Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1885, Image 8

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Wednesday Morningt Feb. 25.
All the trains wore on time last night.
A marriage license ws issued yesterday
to Herman Wulfl and Margarat Spring.
V. J. McShanc was bidding hii friends
a solemn good bye last night , preparatory , as
ho said , for his Immediate departure for Now
The city engineer and hla assistants are
busied at preront In drawing up plans and
tpecilicttUiu lor the street work to be done
next yoar.
" A wolf Luj7 { robe stolen from Charles K.
1'orris Sunday afternoon wan rccovnjed by the
* * Council Bluffi pollea and turned over to Mr.
] [ < I1" , yesterday.
jj , The " 3 I. 0 , " club will give a jnaiqucr-
y ado ball In Metropolitan hall , corner of Four
teenth Uodga streets , ou Thursday even
ing , 1'ebruvy 2Gth.
' , jj The following are ths local freight to-
" ceipt of Monday over the Union 1'aclfic : Corn
20 , merchandUo 7 , coal 3 , cattle3 , hogs 3
'i sheep 3 , barley 1 , oats 1 , wheat 2 , stone 3 ,
bullion 2.
The Catholic Library association will giro
1 a mil ical aud literary entertainment at the
library hall , corner of Ninth and Howard
directs , thii evening. An Interesting pro
gramme hai bix.ii piepired ,
1'coplo hiving mull addressed to this city
i should tuko ntini to have tbo state plainly
written Th ° ro nro four (3mahai in tha
.1 United States , nno In Illinois , onuiuMisioarl ,
M ono In Alabama , aud ono In Nebraska ,
About ono hundred nnd fifty books have
boon added to the public library during the
pint vieek , ounprialn * works by V.iu Lunu ,
Trench , M mon , Lubsr , Freeman , llamorU.n ,
Hudson , Grote , Bryant , Bulwor , B.iyne and
The backer * in the projected Smith-Mo-
Nally mill announce that Ml preliminaries
have boon arranged , nnd that the meeting will
take place a week from next Saturday night ,
in lira city. The tormi are $100 a side , soft
glovci , fight to a fiuuh.
Hie West End Literary club held oneof ,
their meetings last night at the residence of
Mrs. 1 * . B. Cook , ou Twenty-fifth street. The
occasion was a molt pleasurable one , and tha
literary progratnina presented WM un to the
L uiual standard of those given by the club.
- A now loJgo of tha Knights and Lidios
of Honor wai Instituted in Blair Monday
. night by Deputy Supreme Protector Backus ,
of thU city. The now lodge , which will be
known ns the Euclid , 1C of L. and II. , starts
upon ita career wi hgood prospects , having a
membership of twenty-one.
"Oh , you big bad girls , stop that 1" shout
ed an old gray haired lady to a bevy of grown
girls who wore displaying their boot tops by
rolling in the enow in the Leavonworth school
yard. ' "Snounofof your bisnoss , " retorted
tlio leader , and tha crowd galloped to the
ehady side of the school for another tumble.
