Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Thursday Morning , Maroh.6 . ,
BOiacnirrioN BATES. :
B7C nlei - 0 eenta p f week
. . . . - - 110.00 p r rear
o. 7 Pearl Btmt. H r Broadway.FT
See J. Keller's new spring goods.
Social at the Methodist church parlors
this evening.
Dr. Barator ? has boon injured by his
horeo falling on him ,
.Several llagi woio hung out yojtorday
in honor of Inauguration ,
Permit to wed was yesterday granted
to John Ilaraoa and Naanlo Bloom.
Cusko & Morgan have added Messrs.
Watts and lllloy to their clerical furco.
John Dougherty has baon put on polica
duty in place of Jack Cuaick , resign ad
The artesiaa well at the Institute for
the deaf and dumb near hero now has a
lljiv of forty barrels an hour.
In another column will bo found an
nttiolo on "Christian Bankers , " which
the young men ouijht to road ,
Frank Van Brunt has purchased Prof.
Paige's residence property , corner of
Fifth avenue and E'ghth ' street , and will
improve it and occupy it as a homo.
Dr. Jofforis reports that the child of
II. R , Jones and the ono of Mr. Bcnton
on Third street , who have been very 111
with diphtheria are recovering nicely.
Molllo Wallace and another black
woman , as well ai ono white woman ,
wore yesterday fined $9 00 eacii for the
row which they indulged in the night bs-
Two dranks wore found and fined yos-
orday. Ono of them claimed to bo a
sleight-hand parformor. The judge gave
him two hours to crawl out of jail through
the key hole.
Jack Shields , Still Bates and John
Connors were before Jadgo Aylcsworth
on a charge of assaulting Dan Crum.
Shields and Bates wore discharged and
Connors was fined $10.
The offer of $100 reward for the proof
that the mayor has had a drink of wh'aky ' ,
wine , ale or beer , since April 28 , 1884 ,
docs not Include gin. It ought to have
put that In so as to cover all.
Chief Skinner noir issues an order for
all lewd iromon to go into some lawful
business , and the talouns to close Sun
days and week day nights at 11 o'clock.
Nothing is said about the gambling
David Mottiz , the wa'chnnn at the
lumber yards , has been making his lire
record on his nose. In throwing a fire-
grenade into the bliza the other morning
ho got a little too close , and a sadden of ( lame burned him somewhat.
Two boys named Bowsfiold , aged about
It ) and 14 , were arrested and brought
into court for quarreling. It Ecemod
that their mother had gone off visiting
and loft them to keep houto. Daring
her absence ono of the boys collected § 4
for some rent duo his mother and the
boys got to quarreling about this money.
The judge gave them a lecture and ordered -
dored the money put in the hands of the
insrshall until the mother's return.
Mr. Joseph Roller , the well known
moachant tailor on upper Broadway , No.
310 , has returned from an extended east
ern trip , and having searched tha mirkota
of Chicago , Cincinnati , and Now York ,
has secured for his customers the .very
latest atyloj , in suitings and tailoring
goods , from the largest establishment in
the country. For fine suits , stylish , well
ftlt'ng ' , wall made , and at reasonable
prices , Usitor cannot be excelled in this
part of the country.
Oakland is stirring Itsalf np into ac
opposition against the new court house
and jail , Some of its good , honest folk :
are being beguiled into { ho bollof tlnl
by defeating the proposition the couu'j '
seat may bo changed from Council Blufl'i
to aomowhero else , and wbcra should
this somewhere olao bo but at Oakland
Of conrso no sensible pcvsan can do'ib
erately believe that such a charge wll !
ever take place , but if the county seal
hould bo changed , poor Oakland wonkJ
not stand a ghost of a show. Avoca
with Its additional power and its manj
shrewd nun , would gobble it , andpooi
Oakland would bo worce off than over.
