Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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N w You * Onus * , Boon 03 TUIBOHI UUILD-
.Terr morning ,
enly Monday morning dal
lonll . . 6 00 | On. Month
The WeoVly Bee , Publih eJ every Wednesday
TIKUS , rostrtin.
OnsTear. with premium . * \ ? ?
. * "
On. Year , without premium
Bit XI > nthi , without premium . '
One Month , oa trial .
tMtVttl All BiwInesJ U > TIIS Loiters 1'UM.HIIIIO and "n1 > nccl.thu.'JIIb . ? ] ' * .
Krai Is.CheeVs L,1 Port olllofl or lers to b made pay
able to the orJtr ot tlio company.
E. KOSIiWATBIl , KntTon.
' A. II. Fitch , Manager Daily Circulation ,
P. O. Mo * . 483 Omaha , Nub. _ _
CiiKKKls wtll ropiCHjntod at Lincoln
"by the Imuranco lobby.
Wn nro n alu romlutkel that OmBlm
neeelfl a foir inoro lunorala among the
nnd obatrac'ioniats.
IT ia to bo hoped that the alnr-oyod
goctdcM ot reform will visit Omaha thla
opting und cxorclto her Influanco in the
city election.
BILL STOUT tuema to have the floor
just now. His penitentiary bill la the
greatest cfiort of Ms life , oa it IB the
biggest ju-li ho 1m over undertaken ,
UNLESS Churoh Uowo puihoi liis nnti-
Rambltnij bill with as maoh vigor as helms
displayed in hla oppositlonto railway reg
ulation ho will-lay hlmaolt open to jitu-
plcion. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
DR. MILLER'B proaont nddroes la Al
bany. The beat Irish of his friends it
that It will bo "Washington on and nftoi
March 4th , nnd that his tltfo wi'l ' bo P ,
M. G.
IT would bo impoasib'.o to pass ft oltj
charier that would null everybody , but if
is poialblo for the legislature to give us i
charter that will suit niao-tontlncf thi
citizens of Omaha.
TIIAT venerable inoss baok , B. E. B
Kennedy , la ropoitsd to bo among thi
lobbyists who are working to defeat th (
city charier. If the city had a fuw niori
uach nun as ho , it would Boon beeoini
ILko a crab , aud go backward.
IF there Is anything tint will make i
man swear more frequently thuu any
tbinj eho wo know of it is the tele
phorfc , and yet the snpramo court o ;
Ohio has dacld'.d that a telephone com
pany cm remove an Instrument froii
the bauds of any subscriber who in
dulgoa In profanity while ho ij using It
PAUI , EOLMAN. son of the Indian
congrcjaoian , has boon sent to Texn
with a field p rty on a geological survey
This banishment from Washington sociot ;
13 intended as n punishment for his re
cent pugilistic demonstration at a swel
reception. While ho may not make i
dolUr on hi trip , his friends no doub
hops ho will pick up some sense.
SOME of the democrats are at n loaa t
Icnoir how they shall proceed I
order to soouro an oflico. Fo
their benefit wa ' would snggea
that an intelligensa offiso bo opono
iu this city by some experienced ropul
llcan oUico-holder , who knows the ropoi
It soema to us that such an iu&titutlo
might prove quite profitable during th
next two years.
AN English batcher , wholmadevclopo
Into a full-blown ovangellai under th
title and name of Rev. Henry Varley
nnd who la now "doim- " this country
recently gtve St Lima a very livol
turning over , calling it the wickedestcit
in Ameitai , with newspapers whoso inal
object Bfcmeel to bo to encourage crini
l > y publishing over/ morning a full pag
of criminal news. ThoRov. Varloy lit
shaken St. Louis from center to circuit
forenco , nnd the uowurnpora are makin
it so hot for him tlmt if ho ohould retut
there ho would think that thai "wlckedci
city" had boon annexed to the roil in a c
lua satinlc mtjeaty , aud no mistake.
THK Iowa Leader dtnisa the charge <
THE UKK.tLatthadouiocr. tlo Bllkstocklu
8oolotyknowaastho Hawkeye club of Di
Molnot , has made up a n'atd aud asslgne
all the important federal offices in th :
commonwealth. The Leader maintai ]
that the allk Blocking Hawkoyes arc n
a spoils organization , but that their o
jectla to advance the Interests of the who
"J patty end not to aid individual ambltlo
Jf this bo so the Hawkeyes are a mod
club , and their example Is worthy of In
tatlon by the democrats of Omaha. B
vro feel confident that then ) are too mai
democratic Flannsgini hereabouts ev
to organlro anjrclub such as thollawko
claims to be , so long aa there is an oOi
t ' la eight.
RATHCK than have congress rcsto
15,000,000 acres of laud to the publ
domain , the Lincoln Journal would ha
had tha Texts Pacific land grant rjnt
tion-referred to the courta for eottlemei
and thui have the nutter tied up for BO
era ] years longer for the benefit of 0 , . '
Huntlngton niid hla associates , with
hope of their oventaally realizing son :
thing oat of their attempted etc
Meantime tbo { homesteadera nud-lan
asekors would have been kept oat of 02
[ * 750 farms of ICO RCI/JS / each. It won't
ki t , B y that this JanJ la worthloss.for sn
id not the ftot. It will noirly all be u
Zd In the conrie of a few years , and vr
be as productive at other parti cf o
o uatry that wera called dciett lam
bat which to-day are ranVed among t
mcst productive regions of tbo cinti
The appolntmint of Hon. P. E. War
ren , of Ohoyonne , to the governorship of
Wyoming , e coins ( o give general
saUsfitticn to the psople of that territory ,
Mr. Warren has been a citizen of Chey
enne since 1808 , and U one of her loading
busincfti men. lie has held several im
portant poti'ionsof ' trust in the territory ,
and has a good ofGc'al record , It is
hoped tbat hereafter the eiarnpla cob by
Picjldont Arthur in selecting acltizsn
of the territory for chief executive will
bo followed by future presi
dents in oppoititin ? territorial gor-
ernrn. IIerctofcr.s the tstritorlal
olllois luvo been looked upon as the
legitimate pltmdcrofp'ayed'OUtpolltViana
in the ititoi , titul while tome good mm
Imo bein given plaos In the territories ,
a hrgo number of hacks hive been foUtid
upon the people. Wo cannot sao uny
rjcaon , except precedent , why a I'cun-
anian , for instwiicc , ohould bo sent
out to Idaho to givern , or misgovern , the
pocp'c of tlat territory , or why the
stitoi of Nobratki and lovia should have
claims upon the gubcrnatori 1 chairof Wyo-
min ; , or why a Chicago editor should ban-
die the rdlus of government for the Dako-
B , or why a gentleman from the blue-
grisueglon of Kentucky should ba made
governor over tbo Mormons and Qenliloc
cf Utah , or why a Now Yorker should bt
oleva'ed as chivf executive over the lion ,
tiutans. There is in every cno of UK
territories just as good gubernatorial lin > .
