6 THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BL UFFS TUESDAY MARCH 10 , 1885 THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS , Tuesday Morning1 MaToh. IQj sUBScmmoN RATES. : BrOarrlet - - - - - - - SO wort per week " ornoKi o. 7 paarl > 8tn t MINOB MENTION , See J. Roller's now spring goods. The work of scraping the mud off the paved streets commenced yesterday. Ei-Policomaa Olongh is notr eorving as deputy marshal , A giocl appoint ment. Ed. Waterman , the carriage manufacturer - uror , Is building a surah for G. R. Whoolor. St. Patrick's ' society Is making great preparations for Its ball In Bono's hall on the 17th. The frame building on Broadway near the Ooy house , which wni partly burned , is now being repaired. Mike Connors was arrested yesterday forasianlt , the trouble being a trivial ono In the Wabnih yards. The mayor makes au official request that all bnaincoo houses close to-day from noon tintU 0 o'clock. II. .7. Bublltz was on Saturday mar- trod at his residence to Mlsj Madge Me- Lochlan , late of Rock Island , Rev. A. K. Bates oflloiating. Ilonry Bolta and Anna Moss wera yes terday afternoon married in the parlors of Kiel's hotel by Justice Sohurz. They arc both from Silver Crook. The county treasurer and the county auditor arc now snugly settled in tholr now quarters In the Masonic building , and the other county officara will move this weok. F. M. Young was arrested and fined ycatorday for shooting a revolver on Fierce street. The city marshal says ho intends putting a atop , if possible , to the foollah shooting cf revolvers in public places. If any man is mean enough to accept $5 of east end money to work at the polls against the interests of ills own city , ho should bo borne in mind In the future , when ho in liable to want somothlcg that Council Bluffs can give him. Iho weather was so pleasant yesterday that several gentlemen took down their laatacaion'a "Blaino and Logan" white high hats from off the hook and hitting them several duba with a whist broom put them on , thinking "spring has como. " Everybody ahould turn out to the polls to-day and vote for the now court house. The bualness men are urged to close np from noon until G o'clock. Council Bluffs should speak with ono Toico , and that a mighty one , to-day. The change in the time of running dummy trains does not increase the pub lic acommodations. By the now ar rangement any one visiting Council Bluffs in the evening cannot leave hero for Omaha nntll quarter before midnight , which makes It very lato. It seems to bo a well established fact that some ahrowd follows of the east end of the county have succeeded in hiring a few Council Bluffers to work at the polls here against the court house. * Any man who will try to betray his own city , and strangle ts Interests for a few nlckloa , should have his name hold np for shame. Some good , honest men , who are oblig ed to work hard from morning until night , will fool tempted to rest their weary bones , or cave their time and strength , by remaining away from the polls to-day and not voting. They think that the couit house question can bo settled without - out their vota anyway. Remember that In parts'oE this county there will be a solid vote , not merely against the court house , but against Council BlulFj. Your vote in y bo the deciding ono. The utay-at- homeatogothor may cause the court house question to bo defeated. Eor onca in your lives , sacrifice time and strength for the sake of the reault , and let not ono vote be lo t. It is a matter of grot regret that Council Blnifj now has no public build ing In which to hold her conventions or citizens meeting without raiting a special Bubsorlptlon to pay for the rent. "With- out any court house the public Is put to great inconvenience. For Instance , laal night it was necatsuy to have a citizens iuectlcg , 'but as they had no court homo , a few had to chip in and raise $20 to pay for the Masonic hall. In leasing this building for conit house purposes , no provision was made by the county boarc for holding any public meetings there It is often the case that convfintlons am other gatherings are to bo bold here , Ii which vojers of both parties , throoghou the county are concerned , so that the in convenience adti extra oxponte la not enl > hard on Council Bluffs' cit'zens ' but hart on the county at largo. g The largest attraction yet at the rink Je sure and see i * Saturday evening , at it may be the last of the seaion. 