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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE FRIDAY , MARCH 6 , 1884. I NEBRASKA ifii U ( OMAHA. JHKBttASKA. PAID TJ1 ? CAPITAL $350,000 ounpLua NOV n.njTATH.v . I'rcclduil. Tloo President ? W. V. MOOnEJNO.S. COT.UN3.LKIVISP. REED , Kent K. Il&jdcn , As i taut-and Acting Cashier , omctl Sron Bank' * ' ( JOB , 12TH ANDFAENAM STB , A GENERAL 'UANKINJ . .BUBINK33 TBANSAOTED- INTEREST llowod on Urca deposit ! upon avcrablo tormi anil upon weonnU of bank * end banker * J-OREION BXOHANOK Qovcromsnt Bonds and Comity fvnd City securities bought and told , In It * treatment of etutewon tha most llby crtl pallor is pnroncd consistent with unfold cd > onnd banking , anil we In vita corroeponco coca or poriooal Inquiry In onncotion ihota with FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Yens , March 5. Money Easy at 1 , closing nt 1 per cent , Friino mercantile ) paper l@5o. StorlinR Exchange Bills-Dull at 'IBS. } ; de mand , 4 8G. Governmonla Wonle. Four nnd a half per cents Jo lower. Others unchanged , Stocks Were feverish and iricgulnr this mornlcg , with prices generally J@J per cent lower than last evening , Thcro was a re- iiownl of activity later In the day , nccornpan- led by increased strength in the moat nctivo stocks , which continued to the closo. The special features of the day wore strength in Lackawanna and weakness In New \otk Cen tral and Northwestern. COUPONS. 8'n . 1011 4V Coupons . Ill 4 tr. s.4'a. . 1224 EftdfioG'aoI " 35 . 125 STOCKS AND BONDS , Oantrnl pacitio . 313 Chicago & Alton . 131J do do pfd . 115 Chicago , Burlington & Qninoy . . . . 120 ? Delaware , LackawanaWestern . 102 ; Dauver &lUoGrando . 8 Brio . 13i do pfd . 25 Illinois Central . 121J Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western . 12 * Kaneaa & Toxaa . 174 IJako Shore It MichlganlSouthorn . 62 a Loulsvlllo & Nashville . t . 31 Michigan Control . (13 ( Missouri 1'ndfio . Oli Northern Pacific . 18 do do pfd . 423 Northwestern . 033 pfd . 128 New York Central . 89 Oregon Trana-Ooutlnontal . 13 JPacifioMnil . 50 P. D. &E . 13j 3ullmnn Palace Car Company . 113 Kook Island . 112t Qt. Louis & Son Francisco . 20 do do pfd . 37 Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Pan ! . 72 Jr do do do pfd . 105 ? SL Paul & Omaha . , . 81 $ t do do pld . 85 Texas Pacific . 125 tTnion Pucifio . 48 1 Wabnsh. St. Louis & Pacific . 4fc do do do pfd. . l'J : Western Union Telegraph . . . C9 O. K. &N . 05 JEx-int. = . r. j tEr-div. "Asked. PJ19DDOB. CHICAGO. CHICAGO , March 5 , Flour Quiet and about unchanged. Wheat Active , unsettled , and at times excited - cited and higher ; opened oaay , J@gc lower , ruled steady , advanced rapidly > on account of war news 2.Jc , later declined Ic , fluctuated , imd closed Jo over yesterday : 7C@77io for cash ; 7C@7GJo lor March ; 703o for April ; Slji@8ljo for May. Coin Strong and in Rood demand , trading chlelly in May , which advanced gc , and closed go over yesterday : 3839ic $ for cash ; 384@3i < lo for March ; 383 < S 8ic for April ; 4l2@42c for May. Uats Higher nnd unsettled ; April ad vanced 1@ lie ; May ranged Jc ovur yesterday ; later when wheat declined oats followed witii a decline of 4c from outside ; 27g@29Jo for cash ; 27fic for March ; 27'o ' for April ; 31J@ 31Ao for M ny. Ityp Pirui nt 63Jo. Barley- Nominal at C3c. Timothy Quiet ; prime , 133@134. Plax Seed Almost nominal at 1 20. Pork Fairly active aid irregular ; early declined 74&lUc ) , later strengthened and ad- .r Tanced 15@17'.o and closed steady at 12 3fl@ 12 37i for cash and March ; 12 40@12 42& for April ; 12 tO@120 < i for May. Lard Fairly nitlvo and unsettled : ruled 2i@Gc lower early , but rallied C@7ic latar , and ruled ntendy to the close ; C 85 tor cash nnd March ; 090 for April ; G U7i@7 00 for May. Jiulk Meats Shoulder * , 490@500 ; short clear. 0 f.'J ' ; short rlba , 0 15@i ( 20. Whisky-Steady at 1 ID. Butter Quiet and about unchanged ; choice to fancy creamery , 30@33o ; good to choice dairy , 1825o. Choose Steady and unchanged. Eegs Stroner ; fresh , 22@23c. llldos Unchanged. Tallow Unchanged , Keceipta , Bhlp'ta. i'lour , bbls . 21,000 31,000 IVhoat , busholo . 05,000 23.000 Corn , bnahols . l'J9,000 133,000 OaU , bushels . 113.000 103,000 Kyo , bushels . 7,000 7,000 Uuloy , buahols . ! XOQ9 ) 30,000 M1LWACKEK PBODCOB MILWATJKIIS. March 5. Wheat Strong ; No , 2 Milwaukee , 7UJc ; May 71 ic. Corn Stronger : No. 3 , 39c. Oats lliphar ; No , 2 white , SOJ@31c. llyo Quiet ami steady ; No. 1 , ( i34o. llarley I'irmer ; No. 2 sprint- , March 63c No. 3 eitra , 02c , Provlelons Steady ; mcas pork , 125ofoi caeb and March , I.ard Prime steam , C 87 for cash and March , BT. LOUIS BT , Louis , March D.