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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1885)
u 6 THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS FRIDAY , MARCH 6 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE OOUHOIL BLUFFS , Friday Morning , March,6 , SUBSCRIPTION RATK3. : Br Oanlel . . - - - - - ttnta pci week OFHOBt . 7 P rl 8tre t. He&r MINOR MENTION , See J. Bolter's new spring goods , There was one drunk only to bo fined In police court yesterday. The old clly council is to meet tomorrow row evening at 7:40 : o'clock. Justice FraiiiEy has joined in marriage Ji'hn Bands and Mary Blum. D-jly'u "Vacition" company appeared nt the opera hens ; last evening. Dr. Cook h&s moved his residence to Ya3hiugton avenue nonr Scott street. George MoLyman and Awnlo Wagner were yesterday united in nnrringo by Justice rraiiuy. The arguments ia the case of Scofield & Oorwin against Iho city were finished in the circuit court yesterday. The jury In the caio of Folsom vs. Chrisilanocn has been discharged , not being able to ngrao on a verdict. In the circuit coart yesterday the caeo of the Blue Line transportation company va. Vandorburg was being heard. Rcgnlar mooting of Fidelity Council No. 150 , 1C. A. , thh ( Friday ) evening. All members are requested to ba present. ' Et-Ofllcer Jack Hurley Is planning to build a house on Broidway , near the turn of the street cjr track , this spricg , The mayor and city clerk made nn of ficial count of the votes yesterday and the result was iho oamo as ulioady published in THE BKK. Nothing now developed yoitorday in rjgaul to the strike of the men in the Wabnsh round house. All was quiet and going on about as usual. An information warfiled In the supo. rior court yesterday charging L. James with maintaining a nuisance In the form of a shanty on Ninth street. John Klein and Mies Nora Maltha ! were married last evening by Justice Schuiz at the rcs'deuco of the brldo's parents , No. 522 Pierce atrcot. The county treasurer's oflico was being moved yesterday into the Masonic build- iiig. A asfo was also put in the office to bo used until the norr ono arrives. Jim Snoddcrly has opened np a busi noaa for himself at No. 1513 South Main btroat , formerly occupied by J. Wina IB. Jim will keep cigars , confectionery , a lunch room and a barber stiop. Charlie , tha little four-year-old eon ol Mr. nnd Mra. L. 0. Empklo , died "Wednesday night of lung fovor. The fanoral will take place from the family residence , 022 Sixth stwet , thh altor- noon. Harknoss Bros , arc fitting up the Inte rior of their dry goods and carpet oatab llthmcnt and besides theao improvements ara getting In a big stock of new goods , so that they are too busy to write up copy for their now advertisement In THE BEE. The miyor tome time ago sent cuca- lars to different persons to got data for hla annual addroas. A few have respond cd and ho deslroj the others to do eo at once , that a good rhowlng may ba made of all the city's interests and enterprises. Henry Qulnlan was bafore Jndgo Aylesworth yesterday on the charge of impersonating an oflicr. It appeared that ho was sauntaring along the street nnd when asked by on officer what his business was , said ho was a detective , Ho was discharged. Prof. A. P. Domeres ia to give an ex hibltion al the roller skating rink this evening. Ho claims the championship of Franco , England and Canada and offers to okato any atato In America for 81,000 Among his otigical asta is skating on a tabla two feet by three foot. Next Moniay Is tbo tlmo sat for the election of two mombm of the cchool board , the tones of Ei Mott and W. S Ptttlbono expiring. It