'OnicUl ' lleciucar. At the roquett of the leading buslnes men of the city , I hereby desire that a ! business bouses cf whatever kind clos to-day , the 10th init. , from 12 o'clocl p. m. , and the time ba devoted wholly It the matter of the ipecial election for new court homo and a new coun'y ' jail This Is ono of the root Important ma < tore ever brought to the attention o our people , and It is tight , proper an nocciaary tint tbii request bo compile with In the letter and in its full spirit let each man in the city go to work wit a will forsuccets. W. R , VAUOHAN , Mayor. AGAIN TO THE POLLS , hall there Bo a Ntw Conrt Honse and Jail ? TotinyVI11 Toll. The election to-day is ono of great moment to this county. The rote will iccido whether Pottawattomio county hall continue to bn disgraced by its nmble-down court house and rotten , iltby jsllor whether , with its present wealth and bright prospects , with Its recdom from debt ami Us high rank In ho state , It shalUpnt up buildings which will do the county credit. To-day will ccido whether iho county will go on hrowlng money away for rent and other xtraoidinary expenses. or whether It will use its money for paying for iU own ) aildings. To-day will dccldo whether ncn will allow prejudice and passion to ) lind them to tholr best interests ; whether ho title of every man's property hall remain In danger for years to como ; whether Iho records of the county will > o exposed to ruin or loss , for lack of a TO proof building and vaults. In addition to this Council Bluffs has t special Interest in the election. It frill uvo to pay a largo part of the lax , and night to have a largo intercut. Still , as ias been thown the tax when figured [ own to Individual shares , docs not amount to more than a penny an acre on arming land , or about ten cents a month to a man who owns § 2,500 worth if city property , and none of this will lave to bo paid until 1887 not ono cent. \BntaridofromthisCouncll Bluffs has ; roat Interest In this elaotlon because It it s carried , and the court liocsa la built hero largo amount of other building la to go Ight on In that vicinity , and if it is not built , these experiments will not bo iado. Every worklngmin is therefore Irectly concerned in this , For this reason alone ovcry working- liould look with distrust upon any rest- ent cf Council Bluffs who will try to ofcat this enterprise , and this thrust at abor. Council Bluffs' fortune depends largely n to-day's election. It will forever sot- 10 the agitation about division of the onnty or change of county seat. No nch division and no such change can como so long as Council Bluffs pulls pgethcr , but the agitation of the ques- ions la do trillion lal to Council Bluffs' nterests , and should bo stopped. It irevents many from Bottling hero , it : enda to prevent the enlargement of ) nslnesi , and harasses and annoya 1m- irovcmant and progress. There ara many urgent reasons , too nany to name in the present spae. Svery man who caroc for his own property , who cares for the honor and best intor- tts of the connty , who cares at all for Jouncll Blnffa , ahould consider himself in loundcn duty to vote and work to-day , lat the qnoslion may bo Bottled dice nd for oil. Dr. S. Mosher , of the Sioux City hronlc Disease Institute , will bo at the cott honao in this city , Thursday , April 2d. Will attend to * patients and 11 who are afilicted will do well to give ilm a call. Consultation free. STILC PEOTESTING , How the Strike or the AVabasIi ilound House Men Progresses. There has been little change In the tuation of the Wabaah strike for the tast few days beyond the holding cf an- : her meeting of wotklngmen of all asses and the passage of the following eaolntiona : WHEREAS , The Wabash , St. Louis and "aclQc railway has posted a schedule of iductlon In wages of Its