- Wheat Higher and very unsettled ; opened lower , advanced , duo tuated widely and closed Vfolio over yeatcr day ; SSJo for ca-h ; March tiljo ; April , 85J@ 87Jo ; closing at 8Ua for May Corn Higher and lnactlveat 37gc ; cash 3ri37io , for March 37@37So ; for April 37 , @S3Jc ; cloiiog at SSJo for May , Data Very slow ; 30a for caahj ] 31So fo May. May.KyeQuiot at GSo. Barley Quiet at COgSOo. " " " Butter Bteadyj dairy , 20@27o creain % JgRHigher at 1819o. 1-lax Seed-Steady ; 140. Bran Lower at We. CorHmeal rirm at 2 25 < g2 SO. AiriKBNOONUoAnn-Wheat-Openeaiitrong and higher ; 87I@88oforMay. Corn Higher ; 3igc for May , Oat ) Nothing done. NEW roBK PRODUOT. N w YOBK , March B. Wh at Bpot lot cradoi J@lo higher ; options opened J@o | lower , but later advanced ; receipts , 4U.OOO bushels ; wporU , 82,000 ; No. 2 spring , Uflc ; ungraded red. 82fe02c ; No. 2 red , 89r" @ 'Jlic ; May cloaing at 'J.'Jo. Corn-tipot lota J@Jo higher and firm ; reoeipU , 1W.OOO buiheli ; export * , ( t',000 buihela ; unfrrailed. 601@52Sc ; No. 8. 61J ® Me ; No , 2. C21@63Io ; iJayilMlDK atoOJc. Oata Market J 4lo higher ; fairly active ; receipts , 89,000 buiheli ; exports 81,000 ; mixed western , S"39jc : white , 3041 jo , E < rg Western frwh , fmner at 262"c. Pork fwlct nnd unchiiigcd. Lard Higher ; western steam spottquoted 7 O9l Buttor-Quite wcik nt 10@33. TOLEDO. TOLEDO. March 5. WheAt Kxcited nnd higher ; No2 red , cash nnd March , 79c ; ° CornQutot and firm ; No , 2 csh 42jc ; May 1 1 1 1 * Oats-Dull ; No. 2 , Sljc. CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI , March G. Whisky Active and firm at 1 13. 'KANSAS Clir. KANSAS Cur. March 0. Whnat-Strongcr and higher ; cash , Clic ; April , C2o bid , C3c nskod ; May , GIJc. Corn Strong nnd active ; cash , SOio bid ; May , 82j. Oats Dull and nominal ; 2"Jc bid , K WXOCK , CIUCAQO. CHICAQO , March 5. Drovers' Journal re ports : C&ttlo RoMipts , 0,100 ; steady , firm nnd moro nctho ; shipping stoorv , ! ) 95@6 00 ; common to Rood COWB , 2 30@ I 00 ; stackers , 3 CO ® I 20 ; feeders , 4 25 ® t 00. Hogs Koceipts , 13,000 : slow ; light and medium weights , itaaay ; heavy grodei shade lower ; rough packing , 4 20M I DO ; packing and shipping. 4 GO1 80 ; light , 400@4 Co ; skins , 3 30@-l 00. Sheep Kvcelpti , 3,700 ; inferior to good , 22WS3GO ; choice , 3 7C © 1 00. Limbs , 400 @ 1 7" . BT , tOUlS. ST. Looifl , March 5. Cattle Jllocelpts , 1,300 head ; shipments , SCO head ; weak but tint quotably lower : exports , 85 75@G 00 ; common to choice shipping , 4 D0@5 70 ; corn fed Toxann , 4 DOS 1 CO. Sheep Kecoiptc , 'JOD head ; shipment * , 1,100 head ; steady : common to extra 2 50 © 4 25. Lots of high breed , nyoropinc 14 1 Ibs. , Bold for Now Orleans market nt C 00. KANSAS CITY tlVK STOCK. KANSAS CiTT.lMnrch 5. Cattle Roceiuts 500 ; quiet with a strong demand ; activn of. fermps H ht ; fihippincr steers avcrnglng 13C.O pounds , 5 25 ; biitoho ' steers , 830 to 1190 poundd , 4 4tf@-l CO ) feeders , \ 00@4 50. Hogs llecoipts , 2,800 head : slow at 5@10c lownr ; sties weie made at 4 15@1 C5. Sheep Itecciptt. 105 ; quUt ; common to extra , 2fO@l 25. OFFICE or TUB OMAHA BCB , 1 Thursday evening , March C. f The following prices ate charged retailers by jobbers , wholcsala and commission mer chants with the exception of grain , which is quoted at the juices furnished by the eleva tors and other local buyers : Grain Wheat Cash No. 2 , Clo. Barley Nothing doing. Rye Cash No. 8lOc. , . . Corn No. 2 , 25c. White Corn 30c. Oats No. 2 , 25c. Stock Market. ITogB-S4.GO(34.G5. ( Cows S3.25@3 75. Stcers-S4.00@J.7o. Flour and MillstulTti , Winter Wheat Firmjbest quality patent at 3 C0@3 25. Second quality § 2 C0@2 80. Spring Wheat Best quality patent nt S2 81 @ 2 00. Second quality-82 15@2 50. Bran 05o per cwt. Chopped Feed Per 100 Ibs. , 7oc. Corn Meal SO 85@100 per cwt. Screening 3c per cwt. General Produce Poultry Has been rather quiet this week ; eceipta are moderate , and chickens and duck vca short of demand. Chickens dressed , per b.,4 choice , 10@llc , fair to good 7c ; Turkeys Iressod , per lb. , choice , ll@12e ; fair to good , @ 9c ; Geese , dressed , per lb. , choice , lie ; nlr to Rood , 8@9c ; Ducka.drossed , per lb. , choice , 10@llc : fair to good , 'Jo. Eggs The feeling 13 weak , and prices range from 2io down to 22c. Butter Demand is good , especially for tha letter grades , of which receipts are only very ight. Prices continue firm nnd prospects aver nn advance. Creamery , 22@20c ; fair to good , 14@l6cj choice dairy , 17@18o ; inferior jradea , 810c. Game Is now very quiet and receipts have : omo down to a trifle since the 1st. Prairie ihlckuuu , per doz , 83COi quail , 75J31100 ; gesso ) er doz. 3 C0@3 DO ; jack rabbits , per doz , t 00@3 GO ! small rabbits , 75'al ) 00 ; Rnipo , per doz , 70@100 ; ducks , mallard. 