The funeral of Llltlo Irene Kinicy
the first to die at the Orphans Homo , wai
quite well attended Tuesday. Carriage
woio furnished fioa by John Dohcny
Dr. PaUen , Paul Bcquet , and Goorgi
Westner , and a largo number of en
ilowors given by Mr. Cospor. The asjo
elation has purchased a lot In the come
tcry , on the hill , near the O. A. II. ' lo\
and purposes erecting n monument 01
wh'ch ill bo inscribed the taxes of eacl
child buried there. There should bo lit
tle dlllicullyln securing the needed moarj
for this , and the generosity of the publii
will doubtlojs prompt a ready response t <
the appeal fern monumeLt to the memory
of orphan acil hornolets children ,
Heal Estate Transfers.
The following is a list of real oitati
tramfen filed yesterday in the recorder' ;
office of Pottawattomio county , Iowa , ai
furnished by A. J. Stephenson , abstrao
tor , real estate and loan agent , Couuci
Bluffi , Iowa , March 4 , 1885.
Joioph Bollnr ti Willttm Doulil , parl
w J a * } 0. 77 , 8 , $500.
S4miul Tucker to Thomas Robjrti , a
i 10 A 14 7 43. 82,370.
Maiio Myrs er to Andrew Jorpcrsen ,
part 18. 75 , 43. $500.50.
Milei S. R , op to Win A. Pleroe. lo !
5 , li'osk 17 , Stuttroaa'a 2d add. S05.
Total tales , $3,405.50.
Council IJlufTit Needs n Slinking Upon
the Court Hntiito Question ,
There is moro indllTcronco in Council
lllufta about the coutt house question
than there should bo. Some good citi
zens fcol that if those in the catt cud of
Iho connly do not cato whether Iho
county liaa a conrt houss or not , and do
not care whether the private find public
rccordo are jecpmlizod or not , Council
UlafTscin stand it as well as they. Some
othcrj feel thn * . the court homo votes
will bo oil light , anyway , uud BO are not
exerting ttumsolvcB. Third is also a
icctillar danger from the fact that the
polal election comes at the last of
ireo elections within a wock , many
oUri will got weary in well doing and
Uy at homo. To a wotkingmaa cs-
cciilly , who lost time in attend-
: i& the cliy election , and will
o cillcd on to lee lime
ext Monday at the school election , it
; ilt bo somewhat of n temptation not to
; o to the polls next Tuesday. It is of
ho greatest importance to tliii county
hat the court lumso and jail should bo
milt , ana it is also cf grdnt importance
o this city. Those who aio opposing it
n the country are doing S3 not bcc&uso
, hey real 20 the needs of the couuty , bat
)4caus3 they aio BO sot against Council
BlufTi , and to anxious to htlp out Avoca ,
r eoino other part of the county that
hey will sacrifice the caun'y'a ' interest lo
latisfy this projudlco. Thoao opposers to
ho proportion ate Hooding the county
with circulars , are culling mooting ! , are
\ppolntlni ' , committees , raising money to
Imo workers at the polls , and In every
way trying to mislead the honest people
with uiitstatomculs of facts and figures
[ n \iow of thcsD facts Council Blulfc
hould arouse as ono man end Tight
ire with fir. ) . No ono who
avoro the building of a court housa and
.all can a ( lord to lot next Tuesday
pasi without casting his voto. Every
merchant nud business man who comes
n contact with men from outside the
city shall enthusiastically ( how np the
fijaEons for the faith that Is within him.
There is no need of using a club or mak-
og threats. The plain facts , presented
inrnestly , and received without prejudice
will convince any unbiased mind that
the cheapest and best thing is for the
county to build. If Council Blufia ox-
poets to help carry the proposition il
must bo up and doing , The oppcsltioc
is untiring in Its misioprosontUlona ol
fact ; . Let all -who favor the propositions
BOO to it that the true is spread as broad
cast as the false , and the iruowill win.
Dr. S. Mealier , of the Sioux City
Chronic Disease Institute , will bo at the
Scott house in Ihis city , Thursday ,
March 4th. Will attend to patients anc
all who are alllictod will do well to give
him a call. Consultation free.
