Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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Driiirw o STONES J
One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States
to Select From :
Are now offering
The greatest bargains ever seen in Omaha
200 ORGANS ! ! 100 PIANOS !
Also great reductions in Diamonds , Jew
elrv. Clocks and Silverware.
The only importers of Havana Cigars ,
and Meerschaum Goods in Omaha.
Wholesale dealers in Guns , Ammunition ,
Sporting Goods , Notions and Smokers' Ar
ticles *
-r. cwi. * * . . . - v * . ! ,
Oils and Window
licit cil.
1013 Jones Stioet } ASK FOB RED cmosa. \ OMAHA
.Council Bluffs
and Chicago.
The only lino'o take lor V B Molno , urelialU
town , Cedar Itapldn , rllntnn , Dixie , Chicago , Mil.
waukm ami all polntti ca t. To the IM-OI le ol No-
Jjia-ka , Colorado Wjoinliu , Ulah , Idaho , Ncioila ,
Oregon , Waf > lili > Ktoi > and California It otTura suptrior
adv i Ugis not possible by any other lino.
Among a row of Iho nuu < eroua nointu of mpfrlor-
Ity o > Jo cd b ) the patrons of this reid between
Omaha an. . ) Chicago , Bra Its t < > trains a day of DAY
COAOilKS which are the ncst that human ait and
Ingenuity an rrtatc ; Us I'.U.ACE SLEEPING OAKS
Hhlch tro models nt comfoit and eloK ncc ; Its I'AK
LO1UHA ' 1NO K001I A.K8 , Uniuriawoi ! by any
and Its widely relcliratcd 1' IATI it , UIMSO OAKS
the iqual of "hii h cinnot bo fouril els 'uhcrc.
At Council Bluffs the trains of the Unlnn Piclflo
Ilj. connect In Union IXot | with thoue uf tlio Ohlra
eo&NnrthneiUrii Hy In Chlragn the trains of thle
line make cloeo oonncctlou with those of all oantcro
For Detroit , Columbus , IndlanipoHs , rirclnnatl ,
Nligara VMt , Duffilii , ( lltDburg , Tornntn , tdmtrral
Boet' ' n , New York , Philadelphia , Ilililm ire , W h-
iDKtonandall polnti In tbo Katt , ask the tliket
agent for tickets \la tha
If YOU wltn the t * t accommodation I All ticket
H'enti toll ticket ! via thlj line.
u. nuaniTT. n i IUIB ,
General Uanajrer. Oct. FAM , Agent.
Ivantito & St Pail
Chicago , , MinneapollB , Milwaukee ,
St. 1'aul , Ci tUr U | .ld9 , D veuort |
Clinton , Dubuque , 1 lock ford ,
llock Island , Krppport , Janesvllle ,
KliHn , Madi8.u . , La Cro e ,
Belolt. Winnna ,
And nil other Important points Kast , North
east and Southeast ,
TlaVct offlo. at U01 Parnam ( tect ( In I'axton Ho-
Ul ) , wid at U Ion I'aciSo IX'pil.
fULLut ! ) futrsM and the KINUT DIMIKO fi ! l
tni WOILP are ru on the malq UDM ol th ChicagC
Milwaukee & St. Paul K'y and every aitentluc
Upald to pisocngeri by courteous employe ! ot tbi
GeneralUanaKor , Oen'l 1'aweniter * it nk
Au't Oen 1 Manager. A , t Oen'l I'aaj A gent
J. T. CLAIIK , Ocn'IBu rln'emlent
' , li Bpbrodlil&e , aroni
! * activity , positive ! )
Warner's Vigor
curtii luipotouov. lo i
_ ' enerKV.uervouiiilebil
Ity. all weiiknf ii ofti vucratlvo syitoiu ; eittier eei
Loss aTid Gain ,
on A rani i.
"I wna taken nick n year ngo
With bilious fever. "
"My doctor pronounced mo cured , bv
: got nick i-ga n , wltli terrible pains in ra
> ack mid aid e , and got so bad 1
Could not move !
1 i-l'mink !
