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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 25 , 1885 DAILY BEE. OMAHA Ornoi Np. 914 AMD 910 FARSAU ST. MKW Yoaif. Orriw , Rooit C3 TBIBCNB BCILD- IKNQ , trttj morning , , cnly Monday morning ( Ullr rub'l ' 1IRH4 T HAIL Or. Year . 110001 TI'fwMonlhl . . . . . . . SW JlcUonlhl . j.oo | On Month . ' D0 The Weekly Bee , Publihsed every Wednculfty TIRUt , roSIfAIO. . ' * ° ° OntYear , with premium One Year , without premium . ' " BU M .nth , without premium . ' ? Oneilonth , on trial reUllnr. to NOWIMK ! KdltoiUI All Communlcatloni omeriXuld bo ddr. . d toth. Knno. cr tin JJM. ihnnU t. . I-elUrt and UmnllUneM All Dailnen - 1J in. IIM 1'OM.i.mi.i tV-riKt.UMUU lir.tu.che. k MM r.'ii "Hi" * t " " > i" iu > li > ' y kbit to the order of Hi * tvmjxiijr TUB BEE PUBLISHING CO , Fropi , K. KOHUWATKU , Uinroit. A. H. , M niu r l > lly CitvuUtlon , . O. IV i. 4s * Oinihft , NwU. " 1ms i ( l > it uf my life. " I , IM. . TUSK * U into thins t W B.Ud Iti favor iv [ tht * v 'tt * r , ami that l ( UU It has boon VOV.T * n\t\ for tlocion. lift Mu.U K h K-wo east ngniu. llo w y tu > l ittlurtt to Oinrttin until nftcr ho has bi < u sworn In ns prialinutor gcnoral. Ii It took twunly-fivo yunrn for Mr. HvarU to roach the United Sintoi aou.itr , how long will it bo before ho bccorucn president ? TUB Chicago Times nska "Ought the cabinet to bo n 'null ? ' " It may bo n cipher , If Olovolnnd tikes too much tim ber from Cipher Alloy. Is IT not about time for candidates for miyor to declare their intentions ? If the Icglalaturo passes the proposed charter amendmunti the salary of mayor will bo $1,800. This inducement ought to bring out plenty of good candidates. it ; TUB Republican talks about Senator Van Wyck "pawing the Washington air. " It strikes us that If his successful efforts Inroatcrlng to the public domain 15- , 000,000 acres of land is "pawicg the Washington air" ho bettor continue "pawing" at the national capital. GKOVER CLEVELAND haa not yet been notified of his duct ion that is "official ly. " Wo presume that he will take it for granted that ha is elected , and wo venture - turo to say that ho will put in an appear- anca a' Washington on inauguration day , oven if ho la not ofliciilly informed that ho haa been elected president of the United S tat 03. CORNELL college lug made provision for a COUIS9 of looturaa on "Journalism. " Dhla h n move in the right direction , for If there la anything that tha newspapers need nnro than' ] anotlur it la college journaliita , who Womo thoroughly ac quainted with all the practicil details ol newspaper work by llatonlng to a course of lectures For six or twelve months. TUB Connecticut legislature , following the oxauip'o of Nebraska , is cndoavoiiug to encourage tree planting. It naa pasted a bill oiTerlng ton cents to any peracn planting , protecting , and cultivating elm , juiplo , tulip , ash , basiwood , oak , black walnut , hickory , apple , pear , or cboiry trees , not more them sixty foot apart , for throe years , .ilon auy public highway. Till' conviction of throe of the vlllalna who undertook , by means of fraud in the Chicago clec'ion , to steal a United States aonatorship , meets with general approval. The trouble is , however , that the throe mon who have baon ocnvioted wore merely the tools of ( leap-designing con splratora , and it is hoped that Ihuy vril give away the wh jle gang. Tha raeuli BO far will nevertheless have a'tundonoy to put an end to election frauds , for a trhile at least , in Chicago. THK Republican continues to fine fault with Senator Van Wyck because he persists in staying in Washington am attending to his duties , instead of being , at Lincoln "to atsist the legislature it securing a fair railroad law.1 Now i Senator Van Wyck were at Lincoln for any such purpose , the Republican woulc indignantly demand why ho was not in "Washington. It doesn't make any dif ference where Senator Van Wyck maybe bo , ho will always bo in the wrong place according to the Jlcpublican'a Ideas. A PENNSYLVANIA womin has recently visited bath hell and In a von. She wa in a trance , and while in that condition was transported to the Infernal realms o lila Btxfnuio majesty , after which she too ! a brief trip to the regions of the blessed commonly known as heaven. She me friends and acquaintances in both places and ia now firmly convinced that there i both a heaven and a hell , and she ex presses great sorrow that the was not al lowed to remain in heaven. Wo don' blame her for not wanting to return to thin torrottrlal sphere , particularly daring each a cold winter. WiiEif the corner stone of the Wash Ington monument wis laid In 1848 thirty-seven years ago , our country had a population of about 19,000,000 fro a pee pie and about 3COD,000 slaves. Its wealth was about eight thousand millions When the monument waa completed and dedicated the population of the country was about 67,000,000 fioemon and not a filavo , ami weiltr tai increased to about forty-seven thousand million ] . Meanwhile the country witnessed the mcst gignutio i obeli ion known In history , iho abolition of slavery , the piling tip ol B national debt of upwards of three thousand millions , and its reduction ender > dor wisa ripubllcMi management to lets ihan fourteen hundred mllllous , AN IMPORTANT QUESTION. The const lit'at ' on of the Kansas Pa cific with the Union Pac fie , by which rantaclion Jay Gonld unloaded np- on the Utter company bank rupt institution and injected Into t millions upon in llions of watered took , Isjto bo legally iuqiiired into In the Jn ted States court in Kansas next