THIS DAILY BEE-THUKSDAY , MARCH 5 , 1885. R "NEW DEAL" Deere & Company , Moline , Illinois TWO HORSES CAN DO THE WORK OF THREE , 9 A , innhpQ TURNED WITH SAME POWER f IllUlUb HERETOFORE REQUIRED FOR TJIJ2 COST OF 1'LOll'IXG SAVED. xfT//jj ov THE TIMES , I1W"N DEftL" WHEELED WflLKING PLOWS Tun "N1W K\l , " It llRhtct In draft and more easily handled tUau a linnd jilow , nnd cuts ft TUB NKW Y , ! 1' , , " , , , ' ! } ; , ! " ' " Utar' ' ' lleMcr In wight , find lighter in price tlinu a sulky plow , TIIK "Ni\V : J IAI , " ( ianKcntiSt lnclic with the ilraftcr nil ! inch liMid plow-n tavlncof 60 per innrc limn "inlf tii'1 t ' W ° rk ° f n fmir-llotto rldlnf > ' E ng With ono less horse nud llttlo TniyNw , ! : "V'.H' . " V'iwr ' ° Ar'r' KTJJ-T' > Insuring grc.itcet otrengtli with llfilitcft weight. ' . . . lllB ' , m" ° " " " a "n ? rickety experiment , nnd thcfe claims nri- not mndo recklessly to nttrart intention. I ho njfllcm l the uiitcrontli of careful nh > rrvatlon and experiment reaching c er n period of yearn , with n rational % lew of tlio requirements of the times. . rinr AIII : syi'Euian TO AXY j'r.ows xrr.n OFFERED , and the most economical plo ever placed In the market. Call and ciamlno them. 1/1 Deere , Wells & Co. , Western Agents , i n COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. uro suerng roinorr o rans and losses , w 1 < > " ro weak , BWlPOTtN T , and unlit for iniir- rl Ki''Bfl B"ftl fiill'gfSWhollnd : ' their " " " 'I STKKXG'l'ir weakened , y EXCESS oronrly habits i'ivtu positive & last ing COSENO matter of how loii § stanilin your ciso : may bo , or who lias failed to cure you , by nfew woeksor months nso of tlio celebra ted Myrtleain Treatment. At lioiiuwitlidiit exposure , in less time , and for LESS money than any other method In tlieTworkl. AVeak back. Headache. EMISSIONS , lassitude , loss of MARRIED MEN , AND PflEH ABOUT TO MARRY , REMEMBER , KCT T/STIIENGTII 3SHCAXS ; licalthy anil vigorous offspring , long life and the love and respect of : v faithful wife. Xo man should ever marry who have hern guilty of early indesi-rotionsuntil ho his : lieon restored to 1'EIl- FECT MANHOOD. Wo guarantee a pormunent euro in every ca e undertaken. Send 2 stamps for treatise with proofs ' " 'd testimonials. Address The Cllmns Medical Co , St. Louis , Mo. THE CHEAPEST PLAGE IN OMAHA TO BUT One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States to Select From : NO STAIRS TO CLIMB. ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOB Are now offering AT The greatest bargains ever seen in Omaha 200 ORGANS ! ! 100 PIANOS ! FOR CASH OR ON INSTALLMENTS Also great reductions in Diamonds , Jew elrv. Clocks and Silverware * MAX MEYER & CO. The only importers of Havana Cigars , and Meerschaum Goods in Omaha. Wholesale dealers in Guns , Ammunition , Sporting Goods'Notions and Smokers' Ar ticles. THE A , L , STRAN.G COMPANY , Double and Single Acting Power and Hand Euglne Trimming * , Mining Muchlneijr , Belting , Hose , Brwa and Iron KUtlnti at wholesale or retail. HALLADAY WIND-MJLL8 , OFIDUOE AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb , HOLDING TO THE COMPACT Dero Agflg Agaia Over Mr , Daniels , a-jfl His Theatrical Wife , Tbo Imdy Makes 1'tilillo tlio Dctftlln ot a Oomtmct t'rovlilliiK tor ri Temp orory Separation Only Moro Money. Special Dispatch to the St. Louis Globo-Dem ocr.t. Dr.NVEn.'Coi. . , February 28 To-day , in the district court , Mrs. L'llianB ' , Dan iels , hotter known- Mitilxh , tlio ac- Irc63 , filed papcra demanding a'imony front her husband , Mr. W. B. DanloU , of the millionaire dry goods firm of Daniels & Fisher , Denver , hi the sum of § 25,000 