Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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, I
One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States
to Select From.
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Eoclno TrlmmlnRB , Mining Machtnoiy , Bolting , HOBO , Braes and Iron Flttlngi.
at wholesale or retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHUROB
Corner 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
Are the Cheapest , Most Durable , Smallest iu Size aud Lightest in
Wlth'no Hay I'rcBscs of any kind can the amount ot work produced , eucli little expense , ( ten tons vf Imy
alp. ndover For to lllulatiatcd lend ra'liond new box circular caraa nii.nau civn boilonowith the Eitsl Iniiro | EUTEL cd Mwlilnof. fe CO. ! 'LublUhodlnliOS. < Julccy Warranted Illinois or no
Mention Omaha Bee
Who have trilled away their
youthful vigor " d powerwi °
are suffering troin terrible drams
and losses , w ho arc weak ,
INIPOTEN T. and unfit for mar-
riage.ntg ITRI of all ages , who nnd
their BUI IN Bu power and vital
U V'L STKKNGTJI weakened ,
whether by EXCESS or early habits
CAX receive a positive & last
ing COSE , SO matter of how
loiS standing your case may be , or
who has failed to cure you , by afew
weoksor months uo of the celebra
ted Wlyrtlcain Treatment.
At home , without exposure , in less
_ rI . _ time , and for LESS money than any
other method in the world. Weak back , Headache , EMISSIONS , lassitude , loss of
spirits and ambition , gloomy thoughts , dreadful dreams , defective memory ,
Imnotonco , impediments to marriage , epilepsy and many other symptoms
lealllnB to'Consumption and Insanity , arc promptly removed by
MYUTLEAINTJlKATnKNT. „ „ . . , . . . , , . „
PERFECT SEXUAL STRENGTH MEANS ; healthy and vigorous offspring ,
long llfo and tbo love and respeet of n faithful iife. . No man should over marry
who bavo been guilty of early iiulcscretlons , until bo lias been restored to .UvK-
FECT MANHOOD. We guarantee a permanent cure in every oasc undertaken.
Send 2 stamps for treatise with proofs and testimonials.
Address The Climax Medical Co , St. Louis , Mo.
Are now offerino-
The greatest bargains ever seen in Omaha
200 OEGANS ! ! 100 PIANOS !
Also great reductions in Diamonds , Jew-
elrv. Clocks and Silverware.
The only importers of Havana Cigars ,
and Meerschaum Goods in Omaha.
Wholesale dealers in Guns , Ammunition ,
Sporting Goods , Notions and Smokers' Ar
No , 386 Holladay St. . , DEHVER , COL
So'.icit Consi uiuonts and gunr-
nnteo quick soles and prompt re
turns. Give nan trinl.
References Brndstrcot's or Duns
Agencies ; and German National
Daulc , Denver.
UBIG CAT nlogao ,
Also IU valuable and reliable re
cipes ( never bafore published , ) auy
ono oi wbicli ia worth 31.00 nnc
from that to 825.00 , and a copy f
the ' 'Cultivator" sent FltEE t (
auy ono that Bends S stamps to pnj
pqstag etc. , J ] comic picture cardi
will also bo enclosed in tha pack
age. Those recipes nro valuable t <
( he household and auy energetic per
BOH knowing the secrets they disclosi
need no ve r wan t for money. E'lensi
write name and address plainly. Pu
3 stamps in a letter aud address i
to the vVESTERN PUB. CO. , bo :
501) ) , Omaha. Neb.
llcv , G. AV , CronB' First Sermon In
tlicCoMgccf > ntloiml Cliuroli ,
Yesterday morning Ilov. G. W , Craft * ,
the no\vly cilled paitor of the 0 onRrega-
tlonnl church entered upon his ministra
tions , hla sermon being as follows , from
the text :
"Joeus Christ , the same yesterday , to-day
nnd forever. " lleb. 13-8.