A wolf buggy robe wai stolen from the
carriage of Mrs. John B. Furay yesterday afternoon
tornoon , while that lady was chopping1 in a
Douglai strcot ttoro. About half-past four
o'clock Officer DuiT Grcon arresto 1 the thief ,
Thomas Honratd , or McEvoy , while ho was
trying to dispose of the robe at a eocond hand
Mr. A. D. Underwood , of Chicago , is In
the city introducing n new work entitled ,
" 'The National Bank Ueporter. " This book
Is a most va uiblo acquisition to any counting
' room , and no thorough business man cm well
affurd to be without It. It gives a complete
' lint of all old and new counterfeits , with an
accurate dcsciiption of each , together with
much ether valuable information to business
A good story is told ou two wo'l known
morning newspaper men who for the first
time in months attended church service last
Sunday , telectlrg ono of tlio Presbyterian
clmrcho' . Neither wai acquainted with the
usual motho I of approach td the auditorium
of a church and by mistake wandered into a
ooal bin ; whore they groped in Plutonian
d.uknosfl. They were finally loacuod by a
email boy who chanced to be passing that
way. Kownrdmg the small boy with a
oounteifeit 2 cent piece , the pilgrim ] pissed
on and sorauib ed for a back tout iu the
Hose Wilson ia the name of n weird and
wicktd fairy who his been running a cigar
ehopontro northeast corner of Twelfth nnd
Didjo. Bti-inoES didn't pay , and HEOde
termined to inako an assignment and leave
the city , She did eo , but not in the good old
buaine s way. Sha left Monday , forgetting
to settle up an account of 3-2 ! which she
owed Gurralir.uit & Colo. An attachment
warrant was BUI d out In Judge \Veisi1 cnurt ,
but tha fair HOSR had bjou stealthily trans
planted to other cliinoi and could not bo
ound , Oomt-iblo Karl purriied her , with
the warrant , to Council Bluffs , and there dls-
coyrrotl that the had dipped Itwar on onu of
"Moiilo Cnrlsto , " '
List night the great play of "Monto
Ohristo" w a preaonted in Boyd'a opera
liuuBD for the fouith tiuao In this olty. Latt
oosson the play was preamted hero two
oonsocutiva nights and it become ao pop
ular that the h mao Uat night tvas crowded
od to wHiiosa Ita production. It ia ono
of the finest bttruotiona which haa bion
Been in the I ouao tbla season , aud trio
plot is ao intimating that ono a'm ' nt ri-ca
from his a a : diir'ni ' * SJUIQ of thu tlinllliig
BCuiit'S with which ilin pifcj ahuiiuda.
Mr .Ismnj O'Neill , in the dual rlo of
"Kdmuitl Dntc , " aud "Oount i"
Pitdii o Christo , " Mn > very fine. IIo bun
undo a groht tttidy of hla pit and linn
improved greatly since Irs appt < arar.OJ
hfio kit aeatop. llo ii Btirnitinied by a
company of finished hr iita uncl the oiat
of la t ni ht wus the atrongu t ever aeuu
In lioyci'd o tr.i hnuaa IJiai Helen
Adellr , who left iho O'ari ' Morris comptny
in Dei Mollies laat wt"k , ap > ii < ared In I In
cluraotor of "Miuccdra" f r tl < o Gist
tlmo I list nii'ht. Shu was a triile uer-
V ( u , bat acq'iittod huts If ntibly. She
Mil to ly a ( im sctrna , but hur per-
C clm'ini are v ry ktroot , and tlio at
ore * 1'ooimo n gr a' fivorlto with the
nnd'ciiot1. Mr. Ita | ) h Del iiore , a
"Nuirtiir , " w a viy acoBitab'o , and
Ilia an excellent cone p ion if it.o par .
The foiupsny all th.oil li ia & on onu
ciu , Ri.d the scciuu 111'eta urj u.uply
OXNAM-Tii thii city , Frbtuary 24 , at 8 p.
in , Mts. KliMiiur Oxnun , * gwl CO yr > .
Vniiftal from rfslJenco , coiner ChmleJ nd
T tnlyomd trwut * , at 8 11 iu. ttn'ar. ' Ili-
i will bj > hlppil t Minejul Point WU. |
Son ! of Srr b. Ctttoliua Smoking tobac.
o ia thobitt , I '
It Offers the Beard cf Trade ihc Far-
; on Amended Terns ,
The 1'asHBRO of nn Important riumlj-
liiK Onlln nco lloiitlno
Tlio city council convened in regular
session laitnight , a good representation
being oti hand , Mr. Loetlor alone was
Minutes of previous mooting adopted
upon mayor's report.
From mayor , approving appropriation
ordinance for ( tiblic woiku cud for aide-
wtlks nnd ortUnnnco conveying by deed
the clly lot to board of trade. Piled.
A number of bllla referred to appro
priate committees.
From W. J. Council , sobmitlirg a ro-
vltod bill relating to "plumbers' licenses
and laying of pipes , " In plnco of ordi
nance tubmittod to him for oxamiiutlon.