The Men in the Hound House Object
to a Reductionot'
The recent order of lha WaLish roduo
ng the wagoa of wipers and other labor
era ten per cent , has caused a atrlko a
varlousplacea along the linoand yts'.crday
thoaa employed In the round honsa join
ed in and quit work. The following res
olntions were adop'odj
lleaolred , That we , the employee o
the Wabaah , St. Louis and Pacific Rail
way Company , In mass meeting sssem
bled , do protest against the discriminate
reduction In our wages , which affect em
ployes who are already boidesing on doj
llesolvcd , That wo cxprcsi our griev
ances to A. A. Tahiugo , general inana
ger , nnd wo demand that this order bo
Resolved , That should A. A. Tallin go
refuse to grant our .demands , humanlt ]
calls upon us to make a bold stand , oven
should it require resignation of our situ
Resolved , That the discrimination between
tween organized and disorganized labo
in the present reduction presents a sub
ject for the serious consideration of ovotj
workingmsn , and that wo congratulate
organized labor upon its having escapee
our grievance.
Roiolved , Farther , that a copy o
tlicse resolutions ba forwarded to A. A
Tnlinnge detr.indine sn Immediate reply
In response to Inquiries at tbo oflico
the Information nan gained that tbo nifi
who had struck only numbered about ton
and tbat their places had all been filled
and that the company would not bo seri
ously Inconvenienced hero. Kona of the
men employed in operating trains are
concerned in the nttiko , so that the com
paoy'a bnsiueas will go on aa usual.
AQno organ , half price , at Boards
wall paper store , next to postoflice.
Christian 15ankcrn.
Under the title of the head of this or
tlclo the Christian Homo , a weekly foiu
Uy anil religions paper , published by th
Homo of the Friendless association c
Council Dlulla in the interest of the Or
phans' Home maintained by that acsocia
tion , pays tha fo'hwing ' tribute this wool
to two well known bankm of this atata
It stys :
' As wo alatad some weeks sinca , it !
our object now and then to present brio
accounts of ministers and hymen of on
state , striving to draw lessons from thol
lives that will bo of aorvloo to the youn
in the coming battle of Hie. Wo wl
speak this wei k of Col. L. Bontly , Bap
tilt , f Malvcrn , Iowa , and Thomas Ofli
cer , P/osbyterlan , of Council Bloil' ,
Co' ' . L. Bditly , of Malvetn , Iowa , is
bright example of the ancceatful Chris
tlan buiincsi man , He Is a devoted
member of the Bapt'st church of Mai
vero , and Is active nnd foremost In every
work for Goi and auuer'ng humanity , line
no way has this Interfered with his busl
ness success. Tjying to bleaj others
God lisa blecsed him. Under his man
agnnont the First national bank of Mil
vern lias assumed proportions tha
gives it a standing aoiong tro solid bank
Ing imtltutloDS of the country. It can
be truly said of him that he /.salous It
buslncu , "fervent la ipirit , tuning th
L'rd. "
It is a pleasure to us to hare the friend
ship , love and co-opeiatlon of each men
It Is further a pleasant doty to point on
to the young euoh examples. There are
ro many foolish and worldly men who b
their words and actions had the yoor'
to tuppoie that religion and business cai
not go together , that it Is well for young
mou to learn from the reiu ti of iliu live
of men of to-diy that th s troott and bee
succeM , even for time , comes to thuj
who fatthfally corvo God.
Hero In cur own city wo have anothe
just inch a CJB < J. Mr. Thomas Officer , an
elder of the Pmbyteiiin church , la th
leading btnktr in tlii city. IIo li
man of wealth nnd his name Is a power ,
ot only in this city but everywhere in
is state of Iowa. Not only is ho thus a
citder in Gnanclal circles but ho Is ad
mitted by all to bo a leader in all matters
or the upbuilding of Christ's kingdom ,
'fever Is business to pressing but what
10 is ready to stop and RITO largely of
its means and help plan for the further-
nee of the interests of any cauto that
Ivcs reasonable promise of redounding
o the honor of God.
Young men , look on the llfo of Christ
ind the lives of tuch men ns those , who
; ave gained their power from a humble
allow ing of Christ , and It will bo well
with you. What do the railings of Infi-
ellty amount to bcforo snch living facts ?
