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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1885)
8 THE DAILY BEE Priday Morning , March G ( LOCAL BREVITIES , The political pot Is getting ready to bol In the Flrtt ward , Tlio Musical Union Orchestra will glvo i grand concert at tha opera house next Sunday The weather yesterday wai wet nni aloppy , Pedestrian travel , has according ! ; been light. No breakage of water mains In the vicin ity of the depots , The pipes and mains ar all safe and in order thereabouts , Sadie McBrlde , the notorious , was arrest odlaetiilght for making a dlntutbanco. Sh suffered the threes of a sovcro epileptic fi while in Jail. Tlio second hand store of L'indman&Co , on South Tenth ttrest , was burglarized Wed nesday night , about fifteen dollars worth o goods being taken. Tbo Hock Island train wai three honr lalo last night , the U. P. west-bound two am a half hours late , nnd iho B. &MM Denver forty-fivo minutoa late. County Clerk Lvavlttjand his assistant ! nro busied in making up the lists of taxnbli pioperty In the city , for the assessors who g ( lo work en the iirjt of April. Un account of , lho mooting of the cltj council last evening Iho meeting of the Unlor Veteran club ia postponed till this ( Friday evening , at the city hall building , "Baby" Barnes has returned from hii trip through the state , giving exhibitions o his cluBcn art. llo was -Kelcoined at thi depot by n vast throng of his admirers. Jos' ph Gross , of the firm of Urosi Bros , Madison , Nob. , Insolvent , is In the city , try tocltecta settlement of the suits which an now pending In the United States court. Leave of absence for ono month , to taki effect at the expiration of tha present sccsioi of the board of inquiry has been granted Col occl IT , A. Morrow , of the Twenty-first In- fantiy. William Mack commenced snlt in Judge Weiss' court yesterday against 0. Lastcr , charging him with wilfully anil maliciouslj culling down trees nt Florence on the Mad propetty. Among the wayfarers who sojournci in Omaha , Wednesday , was 1'otrr McGooch the noted laid man of Milwaukee. JIo dis claimed any business Intention of his trip , but was simply passing west. The Iluth Robckah Degree lodga an pleated to announce that they will plvo an < other of their entertaining concerts and hope to cclipso all former efforts. Tickets , admit ting gentleman and lady , 23 cents. Loon Fry , a Frenchman , now supposed tobo homostoadiag in the state near Atkin son , is wanted to claim 820,000 in Franca , at least si Judge Bonoke hw boon informed by otter. Fry was formsrly In the employ ol Union Pacific ) at this point. A call at the officos'of the justices of the 1'irst ward discloses the fact that little law business is required thero. No criminal cites pending and the civil cases ara of minor Inv portance. Justices Stenberg and Brando arc cnjojing their ease with dignity. Tbo westbound passenger train this morn , ing was a heavy ono. It is noticeable thai travel west , particularly towards Washlngtor and Oregon , is increasing daily. At tlit freight offices all Is bustle nnd work , while through trains are very heavy , ' A novel , double-purpose serving appar atus is now utilized at the 1'ax ton hotel , It is not an Kollan harp , nor yet is it a hand , organ , but It moderates and smooths down ho harsher notes of the snorer. Ask the management if this is not true , lion. Thos. M. Bowen , United States senator from Colorado , writaa n friend her < that the supply of "Uecordi of the Rebel- ion , " published by government authority haa been exhausted , and that an effort woulc bo made to secure an appropriation for another - other publication of this important work , In the police court yesterday afternoon Maty Hyan tworo out a complaint against hui husband , who had savagely assaulted her. Uyan haa several times before been arraigned on a similar charge. Christine Pghorro filed n complaint against her son-in-law , charging him with assault and battery. Mr. A. D , iToncr , the pioneer citizen , was tendered a very pleasant surprise party Wed' nesdny evening , at his residence on South Sixteenth street , by the members uf llobokali Degree Lodge , I. 0. O. F. About thirty friends availed thamoelvos of the opportunity to tender him their congratulations anJ ro fiaids , A Foml-riot was reported to have takot house Wednesday. Su l > lace at the slaughter pciinttnJeat Crounso , of the buildings , In honor of the inauguration hoisted a llaminc Cleveland flag , which was promptly orderoi down by Manager Meday. A email rlol spread amoiig the workmen , who protested for the Hie , which was finally ro-holstod. The Lincoln correspondent of the BKI was In error In stating that Juti's Davis , oni of the detectives imp'icated in thu uttcmptei tobboty of the state treasury , wai ho cf lower Tenth street fame. Mr. Davlf who is now engaged in keeping a second-ham Btoro in this city , has just returned fron Montani , where he has been for the past ti : woekt , During this time , of course , ho ha not been In Lincoln , and on these grounds th gentleman points triumphantly to a clcii idibi. Oh ! matter , spare the mule ! A wngoi loaded with lumber enough to tax two stov animals upon nn ordinary road , was tac near the foot of the hill opposltu the pollc court room yesterday. To it was hitched Mnple mule , n faithful , willing , docile mul Straining and struggling in the mud , i every elloit to draw the load was frultlei nnd yet , strange enough , it did not seem < occur to the driver that ho was requiring tc much of the willing animal. A little comic oration for those we command is a jewel i the ciown of courage. Long after them I'd hour ot last nigh when the good people of this city were sleej man walked u little ahead of Ing , a young BKK repoitor along Farnam street. As 1 iteppjJ Into the bright light of the electi jot on Tenth street he halted , The blazli jet wai sway.n * to and fro In the cold nor wind , caublug u any i ha Jews to dance at waltz abtut Lim , Ho might have been ' h : seas over , " for he had not full command tongue , The itpnter docs not know abe this , howe\ur. Itli certain thit be slot ' unstealy for a inotnou' , evidently < mdeav'c ing to unravel the myitery of the ghrstlil figures thtl Oodgod and dippei about liii In A voice th'ck with emotion , or eometuli Htroager , he muttered , "If I'm myself , I' ' jhlc ) lerurnl people ; if I'm tome other fello h 'iihiedrank ( ) ! " Then turalug about ai facing ; the BIB man ha blutUd r.ut , "Hell sUangur ! who axe we ( hie ) anyhow ! " CITY SOLONS. Ttio Extra Session of the Giiy Com ell Last Night , A Slroet C r Ordinance Dtvld In the Fourth nnd SlihVnrtl8 Other Business. President Murphy looked bnalneia-llk when ho cillol the adjourned mooting c the city council to order last night , tin roll-call showed nlno mombora pretcc a quotum. The chairnnnouncod tha regular bna noes In order , whereupon a petition wn presented allowing the bad condition c North Twentieth street andprovldingthn sidewalks bo placed fora distance of tw or tbroo blocks north of Nicholas street Petition was signed by Mr. Wliito am twonty-livo othora. Ilafcrrod. A number of potitlona and communlcj tions of aomowhat simile r import wor referred In a body to appropriate com mittoos. Under the call for resolutions Fur.i clferroil ono tint the street commisaiono bo directed to raisa two bailed crest walks between Saunderj and Cumin stroota and repair the oamo. Refcrro to commllteo on sidewalks nnd bridge ; Furay offered roaolution na to side walks. Referred to board of publi works. An account amounting to $137.00 fo rcmovlntj B aojo up to Fobruaty 11 1885 , was allowed John Peterson. Several small bills for sovrerago wor ] were nllovFod. The report of the chairman of the bean of public works waa read and placed ci lilo. lilo.An An ordlnauca regulating the runnln ] of streetcars and repealing city oidlnanc