Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1885, Image 2

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Th-e inc41"tne , combining Iron with pnrt
e tonlci , niilrkljr nnd rompktcly
* | irmln | , JinllKr tlnn , \ \ rnlln <
tniiiirrlliioil.UnlpJ-luClillliinnilVevfiM | ) ,
tnil Ni-nrnldln.
it IP mi unmilincr remrdy for Dlscatcsof tin
Alilno > n ntul Il rr.
It la ln\fllimilo for Dlccupei pciill8r to
fvntncii , ami nil who IcniUcilontnry lives
It liK3notliiJiirottiotcctlicnHROhpnilaclrooi ;
UriKlurc toiisllpntlon othT Ironmttllcinrulp
V enriches anil purlflui tholiltxxl.Rtlmulatct
ttic dpKtltc.dlili tlio 8 Iinllatlon of fooJ , ro >
; < E 4.i . Henrtbtirn nnd Hclchtne , tad ttKDgtb-
in the tnii rlCB Biul ncr\ci . . . , . ,
Kor tntcrinlllciit Fevers , i > iBsltui1e , Luce ol
Xac-rpy , > Vc. , H has no equal.
. .tllio irrnulno IIRS nbovo trnilo murk f-nd
i red llrun oij wrapper , Tnko no other
TZfcr ofTV'rprt to tlin unhllo _
I hire * poiltlvo romedj for th adore dlseug ; by in
mo thoaflkniliorcaipiortha worst kind nilor Ion
trading htfe be n cured. Indeid , * o strong ) my fAltl
Inllicnlearr.tlint I will lenilTUO 1IOTTI.J3 MIKE
together with tVAI.UABI.KTRKATISB on < hlidlieo
to urBQir reri UlToexnre B nd I * OK Arisi.
VU.T. A.SLOUUM.lllP rlSt..X wTotk.
Direct Line for England , Franco
and1 Germany.
Tbo eccanubtia ) of thla wo'l knonm line are built
ol Iron , In vrutor-tlght compartments , and ro fur-
nlshoil with every rciiulslto to make tha paistga
both sale ard aurecablo , They carry the United
Stolen and European mallu , and lca\o Now York
Thu8d v3 and Saturda > a lor Plvmouth ( LONDON )
Cbcrboug , ( I'AHH and lIAMIlUltQ.
Rates : Stccrncro Irnm Hamburg 810 , to Hambun ;
110 ; round trip $20 First Cabin , $55 , S 5 and 876.
Henry 1'undt Mark Hansen , F. E. Hoores. H.
Tolt , agtiils In Omaha , Qronewct ; & S hnentgen ,
aRcntn In Council Uluda. O. B. hICUA.UD & CO ,
Oen.FaFg.Agts , 81 Drradwty , N. Y. Chis. Koz
mlnskl & 09. , Uoner l Western Agenti , 170 Woth
Ing St. . Chicago. 111.
WetknrM rtrToninei , ilelllltf , lolt or faUlnr poverf ,
ttturdeil ire tti or rlirlokticfl orvicoma by k ii wtiiel1ii > ti
mi unr&llliiir 41 plotlcBl UKB can l . OlrM robuit and
litnly vllti > r anil admlrftblo ph/if9H / by bull line up tha
wmtetl tl.iuri mil concentration nourtihtnent to wrabest
poitloai. Pull Btiennth.rfaveloiment , u l functloot Rlfea
lo every oren or t'ta boily. FfTffU chown within * iHr *
l o btlrf thnulniit ; I erttiRntnt , | leiiant. iltnpU. lleillckl ,
mechanical aw 1 anatomical icleueecnmblna 1. ' W l lleT9
tliUmiKlo nrtiratmtnt ttiomontaatceiafnl known to ttia
tnedlcal profMi nn. " CU. Otmmerflil Gautte. 4Wa Md
oor endorvemfiit " Rn/\lo tltr , Rerlrv > , Aboveqnackery
cr mUreprenfiitatlrtn. " .V r. W e nuA Home. 'liefer ui
to amlment pbyalrlans | nil may Mllely tlifnii lTea without
coit. " JV. f. JX p < ilcA. ' * An InKtllutloii nt trua merit with
n overwhelming array of eenulqa cerUnratei. " Vrw Or-
lAittiRtattl.rllaforour ' /orWenOnlr"elTl"C
ciplan > tlonrefer > ncel auj pruot. tlalltd lealea In plain
envelope. Adlreel
inaneolcure , llooK fr
uc j.160 Pol tou bU , N.T
Gen'lImceApi '
rhoinlz Insuranoo Co. , London , Cash
Aesuta IS,80i,00
WcstcheBtor.N. Y . Capital 1,000,00
ThoMerohantaol Newark N , J.Capital. . . . 1,276,00-
Olrard Flro , Phlladolphla.CaDltal 1,200,001
Woman's Kunrt. Cai ! Ita . . . . 1.M9 OO. .
Erlangor , . . . . . . . - -
Culmbaoher Bavaria
, e - . * . -
Pilsner .T. . . . . . . i Bohemian
KaiBor.- . - . . .Bremen
Bndwe iBer..e . St , Louis
Anhausor. . . . .St. Louis
Beat'H. . . e - . . . . . . . Milwaukee
Schlitz-Pil8uer _ _ _ Milwaukee
Kruc-'fl Omaha
Ale , Potter , Domestic and Rhin <
Wine. VD. MAU11ER ,
I SI 3 Farnam St
Royal Havana Lottery I
( A aovjtnmiKNT INSTITUTION. )
Drawn at Havana Cuba
Every 12 to 14 Days.