ber ai thera Is iu.any of the s'atss. Thort
la just about m much practical sanuo ii
the old plan as there would bo iu a propo
sltion to elect James G. Blaine , of Maine
as senator from Illinois or Oregon. Wi
bolio7o In giving the territories the privilege
lego at least of having their federal ofllcei
filled by their own citizens. It stands tc
reason that a citizen of a territory knovri
tha wants and wishes of the people mud
bettor than eastern carpet-baggers , wh <
nine times out of ton are more devotee
to the acquisition of political plunder
dor than they are to the in
Icreetj of the public. The mei
who h vo been the pioneers of clvllizntloi
In the western territories , and who hav
undergone the dangers and hardships o
frontier life , are the ones who arocntitloi
to control territorial affairs and to oojo ;
the benefits arising from the few falern
ollicos. AVe bsllovo that it wou'd ' bo'n [
more than foir to nllow the territories ( t
express by ballot their choice for goyei
nor , subject to the president's appoint
mant and the senate's confirmation. 0
course the choice would necessarily hav
to bo of the
same political complexion n
the administration In order to secure appointment
pointmont and confirmation.
ACUOKDIKO to good legal opinion n
election of eouator cm bo had in the I1II
nois legislature without one party havin
the assistance of one or more of th
opposite party. There are now i02 dome
crats and 101 republicans , and it is not
ees y to have 103 votes to elect. It I
eafa to eay , therefore , that no elcrtioi
will bo had until the vacancy , caused b ;
the death of the republican represents
tivo , Logan , ia tilled by an election In hi
district , which cannot bo held befor
March 21. A republican will bo electo
to till the vacancy , and cona (
quontly there will bo no change i
the situation , and If both partk
continue to hold out until the end , tli
governor will eventually bo called upo
to appoint the senator for Illinois. I
that event Governor Oglesby woul
probably appoint John A. Logan. Th
situation l indeed a curious as well t
an Interesting one. Sitlig , who has d <
ohrad that he will not vote for a dorr
ocwt , nor far John A. Logan , has it I
his power , when the place of Repr <
scutativo Logen is ngaln filled , to mak
either Logan or Morrison senator if h
chooses to go back on his dcclar tiot
If , however , ho maintains his present atl
tude throughout the contest , ho will the
give L gan the chance of appalnimei
by the governor. In thla way ho en
make Log\n senator without voting L
him. Wo believe that ho will purei
thia course.
THE defeat of Kehoo'a bill rcqnlrir
thu railroads to furnish donblo-dockc
cars , was an outrage. Under the prc
ent system tbo shippers of hogi and shoe
cannot chip mora tbau ton thousan
pounds of sheep or hogs frhllo twenl
thousand pounds of cattle can l > o shippc
in a car , for about the cnme price. Th
discrimination makes it almost impoaalb
for sheop-ralfiors to ship their sheep
market. Eaat of Chicago doublo-deeki
cars ore fnrnlahod by nearly all the rai
roads , and there Is no good reason wt
the railroads of Nebraska should not 1
compelled to do the eamo thing. But
seems that any railroad legislation
Nebraska Intended simply to do justice
the people it doomed to defeat , partict
arly if tho1 Senate has the power to be
> r
It , aa it did In this case.
THE Illinois legislature ban been
aeeslon fifty-three days , and nothing
the way of legislation baa been accor
pliehed , aa the time hns beenexpended
the contests over the tpoakorship a1
senatoishlp. It Is claimed that the cc
to the state BO far is $100,000 , and oat
legislature is liable to remain In HSM !
until July 1st , the expense will probab
footnp $250,000.
Doo. MIDDLKTON , Lykdiis &
Llewellyn are now fighting their c
Littles over again. They are , howevi
firing at much longer range than th
did some years ago in the prairie gra
of northwestern Nebraska , and thi
newspaper wads are lees dangerous th
hadon bullets ,
STAH-CHAMDEU proceedings conduct
by such men as A. J. Hanicom , Geor
E Prltchott , Mr , Gilbart , partner of
E. B. Kennedy , J , M. Woolworth , and
others , representing the shoot railway
and tax shitkera , and whcss object is to
defeat the new charter , will not meet
with , any endorsement at the bunds of
tbo people , who want publia affairs dis-
ousted In public. They do not want any
secret session , but open dooM , and hence
the inns maotlog this evening at the city
hall , when an equilihow will ba given to
every man to express hia view.
Too MUCH care cannot bo exercised by
cleo'nc light companies If they wish to
avoid being assessed for Injuries caused
by ntgligenc ? . An employe of the Den
ver cluc'ric light C3tnpany , who wai in-
juml by a shock caused by a current
carcletsly sent through the wires while
he was handling a lamp , has obtained
judgment for 55,500 , nnd in all proba
bility the verdict will bo sustained by
tbo supreme cauri on the ground that
the compony la liable for the negligence
of Its employes.
ISN'T that street jail way company
going a little too fast iu the matter of
attempting to obstruct the material inter-
oita cf Omaha by Its effort to defeat the
city charter ? There Is such a thing of
ovordoiug the lobby business. The
street car folks evidently don't ' know
when they are well off.
GLEN KENDALL was on the wltnesi
stand at Lincoln on Thursday , Jnci
dentally tome one oughtto have
aalicd htm when ho is goinf
to return that big safe , which ho bor
rowed from the reform school for the uas
of hit bank.
IT would seem from our Lincoln correspondence
rospondonco that the Omaha chattel
troubles luvo been satisfactorily adjusted
In that event the mass meeting called fo :
this evening will probably b ° abandoned
CLEVELAND'S cabinet will bo trans
ported to Washington like any other car
load of furniture , in "knock-down1
shape , and will not be set up until nex
Now that wo have got the Washingtci
monument off our handp , it strikes u
that the Statua of Liberty ought to b
a boast.
