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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1885)
c THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 25 , 1885 THE DAILY BEE TOUNCIL BLUFFS , \vodn ° sday Morning , Feb 25 aUIUOKIITIOM RATES. JByC n ! l - - - - - - - JO renU | * r wtck Br UlH - . . - 110.00 p r yeai o. T Fowl nirost. Hoar Broadw&r. ' MINOK MENTION , The funeral of Mrs. Batcn i ] to 1)9 held this nftornoon. John Hyan anil John Kelly were yen- lerdsy fined for being dtuuk. lha domccra'ic ' city convention meets Ihls nftcrnoon at 1:30 : o'clock. Ei will shortly II RT Ilio cry 'p ' pa" fr jra a bran now girl baby. Thcro will probably bo a Drha Mela lake place in Ihls city on next Tuesday. H. Friedman , oinco yesterday After ticoa , is the happy father ofnboanclng fcoy. fcoy.Tho The daughters of Rsbockah Lo Jga No. S , give n social ball In Reno's lull to- nrow evening. The board of Irada is to have an Im portant mooting this evening nt 8 o'clock Chnrp at Odell & Day's office. Ia the case of Foraylho vs. Smith the jury yesterday brought in a verdict for SCO in favor of the plaintiff. Laavo to marry was yesterday ( { routed C. / . Potcrsin and Lizzie Atkln ; elao Joioph Bnllhiur and Tilllo Elloruiau , nil Of Viia city. Tlio Jowa will celebrate next Monday , It being Purlin , A number from Council Bluffi will attend the ball ia Onnbn on ( hat evening. Tao Methodist chnrch hold * Its quar terly mooting ono week from , Sunday , at which time Jlov. W. T. Soilth , the pro- eidlng older will ba prjsont. In the circuit court yesterday bho case Oi McKtnzio va Kelley , in whioh dam ages W0ro c'aimed for the unskillful ehooing of a horse , tvas oa trial. The city will have another Bait fcOmo of Ihose slippery daja if it does not fiao to It that the s'dawalk on Willow avonco , jnsl west of the Bloomer eoh'ool building , ( a not fixed. Ono colored kid arrived hero yesterday , a runaway from his homo in AtchUen , Kaa. Tbo llttlo fellow said ho wanted to Bio bis grandmother who lived here. Officer Smullen took the little runaway in charge. To morrow evening , at the Coy house , Jacab Schmitt , the well known manager Of the Bavarian band , and "Knfght of the Bazor , " will bo united In manJago to Miss Emma Knemcier , a staler to the proprietor of the Ojy house. Tun BEE yesterday made ctio of these ludicrous mistakes common to ell newspaper - paper offices , whcro the typcw getting the editor into m'schief. ' THE BED should bftvo said "Ool. Keatley made a "asathing epoeoh" Instead of a "scattering" speech. The defon lint's demurrer to tbo p ti- tlon in the case of the D. W. Flowoic0 Eco company against Elizabeth Klein , argued and submitted last week and taon- tioned at tha time of its submlwion , waa on yesterday sustained in the circuit court. Henry Pcholdler hns challenged Jrlm Eponter , jr. , for a two mile race on roller ekatos , to tike place at the link thin ovoniug. This is the second race bo- lw on these young moa and will bo very exciting , being the l&rgpit race on akatf a over inn In this cily , it being City-six times around the rink. An attempt is bolng mcdo to gf t n syndicate formed in buy the Catholic church properly for ? 20,000 , tlio shares of stork to ba § 100 each. If this plan It. enccessful , the money thus rcnl'zcJ ' : ? 