IIOKOT9,11.00 , . e . IIALYE8. 11.01
ilpoUUon , nol controlled by th
Intertit II U the Unit Iblng In It
oil mo ol chuiootn ilrtonoe ,
FortlcVeUarptTtoSniSKY ft CO. , 1212 Broad
ay , N , Y. City ; A MOLL A CO , , 417 Walnut at
t Loul > , Uo . or U. 01TKN8 & CO , fll9Maln St
ansti City. Mo
sa ? ;
tHctlrtloa cf a aol.d > r cUlUk t wi
attid. ) Dni/jlale can suit.
Ihe Once Famous Bell-Ringers ,
Peak anil Wife ID Ihe Alms
The Noted Couple In Ohl ARC Their
Iteinlnlsocriccs Origin of
N. Y. , February 21.
Among the imuites of the Cottlatid
county almahouBO , fxt Ilomrr , twenty
nu'cB frm the cl'y , are Mr. slid Mrs
William Poake , the orico fame us anil ttlll
rooirmbered sin era if the Swiss bell
riryers. The npcd couple hwo betn de
pendent on pnblio chnrlty fcr tcntly two
monthc , but the ftict of their preecnca at
the Institution became generally known
only a day or two ego through the mint
ing coinniitloo appointed by the itatc
board of charitlc ; . Yonr correspondent
visited the a'mshmiBo to-day , and was
given rtn cpportunlty to hoartho story of
ilieir lives , the wonderful record of tnoii
s.ago . experiences and the sad circum
stances loading to tholr pres
ent unf rtuiiiuo condition , Mra.
Poako was found in the wom
en's d opal tin. nt. She Is 75 ytara of age ,
with sparkling gr y eyes aud countonatct
which , though pleutifully tcacked wlili
the farrows of time , beams with Intelll
gee ca and still retains moro than a aug-
gcttlon of lla catly attractive nuts. She
wssp'a'nly ' dressed , but , ia her cuniagt
and doportmout and ranch in < ra In hei
language , gave evidence that olio was eu <
porlor to the cuiditlcm in whlh she tia :
unfortunately placed.
"Yee , " the s ld , "It is hard to bo hero
The physical discomforts of the plsoa ait
really not at all what they might noern tc
an inexperienced observer. Wo art
warmly clad , wo faro passably well , an
wo sloop on feather beds in well ventll
atod rooms , Wo nrj measurably happy ,
oven as wo Bra. Wo look for better days
and wo feel in our hearts that the God ( J
the homeless aud the friendless will nol
desert us In our hour of need "
The melodean which the aged muti
clans have used in their concerts for
number of years ttinds In the sit i'-g
room. It la mounted with goblet ? , parti )
of French , but in istly if American imn
ufactmc , some of them empty , and
others containing nicely-graded quant i
tlci of water. The strains cf a weirc
and atrsnguly beautiful melody came
floating through the open doorway , bu
ceased the moment the unexpected visi
tors entered the room , The nruaiciai :
was Mr. Peake. Ho is a wcll-4p.oiriaf {
nun , 7G years old , a little under the
medium eizu , with eilveiy locks filling ir
waves over his shoaldots , and a fine caun-
tecanco sot off by a high nnd broad
expanse of forehead. The eld must
clan seated himself at tbo Instrument ,
dipped his finger s iu the water , aid ran
thtm lightly over the rims of the glas'.o' .
* ) The air choaoa wai "The Old Folks a <
Home. " Jenny Llnd naver tanj ilu
touching melody with moro bewitching
sweetness and delicate pathos than thai
manifested in the playing of this Oort
land county pauper. Another favorite
selection entitled "Swept Droimers" WAI
given in tbo saim effective stvlo. Juste :
iha last strains wore dying away Mrs
Po ka entered the room. "Give na thi
'Yankee Doodle * duat , " said one of thi
paupers , and with ready compliance thi
agtd muiiciana phyed the air. The olc
gentleman then gave a ploco of his owi
recent composing aud entitled , ho Ijngh
ingly tald , "Over to the Hills to the
Poor ilouao. "
"Hovs- did you native American ) oomi
to adopt tbo tltlo of the Swiss family ? "
" 0 , was done solely for ad vcrtlsliij
purposes , " said Mrs. Peako. "The titli
wai fairly come by. Wo took It fr > n
our predecessors In thii bell-rlngm ;
speciality some thirty-five ynars ago am
wo have continued lo nse it ever since
Oar homo was in Medford , Mass. , jus
put of Boston. Wo both developed carl ;
in life an ardent love of munic , aud en
joyed , considering the times , very fair op
portuniries fcr its cultivation , Abon
forty years ago the great tcmperanci
crusade iraa at its ho'ght inNowKrg
land. John B. Cough was jint comliij
to ( ho front as tbo apoatlo of tjtal ab
stinacca. Ho and his wife were freqacu
guetts nt our house and our musical ser
vices were iu lively demand at his meet
ings. It was through him that , we fctirt
od in tha business. Triumph followei
triumph in rapid succession till our uanui
became a household word all eve :
the land. Tflron of ou :
children William Henry , Fanni
and Julia ent with us. The countr ;
went wild and pecp'.o by thuiunn-1
flocked lo sod UP , Y ar after year thi
furor coritinu d. Wo need to plByf :
weeks aud weeks at a time in the lar-j-c
chies About tightetn years > go wo di
vidcd our forces , Wlll-am Henry nd Julio
lie taking the terr.tory wear from Ohli
and the real cf playii g in the eastern anc
sjnthoin etitoj. Eddie aud L'zatta ' , th'i
two youngest niombcr.i of the fdinlly.whi
had by this tlmo become member * of tin
company , renulncd with mo. Not IJDJ
after the division of our company I mndi
a western tour aud found my son Wil
Ham's name on ovoiyfcody's lip. Iha <
great difficulty In making belluvo that
myself , and not ho , win the original bell
ringer. It was duiing this tlip tlut w <
discovered Sol Smith iluasdl. "
"And ho wa one of the best boys tha
over lived , " said Mr. Peake. "He cam
to ui birefootod In Springfield , 111. , an <
asked the privilege of peddling our bill )
that kind of work being then his enl ;
means of living. Ho was very bright
and I became so interested In him that
adopted him into tbo troupo. Ho wa
nothing cf a singer , but hii deficiency i
this respect was more thin made up b
his genius for comtdy. Ineveriaw
bny that could make such faces. H
would praciico for hours and hourj tc
gether before n glass , appealing to me t
Ull him how it looked and keeping m
the while in a fit of laughter ! He re
mained witli UP , I think , for ton ortwelv
years , and duiing that time ha was
model In every respect. _ I leainod to n
gird him almoat as a chi'd of my own.
