Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Saturday Morning , March , ? ,
Bj ( Urrlci - - - - - - -SO ronto pet wet !
o. 7 I'oarl Btroat. Hexr Broadwny ,
See J. Relict's new spring goods.
There worn only cightoon lodgers I :
the city jail Thursday night.
There was no material change ycstoi
day in the strike of the Wabaah round
housa men.
Now York parties have sant on an o
for of ninety-fivo cents for the balance c
the paving bonds ,
Young Whcolor , who waa shot by Jei
foiios , Is improving now , and bis rocov
cry acorns assured.
The circuit court adjourned yostordaj
Judge Oonnor opens at Avoca Monlaj
the first tarm ever hold them.
The case of Scofiold & Corln agalne
the city was yesterday afternoon decide
In favor of the plaintiffd. The city wi
probably appeal.
A communication has boon sent to tli
mayor complaining of * ho Inhuman troa
mcnt which a little girl on Vine strei
lisa bion receiving from the hands of hi
adopted mother. The officials will li
One of Billy Smith's teams , attache
to a baggage wagon , took a run olci
from the 0.B. & Q. depot to thoOgdo
Lotiso. Not a thing was broken , and eve
the solitary trnuk in the wivjon was nc
tipped out.
The end now * roaches hero that Fran
Kern , who win ono of the Into firm of E
D. flora t Oo , , cigar dealers , died at hi
homo in Allentown , Fa , , the latter pai
of. February , consumption being th
The mayor received a communicatio
yesterday from the association ot real ei
tate dealers of Iowa stating that the ai
oociation would soon hold Its annu :
mooting , and aeking what Inducomoni
Council Blufld would offer if it could b
hold hero.
The chief of police has amended hi
order so that the gambling houses , a
well as the saloons , mast clcsaat 1
o'clock every night and keep closed al
day Sunday- What ia Banco for ono i
since for the other. Lot there bo a fal
Saint Paul's church Divlna tervic
will bo hold in this church tomorroi
morning and evening at the usual hourj
Subject of morning , "Moral Socialism.
The Rev. Dean Mlllspangb , of Triait
cathedral , Omaha , trill lecture in the ov <
uing. A cordial Invitation Is oxtondc
to the pnblis and shangera to attom
those cervices.
The river has boon in such a conditloi
foi the past few days tint the BEE ha
boon belated in Rotting Its papers across
there being too much Ice to permit th
starting up of the the BEE'S ferryboat
and not enough for the BEE to mo sleds
The readers cf the BEE will please imv
patience for a day or so and it is thoi
hoped that the papers can reach th
Council Blufl'i side at the usual carl ;
"Millions of spiritual beings walk thi
earth unseen , both when wo wake an (
when wo sleep. " Spiritual circle to
morrow ( Sunday ) afternoon and evcnioj
nt 2 and 7:30 : o'clock , in Spiritual hall
Entrance on Main and Pearl atroeta vii
the stairs , two doors south of the postof
liao. In the evening will bo read a com
munlcaton ! from the spirit of Will !
Phelpa , who was well known to many o
our citlzans. Ho built the Council BlufI
A St. Joe railroad.
Tickets wore being printed yeeterdaj
announcing J. R. Bell and J. K. Coopo :
for school direct ) rs. Mr. Cooper is es-
poslally a desirable man , as ho hnj beet
county superintendent , and has had ex
peiienca and takes an interest | In schoo
matters. Mr. Boll Is aho an estlmabli
citizen , who would probably bo an im
provement ever some in tha board. Thi
name of D. C. Blcomcr Is mantionoc
also us a desirable candidate , bat It ii
doubtful whether ho will allow his nami
to bo ujcd. Ho would bo an excellon
choice. _ .
Beckman & Co. , 525 Main street , wll
wash and oil your harness cheap now.
S. 1) ) . Blakely , of Albany , was at the Pacifi <
Captain B. 13. Fratney left yesterday fo :
Washington over the Wabaah ,
Moiee Wllluer , of Burlington , a well-knoivj
tourist , was at tbo Ugden yesterday.
i * ' Mlsj Hattta Bloxiui has returned from lias
' tliiK' , where she ha a been teaching scliool ,
' ' i * II , 0. Addis , general agent for tbo Ferkine
i ' windmill , left yesterday oa a short businesi
trip to the factory.
Ttoal Ktitalo Trunsters.
The folio irlug ia a 'list of real oitat (
transfers filed yesterday in the recorder1 !
office of Pottawattomio county , Iowa , ai
furnished by A. J. Stephenson , nbstrac
tor , real estate and loan agent , Councl !
