oil using cnly your whisky. I feel that I owe my life In the saving qualities nnd purity of your \vhUky , and earnestly recommend it to any person suffering fr"tn pulmonary complaint ! or hem orrhage , Your. , very sincerely , rUJj > vr. l lj , Lata Exceleior Clothing House , A. K. BlmlU bis entered suit against the Sidney sluze company for $10.000 damagfa' for fiozen limbs secured * bile m , thu employ of the company. ' 2'rca from Uptittct , J.'mrllc.t nml I'olnon.i. A PROMPT , SAFE , SURE OURE 4'or Couffltftf Roro Throat , HnnmcnCA * , InHurnza , ColItronohllt ! * , Croup , Wlionplna t'onali , Attlimn , Uiiln.y , 1'nlnn In Clird , mUother AfTortlonicrtliA Tit rout in 1 l.tira * . Price HO cents n bottle. Sold t > y Irnctrl t find Pent- cm. J\irtle unnMr to tnilncf their tlailer iai > mmi > lli/ an II for them trill reef let tirn l > otlltijiirciicti < irgct ( xifJ , ly stinting vnttlollar la tin ; < imn coitr.i.vr , Sole Owneri anil Mmitirnrturf rn , millmorr , .Mirlimit , C , S. A. A girl In my employ has been nir < xl ot constltu- lonnl scrofula liv the use of Swllt's Specific. J , O , JIcDAMBL , AlUtooim , Oa. ecntloman Is tha father of the Governor cf o. ) V.imlcrbllt's millions could not buv from mo what Swift's SjicclPo has ilono for mo. It cured tno of ecrolula of 1G years' standing. Mns. KuzAnr.TM BARKR , Acworlh , Oa. TETTEU After suftcrlnR with Tetter for olercn vents , Mid hMlni ? nil sorts of treatment , I was re lieved entirely l > y Swift's Specific. L. II , LF.K , RANSOM , Ox SNATCHED FROM TUB OtUVK-1 was brought to death's door by a combination of eczema nod erysipelas , from nn'ch I hid sulltroil for thico joara Was treated by eoveral j hyelclans with Iodine poUs- slum , which seemed to feed tlio dlsenso. Iba\ebccn cured sound nnd well by the mo of Hull1'a Specific. MRS. SAHAII K. TURSKR , Ilumboldt , lonn. Sn Id s Specific la entirely \ cgotnblc. Treatise on Olood nnd Skin Diseases mailed Irco Tim SWIFT SPECIFIC Co. , Drawers , Atlanta , Oa. , or if > ! ) W. 83.1 St. . Kow York. rhronlcttXervnnaDLcpivuvi. ( tnick. Sure ( Tan * . OO- * < iM'r < "e' aunrantca given ijiiaDijcDoa [ uojjj , , rvarvfaya tinittrtaftrn , JCuTSend twoctamps for Celebrated UedlcalWorta , Address. F. E > . lU.AItlti ; , St. XJ. , iSC Scuti ; Clark Street. CHICAGO. ILL. [ ( SUCCESSORS TO DAVIB & SNTDHR. ) OKKKRAL DEALERS IK 1605 FAHNAJtt STREET. - - OMAHA , Ilavo for sale 500,000 aoros carefully selected land. In K astern Nebraska , at low ptlco and on easy termt Improved farms for sale In Dou.-w ; ] , Dodge , Colfax Platte , Hurt , Cumlng , Sarny , Washington , Mcrrlck Saundcra , and Butler countlnn , Taxes paid In all parts of the stata. Money loarcd on improved ( amis. Notary Public always In oflloo. Corrospont'onoo solicited C17 St. Chnrlos St. , St. Lonls , Mo. A regular graduate of two MeJlcalCollc ci , ha liopn long ? neaped la the epetlftl treatment of Canonic , NI.UOLI , SKI nod It LOO D PIBROCH tunn my other fojvlc'ia ' Io fit. Looi u city piperi nbow ami nil old reiUenii know. Nervous ProsiratJon , Debility. Men 11 and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otnur' " lions of Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Pofc Old SorCS and UlCCrs * are treated with nnrtrftllelrt IUCCCBB , on Jjitcit § ei en tilts principle * , fla'clv , riiratcly. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , nhich rroJuce Bom or tba Tallowing effects ) iiervouiacdf , UeljlUtT , dlmneni of tl bt aD Zilerictl\o memory , pimples OQ the face , v&rilcal decay , avcrrloo to tht society of feni&len , couUnt * of Hca cta * rendering Marrla o Improper or unhappy. " rermanetttlycurcd , rampblctsft ( page ) t > Dtlio ftbovfneD4 la seated envelope , free to any a Jilt-ens , Cooultfttian at f Ceo or bj mull free , ami iiivlteJ. Write for question ! . A Positive Written Guarantee glvcm la all curable ciutea , itedleloes Bent ererynbcro. I'nmph'.cto , EnKlinh or Qermon , oi pauei. de- aorlblne above diseases , io male or female , 1'JiIS MARRIAGE CUIDE ! STO i Rgea. fine plates , lllnitrfttod la cloth BDdclltblndlDX. OOe. moueyorpoiugflt