Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1885, Image 2

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-THE rj
' n cJctne , combining Iron with pun
if. it'll * toniM , oiilrkly nnil completely
onVrnUnc ,
\ > > il .Nriirnlnln.
if an unfalllntr rcmfdy for DUcasciof tbl
fclilnr ) ? nnil l.lviT.
U li tnvaluftlilo for Dlicun peonllar U
( M"-IHOII , nnil nil who lend BedcntBrrllvr *
I < iwsnotliiJiirotlictcetlicnHschpnUrl ( > JOl
Juw conntlimtlon other Iron mriMMi til
y rurlclicsMid jnirlllcs thoblooJf.tlraulatci
IV'Vl'Ctllo.alil ' * HIP aMlmllatlon of fooj , n
o < > < < a Heartburn an > l DclrhlDB , and utrcnf. ; ?
Vi * lie m\i olo8 and nervci ,
"o > Intcnnlttrnt Kovcrs , .ynssltiiilc , lacx c )
r "try , c. , it has no cqiml.
< * Tlio Pennine Lai above trade nrk t.rt
fMoi red llnca on wrapper. Take no otdt
i. . ijk imoKKuiiaiciL ro.
Allunllspntedlfltie BROAD CLAIK2ii2ttt \
g-rer offered to tlio onMlo.
Direct Line for England , Fx-ance
and Germany.
The steamships of tblt well known line ate built
ol Iron , In water-tight compartments , and tro fur
nished with every requlalto to make the passage
both sate and agreeable. They carry the United
States and European mails , and leave Now York
Thuadavaand Saturdays tor Plymouth ( LONDON )
Chorbougf , ( PARIS and HAMBURG.
Ratoa : Stocrura ( ram Hamburg 310 , to Hamburg
10 ; round trip $20 First Cabin , $55 , $05 and $7t.
Henry Pundt Hark Hanson , F , E. lloores. M.
Tolt , agents In Omaha , Oronowcfr & Sihoentgen ,
ftgcnta In Council Bluas. C. U. RICHARD & CO. ,
Don. Fate. Agta , 01 Broadway , N. Y. Chas. Koz-
mlnakl & Co. , Donna ! Western Agents , 170 WashIng -
Ing St. , Chicago , IlL
iSi. , , . i A
C.O'S.M1 * V
Royal Havana Lottery !
Drawn at Havana Cuba ,
Every 12 to 14 Days.
11CEETS , W.OO , . . HALVES , 11.03
Subject to no manipulation , not controlled by tbe
parties In Interest. It la the fairest thing In Ilia
nature ot ohanoeln exlitenoe.
For tickets apply to 8HIPSEY & CO. , 1212 Broad-
wiy.N. Y. City ; SOUNDKIl & CO. , 103 South 4th St.
BL Louis , Uo , or U. OTTEN8 & CO , 019 Main St. ,
Kansas City. Mo.
Manhood Restored
HEMKiiYlliKK. ATlctimof 7outhfillniprudenc
CAUihiK 1-nmaturo Decar , Nervous Debllltr , Lost
Dlanliood , ilo lmTinK tried In vain every known
remody.htf discovered aniraplemeanaof ftelf-cura.
wbleu he mi' Bond KllliU tohisfellaw-gufferera.
.lUUili : OhatbamSUKew York.
thrivvs on IIorllck'D Tixxl , " write hundrcils of
Rratclul mothers. Motlicm' milk contains 110
from Htarvh ) rpiiulrca no cookluK. The best /ood in
Jicaltli or nlckncHB for INFANTS. The bent diet for
DVHl'KPTICS nud INVALIDS. ni bly bonoflcU )
toiiuraiuKniotlicrnasailrlnk , Prica40and75c. AD
ilruKK-ihta. Book on the troatmcntof chlldrcn.froa.
"I MI Te U to ! > > up ror [ to Anything of tb
kind for children. " / > . 6/mmonl / , tAtu Tori.
"t'Dheil Unxly ( > ronounofl It t-3 twit 't > oJ la
Ibe mtikFt - V .V llarrtll , if. D. , Ututtn.
"Oneor ilUbeit ubitltutei for motber milk. "
/ / . a , t hJWn. jtf. D , OroaUtn , Jf. f.
VTill 1 ( cut I iirnnll on receipt of price In etamps.
IIOUI.IO VfH I'OOI ) CO. , UiiclncVI .
JtjfVnS lloitaca'u UVHllttlOT or ! Ui.T-fe
Jams Medical Institute
; Chartered by theStateofllll.
nolafor the express purpose
all chronic , urinary and prl-
vato diseases. Qonorrhosn ,
complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
pcrmanentlycured by reme-
_ _ _ t > petlairractlcc. Seminal
\Vcakness , NlRhl Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
thcI'"nccLo3trilanlOodJ > oslirc//riiri'J.T/icre
< no oJ-jcrlinrii/ii/ appropriate remedy
la nt once used in each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
DR. JAMES.No. 204Washlnglon Sl.ChcagoUI ! ,
Mendelssohn & Fisher ,
Rooms 23 and 200mahaNatIBauk Block
Dufrene & . Mendelssohr
Gco. Iii Fisher , fermery with * \V. Ij. D. Jem
Aiohltect , CbleaKO. Jinlielm
, . _ , , l D Ml U * ll I
t t
* " ? * Jt/l'L/TlB , glWtHTflSu > i .
Short , Shnrp iil Decisive.
A gentleman having playfully severed ft
lock of hMr from ft youni ? lady to whom ho
was nttnchcd , although ho had made no for
mal declaration , recened from her neit day n
letter urgently rtquodlnB the rettoratinn ol
the itoltn lock. To this ho replied at follows !
By onncnly recompense can I bo lead
With this beautiful ricglet to parti
If I have to restore yon the lock of your head ,
You must glvo me the key of your heart.