The world In which wo Hvo la ono of
imitation and change. There Is n con
stant vnmtion in nature. The various
seasons differ ono from the ether , and no
two days nro just nliko. Atonotlino
the earth is robed in its pure whlto
ermine af snow , nnd adorned as no queen
has over been ndorned in its Icy jewels ;
at another tlmo It ii clothed with the
moat beautiful emerald and garlanded
with flowora.
And BO it Is with government ; there la
constant change. And on it is oven with
ourtclves. Now n little prattling child
aronnd the fircsldo home ; then , a silver-
headed sire , leaning upon the staQ. So
it la with ovorythlng. The history of all
things is remarkable for its changes , many
of which bring sadness to our hearts , and
the tear comes welling up to the eye , and
it ecorus refreshing to tiavp our thoughts
directed to the immutability of the Crea
Wo are glad to know that there la
something that Is always going to bo the
same something infinitely precious the
Lord JOSUB Christ , according to the
words of the npojtlo that wrote this let
ter to the Hobrowa.
Ho has been , and always will bo , the
aamo ; touching the boundaries of the two
eternities , the piat and the future , al
ways the same. In my remarks this
monriiiR , in this introductory intercourse ,
I wish to call your attention to n few
points for your consideration , as well aa
my own , In which this vrondotfnl poraon-
ngo lisa been , la to-day , and always will
bo , the anmo.
Consider Jesus Christ in the visibility
of Hit character and works , nnd in con
sidering the subject lot us note In the
first plico that Christ his always baon
the Savior of mankind , nnd ever will bo.
John in , Revelations , apaaka of this
Christ as the man that was skin from the
foundation of the world ; not as the
man who tras crucified on Cal
vary. Would you ask nhon Trns the
foundation of the world made ? "In Uio
beginning God made the heavens and the
earth. " The foundation of the world
was madu in the beginning , and the llov-
clntlous say that Chtiat , the man , was
slain than. It doss not moan that ho
waa at that tlmo made a sacrlGca for tno
nlns of the people. Ho was slain , as it
were , then for the redemption of human
ity , and then ho was given as the Re
deemer of mankind , and the proclama
tion of the true gospel waa sent forth.
It vai then declared that the seed of the
woman should bruise the eorpcnt'o head.
In tlia fifty-third chapter cf Isaiah ,
what a minute and perfect description is
given of the lifa and sufferings of the
Lord Jesus Christ. How true to the
'acts ' he explains Hts history. "Ho wns
voundod for our transgressions ; bruised
'or our iniquities , and with His stripes
wo nro healed. " So perfect is this that
omo of thoaa who are sot
, sldo the inspiration cf prophecy , bavo
declared that It was not written hundreds
f years before Christ , but tint it was
written after these things came to pass.
But the facts are it waa written before
, nd this wonderful Redeemer was r s-
vealed unto Isaiah. Ho was revealed un-
o the prophet Daniel and to the an-
Jesus is the blotsod , glorious Saviour.
Ho will be sufficient for the present , suf
ficient for the future , until the last has
been redeemed.
In the second place Christ ia thp.aamo
spiritually that Ho has over been. Ho is
the clement of power. Ho did not come
to us followed by a powerful army , and
supported with wealth. Ho was born In
poverty Burrounded by the poor and
friendless. In three hundred years the
civilized world , aa it wore , was conquered
and brought to the Saviour's feet , and it
wns done through this element of power
of which wo bavp epnkon.