"William Henry when ho was hear
from ho WAS in AuettalU , Ho wat nn
successful and had a largo company o
his hands. Fanny was married to Jch
Fitob , a wealthy southerner , samotim
before the war. She is with her son an
daughter In Jtmestown , Dakota , wber
the has an interest in a largo hard war
store and in a lumber jard. We hav
not beard from her In nj'iro than a yeai
Julia IB in California. She is now Mn
Will'am Blah-dell. Her husband is
I speculator aud a fine muucian. I had
I letter from them a few inontha BIJO.
J have had a , letter from William Henry' '
wife , who lives at Wilts , Mich. , wlthi
the l st week. She slid that ; hfr heart
ached to think that I was in such a place
end liui-
is this , andihobcggoimo my
band to corno and make my htmo with
her Wo will not accept h r kind offer ,
a ! wo fear that her circumstances would
not wamnt the extra oxpenaoof our sup
port. "
In reply to a question as ta how Jio
had lo t the Uigo sums of money which
he must Imo nude , Mr. Ptako a ld ho
Ind aU ys bet n a very slngti'ar man ,
and that ho lud never known the vnlao
of ddlns td cof.ts. In the days of his
prosperity he hid lavished thouomds
upon his ehlldrtn , nnd the interest in
his charitable contributions would , ho
thought , bo en ugh to support him nnd
his wi o lu comfirlnow. Wile ia St.
1'Aiil , Minn. , ho lost $22,010 in a g Id
ipecnVli n , nnd afterwards tank n much
a'ger sum Mi n theatre at Pike's Poik ,
juo of the mushroom toltlemeuts of the
mining country. Neither ho HT his
wife attaches any blame to their childtoo
'or their p'osent do tiiuto condition , bu'
in the contrary , speak of them In terms
if high ctnimondatlon , For the
a t few years they have np-
prarod only in small pKcoa. In the
3arly part of last noeson they were burned
nut at Wa uly , N Y. , and lost a hrgi
amount of valuable trnvollng cqilpcnont
riu'lr power to draw loft them long ago ,
and bad businrts has boon the come
quenco. Lait Soptouiber they started ot
a tcur of the villages and towns In southern
orn Now Yoik and northern Ponnayl
vanla. They wtra stranded about thi
middle cf December t Jamestown , anc
woio obliged to appeal to Mr. Murray
superintendent of the poor lu Ourtlauc
coun'y , where they had lived long cnonel
to secure a residence. Th y reached tbi
poor-house New Year's Day. On thi
way from Pctinsjl anla some of Mr
Poiike's bi tt Krtnch ( tUatos ware broken
Be fuels tholr leas kicnly , and a js hi
would brt happy oven lu his present slturv
tlou if they could bo replaced.
Ho was the origina or of thii form c
muaio and bas for the last eight join
made it the leading feature nf bis on
certs. Tbo irlea occurred to him while t >
dinner with some cf his friends in Ohl
c-gn , ho says. One of the guoits accl
dentally rubbed a goblet with her moist
oucd lingers A beautiful sound was the
result. Fanny called her father's at ton
tlon to It and by practice ho found hi
cnu'd make a key board of glasses ace
produce from them what ha called "thi
moat btaa iful music over heard by thi
oar of man " It Is understood that f
novoment Is on f jot for the ronovjl o
Mr , and Mfs , Peako to the Old Folks
Homo at Almlra.
"For eccnomy and com'ort , over
spring , wo use Ui oi'a Saisaparllla , '
wrltBs n Buffalo ( N. Y ) la-jy. 400 do c
AVorkmnn ExpUlns How a Gro *
May Easily Happen.
, 'Well , if this Inauguration ball got
along without a disaster i'f eomo kind
shall be surprised , " said ono of the work
men at the new pension building to-day
' Do you anticiputa an accident ? " I in
"Ob , not especially , " replied the me
chanic , as if to recall bit statement
"But , " pausing again , "It looks to mo a
though it would bo very easy to have
disaatioua fire iu the ball-room. Hav
yon seen the design of decoration ] "
I had not.