The lady immediately replied ,
Who forces locks cannot reqniro a key ;
I am at homo to-day from 12 to 3.
Kuchinps for neck and wriato , in black hive
fmo froattil gold coid run in the odgoc.
The girl of the period in Waihington ia said
i roupo her arms from elbow to shoulder.
There Is a widow In Birmingham , Ala. ,
litteon years old , aud the attends the public
Gilt silver and tinsel I li read a ate woven in
any of the fmo wool nooda for spring nnd
ummer drestoa.
ThaUtcR , once largely worn , have been re-
vcd under the old name , aud are shown In
dainty colors and patterns.
The hugo tracks of feminine gaitcra In the
mow are quUo a fcaturo of the Chicigo land-
capo. [ Washington Hatchet.
Some geniua equal to the emergency has
nvontod a rkating bustle for' ladies. It is o
liing of utility aa well as beauty.
Spring wool fabrics are quite nttractlvo in
olor and texture. The tendency is to twilled
materials , not so rough in appearance aa those
if last season.
A new serial stDry ia entitled "A Faying
'lirtntion. " It must have boon written by a
oung lady. It never pays the other ecx.
[ Norristown llera'd ,
AmonH the charming novelties are gauze
ibbans. They are _ in ecru , cream , deep rod ,
ml have tiny chcnillo dots. Tno edges are
niahcd in Fmo sUk scallop ! .
A girl ia never prouder than when she walks
iut a few days after the wtdding unless it
10 when she pushes her baby-carriage abaut
.own. [ Kentucky State Journal.
Among the coming novelties in fine goods
'or summer tuits will bo found the so-called
: ob-web weaves ; a very optn cloth made of
vool and silk in chocks and stripes of n rough
effect ,
m. "chin-holder" has been Invcnto3 for
iolin playois. Husbands who want to make
heir wives birthday presents which will be
ucfnl as well aa ornamental should rejoice.
[ Hartford SuniJay Journal ,
The girls in the knitting factories of St.
ouig , who earn § 2,50 a week and find thein-
elves , are exciting a Croat deal of cheap sym-
lathy. The doors of the domestic ecrvico are
pen to them. Why don't they try that ?
A pretty and youthful style revives the
molun and plaited round waists that end in a
"wit. Ovorthese is to be worn a thort braid od
acket , falling open from tha throat and re-
ealing the Huted or plaited front bonenth.
1'laids will be largely employed as garni-
ures for plain stuffs Costumes of surah In
any of the light spring shades of the plain
material matched with plaids of the same
hade , mixed with brighter colors , are very
A girl has a hold-fast memory. She can
'alk ten squares through a fashionable
thoroughfare and when she moots her female
ihummlps can tell her the size , color of eyes
, nd hair of every young man she passed.
[ Kentucky State Journal.
An English medical paper says that "the
ire of babies have become quite a fashion-
b'o amusement among mothers , " and at-
ributea this growth of maternal solicitude to
bo innumerable "guides to nursing" pub-
'shed in England of late.
A young Spanish artist has lately received
l.COO from a California lady for a painted
: an of black silk. The subject is a reprcsen-
.atiou . of the language of the fan in three
vays : "I hate you , " "I like you , " and "I
lee you , " and it is exceedingly clover , as well
.8 delicate in treatment.
The first importations of spring and summer
ressos exhibit greater changes in details than
n general outlines. The bouffant effect Is not
inly retained but somewhat increased ; the
'lack ' drapry is quito full and may bo either
itraigbtened or Imuched up ; the t basque is
hort with high darts , that give a full bust ,
, nd make the waist look slender.
Girls who wish to have small , pretlily-
ihaped mouths should repeat at frequent
Intervals during the day : "Fanny Finch
'ried five floundering fiah for Francis Fowler's
'ather. " It is a question , however , whether
is any improvement on the "Papa , pota-
, oes , poultry , prunes nnd prism" that Dick-
; n's put in Mrs. General' mouth.
Atlanta , Ga. , has a rival to Lulu Hurst ,
'ho , in addition to her wonderful physical
itrengtb , is alleged to have great power over
he mindset her audiences. With a allcht
ouch she is said to so control persona whom
ho hu blindfolded that they bring to her any
irticlo she may think of. The spectators are
nformed beforehand what the blindfolded
xjmon will do ,
A twilled fabric of gray and light brown , so
iningled as to give a changeable effect , is com-
'lined with one of the same ground , showing
lalf-lnch.strlpea of hunter's green and dark
loft red alternately. This combination of
plain and striped materials is produced in all
, ho fashionable colors , the stripes being in
irarying width ; . Fine checks , often showing
.lue.ida of golden silk , are also favorite style.
The roller skating mnnia Is leading to all
orts of Irregularities. The Frecpoit ( O ) Press
says that a Now Lisbon young lady stele her
poor old grandmother's false teeth and pawned
.them to raisomoneytoattend thoskatingrlnk.
Two New Philadelphia girls stole a crock of
'ard from the collar to pay their fares to the
rink. Iwo Uhrichsvlllo girls bought coffee
ipon the credit of the old folk ? , afterward
lold the same , and purchased tickets to the
Laced stocking * have been brought out ,
ind are liked by these who object to garters
nJ who have not yet adopted suspenders ,
The fruit of the stocking is slit from the top
to the knee , strengthened by a facing , and
laced with a smooth lacing-string. The lacing
irevents the tfocbing from sJIpj-incr down , at
he pame time causing it to fit neatly above
, be knee.
A. beautiful fan for evening use has white
gooso-qulll wing leathers for the top of the
tortoieo-shell sticks. Upon thetc are hand-
painted rose buds , tipping one half of the
eathers , and below this a vine pattern
f blue myosotis. On one-half of the fan
9 a pretty vignette landscape , encircled
by a garland of fuchsias ; en the other
ialf yellow butterflies floating over a blue
itiipof ukv.