youly. She a's ' ) demands the annul ment by the court of certain papers signed by bor tsyo years ngo which call for a legal eoparatim fivin Daniole. The suit becoming known has caused n ripple of oicitomont in thla city. Mra. Daniels cimo to Denver four years ego from Beaten - ton , whore aho had jus1 bsen divorced from Nathtniol Abbott , and began the teaching of elocution. She wai nn ex ceptionally InndsDino and captlvaticg woman , nnd had not bean hero long before - fore Mr. Daniels begin paying her at tin- tlons , This cutnod an uproar In sockty. That the rich dry goods man , In the neighborhood of ( it ) years , should marry nn elocutionist was shocking. She win termed an adventuress , aud her past rec ord ia Doston was brought up aa proof. MAUUIEl ) NEVERTHELESS. Notwithstanding the objections raised by his friends , Diiriuls nmrrkd Lilian B. Abbott , the elocutionist , atLymo , Conn . on July 8 , 1882. They then caiuo to Denver nud lived togtthor for months , when they became estranged , M Mrs. Daniels chimed by the meddlesome talk of Mr. Daniels' business partner and other frieuda. The scandal which Ilia marriage cansad had about ( subsided when ono diy Daniols got on the train for the east , nifl wlfo hearing of the proposed visit on the part of her hatband , and , fearing that aho was about to bo doaort- ed , also got on the anne train. Juntas the train loft the depot the husband got off , and the wife was carried on a distance of GO miles. Then she discovered what wna up and got oil' and came back to Denver. She was then told that Daniols intended to go to Europe and bo abaeut several years. The wifa was loft without money , and when eho went to the stjrea she found that her husband had stopped her credit. THE COMl'AOr. She wrote a let'cr to Daniels , direct ing it to Now York , and received the fol lowing reply : NEW I'oitK , December 23 , 1882. My Darling Wlfo : I arrived hero late 'last night and found your loving Icttsr at our ollico. It wan a surprise to me , and cut deep with Its censure , and caused tears to flow , with loving expressions. 1 can not resist your sweet kisecs and caresses. Laving embrace changes anger to love and submission. If your loiter had reached mo at Chicaga I now think I should luve nald , 'Como as quickly aa possible. ' It ia two weeks to-inorrow alnea wo parted , and I think wo bad bet ter live apart a few months at least. 1 wlr'o you ; 'Your letter received ; con tents agreeable. Accpb F/sher's / cfl'r and visit California for a few months , and matters may bo arranged as you do- sire. ' You know you can have me again. Who have I got to go to , but Lillieiil I am sorry that I had the tradespeople ra tine you credit. Now , Lillian , I want to glvo you $50,000 and take a legal separa tion , and if you will allow mo It , It will not bo three months. I will go to California for you , and wo will travel to our heart's content. I shall not in future bo as clssely confined to the store , as it is now BO arranged that I can bo away alx or eight months of tha year with but llttlo Injury to our business. When wo come together again it must bo of our own free will , with a parfcct understandirg as to our futura. Wo must lot no enemies er friends cumo batwoen us , but build up a ballpark of love , confidence and nH'jction that will keep out all intruder * . As you say , start aaow on our voyage in life , and I do think wo can bo happy. Wo are , It eeems , a nccssalty to each other ; at least you ate quito so to me. 1 wanted you very much on my j .urncy east , and often thought how happy we should bo to- gethtr. J have regretted bitterly letting you go oil'on that