Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1885, Image 1

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The Oma'ia ' Charts AEndmcot Creatts
aFlniler ,
Dealers Must Not Sell Any More
Tobacco to Minors ,
The Senate Pass the McShano
Liquor Billi
They Also Discuss tbo Amended
School Land Bill ,
The House Paes a Number of
Important Billa (
'JChb Kallrontl CnminlKNlrm Bill the
Kpccml Order for To-tiny Oilier
Important Mews ,
Special Corroppondunco to TUB BKK.
LINCOLN , Feoru.iry JM. Most of the limo
of the senate this morning waj taken up in
the third rootling and piseago of bills , being
thoao mo.iBUien considered in the commlttoo
of the whola ou Friday. The picsicicnt
oijjnod a uuu her of bills and the committno
put tliom into tli9 hinds of the governor fur
eignatiiro ,
A messnge from the governor reported that
ho had slaiibd Suiiuto File IX Tliia in the law
Drohibltlng thu sale of tobacco to lioyu under
Gftocu jeara of eg ? , so the tobacco dealers
can tike toticu and govern themsolven nc-
cording ! } ' .
Several standing committee ] reported , the
judiciary committed nlouo reporting ou e'ovon ' ,
mowing that they had nut boon idle tinea
Saturday morning.
Among the bilU [ raised was the McShano
liquor bill , which was BO aincndid at to ii.ean
what it Bays without ondaugcring the Slo-
cumb law. It provides thnt licomoi shall bo
pnjable quarterly iu cities of tbo first-class
at the option of the mayor and council.
Saloons in Iho two mile limit where there haa
been free whisky heretofore will bo subject to
taxation a * if lucitod in the city An effort
will bo mailo iu the house to cut out this
clause. It la un-urfto > d that a strong lobby
will ba here from Omaha , of those who own
BtdonnB outiido the cJty limit' , wh < will en
deavor to defeat thu measure if not the entire
bill.Tho renato wont into cnmraittao of the
whole with dennt McAllister in the clulr.
The amenta 1 luiid bill , known nn Sonata Kilo
6-i , WBB culled up for discussion. ThU measure -
ure has bca mentioned btforn as making an
entire change in the mtthndi of handling ,
lea inn and purchasing B.hool lind * . 'the
amendments pending at n previous sitting of
the committee wurt. called up. They pro
ytded that the minimum piicashmld bo § 7
ins toad of $10 , as no v set forth in tbo bill , and
limited eajh ma'i t ) purchasing 'CO ' ucioi.
Tlio first ainenamcnt was lo-t. There waa
floinadi-cueslon over the lattor.
Meiutor 1'uul fl.nd limiting the amount
would restrict thu sain > I iho lauds.
Senator M-tz thought there uhould bo no
restriction , ni thd Undi had already been the
homo of priori. * dogs .mil g iphcrs too lo > g.
ticnator Day favored restituting. The gov
ernment had di-postd of nil its lain ! in thii
state by small quantities , and tlio state could
do thafuimn
Senator Howe Biid if Ilia lands wera all ag
ricultural he would not oppoin it , bat many o
them worn grazing lands , and larre herds ol
Oil'If could not bj fed on mil ill tratt * .
Senat r McShauo caused tha countenances
of the Benatora to rel x bymovln < to muke
the restriction applicable east of the lUltl
meridian. This inuglmry line teems popuin
la utmost rvvry bill , anil ho thought if i
worked well in ono it m'glit ' in utliera
Senator M tz coui 1 not utee wi.h h's oil-
leagut ) ud insisted hut the Linda aluulil betaken
taken from the pra rio dot ; * and grasihopp-r * .
Senator Uurlund thought Mr .MoSnaiio'd
amendment wai iu liU own intjroot and op-
posad it. Thu umeudmuut win loit by n vote
of 12 to 15.
Tlio bi 1 wai further amended by cutting
out the section giviugs > ttlars a rebate on their
own imur ivemouts. Tharu was no debate on
this clause.
Senator Love nll > red an nmondtnont tha
the < parties now holding Unds should not b
compslloil ta p > y ov < ir $7 , thi minimum now
tixtd by law , or the appruUecl value. Mr.
JVVH ra d he doubted the cotiBti'iitionality of
TO tkniK moo pay moio than tiny lui.I ou-
truoted ud this Uw uliou d not apply t Jrans-
notion ) now pucoil. [ Ie said nuuy of bin con-
8titu nt9 were more cono'jruod over this < iueS'
tion than over tlie railroad problem.
Senator Hcovvii nuid tin eeuxta had loel t .