While the American republic ia on th
eve of a political epoch , which involves
radical change in her administration
Great Britain Is approaching a crisis tha
will probably culminate in the downfal
of the liberal ministry and the advent o
tbo torlea at the helm of government
The debuts on the motion of Sir Station
Northcota to censure the government fo
its conduct of Egyptian nffairs will bogii
on Monday in the house of common !
and if thia motion carrloi by a dcciiiv
majority Mr. Gladstone and hia cablno
will bo forced to tender their resignations
Mr. Gladstone h extremely unfortunate
nato in that the disasters which have ovoi
taken the British forces in the Sot
dan should happen at
time when ho was about t
suore the greatest triumph of hm politic ;
career by consummating the mcaiuro fc
extending the franchise reform In tplt
of the most desperate opposition on th
part of the lords. At this critical jum
turo the publication of General Gordon
lut'crs ia moro than ever unfortunate fc
Mr. Gladstone. The English public I
just now in a condition to attach muc
more weight to General Gordon's word
than Intrinsically bolouga to them. Th
tragical death of the writer makes hii
appaar in the English eyes a martyr t
thu English c&uoe , though it would h
much moro accurate to describe hii
as a martyr to the cause <
Egyptian rale in the Soudsi
There is no usj ia arguing with n peopl
laboring under the excitement which no
800U18 to pervade all England. Thia ox
citouunt ! H shown , not only in the cli'i
aivo enthusiasm which attends the dopai
turo of troopj for what is expected to I
next autumn tha coat of war , but als <
and even moro forcibly , in the sllonco c
all the poisons ard pretscs from which w
might expot to hear pro-.oits ogaiuat th
war of vengeance that Great Britain hi
Ono of the remarkable incidents of tt
Egyptian campaign ia the fact that then
lief of Gen. Guidon and thoachievemen
of the objects of the campaign were fra
tratod by ncforteen circumstances Irivi
within tnomsdlves but terribly fatal I
thdir consequence. Throe days more i
loyalty on the part of Gordon's oflict :
and men at Kbartoam , and the goycn
mout would now have been riding tl
crest of a great wave of public npplaus
and Wolaeley moro than over the tnllltci
idol of the British people. Trcichei
which Gordon himself did not fear ar
which no man could foresee has demora
izod the whole British campaign In tl
Soudan , disconcerted the policy of Glai
atone and hii associates and sot tl
civilized world to heaping abase apt
men who are the victims of an accidcn
Ono would think to read the odltoria
and dispatches in the American preia
to hear the clamtr of the London pop
lace that Gladstone nnd Wolaeley he
played the put of fools from first to lat
that they had failed in plans and iu the
execution , and that the difficulties of tl
present situation in the. Soudin mlg
justly bo charged to England's ' greate
warrior , and even moro to her greate
statetman. All this cornea of Gordor
betrayal by his truated oflicei
Until Khartoum fell by treachery all w
going well with the Brlllch expeditii
and WoUeley'a plans and Gladitom
purposes vrera shaping events with r
markable proclaloD. It mutt be remot
bored that the conqaest of the Bonds
or oven the overthrow of the Mahdi , w
not contemplated when the Btitiib e :
pedition up the Nile was organized at
ret in motion. Its purpose was ( imply
break throngh the ill-armed forces whii
had hemmed in Gordon at Khartoum at
make it potsible for tbat heroic officer
evacuate the Soudan with It's faithf
troops and such a part of the people
Kbartoum aa might with to lo\ve. It w
contiderod possible that in fighting i
sr y to Khartoum Lord Wolauloj
little army might BO demoralize tl
mahdi'a followers aa ti make It easy f
Gordon to hold Khartoum and the yilli
of thoNllo north of that'city without
further aid , and no s vo a part of the
kbcdive's once great empire south of
Egypt. This was nl. the work laid out ,
and the mentis taken to accomplish it
proved quite sufficient. Woheloy m do
his wty up the Nl'o as ho had phnucd ,
aud lesa than a tbird of his twops thowed
themselves sotliclent to light their nay to
Gubnf , where G.nhn's etomors wore
awaiting their arrival. On the way they
Inflicted two severe and demoralizing
defeats upon llu Mahdl's troops , and a
" Ho detachment cctually reached Khar
lum Now supcose that that the situa
.on there had been found as Glnditono
, nd Wolsolny hai a rfght to txpnot it to
e , would the Tory outcry now bo ro-
eated on thla sldo of tha Atlantic and
ho Liberal miuVry bo In danger of over
'urow ? Not by nny means. Gonlon's
led mcssnpo had expressed confidence
i his ability to hold his prsitlou Into
ebtuary with little difficulty , aud per-
.aps much Irngcr. When lost heard
om Khartoum , ( he island in front of
: io city , and a ptsi acres ) the Uluo
file , wcro all in Gordon's
oscs3lon , and ho had an abundant sup-
ly of arms and ammuuitlon , while tao
lahdi was ill ptovidcd with either. But
or the chsntjo wrought by trcaohoty Col.
Vi'Bon's ' steamers , on reaching Khevtoum
anuiry L'8 ' , would have found a flotilla
.wailing . thtir arrival and a forcrcsa to
craivo tluir troops. Gordon's ' garrison
ould hnvo recovered their contidcnco ,
d dismay would have fallen
, pen tbo rcbjl camp Who
ould doubt the triumphant end
[ Wolsjloy's cxpodillou under sush
ircumninncet ! The advauco from Korti
f the mnln force , the capture of Motem-
ich , an easy progrcaa up the Nils to
tbnrtuuru , and the final rout tf the
ilnhdi'a foress by the British , reinforced
> y the garrison cf Khartoum , would have
olio wed ti a certainty , nnd hostile critics
would have boon silenced by the logic of
jventa. Troachnry tuined tha tide , and
ho whole situation , political and mill-
; ary , is utterly riifftraut from that exist-
[ sting up to tLe laet week of January.
The French army Is gaining no glory
n the contoet which is so wearily drag
ging on In the Orient. There were few
anrels tD win In a war which wai con
demned from the outset by the French
people and the world at largo ai im
olitic end unjustifiable , and the ptoio-
cutlon of which Is continued in a par-
'unctory way in order to save the na-
ional prestige tco tovero a thook.