111 1)0 Uiod In complotlnj the olrgaut HGT church , the foandaticn of vh'cli ' ii tlroady laid. In the Ciao of Eva Poirin ogalnsl it DAWSOU the jury yesterday brought in t verdict of § 300 in favor of ths plaintiff The jury would not have missed it i [ they had made it $1,000 , for Daweon'i conduct In asiaultlng the we man a' ehowuy \ the evidence , was a piece o > 'brutality , oven If she tiai a prostitute. MoBtrj.vMllktt , Ilardin , DoBcvo'.se Brodbeck and Odell woutytstcfJay up t the island , lira hack , hunting for wo'vc which thty heard were thereabout They have haJ ( a good dotl of ejtpcr cue ,4u hunting , bt\t upt so much in captntio game , but they- will have a gcod time ot of any excurslou , whetbor tuccewful c ok. Willhm Pattoiifli' on aspirant for inimbcrof tbo tchool beard. IIo h yoitog nun who was educated in tl ; olojls here , and is In many nnys an o tlmablo young man ; but Tfhen couple wi h John Jay Frainey andBjlly Oalvli fco forms one of a ward political trli who ovghl to bo eat down on fla' vei flat. flat.It It is cow claimed that Wilson at O'Connor , who are In jail on clurge -tiurgluiz'.ng ' Cooper & McGeo'a etor ftro none other thin Myers aud Scot who fora oily were running the &t. Lou -restaurant en Tenth street , and wt iklppel out , 'uking lha Bbowcaicso 11 an Indian tobacoi elgn , on which the mor'gage. _ IniporOiU Innirunco The Iowa and Ktbraska insurance co : fiany has lixriaicd t's ' capital stock (400 COO and is to remove iti rr'nt-U ' office from OotiDcU D'ufTi to Siour Cit Thn nemo of tlio company Is < o 1 changed to that { f the Weitrra Urr Incurauco cimpanr. The < tliars ar W. L Joy , ir < ido t ; K't ' CKytonle 4ir' idcnt ; Q W. Kugwo h , sacrft-ii Mid matiign ; fo ! ig W arp , trtaiur * J. , T. Ilarrj goDiul manager. CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION , flow It .is Officered , What It Will Do , and How It Will Do R A Xe\v Organization , Thcro hnvo boon nil aorta of ropotts na to trbat Ilia Citizens' tssodtllcn Is and what it Is purp'std t < accomplish. Seine who MO In oflico have given out that It ia only a kicking machine to punish them. Othcn e y it le n echoma to kcop ntr bi lious citizens into power , and no ono after mother report 1ms been ujirencl. Even the mayor , who ptiiloi himself on I Is botng the fa the rand helper of all enter- prlaca for upbulldinR the city , claims that it ia undo up of ioiuranco inon , who have thus organized to dtfeat the proptsad lo cal taxation of Inauranco companies. In all fairuoiH the njaochtlou thould stand be fora the public for what it really ( a , and the purposes arc now fully eot forth , and ita organization made known , The officers elected for this year era as folio wa : N. M. Pusoy , president ; J. P. Chs.vJy , vice president ; J. W. Berber , secretary ; Al-x Wood , trots jicr. Executive cummittoo N. M , Pasay , president- ; . P. Oaaady , vioo jues'doDt ' ; J. 0. Dollavcn , S'etotary ; Alex Wood , troasnrar : E L , Shueatt , IS J. Brown. J. F. Evans , Wulls Cook , J. T. Hart , II. tl. MotcaU , Robert Poroivnl , H. n. Field. lt < constitution and by-lawa are quite long by , almost tro lengthy to give proiniio of long life , for it has bocoino a veil is'.ftbllabod rule fiat most Eoclutioa with long c ns itntiuns Into ehoit liven and thoau with short couetitutions live long. If the purposes , hoivevtr , ait forth by thii Cit zees' association are carried put , it is hoped , for lha good of of the ci'y , that ic may bu loug Lved and grow in STongth r.u tha years go by Council BluiTi ncods aivaacemant and reform aud neola them badly , and if the ( usociulou lives up