'Seek yo first the kingdom of God and
lis righteousness and all tluao things
hall bo added unto yon ? "
Bookman & Co. , 525 Main street , will
wash and oil your harness cheap now.
Joseph lU'iter , the tailor , has returned
rom n three weeks' purchasing trip cunt.
Tom ItollniH ot Wfikofiohl , a wideawake
ardwnro roan , was in the city yoatorday. K3
Dr. D. Sntterloo nnd wife o { Dunlnp , lelt
estenlfty over the Wnba h for Now Orleans.
Attorney Wright of Dos Moines , wna
ookinft after eoino inntiooa in the court hero
Uov. J. G , Lomoa KHOS to Clarinda to
ecturo there to-night on "Poo. " This ! a the
ococd of rt course being given there , Iho
"ir t being by Dr. llanscn.
Constnblo lleyburn of Macedonia , waa in
, ho city yesterday and tarried at Uochtele'e.
lo will bo remembered ni the official who
created such a sensation by attempting to
seizelliiuorn here , teen after the prohibition
aw went Into tiled , lie was not HO badly
scared on this last visit to Council Uluils.
Before yon bay a harness call on Beckman -
man & Co. , 525 Main street.
Angosturit Hitters do not only dlatlnt
iali themselves by their tlavor and aromnlc-
odor above all others generally uaod , but they
ire also a sure preventive for all diseases urif-
noting from the digestive organs. Bovv.iro ol
: ountorfoito. Ask your grocer or druggjat for
.ho gonulno article , manufactured by Dr. J.
J. 13 , Selgort & Sons
TJio Penalty of Skepticism.
Texas Sittings.
"Como mighty nigh klllln' a fine buck
His mawnln' , " said an old negro. "Comln"
long through the woods an' or old buck
! io jump up , an' bookerty , bookeity , ho
can off a few yards an , ' stop ttill. Como
in one or shootln' him , sab. "
"Why didn't you shoot ? '
"Didn't hab my gun wid mo , tali. "
"Then how did you come in ono o !
shooting htm ? "
"Case , eali , I corao In onco1 taking my
jun wid mo. "
"Why didn't yon take your Run ? ' |
"Didu" hab none , salt.
"You are an old fool. "
"Look huah , dona 'bnso crman datway
when yer ain't got no cause. I ain't goi
no gun , for a feller dat I wns about tei
buy ono frum ; axed mo jea' $1 mo'a ]
could pay. So , I come In ono o' glttln
do gun. If I had cr got It I would er
tuk It 'long wid mo , an' ef I'der had It I
could cr shot de back easy , sah. So
dcau come 'roun1 bnslu' or man when do
facka is all crgln yer. I hab knowet
folks to fetch trouble on dor 'eclvos da
way. Er pusson oughter be keetful in
dla heah worl' o' science and spsckorla
tlon. Good mawain' , sah. Since ycr's
acttd dis way , 1 wouldcnter gin yornono
o' do meat cf I had er killed it. 'Fore
yer talked dat way I woulder made yor
present o' some o' do buck. See \vliu
you got by It , eah.
MEAT SAUCE Is made from the froshee
choicest and puro't condiment ) obtain
able. In using it , waste , labor and snx
icty and disappointment are prevented
The Ono Tiling Lacking.
Somorvillu Journal.
It was at the rink , and the gentleman ! ;
young man with brass buttons and a
cheek to match was initiating the ehy
young thing of sixteen into the mystorle
of roller skating.
"You Btrlkn out llko "
boldly this. said
he , illustrating with a graceful sweep
and then , as shu bravely tried to imitate
ke exclaimed ;
"Ah ! you're catching on ! "
She didn't make any audible reply
until she had finished the aomerjault
Then fcho put down her skirts with both
hands and murmured softly :
"No , that' * the trouble. There wasn'
anything to catch on to. "
Horhfonl'a Ada. Phosphate.
