Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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tflio licntcn Provisions Facia nnd
for the Thrifty
With the advftnco of Lenten season ,
llio tigorona adherence to established ro-
llglous customs is beglning to tall upon
the local markets for there ate still
ininy who obsarvo withrtllglwn faithful
ness the prescribed rules with icfcrenco
to ca'.lug and drinking.
Fish Is coming Inlo promlncnce.say the
butchers , as an article of diet. White
full , trout , b ss , porch tire now retailed
ploutlfully at fifteen cantaa pound. Freeh
pickerel brings but ton cents. Silt water
fish are retailed in f-ilr quantities , irceh
cod , and haddock at fifteen cent * , halibut
nt twenty-five , mackerel fifteen totrronty
according to quantity , 11 unders twt'lvo
and a half , talinou ftrly , whllo eels
wrlgglo to the front fit twenty cent ? per
pound. Thojo cplcuras who fancy
the red snapper CMI purchase
' nt twcnty-fivo cents , and striped
3 ! b.\i are Belling nt 15. Oodfiah tongues
nro delicacies rarely soon out west and
there is little or no dutntud. Oyatera re
tail nt from 45 to CO cunta a quirt , as-
cording to nlzo and quality. Scallops are
Bcarco nt § 2 a gallon.
is filling oil slightly in demand but Is
Inw. The bisat UUJB cf sicloin are selling
nt ID cents , rump nnd upper part of
round utoik for 12J. Roasting rlba , firai
and juloy , can ba bought for 12i Vo l
Iscxtr-'moly scaroo , and cjtius high
from 15 to 20 cents , according to the
cholccnuaa of the part. Swott broids
caa bj purchased nt 25 cants n pilr
Cora bouf it sulliug nt from G to 10 cents ,
nc irdiug to cuts. Prinn legs of muttm
are to bo hud for 12J cents ; luU'tou
chops 12t to 15. Hnm ti a staple artioln
In stood demand , at IS * OBUIB m bulk , 25
cents sUcud. Turkey dry picked , to 1
at frira 124 to 10 cants per pound ; Inrg- ,
15 to 18 1'horo ia no game , of course , In
the roa-ket.
"Winter vegetables are selling at accast
tomod prices. Early Riao potatoes are
In fair demand , at 55 cents' the Peerless
and White Elephant bringing G5 cents n
btiihol. The Colorado largo and moily
nnd affecting with a watery sallvati-m the
pthte , is scarce nt $1. Cauliflower ia a
delicacy which at this season of the
year mikns an nppotizing dish , and
bliueR $2.50 a dozen hi ado , or 25 to U5
cants npioco Cnbbugo are plentiful ,
the Now California , standard , retailing
nt C cents i pound. Lettucn is being
pnrchaaed by there who appreciate salad
dtl'cicloa ' , at 75 cento n dozen heads.
The local market la iipt overstocked
with fruit. Oranges FlorHa , nro selling
nt from 40 to GO cents a dozen. Valonctas
nnd Mcfieinas , foreign , bring from 25 to
35 cents. The la' ' tor nro vety much
moro tare than the Florida fruit , and to
fiomo not BO good by reason of being less
Bweet Mceslna lemons , firm end well-
Etickcd , nra sold at 40 cents a dozan.
Havana pineapples are not In much do-
uiand , but cin bo purchased at 50 cents
3lio ? Gniifj liusy In Kalellng the Farm
YunlB In till * Hcctlon.
\VhlIo wo are comparatively froa from
rcbborlof , burglaries and suchlike heroin
the city of Omaha , It will perhaps inter-
oat the citizens to know that a portion of
the talc-nt have turned their attention to
laidiug the country , after hogs , calves ,
stsors , and corn ; tholr workings iu every
JrjBtinco being duly rewarded. Ono of
our oldest Bottlers ( dating as far back as
'fi8) ) appeared on the street yesterday
morning with fito in his oo. After
the usual salutation of , "Hello , Dick
Carpenter , what's the matter now ? "
wo were told that some rasal had
undo au early call at hia barn
and carried off two fine calves , ajod
o'ght ' or ten woska. A wag"ii had been
hiard pass h'a ' roiidonco at 3:30 : a. m ,
bntnothlng WI\K thought of the incident un
til the thmouplibred wives weromlsaod.
Ho then atartud in pursuit and tracked
iho wigon almost to Omaha , where the
innl'ipllci'y of trails made it difficult to
foil iw. A general search was mido , but
without turning up nny important clue ,
but the nuthorltles hiyo every hope of
tracing' the matter. Mr. Carpenter is
not alntio In his trouble. Only a short
time titics , Widow Sponc r loit three f t
hoga. Tli y disappeared moit
TOyolorionsly. Her neighbor , Pon-
chaii iiad a nice young caU
cp ritod way. The Iskey boys , of La
Pla'.to , mourn the loaa of two op'ondld
veal calvoB. Ono DAVO Miller remarked
onn morning when doing the chorea ,
"Ibit the corn crib looked mighty
empty , " and to wind up thia li t of crim
inalities I , II. Losii yesterday , while
ndmliing hla pen of ho a , eudden'y
counted them up two abort and no break
In thu fence. Those folks are all
neighbors , tholr fa run lying alongcido.
They make no secret of caving that sum-
nitty justice will bo meted out to the
firrt of thtao daB'nrdn tint may fall into
their clutches , and ire wish them a chance
to avenge their wrongs.
Fun at tlio Kink.
When the man with the woaden elbow
came Into the poatoffioo yesterday , his
head was wrapped np in an awning can-
VM and both arms were in flings ; after
maliing a postal caid with his teeth , bo
tutned to the man.wlth the green hair and
Bald : "I wont down to the rink laat
night to see how the business looked ; I
bul never been at such a place before In
my life ; and I had no Idoi of trying to
ikato ; bat before I had been there ten
mlnutof , 1 had hired pair , and atarled
to fasten them on.
"As I stood there and watched tbo
ekktora , I couldn't help but remark how
easy and tlnipla the whole th'iiR ' was ,
when the great force of Intellect waa
brought to boar on the matter , and I
started out filloi with a holy calm and
unbroken confidence.
"I guess I tktted ( nearly B yard ba-
ferol realized tint thlnga are not what
they seoui. Until that moment , my
limbs had always boon the creatures of
my will , but they suddenly started out
In different directions , as though the
necessities of business required special
"I a t down to think ; I oat down
earnestly and sincerely , with a dull thud
that yon could luva hoirl a mile , and
thn i o pin around smiled as though ii
irero & joko.
