Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1885, Image 1

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    r DAILY BEE.
Crowed will Fricflom's ' Wreaths
Amid Rejoicing Moltitnflcs. .
A Genial Bun Smiles on the Son
of Destiny.
And Democracy's ' Throat Send
Forth Hosannasi
All Provions Inaugurals Over
shadowed By 3rover's ' ,
A Beautiful Day , a Graat Crowd
and Greater Enthusiasm.
The Presidential Pageant ! Mam
moth and Magnificent ,
While Floga and Streamers Wave
Approviuely in the Breeze.
The Oath of Office Taken Before
150,000 , Persons.
The Inaugural Address Eahashos
the Democratic Platform ,
Together With a Tariff Straddle
and Patriotic Platitudes ,
Tha Oloaa of Congress One of
"Wild Confusion ,
The Eivor and Harbor Bill Bur
ied in the Senate ,
But All Other Appropriation
Bills are Bushed Through ,
Goo. Grunt Placed ( in the Army He-
tlrod List liy a Uimnlnioim Vote
Gorgeous Scenes In the Won-
ntc Tout Hciidrioks
TakCH the Gavel.
WASHINGTON , March 4. There are fully
100,033 strnngera in the city to-day. Hover
l > oforo were Biioh crowds Keen in Washington
as to-day. As curly as 10 a. in , the atteeta
along the line of march weio crowded. Al
most every building in the city H decorated ,
graceful arches span the Rtreets through which
the proccsslou in t ) march , nud tha decorations
on many buildings are very elaborate.
breakfasted with hii family at the white house
about 0 a. in. An hour later Vice President-
elect Ueudricka , In company with Senator
Hawley , of the committee of arrangements
drove up to thu white house in nu open
barouche lined with crimson satin and drawn
by four beautiful white horses. Just na ho
arrived President Aitliur'd carriagocontnlnlng
Souatora Sherman und Hansom started to Ar
lington for the praiidaut-elect. Thid carriage
was also an 011:11 barouche drawn by four
spanking bays. After a ehort delay
Cleveland entered the carriage in company
with ths Houatora nnd vvai rapidly driven to
the win to house , where President Arthur mid
Hondricks w ro waiting. At 10U : ! tha proa-
idoatinl party left the mansion and entering
their caniogos , tonk the plaots in the line nf
the procossiuu which had formed iutln mean
and Senalora Shirmau and Hansom occ.ipied
the first ciriiago. _ They were greeted with
the loudeat oiitlimiasni.
The first division ot the procession oicorting
the president-elect then began thu march to
tha capitol. The HCO > IPH un Pennsylvania
avenue almost bailie description , The great
surgicc HIM * hiil the bidinvalka. Abavo them
Btately huiidiuga were covered witli clotliH of
various colore , arranged in pitrluttc dux-leas.
The sift , hprlng-liko bioszei stirred
innumerable tings nud btreamors , nnd
thu apodal uiaa , in brilliant uniforms ,
clashed hither mid thither , lending
animation t ) thu scene. Thu regular troops
CMIIO first , than the rank * extended clear
acroxi the nvenuo and presented a roost im
posing appearance. The marlno corps , with
its magnificent bind , came next , followed by
the wtil'ery battalions. This portion of the
procession procaeded ni far south as the
front of the tre.miry depaitment , then halted
ts parade nmt , in order to afford an oppor
tunity fur the presidential party to fall In
Hue , when the march was resumed. Tha
president's elegant carilaga was preceded by
( Jon , dlocum , tlm chitif marshal and his stntf ,
and a troon uf United States civalry. Sur
rounding the carriage ! were n dozen mounted
nil along the line of inarch , The men cheered
woman waved their handkerchlufsandclnpi > ct
li.indu , and the gretent enthusiasm WAI
eviucoil by the Immensa throng. President
elect Cleveland kept his silk hat in hU hand
and bowed to the right : iud loft us the o r
ri ga rolled slowly along , A number of col
oroii mllltla formed n part of the first dlvis
ion , and unwanted n highly creditable ap
poaraucJ. Tmi local divisions of the Gram
Army of the Itepuhlla closed the ojcortlnf
At precisely 115:30 : n. m. , the procession n |
peared coming out of the east doot of the ca [
itol. Priulddiit Artbu 'j red to the frou
f the platform , followed by l'rcsidont--lcct
Cleveland , Chief Justice W lto and tlm
ergo nt nt nrnu ol the Btsntte. Cleveland
linu began bis Inaugural address to a vast estimated by Senator Hnwloy nt
At tlm conclusion of the address ho turned
o thachlel jnitic-s nnd bowing to him , bald ;
'I ntti now ready to take the until prescribed
lylaw , " As the chief justice arofo to td-
ilnisler the oath the vast n pemblage cheered
igain nnd ngiilii. The crowd preeervaJ par
cel quint wldlo IhU iinpresMve ceremony wm
Alter the oath ndminin-
ailing plnco , w/n -
sred tlio throng crowded nround the front
latforin nud offetcd c.ngratulatioua.
FKLLOW ] CITIZENB : In the presence of this
ast Mctmblngo cf my countrymen , I nm
bout to supplement nnd foal by o th which
shall take , tin manlfwtatton of the will of
great anil free people. In the exercise of
lieir power and right of self fovcrnmcnt ,
liey have committed to ono of tlmr fellow
ilizens n supreme and encrod trust , nnd he
icre consecrates himself to tlioir rcwco.
'his impressive ceremony ndds little to the
olomn souse of ic.'pocsibility with which I
ontcinplato the duty I owe M the people
f land. Nothing can reMove mu from the
nxtcty leat by nuy net of mine * their intsr-
sta may puller nnd nolhiur in needed to
ttcnRllifn by resolution to engage every
acuity nnd effort in the promotion cf their
wolware. Amiiht patty atrifo the people' *
hoico wai made , but its attendant circum-
tanccs have c'cinrnstrated n uew ttreugthnnd
ifcty of govorpinent by the people. In each
ucceedlng year , it more clearly cf pears tbat
ur democratic people needs no npology nnd
bat in ita fcnrlcesnnd faithful application is
o bo found the surest guaranty of gaodj gov-
turnout. J > ut the best results in the oper.v-
ion of I'ovornment wheioin every citizen has
share largely depend upon the proptr limi-
itton nt putoly partisan zeal nnd
ITort nnd a c rrcct appreciation of the time
when tlio hoU of partisanship should bj
noigcd in tha pattlnUbin of the citizen , To-
, sy the cxrcutivo branch of the governmeut
transferred to new keeping. But this is
till n covurLtnont nf nil the people' , and it
nliouUl bo none thu ICBJ nniliject \ of their uf-
fcctionato Eolicitude. At thin hour the nnl-
mositinj of pnltllc. ) ! tt Iff , the bitterness of
mr.imn defeat nud the utultation of partisau
rlumph should ba &upplnutcd by ungiuili iug
nctnilcpceuco in the popular will and sober ,
conscientious concern tor the general went.