employes In ho motive power and oar builders' do- lartmenta ; and , Whereas , The employes of these do- artmonta have protoatod against s id ro- Inctlon by striking or stopping work ; it s heraby Resolved , By the worklngmon of.Coun- 1 Blnfla , that wo recognize In this action E the Wabaah railway management , one E tholmany oppressive measures resorted 0 by capitalists in encroaching upon the ust rights of laborers In depriving them 1 tholr just share of the proceeds of loir toil ; and , further , Ilasolved , That wo most emphatically irotoit against the policy followed by the orporations employing laborers , in on- eavoring to place upon the employes bo burden of lotses from jnaladmlnla- ration of affairs over which said om- lojos have no control , and taking the jeer man's plttanco to nwell the rich mania hoard ; nnd , further , Resolved , That wo sympathize most leartlly with the employes of the Wa bash railway in the contojt thus cruelly orced upon them , and call on oil work men , whether organized or not to give id and support to these tholr brethren , n a struggle wherein all the labor of the oantry is Interested , and warn all trno overs of justice to abstain from working or the Wabash railway nntll this struggle s over. Resolved , further , That wo will take tyciy opportunity to express our uiocra ion nnd contempt of those self-convicted scabs whe are rendering aid to the com non enemy of human rights by taking the places of the sttikors in the Wabaeh service. No\v York Ijlfo Insurance Company. Forty years have passed away einco this company Issued its first lifo policy , [ t began with an Idea a principle life Insurance upon the purely mutual plan , carried out by iclontiQo methods ; the net reeult in forty years may bo oplto mlzpd as follow : The payment of over thirty million dollars to the families of deceased mem bers ; over fifty million dollars returnee to living polioy-holdon , and cash assets on hand January 1,1885 , over forty-niao million dollrrs. More new business wai done than dur ing any pravloui year of the company's history. Last year the same thing was eaid of Ilia previous year's business , and so the compiny goes on boating its own record every year. Its new basinets has increased rr galarly since 1878tho amount written in 1883 ( mounting to nearly iifty- two million dollars on ever seventeen thousands lives. Among the elements that have con tributed to the atetdy and rapid growth of the Now York Lite , and to Its incroia- ing favor among inturers , are th'e follow ing : | 1. A liberal oontrsct , free from bur densome condit'oue , under wbish the policy rnlqht become void or become the subject of expensive litigation. Under ilia Led it miy be mentioned that it does not insert in its policies the usual clanss making thorn void In owe of * ' elf- destruction , voluntary or involuntary , sane or insane , " nnd an Inspection of its policies will show that It claims no rolouo from its contr ci except vrhoro there is very clear evidence of n purpose to de fraud. The snpirlor value cf its policies In this respect has been often illustrated. 2. The remarkable returns each year balng made on its maturing tontine poli cies and the great popularity of the non- forfeiting feature originated by this com pany in 1800 and which It applies to its tontine the same os other policies. Spe cial attention is called to the detailed re port found in another column , Before yon buy a harncsj call on Bcok- man & Co , , 525 Main street. CLOSING THE SALOONS , S mo Neglect to Comply with the Order. The recent reformatory order t ? naloon men to cloto at 11 o'clock every night , and to bozp cloacd nil of Sunday ecema to have boon generally complied with. A few , however , acomcd to have determin ed not to oboyBomo claiming that they had to keep open because of their lunch conn- ton , at which it is supposed some got their meals. Information was filed yes terday against Wagner & Sherlock , and the cue continued until Wednesday. Complaint is also made of Bill Lacy , John Nicholson and Myers & Smith , bul no action taken in their cases yet.It It doea not appear that the gambling houses are being much