nonth. The suit has been instituted in accordance with the order of the Kansas Plalntnro | in orJor to ascertain whether ho Kantun Paclfio is pintnablo to the ana of that state , or only to the federal ( ovornmcnt , The attornpy general of Ctnsas , in his brief , claims that tlm vnsnn Pacific was and is the properly cf ho atato and ono of her highway over whioh she ought to have jurisdiction anil to which aho ought to have n perfect title , that the consolidation waa a vloln- lon of the charter , without the consent if tha atato aud against her laws , and hat therefore It haa forfeited all Its rights , liberties , and franchises , granted to it by the stale. The plaintiff prayn or the forfeiture , and cthat the Btata bo allowed to take possession of the railroad a public property , and ' 'mako such dij- lositlon thereof as may bo thoucht nee- miry to secure the rights of the state , avlng the just interest of the creditor * and other third parties gulltlets of the rauds , wronga and Injuries charged gainst tlio eaid corporation and the insm- iors thereof.1 On the other hand the Union 'ncilio cluma tha ! ) the consolidation was nuthoriztd by the act of congtcse , and was not in violation of the law. Strong efforts are being made to have t' o irocoedingi dismissed , but it is not at oil Ikoly tint they will provo succesfifu1 , for under the original charier the state at the nd cf fifty years hes the right to pur- haso the road , and if the consolidation a alloA-od to stand , that right of pur- haso v , ill , of course , be lost. It will bo oen , therefore , that the state of Kansas ias a direct interest in proving that the onsolldation was invalid. Itcaitalnly is a ery important suit , and itsontccino will be awaited with a great deal f interest. It wilt surely bo tried unless the leglela- ure accepts some proposition of compro- ulao , wbu'h ULcloub odly offered or its consideration by the Union Pacitio ttornoya. EVARTS' REPUBLICANISM. In his rcciiit sjoach before the Union Jajgne club of New York , Senator-Elect Svarts atsertod that the events of the coming four years and the next prociden- ial election will remove all doubt as to .ho . adherence of the American people es , j thu policy of protection and as to their trust in tlm republican paity , the great exponent of that doctrine. This senti- rnont ia endois.d by such "protectim" papers &a the Philadelphia JYcsa , as good sound republican doctrino. When the republican party came Into power it wai the poor man'a party. It waa doplecdas being made up of a class of mon who had no property , so to speak while its opponents wcra entrenched bo. : iind the money bags and the ollgaichy of the tlavc-holdcrs of the sou h. The Gght made by the republican party was to break the shackles of slavery and to give to the poor man , white or blak , a homo and a farm upon the pub lie domain , Ono of the everlasting monn menta of the republican party ia the tiomoatoad law , which commemorates its free-soil and free-settlor doctrines. Mr. Evarts seems to forgot that the republican party cf to-day has got away entirely from the old landmarks. It it now worshipping straugo idols. Protec tion waa not a cardinal doctrine of the [ mty , and never lia baen. It was tim- ply an incidental policy , propar enough in ib tlmo and place. Neither waa the coinage question , notwithstanding thr fact that Mr. Evarts regards U as a CM dinal isene. Mr. Evarts advocates a sharp and vy orous policy towards the south , Jle says. says."I "I believe that wo shall have shown in these four joits and in our renewed power that just as Img aj there shuil a practical anpproslon in. the southern country of thm suffrage which the ropnb licau party has cuntttrred upoa thu en franchised race , just so long thcrj eluli bo found tnuiigh men at tha iv-rth to vet > ono way on that subject that ahall be cuuntud in a way tbat will Sc-curn thr prutrc'iou ' of this enfranchised people aud teach a lesson that votes ouppie-H-H at that end will only breed a double growth of votes at the north. " Thii is ralher a peculiar sentiment coming BB It docs from Mr. Kvacts , ant It might bo construed to moan that i votes are suppressed in the south , tha re publicans will adopt questionable mothoos of ' 'breeding a double growth of yotes a the north. " Mr. Evarts forgets that he was the heaa and front of tha Idea which left to time the Bett'ement c the great questions of the south. Bu where was he before this ? When the war closed , ho bacamo a member of the cabinet of Andrew Johnton , and be lieved with him in roconciliug the people of the south. It certainly seems rather strange that Mr. Evarta ia going to be a different kind of a republican frcm wha he was under Hayoa and Johnson. He reminds us a great deal of Jay Gould a republican with republicans , a demootai with democrats , but an Erie man all the tlmo. While associated with Johnson Mr. Evarta was for Johnson's policy o : conciliation and concession towards thu southern states. While associated with Hayes , ho was la favor of giving the south * the widest latitude. The result waa that the republican party caat Mr. Johnson out for his heresy to gether with his cabinet. The policy which Mr. Evarts so warmly supported eight years atn made Wade Hampton governor of South CarolinaN/choli / gover nor of Louiiiaca , and Rave Florida to the democrats , For Mr , E tarts now to become aiadlcal led republican of thoThad. Ste vens stripe is ratlur rcnmkable to t y ho least. He forgels all the tlmo that the republican parly has to toll with the siues of the day and not Income baur- lotized like the democrats by planting hcmstilvoB on the