Moreover , if from this hour wo cheerfully nnd
lonestly abandon all sectional prejudice nnd
istniBt , and deteimine with manly confi-
lenco in ono nnot.ier to work out harmnnlpus-
y the achlevotnenta of our national destiny ,
wo flitU deserve to renll/.o nil the benefits
which our happy form of government can be-
On this nuspicious occasion wo mnj- well re
new the pledge of our devotion to the cousti-
utioji which , launched by the founders of
, ho republic nnd consecrated by their prayers
nnd p.triotio devotion , ban for almost a cen
tury bomo their hopes nnd abpiratlpni nnd of
those who will succeed tu thn hloeeinpa of our
national life. The largo variety of diverse
and competing Interests subject to federal con
trol persistently seeking tne iccognltion of
heir claims need cive us no fear that "the
reatost good to the greatest number" will
uil to bo accomplished , If in the balls of the
national legislation that spirit _ of amity
nnd mutual concession bhall prevail in which
ho constitution had its birth , if thia involves
he surrender or postponement of privatn in-
oreata and the abandonment of local ndvmi
.ago . ? , compcnantlon will be found in the ns-
uranca llmttluH the common interest is sub-
erved and ttio general welfare advanced.
In the discharge of duty I shall
endeavor to be guided by n just nnd unstrain
ed construction of thn constitution , n careful
ibservnnco of the distinction batwuen tbo
lowers of thi federal go\ornmcnt and those
eservod tithe etates , or to the peoplp , and
n cautiom apppieuintion of
IOBO functions which , by the constitution and
awn , liavo bren specially assigned to the x-
oiutive branch of tha government. But ho
who takes the oath to-day to preserve , pro-
, ect and defend the conatituliou of the United
Staten only nsHUinen the eolemn obligation
which every patriotic citizen on the farm , in
the workshop , on the hmy marts of trade nod
everywhere should have witli him. The
constitution which preboribrs his oath , my
sountrymen , is JOIUM. Thu government jon
mvu clioetn him to udministor for n lime is
yours. The bufirngo which execute * the wjll
of freemen is yours. The laws nnd the entire
scheme of our civil rule from the town meet-
ng to the stnto capitol ! H your * , _ Your every
voter , ax surely ni your chief innKistrntu under
; ha pamo high function , though in n dillorcnt
Sher" | , exmcises a public trutt. Nor is thia
ill , livery citizen owes to the country a vigi-
ant watch and clo'e scrutiny of its public eer-
ftnts and a f.iir end ruis' > nablu estimate of
luir lijclity and usefuliR- . Thus mtho poo-
ile'ri will impr rcd upon trio whole frame-
vork of our ci\il polity municipal , state nnd nnd thii U the iiricj of our liberty ,
mil the inspiration of our faith in the re-
mblic ,
It in the duty of those aerving the pcoplo
n public plnc s to cluEely limit jiubliu ox-
mnditurea to the actual needs of the govern-
nent , econoinlcally udmlulstercd , bccaiuo this
lounds the right of the government to ox act
rilniti ) Ironi the uaruingj of labor or prop-
rty of citi/ens , and begeta public extrnva-
; anco nmoug the people. Wo i-hould never
D nHhamnd of the simplicity nnd prudential
economic H which are best tuitod to the upura-
tlon of n republican form of government , pnd
most compatible with the inUaiun of tin
American people. Thoco who nro selected
'or n limited time to manaco publit :
nlfniru are ftill of the jioople , and
may doj much by their uxumplo to
encourage constantly with the dignity of theii
illicinl tunctlona , that plain way of life whicli
among their fellow citizens aids integrity nnd
promotes thrift nnd prosperity. The geniu !
jf our institution ; , the needs of our people it :
their home life nnd the attention which Is do
munded for the settlement and development
of the resources of \vst.ttrritory dictiti
the scrupulous uvoidanco of r.ny depauuri
from that forolpn policy , commended by tin
hlntory. the tradition and the prosperity n
cur republic. It is the policyof iodependunci
forced by our position nnd defended by on
known love of justice nud by our power. I
is tha policy of peace nil table t <
our interest ! . It h the pollc )
of nontrnllty , refusing nny share In foreigt
brolU and ambitious upon other continent ]
and repelling their intrusion hero. It is tin
policy of Monroe nnd Washington nnd Jctfot
son. "Peace , conimerca nnd honest followshii
with nil nations , entangling alliances wit !
none , "
A due regard for the interests and prosper
ity of nil people demand that our tiuauco
thnllbo eaUbllsbed upon such a sound noi
Benaible basis as thall secure the nafnty nm
confidence of the budneaj interests and mak
iia wnjes of Ubor sure nnd steady , nnd th t
ur syittm of re\cnue shall bo 10 ndjusttd ns
) rellerr the people from unnecessary tnxn-
ion , having n due regard to tha Interests of
capital invtrittd nnd wotklngmcn employed in
LtuericMi Industrie ? , nnd pravcnllcg
to nccumulatiuu of n fUtphH la
: io treasury to tempi cxtnvnganco nnd
vaste ,
Care for the prospetily of tlie nation nnil
ir thiiuo-dfl of the future settlersrfuire | that
10 public domain thould be protected from
mrloltiiug scliiuncs tid unlnwlul occupation ,
'lio conscieneo of the 1 ooplodoinnnda that tha
mlinns within our boiindiiios shall bs fairly
nd houettly treated ns wards of the g.ucrn-
ic-nt , and their education nnd civilization
promoted with a view to their ultim.V.u citi-
pnnlnp , and that polygamy in the tenitotie ? ,
eittucltvp of Hie family nhticu , olid olTon-
ivn tj mural fonpg of tha
Ivillzed world. Bhall IKS rcptcsscd.