looked alter , and the wave of reform does not appear to strike them. There Is a constant howl about the saloons , hut in the minda of many who consider thorn evils , the gam bling honaes , as conducted in Council Bluffs , are by far the greater evil. They are duing moro to undermine the credit of individuals and of the city , and with all sorts of games ranning from n ntcklo up , the wogen of the worklnqmen , and the llttlo change got by moro boys , la boltig sirept away. If there is to bo a bracing np and a reform , the gambling places should bo looked after at least M soon na any. ACne organ , half price , at Boards' trail paper atoro , next to poatofHco. Charles H. Taylor , of Chicago , u nt the Pacific. Harry Haa3 returned yesterday morning iom the west. M. .T. Feely , of Ashland , Neb , , was ntBoch- telos yesterday. J. B. Smith , of St. Louis , waa at the Pa cific yesterday. Joel Eaton , of the gaa company , left yester day over tbo Wabash for St. Louis , Mrs. Lizzie Harle , of St. Joe , daughter of Dity Auditor Burke , is visiting her friends lore. lore.K. K. L. Squire has returned from his trip to east , and his pleasure-seeking at the winter carnival in Montreal , Rev. Mr , Boebo has resigned the pastorate of the Baptist church in Hamburg , the resig nation to go into effect June 1. Fred II. Cole , of Audubon , was here yester day , and bound for Wall Lake , hunting. This n his Crat vacation in four years , Mra. W. B. Sheldon , of Missouri Valley , and her friend , Mrs , M. S. Burrows , of Rochester , N. Y , , were in the city shopping rcuterday. Dr. S. J. Patterson and wife , and Mr. and lira. A. L. Manning , formed a Dunlap quar- etto who left yesterday for New Orleans over ; he Wabaah. Dr. Green , who has been suffering from ironchitis , was able to ho out yesterday for he first time in two weeks , nd is ayain at- ending to his patients , T. A , Clark , locating engineer of the Union Pacific , left lost week for Northwestern Kan- as , where he will , with his surveying party , un a line about 200 miles , an extension ouching the main branch in Colorado , Mr. vlark has been with the Union Pacific for ivo years past , nnd before that located the Wabaah here , and has gained the reputation of being one of the best locating engineers in > he country. His work necessarily keeps hum away from hi ] home and many friends in this .his city , but he is gladly welcomed on eacli return , Bcckman & Co. , 525 Main street , frill wash and oil your harness cheap now. Re Hi Estate Transfers. The following is a list of real estate transient filed yesterday in the recorder's office of Pottawattomio county , Iowa , as furnished by A. J. Stephenaon , abstrac tor , real estate and loan agent , Council Bluffs , Iowa , March 9 , 1885. J. H. Henry to A. S. A very , aw } and a i n w .h 2 , 77 , 38-S1.100. J. S. Lawrence to F. M. Applegato ot al. , part n o | of no | , 31,70 , 40 350. Christian Eberhart to Charles Kay , part e A of B w | , 13 , 70 , 41 ? 759.50. Joseph McCoid to John Itoboson , n w i of s o 1 , 12 , 70 , 44 81,200. Cordova Flock to Manilas N. Hay- wood , a w } of s w \ , 32 , 70,42 $800. Total sales , § 3,90 ! ) . 50. AVlicroJto Vote. The polling places In the various pre cincts for to-day are as follows : First ward Western house. Second ward City building. Third ward Dr. Judd's electric belt factory , on Bancroft street. Fontth ward Glaason's coal oflica , 32 Pearl street. OOMMKHOIAJj , COONUIL BLurra UABKR , Wheat No. 1 milling , C5j No , 2 , CO ; No. S , tO. Corn New , 25c. Data for local purpose * , 23o. Hay $5 000 50 per ton ) baled , EO@CO. Rye 35o. Oorn Meal 1 80 per 100 pounds , Wood Good supply ; priooa at yardi,6 00 $ 6 60. Coal Delivered , baid , 0 60 per ton ] loft 40 per ton Lrd Pairbanlc'i , wholesaling at Off , Flour City flour , 1 50@2 90 , Broom * 2 963 00 per dor , UVIBTOOK. Cattle Butcher cowi S 253 75 , Botcher teen , S 7B4 00. Sheep 260@300 , Hogt-4 004 35. FBODUOR AND rBOTTfl. Poultry Uvechlckfins.fperdoz. SOOjMresa- ed chickens , So ; dressed turkeys , lOc ; dre * - ed ducks , 9o ; dressed geeae. So. Bntter Creamery , 2o@28oj choice country 18@20a. Eggi 27 pec dozen. Vegetables