"I got on my feet again after a while ,
and wa jutt sUrtuig out , when a mac
came up like a steam engine and colltdct
with mo Ilonas ono o
thrsa full grown men who weigt
about two hundred pounds , and
the force of the tmoilng was too much
for mo ; I icsutnoJ my aeat amidst hlla
tioui applause , and the lar o man full oa
top df mo.
"The f mlly doctor h s bon lakine an
invent ry of my frac'urol libs i.nd dlalc
c t d joints all nnruing , aud ho says it
will keep him busy the rest of the weak
to finlfh iha job.
"I hive rccsivod a letter from the lergu
man aayinp that the ccident was uiy
fault , and that ho will call upon mo will
a shot gun this afternoin. I suppose j on
don't know whom I could rent an anpwt-
mout In a dry gnoAa box until the danger
blo\T3 over , do yotil"
How Gn anil Water I e Keen AC-
Ibutcil By tlio Intense Cold of
the "Winter.
The cfl'icts of the unusual sovczity of
the winter now drawing to a close have
nowhere been moro plainly noticeable
thin in the freezing of the water nnd gas
pipes laid throughout the tity.
A reporter in conversation wilh As-
s's'nnt ' Superintendent Hunt of the water
works , loirnod yoaterday that at no time
sluco the water .works wore staitod liai
tuch trouble boon iixporloncud in the di
rection of jfrozon plpca as during the past
winter ecnsoii. Of course the main
pipes have been but lltllo damaged by
'reezlng ' , as they are laid well under the
aurft-ca. But tlio oonnec ing pipeo which
run from the mainf , have bean In many
tis'nncca damaged Bovoroly by froat.
This haa been esp cially the casa on
Llarncy and Howard stroote , whuro in
"orowuing" the st'to's ' the soil on the
pipes iidar the gutter haa baen graded
loon ao as to IOAVU them moro exposed
; han any othtr portion It Is found fur-
, hermore that on thosa atroets wliero the
) ipoi have been laid after the grading
iras done , that there has been llttlo or no
.rouble arising from a "freeze-up" even
duriog the cjldoal weather. It is quite
irobiblo , in-Joed , that all thcsa connect-
in ; pipes which have been affected by
grading will have to bo lowered , to secure
jorfoct Immunity from the danger of
oold.Tho gas company also report that they
iave suffered to an nmuuil extent from
ihocoldweathorof thoaeaton. Thowintry
wiuds , acting upon the exposed pipes ,
nduco a certalu congelation of the gaa
which totally destroys Ha Illuminating
qualities. The main piping , however ,
* been but llttlo affected.
It i ) found that the greatest danger
from a "freezing up" ii not at the time
of the mo t inioneo cold , but immediately
Mter , whun the thaw hss commenced.
The fact has not yet been explained in a
manner entirely saHsfaatorily. It is be
lieved , however , that when u thaw takes
place above ground , the froat below the
iiil la driven deeper downwards , re-act-
ng directly upon the water or gas-pipes.
Only nfter the thaw above ground ha-
completed its work , is the nub-surface
soil DO thorouahly "rotted" aa to bo
driven oat of the soil.
AVliy are Conduct , > rs DIshonPBt ?
OiiAitA , NED , February 23 , ' 83.
To the Editor of the HUE.
I luvo traveled over the entire Union
Pacific system and on board of train a
close observer of everything before me.
To my knowledge , na a c'.asa of men con-
dnctara are the mora honorable part of
the employes. If ilia superintendents
bad the tame show thoto would bo two
dollars pocketed whore there is ono now.
The officials make a rule that noatnesi
nnel cleanliness Is enjoyed by all. Do
they figure on how far their pay goea ?
For n sample , house rent U first to be
paid. They can't get houses in Omaha
for less than § 15 tj $20 per raon'.h , and
a ordinary family will uao a ton of
coal per month. The grocer will send in
a bill of $25 at iha oriel of the mouth ,
.hull cornea the meat bill cf SO or moro ,
Jien paying for meals on the ro d. Thia
amounts to $12 or $10 per month , and
ait , but not least , the compiuycames on
bo knight of the rail for freight tlalina
end damagrs which the conductor muit
lay or quit , juat to suit himself. This
noana unothtr slicj of his pay. If by
chnrjco ho pulls out a draw hnad , then in
a few clay * cqmoa another bill. To illus
trate thia botti r A few weeks ago a
conduct ir on divls'on A , at Clarka , had
a big train and pulling oil'a siding grmllod
out u draw hold. The irons wero'all
oaded In the car they belonged to and
hn car shoved on a aiding. In a few
lyaa bill came to theunfortunato fello T
'or 812.03. Now if anjono can tell how
much tboy bavo left of their pay of
? 00 , let moknow. . And this In not all.
Vest in the list comes tha i pot tor. The
men Bra hounded by them , Insulted and
wrresasil in every way to get eome small
clue so they ran manufacture a charge
aud have tlio man that la n credit to the
road and an accommodation to the pub
ic "find , " aa the boya call It. To giva
'utir readers eomo light , I will'filvo them
some of the spotter's work. On the O
fc B V. not long ago two men , well
mown to the conductor as being poj-
seasora of passes , were asleep in the
coach. Thli train , atopplntj at the stock
rarda , the conductor hurried through to
et thn short tlckote , so no one would get
oil without paying their faro. Be did not
disturb the two sleepers , and in a few
days our ticket puncher was pulled off
lis run for knocking down company's
money. You will s" by this Uio more
a man works for the Interest of
the company , the moro trouble ho haa.
On the other h > nd , if they are found networking
working to the interest , the same thing.
On top of this general manager
will stand in with acme tailor and com
pel the boys to get salt * at thia pl&co at
the vary low prlco of 855 or ? GO n suit.
Where does tbo month's wagcg go ! Does
any ono begin to aeo why
conductors are dishonest ? They
ara driven to It by inexperienced and
tyrannical official * . Now , on top of thia ,
cotnos out now rnlei. I have seen one
copy of thira. This tikes all the prop
erty , if any they chance to got in their
possession by the closest economy. In
addition to all this they are compelled to
glvebonda. These bonds cover all the
property or tholr p y , as It may bo. Do
you blame them for getting even with a
set of slave drivers ? For I can't see that
it la anything else. Negro slavery
Is not to bo compared to
these now rules. They are required to
devote tholr entire tima to the aeivlco ot
* ho company and required to live just
whore the company waut them. If It ia
nn the Hits of Council Bluffs transfer
where ague reigns about nine months tn
the year. ThU will give the public some *
idea of a conductors lifo. Why , are eon >
ductors dishonest ? IJ , n , J.