Meanwhile the operations of the French
forces have aroused comparatively little
attention in the world to say nothing
> f sympathetic interest. The fooling
oward Franco , instead of being that of
moral support , is that oho was wantonly
interrupted the commerce of other
nations'and entailed heavy losses upon
'Individuals by carrying on anuurighteout
war.Tho cruelties said to have been praa-
icad by the soldiers of Gen. Dn 1'Ialc
jpon the Ch'neco ' prisoners at Kelnng
will only intensify the world's abhor
rence of the contest. It ia reported tbat
ho wretched Chinese who fiavo fallen
nto the hands of the French have been
put to death by the bayonet whenever
they proved too weak from lack of food
to work open the fortifications. Thia
saemi too atrocious for credence , but If
t bo true tuo fact affords a good rea'on
'or the judicious intervention of friendly
powers , m h n view to ending a contest
which Franco ought not to have initiated.
The St. .lames Gazette , London , ra-
cont'y ' gave a detailed statement of cir
cumstances showing tbat llupsia has de
signs on Biitleh' India. While it IE
possible that the circumstances which the
Gsz'.tto regards as suspicion ! are not
really indicative of Russia's present In
tentions , they show a condition of affaire
that may in the end Invite attack , llusain
hai from 100,000 to 200,000 troops whicri
can easily bo spared for a descant or
India. It has established finch relation ?
with Afghanistan that no apposition need
bo expected from that quarter. The
British army iu IndU is coia
posed of 10,000 British troopi
and 40,000 Sepoys. The latter de
acrlptlon of troops are generally faithful
wlun their proparlion to the who'o Is nol
too lorge. They are natives who have on.
terodthe invader's service on the princlplf
that as the invader was there and likely
to remain , they might as well profit by i
condition of things they are powerless t (
prevent. It Is not probable that Ru sli
will move against Ind a while England ii
engaged In convincing Egypt that E
Mahal is Indeed a false prophetThi
people of Ind a might not acrcpt a changi
of musters so readily if El Mahdi shonlc
bo Bucaoasful iu Egypt. Wo may there
fore accept the disclaimer of the Husfifai
government of any Intention of ccnpjln ? ;
flerat us sincere.
The campaign In Eaypt has been i
very caet'y ' one frr England. It was nl
ready known that in the ranks the mate
rial vcns not nearly so gocd SB it wn
twenty years ago , and that the officnr :
had to takoextraordinaiy risks ia ordc
to keep tlieir men up to the front ; bit
inch a slaughter of loaders as has booi
witnessed during the preeent campaigi
Is utterly wi-hont precedent. There an
few armies of which It might bo snld , B
of any of the hos's which did battle fo
the Union , that if every commlsslonei
officer wore swept away the army wouli
remain in vlpor undlminlahed. And th
AnRlo-Eyptisn army Is one of thos
The attack of the German ironclad
upon the settlement at the Cameroon
will bo regarded as a barbrona way of be
gfiming the work of colonization. If th
reports of the bombardment are to b
credited , the British government wll
probably tind Itself in ( trained relation
with that cf Germany In consequence o
the destruction of the property of Eng
llsh traders. Great Britain at any rat
is not in the habit of quietly snbmittln
injustice of any lort upon her subject
when it is practised by foreign power *
In this instance the attack upon peaccfi
people seems to have beenboth cruel an
Bismarck grows moro fiery every daj
His undignified * ebullitions In the Reich
etagjaro now so common as to have al
most loit the spice of novelty. A day o
two ago he wis arguing in favor of raisin
the duty on wheat , aud worked hinue :
into a paatlon at the noise made by th
opponents of the measure who got tc
gather In consultation. Unparllamenl
ary language was freely used by him on
his antagonists ; the legislative halls wcr
tarnod into a bear garden , and the deal
enlng tumult was difficult to snppresi
Unless Prince Bismarck shall euccce
bettor than ho has of late In keeping coc
under provccst'oo ' , he ia likely one c
theeo days to tuffr an apuplectlc strok
In coneequenco of his Irritability.
A Successful Farmer ,
David DIckson , a prominent Georgl
farmer who died last Wednesday o
> r Jpnenmcnu , leaving a fortune of half
y million , wai raised on a f rm , and whll
juito young was a close observer and di -4
covered what ho considered wore fatnl
arrow on the pirt of farmnr * . At twen *
ly-Dno year ? of a o ho ttatcd with $1,200 :
in fourteen snccafldinR years ho cleared
? 25COO. In 1815 ho Invoitid all his
means in lands , negroes , stock , and op.rl-
cultural tools. Ho purcbnitil slxty-tU
acres in Qaniock county , for which he
paid CO cents an acre. lie wai
wondetfully successful , and land nbouv
him increased greatly in value. At the
opening of the war ho was worth half a
million dVhrj , every cent of which was
made on lib plantation. During the war
ho delivered to the confuloratu govern-
m nt100 bole-a of cotton , taking his pty
ifyb-rnds , which were never paid. Alter
the lust year of the late var ho planted
no cotton , but raised provisions for the
army , for moit cf which ho received no
( ay , not even in confederate money , lie
r\uit > d fifty Eo'cct negroes , who were
worth fifty per cout moro than Ilia
avenge. Gen Sherman burned -tOO
bales for him and lo.ik all his f tojk nnd a
higr > amount of provisions. His profits
unilff the now system of labor were
tmillor , but ho lini undo money every
Two AVIVPH , Tiili-ty > slOhltilrcn nml
(100 Ijivhi DcM.'eiuImtts.
Martin IT. Blanchard , of Blooming-
dale , Morria countN. . J. , died on Jan
uary 2 ! ! , Bged IU JOUR. Iho Boouion
Bullotla cays :
'lie was fiwt married in 1805 , at the
ago of 1-t yens , to Sarah Bench. Hip
first child , a daughter , wss born whan he
wo B lifter n years old. ller ntimo wan
Elizabeth. She married Henry Vanelcr-
hoof , who died during the past yocr at
Denville , fgod 84. When Blaucbard wae
10 j cars aud 0 months old ho was the
father of twins Abnor and Aaron both
now living iu Morris county , at the age
> f 77. There were afterward born tc
lim by his first wife tixtecn other chil
Llren , making nineteen in all. His firs !
kvifo dlodfln 185' ) . Do afterwards mar <
: led a woman named Yonmans , of Ruck <
away township.
By this wife ho had eleven children
ho youiiRCBt , Martin , ia now about 2 (
, , -fats of ago. The oldetf grandchild ci
II. Blanchard , the subject ef thia sketch ,
was a daughter of Eli/abeth Vanderhoo !
hia fint child ) , and wae born before hci
jrandfathor was 30 years of ago. Hei
name is now Jaeobns , and she has throe
grandchildren , who are married and hav <
children. Mat tin H. Blaiichard'a chil
dren in all numbered thirty-six or thirty
Bfven. During the war , when Murtu
H. Blanchard was 7 't years old ho Bald hi
had enough male descendants of hla own
including thojo who married into hii
family , to make a company of 100 able
" > odied men. In the year 3872 his do
leendauU numbeicd about 300 , and a
ho tlmu of his death they probably uum
bored 000 or 700.
