Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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\vodn ° sday Morning , Feb 25
JByC n ! l - - - - - - - JO renU | * r wtck
Br UlH - . . - 110.00 p r yeai
o. T Fowl nirost. Hoar Broadw&r.
The funeral of Mrs. Batcn i ] to 1)9 held
this nftornoon.
John Hyan anil John Kelly were yen-
lerdsy fined for being dtuuk.
lha domccra'ic ' city convention meets
Ihls nftcrnoon at 1:30 : o'clock.
Ei will shortly II RT Ilio cry
'p ' pa" fr jra a bran now girl baby.
Thcro will probably bo a Drha Mela
lake place in Ihls city on next Tuesday.
H. Friedman , oinco yesterday After
ticoa , is the happy father ofnboanclng
The daughters of Rsbockah Lo Jga No.
S , give n social ball In Reno's lull to-
nrow evening.
The board of Irada is to have an Im
portant mooting this evening nt 8 o'clock
Chnrp at Odell & Day's office.
Ia the case of Foraylho vs. Smith the
jury yesterday brought in a verdict for
SCO in favor of the plaintiff.
Laavo to marry was yesterday ( { routed
C. / . Potcrsin and Lizzie Atkln ; elao
Joioph Bnllhiur and Tilllo Elloruiau , nil
Of Viia city.
Tlio Jowa will celebrate next Monday ,
It being Purlin , A number from Council
Bluffi will attend the ball ia Onnbn on
( hat evening.
Tao Methodist chnrch hold * Its quar
terly mooting ono week from , Sunday , at
which time Jlov. W. T. Soilth , the pro-
eidlng older will ba prjsont.
In the circuit court yesterday bho case
Oi McKtnzio va Kelley , in whioh dam
ages W0ro c'aimed for the unskillful
ehooing of a horse , tvas oa trial.
The city will have another Bait fcOmo of
Ihose slippery daja if it does not fiao to It
that the s'dawalk on Willow avonco ,
jnsl west of the Bloomer eoh'ool building ,
( a not fixed.
Ono colored kid arrived hero yesterday ,
a runaway from his homo in AtchUen ,
Kaa. Tbo llttlo fellow said ho wanted to
Bio bis grandmother who lived here.
Officer Smullen took the little runaway
in charge.
To morrow evening , at the Coy house ,
Jacab Schmitt , the well known manager
Of the Bavarian band , and "Knfght of
the Bazor , " will bo united In manJago to
Miss Emma Knemcier , a staler to the
proprietor of the Ojy house.
Tun BEE yesterday made ctio of these
ludicrous mistakes common to ell newspaper -
paper offices , whcro the typcw getting the
editor into m'schief. ' THE BED should
bftvo said "Ool. Keatley made a "asathing
epoeoh" Instead of a "scattering" speech.
The defon lint's demurrer to tbo p ti-
tlon in the case of the D. W. Flowoic0
Eco company against Elizabeth Klein ,
argued and submitted last week and taon-
tioned at tha time of its submlwion , waa
on yesterday sustained in the circuit
Henry Pcholdler hns challenged Jrlm
Eponter , jr. , for a two mile race on roller
ekatos , to tike place at the link thin
ovoniug. This is the second race bo-
lw on these young moa and will bo very
exciting , being the l&rgpit race on akatf a
over inn In this cily , it being City-six
times around the rink.
An attempt is bolng mcdo to gf t n
syndicate formed in buy the Catholic
church properly for ? 20,000 , tlio shares
of stork to ba § 100 each. If this plan It.
enccessful , the money thus rcnl'zcJ ' : ? 111
1)0 Uiod In complotlnj the olrgaut HGT
church , the foandaticn of vh'cli ' ii
tlroady laid.
In the Ciao of Eva Poirin ogalnsl it
DAWSOU the jury yesterday brought in t
verdict of § 300 in favor of ths plaintiff
The jury would not have missed it i [
they had made it $1,000 , for Daweon'i
conduct In asiaultlng the we man a'
ehowuy \ the evidence , was a piece o >
'brutality , oven If she tiai a prostitute.