Bluffs , Iowa , March 6 , 1885.
William Doud to John H. Ott , par !
e. w , | n. e. J , ! , 77 , 38. JB'JO.
Auxust Huoert to OIan Martens , lol
, block 7 , Minaon , 300.
0 , 1C 1 , & P , railroad company to 0
B Stone , e. A n. e. J , 2 , 77 , 42. f 044.40
Henry Pieper to Jiioios W. Hall , lote
h and 0 , bloik 10 , Mioden. § 1,800.
i. ToUUUes , 53,384.40.
' Bmoke Sol of North Carolica Tobac-
IA Mttlo Talk to Those Who Foci Sere
Over ttio Olty Election.
It Is whispered about that some of the
residents cf Iho Fourth ward who wanted
Rccd elected alderman feel a little sore
about his defeat. Thcso people who live
west of the croak hnvo just reason for
fooling tbat they have hot bosn treated
right by the city council. They have
paid tnxoi joir after yoir , nnd while
other parts of the city have been im
proved they hvro had lltllo or nothing.
To BOO the creek overflow and ECO thoii
property damaged or destroyed la more
exatporatiog than any ono c i realize
who hai not been subjected to the
trial. Then they have been almost
driven out of their homes by the stench
of a fertlllzingcstabllthtnent They have
petitioned and protested in vain. _ A <
laat they united as one man and Insisted
on having n representative of their own
In the council. They wanttd to bo sol
aside as n district ward so as to insure
this end , but this was dented thorn.
Then they rallied and forced the nomina
tion of Mr. Reed , who has done them
great s vice by being their spokesman
to air their grievances nnd present thcli
wishes at different times , The public
seeing thatMayor | Vanghan and his clique
gave at Icait an outward support to Reed ,
concluded that Heed It elected would
work in Vaughan's Interest , which was n
great injustice to Mr. Reed , but yet il
counted against him and lie was defeated ,
It is not to bo wondered at that sonic
of these citizens feel a little sore. Tdej
are not to ba blamed for this , but non
cornea the report that n few of them prc <
pose to got ravcngo by voting against thi
court house and jsll propositions. I :
there ara any who feel thus , they shook
atop and consider what they are do'ng
If they propose to wreak vengeance , o ;
right a grievance in thia way , they an
mistaken , for they are only epitinp them
selves. They should wait until semi
inora opporbnno chance to got oven. .
There will bn plenty of such chances in
the future. As it Is , Mr. Shugart hai
pledged himaolf publicly and privately tc
bo a representative for those citizens ni
well ni the whole ward , ant
to do M In his power tr
nave these causoa of complainl
remedied so soon as possible after getting
into the council. Ho is ai strongl ]
pledged to look after those matters a :
Air. Reed was. Mr. Shugart will doubt
lesa redeem thcaa pledges. But aside
from all this , oven these who are atll
bent onravengo cannot afford to take il
thia way , but should watt until they have
a chance to strike without having the
blow recoil harder on themselves than
on those against whom they -strike. A
thonphtful view of the situaUon will
convince any unbiased mind that It IE
suicidal for any citizsn of Council Bluffs
to vote against the court house to punish
the city government
While it is important to every farmei
in the county that a new court house
and jail should bo built ,
to thus eave extra expense
and to protest their titles and records , it
is for like reasons important to every res
ident of this city. Then , it is still more
of an object for Council Bluffs to stand
its share of the tax , for besides the other
advantages , shared In common by all in
the county , thia city will get SDJIO special
advantages. If the court house proposi
tion carries , the llttlo strip of ground on
which ia now situatsd the old Episcopal
church , will bo purchased , and the money
will enable the now church building to
go on this season. Otherwise , It will
wait another year. If the court house h
bnilt , a syndicate stand ready to buy the
old Catholic church property , and thia
will let the building of the new Catholic
church property go on this ecason. The
syndicate cannot afford to let 820,000 of
property stand idle , with the paving
taxes , etc. , to meet , and that property
will bo improved. None of this building
will go on If the proprietors era defeated.
If the court houoo proposition carries
there will 03 § 180,000 of buildings ; thSn
the churches and other buildings which
will be put up will amount to $75,000 or
§ 100,000 more. There is the now gov
ernment building , § 250,000 , making at
least half a million dollars of building
improvements for Council Bluffs , to say
nothing of the hundreds of buildings
which will be started on account ot thia
boom. While an injustice is done those
not living in the city , and while the farm-
era are only paying one cent an acre each
year in order to build n court homo and
protect their titles and save oxpcntca of
rent , etc. , this city , in paying ita share ,
will gain all those great advantages.