Jinny petticoats are in open worsted-work
Ike Spanish net. * It is a kind of kalttiiifi
done by machine , placed ever a lining ol
satin mervelleux The lining is usually of c
light Bhtde. Sometimes these skirts have
three folds on tbo lower part , and natron
satin rlbon drawn through each heading
Whlto and red worsted sltirta are worn , bul
they are not as pretty as wadded silk or flan
nel skirls trimniH-1 with lace flouncei ,
Tha "cadogan" style of colflure which flrsl
made Its appearance In Paris at the beginning
of the aeasun , appear ! to have npldly crowi
into favor , In spite ofjhe rirliculo which hai
been hon > ed upon it. The hair is worncurlei
in front , then simply brushed back to the naj
of the neck , where It is tied witli a rihboi
matching the trimming on tbo dress , h&nglni
down tha back In short curls for evening wea
but arranged in a thick plait for the woik-a
day houis.
Fashion appear J juit now to ba In leagu
against the foundresses , so carefully does i
exclude washing material ) , and so aystemati
cally does it chooto colors instead of white
uherover snch gubstitutioa Is possible. In
stead of lines , lace and embroidery arouni
the throat and wribtn , are worm ucblnirs o
tulle or crape , of colored etamine , speiklei
with chenllt ) , of silk , of cold and silver t auza
Moieover , the colored silk' and llile threa
hose , the tinted flannel and e&nltaiy crap
underwear , are sent to tbo cleaner Instead o
tha Uundresr , who finds her work dwlncllhi
day by day ,
Knormous taxoe brought on the rebellion i
8oud n , The taxpaying at a of Africa is note
to docile as hli long-eared brotherof Amorlc ;
There are said to be 347 women bUcksmitl
In Krgland , We trust they are moresucceii
ful at thoclng horses than am their America
sitters at shooing hers , [ Yonkera State :
Tli9 grauhop er has proportionally ot
hundred and twenty times the lacking powi
f a man. A g s company seldom Impotoson
grasshopper. This soull ( s coitxsration
news whom to oppnsi. [ I'nck.
Chicago makes more pickles than othorclty
n the Union. Nothing , however , la wild
bout the manufucture of s ucrkraut there ,
nd yet for pressing it down thtrt could bo
o weight lupcrior to n Chicago girl s foot.
Boston liudgnt.
The craze for lady barbers is dyinp out.
After a man has had his face cut bias , his
hroat shirred and his hair poropadorod and
een talked to death he naturally returns to
ho male bsrber and takes chloroform.
Bloomiugtcm Eye ,
Milkman "Aro you wo the mlatrofs said
on quarts ? She usually gets hut one. "
Mtld-"That'a what she snid-ten quart ? . "
"Kxpect company , perhaps ! "
"I amt heard of none. "
"Quperl Is nothing unusual going on ? "
"Not that L know ot. Oh , yo ; I hoard her
ell the m stor she was coin' to kalsomlno the
ath-room to-day. " [ Philadelphia Call
Monsignor Capel says : "It devolves on the
Catholic church to lead democracy In the
world. " This may bo so , but the way in which
, loads reminds one very much of the attempt
f a man to lead an angry bull by the tall.
[ Texas Sit tings.
Because Pattl cried or made believe she
Id when singing "Home , Swtot Homo" in
it. Louli , a paper in n rival city ays : "Tho
bought of homo is enough to make anybody
weep that Is , If they Happen to bo temper-
rily sojourning in St. Louis.
A countiy editor received the following :
'Dear Sir I have looked carolu'ly ' and pa-
iently over your paper for months for the
leath of some individual I wa acquainted
with , but n yet not a single soul I care any-
hing about has dropped off. You will pleaas
o have my name erased. [ Kx.
J. It. Vickcry , the horseman of Kngina
company No. i2 ! , who so gallantly prevented
he fire at the Dickens carnival on Tuesday
night , was presented on Wednesday , by two
; ontlomen nnd a lady , a cane , a match safe , a
: asket for keeping small valuables , and a rule ,
all made out of wood from the Holy Land.
- [ Transcript. How appropriate and useful 1
S'ow if somebody will only present the heroic
jose slinger with a ingle eyeglass , n puff-box ,
and a pair of corpots , ho will probably "chor
tle in his joy. " [ Boston Commercial Bulletin.
Mnrj's Sweet llevcngc.
Mary had a pair of skates
All nickle-plated o'er ,
And every time sto put thorn on
She fell upon the floor.
She took 'cm fo the rink ono day ,
And loaned 'em to a boy ,
Atd when ho sat upon his spine
She jumped and lauahed with joy ,
Norristown Herald.
Buffalo has four theatres nnd eight skating
Clara Morris will sail shortly for London
o begin a season there.
ThoCarlptou opera company has been a
inancial failure in Now York ,
Frank Harto , son of Bret Harto , has gone
the stage , and is now a member of Bouci-
caul t'a company.
Marius , the favorite London actor , will
> robably como over with Charles Wyndham's
ompany in the autumn.
Walter Damrosch has been elected to sue-
eod his father as musical director of the
lymphony and Oratorio Societies of New
Solomon's opera , "Pocahontas , " which
was but a moderate success in London ,
a under consideration by the Boston
To play upon the violin , the lluto or the
ianjo , is developing Into a craze among the
ounger of the fashionable ladles hero and
Frederick Warde is said to bo doing an ex-
client business in the southwest. Miss Mtt-
ens Willet , Kate Meek and S. C. Bubols are
with him.
During the coming London season grand
upcra will be given in English , Italian and
iennan. Carl Rosaa , Ernest Gyo and Herr
lichter will respectively pilot these ventures.