Bight of the fact tuat it was thu tch > " '
fund th'jy wcra trying to protect , ant 11 ;
not tiiy settlerj , hut the courts d cult
whether they werj passing a coatttltuilonu
Senator Howe favored tha amendment
probably unoausu Mr Drown did not , Helm
ieved in making a laiv > pla'u that nn ru '
course to tliii omrts was n cu-suy. T'io pel-
plo wore cryiiu for uoine tu.h IAW , Thd dem
ocrats I'ppooxi of cuursa , Tne committee in
vestigoting the laod froti Is hail found nothiDf
wrong t > xceit | a very weak latv ,
HoiiftUir Brown said it was not party n
much as pcoplot'iat they woiu trvintj serve
nnd enter IIoitiuKsriidorBrd this eentimeii
nnd d pr.-ca od tha iliuging ot thu r < id rag b ;
Senator Howe ,
Henator Ourland favored tha amendment
thouKt ) ha did not see thd necessity.
At this point it wus moved that ( ho commil
tee rise , report and n < k leave to sit a ait
after which n reccaj was taken until aftei
lloalizlng tha Importinco of th's bill , th
uoimtotB arc giving it much attention , vnd th
Indications ure tint a bdiieticiitl law will t
plactd upon thu eutute bonks. Next to til
railroad quottlou it Is , perhaps , the most iu
iKutaut Uaue yut ipruni ; ,
Arroiiinon SoiBlou ,
Special Telegram to THK Bus.
LINCOLN , Ftbiuiry 24. Considerable but
nous of importuned waa transucted by tl
bouae luring the afternoon and night s < tia
Among tbo bilU p&ssed w a tha bill to en
power city auditori to audit the school boa :
expenditure. Thin bill tnly nfftcts Omaha
and Lincoln , whhro auditors ate to bo elected
n the spring. Another Is the bill ti prevent
.ho mig > pproprialinr ( of ptnp > rty and ect&tea
cf deceivtd persons by tha extcutots and ad-
rutnlfttrator * .
The Orrnhn clmrter nmecdmcnts , which
came up for Una ! pmstgo ut the nlghc soeslon ,
crrated ri'iite a hreeziv ,
McArdln moved to have thp bill recom
mitted ( o the coo.tnlltec of the \\holu fur
This fell like n thunilrr clan from n clear
ky , and hrutiitht the whole Dotiglta diloga-
.inn to their feet.
Bninntr , the father of the bill , rhnrgo'l that
.his wan an .V.tempt to reject nil mnoodmcut
or the brnufit nf Mamluil Cunt idngs who
w.-\nUd 1m olllcn nmda c-liictivo , fearing ho
night not IH rcappointed by ( he ntxt innyif.
lie d-cl rcd the bill was drawn after a full
consultation with Urn loMJinv citizens , and
reproteuled the intcrcbti and wishes if
Jinaht ,
AlrAtdlfl raid ho know on much of the foci-
nps of the people of Omnh t an anybody , and
f tltfy uvio not competent to elect a nuthliul
hey unrely were not cumpotont to elect n
T > mii > , Winsppar and Ulley tach in llieir
.urn denounce' ! Mi'Atdlo's attempt to change
, hu bill which they di clnrcd had hern tinaui-
nnusly Hgrecd on by thu Uoiiglns del-gntiou.
McArlle'ii nioticu was voted down , every
nHnbT oxccutltig himself voting agtinat it ,
il the bill pasaul , with the cmurKeucy
Ill the commitleo rf the whole this after-
teen n nttmbir of billa were reported ad-
tersely , amorg thepo thu bill oifatin ; rive or
Ix collogoH to ba attauhrd to tlio tiuiver ity.
Also Crook's bill providing for the rsstsitnL-nt
> f milroads by Iho county cotrmiBsiouers.
Pliix bill brotignt on a lively debate , but was
inally rejected.
Special Gorro'pondenco of THE BEE.
LINCOLN , February il. ! At the meeting of
, ho house this morning business partook tnoro
> f thn nature i f routine than oxcltumout.
About 11 o'clock the clerk commenced the
reading of bills on their final pasBago and
oeerfpd with Homo Roll 140 , a bill to prp-
; iilo n epecBl levy to procure water in iltirs
of the second claw.
House Hull 157 , to compensate railroad env
> lnytB in owe of accident cau od through and
jy the ne li nnco of the company's employtjs.
Senate File 147 , to extahli'h bhcridan
: runty , and 48 , which provides that teachers
n bchoola nh.ill ba xauiincd in physioligy
and hiRt' nc , were all pa-ecd.
A resolution wan niioptcd that no more fen-
atn billn be coH derrd until within thieu d.iys
of thd day df Hual adjourcment. The object
f this ri solution ia to ennhle the house to ui n-
idnr i > nd pa a hiitifo bi'la in time for til ir
reading on three dilTetent days iu the Btuatr.
