Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1885, Image 3

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BUKPLUB NOV 1,1684 .
President. ild
w. v. ioonEJNO. : s COLMNS. tEvvis s. IUED. :
Kent K. llajtcn , AnletaM and Acting Cashltr.
The iron Bank *
INTHREST llowod on tim dapotlU upon
rornbla terwi nil upon CBonnts ol bknki
end b\nkor .
Bonds and County jind City leonritlM bought
and "old.
In ibi trostment ol enstomori the moat llby
cralpoliori * iraranod cankiitont with i&totd
nd lonnd banking , and we invite corroaponce
ones or personal inquiry In tonnootion them
with _
Niw Yonn , February 24. Money Bat-
Ur.rcqueat nt 1S43 , closing nt 2 per ceiit.
Pritno mercantile paper 4@5o.
Sterling Bills-Dull nnd honvy nt 4 834 ; de
mand 801.
UoTorntnunta-Qulot nnd strong with an
advance of I per cent m fours. OtliQrs'un-
Stocks-It was known before the opening
ot tha stock exchange that there had been n
material advance In American securities in
the London market since S Uurday , nnd this
wad used hero ns n basis for a small sized
"boom. " At first the prices on nearly every
active stock on the list trenerally were Jfeli
per emit higher. A sharp advance of 1@3 per
cent , the Inttor figure representing the nd-
vance In Lacknwanna , wai followed by n
moderate reaction and then higher prices
ngain nt the close , the inarkat finally closing
strong at 8@2jJ per cent above S turdny last
prices. 'Iho total business amounted to 321-
618 shares , an Increase of 81,4000 over Satur
day , notwithstanding the fact there \jra.t one
hour low in which to do business owing to the
late opening following a holiday.
S'a ' 101
4Vi Coupons 1122
IT. B. 4's 122 }
FoolfioG'aol 126
Central pacific , 34J
Chicago & Alton 181
do do pfd IfiO
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy 121
Delaware , Ziacknwnna & Western 102
Denver & Rio Grande. . . . 8 ,
Erie 1
do.pfd 29
Illinois Central 124
Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western 14
Kansas & Texas 17
Iiako Shore & MichlRan'.Southern 678
Louisville & Nashville 29. }
Michigan Central G3
Missouri Pacific 03
Northern Pacifio 18
do do pfA
pfd , 132
New York Central 051
Oregon Truna-Gontlnental 1 3 j
FacifioMail DW
P. D. & E 14 ]
Pullman Palace Car Company 114
Rook Island 114"
Bt , Louls&San Francisco 2' ' )
t do do pfd 374
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 741
do do do pfd 107 }
Qt Paul & Omaha 28
t do do pfd 89 ?
Texas Pacific 12J !
Union Pacific 48rf
Wabash , St Louis & Pacific 41
do do do pfd 1 > J
Western Union Telegraph 69 j
O. R.&N CO
CHICAGO , February 24 Flour Quiet.and
nnmin illy unchangedwiuterwhoat ; 4 00@I 75 ;
JliohiKiiii 3 l&'it 150 ; Minnesota ankers U 10@
Wheat Quiet nucl unusually slow ; fluctun
tions slight ; jnned lirmir nwinto ( war news ;
ndvauccd lc ; . latr eastd ff , declined Jo , and
cloieil &u under Saturcliiy ; 77j@783o fur cash ;
TJI&8 lo for February : 80@8ii4o for March
8iil@8flic for April ; 83i < 8Jgc for May ; No.
and slow firmer ad-
Oorn-Quint : opened , -
vane di3 | , Uter oaiod off , Heelinerl jj@jc , and
closed about at Saturday ; l)7S@H8jo ) for caxh ;
37ga forF bruiiry ; STS il'ic lor JMarcti ; 37 0
for April lll@41jo | for May.
Oata Kmrly uctivo nnd comparatively
Bteady ; 274@i'Ja ' for osh ; 27 2780 , for Feb
ruary nud March ; 27i B'73"f"r April ; snJnra
llyo Firm at Clo.
Barley Nominal at
Timothy Seed Fairly nctlve ; prime , 1 32@
Flax Seed-Firmer ; No. 1. 1 47.
Pork Active and irregular ; declined 25 ©
3no and closed Bteady nt medium fifrures ;
12 G5@12 70 for cash ; 12 C5@12 Gri for
Fobninrv and March ; 12 76jjl2 774 for April ;
12 85@12 87J for Mny.
Lud-Moro uctivo , ruled 10(3)liio ( ) ! lower ,
nnd clostd stuady ; 0 85' G 874 for cath and
3 'obru rj ; C 87 for March ; 0 U5@G 074 lor
April ; 7 Or.7 124 forMay.
Jtulk Meati-Shoulders , 4 70@4 80 ; short
ol o ir. 0 ( i3viG 70 ; short ribs , G 25.
Butter Stoaih and uncbnuRcd ; creamary
S2(5i3 ( o ; dairy , 27@28o.
Cheese Steady and unchanged ; good to
fina cheddars 10 } .
J''frgs Wrnk and irregular ; fresh , "G@27c.
II -Unchanged. .
Tallow Unchanged.
Keoeipt : . Bhlp'ta.
Floor , bbU 23,000 14,000
Wheat , bushels 57,000 4.0TO
Dora , bushels , , .127,000 88.000
Oata , btuheU 03,000 44,000
llye , bushela 4,000 , 1000
liirley , bushels G2.000 U.OOO
NKW YOKK , February 21 , Wh at Spot
No. 2 spring , i > lc ; ungraded red 8
OS : ; No. 2 red and March OOJ@01o , May
closing utOSJo.
Corn dpot lots g3o and options Jffljco
lower ; clo m weak ; receipts , 190,000 bunheli ;
eiRorU. I'J.OOn hunhelii ; ungra-led , Cl@53c ;
No 3 , 62K < 562ic ; No , 2 and February 6i.'J '
( S53c ! May closing at 49o ,
O U- Opened i@J lower ; receipt ? , 106,000
buibels ; exirarU , 15,000 : mixed western ,
Bin Wettera frech , hlcher and firm At
Pork- Dull and weak at 14 00.