No. 81G was presontod. It required tha street cars on all tracks and CODKCJ bi run every ten minutes from G a. m to i p. m , nnd ovary twenty minutoa froii 3 p. m. to midnight ; and makes thi failure to so warm cats , and the failure tc comply with the contract me do by thi person or company tunning thorn a mit demeanor , punishable by a line not lo ? thin § 10 and not moro than $100 ; ant each day on which a violation of the ordi nance occurs is undo a separate offense It also repeals ordinance 810 , Oil motion the ordinance was road raits suspended and It plecad on pas sage. sage.Upon Etiftgoatlon that so frequent run ning as every ton minutes would prevon ! the company from extending their linei into iho suburban diitiicts , the ordinanc ; was so amended as to road every "fifteen1 minutes , from G a. m. to 8 p. in. and a : imondod passed. Hoecall presented a bond of the Omaht boaid of trade In § 5,000 , on > whfch Gee 3. Ames , Max Meyer and 0. F. Good- nan are sureties , conditioned to fulfil tbo requirements of ordinance No. 31 a : lo erecting a building to bo nsod by the : hambcr c f commerce , on lot No. 140. nd moved the approval cf the bond , the lelivory of the deed and payment of the purchnso money. Adopted. On motion the bill of II. H. Walkci for extending the sewerage acrosa Far a am streat , near Thirtieth ttrcot , wa ; ordered paid. An ordinance authorizing the transfer Df $3000 from * special to a ganeral fund , icd $5000 from the soweia o fund to the jolica fund , wai , under suspension of the rules , agreed to. Iledfiald offered an ordinance creating number of now paving districts in the city of Omaha. The new districts num ber twelve , and arc described at length. It excited considerable discussion and finally pasted by a vote of 8 to 1 ( Bohm voting "no" ) , A jddgincnt , certified by the city attor ney , In favor of Victor Wolf for § 75 and costa waa ordered paid. Bochcl offered on ordinance dividing the Fourth ward into two moro voting districts. District No. 1 , comprises that part of tbo Fourth ward lying north of Douglas and east of Jeffercon streets , and that portion lying north of Dodge and ivost of Jefferson stroots. District No. 2 , somprlses all that part of the Fourth ward lying south of Douglas and east of Jeffarcon1 ] streets , und eonth of Dodge ml weet of Jefferaon alreeta. Agtcud to. to.An ordinance to divide the Sixth ward into two or moro voting districts wai presented. Under its provision district No. 1 comprises all of the Sixth ward IjiaR east of a line drawn from a poinl whoto the west Hue of Jefferson ttrcol croaaos the south boundary of the Sixtl : ward , thence north along a line to the point where tht west line of Snundei-j street crosses th ( north boundary Una of the Sixth ward , D strict No. 2 comprise ! that portion ol the Sixth ward lying weat of said lino. . Agreed to. An ordlnanco was introduced for the submission to the voters of Iho city at thi spring election of 1885 , the proposition t < vote § 100,000 in citv bonda p yablo with in twenty years from the date thereof , tc bo used In funding the floating indebted neat cf Omahi. Agreed to. An ordinance to ottabliah the grade o atiodts In savors ! additions to the ciiy o Onuba wai agreed lo. A OUANKV COUNCILMAN. During tbo sitting ol the council las evening while the ordiranco ropulatiij , the running of street cars was under d cinsionMr. Eitcill became facotleuj am lomlndcd thu council that Thirteen ! ! street had the advantage of Eighteen ! ! atrjet , bacauso while tu > i people on Tlih teenth street wore ficqnoctly frlghtonoi at Bohemian ! , even hones on High toenth street sometimes bi cacao flight ened at owls , and thereupon Mr. lied Geld promptly ictoited that ITascall wo excusable inasmuch as hohasbconrlghtl nhined the "ciank" of the council. WOBTH NOTIUINO. During the consideration of the ord ntnco creating additional paving dlttrlcti a member opposed its passage , preferrln that it bo laid over