Again , Christ is the same perfect Ideal
man to-day that ho wns then. The union
of the divine and the human in ono , and
thin it appears to every one , the truth ,
the life , and the way. Study the life oi
the Lord Jcsaa Christ , you cannot holj
coming to the conviction that ho was
somotbinc more than a man. The ngo oi
the werM in wh'.ch wo Hvo is an
age of criticism , and criticism has
done its best in dissecting the character
of Christ , but what has it found thorp' '
jt has found perfection. Looking for sii
nnd error it has found light and purity
looking for failure It has found intinlti
baanty and glorious victory. The bleese <
lamb of God stands before mankind ai
the complete embodiment of all that le
pure and noble nnd good , the suno yen
terday , to-day and forever. Ho slandc
upon the common piano of humanity
The b'ost that wo or any man can do ii
this world is to bo like him in thought
iu word and in action. The highest aspi
ration and purest hope of the Christian
heart Is simply to bo like the Lord Josne
Christ. Ho is f ho Savior of eternal life
as ho 1ms always been ,
" 1 nm the resurroctlon and the life
Ho that believeth on mo , though ho wore
dead , yet shall ho Hvo again. " Ihon
shall bo brought to pisi the siylng
'Dealli is swallowed up in victory. " " 0
death , where la thy sting ? O , crave
where is thy victory ? "
My dear friends allow ino to presen
this savior to ynu , and allow mo In my
ministry to this church to hold up to you
tills Christ that hai been the savior of the
world in all ages. Let us acknowledge
Juaua aa our savior from Bin , as a mighty
element of power In purifying Our lives ,
and In winning souls to the Lord Jeans
Lot us gather around this blessed savior
realizing that In Him alone wo have ;
hops for a blessed future in this life , and
a glorious life In the world to come.
The governor has commissioned the
following additional delegates to corgres
on prlton reforms next JUDO : W. J
Molr , Eldoraj M. H. Westbrook , Lyons
B. F. Clajton , Macedonia ; Septh P
Bryant , Davenport ; P. W. LaweUon
CUrinda ; Albert Reynolds , M. D. , Clln
ton ; Mm. Lonha Hall , Burlington , aci
Mrs. Elizabeth Given , of Des Moluea.
Mayor' * Order ,
I , W. R. Vvnghan , miyor of the cit
of Council Blufl'i , la. , do hereby orde
that every saloon , or place where beer
wine , whisky , eta. , etc , is c'alraod ' to b
for tale , thtt all of such places tnua
clcto tholr front and back doors an
must not sell anything that Is intoi
eating from 8 a. in. to < J p. in , , on Marc
2 , 1885 , any policeman that fails to c
this order obeyed , or neglects to arres
any person drinking liquor on the street ,
or in any manner rofusoi to sao that the
ordinances of our city am fully complied
with , such police oflicets will to immcdl-
atcly discharged from the force.
W. R. VAUOIIAX , Mayor.
March 1 , 1835.
Ida county has a debt of $55,310.
Keokuk draws the color line in skating
Burlington spent $53,993 on her sshools
ast year.
The Catholic chutch at ] Lcmara will
est $ 10,000.
A parly of Oklahoma raiders have been
organized in DOS Moiucs.
The Crcston opera house will engage
10 mora ankle companies.
The spring registry shows there are
,425 voters in Sioux City.
The engineers and surveyors Imvo
ormod a atato organization ,
A Burlington hackmau was fined $50
or getting drunk at a funeral.
Storm Lake has n population of 2,000 ,
lid Is now a city of the ( ccond class.
The Lafco Mills vigilance club bluffed
bo natives into respecting prohibition.
The lots by the bnrnint ; of the 12 am-
) urg plow factory was § 10,000 ; Insurance ,
A Des Molncs school teacher has been
tschargul for reading the "Mistakes of
The TCookult medical college lias just
urned looao forty young "cemetery pro-
Joe Fitzhcnry rebelled against the pop
aw of Kooktik.His goods were confis
cated and ho was landed in jail.
An unmarried Algonn woman is anx-
ouly watching the facialdcvolopmonts of
icr now born baba for n likeness of Its
The Fort Madison & Northwestern
ailroad is getting so deep into the mira
f litigation that an early collapse Is ex-
) CCtCl. (
The railway bridge over Ihe Miesls-
ippi river at Clinton , after fourteen
fears' ' service , Is being replaced with now
ron spans.