Henry Irving's illnes. , although not serious
n its character , has proved a serious hin
drance towards the carrying out of the
irogrnmmo for his farewell appearance in
Joseffy's recitals offer a rare opportunity to
students and lovers of music. Allthlngs con
sidered , ho is the greatest master of tne in *
strumont whom Americans ore now privileged
o hear.
A drama depicting American Ilfo is re
ported to have made a papular success at
Lyons , France. Among th * incidents are a
bowio-bnifo fight , a rifle duel , a lynching by
women , and a scene in Florida where alllga-
, ors devour the villain.
The following nro the salaries receiyed by
; he loading singers at the Paris Oners : Mme.
Krauss , 825,500 ; M. Lasselle , $25,000 ; Mile
Isaac , 310,000 ; M. Saloman , $14,000 ; Mile
Richard , 812,000 ; M. Dereime , $12OCO ; M.
Bondouresnuo , $12,1X0 ; M. Melchhaodec ,
At a recent dinner party in London a dis
cussion arose concerning the exchange ol
; enlus between England and tbe United
itates. For every actor , singer , lecturer , or
lerson of note sent hero by England the
JnitedStates made a return. There was
Booth for Irving , Mary Anderson for Ellen
Terry , Patti for Nilsfon , as Patti really be-
ally belonged to us first , Jco Jefferson for
Scthern ; and BO on , At length Alma Tade-
na , who was one of the euests said : "Enc-
and is ono ahead of the Ignited States. We
ent Oacar Wilde over but she bad no fool to
lend back.
Opera in German , rather than German
opera , soya ( lie New York Times , scored a
uilllant success in New York this season.
'Gfrman thoroughness , rather than War
ner's repertoire , has , in truth , attained the
brilliant results recorded in connection
with the current season. The average
amount drawn by each of tbo opera ? liar-
formed as follows : 'Dlo Wnlkure , $3,200 ;
'The Prophet , ' $3,000 ; 'The Jewess , " S2,70 >
Lohengrin , ' $2.515 ; 'Tannbaueo- , ' 82,500 ;
'Don ' Glovanna.61802 ; ; 'William TelllC02 ;
Mossaniello , ' $1 51H ; 'Der Frf ischuetz1 81-
8SO ; 'Fidel/a , ' $1,27C ; 'Hit-Giotto , ' 81,133.
These figures stated for the money received at
.he box.offico and are in excess of the subaidy.
Among the names that have been suggested
for the position of conductor of the orchestra
it the Metropolltin'iOpera house , Now York ,
s that of Herr F. Mottl of the opera at
3arleruhe. Herr Mottl is a trained musician
of uncommon ability and no little experience.
Ilia capability showed Itself early and having
bad all the advantages of the musical centres
of Germany , he was placed at the ago of 21 ! at
the bead of tbo Carlsruho opera , a position he
lias since retained. In connection with his
pofltion at Carlaruhe , he produces opera In
the seaion two or throe tinus a week ut
Baden-Iiaden in the Grand Dusal Opera
house. Her Mottl' < enthusiasm for his art Is
such that his performance of "The Meister *
sinKers , " ' Walkure" and "Atda" have been
noted for their fidelity to the conception of
the composer. H'chard Wagner had a high
respect for him ; and recognized his great tal
ent by requesting him on one occasion to con
duct the chorus ut a performance of ' 'Parsifal'
at B&yreutb.
Benco Tlieno Tears ,
Sweet Love : What moans these tears
Upon thy page ? Ease my fearsl
Hath word , or deed , or look of mine
Caused sorrow In a heaitof thin ; ?
Oh , pity my anxious state
And answer ere it be too late ! CLYDE ,
Dear Clyde ; Jmt now your note r ceied
And am astonished ituch and grieved
That you should e\er thought , believed
Those blotches on my letter-page meant tears
Pruy , put a ide ycur anxious fears
For all that nonsense 1'vu no upe !
Those marks meant merely -orauRO ji.lce !
[ Norriitown Herald ,
North Carolica propoies to establish an in
dustrlal school lu connection with her utat
university ,
The school of acting connected with the not
Lyceum Theatre in New York had twenty
nine profuisonhlps when it opened.
It is proposed by the Pennsylvania legisle
turn to pension worn-out public ncliool teocl
era after a service of thirty years in the cdu
catlonal workshop.
Mri. llachel Hay ward , an English lady , ha
een ongagtd as profersor of olccutton in jus
Jincinnati law ochool , and the innovation has
been received with for. f .
There are 111.000 school teachr/s in I'.ng-
and , of whom ninety-five ptr cent are spins-
Arrangements h vo been made In Coinell
nlvcrsity for toachtne the literary and prac-
cal form of journaliun.
A fencing master In New York city has on
ialletof pupils tnoro than ono hundred so-
ety ladlts. Ho ea > s "tho iiractlcois healthy
nd the exjierlencn instructive and the accom-
llshment ono of grace and beauty. '
HTho Koman Catholic University , toward
hlch Miss Caldwell donated IL'00,000 , is to
o erected at Seton Hall , N. J. Mr , Eugene
Colly , the New York banker , has given $50-
000 toward the name object , The entire
amount needed is $500,000.
Professor O. C. Manh , of Ynlo college , is
iganod upon an elaborate report for the
United St Jtes geological survey. Largo ship-
cuts of fossils , unearthed last season by the
arious exploring parties In tht west , have
> oen forwarded to him at the inlo college
nu'cum , and torno important results are ex-
ccted from his Investigations.
Shortly alter the death of Archbishop Tail
m sum of $15,000 was subtcrlbed by Hugby
tudents for the purpose of founding Tail , as the governing body
f llugby miRht elect. That body has just
ocidod upon two prizes of $175 nnd 8125
ach , to bo given to the bry who pwses the
boat f ximinations In divinity nnd Gieek to-
> oc lively.
