Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1885, Image 7

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Deere & Company , Moline , Illinois
HUVGIVK : A.jyr > DOTJISLE irrmiioAV.
THE "NEW IiEATj" Is lighter In draft and more easily handled than o hand plow , and cnta a
ninro uniform furrow
THE "MEW DUAL" la lighter la draft , lighter In weight , nnd lighter la price than a sulky plow ,
nnd will do nil Its work.
THE "NEW DEAL" OBIIR cuts 21 Inches with the draft of n 10 Inch hand plow-asaUngof no per
cent. In labor. Docs nil the work of : i four-horeo riding Lmng with ono less horsu nnd Httlo
nioro tlmn half the cott.
THE "NEW DEAL" Mows nro . ,1X7 ; STEEL , Insnrlns prcntoflt PtrcnfilU witli lighten weight.
Tills Is no untried nnd rickety experiment , and thcfo claims nro not miulo recklessly to attract
nttcntluti. Tlio i < yBtein Is the outgrowth of careful oliprrvntlon nnd experiment reaching over a period
of j-cnm , with a rational view of the K < inlromcntB of the times.
XJtEY AllE mri'E7HOlt XO A.2fV J'KOII'S El'EIt OFTEltEV , and the most
economical plans ever placed lu thu market. Call aud examine them.
Deere , Welis & Co. , Western Hgents
LOBS and Gain ,
"I wnn t.ikon pick a year ago
With bilious fover. "
"My doctor pronounced ma cured , but
I got sick sga'n , with terrible palna in my
back and sides , and got so bad I
Could not move I
1 shrunk I
From 228 Ibs. to 1201 I had been doc
toring for my liver , but it did mo no good.
I did not expect to live inrro than three
months. I began to usa Hop Bitters.
Directly iippotuo returned , my pains left
mo , my entire system socmod renewed as
il my magic- and after using several bottles
tles , I am not only an sound aa a sovereign
but wolght more thin I did before. I'o
Hop BittorsI oivo my life. "
Dublin , Juno C , ' 81.
CUAlTEll ir.
"Mnldon , Mnsi. , Feb. 1,1SSO. Gentlemen
I Buffered with attacks of sick beadnche. "
Neuralgia , fo male trouble , for yoara in
the moat terrible and excruciating manner.
No medicine or doctor could give mo
relief or cure , until I lued Hop Bittern.
"Tho first bottld
Nearly cured mo ; "
The seconel made mo as well find strong
as when a child ,
"And I have been BO to this day. "
My husband was an invalid for twenty
years with a sorlous
'Kldntiy , liver and nrlnary complaint ,
"Pronounced by Boston's best physi
"Incurable ! "
Seven bottles of your Bit tors cured him
and I know of the
"Lives of eight persons"
In my neighborhood that have saved by
your bitters ,
And many more are using them with
great benefit.
"They almost
Do miracles ! " MM. E. D. Slack.
How TO GET SICK. Expose yourself day
and night ; oat too much without exorcise ;
work too hard without rest ; doctor all thu
time ; take nil thovilo nostrums ad verUsedniul
then you will want to kuow how to Rot well ,
which is answered in tluso words- Take Hop
Bitters !
Mono genuine without ft bunch ol green Hops on
the wliito label. Shun all the vile , poisonous etull
with "Hop" or"Ilop8" in their namo.
, The ( litest subjects
yf forfo\er aud ague ,
and remittent * ; are
Iho debilitated , b 1-
lousaiid nervous. To
BUch ) > oison81Iostct-
tor's Stomach Bit
ters adonis adequate
protoctlrn by In-
crcaiing stam
ina and oiUtant
power of tbo consti
tutionana , by check
ing Irregularities ot
the lifer , stomach
nnd bowel' , Jloro-
o\or , It eradicates
malarial complaints
ol an obstinate t ) po
and stands Mono un-
natbntl remoJIcs ,
1) calcra goner ally.