Lird He vv ; western steam spot , 7 20 ®
Butter Quiet and unchanged.
BT. LOUIS rnoncos.
ST. Loma , February4. WhAt a fraction
higbpr but very ( low ; 8G87c for cash ; 8GJc
for 1'ebnury ; 7io for March ; UU@ilo ) foi
May ,
Corn Sfadv but Inactive ; 87(3 ( S71o foi
ca > h ; S7So for February ; S6iSJo 'or Maruli ;
SC3@374o for April. 38 38 0 for May.
OiU Firm bat dull at 30lo for cash : 31I@
12a for May ,
Hyo Slow at CUo.
liarley-Dull at GO. SO.
Uuttcr Unchanged.
KKRS Kasy at l2c. !
Vlaxieed-Quiet at 1 40.
Hay Unchanged.
Bran Better at OGc.
Corn Meal Steady at 2 25.
AFTKRNOON BOAIU- Wheat Iswerj 90j@01c
or Mny.
Corn Lowers 38c for May ,
Oata Nothing done.
TOLEDO , February 21 , Wheat-Quiet nnd
eak ; No 2 red 78c acked.
Com Dull ; No. 2 , 43c naked.
Oats Dull nnd nominal ,
CINCINNATI , February 21. Wheat Henvy ;
S'o. 2 red , 65@SGj.
Corn In good demand nnd prices ft ahada
ighcr ; No. 2 mixed , 43@Uc. {
Oats Stronger at 3lo.
Rye Stmdy nnd firm at 72@73o.
Barley In good demand ; extra No , 3 fall ,
oc ,
Pork Dull nnd drooping nt 13 2" .
Iiard Dull ; lower to neil , it7 00.
Bulk Meat * Inactive nnd lower ; short ribs
Whisky Dull nt 1 13.
LivrarooL , February 11Wheat Dull ,
argo supply ; winter red western , Gj 10J@7e ,
Corn Quiet ; demand fair ; new western
Ixcd , iiGd.
KANSAS Uirv. Formiary 21. Whonl
lojdy ; cash , G21@C22c ; March , G2jj@G2Jc ;
Iny , GSic.
Oorn dteady ; cash , 3te ; May , 31cc bid ,
lie naked.
Oats Dull nnd nominal ; 204.0 bid 274.0
sked ,
NEW ORLEANS , Febniary 1 ! ! . Corn In
oed demand , but light supply ; yellow mixed ,
Cornmpnl-Qulet nt 2 C5@2 70.
Hay Unchanged.
BALTIMORE , February 24. Wheat West-
rn , ea > Ier and dull ; No. 2 winter rod spot ,
7ftrS74o. . . .
Corn Wnitern , steady and inactive ; mixed
lot , 481r948Jc.
Oats Scarce and higher ; western white , 88
@ 39c ; mixed , 3G@S7c.
Rye Quiet nt 73@75c.
Kgga Unchanged ; 25@2Gc.
Whiskey- Steady at 1 20 ® 1 21.
MlLWAtiKKE , February 24 Wheat Un-
ittled ; No. 2 Milwaukee , 7GJ.c ; February ,
igo ; May , 81 Jo.
Corn Stronger and inoro active ; No. 2 , 38 }
'flats ' Dull ; No. 2 white , 30Jc.
Rye Iimctive ; No , 1 , GGj bid ; GGJonskcd.
Burley Firmer } No. 2 sprint , 54Jc.
Proisions L-iwer.
Moia Pork-12 G5.
Lnrd Prime steam , G 87.
CHICAGO , February 24 , Drovers' Journal
eportH :
Cattle Receipts , 8,000 ; all below thn best ;
Oc lower ; exports , fi 9 ) ( a,6 50 ; good to choice ,
20W6IUO ; cows and mixed , 2 .10 ® I 10 ; bulk ,
90@3 50 ; etockers , 3 80@1 00 ; feeders , 4 10
IS 170.
Hogs Receipts 30,000 , ; weak nnd 10@15a
iwfr : quality very common rough packing ,
S0@4 G5 ; packing and shipping , 4 70@5 10 ;
ght , 4 lfi@4 75 ; ekips 3 30 4 fO.
Sheep Receipts , 6,400 ; dull ; 15@25c lower
ferior to good , 2 25@3 GO ; choice , 4 10 ©
CO , lambs , 5 00.
KANSAS OITT. February 21. Cattle Re-
eipte , 100 head ; market steadyjexport steers
10(2)5 ( ) G5 ; common to choice 'hipping , 4 50@
30 stackers nnd feeders 3 45@4 40 ; cows ,
Hogs Receipts , 2COO head ; steady ; fair to
oed , 2 5Uft3 ( 33.
Sr. Louis , February 24. Cattle Receipts.
000 bead ; shipments , 000 head ; market
: tive and firm ; Exports , 5 85@G 20 ; good to
totce shipping , 4 60@G 75 ; butchers steers ,
20@4 75 ; stockera 8Hl@4 5U feeders , 4 25 ®
7- > ; corn fed Texanc , 4 Ol4 ) GO.
Sheep Receipts , 1,800 head ; shipments ,
,800 , bend , market steady ; common to extra ,
50@4 51) .
OrnoK or THE OMAHA Bu , I
Tuesday , February 24. l
The following prices nre charged retailers
y jobbers , wholesale and commission incr-
unta with the exception of grain , which is
uoted nt the prlcas furnished by the elova-
ors and otlier local buyers :
Grain ,
Wheat , cash No. 2 , Glc ; Imlay , nothing
loipp ; rye , cash No. 3 , 49a ; cDrn , No. 2 , 25c ;
hite corn , 30c ; oate , No. 1. , VRt * . .
Live Stock
Hogs , SI 25O4 40 ; COWB , § 3 25g3 75 ;
toera , § 4 03@4 75.