The annual report of President Klhtof
Harvard university is particularly of InUrost
in ( bowing his position In the educational
movement. While it is readily admitted that
10 stands as the eager champion of the elective
ystora of the broadest typo , nnd wlnlo the
atcst proposal by the faculty under his
eadeishlp Is so marked a step ns to create
omment all ever the country. President
.Hot Is but thus devolping to its full com-
lotion the Idea which President Qumcy bo-
ran to work out sixty years ago.
'his energetic instructor struck outer
or himself by dividing the studios pursued nt
college into two classes , nnd leaving pupils to
make n choice. In 1826 Prof. George Ticknor
was nlven complete control of his own Ircnch
nd Spanish department , nnd hero began the
ilan of voluntary or optional work. In 1830-
1 , alter a minimum amount of work done in
erUin required branches nljowed , n student
ould elect from others. In 1838 the depart
ments were made independent , nnd two pro-
cssors made the bold proposition that daisies
) o only required during freshman year. In
872 all required stnoies had disappeared
rom senior year , in 187 ! ) from junior voar , in
881 from sophomore year and now there are
no required studies save a year of ihetoric ,
English foronaics , German or French , accord-
ng to the Btudout's preparation , nud a fo
ecturos on physics and chemistry ,
Room fur ono More ,
Tis the car-conductor gay
And ho stuffs the passengers in
While ho laughs in his sinful way ,
And watches ouch one spin ;
Ho sees them clut h at the strap" ,
Ho pees them lurch to the door ,
And while they get hard raps
Yells , ' Room for just 0110 more. "
Sardines in their tins lie close ,
And plums are squeezed in jars ,
.but not EO squeezed as thoeu
Who rldo in railroad cars ;
Who grasp and tty to stand ,
As more and more crowd in ,
Shoved by iho conductor's hand
Like envisages into tkin.
- [ Philadelphia News.
800,009 colored children were taught in
lothodlst schools last yoar.
The Church of England has in its ranks 72
xir cent of the whole population.
The centennial offering of the M. E. church
outh last year amounted to $1,000.000.
An American church , costing § 250.000 , lisa
ust been consecrated In Droadon , Germany.
The revised version of the Old Testa-
nent will bo published in London next
The Third English Lutheran church , at
Baltimore , has a Sabbath school of 1,800
The now Second Congregational church at
lolyoke , Mass. , contains 1,150 sittings and
est $10 S.OOO.
In Newfoundland there is about one hun-
red thousand _ Protestants and sixty-five
housand Catholics.
The religious Interest for the past few woeke
moug the children and youth of Ithaca , N ,
r. , has been remarkable ,
The revivals in the Methodist churchet
hroughout Minnesota are said to bo more ex.
ensive than any experienced for a number ol
During the year there have bcf n 300 addi-
Ions to tbe Baptist church from the Cherokee
ndiaua making the total membership 2,000. .
"bore are 6,000 members of tha denominatior
n Indian toiritory.
Bethanv church , Philadelphia , llev. AT. .
'ierson , D. D. , pastor , has an average ol
fty inquirers e ch week. An evuoing service
i held in the Sabbath school hall at whicl
ho attendance is about 1COO persons.
Mr. Moody was assisted in bis five meeting :
at Richmond , Ind , by Ilov. L. W. Mulhall ,
f Indianapolis. The meetings wore held k
he large hall of the Quakers , and no instru.
monts were allowed to lead the music , mud :
o Mr. Moody's annoyance.
A letter just received from Cardinal Simeni
.cknowledging . the receipt of the draft scnl
> y Cardinal McCloskey for 80/,00f. 50c. foi
-'eter's pence. Tha holy father expressed
'his pleasure at the zoul and generosity of the
dioceio of Now York , " and sent the apostolic
isnediction to the archbishop and to ull the
lorgy and laity.
Twenty-six Congregational churches in this
ountry gave last year over § 10,000 each foi
jonevolont purposes , Fifteen of thoao were
n New England , four in New York and
ircoklyn , aud seven in tbo west. Plymouth
hurch , of Minneapolis , gave S43.1U8 ; the
'irst Church , of Chicago , S2C,07and tha
'ilgrim church , of St. Louis , $24,811. ,
Another preacher from abroad has been
ailed to a New York pulpit. The Hebrew
ongregation Ahavath Chesed have invited
labbi Alexander llohut , of Hungary , to sue-
eod the late Dr. Huebach as their pastor ,
nd ho lias accepted und will begin his [ miu-
stry on the 1st of May. In order to accept
o declined n nomination to the Hungarian
orate , which bad been tendered him. He
3 spoken of as an impressively eloquent
"Sliuttlnt ; Out Care. "
Vo may open the door to oar neighbors ,
And open the door to our friends :
We may entertain guests at our table ,
While friendship with courtesy blendij
Ve may pather our dear ones about us
Our helpmeet and children so fair
iut let us forget not to banith
From these tender mcetingD , dull caro.
t watchea at doors andjat windows ;
It whistles through crannies and cracks ;
It gives the goad man the headache ;
It plnchos and tortuiea and racks ,
[ t sits down unmasked at the table ;
It crouches batido the down bed ;
It takes all the brightness from slumber ;
It take ) all the sweetness from bread.
Of all thlnzB to maka our livea happy ,
Of all things to make our paths fair ,
There Is nothing from Home's cheerful fire
So sacred like shutting out caie.
-Mw. M , A. Kidder.
A quack Is a doctor who IB not licensed t
. . . ri.-.iiin. . .