W knfii , nerToninMiiUUlltrloit , or Mllnz r > ow r > ,
TtUrM trow III or ljrinll < oreicmuo 17 u wi ll" l
i uiililllus rlijilc.l U i can l . Olvei robuit > n4
litrdy TUor ntl tluilrtbl * phyilgwi Ity tull > ll"C up 1'ia '
wtttett tl'iuri an t rimc Dtritltiximarliimetitt ) wetkelt
rurllonl. Full tlenslli.iloieloimnut , ul fuiicllont elrea
o .ttrrcrk-tn nf fi toJr. Iffm-u Hiown llliln < Ur.
Holil.t illmulmiti r im > a > nlleu | > nlilnirl > . ludlctl ,
ln cli.nlc l > y I > n tuinl l iclinca combine I. " Kllevg
ftrnlirtprneiilitlon , " .V ) ' ; /ju a l Ilnif. "Il t ru
Cotmlmfut nbjilcUnil ftllmayfftlUfyth nnUiwithout
ait. " .V. r , Oli ilrh. "jliilMtlluUpnof lru m rUulth
Aaortrnliclmlnc arr fM cvniitn * certlBf tc . " JVVw Or-
I mi Sum , Wrlle lor our " I r > tliii tar flirt Hull , " clvlng
cipUtulloDrf < rcucct uil j'rvvf. ' 21 Uod , ivtUd tu pltlu
Th Hprlir
m ndiborteaaet rllnf lolbew lfhtib i
. . Kaaallr wall aduptea to roujU couctr ;
fO di Bdfln drlT ofcltle . Unnf rlar dM
VlMi'l uri' ! SnU < liyL * "
Mm Tr , ' > .
Uncolu , Fuhruuy 1st , 1886. )
It U hereby certified th t the Btata latutkod
Comraoy ol Dc > Mollies In tbo SUto clew
low * , ku compiled with tt Insuianc
Uvssot thla State , nnj li authorized to tr eiact th
business ol Hro lnsur nco lu thin Bttto tor tbo cut
cut tear.
U'itnuw my hand and tbo seal ( I tbo Auditor o
1'ubllo iccounUtbodiy and year abore written.
Signed : H. A. UAUlOi-K ,
Auditor I' . A.
U ophrodielac , nrong
vs uctlMty , ivostttvc'l ;
wtcuov JOB
rrou 8 dobll
Uvmall. J , II.\Vuniur-Jt07BtatoHt.CWc-cc
rrticilpllon cf t Doled
c a Oil U. AJJr
Ottumwa's registration ehos-s . ' 1,000
Maralinlltown pave n majority of I ! 10
for a mayor why will Inaugurate a "pop"
John Nolan , a Crouton Echool boy was
fntally Injured by bolng ttrnsk in the
atomech with a laid rubber ball.
The lunatics in th < ) Mt. Ploaeant nsyi-
nm indulged in a inasquorada ball recant-
ly. Ronajiiablo people hidalgo in llko
Dcpu'y ' ShcrifT Doll , of Monroe county
loaned two nice young men S-15 to pay
thosimoold freight bill.V hat's In a
nirnc ?
The McGregor NOWD charges that the
church members nnd moialiats of that
town h&va practically abauduncd prohi
Road agents nro too common for com
fort or safety around Dubnquo. They
l y for fanners who dlnpliy any money
in town.
Charles Beard , a switchman In the Q
yard at Pacific Jnnstion , hud his foot
caught In a frog guard and was crushed
to death by Iho cars. IIo was only
twonty-fivo years of ega and Icivcs a
S. E. Gormacd , a commercial drum
mer , Is nursing a lame shoulder , the rc-
ult oi a bullet wound received at Ma-
uokola , whcro Mr G. made hirasalf too
romlscuoua with tha wlfo of a Mr. Wil-
anu. The laltor's bad aim alone pic-
ontcd the coroner getting a job.
Joseph Woods , of Oakalooaa , dovotcd
oo much of his spare limo to the wlfo of
'amea madlaon , who piotcsiod ; theronp
n Wood took ollonae , and went gunning
or the too pnrticu'ar husband , who , it
.ppoara . , a forewarning had foroirmod ,
or ho fillodWood too full of load for any
aof ul purpose. The verdict of the com'
munity i ) : served him right.