issues of the war and nkicg a stand on economic question * which are materially changed and prrtoot now features altogether dlfleront from whet they did twenty jous ago. Tha republicans are not like the demo crats. The great mats of them read and think. Those who voted for L'naoln ' are not willing to vote tha republican tioko * to the end of their days uulcas republic anism moans true republican doctrine the protection of the poor and weak igiimt the occroachmenti of the rich aud powerful. IOWA INSURANCE. In no other state in the union i' In- siiranco carried on co extensively by what may bu justly termed wild-cat cotnpantts a it Is In Iowa. Most of the oompinics are local ius'ltutlons , and the vaiietlos o ! niuranco that they undertake to carry are almost too numerous to mention. Tnut there has boon a great deal of swindling perpotiated on In Iowa under the disguise of so-called insurance cotnpaui-s is a fact that has long been cuspec'cd , and the recent invctUgations of the state auditor nto the condition of eomo of thcsi com panies c .nfirm iho suspicion. Ono com- Mtiy claiming to have § 200,000 not tnr- > lnf > , was found to bo Imolvont. An other company , which swore that it iad $7uO,000 assets , was found to have ess than S500.COO. Still another with an alleged capital of $25,000 had not even paid tao orlginil stock. Ono com ; any that claimed to have $70,000 in > auk did not have a dollar thciv. So ivlth another conpauy of the samq amount of allcgsd capital. Still another , that chimed to have $22,018 in baok , had only $3,530 , and yet ; mot > or that swore t had $30,000 In bondi did not have a ) end , and so on through a long list. Of comae these companies are indignant , bat their aifairs should thus bo invcsti gated , but the result will certainly have a who C'omo effect , for it will compel all companies make good their roproscnti tlnns and do a cquaro biulnoss if the ; wish to continue to toli-it the patronage of Iowa farmer ? , who sro their principal customers. For their sake , at lojsv , it is to bo hoped that the etato audi'or will contlnuo to exorcise a thirp over thcso companies , and compel them to comply with the law In every respect or oho tike down their sign * and cloio their dooH. There ia altogether tco much "graveyard insurance. " Tnn bill to promota Lieutenant Greoly to ba a major and assistant slgL.i service oflicar will not become a law dur ing this session of congress , and probably not during any other. The refusal ti order an investigation into tbo history ol his winter at Capo Sablnohas not availed 'o stop the reports circulated upon ihrv subject , aud until they are cleared up it 's ' not likely that GroaJy will bo promot ed. Officers at the war department do not hcsitato to say that this business la very serious , and if the facts are ever fully known , the story will bo ono of the moet horrible over written. It is known that cannibalism ira3 resorted to , anc yet all the surrlvors deny any knowledge of it. Men who have been in the Arctic regions declare that this denial itself it unnatural and would not bo made hat there not been some torrlblo horror pre ceding the actual cannibalism. GOVERNOR BUNN , n judicial paragon and carpet bigger from Philadelphiawho wus hurried into the wilds of Idaho to rescue tbo tonitory from native spoils men , ia in trouble. Ho was Initiated into the methods of Bolfo City statesmen by accepting a fund collected to pay the rent of hla mansion , and in turn ha be came the chltf figure in a echrmo to lb by through the legislature a bill appro prlating $100.000 to build a now capitol The methcds of ilia lobby were so cor- upt nd brttzon that Secrotaty Pride ol the territory was arrctted for bribery and ilcfa'c tion. It Is reported tint a Boise mnb wrecked the offices of two newspa pers for darlcg to oppose the ring and ussaillng the governor. Bunn took too much Pride In his methods , and his fal is an ourly certainty. JOE MoDoNALD will not got Into the cabinet if Mrs. Hendricks knows horielf. M . Hendrioks'ambition to reigu at the head of Washington society la said t < form the basis of the hostility to McDon aid. A recent Washington dispatch says that "Mr. Hendrlcks cannot bo the firs gentleman In the land while Mr. Olevo land lives , bat Mn. Hondricks seems do termlnod to bo the first lady , without rl vali from Indiana , so long as Mr. Clove- laud roma'na ' a bachelor. " But now that It la announced that Mr. Cleveland pro poses to marry a young Buffalo girl and Install hfr In the White House a * the "first lady ot the land , " it strikes us that Mrs. Hendricks ought to abate her hos tility to McDonald and permit him to take a seat In the cabinet. THK now United States senate will bo republican by a small majority. Even I. Ort'gon , Illinois and New Hampshire fai to fill possible vacancies , iho republicans will have thirty seven and the democrats thirty-four votes. This gives a republican majority of three , without counting Mahone and Rlddlcbergcr , who , if they contlnuo with the republican ? , as It ia ex pected they will , will Increase ( he major ity to five. In the event of their going over to the democrats the republicans would only have a majority of one , which la a pretty narrow margin. THK Journal acknowledges the re- : olpt of an invitation through Senator ManJewon to be present at the celebra- Ion of tfco completion of the Washington monument , It would have been happy o atcspt , bu * the monurcont that the Nebraska Irg' ' a'uro is hoisting engaged s attention. Lincoln Journal. Ye * , Ilia Journal Is too much engaged a aldlt'g the cniiaiructlon of a monument of approj riatU ni