PoUtoec , 603COo per bushel onlono , GOo per buj apploa , choice cooking o ; eating , 3 00) beam , 1 00@l 60 per biuhel. Older 32 gallon bbi. , $0.60. Orange * i Ol ) par box. Lemons i MKS5 00 oer box "MURDER MOST FOUL , " To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria , DtnUNOtbolMl flrey ftrsthcro liM not txxmAdc.ith from diphtheria In Any cntawhcroDr. Thomas JftwU preventive And euro WM used. IthAA boon the meats ot furinp thonttiniln nf 11 CM. Indt . nenslhlo In putiUMi.thN t.ln mallKnant.carlot feer , chaneln * It iS ThVufa toTthoTrnp form. In. lalUblo euro for all InfUmmatory , yiocratlvt , PuhM or Catmhal conditions , either Internal ui external. CHOLERA.1' CHOLERA ! CHOLERA ! Dr. Jeffci li' Cholera Sneclflo willI well the ( Ciousc In 30 lo fo minutes. The Doctor used lhl rnedl- cine during the fearful vIslKtlon of the cholera In Clnclbnitl , st. I.ouls , and all alone the MIsulMlppt Hit er and iti trlbulailoi , without losing a case , In the years ' 49 , 'M , ' 61 and ' 62. H Is al o Infalllblo In l * ? /1 : ? ! .1.11,1,1 ' ! ! ! ! ! ? ! . KC ° P " Otl haul > You can rely upon It. Stud for It. l'Hoe$2. D YSPEPSIA ! 1) ) YS PEPS I A ! Dyipcptle , why ll\e In misery and rtlo In drarwlrlthcAneerol the stomach ? Dr. Thomai Jeflorli cures every cue ot Indigestion and connllpatlon In my shork tlrrn. Iloit of references Riven. Dispepsla It he cause of ninety jier cent ol Ml dueajcd conditions 1'rlcoSS fortwoweeks treatment. Full printed Instructions how to mo themedlolnes sent with them. Nodootor rcmilmlj a ( rood ntirsa allthatltiocoB iary. Dr.JcfloVli' remedlcican only to ohUlnod at htsofllco , No. 3 Stuth 8th Street Council Hlima. Iowa. Or ncnt hy cvnrCM on rfcclpt of tnlco. SMITH ifc TOLLElt , ACTS. LKADINO Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 0 Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. , - - - . A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From , KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Homes nnd Mules constantly on hand whlo wo will aoll In retail or carload lots. All Stock Warranted as Reoresented. \Uiolciolontdtclsl ) drilmln Otaln ind Baled llty. filets sonablo Satisfaction Qumntccd. Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. CouncllBlnffs. AGENTS WANTED. Drs , Judd & Smith's Neva Improved Electric Belt. 319 BKOADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ; 725 ELM ST. , DALLAS , TEXAS ; and FT. WAYNK , IND IT POSITIVELY CUUES Kidney and Llrcr Complaint , Btlglil's Dlseav. . Ilhoumatlam , tfourntirla DyBpepela , Ner\onsnesa Wistlng AVcaknces , Paralysis , Spinal Alteotlonj. Indigestion , Heart Ulsoasi , Fits Ilaadach , Lame Back , Cold Feet , and all dUoaaoa requiring Inoxeasod motlvo powers. Now ( mprorod e ! 3 and tZ ; old ctjlo $2 each. each.W. W. P. AYLSWORTH , HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. Brick build ings of any elzo raised or moved and sntlsfaotiou guaranteed. Frame hous moved on LITTLE GIANT trucks , the best in the world. W. P. AYLSWORTH. 1010 Ivinth Street , Council Bluffa. H. H. FIELD , W. C. ESTEP Field & Estep , UNDEETAKERS No. 317 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Dffice Calls Attended Promptly , Bay 'and Night. Particular attention given to Embalming T AND "THE ENGLISH1' KITCHEN. 505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. THE ONLY ALL NIQHT HOUSE IN THK CITY. Kvcrything served in first class style and on short notice. Hot nnd cold lunches always ready. FORTIETH ANNUAL , JREFORT OF THE NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OFFICE : Nos. 340 & 348 BROADWAY , NEW YORK. ± , 1885. Amount of Net Cash Assets , Jaiinary ,1881 $5:1,177,81O.80 : REVENUE ACCOUNT. Premium ? H 013 898 22 , css deterred premiums , January 1,16S1 015 017 40 $11 263 SM 70 ntercst , Including rents 3 333 890 78 Less Interest accrued January 1 , 1884 S82 272 16 S 971 621 63 ? U MO 175 3D $07,718,325.28 DISBURSEMENT ACCOUNT. ,09808 hy dc thIncluding roverslonary additions to eame.$2 257 17S 70 indowmcnts , matured and discounted , including rover- elonary < ddltlons to name 873 03 60 Annuities , dividends , and purchased policies . . 3 ( ! 