MoBtrj.vMllktt , Ilardin , DoBcvo'.se
Brodbeck and Odell woutytstcfJay up t
the island , lira hack , hunting for wo'vc
which thty heard were thereabout
They have haJ ( a good dotl of ejtpcr cue
,4u hunting , bt\t upt so much in captntio
game , but they- will have a gcod time ot
of any excurslou , whetbor tuccewful c
Willhm Pattoiifli' on aspirant for
inimbcrof tbo tchool beard. IIo h
yoitog nun who was educated in tl ;
olojls here , and is In many nnys an o
tlmablo young man ; but Tfhen couple
wi h John Jay Frainey andBjlly Oalvli
fco forms one of a ward political trli
who ovghl to bo eat down on fla' vei
It is cow claimed that Wilson at
O'Connor , who are In jail on clurge
-tiurgluiz'.ng ' Cooper & McGeo'a etor
ftro none other thin Myers aud Scot
who fora oily were running the &t. Lou
-restaurant en Tenth street , and wt
iklppel out , 'uking lha Bbowcaicso 11
an Indian tobacoi elgn , on which the
mor'gage. _
IniporOiU Innirunco
The Iowa and Ktbraska insurance co :
fiany has lixriaicd t's ' capital stock
(400 COO and is to remove iti rr'nt-U '
office from OotiDcU D'ufTi to Siour Cit
Thn nemo of tlio company Is < o 1
changed to that { f the Weitrra Urr
Incurauco cimpanr. The < tliars ar
W. L Joy , ir < ido t ; K't ' CKytonle
4ir' idcnt ; Q W. Kugwo h , sacrft-ii
Mid matiign ; fo ! ig W arp , trtaiur *
J. , T. Ilarrj goDiul manager.
flow It .is Officered , What It Will Do ,
and How It Will Do R
A Xe\v Organization ,
Thcro hnvo boon nil aorta of ropotts na
to trbat Ilia Citizens' tssodtllcn Is and
what it Is purp'std t < accomplish. Seine
who MO In oflico have given out that It ia
only a kicking machine to punish them.
Othcn e y it le n echoma to kcop ntr bi
lious citizens into power , and no ono after
mother report 1ms been ujirencl. Even
the mayor , who ptiiloi himself on I Is
botng the fa the rand helper of all enter-
prlaca for upbulldinR the city , claims that
it ia undo up of ioiuranco inon , who have
thus organized to dtfeat the proptsad lo
cal taxation of Inauranco companies.
In all fairuoiH the njaochtlou thould
stand be fora the public for what it really
( a , and the purposes arc now fully eot
forth , and ita organization made known ,
The officers elected for this year era as
folio wa :
N. M. Pusoy , president ; J. P. Chs.vJy ,
vice president ; J. W. Berber , secretary ;
Al-x Wood , trots jicr.
Executive cummittoo N. M , Pasay ,
president- ; . P. Oaaady , vioo jues'doDt ' ;
J. 0. Dollavcn , S'etotary ; Alex Wood ,
troasnrar : E L , Shueatt , IS J. Brown.
J. F. Evans , Wulls Cook , J. T. Hart , II.
tl. MotcaU , Robert Poroivnl , H. n.
lt < constitution and by-lawa are quite
long by , almost tro lengthy to give
proiniio of long life , for it has bocoino a
veil is'.ftbllabod rule fiat most Eoclutioa
with long c ns itntiuns Into ehoit liven
and thoau with short couetitutions live
long. If the purposes , hoivevtr , ait
forth by thii Cit zees' association are
carried put , it is hoped , for lha good of
of the ci'y , that ic may bu loug Lved and
grow in STongth r.u tha years go by
Council BluiTi ncods aivaacemant and
reform aud neola them badly , and if the
( usociulou lives up to iti prcmteos it will
ba n tr at help to tlu bsat Iutoru3ta of
the city.