and jobs cf all kinds to attend any monumental colobralion out- s'tlo of Lincoln. INSTEAD of trying to demonstrate lhat inga tro not aa they were in the goid old days of our fathers , and the sca-ons are moro variable aud that Arctic weather i gradually creeping down from tbo i Ttli , the Philadelphia Press ssyj tbnt t ii batter to remember how modern sjienca mid Invention have made the co'd moro endurable and robbed the winter of many of i's rigois and that the comfor's now Tvltli'n ii \ < roach of the poorer clwsjs oven mtiko life far moro endurable aud Tun Sioux Ci-y & St. Paul forfeiture bill will bo pushed by both republicans and democrats , as it involves the titles ol settlers who barn looted on the loads lu pursuance of a public dcchta'.lou of the sicret.vy of Ilia interior that they belong Lo Iho government. The Iowa senators and others favoring the bill will ondoaror o bring it tip and hove it passed baforo the cloio of the pres3ut session of con 'rees. A. DEMOCRATIC member of the Icgislo tnro Ins a petition three yards long , signed by all his colleagues of different polit cs , In fiver of his appointment as gnagcr. It will bo presented to the state distributing committee Mnr.-h 19. The names of W. U. B. Stout , Ohuroh Howe and other distinguinhed bourbons , give ponderous and pculiur weight to the doc umout. THE Omaha board of education woulc do well to keep an eye upon the logiala turo until it adjourns , Wo do not wanl the Slocumb law tampered with , and un less a cloto watch is kept attempts me y bo made at the last moment either to re peal it or amend it so that it will bo practically of no benefit. TUB Honncpiu canal scheme has virtu ally bean hung up to dry until the ncx session of congress. AVAll I1JSTOUY. llniv tVallncr , Grnnt , Johnston , mill Other AVritcts Ho Mixed Bill Kuowlcco ( of Uliiloli. ' 'Men of Massachusetts , you have conquered evoiytbiug elro , now lean to conq'ur your prejudices. " Danle Webster said that , or words to thai i filet , writts B.ll Arp ia the Atlantu Constitution , and if ho was allvo to day bo would say It to all of us , for wo are tins fjJavoi of prejudice. I was thinking of thts whda reading the lest number ol The Century. In the December number Gen. Law Wallace wrote an account ol the bait'o ' of Shilob , and I thought il vary fair and considerate , considcrlr } , him to ba a federal general. 1 bolioreu him to bo sincere. And now cornea Gen. Ur. nt in the Inxt numberltnd says t Law Wa laca did not obey orders anc bungled up things terribly. Gen. Grunt starts out by abudng Gen. Hailcck , his superior officer , and dig ) him under the short ribs ecverely. The blggoat thing in his long article is Gen , Grant , and lie takes up a gcod deal of apace iu tolling about lii horde falling donnand hurt- 1 g hia nnklo , and nbjut hii standing by a troa all night in the rain Well , that was bad very bad aud WL are sony ho had to do it , but it wiv twenty-three years atfo.nud wo are nil wol of it now. Ho eays that the confederates had over 40,000 man tbo fust day and he ouly had 25,000 Inline ; but ho never hid any douot about whipping the fight. 13 e iaya further that Lew Wnluico came v\ after tha first day's fight wi h 5,000 m i ind Buul camu next morning with 30- , r.OO mora , and this made a tutal of 50- 000 for the Eosond day. Ho says ho QIC uot ueed Buels force , but was ghd tu di o tieni , and they did all that there wai < for them to do. Weil , uow let us look at William Proa ton Juhis : iii'a a > count in the same man ner. Hn s-tya that Grant had au annj ot 58. COD men in camp , nearly 50,000 uj whom were elf ctivcs , Buevaa < \ mar a hand wtili 37,000 more , and Mitchtlt hot ftrdisaat , with 18000. lu all Giant haa 105,000 cffdctivo men , aud oppus to hi u were less than 40,000 cll'tictlvt coufui'era'eB , So It suemod tbat Grant was to have eatilwhippcJ the 40,000 confcdentei- with hia 30OCO federals without an } help from Buol. And on the other eiio it eoems thai Gr.nt had 105,000 pitted against 40 , < UUO , Everybody is at liberty , I suppose tu believe ottner one or the other ; but J reckon moat pecplo will do what juries do when the lawyer * got them all bofuddlec just split the difference and find verdict. Buaurcgard and hla friend Jordat m > ku up a protiy good story for tboir aide , and William Preston Jubmtci handles them without gloves and makei up a butter ono for Gen. Sidney Johns ton , and so it gees , and nobody knows juut how it was exactly , and never wil kn < w , I reckon. 1 don't believe any c , these writers can tell it jast as it was , f r 1 hey are all juit human and have prcju dices , and it is Imporslblo for them to see it from the same standpoint , And we , their readers , will bellevo or not believe , according to our prejudices , for we can'i help if. Wo inherit a love of "our side , ' just like wo inhtrit oar politics or our re llgion. It ia a trait In human nature that contributes to our good and makes us happier , but like all other good things can be indulged In to extremes , and then It makes us selfish and conceited and un charitable. I know tbat ( ho truth of history ought to be vibdicatod if it can be , but I don't see that all this wiangle about tha battle of SMloh is doing any good. It is pretty well settled that we got badly whipped somehow or somehow else , and the "ifs * and the "preadventures" are too uncer tain to maku up history , They remind mo of an articla I nad about Gen. Jack sou ot Naff Orleans. The writer said that "Old Hickory" was the eecond savior of tbo world , for If ho hadn't com manded at New Orleans and killed old Paokenham , old PackmJiatn would have