Well Pleased ,
Dr. A L. Hall , Fair Haven , N. Y.
says , "Have prescribed It with markec
benefit in indlgattion and urinary
trouble . "
_ _
In Norwich , Conn , , a young man be
gan djpoa ting his savings in a local bank
tiiad POEI'B irom 1838 until 1885 am
ountoi to $1)02.25 { ) , Between 18118 and
1885 he drew f com the bank , § 1,270.70
and ytt a few days sinse , on having hi
book written np and balanced , ho wa
found to havn a balance on deposit am
ountlng to Sll.273.Sa.
* * # # Tiles , fistulas and raplurc
radically cured. Book of particulars
two letter stamps. World's Dispensary
Medical Association , Buffalo , N. Y.
Wedding outfits are frequently hired in
Franco , and many firms rxake a specialty
of letting bridal toilettes , includinj
prayer book , orange blossom'wreath anc
dress. A mort sensible CD H torn prevail
among the Swiss peasantry of having
bridal dresses made of good black silk
thus Drovidlng the bride with a hand
some serviceable dress for future wear.
No. 201 Upper Broadway , Council Blufl'a
The Recently Improved
la the ffihcst Achievement in Writing
Machines in the World.
Without ? 3 ! ) ktys to learn nnd
operate , it prints 70 characters , in
cluding caps and small letters ,
pnnctiiili ii" , figures , signs nnd
fractions. It is the simplest mid
mo t rapid writing machine made as
well as the most durahle.
tSTtieiulJur/rec illustrated iwinpltlcl.
Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict ,
-81 and ' . ' 83 Broadway N. Y. , Sola Agent * ,
0. H. 81IULK3 , Council Bluffs. Agentf
( or Wwtetn Iowa ,
A full stock of Men's , Women's ,
Boys' , Misses' and Children's New Jersey
ARCTICS , now ready in any quantity to
suit purchasers , CHICAGO TEEMS and
DISCOUNTS every day in the year , We
also carry FULL lines of BOOTS and
SANDALS of above named goods , includ
ing the nicest line of SPECIALTIES for
fine retail trade made by ANY company.
7e have some Felt Boots to close out
cheap. Try a case of our COMMON
recommend them.
Write for list on "Lumbermen , "
Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St.
Office , 412 Broadway ,
To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria ,
the lost fl\o years thcro lias not boon n death from diphtheria In any caw where Dr. Thomas
DURING ' preventive anil euro wai used. It has boon the mcacH ol Baring thousands of lives. JndU
ponslblo In nutilil sore threat , In malignant scarlet lexer , chanitlntr It In 48 n urn to the simple form. For
sale only at the doctor's office , No 23 South Eighth street , Council ItlulTs , Iowa , Semi . for It ; jirloo $2.
Dyspeptic , why lUe In misery audule In despair with cancer of the etomacn ? Dr. Thomas Jefferla cures
etery cite of Indlecstlon and conatlpatlon In \crv short . time. Best of refeicnoes given. Diepepssia is
the cause cf oil of ninety per cent diseased conditions.
Casaiiy Orcutt& French
405 Broadway ] ] .Council Biuffs ]
Carpets ,
Curtains ,
Window Shades ,
Mattings ,
Linoleums ,
Oil Cloths and
Upholstery ,
Mail Orders
Carefully Filled !
CO. i ?
Corn Meal ,
Graham Hour ,
Ground Fresh Every Day !
Ground Feed Always on Hand.
Mill , comer of North Sixth Mid Mill Street * ,
Wheat No. 1 milling , C5 ; No. 2 , CO
No. S , 0.
Corn Now , 25c.
Oata For local purposes , 23c.
Hay § 5 00G 59 per ton ; baled , BO@CO.
Rye 35o.
Corn Meal 130 per 100 pounda ,
Wood Good supply ; pricea at yards , 6 00 ®
6 50.
Coal Delivered , hard , 0 50 per ton ; cell
4 CO per ton
Laril FaJrbank'a , wholesaling at 9Jo.
Flour City flour , 150@2 90.
Brooms 2 95@3 00 per doz.
Cattle Butcher cowa 3 25@3 70. Batcher
etoors , 3 7E4 00.
Sheep 2 50@3 00.
Hoga-4 00@-J 25.