A man named Edckson complained to
he Davenport police of having been
ebbed of G5by a woman of the town ,
whereupon the police promptly arrested
\Ir. Eticksou nnd the judge aa promptly
Qncd him $10 for frequenting a house ol
' 11 fama. Unabo ! to pay his fine ho v\\t
out to jail. The Troman was njterwart
arrested and fined $30 , which fho paid
utof the money stolen from Ecickson.
Xlio Magnetic 1'oivor ,
I3oton Journal.
An old lady In Georgia siya Lulu
Hurst recalls to her mind a girl whom
ho know when youn < ; and whoso powers
were scnmvhat like Lulit'e , but strongar.
The strange poifor came to this ancient
iulu in fite , and when they came on she
would leap s > high as to make her head
' .ouch the ceiling of an ordinary room
When she became quiet and seated the
chalra , tables and such things in the room
would begin to dance around until they
ivould get up against the chair m which
ho giil was seated. She had no contro
over the power and it oaly exerted Itsol
at times. Hnr friends thought her be
witched and were afraid of her. Whatever
over tha auoncy may have horn the glr
Iwfndled from a robust , healthy person ,
to a wreck , when slio diad.
This is the old Fnnch word for a ban
dy or hockey-stick. The circumflex over
Iho o in the final syl'ablo ' ia improper
and ia not uspd in the original Frond
word. The origin of the game cf croquo
ia not , as many suppose , of modern birth
but may bo traced through its vaiion
stages to Persia as far back aa the eight !
century. Its origin was polo , which the
Persians played with a long-bandied mal
let called chugin. In the ninth coatury
the game made i's way Into the Eastern
Empire , the original mallet changing it
fonn with a network of gut strings. Th
original ball games in which sticks wer
used were played on horseback , and in
stead of polo bolng an outgrowth of th
sports played on foot , the latter are th
changes nude in the Persian game of chn
gan , which , as has been said , was tb
parent of all our games in which artifisla
moans are need to propel the ball. Tb
translation from the chugan of Persia t
the short-handled mallet used on fee
waj caiy and natural , and the anbslltn
tion of a club came by natural changoa
the hand bolng probably the original in
Prompt , safe nd sure ; pleasant t
take ; Red Star Cough Cure , a cure wi
make ,
Just that DUToroncc ,
Fremont Tribune 1
Had the gang of robbers who ralde
the etito trersury Saturday succeeded I
their designs they would have obtainec
$300. If the senate amendment to th
appropriation bill is carried , rowardln
the dotcctlvrs , the treasury Kill b
robbed of $1,500. There Isjuat tha
( MHdremo between polite robbery an
bold thievery between legal plunderer
and bandits.
Smoke Soil of North Carolina Tobac
Plants anil IIIBCCIH that K\ilotlo wltl
Dj-nmnlto Voreo.
"Come around to my place to-night ,
said a scientist to the writer , "and I'l
shorr yon the latest thing In dynamlto
Tlio latter w a on hand at the time np
pointed ami found around a table a dozen
or mora faces inoro orlcss familiar in th
world of biology. In the center of tin
table were a number of boxes of ration
sizes , a dish containing a substance look
ing auspiciously llko water and aovora
other articles of an innocent nnd unex
plotivo character.
"Don't alt in that chair , " oxclalmoc
eorno one , as the writer was about to pul
up. "Ihcro is a current of electricity
3ofng into it strong and powerful enough
to kill an ox. "
"Take the lounge , " sild the ho t. .
"llmt is if you don't mind snakes. " The
writer did , cBpocUlly as the one upoi
the lounge was a python , about ton fee
itlength , brought in t ) ba experiments
upon. "
"lie's harmUsj , " Bald the first spoakon
"I chloroformed him about halt an hour
ago. "
A chair waa finally found and the
mooting was called together aud the
members proceeded to business.