The laws flbould bo tieidly enforced which
irohibits the immigration of n notvile clais to
lompeto with American labor , with no inten-
iou cf ncquirlug citlz inUilp , nnd britiRug
with them nml rotainln habits and customs
epiienntit to out civilization. The pnoplo do-
und luform in the ndmlnistintlun of the
o\eminent , nnd the nppllcatluii of bualnius
irinciples to thu public nffaira us n menus to
tin end ,
Civil service rrfoim should bo in good fnlth
nforcvd. Oar citlztns Imvu the right to ptu-
eoUon from the Incompetcncy of public cm-
I'oyes , who hold their positions solely ns
IB tnward of partlsiu scrvlca ami
rom tbo cnrruptUo inlluenca of
lioso who promlne nnd tha licioni methods of
ioso who pxpec1. such towards , and those
vho worthily seek public omplojment. They
ightfully im-iss that merit nud competency
i.ill ba recognized instead of party sulner-
loapy or the suirender of hoiiost political bp-
uf in the ndmlniitrution of n government
lodged to da equal and exact justice to nil
There should bo no pretext for nnxiety
niching the protection of frceJmen in their
iKhts or their ajciinty in'tha cujoyment cf
isir piivilcgea under the constitution tnd Its
mcndmcnts. All diacussicn us to their tit-
ss for the plnca nccordod to tliem an Ameri-
nn citizens is fdlo nud unprofitable , exuopt as
t suggests the npceisity for their improve-
ncnl. The fact tint they nro citizens eiititlcj
icin to all thn rights duo the relation , und
tinigCH tbem with all its duties , obl'gatioas
nd responsibilities.
Thetu topics and the constant and over vnry-
ug wants cf nu nctho nnd enterprising popu *
ationmaywull receive the attention and the
> alrlotis endeavor of all who make and oxo-
u11 ! the federal law. Uur duties ntn practi-
al and call for iiidusttiou * application , nn in-
ellipent ticrcoptiou of the claims of public
liice , nndnbovn _ all a firm detorininition of
mitud action to fecuro nil the people of the
and the full benefits of the best form of gov-
tnmont over vouchsafed to man. An 1 let us
nt trait tu human effort alone , but humbly
acknowledge the power and gondneis of Al-
miRhty God who presides over the destiny < if
nations ncd who li IK nt all times Icon leveil-
d in our country's hlatofy. Let HI invoke
lia aid and blesslnfj upon our labots. "
WAHHIKOTON , March 4. A little before 11
"clock tbo doora of the president's gallery
wete opsncd and people entitled to admission
were escorted in. Among them were Clovo-
and and Mrs. Iloyt , sister of the president-
led ; Rev. W. A. Cleveland r.nd wife and
heir two sons ; Mr , Ilaitiuga , nephew of tbo
nesident-clcct ; Mies Hiistingj , Miaa Nellie
Yccmans and MIsa Annie Yoennans , niecea of
ho president-elect ; Mr. nnd Mr . Bacon , of
'oledo , and Colonel und Mrs. Lnmout. The
iluo tapestried seats of Hio diplomatic gallery
emained longest vacint , but Hiey too were
Hied by quarter-past 11 A quorum of seni
ors having arrived , the business of the conato
iwceeded , with frtquent and long intenup-
ions while nwaiting the uctinn of tha cnn-
urecs on appropriation bills. The only events
> f the early proceedings which warts not upon
IIB programme were outbreaks of applause
which greeted the announcement of the
nnd the reception of the president's me > raze
n tha nomination of General Gnnt
o the nowly-cr nted vacancy. The
ippluuse was hearty and prolonged ,
icd was not sunprepsul by K.imunds. The
arrival cf thn diplomatic corps , fifty strorg ,
clad in their uniforms varying from silken
robes and mandarin caps nf the Chinese to
he gorgeous gold-bedeckwl dressea pf the
Europeans , occationcd Euspennion of buzz
conversation for a moment. They entered
lominuunced nud were esotted toneaf-sln
rout , and upon the rl , lit of tin cbair. , lutt
lefoio the entry f the members of tha MI-
iremn court , airaiod in their ample black silk
; owiis , nud precede I by their marshal , the
innuul act of turning b.ick the hands of the
enato clock was norformed by the veteran
loorkeeper , Captain Isaac Basset. The fit -
nemo court justices were plueod upon tha
ight front of the chnir.
President Arthur wan now announced , and
iin coming was greeted with warm clupptug
f hands , in recognition of which ho 1'owed
; racefiuly to the nsscmblagp. A moment
utf r and thu buzz of conversation wna cgain
U8r-nded | ) in anticipation of tha announce-
iisut :
* ' THE 1'llEiiIDKNT-ItI.IOT
f the United State * , " Mr. Cleveland , who
iarl already entered the hall with his escort
nd halted within sltlit uf the asseniblaxe
while his arriynl was being announced. Toe
applause , clapping of hands at first nnd then
p.huerc , loud and prolonged , welcomed him.
IVieu n stalwart voice in tin * gallery arose
nbovo tha din , demanding "three cheers fet
" } rover Cleveland , " This wo * not held
jy the a isembluge to bi In good
: nsto , and Kdmundu' proclamation that nrdci
must he presetved or the gu'lcriea will be
cleared , " was n hupcrlluity. The vice presi
dent-elect waa now escorted into the chamber ,
and without delay , but with solemnity and
decorum bantting the occasion , the oath w < i
administered to him by tlio president prc
tempore ,
Kdmundx then turned to the front , II (
ro.rettul that it was necessary that thn busi-
of the senate sliinild have been transacted ar
hastily towards the close , niu
Hpoko feelingly nf tha resoliitiot
passed by tlio tonato thankiaf
him for the admirable and impartial rnannf
in which he had administered the office , nm
declared the Senate adjourned without date
nnd called the Senate to orderln extra session
Finyer waj offered by the chaplain , afte-
which the vlce-presldoat iniiio u brief nddtefH
New HenatoiR were sworn in , and after
Ing tbo message of the president convenini
the Senate , thu procession formed and filed it
way to the platform ou thu central portico o
tbe capitol.