The followiug noloctod cectinna of its
coiiatttution and bylaws Indicate Bufli-
ciont'.y ' wlut its purpose IB , and how this
purpieo ii to ba met :
In order to liiiuro n mrro perfect ad
ministration in our municipal affairs ; to
prjruoto the general welfare and pecs
perity of the ci'y ; to protect cltlzane , as
fjir ni ptsjtble , ngUnst the ovlla < > f cate-
Ic33 or corrapt legislation ; to oflfoct the
prompt ouforcement and execution of the
LIT ; to fostar and cncoungo all enter
prisoi noessiry and calculated to develop
and extend our business and commercial
Interests ; to protect and maintain our , both at homo and abroad ; teat
at cure such legislation , both ota'o
and nation il , as the Interests of the city
m&y from time to time require ; to arouse
a more widely extended interest in our
municipal Irgis'atlon and administration ;
to correct'g abuse * , and to prevent
their future recurrence , and believing
that to secure thvse ends , organized
action is noccsmry , we , cilizane , tax-pay'
ors and voters , in the cily of Council
Bluff ) , have formed this association , and
for ita government hive established this
constitution :
No person holding ; any impirtant eflio
of emolument under the national , state
or ilty ( { ovornmont , nor any member of
city councils , shall bo eligible for room-
bciahip. The oxtcutlvo cimmltteo ahcl !
have the power lo ausj end this rule in
individual cisos for prudential reasuis ,
and any member becoming a candidate
for any of theto offices shall thereupon
cease to hold oflico in this committee , or
servo on any of i a nub-committees , and
upon being elected , shall cease to ben
member of the committee.
Nominations fur memborthip shall bo
t made in writing to the executive commit
tee , who , after careful examination and
inquiry as to the fi ness , thill loport to
the citizen's commi toe fur election such
as they approve. Five dirseuttog votes
rlnll defeat a nomination in tbo oxecu
tlvo committee , and a throe-four hi vote
by ballot of those present at the mcetinx
i f the citizen's committee shall bo re
quired to elect.
Murnbort may bo dropped from the
rill for Inattention to tnoir duties or
other sallloient cius * , bt the instance uf
the executive committee , by a throe-
fnurlhs ballot of thnsn preront at tbo
next meeting of the Citiz m' Committee.
. RfguUr meetings of the iV'B ci.vlpn
iill oo held at the rooms of tip us-oia-
t'on ft fitch times as the executive com
mlttec miy do ermine.
lU-guUr nmutiuga oC the executive com
mltteo shall ho held evety Tuesday.
Too executive committee shall appoint
the following standing committees : Fi-
ui.nci' , li o atl'alrs , public improve inents ,
police ullhlra , municipal orgacizalbn ,
I city and county legislation and admlnis-
raflnn , stito legislation aud laTca'ion
E h of s ld coinmlttfoj shall ronslet of
' luee or more iiiombo s of the amcla-
I tlon.The
The executive committee shall
power to apptint such other committees ,
landing or special , as they may ceo fit.
All comin ttecs , standing cr epiciil ,
shall repcrt , in wii'ing only , up'jn Huch
as are submitted and relerrod to
thtfn by the executive committee ; and
all reports of committees shall bo made
in the firat instance to the oncatlvo com
ut mittee , and shall bo by It , in ita discre
tion , repo ted to a r gdlsr mooting of
or the BBiuclatloa-
Tha oxtctitlvo committee msy , In Ita
dissrotion , report to auy regular nieit-
tng upon any lubjact embracing wit'iiu
the purpose of the association as sot foith
In the constitution.
A ur.omberthlp fee of § 2 00 at titna of
ed brooming a member , and an snnual feoof
§ 2 CO , duo and p y blo January lit , of
each year.