ia s id that both will ba candidates for re-election. The name of D. 0. Bloomer is favorably mentioned. Ho has been more prominently nontly connected with the educational depntmonts of the city than any other here , and If ho will servo again as di rector , the fooplo would elect him gladly , A follow was arrested acd brought I&t : couit yeetsrday aa a auspicious character tbo police learning that ho had a now K overcoat , bad eold an old ono at a second Ik Iwtul store , and wa hanging around the saloons at a late hour. Ho show d up that ha had bought tlio now orat , anc hence had ro mo for the old ono and hac sold It ; aho tint ho was ia tbo labit o buyin ; goods hero and peddling them in the country. Ho was turned Icoie again. PlSUooNAI/ . Mrs. Dave Wyland , of Danlap , loft foi New Orleans yesterday over the Walmh. John Akers , of the American ox prats com piny , left yesterday over tha Wabaah foi Now Orleans , STILL BETTEE , Tlio Appropriation for tlio Govern incut JluilniiiK Raised to $1:30,000 , Oongroinntn Putty yoslorday sent Hoxram ( o the Globe stating that $50. 000 additional appropmtinn had been se cured for the government bulldlnj ? , rn k ji g $259,000 in all. Thu is gUd cows iuutjed. A MIFFED MAIDEN. Sic Rons Away From frr Hue in Dor Nteh : Glows , A Long Trip Through tlio Streets of the Sleeping Oityi Search for Her Uody. A young girl , ogod nbnut sixteen , has mi a eonenttonal chapter into the history of her life. It sobtna that aha Ins been coping house for her father , her mother > oing dead and her other uiater being omploj cd away from homo. Of late she IAS been nnsociaUng with eomo ogaiuat vhora her fMhor had tora objections , nd while there lira bcoa nothing very roup ! iu the girl's action' , ycther fnthor , perhaps ever anxious for her reputation , boon chiding her about her botng out evenings unit about thoaoruth whom aho associated. Wetln'oadny night , when 10 returned homo at n la'o hour , ho thought , at Icnit , that ha had eomo fresh cauao f ir complaint , and Bo wont at the girl quito harshly , and chaa * laed hor. About 1 o'clock ho discovered that she iad slipped out of the house in her night clothes and dlsappoircd. Whcro eho had , 'ono or for what purpose ho could not imaglno , the only scorning probability irUing to his mind being that oho had In lor anger gona to eomo neighbor's and ihateho would return In the motnlng. But morning came and the girl did not return. The police wra notified end diligent search made but no clue could bo b'al od to her whereabouts. It was finally learned that a woman living near the creek Ind , about tlu tlmo of night the girl had disappeared , heard Bomo uno tun along tbosiaowalk as if In their bare foot , and from other noisca she thought it not unlikely that it was the girl , and aha had jumped in the creek and drowned. The police tpout iouts trying to drag ( ho half-frczin creek ; n that vicinity , and no clue W4S got. The father and the sister wore nearly wild with grief and broken down under the terrible burden of anxiety. Lite in the afternoon it was learned that the girl was with a friend on Avenue 0 , and she was there found sifo and well. It aosms that on leaving her homo , which H near the Drovers' hctsl , she went just as she wag , dressed in her night clothes , throogh the rain and mud and darkness , over a milo to this friend's houso. Her condition on arriving there must have baon a deplorable one. The only can so assigned for this weird mid night flight through the streets of the sleeping city , was that she wan crazy Prom the treatment received from her Father , and did not propose to submit any longer. A truce