"Woll , " continued he. "there is tob
flags , and buntit'g , aud dr/tpcry / , and ce
dar until there'll ba no end to it. An
how do you tuppoeo it will all bo lighto
up ? Yes , there will ba electricity ; ou
( hero will bo thousands of gas-jets , toe
all right lu with this very intlammabl
stuff. The way they will bo located 1
will require the very greatest care to pre
vent a nro. And the roof it will bo c
cinvaa. There will be fireworks al
around the building that night , aud i
will bo next to impossible to keep thci
off the roof.
"Will tharo net bo precautions takei
against fir" " . ] "
"Yoj ; but what eoalcan that do ? No
any. If a fire breaks out it will bnrnlik
a tinder-box , and precautions will do IK
good. Thru it is going to require th
very greatest pressure of facilities tohea
the room. That will increase the dan
ger rf fire , and wo may bo blown up
too. "
"I will go In at.d toe , " I remarked
turning toward an entrance.
"Can't get in hero , " said a man at th
door. No une admitted hero except h
haa a card from iha committee. "
"What Is this order for at eo early ;
daj ? ' laaliod.
"Don't knorr , " was the reply.
"Anything to see in there ? '
"Nothing. '
"Do many corno with orderj from th
secretary of the crmmittuB ? "
"I ot many ; a few who are going t'
have something to do with the fixings.1
"Havo you hoard anyone say why in
ono , except hu baa business , enter 1' '
"Well , " r. plied the doorkeeper. : "
have heard n good deal of comment , am
have my opinion ; that's all. But L don'
want to say Hnything. "
The lui.rcs [ ion la that there ia adonbi
purpose in all this. In the first place
Ihe Dom wllll kely bo very uncomfort
able , and it is desired that It bo no
known that It Is not a suitable placa for i
lady to apt nd an evening until It Is to
late. Comments upon tbo place are ce
pecUlly foardd by the committee , And
secondly , the danger the ylnco will bi
subjected to it U detiroi to keep a to
crot. A fierce galotf wind might blowth
roof away , cioai a panic , and tacit ID jurj
Then there IB inoch fear ot firj and
number of accidents of different charac
ten ,
It appears lh t there Is much moi
onthuiUm over tha ball In the countr
than in Washington. Hero the uudusli
able and disagreeable sides are sa we
known that but llttlo Interest Is shown i
tb preparations being made.
Mr. Henry Becker , 204 George St
Baltimore , Maryland , Buys that Mil
Eliza Schall , living in his family , wi
completely cured of a severe chronl
C3Ugh by ono buttle of Red tttcr Ooug
Uure/and experienced no bad effects anne
no return of the cough ,
The Canadian government Is bein
urged to take entire control of the to1) )
graphic systems of Canada , and leglnli
tlon to such effect h being prepared ,
Don't dis/ust everybody by hawkinj
blowing and sptytlnp , but uao Dr. Sago
Catarrh Remedy and bo cured.
There have been 000 doiths among th
Roman Cithollo population of Montroi
since the beginning of the year.
Austria haa voted to tpend 7,000OC
florins establishing elojtrlc tramways.
SlicOaisl'glnTx-s B fore the Big
Syndicate Era ,
1 Hough's Kxiicr.cnco with tlio Com-
niioliCH nil 3l < irm ii9 An In-
dlnu Trull Too Olotpljr
Folli iivccl Col.
lobo-M mocrat.
LASVEOAS , N. M. , February 18-Sl
lough , ono of the oldest wcbtorneia in
ho whole wtatarn ciuutty , is now living
n this city , and was nut tc-iUy by tlio
vrlter. Si lua n wnr record nlMUt which
10 decs not care to Kiy much , but enough
WBB Icnrned Ir m him to cs nblish the
act tbnt 'way back in the sixties ho was
lie oujKaln of n Texm cavalry conip * y ,
nd vn < aboutai tou h a customer aa the
, one SUr et to turned out ia the broizy
days of the rebellion.
Si's tou no was unllnibored ttiia morn-
ng by an unstinted npp ication of "cow-
b > y's delight , " ns ho called it , aud in n
roti od oorucr of an unficquonted o nh-
looui , hu uufuldcd * to the comspiiulent
tome frnjin-'otiry ctuptats of his llfo'a
omanca. I Hiked him tj tall mu sonic *
tning about the ctvttlo business in the
ra ly dnys of Texas boof-ratsitig long bo
' ro the trade was systematized nnd con-
rolled Hko it is to-aay.
"Well , you must know yourg man ,
that in th in uays bjof was beef , and it
a good stayer to thiuk i f running a bunch
of cows Iiijuns was awful bad thenaud
wo lud to sera 1110 night ai tl day to keep
the bunch in the county , for like as not
before the naxt eun they would bo run
wny iff ino another county by the
Cornaiiches "
"L rormiuVier wo had a great 'acrap1
with them folleraonco mo aim Qojrgc
Haynolda Knpw him Well , he's now
a pretty big gun and la president of the
6 rat National hank at Albany , Texas. It
ai just after the wah , and me and
George , wo just thought wti'd RO into the
c.ttlo business , on our own licok. Wo
di n't own a hoof of beef in the world ,
but that didn't dlaconngo us. George
was plucky , and I was plucky too , to wo
mounted and toio ever into tlio Staked
Plilns country great waste of plains
and Injun * In then days. Wo managed
: o pick op a couple of hundred head of
them T ca long horns , and was drivln'
them up into New Mexico for to find
? oed water range. "
"Wo got op to Duck Greek with the
diivo all right , but had some fears all
"long about them ComancW. Wo wont
Into cimp thoto , and the cowa they was
a foedin' roun' as contented SB da ry
stock. Pretty soon , wo saw a band of
the Injins a comin" , and we know wo
were in for it. So wo didn't give thorn
no welcome , but just peppered away
away when they got up close enough
t command raepect. Th y had arrows
and wo had cuns , army entblnes , that
would shoot like old sin.