From 228 Ibs. to 1201 I had becndoi
oring f jr my liver , but it did mo no gc oi
' . did not expect to live moro ihanthre _
n nitlis. I began to nso Hop Bi'teri
directly appetite rotnrned , my painj It :
no , my ontlro system seemed renewed t
( my magic , and after uaing several bo
Its , I am not onlyaisounu as asovoroig
mt wwlcht moro tlun I did beforo. I
Hop Bitterai ewe my life. "
Dublin , Jnno 0 , ' 81.
"Jfalden , JIoss , , Feb. 1 , 1KSO. OentTomen-
with nttacku of sickbeadache. "
Neuralgia , featnalo trouble , for years !
the moil terrible and excruciating maune
Nu medicine or doctor could give u
relief or cure , until 1 used HopBittcra.
"Tho iirat bottle
Neaily cured me ; "
The accord made mo as well andttror
aa when a child ,
"And I have been so to this dny. "
My husband was an Invalid for twenl
year < with a aerloua
'Kldiiny , liver and urinary complain
'Trcnounced by Boston's beat phya
clana .
Seven bottles of your Bitten cared hi
and I know of the
"Lives of eight persons"
In my neighborhood that have saved I
your bitters , .
And many moro arc using thorn wll
great benefit.
"They almost
Do miracles ? " Mra. E. D. Slack.
How TO GET SICK. KIPOBO yonrtelf di
and night ; c t too much without exercii
work too bard without rest ; doctor all t !
time ; Ulca all the vile nottrums advertised , ai
then you will want to know how to get we
which ia aniwered In these worda- Take He
None Ronnlno without a bunch ot green Hopi
the white label , bbun all the vile , poisonous el1
with "Hop" or "IIopn" In their name.
Also lit valuable and reliable r
cipes f ufver before published , ) an ;
one ot which is worth 1.00 ar
from that to 826.00 , and a copy
the ' "Cultivator" Bent FttEB
any one that Bends 3 stamps to p ;
pqstriRt etc , , 3 comic picture can
will also be enclosed in the pic
age. These recipes are valuable
> he household and any energetic ix-
Bon knowing the secrets they disclo
need never want for money. Plea
write name and addressplninly. P
3 stamps in a letter and address
to tne ESTBUN PUB , CO. , bi
60J ) , Omaha. Neb.
Pftlil lo Il6V. Father MoAIonoiny On
the Anniversary of His I'rlcst-
Yoatcrdny was the Ihtrly-first nnnivcr-
saiy of the ontrauca of Rov. B , P. Me-
Monomy npou tlio .priesthood of the
Cathollo church , and his parlahinicra and
friends took occislnu to tomlud him In
many wny , not only of the day but nlto
of the love and esteem In which they held
him. Ilov. Father MoMeuomy has boon
hero now fifteen j-ci\rs , and during that
tlmo ho lua won the hcnrts of many out-
tide of hla own church , and on the
recurrence of this ani.iversary many con-
grn'ulntlDna and well wishes wcro ex
Ycsicrd y morning the pupils of St.
Joseph's academy presented him with n
pursj cotitnimnt ! $12 , which cnmo from
the bcya , nnd hud tholr purees boon ni
Ia > g9 as their hoirts , It would have been
many times .hit amount Master Joseph
D.itiltigcr presented the pnreo as fol'owe
Beloved Fns'or : Wo the teaohcra nnil
pnplla of St Joseph's academy , nsium-
bid hero on this glorious occasion ol
your thlr y-first nnnlvorf.iry to extend U
you our smccrott and bust wishea. Please
accept tills puruo of silver ns a token o1
the nliiciTO love and ideation wo beai
you , and may you bo ( pared lo us foi
many ytara to come.
The p pila of S . Francis academy rp-
munbtrou li in also with a purse of $ . ' } (
lu ellvor nnd Miss Pussy Keating rou
the following original poem , which vai
beautifully engrossed on cards tied to
gather with ribbon :
To pur revered pastor , Rev B. P. Mo' '
Menomy , from your loving children , the
pupils ot St. .Francis ,
A pain the fair jowclcd month of winter
Hides lu Its folds our dear Father's feast ,
Clust'rirg 'noth it our hc.irta bent with rap
On this loved anniversary of God'achcrlehec
Thirty-one years has thy life been devoted
To the God whom to-day we praise for Hi
love ,
In giving us one BO unearthly to Ruidu us ,
And leads us by faith to the portals above
On thy Consecrated head ogo's silver ii
sprinkled ,
Yet tliy zeal nnd thy love are Bvorthosanie
And the tluiin of affection past time has bu
strengthened ,
Grows stronger as tha laurels of year ;
crowos tliy head.