to iti prcmteos it will ba n tr at help to tlu bsat Iutoru3ta of the city. The followiug noloctod cectinna of its coiiatttution and bylaws Indicate Bufli- ciont'.y ' wlut its purpose IB , and how this purpieo ii to ba met : In order to liiiuro n mrro perfect ad ministration in our municipal affairs ; to prjruoto the general welfare and pecs perity of the ci'y ; to protect cltlzane , as fjir ni ptsjtble , ngUnst the ovlla < > f cate- Ic33 or corrapt legislation ; to oflfoct the prompt ouforcement and execution of the LIT ; to fostar and cncoungo all enter prisoi noessiry and calculated to develop and extend our business and commercial Interests ; to protect and maintain our , both at homo and abroad ; teat at cure such legislation , both ota'o and nation il , as the Interests of the city m&y from time to time require ; to arouse a more widely extended interest in our municipal Irgis'atlon and administration ; to correct'g abuse * , and to prevent their future recurrence , and believing that to secure thvse ends , organized action is noccsmry , we , cilizane , tax-pay' ors and voters , in the cily of Council Bluff ) , have formed this association , and for ita government hive established this constitution : No person holding ; any impirtant eflio of emolument under the national , state or ilty ( { ovornmont , nor any member of city councils , shall bo eligible for room- bciahip. The oxtcutlvo cimmltteo ahcl ! have the power lo ausj end this rule in individual cisos for prudential reasuis , and any member becoming a candidate for any of theto offices shall thereupon cease to hold oflico in this committee , or servo on any of i a nub-committees , and upon being elected , shall cease to ben member of the committee. Nominations fur memborthip shall bo t made in writing to the executive commit tee , who , after careful examination and inquiry as to the fi ness , thill loport to the citizen's commi toe fur election such as they approve. Five dirseuttog votes rlnll defeat a nomination in tbo oxecu tlvo committee , and a throe-four hi vote by ballot of those present at the mcetinx i f the citizen's committee shall bo re quired to elect. Murnbort may bo dropped from the rill for Inattention to tnoir duties or other sallloient cius * , bt the instance uf the executive committee , by a throe- fnurlhs ballot of thnsn preront at tbo next meeting of the Citiz m' Committee. . RfguUr meetings of the iV'B ci.vlpn iill oo held at the rooms of tip us-oia- t'on ft fitch times as the executive com mlttec miy do ermine. lU-guUr nmutiuga oC the executive com mltteo shall ho held evety Tuesday. Too executive committee shall appoint the following standing committees : Fi- ui.nci' , li o atl'alrs , public improve inents , police ullhlra , municipal orgacizalbn , I city and county legislation and admlnis- raflnn , stito legislation aud laTca'ion E h of s ld coinmlttfoj shall ronslet of ' luee or more iiiombo s of the amcla- I tlon.The The executive committee shall power to apptint such other committees , landing or special , as they may ceo fit. All comin ttecs , standing cr epiciil , shall repcrt , in wii'ing only , up'jn Huch as are submitted and relerrod to thtfn by the executive committee ; and all reports of committees shall bo made in the firat instance to the oncatlvo com ut mittee , and shall bo by It , in ita discre tion , repo ted to a r gdlsr mooting of or the BBiuclatloa- Tha oxtctitlvo committee msy , In Ita dissrotion , report