"Speaking about ilynamite , " said a
naturalist , "I have brought a Tow epacl-
luni to Illustrate that feature in low
ife aa there are dynamiters In the
ewer animal kingdom OB well cs the
ilghor , and curiouely enough wo might
iay the same of the vegetable kingdom.
! remember a four years ago I waa trav-
illng on n small vessel between aomo of
ho West Indln islands and at ouo plnco
lad purchased a number cf curious
tods , pliciog them under my botth for
afo keeping. I was sitting at the small
able , hanging on with both hands , lu
ompany with a negro passenger , when
hero came an explosion that sounded ns
E n barrel of powder had go no oil'
Eomathing whizzed paat my facococlcsaly
liat I felt the wind , aud another projectile
truck mo full in the breast. The negro
vaa not so fortunate. IIo nttored a loud
roll as the eouud caaio , threw up his
lands and with the blood spurting from
its fice , ho wont over backward with a
rash that brought the skipper and crew
own the yatch in a hurry. Wo picked
ilm up and iirjt hn svroro that I bad shot
Im and then that I bad hit him with a
[ ub , but in a moment ho recovered from
its ( right and ire began to investigate.
"Tho man had been ttrtick fairly in
10 nose n'.blow so powerful that It waa
ovoral hourj before the hemorrhage
ould bo stopped. When I rose from
my seat something dropped upon the
ibln floor and I afterwards picked It up
and what do yon suppcsa it waul
'othdig but a section of pno of the seeds
nd they were the explosives. The heat
i the cablng had some way affected theme
o that they wont oil' like carL-idgea and
s each was made up cf several piece ) It
lad somewhat the effect of grape eliot.
) no struck the negro as related , another
miised my head and shattered a looking
lass behind me , another struck mo in
10 client , while still another , curiously
nough , took off the handle of a pitcher
t monkey cooler that stood on the table ,
four of the seeds didn't go oil' , and you
nay be sure I put them in a stiong box.
. number of seeds , " continued the
"have similar habitof
Beaker , a cx-
lodlne , and it is generally a provision
onnccted with the dispersal of seeds. In
lie weat I have seen trees explode with
report that could bo hoard nearly a
ille ; in this case the frost nai the cause ,
'hero certain insects bore great holes
n the bark of traoa , rain finds ita way in
nd freezes , and away goes the tree as if
on had placed a torpedo in it , showing
rbat the expensive power of water will
, o. "
"Speaking of insects , " said iho heat ,
'reminds mo that I have a dynamiter
lore for exhibition whenever yon gentle-
uen are ready. " All were reidy , and
ho table waa cleared of the
> oxoa except one , which was placed
n the center. "I propose , gentle
men , " said the dynamite fiend , "to show
lot only an explosive insect , but the cf-
'ect of the explosion upon others who
might possibly bo enemies. " Upon this
10 lifted a slide that was attached to the
) ox , and immediately there appeared
several medtnm-s'z'd ' , sprightly beetles
bat started off around the table in an as-
ivo go-as-you-pleac race. An enclosure
vaa soon formed of books , and all the
> eo'les removed but ono , and then a
loatlo of a , different species was Intro
duced , a wild , fiery , untamed follow , that
an over the other at headlong speed.
L'ho smalle'r bootla at first did not teem
.0 noticj thla treatment , but finallywhen
t was fairly knocked over , it Boomed t }
prepare Itaelf to raaont further attacks.
[ t raised Itself high upon ita legs , shook
'Is wing covers nervously , and , as the
arger lueost ciiuo around the ring on a
doid run , it turned suddenly , unllmbcr-
od Itaelf , so t ? speak , aud , ai the enemy
approached , an audible report was hoard ,
a cloud for a moment hung In the air , nnd
the hr o beetle fell sprawling in its
tracks , and with epasmodlo struggles en
deavored to tack away from the living
The latter still retained iti offonslva
position , and upon L iag touched with a
pencil again ejected , twice In quick sue
coislon , a volatile fluid that give out a
decided pungmt odor that was evidently
suffocating to the larger beetle. A moueo
was now introduced , and as it ran by the
dynamite insect /eceivcd a disshargo
that caused it to squeal with pain , anc
with a convulsive action it roared itsal
upon its hind legs and for a few seconds
struggled as if in a fit. A kitten tub
joctod to a llko dltchargo ( pit and rnbboc
her noeo in rage and' fear ; and finally
after several discharges , the supply o ;
ammunition seemed to give out.