Wo hope cherished Father ere dawns thy ne.x
foiat-day ,
To BOO what tliy heart longs so much to be
bold ;
The spire of St. Xavier'i o'ortopping the city
And the chimes ringing heavenward prai c
For our dear Father-priest nt the altar ador
In <
Our hearts breaths to God in humbles
The chnii.odc of blessings , nil grace to ehnwe
la His arms to support and shield him froii
Dear Father , with flowers the fairest am
sweetest ,
Wo fain would adorn our loved convent re
treat ;
And within its dear precincts with heart
overflowing ,
Meet thin morning our own bolov'd Fnthe
to greet.
But a gloom tinged the sky of hope's expecti
tion ,
As G"d called from earth a mother mot
dear ;
So the 11 Av're sleep to-day nnd our voices ar
Sainted mother , with God , hover to-day ver
In the cv.ket of prayer wo each drop a jewe
And plucn our loved treasures in the arc !
ives above ;
'Tis ' not like the flowers which die in tt
Our jewels gem crown for one whom v
Wishing yon now a thrica happy Feast-da ;
We ask you dear father to list toonrptayr
Pi ay for thy chi dren , still guiding their fee
atop ? ,
E'en when the glories of heaven you shar
Last evening the Catholic Knights in
body called upon Rev. Father McSImiom
mid ufi'erod a very t inching tiiouto I
the form of an address made by IU <
Father Haley , occompjnied by a purs
containing § 50. The tddresa wan a vt'i
appropriate one , nnd expressed high a ]
prctia'hn ' of the many manly qualltn
ot the beloved father , of the aucucesfi
work ho had done for the church , il
love with which his immo was sound e
throughout wet tern Iowa. Sympath
waa also expressed en account cf the lal
great sur.iiv which hid been caused hi :
by tbo death of hla mother.
Father McMcnomy responded brief ]
and foolinsly , and then the Kirghts spot
a thort tlmo In social con vert o.
J. Y. Stone left for homo last evening.
Ilav. T. S , Bovcll Is made the happy fathi
of a fine boy.
William M. Miller , of Now York , is atoj
ping at the O den.
Mrs. Srutaman and lira. Kroppar start t
day for New Orleans over the Wabaah , o :
poctlng to remain a short time in St. Louis.
Mil ton Remley , nn attorney of Iowa Cit ;
was here yesterday , looking after the case <
Bailey vs. the Mutual Benefit mjoeiation i
this city.
G. A. Ilaywood , of Keg Creek , was In tl
city yesterday. Ho is preparing to go to Vt
entino , Neb , , and from there to Gordon , Neb
as soon nj the railroad is open.
Nlclil'n Lecture.
Oapt. Soolty lectured at Masonio ha
last ironing for the benefit of the relli
fund of the - be Lincoln Pojt , G. A 1
There waa a fair sized audience preeon
Tbo lecture wai art Interesting one to tt.
old soldiers , who could tight the but'.i '
over wi h the spoiker , but rather ted
oua aa an rnterttfntntnt to thereat of tt
audience and little onthneiism was mai
" Democratic Convention.
The delegates to the city convenUe
will moat at the city building at 1 : !
this afternoon to place In nomination tl
democratic candidates for the varloi
city o fibers.
l (
Ynnghan's Bcnontlon ,
VarjRhan is not himself uuleta ho baa
eeinatlon on hind , lie hia now prepan
. . a pertonalprcchmatii n , the contents
which ho la giving to his personal fclen
only , and which ha declarjs to them 1
will nuka public , and carry out , unit
the city oonvontlonB go ti ault him.
he cannwt have a eouncil to tuit him , " {
will order every raloon , house cf pros !
tut on , and gambling place in Oouci
Bluffs cloud , and then tee heir the o
fogies and would-bo rcformera will llko n
dull , Sunday soil of a town , " Vaughan
has appeared in almost every role except
this one of reform. The proclamation ,
If mud ? , will cause a day'a t lk. That's
all BlufT.
