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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE- THURSDAY , MA110H5 , 1885. i nw ! - ' L--THK - \ ; BEST TONIC , n i.or.iuming l-o.i with r > * i niul n "nil l.lvr. It ) . invHlil.ililifor V"'iiAif , * r.dU . nho lrlll ( pllltIy ( II. ? . * COM not lii.Mitclhctn''th.caMiolieiiilaf ifi 'Klm o I'onftlpHtlon oth'r lrmnctlliin - : V ' -nrlcJiM ftinl t nrlflM tlic blixxl , t In. u < i < AcKMtiflto , "I'll ' l'io ' aMlinllntldii of fb".i . . " v * iipartbiini nti-i llcli hlr ? , o.uir.'r cir \ir , the nni r1' < nnrt li''pvt | d I' tLrmilln t Ho ' . . .tl''ttl ' 'a iJl'-'V " f > JA.C , tt liW no equal , > r T JP cfinHi.c hnnnbovetrfrti-in T f 'd ! < " ( o ! . wrM'pcr. TtiVc . - -I.I , I VHC > i < IUIllC L ( OU.'l 110" kpflteJiJi tie BROAD CLAIfk > 7ERY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING AND ICTer ofrnrofl to f ) in oubllo- HAIBUEfi1IEEIC1H PACKET COMPANY. " Direct Line for England , Franco and dor many. Tha Bicatnahlpa of this ol ; known line are built ol Iron , In woter-tlght oorupartmentg , and are fur- nlsbod with oory requisite to make the pasaigo both safe and nirrccablo. They carry tbo United States and European malls , and Icaro Now York Thmdaysand Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Crcrbou , ( PAIU3 and IIAMBUKO. lUtes : HteoraRO frnm namburg 310 , to Hamburg 110 ; round trip $20. First Cabin , 855 , ? 8j and ? 76. Henry 1'andt Mark Itanaen , F. E. Ifoorcs , M. Toft , KcntH In Omaha , Oronowc" k S.hnontRon. gents In CouncilBluHs. C. B. KICUA.KD & CO. , Oon. Faes. Agts , 01 Broadway , N. Y. Chi3. Koz- mlnskl & Co. , General Wcatcru Aftonts , 170 WashIng - Ing St. , Chicago , III VIGOR For Uin. qolcl. inra , UTe noolc rr . Cllltlo AUDCI. 100 Fr"ou aL. N.w Totfc 10 CONDUCTED BY Boyal Havana Lottery I ( A GOVERNMENT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 12 to 14 Days. junr.iD , f x.09 , . . . HALVES , 11.00 Bnbject to no manipulation , not controlled hy tbo p rtlealn Intorost. li la tha ( ilroet thing In tbo aatnroof ohancaln existence. For tlokcte apply lo SIIIl'SEYt CO. , 1212 Hrood- wiy.N. Y. City ; SOLING nil & CO. , NWSoutli 4tb St. SL Louis , JIo , or M. O1TBN8 & CO , 013 Main St. , Kansas Cltv. Ho. KEMEi > il'-UEE.-Avictlm of youlhful imprudence c u lnK Il nmtnro Decay , NerrousDebility , Lo t nlntihood c. , harine tried In Tain every known thrives on HorhYL'H 1'ood , " wrlta hundroila of grateful niollifni. Motliirs1 iiiilK contains no hlnidi. HOULIOKS * TOOD TOlt ISI'ANTSCfrco frnmi-lnrch ) ri'iilti'HiocKl.itiiT | : Iliolicst fno.1 In JiiMllh ori-lcl.noh for INl'AN'IS. Tbebcstdlcttor m Sl'KI'TICS nnd 1NAI IDS JlWily U-ucHcW iorHaKnilrlnU. rrkoWaiidTSc. AS liookontho treatinriitofchlldri'n.frca "I liullrtp tt to lw nupirlor to anything of tlitf kliiil fur clillJren " tt Mi/im < mi , M. J ) . , Arw 1'oH. rnlicei'itiuKl ? pronouin-J It tts Util luodla Or lutrirt " H' il Ilirrttl , If. 11. , Doiton , 'One rf tebrit ubillttite for luntbcr utlk. " / / II. I < aan. U , l < , ItrooUyn , .V. r \\MI l t pent 1 J.inall on receipt o ( I'rlco In utainrs. UO'tl.ICJlX I'OOI ) CO. , Rnelnc , Win. AUhJ Hoi SiJIK'l. UV 'CXIIUOT 0V iULT-a James Medical Inslitulo I Chartered by theStatcorilll- nols fop theexpresspurnose ' 'of Etvinclmmcdlate rcllelln all chronic , urinary and prl- vate diseases. Gonorrhoea , , Gleet andSyphills In all their complicated forms , also alt discuses of the Skin and lilood promptly relieved and permanentlycured byrtme- diestestedina/'or//iViiri . . > eelitH'rartlce. .in. ii.m mi til Seminal Weakness , Nipjht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on the PaceLost Manhood , Jionltlvtli/ciircil. Tltt-ro ianotfiierlmcnttitii. The appropriate remedy is at once used In each case. Consultations , per- epnal or by letter , sacrealy confidential. Med icines Bent by Mall and Exprcis. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Address DR.lAMESNo.204Wa5hlnrjloriSI.Chlcagolll. ARCHITECTS Ilooma 23 and 290malmNatl.BankBlock BOCCK8SOR8 TO Dufrene & Mendelssohn Oeo. t. rUhor , ftrmery with W. L. B. Jenny Architect. Chicago. JiuUetm 4 Mendelssohn & Fisher , ( Tbinfih ( U tU. fur | t > ! - ' , ) . * , 1 nbw * . r * J-4 At. * , a4 * ! v < i t4wliLi 1 nr > * > li' k a . rfdiypJifcl wl d * ' tti7 aiUUVAO\fa& \ Y. * i ' ' NATURE'S WONDERLAND , A Visit to the Grand Canyon of the Colnaflo , An Ktstwnrcl .lournty to PCAOO RB Orluln oftho Orcnt Illvci1 TlieMoBBler Gorge. N. Y. KvcninR 1'oet. A last gllmpao of the buy of Sr n FrMicieco , basking In wnrm bright un- I'glit ' , dotted with white-winged ships ; a hit look * t gcoeii-hucd lillla , loading towftttl the Goldm Gate ; a flight of the houses of San Franciico , Rftlhetoi upon high bluff's and now crowded together in indescribable confusion ; and then the San Jcnquin valley of central California , with Its wide fields just beginning tc grow green niter their