"Wo kept up trio figU with about
oven odde , whoa I saw a buck a ciairlin' '
up cloro like in the grate , and jtst then
I saw him twang the arrow right iutc
Riyiiolde. Struck him right below the
siouiach and wont clear in. Kayuolds Ire
just sat down and pullrd the arrow out ,
but I was so mad I took after that buck.
Flo ran for tha chai perel , and I aftoi
him , a-shootia' as 1 Wont. Pur'y soon
the buck foil down with hia back turned
up toward me , lind cf deliaut liko. 1
peppered him full of holes with mj
slx-thooter , and then I saw I had done
him up.
"So , just like an Indira , I cut cff h't
top knot , and took it bask to Gm.rga.
" 'Thero , ' says I , throwing down the
scalp , 'Is the skunk who shot you. Ain'l
you glal I nipp'd him ? "
" 1 put George < n a pack mule , and gel
out of tlut camp mighty quick , yon bet
George wasn't cUad , but ho di n't fee !
just light ins dd of him , and complained
some before I got him to Fort Snmmr ,
200 miles away.
"Do you know whit ailed him ? Well ,
when he pnlli d that stick out the arrow
head staid ii.side , and It kept a-bothi-rlc ; .
him f ir years aud years. Two yors a i
ho went up to Kansas City , lljjnud ! ?
did , and ha told the doctors ho wanted
them to cut a lump cut of his bick ,
Thycut 'er opnn'and there was > lut
arrow-head , Icokin' black and rusty-
liko. "
The wiiter learns frrm other source :
that the story nb < lit the anow-houd If
trao as told by Si Hough , 10 it ia n
ahle to look upon the whole yarn BE
Si had bad luck ever afterward. Oar
Beaten ho took a herd of 1,000 head ol
buovea up to Umli to roll to the Mi nil'no ,
Ho hadn't any moro than gotten into tin
toiri'ory when aievere enow it rm set MI
and Si'a ratilo diif ed Bway int i the lva
bode , whcru they starved to drath or died
from cold and exposure. Ho lost the
whole bnncli , and has never since been
able to retrieve his It rtuncs.
An old-time pioneer in the cow Indus
try wits named ( Jh'sholm , and hu mud to
fetd his flocks on a thousand hilia jus'
below tlio Staked Plains. E. J. Wile , x ,
who it now a hy cattleman , wlih a
ranch down thn Poco , th'ssldoof ' B eqne
Grande , was emplnjed by Chlsholm as a
cow-puncher , as was also a during toong
follow named Bill Moorhead Wilcix
saja that it was along about 18G8 when
the 0'iinauches dulihoiate'y ' rode up tc
the old man's corral one night and drove
off every hoof of cattle hfId therein.
Ab < ut twenty stockmen from the ranchei
thereabout ) got together In hot haste a d
atirted out to recover the stolen stork ,
In three days and a half they had covered
ored 200 miloa and wore close open tin
cat tin thieves. They wtnt Into cam ]
abodt two miles out from the month ol
Canyon Blanco. Onisholm told Wt/c /
and Moorhead to go out and scout tb <
lay cf the land while he prepared supper
They had no idea how nuny lud am
there weio , but supposed the number t <
bo email.
Tha cowlnys rode to the bluflk over ,
looking the canyon , but they rode cm
tlonsly. Wilcox dismounted and C'awlei
up to the edge of tlio abyss to get a slj
peep One look eatlefidd him , and mo
tlujilng Mcoroheaa to do the same. Tin
lattf r took one look , and jumped back
exclaiming ;
"Two thousand of them ! "
"Jump ana ride for jour life , " sale
They were both in their Baddies thi
fame inatint Chisholm siw them com
ing , aud ran out a few rods to mee
"How many are there ? " he asked hur
"If thera'a a pra'rle ' drg in Texa
there'B 2,000 fightln' buckr ol tliBm. "
"I guess we don't want any supper to
night , e id Ohisholm to the ether fe !
IOWB. "The IDJUDB are after us. "
"What will wo do with the pack
horersl" naked one of the party.
"D n the pucks. Let them go. Every
man to the anrMlo. "
It WAS hardly necotsary to issue such
an order , for evo.-y man was already
mounted , and In an inBiant * la'cr thty
wera away ,
And not a moment too soon , for Vaik
at the mouth of the canyon they could
see an aimy of warrloM flocking out and
heading rapidly for thoni.
' "
"Did yui gut a ny allr'ghU"aakodtho
writer of Wilcox as the latter waa telling
the experience.
"Night UVH all tlut saved us , for wo
radohtrl , and soon loft the buck ) be
hind. It to k ua thrco dajs and a half to
ride to tbo cinyon , but wo g I back tj
the much In Icia than tno days aud a
lulf. "
not. HITSON'S ma RUN.
After the affilr at Cany 11 Blanco the
Comauchcs had thinga their own way ,
and they wont into tlio bnslnos of "iuu-
ling calt'o" lull Now Mexico on the
wholesale principle. At last the Pan-
landlo and S > aked Plains sloiliiuon s w
hat thry must do something to stop the
ilgh-hinded plundering or Ihuyould
lave to retire iiitj buukruntcy.