Poultry Live chiokensper [ doz. SOOj'dross-
od chickens , 8c ; droeaed turkoya , 10c'dress- ;
ed duckfl , 9c ; dreaaod Roeee , 8c.
Butter Creamery , 25@28o ; choice country
18 ( 203.
Eggs 27 per dozen.
Vegetabloa Potatoes , COiBOpo per buahol ;
onions , ( JOc per bu ; npploa , choice cooking or
eating , 3 00 ; beans , 1 001 50 per buahol.
Cider 32 gallon bbl. , SG.50.
Oranges I 01) ) per box.
Lemons t 60@D 00 uor box
No. CO ? Broadway Council Bluff * .
Railway Time Table ,
Corrected to January 7 , 1835.
The following are tba tlmei ol tha arrival and de
parture ol tralna by central etandard time , at the
local depots. Tralna leave tranelor depot tea mln *
atea earlier and arrive ten minutes later.
iJ6nm : ChlcAKoKxrroBj t:00aro :
QitO a m Fast Mall. 7:00 : p re
UlSO p m Accommodation. J00 ; p teAt
At local depot only.
10:06 : m Mall and Express , 0.25 p m
8116pm Pacific Kipretw , 8:66 : p m
tI5 ; p m ExprotK , 0:06 : a m
8:2i : a m Ki proas , 0C6 : p m
OmOAQO , KK8 18LAHD AltD riOlflO.
C26 p m Atlantic Eiprues , 9:01 : a m
9:26 : a m Day Kxpreaa BC4 : p m
7180 ft m "Dot Uolnes Aooomuioditloa , Silt p m
At local depot only.
6:10 : p m Aocoinmodit.on 8:00 : a m
1:80 : p m I.ouls Kjprcoa 8:45 : p m
1:60 : pm ChloaRO KiJ'resa 10:66 : am
AI Traneleronly
5:50 : p ra KiprcM. 8:10 : p m
8:24 : a m FaoiQo ExprcM 9:08 : a m
tioox cirr AHD rAcirio ,
I'M p m St. 1'aul Expreu , 4:00 : a m
WO m Day Exproea 7:00 : p m
union rAcmo.
8:00 : p m Weotern Expreel , 8M : a m
lllOOam Pacltto KxpreH , aUOpm
llllO n Lincoln KxpreM , ll : > p m
AI Trantler only
Ua o-7:20-8SO-8SO-KSO : : : : UIO : a. m , 1SO :
8:30-8:89 : : 4S : Bso-fl.3fl : 11 : 6 p. m. fcundaji
7'JO'-8.SO-ll : : < 0 a. in 1:80-3:30 : : 6:30-830- :
llC6p. : in , Arilie 10 mluutca bitoro leaving time.
Deputy Klierlff and
Geoeial Collection ftpnt ,
Office with V , Bchurz , Justice ot the Peace , O.uncll
UluSi , Iowa.
Merchant Tailors !
7 and 0 Main St. ,
Uouxcir , BLUITS , - - - IOWA.
A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From ,
Keep lloraes and Mules constantly on hand wile !
wo will sell In retail or carload lots.
All Stock Warranted as Reoresented.
iklc idrrUilrt < ar Mii Omln ml 1'rlid ' lUv , I'llcu
oonalld Satisfaction Oiut.-titccd.
. & ;
Corner Fifth Ave. & Fourth St. UouncllBluffs.
His. Judd & Smith's Now Improved Electric Belt.
IT I'OSniVUiY CUHKB Klilncv tnJ Urcr Complaint , Ilflght' * Dlnortv. . KhotimttUm , Nouralelft
ysjiopola , Ncr\otii nc'9 Wistlu ; ; WiakntM , l' raly ls , Spln l Affliction * . IinllRe'tlon , Hc tt Dhons , Fltl
Hoadacli , Ijatno Hack , Co'd Foot , and all diseases requlrlnif InorcasoJ matUo porters. Now fmpro\vd o
< 3 and (6 ; old stjlo 81 tach.
Brick ImildinffB of nny si/o rni'cd or moved nnd Kjitisfnctiun gimrnnteuJ. Fraino houa
moved on LITTLK GIANT ttucka. the best in tlw world.