until the wishes c ths people affected by it could bo mad known t ? the council. He arguol tbi experience bad taught ( hem tint to pa : an ordinance cio tmg a raving distrli practically mtass to order the strcel therein pavid , with or without tbo po < pU'a consent. The member was evident ! in deep oarncst.but kept his good humci To hi i obj action It wai replied that streo are not ptvod except in pursuance- < petitions tf the property holders roiider in pavlnpj districts , or by order of tl : council , upon a hewing of high publ necceslty , and that petitions of propeit holaera resident In paving d's'rlcta ' coul not bo presented excipt and nntll tuc dittrlots , as to mttes and bounds , wei crestsd , and ftsoertalned thit the obje < of the ordlntnco under consideration wi to create iuch diatrlcta , and thus dote mine who are properly holders llvin therein , entitled to petition for sncli dli tricts. This clear statement molllfio the opposing olcmont and the oidlnanc wai agreed to without disiont. THE NEW COURT HOUSE , The as Fl.\turon BcliiR llnoc l- Other Uulialnf ; "Work. The now gas fixtnrea for the cout house have rcashcd hero from Now Yorli and are now being placed in position The work Is bolng donoundor the person al supervision of Mr. Biggs , rcprcsontlni the contracting firm of Mitchell , Vnnco i ( Co. , of Now York. The 1'ghting npparaliu throughout 1 of an ornate , even elegant , but substan tlal description. In the district cour room especially the chandelier are something moro than or dlnary There are three pendant ] , oni Urge cue of eighteen jots tD bo placed Ji the middle , flanked by two smaller ones. . twelve light ? , The center chandelier h of golden burnished brass , with auccois ivo scries of ornamented stucco fringes the g'obo ' surmounting the gas jot , bcior. beautifully jonollod with red , blue one yellow colored crjstolr , whicl add a eoft of mellow part colored effect t ? the effulgence o : of the chandelier. In addition to those three chandeliers there are to bo station nry lamps on the judge's desk , of throe lights each , The largo chandelier is th < exct pattern of the 750'llght pcndanl just put up ia the now Murray nil ! nptol of Now Yoik. In onch of tl' < different rooms , district clork'f , wltnoes grand jury , judge's chamber , etc. , _ th ( chandeliers are cf different description ; the degree of ornatenc3s , for iho malt. part , being governed by tbo size of the room. In about two weeks the wort will bo completed. Down stairs on the fust lloor , the cherry polished desks in the rooms of the county clerk and county treasurer have boon placed In position and the office : begin to rmumo qttlto a business llko ap- poaranco. The screening on the countoi of the treasurer's apartment la of crna- mentil brass description with glass pan elling a thoroughly substantial affair. The building will not bo ready 101 occupancy , say those in charge , until about the fust of April or May , The progress of finishing up the wort bat not been fast of la'o on ac canLt of the difficulty of procuring a Euflicicn cy of wet kmen d uring the re can t intensely cold weather. A Lo BOY , A ChlUl Who Has Been Missing Three Days , Mr. and Mrs. James McMichaol , or Coming , and Idaho streets , have losl their little soven-year-old boy , whc atiayed awsy from homo Tuesday morn- Ing. All posiiblo icarch has been made for him in evoty direction , but to nc avail. The probabilities are that ho hoe been taken away from town , or that he his met with some unknown fate. When last seen ho had on a gray niit , with hat to match , and red stockings. Any in- foinntlon regarding him should bo loft at po.ica headquarters. PERSON All. George W. Gray , of Cleveland , Is : n tha : ity. ity.P. P. L. Hunisey of the Cozzons , went east last night , Detsctivo J. J. Neligh left last nlpht for New Orleans , B. W. Towner , a noted cattleman of Laramie is stopping at tbo CanBeld , A. O. Campbell , n lawyer of Cheyenne