has boon established , the anxloly of the father Is relieved , and the biigor of the daughter appeased , and now the family will settle down once more tea a peaceful , happy Eort of a life , both father and daughter having doubtless gained some wltdora from the senia- tlonal experience of the night. Iho father is a imn who has the reputation of being kind to bn family , and the daughters have excellent characters , so that such an event causas great surprise to all acquainted with the family. Dr. S. Mcsher , of the Sioux City Chronic Disease Instltnt ? , will bo at the Scott house in this city , Thursday , April 2d. Will attend to , patients and all who are cfllictod will do well to give him a call. Consultation free. Beckman & Co. , 525 Main street , will wash and oil your harCoss cheap now. THE COURTHOUSE ELECTION. It will lie Held on teiiay , Marcl [ 10,1885- , What tlic People Will Uo Culled Upon toj Decide. The date fixed far the special election is Tuesday , March 10th. Tnro distinct propositions are to bo then voted on , one as to whether the board shall build a now court house , the other as ta whether they shall build a now jail. The plans selected nra these of Eckel & Mann of St. Jos. It is proposed that forbnilding tha contt house not mora than § luO,000 bonds shall , undnr any clrcunntinccu , bo issued. and as much less as the board can got the building nrectcd for. These bonds are to be sold only In such sunn as are needed by the progress of the work , so that the county will save as much in terest as possible. The bonds ore to dnw C percent Interest , and are to bo sold for not less than par. They wi 1 doubtless command a premium of 2 or 3 per cent , which will cut down the in. tcrast still lower. In eovon years after they arj laiucd 330,000 of thtsi bonds will fall doe , In eight years 810,000 , In nlno years $10,000 , and in ton years $10,00. It is proposed that each year for six years a tax levy of one mill shall bo made , which will p y the Interest , and which will hardly bo felt by the taxpayers. Then a levy will bo made year by year euflic'cnt to meet the Interest aid the princlpU as It falls dap. Biforo tbo ton yfars are paiscd , at the rate this ' city ard county nre'gr JK- insr , the levy will ba extremely n ni , and of the wrolo amount this city , which now pajji twc-nfths of the taxes of the county , will bo over half , so there need bo no claim that Council Bluffs Is trying to bur den the res1 cf the county , It having the larger share of tbo whole expense lo bear itself. For building a now jail , It is proposed not to spend more tran $30,000. Bonds nrj to be Issued as for tha court house. Nona fall duo urit'l tix years after the jail Is built. Then $0,000 will bo p&ld each year until all Js paid off. Tie tax levy shall only bo oce quarter of a mill a year to keep up the Interest un'il ' the bond ) bi come duo. The people have all tbo guarantees offered that they ; can ask. They have i boaid cf tupetv'sors of tluir oan chocs ing , and one made np of men of krxmi Integrity and wiidotn. They h vo plane pies ntod ahonioR jat wiat kind cf lulldlrgi thy ate to bail 1. They have $36iCOO tocch tbnMhoo sl of theto bui'dings ' ahall cot exceed the amount nsmad. have They also the a ? euranco that the board o n and will h the omtrMtfor theio buildings to any one who will put them np for lets money thsn is voted. With all these ( lifeguards thrown around the people's inlcrentc , and the fact that this great county lias no court house crjiil , there scorns no good rcaion why the propositions should not bo cmiod by an ovfrwholmlng majoiity. THE SHOOHNG OLUB- It Ilolils Aii Important