Afternoon Session.
Special telegram to the BEK.
LINCOLN , February 24. The senate spent
three hourj of its afternoon feesion In further
discussion of the school land bill , ncd man
nged to amend it to such an txtont that it
amounta to little. The iiinimuui price of
echool land wai fixed at ( even dollars per
acre Strong efforts were made to defeat this
even after the committee of the whole report
ed it back to t > e house.
Senator MiShane attempted to raise the
piica t ttn d. llira.
Set ator Mtilth John introduce ! n resolution
to make Senate File 1S7 , the railn ad commission -
sion bill , the special order for to-morrow anil
thereafter till nettled. The light will b * briel
but bloodlefs. The railroad lobby allowed
thtm-elvea still active aud are plannluy for
i.uxuntoua LIVINGS.
Special Correspondence to THK BEE.
LINCOLN , Fsbruary L'3 Another six days
will bring tbo bieniiial state l.gislature picnic
held at Lincoln , to a cloio. Siaco mambeia
have been down h'ro they have not bad the
most pleawnt of weather , the thermometer
registering bulow zero eeven-fiprhths tf the
tiuio But c moldering all thingH tli-ynppitir
to have enjoj o i llMnselves on their i-hort ul
lowauco m u mo-t _ wonderful and hxjrty m n
ner. At the pric > they have doue well uni
have deinuiiitruted the fact that
at the rata of SJP.OiiO a year tor forty days
or $3 u day. But every member hai no
been uble to pnrfonn thU tixtraordiiury trick
and it In a nu > stion whether it could ba doui
at all out of Lincoln , or oven thorn when tin
legislature 'n nut in session. The radro'ii
corporntlorn nri eaid to bd renponatljl > for
this piece of leger lumain , ami like all g < o
echenivs for the public educa ion and nmtifco
niuxt , wd' ' sh 'itly acjornp ish unotber novelty
Tins will bo at the eud of the
nesatxn , when th y pr pone to shoiv
how forty d y can Ve npint in nnncting i ail-
road legislation without compromising any
thing. Tim c iinpauy tha raiJr > ads have
| br light together o-mpriio every vnri'ty of
performers , inclu'lunr the m'Binenst Church
Howe , tha tragedian Fiol ' , wltn thelo.v coin
cdlana Wright , K iley und f I lme * , wno ara
ably assUtHil by np < rrf 'l'r > mp , of Furuus ,
Johnaun , Kinomon , w'uh l'otrr < on , . ) iia and
McArdliCjruer intu. It tin t n > pOtformers
from 01 ky , Browti and Nettloton , wera
urranged in tijhls , tha c mip.uiy
} I would ba complete nud might bj
let out to lUiiiiiui the com ! > g soiaon.
Membirt are beginning to return in yrnupi ol
throe and four' , but tin railroad l bbyUu art !
not so early un thotceni as ia cu-tina > y ,
Amoiu the bids that pru'Biiro ia being brought
' 11 hear o'i t > ecun > its passage U Seuatoi
" Church Howe's
Several p-sopln are already here with the
object of gutti 'K ' thu bill througti thn week
They rj coullilent of BUCCUSS , mrl assert thai
iu a few 'Irvy-i thn gamblers jwill have to luut
out for sriualls. I
Last week tnero were many delrgatloni
lore , among them were iieveral from dill ireu' '
[ ) arta "f the etate , aiking senator * to voti
igitinst the house ia Iroail bill. Tina was oni
moans why iho I.ill was thrown out Tukinj
thu population of the state as estimated a
531,08'J thn people repro < cnt d by tha twent ;
xenatora whu voted tgalust the bill were 350 ,
731 as againut 230.9 % or a majority of 119 ,
773of thu inln. itants The twenty the ;
reriwent | the feoliugs of thiir constituent
on railroad matters.
No clue up to now haa been fotmd of th
small boy who delivered thu box contninhi
dynamite to Mr , Kgnn at thn Irish ball her
till other night. Tha chemists are but
nualyelzln ? thu contott * of the box aud it I
ii- that , alieaily they h&vu diacovert
iihe enough material to have blown Mr.
'ulcitB. "
' Tne fall cocked loaded revolver of itself wi
" " not u fit plaything lu the presence of to man
.rd dancers , llad tna dynamite exploded gre :
. ' of life mtut have enitied. rind nni of the
imst bitildltigj 'n Lincoln destroyed It is
o Iu hopo'l that the perpetrator uf thin cow-
irdly net will be dif covered tud brought to
u tlce.
llonso Hell 101 , nmbodjirgtlip approptia-
ions for a tiatrsptp r with snvcral b..gua
claim" , and Stout's three thoiuMid duliar
( Mpool wai called up by Ohmtosd tindar
.hu pretense tlmt he was anviotu tn nsMst he
newsp p ( . Half a duz n members objected
> n the ground that the bill hud no\er \ > svn in
iho cDmmilteo and Olmstoad had tu beat a
las'y rctnnt ,
Tbo liotiso ordered the bill placed ou the
; cneral lilo.