and formerly of Omaha , is in the city. Ilav. J. A. Hultman and wife returned homo Wednesday night from a two week's Chicago trip. Mifn Lena Schindelo , of Council Bluffs , formerly of Chicago , is visiting her friend Mrs , Uaroman , 171'- California street. Messrs. Canary and wife , Liversey and wife , and K , G. Fray , the noted roller skaters , aru stopping at tha Paxton. Itav. I. A , Bradiiek und daughter Bella , returned last evening from a six weeks stiyat the Colfax , Iowa , springs with health greatly bonetitted , John Ingram , Sioux City , D. Anderson , It , H. Sutherland , Columbus , Mrs. J. Koch , Mrs. Trey , Chicago , S , K. Henderson , Sioux City , are at the CanGeld , Mrs. Lorsh , of Nebraska City , and her two charming daughters , Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kellogg , came to Omaha 'Wednesday , and at tended the theatre in the evening , Mr. II. II , Haoger , representing 11 , B Glover & Co. , Dubuqun , Iowa , was In Omaha for a few days , receiving greetings of his many friends ho made during his recent visits tc our city , Mies Hattie Boyden who has been visiting In this citv , was tendered a farewell partv at the residence of Mr. J. W. Davidson last night , and leaves for her home In Waihlngtor to-day. Mrs. J. II. Burroughs passed n fefr days Ir Springfield last week , nattering repoiti comoof the success of the Omaha W , C. T U. , of which she has charge. Sprlngfleh Republican. M. M. Waldo , Columbus ; II. W. McBride Blair ; J. 1Nylander , Kearney ; II. II Smith , Pierce ; Henry Fry , York and P. Hey of Silver Crook , are among the Nebmk , guests at the Uozzens. At the Paxton : Thoa , AllenNebraska City N. 0. Sears , North Bend ; John Sparks nni daughter , Cheyenne ; Ed. II. Neil , Boston ; C Boulter , wife and sister , Cheyenne ; B. E Fenner , Fort Calhoun ; W , II. Ilayden Hastings and G. S. Loug. P. Kgtn , Lincoln : Bernard Dolan , Lincoln M. Grace , Albin Stolle , North Platte ; I. 3 StarbockandS.Ii. Green , McCook ; J , W Cms and wife , David City ; Mre. O , Mall ; and daughter , Madlion ; K. Sheldan , Nebra ; ka City and J. B. Barnes , Pones , are guest at the Millard. Among the arrivals at the Metropollta ; yesterday were Alfred A. Salmon , Aehland A. W. Vandeman , ' Wahoo ; Goo. L , Fishei Creighton ; John Henry , York ; J. R , Wilso : nnd wife , Lincoln ; G. B. Miller , C , Moon G , A. Hagan , Springfield ; B. O. Ycomat Wosping Water and Henry Jeffrey , of Gran Island , Neb. - "Kansas City Liz" was arrested by Ofl cer Metza last mVht on a charge of non-pa ) inent of a fine. The ollicer was implored t let her off because she has a small child , bi knowing she Is unworthy of sympathy t lodged her in jail , Trial this morning. add per AN IRISH PATRIOT , Mr , Thomas Brcnnan The Mnn n Ills Ideas. Wednesday morning , Mr. Thomi Btonnan , the great Irish patriot , arrive In Omahn , prcpiratory to delivering a address to-night bsforo iho Emmol monument association. Mr. Bronna has achieved on historic position In th struggles of Ireland to free hcrsolf , nt tibly aa secretary cf the Irish Lau League , In which capacity ho giine a reputation for cool , qulc execution and cloarhcadcdncEi A repciter sought Mr. Bronman at hi room at the Millard yesterday , a nd mad his acquaintance. IIo is a man of cat carrlago and affable bearing and probabl not over 23 or 30 years of ago. In fac ho is rather a disappointment to .130 Oco naturally expects to find , tn the mai who for years defied and harassed th < English [ government , grim-vlsagod stern , even morose order of being. 