WcctlnR nd Slakes u IJlR Mote , The Council Bluffa shooting club hae , many know , tome excellent grounds about ten miles out of the city , netr the Kansas Oily & St. Joe railway. In considering its interests for the coining year it has nt its meeting decided to peti tion the K. 0. rillway to locale a station near there , and M. F. llohrer has been nalectcd to securethonecojeary signatures and prc sant the matter before Iho super- intomlcut nnd got the station located if poeslblc. The club is composed of fifty of the leading ritlzans of the place , nnd not only will it bean an accommodation to them , but slso tea a largo number "of prominent farmers who live in that vicinity , and who cm thus get to and from this city easily. If a station Is oitabllshcd , it will also bo n convenience to many cltizocs nho like to go out for a few days' outdoor sport and recreation. The railway will doubtless accede to this request of such citizens ni back this move. AGno organ , half price , at Beards' wall paper store , next to postofllcc. Before yon buy a harness call on Beckman - man & Co. , 525 Main street. XELEGISAIMI The Wftbaih has acceded to the demands of tha machinists in its Chicago shops nnd the strike ended. Dictator Ilainos , of the Illinon house , has desert-.d Morrison itnd tranefoired his votu to Itichard Bishop. Governor Wilcon , of West Virginia , was inaugurated Wednesday. The foativitlcs closed with a ball and bsnquot. The lost official art of 1'rosident Arllmr was the signing of the house bill No , 0,220 regulating appeals from supreme courts of the eo\oral ten I tor lea. The Illinois nssoo'ation of trotting horao breeders will hold their annual exhibit in con nection with the stnti ) fair. An addition has been mudo to each of the five stakes. At a moating of the b.wb wire men in Chi- capo It was decided to advance the prica ono- eiht of a cent a pound , on all grades. This rniso will during March nnd a fur ther advance will be : nado in April. The Union Pacific stock transfer books are closed. The annual meeting will be hold at Boston on the 25th , President Adams denies that bo ho has sold out his interest in the com- tinny ; lie only sold such stock as ho had not fully paid for. The tiial of the case of Gnrrity , of the Des Moines Leader , against Clarkaon Bros , , of the Stata Retristor , for Sip.OCO dainagoH for al leged breach of Associated Press contract , which has been on trial in the circuit court for ten days past , ended Wednesday with n verdict for the defendants. This ia a second trial , the case having been tried a year ago , when Iho jury disagreed. No formal celebration of the inauguration of President Cleveland tccurred in Chicago. Pings were flying however ever the democrt- ic headquarters , principal hotels and some of the prominent business houses and news paper ofhces. Many little knots of staunch democrats alee gathered in tbo hotels and club rooms nnd celebrated the accession of their party to power in a private way. Reports received from many points in the northwest indicate the occasion very generally and en thueiastically observed by flying flags to the breeze , speech making and firing of cannons. Dcntli ol an Old Editor. INDIANAPOLIS , March 5. Issiah Locks dropped dead this morning in the Journal olfico of heart disease. Ho waa editor and proprietor of the Journal a number of years ago , and later business managei of the Chicago Advance. In Norwich , Conn. , a young man be gan depositing his savings iu a local biuk. Hiu deposits from 1838 until 1885 am ounted to 81,902.25. Between 1838 and 1885 ho drew from the tank , 81,270.70 , and yit a few days since , on