Turtle' * labor bill , which prohibits < ho
ens'tip ' nf convict Inbor fter ISS'J , rha ud th
: ate if thodivecting bills which WIM bulled
hii utter noon under nmouutain of vote. ' .
The cinclndit g tifort of the homo was the
Ifbato over the proposition to oil a cjiutltu-
.t . nal convention. Only fortyevuii mem-
tir.i voting therefor. We dull RO without a
utw constitution for years lougur.
Tlio Now York htuolc M rUct , '
Special telegram to TUB UKK.
NKW YOUK , February 21.- The Commercial
Advertiser thu afternoon Bays : Kxcept to
lorfons in daily c ntact with the money
market , tha abundance uf unemployed cnpl-
ji'nttho present in tha market , Is not generally
orally known. There has not beau to littl *
demaud for loans for many yea and the
irokera have large amounta cf money in their
> J83t > teion waiting tor nome worthy invest-
unit ta prcacut itself. But the public being
practically ignorant of tha fact , tha ic.nilt is whrn n man doslrea a loan on good
Beciiritico either of real or persona' prnpcrty
'iu goea to the crent tut-1 institution , i.nrl
JI.IJH 5 per c nt inteiest , or clou d < n < not ret
, he money nt all. Them in not a bmkcr iu
.ho lower part of the city to-i ! ; y , who
cauunt coDtr-il front S.riOIOi ( ) to St.COO.OOO
at twenty , four hour's notice. They htve
'iirtrtictions to dispose o ( thU capital do vast
u the aggregate , at n rate ( if lutJrcnt which
it thetiiHt glnnco Bcuaia ridiculoii ly Eiimll
Dno can get a moHgxgo loan on good
propnity for 3 percent nnd on bonds s lewis
is " 1 per cent. After the d < uble holiday
[ > UMness wi rociumed ou thu xttick cxchat gn.
mid great buovMicy in the bl.iuo list , which
advaniod i to 2J i > er cent over SatimUy's
cli.pintie ( upwind miivemout was attended
with umii-uai excitement , and de. lim > s in
prominent stocku weri on a largo acalo. The
xdvanca wni si sudden and xharp that it took
the op > irator4 ponerslly by nupruo , and many
nf thu bp < rtfl nulled iu to cover. Lackawana
wni tli4 leader of tha market both in point of
activity and impro\oment , ri irg'2i par cent
to 103 The annual Htat-munt ol the c"tu-
pmy ( til initttd to-di > y assisted in thu rise in
the stojk.
U HC Hull Ncvvn.
CHICAGO , February 21.The Chicago league
base ball cluh management having been com
pelled by litigation to abandon thoirlake
front grounds , having secured a long leaaa of
grounds m the west division of the city ,
bounded by Throop , Congress , Loomia aud
Harmon streets , miking them the moat
ample in the country. Tno grounds are to ba
surrounded by a brick will , aud fitted up
with tha vinw to muking tha nw p-rk , the
liii"3t in the country. Among the f onturea
will be introdrc'd a rtp.ico to be ret apart for
cariiagea and a quarter milu byciulo tiack.
Mrs. Sullivan Siii s 1'or Divorce.
WASHINGTON , February 21. Mrs. Annie
Sullivan , wifu f tha champion pugilist , began
Buit for divorce on the ground of cru ° l and
abusive troatmni t and gro-a and c aifirmed
habits if iutoxic tion. Mrs tilllvan desiies
the cuatody , and n k < th tSullivun'i property
to the n > tuut of $ . ' 0Ufu ) b attached to eecuro
.t for herself ai.d child ,
taalo of Tlie Detroit Post.
DKtnoiT , Ftbruiry 24. John L. Stickney
haa purchased the Detroit 1'ost newfpaper'd
propertv , icc'u'ling ' the plant and good-will.
The leal estate was nut InCiud-d. Thu papet
illbj coutitud ; u a morning republican
dally. .
Thrcntt-iiotl Strik on tlio AVnlmni. !
SrniKoriKLn , Ills. , February 21. The
Wabnsu railroad having pn posid a reduction
ol ten per cunt in wagia , a mooting of the
employes of the shophuru wai held to-niphl
and a conferanco commit'oa was appuiutud ,
A strike ia threatuna I on Thursday.