railroad train. If you had got off with mo 1 should not have gone I am suro. It was too bad to lot you po away alone , and I am ashamed of it. Hero 1 am olono in this great city , unhappy in the extreme , not wanting to sco even my old friends , and rny dear ifo In our western homo , onoly aud forsaken by the ono she stya she loves best of all otherj. Of all the women in this world no ono to mo Is so supremely dear as my wife. No ono on ever take her placn In my heart , whether wo live apart or together. Sign the pipers , go homo or I mean to Califor nia and in April I wi'l ' go for you and wo can visit the orange proves , the Yoaemlto and nil other places of interoit , jnd return In time for Fisher ts go east In August , and in October wo an go east and bo homo in time for him to go east again in February. Good bjo , my dear wife. " A SECOND LETTEll , A few days later Mrs. Daniel ) received second letter which contained the fol lowing : "Wo have gone so far that the only way out for the present is to take legal separation and then wo can como together by mutual consent. If you atato your true feelings toward mo , and I fully bs- liove every word you ay , there ought to bo no doubt In yocr mind that we cm not Hvo apart long. There ia no woman in the world that has any at trie tlons for me compared with my wife nor never can until the htt tie between us la severed. I am bound fn honor to got a legal separation or make myself appear ridiculous in the eyes of tha public. Alter the legal separation wo cm como ; together BKaln with now love and nfTjctlons leara by being apari that to bo happy wo must live together and people would say less tban If wo dose so now. This is the best way out.T have often siid to you that a few month apait would convince each of the fac that lo bo happy wo muet live together. The.loving words In your letter convince me of this. You will have your § 50OOU nnd we can agree about the future , and leaf o no'hing tocauso us trouble in the future. I hare envied every nun with a nice wife I have seen since I left yon , and no lady his loiked aa lovely aa my llttlo girl. No one could giro mo as sweet a kiiH cr cartes as my Lillian. I have wanted you si much , but after what has taken place the public and our friends Hill admire our action moro to see us cDinp together again after months cf sep aration , and we need it ourselves , to school us and make ua rnora ready to L-oncedo and concllllato each othfr to our fatnro intcwourso. If you think best snd nlll sign the paperi and place shorn In ( hohtnda of Judge Beck , ot anyone ono that Fisher agrees on , I will comn Q01H9 for a few days and lign and diet to yon the house , and glvo you the money and notes and too you off for Call- fornis , and lot it be given out that I bavo settled $50,000 upon you and that you have gone to visit your mother for a few nonths. Siy nothing of this to any ono ta It would not sound welt to bo told. If you want mo to do so , toll Mr. Fisher to got mo to do it and ho will probably wire mo about It and It will not look as if lie lad bargained about It , My darling child , if you do fool toward mo aa you write , the day is not fir distant when wo can be together in splto of the ouUido ivorld. If 1 am in Denver at the time or soon after you Icavo I can ta a great ox- cut , sllonco scandal nnd gossip. Say ou have gone to vie it your mother and 1 hall po alter you , olc. Put down the llu gossip about you and really tf .or a ow months wo can como back to our homo and make but little talk. " rAUHYlKO Till : M.AX OUT. Matters thus wont ou until January , vhcti Daniels returned home. lie at once tiitotci Into an agreement