whipped that iit bt aiid thvngone back to EngUnd and taken charge of the English army , for ho tanked Wellington aud Nsp'/Joon and would have whipped him at Waterloo , for Packcnlum was a poor general ; and then the French would have ! whlpp d HcRlaiid snd all the reitof man c'nd ' , and the whtln world would by this line bo under the Frorjch emplto end bo bating fro s or catching them for a lit ing , Ono thing Is co'U n , though the tob ols did BDtno Rood lighting on several cc- cadous , f < r Oen. Gmnt tays so and sev eral other generals have wild so. I believe tfcortlo give us ctcd t forgetting up a little 6tani-olu | at Bull Hun , and now there seems to bu n luis about that , For Gan , PrtttunonV son lias taken of- Ecnso mid rorus to defend his fa'her who is dead. Tint brings In some more "if,1 forthry say lhat If Gen. Pfttttraon had jri .cd McDowell iu time tha rebels would have whipped Iho light at Bull Unn. And so It unta Thoto Is just about as much jealousy among mllltiry connnsnd- cra ai onioni ? doctors in a ono-horrotown , mid tt ia of a worse kind , fnr a doctor can d.o out of It and got lid cf it , but a gen eral can't. They will r.ako him up nud sUpcfor him after ho hns been dead and burled for twinty yp ts. 1 confess to prejudices , and can't hrlo feelinK a burn ing indignation when I hear the pitriot- Ism , tbo nonius , or the gcucraleh'p ' of Albert Sidney Johnston questioned by anybody , especially by thosu who envied htm. 11-ivu to loyo the memory of the man , aud I don't Jiko anybody who socks to disturb my fai'li. ' Fault it the com- fjrti'fa man faith in thoeo wo have been'aught ' to udm're ' , faith in frletids , faith in rrlli n. 1 would not try to snake the fniili of n Baptist in imnu > rcoi > , nor an Episc' pvlian iu the apor-lollcal sircoscion , nor a Jpw in tbo Talmud. Let them have their faith aud lot mo hae mltio But 1 would try to enlighten iho beclouded minds of th' ' so who wcrihip lito nnd the enn aud nil snrts of idols mid have no intulligiut c nception of God and hh noo'i"1'8 * T'i" ' J w 's ' ns niuch a OhfUti n BS tlio Gonttlc , for hobelievesin * 3ii\i r thu Savior who ti.t'th at the right liHiid of God , aud tha only diflbrinco is tha ho r ) < n't belioro He has yt ccino , but that Qa wll lonip. Wo should bo tliatiklul ovcry day that religious intoler ance hts-p.iBeod away , and with it the 'n- quit'on ' and the Siuithficld tires and thu dr.iwning of wi choe , and thus our ohild- r.m ate safe ftom niir'yrdom for opinion's sake. sake.Tbo Tbo intolerant and Iho rabid proselyte ) must go. Ttoro is but ono God , anc Mi.ha-nmed Is not His prophet , nor any one os3 ! who cla'.ms the exclusive right to bo The church militant is just like the army raillant. L'ho privates do the fighting , and there is in ny n private who is a bettor mon than hi ) captain or hi ] colonel. Gun. Grant sas , in his Sliiloh attc'o ; , that his men stood firm , but aorao cf his colonel ircra arrant co words and lift ( he field. 1 sin fclad of one thing , and that is tha' ' the p oplo have at last made n naw de- paruira aud elect d a man president who waa not a military hero. The country ie net sick of , but it is tired of their claims for civic honors aud rewards They ere not etitcsmen , aa a giiierai thing , and nra out of their clement lu administering the affairs f a great im tion 1 hopi ) that Clavchnd will h ; them rest n while when ho makrs up his cabinet. Gen. Grant bad a awoot crowc aroutd him , and they stele nnd plun dared overythiupj they could , bat 1 ba Have that most cf them are now do id or disgraced , or both , and the country has almost forgottan they ever lived. Infantile Blocd Purifiers and Skin Beautifiers. A GROWTH OF HAIR. Whl'e uelngjour Cullcum for cliaDncil occurrwl to me to try it for dandruff , fr ' Miffeio'l a ( iroaf , doa1and it not only tiH.'edu & the dandruff , hut icetorcd the Imir to a larito * ( .I BIIO-I previously entirely destitute ol h ! r. It Is now an inch In knirth. JOHN II. I'/vllK Wostor ba ilr 'Jobn E. Chase , " Boston Ilarbor. SORE HANDS. Tour Cutlniua Ilemo'lej are Justly receiving gre\f'nn. Tlio lulnera flml the Cullcum Soft ) splcnJid for clenn-lntf tlio ekin , and thofc who hate for } cirs nnfleroil from euro hands caurjot eay enough la jiril'-o nf it and Cutlciira C. nUDDEE , BrofcU ! , Col. CHAPPED HANDS. I na\o boon uslnp thu Cuclcura Hoip far Chapped Hindu and find it Ki > cs twttcr eatlsfa-tlon and npu rat OH more quickly than nnyihin I ha\u uvcritricd Ita cl 4Uklng qu .ntiia aud dtlleatu | crfumo rccom Ut > nd It as a mo&t dt-Bli&Mo svp. . W. F. I'MlKUIl , Chtrlottoeburg , Ky. DOING GOOD. I waifclch alongtlnix and ttitxl eovrral doctnis. They could not do mo any good and then I tried Outieura Hcmcdloi and they cured mo. They are olni ; a deal cf K'uixl thl In muiitry. Jt. PALLf E , Cornishvlllc , Ky WITH GOOD RESULTS. I hivoUBed your Cutio'ira Ilemc'dloi with Rood rc > Bultu for bciotulaand Hcali ) ! for u numbnr o ) e r. U. K. KAULKNEH. Hoineliavlllo.N. Y. WORKS LI KB MAGIC. Your Cu'.lcura Moap I pie cribo In nil crnptloni o the tkin and It norku llku nut I" . T II W'lITINO a. D. H Central Music Hall , Chicago , III. Sold every whero. Trice : Cutlcura , CO cents Boap,2Scenta Kiaohent , $1. I'ormR DRUOAND RIIXUIOAI.CO. , UASTOS I r. 1 leu tin tiri fl i COLLARS CUFFS tCAitma THII WAKX AI THI FINEST QOOD8 EVER MADE , itiNo ill Linen , WITH Lto'no ' * AMD Exterior * . Aakfor ihta u iV Onuha PROPOSALS. UNITED STATKH INDIAN SERVICE , ) nxi IIIDOI laiKcr , > I > ak u , Junary 11 , 1885. j Sealed proposals Ii. trlnllcate lidored , propoeali fet the erection of one ( VttelwUhk and Carpentei shop , one