to auy regular nieit- tng upon any lubjact embracing wit'iiu the purpose of the association as sot foith hoed In the constitution. A ur.omberthlp fee of § 2 00 at titna of ed brooming a member , and an snnual feoof § 2 CO , duo and p y blo January lit , of each year. Tim Nominee * , Who Is this IlcoJ whom the democrate have nominated for a'donuan ( IOTI the Fourth ward ? That question was huaid re , freqnently yesterday , Many , however , tt , arc able to answer ir , End they knov him t ) bo jnst the sort of a nun who ought to 1 make a g od aldt rnitn , a'.though ' ho hat not had great expeiience in muulcipal roaitits as an official. Uo Is a cleric in the freight c flico of the Union PariGc , but Ms frifudi claim that he it not a "U. P. " candidate in tto otdliury sense 3to i > f ihiit 'cnn , und is not a inonupolUt , to He is u'go.1 by tbo wcrklngruen , who htve oonti'once In hla beltig true t ? theft 'ntprcsie , aid it hacked solidly by the rpti < en > a i f ihe bottona , who feel thai l-o hiy 1 two 1ml no jvpre * ! n'atioa in tin BIO Cone 1 , and that thfy have n t beenpio rc : tic'fd from tlvidi rr fiom ktenohrr. ITt L'C l < n man of moru tluu r rdlcury Ictflll geuco slid dducut on , and has mauj erj g ol friends of htai and hear r o that Mit i the bjckiaj ho h s he wi 1 make a strong candleUtc , and unless the republican * ncmln to a belter man he will bo elected IIo hu b-en known ni on anti-Vaughan dcnv-c-at , but It is understood that the mayor aud that clique hare sought to win him over , and nuku h'in ' feel that he is under obliga tions to them for tuppirtlng him. It le thought that ho ha etrei gth ami bold- n > sa enrugh to dcmind cf the clique ' hinds off. " If ho docs not ho will l-iio many votes , and will doubtless be defeated , for this year there deems to be Adotormlna'ic'ii ' on the part of the bolter clti'2v > t < B of both parties , to breakup the old shtcs and try reform. The nomination of George Blftxiim In tlio Third ward is by no means a bail ono f r the democrats. Mr. IVanltu inns a shoo shop on lower Main street , llo has the reputation of being an honest man , id is rather n ainst the present admin's- stin. . Thrra is no fear tf Mr. BUx- m , If olcc'O'J , doing or allowing any reeked work or funny btiilni'ts , but the ily fear is that ho Is not shroud enough L the wily ways of the i Id < ilioe-holders id politicians to see through pchomec , , nd prevent , himself from being dMfn ute thorn , lie is not a strong catdldato , : id has been defeated before. If Ilio rr- iiblicnna nro viisj in their nomination hey can haVe a n publican alderman om the Third. DID BE SERVE IT ? V CoiiHtnlilo Given n I'uzzlo to the Attornoj-H. Justice Hendricks lately sent out an Iglnol notice to a oonsttbto to serve , , nd has just got a rctarn which proves a mzzlor to the attorneys as to wliethor : ho constiblo got sorvlco or net. The ocumont is decidedly unique , the return fee bill bting ns follow * , the printed ) lank aud the written patt being stranga- mixed : The within nrtico come into my hands i the 20 daytf February 1885 and 1 uly served the same on the day of 188 by rend ng the within no- co to the within uamtd Made Dili- cut Search Went to his place sec 4 Lycn p and learned that ho was In Marshal o la there will bo a foreclosure on his lace March 14,1884 , ard deliviring a rue copy of the panic. Doiio in Lion onnty Iowa this 22d day of February 885. P. W. HOUSE , Constable tf Ljou Ton nshlp. ervico f > 0 ! npy 10 ililengo C5 31.23 if i had this sooner I could done somo- , hlng with it. P , W. BOUSE , Constable. Afine organ , half price , at Beard's all paper store , next to postcffico. Beckman & Co , 525 Main street , will ash and oil ynur harness cheap now. Kcpubllunn City Convention. Tha republican city convention will bo .eld at the city buildincr on Thursday fternoon , February 20 , 1885 , at 2 o'clock m. , for the purpose of nominating one at-dtdato for aldornnn at large , and breo park commissioners , to bo voted for t the ensuing city election. Thes-veral 'ard primaries will be held on Wedncs- ay evening , Fobruiry 27 , at 7:30 : p. m. The First ward primary will bo held at Vois & Clausen's etore and select five elegUes The Second ward primary will bo hold it the city building and telect nluo del- igites. The Third ward primary will ba held , t the office of Liudt & Hart and select ix delegates , and also iiuininato ono can 'tdatofor aldermin. The F < nith ward primary will be hold t Reno a hall and select nine delegates , nd aho ono candidate for alderman. By order of the rppub'ic ' n city central ommlttec. JACOD SIMS , Chamnan. Up. " J iaes Franey , the well known mer- ihant tailor , has not only to far recovered rom bis illness as to be able to give his ersonal atttntiou t } business , but Inset ; ot his now gco-s ? in , s > that now ia the 'mo for bis many customers to drop in in him and "dries up. " Ho certainly as as lar 10 and varied stock of goods as MI bo found in tbii pirt of the world , , n c ] as to good fits and excellent make ivoryoody knows that Frtnov takes the ead. Put in your orders early. Notluc. The boa-d of registration of Kane ownshlp will meet at the cilice of the .ho town clerk , No. 102 Soutn Main reot , M&roh31and , 1885 , for the i > nrpoio of compUt'ng imi riiVtaing tlio rogi try for the special election to bo held March 10 1885. A GAAS , Township Ulork. Before yon buy a harness call on Beckman - man & Co. , 525 Main street. The receipts of lumber at St. Paul , iriiu 1885 , were 80.880,000 feet again4 37,095,000 foot in 1883. Shlpm < n s were 202,729 , as against 180 739,000 in 1882 MANDEMAKER & .VAN , ARCHITECTS. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS No. 201 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs. A. J. MILLER , ( COLORED ) Huir Ciiiliti gantl Sliaviny. This is an Jfqual Mights Shop. G10 Brondwny , Council BlufTe , EUROPE VsTisA lr i M COOK'3 FXCUR ION TAHTIKS 'sil from Nev Yo k In April , Ma ) , Ju e and July by first da * t CHlllllK. SPECIAL T URI8T Tl KKTB for INPIVIDIMI THAVKLKH8 at reducer ! r.ti'K , by the belt rtute for pleaaurs trav 1. I O iK'rt K.V UllSI VIST , with miru , ccntalni fall irilo ilais ; by mall for 10 cei ts TIIOS COOK ft R IN , 2 l Broadnay , K. V. Or K8 I > ebom St. , Cblcairo , Ills , wed atl8wmo R. Eice M. D. CAHCEHS , CHRONIC * 8CHTJRZ. of ilie Peace OVKB 4MEK10AH UPUBU COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. A full stock of Mens' , Womens' , Boys' , Misses' and CMldrens' New Jersey ARCTICS , now ready in any quantity to suit purchasers , CHICAGO TEEMS and DISCOUNTS every day in the year. We also carry FULL lines of BOOTS and SANDALS of above named goods , includ ing the nicest line of SPECIALTIES for fine retail trade made by ANY company. We have some Felt Boots to close out cheap. Try a case of our COMMON SENSE ARCTIC for MEN , we FULLY recommend them.