Jitine * Won't linn.
Some democrats wore yesterday busily
spreading the report that Judge James
was to bo nomlnatsd for alderman at
largo , THE BEE Is asaurod from pononal
knowledge that Juc'go James la not an
ReplrMit for re-elto ion , and w'll ' not ac
cept If nominated. Ho is determined to
retire from the council.
Miss Loltlo Hayden gvo a party Sat
urday to about twenty-five of her friends ,
previous to going on a visit to Albert
Ltn , Minn.
A Veteran Democrat Tolls of Presi
dent I'ollc'it S'HRC-Ooncli ' Trip lo
"Washington to 1)0 InaitRur-
teiTlio \ Chni'KCH of
Four Decades ,
Louisville Courier-Journal.
"Yts , 1 am Koing to the inauguration , '
aiid Col. B. Frank Moore , cf Uarrods
burg , to a circle of friends nt the Alwc-
n der hotel kit night , "to see TV hat n'tcr
ationa hivu baen made In tuch coremuu
ius during the last forty years. "
"Did you witness au inMiguratlou thai
long fgol" naked ono of the group.
"Yoj , I aw James K. Polk induo'ei'
into oflici ) In 1845 , and I 1m vo not wit
ncsod the ctremony since , and I want tc
see 1ho democratic , parly Uko np tin
reins of government njain after a inucl
longer outrage term than that preceding
F < llc'a inauguration. "
"You must have bean quite fl youtl
then , or. you are holding old ego dowt
tcmarkably well , " tad ; another.
" 1 was only a echod-l ) > y thon. Mj
father moved from Sumner county , Ton
ucsieo , to a plantation on the Mitalsripp
river above Now Orleans when I waa i
child , and as there no Engligh schoo
down thorp , be nont mo to the Miam
cullegc , in Ohio. After I had boon then
erne ttrm , Slldell , who with Mason starlet
to England to rcprcscnb the confedtrjtti
government and was tikon from an Eng
llsh sti-amer on the high seas during thi
war , was eloctoi tj congress , and toll
my father that ho wou'el ' try to get mi
appointed aa a cadet to the Wett Poln
militaiy actdemy. I remained at hcmi
during that winter to scoompany him t (
Washington and eccuro the appointnipiit
Wo started in February , 1885 , BLC ! trav
cllcd from New Orleans to Cincinnati 01
ono of the floating palacoj of that day
and there took n PlttsburR boat fo
Wheeling. There waa a sudden chnng <
in the weather , such as wa Lnvo experienced
ioncod recently , and before wo raachet
" \VheollnE ! the wheels of the ateamboa
were broken to pieces by the Ice In th
river. Wo went ajhrro there to take thi
ttigo ecrosa the nuuutaina on the turn
pike the government was building fron
Washington to St. Louis. It was of to
the middle of February , 'and travel t <
Washington was brisk , and when wi
stopped at Wheeling we found a largi
gathering of notables awaiting accommc
datlons to the Inauguration.
"Among them waa James K. Polk
prfsldent-elect on his way ta Waehlngtoi
and the western and southern cent > rot (
men , and many pjliticlana having a fin
opportunity to make their demands npoi
him. There were two stage lines run
niug from Wheeling to Cumberland , Md.
and travellers had to take their tnrne
Fhvst booked , first taken waa the mottc
and we had to wait two or three days fa
seats in the stages. In the meantime
magnificent coach , upholstered in re
velvet and drawn by sir horses , arrive
to cany the president-elect across tb
mountains , Tt had been constructed ei
pecially for the occasion by the demoorel
of "Newark , N. J. , and sent to met
Mr. Polk. It was in charge <
a committee cf three. an
they tendered Mr. Polk a teat In it wit
more finish and formality than the con
mitteea of to-day make use of in teude :
Ing lintel and parlor railway coaches t
presidents. It KO happened that 01
lariy tocured transportation for tbo ran
motnlng that Mr Polk and the commi
tee were to start , Ooth Biaxo lines lent
nt the sains time , and I will never fo
got that start. Ono line had ton coacht
and the other six , making eixlctn , b
tides the presidential coach , and in
formed a gay party as wo rode out <
Wheeling to the music ct mxteoti nts
hums. Eieh fctago wan drawn by el
horses , a'-il each paE.sauger wa < as happ
as a lirk , because wo had the prdsldcn
elect along.