Fiom James Dongl.v , tendering resig
nation as policeman on the rjgular force.
. xim con'ractor ' James Duffy , Btklrg
the clly to confess judgment un certain
_ radlng contracts dun and unpaid. Ilu
From Anna McCormick , nsVing for n
readjustment of curbing and gutter tax
From August Froudel , asking the city
to allow damages tj hia property aud
clothing , It currod by harboring the Biuill
x piUimt , Krltachman , now in the
[ ) st house. Amount of remuneration
wke-d for. 300. Referred ,
From Ale nta Klubon , a klnj the clly to
compel the B , & M. rairond ! to reniovu
abutting fences near the twok on Nine
teenth , botvican Williams and Hicxory.
Fruit FIow rd Gray , asking for allow
ance of $32 for photograplo work done
ior the cily. Referred.
From ctnlrmau of beard of public
works , submitting approved claim of
Tobn Peterson for removal of garb'go
during aecond quorter , § 887 50. Re
From the same , asking for two weeks'
leavt-Jf f absence. Granted.
FrDm II. H. Walkir , gonlly remind
ing the ciunoll of a previously submit
ted bill of $207 73 for work done in ex-
tention of Farnam etropt culvert , and a
similar bill of $14.50. Refeir d.
Fri in Surveyor Sin th presenting cor
rect plat of Summit pUco. Rsferred to
city engineer.
From Justice Selden submitting tran
script in damage grading eult of Ohris-
tian Putorscn against city.
Flrnncu and Chime , allowing bills.
Same , allowing billa of gis company
for December , 1884 , when corrected in
accordance with inspector's report , and
providing that payment bo made as soon
a3 available funds can ba secured
Side al' ' < s and Brldgas submit tint ; for
ipproval the i-idewalk contract of Oharlcs
Gardner. Adopted.
Special c mmittoe , reporting that a
settlement for propoity damiges canned
by gfjduiR of Firnaai street lni : bo n
m do with E L. JJiinry , ia the snra of
$1,800 , and leommondlng payment of
tbat amount , Adi pted ,
Authorizing the acting miyor to con
vey by deiod to the Board of Trade lot 1 ,
block 140 , ( Sixteenth tnd Fa'iiim ) and
to repeal otditanco No 829 Passtd. tiling the rcgu a'ing aad llcone-
ing of plumbers and drain-layers and
re-ijula'iug the laying , re-laying and -
p-iirof sewer , watorand pas plpea in the
utreeta and allflya and pub io grounds of
tbo city , nnd o tabliehlng regulation *
governing the us of sewtri and provid
ing penaltlea f < r the violation of Iho prc-
\i iiiid heronf ; pr > vlding furthermore feir
the repeal of other oHinanccs which may
ba rleemod to be c nfliotlng
This oriinance , which is one of consid-
erab linportiiiicp , was vry lengthy end
cai sume d much time In reading. Aftrr
it Lai bjBii reai a wrangle ensued &a to
the proprjoly of passing It at once.
Mr. Anderson jumped t ) his feet and
said : ' I do not BOO why wo want to
pjas the ordinance without careful consid
eration. 111 stake my reputation thut
th ra ( s n .t a member of the c uncll
hit uiitorat.v < la lulf of this mitt31.
I urn euro that I do not. 'Jho bill
it a Ling ono and cavers a tfood miiiy
p ) lnt . \Vo sh uld lay Iho ordinance
ever for a couple of weeks and then wo
can act wi'.li iutolligoaco upon it. "
Mr Bascall "Paea it nrjw nnd change
any elutit dofec'B afhr ard. "
Mr Rjafio d "Tin c'uy is in a dilem
ma , uni th s ordlnniico , or so mo
oiit > , nunt. bo pisd at once ) If wo find
af eT"O\d that eir.ira exist in it , or pro
visions which work injus ice , no oan
orsily rrcors ruot those clauses by axond-
moiite. " After some further debuo the
oiditiance was put upon ill fair.130 aud
carried through successfully.