Herald ,
Quack doctors follow the scriptural injunc
tii > m Phjslcian , h el thyself. [ Waterlo
Ho was a level-headed doctor who hired
homo next door to a roller ekatlng rink
- ( Boston Bulletin ,
It im't considered good form for a jihysicla
to tell a butcher-patient that something is tb
matter with his liver.-Boston [ Transcript ,
An enterprising western physician ndvcr
tUes. "I w pay lull of the funort
expen ca i" CMe where I am not su <
oesslul. "
It it said that New York doctors find i
impossible to collect their bills from the :
patient * . Of couno , but why don't they in
the htlw'-IBwton Pest.
, We never tea a doctor walking around
"cmctery without thinking of whit race
here would bo If tome f.f iilo planted patients
ould get after him-Fall [ Uivtr Herald.
Doctors , as a rule , do not llko to attend the
unorah of their patients fnr the same reason
hat tailors will never admit having any misfit
atmcnts on baud.-FallKivor [ Advance.
"I see Dr. Blister is dead. "
. "What did ho die of J"
"He died of bilious fever. "
' I am surprised to hear that , because ho
joaited that ho could euro mo of bilious fo-
er. "
"How much did ho charge you ? "
"He charged ma a fearful bill. I believe
hat it was upward of 5300. "
"Well , that explains why ho did not euro
imself , Ho was a close man , and at these
sure * ho couldn't afford to cute himself. "
Chicago Sun ,
A geese ope weigbintt ten ounces is on ox-
Ibition at Vallejo , Cal.
In HolenaM. T. , thnro Is a calf only ten
months old that weighs 9. > 0 pounds.
The most delicate watch wheels are now
nado of paper pulp in Germany.
llecent'y discovered mummiessorvo to prove
bat tattooing was common among the an-
iont Peruvians.
The latest Mexican treasure sent to London
s a pearl wolaliing'ninety-tlireo carats , which
ssald to be the lii'trst in the world. It is
allied at 3,500 pounds sterling , but its origin-
1 oftncr , n poor Indian , parted with It for
8 pounds ,
That an autograph copy of the cmauclpa-
ion proclamation is among the historic papers
f the British inuecum la not generally
cnown. It was prepared at the request of
ho British government under the personal
upervision of Preiident Lincoln ,
In nxcavating at Canterbury recently there
yore found skulls of oxen which , from a pecu-
iar curvature of the barns , 'nro said to bo
hose of the ancient Biitish ox. This species
ornu'd the chief meat supply of the early
iritone , but disappeared about the time of
lit Saxon invasion.
The Charleston News nnd Courier says that
iK'irochild was born near Shelby , S. O ,
recently with eyes in its forehead , two Inches
md a half iibovo the proper place. Its facs
ookod very much like that of an owl , and the
eyes themselves were like frogV eyes ,
There resides in Memphis , Tonn. , n curious
ndlvidua who cannot live without noiso. Sl-
euca nearly domoats him. Ills mania at one
.iino waajatheroxpcnsive , as ho was constnut-
y ttaveliiiEt on steamboats , going into saw-
iillls , visiting boiler repairing shops and the
Acuriou.1 discovery was made recently when
t lightning-rod which had been in place fit-
, eon years , embedded lu the soft clay , was
removed , There was found attached to it a
solid lump of iron ere weighing ninety-six
joundp , tupposad to have been produced by
ho conversion of the clay by the action of
Six Parsco oculists arrived in Now York
rom Bombay a few days ago on their way to
ho towns , where they propose to practice
heir profession. Three of them have goiio to
XTow Brunswick , N. J and throe to Kingston ,
tf. Y. They were their white dresses with
roufiors reaching nearly to their ankles. Tur-
; niia of white cotton as largo as a pock moas-
ire covered their heads , and they had rings in
heir ears.
In Hamilton , Ga. , there resides a gentle
man to whoso system opg is poison. A sip of
cffeo settled with egg unsettles his stomach
nd makes him sick. The presence of egg In
tnythlng he eats nanseates him , and less than
he twentieth part of one egg has made him
ick for days. To handle broken eggs tlistors
lis fingers and to eat a single egg no thinks
vould till him. He Is a man ot robust con-
titution , and his case is regarded a most sin
gular one.
It is now reported that MIES Jennie
hamborlain is to marry an English baronet
An Indiana bride whose fatber gave her
840.000 was permitted to eat pie with a knife
without criticism. [ Detroit Free Press.
Brides now go to the altar with the left
land uncovered. Tin's means that when the
msband comes homo late he will be handltd
vithout gloves.-Philadelphia [ Call.
The marriage of the Princess Beatrice to
'rince Henry of Battenburg will take place
n Whippingham church , Isle of Wight , in
July , while the queen is at Osborno.
The Scotch people hava a superstition that
.he bride who stands at tbe left of the grootn
it the altar will lead an unhappy married
ife. Young ladies about to commit matri
mony will make a note of this ,
Thn General Ministerial Association at
Portland , Oregon , have refused to marry any
jartifs who have been divorced for other
.ban scriptural pround' , aid also refuse to
marry the guilty party in a lightful ctse of
It is said by his neighbors that a farmer
lear Hungary station , on the llichmond ,
fredericbaburg and Potomac railroad , is
ibout to maray his fixth wife. The man is
till far'frora being an old man.- [ Norfolk
| Vo. ) Ledger.
Chinese Chang has gone long of n wife.
Ho was playing on a hotel piano , when "a
nice , big woman" entered the room. Ho
stopped short. Then ho proposed. She said ,
'Go long. " lie said , "Not a toll , dear. "
There will bo five or six yards of Changs , and
the only small thing about them is that they
) lay on hotel pianoe.
A pretty young girl and a rich old bachelor
weio about to bo married.
"Do you consent to wed this maui" the
ninister asked ,
The biido made no reply.
The minister repeated the question.