WASHIKQ rex , March 1.All the comrall
tee umonJmenta to the rivet and harbor bil
were rgrped to. Jones ( JCrv. ) ald It WAS r.lcur
batfuithar dlicusslcm of this bill waa the
icreet waste of time. Ha therefore moved to
ity it on the tnblo ,
The motion waa defeatcJ. Yea ? Allison ,
Cameron , ( \Vi . ) Callom , IVye , H le , llnrrh ,
lawloy , Jones , ( Nov ) I.apliBin , Miller , Nyc ,
Mlttliell , Monell , Plumb , Sswell , Van Wyck
ndWilsou. 17 ,
. Nays Aldricb , Uayard , llcclc , Blair , Cnll ,
3ha3e , Coskcr , " ColqUlt , Conger , Davro * ,
) olph , Georgp , Gil on , Hampton , Hoar ,
ackion , Jones , Kenr.a , Lnmnr , McMillan ,
[ alione , Mauderaun , M orgnn , Palmer , 1'ill ,
ugh , Sabin , Sawyer , Vance , Vest nud
Vnlkers. .11 ,
A message from the bouso announced nn
greoment tin tbo pootoflice appropriation bill
in every point of dillerooce , except that re-
ating to junta ! ten edit stamps fur letters , re-
utring special expenditures indollvery.
Plumb movotl that the senate rcccdo on
i\f. \ Agreed to ,
Culluu called up his resolution lo authorize
locommittuuun ttaii'portntiou tuutiM to the
ii board to sot during the recess of cuiigiuss.
\greed to.
Consideration of the tivcr nnd harbor Mil
ns resumed , At 7 o'clock Hale submitted
ho final conference report on the ilolicioney
) lll , showing nil difference ndjuatodniid the
niato went Into executive cession. When
i doors ruopeiied n recess wes taken until
Halo sutimittoJ n conference ropott nn the appropriation bill , nnnouncing thu nd-
tutniont ot the ( inferences bet eon thu two
luunef , thn house having receded nn nil tub
; intial points. The repnt was ngroed to ,
The Chair ( Kilrnucd * ) announced his sirna-
urpto the poitotlico appropriation blllaud tbo
icislntlvo , Fxecutivo tnd judicial bill , both of
hcli ! had during rucfts been reported from
iaonnferencf > , nil diffefeuco having been nd-
ustud by the IIOUPC. r.ceding but with minor
mcndini'ntp , which waa stctired by the
After a fhort dclny Conger called up tha
ver nud hurl.r bill
Plumb moved to l y the bill cti the table.
\greed to JCAB 2S , nays20.
Alli'on jirus ntrd tlm conference report on
10 mindry civil bill , showing adjustment of
11 dilfnvncea Lelwcen .tho two houaua by
lutual concession.
Ou motion of Morrell the chair appointed n
ommiltoo of tuo senators to act with such
nnmittea us the lnus may appoint tu notify
la piesidpnt of the United iitats that con-
ro 8 , having Hnished ita busintsj , was now
endy to adjourn At 11.3,5 n message from tlu >
louto iintiounced till ! pass&gu of tlm bill
nitlioriziiig the president of the United States
, o placu one parson ou tbo retired list of the
rmy. Kdimmda then read t } the ( ennto a
jtmnnnicatlon from President Arthur , nomi-
atinc Ulytwes S. Grant to ba general on the
etired list of the army , witi-i full pay of utch
auk. The eenate coufirmod tha nomination
Katly morciucr , Randall submii-
: od a 4conference report on the tun-
ry civil apuropriatiou bill. Of 23L
nmundmunts placed upon the bill by the sen
ate , nu agreement had been reached ns to 171 ,
eaving sixty still in controveray. Tne sixty
amendments on which no agreement had been
reached involved nn appropriation of 53,233-
001) ) . 1'or two hours nnd n half matters wont
ery smoothly. The report of the conference
was agreed to , ana Ilia houro proceeded to
onsiderthuamendmentj upon which no ngree-
lent had been reached. The house itibititcd
pou its disagreement , in each case , until
he amendments relntive to public building ?
rero renchad. Kindall nsked tint they
> o cineidcred in gross , but objection wa
nada by thuno membersjvho desired to amend
ho amendments with new propositions. ] tan-
all thereupon called tlui'provlou ) question on
be first of the ncnaU nrsdments , but ; .I'jVo
uorun" was declared , further consideration
f the amendments was joatponed. Unndoll
ubmitted n conferonca report on the naval
ppropriatiun bill , atinounciDg diaagreemeiitH.
As the clerk was readin ; the report diylight
egi > ti to atrnnm into the chamber and the
oorkeepers busied thomselvoa iu awakouing
n.iny periom who spent the night iu the gal-
ones. New nrrivala made thfir appearnncn
nil the houbi began to wear n brighter aspect.
Clumbers who had been oleepiog in thn cloak
oiiiii and lobbies cmnb into tbe hall , re
reshud , and * proceeded' ' to the restaurant to
ecmi ; breakfast. '
The report of the naval bill was not ngreeJ
o , further conference waa ordered. At 7
'clock consideration of the sundry civil bill
V H resumed. ,
Budd moved to concur in all public building
tmendinenU of the senate , except onu , this
chip reserved in ordtr that nn opportunity
light bo obtained to offer the ntncLdmi'iitj.
Agreoil to 77 to 5t. ! It waa then agreed by
iiiiniuiouB ronaont. that the members should
a parmiltod to oiler their amendment ) , and
invo them votud on. ' It ; being u-pecially
tipulated that the yeasatd np > a should not
> e > called nnd that no question of quorum
houlil ba raised. Pending further action the
conference reports on the fortifi
cation und dnficicncy appropriation bills were
nbmittcd und axruad to. The last of the sen-
ito public ; building amendments being for n
r.uildingat Yv'inomi , Minn , having been read ,
Stockblager dieted un nmendmint nppro-
iriating S100.CICO for n bnildln ? nt Now Al-
? nny , Itid. Agreed to - 50 to 20. BUclhuin
ilfered an nmendment appropriating SinO 000
or a building ut Lexington , Ky. Agreed to ,
Oifor offered nn nmendmeot npi > roprlntmg
S 00,000 for n building ut Springfield , O.
Agreed to fti toIli , During the offering ol
, hes3 amendmentri and tha voting tipun them
; heru was intc.cso confnalon and excitement in
.hu llouisThompson and Warner demanding
a ( iiiurum in o > ch caioand protasting that thu
HOUSB had no power to bina itself no hod been
jy the agreement. Th'8 nromed those
members w. o had ben instrumental in securing
curing the ngrcuneut , and Cas idy , liudd am
otLerj stood in the epaco iu fi one of tlio
. lerk'd dusk gosticulatiog violently nnd clurg
ing their opponents with bid faith.