News lit tlio Local TrlbunnJs-Mlnot
In the district court yesterday , Judge
Wnkcley charged iho jury In the cusa o
Stcphcnton va Corrigau , and thnt boelj
retired for deliberation. They were un
able to agree at.d vrero discharged. Tflo
suit , it may ba rfmembtrjd , Is cue
brought by Stephcnjon t j recover the
value of h horse , which was killed bj
fast driving , by a yautig man for whim ,
it ia alleged , Curr'gan ' h d guat.iuttc :
the safe return of the animal.
In the case i f Lucas vs. Ryplnskl ,
court tria' , a judgment ol $15 for de
fendant was entered by Judge Wnkeloy
Defira Judge Neville , after Gazola had
pliai uuilty to murder in tin sjcoud de
gree , F. A. Gardner wanrraijned ) on a
charge of larceny. Ho plead guilty to
the of petty larceny , and his c si
was trauoforrcd ti the pohco court , when
bo WPS sentenced t } imprisonment In the
county jtil for twenty days. His In-
dlcttul partner , Obatle-B O'Connor ' , was
found ti bo mksliu , and the judge de
clared his baud of $800 to bo forfciioJ.
ChnrltH Miller , the burglar who was
so valiantly ought by Gourde Ilolmr-il
last Ui combar , was nrralgncd nnd plead
guilty to the charge.1) of burglary prj
Suit was cnterpd by Hensloy Bros.
flg.tinat Goer n W , Mtnior and Leo Mlnier
to recover $300 25 duo nn an account.
In the police court Charles Kirk wa'
arraigned on a charge of vagrancy , and
after a trial of to hours was oonvlctod.
Ho will commune with Jco Miller for a 1
period of sixty daya.
Before Judge MoCulloch , in the county
court , yesterday , Mrs Clark , widow of
Slam G. Clark , who died at Waterloo in
L883 , appeared , with her attorney , to
irotest agalmt the accoun's rendered by
.ho administrators of th * estate. During
iho course of the trial W. J. Council ,
who repreajntcd the opposi'o eido , began
questioning ono of the Clark bny < j with
reference to the expense connected with
the funeral of his father. The wihi aa
was asked about the number of carrugoi
in the funeral cortege , and replied that
in did not know exactly. In thia reply
: io persisted. Mr. Conncll finally bcciuio
Inceuaed , and broke out with "How el >
pen know there wai a funeral at all ?
[ low do yon know but that your father
was pnt in a rough deal box and thrown
nto a hole ? How . " At thia p int
Mrs. Clark , who had been visibly afkctcd
during the crems-exaniinitirn , burst into
oar * . Cornell ratroated In chagrin.
Thn furtVor hearing cf the caao ia post-
loncd to March.
The A'isltln ; ; Fiiiglncera Tlio Trans'
continental Personal Hems.
Yesterday afternoon at the Millr.rd
lotol , General Suporintonelent Smith
liold a consultation with the body of
visiting orginotrs from oil parts of the
Union Pacific system. The meeting was
pleasant and mutually satisfactory. The
details uf the arrangement agreed upon
can not yet bo undo public , but Mr.
Smith ia authority for the statement tint
the rules against which such violent ex
cepllons have been taken by employes ejf
tbo road , and especially regulations0 and
17 , will not appear in the new cede
which la near going through the printer's
hands. It has been furthermore agreed
upon that an engineer will not bo hold
pecuniarily responsible for daruega to his
locomotive , or compelled to waive all
claims for personal injury. The dele
gates will remain a few daya in the city
in order to discuss further aud minor de
tails uf thn situation with the Union Pa
cific officials ,
Mr. T. L. Kimball , coneral ttaffic
manager of the Uniou Pacific , and chair
man of the Train-continental association ,
oives to-night for Chicigp. In that city
10 Trill preside at a meet'ii ? of the com
mittee , to be held ou the 2Gth , wh'ch '
will chonsa a commissioner In the place of
C. W. Smith , of the Chesapeake & Ohio ,
vho declines to sarvo. It la hoped that
ho selection will be sa unanimously made
hat it will not ba necossiry to call a
meeting of tha ainociation.
F. B Drake > , assistant superintendent
nf the MUs uri Pacific , with headquarters
it Kansas Oily , is in Omaha.
J. W. Dolby , tralnmaBtcr , T. n. Filz-
a trick , rcadma&ter , Jthn W. King ,
) ymaator , and A. M. Hajor , gonerfcl
siiporiutanelont , all of the Missouri Pa
clfic , are In the city , having came on a
general tour of Inspection over the lino.
II , G. Bntlor , oupcnntendent of the
western division of the Wabaah , IB in the
cily.J. .
J. S. Tebbotta loaves lo-d y for Salt
jiko City tii assume the office of division
'relent pghiit of the Union Pacific , to
rhlch he his been appointed.
to Have An Additional
Bltfiml OIllco-Tlio
The local signal authorities have been
lotlfied by the home ofliso at Washlnp-
011 that a new signal station ia to be
opened vary shortly at Valentine , Ne
braska. The post , which Ia intended to
cover a section of the state heretofore
wholly unprovided for , will be fully
equipped with instruments of observation
and recording , The elation will alto
; ransmtt fall and regular reports , though
it is not probable that a fall bulletin ser
vice with other stations 111 be oatab-
Ished at first , or In other words , that the
dally report , Irom the other signal c.fficet
will be received and postedas ia Omaha ,
The signal people at Washington are
beginning to appreciate the importance
of Nebraska as a field of meteorological
observation. With Valentino , the state
will have three weather station ! , ono iu
this city and one in North Pla-to with a
dyer observations station at Plattsmonth
The new midnight bulletin cyetrrn. al
ready adverted to ia these columns , has
been established and ia giving general
satisfaction , By the new plan , weather
repcrtn are received in Omaha at mid
night from twenty different stationa In
stead of nlnoas heretofore , and the bul
letins ara issued and published accord-
ugly. In this way the signal cOicor it
\bla to mtke much later , more exteualve
and more accurate predictions or forecists
of the weather than under the old sys-
V New ( Politic * 1 Movement in Nov.-
NEW YOBK , February 24. A cow political
movement , which aims at the correction of the
I snndry civil bill , ol both the titlnciral parties
ol that state , was Inaugurated at a meeting
hold here to-day. Th meUiiif ; WM organized
A9 the Independent cillzena' a8 oc.iatic > n of the
sUta ol Now York. The qumtlou uiule-r dU-
cu sion was how to I'MiiR tuKHli'r ttio dlflVr
cut iudcpeii cnt jiohttcAl organization of th #
dltTcrent parta of th ttatp , so n l my work us
nunit tonrds iiominivtlnB Mid tlec'ing tie
bott men to otlica It ci cci , lly urged
that tlis C'op ' 'ration ol tha fiinwa which note I
wheu M ) ors Ijowo imd Urni'j were elected ,
nnd tlw principles then enunciated , ( houli bo
catrled out.