A tailor named Miller , doing business
t LoMars , on being accused of living In
riminal intimacy with his step-daughter ,
kipped out.
It la Istlmated two-thirds of the un-
narried women of the state are opposed
o prohibition , They favor the pop law
very tlmo.
The dead body of a man waa found
Thursday last four mllo' southwest of At-
antic. Investigation showed death had
> eon caused by exposure.
Col. Henderson , congressman from the
Dubuque district , Is confined to hla bed
n Washington by breaking out of old
wounds received in battle.
Dubuque has a young amateur skater
amod Mitchell whom responsible sports
wish to back against all comers under 14
ears of ago , for from $50 to $100.
A tramp sot tire to the stables nnd
icds of n farmer living about eight mlloa
west of Webster City , burning up besides
; rain , hay , etc. , some olght or ten head
f cattlo.
The authorities of LoMars have so
ared sufficient evidence to cause the ar-
est of James Hopkins for firing the Ra-
ere house and Plymouth mill a few
veeks ago.
The policeman of Sioux City fired
wonty shots at a colored tramp on the
nn and failed to hit him. On being
eprimandod by the marshal ho claimed
ho target was too dark.
Several able-bodied men have called at
ho ofllca of the Oakaloosa Herald within
> week to complain of the lack of work
nd their inability to provide food and
clothing for themselves and families.
Jim Wilson , a colored duke of Keokuk ,
waa filled with bucithot by his dutiful
top-son , whom ho ordered to "stop that
octet. " The shots were excavated
vithout seriously damaging the old gent.
Dos Molnes is still pegging away try-
ng , with as yet no graat degree of snc-
: ess , to ralso the $50,000 required to se
cure the permanent location of the stata
air. It Booms , so far , to bo a permanent
The Cadar Rapids Gazette tolls of a
voman in that respectable town who lay
n a trance for thrco days , and was only
aroused by one of the neighbors trying
to borrow some brown sugar of the hired
Major Waeson , who lost a pile of
money and a paymaster's commlcslon In
: ho regular army by Indulging iu draw
poker , will locate in Dis Moinee , where
bo has baon given a position In the offices
of the Wabash road.
A Scitt county man of 45 applied for
a llccnsa to marry the 10-year-old daugh
ter of his deceased wife by a former hus
band , only to learn that the expense ol
such a transaction would foot up from
ono to ton years in the penitentiary.
Col. Fred Wolkor , of Musoatino , it is
Baid , will stand as ono of the most prom
inent figures iu the proposed great panorama
rama of the battle of Shilob , represent
ing that part cf the field known as the
hornots' noit , to bo painted by the ar
tist , Paul Lnmcraux.
Mr. John P. Whitney was kindly en
tertained by a nc3 ! young man whom hemet
met on the triin between Des Molnos
and Sedan. When Mr. Whitney awoke
from the sloop induced by the stranger's
whiskey ho dlacovorod the absence of the
nice young man and $700 in cash.
William Spencer , of Carlisle , while
driving into Dos Molnea , was struck by a
locomotive of the Rock Island road , at a
crossing on East Fifth street. His
aleigh waa loaded with jugs , only ono of
which was broken. Neither Spencer nor
his horses received any injury.
There waa a mysterious death near
Vinton last week. A young man , nanje
not given , hed six weeks ago married a
well-to-do farmer's only daughter , nnd
old people and young were happy and
arranging to move to California in the
spring. Thosdny moralcg the young man
had been out doing the chores as csual ,
and came to the house whan his wife
was getting breakfast and asked how
long before the meal would bo ready , and
as it would take a few mlnutjs' tlmo ho
said he would go out and stop a hole in
the calf-stable where snow blow In ,
Soon he was called , but no answer. In a
few momenta the young wifa called agtln ,
and getting no response , wont to look
for him. Seeing hint In the dim light in
an almost kneeling postura In the calf-
stable , as If stooping to look for yholos ,
having stopped the ono he mentioned ,
and she slipped up bohlud him and
clapped her hands on tbo tides of his
fipd , when she found lie wai dead , but
atill warm , hanging by a rope kept for
tying caws while milking them. No
pcmiblo reason can bo devised for the
act , except that ha was playfully adjusting -
ing it about his neck and drew tbo sm'al
rope so tight aa to cause him to lose con
lid\\ I tic Ijntc Iioril Aylc ftril ( Jot n
Modest. 1'arson Into Trotililr.