At 8 o'clock Kandnll ndvniced to the fror.
of the hou o and protested earnestly ngnine
what he characterized on a mojt unseemly pro
ceeduto. The house was preventing the nun-
dry civil bill from being adopted , and wa
forcing nn extra cession , and that iwas beiu
demo by this demand of Individuals for publi
buildings. "I ask the home , " c > n
tlnued Mr. Itandall impi'siouately , "t
let me get poseetfion of thia bll
In order that I may lend It to theeenate , ee
cure ivmcurrencu and avoid nn oxtru BCBMOII. , ] Ho then moved to suipend th
ruleu to udopt the umendmenta nlread
offered und to send the bill to the confereuc
committee. Tha motion wns agreed to.
At 8:15 : Ilolman reported tbat the confer
encu committee on the legislative , executiv
and judicial appropriation bills had been un
able to agree. He stated that the point o
difference still continued to ba on the iimoni
tnont of tha senate providing for i.eiiitsrt
clerkp. Dockery moved that the house re
cede from the airngrcerncnt to the amem
meat. Agraed to Without division. Th
passed the bill nnd the house recurred to fill
blistering tactics atjiiwt th contested eloc
I tion case of Frederick vs. Wilson ( Iowa ) , an
o quorum ftppearlt.g . , n call of the liouso w s
Hutchini submitted n confetonco report on
ho tmxjU appropriation bill. Agieod lo ,
Kclfir iiffiTctl iha following tcsolution :
That the thfinka of eomrii'ia bo tcuderfd th
penkcr fnr the coitrtwiy with which ho treated
ill mi-Bibors and for tlio nbillty nud falrnws
uth which ho prosidi-d o\er llio dellberntioim
if the house dining the Korty-eii-lit congtc'-g. "
Thovotowaa taken tniidiu ? , nmid li.tiit and
iintinuod npplatite.
Thn speaker pro tern ( Hatch , Mo. ) declared
ho resolution adopted unniiiimmply by 3
eproicnlalivos of thu Totty-elght coiigrosa.
On motion of Poland a similar resolution
KM uuaniniuutl ? ndoptod tomloiingthothauka
f the IIOIHO to Ulackt.iirn , speaker pto tnn.
rresirtniit ClovoUnd ,
WASHINOTOX , March 4. Grover Clevelnnd
a prinideut. Thp solemn oath of ollico , the
clivory of the iuangutnl , the boom of can
uns , wavtiiR of flags and bjuuetH , fhouti of
lift mu'tiludo , tlia loud notoi of martial music
nd the marching of Uioumudu of troops in n
eng procession attest this. "Ilia hiug is
eod , long li\o the king. " This morning
resident Arthur rcda from thoWhito Heine
u the ctpltol to lay down the robe * of cilice *
'his aftctnoon President Cle\rlnnd rode from
10 capitol to the White House , having taken
lem up. Ilia presence nt tlio cnpitol , the
olemn 04th of ollice , lipi roveicutiy prtstod
pen tlm book , the address to present thuus-
udrf hnd 1 steuing millions , the return to tlio
xtcutivo nmuelou , nud the thing is done , and
ho scepter has pasted from thu hands that
lave hold it for twenty- four yean to thuto
int have bea vainly atrelched toward
t ns long. Krom the boom
f tha Biiuriso gun this morning until thu
treat ut mouiont , to-d.ty has been i > bu y one
n WnAbiof'tou. The wuather which wns
azy in the iiv.rning brcamo very fair nnd
leiuant by U o'clock , The arrival of tlums-
iuds of visitois from every part of the couu-
ry , the marchini ? nnd couutcr-mnrcblnif ol
roop , tha uotca of the bands which nccoin-
any them , the fluttering nf flags , und the proa-
nos upon ihc stieoU of thouiauds anil thoua-
udi ot people , ha\o nmdeit n day kuch ns
ven kalcltoscopiejnliingtou has seldom
on. 1'rom muruing to tha pMeent moment
'enuBylviinm nvonuo and the gi-nunds i.bout
Im uijiitol have bo-jn crowded. Along Ponn-
ylvnnia nvenuo especially , nnd throughout
lie city generally uero decorations , ll.igs and
aimers and streamers nnd garlands indo
oIcea of ull sorh to welcome the arriving of
lie president. Uvory building of nny COUEO-
ueuce upon the avenue whuro the president
> ifise8 ou the wny from thocapit.l to the
Vliito House was dt-corattd. Ciomo very
imp y , ptbots lavishly. The principal hotels
nd business homes were elegantly uecoru ed ,
{ road braids of roJ , whits und blue sweeping
neroEs fronts of large buildinga iu graceluU
cts nud couib > nutioiu interspersed with
lags and festoons nud mottoes , and b nnera
rownod by pjrtriits of the coming and do-
urtiug prcsldtnt ? , formed most pleasing
Hoots. Many of these decorations were os-
teiially handsome nnd must luvo required
in immense outlay on the part of those who
not tbo bills of to-d y'u doinga. Among the
nest elaborate of these aie those upon the
rents of the ueneion ollice , where moio than
thomand dollars was expended by clerks in
liat otlice in decorating buildings. Around
, wo fronts of the great six story building ts a
letwork of ed , white and blue bunting
aetened n intersections with golden atnra
nd colored rosettes. Some idea of the ox-
, ont of this is given by tha fact thut
ver 1500 yards of this material were
Bed for this purpose , Along the top
ml lower putions of the builciintr are shields
with of the atatua and '
iiftines , ou 1'eniieyl-
ncia avenue front others with poitr itsof
ho presidents. Along the front nro lloniau
Meal surrounded by Americia iloge , nnd at
bo corners arc figure ! of Peace and Liberty ,
while a painting of the capitol ut one end
nd of Justice with her books and ecalea ut
ho other , oompltto the great picture , which ,
vilh its llutteiiun 'tla s nnci bnuueif , ia the
landcomest upon tie street. Klboruto prep-
rationa had been made for \titieH : ing the
jurado. All uluug I'eurihylvanii nvenuo , nt
iveiy available place , had been erected
tand ? , with seats rising in tiers like those at
a theater , for spectators. Ono firm of enter-
truing speculators purchased fmn the dis-
, rict Mithoriticu the _ right to erect these
tanJs on all lojervationt , nud on them pro
vided tents for liJ.OCO people , whirh
h y sold nt the uniform price of $1
each Then in front cf every building where
circumstances would r.eimit , platforms were
reeled for spectators. 13.ilconiej , which
in < l had an unsafe end rickety appearance
or yuan. , were propped ti ( > nnd filled with
otile. \\rm jew from which the procosiion
ouid ba Been to advantage , bad ben rented
at fabulous rricaa. Even the roofs of build-
ugs and tren tups and boxesnluug thaavt'nuo
were called into requisition , while the nido-
walka were picked with a moving , crowding
mnw of humanity , which it was ditliailt to
ceep off tbo pavement at times ,
'n front of the White HOUEO n huge
land wai erected at n cost of
K'jO ' , covered and provided with tcata nnd
landeomely dtcornted , fiom which the preti-
lent and teveral hundred invited Runtltinoii
ml ladit'H reviewed the procffsion , Jiixt op-
.iosite WHH another craid KttLd , crowded , of
: our e , lorg befuro tlia proteasloiiieached that
i.irt of the route provided for it. It ii osti-
iimted that -euts had been provided for 2jCOO
ierHins , and that 1,000,010 persona viewed
; he procession a ) it passed dov.ii tha uvenue
sftar tha inaiguration ceremonies lad taken
/luce at the cipitol.