Home , with its 300,000 Inhabitants ,
eayi n Sun letter from that city , has
about thirty dally newspapers ami moro
than ft hundred weekly papers , Ojnald-
cnnn how this population is split up p.-
HUcally , aud what a variety of taUes ex
ists among them , no succow far an independent
pendent newspaper i > n priori possible.
I'Lo greatest huccees ia the p , nny pancr
11 Moisogero , which prmts about ttirty
thousand cop'es ' a day. The Ia goat part
of it ia a doiailoi description of dally
events sensationally exaggerated , with
murdure , suicides , hghte , auct au on. It
{ ) the daily fcod of the ccn/ihman and
eorvant girls. The most important ptpor
is tin Popolo Ilomauo , a * nod and edited
by a ecll nude man , who , from thu low-
eat ranks i f the army , has raised himself
to intimacy with dg mr Soptoiu , whose
confi Jnnt and Iriend ho his be como. lie
waa nisa the oufiuaat of CirJiiul Auto-
nulll. In the iormor doya of thu
Italian rule in Rome ha boldly att&ckrd
the govotunitiit. Having inado much
; n"noy , hlo paper now aims at respecta
bility. The teriiblo Prof. Sharbaro ,
however , calls the Popolo Ho m it , o the
Popolo Rulliano , moaning that it ia a'- '
wwys thu miidlumau between the cheat
tug government official end the poor tax
papers. The P.'polo Romano is , of
cuuiso , not independent , but draws
largely on public money. Htnco the pap -
p rlls well supbl'od ' with _ its ovui tote-
gtatcs , and is au courant with all official
information coming from the fotcigu of-
fica of the cjnsulta palace With it bo
1 ng tj the monarc'oieal piny I'O nlono ,
tto Fanfull , th > Dn : to , the Liboita , thn
Staiufas , the Gtzcttu cl'lcalta. L'Upln-
lone and the Dirltto are the oldest , un-1
came from Turin , where they were stare
od early in thu beginning of the Italian
movement. The secorel one is the organ
of Signor Munctul anil lo pub'iahed ' by
the firm of Civolll , print riand p.tpor ma
kers of Milan aud Turin. Thu Fnufulla
was born In Florenca when tint
city became the capital of Italy. It is a
aUncch r yolint uud orahl.s | Gjuoeii
Margaret m ro than iho Mudouna , ajd
la losing its head over the red coats of
the servants of King Humbert's houae.
The Gaz tta d Italia Is edi od by tha
moat talunttd man of Itilian junnulisui ,
Advocate Paucraat. lie hus raised all
the jonng men who write for the prens
in R mu uowudays. Krg-igt-d in a dead
ly Btrujjgla with Minister ' Nicoiora , its
iditor came out bs'dly bruisd financial
ly , and lo'.t much of the importance
which cm bo hi Id only by cflici nt co
operation with tbo government , lib rilly
romunorated. The Gazetta d'Italia
proparly managed would bjuomo ajnin ,
us it was in former day ) , an independent
p per , nnd the bett in Italy. The oppo
sition in parliament has its organs thu
Tribunn , the Ctpltan Ftancnssj , aud the
Gereaglicre. Taoeo have a small circula
tion ; only the Capitan Francac'sa , being
cleverly edited. Is rather funny , anet
aoinouinea a llttlo obscene.
The radica B have the Capitate , the
Fascio and the Massr.goro .lllustrato.
They do not shrink Irom dally attacking
the pope and the king. The Capitale
haa among its editors all the m at noted
adversaries of the Roman chnr.h and haa
a column whorolu the so-culled scandals
of the popes of yore and modern monks
anel nuns are daily rotall ed. The cler
ical prees has In Rome the Obsurvatur
Komtno , the official organ , the Journal
do Homo , the Muuitanr de RJOIO , uemi-
official ; the gallant Voce della Verita ,
oatahllshod by Father Cure ) , the most
read and the most eolid of all ; nud the
panny newspaper called Il Mattlnowhich
la a aort of Mosaagero baptized and in do-
cout attire.
Old Advertisements.
Some ono hai sent to the Hartford ,
( Conn ) Timoa several copies of the
American Mercury , jmbliahcd In that
city In the early part of the proiont cen
tury , and the Times reprints articles
from the old papar , by way of showing
the people of to-day what their great
grandfathers were doing aud thinking
about three-quarters of u century ago ,
Thoto is "News from England and Po/t
ugal"biought by a ship nt Newport ,
"thlrty-ajven daya from Lltb m ; " tidings
ol'lho war in Spaiu'betwoen Wellington
and Soul ; rep .rts of the operations of
the British diips in Ohorapeako bay and
on Long Island Bound , and a fiotu
Commodore Hull tu Cimmodaro Bain-
ridge , glvi"g a report of his
vis.t to "tho two bris-s , , ' Enter-
pnco and Boxer , after tholr
battle. But the most curloua and inter ,
csting extracts from tbo old paper are it *
advertisements. These are of varloui
kinds , nnd they exhibit the busitcjs and
the scclal li'o of the people aa no'htng
eho does or can All the important
events of seventy-five years ego have
piescd Into history , and wo can read of
theui nt our leisure In bouks ; but the little -
tlo rivalries of butinesa , the dally com
ings and g lings of the community , their
wants , needs , auxietles aud concerns can *
not bo loirnod anywhere except In the
current advertisements of their daily
piper * .
And it will bo the eamo a hundred
yo rj hence. History will take care of
the grow events of to-day and hand
them down to our gioit-graodchlldrou
la many a pondrons volume ; but
iha more Interesting { .ioiuro cf
the daily life of their ancettnra will have
to ba made up from the advertisement !
now printed In the daily papers. The
Romans wrote their advertisements and
notices on the blank walls cf buildings
and these , as wo find them ia 1'umpeli to
day , give an auinuled and life-like rtp
restitution of the very things we mo > t
desire to know about its once gay and
pe ? snre-loving people. But modern Jiff
redacts its ii tere tlng little phases ,
moous , rivalries and concerns in the
brosd pages of the daily journal ; and
hundred yeaia hence the advertisements
ia eotne well-preserved copy of the Sun
day Republican will give a more vivid
picture cf what is going on in St. Louis
to-day than all the solemn bUtoriea cm
furnish. It is tha advertiser who wrltoi
for posterity. .