ELD , February 21. The legislature
nitt in jjiut convention at n ion to-dity anc
b aiotud lor seiutir. Th 'allot resulted lul
for Ijjgim and 1 for Wailiburno , thu demo
crats not voting.
Cjiornilo loins.
Thn hizh liqu ir license bill was defeated ii
the Nevudi nuiiate , Tuasday.
Tha rallr a-1 olfsra toca ry barley fron
Walla Walla t j Chteajro , L'.uOO miled , for § 1 !
a ton.
Tha cultivation of rice la to bo umlortakei
by s uni nowseitUw in the vicinity of Mil
furd , duu turn Oie on.
Over 151,0JO pounds nf dried fruit have beei
puichiucd in Albany , Oregon , during tha pas
Sfiuorj , und It in MC it d tin entlrd product o
Liun county ia half u million pouda ,
The pjpulatlon of I'ortUnd according ti
thanowuity dinctory , u 33WO. This doe
not inclu lu 2,001 Chinee , nor K tat Portlam
nnd Aldiiu , walch wuuld swell the total t
42 0 0 ,
It U reported tint'tin Shoshone , Idaho
machine ehopj will soon h ve 00 oual cari t
c 'iintruct ' for thu Uuh & Nort orn ro J , nni
other car rup.iiing for the Short Une. Al
rtudy a long line of cars ia standing In th
ynrila and work lua he un in thoeardeparl
ment ,
II > ult' railway restriction bill , which pn
pidna that tha maiimutn freight ratea tlu
not ba higher tbau rites in f uca Janua y 1
1685 , nuu tnat pa engdr ratea shall not o
coed 4 centa per mile , lias pansud both hcmi
vf thu Ort-guu legislature , mid awaits thu go\ \
trnors nlgiuture.
A street-car liorte at Portland , Oregon , wai
on tha 10h imt , , impaled on thu pola of
runaway carriage team. Tha i.ole w
plunged four fiet into tlu unlmal'd body. S
f eat was the impetus cf the runa ways tha
the struck h i a WA < torn fro n Its faiimiiug
to tliu tar and carried a bick aud a half ,
Itapbael Mauco , now A realdtuit of Loa At
gflfs , was iu thu employ of cne of ( ieueri
tJor .on'n stibulUrus iu the Crime * , am wli
ne e'd tha famom charge of the Six iiundrc
at lUlaklava , _ which hu B ys WM the grutle
as blunder in history Hu was also a feder ;
ly soldier during tha American rebellion and
at uo * a member of the G. A , K.
Ycslcrflay's ' Proccciliuis iu iho House
aud Siiiat'j.
The Eivor and Harbor Bill Under
The Findings in tbo Swaiin Oourt
Ho is Suspended from Rank Duty
for Twelve Yoarsi
And Only Receives Half Pay
During Tbat Time ,
GoneerniiiK Daniel Manning't ) Kll
blllty to the Olllco of Secretary
of tlio Treasury.
WASHINGTON , February 21. Imtncdiataly
after ruadiug the journal the houio proceeded
to the consideration ! business under thu ipe-
cial rulo. I
Bucknor called up the eonato bill anthem
ing the CorameiclalJNatioiutl bank of Chicago
to incionsu thu capital stock to $2,001,000.
In opposing _ tlie hill , Weller , of Iowa , at
tacked thu nulicnal banking fystotn , declaring
that it was the duty of every patriot to strike
it a death blow ,
Ths hill pa < d. i
The u/.ual coullict between'tho nppropria
tion aud river undharbnr ; committ ts took
placu after tlio motion to take up the liiflt pen-
i-ion bill on the calei < dar wui curried , The
liver nnd hnrnur cdmmitsion wna victorious ,
A motion by Il.iud.tll to preceed to the con-
pideialion of thudbficiency bill buingdifeat'il ,
the house went lute a coiiuuittee of thu whole
on the river nnd harbor bill , thu pending quum-
lion being an appeal from tht ) ducieiun of the
cliuir ruling out , the Henmpeu canal ilauso ,
on point of urilrr.
After thu discussion by Ilouderson , of Illi
nois , tfpiinger and Stone , in support of _ the
appeal , und by Turner , of Georgia , agni ot ,
the deti ii.n of the chair was sustained-1 ( 9 to
93 so the clnus Is uUuiinatvd Irom the bill.
On motion of Hepburn , the amendment wns
adopted granting jurisdiction to thu United
States circuit cotnt to condemn any real ett.ito
or matoi ial nr uded in any impro veineut author
ized in the bill.