13u no , Mr. Btcnnmn is a tall , si in youth , almost bcnrdlees , ( but for a light sand ; mustache ) with a highly Intellectual fore head and cnit of features , quite ready t talk of matters portioning to his work , "I have just como from San Fran Cisco , " sild ho In tosponso to the repot torlal feeler , "whero I have bcon engagei forsomo tlmo patt. I find the people o the woit very favorlblo to the Irish cause the Irishmen concerted and onthuaiaatlc In fact , 1 think our cause Is bocomlu ; moro and nero firmly rooted in this coun try all Iho tlmo. IIow did I leave Den nls ? " Well , JCearney , poor follow , ha played his last card , I am afraid. U has completely lost caato among the Irish men of this country , nsd has not a vcstig of Iclluonca remaining. Ho is now ruii ning an intolllgonco office , I believe , ii San Francisco. " "Mr. llroncan. es a man who ha studied the problem cf Ireland' cnnncipition , and who is acquaint c with all phases of her condition what do you think of the dynamit outrages ? Is there any defined rolatloi between them nnd the policy of the Lim Loacuo ? " ' Nona whatever. The Land Lcagu has no moro connection with these out rages than you have , and is in no wa ; lo bo hold renponeiblo for them , Yes thcso explosions are to bo regarded a the Isolated acts of enthusiastic but dangerous gorous individuals , who aio working fo the country's independence In a way tha cnnnot bo approved , and yet I bollcv that England herself must bo chargoi with the blame for the con dltlon of affairs. It ia Euglani that has ground down the Trial dependency and haa brought the counlr to the point where It is n-day. Theai outrages are simply the result of alHhcs jcarn r'of cruelty end oppression , th natural reaction of the treatment whicl haa been accorded an oppressed pec pie. " "I believe that the ultimata result to wards which all Irishmen mutt work i the ontlro independence of the country Io bo euro , the Irish people might hi jonteuted for a time will iuch measures of relief si H c&n bo secured by parliamentary legla lat'.on to have a parliament of their owi md to sustain tome such a i elation to ward England as that cf Canada. Bu it Is uncertain that any such concession trill bo made by the British government 3o far as lean now sao the inevitable re suit of all this will bo the ultimata free loin cf Ireland , which I think , f au onlj ao accomplished by physical force bi > pen warfare. " THE EMMETT ANNIVERSARY Die Kntcrtninmcnt nt iho Ojicr : House Imst , Nif ht Brennan Spculcg. List ovonlng , the one hundred am lovonth annlvereary of the bhth of Rob jrt Emmet , was celebrated by the Em norMonument association at the open lonso. The spacious building wai fillec Dy the men and women whoso hearts atil ihrob for the preaent and future of tin Emornld lele , and the display of Icca patrioUsm waa aa profuse as commenda 3\0. \ 30.Tho oxorcieon of the evening oponec sith a potpourri of Irish airs by thi \ . O. H. band. The chairman's nddres ? wasdoivcro ! ( t > y Hon. Patrick Egan , and was a warn ; ribnto to the memory of Robert Emmet md including , incidentally , a short re , 'iow of the past and present of thi nether country , and her hopes and strug ; lc3 of the future. The gontlennn wai rooted wi'h hearty applause at the con ; loalon of his epoech. The "Star Spangled Banner" was thtr rendeted in an artistic manner by thi Dmaha Glea Olub. ' Brighter days foi Did Ireland" were fcretofd In eong bj Mies I. Lorino Gibson. The hdy is poe icesor of a rich soprano volca of ran power and range , and almist potfectl ] ittuncd. She was mot by a peralston 3ncoreto which abe responded by present Ing the beauties of "Kato Kearney , o Ktllarnoy. " The oration of the evening was pro nounced by Thomas Brennan. Thi gentleman la known over tire continent ( is a warm Irish patriot , whose warmtl Indeed he a oft times uncomfoittbly affec ted the British Hon. Ho It was , whi with Michael Davit * , originated the lam league , and for a tlmo was tbo teero tary of the league , except so lout ; aa hi was lucarcarated inprison"on suspicion. ' Mr. Brcnnan Ia au easy , agrjoiblo am favorable speaker and from the fits moment to the last cba'nod tbo attontloi of his audience. Ho briefly tuloglzei the life and patriotic career of Etnmo and told of the inllaenca which hli actions had ozortcd for ovorlas'iag ' god upon the