" did want tin forniT
"Why wo or-
illnancp , deeding us the Sixteenth end
Faruam street /or. / chmiBoD ? " aaid Mr.
I. A. Wukeliold , of the b ard of trade ,
'o ' a reporter last night , during iho In
terval of dUcnmon , "bujiusa ly the
txrms uf the II at 'rJha'ice , No , 820 , the
let la elooleel to the bourd uf trido with
the B Ipuluory pr vivj that if wu do not
erect a $ ( iO.oO ( ) builoiug tboreon within
two ytars , Iho lot and all tboruon will bo
f'irffitod. This piovlslcm mauifoaily
clouds the tiile , for cometbinK ni'gbt '
happen to prevent t ur finlshiug the building -
ing wlthlu the time ncmed ; ao that we
could not aecuro sub'cnp'ions for the
pr j-jcf , frr no buttuuta nun * want t to
put nienoy In.o asiherae which baa no
Inaia of guarantee , Dy f'o
terms cf the ordinance br mght before the
c uncil to-night , the directors of the
tend ef trade arc required to fuui'sh a
l-o-ad cf $5,000 , yturan'osing the notion
of ( ho building within tin two yean In
nat it la u'ot completed the ate cVhol era
will lose n tbiug , bat tho\000 forfeited
bond will be m do good by the director !
ir omselviB. "
"TUB runintNa OUDINANCB , "
atil 0 ty Engini or Roiojrater , iu Bcawor
to a quojliou , "is tbo most Impo.-Unt
01 dli n ce raised by tin city com oil fir
eouict thin. It is inte naod t > protest the
eity fr in itnptrfiC' and can hat woik rin
thnptrteif phimburc , or the opriatlirs
e > f tha g t and via'tr o mpanles , pros'd
ini ; a penalty for allioU -
tit ni if tbo ni'ci luid el > wn
Iu thii war , I'm pal and waercompanies
at Wrll M kit pr'vatn ' corpoiatoii ; loyiuR
p'pa * ) ! bo held di-estly aud Gr at > chl-
ly responsible f x M wo'k dono. At tbo
s me tlmo U jinvirics thtt all plumbers
must procure n licens , nd thu * in
niessuro will ptotoct tlio ctaft itself. It
's boil odds the most stringent
ordinance of the k nd over passed by the
council , snd will net bc ofichlly , I think ,
in correcting nxls'-lug nboscJ. "
Ho t'lcmls Guilty to Murder In tlic
Second DPRPCO ,
In the district court , before Judge
Neville , yesterday morning the ciao of
the slate vs. William Gazoln , in
dicted for murder in the first de-
gtec , wai called. When Iho parties
woto nil In their seat * , Guzoln'a counsel
nroso nnd stated that if it would bo rcr-
mltted Mi client would llko to plead
guilty to murder In Ilia second degree.
This proposition was f tvorably received
by District Attorney Estellc , nnd lie
stated tbat ho had no objection to tlio
prisoner's so pleading.
In conversation wi < h a Bnr reporter ,
the dtstr'ct attorney stntotl that it would
have been n dlflicult nnltor to convict
Oaztlk of murder in the firtt degree ,
Willie the chain of circumstantial ovl-
dunce ns a whole was a strong ono , yet
there were a faw nilofiiig links upon
wbhh the jury would luvo hung and
thus made conviction nu inijjo sibility.
Tin man from whom Gszola is supposed
to have bonizht the revolver with wlich
ho fired thu frt'M eliot , could not posi
tively identify him as the purchaser and
several other small things would luvo
made conviction diflioult. The penalty
for murder in the second degree nny ba
imprlsonmont for life , which , by tlio way
la to the average nnu cousidcred n lot.g
Jn the afternoon thooaeo of the stale vs
Frank Gar Jitifr lndced ! for grand lar
ceny , was called.
Judge Hull loft for Lincoln last night.
iJ'-Mr. ' Totor Ward , of Chicago , is
friccds In this city.