Tim Nominee * ,
Who Is this IlcoJ whom the democrate
have nominated for a'donuan ( IOTI the
Fourth ward ? That question was huaid
re , freqnently yesterday , Many , however ,
tt , arc able to answer ir , End they knov him
t ) bo jnst the sort of a nun who ought to
1 make a g od aldt rnitn , a'.though ' ho hat
not had great expeiience in muulcipal
roaitits as an official. Uo Is a cleric in
the freight c flico of the Union PariGc ,
but Ms frifudi claim that he it not a
"U. P. " candidate in tto otdliury sense
3to i > f ihiit 'cnn , und is not a inonupolUt ,
to He is u'go.1 by tbo wcrklngruen , who
htve oonti'once In hla beltig true t ? theft
'ntprcsie , aid it hacked solidly by the
rpti < en > a i f ihe bottona , who feel thai
hiy 1 two 1ml no jvpre * ! n'atioa in tin
BIO Cone 1 , and that thfy have n t beenpio
rc : tic'fd from tlvidi rr fiom ktenohrr. ITt
L'C l < n man of moru tluu r rdlcury Ictflll
geuco slid dducut on , and has mauj
erj g ol friends of htai and hear
r o that Mit i the bjckiaj ho h s he wi 1
make a strong candleUtc , and unless the
republican * ncmln to a belter man he
will bo elected IIo hu b-en known ni
on anti-Vaughan dcnv-c-at , but It is
understood that the mayor aud that
clique hare sought to win him over , and
nuku h'in ' feel that he is under obliga
tions to them for tuppirtlng him. It le
thought that ho ha etrei gth ami bold-
n > sa enrugh to dcmind cf the clique
' hinds off. " If ho docs not ho will
l-iio many votes , and will doubtless be
defeated , for this year there deems to be
Adotormlna'ic'ii ' on the part of the bolter
clti'2v > t < B of both parties , to breakup the
old shtcs and try reform.
The nomination of George Blftxiim In
tlio Third ward is by no means a bail ono
f r the democrats. Mr. IVanltu inns a
shoo shop on lower Main street , llo has
the reputation of being an honest man ,
id is rather n ainst the present admin's-
stin. . Thrra is no fear tf Mr. BUx-
m , If olcc'O'J , doing or allowing any
reeked work or funny btiilni'ts , but the
ily fear is that ho Is not shroud enough
L the wily ways of the i Id < ilioe-holders
id politicians to see through pchomec ,
, nd prevent , himself from being dMfn
ute thorn , lie is not a strong catdldato ,
: id has been defeated before. If Ilio rr-
iiblicnna nro viisj in their nomination
hey can haVe a n publican alderman
om the Third.
V CoiiHtnlilo Given n I'uzzlo to the
Justice Hendricks lately sent out an
Iglnol notice to a oonsttbto to serve ,
, nd has just got a rctarn which proves a
mzzlor to the attorneys as to wliethor
: ho constiblo got sorvlco or net. The
ocumont is decidedly unique , the return
fee bill bting ns follow * , the printed
) lank aud the written patt being stranga-
mixed :
The within nrtico come into my hands
i the 20 daytf February 1885 and 1
uly served the same on the day of
188 by rend ng the within no-
co to the within uamtd Made Dili-
cut Search Went to his place sec 4 Lycn
p and learned that ho was In Marshal
o la there will bo a foreclosure on his
lace March 14,1884 , ard deliviring a
rue copy of the panic. Doiio in Lion
onnty Iowa this 22d day of February
885. P. W. HOUSE ,
Constable tf Ljou Ton nshlp.
ervico f > 0
! npy 10
ililengo C5
if i had this sooner I could done somo-
, hlng with it. P , W. BOUSE ,
Afine organ , half price , at Beard's
all paper store , next to postcffico.
Beckman & Co , 525 Main street , will
ash and oil ynur harness cheap now.
Kcpubllunn City Convention.
Tha republican city convention will bo
.eld at the city buildincr on Thursday
fternoon , February 20 , 1885 , at 2 o'clock
m. , for the purpose of nominating one
at-dtdato for aldornnn at large , and
breo park commissioners , to bo voted for
t the ensuing city election. Thes-veral
'ard primaries will be held on Wedncs-
ay evening , Fobruiry 27 , at 7:30 : p. m.