having hie book written np and balanced , ho was found to have a balance on deposit am ounting to 811,273.33. Whether It Js lawful for American children to oat peanuts and laugh at school is a question now nndor discussion by .tho Schuylklll county courts. Six children of a Pottsvlllo school wore expelled polled because they ate peanuts and laughed , and their parents have combined to toiist the expulsion by legal ptocess. The gracdson of an ex-governor of Kentucky , eajs the Louisville Tltnus , has just been placed in the penitentiary , the grandson of another ex-governor is In jail awaiting the penitentiary and the grandson of ono greater than any cif our govoinors war recently iilled In a bir- room brawl. Great qualities appear to wear out bofoie they reach the third gen oration. The only child of Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Smith , of Bristol , N , fl. , haseiphtgrand. mothers living and makes the fifth gener ation now residing in Bristol. The ma ternal gicat-great-grandmcthcr i eighty- seven years of ago and now reads without p'asses ' and can hear distinctly , thoogh at fifty years of aga she was quito deal and obliged to use glasses. 7Iio Hoot c > r the Evil. To thorouchly cure ecrcfula it Is noceesary to strike directly at the root of the evil. This Is exactly what Hood's Sarraparllla dots , by acting nf > on the blood , thoroughly cleansing It of all im purities , and leaving not oven a taint of ecrofula In the vital fluid. Thousands who have been cured of ecrofula by Hood's Saraaparilla , testify to iti won derful blood-purifying qualliies. Sold by all druggists T/ie Recently Improved REMINGTON TYPE WRITER HO , 2 Is the Hit/best Achievement in Writlny Machines in the World. With only 39 keys to learn nnd operate , it prints 7G characters , in cluding cups nud small letters , puuctuiti m , figures , signs nnd fractions. Ib is the f-impleit and mo4fc rapid writinc ; machine niado as well aa the most durable. tSFSend for free illustrated pamphlet. Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict , 281 and 283 Broadway N. Y , , Solo Agents. O. II. SIIOLKS , Council Bluffa , Agents for \\cdttirn Iowa , MANDEMAKEE & VAN ' , AROniTKOTS , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS No. 201 Upper Brcadway , Council Bluffa A full stock of Men's , Women's , Boys' , Misses' and Children's New Jersey AROTIGS , now ready in any quantity to suit purchasers , CHICAGO TEEMS and DISCOUNTS every day in the year. We also carry FULL lines of BOOTS and SANDALS of above named goods , includ ing the nicest line of SPECIALTIES for fine retail trade made by ANY company. We have some Felt Boots to close out cheap , fry a case of our SENSE ARCTIC for MEM , we recommend them. Write for list on "Lumbermen , " Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 M. Main St. Office 412 , Broadway , n M To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria , ! the last fix o years thcro lias not bocnadeath from diphtheria In any case hero Dr. Thomas DURING ' iire\ontl o and euro wai used. It has boeu the means ol saving thousands of lives. India malignant scarlet te\or , changlne It In 48 h urstotho Blmplo form. For sa'o only at the doctoi'u olliec , No. 23 South Eighth street , Council lilufts , Iowa , Send for it ; price J2. Djspeptlc , why live In misery and ale In despair with cancer of tba btomacn ! Dr. Thomas JefTcrla curfs every cue of Indigestion and constipation In a very ehort time , 13o3t of refarcnccH glvcu. Dtspcpssla is the cause it all of ninety per cent diseased conditions. F. H. OllCCTT. S. T. 3 ? 11LNCII I. JI. THE7NOH. Scccussoits 10 Casady Orcutl& French a 405 Broadway Council Biuffs. Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Mattings , Linoleums , Oil Cloths and Upholstery , Mail Orders Carefully Filled ! COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR A. B , HOWE'S Corn Meal , Graham Hour , Hominy Ground Fresh Every Day ! Ground Feed Always on Hand. Mill , comer of Noith BUth nnd Mill Streets , COUNCIL , BLUFFS. COMMEKOIAI/ , COUNCIL BLUrrn UABKKT , Wheat No. 1 milling , 05 } No. 2 , GO No. 3,50. Corn Now , 25o. Data For local purposes , 23o , Hey § 5 00@6 50 per ton ; baled , BO@GO. Rye 35o. Corn Meal 1 SO per 100 pounds , Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 0 00(2 ( 6 CO. CO.Coal Coal Delivered , bard , 0 50 per ton ; eof 4 0 Oper ton Lard Falrbank's , wholesaling at 9 o. Jflour City flour , 1 E0@2 90. Brooms 2 953 00 per doz , LIVE STOCK. Cattle Batcher cows 3 25@3 75 , Batcher Btoora , 3 75(2 ( i 00. Sheep 2 C0@3 00. Hoga 1 00@4 25. TBODUOB AND FimiTB. Poultry Live chickenajper doz. oOOdross ; ed chickens , 8c ; dressed turkeys , lOc ; dresa- ed ducks , 9c ; dressed Reese. 80. Butter Creamery , 25@28o ; choice country 18@20e , Eggs 27 per dozen. Vegetables Potatoes , 50@GOo per bushel ; onions , GOo per bu ; apploa , choice cooking 01 eating , 3 00 ; beans , 1 00@1 50 per bushel. Cider 32 gallon bbl. , S6.50. Oranges 1 0,1 per box. Lemoos 1 60oJ5 ( 00 uer box J. L. DuBEVOISE. Tictort Apt , No. C07 Broadway Oonncll Bluffi. Railway Time Table , Corrected to January 7,18S5. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are tbe times of the arrival and de parture of trains by central standard tlmo , al the local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ton min utes earlier and arrive ten minutes later , cmoioo , BUEUscros AHD quiHcr. L1AV . ABIIVT. 6S5pmChicago : Exprese 5:00 : a ID 9:10 : a m Fast Mall. 1:00 : p tr ( IJlSO p m Accommodation. JlOO p ta * At local depot only. KiH818 CITT , ST. J01 AND OOUNOIL BLUFM. 10:06 : B m Mall and Exprosa , 0.26 p m 8116 p m Pacific Express , 0.65pm CmCAdO , MILWIDKBI AHO ST. fAUl. 1:15 : p m Exprew , BOB : a m 8:25 : a m Express , 0:65 : p m CmtUOO , KOCK IHIiAND AJtD FAOmO. 8:25 : p m AtUntlo Express , P:06 : a m 6:26 : a m D y Express 0:51 : p m IISO a ra Des Uolnos Aooommoditlon , Oi ! ( p m At local depot only , ffABA1U , ST. LOUIS ARD fAClUC. raopm Acoommodat.on 0:00 : am 1:30 : p m IOU8 | Expresg 8:45 : p m 1:60 : p m Chicago Express 10C5 : a m Al Transfer only fltncioo and HOKTUWUTIUT , \ t:60 : p m Express , 8:60 : p m 8:25 : a m PaolQo Express B.C5 a m IIODX crrr ADD pAoino. fiJOpm B . Paul Exprest , Q:00 : m fllO a m Day Express 7oo ; p m OHIO * FAoino. 8Mpm : Weetern Exprusa , 8ZOaro : 11:00 : a m I'adflo Expresi , 1:10 : p m Unjoin Expreee , Mtpa > Al Tranifer only UV TRAINS TO OMAHA , teav e-7.20-8:30 : 8:30-10:80 : : UUO a. m. 1:80 : 4:30-8.80 : < 3J 8:30 : 830 llr 6 p. m. liundays 7:20'-9.30-ll : : 0 a. ra lSO-S.39-o:30- : : - 11:06 : p. m. Arilve 10 minutes before leaving time , From tnns'er only , JOHN FOX , Deputy Sheriff and Gend CollectionApni , \ Office with M. Schurr , Juitlce of tbe tetoc , Cuncli PluOs , lows. t SMITH & TOUJllt , ACTS. LKAD1NG Merchant Tailors ! 7 nnd 0 Main St. , jfcir * ULUITS , - - IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From , Keep Horses and Mulon constantly on hand whlo wo Tilll sell in retail or carload lots. Ail Stock Warranted as Reuresented. \\lol'Hl ( MutiHKi'rfc'rtf It OtMn rO I'tltd IUt. Tiled eoniblo Satisfaction Ourrjntccil. OUnLTTTEK < Sc BOjQiE'Sr Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. UouncllBlnffs. AGENTS WANTEB. Drs. Judd & Smith's Now Improved Electric Belt. 810 IIHOAUWAY , COUKCIfj IILUFFS , IOWA ; 725 Ut.M ST. , DAt.TAS , TEXAS ; nml IT. WAYNE , IND IT POSITIVELY OU11KS Klitncj nJ I.lrcr ComplMul , lltlght'a D ! < n . Hhcumatlsm , NourMgU Ij9ic'sh. ] | NmotiBi csi W * tliiKU'nkn ° ni > , r.unlyM-1 , 8 | > lntl Affections , ImllKuitlon , llcivrt Il ) om , Kits Ilo dAcliLtmo lUok , Co'il Foot , and all dljcasoa requiting luorcosod motl\o l > uncri ) . Now fwiro\od | o $3 neil ? 