refreshment ol copious winter rnion , its mountain ranges extending noith nnd Boath llko two huge turns outstretched to protect the valley , end Its farms , broad and rich , covering the levels , dotted with troce. It win only a glimpoo ot Collfornit's gmlon thatl had. There was not llghl enough to B O much of the valley , and on waking lu the morning wo had pissed out of freshness and cultivation into barren and tratklces deserts. The blue clear sky was hid hy low-lying clouds which surged nguinftt the bills * surrounding the region and fitful gusto of wind blow hoav j drops of rain against the windowr of the car. Hero lonely etnatcd palms grow by the roadside and tofts of rank grass , brown and dead , were scattered over the rock strewn sands. Ihoro is a melancholy pleasure , after all , looking upon this Mohave dcseit , which presses so closely upon the productive valleys of California. It has a history all Its own , and could its story bo } old by the rocks and sand hills ono sees I should have an Interesting letter to post. Was the doaort an Inland sea , I wondtr , and were the mountains guarding it now the cliffs upon which the waves used to break ) Did a teriiblo heat rob the dry earth of Its waters , and are they never to cotno again ? So there is a Hock of eand birds sweeping over the grass tufts , frail , delicate beings with thin piping voices. They are sitters of the birds wo have often soon dattlng over tbohito sands of the sea cojst. Thcra flics a vulture , a magnified Now England crow , hunting for refuse and Diid.gBrbsge. I have board it tald thnt there is no coloring to bo seen on a desert Dili the distant hills bnvo a robbln's eggs DUO , the grasses are white-topped and jiMwn beneath , and the ground is mellow 'ellow , while overhead , at times , Ilia ky is of deepest blue , and oveii when clouded b a good background to the olors seen elsewhere. Far away in the north , above " \Vyom- ng , and again among the giant trees and lark basiltio rocku of northern Colorado , wo rivera have their source. They are Iny streams in their early days , pure as ry&til. cold ni ice , springing Into life imong the quiet nocks of a neglected ro- ion. Ono rivar is called the Groou and hu other the Grand , and both of them go weeping grandly forward , gathorlD _ ithor streams to their own , fed by brooks and beds of melting snow until away lown in eastern Utili amid a confused umblo of rod-tinged bonldora , they 031110 together and form the Rio Colorado. A rear ago I was camped by the side of the Sreou , just a little above where it joins ho Grand , and later I followed up the coursa of the latter river to near whore t was barn , and a month later stood upon a high range of mountains , thick with now , cold and treeless , and s\w where ho Kio Laa Anlmaa began Its journey brough the valleys of southwestern olorado to join the San Juan river , vhtch empties into and helps swell the i'za ' of the lllo Colorado. Having this ntimato knowledge of the birth of this raat useless river , which lovea to ran into ho wildest places , and through the deep cst canyons of any in Ilia world , I was ; lad to put up with the discomforts of an i&rly rising , that I might visit the place where U has worn its channel some 0,000 out beneath the surface of the eirth. The Colorado never runs In a straight Ino li it can possibly go crooked , and [ inch prefers hiding itself within a dark , deepcanyon to golngabout In the eunllght vhore people can see it. From the time t receives the waters of the San Juan to ho hour when It omptloj Into the Gulf f Cn'ifornla , below Yumn , It la a wild , angry stream , roamlngthrough Its canons t lirst , and then broadening out and lowing between stony banks. Its water. ] iroasyellow as gold-dust , and giowmud- dier every hour , and except for a limited .umber of miles the river is not ravi- able , because of its rapids , and whirl- _ oole , and high clilla of rock Talking with an old I rapper who elutcd his cabin with 1110 at Green llivor , I asked If he ad over explored the Colorado's canyon , tut north of which wo were resting. " 17" bo said. "Wei , not much , an' I on't bellovo nobody ever has. Deep ? Well , rather , an1 moco'n that ; 1 don't vant ( o go down the Grjen not a great istanco. Thar's canons enough on that iver to turn back most men. " Looking southward to whore ho point- d I could see a mass of red-huod and harply painted rocks rising about incDii- used masses , and ho ( aid that the conn- ry down there in Southern Utah and Northern Arizona wni all rocks and gulfs nd canons. Ho firmly believed that oven owcll never made the trip down the Colorado that ho ( aid ho did , for ho liought no boat could live in a river which was at once so boisterous and which ran through such deep places. Poach Springs Is the nearest point to ho Rio Colorado's canyon. The place it- elf , llko many another ( own that has it prurg up by