Council Bluff ) Imi a chance to glvo Itself
a boom. The worklngmen [ were- anxious
to have paving done , but most of the
money for paving went to the rjuarrymon
and to the railroads , In this coining
building boom thnro will be a smaller
per cent go out of the city for material ,
and a larger per cant go for labor. Does
it pay for worklngmon to keep money
out of their own pockols in order to spite
tbo city at large ? Go in for the boom ,
wqtk for it , vote for It , and lot the da-
eirod revenge seek same other way of ex
pression. Don't ' spite yourselves , but
make yourselves stronger by helping
make the city better , the value of prop-
ty higher , nnd in greater demand , work
mora plenty , wages higher. Join In and
swell the boom , and roet assured that
there will bo plenty of chances to punish
the now city government if , like the old ,
it does not redeem Its pledgee.
A Bold Attempt.
Shortly after 7 o'clock Thursday eve
ning a bold attempt waa made to burg-
lurlzft the residence of Dr. Hanchott , on
Fourth street. Tbo doctor and his wlfo
went over to Omaha on the 0 o'clock
dummy , and probably the crooks thought
the house was left alone. There wore ,
however , In the homo two women with
the children , and on hearing a peculiar
sound stepped into the front bedroom and
s w a man at the window. She sounded
the alarm , and the other going to the
front door taw the man skip off up the
street. The window was found to bo
partly open. The fellow waa a bold ono ,
as the lights were burning in the house ,
the window was near the street , and the
house ( a close to others , A follow called
at soiao other houses in that vicinity the
rame evening asking for food , and It is
thought that tbo two were identical.
Itoported Robbery ,
Will Tleyner on going home Thurjday
night found a man lyiagonMrs. Benson's
door s'op , who was badly baticrad up ,
and claimed that he had been slugged and
robbed , Ho was taken to a hotel where
ho gave lua name as Tyrone , and said ho
belonged in Avoca , Later It was dis
covered that a saloon man had bis gold
watch and about $7 of his money , ho
having left it with him for cn'o-keoping
while he went tha toundi of the town.
Whether ho received his injuries by t
fall or by ft genuine slngglcg scorns r
matter of doubt , but the pohco eoernoc
to favor the theory that the man took to <
miny tumblers and hi ait led.
* " "
Dr. S. the Slons Oil ;
Chronic Disease Institute , will bo at tin
Scott house in thia city , Thursday
April 2d. Will attend to , patlcnta am
all who are alllictod will do well to giv
him a call. Consultation free.
An Important Election to Tnlcc Plnci
Sandwiched In between an c.xcltci
city election and an Important court hoasi
olcc'ion , cornea an election no less im
porlnnt , that which is to bo held Mon
day. There ara to bo at that time ttri
members of the school beard elected , th
terms of Mr. Matt and Mr. Pottlbon
expiring. It is needless to remind th
citizens of the Importance of the educational
tional Intercuts of the city. Not only 1
there more munty to bo expended thai
in any other department of the city gov
eminent , but there are the chimctpr
and the intellects of the next Roneratioi
in charge. Clean handed , clear bcado :
men should bo choeon to take charge o
tlipso Interests ; men who are interests !
In and have knowledge- oducationn
Mr. Mott and Mr , Pottibono are sil <
to bo candidates for re-election , Whll
In many respects they are estimable cili
zons , yet it seems tint the public inter
cats would bo b&ttar mot by a change
The objections against them aronots
much as to their personal character as t
their ofliclal records. It ia claimed tha
they are largely responsible for too grea
economy In some respects mid too littl
In others. It is not generally known ii
this city , nor will it generally bo endorsed
dorsod , that teachers are ' 'do.Iced" fo
every legal holiday. The board , not th
teachers , direct what day tha ochoo'
shall bo clcsed , and yet if the school
are closed for a day , by ordo
of the board , the teacher
have theic wages cut down that much
although their tlmo is not the disposal o
the board , and they are ready to do th
teaching which they ara employed by tb
month to do. Ttfey are not employed b ;
the day , and they got no extra pay fo
any extra hours they may devote t
school work. Under the law they conl
not thus bo compelled to loss a day' '
wages , were It not for the fact that tb
school board in its contracts at the begin
ning of the year , inserted thia clauco. I
is claimed that nowhere osa are teacher
thus treated , and If this Is so , it will nc
bo long before 'othe
cities get Council Bluffs' bes
teachera away , this city never having pali
as high wages as are paid elsewhere. Th
responsibility of thh short-stghtednee
and close-fisted policy Is said to bo dut
to Messrs , Mott and Petttbono.