1010 Mnth Street , Council
H. 11. 1IKLU. W. C. KSTKL *
& Field & Estep ,
No. 817 Broadway , Courcil Bluils , lowu.
OHico Calls Attended Promptly , Day nnd Night. 1'articuUr attention Riven to I'mlmlmlnpf
505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
THE ONLY ALL NIOHT House IN THE cur. Everything soned m first class style and on short
nutico. Hot and cold luuflies tvhvnj H ready.
NOTICE. SpoclBl * vertlsemecta , BUO Loel
found , To Loan , Foi Sale , To Rent , Warta , Beard
leg , eto. , will be inserted In this oolumn at the Ion
rate of TEN CENTS PER LINK ( or the diet Insertion
ind FIVE CKNT3 PER LINK ( or each uubeoqnonl n
trtlon. Leave advortlsomonti k our offlce , Ho.
Pa rl Street , near Broidwav
S\LE OK'1UADE Foundrv acd inifhlnu
Foil In ClarlniU , Io a ; point far Ui-sincs'
B'Xrailroads ; town on n UDOIII. satiffactory rtnon
for Eelllre. Address SI'KAOUK &CO. , Union Irm
Works , Third street , Council Bluffs , low * .
| , V > U SALK A printing orHco Slaccrlal cheap lo
JL1 cieh. W 13. Mayee , Council liluff , Iowa.
MALK Another hotel In a Iho Nbbrajha
IpOK 1 , now doIiiRn l.ubhica ) rf about S'.tO po
month. No ether hotel In the p'aco. Terms liberal
SAt.U OB TllADE-8 0 acrea of land In
FOIl county , Mo. Will traJe for Counci
Bluffs citj property or sell cheap fnr cash or i nrt
time. fc AN & ' '
" \\7"AN1S TOTitAlJEOood Iowa cr Nehraska
VT land for a email stock of hardware or uoper
merchandise , well located. SWAN WALKSK.
Woman pastry cook Immediately al
the Otcden ueu0.
\\TAN1ED-A [ tudeut In denial ctllce. Must ha * '
V > meausol HsH-snppoit. Call oner address ol
No. 12 Pearl St. Council PluBs.
SLE Ararechoiretotfct a flue , well in )
FOIl proved ( ami of100 acres , within a few miles c
Council Elude , at a bargain. Low price and c 3j
tcriim. bwAN & WAIKKR.
SALK Agoodpajlcj ; hotel property with
FOR ) Etiblu , inoue of Iho best email towna it
western Iowa will sell with or without furniture , or
will trade for n email farm with Hock ttc.
. 8 ALB Eighty acres uninprotcd land li
F.OU , Iowaajmiles Bouth-caetof At
ton , the o uuty Beat , or will trade for Nebraska 01
Kansas land. S Ah & WALKI-K.
/ SALi : A 20 acre tract of good Uml aboul
J/OH arid a half uilea frum Council It till i pom
office , at n bargain. Su-\x &
Ij OIl SALK In Harrison county , Iowa. 320 acres
.1' Brass land , all under fence a 100 acre farn
with line improvement * , all under cultixation cxcii't '
JO acres graai 81 acres pcod Rraen or pasture land ,
and several other tracts of from 40 to 100 acres of
unimproved land. SW\N & W
011 SALE Lands Improved aad unimproved.
I7 If yen want a fatm In vvoitcrn Iowa , Kansas
Ncbruka or Dakota , letua heir from \ou.
SAIE A larco number of business and rtsl-
FOK lots In ull parts cf Council IllulTii. See
us before jou buy , fcwAX li WALKKK.
H LK rartlejwlahingto buy cheap lots to
build on canbuy on nonthly | > jmcnts ol from
{ 2 to 210. 8\tA ! > & WALKFII.
HKNT Wo will rent you n lot to build on
FOIl the prhllago to buy If jou with on > ery
liberal term- . EUAN & WALKKK.