On motion of R well , the amendment w.ii
adopted prnviding thai ; the secretary of w r
may decline t expend any portion of the
money nppioprmted by this bill , ft , in his
jiidgmint , the Improvement for which mch
t.ppiopriadou li made will not be a * public
b ntht. *
llolrnan rffnrcd an amendment roetiicting
thu auproptlutions for thn improvement of tin
Mitfsiaiippi iiver below Cairo to" the completion
tion cf the works pn.PIum Point and L'ake
1'rovidcuco i eachuJ.
In advocating the amendment Hepburn declared
clarod that thu wori'ja'bn.tho.Misiistipp river
wtre o.tpfriinontaU rind.BhoulU bo cuutined to
the two naclioj "ppnfied.
Thoniaa emphnlic-illy denied that the work
was an experimental ono , and cnlloil nttectioi
to Ctio fac. thtt at Plum Point roach the worl
had secured a depth of filtoeu feet , where
formerly the wnter had been but five fee
doep. The amendment was adopted 131 to
On motion of Keun , the section authominj
thesocietary of war to remove t nd rebuili
bridgtu which obnni'jtiona to naviga
tion WHI stricki n from the b 11.
llolman nflVrO'l ' _ an amendment providin ,
that the money appropriated for tlio improve
proiuiucntnf the MiepiK-ippi river stiallbe
expended und"r the direction of the secretary
of war , and In with the plaus tr
proved by him. Ameudmetit adopted 13
On motion of Cook , the amendment wa
f dip ted providing that the a ) proprmtion fo
thu M. i-iiislppi nvi-r improverntnt Hball be expended
ponded under thu direction of thx secretary n
war , und in accordance with plaus appioved
by him Amid a great deal of coiiluiion , : i
number of i.nif nitments were Q'lopttd to "aur
vey" a s ction of tie bill , and it wan not until
OH5 that tha c'jmnjitteo rosu and repotted UK
bit to the h iuso.
The previous question was ordered , and the
_ houaa adjourned , *
WASHINGTON , Fobroary 21 The chair laU
before th > sonata R memorial from tlu le , ielu
turo of Wiscaniiri urgiug the placing of Gen
Grant on the retired Hit of tiio army.
Hoar , from the committee of piiulegeanm
electlonf , submitted u written report rt-gaid-
idg the dual sets of crudentiaU of Sunatoi
Allidon'a elections The sub ) mice of tli'i re
pore , linar Bald , Vf.\a that as Allis n appeurei
to ba selected , in either event , it wan no
profitable ta enquire whether thu legal elec
lion was that which took nlucu ou thu necom
Tuteday aftdr tbu temporary organization o
tin ) legislature , .or on tuu second t'lieBclu ;
after tlu pennaaeut or unlzitiun , and if t
wore nucoiisary to.determma tint question , i
was for tha Forty-ninth and Forty-elghtl
congress to dctorcume. Hoar uddoil of coursi
th ro was no doul.t about Allison' uloctloii.
Cullom presented a memorial from the leg
leUturo of Illinois urging some early aud ant
isfactory cettltru'eiit ot thu Okl.humaqucs
tion ,
Uawcs said that if the newspapers that hai
publi lied to many articles favoriug the im
mediate opening of the-e lands to sattlomtn
would pnblich the true itateof tha case i
would tend greatly to the public peace. I
thu editors of mch papers examined th
quutlion they would be convinced that untie
thu exUtlng tieatioi it waa impoitib e to op ;
such lands to settlement iu thu prentnt sut
of the title.
Plumb said whatever the title the Indian
may have remaining in the lands in question
It wan ono that c mid only find cxprutslnn i
money ; it waa not a title tlu. Indians coul
avail themselves of ,
U iwud believed that it was such remarks a
thiise of Plumb tint had led people to go t
Cullom thought if there was so mucn dlffei
cncu of opinion in this senate ab.iut the atat
tof tha land * iu question , tha people in Illino
oil | might ui well ba excuied if they did not quil
ut understand how the matter stood
\11 ] ) jwea asked the unanimous consent to i
U I once take up the bill heretofore Introduced b
him , to authorize tha president to
) r the jiurcliMo cf thu remaining lights ol
110 Seminule , Creek Mid Cherokee Indiaus to
ttceo lanilo ,
Shcriimn thought that tha bill had bottur
w considered at the regular time ,
Dawts said that a ri gtilar tirno would never
otno , UnanitLout consent WAS glvtn to take
p the bill and iu Irsi than iivu minutes it
w s read and p.twd It now goes to the
OHM ) for action of that body.
The naval appropriation lilltwrn laid bcforn
lt < i et-mtii ana referred to tlio committee of
The tiret tieniion hill on the cnteiuUr p.ispul
nil tha motion pruVkiUd to take un in their
nler nil Iho pension bills favora'ly rourUd (
ml they were nccordingly proceeded lih.