'It ' took in throe days and a half t
travel t > Cumberland , and .here WA etruc
the r i'ruad , bat It wouldn't pats fur
railroad now-adays. The rails wei
fht iron bard spiked dente
to Bt.-lngers . which rested o
croEs-tfcs , and the greatest fear of ace
denta wai caiuod by the fear of eplki
in tbo ends of the bara getting loose an
drawing out. The engineer * called thei
'snako heads' when they atuck up thre
or four Inches , and kept a rharp lookoi :
for them. Wo reached Washington i
safety during Ilia Ituttr part of February
and waited for the 4th of Mejfh. J
camp , and with it an Immense crjwd c
people frcm all parts ef the country , wh
wltnteasd , and highly enjoyed the
uratlon ceremonies. It has been fort
yeara sinca I witneased tuch a sight , an
I wouldn't miss saeing Cleveland Inaugi
rated f r $4,000. "
"Did you eocuro the appointment t
West Point ? ' aaked an attontlv
"No. I waitsd throe weeks and Slide
worked very hard for me , and he had
great many friends to accomodato , an
after tbo appointment hadbecn postpone
two or three times , I wrote to my fathe
tolling him of the obstacle in tbo wa
and ho wrote to mo to go back to Mian
college , and I went back there anothi
term. A young man named Barrow gt
the cidotahlp | and died ahortly after h
Freight Hatei In Nebrnika.
Nemahft Gr&ager ,
It costs $100 to bting a car load <
third . cldfs freight from Uhlcigo to Ac
bum , a cliitinco of 500 miles. It coe1
$50 to bring the same from Oraaht to Ai
burn , a dUtince of 80 miles. U ooa
$120 to Bend a car load of apples froi
Auburn to Hastings , a distance of 2C
railoe. IB that the very beat the rallroa
cooupanlen can do for the people ] Ai
these rates proportionate ? Why dooa
or at more to bring freight from Ohlc f
to Nebraska now 4 him it did six yea
The railroad workora in the
l.vnro can probably explain thcjo matte
in a sitisfaotory manner ,
On February 8th , 1) . l > . Q. Pride , cx-sf cr
tary ol Idaho territory , was arreited at lid
City , nn an iilh'c vlt ( .barging him with i
tempting bilb. ry , and uiing corrupt infl
iiicea to ptsa certitiu bills , with members
the legislature ,
'ho ' AVlfo nl' A 80111 li L'Ark Iiocnmo.
live Knglrtccr Told Hint Her
IllihlinndVI11 h s )
Ills MIo.
) omer Tribune.
Mra Anna E. "Weals ! ! , the wife of n
nn named William WtstfaU , WAB tried
n the county coutt ycitctelay nftornoon
pen an Inqui'UioH of lunacy , and waa
jur'gotl to bo inenno.