tha side of the Atlantic and ? aciGu railway , is composed of a few mall houses set down among the rough > rown hills. In the near distance are iluo-tlnted heights belonging to tbo San 'rjmcleco mountains , and standing amid ho tall trees which choke the mines and aver the hill sides , are isolated pinnacles if vari-colored rook , tossed by tome tor- ibis convulsion , of nature Into every im aginable position and ctrred by time and weather iota carious nnd fantastic shapes. The read from the springs to the canon i a a downright slope all the way , for ha town Is oa a level with the top of the Ivor's cioyon , and leads to the water's Ido thousands of feet below. Starting t early morning , and when the clouds till hong in hoivy masses against the itllsldes , the viUajo wu son lost tight f , and our Day led out and down mong the rocks anil trees strewn over the of ountry , thiongh a region where a man as ot has done nothing to change the order f alhlrs , It was a wilderness , wild and haotlc , a place where rettlets spirits , oomod to walk about forever , may live , > vo for a vulture soaring ahead of us , o birds were to bo seen , and all anlroalp bat exist kept safely hid among the tree ] , for lore an urroya , deep but dry , was limbed Into and out of , and for hours [ liere was constant golcg up utd getting own rocky lills , while at times , from some elevated hill , the country lay spread out before and around us for miles , show ing its ecMiod faso and crumbling boulders ; its deep , rich colorings , and distant mountains , frosted with newly fallen snow. It was a rldo of jolts , am pulls , and jumps , hard for horses and hard for men , while the wild disorder of the scenery prepared uj , in a measure for that mightier wlldncss yet lo come when wo reached our journey i end , and stood at last besldo the boiling , hissing vellow.huod , and over restless river. What words are to bo to used , un aided by pencil or brnsb , when ono teaks to describe what the canon of the Colorado rado river really Is ? Its imanitude , its solemnity , the awful depth , the rushinj rlvor , Iho towering cliffs all tp ak to , us but wo cannot epjak of them. Man is dwarfed by nature , abashed by horgiaud our , silenced by the exhibition of her powers. Imagine the scene. A yollow- liued stream , rushing like a gnat of < ui ccrad wind along a rock-strawu bed am between a line of dark-hued cliffs. Lrok upward a thousand feet , and rooks look angrily down ; gaze up another thousand feet , another and still nnotho rand ihoro are the tame dark-browod monsters glaring down upon you and upon the river. Look up again , and now gaza for six thousand feet into the air toward the heavens , and you can stilt see rough- edged rocks , all outlined ngilust the oky , over a mlle in height away , throwing up pinnacles and towers ant domes , and isolated peaks , chipped auc scarred , and dark , mntslyo and irregular. The lie-lit of day Is dimmed , the place is full of loud , hoarsa roirs , the air is chill cd , and the river , laahed Into foaming fury , leaps madly along its conrao. HOM are shadows that Rembrandt would have gloried in ; here Doro might have ooplet' nature and added to his fame. Hero is Iho road to Danto'a sombro balls. Ono stands within the very bowels of the earth , with all light and brightness loil to view. Ho sees the work of ages , the result of a mighty power. The earth is cleft in twain ; it is n > though a mountain , tall and strong , had been halved by sonic sharpened owoul. Six thousand foot o ! atony depth I Six thousand feet boncalh the light of day 1 There are no pleasant smiles of nature to bo seen. No llowora grow , no shrubs appear , no birds are vis ible. Dark are the towering walls , an ? darker still the shadows , while the towers take on most uncouth shapes , and the river runs out of blackness to us , and in to darkness from us , a puny monster in comparison with its prison , a wayward child held in stern robuko. From the tops of the cliffs which form the C dorado's canon , the rivet winding at their biso Is llko a strand of gold. But it noedo strong nerve to look from the iroat height into the depths below. Drop a stone , and tha splash It would make upon striking the water could not jo soon. Even the noloo the river makes is not audible , and the stream sooma to low uoitolessly along its dark and rugged courBO.rurningfrom"azeing | ] into fie can non , and looking about the country , the deep rent is seen otreching far away to .ho . east and wesf , while in the distance are tall tress and rocks and bare brown illls. Ono questions why the canyon was nade and how whether by the rlvor or ormed by volcanic action. But whatever ho cans ? , it la a strange freak of nature , rivalling , with its grand UGH , all other sights , inviting comparisons but chal lenging competition. All other canyons of the wild southwest , where rivers de light to