The First ward primary will bo held at
Vois & Clausen's etore and select five
The Second ward primary will bo hold
it the city building and telect nluo del-
The Third ward primary will ba held
, t the office of Liudt & Hart and select
ix delegates , and also iiuininato ono can
'tdatofor aldermin.
The F < nith ward primary will be hold
t Reno a hall and select nine delegates ,
nd aho ono candidate for alderman.
By order of the rppub'ic ' n city central
ommlttec. JACOD SIMS , Chamnan.
Up. "
J iaes Franey , the well known mer-
ihant tailor , has not only to far recovered
rom bis illness as to be able to give his
ersonal atttntiou t } business , but Inset
; ot his now gco-s ? in , s > that now ia the
'mo for bis many customers to drop in
in him and "dries up. " Ho certainly
as as lar 10 and varied stock of goods as
MI bo found in tbii pirt of the world ,
, n c ] as to good fits and excellent make
ivoryoody knows that Frtnov takes the
ead. Put in your orders early.
The boa-d of registration of Kane
ownshlp will meet at the cilice of the
.ho town clerk , No. 102 Soutn Main
reot , M&roh31and , 1885 , for the
i > nrpoio of compUt'ng imi riiVtaing tlio
rogi try for the special election to bo held
March 10 1885. A GAAS ,
Township Ulork.
Before yon buy a harness call on Beckman -
man & Co. , 525 Main street.
The receipts of lumber at St. Paul ,
iriiu 1885 , were 80.880,000 feet again4
37,095,000 foot in 1883. Shlpm < n s
were 202,729 , as against 180 739,000 in
No. 201 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Huir Ciiiliti gantl Sliaviny.
This is an Jfqual Mights Shop.
G10 Brondwny , Council BlufTe ,
VsTisA lr i M
Yo k In April , Ma ) , Ju e and July by first da *
t CHlllllK.
THAVKLKH8 at reducer ! r.ti'K , by the belt rtute
for pleaaurs trav 1.
I O iK'rt K.V UllSI VIST , with miru , ccntalni
fall irilo ilais ; by mall for 10 cei ts
TIIOS COOK ft R IN , 2 l Broadnay , K. V.
Or K8 I > ebom St. , Cblcairo , Ills ,
wed atl8wmo
R. Eice M. D.
of ilie Peace
„ „ „
A full stock of Mens' , Womens' ,
Boys' , Misses' and CMldrens' New Jersey
ARCTICS , now ready in any quantity to
suit purchasers , CHICAGO TEEMS and
DISCOUNTS every day in the year. We
also carry FULL lines of BOOTS and
SANDALS of above named goods , includ
ing the nicest line of SPECIALTIES for
fine retail trade made by ANY company.
We have some Felt Boots to close out
cheap. Try a case of our COMMON
recommend them.-
Write for list on "Lumbermen"
Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St.
Office , 412 Broadway ,
To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria ,
"pvUUING the last flvoj-eara there has not been a death from diphtheria In any ca whcro Dr. Thomas
JLJcffcr1 ! preventive and cure wa used. It has beou the moats ol saving thousands of lives. India-
licnsihlo In putild eor thr at , In mi Ignant ecarlo fever , chanelne It In 48 h uretotho simple form. For
ealo only at the doctoi'u office , No 23 South Eighth street , Council lllulTe , Iowa , Send for it ; price 92.
Djspcptlc , hyli\e In misery and ale In despair with cnnosr of the etoinacnl Dr Thonma Jedcrls cures
every o.te of Inulucstlon and coretlpatlon In a vcrj ehort tlino. Boat of references given. D epopaaia la
the cause el all of nintty per cent clisongcJ condltinns
. . . . .
Casady Orcutt & Frenoli
405 Broadway Council Bwffs\ \
Carpets ,
Curtains ,
Window Shades ,
Mattings ,
Linoleums ,
Oil Cloths and
Upholstery ,
Mail Orders
Carefully Filled !