"There's protection for yon , " eaid tin
delighted owner , taking up the dyna
mite bug , which was rather long and nar
row , having a carious gonorel appearance
from tbo fact that the head ana thorax
were narrower than the abdomen ,
call it Rcssa because it makes a dlatnr
bance and everything boil and ferment
bat in reality dooi no harm. The beetle,1
ho continued , "waa brought from Chin ,
by a friend of mlno , or , I should say , h
sent mo a dczan or so of the brav
and I hatched them outin my insect case
It ia very common in Obioa and Japan
and various parts of the east , and som
species in South America. The sclentlO
name is Brachinldra that is , that's th
family name but they generally go b
the nama of the Bombardier Beetle , from
their habit of bombarding t ll Intruder
at short noticp. The exploaive in this cas
la a volatile ilald secreted in the poaterlo
portion of tbo body , which the ineect ha
the power cf ejecting with such forci
that It is felt several inches away , am
forming , fcr a moment , a cloud as it vrcr
of smoke. To veiy small animals ( hi
may be fa'al , and to Jarger forms it I
quite sufficient to stop their progress In
given direction , It stings and barns tb
human flesh for tcveral momenta ant
stain it so that the marks are vltlble fo
sgveral days.
"To show the power of the oxploalv
_ . J
a ft force , I have phcod a beetle throe
Inches under wntor and the farce of the
explosion would make the water boll all
about. Experiment ! tried in hot w t < r
showed that iho latter effervesced. To
tbo human nostril the odor rceomblcsllmt
of muriatic sclcl , and ia extremely irrltn-
ting. If any ono wishes to
try it In the interests cf tclonco I have
another bcct'o all loaded" but there
were no martyrs present. Nearly all the
beetles of this family have this peculiar
method of defense , and in tome localities
the odor nnd oireot is much worse than in
others. Burchard , the wp.l known
traveler , had a curious experience.
"With n jnrty of natives ho started oui
ono evening to make some astronomies
obsorvationo , ivhen his attention was
( .Uncled by great numbers of beetles
ruimlflg about upon the shore , Bolng a
naturalist ho directed his men to capture
ono , which the proceeded to do but the
motnont the insects were touched they
faced % bottt aud tent snch an Irritating
discharge upon the hand ) of the men
that they dropped thorn , honllug with and pain. So painful was the dls
charge thnt only a few of the insects
were caught. It was noticed thnt at tbo
time of the explosion a white , nemi
luminous cloud appeared in the a'r. '
"lloro , ' ' said thu iniot rnnn , taking
up the dish of writer , "is another living
gun , " nnd as ho spoke ho touched a
small object aud a stream of water four
inches In length sprang Into thu air.
"Tho first ttmo I noticed this , " continued
the speaker , "I was looking down into the
water and was struck by the stream
fairly in the oyp , and upon Investigation ,
I found that It cnmo from the re spirit ji-y
organ of the latviu of the common dngon
fly. This shotting water method ia not
peculiar to Insects. There are a number
of fishes that have a similar habit. Ono
known .11 the archer fiah will rleo to the
surface and ojoot a stream of natcr four
or live inches above the surface , and BO
accurate in their aim that they can hit an
object os small as a ily with the gtoitost
oaao. The long noaod chnltodon is equally
remarkable in this rcepsct. Their bill
seems arranged to fcrm u parfoet air-gun ,
through which n drop of water is forced
at an insect with unerring aim. "
The squids hare n eiinllar faculty of
ejecting a ttrcam of nnro black ink , and
the writer has seen the face of n person
drenched in I his way , the inky streams
riling four or five inches from the water.