wind in darkened places , sink in to insignificance when compared to this of the Rio Colorado. YOUNaniENI UEAI > THIS. THE VOLTAIO BELT Co. , of Marshall , Bitch. , offer to solid their celebrated ELECTRO-VOL TAIC BELT and other ELECTRIC APPLIANCES on trial for thirty days , to men ( young or old ] afllicted with nervous debility , loss of vitality and manhood , and all kindred troubles. Alsc for rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and many other diseases. Complete restoration to health , viper and manhood guaranteed. No risk la Incurred as thirty daya trial is allowed , Write thorn at once for illustrated pamphlet free. HERMIT LiIE ON THE HUDSON , A Near Neighbor of .Fay Gould nnd Cyrus \V. Field Living In n Cnvo. For moro than foity years , siys the Now York Herald , Wil inn SUhlton , better known as the "Hermit of the Sawmill - mill River , " has resided neav Irdngton , Wostchoater county. Ho is a patriarch lu appearance , till , well built , with long , whits flowing hair and beard , and nearly 80 yean of ago. Although a German by birth , ho speaks five difl'crant * languages fluently , and owns several acres of rocky ground adjoining the properly of Jay Gould and Cyrus W. Field. A cave about twenty feet square , dug in ono of the side hlllp , is the old man's only habi tation. The only entrance to this sub terranean abode is a hole deftly concealed between two rock * . Hero the horinlt has lived for many years a lifo of wonderful simplicity. His food consists mainly to vegetables , which ho raieos on-hls own land , iish caught In tha Sawmill river , and game which ho snares or shouts In the neighborhood. Ho cooks his own food and lives alone. . wears no shoes or Blockings , only a . cotton shirt waiat and n pair of blue troiueis. Every day of the year , winter nnd auramor , he dons this uniform and walka down to the Hudson and takes a bath. If ho finds ice ho breaks it and jurapa in. Ho haa occasionally adopted boys , whom ho has dressed llko himeclt , and has tried to force them to live the same lifo as ho own. The boys , however , could not stand the ducking in the ice- water. The hermit Is very reticent about his early lifo , and appears ( o bo in mortal fear of women. Bo is said to bo quite wealthy. Mr. Cyrus W. Field at one time wanted to buy the hermit's proper ty. The old man inked § 1,000 for It , and is needless to say still owns It. Many roars aye he kept a small private school near Hastings , bat his mannoia were so peculiar that ho swamped the en terprise. Iho Hoot of the Evil. To thoroughly euro scrofula It Is nocetsary to strlko directly at the root of the evil. This is exactly what Hood's Siirtaparllla does , by acting upon the blood , thoroughly cleansing U of all im parities , and leaving not even a taint of ecrofula in the vital fluid. Thousands who have been cur d of scrofula by Hood's ' Sarsaparllla , testify to its won on derful blood-purifying qualities. Sold by druggists. Better Go When You See the Flash , New York 0rapine. No ODO Is over killed by lightning when asleep In bed , according to the atsertion an English electrician. Whenever you hear H clap of thunder always go to bed and fall suloop immediately. This Is a sure precaution. "The best is the cheapest , " This Is an old adage and the essence of wisdom , The best medicine , nnd tbo only sure cure o dleoisBs of the liver , kidneys and bladder is the old and reliable HONT'H Kidney and Liver ] RKXIKUY. Phyii- clans endorse it highly and prescribe it In their practice. a AN ( ) ljl > MINBUEDISCOVEHKO , An AJiamlnnctl L'tali Mtno Foil ml < Uo llloli In Mineral , Denver Trlbuno-KepubUcnn , There is juss now quits an cxcitcmen regarding the radijcavery of an ancien milling dlsttici in White Canyon SA : Juan county , Utah. A letter received 1 Denver recently by on ollicer of the Denver vor & Rio Grande Railway states th the era hai been carefully assayed tin foand to or nuin ft value ranging fron $80 to $9,000 to the ton in gold , stive and copper. This country , now altracl ing conaidorabla attention , lies east of th Ooloiado river , opposite ( ho Henry moon tains. The Salt Lake Tribune has pub lished an account written by ono of th discoverers whhh throws cJiisldortbl historic light on the subject. It saya The exploration of the Wlrita Canyon bj our party Is duo to the tc.ucli which ha boon carried on by us to rediscover tli old Joicphiuo mine , and wo think it I now in our posiosslon. From the stu pondons surface wcrklngs , with a growtl of vegetation growlrg on it a half contur ; old ; wiih the largo old fashioned fhiin shafts and open cuts it is evident th . work was dona by the Spaniards , and a long time age. Wo can not dotormUio b the evidences at oar command whether i was cone by the followoro and sunccssor of Ooronado , thrae centuries ogs , or b the rolainorn of DoVarges , Pom or Yet mijo , the last ruler at Santo Fe , lifiy