- Write for list on "Lumbermen" Ztrp Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St. Office , 412 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. "M-URDER MOST FOUL , " To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria , "pvUUING the last flvoj-eara there has not been a death from diphtheria In any ca whcro Dr. Thomas JLJcffcr1 ! preventive and cure wa used. It has beou the moats ol saving thousands of lives. India- licnsihlo In putild eor thr at , In mi Ignant ecarlo fever , chanelne It In 48 h uretotho simple form. For ealo only at the doctoi'u office , No 23 South Eighth street , Council lllulTe , Iowa , Send for it ; price 92. Djspcptlc , hyli\e In misery and ale In despair with cnnosr of the etoinacnl Dr Thonma Jedcrls cures every o.te of Inulucstlon and coretlpatlon In a vcrj ehort tlino. Boat of references given. D epopaaia la the cause el all of nintty per cent clisongcJ condltinns F. H. OBCDTT. S. T. FBKKCK * . . . . . I. M. TBETNOC. SUCCESSORS TO Casady Orcutt & Frenoli 405 Broadway Council Bwffs\ \ Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Mattings , Linoleums , Oil Cloths and Upholstery , Mail Orders Carefully Filled ! COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR A. B. HOWE'S Corn Meal , Graham Hour , Hominy Ground Fresh Every Day I Ground Feed Always on Hand. Mill , comer ot North Sixth and Mill Street * , COUNCIL , BLUFFS , COMMEKCIAIj , COUNCIL BLUrrS HABKR. Wheat No. 1 milling , C5j No. 2 , CO ; No. S , 50. Corn New , 25c. Oata For local purpoeea , 23o. Hay 85 00@G 50 per ton ; baled , CO@GO , Rye 35o. Corn Meal 1 SO per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prlcoa at yard * , 6 00 ® 6 50. 50.Goal Goal Delivered , hard , 9 60 par ton ; soft 4 CO per ton Lard Falrbank'n. wholesaling at 92o. Elour City flour , 1 E0@2 90. Brooms 2 9G@8 00 per doz , LIVE HTOOK. Oattlo Butcher cowa 3 253 75 , Butcher steers , 3 76(24 ( 00. Sheep 2 50@3 00. Hogs 4 00(624 ( 25. FEODUOE AND rBCITS. Poultry Live chlckenapcr | doz. 300'dro8s- ; od chickonH , 8c ; droneed turkeys , lOc ; dress ed duckfl , Oc ; dressed goene , 8c. Butter Creamery , 25@i-8o ; choice country pn.i 27 per dozen. . egotabloa Potatoes , BO BDo per btuiholj onions , COc t > er bu ; apples , choice cooking or eating , 3 ( K ) ; beans , 1 001 60 per bushel. Cider 32 gallon bbl. , $0,50. Oranges 4 0 I per box. Iiemone 4 60oG ) 00 uer box J. L. DEBBVOISB. No. 607 Broadway Council Blnffi. Railway Time Table , Corrected to Jauuarv 7 , 1BS5. OOUNOIL BLUFFS. The follovrlnff are Ihe times of the arrival and de putare of train * by central standard time , at the local depota. Trains leave transfer depot ten rnln ales earlier and arrire Un minutes later , CHICAGO , BURUROrOH ABD HUKOT. LXAVI. iS6 : p m Chicago Exprtaa B:00arn : BiO : a m Fait tfatl. tJOOprr 1ISO p ra Aooommodatlon. IlOO p m At local depot only. KAKUJI orrr , IT. ; oi AND oouaoiL iLtrm. 10OS : a m Mill and Exprem , 8.25 p m erl6pm radOo Kiprewi , fl65m ; [ OOICiOO , KJLWiCBII IKD IT. HUl. 6:18 : p m Eiprew , 9:06 : a m 9:24 : a m Ezprera , 8:55 : p m CUlOiOO , IOOK ISL1KD 1HD riOITlO. lU : p m Atluitlo Eiprcu , 9:05 : a m 9:86 : am D 7 Eiprex 8:54 : p m Tito a m D i UoloM AocommoditloD , tilt p m At local depot only , " -a , IT. bocii AMD ricinc , 6:10 : pm Aooommtxlitoo 00 are 1:80 : p m Louli Eipreat 8:45 : pm 1:50 : p m ExpreM 10:55 : a m * AI Traoileronly irnoioo and HOBTinruru * . l50pm ! Ezprea * . 8:50 : pm CUata Padflo KxpreM 6:06 : a m BOCI crrr IBD ricino , ftOpm : Bt. Paul KifiMi , 8:00 : t m mo a m Daj Exprtwi r.