To correspond with ny OPH wlBlnnz a
WANTED loeitlon fjr [ lannlng mill , paih , door
and blind manufactory , wo have bulldlne and
machiucrj , well located , for sale , kase ur tra'lo ' ;
IlENT iJign twoitory Irarre bulldlrg suit
able for warehouse or Btoiaiio purpnseH , near
railroad depot. hwAN WALKgiu
77(011 HKW1IW HAl.r. uu.nj : . , ( ( and" grounds
I1 su'tal la for tiiall foundiy and machine shop.
Oood boiler , engine , cupola , blower with Hied Bhall-
ing eto. , lead/toput in motion.
gjiOK SALE Houses. Lots aiid Land. A. J.
1' _ r-tppr oa on6t3 _ t ( ret avenue.
SALK A top-buggy , flrst-iUsi male and
FOIl ex.client condition. Or will trade for cheap
> ot. Addrora r. II. HoeotlHe , Council IiluTs.
< NU v OOO Ueurk'o Tluaiori , OiH llrunl-
GOAL , cells coal nd wood at reasonable prices
Klvcs 2.WO Ibs. foi a ton , and 12d cublo for ootd ,
Try him.
Kvory noay in Council Uluffa to take
WANTKO . Dellvorsd by carrier l only Iwnnty
> nt a week.
LU I'APEKS For dale at lit" Office , at Si OouU
O hondrixl
Attorney - at-Law ,
Otnce , llnln BtrMt , llooros 7 nod 8 , Hhujfurt nd
L'euu block. Will prutloo lu b.atu and state oourm
Cob , Coal g Wood
33 . O-03ST2-JI3'
p. O. aJJrfM. Ixick Hole UM. Council Ulufla.
in , H , J , Hilton , M o , ,
i 0aaoU Until.
Ifuir Citlliny and Shuviny.
Tliis is an Equal liiyhts Shop.
010 Broadway , Council Bluffa.
E. Rice M. D.
(1 ( 1 tfnrjnO or other lamon rtmored without Ihl
U AH llDHU , kuU or dnwlui cl bl * 4.
Over thirty jcara | irictlc l ip < rUau OBM Ha
i , Petrl Birfrt , Council Bluff * ,
CTCouiuIU/lon trco.
tfffle Peace/
ornac OTEK Eirncaa
inoi. ornoi&i TT , n , 11. rent
Council Binds ,
Established 1850
Dealeri In foreign And Domeitlo Eioh ng 4nd
Horn * Sicuiltli-i ,
. H. Shorradeit
Masonic Temple
Council Blattr low * .
sa'o anil Hutall Dualorg la
Hard Soft ana Blossburg
O OA. .
W. E. SIBLEY , Monngor.
Ollleo. ? H Main St. Yard , on C. K. I. 1' . anJ 0.
11. It , t. I * . Hallway.
JhicnKo , MinncnpollH. MilwadKto , " 1
St. 1'ttul , Cfilar JUjiiili ) , Davenport jl
Clinton , Dutiuqiiu , Itcckford ,
tack laUnd , Krec port , JnneMvillu ,
: iglii , Miidiaon , La C'roaee ,
Jelolt , Winona , i
And all other Important twlnta ICaut , North-
euHt and 8outhoai > t ,
. Ticket oinoe at 1 101 Karnam tteet ( In i'aiton Mo-
el ) , and at Union I'acifln Dcjiot
nit WOKLU aru run on the main llnea ul tliu Chicago
UllwauUeo k St. Paul R'y ant ] every aitentioo
ipklJ to pawongert by courteous trnpfojujol thi
GeneralManagcr. ( Jen'l I
Aao't Oen'liranaeer. Aw.t Uen'l row Afe |
J. T , CI.AUK , Oou'l Supvrlntundent
St , Charles Hotel ,
0 BTIIKKT , OKT Tthaiid 8th , . LINCOLN , NEU.
Ur . KaU Coakly ,
wly and tlogantly fuiuUbod , Ooo-J umpU
oomi on flrit lloor.
- 11.60 to2 pel day , Bi dilr lo glrm
metnUrt Ol tbo lnKUlatiuc , uovlO'lm-nui