"Thoro'a ouo animal dynamiter you
haven't got here , " eaid a tall , thin scien
tist , as tno eoialon broke up later ;
"What's that ? " asked the host.
"Eggs , " Tras the reply , "and that's the
kind of an explosive to apply to these
human dynainito howlere. "
Thirteen Battles nnd
Now on Exhibition at New
Iho war-horcc of Stonewall Jackson ,
hlch has just reached the New Orleans
xpoaitlon and la attracting eo much at-
onliou , has had an eventful history.
Inco the war the animal hae , until ro-
ontly , been in the cira of Mrs. Jack-
on's brother in North Carolina. She
ave the animal to the Virginia Military
nstitutc , whore he waa cared for and
llowed to wander over the grounds , the
lot of every one. lie hai not worn a
addle since the war. The horse waa
cuoirn as L'ttle Sorrel , and his history is
ovel and interesting. A member of
ackson's staff now in the city remarked
o-day that Little Sorrel was ma Jo a Con-
edorato againat his will.
In the spring of 1801 , when Major
ackson had taken command at Harper's
Terry , a numbo&of horses were captured
n a train from tlio north on the Balti
more & Ohio Railroad. Jackson rcqnest-
d his quartermaster to select a horao for
him from the lot , and L'.tllo Sorrel waa
licked out. Jackson ordered that the
.radar who had the horses should bo paid
or the horsoin United States money ,
ho horao waa of medium size , easily
copt , and had a long , lubbory pace. Ho
0011 evinced great power of endurance ,
and was used by Jackson in all his active
service. He rode Little Sorrel at the
tattles of Manauae , Kernstown , Mc
Dowell. Winchester , Port Republic ,
Jross Keys , Ohickahomlny , Cedar Moim-
lin , Second Mauspsis , Sharpaburg , liar
pors Iferry , Frodorickaburg , and at Chan
iollorsvllle-\vhcro \ Jackson fell mortally
wounded from hia back. The old steeds
s now thirty years of ago. When Jackson
wan wounded ho escaped into the Fodora'
Ines , and in a subsequent charge was
captured by General J. E. B. SUmt.
When Little Sorrel passed through
Ynoxvillo the othnr day , old men , wno
lad soon the animal in bittlo , fell upon
( a nook nnd wept.
Before And Ucliitul Thu Scones ,
New London Telegram.
To show more clearly the comicalities
and absurdities of stage lifo , wo "cito n
'ew instances which are the result of per-
conal observation , and which , to the ua-
, hinklnj { , show the vatt difference ba
, woen the relation of professional people
before and behind the scones.
Before the scenes : Here For yeans ]
lave followed you as the relentless tiger
iollowa his prey , and now you must 'pr -
> ire for your punishment which your
crimes deserve. Thua do I bury my knife
again and again in your craven heart
tnuu do I satiate my direst venegenso.
Villlan With mv dying brath I curse
jou. ( Dice ) .
Behind the scenes : Hero Say , Curly
lend me a collar button ; some fakir has
collared mine.
Villlan That's an old duy. But hero
you aro. Don't bo aehamo to return It.
Before the scones ; King Down , slave
and beg my royal pardon.
Slave Yea , sire ; most humbly do I
crave thy clemency.
Behind the scones ; Slave Here yoi
royal dummy with the tin fake on , pnl
off my boots , will yon ? I can't tt.op eve
for this pad.
King Why , cert , Jimmy.
Before the sconce ; Here Thus I do
endow thee with a royal ransom. Take
this package ; within it you will find $40 ,
000 , and if yon need more you have bu
to send to my lawyer.
Behind the scents : Hero ( who ( s also
the manager ) I am very eorry , Lllllo
but I can't pay yonr salary this week
Here is $1 ; make that go till wo strike
bettor buduesa Tbat's a good girl.
A I'olHoner Bung.