-OOpm raioM riario. 8-oopm WwUrn EipreM , 820am 11:00 : a ta radflo Etprew. s : < o p m ItilO a B Llnoolo ExproM , lilSpm 'At Tranrfer only i TO 2:30 : SO : : * * (1:80-8.30 ( : 11 : 6 p. m 7:20' : 8:30 : 11:40 : a. m i:3Q : 3:30-t:30- : : 11:06 p. in. Anlte lOmlnuK : * beforelca > log tlino. Krom tr n 'tr only. Irs eJ Hilton H D , , , , , . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , SMITH ifc TUK ( | ; , AC3TS , MiADINU Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 0 Main St. , COUNCIL BLfFi's , - - - IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From , KIEL BALE STABLES Keep HofscB and Mules constantly on hand whto wo will sell in retail or carload lots. All Stock Warranted as Presented. ct > It ( tnli in ) iunkblo ButUta Ocimor Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. Council Bluffs. " AGENTS Brs , Judd & Smith's NBV ? Improved Electric Belt. SIB BROADWAY , COUNCIL J1UJKKS , IOWA ; 725 KU1 ST. , DALLAS , TKXAS ; and IT. WAYSK , IND IT I'OaniVHiY CUHKH Kidney an.ltlrcr CompUInt , nrlRht'n Ilhoa , IthcuiutUm , Ncutntil * Iyepcr l.NcnoiiBi csi WtrtliiRVeaknF , IMmlyels , ) iliiM Alii cllons , liiillKosllon , Heart IH-iom , KUj Ilo.tdncli , Lnino lliok , Oo'J Feet , mil nil Uljonsoa rcxiuUIn Inorcaso.l raotUo iiowcm. Now tmurovod o $3 anil (6olil ; stjlogl tftdi. tftdi.W. W. P. AYLSWORTH , Brick biiilflinps of any size raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. I'raino hous moved on LITTLE GrANT truclis , the best In the U'nrM. * W. P. AYLSWOKTIt. 1010 Mnth Street , Council lllufla. " ' W. C. ESTKL * Field & Estep , UNDEETAKEES Nu. 311 Broadway , Com oil Bluffy Iowa. OfBce Calla Attended 1'romptly , Day and Night , 1'artlcular attention given to Kinbalmlnff AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. 505 Broad-way , Council Bluffs. THIS ONLY ALL KIOHT HOUSE IN THK crTT. Everything served in first claei style aud on shorb notice Hot and cold lunrhea always ready. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. flpecltl Tertleatnents , eao > g Logl , Found , To Lo n , Foi Sale , To Rent , Wants , BoardIng - Ing , etc. , will b Inserted In thii column at the low lite of TEN CENTS PER T.INK lot the flr Insertion and FIVE CENTS PEK UNE lot eaoh robeoquenl n- ertlon. I * TO advertlsemocta at onroffiM , No. Pearl Stieel , near Broadwav WANTS. " | 7 > OU SALE. Atinther hotel In a llvo Nebrajka J ? town , now doing a luslacHj if about $ per merit h. No ether hotel In thu p'aco Ttrmsllfcrat. SALE Olt TKA1)E ) 8 0 acres of land In FOIl couuty , Mu. Will trade for Council Dlufffl city nronvity or eell cheap fur cash or i nrt tlnio. b AN & * ALhKR \ " 7"AN7li TO TrtAUrt Uood Iowa < r Nebraska VV land for a omall Block ol hardwire or fa cral merchandise , well located. SWAN & WALKER. TT7ANTBn Woman paatry cook Immediately nt Vt the Ogdcn hun'C. VT7 ANT ED- Undent In dcn-nt t fllce. M list have VV meats ot sjIf-Biippoit Call oner address at No. 12 Pearl St. Council DIuDs. peed girl to i'o Rcneial housework. Call at 1(0 Bancroft street. SALE A rareclnn'otoKet a floe , well 1m- FOH rro\oO farm of 400 acres , within a lev miles cf Council Bluff * , at a bargain. Low ptico and easy teiins. SWAN & WALKBK FOIl SALK A peed jiajlrt ; hotel proncrty lth ll\eiy tUWc in ono of the best gnnll towns in western lena will cell with or nithuitfurnltuic , or will tiada for a i mall farm with Kock ito. SWAX It WALKFR. FOR SHIiE FlRhty crf nrtviro\rd | land tn Unlciicmintx , luwft , 3J nvl(9 HCUthia tot Al ton , the o iint > feat , or will trai'c for XsbrauVa or Kanfas land. Sw AN . ' SALE A 2 ecro tract of < * > ' l nil about J.'OU and a half it lies from Council Iliifl | X3tt otllce. at a butpaln. SWAN .V WALKKR 1/Oil SALE In llarrlmmciiinty , Iowa. 320 acres 1 irram land , all under ( euro-a ! 