The "Soldier * of tlio Pen. "
The Egyptian troubles have proved
singularly disastrous to the "Soldier * of
the Pen , " who , as special correspondent
have risked their lives egniu and again In
the sarvico of the papn they represent
ad. O'Donovan , the fimous Merv corru'
jpondont , wai the firtt to sacrifice hi'
lifu ; and , In these latar battles , Camcioi
of the Standard and lit rbert of tha Morn
ing Poit have fallen victims to the Arab
sharpshooters , nnd Butlngh of the elall ,
Tch'graph lus been ntutidcd. lha CRRC
tbiist at homo for immediate , reliable
nans , fuller in detail than the barcrecon
of the dispatches of the general in c > m-
matid , recces tts the employment ef ti e > a
as ipecial correspondents wto have
other qiitliricationa than thsit of wield
Ing a rouly nd n "piclurrsquo pen , '
' K do ull day LtU wiito a'l nlKiit , " wis
the epigintnuintio instruction g von by i
master of his craft to n < t ajptnnt for
the honor of rrer correspondent o an
iiilhiontial journal ; and that j nrtalisU
nro ti bo found In the very front of the
b tlle , "soaklug the bubble repuUtld
even in th cinnon'a moatha , " li pr > iv el
by tic untimely deaths of O'Dmiovati ,
OAincron , Ktid Herbert. Ctmrron ms >
fitly l-o descr.bcil aa the hero of a hun
dred lights , ilo wa * through the Af hhii
war ; ho waa with the British troops at
Mvjaba Hill , when they wcro routed bj
the Bopr. , nud thcrj was takui piiiuuur ,
) ot managed to send oil' his dlspa ch the
same night to the Standard ; ho witnoicd
the bouibardnuiit of Alexandria , andnni
an nctlvo piiticipator In tha halt cs Uiat
f 1'offod ' ; ho wni tlo win si ol
many French engagements In Mueltgoscar
and 'IVnquIn , and narrowly osoopad with
hla lifo nt the slaughter of U < tkcr Paiha'a
fcrc-a in Kgjpt. Lot tlioso who sneer nt
the ' 'ponny-a-llncr" declare what salaries
they would take to run aucb risks. Still ,
If correspondents would aciitevo renown
apart fruii the ci-luruns of the nonspap-
era , I doubt if it bo who policy to li.sort
in telegraphic dispatches Ruch couimunl-
cations as I have neon of late : "Gen.
Such-an-one , uctitig on my advice , SEIH , "
etc. , etc ; or , "Ool. So-aud-ao , stiny sug
gestion , ordered , " ots , eto. The corro-
s | ondeiit is sent out lo describe and not
to direct the campaign ; and I doubt the
gentleman from Fleet attoet , bun ever
pmoimlly coutagooui , however skillful
with hla pan , being a valuablenddillon tea
a council of war.
How Hoiinett Ijost Ills
Now York Letter to liullnlo Kspreaa.
"I don't remember that 1 over BBW
young Jim Bcuuutt B'nrtlud ' out of habi
tual siif-poaaessior bat once " taH an old
Hoi all mui , "and tlun It wai by Mrs.
Stanton. The ptp r hid : that inonang
repi r ol a wo nan suffrage ro iventioii ,
aud m S3 dolug characterized Mrs. Stanton -
ton as a "thiuvlt.g advora > > , " of the
mivement. Bennett hod jttit returned
ff m one of his long stays in Europe , end
hael ataitad in to ttir up and ro > r aiiizo
the stall' , according to hla dreaded cuj-
tjm. Mrs. Sraaiou'a card came in. He
a nt out word for her to enter. Perhaps
h * meant to give , for the benefit of his
editors , an oxpoii'i n of how to crash a
Bine inn boro. But Mrs Slnutou'a port
quite overcome him , and when aha im
pressively inquired why thn Herald hid
called her a ttriif , ho was the tint tor cd
ono of the two. I don't know what von-
guaneo abe would have wreaked upon him
hid not au emjloyo explained tluta tyno-
grppMcal error had been made. It wns
n "thriving" advucito , not "thieving , "
that the reporter had written her dovu. ; "
How Ho Uccniiio Cily Editor.
Arkansaw Travaler.
When the new reporter , juat from
college , started out to write up a fire the
"fi.llos" who had for many years In the
lurmsi smiled , and the moiuglng editor ,
hearing the juke , laughed and said : "Now
wo shall have a thrilling account of the
burning of Rome. It is a pity our Greek
font of typo Is not in working order. Ho
could toll us of all the great fires of
Athens ,
The young rnporter came in after a
while , and , without runn ng his fingers
through hla hair or muttering any Latin ,
sat down and wrote the f.iJowiug.
"Last night about 11 o'clock an alarm
of fire waa sounded. The city was not
thrown into an intense state of excite
ment ; neither did auy of our bravo Cre-
tnen risk their lives. By the tlmo the
engine * arrived at the house , and old rat
neat situated in the eastern part of thu
town , wwi almost destroyed. It is not
bollbved that the lire was the work of en
incendiary ; neither does iho impression
Ui't it resulted from a defective iluo pre
vail to any great extent. "
The managing editor , when ho rend
the paragraph , turned to the now reporter -
porter and ia'd : "You will make yonr
mark , sir. Come into this room , " point
ing. 'Take the position of cily editor. '
"Why the Editor Kojolcod.
Arknnsaw Traveler.
"Wo charge for obituaries , " raid .in
editor to whom had boon submitted a
long paper , commenting on the dua h ofa
mun."I thought that you would bo glad to
print it. "
"No , it Is not of interest to the ma
jority of our readers. "
"Yc u would thiuk si If yon wore to
read It. , It tslla of the sad death of
Jackson Romley "
"Who was h. , ? '
"The man who always aekid 'In th.nt
oo ? ' every tlmo any ono mid anything. "
"Ah ! then I am glad to receive it. All
my reader will bo glad ta know that hu is
dead. "
Tlio Freedom of the 1'resa Blalntnlncd ,
The Dig Horn , Mont. , Sentinel illus
trates. In the annexed paragraph how the
frroJom of the proia must bo upheld oc-
cstianully In territorial scti ns : Thomas
Beechtr , alias the > ( Kid , " attempted last
Saturday evening t ) suppress the fren-
doin of the press by attacking our local
ecrlbo with a deadly weapon , which re
sulted in the "Kid" finding himself laid
nut under ono of the Star of the West
billiard tables.
Dr. Tannrr Heellvlvus ,
uaa Crucea Cor , Denver Tribune.