CHICAGO , March 6 , Dr. Albert G. F , Gur
son wag hanged ia tbo county prison at 10:30 :
Una moraing for poisoning his wlfo near ) ;
live years &RO.
Sons ot Klch Men ,
The sons of some of tbo very rich men
of Now York are said to be living at a
tremendously extravagant rate , and are
likely to BOO the bottom of the fortune
acquired by economy and thrift. On
glided youth recently chartered n palace
car at $100 per day and took a party o
frlendi to New Oi leans , this being bu
pno item In the expenditure. Anothe
labouring it around the world fn a yatch
A thirJ , who ia "no ends cf a swell , " cut
hia faiher dead when they > 8et 'a
A KADlilnttniilo YoiuiR Sculptor " \Vonc
the /tuircHH While Cnrvltti ; Her
No * York Jrwnftl.
Mlsi Mary Andiwon , _ the colebra'ci
American octrees , after bbiug ongigcd ( i
paper ) to the Duke of Potilatid , CAIRI
Farrsr , James "Gordon Bennett , Lord
G.irmoylp , the Aichbisbop ot Cantorburj
and Mr. tionry If. AbbojIs now s ld t
have actually centred her alfcctlon upon
a young sculptor of London named Reno
Ho , u seems , waa tome t mo ago com
missioned by Mr. Abbey to make n life-
size , full-length statue of the charming
actress , to bo placed in tbo Royal Acad
emy and siibioquontly in the lobby of the
Lyceum tboatro. Mr. Abbey wai led to
cnooto him from an ideal bust which ho
made of Misi Ellen Tony , and which
gave such a suave and beautiful contour
to the head of that lady that Mr Abbey
dubbed him the woman's sculptor par
excellence. Miss Anderson th n made
Inquiries and much admired some of the
vrorka of hla which she was shown.
Then Mr. Abbey determined to make
ho actrois a present of tbo statue of het-
self on the solo condition that shoshonld
content to sit for it. The position chosen
was to represent Miss Anderson in the
ccstumo uf Gal&tca as ehu iiwtattakej to
This was chosen ns Iho most appro
iriato and striking of all her imperaoiia-
ions and the moat likely to bs made aa
effective Btatno.
The work W.VQ begun about six months
ago , and Miss Andurson took a gioat In
treat in it from the very start. On sev
eral occasions sha ditniiaeod rehearsals to
attend her stance ai a model , and very
con the work seemed to absorb her
whole attention. She grow enthusiastic
over it and gradually ciiuoto prolong the
Ittings from ono hour to two , throe and
our.Tho statue was the constant aubjoct of
lor conversation , and from that it very
often pasted to the young sculptor , ot
vhom elio spoke with great forveucy nnd
dmlratlon. This waa remarked by
ho watchful eye of Dr. ilamll-
ju Grillin , the step-father of the
actress , who immediately requested
0 accompany Mies Andersen on her
ally excursions to thu studio of Mr.
lone. Bat this apparent surveillance
eon worried Mias Andcwon , who noti-
ied the doctor that hia espionage was aa-
noing and requested him to remain away
nd attend to nla buEinois affairs.
Then film. Griilin , the mother of Miss
Anderson , took a hand in and appeared
nddcnly to take the niojt lively Interest
n the matter of the statue. But the
Id lady's criticism and remarks about
ho work were naturally rather ludicrous
nd brought sjino ccufusion t } Miss Au-
orson's family pride. At any iaio she
made this the giound of requesting her
mother to absent hersalf more frequently
com the sittings.
Though the work dragged on in dura-
ion Mies Anderson did not appear to
voary of. She took the moat lively in-
oreit In the smallest details , and oven
[ > out aomo of her time in taking lessons
1 modeling from the hauelaomo Mr.
lone. Ho is said to bo a very Adonis ,
with long , ilorrlng blond locks that fall
iver hia shoulders , a slight fonn.dollcato ,
ntolloctual features , small hand nnd a
argo , liquid blue eye.