0n are farm with fliioimiro | > oiiuni ; all under cultitatl'n cvcpt SO M'rcn iriH : ) 8' norm K ° od ( jrats or pasture land aid N0\en ! ollior tracts cf from 40 to 100 acres ol iiiilmpiou'd land. BWAN & MAI.KKR I OK S1LE Ijvuds Improtcd nad unlminurd. 1 If v u want faim In western Iowa , KansM Nebraska or D.ilciU , Ictus lioir frc mou. . SWAN & , HAI' \ A laruo r.umber ol | I\IBHOSI \ | and rc'l- FOIl iK'iico loin In all pans of Uimirll UliillH. Heo in before you buy , KWAT < x. WAI.KKR FOIl HLK Parties wIshltiKfo buj ohrnp loH to build on can buy on aouilily pnjmcntn ii'frnni ' (2 to 810 hwAN A WALHKK ITiOIUlKNr Won 111 rent you a lot to liu 111 on JP wrth llic prhiloKu to liny If ) nn wtrh nnory llboml term' , EUAK & WAI.KKU To iorrcfiotul | wlllmny onr > wIsliliiKB ( jord looitlon f r ilaiiiilni ; mill , xath , ilpor and blind inanulactory , wo hate building ami iiiachiner ) , well located , for sale , Itnso or ti HWANA. "I7 > OII KENT L rB two I lory fnti o l.nlldlrK milt J1 able for warihouco or r > tniaxn pur | > pe , rieir rail road depot. buANYAI.KKR ITUMlltKNl' Oil MMr , i > u.ijii ; J1 rni'tulli (01 ( niall foundiy Mid machine shop Oooil b jllur , ciiKlno , cupita , b'uwtr ' ltli U ul uhau- HWAN WAI.KKB , , ; > OH UAUE-iluuses , Iota and Laud. A. 1 , I1 * -teil | eTQii , Hi3 flrft avenue. _ _ IjiOll HALK A top-buKK } , nrstIm make and JL' in ex ulltnt mindltlun Or nil ) Irado for cheap iot. Addrn-n i . M llBnolllio , rpimcll IlliiZa. UAL AND"w Ollll UnuijiaTluMoir , OU llrn il- way. Bella coal > nd wooi ] at rtiaonnable prices give * 2,000 lb . fo a ton , and 12S cublo for a cord , Try him. _ fir ANTKU Kv ry body in Council VluSi to lake VV Til II i a. Delivered by carrier at only Iwtnty /tail a w ek. \LU I'Al'KHU fet l at liu office , at S6 Moll a hundred JACOB SfMS , flltorney - at-Law , COUNCIL BLUri B , IOWA. Office , Main Btrw t , Room 8 , Bhugart and HeoO block. Wilt practice In a ate and Federal courts. OIIDER YOUR Cob , Coal I Wood OF 33 en. P. O. addrtM , Look 1km 1189 , Council HluPs. JOTIN FOX , Deputy Kherllf and General Collection Office with N , Schurz , JiuUce of the Peace , 0 uacll . lufl , Iowa. JOHW NAGEL , BlTCIOtOH TO Wholesale. Produce A.ntl Commission. i h M Way Sfc , DEK1/EP / , COL , 1 So'icit Consi nnients and guar antee quick suits and prompt re turns. Give usn trial. References Bradsfc'eet's or Guns Agencies ; and i < 'irsb National Bank. Dtmer. TOOL OFT1CIU OFFICER & PUSEY Coandl Bluffs , lai Established 1858 Dealers In Forctrn and Domutla Eiokang * ao < nomt S curltli . Dr , 3,7. H. Sherraden DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Oonncl ) Ulnftf low * . COUNCIL BLUFKS Wholesale and ItoUll Doilora In Hard Soft am Blossburg O OA. . 3L . - W. n. PIBLEY , Mniint-nr. Olll'u. F8 Main St. Yard , on 0 It. I. I' , and C. M & fat. I' . Hallway. REMOVED Schmitt & ? Earb -THE Have retuoTtd from under the Optra IUus to JNO. 402 BROADWAY , They will continue their CIOAK AND TOBACCO bu > tnc6iaa < l Inr te all their oldfrleudi and the pub IIo to rail and o them. Tbo Duttt drfara to laoooalwa ) eon baud , * '