Tlw ovldcn-o clearly oatabl'altrd the
aatof SI'S WcataU'a lunncy , and it alto
uvealcd a case of unuMial sadnets
Vistall himself Is a hurd working
nd very rojpcctiblo Iocomr > t vo rnglut-ir
n the S uth Park rend , anil liln homo la
i West Doaver , near the Sooth Park
loptr. Uarintj the Inttsr part
f January ho vas away from
otno on the ) roai , Mil during his
bsanco a pipty woman went to
da residence and nskud Wrj. Westall to
Ivo her something to oat At the same
line the ofl'tred to t.'lt her fortune. At
rsk Mrs. Wis'aU objec'od ' , but was prc-
ailed on to consent. The gypsy told her
bout her husband's nmployrneut ni * n
ngluoer on the S mih Prk , and warned
or that if ho contti tied in ita employ
o would bo killed She said that t > savour
> ur husband's ' life ho must bo Induced to
omo lumo ImmcdiuteOy. Mrs. Westall
vjn of a snpor.stllious vnd morbid uaturo ,
nd the brooded uvoii thu gppsy'a wurn
ng until f-he ciulel em uru the tuspeuso
f her hu&bind's sbv-nro no longer oho
lioreforo went to the t.-drpraph office at
ho South Park shops nnd n > kud the op-
raior to telegraph her husbuid to come
lome imu.cdtately. The operat < r refused
o do it at fitst- , but finally cent the
. 'spatch , owing to Mrs WesUll's great
ieiy , although Wcatall was much
needed nt the pluco vliere ho was then t
work. Thia etury about her sending a
Upatcb for her husband waa not brought
jut in the ovldobcj , but it was told on
he outaido aa ono of thu incidents of the
catc.Mr. . Wcstall testified thut when ho
amo homo on January 25 last ho first
loticed that his wife was not in her right
mind She then aild she was told by
a gypsy that ho would have to leave
ho Suuth Park or ho would bo killed ,
A neighbor testified that ho noticed
ividcnco of her filling mind on January
23. She at that tlmo remarked tbat she
vlshul she hid tome placa In which eho
might pray. Bo was surprised at her
omark , as she WES then living at her
own house. Singly after her husband's
return Mrs. Wostull became very violent ,
nnd is wts nocesiary to cloioly coiifinu
icr. It w&s then decided to institute
irocoodinga of Itinacy ajainst her.
The ttS'imoLy aUo sluwed that her
ftthcr hael died In an Iniano asylum and
hat her oldest boy showed evidence of
nsonity. Dr. vVrlgli * , the assistant tureen -
; eon if the Union Pacific , testified that
10 believed that insanity wcs hereditary
vith Mrs. Westall. lie also testifit tl that
Wcatall was a man of fine character , and
.he testimony also showed that Mr. and
VIw. Westsll lived together very har-
nonioiiily and that ho treated her very
> iudly. Their homo was comformbleand
neat and Mrs. Wcstall took g od e. ro of
"I. Under all these circumstances the
, my found that Mrs. Weatall was insane ,
ind an order was made committing her to
ho state Insuno asylum at Pueblo.
What became of the gipsy Is unknown.
Peopla of her rico wander about from
) lace to phco after so strange and unc r-
; aln a f&sbton that It ii hard to keep
ck of them. She went away after tell-
ng Mrs. WestH'a fortune and haa not
seen seen nor heard of since. Some oi
Westall's friends think tbat the Gypsy
was sent to his hcuao by an tnemy i f hia
for the very purpoto of tolling h's ' wife
something that would induce her to Bend
'or her husband and bring him home
In this way It was hoped by his eiiomiei
that bo would loechls place on the toad
Tlio A'alite of Ijnbt Yosir'a P/oiluctB o
tlio State.
The Commercial Herald and Matko
Ruviuw in its annual review for 1881
ahowB that for the en'lro year the pro
duct of wheat waa 05,000,000 bmlieM
tl mrand wheat exports were 15,707 ,
850 centals for th * ypar , and for twi n y-
eight yeaw 200,494 957 centals ; the de.
meetic i xpoiti of wheat , wool , v/hu >
quicksilver , o'c. ' , f r f-uirtjcn years ur
valued at § 303,24 4. j37 ; the bat ley cr )
of 1884 WHB 2tl4LI240 ; ! ) bushels ; the Hiiia
Import , 15281,870 ! pounds ; tbo boo
product , 3,827,437 pounds ; iho lu p , r' ,
nf foiei'ii sugars in afloiw yo ra | a t
l,277'ulo:580 : , j' ur di ; thu coilV-o imiiurti
the year , 19,505,78 ! ) poundu ; the rtci
mpe.rr , 54,918,275 pounds ; tin
tea impeitp , 48,314.254 pounds
iho old end Bilvor yield , § 75-045 Oil
the gold product since 1848 , SI ,7'J9,490
050 ; the silver prodnct aiucu 1858 , § 729 ,
520,741 ; the combined old mil SVM
product since 1818 , § 2,530,010 797 ; th
gold and silver export In tAotity-olghi
years , § 980,199.309 ; the cainaKO i'l trie
United States mint in 1884 , § 24,278 930
the coiriBgo from 1851 to thu end oflSSI ,
S7C4 758 740 ; the mcrohandiso in 1881 ,
§ 37 103,910 ; tha cxpnit of merchandiic
and troatuio , cxousvo : < f m < ruhaudisc
by railroad , in 188t , § 51862925 ; the
Federal revenue in 1884 , $9.313.021 ; the
lumbar receipts , 291.259,155 foei ; the
domestic coal received in twouty-nv (
yoarB.5,048 034 tons ; the wool clip ir
1884 , 37,410.330 ; pounds ; the wine pro
ducts , 15,000,000 g-tlloni ; the quick
ellvor product , 31,913 Iheks ; the value < :
manufactures In 1881 , In San Franc.sco
§ 17,374,707 ; tha B.lo of real eet < to Ii
Sn Francisco In 1881 , $13,374,707 ; In
crease of immigration in 1884 , 19,89'
souls , and the banking capital of thi
state ia § 50,000,000.