At 10 oVlnck Senators Sherman nnd Kan-
( im , who were to bu thn escoit to I'lUbiileiit
Cliivelund , repaired to the Arlington hotel ,
wliero the preuident-olect wan quartered , unU
wrted him to the White lltudi1.
hunatcr Hawley nt the mtmo time viaitnd
Wihurd'tf hulel nnd escorted Vici Preaident-
elect Hendricka to tha Whita Jlomo. Af ir
H shoit time fcpunt there they took carriages
for the cnpitol , baing escorted thither by one
division ol the pn cession , consisting' " the
regular army , the marico corps and I ho Iu-
trlct militia. Arriving at tha capitol. Presi
dent Arthur went to the president's room ,
where he found mo t of the membars of the
cabinet waiting to transact tint last work of
the administration , the discussion of the bills
bsiug passed by congress in ite
expiring hours , and tbe approval by the pres
ident of these tlmt were thought worthy ol
uppiaval , Thi ) house and tennte were in ses1
Bum , very bujv , winding up tbe work of the
fessiou , its ulliciira ami messengers hustlir
back and forth between tbo clmtnbera of tht
two bodies with bills und reports of the conference
ferenco committees , everything In tha hubbiil
of confusion ami hurry , jut proceeding ii
The president-elect wan escorted to tin
vlco-protirlenta room , where lie was follower
by Mr. Hendrlcks and hid escort , the twi
remaining here until the moment thoult
airivo for their entrance to the tenuto chain
ber , of course not n titche of tlioR'j who do
Blrcd to enter the _ fcanto chamber ti
witness the reorganization of that body
could ba accommodated. Setts were pro
vldod for ni many as possible ou tbe floor uui
ticltela were lisued lo numbers pf
th < > socntq nod house to 1
di tributod , udmUUng to Ihn
gillotics B iiiiHiy fn could lie i > aettcd Into
them. The doora of the gnllerif * had been
opened enrlior to thono IioUting tickets tf ad-
minion , ncno not so holding tickets being
ndmittnJ ,
At 11 d'cluck the diplninntics who were en
titled to eHls on the floor of the sonatu lie-
gantontrivo. They gallic roil In the tnnrblo
room a < ljolnlng Ihf s tiato chamber , nud
marched into the scimts diambor nnd were
given eoaUlo the right of the chair. They
w ro followed by lliu heads of department * ,
the ( ; i'iicr lof thti army the admiral of the
uatlm army ollicor.1 nml otlitTJ who have
been thatikid by coBfircsi by iiaiiio
for mtrltotimn porvteca , iThn goveinOM
nnd ox gov rnnra of pUt - , judges
of the mpu-ii'i' c urt of the iJistrict
and of the cuiirt of the A'nbamn ' clnimf , the
oomimssioneia of the district , tliu nsslotitit
secrotarlra of the ilillctent dot.nrtincntp , tlio
comml oioiior of thu ngrlculturnl nud the su
preme court , nnd tlio moinbrra til tlio houjo
ixnued diliiiigthe jirnyer , and while tlm newt
t > cnnto WIM being sworn in , and with dllllculty
made thair \ \ ny to the nmu assiguud thvui in
the rear of all others in the ccnntc.
Many could not get coatant all ; the gillnries
were , of cuutR" , puckcd. The vire-pietidrnt
was pworn in shortly before 12 o'clock , The
president nnd president-elect nnd vice prenl-
dnit-olo t tillered the Binalo chamber nnd
wen ) FEcnrlfd to llio scuta n mi veil for them.
VieclUlent Hindtickswnsaworn in ns vice
president of the I "nitwl Statoa nud president
of the senati' , nnd ptuccedcd lt > nd-
minuter the outh of ollico to the newly-
elected membets of thn bcnate , thus by thia
nlinplo process coinplotlui ; the reoiguuzatlon
of that body , in n very brief space of time ,
and the senate of the Potty-eighth cnngri'SH
passed nwny , audits place wns filled , i a if by
inagii * , with the Forty-ninth cougreia.
The Now Reunion ( .worn , in the process ion
was formed for llio ptirpo e nf cccortiug llio
president elict to tin platform in Iniut ( if llio
capitol , wlipro ho was tn lie s-vorn In , cml deliver -
liver his inaugural. Tito Procession moved
thtougb tlia rapitol from tha msiu door of llio
saiiato chambtr to thu rotunda , and tbonco
through the main doer nt the east ftont of llio
ujpitnl builditg to tha gieati'htformthnt hid
been erected , upon which thu oath
of oflico wni tu bo administered ,
to Preetmint Cleveland. In front of the cap
itol , ns they emerged , they found n aca uf
people , thousands on thou ands , fro--n whose
throats c.iino a mighty fchout as the proces-
s'ou und pie.ident , to bo , nppenrod , mnuhing
forvvattl to the platform , upon which the
members of the pru.s had ahomlybceii Fcaled ,
The president and vice Jireaident elect took
seats nt the center well in fruit iits'gned ' them
by the committee , those fulbwing tiling tight
and left to their fOats , as a ipnul.