Flour and MUlstiifTH.
Winter Wheat Firm ; best nu.i.ity patent
t S3 00@3 2) .
Second nu.ility-e2 50@2 80.
Spring Wheat Host quality patent at § 2 81
© t'JO
Pocond quality S2 15@2 60 ,
Bran 5 o par cwt.
Uhoppod Feed Per 100 Iba. , 75c.
t'oru Meal SO 83I 00 per owt.
Screening G52 per cwt
Goiioral Produce.
Poultry Has been rather quiet this week ;
eci'Ipta urn moderate , nnd chicknno and duck
ra uliort of demand Cnickens Dressed , per
a , clmice , 10 - lie ; fair to seed 7c ; Turkeys
rested , per lb , choice , ll@12c ; fair to good ,
( & 9c. Geese dressed , per lb , choice , lie ; faire
o ( teed , 8@9 < \ Ducks dreesed , i > er lb , choice ,
Offlllc ; fair to good , Oc.
Kgfg The feeling la weak , and prices
ngu from 21c down to 22e.
Butter- Demand iu good , especially for the
etter gradf B , of which receipts aru only very
ght. Prices continue firm and prospects
avur an n'lvnnco. Creamery , 22@25 ; fair to
oed , 14@1G ; choica dairy , 18@ 0 ; inferior
rrndea , 8wlO.
Game Is now very quiet and receipts have
ome dnwn to a trilla since the 1st. Prairie
lilckvns , per doz , $350 ; quail , 75@S1 ; geese ,
> or doz. 63 00@3 50 ; jack rabbits , per doz ,
3 00 ( 3 60 ; small rabbits , 75@S1 ; snipe , perez
oz , 75 jl ; ducks , mallard , $2 00 250 ;
lurks , teal and mixed , $1 50@2 00.
Potatoes As long as the cold weather lasts
lie potato bu-inees will not amount to much.
V few cars ha > e been received during the
varm days of last week , but they all show
nore or les * frost , and 40a has been the highest
urico obtained. Well assorted stock , free
rein frost and put up In sacks , will probably
bring 45'g60c.
Onion * Very scarce ; unfrozen stock will
bring $1 00 per bushel.
Beutis In at'on ' , ? request ; cbar navy , ? 1 60
@ 1 60 per bushel ; medium , SI 30@1 40.
Po | > corn Almost no demand , and alow
IN at l@14.operlb ,
Honey Comb Choice domestic , 14@15c ;
California , 13@14c.
Beeswax In good demand , Choice bright
per lb. 2628c ; common to good dark per lb.
Cider "Ohio" per bbl. 7.CX "York
State" per bbl. $8.00 ; per i bbl. $4,76 ; con.
denaed per gal. 85c ; crab apple , per gal. 860 ,
Cheese Full cream , western , 12c ; Wiscon-
iin now , 124o ; young American , 12@l3o.
Maple Sugar Pure , in btlcku , per lb , , ICc ;
.arocorn' Llat ,
CANNED GOODS. Oyato.s [ ( Standard ) per
cue , S 90 ; strawberries , 2 lb per case. 3 50 ;
raspberries , 2 lb , per case , 2 60) ) California
pears per case. 5 80 ; apricots , per case , 6 00 ;
pe&chea p r case , 6 90 ; white cherries per
case , 6 76 ; pluma per case , 4 CO ; whortleber
ries per case , 8 00 ; eeg plums , 2 lb , par caie ,
290 ; greengages , 21bper case , 2IK ) ; pine
pies , 2 lb , per case , B 20@5 50
ROFK SUal , i inch and larger , 8c , B Inch.
OAK B Boxea , 40 Iba , 16 * . 12o , 8s , 124.0 ,
boxer b. , 16 or , 6 * . 14o.
MICHB3 ! Per caddie , 35c ; roundrlcase
2 ; .uare , cases , 1 70 ; Oshkoeh. casetgr ,0
If BooAiia Powdered , 8c ; cut loaf , He ; an4
ulatod , 7c ; confectioners1 A , 6fo ; Standard
extra 0.6c ; extra C , 5gc ; medium yellow , 6Jo ;
dark yellow , fiiffCjo.
OorrKiH-Ordlnry gradwi. 12@124e ; fair. 12
@ 184ct good,134o ; prime , 14@15ic ; choice ,
16@17c ; fancy green and yellow , 16@101o ; old
government Java , 20@2fic ; Arbuckle's roasted -
ed , 16c ; McLanghlin's XXXX roasted , 15c ;
ImiUtion Java , 16I@18Jc ; Clark's Aurora ,
bVRCF Standard Coin , , SSc , bbls ; Standard
do. 4 gallon kegs , 125.
SODA In lb papers , 3 20 per CMC ; keg , per
DRY FRCITS No 1 , quarter apples , bbls ,
54cN ; 0 sliced , boxoi , 7fc : evaporated , boxes ,
9Jc ; blackberries , boxes , lie ; peaches , *
boxen , lOa ; peacho * , evaporated , IGo ; , . . , .
berrier , Sou
ALCOHOL 188 pooof nlcohol 2 30 per win
onnll extra California spirits ; 188 proof. 1 29
p-r pr oof gallon ; trlpiilo refined spirits , Ib7
proof , 1 19 per proof gallon ; redistilled
whUkicn , 100 < :150 ; fine blended , 1 60 < e250
DINS Imported , 4 GO@GOO ; domestic , 1 41) )
@ 300.
PICKLES Medium in barrels , C 00 ; do In
half barrels , 3 60 ; small , in barrels.7 00 ; do In
half barrels , 5 00 ; ghorkini In bnrrolf , 3 00
do in half barrels , 4 50.