03 070 85 Total raid I'olloy.holders $0 731 065 11 Jontlngeut Fuud ( charged oft on securities ) 460 052 20 'axes and ro-lnsuranco i'l.25783065 Jomrnlsalong , brokVcB , ajoncy expenses and physicians'fees „ . . . . j ; ns ( $37 si Ollice and law expenses , Balarice , advertising , printing , etc 471001 03 $ 9 832 3208 $57,8J5OI)8.d5 : , ASSETS , Cash In bank , on hand , and In transit ( tinco iccclvcd ) $2 222 313 2 in estcd in United States. New York City , and other Btccks and bonda ( markct > aluo,817 743 223 06) ) 20 295 407 OS leal Estate 6 620 659 03 lends and moittrair.08 , tlrat Hen on real estate , ( buildings thereon lneu-ed ( pr 919 600 COO 00 and tbo policies assigned to the company as additional collateral security 11 110 430 M Tern peri ry loans ( secured by et < cka , market luo $411 fOl 00) ) - 370 OOJ 00 "Loins on existing policies ( the receive held by thuCompany on these poli cies anounti to over 31 000 U30 03 140 007 12 'Quarterly ' and semi annual premiums on existing policies , due tubscmient to January 1.1885 705 323 CO 'Premiums ' on existing policies In coureo of transmlsilon and collection 64) SIB 19 Agents' ba'arjcoi „ 74 88030 Acsrued Interest on investments , January 1,1835 „ 0 607 78 057 835 MS 45 ilarkct value of securities over noet on Company's books 1 147 765 12 * A detailed echctlule fl/these Html will accompany the \ittial annual re- bi port filed uith the Imuraiicc Department of the State ofA'cui York. C.isi [ ASSETS , January i , 855 - - - - - $59 283 753 57 Appropriated as follows : Adjusted loiios , due subserpunt to January 1,1885 , $ 201 090 82 lloported losses , awaiting proof , &o , 253 007 K Uaturcd endowmnnts , duo and unpaid ( claims not presented ) (1 283 0V Annuities dua and unpala ( unoarcd lor ) 12 631 03 Hoeervod forre-lnturancoon exlstlni ; policies ; partlclpatlcg Ineuratcoat4 per t cent Carllilo net premium ; nou portlclpatuig at G rer cent Carlisle net premium .7. „ . ' . 01 tS2 SOJ 00 ItcBerved for contingent lianlllties to Tontine Dividend fund January 1,1(84. o\erondabo\o 4 percent reserve on ex'.st- ? > ollcUa rf that claai $2 238 038 01 Addition to the Fund during 1834 for surplus aid matured re. tervta 871 103 01 DEDUCT- ? 3 107 2s9 Oj [ loturned to Tontloo policy holders during the j ear on matured Tontines „ „ . . . 473 4J2 S3 Palance of Tontlno Fund January 1 , 1(33 2 633 793 70 Reserved lor premiums paid In advance 17 ihfl ti ) Olii 7U8 07 DlvlBlblo Surpla.H nt ! per CPU ! . ( Oompniiy's Btaiulurd ) $1 U71 OM 1)0 Surplus by tbo New York State Standard atIJ per cent , estlmntod at $10 000 000 00 From the undivided < ur | lui cf SI 871 014 90 Iho Board ol Trutteu has declared a revlslonary dividend to participating policies In. proportion to tbelr contribution to surplus , arallablo ou settlement of next annual premium - 1880 , 81,731,721. 1880 , S2 317 8S9. Deatli-claims 18M , 2,013,203. Income from I 1881 , 2 432 C5 . 1882 , lOW,2fl2. , 188f , 2 708 018. P id , 1883 , 2,203,002. Interest , I 1883 , 2 712 803. 1881 , 2,257,175. 1884 , 2 071 C2I. f Jan.1 1831 , 8135 720 QIC , 1 Jan. 1 , 1881 , 813 183 031. Amount at I I Jan , 1 1881' , 161 760 824 , Oaih I Jan. 1 , 1882 , 47 223 781 , 4 Jan , 1 1383 , 171 415 007. IJan. . 1 , 1883 , 60 800 S'JO , llialc. Jan. 1 1884 , 198 740 ( MI ) , AueU , I Jan. 1 , 1881 , E5 542 001 ! , 1. Jan , 1 1885 , 229 382 680 , ) Jan. 1 , 1885 , 10 283 7t3. During the year , 17,403 policies have been issued , insuring 801,481,560 MOIUIIH FBANKI.IK , DAVID DOW8 , KDWAHI ) MAHTIS , II , RUTDAil QUANT \\M. H. AF .KTON , IIKNKY HOWKRS. JOHN MAIIU ) , OEOHQK II. rOITH , WILLIAM A. BOOTH , LOO III a L. > MIITK , IIKNKY TDCK. WILLIAH L. BTIIONU , It , B. CLAKL1N , IIOOKIIT B. COLLINH , ALEX STL'DWLLL , \UI.LIAU II , BKKIM. ARCHIBALD H. WELCH. TIIEOUOUK M. 1JANTA , Caihier , MOURIS FKANKLIN , I'feaident. U. O'DKLL , Huperintendent ot Ajjenclei. WM. II IJKKUS , Vice-lVMt. and AcluMf , iidnr TUCK , M , D. i , , . . , „ . HENUY TUCK , 2d Yice-1'rMldent , JIOXIIKOTON.M. D. } Medical Di SMITH & OAUWKLL , General Agenta , Council IJluffi , GRAVEL ROOFING Roof Pniutiug nntl repairing. All work guaranteed to give sat sfaction. ! ! 