For CoitjjliK nnd Throat DInordrn
UBO BllOWN's lillO.NCHIAI. TltOCIIEa. "Hav
never changed my mind respecting them , ox
cent I think better of that which I begat
thinking well of. " Itev Utnry irarJ littcher
Sold only In boxes.
A New York pi.licoman , who went h
Guatemala to reorganize tbo police department
partment , la vow next to President Bar
rlon , the most influential man In thi
II * Martin Lmiher
flail only been able to gut a bottle o
Brown's Iron Bitters in his spells of nerv
outness and great physical debility , i
would have bean a mighty bleeding t
him and a wonder'al help to his work
Rut he lived 400 yeara before Brown'
Iron Bitters hid been heard of. Litojar
workers and busy clergymen know th
advantage * of thla gfrat lion tonic. Th
Rev D. F. M.nly , Tainplco , Tunn , , aayi
' Nervousness , pros ration and indices
tion seriously atTouccd my h alth
Brown's Irjn Bltttri relieved me a
The telegraph wlroa pamin ? throng'
bo Alberg tunnel are cmiod on f ju
cablfs tbat weigh 100 000 pounds an
cojt ? 40,000.
IVsenger KIo\ator to all flooH. 1203 , ItOrf and 1210 Vntnam Street ,
1 < M | > nK Wv _
; yMi mr iW-Mi > rt-
1 ]
1409 anil UlLDoduSt. I } Omaha Ne-
Don't JLose 27 * is Cliaticc.
The bent opportunity over otTcred to try your hick in'tlicno Imnl tlniles.
In ordur tuglxo the public in genornl tlio ndvnntueo with n sni.ill KIIIII of money , to par
ticipate Inn rt'nl German Aloi y l.nttcry , piiarnntooil nnil nnnctioM-d by tlio Goninn Rovoru-
nient , woutTer five wbolo orl nnl tickets which wo nave made Into 1G different numbers of tlio
287 , Hamburg Lottery , In club plnys nml poll mine for tlio email Rinn uf S5 nn lone ns wo
hnve genie on hand. Tlio-o ttckotx nro good for lhalnit thrcn nrlucipal driwItiRa which com *
inanco March 11,1685 , nnd terminate tn May 13 , IfRO. This Lottery hns been for over 143
yearn in cxictcnce ; has ono hundred thoiiHand tickets ouil filly thniunnd 500 winning
numbers which is uver one half tbo nctnnl miiount of ticket ) . Kach lio'ilur ' of tickets n'colvefl ,
after the HrnwirRe , tbo Oriplnnl ] istii , also the mount of the prize if won We hope , ns wo
Rive 10 difrrrrnt number ? , Hint every ticket holder , on receipt of the winning lints , will bo
mtlsfied with the result. The cnpltnl prices nro mnrk 600 000 , 300 000 , 200,1 CO , 100,000 , 30-
000 70,000 , 50,000 , 80,000 , etc . the smallest boicR 1 15 mark. It is of interest to each and
everyone to invest ns soon ns possible bcloro the tickets nre nil sold , licmit tithor by Post-
otHce order or draft and tickets will BO forward at onco. Original tickets of the Hamburg ft
Brunswick and Saxon , constantly on hand. 0 , F. S''I1 J1IDT & CO. ,
C2 ConRroit ? Street , Detroit , Mich.