Tanner lives. The great and only
original Dr. Tanner , who cuocestfully re
nted the principal miracle of the New
Testament by a forty-days' fast In New
York city In the summer of 1880 , is a
resident of Ne r Mexico. I have seen
, hn death of this singular man announced
n the papers at least a dozen times with-
u the lait two yo r , But I take the
ibotty of assnriug the world , without
apology , that the man Ia not only alive
aud will , but a retident of Dona Am
county , New Mexico , where he it devoting
liaisi-li to the propagation of a new rclij-
on founded on a now bible revealed to a
new prophet of Jehovah. This la no
exaggtfat on , but a cool , indubtable
: .ici presented without varnlrh. The
naina of the now bible Is "Oashde. "
I'ho medium of God in making this latest
revelation of hit will to the world ia not
Dr. Tanner , > ut Dr. T. B. Nowbrough , a
dental surgeon , formerly of No. 128 Woat
Thirty-fourth atr et , Now York , hut now
of Dona Ann county. He h the now
prophet of God. Dr. Tanner Is only an
tpoa'.lo of th prophet and hla coadjutor.
Lut chance for bargains at Yonng'a.
Triut , White FJah and SmUtt received
daily during L nt at Jos , Bjth'a Palace
Market 314 S. 15th.
Koivn , Fcbruiuy 21. - Ocnoral Duller IIM
an atnjilo mpply of food nnd water. Tlio
piltonm anitutnl in the dcenm li of the lth
ttnti' that twi > tboiHaud At.Vis nro fticMiipoel
near the HrilMi frtnt. It waa ntntod thnt
Malull h il written promUInK rcinfnrcanienU
iinj-rf 'rt thnt to follow nnd harass the
Pi ' 1 vbila croialtif ? the desert.
A nEJIINliRIl OP CASTtKnKton'd t.NlO.V.
LONDON , IVbruary I ! 1. This tnnrulng' *
papeM have editorials on the proposed tmr o
Ireland by the prince and prtncpss of W leThe
The opinion is ixptcs cd that the \ ! lt I *
plucky n1 liir.udoiH but Hint it will re
mind the Iruh f tho'fact tlut the union ba
oiu the cobiitiiM still exists.
ItPssi.v IN INDIA.
At a rnootii R to discit's British intrioda In
Afijlnui'taii , M Kr'prnnlcy , m-cretarv ofthi
Kuss : n ciiiKioy , disc'uhnul nny dpjlri ) ol
ItussI t uiv Rtlii Af'lmnl ( t in. M. Ii"a ar do-
claroJ the ijuc'tioii nf frontlrr htd bixn mU-
understoiiil , Tholtuminw lud no iulentlun
uf K < > tt > K to Hrnitor nl\t < co on tlio frontier
nouiT than now | iroms-d ] In nid r tolnrhido
ulut lJu sin rtHinirid Ho l > i > lli > ve < l ilu Hm
fian still t Pnleklut to ba iRiiornut of thtilr
nllcgiil ninrch to I'entilcli. Wln-n thn frouti r
queitlou ii nrrnnged lttH ia will hn\o no wicli
to BU ncnror Hernt and is now quito ready to
recnnl AfRhanUan na nil integral portion of
liritlth I ml in.
LONDOV , Vvbrutry 1 ! 1. The urrl\nlof GOD.
rackfiibiirK nt A\.u \ llixmi'd nill bo n welcome
como o\cnt lo thu BriiUh , finco there will
ien , fora few \\vulM ntlra t bu n possible
mo of comimmicutlon ulthKorntto , nbmo
: he 8 CJliil Lntnr.ict. This line la 2.r : ) mllus
onjf mid thcro U otly 0110 | Hiint nt rtlitcU wa-
, er is found , but utepi will eloubtlcea bo taken
to firard htorea of water to Khnurntle in ml-
Vance , anil by forttd cirafl mnii'liM the dlf-
; nc9 c\ti bu covered hi nlnn lUjg. At licit
.hia Hue will bo an ir.diuVrnicoiio but any
thing la preferjble to tha Isola.ionof the past
uetcrul days.
SUAKIM , February ! M.-Uenernl Davia with
, R-O hundred troop * ntrivod to-day.
PANAMA , Fubmary 21.Tim Wuchustlts U
on the Guayqull tivrr , nr lerad th iu by a 01-
jlo to enquire inti the o'ltngcs Kxparluncod
by n citizjti of the United States , S.iuto > .
Thn connul of tha Unltad HUlea at first
psktd ti'nt ho bo Rt once plucud on triiil , but
ho Wiln military authorities paid no atten
tion to Ibi4 nctiun , dfclnring that the > y consid
ered Sintos nn Kcohdoilnn. The coimil tlien
received oriie.-a from Wa hington to ilunmnd
ho Iminedia'.e relt'aso of the prisoner , and
tills 1m boon olliclally doue , without nn
aiisnerhnvinp been received to the latest
datoa from Buliin.
PAKAJIA , February 24 A tnnguinary en-
agement has taken p neo In the Jai janlley ,
, 'eru , between four cnmpnnipa of Kovernmuit
ronpj nnd L'.CCO Indiiui Monteneroo. The
utter were tiulcatod , leaviug 300 dead on the
LONDON , Frtbruary 21. At a uicftinpof
bo conservative peers nnd members , the coin-
uona itecided to support with their full
trenglh the \ote of ceuaiiro against Urn gov
eminent in oich IIOIIEB.
LONDON , February 21.-Gladstone. In the
coiiiinoLS this evtiiin ? , moved to pootpouonll
lOticew nf motion until itftnr tha order of the
day JJesuniuig- the dob.ite on North : oto'H
notion of censure again-it the government
for its Egyptian policy WIIH digpito.l of. In
rcupouso to an interrogatory pat by Ellis
Abmra.l . Uartlott , n conserviitlvo , Jfr. Glad-
sto M ojplaniu i thut ho had not fir m. > ntini ed
abandoning the Soudnn by Her M jeHj'B
nicf alter the ciptura of Klmtmmi , ho hid
ncrely aald the evacuatloo of Soudnu by
2)4 ) } pt had Conned the original policy of HIT
Majesty' * government , that policy remained
milttred , Lut recent o\eutj provouted its
iinmediati ) execution ,
Jiodmond , h imo ruler , oppoaed the prom-
cr'a motion nnd was pi-concled in the oppoei-
! on by ie\eral Parntlllto' . Tile opposition
iccarno BO iiniay that tha spotker interfered ,
ind whoa ftilpnco was restored ho nnnouncod
hat he thought the subject had been ade
quately discussed.
At this the Parnellitea nearly joined in a
irolongod hoxvl aud derisive cheerR ,
William O'lirieu , editor of United Inland ,
ind a liome ruler , chanted out : 'Wo remem
ber this in Ireland. " TuU remark was greeted
with emu * .f "Oh , 0 .1" "Name him name
ilml" Tro speaker thereupon nnined O'Brien.
jlndsUmo at nnco inoMjcl that the named
nt-iubpr be euspcnded.