TEAS -Gunjiowdor , good 4B@55c ( choice ,
CO@7Gc ; good Imjwrial , 40@43c ; choico. CO ®
G5c ; Young Hyson , good , 3 < ( < fi60cj choice , 66
@ 1 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 75c ; Japan choice ,
G0i.ft.75c ; Oolowr good , a540c ( ! Oolong choice
40 ( 65cj SDUchong , good , 80@40c ; choice , 36
© 450 ,
RlOB Louisiana , prime to choice. G4.74o.
FISH No. 1 mackerel half bbls. , 7 60 ;
Family 4 bbls. . 4 25 ; No. 1 kits. 1 05 ; family
kits , GOc ; No. 1 whitotUh , half bb . , G 50 ; No
1 kits , 95ci family hall bbls. , 300 ; fnmily
kits nnd palls , GOc ; No. 1 trout , half bbls. , 5 25.
WOODENWARB Two boon paila , 1 85 ; three
hoop pails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; pioneer
washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown , ! l 90 ; well *
buckets , 3 85.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial ; 3 15 ; Kirk's
satinet , 330 ; Kirk's standard , 355 ; Kirk'e
White Russian , 4 85.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 cans in case ,
-.Babbitt's ball , 2 doz. In cnae , 1 90 ; An-
cnor ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 50.
CANDY Mixed , Ilal2c ; stick , lOallc ; twist
stick , lOJo.
VINEQAB Now York apple , IGo ; Ohio np-
pie. 13o ,
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 GO ; Ashton ,
In sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy. GO , 5s. 3 GO.
STARCH Pnnrl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 8c ; Corn
Starch , 8c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7o ; Corn , 7jc.
SPICES-Pepper , 19c ; spice , 14c ; cloves , 20c ;
cassia , 15c.
Dry Goods
BROWN SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 7Jq ; Atlan
tic 1 > , Gc ; Atlnutic LL , BJc ; Brunswick , 74o ;
Beaver Dam LL , Gc ; Lawrence LL , 54c ; Pa
cific II , 7Sc ; Royal Standard , GJc ; Indian
Head A. 7Jc ; Wauchusott A. 7Jo.
perell R , 7c ; Salisoury R , 64c.
BLEACHED COTTONS -Ballon , 4-4 , 6Jc ; Bal
lon , 7-8 , ojfc ; Cumberland , 4-4 , 8c ; Davoll DD ,
84c ; Fairmount , 44c ; Fruit of the Loom 4 ,
9c ; Glory of the West , 84c ; Golden Gate , 8Jc ;
Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4. 7Jc ; Lonsdale , 7Jc ; New
York Mills , lljc ; Wamsutta , 104a
DCOKB ( Colored ) Boston 8 oz. , llici Bos
ton , 10 oz , 14io ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall River
i °
DUCKS ( Gray ) -West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; West
Point 10 oz. , 14c ; Point Bear , 8 oz. , lie.
TICKINGS Amoskeag. 134c ; Continental
fancy , 9Vc ; Oordls. lOfc ; Pearl River , 2lo ;
fork , 12c | Hamleton Awnings , 124c.
DENIMS Amoskoeg , 14c ; Beaver Creek AA
12c ; Beaver Creek Bll , lie ; Benver Creek
CO , lOc ; Hnvmnkers , 8c ; Jnffrey D& T , 12Jo ;
Jaffroy XXX , 12c4 Pearl River. 13o ; Warren -
ren AX A ( brown ) . 12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) ,
lc : Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo.
OAMBRIOS Fifth avenue glove finish , 4o ;
Keystone glove finish , 5o.
CORSET JEANS Amory , 7ic ; Hancock , 8c ;
Hcarsayer 8Jo ; Rockport , to.
PRINTS Aliens , 54c ; American , 5fc ; Arn
old's Co ; Cochoco , Gc ; Harmony , 4Jo ; Indigo ,
GJc ; Indigo 7-8 , lljc ; Indigo 4-4,12Jc ; Stool
River , CJc : Charter Oak , 44c ,
PRINTS SHIRTINGS American , So ; Cocheco ,
5o Gloucester , Be ; Southbr'dgo , 4Jo ; Waver-
leys 4c ; Rosedale , 4Jc.
GINQHAMS Amoskeag staple ? , 8o : Bates
staples. Sic ; Lancaster staples , 8c ; Plnnket
plaids Oc ; Hudson checks , Eio ; Amoskeag
Persians , 94o.
DRESS GOODS Atlantic alpacca. 9io ; Per
sian , 234c ; Hamleton caahmero , 16Jc ;
Hamloton Fancus , 1'ic ' ; Hamleton brocades ,
15o ; Arlington brocade , 18c.
Hcarr Hardware List ,
Iron , rates , 2 30 ; plow steel , special east , Oc ;
crucible , 7c ; special or German , 4c ; cost too ;
.o , 15a20c ; wagon spokes , set , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs
> er sot , 1 25 ; tellous , sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues ,
sach , 70a85c ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts per
b , 7allc ; washers , per lb , 8al8c ; rivets , per
b , lie ; coil chain , per lb , 6al2o ; malleable ,
c ; iron wedges , Gc : crowbars , G ; harrow
teeth , 4o ; spring steel , 7a8c ; Burden s horse
hoea , 4 30 ; Burden's muleshoes , 5 30.
BARRED WIRE In car lots. 4 GO per 100.
NAILS Rates , 10 to 60 , 2 45.
SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buckshot , 2 10 ; oriental
> owder , kegs , 6 40 ; do , half kegs , 3 48 ; do ,
uartor kegs , 1 88 blasting , begs , 3 35 ; fuse ,
ler 100 feet , 50c.
LEAD Bar , 1 65.
COAL- Cumberland blacbimlth , 10 00 ; Mor
ris run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whitebreast lump ,
> 00 ; Whitebreast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 ;
'own nut , 5 00) ) Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra-
dot , 11 25all 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 per ton.