harness , eboe and a > Uclaiieou ! shops , one slaughter bouse.two wsgon and storage sheds , one bike house ana cellar , at this agen y and direct d to the underlined , cro of Chief Ouartermutei department , i'f the tUtte , Omtha Neb , will be re ceived untl 12 m. Saturday , February 14,185 Plans and Bpedfl-Atlons can bo ixamlned In thl ofce of the e' lef qmrtfl'-a aster , dei artnent of the Flatte , Omaha , Neb , the "Inter Ooean" Clilcjigo , 111 and the "Journal" at Kansaj City , Mo. Contiact will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder , mbject th the approval of the department of the Interioi lbo rlht | , however , la reserved to reject any and all , cr any part of any bid , If doomed foi the best In. teriitof the service I'rorvxJsmutt Mate length of time require * ! foi oomi.letltlon of building alter appruval of contract , and must be % ocompilned b ) ft certlflel check upon Uoitfd States Duiioaltoty , pa ) able Jo theordei of the 'uneerelgood , for at leut flie ( S ) per coot ol the an ount of ihe propojil , will h check shallbeforfeiiol to the UnlteJ htates in case of an } bl ider recehlng the kwird ; uliall ftll to eiecut * promptly a contract with ( food > nd tufflclenl secutl tier , aocordliii ; to te ttrrait of bin lid , otherwise to bo returned to the bidder. ror further It f < rmat on addretm the andcrtlgnw at Fine llliige AgoncDikoU Tfe luidnmli.tit l will will be t I'nt'n UOUM , Oaiaht , Nob. , by the rooming ol Friday , Fobru ) 13 168 * . Y T. U'aiLlTCVBPT Jan 0-8 * m U. B , Indian Agco . SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONEY , MO IOANKJ. . T. n.Mly . lo ni on cb tl l | > ro | city IH 8. 14lh ! . , uptulrt. JfSmlSp \f ONKTOI.OANln niru ol 310 Mill up , on 111 horifd. I.IMIPS , furniture ml nil KlndJ ol ch ttcl.V n Jiottcr , 1401 r' tn ui t. , otcr ilar e > fhof ttoro. WSlf Q 1 ' i OH T 'tov < < " < r ° < ' ccutltr by Ilallon lltoi , Ol'lUU'17Sojthl3thSt. 370 Sfl AIONKV T > 1OAN Ihsvctnuncy to loan on Im. HI l'rodcl'j ' proiertv. In Miy amounts to suit , at rcafotviUo ra'cnV. . H. Metier , 14r I'un.Mn ( ( , , over MOIN. ' fhco store. 85Stf vftn uuAti In Duraiot ISMtnJ utiwat . 0. r. Davto KQil Co. , Kttl KlUU nil txiin ntt , 1 Wfi r rr m St. 007 U j O.NKV loaned on chattels. Railroad Tickets I bought Mid laid. . foreman , SIS S. Itlr HELP WANTED. Y\7ANTr'.l Aililfir [ Rrii'rM housework Ap V ply 113 not th 18th Ht. Mr * lilt. I65-28j. ITANTKI'K < > "d ( r il to do goi cral hoii'owcrk V TKISISlHat SDI-24P Hl for homework ; ( unllv of t o Mil. U Blngl aiu , : U linsjV. . S IfltliSr. , b I.taunuorth SA325p Al'ANTKD-A fltsk clu blao'smlth , to whnn > Rocil wDRCsnnil rtoaily omploj'rrm will l.o el ou. Aiiil'tiu Crimont Foundry A. Machlno O Fremont , Neb. 310 tf A\TANTMI- A Kill to iIORCjural hountwoTk , oiok ! > IIIB , wa hlne and lionlji j al'o a m-cond Klrl tide do tip etalrs work and t ko cnru of H b by , In a ma family IncoitipUsnt Rlil I e d not pj > . 011 23 < 1 H , 4th Iioii > u from I' all 2 \\7ANTr.O I-rmcilWclr , two B Uanl oil Ito > > wrrkcrs , attlic Uul HI Stick Yards , SJO-tS ITANIKO A fltitclaigbljuk boole forwarder n' ' C. F. WhltnujrV , Ill ! ! Kamast 8ti 55 \T 'ANir.D ARO djlil at lltU and . . W A. Carey S4ilf \A7ANrKD Aucntn for Hark Twain' * low bouk VH cMabcrry Inn , for NcltraH a and low * . A bon nzx for audit ! Send 75 rent for outfit , or cal on M J Coin General AROiit , 101B Capitol ave. OnnhNcb. . , after 4 p ir > . 32J 4p A thoroURn an rolliblo book.kocpcr WANTKD right mill Rood WIROK will bo paid. Ad drwn lth reference s , and itato silary expected ; X. care lice olllco 83 * * - at t. Chailcs hoM. WANtEO-Cliamberinald 32i tl IXTANTKD By al dy , a privati lntrutor 1 arltbm tlo. Address ' 1' . O. " Bee olllco. 314 24p 'XTA T , DA clrl f'r general housework Mr VV It , II. Wilbur , 631 leiauit st. SIStf TTTANTiiD A competent eorta t girt to do gVne VV al houtc work at 1817 Chicago 8t 213-tf ) Agents for our new book , good pate to workers fall or address Oeo , llunlcr , 18 Burt St , Oniaba Nob. 1 6I TT7 ANTED Good live solicitors Addrees Mutu W Hall Inturance Co. , St > wait Nob. fWJ-imj SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTBD-Sltuatlon In r'till or whohs Uhons" , by jouncnatrimlinan > t 22 ; three juars bus- Incsi experience ; itltry not o muih ail objort n auoodilaco with pros weti ft future ; rof'r.-n es auto honesty. Address F. K. , lieu olllco. 373 25p trAKTEi' Situation for a cook. strLily temper- V ate. Address D. , Bee olllce. WANTED Sltiutioii by an oMct'cntcd nurse t ca : for an iaxalld or for children. Add o 8 A C.Ile3cnico. A Kouny isarrlJimin wuiite Mtuntico a book : iX keeper , In n hctc&aa ! ttUblhhracrt IB Om r , . Addrew " 0. " nern lies R08- MISCELLANEUUS WANTS. TTfANTEf ) To buy hnuso with Irt at a bargain IT cash. AddtfSI O N. , Boo olllcc3iU14p FOHUKNT Ono larpn unfurnished frant room deslrablo lioatlon. N. II. Bee offl.-o 801-20 WAN' ED-To Si II a collection of ell U S. an foreign coins , cciap. C. A. Rogers C19 . Htlint.cty. 315 SSp WANTED Bv 3 youne gentlomt'ri , suit of nlctl furnlBhrd rooms , 1 gitting and 2 bed rooms with3 eirglobeds , located touth of Douglas ctree Addictssiatlngprlco F. W I'Bo olllco. 824 lp VtfAHTKD Every lidy In nc d of afo-lninia ; T i chine , to see tlm n w Imur vH'l ' Arrcrican No 7. P. K. Flodman & Co. , agents ; 203 N Iflth. 343(1 WANTKU A gentliman room mate to bca-d I prixatn family ; references requited. Addrb C. A lies ofllce. 