whereby heave ave his wlfo § 70,000 in property and uunoy , the stipulation being that she eave Denver and renounce all claims ipon the Daniels etUto in caio of hia Lcath. The marriage contract was n'so ' to 1)3 annulled until such titno as both > artioa , In writing , should signify an in- ontion of ontorhm into the marriage state pgiln. Mrs. Daniel a rented or dls- losjd of her Denver property , and then wont cast , and the second scandal grad- lally grow out of the public mind. Mra. Janleh visited her relatives nnd then wont upon the stage. With her money ho put the "Cioolo" company upon the road and played In it from Now York west. A man named Claybou h was her nanagcr. They did not expect to go urthor west than Kansas City , but on rrlving there Mrs. Daniels , who ras then playing second part lo Mas Ilelcn Blytho , desired to como on 0 Denver. Htr word was law , and the Creole company came to Denver. It was urrently reported that Mra. Daniels In jomlng to this city had broken a part of ler contract with her husband and there wai the wildcat gossip about it. The pen houao was packed the first night , verybcdy going inoro to ace Mrs. Dan- els than to witness the play. The dona oecivod largo baskets of flowers. Liter 1 the play eha and Helen Blytho had a uaricl and the dona slapped JBIytho's aca. Miss Blytho refused next day to ilay and the Creole company then went o Loadvllo with Midixaxi as the star in ilaej of Mies Blythc. The engagement vas nst a 8UCC9S8 , and the company wont > o pieces in tbo carbonate city obovo the ; louds. Since .then Madixaxl has boon ving in Denver. MUM. DANIELS'VKESENT COURSE. Tha filing of her action for alimony was nncxpoctod by Daniels and a anrprlao .o the public. In her complaint , Mrs. ) anlcla eays that tha contract between hem annulliug the marriage contract vas obtained by false protemo. She un- crotood , eho says , tint it was only for period of n few mouths , and quote ) the ibovo letters to subs antiate her opinion. ho was aho led to believe that $75,000 vaa about one-half of his estate. Now lie finds out that ho was at that time worth a million dollars , and now pntj his vealth at § 1,300.000. She further al- eges that after aho signed the document nnulllng the nnrrlago contract they ived together aa maa and wife , thus oiog to ehow that the document was violated by Daniels himself. STOP THAT COUGH 5y using Dr. Frazier'a Throat nnd Lunf ? Bnl- am the only sure euro for Coughs , Colds , loarsenoas nnd Sere Throat , nnd all diseases f the throat and lungs. Do not neglect n ough. It may prove fatal. Scores nnd mndroclaof grateful people owe their lives to ) r. Frazicr't Throat and Lunc- Balsam , and no family will ever bo without It after once ising it , and discovering its marvelous power , t ia put up in largo family bottles and solder or the small tirico of 75 cents per bottle. Sold Kubp & Co. and 0.1 < \ Goodman , Famous SOUKS. Vhitehall Times. "America" waswrlttonby thollav. Sam el Francis Smith In 1832 , and it was rsi sung in Boston on the Foor.h of July f that year. "Columb a , the Gem of the Ocean , " was written bp Thomas A. Bcclict , an Snglish ac'.or ' who who in 1879 was a oicher of music at Philadelphia. The tun = s of "John Brpwn'a Body" is of Mothojist camp mooting origin. It was adapted toils present nee by an or- < anist in Harvard church in 18(11. ( Crouch , the writer of "Kathlson Miv- oureon , " received $25 for the production ml afterwards became a bogging tramp , vhilo bis publisher could have built a > rown-stono front out of iti sales. The "Star Spangled Banner" was written by Francis Scott Key while watch- ng the bmbardmontof of Fort