future of his country. Th past and proiont relation of Ireland wit ] .England were eloquently dwelt upon b. the speaker In such a manner as to ellci the sympathetic attention of h's audience Mr. Bronnan spoke for about thrjo quarters of an hour and then rolirgi amid rounds of applause , well laden , bi It said , with floral tributes. The ranca'ning ' portion of iho order o exerclaea wts musical. "Derrant Astore , a vccal eolo by Mlw Fannie Ainod ! , w botutifully rcndtred , as was also thu SD ! "K rry D ncera , " by Miss Chamberlain "O'Donnell ' Aboo'1 was aung by Mr. Ja Northup , iho well-known tenor ; Katt leen Mavourneen br Mr. Walter B. Wi kint. Thoexorotaea found a fitting finalo'l the beautiful national anthem , "Go Sovo Ireland , " rendered by the Glc ciub. IlolertHon. Vuu Ueurcn. Mr. Chas. 1C Robertson was marric Wednesday afternoon to Miss Caroline Ii VanBeuran , daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. t Van Bearen , it the realicnce of thebrlc California and Button atroete , The cen mony loolc placa very quietly , wlthou any attempt at ostentation , in Iho prci enco of Iho relatives of the contraclin parties and a few Imitcd gucats. Thi uacal honeymoon trip will bo dispense with , and Mr. and Jlra. Robertson wll settled donrn to married life among thol friends. Mr , Robertson it a book-keeper fc Woldimn& Co. , commission merchant ; wbllo Miss Van Uenron haa boon an nc cpmpHshcd member of sccloty in thii city. The congratulations of the BKE ar oxtotulcd In fullest measure. _ The confori'iico coimnltteo of the Mclhc di t ICplscopal ohurch , will locate a classic. ! ssmhmry nt Kearney if ho citizens give bonus of forty ncrca of land and 910,100 i cash , Absolutely Pwre. Tills powder novrr vatlos. A marvel ol purotj strcnRth anil who'ossmcncso. Mora economical thfx the onllnary klnils.anil cannot bo sold In compel tlon with tbo multitude of low tct , short wolgb ultimot iihjarhrto powders. Bold only In cans UOYAt , HAKINQ I'OWDUIl CO. , 10H Wall 8t ; N.'V COLLARS CUFFS BEARINQ THIS UARK AHI THI FINEST OOOD8 EVER MADE , BEINO ill Linen. BOTH Lln'ngs AND Eiterlorj. Ajk for them CAUM for Omah . Omaha Medical & Surgical Instil ute 13th St. , Cor Capital Ave , Chronic and Surgical Diseases Diseases of Females , of tlio Ncnoua Svetcm , Ft vato IJUoaiiva of the Urinary and Sexual Organs , and Diseases of the Ileftd , Thi ott and Lungs , RpocUltlos EYE AND FAR , DIfwasts treated by an experienced npcclallsti also dlsoasea of tha Heart. Liver , Stomach , Kidneys , Bladder , Neural ; ! * , Hheumatlsm , Plies , Cancer , etc. CATAHIUI , UKONCniTIS. And all other dlecascs of the Ihroatand Lungstres , ! ed by Medicated Vapors. ( Send for Inhaler or circular on Inhalation. ) All ( llPcaocB of the Blood , Urinary and Sexual Or gans. 1'rUato Diseases nnd Piles Cured or no Pay. (15 ( Years Hospital ami Prlvato Practice. ) Consultation and examination free. Call or write for clrculnrs'.oa chronlo dlneatca &nd doforrnltloa , Diseases of Females , Private Diseases of the Urlnarv and Hoxutl orzans , Seminal Wok > ness , Nervous Debility or Exhaustlcnetc. , etc. , > nd our new rcstoratlvotreatmont. All letters and consultation * Confidential. Medicines sent to all parts of the country V > y ex * prepssecurely packed from observation , If full do- ecrlptlon of case Is Riven. Ono personal Interview preferred If comcnlent. Open at all honrs. Address all letters to Omaha Mtdicn ) & Surgical Institute 13th St. Cor. Capital Ave. COWING & GO JOI1I1KK3 IV WROUGHT IRON PIPE , 9lil1 lile anil Cail Iron Load Pipe and Shoot Loqd UOIlTIIIMiTOM KTKtJl I'tJirS , \UMimU , AMI HUH K\ULI. ITBI'8 , Plumbers' Gas and Steam Filters' ' IRON & BRASS GOODS , ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES , 14th & . Dodge Sls.OMAHArlEB. ' [ SUCCESSORS TO JOHH O. JACOBI ) UNDERTAKERS I At the old stand H17 Farnim BL Orders by telo eraphBJllcltcd nd prompt ! ttendsd to. Telepboni Ho 225. 