Cumings and 20fck Sts , , Omaha , Neb.
JtnlfiJ , Win don G r > i I'on Cicctln ; * , Mejalllc Blty-tlghta , &C. Ihi , Iroa'utd CU i
txi kl South ltl > DtioaJ Oiuibft .NobrMk * .
Absolutely Pure and Unadultoratod. Entirely Preo from FUSIL OIL ,
i only concern In the United Btntw nlionrobotlllnc nml nclllnpr to the Jt < xllcnl % *
id Dniif Truilu un nlisolntely 1'uro flliilt WlilMlcey , ona tlmt in f ran from % ?
' 1. and that Is riot only found on the eideboanlg cf the beet families In Uio ; J
but also In the plijsiclan'fl dlspenidiiB room.
* * fermentation and distillation , ia ontlrolV . , ill.qll rf----Y . - . - , . . _
! { m ar/M ohnoxioua , , leoliola which are 1 > AiuiuJ in trliltltriJ thervforr , * {
I'rof. V .V VONIIKK , writes . -"l-iirlty Itsclf- inounAlult WhUkty. I know " It to bo vrboloooine ,
Dulty'B Halt Whlikey , u the piuwt liquor Out I leaii luvi uiiadulUTat i ,
hareerernay | > ( t. ImuHtherrfaro un'iaamlcdly rilKlt , II. HAWI tH , , ornocJicntor.N.Y.
rucoiamend It lo the medical iirof a KI aduato r < f tlM Jmtltnir KuroitiAn colli K < , bayst " 1
TheUtellAHVr.Y I Il-lll , M. ! . , rre lainfill'OVourMalt WbUkry In my prattlce iicrv ,
of Hie Kaculty. and I'rofimor of the .llaltlmoiu . Ned vf-ry eup rlor rtllablo article and can
from heartily ni'omincnd It In low matin of fercru , acutu
leal Col < KB , arii " 1 II nd It rrmarkab y trto
Cuilloll and other objuctlouable matcrluiii to et n Inllamtnattoni. ontl deprcrsliiK maladltn K"n < rally ,
found in the whittles uf tbo | > re tnt day. iuid uUg at a Iculo In fecblu Ultr ? tlon and convul *
JAMl'H J , < 'liA. ( : M. It. , of BUt n I landtlia ttlrnulint CBCCIICO from tn Indicated acute dlwano , iuid irr , wlii < ccUlly > n < an in alroliollc I'l 1
I uthor of eercrol ort on Innanllr , wrlteii : "Wlw n 1-uluioiuUi. "
I prtwrtbo an alcoliollo stimulant , I order your fa- !
i rinttTftflff TirniTTtiPC wi tho&a mulcted with iiicnmiiiiiiAni .
I CONSUMr I lUHb , WKyiM > .on ml.t | of.SIX.JDOI.J.AUN , '
to niiyaddroHN In tliu tuiiltca t
* _ , * . * . . „ , ; - jH-Ini ; of the | nKrpiIlcnta. ) 4
Alter tlilM piepaiatlon Ims been token for u fov wceku.tliojiirevloiisly conBplciiously prom-
1 Incut bones In luillenUi HUlleriiiK from ( Jonsuniptlon anJ tlio like dlbeases , Kct covered with u
" uitck coatlnK or fut and inusclo. the sunken and bloodltbschreks fill up and ussmnoa , rouy ljuo , %
V tbo droonhiK gplrits revlvo , while nil the inusclea of the body , and chief among them the heart ,
V urifbtroniserund better ublo to perform their fuuctlorw , because of l > elii ( , ' nourltlied with u
V richer blood than they had been before , lu other wordd , tfia nyslfm IH bunpllwl with moro M
V carbon than tlio disease cun exhaust , thereby Jjlvhirf natura the upper hnnif In the conlllct.
* Bamnlo Quart Bottles sent to any juldrcus In the United Htotca ( fiitt of the Il/wky Moun
V talnfl ) , securely packed la plain ca e , Jixprvins charges prepaid on receipt of gJl.Sf3
THE DUFFY , , , , , , . .