McIIenry n 181-1. The song was printed in the Baltimore American eight days after > ittlo under the ti lo of 'The Defonca efFort Fort McHenry. " Georo I' . Morris wrote "Woodman Spare ThatTrao , " because the purchaser of a friend's ostata wanted to cut down a ; roe which his gandfather bad planted. ilia friend paid the purchaior$10 to spare t Morris was so touched by the story hat ho wrote the eong , John Howard Payne's "Homo Sweet ffomo" was written for an opera. It was irst sung in the Convent theatre at Lon don , and made n big hit. One hundred ; hoii3an 1 copies wcrd eoM the Aral year , and by the end of the second 1U publish ers bad cleared $10,000 , from It , The author of "Maryland my Mary- and , " livea at Washington. Do writes ; oaalpy letters to the Augusta Chronicle. His name la James Randall , and ho is a modest looking , dirk complciloned man of 40. Ho was very young when ho wrjta ; hat beautiful poem. Hla ideas ara broad er , now. An KUomlcil Popularity. RROWNB BRONCHIAL TIIOCIIES have been before the public for many years. For relisving Cougba and throat troubles they nro superior tc nil other articles , Sold only in toxw. Holler IllnUe. 1'bUadelphla Ledger. The common council of BorJentown , N , J , baa elevated the ekating tick to the dignity of n aubjact of special legisla- th n School children will not be allowt < to enter the rink until 4 p. m. , the managers agors must not admit minors against the written objection of their parents , the doora of the rink must number at leas font la'ge ones for uao in case of fire , nnd no intoxicating liquors will bo allowed t : be sold in the building , nor will any bac'd ' connections bs allowed with iiblghlnrlnj. ealcons. The Ihenae fee is fixed at no Icai than $150 a year. AC * RD.-To all io arc ( uHcilnC from error and ludUe tloiiscf joutli , nencms wcaXnc'SJ nrl ; decay , Ian cl manliool. etc. I will wild a rtcelp th will euro } ou KUKK OF CUAUOE , Thla crtu remi'dywaa dlwometl ly a missionary to faoutl America. Send ull-tddrrawd en\doi > to 1UY , Jo asm r , I uu button D " New \ort , IOWA ITEM a. The RtcenbicVcri of Indian Crosk are nn top Tha faroiora > f Id * estimate thair ht < fro n hog choleta at S4r > ,000. Tro Turner society if DavoDpitt wil build an $30,000 opcia house. Clinton has pat 810,500 into steel cells to accommodate her criminals. The lead mining industry of Dahuqus la numbered among oblivion's victims , The city marshal of llockford ran foul of prohibition and it cost him $100 to satisfy juitc3. ! One-half Interest in tha Klrkwood hoaso property , Dei Moines , was roiontly aoU for § 22,000. The commissioners of Polk bava dls- ) urjod S18.0GO nmcng the poor of Dos Molnca this winter. The Diagonal oll'uia'a are talking of novlng thn general odicoj from DCS \Iolnca \ to Marahalltown , The moat promlsiuij and crowing in dustry of the atato is the "democratic petition for cfilco business. " A prominent republican has opened a night school in Dos Molnos to give dem ocrats leisons In the art of ytlieo beg- A largo attendance is oxpectad at the eleventh annual encampment of tho1own 3. A. U , which meets in Divcnport April 22 < 1 , for a two days' session. Gentlemen at the Oltnmwa skating rink are expected to' doll' their hata. J'hoso who fail to obscrjo the custom era m do uncomfortable until they comply. A Wapollo county man says the wolves Siavo become so reduced by their winter starvation as to bo easily run down and caught by horfomcn or oven by persons ifcot. Burlington citizens are linking an ef fort tc indnco the Oliver Bros , to locate bholr plow works there , it being given out -hat they desire to move from South Bend , Indiina. A Norwegian family recently arrlvodat Spencer In destitute circumstances , hav ing been oonOdonced out of all tholrsparo cash by a fellow countryman at Castle Garden , Now York. The Muacatino Journal claims that the law for the semi-annual payment of taxes "is working splendidly In Mnscatino county , according to the testimony of a majority of taxpayers. " The Citizens' ' league , of Cedar Rapids , in duo legal form swocpod down upon thob brewery of Williams , capturing nearly a thousand kegs of songs and fighti. For rigid enforcement nf the law , Cedar Rapids wins this heat and race. Of thirty of the loading towns and cities of Iowa , West Das Molnoa pays the teachers in its public schools the highest average ealary , $50 50 , while Forb Mad- luon , where they have free whisky on Sunday , p ya the lowest , $37.83. Two Burlington machinists visited a friend on the west tide , and were invited to take suthln * . The friend reached for the elder jau bat secured Ilia lye jug by mistake , and ladled it out to the visitors. Thinking it w.-u bogus budge , they par took heirtlly. They still live , but their lyoabllltlcs are above tha average. The family of Mr. Sofrick , of Poosta , Dubuqtie county , were poisoned by eat ing beef. Eruptions broke out on their arms , throats and noios ; their tongues tamed black , and their mouths became foul aud omitted a sickening odor. All are now out of danger except Mrs. Sefrlck. The Iowa Grand' ' Army of the Repub lic wish to make known that by legis lative enactment all veterans of the war of the rebellion who die homeless and bankrupt will bo decently burled at pub lic oxpenap , a $35 funeral and a § 15 stone to mark the grave being the limit to the appropriation. A train on the Milwaukee road near Brltt , running a snow plow with a doublo-hoador , during the recent block ade , struck a gang of section men in a cut and instantly killed one. The force was so great that tbo unfortnnato man was thrown clear over the telegraph nlrea. An Auriferous Steer. Virginia City Chronlo'e. It. NOCQ haa In hs ! possession at Dale- ilane'd store , on North 0. street , tlio aws of ayoonjB'oer which ho a'augh ; erod last weekend whijhhas ' been feeding lear the Truckoo river , 'xho tooth are Itcrally sheathed in gold , in some places ho coaling ef to'id gold being at least one-eighth of an inch In th'clcncss. ' At int the material c atlng the teeth wan > : onotmoid to bo mica by exports , who ipplled the acid test and now arj ia la- lied that the coating ( s pure gold. The ; > hco where the cattle ara herded is situ- Ued In the low range of hlllo skirting the banks of the river bet ween Truckeo and Wadsworth. Thera are numerous springs In the depressed portion of the flills and ravines , and actlvo toarch is now balng made for the ono from which thla particular steer drank , as it ia confi dently anticipated that the water contains some peculiar chemical properties which have the effect of dissolving gold and holding it in solution. Unfortunately for eclenco , Mr. Nee : failed to discover the gold coating on the tooth and jawa until several daya after the ntcer was killed. Had ho discovered the marvellous coating on tbo jaws and teeth in time ho would have carefully preserved the intestines and stomtch , and have their contents carefully analysed In search of nuggets or ch'spas. ' A careful assay of the stomach would certainly have shown more than a trace of the precious metal. Mr. Noco thinks differently , however , and gives tbo following reason : Ho eayj that cattle while drinking keep their teeth tightly closed , and suck the water between them , which account ] satisfac