A bruvo fronU * reman then was named
Hits m Col. Hit on , I think , ho WAS
cilltcl. To him the cattle growers ap-
icaled , and iiimlly po'cd their In crca's
u tending Hitsou out on his own pripo
sition to roiovcr the Block. Ho was
'rlondly with the Inditiis and went to
: hem with a quoi'r echomo. lie wantnd
ifty of thorn to ta d the Moxicin ranch-
mun over in the Po o'a c mntry and rn-
cover the eto k tint luil been sold there ,
aud at the eama tlmo run oil aa much
uioro OB they could pick-up The lilty
Bucks agreed to the plan und went with
Iliteui. IQ those eUya there was no
mtlltla pio'oa'ion ' , and Hilton's hud
t .ings their own wy It w a H n gular
fillhintfrlt B expedition and the outlro
country south of Las Vo ai was stripped
of itt o ttlf. Iho lancheroa could not
help thematlvoa.
Uiiton took the cattle moro than
15,000 head to ' 'Colorado , aud having
pjwtr of on atttrm-y with him. sold out
11 the stock to ranchmen on the Arkan
sas.In returning to Texai ho lost hla trunk
containing the collateral , and to thla day
the mon who orlglrial'y ' owned Iho st ck
bavo never bein paid their duis. JNor
will they over gat what is duo thorn , for
about a y ar fg ) Hit son fell from a carriage -
riago on the street cf Denver and broke
Miss Nelllo Gnulil to AVcrt Mr. AVaHli-
iiiKtoii K. Uoiinor.
NEW YOUK , Fotnury 21 Miss Nellie
Gould , too dunning 18-year-old daughter
of Mr. Jay Gould , his given hi r heart to
' bachelor Mr. Wath-
lie r father's par nor ,
ington E. C < nuor At that it was re-
ceivi d i h incredulity , the young lady's
youth , the fact that ehe has not made her
cobut in socioiy , and ilut Mr. Connor
was almojt twentyfivcyo ! < ra hersenlornnd
hud withstood the tender and faEcii a ing
cndearmunta of several of New "Xork's
lamous bi lies , all ended to thro f an air
ot doubt arouud the report , but like a
tiny pebble dropped iuio a brook , the
soy that Mr. Connor wsa to
forsake hi' elegant ihnugi lonely apart-
nionts at 14 eait Forty fifth atrctt ana ho-
cdne a truly go d bunojict , with Misi
Goull aa hla Boatrlce , gatliMod forcj
with every rrpsl.l'on , and yeatoidfiy little
elao iras talked of oa the street , Ex.
change 8iid in the Union Lfa no , St.
Nicholas , Union and other np-towuclub * .
Connor refuted to confirm or deny ilu
roporr , and when this bccamo known
m\ny Immediately accept el it a true.
Miis Nellie Gould is one of the brightest
and swettest little ladlua in the cl'y. She
has bopn finely educated and is highly
accomp ishi'd. She is on artist of no
mean ubilitj and her collectlun ef bric-a-
brac , whlcn has been adorned by her
pencil and brush , hai been greutty ad
mired. She dro soi plainly but richly ,
and when. In town can bo feen any altar-
noon driving through llio pirk with her
brother George , and "Wash" by her
s'do. ' She has attended ono or two pri
vate germane , but cannot be raid to have
entorid the g y society whirl. She is
quite reeerved and to a ctrUIn
ex'cnt retiring , traits ttrougly
chjiMctcristic of her father , the
king of Wall S'ruet. She is pr b-
abiy the richest heirpsj In America , tmd
< n ru-r father's Ae a h will come In for
§ 20,000.000 or § 30,000,000. Mr Con
nor has bean a jarUier with Mr Gonld
HILCD 1870 While hi cannot bo plnc d
in t e catalogue of haueljomo ai c uty
men of the city , ho has a tingularlly at
tractive face , bright blue ojOi and nusf
engaging rnanrors. He owns the fum > ua
steam yucht Ttowara , &nd ia a nitimbor
of the Ainerican Stimm Yucht club Ho
was bi rn in Spring ttroet and is a Niiw
Yorker in its truest eento. lie is veiy
abbtemicus In his habltnaid is rarely
BHen lu eoclety. Yourig Gfcnrg-i Gould M
his chum , alii botwiou them the B - rest -
est afTectinn exfsts Mr. I'onnor can
draw his check for S200.0CO , and la a
recognized leader in Wall street M-ny
have had the erroneous impreealon tlut
Mr. Conm r's success and his presunt
wealth luvo bom duo tin extent to
his cloto liitlmacy with Mr. Gould. This
it n en at mistake. Mr Connor's pres
ent p iS'lion has been tecurad by indom-
ituhle nerve , financial bonrr , and a
eh uwd and vigilant determination to
all oppor u' i'ien olfi red him.
A aura cure for Blind , Bleeding , Itching and
Ulcerated Tilea hm been dUcovered by Dr.
Williams ( an Indian Remedy , ) called Dr ,
William's Indian Pile Ointment A single
box hu cured the worst chronic coaoa of 25 or
30 yean standing. No one need suffer five
mlnutoa after applyiw this wonderful sooth *
log medicine. Lotions , Instruments and elec
tuaries do more harm than good. William's
Indian file Ointment aboorba the turners , al-
laya the Intense itching , ( particularly at nlclit
after vetting warm In bed , ) acta u a poulllca ,
glvta instant relief , and Is prepared only for
I'llea , itching of the private parts , and fur
nothlne elao.
Head what the lion. J. M. Oolfinbe. ry. of
Cleveland , says about Dr. William's Indian
Pile Oolutment : "I have rued scores of Pile
Cures , and it affords me pleasure to say that I
have never found anything which gave such
Immediate and permanent relief aa Dr. Wil
liam's Indian Ointment. For aala by all drug-
crlati and mailed on receipt of price , 50o anil
5L , Bold at retail by Kuhn & Co.