200@250 ; ducks , teal and mixed , 1 G'J@2 00. Potatoes As long as the cold weather la'st . .ho potato business will not amount to much. A few cars have been received butthey nil show moro or less frost , and -lOclias boon the highest irices obtained. Well assorted stock , free rnm frost and put up in sacks , will probably > ring -15@50c. Onions There have not boon any receipts atuly. Unfrozen stock ia scarce and will sell \t 70s per bushel , or 2 25@2 00 per barrel , in a mall way , Beans Are getting to bo quito scarce now nnd mirket rules firm on clean stock. Navy porbmbol , 140@1 0 ; medium , per buahol , 123135. Popcorn Almost no demand , and slow a01 ! at l ( < ilJC | per lb. Honey Como Choice domestic , 15@10c ; l&Hfornia , U@15c. Beeswax In good demand , Clinico bright , lor lb 20@28c ; common to good dark per lb , Cider-"Ohlo"'per bbl. , S7 00 ; "York Statu" per bbl. , S3 00 ; per j bbl. , SI 73 ; con densed p < r ural , 85c ; crab npple , per gal , 35c. Cheese Full cream , western , 12c ; Wiscoa sin now , 12io ; young American , 12@13e. Maple Sugar Pure , in bricks , per lb , IGc. Grocers' Iiist , CANNED Goons. Oystoia Standard ) per case , 3 90 ; strawberries , 2 lb per case. 2 CO ; rrjpberrlob , 2 lb , per case , 2 60 ; California [ > oars per case , 5 SO ; apricola , per casq , 5 00 ; [ leaches per case , 6 90 ; white cherries per use , 0 73 ; plums per case , 4 50 ; whortleber ries per case , 3 00 ; ceg plums , 2 lb , per case , 2 90 ; green gages , 2 lb , per case , 2 'JO ; pine aples , 2 lb , per case , S 20@5 6tt Kopit Sisal , 4 inch and larger , B\o \ , jj Inch , Sic.CAN CAN B Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16a , 12c , 8e , 12Jo , joxoc ba , 16 oz , Ca , 1 Ic. TAICHIES Per caddie , S(5c ( ; roundrl.caao * ; iuaro , cases , 1 70 ; Oshkosh , casesgr .C > Powdered , 80 ; cut loaf , 80 ; an4 ulated. 7o ; confectioners' A , Cjo ; Standard extra O.Go ; extra C , 5Bo ; medium yellow , " " - " " - dark yellow , OoFFKKa Ordinary grades , 12@12flo : fair. 12 © 13ic ; good , 13)c ) ; prime , 14@15c } ; choice , ir > @ 17o ; fancy green and yellow , lG@10Jo ; old government Java , 20@26o ; Arbuckle'a roast- lid , IBc ; McLaughlin'a XXXX roasted , 15c ; Imitation Java , 16 © 18ic ; Clark's Aurora , IWc. IWc.BYnur BYnur Standard Com. , 28o , bbls ; Standard do. 4 gallon kegs , 1 25 , SODA In lb papers , S 20 per case ] keg , per lb,24c. DRY FBTJITS No 1 , quarter apples , bbls ioN ; O sliced , boxes , 7io : evaporated , boxes , 9jc ; blackberries , boxes , lie ; peaches , boxes , lOo ; poacnei , evaporated , IGc ; berries , S5o ALCOHOL 188 pooof alcohol 3 30 per win onall extra California spirits ; 188 proof. 1 21 p proof gallon ; tripple refined spirits , 18 ; proof , 119 per proof gallon ; redlstillec whiskies , 1 00 l 50 ; fine blended , 1 60 2 CO. GINS Imported , 4 COG00 ; domestic , 140 @ 300. PICKLES Medium in barreli , 6 00 ; do In half barrels , 3 60 ; small , in barrels , ? 00 ; do in half barrels , 5 00 ; gherkin * in barreli , 3 00 do in half barrels , 4 60. TEAS Gunpowder , good 4E@55ci choice , 60@7Cc ; good Imperial , 40@43c : choice , CO ® G5c ; Young Hyson , good , SI ( g50o ; cholcet G5 @ 1 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 75c ; Japan choice , 60 75c ; Oolow good , 35fc)40c ) ; Oolong choice 40@C5oj Bauchong , good , 80@40c ; choice , 3f > © 4Sc. HIOI Tyouislans , prime to choice , 67ia FISH No. 1 mackerel half bbls. , 7 t > 0 ; Family i bbls. , 4 25 ; No , 1 kits. 1 06 ; family kita GOc ; No. 1 whitofith. half bb . .6 50 ; No. 1 kits , Met family half bWi. , 800 ; family kits and polls , GOo ; No. 1 trout , half bbls. , C 25. WOOOKNWARX Two hoop palli , 1 85 ; three hoop pails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; pioneer washboards , 1 85) ) Double Crown , 3 DO ; well- buckets , 8 85. ' Soira Kirk's Savon Imperial ) 3 15 ; Kirk's atinet , 330 ; Kirk's Undrd , 3 65 ; Kirk's Whit KuMl ii,485 , POTASH Pennsylvania conn , 4 cans in case , B5 iBabbllt'a ball , 2 doz. In case , 190 ; An- cnor ball , 2 doz. In case. 1 50. CANDY Mixed , llnlicj stick , lOallc ; twut VINKOAB Now York npplo , IGc ; Ohioap- Is. 13c , SALT Dray londe , per bbl , 1 GOj Ashton , oci Corn ntibiif QW j Jj.vtviaiu * viv/tju | § w ( w * i * | ( gC SNOOT Pepper , 19c ; splco , 14c ; cloves , 20c ; aeaia , ICc. Hcrvrr Hrmlwriro IilHt. Iron , ralM , 2 SO ; plow stool , special cant , Co ; ruciblo , 7o ; special or German , . 