torily for th ? coating being so much thicker on the outer portion of the teeth than on the Inner , which la now espec lally notlcaable ou the lower jiw. In * credulous readers of the Chronicle can catlafy thomnslves of the correctness ol the above statement by calling at Doloplina'a store , Seal of North Carolina Smoking tobac co Is the beat. Cash asGU'Wd. Among the wedding presents Bant to the Ilov. Stephen Gladstone woio u CDH plo of checks for ' 100 , given by the dnko of Westminster and Sir Andrew Clark re spectivoly. Thla leads the edltar of Lon don Truth to think that the example oiifjht to ha widely followed , capoclally when the bride and bridegroom ara not too well endowed with thla world a goods. When a comparatively poor man marries ho is generally overwhelmed with n' ' sorts of clabsrato and useless articles , but voiy faw people have the common tense to contribute In cash instead of in kind Surely oven a i'5 nolo is an infinitely more serviceable present thai a pioto o plate which requires constant cleaning , era a china vato which ia certain it be by a careless houecmaid , CHAS. SHXVERICK , FURNITURE UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERIES , Klovnlor to nil floors 120(5 ( , ll'OS run ! 1210 I'ntnnin Street , OMAHA , NKHUASKA. 1409 and 1411 DotteeSt. { cS5&3SSf * } Omaha He- LUCK ! Atul Don't JLose This Chunce. The bent opportunity over oilcred to try yonr luck in thcso him ! iuea. In oidcr to give the public in general Uio ndvantiuzu with nynmU um of money , to pat' .iclpnto In a real German Money Lottery , guaranteed and snnctiouod by the Gcrmnn Rovern- nent , wootfor live whole origniU tickets whlcli wo have mndo Into Hi dilTori < nt number * of the ! S7 , Hnmburf * Lotlcrr , In club plays nnd neil pamo for the Rtnall sum of ? Ti nslonenawo lava Bomo on luiu.l. Thwe tickota nro good for the laat thrno principal drawings which coin- U5HCO March 11 , 1SS5 , nnd terminate ou May 13 , 1S8D. _ This Lottery has been for over 113 , -oara in exietenco ; Imn ono hundred thomnml tickota mid fifty thounnnd MJO winning lumbers \yliich is over i > no hilf the actual amount of tickets. Ivnch holder of tickets receives , after the drawings , the Original Listp , nleo the unoimt of the pri7o if won. Wo hope , us wo ; ivo 1U dilferent ininibcrc , that every ticket holder , on receipt nf the winning lists , will bo pntlsficd with the result. The cnpltnl prices nro mark COO 000 , 300,000 , i'OO.CCO ' , lOO.Ono , ! )0- ) 000 70,000 , lid.OOO , JiO.OCO , etc. . the unnllest boirg M5 innrlf. It is of interest to e.wli nnd everyone to invest OH < jon nspoesiblu beloro Iho tickets are nil Bold. Remit cither by Post- oflico order or draft and tickets will BO forwatd nt onco. Oiiginnl tickets nf the Hnmtmrgjs Brunswick and Saxon , couetnutly on hand. C. F. SOHM1DT k CO. , 02 Congress Street , Detroit , Mich , , vv v.v.v .v v v.v v v.v * DUFFY'S : : Absolutely Pure and Unadulterated. Entirely Free from FUSIL OIL. * ? ? T fSVff (1177 Do you know what It Is ? AskynurFlivBlcian nCAHIV DfllPflM % vUi31u IBIu orDriiirKlstnndhewill tell you Umt IT IS A UtHULI rUloUll. * 1'nsltlvu btiro Cure forlTIiiIiirln , IMilnioniiry CoiiipIniiilN , InillKCNlloii , Nervous , * , Proxlrntlon , Hritiirliluri'roiiblcN , ( it'iiernl Ilcbllltv. liiiNNof ITIuiiliil I'o\ver . , and nil \VantIiiir IMm-aixc1 * . Kn < lorse < l liv over : [ , " . ( ( ) 1'liyHlclaiiH'ami ClicmlxK I , liivnhmblo ns u STIitriTIjAN'r AND TONIC hi Tyiilioltl Vovcr. Ilyacittery UIurrlKcn , and nil low lorins of UINCUNC. I'lIK UliCOUNIZIiU Wo nro tlio only concern In thu United Stntos whonn-hnltllnt ; nml Belling to tlio Modlcnl , Profession nml Drug Trade nn ubsohitcly I'uroIHnllVliUko } % ono that Is free from , * FDNIIi OIIj nnd tlmt 1.4 not only found on tlio hUlvboaixls o [ thu best families In thu * country , but also lu the phj Mclau's illspciistiiff room. * simifirfdfilio.rfous nleiiliul it'lilcli nra .10 often /'mini' ' in M'/iMArcf/ > RECOMMEND IT TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. . 