or eoventy-iivo years ugo. Wo are in clinoi to the belief , however , thatlt inut' bo the old Josephine mine , oald to bo o record in the old San Mi uol Chapel a at Santa Fo , and for which so much hunt ing has been done by the irroprocsibl mining prospootor in Northern Arizona Now Moxie and southern Utih. The Spanish legends Inform us tha about the jcar 1700. when DoNargos had retaken the Santa Fo country and th Tegiia-Spanlsh peao was made , it wa with tha understanding that all the oh shafts , drifts and p'acers were to ba iillec up. And according to ono author o of note , this was the end of mining bj the Spaniards In this country. A varied acquaintance with tha western Navajocs while prospecting in their country for the past throe years , loads us ta bolicvo tha mining was carried en in this count 17 fifty or sixty yoara. Old Spanish-speak ing Navajoos assure us that when they wore Munchachas and slaves among the Spaniards thy were worked down In deep inino ou the cast sldo of the Hont } mountains. The workings on thosurfaeo ] are about 1,000 feet in length , on a con tact of porphj ry and the black slata , nnd although an attempt was made t > cover them up , they are yet 20 and 25 feel doep. Wo have not had time or means to open it , and will defer a further do scrip tloii to the future. The White Canjon mining district lies on the cait sfdo of the Colorado rlvor , opposite the Henrys , and runs cast to the ho d of Whlta Canyon , mar the sjuth western base of tha Elk and Blue moun tains. The formation Is sedimentary , the surface and ere bodies lying flat , the foot-wall being a talcoeo "shale , end the rcof or hanging wall is a conglomerate o ! qaariz sand of a calcatoous nature. The mesas are cut by a labyrinth of canyons which expose largo bjclles of copper ere carrying gold and tilvcr. Wo have no finished our prospecting of the mlusra ! strata in White canyon , but hive made some eighteen locations. The ere bodies are from I ! to 20 feet In thickness , anc continuous oa their faoo from 700 to 3,000 feet. They'i'ra very rich in copper Oor best cs.aya in gold running high but not having any blasting material wH which to do any work , wo knocked off the surface with a hammer and which was badly bleached out. Wo do not know how much good ere of the highest grade wo have. Wo are returning with ampla supplies and on assayer , our intention be ing to ship a car-load of our best , and In the coarse of five or six weeks wo tnll bo able to speak definitely. Wo do not , at thts writing , wish the public to partake of our enthusiasm losl they become sulphided with disappoint incut. Our nearest railroad point h the Denver & Rio Grande Western at the Green rivf r crossing , Blake City , where a all mail for that party should bo directed. From th'at point to Dandy Crossing on the Colorado , at the mouth of White canyon , by our road is about ninety-five miles , and is a splendid country for the Denver & Rio Grande to build -'stub" over. At that point the Colorado is a beautiful stream , and there all the reduc tion works of the White Canyon mlnca will bo located. There are n jst excellent ranges for stock and grod building timber on the Henry , the Elk und Blue mountalni. The nearest settle ments ara on the Dirty Devil river in jfracs Valley , fifty miles distant. It is a tard country , and those who contemplate aklng in the now cimp should go in ( { oed shape and fixed for a throe months cam palgn. SKIN U1SEAHE9 OUUED. By Dr. 1'roHor's Mapio Ointment. Ouros f by magic : I'implos , Black Heads or Grub .Matches and Eruptions on tbo face , leaving .ho akin clear and beautiful. Also cures Itch , of 5alt Itlieum , Koro Nipples , Sere Lips and old , Obstinate Ulcers Hold by druggists , or nailed on receipt prico. 60 cents , Sold by Kulm & Co. nd 0. Ji1. Goodman. ta A MAUBAOUUSK1TH AM.A/.ON. [ , til ' ) cuth nt the AKO of ( > : t of Ahigail Goodnow , Shoemaker , Fnrmcr i nnd Uorsc Jookcy. ioeton Globe. JNouTJiiiono , February 20. Ono of the neat remarkable women that ever these tarts know was Abigail Coolldgo Good- tow , who has just died at the ago of 03 : oars. She was born In Bolton , and noved to this place when young. My in- ormant's first recollection of Mm. Good now dates back moro than half a con- ury , when ho was sent to her by his other to have his measure taken for a For mlr of custom shoes , she being regarded it that time as one of the best shoe makers. Besldo doing custom work sbo used ta take out stock from the shoo actory of Danlol Newton of Wostboro. ' . Fhcro was no part of tbo trade iut what she understood thoroughly. ' Soon after Miss Ooolldge , for she was , hen single , bought the John Green farm Ball hill , and built a homo thereon , In which she lired up to the time of her death. As a fanner she was known far " and wide. As a jndgo of borjcfloth ehe was regarded as llrtt-clasi , and in horse ockeylng she was a pronounced