Oak solo , S8@42c ; hemlock sole , 28@33c ;
lem.ock kip , 80c ; runner G5o to 75c ; hemlock
alf , 85 to 1 00 ; hemlock upper , 22 to 24c ; oak
upper , 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ; calf kid ,
2@35c ; Greisen kid , 2 50 to 2 75i oak kip ,
00 to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip ,
. 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 23 to 2 00 ; russetts
1 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 8 50 ; t ppings ,
1 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , 80 to 35c ; pabblo
O. D Morocco 35c ; simon , 2 50 @ 3 00.
HARNESS No. 1 star oak , 35o ; No. 2 , S2c ;
No. 1 Ohio oak , 34c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 33c ;
No. 2 do. 31o ,
No. 1 Pitta oak bar , 35o ; No. B Pitta oak
iarf 33o ,
HI. log.
Steady ; prreen butchers' Gc ; green cured , 7i
@ 7J ; dry flint , 12@14c , dry salt , 10@llc ; dam-
aired hides two-thirds price.
Grease Prime white , 4@lc.
Sheep Polta-25c@70.
Plug TobaccoOlimax , 45 : ; Bullion , 40a ;
lorseahoo , 44o , Star , 4Gc ; Rudy , 45c ; II or-
ey's , 40c ; Black , 38@40 ; Spearliead , 4Go ;
Our Rpe , 48c ; Piper Heidsiock. Glc.
Fine Cut Common , SOci Medium , 4Cc ;
good , 45@GOc ; Hard to Beat , 70c ; Favorite ,
Oc ; Diamond Crown , 55c ; Sweat Sixteen ,
Smoking O , S. , 22c ; Meerschaum , SOc ;
Durham , IGcoz. file ; Durham , 8 oz. , 55o ; Dar-
lam , 4 oz. 57c ; Durham , 2 oz. , GOc ; Seal of
Vorth Carolina , 1C oz.,4lc ; Seal of North Car-
Una. 8 oz , , 43c ; Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz , ,
8c ; Seal of North Carolina , 2 oz. , 60o ; 0. S. ,
Durham. 4 oz. , 28o ; O K. Durham , 2 oz , SOc ;
Uncle Ned , i'a 35c ; Tom and Jerry 23 < j.
We quote lumber , lath and shingles on car
itlOmaha at the following prices ;
JOIST AND aoANTLiNQ 16 feet and nnder '
TIMBERS 1G foot and under , 18 00 ,
TIMBER AND JOIST 20 ft , 1.1
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 6 In. , 20 00 ; No. 2 ,
(2d ( co boftrd" '
STOCK BOABDS-A , 4500 ; B , 40 00 ; O , 36 00.
FLOOuiNd-No. 1 , 35 00 ; No , 3 , 80 CO ; No.
SiniNO , clear 25 OOj No , 2 , 22 50 } No. 3 ,
OxiLiNa - J. SO 00 ; 9. 20 00.
SHINGLES , best 3 50 } standard , S 00.
LATH 3 00 per M.
LiMB-Per barrel , 1 OOi bulk per bushel ,
J5c ; cement ; bbl. 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ;
hair per bus , SOc ; Urred felt , 100 lb , - ;
straw board 800 ,
DHUUB AND CHEMICALS Add , csrbollo , 40o
acid , tartaric , 50o ; baUam copaiba , per lb.
55c ; bark , sassafras , per lb , 12o ; calomel , per
lb , 90o cinchoEidla , p r oz. , $0 60 ; chloro
form , per lb , 91 00 ; Dover * powders , par lb.
31 25 ; epsom salta * per lb , 3Jc ; Rlycerine ,
pure , per lb , 25c ; lead acetate , per lb , 20c ; ol
castor , No. 1 per pal. . (1 50 ; oil castor , No. !
pergal. , l 40 ; oU , olive , per gal. . $1 40 : oil ,
origaunm , 50c ; opium , $4 60 ; quinine , P. &
W.Jand ! U' , , & S" I oz8l 2 ° i Potassium
Iodide , per lb. . ? 3 50 ; galicin , iw oz. . 40c
sulphate morphine , per oz. , $3 40 ; lulphur
per lb. , 4o } strychnine , per oz. , 8J 35
Palnta OQa and Varnlahea ,
OILS 110 crbon , per gallon , He ; 1BO
headlight , per gallon , Uc ; 175e hondllgnt
jadgatlon , 16c ; 150 ° water white. 15 lin
seed raw , per gallon , 62a ; linseed boiled , per
gallon , 55o ; Lard , winter str'd , per gallon. 70c ;
cio. 1 , GOc ; No , 2 t ftO ; castor XXX , per | rvu .
Ion , 1 GOc ! No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon. I 00 ;
perm W B. , per gallon , 1 60 ; fish W. B. ,
per gallon , G5j neatefoot extra , per gallon , 90c ;
No. 1 , Too ; lubriaating , zero , per gallon , SOc ;
summer , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal
lon , 35c ; No 2 , 28c ; sperm , aigual. per gallon
UOc ; turpentine , per gallon. 40c ; nitptba , 74o ,
rer gallon , IGc ,
nry Paint *
White lend 89c ; French tc , Co ) Paid
.whiting , 2Jc ; whiting gilders , Ifc ; whiting
com'l , Ho ; lampblack , Gcrrcatilown , He ;
lamphlack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55c
untramarino , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; tnr.W ,
burnt , 4o ; umber , raw } 4c ; slennn , burn 4ct ; ;
Menua , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine , 25o
Paris groencommon,20o ; chrome green , N. Y. ,
SOc ; chromo green. K , , 12c ; vormlllion , Kng
76c ; vermillion , American , 18c ; Indian , red ,
lOc ; rose pink , lie ; Venetian , rod , Cookson'a ,
2jfc ; Venetian , rod , American , IJc ; red lead ,
7Jo ; chromo yellow , genuine , We ; chromo yel
low , K. , 12c : othro rochello. 3c ; ochre , Frenh
2c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winters mineral ,
. ' 40 ; lehigh brown , 24.c ; Spanish brown , 2ic ;
Princo'fl mineral , So.