4c ; cost too ; o , 15a20c ; wi on spokes , sot , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs jr sot , 1 23 ; tcllccs , sawed dry , 3 40 } tongues , ach , 70aS5c ; nxlcc , eash , 75c ; square nuts per ) , 7Allc ; washers , per In , 8al8c : rivets , per > , lie ; coil chain , tier lb , Cnl2c > malleable , c ; Iron wedges , Gc : crowbars , Gc : harrow ceth , 4c ! epring stool , 7ft8c ; Burden's horse joes , 4 30 ; Bunion's mnloshoos , 6 30. BAUDKD Winu In car lot * . 4 CO per 100 , NAILS Hates , 10 to GO , 2 45 , SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buckshot , 2 10) ) oriental xiwdcr , kegs , 0 40 ; do , half kcga , 318 : do , uartor kegs , 188 bloating , kegs , 3 35 ; fuao , or 100 feet , GOc. LEAD Bar , 1 C5. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor- ! s run BloBflburg , 10 00 ; Whitobreaat lump , 00 ; Whitobroast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , f 00 ; owa uut , 5 OOi Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra- ct , 11 35all 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 per ton. Dry Goods BnowN SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 7Jc ; Allan- o P , Gc ; Atlantic LL , 6ic ; Brimawick , 7io ; leaver Dam LL , Gc ; Lawronca LL , 6c ; Pa- Ifiq 11 , 7Sc ; Royal Standard , CJo ; Indian load A , 7jc ; Wnuchusott A. 7Jo. FINK BnowN StiEKTiNas Argyle , GJe ; Pop- orcll K , 7c ; Salisbury It. GJc. BLEACHED COTTONS Ballon. 4-4 , GJc ! Bal- on , 7-8 , 5Jo ; Cumberland , 4-1 , 8c ; Davoll DD , Jo ; Fairmount , 4jic ; Fruit of the Loom 4 , c ; Glory of the West , 8Jc : Gnldon Gate , 8Jc ; lill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4 , 7Jc ; Lonsdale , 7Jcj Now York Mills , lljc ; Wamsuttn , lOJc. DOCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljoj Bos on , 10 oz , Hie ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall River c. c.DDOKH ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; Woat 'oint ' 10 oz. , 14c ; Point Boar , 8 oz. , lie. TICKINGS Amoskeag. ISJcs Continental 'ancy , 9jfot Oords. ( lOSc ; Pearl River , 2lc ; York , 124cj Uamloton Avmlngs , 12ic. DENIMS Amoskopg , 14o : Beaver Crook AA 2c ; Beaver Creek BB , He ; Beaver Oreok CO , 10e : Haymakers , So ; Jaflroy D & T , 12Jc ; Jalfrov XXX , 12Jo ; Pearl River. 13c ; War- en AXA ( brown ) . 12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , Ic : Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo. CAMBRICSFifth avenue glove finish , 4Jc ; Coystone glove iinieh , Co. OORSST JEANS Amory , 7je ; Hancock , So ; Icarsayer , Sic ; Rockport , 7o. PRINTS -Aliens , 5ic ; American , fijc ; Arn- Id'a Gc ; Cochoco , Gc ; Harmony , 4ic ; Indigo , ic ; Indigo 7-8 , Hie ; Indigo 4-4,12io ; Stool liver , Gic ; Charter Oak , 4ic. PRINTS SHIIITISOS American , EC ; Oocheco , c Gloucester , Be ; Southbf'dgo , 4io ; Waver- oya'.4c ' ; Rosedale , 4fc. GINOUAMS Amoskeng staplei , 8Jo : Baton taploa. 8.Jc ; Lancaster stapleo , 8c ; Plunket ilalda 9c ; Hudson checks , SJo ; Amoskeag 'eralans , 9jo. DBEBS GOODS Atlantic alpacca. 9io ; Per- Ian cashmcro , 23 0 ; Hamletoncoahmcro , 15Jc ; lamleton Fancus , Hie ; Hamloton brocades , 5o ; Arlington brocade , 18c. lictthcr. Oak Bolo , 38@42c ; hemlock aolo , 2833c ; hom.ock kip , 80c ; runner 65o to 75c ; hemlock alf , 85 to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22 to 24c ; oak upper , 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 60 ; calf kid , 2@35c ; Grelson kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , Oo to 100 ; oak calf , 120 to 1 30 ; French kip , 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; russotts 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 8 50 ; toppings , 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , SO to 35opobble ; O. D Morocco 35c ; simon , 2 50 © 3 00. HARNESS No. 1 star oab , S5c ; No. 2 , 32o ; No. 1 Ohio oak , S-lc ; No. 1 Milwaukee 33c ; Vo. 2 do. 31o. No. 1 Pitta oak bar , See ; No. B Pitts oak bar , 33c , Hides. Steady ; green butchers' Gc ; green cured , 7J J7i ; dry flint , 12@14c , dry salt , 10llc ; dam- acrod hiuoa two-thlrda price. Tallow 4i@5Jc. Grease Prime white , 4@4Jc. Sheep Pelts 25c75. Tobacco. Plug Tobacco- Climax , 45c ; Bullion , 45s ; Horseshoe , 44c , Star , 4Gc ; Rudy , 45c ; Hor- ey's , 40c ; Black , 3S@4p ; Spearhead , 4Go ; Our Rcpo , 48c ; Piper Hoidsiock. Clc. Fine Cut Common , SOoi Medium , 4Cc ; good , 45@GOc ; Hard to Beat , 70e ; Favorite , 'Oc ' ; Diamond Crown , 55c ; Sweat Sixteen , iGc. Smoking 0. S. , 22c ; Meerschaum , 30c ; ) urham , IGcoz. 