As the now president took his scat tbero
wns u pressure forward by the great crowd ,
the hum of voices nud tno btrugglu to get
eight of tha men who waa then auii there to
nsftime the duties of the greatest ollico in the
Kilt of the greatest nation on earth. These
who were near enough to gratify thisdflniro
saw in him n man whoso ficj aeetned familiar
by reason uf the events of the past nix
months , faultlessly nttlred in black , his
familiar features a trifle palo from suppressed
ngitition of the great part in the drama of
real life , which he wn * to piny. When silence
naa obtained , President Cleveland began his
inaugural nddrcaa.
The IniutKurntioii Ceremonies.
WASHINOTOX , March 4.-Tho stand on
which the ptojident waa to deliver his inaug
ural nddresa vvna erected almost on a level
with the floors of the senate and the houte ,
nnd directly in front of the train entrance to
the capitol. It wai almo&t ono hundred feet
tquaie ,
for on icnuguration. nnd was covered by 2,000
chairs. Tncsa were occupied by fcenntow ,
members of thn tllplomaliu corps , and the
judges nf the eupreme coutt , members of the
IHHHO of representatives nnd Dress reproaeuta-
Ui'forolhe preoident left the senate chain-
ber tbo crowd in front of the stand had in-
creifed unlil it becau e one solid maes of hu-
inanity00 feet in front of thu stand and
100 on either side.
' 1 ho crowd continued lees solidly in the rear
nf this multitude. The trees in the rent
lawns were filled , ncd tltd roofj of the sur-
loundiug dwellings weio covered , On thereof
roof of the capito ) pome two hundroi or three
huudrud men and boys bad congregated. In
adproaching the avenufx aud street the mili
tary companies and society organizations wore
mapsed in columns , fonning n brilliant vista
ni far na the cyo could reach.
On Klevntul platforms the enterprising
phologruphi ra ] ilaced their imtiumenti
to | in jihowgrnphiij deaigna the ns-
ecmhly on the stand , und the reu f hats ntd
faces thut moved contiuutilly like the wuvcs of
the ocean. Thij preat tbioug vyas variously
estimated as to numbers. President Arthur
subsequently paid it was
the prenteat crowd lie ever BIW. " Snnator
Hawley , as he loukdd nt it said hu thought it
numbered about KiO.CGO peoplo.
While watting for the arrival cf tbe proji-
dont-r Itctsotto cnewould ociin' ' voutuio
iu front of thu platform iiivi hu pnuat.ce was
ho signal for ipe tedcliecrn.
Precisttly nt 1\'AQ \ : the In a 1 of the procepsion
appeared , coming out of thu main east door of
tlm capital. President Arthur stepped to the
front of thu platform , followed by the pnsi-
dtnt-elcct , Chief .fiultco Watte , ami thr
coargent-iit-hriiiH of the aennto. All uncovered
&H they Fitood facing the crowd , and the vast
assemulugo cheered ngaln , ngsin foi
severnl minutes. When the psraoua who wort
to opt-ist ut tl.u coreiuonlea were seated on the
platform ,
Ho was clad in n full suit of black , Fdncc
Albert coat , high , old fashioned ttanding col
lar and black tie. In spe.ikmg hu held , hit
left hand closed behind him , nud omphaeizud
his speech by geaturea with his right hand
Ha i poke without manuscript , but occasion
ally consulted n small uitce of paper bearim
notes of the heada of hiuillscourte. His voici
wnH clcnr nnd resonant , and ho slowly cnun
ciated hla words , nnd oucaslonall turned iibou
at panics , as if to note the effect of bib re
Washington entertains to-day 100,001
strangers. They began to como before tin
dedication of thu monument nud they hav
been coming nigdt and day ever einco The ;
have como in family parties , in clubi nnd li
companies and regiments. The hotels wer
titled a week nga , nnd piivata boaidlni
hoiHOS and dwellings have eince douo vvha
they could to lodge the shelterless and foei
the hungry. Nevertheless , not n few of th
later ccin.ers. who brought little besides thei
patriotic momoriuii atid exultant hopei
trninpod the avenues last night from necei
hity , nnd breakfatted this iiioruing with colfe
and a sandwich from the vendors nt th
markets and atroot corners ,
but with an excellent promise of fair woatlm
which wan fulfilled before U o'clock. TI
thionga vvcro ntrantl caily , waltirg nnd
tliiltt ; from point tojwlnt to PEO what tiny
could of the public Infinite * , the ] < nrUi > ,
ttaluea and iiioiuimct.t' , bcfoto tlio greAt
evrnt uf tlm day bepan ,
I'iring nnd druinniinRund mftrchingof clulx
nnd trcups wctt ) the culm-ning eliiicnt ( of
tlio enrly fort naflii vvhilo tie ! innrnlng Boro-
nadera , tenilirrd tn popular pn'itirnl favorites ,
kcrvod to ammo nnd Inlcrest the pnttkipantA
nnd crouds Whatnver it is pimib'e. to tin
with fcantllntj , tnd biardt , mid bunlinir. end
pilt lo botltck a town for nn tccapitm , Wa h-
inglnn in uiulorlaken ami peiformrd. 'Dim
harvest uf ( Uc'ttHiois snd rarpiMitpM iiegnn
ton days njo and the noise ot their Hawing nntl
puundilig nnd the click of their h m-
tiiius , IIKVO bsen heard day nnd nijlit
over sitico , down ti ( the momiiit
if the starting < > ( the iirocotslon , Al Htpt tlm
ugly irectlcnoof roiich tlmlur broke tut all
along the proposed him uf ni.ttch , from tbti
white lum n to thncanltol , eoveting duors nud
wlmlowi i.f utoten nnd dwulllugB nnd tilling up
the Hltlu patks nud opening- , mid upon theiio
\\erottikeilrulvertipimei.lHof ncats In rout ,
Iiitf r llagp , bivutiori' , HtrcainiTH nml tasteful tie.
vlctw In showy colora toiicoaled tl rough
wooihvork , nnd then the building fronts began -
gan to lilotRptu out , Tbo complete work is
very bo.iutiful , nud the ttntnhunt of Aiiietican
nvetmoi has been trartformid into n moving
iiuzo of gay colors , winch tiltingly t ) plfics tljo
heartiness of this city's welcome to the now
Tl'e building nt the corner of Twelfth and
Peiitipylvatila uveiiue , uc.-upietl by Ihn penidon
bmoat ) . vvni potlmpi thu moat elaborately do-
coraltd ntiuclurca iu Um city , nnd the decorn-
lliina were nt once plcniing aud unlqiii ) . ] oi > ( r
lintu of ttii'.Miieis were minpendeu botvvcoit
tbo HacBtaffs on the roof , nnd just below , ou
either tide of llie building ,
clutched long lines of rod. white nnd blue
bunting , which wem nttUtimlly VOVHII intJ n
vast notwcrk coveting thu entira building.