Old I'rovcrliM with Xcw Faces ,
Every hack has Its pack.
Homo ia the rainbow of life.
Men love women ; woman love a man
Egotism Is an alphabet with one letter ,
The surest road to honar is to dotervi
A white lie often told makes a blacl
The want of money ia the root of mud
If you'd know a man's character follov
him homo.
Only whijpur scandal and its echo i
loard by all.
They who live In worry invite death ti
It's a poor musician -who can't blow hi
own trumpet.
Ho who would oat the egg must firs
break the shell.
It's not tha clock with the loudest tic !
tbat goes the bast.
Don't complain of the baker until yoi
have tasted his broad.
Infantile Bfocd Purifiers andSkii
Willie usitiffnurCutlcumfor chamicd hands
oormrcd to mr to try It lor dandruff , fr
eutlctu I n ureat , doal.nTiJ it rot only tpeediij i
tilt ) Jiuulrufl , but itbtouil the hair to u liiye r.l
Bpor ) > icUou < ily < mIrcly dcatltutool hair. It U no1
au luili In Itni'tli. JOUNII. PMIKK ,
Matter bj kJoin E. Chase , " Boston Harbor ,
Your Cntlrura Ucmo In are Juslly receiving gror
cogijlt'on The nilntrs Una thu C'utlcurn Boa
eplcndl'l lor clean IIIK tlio ( kin , and those who hat
lor jfjrspiidcruj from eoio handacaauot nay enoufc
liiliril'C nf It and Cutlrara
C. DUDDEE , ScroBclJ , Cul.
I < mo been uelaR the Cutlcura Soap ( or Chappe
Jlinda and Iliid It sUts better eatln'a tlon and op
rat mora < | Ulckly ttananjiilri | | { 1 ha\o ovcritriei
K iiulltI | and L'clicuto | uiiumo ricon
inciid It ay a most dcslmllo BOBI ) .
W. F. I'AKKElt , Chatlottcsburf , Ky.
I waiBlch n longtime and tried ftorrral doctor
They could not do inoany good , and then I trie
Cutlcura Itnnrdlea and they cured me. They ai
olnft a K'eat dial cl good ltd In country.
11. SALLEK , Cornlslnllle , Ky
T Haveusod your Cutlcura Hemcdlea with ( 'ood i
sultl ( or bcrolula and Scalp Dliease for a number
yearj. H K. KAULKNHIt.
Hornellsvllle , N. Y.
Your Cutlcura Boap 1 pie crlbo In ail cruntloni
the tkln and It worki like migln.
T. H WfllTINO U. D.
M Central Uiulo Hall , Chicago , III.
Sold erery where. Price : Cutlcura , to cent
Boip,26 cenla. Iteuolrent , tl ,
Pomt DBDQ AMD CUUUCAL Co. , Bo TOf ! ills * |
u.a ill Linen , KJTH
Uo"ngi " AMD Exttrlors.
CAHM BROSA.8janH forOoudi
[ SCOCI380RS TO } 0Ul 0. JACOBS )
At the old itaad 1417 Faroam Bt. Crdert by tel
graph wlidted and proaipy attended to ,
n O \X-rtom $5 t SACOO. In eum to Hilt V\- \
JL nanclal c\rhit > se U Sfatnam. S 2 m2 < p
M OMF.Y LOANRP-J T. lUatty loans onchotttl
13S Uthet , Up t lr .
Ti lon on cord tccuilty b ) Ilallou llrn ,
outh ISth St. 4'li t
\ \ ONKV TO T.OAN 1 hare roonfy to lo n on lin-
III proMilctly iiroprttv In any amount * to tult ,
at roaiionaUo ra'ca W.'ll. Hotter , 14Ci
01 tr Mot r'g hco atoro.
iu ivAlIu suiuaol COO and upward .
M O F. Pivli and Co. , Hcil Kstitc and 1 > oan
larcain Bt. CC7 t (
ONKV loaned on ch'ttols. lUllroad TtoVvIa
M bcught and told. . Foterntn , SIS IS. ISth
* ( rood ic lah'p man wro undfr ti\n > l <
ciio ( her raio dilxoddi\cry ntRfii aM'Ko
mtm pretencj. M K. Mnttln 416 tl
WANTKD-Tvmily s hocUioy and ulrhtn Sat-
t ) urdav dom 10 to 120catfl . ot nitc , on m > ko
ion' * aic and bo tcnor Ichuol on AtoiuUj . lp-
1101 lli. lid St. 31-S7p
id eeiitlcnicn tu > llrlt ( or
light p'ci nt nnd proBUhlo articles. Apph at
met Nu. lUDlI.\vinl St 413,1
\\7ANTit : > Twenty bojn ml RliU trom 10 to 50
IT ) o raclnRcI ptimnt nddroso , can make
ncn' < v > KH Apl | ) 110Dllo ard. 411 Sp
'AN'TKD-AgoodpIrl ( or ( fcncral house wort ;
\V2 '
\\fANTi.n-Tratcllin : salesman. O'IK ! p\x.
> > Innilt , Joln | a Co. , Koom SJ Onulit N < -
lonal Hank imlkliiiK' .
\\rANTKl > At the Empire steam laundry , l
\V clothf , thirls a-d plain lr < ncr < 1110 and
[ toke Kt. /l-oabiiy ( torn 15 to 2,1 , who mild
iuarkor airtilolhc * . 33M ! !
\\TANTKI > Aflrstcl s ? loller maker to wbom
> Bt aily implojmrnt wll bo nhrn tremnnt
Foundry ami Machine ! C > . , Frcinont. Nelir. 231.2
\\7'\NTK1) A flrtt clft'e live tur-Uuro palcsma'i
IT cno lnh s had cxrcrltncc ; no tthcr but a
AC , ldo nwnlvU 111.111 nted appl ) ; M. K. Mtrllu.