Mr. Jacob Kauflman haa returned from his
trip to Now Orleans ,
Mrs A , L. Pollock and family left for
Washington lust night.
Mr. 0. S. Raymond , tha Fifteenth street
jeweler , is confined to the bouse by illness.
D. J. O'Donohoo has gone oatt to select a
largo stock of dry goods for tha spring trade
Miss Ella McVann lias returned from a
week's visit with friends at Cedar Rapids ,
Iowa ,
Ilcnry C. Allen , of New York , and Resist
ant district attorney , Is in the city , en route
to California.
Marshal Cumroings went to Lincoln yet.
torday morning , to stick a finger into the
legislative pie.
Hen. John P. Irish , of Sin Frnnehco ,
ed tbrou h this city , eastward bound , yes
terday mommy.
Mr . Danbaum and acn have returned
from Now Orleans. Their description of the
beauties of that city Is not glowing.
Col. J. J. Dickey , of the Western Unlor ,
left for Denver yesterday afternoon , in hui-
ried icsponsa to a mysterious teleorram ,
Wm M. Bujhman started for .Now York
city lust evening , to ba absent about- three
noeka , purchasing dry goods for the spring1
Mr. M. O. Maul , of tha firm of Drexel &
Maul , will leave Saturday for his old home in
Pennsylvania. While abii-nt ho will take in
the Inaugural of President Cleveland.
J. Ing'nm , Sioux City C. WTSinUh , Gmud
Island ; P. P. McGoer , Lincoln ; John 0.
Ketfe , Phttsmouth ; F. A Scoville , Valparaiso
raise 0. B , Stone , Ogkllalla , are at the Can-
II. Zehrung , Lincoln ; W. A. Archer , St.
Louis 11. N. Parks , Chicago ; B. C. Merrill ,
Lowtll , Mass. ; V. C. Gelwick * , Pi.taburg ;
U. S Boyd , Boston ; C. Dewitt ; Norfolk , Va ,
are at thu Paxton
John Groff and wife , Louisville ; W. K.
Morns , Afhhind : John Glock , Da\id City ;
J. V. Moran , Wahoo ; J. B , Chapman , Ar- ,
llntrton ; A. A Kennard , St. Paul ; II. W. i I
Mecldn , Hod Cloud , W. .7. Crane , Arlington ;
Matt JrnUins , Plattamouth , and John Cur-
nap , ol North Bond , Neb. , are stopping at
the Metropolitan.
Mr.S ill Cifco , ono of 0. S. Raymond's
clorka , haa returned from a week's visit at his
old home in Clint" ! ! , Iowa , Those who claim
t > know best , siy that it is nut alona the
paternal roof that c ! ! him back to the old
stamping ground occasionally , but thut a cer-
tuiii pair of bright , black eyes lias something
to dj with it.
Mrs , Minnie Craft , of this city , left a few
dijs ago fur Crouton , Iowu , where she will
j in her husband , Mr.Ci-irlefl ! Craft , who is
empluynd n < yard foreman for the 0 , IS. & Q.
It. U. , at that place. Charley is a promising
young man , and thtir many filends wish the
young coupla a successful and happy future in
their mw home.
W. A. Gardner , who has mid his farm to
Mr. Rogers , bad a Bale of peieonal property
on Wednesday of this week. Ho will go to
Omaha eoon , where he will make hii future
home Mr. Gardner , though a yourg man ,
Is one of our oldest and best citizens , and wo
are very aorry to lose him , but our loss will bo
Oinuh 'fl gain. We recommend him and his
family to the good people of Omaha , Fulls
City Journal.
0. II. Cornell , county treasurer , loft for
Omaha yesterday morning , where ho will
t Lo a few da ) a of much needed rest and
recreation. It Id necessary for a man to cast
M dbis butintta earea 01 casionally and toek
a ihort IOIBOU of quiet , in oielor to preserve
hla health , and as Cliailey U ODO of our llvll-
eat snd most active business men having
more buainciH to look after than any other
one mau iu tha county ha deserved a brief
reoiilte , ftnd we sincerely hope be will realiza
all his anticipate 1 pleasure ou the tiip , Val
entine Reporter.