51c ; Durham , 8 oz. , 55c ; Dar- mm , 4 oz. 57c ; Durham , 2 oz. , GOc : Seal of North Carolina , 16 oz.,41c ; Seal of North Car- } lina , S or. , , 43c ; Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , So ; Seal of North Carolina , 2 oz. , 50c ; O. S. , ) urham , 4 oz. , 2Sc ; O , K. Durham , 2 oz , 30c ; Uncle Ned , i's 25c ; Tom and Jerry 23o , Ijunirjor. WHOLK3ALE. Wo quote lumber , lath and shingles on car , t Omaha at the following prices : JOIST AND aoANTLiNQ 16 foot and under , 1800 TIMBERS 1C foot and under , 18 00. TIMBSB AND JOIST 20 ft. , 1900 ; 24ft. , 2000. FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 6 In. , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 8 00. SiiBATniNa No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 18 00 ; No. 2,1C 00. STOCK BOARDS A , 4500 ; B , 40 00 ; 0 , 35 00. FLOOUINQ No. 1 , 35 00 ; No , 2 , 30 CO ; No. 3 , 2JOO. SIDINO , clear 25 00 ; No. 2 , 22 50) No. 3 , IS 00. CEILING-g , 30 00 ; 3. 28 00. SIIINOLES , boat 3 50 ; standard , 3 00 , LATH 3 00 per M. LlMB-Por barrel , 100 : bulk per bushel , ! 5c ; cement ; bbl. 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; mlr per bus , Mo ; tarred felt , 100 Ibs , ; traw board 300 , Diiuus AND CHEMICALS Add , carbolic , 40a acid , tnrtaric , 50c ; balsam copaiba , per lb. ! 5c ; bark , sassafras , per lb , 12c ; calomel , per b , 90o ; cinchonidla , per oz , , SO 50 ; cliloro- 'orm , per lb , 81 00 ; Dovors powders , per lb , 81 25 ; epsom saltsj per lb , Sic ; glycerine , pure , per lb , 25c ; load acetate , per lb , 20c ; oil castor , No. 1 per gaL. § 1 50 ; oil castor , No. 3 per gal. , § 1 40 ; oil , olive , per gal , . 81 40 : oil , > riganum , 50c ; opium , $4 50 ; quinine , P , & W. , and R. & S. , per oz. , § 120 ; potassium Iodide , per lb. . 83 50 ; salicin , per oz. , 40c ; sulphate morphine , per oz. , $3 40 ; culphur , per lb. , 4o ; strychnine , per oz , , 8J 35 , Faints Oils and Varnlahoi. OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , lie ; 150 leadllght , per gallon , 12c ; 175 ° headlight JSdgallon , llic ; 150 ° water white , IGc ; lin seed raw , per gallon , 62c ; linseed boiled , per gallon , 55c ; Lard , winter str'd , per gallon , 70c No. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , tO ; castor XXX. per gal Ion , 1 GOc ; No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon , 1 00 ; sperm W. B. , per gallon , 1 60 ; fish W. B. , per gallon , 65 ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90c No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOc Rummer , 16c ; golden machine , No , 1 , per gal Ion , 35o ; No. 2,28o ; sperm , signal , per gallon 90o ; turpentine , per gallon , : < ijf > napth3,74o rer gallon , IGc , Dry Palnta White lead 89c ; French to , Co ) Faiii -hiting , 21c ; whiting gilders , IJc ; whiting com'l , IJcj lampblack , Germantown , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 10c ; Prussian blue , 55o untramarlne , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , So ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4o ; sienna , burn4ct ; ; slenoa , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine , 25o Paris greencommon,20o ; chrome green , N. Y , , aOc ; chrome tcreen. K. , 12c ; vennllllon , Eng . 76c ; veraulllon , American , 18c ; Indi n , red , 10c ; rose pink , He ; Venetian , red , Oookson'a , 2o ; Venetian , red. American , IJc ; red lead , 71c ; chrome yellow , genuine , vOo ; chrome yel low , K. , 12c : ochre rocbelle , So ; ochre , Frenh 2c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winters mineral , 2Ac ; lohigh brown , 2Jc ; Spanish brown , 2 c ; ' Prince's mineral. So. VABNiBiira Barrels , per gallon : Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture. No , 1 , 81 ; coach , ex tra , 81 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70o ; aaphaltum , eitra , 85o , shellac , 83 50 ; hard oil finish 81 60. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha , P. P. 6io ; white lead , St. Louli , pure , 5Jc ; Marieil let green , 1 to 5 lb cans , 20c ; French zlnoj preen seal , 12o ; French tine , red seal , Ho , Frtaeh tine , InvftrnUh ant. , 20o ; French tin r , , 15c | raw nnd hunt nmbor , 1 'b a , , 10c : raw nnd bnrnt Sienna 10c : Vandyke btcwn , 13c ) rofinfd lampblack , 12c ! coach ilnck and Ivory black , IGc ; drop block , IGc ; j.'iu8 inn blue , 40c ; ultramarlos blue , 18c : chroma green , L , M D , . IGc ; blind and hntter green , 1 > M. D. , IGc ; Paris ffroen , 8c ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , Ic ) ; Tus can rod , 22c ; American vormlllion. I. & P.- ; yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M , , 0 , & D. O. , 18o ; yellow ochre. DC ; golden ochre , IGc ; patent dryer , 8c ; framing colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and n > h. 16o D VIUl MrUlKET. FLOtm-Oolorwlo. 100 lb , 1 C0@l 75i pat- nt , 100 Ibfl. , 2 76@3 00 } Kansas , 100 llw , 2 75 @ 3 00 ; RTftham , 100 Ibs. 1 PO } rj'O , 1 00 Ibi. 2.ri ; buck-wheat , per bbl , 7 60 , GHAIN , FL-ED , Kiour-Whoat 100 Ibs , $100 ornIn sacks on track , 100 Ibs , G5@70 ; ata , in sacks on track , .100 Ibs , oaistorn white , 15(81 ( 20 ; Colorado white , 1 S0@l SO ; mixed , 10@115 ; barley 100 Ibs , 1 S0@l 35 ; brar , an , on trnck , 14 00(316 ( 00 ; chop , corn , lOu bs , on track , 70c75 ; chop ir.lxod , 100 Ibs , n trnck , 1 C0@l 20 ; corn meal , 100 Ibs. 1 SO HAV Baled , upland , ton , 13 0015 00 ; pland , loose , ton , 10 00@12 00 ; second but- om , baled , 10 C0@ll 00 : alfaUn , loose , ton , 2 00@15 00 ; etraw , baled , on track , ton , G 00 @ 8 00. BCTTEB Crcnrcery , fancy , lb , 41o reamery , fine , lb , SGWSSc ; dairy , choice , lb 0@22c ; dairy , ( rood , lb , 18@20o ; dairy , fair b , 15@lCc ; cooking , lb. G@8o. Koos Stale , candled and warranted , doz , B3Gc ; ranch. dozr SG@S7o OHKKSK Full cream , 15l"c ; half cream , i , 10 ( Ulc ; okini , lb , Oc ; Swlsn , domestic , i , 22@23c ; Swiss , imported , SO@S2c ; flin- urger , 18c. PODLTRTLive old chickens , doz , 5 00@5 JO ; rossed ducks , lb , 15@lGc ; dressed turkeys , b. . 15@lGc. POTATOES Colorado , ICO Ibs , 950105) weot , rer lb. , 4o. VKQCTAULK3 Onions , yellow , 100 Ibs , 25 ; cabb o , 100 Ibs , 2 60 | boots , 00 Ibs , 110@125 ; turnips , 100 Ibs , 1 25. . FRUITS Lemons , per box , Messina , 4 00 ® 60 ; oranges , Florida , per box , G 5037 00 ; pnloi , fancy bbl , 5 00@5 CO ; apples , medium , CCUEO MEATS Hams , sugar cured , lb , 11J @lljc ; bason , breakfast , lb , 12@12ic ; dry alt sides , lb , 7@Sc } ; lord In palls , 93&9Jc ; ard In Uorces , b c. FRESH MJJATS Drosced boot , Colorado , per b , 7i8o ; hogs , lb , Ci@Glc ; mutton , lb , 7 @ 7ic. LIVK STOCK Colorado ateora , per 100 Ibs 10@4 60. Hides. Dry Flint No. 1 , per lb , lli@12ei Vo. 2 , lb , 9@10o ; green steera nnd branded alf. lb , 4@5c ; green , 8@10c ; green kip , I ) , G@7c ; ehoop Bklna , dry , 8@10o ; door skins , b , 10@20c ; antelope skins , lo , 1215 ; tallow , b , 5@(5o ( WOOL Colorado No. 1. per lb , 1415cj tuck , lb , Sc ; Mexican , 7@10c , FISH Mackerel , No. 1 , 140 kit. mess , M. C02 00 : California calmou , half bbl , 10 50 ; lolland norring , keg , 1 EO1 GO ) trout , per b. 4OI UNArQOA 14 WUL OI ROCK ISLABDfl PACIFIC iH iy tno ccnr l ponltlon cr Ito line , connectu th ina > aurt tlicV 3t by the Bhortoit route , nadcir IDS p&pBcncci's , without cli nge of cars , bctwuo1 'ti.ifla * nii } Lansn Citr. Ccuucll lUurfd , I.cavon till , Atcritnon. 7.tlciic&polis and St. Paul. 1 iicta in Unlcu TJepotJ with nil tlio prlnctpi. of rnid bntwvFb the Atlantis and the Vncll < . > aiid. Ita uquipm nt 19 unrivaled and majuitu icat , I ri'iiz compiJC'l f Moat Comtortablo and 3T' < iful Doy C'Mrlie ; , MaEnlfioent ) Iortou llo- : lin nis Chulr Cj.r.i , 3ullman'a prettiest i'alaoe Jlerpln Cara. nnd tlio Uest T nc of UiulUf ; Can n Ihe Work'1'hrce Trntur lunourl llivcr I'ointa. " o and Almncapoliu and Ql. vtil , ? * "ALBERT I.EA A ? ; cvcand Direct Line , via Seneca and Kanh v .PC , Ii'xs itccntly b ru opened between Hichmoutf * N'orlolrt.lfeunortNcw , Cliattanooei. Atlanta , Au 7ai 3.Kajhvalc.Loiiinv > UcLcTluitoiClnclncatl ' idun'-i-oliH cnil Lafayette , and Omaha , M inn cap- UK and St. Paul and inlerinpdlata poiuta. All Throuf. "Taauoncoio Travel on Fast Kxprew ialni. TioKrtn frr tAle pi all principal Ticket Ol&cr'lr Jio United dtateb and Ccnatia. lagaapo checfccd through and nttJ of fare ' y an low aa competitors that otter loss advuQ" 'cr'dPtailed Informationcet theHapBandFoUW iru of the CHEAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE & vaar nearctt Ticket OClcc. or uddresv } . v. CAOL C , E. CT. JOH7J , JOHN NAGEL , BUCCRStOR TO HASTINGS NAGCL , A.nd Commission. Ho , 386 Holladay St. . , DENVER , COL So'.icib ' Consignments nnd gimr- autee quick sales nnd prompt re turns. Give us a Irial. References Bradstrcet's or Duns Agencies ; and German National Bank , Denver. NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. Notice la hereby glvan that the board ol County Commisilonoisof ( Sago county , Kcbr&sVa , will re- celre propoeals u Ith jiltna and specifications ( or tha : onetiucllonol fit e(6) ( ) Iron or combination bildgea 'pBaid county. One near the town of FlUov , 40 feet span with 13 [ ret roadway la the clear , resting