Corn Meal ,
Graham Hour ,
Ground Fresh Every Day I
Ground Feed Always on Hand.
Mill , comer ot North Sixth and Mill Street * ,
Wheat No. 1 milling , C5j No. 2 , CO ;
No. S , 50.
Corn New , 25c.
Oata For local purpoeea , 23o.
Hay 85 00@G 50 per ton ; baled , CO@GO ,
Rye 35o.
Corn Meal 1 SO per 100 pounds.
Wood Good supply ; prlcoa at yard * , 6 00 ®
6 50.
Goal Delivered , hard , 9 60 par ton ; soft
4 CO per ton
Lard Falrbank'n. wholesaling at 92o.
Elour City flour , 1 E0@2 90.
Brooms 2 9G@8 00 per doz ,
Oattlo Butcher cowa 3 253 75 , Butcher
steers , 3 76(24 ( 00.
Sheep 2 50@3 00.
Hogs 4 00(624 ( 25.
Poultry Live chlckenapcr | doz. 300'dro8s- ;
od chickonH , 8c ; droneed turkeys , lOc ; dress
ed duckfl , Oc ; dressed goene , 8c.
Butter Creamery , 25@i-8o ; choice country
pn.i 27 per dozen.
. egotabloa Potatoes , BO BDo per btuiholj
onions , COc t > er bu ; apples , choice cooking or
eating , 3 ( K ) ; beans , 1 001 60 per bushel.
Cider 32 gallon bbl. , $0,50.
Oranges 4 0 I per box.
Iiemone 4 60oG ) 00 uer box
No. 607 Broadway Council Blnffi.
Railway Time Table ,
Corrected to Jauuarv 7 , 1BS5.
The follovrlnff are Ihe times of the arrival and de
putare of train * by central standard time , at the
local depota. Trains leave transfer depot ten rnln
ales earlier and arrire Un minutes later ,
iS6 : p m Chicago Exprtaa B:00arn :
BiO : a m Fait tfatl. tJOOprr
1ISO p ra Aooommodatlon. IlOO p m
At local depot only.
KAKUJI orrr , IT. ; oi AND oouaoiL iLtrm.
10OS : a m Mill and Exprem , 8.25 p m
erl6pm radOo Kiprewi , fl65m ; [
6:18 : p m Eiprew , 9:06 : a m
9:24 : a m Ezprera , 8:55 : p m
lU : p m Atluitlo Eiprcu , 9:05 : a m
9:86 : am D 7 Eiprex 8:54 : p m
Tito a m D i UoloM AocommoditloD , tilt p m
At local depot only ,
" -a , IT. bocii AMD ricinc ,
6:10 : pm Aooommtxlitoo 00 are
1:80 : p m Louli Eipreat 8:45 : pm
1:50 : p m ExpreM 10:55 : a m
* AI Traoileronly
irnoioo and HOBTinruru * .
l50pm ! Ezprea * . 8:50 : pm
CUata Padflo KxpreM 6:06 : a m
BOCI crrr IBD ricino ,
ftOpm : Bt. Paul KifiMi , 8:00 : t m
mo a m Daj Exprtwi r.-OOpm
raioM riario.
8-oopm WwUrn EipreM , 820am
11:00 : a ta radflo Etprew. s : < o p m
ItilO a B Llnoolo ExproM , lilSpm
'At Tranrfer only
i TO
2:30 : SO : : * * (1:80-8.30 ( : 11 : 6 p. m
7:20' : 8:30 : 11:40 : a. m i:3Q : 3:30-t:30- : :
11:06 p. in. Anlte lOmlnuK : * beforelca > log tlino.
Krom tr n 'tr only.
Irs eJ Hilton H D
, , , , , .
SMITH ifc TUK ( | ; , AC3TS ,
Merchant Tailors !
7 and 0 Main St. ,
COUNCIL BLfFi's , - - - IOWA.
A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From ,
Keep HofscB and Mules constantly on hand whto
wo will sell in retail or carload lots.