5 ; old etjlo $2 cncli. cncli.W. W. P. ATLSWOKTH , Brick bnildinffs of any nlzo rained or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Frame houa moved on LITTLE ( JiA.NT trucka , the Lest in tha world. . . iVi X } * A.J. r c.vnljrr1. \ * 1010 Mnth Street , Council llluffs. ir. ir. FIELD. w. c. ESTEP Field < & Estep , UNDERTAKERS No. 317 Broadway. Conticil Bluffs , Iowa. Office Calls Attended Promptly , Day and Night. Particular attention given to Embilmlng AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. 505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. THE ONLV AtL NIGHT HOUSE IN THE CITY , JjVcrything served in first claea style nnd on ehort uotlco. llot and cold lunrhes ahvaj s ready. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTIOK. Special & vcttleomccta , BUG s Loai , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Bout , Wonto , Board- lag , etc. , will ba Inserted In this column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PER LINE for tba first Insertion inJ FIVE CENTS PER LINE tar each subsequent n- ortlon. LO.IVO &d\ortlwmont3 &t oar office , I7o. Pearl Street , near Eroidwav WANTS. SALE OK TUADK tmindrv nnd inichlno FOH In Clailndv , Iowa ; eo d point tor bublncs' ' , iHx railroads ; town on a boom , eatlvtactorj rcanons for telling. Address bl'UAOUE & CO. , Uoion Iron WorLs , Ihlrd street , Council lilutfs , Iowa. BpOIl SALi ; A jirlntiug olKco Sluerlal cheap lor C1 ctsh. W D. Uajes , Council IJlufls , Iowa. TTiOU HALli Another hotel In a live Nolmuka J ? town , now doln n business rf about S'EOjur rucnth. No ether hotel In the p'aco. Terms liberal. SALE OR TUADC S 0 aeroa of land In Wayne coiutj , Slo. Will trade for Council Illufls cltj property or sell cheap for cash or tart tlmo. EUAN & TO TilADK Good Iowa tr Nclirafcka land fora Binall stock of hardware or , 'oreral mcrcbanJito , well locatcil. SWAN i. WALKKU. W ANTED Woman pastry cook Immediately at thoLdcn ( huuc. \T7AN'I EU A Etudcnt in dcntnltlllco. Must ha " T \ uieacs ot self support. Call on cr address at No. 12 I'carl St. Council Blu3s. FOR SLE Ararochaii'etOct ( a fine , well Im proved farm of 400 acres , within a few miles ol Council BluQd , at a bargain. Low prlco and easy terms. t.UAs & WAI.KKII FOR SALE Agoodpajlrj ; hotel property with lliery Etiblc , in 0110 of the best small towns Iu western Iowa will soil with or uiUiout furniture , or will tiade for a bmall farm with dock etc. SWANWALKPH. . ( T70R S\LE-Elghty acres unimproved land In P Union county , Iowa , Similes south cast ot Af- ton , the ci uuty ee.U , or will trailt for Nebraska or Kansas hnd. SHAN & ± \VAIKVH. 1 pOIl \LE-A 20 acre tract of gooil land about ' one and a half u lies from Council lnfl ! > p' t ollico , ntabaiKaln. SWAN & WAinni. Ij OK HALE In Harrison count } , lovvn. 