VARNISIIKS Barrels , per gallon ! Furniture ,
extra , 81 10 ; furniturn , No. 1 , SI ; conch , ex
tra , $1 40 : coach , No , 1 , $1 20 ; Dnmar , uxtrn ,
31 75 ; Japan , 70c ; lujphnltum , extra , 800 ,
shellac. $3 50 ; hard oil finish $1 50
PAINTS IN OIL White lend , Omaha , P. P.
HO ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , 5c ; Marseilles
los green , 1 to 5 tb cans , 20o ; French zlno ;
iroen seal , 12c ; French zinc , rod seal , lie ,
risnsh zino , in varnish nsst. , 20o ; French zinc ,
In oil a et , 15o ; raw and burnt umber , 1 b
rx , lOc ; raw nnd burnt Sienna lOc ; Vandyke
brown , 13c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach
black nud Ivory black , IGc ; drop block , IGc ;
Prussian blue , 40e ; ultramarine blue , 18c ;
chromo green , L. M & D. . IGc : blind nnd
shutter preen , L. M. & D. , IGc ; Paris green ,
18c ; Indian red , 15o ; Venetian red , 9c ; Tus
can rod , 22c ; American vermillion , I , & P.-
; yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M , , O. & D. O , , 18o ;
yellow ochre. 9c ; golden ochre , IGc ; patent
dryer , 8c ; ( raining colors , light oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut nnd ash. lf > o
FLOUR Colorado. 100 Ibs , 1 C0@l 75 ; pat
ent , 100 Iba. , 2 75@3 00 ; Kansas , 100 Iba , 2 75
@ 3 00 ; graham , 100 Ibs , 1 50 ; rye , 1 00 Ibs.
25 ; buck-wheat , per bbl 7 60 ,
GRAIN , FEED , ETC. Wheat 100 Ibs , 8100
corn In sacks on track , 100 Ibi , G3@70 ,
outs , in sacks on track , 100 Iba , eastern white ,
1 15(3120) ( ) Colorado white , 120@180 ; mixed ,
110@115 ; bnrley 100 Iba , 1 S0@l 35 ; bran ,
ton , on track , 14 OOfalG 00 ; chop , corn , 100
Ibs , on track , 70c@75 ; chop mixed , 100 Ibs ,
on track , 1 00@1 20 ; corn meal , 100 Iba. 1 SO
@ 140
HAT Baled , upland , ton , 13 00@15 00 ;
npland , loose , ton 10 00@12 00 ; second bottom
tom , baled , 10 00@1100 ; alfalfa , loose , ton ,
12 00@15 00 ; straw , baled , on track , ton , G 00
8 00.
BUTTEB Creamery , fancy , lb , 41o
creamery , fine , lb , 86 * 3Sc ; dairy , choice , lb
20 22c ; dairy , Brood , lb , 18@20o ; dairy , fair
lb , IBWlGcj cooking , lb , 6(0:80. ( :
Keas State , candled and warranted , doz ,
5a SGc ; ranch , doz , 3G@o7c
OUKKSE Full cream , 15@17o ; half cream ,
b , lOWllo ; ekim , lb , 9o ; Swiss , domoatle ,
b , 22@23o ; Swiss , imported , 80@82o ; rtm-
bu'ger , 18o.
POULTRY -Live old chickens , doz , 5005 EO ;
dressed ducka , lb , 15@lCc ; dressed turkeys ,
POTATOES Colorado , 100 Iba , 95@105 ;
sweet , rer lb. , 4o.
VEQETABLKS Onion * , yellow , 100 Ibs ,
2 25 ; cabbage , 100 Ibs. 2 50 ; beets ,
100 Ibs , 110125 ; turnips , 100 Ibs , 1 25.
FBUITS Lemons , per box , Messina , 4 00 ®
4 CO ; oranges , Florida , per box , G 50ra 7 00 ;
apples , fancy bbl , 5105 50 ; apples , medium ,
bbl , 860.
CURED MEATS Hams , sugar cured , lb , Hi
@llc : baoon , breaktast , lb , 12124c ; dry
salt aides , lb , 7i@Sc ; lard in paiU , 9j@9go ;
lard in tierces , 8Jc.
FRESH MEATS Dressed beef , Colorado , per
lb , 71s8o ( ; hogs , lb , Ci@G4c ; mutton , lb , 7
LIVK STOCK Colorado steers , per 100 Iba
4 1K 4 60.
Hides. Dry Flint No. 1 , per lb , lli@12o ;
No. 2 , lb , 9@10c ; green steers and branded
calf , lb , 4@6c ; green , 8@10c ; green kip ,
lb , 6s7c ; sheep skins , dry , 810c ; doer skins ,
lb , 15@20c ; antelope skins , lo , 12@15 ; tallow ,
lb , 5@6o
WOOL Colorado No. 1 , per lb , 14lDc ;
buck , lb , 8c ; Mexican , 7@10c.
FISH Mackerel , No. l , 140. kit , moss ,
1 60@2 00 : California salmon , half bbl , 10 50 ;
Holland herring , keg , 1 5031 60 ; trout , . .per
lb. ISaiGo
The po'tal revmua of tha Canadian
government la t year amounted to 82-
283 500. Of this sum the sale of dis
count stamps produced § 275,000 ; three-
cent , 51,550,000 , and postal cards § 135- ,
I ) , " I'.lc ,1 n I
a wo mil HJV
luiKnboiittliia. Dntho
Mry highly iniifrotl.
BHnlfil cin i mum citing all iinrnfnnr | liv mlilii' ini {
llKll.MKUILAl. , iJ . llulmlnil.y TtilnlotcrntiKl lire
xn eminent I'll yelcian. _
w t
_ iBToirnrNcipAi.iioi. CURES. I
I Kovors. Uonctstlon. Inflammations. .
' AVorina , W > rm 1 over , Worm t'olic. . .
niurrJioaof Chtylren nr Adults
Griping , ItillousUoho. . . . .