Seal of Nrth Carolina Smoking tobac
co is the beat. t
MrtlUtlKl ) .
SMih , 1885 , at the resldenco of the brtdb'd
pire-nts , No 7 f > * uth Kighteenth f treet ,
! > v K v J. S Detweilflr Mr. Alfred O
Kennedy , and Mi < Llrzie II. , daughter of
Dr. auit Mrs. I' , 3 , Lciitnring ,
Mr. Jiid Mis Kennedy are both wall known
In our city , and a Urgn circle of fiiends join
Iu hearty congratulation The ceremony
wai witi cesid by only the immediate famil
ies , and though m invitatlmi were litued
many n eful and costly pristnts were ent in
by friend * not pro'tot After an elaborate
a d bouu'oiu" dinner , tbe bridal party at * ted
on th if wtddiog Journey eaUwirJla theO.
k N. W R. R.
Suioko Sc l of North Carolina Tobto
Nineteenth Annual McftlnK of
Slnfj Toauhcra * AtsouUtloo.
The nineteenth aonuil mootin ? of the
Slnto Ttnchcrs' a scciallon , of Nebraska ,
will bo hold at Lincoln , Mntoh 31at and
April 1st and 2d. Tha following pro
gramme has boon arranged :
Tncsilny KM'nliiK , IHnrcli niut/S. .
OF WELCOME. II. U. Wilson ,
KnsroNSK. A. A. Randall , Falrficld.
Ammtss. Stint. Henry Sibin , Clinton , Ia ,
Subject : "Tho Kiddle ol the Snhlnx. "
BKLFOT KtADtva. Mis. P , W. 1'arker ,
Chio.go , 111.
AVcilncfdny , April IM On. ni ,
1. Opening ] hercicg.
2 Mlnrollnnaonn 15uino ? .
U. The Uotmiv n Schools , from the Tench.
er'a SUcdi oinl ,
1) . K Bond , Blair.
4. What Branches mo ol moat Importance
in tlii Common School ? ,
Ann Tiblxtn , Lincoln.
6 , 1'cr Cents in I'diKntion.
A. TJ , ( 'laiciidun , I'rcmont ,
1 , Tcxt-Bnokfl ni'd ' otht-f Uookn ,
Will Htn Valentino , Nebranka City.
2 , Liw nf Nutiiro , Naturally Taught ,
Mli-n Mary B Harris , Omaha.
3 , Latin ProimticLtUnii ,
Wr Kdwnrd Thompson York.
1 , Thfi KdufiUlonnl Vuluu of Blocution ,
Mrs. F.W. Parlior , ChioigJ.
5. Apiioin'.inait of Cumiilttiia and An-
Address Col. Ji" W. Parker , Cook County
Normal , Chicago , "Learning to JJo by
Dolug , "
ThurstUy , April lina-0 A. SI ,
1 , Opcninf ? Kxerclsoi.
2 , Nom ,1 Khools.
Gfo. L. Farnham , State Normal.
3 , Kin crgurton Muthoda in the Public
Alatparet.T. Burrows , Norfolk ,
4 , Civil Service Utfurm.
Kllon M. Auitiu , Wisner.
5 , A IJ.iy in Oxford ,
Dr. L K Hick" , State University.
1. Succois , Mirkrd by IViluro.
MuryP. Gilchrmt , PJattamouth.
2 , Lvnluti n , I's Kxlont and Lnnit' > nnn8 ,
JJ v. W W. ILusha.Bo'.lovue ' College.
3. Reports of Commlttosa.
4 , Election of OUicors ,
1'olic > Odtttt.