London Loiter to 1'lii adolphla
Ayloifcrd mod to toll mo about the
iranks ho ployed ou a bashful parsrn who
stopped for a month or ao at ? aokiagton
dunnS his father's lifetime. Joe says ha
I raveled all the way down to London
and spontono whole afternoon knocking
about St. John's Wood trying to find a
voman who would aid him in bis little
oko. Finally ho hit upon an aged
damsel of very easy virtue , whoso career
of ignominy was stamped upon every
'oaturo. Ho instructed her how to net
ind spent two hours , ho says , rehearsing
icr in the part she was to phy , Ho
promised her a rich plum i ( she filled the
role well. Then ho hurried back to
? ackington the Bamo evening. The next
nornlngthofamilyandgnesta there were
loarly a dozen there at the tlmo
lad just finished breakfast and had on-
erod tbo drawing room when the servant
announced that there wns a lady below
vho wished to too Rov. Mr. . 'A
ndy to see mo,1 stnrnperod the young
luroon. 'Itci ca can't b me fioro
nttst bo some mistake. Wh wh what
does she want ? Wh wh what'a her
name Whoisaho ? " '
"Yoj , sir ; eho asked mo if you wore
lore , " replied the servant , "and when I
old horyou wore she seemed terribly ex
cited. 'Tny I want to ECO him and Im
mediately , ' she said. 'Who shall I ( ay1 ?
. aakod her , nnd she replied : 'Toll htm
t'a Marjau ho'll know. I'm his wife ? ' "
At this remark there was constornatlon
amonpr the company. Joo'a sister , who
seemed to have taken a great liking to
; ho young person , said : "Your wlfo ,
Oh , Mr. , I thought jon were un
married. "
"So so lam. There muet ba semen
n m mUtako. M in my wifol M
M Marian. I don't know her. She
mist bo a lunatic. I w w won't ' see
her. "
"Ohl yea , you had bettor BOO her , " said
Jord Ajleaford. "Graham , ask the lady
to stop up. "
The little follow was frightfully dls-
ressod and when the door opened and
ho terrible harridan , all paint , frills nnd
lummory , appeared , ho actually ah ricked
n dismay.
"Sho'a a 1 1 lunatic , " ho cried fran-
"I'll lurm'ic ' you , " said the old witch ,
approaching him. " YouM run away from
mo , will yon , nnd loivo the poor children
tarvlng ? " And as she got cloecr to the
ioor parson she assumed n pathetic tone
ind said : "Oh , Perolval ; Percy , dear ,
.00 little ones ask mo every day , 'Mania ,
whore's pupa will ho never como bask ? "
Have you no heart ? I've searched for
you everywhere.1 "It was getting warm
about there just then. The young
carato looked as if ho were going to have
in apoplectic fit. The company divided
n opinion. One-half resolved that the
tarcon was an arrant knave and the other
bought the woman waa a maniac. The
earl eaid to the claimant : "Go homo ,
ny good woman , and take my word for
t , your husband will follow you thfa very
norning. " Joa whispered to her , "Go , "
and the vonprablo hag departed with the
remark : "Yon had bettor como homo to
rour brata. I'vo found you once and I'll
ind you again if you don't. So remem
ber. "
AylcsFord aaya that the sufferings of
ho poor follow were so terrible that ho
Joe ) already repented of his joke. The
larson loft Packlngton that very day ,
md the same opinion , parhaps , still pre
vails about tbo young man. Some cay ho
a sly nnd wicked , while others declare
; ho woman was a maniac.