Dlscntorv , Ji'i wi ' " , r ,
Cholera Morlma.VomitlnB
Cnualil. Cold. Hronchltin , .
NouiiilKlaToothncho , Ineoache. . . . .
Il6iilnilioj. folck llcadicbeVerttco
ItO IJysiiojwlii.hillnuabtoinjrh. ( . . . . . . . .
II1 HupprosKeu or j uiiirulPerloili
\VriHei.looProfu88Porlods. . . . . ! W
Crnuti , CouBhI > ltncullIlrealhlnK. . . . .4J
Unit Ithouiii. tmlpelan. Uraptloni M
ItlioumiitUiii , Kneuraatlo I'a [ aa. . , . M J
FovcrandAitue , Uhllla , IJalarla. . OO
iniei.inindurllleodlnK11 , , !
Cntarrli , neuto or chranlot Inflaenu .SO
WII OOIiliiKC'oitKll.ViolentUouBlw .SO
crulJToblHtyPy8lWe ) " Une .no
Kltlnoy . .
! Jlliieufe. liability . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .1.IMI . .SJJ
UrinaryAV aUne ii.JVettiD lied J5
" ? mi'BOftlltiJlcurt.rilplUtionl.OO
receipt of
oU '
Joa'nef'VrpB. A'ddroM. IIUOII'IIRISVH'
llutUclno CoM JO'J Vnltoo fat.j fiuw Vorit.
. e < -
arrv. Kiuallr vr Il d pt J to routi coumtri
( ' " d.rlncdrlTtioteUtet. Manufact
elibr * Ulb l .llniC rrUeUulllcri (
. Mmnr TlHhcn. l'mlmtr . mi.
Pew people ara aware
haw eia ly RUIge'4
Ui prepaivd
A boufeVeeper n ed
ne\er beat a lot ) for
de-e-t K there if a can
ol Itld ic'a ( food al - ) j
liithohouao llebl | > ei
( r IMddlnc' , L'uutirda
> nd UUne Mange wltti
each ean , UI mcs food
Uuow toll hy main
Dru'gUt4a ( <
It. la cons ,
Juur ii j6o wo , SI t > nd 81.76. No 4 es !
cheapen ! lor reituUr family " " lUmemtwr , o '
Kuad droinot Ui tiie ( llei > tlt)0rn | i' ' . WOOIjilCIl
Ii CO. , Boston Mann. , on I bel. _
Plattsmouth , - - -
; irr t" iwnii
Railwav Time Table.
Tti < attention of th truvdllnj pnblta It called to
Uio ( net thiil this Is the only complete and absolutely
correct time table published In the city ,
All tralnt arrtie nt and depart from Omaha by
Central Standard Time.
Trains or the 0 St. P. M. ft 0. arrlre at and d
part ( ram their depot , corner of l th and Webstei
ftrects ; trains 01 the D. A M. , 0. B &Q.aml K , 0
St. J. A C. a from the B. * U , depot ; all others from
the Union TaclBc iletiot.
a , laUVb ; , oicepi Saturday ; o , except Sunday ) il ,
except Monday.
1. U. P.H. I Union Pncltlc A. M.
' 5 SSa . . Overland Express 760(1 (
ii'toa . . Colorado F.xirei * . .
O. ARop. vnlloy
. . M l and KxprcM . .
0. A | W. Ip Nsb.
8 Ida . . . . . . Mali and KSITCBS . 0 60a
0 OOa . . . . Nlijht Kiprem. _ 10 ECa
Ml5Bourl Pacific
10 860 6 toes
1 SJa . .Nlcht Ejprcss. . . . a SOa
K.C St. J..C. B.
0 IPn 7 Mb . . .Via I'lfittsmnith. . 7 OOJ
B OOa 6 6Bb . . .Via Council HluOV. . 7 MKl
Wnbnnh Routo.
4 ! 6 . . . .ChlcacoKxprcsa. . . . 11 SOa
1 OOa . . . .81.Louis Kiprout . . . s tot
C. M. A St. Paul
8 16o IMy Kipriwa 7 S6c
4 ! 6h , . . .Nlgbt Kxprcea . . . B 45d
C. R.-l. & Pncinc.
a i6c . . .Day Kiprem
' 4 SSb . .NlKht Kipresa B iid
8'460 . Accommodation „ .
C. & N-W.
a ice . . .Day Kspress. . . . . .
4 SBb . . , h'ltht ; Exprooa 64M
C B 4.Q.
0 I0a G SGa For Chicago \ Platam'th B SOa 7 16.
a Ha 4 SBa For Cbloago via 0. Ulutr B lit r >
C. St. P. M. & O.
8 80o . .Sloui city Express. . . i toe
s too DnkUml \ < xwmmixUtlon 0 BOOB
Iowa Dlv. S C.&P.
fltOa . .St. Paul DnyKxproffii. . 1 85 >
a 66a St. Paul Nlbt ( Ktprexa B 4Sa
The Bam and 6pm dummy tralng also rilvo al
at the transfer In time to make eaetorn oo actions ,
but not to ohcok baggage
Dummy Tralno Lea\oOmahaata40,800
9 00. 10 00 , l' 16 a tn , 1 00 , Z 00 , S 00 , 4 00 , 6 00 , 8 00 ,
1086pm. On Sundays the 8 00 and 10 00 a m and
) DO and 4 00 p m trains do not run. Arrive at trans-
tor depot 18 minutes later : Broadway depot 0 mln
Leave Council Bluff ! ( Broadway depot ) at 7 SO , 8 80
B 80 , 10 SO , 1 40 ft m ; 1 SO , 2 SO , 8 80. 4 80 , 6SO , 6 8t
and 11 06 p m. On Bundaya the 8 80 and 10 80 am
and S SO and 6 80 p m trains will not run. Arrive at
Transfer 7 tnlnutos later , Omaha 20 minutes liter.
Transfer-Trains Leave Omaha at 8 16 , 8 ( I
10 06 a m , 4 26 , 0 10 and 8 66 p m , dally.