O'Brien jumped up nnd ahoutcd : "Thatij
ho honor of my ambition " After the U ] > roar
i Inch attended this na'Bpgobrtweun the Dub-
In iditor and the prime minister had eub-
ided , Thoinoa Sexton , u home ruler , rose to a
> aiot of order. He wni summarily overruled
> y the speaker. A diyieii.n was then cjlled
ipon Mr. Glndfctonu'a motion ti auspand
) 'Brien. It resulted in note of 2-ii ( or nud
> ut ' . Oagainbt the motion.
The speaker , whan the vote had been re-
orded ,
onnERin O'BRIBN TO wmiDniw
from the home. O'Brion uproie , "Rtralrht
ned hiirxelf up to liin full height , nnd ex-
Uimin ? with reat precision und Burcusin :
'Certainly , m'r ; 1 will withdraw from tlio
louse ) with more pleasure than I entered it , "
nail ptrndo out.
Tlid PciruellitcB objectrd to the resumption
if the ilnbata on the motion or censure hccaueo
t ivoulj prcvnt n illeiu-hion MI the motion
indu by H < umond in itiintion to the conduct
f nn Irish cui."tabl rmmed Murphy.
The Olailttone O'Uii n cp'eodo was quito
ciiFatloiul wlnln it Instm ] , nnd Gladatonc'a
onduct waa fnm. When the home ha1 n ain
nttlcd clown to buslnoRs , oloturo wasprojiuted
nd voted for by 207 nyca to10 noes
Paruoll txprur ed dlxfntJHfastlon with the
.ollt , nnd on protect in-istd on a division ,
'liU r < ultud in tlin ndoption of GUdetonoV
notion to renunn thedolmtonn Sir Stafford
lortLcote' motion of censure by 222 to 10.
LONDON , February 24. Thn connervative
eaaera nro endenvorlii ) ; to portundo the duku
f Argy 1 .and Geoign Jonrhiin nnd other
ncdemite liburah to form n coalition upon the
mslH of au enfTgetlc foreign policy nnd re-
ietnnco to radical attacks upon prnp-rty ,
LONDON February 21. In a latter to a
riuud at Cjiro , dated December 21 , General
ionion ! wrote : "It i * nil up with ue , I ex-
wet a collapse within t"ii dayii froai thu jires-
int time , It would riot have been RO If our
> eop'o hud kept inn better informed of their
ntniitioiiB. My ndifux to ll. "
The lord mayor's coramittoa on the prom-
ced memorUl to Gen. Gordon includes tbo
Mncoof Walea , duke of Cambridge , arch ,
libhop of Canterbury , Cardmtl Manning ,
mnriiuU of Salisbury , Karl Grnnvillft , marquis
f Hlpon , inarnula of Hartlpgton , raarquU of
. , orue , Lord Napier and the Chinese uiln-
HOME , February 21. The pope , replying to
m address of the operative * , traced tha evils
lillotinR the working cUtsei to their aban-
onment of the principles of religion aud
ieir Mibmittlng themselves to the Influence
[ agitator * , who deceived them with vain
( ihto , and never alluding to their nutie *
? uthinp good could arise from exciting the
workincrman'n Into of thepropriatom and the
ch , Tha remedy for the evils of
10 workers lot waa to _ be
tund In BstocUtlon and co-operation ,
nd the rei detlng of mutual asditanca in caie
I icknea and old ftjje. Oatholioa ought to
nltu and work in concert In preparing for the
hurch and clety for a better future. The
mpti'd pp ech made a marked Impression on
ua hoaren.
LONDON , Fobrusry 24. The hitherto un.
mbllihed account of tha tattle of Abu-Klea
nya It Is ascertained beyond a doubt tlut
0 > .l. Burnaby , who hid no official position ,
ave the order to the heavy cavalry
u advance , Thia reunited in b > eak >
ng the tquare and a heavy unrtallty ,
JutnaUy'a counter order to retire Came too
ate , tin y suffitred the agonlca of thint during
he advance and con eqiieiit engsgewent.
Union had a 310OXJ fire last week ,
There ire 12.228 acres ready for crop In
PjwnOr county ,
T ' ' of wines ha b30h * .
. tTifoir'nlsclJ1 !
, , ,
talihth'd at lUi-id Cily.
The Ica is repented n ; MnK ix | fwt thiak In
the Mi ouil river nt Yunktin ,
VtMikfort flutnu the heavy weight l.ihr
nf Dakota. At li o months ot ago U welshed
tne-nty live poundf.
The InroMt wheat train yrt reported on llio
< utIlrtll raciho had 10 C.\IP \ , snd wns thr-
Huutt-ra if n mile lulu ; ,
Tha etpt 8tod ppcnliip nf Uia WlnnobaRO
rr\atioiihasRao\eTibol > in the \iclolty
t f that o null R cdeu w iM with excitement ,
Ore-half of the Northern 1'nclfio yearly bfen paid to Tmllorial
Irenvner McVay by Aijont John Daxithoii ,
f liBHnri-k. ! This is the tax ou giws cnrn-
IBRH for MX m nith , nud ns much more will bo
duo Aufrntt 10 , next.
liilS37a suUlernnmed Ttxld niadn the
fitft treaty with the Sioux on behalf cf the
K'i ' eminent to Dnkoti. Soiurt of the
chlwN Mho iiiado tlm troty had lively uanifB ,
us the Swiitly lU-rtr , The Crnjy Hull , The
.lumpliifrlhuiuloraivl Tim Grabbing Hawk ,
.lohn Ilinchey , of Lead O.ty . , nftcr n pro-
trnttwl lUiiiklng bout , blow the , top ofhtu
head off with a Colt's -calibre revoller. Aa
cxplaintory of his nut ho Ind written on n
alute , "AoknoquiBtions. Ilmolhed loon
: notigh , nnd hi\e < had my own troubles. "
Norcm lcn\v. ! y , lha Interpreter who nccom-
paint ( U < oURi t Mills in hij tur\aj l.vtBiim-
mer , tells of tlio discovery ot nil 8 to 10-foot
vein of oonl in llio Mor nn country crotmliii ;
oi t from a blulf for moro tlnn a milo. The
olliolnl report nf thia explorttion anil Mlru-y h
loultod for\vnid to with fjit-at interest.