Arraignment of an Old Man at DO at
Bait Iinltc.
SALT LAKE , Utah , February 20. A
case In court hera to-day represents the
utterly inefficient way in whioh polygamy
) roECCiitlons have been conducted hero
until within a few months. Thomas
lonogar , of Ogden , was indicted in 1870
when that place was part of this
district. Ho has never been arraigned
; 111 to-day. When ho was called the
prosecution was dnmfounded to see como
forward a maa getting on toward 90 years
of ae ; , but almost doubled over n staff ,
shaking with palsy , and alllicted with
Facial contortions which were at once
ianghab'o ' and pitiable to see. His face
was shaved a la sailor Jack , n short ,
heavy , white beard running from ono oar
to the other around under
the jaw. His gray hair was kept
In place by n violet blue silk
handkerchief passed in a ever hla forehead -
head and tied at tbo back. While being
arraigned ho was required to stand up.
Supporting himself by both hands resting
upon the table , he bowed forward toward
the clerk and the judge and listened to
the reading ot the indictment. His facial
contortions never abated. First , out
shot hla tongue , gyrated a few times , then
rested a moment on his chin and disap
peared into his month , followed , as In
hot pursuit , by a portion of his upper
lip. With tbo exhalation of his breath
the under lip shot out , giving to his face
an expression of supreme disgust at the
proceedings going on. Then the mouth
opened wide , displaying a shattered sot
of falsa upper teeth , which were Instantly
hid by the lipsgoing toQothcrwith a bang
and surging violently up against hla
drooping nose llko breakers against acllll' .
His eyes added rhythm to this poetry of
contortion , which had its sunny lines in
the Instantly forming and fading
Punch-like smile , to bo followed
again by the gloom of opening
caverns. Every obtorvor was convulsed
with the laughter , but aa the last words
in the indictment fell from the clerk's
lips and the old man took his seat the
mirth was supplemented bypity. District
Attorney Dlckson , who had never soon
him befora , after the preliminary pro
ceedings ssid ;
"If your honor please , it is evident
from the advanced ago of the defendant ,
Henogar , and hla extremely decrepit
condition , that , the ends of justice
could not , and would not , bo promoted
by subjecting him to trial and puniih-
ment for polygamy , and 1 therefore ask
that the cn'o against him bo dismissed
and his sureties discharged , "
"Let the order ba entered according
ly , " Baid Judge Xano , and the old man's
counsel whispered in his oar what had
happened. The old man straightened up ,
as though a loid had been lifted from his
ahonldors , and , after a further brief con
sultation with his attorney , loft the court' '
room ,
H , 8 , ATWOOD ,
Plattomouth , - ' - NeDraika
THOtovautiiD siia IIBI
AID DVIOO n ; iurr kio twnri
r ? cnjcr'Klovnlor ( to 11 lloors. 120(1 , ] CM ( nnd 1210 l < "ntnnm Street ,
1409 and UlliDodseSt. f } Omaha Ne-
And Don't JLose This Chance.
: F"oir :
The best opportunity over ollcreJ to try your luck in llioso hard Unties.
In order to clvo the public in genornl tlio nilvantnsco with n mnnU mm of money , to par
ticipate inn real Gcnnnu Money Lottery , RtmnntceJ nml mmctioBoil by thu Gorman govern-
inont , wo offer five wliolo orlgrml tickets which wo have inndo into 10 dilTorunt nuinbcra of the
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nunco Mnrcli 11,1685 , and termiimtoon Mny 13 , 1S5. This Lottery has been for ever 143
years in existence ; has ono hundred thousand tickets niul fifty thotuuuui DUO winning
numbers which is over ono half the nctunl amount of tickets. Kadi holder of tickets receives ,
after the drawings , thu Original Lists , nlso the amount of the pri/o if won. Wo hope , ai wo
give 1C different numbers , that ovcry ticket holder , on receipt of tlio winning lints , will bo
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000 70,000,60,000 , 3i\orO , oto. . Ibnuimllcst l > eiitfll.r mnik. It is of interfs1 ; t'i cjich anil
everyone to in\fft rs si'un .IB poBsllili1 beloto the tickets am Ml B"ld. Ki'imt cither by Post-
office ori'er ' nr draft ntid tickets will KO IorwHid at oncp. Original tickets f the Hamburg &
Brunswick : iud Saxon , constantly on hand. C K. HHUMIOT & CO. ,
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Absolutely Pure and Unadulterated. Entirely Free from FUSIL OIL.