Arrive at B 49 and 1116 a m , 18 S6 , 7 85 and 816 p
To and from Chlutgo via the Tripartite Alllnrjoo Llnoa
I Mil I K-l. I N.W I N W | K-I | Ml
February. . 16 1-22 | 8 I il 7-28 14
March . . . . 8-20 15 I 1-22 I U 21 7-S8
April Iff 6-28 11 I 4-25 II 14
May 10-31 17 i 8-24 I IS S-23 9-30
Bandar evening and Monday morning trains rlve
n corresponding order. C. B & ( J. trains run every
d y ,
Leave Union 1'aclflo depot at 8 30 a m and G CO p.
Arrive from Stock Yards at 7 iC a ta and 0 40 p m.
Mall Time Card ,
I A. M P. H.
. .Union Pacific Local Mall. . 830
880 700 Union Pacific Tcr&ugh Mail. 4 80
1080 8 00 li&Min Veb. . . . 7 20 6 16
B 00 0 B. &Q 6 3 K 20
800 . . .O. B. &Q Cx. Mall. . . 4 10
1080 8 00 C H. I. it P. G 3 5 20
8 00 C.M & 8t P 5 t (
1080 B ro C. &N. W G FO 3 20
1 05 C St. P M & 0. . . . 0
8 IV . . . . O , & Hep. Val oy 0G 12 15
Bloux y & P dQj Local. . G SC
10 SO 00 Sioux Cly& St. raul. . . 3 20
e 45 Ooundl lu ! & Kansas Clt ) 63 : fl 6f >
. . . .Council Bluff Local. . . . .
7 00 Fort Omaha
4 CO . . . Mls-ourl Pacific 8 SC
1 C6 . . .Wabaoh St L ula . 12 16
. . . Wahash Chicago 8 I
OJlco open Suudiys from 12 , e I , neon.
[ BDOOESSOnS TO TOE J. U. B , & B. 00. ]
The mo t oitonelve minnfactnrors
ohn Ilookstraswr Oeneral Aecnl or Rebratki an
Western Iowa.
JO B. Tenth Street . . . . OMAHA , NEB
titlou Billiard and Pee I Tablesand materla
, V40ltUNArtiMI ] ! < TfD WITH 1MI IO I , PMT OrTMH ( eUk
rnv WILL en / i x MiHita THIS MAP THAT THK
Uy the central poiltlon of III Una , connect * tb
K t and tbe Weil by Iho borte t roulo , and car
rle * pA aenff rt. without ortance of can , betwee :
Unlcago and Ken ai Cltr. Council Bluiti , Leaven
wortb , Atctilion , Ulnaeapolla and at. Taul. 1
sonoocta in Union Dfpoti wall all the principal
linen of road betweeu the Atlantic and the Racine
Dceana. Ill equipment U unrivaled and magaliu
lent , being- composed Most Comfortable and
Ucautlful Day Loaches. Magnificent llorton lie-
Jllnlng Chair Car . j'ullmin'a Vrettleat Palace
mccpiuK C'irs , and Iho Uost I4ne of Dinlnr Can
In the Worlrt. Three Tralni _ .3t.s. Cu-t2 0 tut
IJInouri lliver Point * . TW- " * ' - " ' " InChi ;
: ago aad Illnueapolta and HI. J al , rit tLalftaorj
A New and Direct Line , via Seneca and Kankm
kee , has recently been opened between Hlchifiouo
Norfolk. Newport News. CnattanocKa , Atlanta. Au
Junta , Naohvlllo , Louisville , Leiinicton. Cincinnati
ndUnapolls end Lafayette , and Omaha , Idlnneap *
cli and St. Paul and Intermediate points.
All Throufutt > Bgvrs Vravel on J'ut Eiprrx
Tickets frr kale at all principal Ticket OfflaM Ir
the United titate * and Canada.
Baggage checked through and ratei of fare ! .
rayi at low ai competitors thai oner leu advaa.
for detailed lpforio tloncet tbe Uapi and Void *
n of the
&t jour ntarest Ticket Omce. pr address
riM. * < alfTr , Q.a
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Our Ground Oil Cake
It la I ho boat and cheapest food for Block of any kind. Ono poniul In onuivl to
hroo noni da of com. Stock fed with Ground Oil Qnko In the Full and Wlntoi
natond of running down , will Increase la weight and bo In good marketable oondl
Ion In the spring Dairymen , aa well ea others , rho nee It , can testify to Its mow
ta. Try It and judge for yonraolvoa. Prlco $24 00 per ton. No charge for aaoki
Halls Safe and Lock Oomp'y
ofa fer
: , ETC.
3.OSBO a
DD. m. CO ,
I. B. LOOKWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper , Chicago , Manager of the
Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A fall line of all gradoa.of
the nbovo ; also Pipes and Smokers' carried In stock. Prlooa
and camples fnrnlahod on application. Open orders
Intruatod to ns shall rocolvo our careful
attention. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Wholesale Druggists
Paints , Oils ,
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH ,
; W. F. BROWN & CO. :
Office , change Building Union Stock Yards ,
W A PAXTON , Prest. and Treaa. Union Stock Yds. , Omaha
SWAN BROS , Chejenne Also connected with Gregory , Cooley
JOHN A. HcSiUNB , Manager Bay PUto Cattlx Co. Co , Union Stock Yarda , Chicago ,
J. A. CRBIQUTON Prest. Flret Nat't Bank , Omaha.
Addresa all communications Onion Stock Yards. Omaha , Nebraska.
P ilwaukee. Wis.
GUNTHER & 00 , , Sole Bottlers ,
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Engine Trimmings , Mining Mwhlnejjr , Bolting , HOBC , Brass and Iron FHtlnw
-wholesale or retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHUROB
Corner 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Nob.
211 S , lath St. . , Telephone Ho , 3 ,
fg Union Stock Yards , Telephone Ho , 576 ,
Omaha , Hob
Liberal Advances on Consignments.