Wholesale Agent.
The Scientific American has aa Illustration -
tration of a toadstool received frcm aNew
Now York correipondent , which Ins a
rdmsrkublo rmtinbltnco to the profile ol
the great Duke of Wellington as ha ap
peared in htor yffus. The shranken
mouth aud Dpi and the pr.uiiuent uoau
are strklugly reproduced.
Chicago his incrossed the pumping ca
pacity ot her otty wa'er w < rks from 134-
OOO.tOO to 150,000 f OQ ualloDH per day.
There arc more thau 7,700 Mono tele
graph Initruments ia ute in Franco ,
J'rcf from Ojifnfrv emit l'o { oni.
I'or Coiiuh" , Pore Thnml , llimr cnc , Influrnto ,
ColiK Hronclill ( , Croup , \Miuoptne Congli ,
Atthmn , < ) uln j , l > Mn ln tticut , nJ oilier
Alfcftli ni nftticl hront ni l.nne * .
I'rlcp no n-ntd n tiottio Sold 1'V I'nicclM tinil 1VM-
rr ! \ < rtlf tinnMr I" tmlitct Ihrlr ilt iter to iirnmiillv
pel II Tar thtm < rlll r > rclre lira hotlltftHlpI tsic/targti
( xlU , ( > y Sf ml/ni7 cm * ctulliii ( o
iiis i.MKiitrn nntrvxv ,
Uwntrt in I MftnuricttiriT .
Ililllraurr , JUrjUnit , C. 8. A.
S lft' Specific has cured my cinccr which W B
x-rrjbal. I nm now In flno hoiltti ; never better.
Hruc tnliicil2SHiiitiJ ) ulnco I l > ci ; n t klnp Swift's
lu S. lliuuroRi ) , TIptoiiMlliTcmi. .
liecn mulcted for tnunv jou < with arkiicir i n her
no e , which tu'ln'oi ! nil unrtn of trtntnicnt. Bhowos
cured entire ! } "Itli h llt' SpeciDo.
JOHN lliu , Ututgl ; t , Tliomjon , ( U.
NOSE KATKN OFr' . \ > mint ; man nc r this
town had an ontlnn cuiccr on hla Ucohtch hadilo-
itrojud lilati"po ml win oatliiR to idhucc4 Aa
a iMt resort I jnit him oil Snllt'a SpoclUc , nud It haa
cured him soiuiil mid well
M. K. CIIUULKY , M. D.Cflctliorpo , Oa
) scoh rcinirkahlo rcsn't * ( rom the u < o ol
Swllt'n cpccllh In cancer. H has cured sovcraltnscs
under my o n V > ef.
IKV ! J. II. CAMrnELt , , Coiumbua , Qa ,
Swltt's Srcslflo Is entirely x cKotablo , and Bccma to
euro canccra hy fo dug out the Impurltlra fiom the
blood , Tf catUo on Blood and Skin Diseases mallet ]
Irco. Tlio bwltt S | cctflo Co , Draner 3 , Atlanta , Oa. ,
or UO W. Z3d St. , New York.
ri , . Uhll.hoai8aii'r , -v.rf > I" < " _ O" . < * _ ranlem iinttrrtnltfn. given
end two Btamps lor Celebrated U cillcol Work * .
Address , F. II. CUA.KKI2 , JTJ.OU. . 186 SOUli ,
Clark Street , CHICAGO. ILL.
6. F. DAVIS &
[ ( ScccKssons TO DAVIS & SNTUEB. )
Have for ea'o 200,000 acres carefully selected lands
In Fastcrn Nebraska , at low prlco and on easy terms
Impro\ed ( arrra foraalo In Douglas , DuJRC , Colfax ,
PUtto , Hurt , Cuinln , Harp } , Waihlngton , Morrlok ,
Saunders , an1 Butler cour.tlwi ,
TAX-S juld In all parta of tbo etats.
llouey Ion cd on impro\ed'anna.
Notary Public always la olllco. CorrosjiondoDCO
617 St. Clmrlos St. , St. Lonls , Mo.
A regular graduate of i o MedUal College * , haa bcrn lonffel
EcmKeJ IQ theipeOnltrcatraeni of Onoi jc , ISOLI. . Hrtrt
ana It LOO B Di i * * utti&a olhtr rnrtlcfaalD BULooit ;
ucltr paper * show uml all old rri M i > ii. know.
Nervous Probiratlon , Debility. Mcntel and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otnctfec *
lions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Poliocg (
Old SorCS and Ulcers. ro trrated with onranilletM
iueeep , OD latcit ccUDtlle principle ! P 'elr Ptlvatclj.
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess
Exposure Or Indulgence , * hlel. rrodnee tome of tha
following effects' nsrvouiuem , diLllitr. dlmnem of lbl
ad deft-ctirii ttrmoryInipks on the fncc , pby lcal JCCBJ ,
VfrrioDtotht * ocitof rrnmlm , coQiuolts of llcins , eta ,
rendering UarriaRO improper or unhappy. u
. rarnphlctStl ( lageijontle abore , *
tealcd enTelopc , frfo to BDJ ailtlnva. Conu1tatloaat (
flee or by mall free , ED J loTlte-1. Wrlto for quest lorn.