In ottier matters , for some reason , thol
is said to bo lavishiicsa. Take the coa
contract for instance. It was understooi
that Mr. Pettlbone , as purchasing agent
had a contract all drawn up ready fo
signing , by which the board was to pur
chase all of the Immense amount of coa
needed of one firm , without getting an ;
bid ) from others. THE BEE aired up tin
matter at the tlmo , and as a result , in
stead of a secret contract , some othe
dealers got a chance to bid , and it ws
given to another firm at a lower price
If Mr. Pettlbone , In so important a mat
ter , does not cara to advoitlro for bid
and got the lowest possible prices , i
seems tnat some ono sbonld be electee
who will thus guard the school fund.
More money conld bo wasted by oni
foolish contract for coal than conld bi
mada up in years , by taking out of comi
teacher's wages a dollar or so , for no
teaching irhen the board , by closing thi
school for some legal holiday , prcvoctac
them from teaching.
Another objection to Messrs. Mottanc
Pottibono is tbat they were the onoa wht
prevented the mission cchooli
from occupying the school house :
Sunday afternoon. These cchools are nn
sectarian , and doubtless do much good. .
gathering in boys and girls on Sundnj
afternoon , who would otherwise be run
aicg the streets. To strengthen the
morals of tbo young , as well as tc
itrengthon their Intellects will bo a wort
which the board of education should
gladly see succeed. These men do nol
jbject to political meetings bunt ; hold in
jonrt houses and other public , bulldingf
greeted for different purposes. MucL
indignation was excited dgainat Messrs ,
Mott and Pottibone at the tlmo the }
ocked tbo doors against thesa mission
ichools , for they had been allowed to
noet ia these bn Idlngs for years without
To sum up. The people want schoo !
lircctors who will pay teachers n fair oil
! iry , and pay It honeat'y ' and squarely , ai
itbors who are employed by the montr
ire paid. Directors are wanted who , or
making a purchase which runs up inte
thousands of dollara , to advertise openly
for bids , and let the contract publicly ti
the loweet bidder. Directors are wantei
who are broad enough guagod to let thi
people nso the people's houses , whlcl
liavo boon paid for by the people's money
throwing , of course , about them such re
itriottons as will sacure the greatest gooc
to the greatest number.
ASno organ , half price , at Beards
wall paper store , next to postoflice.
Before yon buy a harness call on Bcok-
man & Co. , 525 Main street.
Wheat No. 1 milling , 65 } No , 2 , CO
No. S , CO.
Corn Now , 25o.
Data For local purposes , 23c ,
Hay 85 00@C 53 per ton } baled , B0@60.
Rye S5o.
Oorn Meal 1 30 per 100 pounds.
Wood Good supply ; prlcoa at yardt , 6 OOffl
5 CO.
Cool Delivered , hard , 0 50 pot ton ) sot )
t 0 per ton
Lard Fairbank's , wholesaling at 9Id
Flonr City flonr , 1 50@2 90.
Brooms 2 953 00 par dot ,
Onttlo Butcher cows S 25@3 75 , Bntchw
iteen , 3 7514 00.
Sheep 2 60@3 00 ,
Uoga 400@42G.
Poultry Live clilckens.lper doz. SOOj'dreas-
K ! chickens , 8c ; dressed turkeys , lOc ; dreaa-
xl duclu , PC ; dressed Reese , 8c ,
Butter Creamery , 25@2Soj choice country
Epgs 27 per dozen.
Vegetablea Potatoes , 60@Go per bnehel ;
inlons , COc per bu } apples , choice cooking or
atinp , 3 00 } beans , 1 00@1 60 per bushel.
Cider 32 gallon bbl. , S6.E0 ,
Orangoa i 00 par box.
Lemons i 60(85 ( 00 oer box
< o , 201 Of per Brcadway , Council Blnffa.
To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria ,
pvUniNO the Iwt fUej-curs thcto li i not been a dc th from dlphlhttl * In Any ex'onhtro Dr. Thonuii' '
JJcflerlt preventive mod. Ithas boon the , .