In the police court yesterday morning
Edwin G. Luct waa chcrgod with being
drunk and di'.orderly. Ho hired Joe
Goman to drive him around in hid hack ,
and when Gorman wantud his pay Ludt
drew a revolver upon him and threatened
in shoot him. Ho was compelled to pay
$2 for the hack and a Cno of $5 and
oca's. ' Ludt claimed to bo from Mil-
courl , nnd tbo judge informed him that
it was not the custom In Nebruckj to
draw pistolo. He had a genuine hcno
pistol , at least sizt'Cii iuchoa long , and
it looked like * regular blunderbus.
Chub Riyraond was charged with bo'ng
an Inmate < f a h'iuso nf prtstitotirn She
claimed to have p id hoc monthly fine
and her care wan continued ,
Danfol G Tat i was charged -with pass
ing ptuntcr'olt money. He hid a ciunt
crfoit quarter and said tbat ha did not
know that it rraa counterfeit , that it hid
been paid him for a email job of worV.
Ho traa an benefit appearing follow and
did not seotnt to knoir thift ho had com
mitted any ciimo An officer WAS sent
with him to sou that his story was cor
rect aud it wai fnunl to bo so.
An InsaiiuYnicrntit.
The following loiter was rooo'ved ' by
the city nmrsha' ' yesterday from M.
F. Goula , of the Centennial honso , To-
canifch :
Chief of Police , Omaha , Neb. :
DKAH SIR. I nf tic ? by the Omaha papers
that ono Albert Volgbt ban been gaiitonced to
twenty duya In the cuuntv jail nn bread and
water fur vagrancy. I wiito to Inform
you that lie left hero abut three weoka ago , up
to which time he bearded in thm hoiiM and
wjs employed in a moat market hero Dining
the last few weika ha WAS hero
ho showed unmiitakab'o ' si nH of
Insinlty. Ho wont fn m liera to Lincoln
and from there to Omaha. Hn has writtoa
BHVeral letttrs to the lanalaily of thla luniaa.
They were of the wild < xt suit , showing him to
bo of unsound mlud , A fo niontliH ago ha
eustaino a svero fracture of the collar bone ,
and hat not been liftht tinci ; . "
Judge Beiicko has taken thu matter
under coneld Ntim and will have it
thoroughly invojtlg'itcd , and if tlio man
Is f"ttud to bo inauuo ho will bo properly
cared for.
Absolutely Pure.
Tbl. powder never vailei. A mmel cl pnrety ,
itrti Rth atd who'es'tnfness. Moro econom'cal than
Ihecrdlnary kludi.ard cannot lie o'd ' In competi
tion with the multitude ol low to t , ehort weljbt
km ol phynhrte | vwder . Hold only In cans.
KOYAL I1AK1NQ i'OWOEll 00 ,109 Wall ttM.V. ;
Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead.
OBTiiis < noj Bins rmin ,
HISt ) JILL iIPDUIIg H4n Mrs ,
Plantiets' Gas aid steam Fitters'
ItoouK 28 au'l 290mahaNutl Dank Jiluck
Dufrcne & Mendelssohn
Oeo. I. . Flher , ( emery with W , L. V. Jeucy
Aitblttc * , CUca o. JaoUtlm
1312 DON'T 1312
Fail to visit the MISFIT PAELORB1312 Douglas Street , to day ,
and inspect the BARGAINS offered to OMAHA and VICINITY
in fine MERCHANT TAILOR MADE CLOTHING which is being
sold with a guarantee at less than the cost of making. After
you have inspected thoroughly , and if suited to purchase , don't
fail to
Your friends of your visit and your purchase. GIVE CREDIT
where it is due. We take particular pains to turn oat perfect
fits , and While we are ent.tled to the name , let us have it. We fill
the assurance with slight alterations , that we can fit almost
to their perfect satisfaction * andean insure a clear saving of
not less than FIFTY per cent , and ia many cases SEVENTY-
FIVE to ONE HUNDRED per cent , when the same class of
material , workmanship and prices are compared.
Suits. Overcoats. Pants.