328-tf WANTKD Ladlea nnd gcnlbmcn to take nice I Ight , pleasiut work lit thr Ir nn-n hiinea ( dh tance no objectou ) ; uoikeeot by nail ; $ ) to $5 day can be qulctlt made ; no canvassing I'letx : ad drera at OTicn , Reliibli ) Uan'fg Co. , I'hil&dclphia I'a. Box HO.X 25-J-28p IT ANUKD Ijvillts ai d Kontli'inen In city or conn TT try to lake llcht wurk at their on homo. S3 t $4 a dav easily mailo ; wrrk ent by mall ; no cam O Ing We ha\ocood ) demand fornurwork andfurni ttoidy employment. Acldrtso with stamp , fit > WJ < ll'FG. COMl'AiNY , 2M Vine St. , Cincinnati , Ohio. 113 liH TTfANTED Agents tn work for the Western Mil T T tual Iknovolont Annorlallon , of Beatrice , b Coi-h < aj Ital jlOO.COU , ) ld up In full Iliofe doslring cgcnciesln Eattcrn No'ra ' ka or Wo tern luwa ehuuld MldrcHs C , A. Wootley No 1222 Furnam at Omaha , Neb or Oliver C. Pablri , Kou'y , Ileatrico Neb. To good agents , men or women , a Ube.a comiienration will be paid. Company la co opera- live In plan , eafo , reliable and cheap , aud oaiy t work. B06-ti2 1'OH 11KNT-1IOUSHS AND LOTS , FOR RENT Small house good location uh | | o wittuut furnlturo. BalUu U.oa. , 317 B. 13th St. SO 28 I7IOR RENT AipKudid comer store on Cutnlig 1 St , , 22x00 tullabli ) for grinery or aiy ntliB1'in l/ies ? alsoitn oligint light losamoi tr 119 U-eltfron Poet cfllco geol Uc.iiloii for baibcr shop or any olher light LiisinoBa hloreo & Hiu 47-27 I710R ' ENT-Clgar store furultuio for sale , ev r L1 12th St. , 1202 Uodgo Bt SIS 25 ] ) FOP. IIFNT A four room house , with cellar clneufs and out M.ilien ; $ ' 8.69 iitr month. En qulro Bi3N Slstst. I' . J. Crerdon 8l7tf ( T'OR I KNT Several frrall collateIn rllfferiH parts cf the city. Alnoone liriie room on Si Mo5r lUrKer'sbl ckisthnud 1'ammil , ami a uliri Inir tonrn on 3d door. C. K. anync , 8 W Uith rn Farnam. 310 0 T OIl RENT Cottigeat 1718 IJodgo street. 271tf FOR KENT Store on fumnilrgs fit. , with rnon for family. J , Kline , 1318 Uougla * HU ' 'uC-ln FORRFNT New brick hoiu11 rooms , mwlfrn Improvements , No. 12 N. 22d st. Inquire 2118 California 8t. U7tf I pi ) IIU NT-New cottage , 6 rixmi * . J I't Iprw Ron 1 1.612 B. 6th Bt. 019 tf FOR HENT-Nloa a room college coiner 24th and Davtnportitreet. Apply to K. B , Chapman 1217 Howard Bl 803-tf If Oil HENT A new Ieht room house. Fnqulrto J1 UN. K. Roddli , Jtth , bet D vet poit and Chi go ( U. 7Dllf ROOMS FOR RENT. IrtOR 1 RENT-Uofurnlshed rooms , 1617 Chloaio st 31-2 p FOR RENT FurnUhed orunlurnl bed room and fu nlture tor calr , at 8 W oor 18th and lord it. B0. .28p I pOR tlKNTNIce'y ' furnltho room ulth Imtid 1 for one or two gentlenrfii , 161 ! Karn m. 3Attf F OIl HF.NTA nicely turn Bhcd front parlor wlih uodcrn loiproTenrcntt for gtnllemui and wife , nut-o'a's table boird , JOC9 Ht J58 tf FoilRKNT Nicely furnlchid frontrooui ; I ojtlon excellent , at 1118 HOH aid tt 37-21i | FOlt RENT Fumlthed front room , CIO lUclfln st Ut-Up FOR RKNT A bulte of very dtlr l > ! i fu ulihed ( rout rooiri , S E oor Chicago u2ltU / it , ono aleck from red or Hue. - 31U-29 ] ) FOB BENT-FurnUhed roonn , 105 , N Itfi tt. - Fnlt HKNT-Kurnlthed Room wllh board , 603 N , 17tli. 624-tt riult KENT-AUrje front room on flt t II or. IMS J 1 Ilownd it. S U-24p 'OK ' RENT Furnished and unfuri Iilm ! toomi , wltbb rJ. llottl , C.i.Hol TO. and 13th it Mri L. W 11 f.ld. 319 n r20n FORBKNT-FurnUhedfrout room with bay wlu daw , brick bvuw > , witb bear J , 80S N mtittioot Jlfl-SSp lir.ST-Two rocmi at f3. W. j-ei month , 1818 llonntd. IfORIlK'T Mute-ef urrltnrd rocmj , U1S rwi. fornUM , Mrs A CtldfrnooJ. I7otl l OIl IlKNT-lloomi 1810 ilatiify SI. 1TIOII IlKXT-Two mifninltlcri roonmuilMlefor i feu liOU-'ekccpliiK , lleemi t'sUi < ekoor. b and 1,1011 UKNT-NIccly furt Ubcd to.nnj at 17IS Ca s 1 " ' 111L. l0iliZ.V.i7 ? 1'UIta : ' ' Jl"'t ' lto" ' ' ° ° r : ! l ° .lh ROOWS-Wlth tioatd , drtltabls or winter. Aprly at Ht ( .linilr * Hntol. OCD-'I ITVOItltKNT-Kor Ilsht hoUfeVcctuiR , tworonmi , 1 f'lriiijhtJ lor that | > ntxc , H. W. cor Pth unj ' ' TT'OR ' 1IKNT Futnlthed loomi at 1810 Pcdgoet. UKNT-Two flesmtroouu In Ilodlok'i blocV , 1'AUleeu ft Co , IMS l' rn m. 041-tf FOR SALE. | 7lOUUiNT-A : Ri-rd MckrJ. , . Apply nt Mo- I1 L'njuc lltoc. , cup ro U.fll ) . 317 SSp ir OH 9 > n-MnrotUBO : 1.111 , too flrst.t-U rot- 1 ttCi | ! , iMie ol elht ( rooms ami out < ut fl o. Tro letter fiiri'lshed ronly lor hou o kcrplng , hcat'kfnl bcatlOM and n iletltab e tiulchborhooj. nul' l.ucti)0rt ) | ) St. , 011 SAt.i-Coincr : I't nrat lltllo hiasc , Hotifi 1 Omil ! , J70 ' , $10 ito n > Jnl $10 prr inotitli. c. K. M > ) n.i , UV. . oornrrlSth and rarntm. TT UU MALI ! Xfo-nleo bis InMroi ftUlitlon , JL i > o r llMulI'schrap on montnly p.iineut < . C. K. UM lie , IDtlinnd t'tirnaui. iu7 ; 0 1 011 SAl.i : llikcry atil futuics In rcitaumit for B-Io , oalj I'aViTV In city ol llo'tlre < c. AdtUoss Wni. H Jayrn , HolJrcge , Neb. S56 S7p JjVOH HAI.K 10 acre chol-o l nd , 4 miles from 1 Albion , Neb , , 25 acres brike. truuohim * $1260 per aero AilJrtm It. ' . Cop-on , Onml.n. 343-Vfip , . . r.lK llratmrant , 01111 blok from depot. Knquire W2 S 10th st. , Oniaha. 