- And euro wn rncM ol nwlnc thousixmls ot Itvm. Inclls-
rTetnlb1olnrmlilclsor thr.intln m llKi > MitBO rlot lover , chunflndt In 48 luws to the Mrarlo form. For
e ! o only ftt the doctot's office , No. 23 South Eighth ctrtet , Council Htutls , IO B , Send for It ; price 2.
Dyspeptic , nhvllie In misery * n < l cilo In despAlr with rAticor of thcjtomnen ? Dr. Thomas Jtfferli emu
every CMO of Indlmtlon Mid coostlpotlon In vcrv short tlmo. Boa of rtf rcnccs ghen. UttropsjU la
the CAUJO ot Ml ot ninety per cent iuc ! scil conditions.
Merchant Tailors !
7 and 9 Main St. ,
, - - - .
A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From.
Keep Horses nnd Mulca constantly on hand whlo
wo will neil in retail or carload lota.
All Stock Warranted as Represented.
\Uio1iialekidrctrlldrklriHn Crnln ird Pokd ] Uy. 1'ilcei
tenable Satisfaction Guaranteed.
oisiyo-TaiJiR &o BOI E-
Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. OouncllBlnfle.
Drs. JuddSmith's Nev ? Improved Electric Belt.
IT POSITIVELY CURES Kidney andLlrcr Complaint , Bright Dtaoitv. . HhounatUm , Nouralila
Dyapcpala , NervonancBS Wtetlng Weakness , Paralysis , Spinal Affections , Indlgoatlon , Ilcnrt Disonsn , Fits
Headach , Lama Back , Cold Feet , and all diseases requiring Increased motive powers. Now Improved o
83 and 16 ; old stlo$2 each.
Brick bnildinpa of any olzo raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Frame houa
moved on LITTLE GIANT trucks , the beat in the world.
1010 Ninth Street , Council Bluffs.
-j-o . . . _ , . < N . II. H. FIELD. W. C. ESTEP
Field & Estep ,
No. 817 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Office Calls Attended Promptly , Day nnd Night. Particular attention given to Embalming
T ;
505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
THE ONLY ALL MIGHT HOUSE IN ran CITY. Everything served in first class style and on short
notice , not and cold lunches always ready.
. , . . . RF.NCH
ScccEssoug ro
Casady Orcntt & Frencli
405 Broadway" { ] Council Biuffs ]
Carpets ,
Curtains ,
Window Shades ,
Mattings ,
Linoleums ,
Oil Cloths and
Upholstery ,
Mail Orders
Carefully Filled !
W-ilcs-Vo and Itotall Dealers la
Hard Soft ana Blossburg
O Q -A. Ha
W. H. SIBLEY , Manager.
. . . , .
Offlco. S8 Slain St. Yard , on C. U. I. I' and C.
. . .
K & St. 1' Kallway.
. ,
> * * * -
Chicago. Minneapolis Milwaukee , 1
St. Paul , Cedar ItAjiiilj , Ddvrmiwrt .j
Clinton , Dubuquc , liockfon ) ,
Hock Island , Kroeport , Janeavllle ,
Klein , Madison , La Croeec ,
IJolult. Winonn ,
And nil other Important point * East , North-
cast and Southeast ,
Ticket offlco at 1401 ftunam elect ( In I'.ixton Ha
te ) ) , and at Union I'nciflo Depot.
1'tti.t.MiN SLKitriiRaand the KINKST Dmxo
Tim WORLD ro run on tha mainlines ot the Chicago
mllwaukoo tt St. Paul K'y onJ every mention
lljiald to piMoiigen by courteous cmplo } 111 ol tbo
S S. ilEliniM , , A. V. II. CAIU'ENTER ,
GcncrklManagcr. ( lon'I I'luwGnRcr Accnt.
AM' ! Ocn'l irnnaper. Ass.t Ocnl TIMS Ago
J. T. CLAUK , Ocn'l Buporlntomlcnt.
For Rent
ThahulMIni ; know-lifts tho1 Skn'IriR Illnk" concr
Mh A\cnuo ntuU'cnrl ttrtctlll bo rtntrj , ulto-
vethrr or soimtftl ciy , , A | < rlll > r. For
Iuithcr partlouUrs call on
onJOHN Iir.KK9IIF.lM ,
TrojMont Council lilulls ) SA\log3 Dank.
Corn Meal ,
Graham Hour ,
Ground Fresh Every Day ?
Ground Feed Always on Hand.
Mill , corner of North Sixth nnd Mill Stroete , L
St , Charles Hotel ,
OSTUEET , 11ET 7th and 8th , LINCOLN , NEB. < ,
Mrs. Kato Coakly , Proj'rletorcss. . J ;
fVNonly and elegantly lurnlehod. Good eatnplo Ml
rooms on first floor.