1'roposalB for Siibslhtcnco Btorog. OrncK I'unciiAsiKo AMI DKror , ) Of Bl'IHIHTEMK , Omaha , Neb. , February 21st , 1E85. ) Proposes In duplicate , In sealed envelope ? , * d drouid to the undorsigntd rntrkod "proposala March 8l8tlK-ri , " rd tiiljjcct to the usual conditions willb ( recehed at IhUotllco un'il 12 ID. i oon. Central Btan. dard time , March 3Ut , 1835 , athlch time and pla-c they w 111 bu opened In vre enco if bldilirr , for fur- dlnhliuand ilelhery tt tno Subslstonce Storehouaj lu thU city , or on rtllroad ram at or near jlac * cl mar utactu oofthe ( olioA let' artUloi viz : 141 bb'H pork , light meg * . 15,000 Ibi DJCOU , now cured , short clear eldca. loetructhcs toLUMerj"ghlDfdelars ; concernlni ; bacon will be furnlthed on aj-ptloitlon , and should be attiched to p-onoail , Sl3(0j pound ) llmr , high ground , to be undo frcm good sound vheat. The bids wl 1 itate I lie prloiln new Btranp single eel ton lacks , and In double sacks. The out Bide sack to bo builnw , well sewed and corners tied , etch sock 11 contain 100 pounds net of flour. SO OCO pounds beans , medium or navy hand picked la barrels , full headlined or in double sicks , jnsde ootion , outtlde bunaj t , corners t ed , bldi lor small loUwiil also becucBtdered. 49 barrel' vinegar , 85 grains itrcngth , standard Bi-nvla ru * ) ' be teen at tbu ottlce. 20.000 pujnds s'ap , laundry pound bars , In cassu holdliij ; 60 pound * ; CAMS etiu.jied , simples of Hour , beans vln'iarands > apto be eeiit vtltn ircJio ol . The article * to Ii ) dtlivired by trie 25th of April 1635 or as so in thei > tter a prattle tble , 1'repOiiiUforlliepark.baouulioani\tnciar and sea [ will alii bo recolvcd and opined vt the tame time b ) M ior J , W. Barrlger , 0. 8. Chicago 111. , for delivery I'ropfHuiifor the Hour will lie b i received and opened at thosvnetlme bj M Jf W. H , Hell U. H. Chuyeone dtpot WjnrntaB , for dtlivery at Che ) cnc deriot or na ri. H- ram at or near place cf rnanufaoi urr Proposal * for Hour will la ) oe irotlved at thi M etimeby Bct. . F. Wtltehead , O.K. Den\er , Colorado , lorda lr iv a < Denver 01 on It. It. can at or near plaoe of roauulaoture. The rlyht U reiftvtd t ) reJect any or all prop-sail Blink proposal * cau j' ' 1,1 , 10111 maiehJ-i-se-238) Major tC.S. THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUT DEWEY&STON Ono of the Best and Largest Stocks in tlio United States to Select From : STAIES TO CLIMB. ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOK Are now offering AT Tlie greatest bargains ever seen in Oiualia 200 ORGAHS ! ! 100 PIAHOS ! FOR GASH OR ON IMSTALLMEJiTS Also great reductions in Diamonds , Jew elrv. Clocks and Silverware i The only importers Havana Cigars * and Meerschaum Goods in Omaha. Wholesale dealers in Guns , Ammunition , Sporting Goods , Notions and Smokers' Ar ticles , THE A , I * . STRAN.G COMPANY , Double and Single Acting Power and Hand " "S Eoglno Trimmings , Mining Machlnoty , Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron FltUngi. nt wholoBnlo or retail. HALLADAY WJND-MILLS , OHUROB AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 19th and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. Having quite a number of Misfits and Uncalled for iuits From our Merchant Tailoring department , we offerthem to all purchasers at about one-half of their actual value. These are no Ready Made Goods , advertised as Custom Made , but Real Merchant-Tailor work. CSVE US A CALL. Clothiers and Merchant Tailors , 1216 Fa main Street. LARGEST STOCK OF 19 J Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for F ; less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraask ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES VARIETIESSCflLES Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track , ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVEBNMENQ Orders for the Indian Department given for Buflalo Scales ex clusively. Scale t : EKHE : > .AXR SZHZOJP , IT HC . UlCI/E E1I1EET OMAjlA , NEDRASK