All Stock Warranted as Presented.
ct > It ( tnli in )
iunkblo ButUta
Ocimor Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. Council Bluffs. "
Brs , Judd & Smith's NBV ? Improved Electric Belt.
IT I'OaniVHiY CUHKH Kidney an.ltlrcr CompUInt , nrlRht'n Ilhoa , IthcuiutUm , Ncutntil *
Iyepcr l.NcnoiiBi csi WtrtliiRVeaknF , IMmlyels , ) iliiM Alii cllons , liiillKosllon , Heart IH-iom , KUj
Ilo.tdncli , Lnino lliok , Oo'J Feet , mil nil Uljonsoa rcxiuUIn Inorcaso.l raotUo iiowcm. Now tmurovod o
$3 anil (6olil ; stjlogl tftdi.
Brick biiilflinps of any size raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. I'raino hous
moved on LITTLE GrANT truclis , the best In the U'nrM. *
1010 Mnth Street , Council lllufla.
" ' W. C. ESTKL *
Field & Estep ,
Nu. 311 Broadway , Com oil Bluffy Iowa.
OfBce Calla Attended 1'romptly , Day and Night , 1'artlcular attention given to Kinbalmlnff
505 Broad-way , Council Bluffs.
THIS ONLY ALL KIOHT HOUSE IN THK crTT. Everything served in first claei style aud on shorb
notice Hot and cold lunrhea always ready.
NOTICE. flpecltl Tertleatnents , eao > g Logl ,
Found , To Lo n , Foi Sale , To Rent , Wants , BoardIng -
Ing , etc. , will b Inserted In thii column at the low
lite of TEN CENTS PER T.INK lot the flr Insertion
and FIVE CENTS PEK UNE lot eaoh robeoquenl n-
ertlon. I * TO advertlsemocta at onroffiM , No.
Pearl Stieel , near Broadwav
" | 7 > OU SALE. Atinther hotel In a llvo Nebrajka
J ? town , now doing a luslacHj if about $ per
merit h. No ether hotel In thu p'aco Ttrmsllfcrat.
SALE Olt TKA1)E ) 8 0 acres of land In
FOIl couuty , Mu. Will trade for Council
Dlufffl city nronvity or eell cheap fur cash or i nrt
tlnio. b AN & * ALhKR
\ " 7"AN7li TO TrtAUrt Uood Iowa < r Nebraska
VV land for a omall Block ol hardwire or fa cral
merchandise , well located. SWAN & WALKER.
TT7ANTBn Woman paatry cook Immediately nt
Vt the Ogdcn hun'C.
VT7 ANT ED- Undent In dcn-nt t fllce. M list have
VV meats ot sjIf-Biippoit Call oner address at
No. 12 Pearl St. Council DIuDs.
peed girl to i'o Rcneial housework.
Call at 1(0 Bancroft street.
SALE A rareclnn'otoKet a floe , well 1m-
FOH rro\oO farm of 400 acres , within a lev miles cf
Council Bluff * , at a bargain. Low ptico and easy
teiins. SWAN & WALKBK
FOIl SALK A peed jiajlrt ; hotel proncrty lth
ll\eiy tUWc in ono of the best gnnll towns in
western lena will cell with or nithuitfurnltuic , or
will tiada for a i mall farm with Kock ito.
FOR SHIiE FlRhty crf nrtviro\rd | land tn
Unlciicmintx , luwft , 3J nvl(9 HCUthia tot Al
ton , the o iint > feat , or will trai'c for XsbrauVa or
Kanfas land. Sw AN
. ' SALE A 2 ecro tract of < * > ' l nil about
J.'OU and a half it lies from Council Iliifl | X3tt
otllce. at a butpaln. SWAN .V WALKKR
1/Oil SALE In llarrlmmciiinty , Iowa. 320 acres
1 irram land , all under ( euro-a ! 0n are farm
with fliioimiro | > oiiuni ; all under cultitatl'n cvcpt
SO M'rcn iriH : ) 8' norm K ° od ( jrats or pasture land
aid N0\en ! ollior tracts cf from 40 to 100 acres ol
iiiilmpiou'd land. BWAN & MAI.KKR
I OK S1LE Ijvuds Improtcd nad unlminurd.