A Positive Written Guarantee
plvea ID alt curable eiicii. alidlclnci > ent evcrr"tcre-
" -"Dli'eti , Dncllsh cr Gorman , 04 paeoa. do
ne above dlaoaaCB , In male or fomali , F11EB
KOpngci ODeplstei. Jlluiirntfil ia cloih tn.l tilt blndloi
e , nioueror iiostige ; lame. | Htnr co\en , 25o. This too *
conlalus all Iho eurloua , doutitrul or UquloltlTe vafit
know 1 trx-k ol irrat Ici rut Ui tiMeilUl \ ifcwc
UH lnwu tntu t o o - * \3v\oti
M'lllriiriryllic Bl.OOD.'rpjni'
Utu llic UIVER ami KIDNEYR.
Ullil Kl.hlolct. TIIK HKA1.T1I
ntl VIOOn of YOUT1L O.W
linsl.1Vatn of Appflltc , Jii-
Huni j. muscles anu
1101 VPS recall u m wlorcn
l ° i llxi'iia Iho iiilnil uno
cuiuillfS Ural n 1'owcr.
> ? SiiliLiliiKlroin ciijiiUlnts |
_ _ _ P ni-ciiltarto t'li'll'ai ' \ will
lort InDH. Et .BrEM'tJinONU'ONIO 11 mfn uott
* > t'0ilycnro. Uivcsatlenr , liiaillliycompluxloii.
'iu > | iiont aticmriUat co"1" ? ! " JIIK ! > ad < !
t tliopop'Jlarit ) l Mio orlj/lii'il , Do uutoipeil
,0111 Fcllliu OIIIC1IN.U , AM > UK-IT.
' ' . Hiirtf rMna Ho V
t.Ix'i'j ) , Mo , for our DKIlAM 11OOIC. " H
Knllnf tlmaxe und u if til latormat < OD tmojf Ji
It ut-r wltli
lilniKrliftl ) , "
mltiH ninth
pi' IhimllMlnof
nlnlc , OK will an thuMt irnm rfputBUo ilunUiann
ihroiiuliout tliitulinlo r H .ttwtif } tt thouortli nf
iioiaicK a roon roR INFANTS AND INVALIES
Id iiiiij < ua ro ( liliiK llu > t fi'ul In licolth or I'll K-
. IlyaUdrntrirl tM
IKUfMCIi'rt I'OOII C ( ) . , Kurln ; , \ > ' | H.
fi-jwiiti 'iaii < i in rocc li tof prlta In 1-1 imps u
Alt It r
/ UK./
K1 JlHOAltWAV. If.
Ily the ute o
Iloilettcr'a HUimaoh
liitttm the haggard
appeiranco ol the
cxunt iiai > coKndaal
Inuiioa of d > * pep-
tlca io eurphnlid
by a tualllilcr look
a'd at Urn loud i
tsitin > llaiut'tieb d
tcquliul BUlnitanu >
Appttholj iiiitured ,
an > tliormou8\
tcm rti'iu ' > hcd Ilh
much noidul tlurn-
btr , Ibroutrh lhen o
01 trln 'txjlclne ,
w > Ich la tlio Ucnc-
li lal to perao'i ol a
_ , _ BTOMACM iheumatlo t' ndoncy
B ? § nl in lneitlm blo
fl prtnentlro olr tur
nd i ue.
U Dr
The remarkable growth ot Omnhn
during the last few years Is K matter ol
great Astonishment to those who pay an
occasional visit to this growing city. Tha
development of the StorV Yards the
necessity of the Bolt Line Road the
finely paved stroota the hundreds of now
residences and costly business blocks ,
with the population of our olty more than
doubled In the last five yearn. All thlo
Is a great surprise to visitors and Is tha
admiration of our cltlions. This rapid
growth , the business activity , and the
many substantial Improvements m&dn n
lively demand for Omaha real eitato , And
every Invostoi has made handsome
Slnao the Wall Street p&nlo May ,
with the subsequent cry of hard times ,
there haa boon loss demand from specula
tors , but a fair demand from Invostorn
socking homos. This latter class uro
taking advantage of low prices In build
ing material and are securing tholr homoo
at much loss cost than will be possible o
year hence. Speculators , too can buj
real estV a cheaper now and ought to take
advant o of present prices foi future
pro ta.
The next few years promises groatoo ,
dvol opmonta In Omaha than the past
( iv years , which have been as good M
wo could reasonably doalro. Now man
ufacturing establishments and largo Job
bing houses are added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many In Omaha and through-
but the State , who have their money in
the banks drawing a nominal rate of In-
toroat , which , If judiciously Invested In
Omaha real obtato , would bring them
much greater returns. We have many
bargains which ire are confident will
bring the purchaser large profits In thf
near future.
We have for unlo the finest resi
dence property in the north and
western parts of the city.
North we have fine lots at reason
able prices on Sherman avenue,17th ,
18th , 19th and 2th ( ) streets.
West on Farnam , Davenport ,
Cuming , and all the lending streets
in that direction.
The grading of Famnm , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible some of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with thp buildmg of tha
street car lint' out Furimm , the pro
perty in the western part of the city
will increase in valiw
We also have the agency Jor the
Syndicate aud Stock Yards proper
ty in the south part , of the city. The
developments made in tins sertion
by the Stock Yards Company and
the railroads will certainly double
the uncn in a short timw.
We also have Bonn Him busmesD
lots and noun * ologaut , nisidn resi-
dencep for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
at me gocd bnTftums by calling n
213 South 14th
Bet reon Farnham and Douglas.
P. S. Wo ask those who have
property for sale at a bargain to gjve
as a callWe want only bargains
We will positively not handle prop
erty at more than its real valae.