on pllluf live piles under each end : piling to bo i.'feet In length. Fourteen (14) ( ) leet of approach at each end , reeling on three piled fcurttcn ( cut long. One bridge 39 tect span with 10 feet rcadway In the dear , reitlnir on lienta 12 feet In height made ol oak 10x10 , at Beatrice. Ononorthol Liberty over Wolf creekS2fect span , 14 ( ret roadway In the clear , reeling on pIlliiK 0 ( eet long One brWt'o on Clatonla , Oo feet span with roadway 14 ( ect In trio clear , retting on piling 22 ( cot louir. All piling mutt be ct red cedar or oak , and no piling v III bo received ot lean thin 12 Inches In di ameter to the clear at the but end , and mutt all Jo well swiy braced undernctth all bridges and ap- proichcs. All cap ) mutt be of white or burr oak and not leas than SslO All flooring must be of good , sound ak Hank not lesa than 2 Inches thick. AU material ! mubt be > ubjrct to the Inspection and appioval ol the coinmlBilontrs , The commissioners reserve the right to reject any er all bids , All propetali must be sealed and ordorsed on out side ot wrapper "Bridge I'topogtls , " and addrcs ed to the ' 'Board ol County Commissioners , Beatrice , ( iebrailii"and filed In the otllce ol the county clerk on or before noon , stitdird tine , April 1st , 13:6 , at which time and | > laoo all bids will be opened By order ol the county conimUsloneis , this 18th day of February , 1885. KtbtS-lt A , J. I'ETHOUD , Co. Clerk. PHOTOGEAPHEE 813 North I Oth Street. OldBeolUre Stand. The present pioprletor wUbes U understood th all photographi aru made ntUfvctory belore belag delheredlromthli gaUerv. The old niaaag menl ittUei w a Mr. Q. X. Orw eucooeii- Eailwav Time TaWo. In Effect Jan. 16th. 1885. The tttfntlon ol the travelling pabllfl It called to lt > o laci that this Is the onlr ooinplete and absoluWj- correct tlme-UHo pul/llthcd In Die city , All trains arrlle nt and derail from Omaha b ; Central Standard Time. Trains ol the a SI. r. M. ft 0. arrive at and ds pait ( r m their depot , corner ol Kth and Webjtci streets ; train ) 01 the B. AM. , C. B. AQ.and K , 0 Bt. J. & 0. It. Iromtho B. A U , dtpot ; ail others Iron the UnionPaclflo depot. a , Dally ; b , except Sitnrday ; o , except 8nad y | il , excvplMonda ) . VTESTWA11D DHPART , AK1UTK. The B m nci 5 n m dummy mini also rttvo ct l the U nsfor In tlmotomako outein co eotlocs , Imt net check baggage OMAHA BRIDGE TKAIN8 Dummy Trnlno LoavoOn ha ta4oaoo B 00 , 10 CO , 11 15 nn , 1 00 , S 00 , 3 00 , 4 00 , 6 00 , 8 00 , lOTJinn. On Humlnyatho SOOanJ 1000 n m and t CO ml 4 00 p m trains da not run. Arrive U Itune. ( or depot 18 minutes later : Dro Uw y derai JO tnlo- ntM liter , Lcitro Conncll Blatfa ( Eio dw y depot ) at 7 20 , B BO 080,1080,1 10 m ; ISO. Z BO , 8 SO. i 80 , BSD. 08 ! ml 11 05 p m. On HuuJiys the 8 SO nil 10 SO ra KDil 8 80 and 6 30 p m trains will not run. Arrive > l Transfer 7 minutes later , Omahk 20 minutes Utcr. TransforTrnlno Lcavo Onish > 8i6 , BBS 10 05 in , t S5 , fl. 10 tnJ 8 65 p m , dally. Arrive at B 45 and 11 IE a m , li S5. 7 IS nd 8 15 p Q. SUNDAY TRAINS To and from Chicago vl * the Tripartite Alllanco Lines. BUNDAT MORXLSO. | BATURPAT 7 . I Mil. | H.I. | M.\V | N.\V I U.I I Ml February. . | 16 til II 7-28 14 ilaich . . . . I 8-29 15 1-221 14 21 7-88 April IB C-2fl 18 I 4-25 11 18 liar 110-31 17 3-24 I 18 2-S8 9-30 Sunday evening in J Monday morning trains arrive In corrcopoadlng order. C. li. & Q. trains run o\oiy diy , STOCKYARDS TRAINS. Leave Union Pacific depot at 0 30 a m and B CO p. m. m.Arrive from Stock Yards nt 7 40 a la and 0 40 p m , Mall Tlmo Card. OPEN. | KOUTE. I CLOSE. I A. M. P. H. . .Union Pacific Local Mall. . S30 880 7 00 Union Paclfio Through Mail. 4 80 1030 8 00 . . IJ&Min Neb. . . . 7 20 6 15 9 00 C B.&O. 8 20 81 . C. B. &Q. Ex. Mall. . . . 4 18 1030 * . . . 0. II. I. &P. 6 3C 8 20 8 00 . . . C.M &St. P . . . . 5 SC 10 30 8 CO . . . C.&N. W 0 80 3 20 1 05 . . ir.&o 0 CC 8 CO . O , & Hep. Valley 12 15 B oux Oy & Pacillo Local. . 5 30 1033 00 Sioux Cl'v& St. Paul. . . . 3 20 S45 Council Blult ) & Kansas City 0 SOB 0 CP .Csuncll KluOt Local. . . . . 7 00 . Fort Omaha 4 SO . Missouri Pacific. B 3 ( 1 06 . \Vubabh-St. L uls. 12 U . Wnhash Chicago. . 8 I I Irviogtnn Ofllcconeu Sundays from 12'lo 1 , neon. C.K.COUTANT P.M. THE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL- LENDER COMPANY , [ SUCCESSORS TO TDK J. U. B. & D. 00. ) The mod extensive rcanalnctnrors IN THE WOULD. ctnnociBtr 83or QcDcrftl AKCD ! or Nebr 8t in Woatern low * . 