1 If v u want faim In western Iowa , KansM
Nebraska or D.ilciU , Ictus lioir frc mou. .
SWAN & ,
HAI' \ A laruo r.umber ol | I\IBHOSI \ | and rc'l-
iK'iico loin In all pans of Uimirll UliillH. Heo
in before you buy , KWAT < x. WAI.KKR
FOIl HLK Parties wIshltiKfo buj ohrnp loH to
build on can buy on aouilily pnjmcntn ii'frnni '
(2 to 810 hwAN A WALHKK
ITiOIUlKNr Won 111 rent you a lot to liu 111 on
JP wrth llic prhiloKu to liny If ) nn wtrh nnory
llboml term' , EUAK & WAI.KKU
To iorrcfiotul | wlllmny onr > wIsliliiKB
( jord looitlon f r ilaiiiilni ; mill , xath , ilpor
and blind inanulactory , wo hate building ami
iiiachiner ) , well located , for sale , Itnso or ti
"I7 > OII KENT L rB two I lory fnti o l.nlldlrK milt
J1 able for warihouco or r > tniaxn pur | > pe , rieir
rail road depot. buANYAI.KKR
ITUMlltKNl' Oil MMr , i > u.ijii ;
J1 rni'tulli (01 ( niall foundiy Mid machine shop
Oooil b jllur , ciiKlno , cupita , b'uwtr ' ltli U ul uhau-
, ; > OH UAUE-iluuses , Iota and Laud. A. 1 ,
I1 * -teil | eTQii , Hi3 flrft avenue. _ _
IjiOll HALK A top-buKK } , nrstIm make and
JL' in ex ulltnt mindltlun Or nil ) Irado for cheap
iot. Addrn-n i . M llBnolllio , rpimcll IlliiZa.
UAL AND"w Ollll UnuijiaTluMoir , OU llrn il-
way. Bella coal > nd wooi ] at rtiaonnable prices
give * 2,000 lb . fo a ton , and 12S cublo for a cord ,
Try him. _
fir ANTKU Kv ry body in Council VluSi to lake
VV Til II i a. Delivered by carrier at only Iwtnty
/tail a w ek.
\LU I'Al'KHU fet l at liu office , at S6 Moll
a hundred
flltorney - at-Law ,
Office , Main Btrw t , Room 8 , Bhugart and HeoO
block. Wilt practice In a ate and Federal courts.
Cob , Coal I Wood
33 en.
P. O. addrtM , Look 1km 1189 , Council HluPs.
Deputy Kherllf and
General Collection
Office with N , Schurz , JiuUce of the Peace , 0 uacll
. lufl , Iowa.
A.ntl Commission. i
h M Way Sfc , DEK1/EP / , COL , 1
So'icit Consi nnients and guar
antee quick suits and prompt re
turns. Give usn trial.
References Bradsfc'eet's or Guns
Agencies ; and i < 'irsb National Bank.
Coandl Bluffs , lai
Established 1858
Dealers In Forctrn and Domutla Eiokang * ao <
nomt S curltli .
Dr , 3,7. H. Sherraden
Masonic Temple ,
Oonncl ) Ulnftf low * .
Wholesale and ItoUll Doilora In
Hard Soft am Blossburg
O OA. . 3L . -
W. n. PIBLEY , Mniint-nr.
Olll'u. F8 Main St. Yard , on 0 It. I. I' , and C.
M & fat. I' . Hallway.
Schmitt & ? Earb
Have retuoTtd from under the Optra IUus to
They will continue their CIOAK AND TOBACCO
bu > tnc6iaa < l Inr te all their oldfrleudi and the pub
IIo to rail and o them. Tbo Duttt drfara to
laoooalwa ) eon baud , * '