At the intersection uf the lines of Ininllng
phone stnH of gold , nml framing llo : vvhnlo
ikviijn were liuilddome shields , beatipg tlm
namei of tlio ptnlm of thn Union , nil linked
together with gilt chains. At the ticond
atoiy slcitulcr Htnlfd bcro the namen ot the
varioua proMdcuU of tbo United Statss.
Tlio west fiont of the building reiiesot.ted |
( holfglehitivu branch of tbo guvcrnmnit. A
mamiuoth picture of thu cnpitol llnnkcd
gtuat "ISciniM fa8cef"and above all colossal
lieralrlu Kiuudud peatip , At tlm corner of the
budding thu Godtlofa of Iiiboily , urmed with
the Bwotd and shield , n prefonttd tliu execu
tive branch of thu government. An englobonr-
iiif n national shield Mirmuunted the liguto
and nn excellent oil portrait of beroie tha of
thn ptoiidunt-elect waa nupuiHlci ) ubovo a
fhield , beating llio name ot Now York ftnte.
On the south face uf tbo building justice ,
blindfolded with pworil nnd FcalcK , represented
the judiciary. Altogether the effect a very
p'ensing. The hotels vvpro t nlefully dtc-
oinlud ! Willards was pr < , fmely draped in
feslouns of gayly colored fahiica , swords f
welcome wrought in tiiifel shone nbovo nn
immenao blazing atnr nt the doorway , nnd a
gieut arch of pas-jets spniinirg the circle ,
unclosing a Bvmbolln owl head , uf the Ameri
cana club of Philadelphia.
wreathoT in cunningly woven buntingd , trans-
fonnad the marblu fac.ido or the metropolitan
into a thing uf hrtity. The llhbltt house- was
laitly covered with fbga nnd picturcaquo fig -
urfB nnd tlm other hotels thnwud grtnt ingi-
nuily in devising pleasing und original ilecor-
nliona. A grent floral ladder reaching to
the roof of n business liouee on Penuaylvnnia
avenue bore upon its mugs the words ,
"SlIKIllrK , " "VAAOU , " "OOVIUNOII , " "I'llKSI
DENT , "
this graphically Byli.bolizing thu lifo work of
the profidoul elect. All the government build
ings on the line of mirth vvcro gay with bunt
ings. Largo Ameiicnn flags encompassed tlio
gray columns of the troaenry nnd loi'R lines
of penaii's of ovtiy line of tbo rainbow _ ran
across the pranllo tiont of th gieot btiildiu ,
and iclieved its tyvero architecture , by giviiiff
it nn nppearanco in keeping v. ith
the pain day. Handsome readies
nud designs in particolored bunting
adorned tno state , war and navy department
buildings , Long before tbo hour net for the
movement of the ptocesMcn , the music of
hundreds of band ] bending the dilfernnt or-
gaui/.alions fecking tboir posts blinded in
one confused roar , Kveiywhero the shrill
nota of the fife ncd the kettle drum was
heard. By 10 o'clock the tntiro population
of the city seemed to have deserted their
loinea und ccctipleil the streotn on thn line of
narrh. The crowd was fometbirg ut prece-
lentud , oven in Una city , accuatumed to ro-
ife the outpoutinps of the na'.ion's populn-
on. Men , women and children pushed and
Ibowed in thu vast throng , jet it wua u good
latured crowd , aud evidently disposed to do
ustico to ttiu ccc.isirm.
be amupcc ] , nnd jilucked fun from tha
lightest incidents ; nt , for InhtJlico , when an
nliappy-looking individual pvscd up the
.vflimo . in bin Btiirt i-leevm , pushing a whtel
iriow in which cllnud with n stlf-futi Ked
lruiiotltLr ptrton , beating it flag , tlioiitH of
aughle-r and nil n > ita at jibei aid jokes
rrutod thn rqinpagu i < n itH lruM.'l s A laigo
rev > d c ngrgnle.d uiouud tha vvl.iti ; lionse ,
, nd unolher riuolly | large oi.o nrour.ii the en
. .runceto tb.i AJiiifttun hotel , at nn rarly
air in the morning , for the purpo-e of ob-
inliii n glimpse of tbo prefii-
leiit ncd tha prorident-clcct OH
, bfiv lo"k the places deigned to them
u Ihn line. Both men rigidly denied them-
itlves to visitors duiing llie morning. The
Lumbers of thn general inauguration commit-
eo met at U'o Arlington hotel befiro 10
iV'louk nnd placed their servicna at the ilis-
iiosal of the prcbidcnt-elect.
.lis inaugural aiHrni-B the crowd applauded
whenever ha paused to take a bteath , injt ut
ter n while uoutcnttd itself with cheering
him as hu made Ills principal points. Ilia
eterenco to the prohibition of foreign con-
, ract labor calltd out loud and continued up-
ilnuso ; but his alhuiou to the civil Hervieo
efoini met with a faint rexponru.
The address waa very brief and nt urccisoly
10:02 : o'clock it w < n concluded with au invocu-
tion of tliu blessing of providcnco , nnd turn-
'og to tha chief inatfce and bowing to him ,
> nld :
pressrlbed by law. " As the chief justice arose
to fcilminister the oath the vast iissemblago
cheerad again nnd ngam. The jinsidcnt
elect btood facing tbo clu'cf justice with ti n
crotvd en his right. Chief Dlerk Me-
Kenney , of the supreme court ,
stood jiui to < -no lido of Mr.
Clevelnnd and held tha lUblo upon
which tlm oath was ' administered , llio
president elect also holding it with his right
fund. The Bible und id n email morrocca
rovoind gilt edged volume , pretty wall worn.
It U the Itiblo which , Cleveland's mother give
him when ho left homo UK a young man. and
nt bib special miueat the ojimnltteo of nr-
ramgeiuonta had it in ro Jines.i for the euro-
'Ihu crowd preserved jurfnct quiet aa tho.
imprmlvfl Ctfreinimy of adminiaterlng the
Conlhtucii on Fifth Paye.
Smoking Tobacco