Tlieso liiirjg been disposed of , Cockroll
ailed lit ) the hoiioo bill alruoily favorably rn-
lo.ted by him fnur the ciinmitttc ou mill.
ary affairs the cluinn of ullij-iB and enlisted
nun in tliu army for lo of private prop , rty ,
leetroyed in tlm military t-errlco ot th
United State * . Cockrull raid thn bill wou.d
not include any \oitui \ sulTered in the w r ,
and only euch artlclpa t s dtemrd useful ,
necessary nnd iut otmblo for ntlicors nnd
oliljers 'o hsvo whun on duty. On the sug-
go. tiou of Sherhian time for prcstntti g ( ttijh
lainn was limited to two jears and as so
.u.cndeil . tin bill | mo td.
Cuclirell atfio ca'led ' up the honso bill hen to-
ore favorably reported from the coniimttce
in claims limiting to three years time fi > r pre-
ient claims for bounty or back pay or f T ser-
nce * iu tha late war , or previous w.v , ntid
ImltioBto Bixynr _ the time for preeenting
111 . orifiu.itii.t- heretofore ngii'iiH tlie
Juitid Scat's , oicopt in cnso of pcn-ioiiR.
Aftar.i thort debate Sherman ollVreil an
mendnient pr.ivldLig thnt the art should not
nply to b'lidi ' or other securities of the.
United SUtus.
Hoar irertd on amendment excludiup also
torn opera1 ion of the act , the claim of miy
late iigaiiittthu Unit il States.
Uolpti , suyiug it as imposslblo ( o pass to-
Uy n mil of eo much impi r uuco , moved to
! X"cutivo stPKion. Agreed to , and whnu thu
leers reopened the nemito adjourned.
lieforo Adjournment a muss go from the
K.U-O announced a diB'gruement with the eon-
le on tliH i/riculttuul apprnpriatiou bill ,
? ho senate iiiRlstid on its amendments , nud
he chair appointed a committee ou confer-
WASHINGTON , February L'l. The house
ommitioa ou public lands doci Jed to report
avorably on the Dei Moiuo.i river bill , which
vaa passed by the senate jestcrday.
The bill which tmsed the h.msn to-ciny , on
notion uf George , iu relation to thu Unidilla
udiau rorv.ition , is u tcua'a bill , but us
some amendments were adopttd. it rtuuiros
"urther action tiy the eniitp. The bill , ofior
illoiting the latds iu eeveralty to the Indian * ,
iiovidej for thn utvey and nppraieimerit of
.ho surplus , and for their rale iu tracts of ICO
acres untin bend lauds end f. rty
acres timbered lanilt > , at public
auction at the land cilice to the highest bidder
of nu actii'il tettler , and at a | rice not leos
than the appraised value , the payments to be
3art in hand and tha balanca ou tiniH. The
fund realizsd is tn ba used to uid the Indians
, n improving their severally lauds aiid for the
oducati m and futurn uolfaro ot tha Indians.
Jt appropriates $30,00ata carry .the provisions
of the bilf ibtS.elrcct ; $ I'tD ( ' O qf jvhich ouj ba
used in'eBtublirhing an tnddatfial farm nn'd
school. . Tha bill U snljj'ct t the anproval ol
nm' ] ' > rHviof male adult und'head men and
cliiefa before goine into t iTrct , " ' i
R'gardin ? the question as tn 'tho eligibility
ot Daniel Mnnoiug for the secretarsbip of tbi
treasury while a stockhol ler In a n itioni
bank'Jtidj-o''La roi oi , flrct comptrollpr o
the treaiury , taid to-d y : "Thi fame ques
tion was carefully examined by Judge Folge
when he wax appointed secretary of the trru
ury , and ho lUcidfld that the | .tcr tary miiih
be a stockholder in a national bank. Duririf
tha whole time tfolgur was secretary of thu
trentury he was a director ia the Geneva Na
o'ial bank. "
When Sherman was serreUry of tha treas
ury the question was rained oa to his ellgi
bility bocausn he waa a stockholder and di
rector in a railway cump'iiv , and BO w-ts h
interested in ci inmerw. lint the objoctioi
was entirely unfounded. The statute only
prohibits a pcrs n from dealing in public HO
cunties , or from engaging in commerce , am
doe1) not prohibit him from being a stock
holder in a corporation. Ttio statute relate
to the min , not to the corporation. A rule i
each branch of congress prohibits member
fium voting on any quo-tion in which th y
are personally iuterostid , l < ut it bus alway
been held Unit members who are *
in ba ka or railroad companies , may vote o
questions aifec'.ingthem. "
The findings of the court martial in th
o cane i f Swiii'm were m < t u public this evenin
t < gethsr with the eeutenee aa approved b
Ptesident Arthur.