Prof. VON VONIlUIt. writcsi "riirltytmlf ! I montOIiilt Wlilidtvy. I know it to bo '
Duffy's Malt Whiskey , It * the purest liquor tlutt I ! clean and unadulterated. "
lui % e ever analyzed. I mtiet tlici cforu im < iunUllculy Fltr.n. II. NMVKIlHM.n.orRocI tttcTN.Y.
rocoinmend It to tlio mcillcnl profession. " n. graduate of tliolcacltnp Kuroi > oAit collfitt'R. pnygt " 1
I TliolatoHAUVr.V I * . ItYllIK M. P. , President prcbcrlboyour Mull \VM Ucy In my prnctlra here ,
of ttio Faculty , nnd rrofosaor of the Jlnltlmoro Med * oonciiler ft a very tmpot lor reliable nrtlclo and cut )
leal Collcffp. wivas "I Ilnd It wnarkably frco from hcnrllly recommend It In low BtaU'rtaf fevers , acute
fusil oil and other objectionable materials BO often inflammations , nnd deprvHslnp malndlea Ronerally ,
found In tlio whUklen of the present day. and nlao as a tonic In ft'dilo diffcftton ninlpomnl-
' . * . . . Islam.tho c ci-nco fitim nciite cllscnsca , wliem n alcoholic
, ofStntcn
JAMCS'J. O IA. : M.I > BtlmuUnt U Indicated and tfixxUUy : Iu
autlior of soxcinlorksonlnsnnlty , writes : "When 1'uliuoiidlls , " !
I pri'Borlbo an alcoholic Btlmulanf , 1 order your fa-
% * Fonnulti has been prepared especially for us by the great German Scientist , J > r. Ton I'on tiers %
* * * ifcrnn lui nrpnnrcd bv anv fninllv , bouspkropor at slltrltt c xtM'nso ( Haw UoefsU'nk mill our * * *
. ' * " * f F"j - - , . . . . . . . . _ . . .
> l * '
I * * - m 'T" ' 1 TT1 | _ * * beinu of the liiBrcillentfl. ) <
Alter this preparation has been taken for u few weeks , the previously consplcnousl/ -
, , , .tnt bones In patlcnta bUfferiiiK from Consumption and llioinse diseases. Ret covered with a <
V thick coatlnc of fat and miiBClo. the sunken and bloodless checks nil up and nssmnoii rosy line , %
V tlio droonliiR spirits revive , while all thu muscles of the body , ixud chief among them the heart , % *
* 4nro8troiiKcrund better nblo to perform their functions , because of being nourished with a *
* * richer blood than they had been before. In other words , the system Is supplied with moro
* * carbon than the disease can exhaust , thereby giving nature the upper hand in the coiilllct.
* * Sample Quart Bottles sent to any address In the United States ( li st of the Kocky MontiJ J f
V tains ) , securely packed In plain case , Express churycs prcpaM on receipt of S1.2CS.
Cuinings and 20th Sts , , Omaha , Neb.
rtnlill , Window C r , Iion CrutlnjB , UeUlllc Sky.lighll , fco. Tin. Iron md CUt
tMO Bonlb Hth fctienl Omthn Nihiitkk.
101 3 JoneB StT flat J AFK FOR mcsonim I OMAHA WEB