02N- rth Street , GEO. SMITH SON , I - COUNCIL BLUFFS. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. SjxcUl K Ttrtl menl , tua at ticet Fonnd , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Want ) , Board Ing , to. , will be Insetted In thli oolnmn at the taw t to of TEN CKNTS 1'Kll LINK ( or the tint Insertion and F1VK CKNT3 PKIl LINK lor eaoh snbseqiient n erilon. Lo vo advortltomenM it oar offlo * , No. Pearl Street , neai Broadwav WAHTB. , ( SALK Oil UK AUK toundrv and mtohlno J " sli.ip In Cl.itlmU , lena ; so d pclnt fnrkuslnesi sK rallroadi ; town on a hjom. natl'lactory rowons for IcllliiK. Address Sl'HAdUK , t CO. , Union trot Works , Third street , Council UlulTs , lima. fTiOIl SALC A. minting oillce Mairrlnl cheap lo JL1 cish. W J ) . Macs , Council llhillt , Io ft. > 0ll HAI.K Another hotel In n lUo 1f 1 tnwD , now doing a business ct about 8360 | > e month. No ether hotel In the ylaco. Terms liberal SWAN & WALKSR 8AI.K OR TUADi-8'0 acres ol l&nd In FOIl county , Mo. Will trndo for Oouncl Uluda city property ar sell cheap for caeli , OT rrir time. SWAS & TO TilAUE Oood Iowa cr Nebraska land ( or n small stock of bardnaro or Ronora merchandise , well located. SWAN k WALKKII. WANTED Woman pastry cook Immediately at the Ogden homo. YI/'ANI KD A student In donlalctllco. Muttna Vt moanci of srlf-inpport. Call onur address at Mo. 12 1'carl St. Council UlilDs. T70II SALE A rarochniPotoRct a HDD , veil tin JD pto\cd farm ot 400 notes , Mthln a lew miles o Council Bluffe , at a bargain. Low pilco and easy terms. t\vAN Si WALKRR FOR SALE A gooil pa } IBB hotel property wit livery tUble , In ono ol the Iwst small tow na I western Iowa will tell with \\UhoutftiinUurc , o will tiado ( or a email ( arm with ( lock i to. SWAN & WALRKR. BALK Eighty acres unimproved land in Union county , ) ewe , 3 Jnr.lca Bouth-cnstof Al ton , the county scat , or will trade for Nebraska or Kansas land. S AN & WALKXR. Ti OK SALE A 20 aero tract of good land nbou JD ono and rt hall ttllea from Council B nil i poe ofilco , at a bargain. ' Lj OK SALE In Harrison county , Iowa. 320 aero J ? graga land , all under ( once a SOO nrro ( arm with fine improvement" , all under cultUftilon o\cop SO acres graaa 8) acres good grass or pasture land aid sot era ! other tracts o ( from 40 to 100 acres o unlmpro\cdland. SWAN & WALRKR. F iOH SALE Lands Impnned aad unimproved If you w ant a ( arm In western lows , Kansas Nobrmka or Dakota , Ictus heir from you. SWAM & WALRKR. SALE A largo Dumber ot business and real FOR lots In all parts of Council Bluffs. See U3 before j ou buy , SWAN & WALHRR. FOR SALIC Parties wishing to buy cheap lots to build on caubuy on rxouthly payments of from Si to $10. SWAN & WALRKB. FOR RENT Wo will rent you a lot to build on wth the prHllago to buy If } ou with on very liberal term * . SWAN & WALRRR. TTTANTED To correspond wlthany one wishing a W good location ( .r planning mill , sash , door and blind manufactory , wo have building and machinery ) well located , ( or sale , lease or trade ; S WAN & WALKER. KENT- Largo two ttory Iramo building suitable FOR able ( or warehouse or storage purposes , near railroad depot. SWAN WALKER. KENT UK bALt , uj.r Dg and grounds FOR eultarle ( or snail foundry and machine ehop. Oood boiler , engine , cnpala , blower with fixed shaft Ingoto. , icady toput In motion. SWAN WAIRBB , Land. A. J. Ptepbcn on , COS First avenue. FOR SALE A top-buggy , flret-tlisa make and In excellent condition , Or will trade ( or cheap tot. Address f. M. Bee olUcc , Council Blu7e. COAL AND OOD Ocorgo lleaton , 023 Druid- way. Bella coal and wood at reasonable prices gives 2,000 Ibs. (01 a ton , and 123 cubla ( or a cord , Try him. TTTANTED Every body m Council Bluffs to take VV TniUufc Delivered by carrier at only twenty oenta week. LD PAPKRS For ealo at B office , a S6 oenta a hundred ORDER YOUR Cob , Coal | Wood OF P , 0. address , Lock Dole 11 BO Council Bluffa. irsHJEUtODM.D , , PHYSICIAN & STIBGEON , 8SJ VS&it BJOWM , Caoooll Ilafli. JOHN FOX , Deputy Sheriff and Gend Collection Agent Office with N. Schurz , Juatlco ot the Peace , Council Dluffa , Inwa. JTA.COJ8 SIMS , OOUNCII , BLUFl S , IOWA. Offlco , Ualn Street , Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugart and Ileuo block. Will practice In Slate and state courts. A. J. MILLER , ( COLORED ) Hair Cttttiny anil Shavinr/ . This is an Equal Eights Shop 610 Broadway , Council Bluffs. B. Eice M. D. or Uitr tomon leaered wltbonl Ihi kmU Of dnwior ol blMl CHRONIC DISEASES0"1 * ? > Over thirty y r practical exyirl U * ACM S * t , Purl itreot , Council Blufll. tit * . N. SOHURZ. Justice of tk Peace , OTKB AUKRIOAH KZPRCU COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA root , omoimi w. n , M. mil OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Ooandl 13luSi , . . . lai 1856 Established - - Dealers In Foreign and DonutU Kzikaag * ao < Horn * g4eurltle . COUNCIL BLUFFS Wholesale and Kotall Dealers In Hard Soft ana B/ossburg O OA. . W. H. SIBLEY , Manager. Offloe , 88 Ualn St. YtrJ , on 0. K. I. P. and 0 , II , It 6U 1' . iUUvrtf. „ - J. L. DeBKVOISE. t No. CO ? Broadway Council Blatf * . Eailway Time Table , Corrected to January 7,1SS5. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The follpirtnR are the times of the arrival and d . eartnre of traina by central standard tlrno , at the local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mln- atei varllei and arrhe ten tnlnutoa later. cmuoo , loiuitoroR AKD noincT. HATI. lauvx 5:56 : pm ChlcAKoKirrow 0:00 : a ui 9M a m Fast Mall. 7:00 : n m UiSO p m Accommodation. 1,00 p m At local depot only. KiNSlA CITT , ST. JOI JLMO 001'HCll BlUm. 10:05 : a m Hull and Ktprres , 0.25 p m SUB p m Paddo Kxpross , BSS ; p m omoAso , UII.WIDKII IHD it , rim. 8:18 : p m Kiprcsa , 9:06 : a m 8:21 : a m Kxprune , 6:88 : p m OmOAOO , * OCR ISI.iaD AHB fiClFlO. 6:15 : p m Atlantic Kxpress , 8:05 : a m 0S5 : * m Day Express r364 ; p m IHO a tu * es Molnos Acoommodatlon , 0:16 : p m At local depot only. wAiisn , IT. LODia AMD rioino. 6:10pm : Aooommodaton 11:00 : am liSO p m Louis Kxprcea ' 2M p m Al Transfer only etr.CAGO and KOKTinrunuir , ; : SO p m IIxproM , Jso : p ni BS5 | to PaclOa Kxpross BC5 : a m IIODX CITT AND rACinO , 7140 p m St. Paul KrproBj , Qco : i m JllO ft m Day Expresa 7:00 : p m ONIOH rxcino. 8:00pm : Western Kxprcoj , 8:80am : JJSm ! ? ? ? KlP'OM. ! 40pm 11)10 ) a n Lincoln Kiiirow , lu ; p m At Transfer only tlUmiV TRAINS TO OMAIH. teavo Council lllullii 7:16 : Sso : rj sn-10'SO 11 : < 0 a. n . 1:50 : 2:30-3:80 : : 1:23-6:26-0 : : 25 11:45 : p. in. Lcl\o Omaha 6:49 : 7C : t 50 10TO -111S ! ft. m. 12SO2:083:00SOl:8Sri.5i : : : : : 11lot ! ) , m. St , Charles Hotel , 0 ST11EET , BET 7th and 8th , . . LINCOLN , NEB. Mrs. Kato Coakly , Proprlctorc&s. trly and olcg&ntly lurnlahcd. Good mniplo rooms on flrst floor. * irTorms-l.60 to ? 2 per day. Special rates Rlvon members of the legislature. uovlO-lm-me THE RECENTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON Standard Type filer NO. 2 , Is the Highest Achievement in Writing Machines in the World. With cnly 39 keys to learn ainl operate. It prints 70 characters , Inc'udlcg caps and einill totters. punctuations , figures , elgns and ( ractlons , It Is the slmploat and most rapid nrltlng machlno made as well as the most durabto d for free illustrated pamphlet. Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict , 281 sxnd 283 Broadway IS. Y. , Solo Agents. 0. II. SIIOLKS , Council Bluffa Agent for Western Iowa. . - / > r , W. H. Shcrradoix DENTIST , Masonic Temple , 3oonoll Blnflt ! low * . F. , H. OKCOTT. S. T. FBEN cu I , M. TKETKOB. COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO SUCCESSORS ro Casatly Orcntt & French 405Broadway ] Council Biufts ] Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Mattings , Linoleums , Oil Cloths and Upholstery. Mail Orders Carefully Filled ! COUNCIL ? BLUFFS CARPET CO. DFor Rent The building known as the ' 'Hka'lng Itlnk" comer 5thA\enuu and Pearl street , will be rented , alto. * -x- * ethtr or separately , Occupancy , April lit. For V 'T ' lurther partloultre tall ou ouJOHN IIKIIES1IEIM , 1'rojldont Council Ululfa BavlDfK Uack MANDEM AKER &VA N , ARCHITECTS , CONTRAOTOIIS AND BUILDERS No. 201 Upper Broad way , Council Bluffiu