' 'You will have to ask maiuma/'sho then
said ; she started this match , nnd she may aj
well see It through. [ S n Francisco Ingle-
Jy using Dr. Frazier's Throat and Lung Bal-
am the only sure euro for Coughs , Colds ,
Joarseness uud Sore Throat , and all diseases
of the throat and lungs. Do not neglect a
cough. It may prove fatal. Scores and
mndreds of grateful people o wo their lives to
Dr. 1 razier't Throat and Lunp Balsam , and
no family will ever bo without it after once
ising it , and discovering its marvelous power ,
t is put up in large family bottles and solder
or the small price of 75 cento per bottle. Sold
Kuhp & Co. and O. V. Goodman.
Many of the now overcoats are made of di-
igonal cloth.
Dark striped goods are used extensively for
.rouaers at this toaaon.
The newest tcarf-pins are made in the shape
of a HMOW drop or crocus.
The newest suipendnrs have two straps
across the back like shoulder braces ,
Very dark gray kids with terracotta stitch
ing are worn by fashionable young men.
The newest patent leatber shops have
pointed toes like those worn two years ago.
Embroidered hat bands ate now worn fast
ened on the inside of the vist on the left ndo.
Hyacinth bolls are embroidered on the cor-
nei-d of the most fashionable pocket-handker
Handsome HI tie shirt studs are set with a
tiny cameo , Two are worn , each one con
taining u monogram.
The Bilk halt for spring weir have rather
broader brims and are uoc aa high as those
worn during the wiLter.
Dark tan alligator skin uppers are seen on
the now walking shoes. The plain black onea
are , however , considered more English.
Necktiea for upring wear are quito subdued
in tint Dark green , spotted with very deep
garnet , and gray , with faint blue dots , are
among the meet fashionable ,
News comes from England that Iho Prince
of Walts has set the fiuhlon tf wearing a ring
oa tha middle finger , The ring must be
a broad band of gold , witn Diamonds sunk
in it ,
AC * RD. To nil who are fullering from errors
anil ludU'oitloris oljoutli , nervous uiakuctg enly
decay , lo of manhood , etc. 1 Kill scud a receipt
thai will euro J ou r'Hl.i : Of1 CHAUQh' . TiiU treat
rumtdywaa dlacouruU t > ) a tuUbloiir.ry to bouth
America. Henil icJdrct ! ; cl cmuloiwio UKV. Jo-
. IMMA * button "i > " Now York ,
According to the courts a dog is not prop
city. The tin can tied to tbe tail of thu dog
in. Cautious person * will bu careful uboui
meddling with the can , Loskport Jouinal.
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
Hum * , NrnliU , rro t Illli'x ,
AM > AM , iiTiini immi.Y ru\9 M > Ai.
POM I jf llruulili nl Ilrftlrn Of IT * liftt. tiny Ol ull I jll9.
IMrrrtlotillull LMIICU1CT4.
TIII : cn.uti.Ks A. voiiit.iu : : en.
( SoiwuotiloA. VPOtUR * CO. ) lUlllmorr , Mil. , f. R. Jl.
A ( rltl In my employ his boon rurctl nt oonttltu-
lonal scrofula by the use ot SwUt's Specific.
J , 0 , JlclAM u , AlUtoona , On.
Kintlo man (9 ( thol&tber ol the Uotcruor ot
D. )
Vfimlcrullt's millions coulil not buy from mo h t
Snlft'a Specific lias done for mo , It cured mo of
scrofula ol 16 > cars' sUmllrR.
Sins. KLUAIIKTII DAKKR , Aonoilh , 0 .
TETTKU After BiilTcrlnR with Tetter for ole\on
voare , nuilnMlng ll Kirtoof treatment , I was ro-
lo\oa entirely by Swift's Specific.
t. H , Lxr , P.1W8011 , Ox
o death's iloor by n comblnntlon of ccrcnu anil
cryilDcl.ii , from wh'ch I hail puttered for tlitpo jours
WM troatcJliy Bo\er I rlijflcliviis wlthlmlliio | > otan-
slum , which scorned to feed the ilUococ. 1 haxo been
cured sound and veil by the ute ot Snlli'a Sioclflo. |
IIRS. SARAH 13. TURMIII , lluinboldt , lonn.
Swifts Spociflo lsciiliroly\ogctnl > le. Trcatleoon
lllooil nnd Bkln Diseases malted frco
Tim SHIFT SpKcino Co. , Drawers , Atlanta , da. ,
or 15Df. . 23d St. , Now York.
Chronic ANerronoI > Ur I.
- . - guro c'tircA. OO"jS.
j7t4 < trattfeo
SUrsoud tw o stamps for Celebrated Medical Worto ,
Address. F. U. CUjAKKE , HI. Ji. , iE6 Scuti
Clark Street , CHICAGO. ILL.
0 B * t l H B < f WH , W WB $
[ ( SoccKssona TO DAVIS & SNIDER. )
Ha\o for sale JOO.OOO acres cirefully eolcoted lands
n Kastern Nebraska , at low ptico and on caey terms
Iuipro\oit lariru for sale In Douglas , Dodge , Colfax ,
Platte , Hurt , ( Jumln , Barpy , Washington , Merrlok ,
Saundcra , and Duller countlra ,
Taxes paid In all parts of the stata.
Honey lowed on improtcd fnrmu.
Notary 1'ubllo ulwaja In office. Correspondence
solicited ,
(517 St. Charles St. , St. Lenis , Mo.
1 rpgulnr graduate of tw o Medical Coltcc , fcrm liepn long ?
In t ho BpecIM treatment of Cn0tic , Nets , 8m *
nnil BLOOD Pn * ! * than nr other trttyileUa la 0t. Xx > til * >
BJ cMy p iier i how nod nil old reiidents know.
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mcnlrl nd
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otn
lions of Throat * Skin or Bones , Blood Po
Old Sores and OlCCrs , ro trcatM with unpiralteli
iucfCMon InUBUjeleoiitleprtncIrl" ' S.t > lrrrhi tel .