i&nje. | , ap r eorem , 25 . Tbli b * < S contains all the eurloua , doubUul ur l4qut.ltlT vi CDOW. A book of great interest to & 1L UcsJUl 6 Vlllrurllytlio OLUODTiepcu lutu the LIVCa uml KIDNEYf ! , anil KHHTOIIK Tint IIEAI.TU , nnil VIOOll ot TiOUTH. Uyw popsla , AVant nf Appetite , In- ( lIKOStloncok of hlrcngth. curcil. y.oms , , iii'rvpitifjoelvuiibwlorct * . Jfei .Enliven ? the nilnil uiid _ ' pi.piillca Drain l' wcr „ ( ij ! Snnc'ritulrom uouipluliitu yyiV..V peculiar ti > Uii'lrBrv vtjlt lud In BK. EV Dl'KR'tij.f.oil TCMia'a rntn un'd "jertyeuro. ittltcBucltuu.lii'aiUiycompletion * li'reijiiont hncniptcal f ' 'Ifr'tliiK onlyaUU J tlio popularity u ( the orleliml. Do iiutcxp ri > pi-Ill gVttllU OltKIITMI. AM ) 1IKST. j&KfDdyuurluldromtoThe j > r. IIurterMM.Oa. S f/W'-fr * ? " f o' . < ? "r "Jp KAM JJOO K. " HEPKESKNT3I Insurance Co. , London , Caeh AnautB (5,891,000 ycBtchcstor.N. Y , Capital 1,000,000 heMercbanta of NewarkN , J.Capital , . . . 1,276,000 IliardFlro , Phlladolphla.CaplUl 1,200,003 ronun'iFmul.fterlti.1. . . . . . _ .1 SOOOO Rrlanger. , * julrabaclior , ? ilsner - . . . . Bohemian. Caieer. - . - . . - . - - . * . . * .Brnraen DOMESTIC. 3nd-sroiDer .St , Loaia. . . . .St. Louis. -7.TilTOnnWft. Johlitz-Pilonor Milwaukee , Iru s Omaha A.\e. \ Povter. DomeEtio nnd Rhine . MAUREK , vm : ONLY.'EXOLU&IVB IN OMAHAfNEB , A ( ITfao rcmnrkoblo growth of Omaha daring Iho liwt toy years la a matter of great astonishment to these who pay u ocoaslonal vielt to thia gronlug olty. Tha dorolopmont of the Stoolynrds the nooeaaity of the Bolt Lint Road th ftnoly paved ctrocta-t-tho hundroda of now roaldonooa and costly bnelnotju blocks , with tbo popnlntloii of onr olty moro than doubled In the Inat five yoara. All this la D gront enrprlno to vlattora nnd Is tha admiration of our cltlsone. Thia rapid growth , the bnclntns notlvlty , and tba many anbatontlal Improvomcuta madn o lively demand for Omahsi real oatato , nnd every Inroatoi haa rasdo B hcndoonjo profit. SInso the Wall Street panic Hay , with the anbacqnont cry of hard times , there hsa boon loco domnnd from opooula * torn , bnt a fair demand from Investor * Booking homod. * Thia latter alasn tvra taking advantage of low prlcaa in b Ing material and are securing their hcrnei at much Ions cost than will he possible yonv hence , Specalators , too , can bnjr real oalft * 3 ohonpor now end oaght to taka adrantv e of proaont prloea lot fatnn pro ia. The next few jrovs promlcDu grontai d ivol opmonta in Omaha than the p at ftvi ycara , which have been aa good awe wo could reasonably doalro. Now mnn- nfactnrlng oatabllahmenta and Isr o Jobbing - bing hounea are added almoot weekly , aud all ndd to the proapority of Omaha. There are many in Oraaho and through- bnt the State , who have their money in the banks drawing a nominal rate of In terest , which , If judiciously Invested In Omaha real obtato , would bring thorn much greater returns. Wo have many bargains trhioh we nro confident will bring the purchaser large profits in thi near future. We have for snle the finest resi dence property in the north and western parts of the city. North wo have fine lots at reason able prices on Sherman avouue,17th , 1 8th , 19th and 20th streets. West on Farnam , Davenport , Cuining , and nil the loading streets in that direction. The grading of Farnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible Boine o the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the street car line out Faruam , the pro perty m tlie western part of the city will increase in We also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. The developments made in this section by the Stock Yards Company nnd the railroads will certainly double the urice m n short time. Wo also have some fine busineen lots and Home elegant inside resi- iencep for Halo , Parties wishing to invest will find gccd l > y calling ! Bet repn Faruham nnd Douglas. P. S. Wo ask those who have property for sale nt H bargain to giva UH a callWe want only bargains We will poaitivoly not handle prop erty at more than ita real value.