Ho is not more than twenty-six years
f ego , and a slight mustache completes
iio picture of a young follow who , half
torn his talentaand hulf from his l.oks ,
ms onddonly grown taahionablo. That
s the portrait , at any rate , that Is made
f him by a lady vth > has accompanied
iliss Anderjon on savoral of her excur-
ions to his studio. Ho , too , has shown
n excessive interest in the work ho is
) oiforming for Miss Andersen. Urgent
fork , which should long ago have been
inlshod , has been pushed aside , while ho
aborod assiduously and long over the
Utua of the beautiful American notrees
Thus rumor has grown to the pcint of
assorting positively that Miss Anderson
ias at length allowed her heart to bo
.aken captlye , and that the oiler of
.ho young sculptor's hand has been a ?
copied. DC. Grillin and Mrs. Uriflin
bavo , at any rate , demanded explana
tions on the Hubjoct , and Miss Anderjon
bns refused to give them , remarking
that her heart and her hand are her own
to bestow whenever and wherever she
sees fit.
The gossips in iho London clubs pro
diet that at any moment tha formal an
nounccmont of the engagement of Miss
Anderson to the young sculptor Reno Is
likely to ba mado. Hu himself , preserves
serves a discreet alienee , which not even
his moat intimata friends have beei
able to pierce through. But ono thing is
conceded , that a handsomer , more charm
ing couple could not bo found the work
SICK HEADACHE. Thousands who have
suffered intensely with sick headache say
that Hood's Sarstparllla haw completely
cured them. One gentleman thus relieved
liovod , writes : "Hood's Sarsaparilla ii
worth its weight in gold. " Reader , i :
yon are a sultercr with sick headache
give Hood's Sarjaparllla a trial , it wilde
do you poaliivo good. Made by 0. 1
Hood it Co. , Lowell , Masa Sold by al !
druggists. 100 Doses Ono Dollar.
Supposing a prayer on a formal occa
sion Is read from a printed slip and ;
typographical error completely ruins th
proper sense , will Providence receive th
petition as road or ns originally written
The students in a western thcologica
somirary argaoa for hours about this
and the final vote was a tie.
Dueling Jn Germany ,
N , Y , Evening 1'ost.
For an officer in a regiment to put on
by mistake the cap of another officer doe
not at Crat sight seem to bo ono of thoa
offenses for which blood alone can atone
That , however , was the view taken o
such an incident by the seconds of tvi
Prussian officers at Cologne , who won
looked upon aa bound by the laws o
honor to moot in mortal combat In
duel , that is to say which was to bo con
tinned until at Joist ono of the twc
parties engaged received a aoriou
wound. Revolvers were the weapon
selected , and after no fewer than seven
teen shots were fired one of the combat
ants waa found to have received so sarlou
a wound that soon afterward ho died.
A Pair of Sad Deacons ,
"This ia a sad , sad world , " murmurei
Deacon Goodman , aa ho mechanically un
locked the door of n corner cilrinor.
"Indeed It la , indeed it is , " atsento
Deacon Bottrnnan , sympathetically
"No joy Is unalloyed. "
"True , very true , " answered Do con
Goodman , as ho put some augar Into tw
glaaiea and adtl-nl some 1'qnii from
black bottln. "You like yonra tbn way
I suppose , bro'heri"
"Yes , joi , " was the a d reply. "W
all have t ? take the bitters with th
Bweet. "
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TlialatollAKVnV I. . 1IV1I ! > , M. I . , PrCEllcnt prfscrlbo your 31 all U liUUcj In my prnotlcoliere ,
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found In the nbbkk'a uC tlio present day. and also us 11 tonic In ficbln dlin-vtlon ami runt a'l
.lAMi : * J. ( ) 'liA. 3I.I ) . , ofStatcn Islinil , the oscenci' from ncute dl4iaflnnhero nn alcohollo
luthorof Ho\eml works imlnsinlty , writes : "When ttlniulant ' Is . " Indicated , and i-fpcclally iti 1'btlilala
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After this preparation lias been taken for a few weeks , thoiirortously COIIL , sly prom-
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