31l-:4ji Furnlturp , Ilendliitr , RlrviQnins. . , and > citlilnK nco i-airy f-r bousctccp * Ii KtfttblS Lea\cnwcithtt. Cluap llouto or rrnl If anted 39 25p FOlt SALK- Very cheap , a pool UUe. I'nclflo House , 10th and Davenport > 8 i8 , " > IrOIlBAI.K OK HKNT A k'fncr l In a llvo 1 Nol-ra k town dolni ; adrjtoass > uslnc i. Oou- ( ists cf n portl et. ikof Rioc'tle , b its ml nhnvn , n ockory and cvtrjthinff ronnccicd wl'h Mint cusi B > rcerj and nhoo Horo. FT putluUismfdic < "L. < l A. " lion i tno > ' . SS7."p3 SALK IStacrofum , ImprotiU.urnlll tnulo lor cit > property or eUcl. , roon M. M 1'a.rleb , ll l n. Nen. Ij'Olt 8ALK A ( rood latn < ly horse buiruy a > tl har- L1 lies ) . Inqul o 012 OIL-IBS H' . F. A F x. F'OUSALK k'armol 8 3.'ie , 5 mlloiunithnut o' orth lt < il , ISO acrm under nil Ivatlon , 63 m'Ica ' ol Iho wl Ion-t retri'c inllo rl hlcll Ii slul tin go 18 > eaiH old , 3 inlliB of w'ro ' fence. liulo lni ; pts urn crincail nearh nil seeded to tame K UML Uarn vSx5u feet , cilbin g f > r HOO lunlicls orc rn , ! i K0odcoir > ls , 1 wind mil , nul 3 wel'd ' . f water , i Kr naiy IfixSO feet , a home 10x24 feet , vltnlase. mo t undir entlto house. I'/loo $30 pracre ; half down , lm'oi ' > co on tiu o in Milt | imlianr. Kii\iiro ] t flli-c , or of W. II. Yaw , Aoitli Ildid.Ncb. F OR H\LK CI1KA1'Ouo eleuant ch inber not , former cost { 37S.CO. One riguht'ir clock , ono i uarly new linabo 1'iaiio , two cold framed plctur < B , ono noise , harms' tnd plinctcn , ono tlfclls ( afo , small cite , oi.u beautiful china podeo Bet. Also a lir 'O ice tox. Jnquiio 1016 Idec St. 2S4-tf Tj OU SALE nilck hrupc , rrnlatnii c 10 romrs , r bam and t.Ub'c , and ncro a > y outhouses , lit 10.h f-t Ar.plf to heiiui ; TouttiJ , I'or. lltli and 1) . diesis. S15.S7 SALK-Wallpaper business , u > all clock ot patcr3j9notth IBtli St. 2-.7-S8p FOR SALE Chfnp Two ccunten and 45 cct shil-lng , at ISthat-d Howard. J. II. Siiotmaii. 299 20 | ) FOR BAT.K Ate ( rrcat Inipnln , for net rash , n . sto-k ol merclia dise , c iiBUllii of n cho'oe HBB ol Dry Good' , ClolhlrK. Boots hocs , Ila-s , CapH , etc , etc. IhU cntltu stock mu-t IMJ B U at once to sitlsfy tblmn nif ln t It. For parllcu- lird , to Jacoj Mela , FidlsC.ty , Ni.b. I eb 17th 1S . 83210p yOU SALE OK KXOUANOU AJ 910 pot aoru , ftl f or part of tuothousaat acres of tlmlier land forty miles cant of Kaneas City , wll exchange tot Nbroak * land or moroaandlso. Bedford , Honor ft Da is 8Utf F OR SALE- Selling of ato-st arid etnro fixtures for Hale at No OiO South 10h [ Street , Oruaba , Ktb , S L. Schwaitz , prop 246 2fp SALK Stock ami fixtures ono of the host FOR ealoooBiu th rtty. Io sBsion n'ven tin flrst of Jipiil. IteimoiinforecllluR. Ill huulth. Add res a "X. W , " Bte olllco. 1B2U 1 TICK SALE Oil THADE For Irrprovfd KnJ , n 1 good 2rtory btoro , property In Wajnc , Nib. A. residence , bain , ! lots In AIcrton ! Iowa , nc d 2 good I.rgu Norman rtalllone. AddruSl O. I ) Diril > al Walnut , i'ott Co , Iowa. ] 7SmOp 17 < Cll SALE A good p > } ing saloon with first clitn Iiuich counter and 'rsuurant attacheid. A btr v-aln. B. Trottler , 203 South IBth St , 102-tf l Olt SALE Or rxclianeo a full stock of clothing ' boots an J shots , gent * furnlalilmrtroDils , will ox- cli nio for Nobrmka Lauds. U. lI.l'cUta < .nM)4 ) S. lUth St. , Oniaba , ttb. 155-tf ITOK WALE 150 acroi of lxt farm lands In Wa'li. 1 incton county , Nub ; 2i mlloi from Herman ; 8 inllfH from lilalr. Will uither mil for cash or Hill Irfclo f it hoilMi In ( hnahu , If bnjer will take up onoto on Inng tiaii T e whole lard unaer tUation Adclroft Jo . Kolowiilck , No. 13M 0 13Ul bt. , Omaha , Ntb. 001-U HA LK Cho p ono half acio In nortli Omaha. FOR Address X. Y. Z. Boo olllou. BlOtf IOR BALK 200 tons Rclcctcd hay at KUliornStn 1 tlonpilcet3.00pcr ton. Apply to Mm ( | ] * Kll.Iiotu U'2 Imp VOR 'HLK A trroil pajlrg lirpl mcnt burfneeo well 'ocutcd anil o-UbHhlicd In thriving lown on B. &JI.R H In Nob. rvirytldijr riaiytoctep rlslit Into good trade. Only mode ntu CA\ \ Hal re quired. Addret8"X. Y. " bio otlicc , 012 fcb SSp T7 < OR HALF. 66x185 foit ou Cumlng Btroot S block ! I1 west of Mllltiry bridge , ei.BOO. John L. JlcCoguo opposite 1'Obt olllio. 031'tl FOR HALK 131xl'J4 fret on corner , south-rait front , hnuiio 8 loomn , bani , 3 blocks cst a I'atk a\e. anil I.ri > Tenworth , easy rnjinuile , clinnp ? 1,700.John Mcrairuo , ppi ltel'OHt OINc . 017-t B ALEDIUY Oocd quality , lowest piloo. T. U. Claik8cn , Bcliujkr , Nob. 110-ni4p FOR HALE OK KXOi'ANQE For itook ol dry good * 1380 arroitotk ranoliplenty ti y land , cruel : runs through entire tiait. go d bulldltgs , oorralln etc .ein'y ' 4 mlkn from thriving rallnod t'mn , r > ue ot th < > liustatid m st coincident i ticlus In orntral Neb. Appl ) to ttio Nuith Loup Banking Co. , Nottli loup , Ntb. 214 6 MISCELLANEOUS. FOUND Fl o dollars last week or nortli 16th HI. The owner rail larr 'ino by ctlllrg at I4H N. 20tb Ht. F. II. W. Bruochtrt. 872-23 IJUHl'H All klndi of pumps for itla or repalrtd. Addnu J. J , UoltJn , 1011 Saunderi St. St.87lm23 87l-m23 IO3TA re < ) Iilih ( otlrr drg , about eliteen J months oW , iniwrrs to the nama of Uaor | , bai to * lilti hilrnon hlichis' ; a II crJ reward for hit return to Wra rrettouSltt and Howard Bt , SS.S.24P TOKICHANdE-Hlocli of good i and merrhui. dm lot landniprored | cr unlmprored Cbai It , Wooll y , room SO , ' Omab * Natlonil Bilk , Omaha , Nvb. KOlmarl TO KXCIf ANOK Improved 'am i and trade f r slosli i f ertha dlieor Oaaha city > roper > y Chan R. Woolly , rojui 20 , Oua a Natlocal Jn k , Omaha , Ntb SOOmarlB pltlVY rauita , elnki > ud c * nocli domed at the I thorUt not oe and tt uny time of the day , In art utlrrlybrditl.ti wav without the leant molestation o occupant * or nelK&bors , oltli nur Improved and dorlew apparatus. A KfiujiiCo. , 911 CaplH To. _ Mlmln rfOtt TRADE for merchandlM groceries pre- IIerred , three (3) ) valuable Ittn iu Dayton , Ohio. 'no ' ( I ) I > t In Nt Lemln , Mo ; 640 acre * of floe land In Kan i ; Onell ( rin In Ohio. Thu | > roi > eity U free f lnoumti nco All comti.uiilcatloni will bo tictUxl Irlctly ooufldeutUl. B , II , Winipear , 2u 4 Cuinlnr , tDREXEL DREXEL & MAUL-- ( tUCOKDHOiUi TO JOIIK 0. MOOBt ) UNDERTAKERS I At th old lUnd 1417 Xarnira Bt Ciden by Itl * . r | ) h ollcitodandproujpy att ud d to , 1'tJtphoM