_ 8SSt' '
\\TANTKD-A flrat chis blao mltb , to ttlicni
II good wiKesand ttcady oir.plojiiHllt will bo
clten. A < ! d c ( Fremont Foundry V Machlno C.\ ,
Fremont , Neb. 350 tf
D lmmcillati'ly , two Raltanltcd Iron
T wrrkcrs. at the Union Sleek Yards , Omaha ,
" \\7A > fTEDRents ( or our new book , good pay
Vl to workers Caller ftddrctsQoo , Hunter , 1812
Durt St , Omaha Neb. 11 fi-m 4p
'ANTKD ' Good lite iollcltors Address Mutual
W Hull Insurance Co. , Stewart Nob. (85-linp
TTrANir.D ByavounRinan ihol notalrald ol
work.o filuitlon of any Und , can nuke him.
Mr Morfiil ahAiifc a grocery ntorn. AddrciH"0. P. "
Bou olfco. 400-2Sp
VTrANTED-Stu ! tlon bv a thorniiRhlj nllablc
Tl man watchnian or fireman ; cnj relcicncct
ortccurlty pltcn Addicts . O , Hi e ftllcu ! l is
"ITITANTED tltualion hy ounKglrl to Jo tow.
W lrBinprl > atiamUlcs. ( Addrtss "M K. P. '
Bee offlco. 3J42gp
OUUR married znia wants situation as Book
keeper , In wholesale istabllsbmenli In Orcaha
Aridrnm "O " ' nr- Urn SOI K
T\7ANTKD * ( urnlshfdhntelln nli\o to > n tin !
Vl commitnds Ihubti3t ttadc , oUo a Bltuitlmi tt
run a hotel b > a nan ol Z5 j cars experience. Addrcfi
H. " Bee dike. 4CO 5p
Ilygentleman and wife , room aril
KO-I\ \ board , or 3 furnl-hrd rooms ( or liRhl
hoii'o keeplu ) : noirtusliusscei tcr.ln stti > tl ) piitat (
ninly , tclertncun. Addrixa with prlru , W. It ( Ilr >
AXfANTEU lly a lady , an unlutnlsbtd Iron !
II rooui , where there arorn other rouxirt * . Ad
dress TJ. K thin olllCf. 407-2p
\\77-N KD 108 llacodtctlou o ( ell U S. and
11 ( orclgn coliis , cntap. C. A. UogcTS , all )
14th St. , o.ty. 3IS28p
AA/'ANTED U\erv bdy In need ot asetlnRma
11 chine , to see the uuw Imprctcd Air it lean Xo
7. P. U. Hodman & Co. , aguiki ; 203 N 10th. 3 3st
Ladloi and ( rtntl-mcn to take nice
I Ight , pleasant uoik atthdr own hnmeg ( did
tanco EO objccton ) ; woiksent by mall ; 8Mo ? 5 t
day can be quletlv made ; nocan\o > .aiijr ) I'lctread-
droes ftt o.-ce , lUlliblo Mun'lg Co. , I'hibdclpbln
I'a. Box ItOS. 250 28p
VTt A Nl ED LadleHatd gentlemen In cityorcmin
VV try to lake light work at their 011 hone. S31 <
$4 a day easily made ; ncrk rent by mall ; no canvass
Ing Mo hav u Rood demand lorourwork and lurm t
tttcady eioplojmcDt. Addrtes with stamp , CItj\V >
M'F-U. COllPAhY. 291 Vine St. , Cincinnati , Ohio.
113 111 4p
F I OR KKNT 4 STall hoiieNIOto$10pcr month
Halloa Bros. , 317 South 1 Mat -l'Jl-2
F OH KENT Anpluidid corner store on Cumltif
St , , 2\eo ! ! sultalilo tor grocery or aiy other bus
Inctis , also an oUgint light rUHCiner.t ena bbck ( ron
I'obtolliro. good lucatlon ( or bather ( hop or an ;
other light businets Moitc & , Uiutner. 817-27
A four room house , with cclhr
1 closets and out kitchen ; Slf.60 per mouth. I'.L
quire 613 Nlut nt. P. J. Cretdon 8l7t (
10K llENI-CottJgo at 1718 Dodijo street.
F 271U
RENT Store on CuinmiDgs St. , with rconr
lor family. J , Kline , 1318 Uuuclaa bt. 2vO-mi :
FWIl HVNT New brick houB * , 11 roomi" , moderi
linpiotcinents , No. t2 N 22d at. Inquire 211
California ft 16/tt
In Jll H'NT-Ncw cotttgc , G rooms. J. ftipns Rue
1 1512 8. Ctliet. OiStt
FOR HEM' Nice 6 room cottage coiner 24th am
ln\nijiort street. Apply to i : . 11 , Chapman
1217 Howard St 8D3tf
F Oil RENT A grod krlckjard. Apply at M (
os. , opp. 1'otti Illco. 3 > 7-28p
Foil ItENT A now sight room house. Enquire (
11 rj. E. Iloddls.6th , btt lla > ei pott and Lhl i
gostf 79lt (
RENT 1 single Itnnlftud and 1 iinlnriiltlic
looms with bay window and clotet , 1617 Ihlcagi
419 24 ( >
F Jll RENT Front room svitablo ( ortwogentli
men 1505Oj'itol [ ' ave.
IpOR KENT Two nlrely ( uinlsheil ro mj.onc wit
1 two licdd , suitable ( or two or ( our gentlemer
Odd Hullo block , room No. 2. 417-2 |
OR ItENT 1 luiiilihed front loom , 190 ! ) Fa
cam tt. 102-8ii
FOIl HENT Nlctiyturtlthed roou 723 southlSt
street. S:0-2Sp
- ' room suitable tor two c
tour gentlemen , 1823 Dodge Bt. 4tl-3p
FOR RENT Furnished loirca , 1010 Howard > t.
i OH UENT FurnUhcd rtcm. Icijulre el J , I
' Wilbur , Omaha ralrui Uank. 376 tl
OR RXNT-6 rooms over Htoie. H. McManui
F 418 N lethSI. S8G-2T
F ° 111 KENT Furnlihcd front room 1DC4 rarnam ,
FOR RENT-Furnished or unlurnbhed room an
furniture ( or talc , ut 8 W oor Ibth and Iiard ti
FOR RENT Nicely ( urolihe- ' room with beat
( or one or two gentlemen , 1612 Farrmm. S62U
FOR RENT-A nicely ( urn'ihed ' front parlor will
rroderu lirproverrcnts ( or gentlemau and wile
dist-olaiH table botrd , 20CO Ottt Et. 858-tf
Il RENT A suite ol very detlrable ! u-nhme <
front roots i , 8 E cor Chicago au i 20th ti , on
block from red cir Hoc. 3 < 0-28p
'II ' UKNT Smithed rooum , 1C5 , N 18th it.