success. Wl lor trading mania led her tojdoal In cat- lo , houtnhold goods , wagons , watches , its and to speculate in grain ; In fact , any- For hlng in which she thought there wa a lollar. Her ability to bay more for a iollivr than any one else brought her ue ervlcea Into demand , and more than one ouiig married couple has been accora , 'o mnled by Jisr in theh visits to Worcester procure the housekeeping outfit , when lie could buy a third moro for the sarao Ss imount ef money th&n the brightest JIO'111. ' Mies Coo'idge commenced farming with horse and two cows , her stock soon be- o ing increased to two hoists , fifteen cow and a pair of oxen. As a musaular phc nomonon she wes no tad , and with ho 200 pinnds of avoirdupois , much of wbic she had developed into hardened muscli few men cared to follow her lead In man ual labor. Armed with an Iron bar sh would go Into the field and lay stoco wa with the beat of the stoinier sx. As t ( hnilllng a vic'oua ' hcrjo , holding plough , or swingiog a sythc , she asko no odds of any ono , She would take ho dinner and labor In the htytiohl all da with the most sturdy farm hinds. Frank Groon. a neighbor , who owno a good tarm , entered Int ? a contract wit her that Uio property if which in'o should die fint should go to the survivor She was shrewd onongh to have hln deed his place to her on the condition named. When the propelty ramo Int her pcsaosllon , nt his doconso , she tel the simo to Cyrus Gale for § 5,000 cash Subsequent to this Ui-nvy Goadno' worked for her a long limo. HI savoJ wages , with what ho had before amounted to $1,200. The womanlurnm her buslnoes eye toward the hired ma and that 61,200 , and thinking , probably that It would bo cheaper to have him fi a hnibind than ns an employe , nnrrlo him and Induced him t j put his $1,20 In a piece of pasttiro hnd , making stir that It was deeded to her , * hlch it w n Ho di'-d about filtoon yean ago. Il later years h 'r ventures were not ai sue cossful DS in former times , and she die leaving nothing of her former possession for relatives to squabble ever , allhoug she had onongh to cirry her through he lifoThis This uncommon woman ai not a matculino in her manner as would natnr ally ba supposed , Tvhllo no one eve w ntod sympathy or practical aid bu what ho got It. Her horsp , oxen o fanning implements were readily lent t help out a less prosperous neighbor , bn on a trade she had no special scruple and wont for the best end of the bargal at every ilumco. Notwithstanding ho muscular power and long association with man and man's work sli9 was ox excessively timid , an3 of death had an abnormal foar. GOINu.TOBti MAKKIKD. Mrs. Gon.Toiu Thumb Tells the FacU of Her Second Courtship Herself. New York Ilorald. In her ccxy rooms at the Murray Hil Hotel , Mr ; . Stratton , bettor known as Nit. Gen. Tom Thumb , and yoara ago as Lavlnla Warren , B t yesterday aftsr noon and talked to a Herald reporter o her approaching marriage. It ia a goo : while since the lltllo Indy first bestowee her winsome smiles upon an American audtonco and prattled in n naive bn quito intelligent manner to crowdoc houses at BO much n brattle , but aho Las not grown any since. She is ntill the size of a 6-year old infant who has discovered no undue precoci'y ' in soaring rapidity li life. She is as bright and chatty M ever too , and years of wedded lite with the departed General have not wcanod her from certain coquetries of manner which it appears , proved lone ; ago irro3istiblo to the iinpondinc : bridegroom. The latter i the Count Prlmo Magrl. Ho hni chosen to bo professionally known as Coun Rosebud , but the authenticity of hisclaim to descent from the Hagri family , his birth at Bologna , and his right to certain ancestral estates , are undisputed. Mrs. Stratton's displeasure haa been aronsed , it seems , by the currency given to ber proposed nuptials. She desired so she says , that the sacred mantle o : privacy should cover her private lifo anc that the public should only take liberties with such portlona of htr ex'atenca ' KB were devoted to their entertainment , Due the nowtpaper , it appear. , did nol consult her wishes , and have proiontct' various narratives of the wooing and approaching preaching wedding of the little lady , so that she ras constrained to toll htraal ; the facts of the case , that the truth might be known. .STORY OF TUB WOOING. "When the General died , " Bild BI . Stratton , "I undo up my mind to remain widow the rest of my life. Wo had traveled through Europe , Asia nnd Ana traiJn , and had been presented to and re ceived marks ot CDnaideratlnu from tha potentates nod most distinguished people cf every country. It was only natural that I should look for retirement after his death. But somehow the excitement of public appsararjces to which I have been used all my lifo was to seductive. To mo applause baa always been like stimulant. Even