320 acres JL"Brass land , all under fence a 500 a ry farm with line improvement ! nil under cultivation except SO acres graui 85 aercH good gruBS or pastnro land. a-dsoveraothur ! tracts of from 40 to 100 acres of unimproved Iind. SWAN & . W/IKBII. FOR SALE Lauds Improved aad unimproved. If you want a farm in wo'tcrn Iowa , Kantua Nebraska or Dakota , Ictus hou frcm vou. SWAN & W AU > KR. HAl E AJareo cumber of buslnosi and rosl- deuce lots In all parts of Council UluifH. See uj before } on buy , Ew AN & . WAI.HKH. FOR SAT/iC Parties wishing to liny cheap lots to build on can buy on n.onthl ) payments of from 82 to $10. SHAN& WALKPR , OH KENT Wo will rent jou n lot to build on I 1 wtth the prlvllago to buy If jou vtleh on very liberal term * . SWAN & WALKKR. YlfANTEl ) To correspond with ony onivvlsliinga > > gord location f r ilannlng mill. Basil , door and blind inannfactor } ' , we have building and macliincrj , well located , for sale , Iraso or traJoj , WAI-KKII , UENT Largo two ttory frame bnlldlng suit able for warehouse or utorairo imrposiH , near railroad depot. hwAS WALitrn. ' HK i' UK SALr. iiu.iJ g nn.i . ground ! ) 17M1K su'talle for traall fcundiy and iruchlno Bhop iood b9lkrtngine , cupola , blower with lltcd ulialt- lug eto , icady to put iu motion. SHAN WALKKB , , < < OR HALE Houses. Lots and Laml. A. J. JL1 t-tcpl on on , 60S Hret avcnuu. SALE A top-buggy , flret-i l > m male and FOR excellent condition. Or will trade for cheap iot. AddrciH IM _ Mo ollko , Council Ilu7a. | _ OUAI/oNl ) ttOOU-Ueurge Iloaton , em llrmd- way. foils coal and wood at reasolublo prices Klvcs2OU01bs. for a toil , and 123 cubic for a curd , Try him. I ANTED Every body in Council liluBa to take W Taillm. Delivered by carrier al only twenty senti a week. f \Ll > I'Al'EKtt For ealo al lin oUtov , al 86 ooiiti \-J a hundred JACOB siMS , Attorney - at-Law , OOUNClIi DLUF1 S , IOWA. Office , Main Street , Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugart and 2euo block. Will practice In 8ate ; and state court * S ORDER YOUR It Cob , Coal l Wood OP 33 t9. 0 , addrcsi , Lock Dole 1163 , Council Illuffi , 3 Ma II , J , Hilton , H o , , PHYSICIAN & SUBGEON , f 121 ICAUf Eioalwv , G * ncU BlaSt , A. J. MILLER , ( COLOKED ) Hair Cutting and Shaving. This is an Equal Eights Shop G10 Broadway , Council Bluffs. ° ' oth ( " * unjo reaoTcd without thl knU < or innlnj cl blood. CHHONIC DISEASES0"1' ' " " " p ' T- Orer thirty jtoro pructlcnl ozpiriraM OfflJJ H C , Peirl struck , Council BlcSt , " frca. I'll H. SOHUKZ. OFFICE OVER AMK1UOA3 REPRESS COUNCIL BLTTFFS. IQWA v , n , u. rein Council Dlufls , In Established 1850 In Foreign and , Domejtlo Exohanji nnd Horn * Sccurltlci. Dr , W. H. Shorraden DENTIST , masonic 'Sf ' Oonnoll Bln2/ Iowa. COUNCIL BLUFFS Wholosa'o and Rotall Dealers In Hard Soft ana Blossburg O O I W. n. EIBLB Y , Oflico , 38 Slain St. Yard , on 0 It. I , V , and 0. K.L tt. P. Railway. 'CHICAGO , The SHOUT LINE. And BEST ROUTE. F OM OMAHA TO THE EAST. TWO rilM.NH DAILY IJKTWKKN OMAHA AND Chicago , Minneapolis , Milwaukee , ' 3 St. Paul , Cedar Rapids , Davenport , .3 Clinton , IJubuquo , llockford , Hock Island , Kreoport , Jniicsvllli ) , Klfdn , Madison , La Croouo , Huli'lt , Winona , "H And all other Important points East , North * east and Southeast. Ticket office at 1101 Karrmm otect ( In I'axtoa Ha. tel ) , anj at Union I'acifto Depot. 1'uLLHtN SLKKIKKS and tlio KINHDT DIMNO OAIIIN niB WOULD are run on tlio main linen uf the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul H'y and every attentloa lljiald to pauaungen by courteous ctni > k > ) us of tb tximpaoy. a.JIEKRII.t , , A. V. II. CARI'KNTKH , GenoralUanageri Oon'l I'aasenKer Axenl , IIIL KU. QEO. r. llKAFfOHI ) , Asu't Gen 1 Manager. A , t Oen'l I'aw Ago J. T , C'LAUK , Oen'l Superintendent St , Charles Hotel , tmiKET , VET 7th and 8th , . . LINCOLN , NKU. Jlri. Kate Coakly , Prcprlctoieea. iHTNewly and elegantly furnUhed. OooJ ( Ample loouia on flrat lloor. trTenat-tl.bO 1 _ . .L _ , . . - , to(2 . . . per day , Sped * ) rate * gtvta OOVlP'ltfl-UJtt