* ! 2-27p
\ ! IlKST Fuinlebed and nnlunlihed roorni
F\Ol board. IIoUl , Capitol a > e. and ISth ( t. Mr
L. W Hald. aiO raar20o
F I OK KENT Two rooms at tS. Alio email liom
per month , 1613 llomid , S47.(8 ( |
F > 0ll HET Suite it urnltbe < l rocmi , 1C18 Call
' ( ornia tt. Uri A. Cildnrwood , 270-t (
PUR KENT-Two undimlBtud rrxiuiBKuitableo
Ight housekeeping , lieemn'sLk-ek.oor. Sth am
Ollward tU. 102tt
FOIt KKNT Mocly luroUhwl lootni at 1713 Cat
St. I6M.I
IOOM 1\i Ltl tj.riuiio uiUf tltjiv , cor , lOtl
L ltuln. - -
17 90J'fewu ' ! > J"I- < "Wc or wiour.
J.VU .
bt. Chaileg IInUl. fl39't
1 011 IlKNT-For light hoiifckMrlnfr , lo room * .
tutnlshed tor that pmpode , S. W. cor fth aue
OH RKhT at 1810 lV > lco it.
FOR RENT- Two elrgmt roomt Iu liedlck's block ,
Paulson & Co. , 1518 Fainam , pit-tt
17011 SAI.V A rlianco ( or iniklllnnilty , n complcto
1 hni.c keeping , , mtnt clie p , houno tcr tent ,
nne loeallt ) . Aply | SIS l ticiiwotth bt. 405-581'
1Ol ! \1K-Iloii < n Mid lot on 19lh St , Iwtwfcn
IcMcnnrnithtiul MKIII , Inquire at U. A.
LlndqUCit ISlO rainmn St 421 ti |
iMH8AlK-A l auttti' ' jl" " ' t ! lund i-enr city
I ImlK Currliigtt , AbMit 7 acres will VowM ( or
$0.'iQter acre-Ill * Ii a biigaln , lhl < Nnd adjoins
nloltlcni wl eii > sliiglo lutt nio pclllni ; ( or fvi ) to
1(100 ( inch , and ! tnu.'h t l.-cr lilid. C. K. UMIICI , S
W cor 15ih neil Fannni. -100 ! 7
1 , 011 SAIiK A toroad html ncwIng machlnn rheap
( or rath , lujulio at Iteootllcu. S'iMt
Ij OR SAl i : second timl ten hoino | o or , up
right In ller and cuslnu , In cOi'd coniUtlon ; low
foro-di Clias. S. I'ocr , 1W S Utbst , Omaha , Neb.
3S7 tt
1JTOH SALE Three i-trrj building on the best cor.
J ; ncrlot In Hehutlrr , nt < | io < lto IVwtciRiro ; tirtt
U § locat'ou ' for ni.\ . kind of I u lnp ; rents t r 3)00
> eim 1'ilce rm-iiriiatile ; rimy tcnn > ; ( or pat-
Uulars vldriM , It. II Hll i % Sfhuj cr.Nub. 3J3 4p
17 > 0lt SAI i-Cn : rottafo hill , two tir t-cass ! cot-
1 tagej , Piiocf eight rooms and nun nl fUo , Tbc
itter ( nruUhcu leady lor hoti'o kptplng , heallMul
ocatli N nnd a dcntiaVo nelghbuthooj. niiiulio2r2u
I poll BALK Very chiai' , pool taWo. Vncttlo
1 lloiuc , lOtli and tu\ciiott | SSO-S ? , *
| ? OH S.M.I : IS'airetatin , lniitoutl | , or ulll trade
r tor Cih | ittinit- | Hoc ) . , loen M. It 1'A-rleh ,
j OUSALK A coed family hoiso bucK > ntidhar.
1 ncsi Inqul e SC12 ; tllKiftUB' . K. A I" . \ . flXS-Mp
Ii'Oll HAM * \ tarm of 18J acre1' , 6 nillm nortlinc-t
1 or ivnrth lln-d , 1C1 acres under till Itatlon , f , }
u'lcsot ' the wllow i Rt , cno mileclmhlcli U nchJ
loi'Ro 1cars old , Smllis of wlio fi-nco. Inc"
irs lire crmcadin nrarlv nil socdrd to tame
Intn S8\5n foot , cilbili g for 2W ) Innhe-ls of corn , Seed
oed corrals , 1 Mind mill , nrd \\cliti nlntir , 1
Br tiary ICU'O foot , n hou-c 10x'24 foct , wltlilftoo-
noitiiiidir cntlto lion-o. 1'rlco $ ' . ! 0 piracro ; hall
: o\\n , halancoon tlwo to Milt j urclia--er. Kimulru aV
LUI , ini'c , orot W. II , Yaw , f.oith lUnd eb.
I7 < OIl H\LK CI1KA1' Ono elegant clumber fet ,
1 former cost 8376 Oa One regulator clock ,
no nearly new Knaho Piano , two gold trained
ilcturrs , one home , harness and phaeton , otu
'lalls ' rae , email site , one beautiful china coDen
ct. Also n largo lee tox. Inquire 1015 Ucdge St.
1710R SALK Brick houflo , contalnlog 10 rooms ,
1 barn and ( table , and ncoo nary outhouses , in
10h : st. Apply to Soars It. Uuuard , Cor. 16th an
lKd o sts. 316.27
FOR SALESclllnc of at cost nnd store Oxtures lor-
Bale at No CSO South 10th Street , Omaha , Not ) .
S. L. Schwartz , prop. 24&.2gp
FOR SALK OR TRADE tor Improved land , b
gooi2btory store , property \Vajne , Neb. A
icsldenro , barn , 2 lots In Allcrton Iowa , and 2 good
. < rge Norman ttolllons. Addresi U. I ) Btruial
Walnut , 1'ottt'o. , Iowa. 178-mOp
FOR SALE 120 aero * ot be-ft farm lands In Wash -
intrton county , Neb ; 2t uilloi from Herman ;
8 miles trom Blair. Will cither tel lor cosh or will-
trade ( or houio In Omaha , if bujer will take up
8ominotos on long time. Tro whole laud under
cultivation Address Jos. Kolowratek , No. ISM Q
13th et , Omaha , Neb. D01-t (
FOIl SALK Cheap ono haltaoo In north Omaha.