now , I am nervous sometimes and unable to sleep , I go before fore the public , and their npprooation first excites mo and then acts as HI opiate. "Woll , I appeared again , and lately , when I thought cf resting , I wcsmado an offer of marriage from Count Magii , which I have accepted. Wo are acquain ted now Eomo six years , " Airs. Stratton wont on. "It was , I think , in Spring field our party mot him and his brother. They had come from Italy at the instance * u manager earned Smith , and were performing through the country , Count Magrl is quito a musician , you know , Ho sings and playa , and his brother used Bconipauy him. Well , the General nd 1 were very much pleased with the Magrifl. They were far moro cultured and intelligent than most of the little people wo had mot , and the social rela tions , between us very , very ploatant. Perhaps I thould not say it , " simpered Tb Wi the little lady , "but the Count ban told Tbli liWi me that ho was smitten even then. Of Wi jousrel know nothing of this , but I always WiI ways had a deep respact and regard for I lira , and when ho proposed to mo I ao- opted him. " I'DST-NU'lTIAI , INTENTIONS. "What are your plans after marriage ? " the reporter asked. "Oh , we intend to go to Italy to llvo there. Not alwayn , perhaps , but at least a long time. I think I would ba con tented to re&t now , and I think Italy Is a iood place for It. It Is my husband's jountry. Ho is known there In another { luality from what ho is here. I think I Jhall l.ko . It. See hero is his picture , " ind the tiny fiancee banded up a photo- 'taph of the pl my brfdfgroom , who In. loed , Booms to bo a bright and intelligent little person. "Hols not dark Hka some Italians , " nid she , pa/.ine fondly at the picture. "Ho is not a lik'e thorn. " Then eho said that tbo papers were wrronR In fixing the day of her marriage. [ "Wo agreed upon the 20th of May , " laid ehe. "But the Count is cleeiroua of occurring sooner , at ha wanta to sail Italy , if possible , In Apiil. My man- igar , Mr. Sylvester B k r , haa booked for engagements up to the middle of I May. If ha can arrange it wo shall fore- some of them I am to meet tbo Count three weeks from to-day anil then all will be annuged. " Then the small widow and bride that to bo simpered and blushed again , ' Seal of North Carolina Tobac- , u. Rheumatism ° Woura1qia , , Sciatica , Lumbago , Oackachc , Headache , Toothache. Ser - Tin-out , Snomneo.SimiliipOlriiUi- . Ilui n , N.-iit. ! . . n . . .I IIH , . , , ? * 1- ! ' < n immiV rms AMI AIIM-I. ) | . . . . . . . .li n.Mi..l.t.Ur , , Hftf&uu.Urtl Hire II. m In 11 crl. TIII : en vui.ix A. voiiruMt co. imltjA , OELtntCO. ) lUlllmorr , M.I. , I' . H. . From excellence 1 think Swift's fcpcclllo Uacry valuable remedy ( or cutaneous il ! c.ijcs , And t the Baiuo time nn linlantntlnn tnnlo. JAMKS JACHV.OX , Chief Justice ot Oa. Atlanta , Sept. IbSl. INOCUIATKll POISON.-Altcr trying ftll Iho other rrnii'illcsSwift's Htwclllolma ciiroiltro sound niul well of a tctrllilo blood 10)9111 ) contracted trriu a nursn. t MRS. T. W. J.Kr , Qrixmlllo , Ala. t'OTSON OAK. A lady licro lias been entirely cuu'J cf i olioa oaliiolqunliN the use ot two listtlcs olS. S.S. H. S. BKADIORIIIlit3n\tlteTenn. | ULCEfiS 25 YKA1IS.- number of my chnreh IIIH been cured of ati ti'ccratnllegof 25 Jc.ita etaud- lujf with two liottlot ot Swift's H | ccclHc. 1' . II. Cut/Ml Wit , 1'astor ilotli. CtMacon ] , , Gj. Swllt'a Specific Is entirely \eucUblo. Treatise on load aud Skin Disc.iH'J nulled Ircc. , Drawers , Atlnnta On , , or IDO W. S3d St. . N. Y CTironlcttN'rron llUrnarir. QnlcU. Muro Cairo , , Address. B' . I * . VLAKKC , fll.U.t ISO Soutl. Clirk iitrcct , CHICAGO. ILU NEBRASKA LAND AQENCf t IB [ ( SUCCESSORS TO DAVIS & SXTUER. ) OF.XKIUL DKALmtS IN 1003 FARNAM STREET , - - OMAHA. Have for ea'o 200,000 acres carefully eolootcd lands In Fastern Nebraska , at low price and on rasy terms Improved furies for talc lu Douglas , Dodge , Coltax , Platte , Burt , Cumin ; ; , Sarpy , Washington , Ucrrlck , Saundcre , an ] Butler couutlr ; , Taxes paid In nil parts ot the stall. Mouoy loai cd on improved fanns. Notary 1'ubllo always In olllco. Corrosnonjonco golidtcd G17 St. Chnrlcs St. , SI. Louis , Mo. A regular grnduntc of two Medical Collcgcn , baa been Ion get ID cage J in the Fpoi 11 treatment of Omtonc , Kinoi'i. BKIH Ana H LOO D DIIIKIKUI than any other riij-ileUo In fit. Louii. urlty papfriftliownPdnllold rcslJectbinow. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Montr ! and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otner M&cc * lions of Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Pofsfro&tf. old Sores and Ulcers , nro t rented vitu tmramtici iueeoson latest felrotltlo priiiclplra. r aVly , rrimtcly , Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , vhieh.prcuiuca > om of the folJuwins ctfictsi uenouiucMi , ilibllitr , dliune < i of ileU and defectlTO memory , plmplei on Iho rurc. p&jrtle&l ilccnr. arrrrlnntothcocltt / ot fomalrj , ccnfusUa of Ucn cUx , rccdcrinc Marriaco Improper or unhappy , are rermnutBtljTcured , i'ampblctB ( pagf ) on tlic ouoie , Aei4 Uie&tcd en\ elope , trio to HDJ a < Mriss CoD utatlon ! t f Ceo crt > j umll free , miJInvited. Wrtto for qucstiooi. A Positive Written Guarantee ( rtvem la ill curable c io > , MoJIclntg ncnt eTcrjKbero. Pamph cta , nellnri or Oortnan , 04 paeon , de * Icrlblnc nbovo dlicasce , in male or female , riHlB. EViARRiAGE GUBDE ! i. Ono I' llluitralc < l In elolli and flit tladlnr. . ! lame. | ia | r coicrs , 21c. Tlili b iS toutaina ull the curloua , doubtful or laqul.ltlro vast U know. X lock orircut lut iMt v > all , UlllUl Ceuju - - Wlli purify tbo Btt OD'rcpi- atu tliu LIVER nnd KH3HEYB , ami liu Toin ; 1HK /ril nncl VIGOR of VOTJTIL li p ln. Wuntnl Aiiiivtlto , Uic , ; ol " curcil. Iloojs. . _ rccul\i ) Jiowlorcu. . jus the mind nnU * , HiiiH.lIca drain rouvr. . . . . , . . . . . , -lbiilliTliiftlroiiicijniilulnti | -.v - - ' la f . Srf' Vfn 1 3 pc'cu"arlo tliolrBI'X wJI ! dnd InDK. Zt' .OITiR'SIRON TONJO 11 fnfn iiml TX'cdy euro , 'tinesa ' clcnr , tiualUiy complexion. 'riMiitnl | &hcnipts RI , c'i""l" frMiu { ualyndd ) lliupopnlarllynl Iliuoil liial. Uuiiulcxpirl' iCIlt ( 'ftlllU OlIIOIVAT.Ml lll'.ST. . .xBf , Mo. , for oar "DREAM fnlinf trnnyp ritiH iiwful nEPUESENTBl hconlz Insurance Co. , London , Cash Assets 15,881,000 IVcBtchcster.N , Y , Capital 1,000,000 rheMerohants of Nowark.N. J. , Capital , . . . 1,276,000 Irard Fire , rblladelphlaCai > ltal 1,200,000 Woman's Fund , Cai IUI . l.iSSOOO BOTTLES. Irlonger , . . . , . * . . . . . . . Uavaria Jalmbncher , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bavaria ilanor - > Bohemian. faiuer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < .Broraort DOMESTIC. lud-sreiser St. LOHJB. inhausor. . . . -St. Louis. est'e. . . . Milwaukee. Sohlifcz-Pilflner Milwaukee. Lruci's Omabn , Ale. Potter , Domestic and Rhine tfine. VT ) . MATJRER , 121 Knrnnni St. I INE OF PI UE ei THE ONLYIKXCLDBIVB IN OMAHA-aNEB , m CITY ( { The jcmnkablo growth of Omaha during the last few yoara ( a ft mattot ot great aatonlahtnout to these who pay n occasional visit to thla growing oily.- The development of the atorV Yarda the uoeosalty of tha Bolt Llus Road the finely paved atroota the hnndrods of new roslnoucea nnd cootly btislnoua blocks , with the population of our city moro th a doubled In the laat five yeara. All thla la a great aurprloo to visitors nnd U the admiration of our cltltons. Thla rapid growth , the bnnlnoss activity , and the many substantial Improvomonta m&dn o llvoly demand for Omaha real eatato , and ovorf Invoatof haa mudo n hxudoomo .profit. Slnao the Wall Street panlo May , with the Bubaoquont cry of hard times , there haa boon loan demand from specula * ton , but a fall demand from Invostoro Booking homos. This latter class are taking advantage of low prlcoa In build. Ing material and nro securing their homes at much loss coat than will bo possible B year hence. Speculators , too , can buy real out1 a cheaper now and ought to take advauti o of present prlcoa foi future pro ta. The next few yeara promises grottoi divolopmonta In Omaha than the past Svi years , which have been us good.u wo conld reasonably dealro. Now man ufacturing establishments and lar o job- blug housoa are added almost weekly , and all odd to the prosperity of Omaha. There are many In Omaha nnd through but the State , who have their money in the banks drawing a nominal rate of In terest , which , If judiciously Invested In Omaha real Oktato , would bring thorn much greater roturua. Wo have many bargains which wo ara confident will bring the purchase * largo profits In tha near future. We have for ealo tbo finest residence - denco property in the north and western parts of the city. North we have fine lots at reasonable - able prices on Sherman J 18th , l Jth and 30th streets. West on Parnam , Davenport , Cuming , and all the leading streets in that direction. The grading of Farnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible some of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the street car line out Farnam , the pro perty m the western part of the city will increase m valnn Wo also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. The developments made in this section by the Stock Yards Company ana the railroads will certainly double the once in a short time. Wo also have BOIUP line businccu lots anil aoinn oleganr inmdo r > Bi- ieucii ? for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find some good borg { HUB by culling n ESTATE BROKERS. South 14th St , Bet , reon Fnrnhnm end Douglas , P. S. We oak those who have property for sale at a bargain to rive a callWe want only bargamfl rVo will positively not handle prop rty at more than its real value.