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure Or Indulgence , wfcleh rro-lneo some of tha
Tollo loff ctltctil uenouiiieM , dchlhtr , lUnine'l of light
and defectre ! memory , pimple * on llio ruce.rbjiteal decajt
ftrerelontotht * ocitj of femaleii , ccmtuil i of Hcasetc
rendering Marriage improper or unhappy , u
pennaneitijrcurcil , rarophlet(31 ( | ftgtiODtbe ) abofenet *
[ idled envelope , free to any adilrm. Consultation t t
Boo cr bj mall free , uutl f uTlted. WrlUi for rjueitloDi.
A Positive Written Guarantee
give * ID * 1l carable ca es. Slcdlclnes sent everywhere.
Pamphlets , Kneltah or German , 04 pa oi ,
crlblnc above diseases , In male or fcmalt , PZ
tK > pigcl. flue rlalc . Illnitrntol In etoth nj flu klDdlot
60e , mouejArroitkge ; anitti > ftp r covert , 25 . Tbli b ok
touullil til IUO curicui , ilonltrul or luquUHlie wut M
know , i tool r Rre t ( cxrut < o nil. Uetllti
tre CTomttort bp
Will rnrlry the ULOOO.'rcr * '
Utu tin- LIVER nnd KIDNEYS ,
ami ] [ KHT < mi 1111 : IIKAI/T1I
und VJOOIl of VOUT1L , llyt *
pepiliiVantnf Alipcllte , in-
dlxustlon , K.IC.C ol HtrciiKui.
Binl'J < lr""J1"lngal siilMtcly
cm-oil. Honus , muscles anil
m-ri ts rccsl\ ntwlort-ii.
JCi.llvena ilia inniil mid
Jlruln r wvr.
_ J pec-illiirto llii'lrsi-x will
find In Kit. 3t'iniEB.'SIHON TONIC n unfa and
> ci > dy euro. < ( tlvcaa cluur , licaltliy comploxlon.
rrc > iueiit fttffmptsat e" < " - " * fp'Mn ? onlymlc !
A < thupoiularlt | > ol tliu oriel" il. Uo uot expcrl *
Ollt RUtllluOlllllI.VAI. ANDllKST.
a Head rnur nddre toTbe I ) r. 1 Inrlnr M d Oo. V j
3SrIxmU. Mo .for our "DHKA.M BOOK.1 I
Pbconlx Ineuranco Co. , London , Caib
Aesot 5,8 4,0X ( )
Woetehoster.N. Y , Capital 1,000,000
ThoMerohante of NewarkN. J. , Capital , . . . 1,276,000
QlrardPIro , l'hlladelplilaCatlUl ) 1,200,000
Woman'n KnndOarlUI . 1.VJS9000
Srlnnger , . . . . . . * . - . - . . . JJavorin.
Calmbaoher , . . Bavaria
Pilsner Bohemian.
TJrnmen ,
St , louU.
inheusor . . . . - -St. Louis ,
Boat's . . . . _ . Mitoaukeo.
Sohlitz-Pilnner . . Milwaukee.
Srutj'a . Omaha ,
Ale , Potter , DomeHtic nnd Rhine
' /Vine. / m MAURKR ,
12151 Varnnm St.
I iTho tomirkablo growth of
during the last tow yosra la n nutter of
great nstonlihsuont to thosa who pay an
oocaatoual vlolt to this growing city. Tha
development of the Stopv- Yards tha
nocoealty of the Bolt Llns Road the
finely pared atroola the hnndroda of new
rosluoncos aud contly bnalnoea bloeke ,
with the population of our city more than
doubled In the last five ycara. All thli
la n great surprise to visitors and la the
admiration of OUT citUons. This rapid
growth , the bnaluoaa activity , and the
many aabataiitlal Improvements madn t
lively demand for Omaha real estate , and
every luvoatoi hoa made a hnndjioini
Slnco the Wall Street panio May ,
with the anbaonnont cry of hard time * ,
there haa boon loaa.domsnd from apocnla-
torn , bat n fall demand from Invoaton
seeking homos. Thla l&ttor olnsa are
taking advantage of lou prloca In bnlld.
lug material and nro oecutlng their homei
at much loss coat than will bo poealblo
year houco. Spocnlatora , too , can buy
real osta * a cheaper now and ought to taki
advant n o of proaout prlooa foi fntnn
pro ta.
The nest few yeara promlaoa greatei
divolopuienta in Omaha than the paat
livj years , which have boon aa good ai
wo conld reasonably desire. Now man
ufacturing ontabllahmouta and largo Job
bing houses are added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many tn Omaha and through *
but the State , who have their money in
the banka drawing a nominal rate of In *
toroat , which , If judiciously Inveatod In
Omaha real ottato , would bring them
much greater rotarua. Wo have many
bargains which wo are confident will
bring the purchaser largo profita In tht
near future.
We have for sale the finest'
deuce property in the north und
western parts of the city.
North we have fine lots at reason
able prices on Sherman nvenuo,17th ,
18th , 19th and 20th streets.
West on Farnam , Davenport ,
Cuming , and all the leading streets
n that direction.
The grading of Farnam , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible some of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Farnam , the pro
perty m the western part of the city
will increase in vnlnn
We also have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock 'Yards proper
ty in the south part of the city. The
developments made in this section
by the Stock Yards Company und
the railroads will certainly double
the nnco m a short timo.
We also have Borne tine businoH
lots and some olocant inside mm-
dencop for nalo ,
Partiea wishing to invest will find
some gccd fct by calling
South 14th Bt ,
Bet Teen Farnham and Douglaa ,
P. S. We fcsk those who have
property for sale at a bargain to j iv
ua a callWp -want only bargains
Wo will positively not handle prop
erty nt more thnn its real value ,