Addreea X. Y. 7. Bee ollleo. B46U
FOR HALK 200 tonH eclcttcd 1 ay at Kllrinru Str >
tlon , ptlco { 3.00 per ton. Aptly to Win Hopper
Elkhom. Bf,2-lmp
7011 SALE OOxlBS feet 011 Cumlng street 3 block *
. ' west ot Military bridge , 81,000. John L.McCague
opposite Pobt oHltv. 034-tf
FOIl SALK 132x124 lect on coiner , nouth-eai )
fioi t , houto 3 rocnia , ham , 3 blocks went o
'ark aio. and Leen orth , casjrajimnts , cheap
M,700. John L. McCnKuc , opposite Voht Ollleo. 017-t
B ALKUHAY Good quality , lowest piles. T. 8.
CUrkson , Scliujlcr.Nob. 116 m4p
SAI.K OHTIIADK T ngood lots with nr t
H\u to < m colt.u'o and tarn , shrubbery ( ruit ,
lawn , etc , on 24th bt , n ar street CAIS , room ( or
twotnoro cottip s , worth S3,0'0 Owneri cimltj
SVOJ , IO-IR time on balance. Will erI ) for cash or
trade ( or laud or iltj piopeity. Addrms box 074 ,
Oinaha. S30-U
OIl f AI K OH K.NCHANOK-ror Rood ( arm land
in Nubiaska or o a , n general alack ot taei-
caandiso AdcrcsaJ.E N. , I' . 0. Box a ) , Essex , la ,
SS8 lOp
17 > OR SALK Olt EXCHANGE At 910 pel aore , ai
JD or part ot two thousand acres ot timber land
( orty miles coat ot Kaneoa City , wll exchange (01
Nhraska land or morchandleo. Uodlord , Souer fe
li B44t (
TTiOU HALE OK EXCtTANGE-Fcr I lock ot dry
JL1 goods 1300 acrottock ianhplcnt ) hay land , creel :
tunu through entire tiait , gocd hulldlngs , ccrrallu
ctoou'y 4 miles from thri\ing tallrcad town , one of
tha btttnnd ui < st contcniint lenchcH tu central Nob.
Appl ) to too North Ixiup Banking Co. , North Loiip ,
Neb. 214 D
rponXCHANOE Rtool-s or goods and mcrrhan.
A. dleofor land , Iinpro\edcrunlmpio\cd Chaalt.
Woolley , room 20 , Omaha National Bank , Omalux ,
Neb. HOlmarl
TO EXCIIANOE Improved ( arms and wIMIamlto
trido Inr moki"i ( inerchardlfu or Omaha city
property Chas It. Woolly , room 20 , Orra"n National
Hank , Omaha , Ntb SOOmarll )
AA/'ANTED I'attncr , a nun ot Rood halilta to Uko
II an lut'ire t la a ho'elln OmiU-i , dint require
% cry mujli luuucy Addam "A J , " Ouiah-k 1'cet
clllco. 411-iip
F > OH StKgmJ ikaMns rink , H'7d ' S xlHO. In
quite " ' H lAinbsrt. Wakello'd Neb. 423 a p
YXT'AMKfipuithfti'r. . 1 Inve tn crtabllsl'od
V ? bii'lmm In urncht pajlng over 8100 iKt
moiilh whli'h I will ll i r i4 u Oiisu ( or mllli K
flcHiest ; uill liiftro'o.iHt ' iiw " 'flli'atloii AildnxsJ.
II , Iteoblhi- . 17S-Diii.o |
DrnH > Kklii enii.11 Nebraska town
Addrc ' Drn i" lie ulhev. 301-28
I7 OR SATi-I : > koty ad llxtii-ci In restaurant for
' sile , duly lakci > In c'tv uflloilitge. Addicts
Win. 11. Jaym , U Idrcgc , Neb. 35D 27 | >
OR ItENT A general store In a live
I1 Nohra-katoMi doing a first cai.s tuslneHS. Oon-
tints o ( a good stcek o ( ( ; rocoric , hocts mid fhoc ,
niockorj and everj thing connected wilhn Out class
grocery and shoe utoro. Tor paitlcularaaddtewt "I *
( i A " He" cifflue. 337'7pf ,
,1011 8ALK-Walliapcr | huslncjs , en all stock ol
1 | mrer 300 north 16th Ht. 'Ji7.JHi |
FOR SALE Stock ind flxtuies one ol the bent
BaloiiDBin tliorlty 1'ouM.k.sinn glien the diet
0 ( 4 pill , llenmina fur tilling , 111 lioalth. AddrcHO
" \ . W , " Bee oflc ] .
FOR HAMO-A good p } ltg saloon with first clasa
lunch counter and restaurant attached. A bat
gain. 8. Trottler , 203 South ISth St , 182 U
J. OR KALE Or exchange a full Block of clotbloK
1 boots and nhoes , gent' ( urnlshlnggood * . will ex.
chingo ( or Nebraska Lands. O. Ufeter onii04 H.
loth Ht. , Omaha , tub. 155 tl
FOR H LK A ifooil pat Ing Implement biutntiii
well located and eitablUhed in thriving town oa
II. & U. H , It. In Nth. Kvrrythirg ready to iteu
right Into good trade. Only moderate capital re.
qulrtd. Addrem "X. Y , " Ilee olll , 012 fob 28 ] )
A Young gentleman of means would like tomato
the acquaintance cl ft young lady. Addreto
Jauiei Warner , city , 4l4-S8i ]
WANTED A gentleman room rnatu to beard In
prtiata ( unlly ; reftroncoa requlrod. AddrtK
0. A. . U < si ollloe. 326 U
118. K , M , IIOOI'ER , clalri-oyant - wid Iranco
medium can be found at N. W. corner 20th and
CM itrieta , hours 11 a. m. to 0 p. in. 271 m4
] ' rvOUNI-Aicll(8 hand bag. Owner can line
'sime by oallloK at Use office and uajlnic co of
thl Mvertl8emcnt. 20'T [
STHAYHIKBTOLEN-A lootcli ttrilcr ' Anv.
one returning the rams to I'Toid ' 112 iou'th loth
Ht , will U , liberally re ardoJ o 8p
IJUlll'S -All klnd < ot pum ( a for tale or repaired. '
Addrms J. J , Motalo , 1011 8 uuder St.
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p illVi vaults , slokttnd cewpool. cleined at tbo
J „ 'I10" * ? ' V0' ° ° and ' " / "I Ihe day , In ao
entirely crdsiKw way withoui the Itut mole.taUoa
to occupants or nelufibors , with our Improved and
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