'rot' VOX VOMHIU , writest " 1'nrity Itself iimus.MttUVhlKUi > , l know it to bo Avholcsun Inir > 's Malt Whiskey * li thu purest liquor Unit I clean and unaUultcrutc'd. " hii u ever annlyztnl. ImiiH tlieieTorn umniaUttcuiy FIEllll. II. HAWr.UMlM.ll.ornnchofitPrvK.Y. roooinrnenU It to the nutlfcjl profession. * ' a Kraduutoof 1holcaltnL > l'UroiH.ancolU'Kt'HEinyfi"l TholntollARVr.V I * . 1SYHU. M.lh.PrcBlcloiit prccrllH3 joiirMiilt WliltUry In my practice ; wir , of tlin I'aculty , and rroftwaorof tlio IlnltlmoioMtil conslilcr ft a voiy m per lor rcllahlo nitlcle nnd run icul Col OKI' . t a\8 ; "I tlml it remarkably free from heartily icoomniemi it Inlowetnteiof fevers , acult. ' TiHll nil and other objectionable materials BO often IntHininatlons , ami < U-jresplnw ) nmbuIleH RiMiernlly , fuuiul in thu wtiltklfH of the prcflont day. anil also ns u tonic in f re bio dlgvirtloii nml roimil * ( tH't'iiot ) fititii nnito ( Ilncnpc ? , Mlieit * an alcoholic JAMiS"J : , U'HKA. M.I > . , of Ktaten IftlAnil.llio htlinutint IH iiullaitfd , and ifiH-cltlly In 1'hthltfh sutGinlwurkKonliis'inUy , uritofl' "Wln'ii Autliornf 1'ulinouulb. " I prtscribtiaii alcoholic , I onlersour fa- % IN FACT. IT IS A BEVERAGE AND MEDICINE COMBINED. nml tllosi > amictwi with iiunicr Virm nnnTCVTni7nrnTY717C > TO GuNSIlmJr 1IVSib , WE win , on rect.ipt of su IIOM.AICS , < Vsend to luiyjuldrcws In tlio United SliitVH ( Cast of thr ; Houky Mouni tains ) , all * * Formula lins been prepared especially for us by Uiot'rentk'rnmiiSeieiillst , Jlr. I nn t ( indci- * * Itcnn IIP pruniircil l > v anv fnmllv lioiispkeeiior nt Blicht ( JXIMMISO ( Itiiw Heefstenk mid our V ZE'TTIEIII ! aVX-A-Xjl" " \7f7"X3OtSJ3Z3S5Z being of tlio IiiBinliontn. ) % * Alter llils preparation luis been taken fora feiv weeks , the previously eonspicuously proiu- * * Input bones In jmllenls siitTeriiiK from Consumption and the Ifko dlsedses. et covered llh n * * HilckconthiRor fatand muscle , the sunken anil bloodless cheeks 1111 up and nssumou rosvhuo , * the tlroopliiK spirits revive , whllo all the muscles of Iho body , and chief ninniiK them the heart , * * lire stioiiKer mid better nblo to perform their fimetloni , because of beiuj- nourished with a * * richer blood than they had been before . lu other words , the system is supplied with more. * * carbon than the disease can exhaust , thereby giUnu nature the upper hand in the coullicl. X SOLD BY LEADING DRUGGISTS AND FINE GROCERY HOUSES * I O3XT23 A.I I * * Samplu Quart Bottles Sent loauy address In the United States lliistof the Ilocky Mmm ' * tains ) , beonrely packed in plain case , Kxiiresit cliitryca jirt-jtultl ou receipt of S&l.&a. S THE DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO , , BALTIMORE , HID , , U , S. A. GEItMAN Oumings and 20th Sts , , Omaha , Neb. ( SUOOESSUR Tu FOSTER & GRAY ) . LIME AUD CEMENT 7loI Il , Win don Cipi.Iion Orntlnje , IftUlIlc Bky-llghll. 3. Tin , Iion'tcd I ! > u < HO SonlO lltb Btietl Om b Kebrxkk , Orange Blossom Flour WHOLESAL3 BY L , A STEWART & GO , 1013 Jones Btieet \ AEKFOHBE \ OMAHA NEB RicTiards&f Clarke ' Machinery Castings' " Omaha , . Neb. Specialties SUM vMV fltiHe % < SMUT mums , mnatewsjHfs.1. . S PAMT < WS. ' BOUTIM CLOW , REPAIRS OF up xiitQZ mrfns m mws , BRICK Ym CASTINGS *