10 U. Tenth Street . . . . OUAHA , NEB Utlon Billiard ind Pee 1 Tkhlemml materlt THE AND RAILWAY. THE BEST IIOUTE AND Omaha Council Bluffs and Chicago. The only line to take ( or Des llolnos. arshall. town , Cedar llaplds , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , Mil. waukne and all polnta c<. To the people of No. inaska , Colorado , Wyomlni ; , Utah , Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Washington and California It oilers superior advantages not poaallilo by any other line. Among a tow of the numerous points of eupf rlor- Ity crjaied by the patrons of this road between Omaha and Chicago , are Us two trains a day of DAY COACHES which are thoflnost tint human ait and Ingenuity can create ; Its PALACK SLKKl'INQ CAU9 which are models of comfort and elegance ; Ita PAH LOU DUAWINCJ UOOM OAUS , ungurp&seed by any and Its widely celebrated PALVTIAL DINING CAKB Lho equal of which cannot bo found eUewhero. At Council much the trains of the Union Piclflo Ry. connect In Union Depot with those of the Chlca < o & Northweitern Ily la Cblrago the trams of thli line make closa connection vtltb tboso of all eastern lines. For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis. Cincinnati , Migara Kails , Buffalo , Pllteburg , Toronto , Uontrtai Boston , New York , Philadelphia. Baltimore , Wash. ington and all points In the East , uk the ticket agent for tickets via the NOUTII-WESTEBN , If you wlsn the titt accommodation , ! All ticket agents sell tickets via this line , U. HUaniTT. H3.IIAW , General Manager. Oei. VIM. Agent CHICAGO. OlUn sickness leaves the little child In such a condition that 1 cam ut assimilate hraa Iy foo.'u. Such & ODO ihould at once com nurco the u > u o Hl't'o'B food aa kd .JIc ; , It ulll teen re 'sto' ' < > the Ulgcst'veor 'fansa ' their uaturi rendition , Mid wll Klveallucedcdstrenttl Thousands of children have been reared upon It. All druggists It 11 It an. Boore grocers. Put up In four ulrot-35c. B5o , 41.JI and (1.76. Bend to Woulrlch & Co. , 1'almer. Mass , ( or pampUtts cm the luljoct ot rcarliij children , SPECIAL NOTICETO towers of Save Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUIl ATTENTION TO Bi n It Is I ho host nnd cheapest food for stock of nny kind. One pound Is to hroo poui da of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Qrxku In the Fnll nudV Intev ustoftd of running down , will Increase In weight and bo In good mnrkotnblo oondl Ion In the opting. Dairymen , 9,3 veil 3 others , who nno It , can testify to Ita mo ts. Try It and judge for yourselves. Price ? 24.00 per ton. No charge for sacks Address WOODMAN LINSEED OIL WOUKS , Omaha , Neb , 19 IDBALKRS IN afe iifi FERE AND BURGLAB PBOOF & it 3.OS3O CVtxroot. STEELE , & CO. , ffi I. B. LOOKWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper , Ohlcago , Manager of th Tea , Olgftt mid Tobacco Duparttnoata. A full Una of nil grades of the above ; also Plpos nnd Smokers' cnrrlod hi stock. I'rlooa end oauiplca furnished on application. Open orders Intrnatcd to ua ohall rucoivo our careful [ Tattoutlon. Satisfaction Qunrnntood. AGE WS FOR BEN WOOD NAILS ft ND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO OMAHA , NEB. 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH , W r , BROWN. GEO , BROWN COMMISSION DEALERS IN Office , Eictiange Building Union Stock Yards , REFERENCES 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANE , Omaha ; OMAHA W A. PAX TON , Prcst. and Treia. Union Stock Yds. , Omaha , SWAN BEOS. , Cheyenne. Also connected with Gregory , Cooley JOHN A. McSHANB , Uanagor Bay State Cattle Co. Co , Union Stock Yards , Chicago. J. A. CBKiaaiOK Prest. First Nat'I Bank , Omaha. Address all communications Union Stock Yards , Omaha , Nebraska. JOBBER OF EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED ISFARLAM STRIIET. .ass- ; [ , OMAHA , NEB UENKY T. CLAIIKL' , I'mt. and Treat. . A > 31. CLA11KE , Vice J'reelilent . T . JQI1X T. CIiARKK , Secretary. H. T. CLARKE DRUG COMPANY , SUCCEEDING ) LEIGHTOW & CLARKE , T AKOE3T Jobbing Drug house between Chloigo and San Francisco. CAPITAL STOCK , 8200.000. W JJ shall heatthe bottom of the nniket atoll times. Will duplicate Chicago and St. Louis prices wltU freight added. Our ipoc'alty will bt ' ti'Uf/B , faints , Oils and TVintiow Glass llmates given on pl te Klasa. To thoeo about to embark In the drug business will do well to , , ' Interest by c lilui : on user _ send ( or our price list which will appear about January ith , Hall ord" ted. 1114 IIAHNKV aTUKKTc * Manitoba Pickerel. TROUT , WHITK FISH. COD FISH , SMELTS , AT WHOLES ALB. 100 s. loth St. , omaja. , p. H. ALLEN . . , Agent. SANDER , HOWE & CO. , IJ IISJaHiStJeWone Telephone Ho , 570 ( Omaha , XTob Liberal Advances on Consignments.