George llleruiau , shippiiig clerk in a SioiiK
als biow-ery , milled oil hia cone , throw hi *
witch anil pnclietuook into the ( love nml
lilmsclf IntJ n lar o tnuk nf water , whcro A
halt-dozpu tcntuit-tii tlotth luokerh-on let him"
nlnuist drown before pulling him out A
m wan tiimlly called , fo ml the would-lw
u very v ohm , whom ho dru/RM with
opinto mid had lecuroly thacklod. Too much
Bioux Ifulla ber cnu d the trouble. °
The united voice cfiho democracy of the
territory goas up for 1'ost for governor.
The Urionl'rtcifiohai told t < i Col. Downey ,
of LiMinle. 20t ) , ( 00 acroa of Und in Carbon
county , which will tu resold to ttttlers.
'md Cat'tl0 ,
. , . company
caiiltal S14u 000 , baa bevin incorporated in
Ch yeiiue. It will raise caltlo mid fatten
Fnino is flsellnR but prlntero' inV ia eternal.
The n iino of Major Will H. Kentlloats nt the
iniietti' ad of the Lnramie IJuometnng. JIo la
whooping up the towu nt a lively rato-on
The fire whicli do troved Harry Oelrich's
ranch noble and two thorough ! reel horses ,
valued at SSfl.COO , is bdlnvcd to bo the worli
uf Ineetdi.iia ? . A reward of ? COO ii ollercd
for the canturo of the tire bugs.
The Lnramio tannery Is in running order.
with a capacity of 75,000 hides per year. The
iJ omeraughftacivoutho institution the first
order , to test Ha capacity for the next six
months , for a pair of onr muffs for the editor.
Hennrt * from the Powder river country up
tn the 18th show a depth of three { lichen of
Bunw , following the woiet blizzard experienced
in four years. There was considerable mor
tality among trail cattle , but range cattle bcltl
their own.
All the valuable coal and mineral Innda in
that portion of the northwest co-ccr of the
National ( Y. Uowttone ) Park which Ims Ixinn
restored to the public duinain wcro taken np
the enrno night nnd n few hours nftcr the news
of its reutoniuon wns rvcehed.
The secretary of tha Interior has declined
to the Innd enlry if John Tulbot in
the Cheyenne distiict , Wyoming. Talbot'a
entry would , If allowed , place him in posses
sion of the Isud comprising the eutlio water
supply of the city of Cliuycnne.
F/OB / ing oil liaa been struck ou the Graft- .
KoceiB1 oil cln ms , north of ItnwlinB. Tlio w-11
is down only eifihty feet , but is lluwinff at the
rat of twenty -lit o barrels n day , nnd the How
i * constantly Incren-iuglnB depth ia obt.iiued.
.Tills ia the draff propo.ty which wa reoantly
eold tonn Lnghah syndicate for S 70,000 enc
c ndition thut the property produce a well
flowing the amount giun above per day.
Mr. Cleveland nnel tlio Cleric.
Chicago Herald.
A clerk in ono of the departments wrote
a letter to Governor Cleveland the other
day acknowledging the oora nnel boating
off. Ho Lad purchased a hoiuo in Wasbj-
ington a year go nnd had rnaio two puy-
uicnta ou it. Another was nearly duo.
If ho was to bo dismissed ho would not
unite the third payment ; , but would l t
tbo honao revert to the or'g'nul owner
and g ) out Into the wide world in search
of something clao to do. If ho was to b
retained in the Govorment service ho
would make the payment and Etiy at hh
work , lie humbly riejactted the President
idont- elect to let him know what his f&t
w a to ho. The fellow's fraukucsa plea
ol the Governor , nnd ho wrote him In reply
ply that if ho wai a faithful employe ho
need have no fear for the futuro.
Louisiana State Lottery Oompauy
"IIV tlo Iiertby certify tliat r - tuttmee the oar
ra > njciiient / r all the Mvtitlily and &fr/ii'-/nn ) ( i
Drainwjt J /.oiimomi State Lvtttni Cnnjiaity
and in jjtnon inanagt ami conlrnl the Dramtigs
'litmitlCfK ' , unit Iliat the towir are cuwiucteil tritA
ioneiti/S < nmttt OHI/I/I gooti faith totcaril all jiar-
ie , and ut atilaome the toinpanitu ute tltii cer-
tijicate , ititli fac similct ufvur tiynaluni attached
n 1(8 ( ( idi'rrtitiincHti , '
Incorporated In 1663 frr 6 > cara ly tliu la'lihturu
for educational and clmrl'al'lo ' ' a
capital of ei.COO.O'O-t i which a ictno fund tof oror
650 Q3u hu alnoo been added
Iljr nr ovi rwhclmliic pnrular vote Ita fr nclil * >
w inkde apart ol Ilieprctent state oocatltntlon
njopttd I'cconbcr 2d A U. 1870.
Tte only lottery eicr voted on- and ciiiioiecd by
the peojlocf mytUto
U n v r scale ) or poetroncs , .
Hi erand clnglo uumttr drawing * Uko | > laoo
monthly ,
VtW OltLKANH , lUKBUiY , JlAUCIl 10 , 1686. 17Mth
MOMIIH liRiwixa ,
100,000 TIcketH at 83 each , Fractions , in
Fifths , in operation , '
IJbT 07 rRItU.
ICarlUII'jIis . J7B.OOO
1 do do . , . 2C.MO
i do do . lo.eoo
21'rUrtot Ifl.fOO . 12,000
61'rlrool 2,003 . 10COO
102'rlzaiol 1,0(0 . . . . . 10.COO
GOO . 10 COO
SCO , . . , . 20/00
805 Vt M ol 100 . , . , , . 80 000
( COl'rlzeaof to . 26,00
COol'iUtbOl 26 . IO.CXXJ
9 Approilmitlonl'jlieiiol | 7fcO . 0,7/0 /
B do do 600 . 4 CO )
0 do do ! M > . rttO
Application lorn tea to cluta ( boulil Iw mad oolj
o tbcotflce < it lha Company In New Orleans. *
For farther Information write ( Itary ) KMng full
addicu. POSTAL NO IVS , Ki | i llunur Ordfrf , or
ew York ) xchanye In oidmar ; let'nr , Onrrenry
by HipieiB ( til tuui of6 and ujwardt at our ex.
icmeliddremd ,
Ar M. A. DAUPHIN , New Orleans. La.
607 Heventh Rt. , WtuhlnKtcu I > . U.
lfal I * O. itonev Ordera puyaMo and oddie&a
New Orleini , La.
KKULUY ! UEC. A rictim of youllifu 1 1 w pradioc *
UIDK ! Pnmktnr * Decir , NerrouiUebilltr , lx ) t
uuuooq , < ) e..iit > ina tried Iu t in er/ known
eJj.Ul. JlKoveri > d iiat > l raiio olMlf-our .
rtl'U tie wu > n.nrt KltHli to bl * ( llouufl rtn !