TV *
tVTcrm3-1.60 to $2 pot day. Special rates given
members of the U'KUlaturo. novlO-Im-me I
Standard Type filer
NO. 2 ,
Is the Hiyhcst Achievement in Writing
Machines in the World.
Wlthcnly 39kcjn to learn and
operate. It prints TO characters ,
iDc'udlrprcapx and tiiull lattcrd ,
punctuations , fluitrcn , flfiis and
tractions It Is the slinplcet and
most r.iplJ writing machine
inndo 39 o I as the moat durable
'Send for free illustrated pamphlet.
Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict ,
2S1 and L'83 Broadway M. Y. , Solo Agents.
0. II. SHOLKS , Council Bluffs ,
Agents for Western Iowa.
to die
First Grand Sale of Sprint ; Dress Goods.
_ 50 pieces Cashmere 12Jcworth _ 18c.
Do Bbgo 15o " 22c.
23 " _ Ottoman cord 20c " 25o. _ _
15 " Novelty suitings 25c worth 40s.
10 " Wool broche 40 o worth EOc.
15 " Coventry suitings all wool desirable
colors 40 inches wide 50c worth 75c. '
Annure ; , tricotineu , black nnd colored cash *
mores at prices lower than ever before
20 pieces French cotton satins beautiful designs -
signs at 2 Ic.
French nnd Scotch zephyrs , seersuckers ,
cheviots , In desirable styles. Lnwus and per
cales fie to 12Jo
Table cloths with embroideries to match ,
Our stock of hosiery is now replete in every
respect , .
100 dozen ladies' colored hose nt lOc , worth
100 dozen fancy and solid colored hoee , in
grain , nt 15c , worth 20c.
20 dozen balbriggans , full regular made , at
20c , worth 30c.
25 dozen silk silk clocked balbriggan hose ,
full regular made , at 20c. worth 30c.
'J5 dozen solid colored hose , full regular , at
25c. worth 35o
25 dozen solid colored split-feet hose , at . " 5c ,
worth 50c.
25 dozen Schopper's oil colored hose , at EOc ,
always sold at liOc ,
CO dozen colored and black lisle , &t CGc ,
worth 90c.
Wo have and elegant assortment of misses'
and children's in llsles and cottons , blacks
and colors.
29 pieces lace pique at lOc worth 20c.
20 " French checked nainsook nt 1-io
worth 20c.
20 pieces " " " " IBc
worth VCc.
15 pieces " " and striped nninsook
at 20o worth HSc.
25 pieces French satin chocked and striped
nainsook 25c worth 403 ,
Victoria , lawns , linen do Indes , batiste and
white robes.
In this department wo can pleas o the most
fastidious taste ,
So , Co. OJe , 7ic , 8Jo , lOc , to 81.00 per yard
worth 33) per cunt more ,
in bo over netting and all over embroidery
Allautiful patterns.
50 dozen cotton stripes , at Oc , worth SJc.
20 dozen etoiit Scotch mixed , seamless , at
lOc , worth IBc.
IS dozen blue nnd brown mixed , seamless ,
at 12Jc , worth Kijo
20 dozen old gold , blue nnd brnwn mixed ,
extra stout seamless , at 15c , worth 25c.
i 20 dozen British stouts , at 20c , worth 25c ,
Boimlors ; 25 don xtrlpitl British Euimluis ,
half hose , at 25c , worth Mo.
15 dozen oil lugrnlnhoje , at Ms , worth SOc.
20 doz hslos at 25o worth 40c.
23 " " " 35o " COc.
20 u fancy colored llslea at 50o worth
20 " black nod colored silk gloves at We
worth 75c.
If ) doz mitts colored and black at 0c nnd
75c worth 40 per cent more.
We are Offering Domestics at New York Prices.
The above goods and prices are some of our special bargains. Wo have
others but have no room to enumerate. These are a few of the bargains
obtained by our buyer in his late trip to New York and Philadelphia ,
and are without doubt the cheapest goods over brought to this market.
Ladies should not faiPto see these goods. Purchasers aod viators are
alike welcome.
All orders by mail receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed.
All ordeis throughout Jowa and .Nebraska by mail to us , should , in ad
dition to the name of town , contain name ot county and state , as our
"Out C Town Department" is increasing so rapidly that we find it
necessary to insist on everything to facilitate our business.
Cocke & Morgan ,