F25 00 Merchant-Tailor made S12 CO 323 00 Merchant-Tailor
- mada nt $10 00
31 00 , . llOi ) $ C 00 Mcrchant-Tailor made at 300
30 00 " " . 11 CO
3j 00 1 0) S 00 4 CO
40 OJ " . 18 2-i 40 00 " " . K 70
4C 00 . 20 (0 ( 45 00 " . 20 00 10 00 600
GO 00 . 23 50 00 00 " . 22 00 12 00 GOO
CO 00 t'8 00
" .
tti ' 0 . 30 00 GO 00 MOO 15 P" u 7 BO
76 tO . 35 Oj 70 00 " . SO 00 18 CO II 860
Electric Light Electric Light.
Open until 9 P. M. Saturdays until 10 P. hi ,
Meicbant Tailors with Misfib and uncalled for Clothing to dupoii of wi'l ' confer a favor by
Brands nilrcrtl > H i absolutely pure
TlfE fEST :
rUcoa ntopiJoiviiori a liut Hove until he tnJth
tha corur and iuull. A clirml > t will not ba r
detoot tlm presence of ammonia.
In K million home * for n. quarter of a century It bJt *
tUKxl the consumers' rellnhlu test ,
_ _
Dr , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts ,
Dr. Price's lupulin Yeast Gems
For Light , Healthy Brriul , The D it Dry Uup
Yeoit hi tha World.
Omaha Medical & Surgical
Insti ute
13th St. , Cor Capital Ave ,
Chronic and Surgical Diseases
Uieeaaes ol Females , of the Nervous Hjrlom , Pi
rate Diseases ol tbe Urlntiy and Hexu&l Or aDf ,
md Dlnowua ol the Head IhtoatanU Lungs.
Diseases trcited by an rxi > ori > nced ipod.lliti also
dleeasta ol the Heart Lhui , Stomach , Kldneji ,
Dladdcr , Keurtlelt , Kheuinat r > , I'lUn , Cancer , etc.
And all other dl > eatiei > ol the hroat.nd I.unj lroM
ed \ > j Uedlcattd Vaxin. [ ( Bend lor Inhaler or
clrru.ron Inhalation. )
All dlre.K ) ul the mood. Urinary ted Beiual Of
gum. l'ivatfl Olsvai
Piles Cured or no Pay.
(16 ( Yean UmplUUnd Prlnte Practice. )
Oon.uliailon and examination lre .
Call or write I r clrciilara'oii chronic dl < ca > c and
delormltles , D'leaciol ' FemaiM , I'rhate Udwaael
ol tbr Urlntr ami Sexual or train , Sunlnal W ak <
no 6 , Nrrroui DeMllt > or Ezhau.tlcn.iito. , t3. , and
cur new reatoratlvetrettmeU.
All let'er. and connulUilonrCoufldentlal.
Medici' ea Bent to all i.arti ol the onuntry > > y ei-
, securely jiarktd Irom ohBcrratlon , U lull do-
acrliitlon ol cajw U given. One | . 'tonal lotenUw
preferred II convenient Open at all hour *
Addreet all letter , to
Omaha Mtdical & Surgical Inattuta
13th St. , Cor. Capital Ave.
St , Charles Hotel ,
0 BTHEET , UET 7th and 8tb , LINCOLN , NED.
MM. KaUO akly , "rrprlctorei * .
tVNewly an I ele aitly lurnlihud. Oool aamplo
rjomion Qrit flur ,
ttrTermi < t.63 t U pir day. Special ratei idrea
tr mUr < ol the Icjrtsltttiue. aorlO-l m-me
Having quite a number of
Misfits and Uncalled for Suits
From our Merchant Tailoring department , we
ofFerthem to all purchasers at about one-half of
their actual value. These are no Ready Made
Goods , advertis' d as Custom Made , but Real
Mtrchant-Tailor work.
Clothiers and Merchant Tailors ,
1 JL4 > Street.
Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it.
Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraask
Oo nter , Ha.y , Stock and Railroad Track ,
Orders for Hie Indian Department given for Buflalo Scales ex
oluaivflly. Scale
: EtEDFA-rR : : : SHIOJP ,