Tlie c ant found thniicciiBnd not guilt ; upo
all the cli rgeH , except that of conduct tu th
pr'judico uf good unlor and military liice
pliue , w herein hu was found guilty and xei
tuncfcd "to be suspended from rank duty urn
p y for threi y ais. " Wh'ii Piesident A
thur had ox imlnfd the findings nf thb conr
he BHIS iho reconls ot the casj ba-k to th
court witii a letter faying that he beliovud the
si-ntoace wai iiot commensurate with the of >
fen is BB found by thd court , in the firnt OIK :
third BpecilicatioiH under tlie first charue anil
dirrctiiu a rccoiuideratinn of the fa-no Th' .
preriilpnt'a letter oontaineiln communication
d from lha attornuy genorn' ' , in which he ex
proesed bia opinion that
if on the first chirge. Upon rec'infider.ttion
y the court adhered to tlitir fir t findings bul
it chanzo 1 thu euntonce to suspansioa from rani ,
it nnd duty for one year with tha fcrfciturn ol
all pay f jr the uiino period mid at tha und ol
that ps iod to he reduced to the gradu ol
' advoctta with tlio rank pf major in tlu
r- juda advocate generals ilepirtment. _
tTne record ] of the proceedings having beer
Bubmittrd to the preaiilcnt v/era again sent ti
the court with a communication suiting fortl
4 that the eanteuco c uld not bo cnforcec
* in respect to the office of lowei
it rank as thi ) numo cnuk
it only be filled by nom nttion by the presidenl
If un l confirmation by the senate , and then onh
10 incaioof vacaucy. Ic was a nocessiry olu-
r ment iu the sentence ) of the courts martial
that they shall , rn approval of thu appolntini
power , be oip ble of enfuicemunt by tun ex
fcutive btitlioJity charged with thu rtuty
is Putt of the ameudoii sentence as related ti
, changing the accused from one oflica to an
lu other was not of tlmt character , Tha cour
id threupon revoktil its former sentence and adjudged
judged aa follows :
"ro me suancNDKD most IIANK AND PUTI
for twelve years aud to forftic ono half of hi
monthly pay every month for thd Ham
perl d. " This eeattncu Arthur to-day tt [ :
proved. It will bejobserved that the sentinc
of th i court approved by tha president tut
pomls General awalm from ollice up to an
beyond the data of hii possible retirement o
December 22 , 1898. Tha trial of Generi
ta Hwalin upon the charge that he had sold foi
go iisued to him for hh personal use reunited
n his liononiblo acquittfll.
The president else approved the fimiinpn
itid oeiitoi ci iu the cao ( if Coloocl Morrow ,
y which the letter U deprived of nil right to
dvMiCMiiont In'liis grade for two yonrf.
When the house appropriation * ! committpo.
> y vole of 8 to 7 , thricted the imb-comiiiKtH' ,
whioh 1'lhn It clihirinnn , to bring in the
ottiticfttion bill , liii'ed upon tlmt uf liut jrnr ,
Ilia rr' ignt d his place on III" stit ) connnfttce.
0 will n iw offer hit own bill , which appnt-
rUtcn $2,000,01 0 for the defense of tin- lour
; reat lint lie rn of th c < tiutry < n eub tituto
or iho majority bill , \\hlch will nppn prmte
mply for thu icpiiis of thonld fortlticatimis.
The United StattM dutiict Aftorney nt Chi-
mgii hat nindo a report in timtnl t't theca < n of
latlnmo Arlitip , ri'cominoi dit > g thnt her otfer
o cninpromUu bu not no.opt oil.
,1. U. Foxworther ol J.ln oln , INpbrnikft ,
las been riHtorid to practice ns an attorney
icforo the Interior departmout.
THK cosiMirrKK ON ri'nuc LANDS
eported to the stiiutv with amendments ( lie
ill to prevent aliens from nciiuiilng luntl in
10 tcirllO'ifR. As aliiPii le < l it provides that
lero.tltor it shall bi utiluwfiil for per OIH Lot
itizeus of the United Statop , or who have not
eclured their intention to become ouch , or fur
oioign corporation- hold letl ett.te iu the
ileries. The bill nUi > provldi 8 that no rail-
iHil tnrnpiku or uannl coi ponttion til > 11 here-
ltr acquire or wn 1 imU in tlm ttiritoriis ,
\cept mch as ore new nsi ry for their opera-
ion aud luiVrt been gnaited by cun riH-i , nnd
11 such lands whrttlii'niemiiietl lieloin or after
liopasaagu of tuii act % vhlon ara not necessary
r tlm operation of the c iiipaunj' , t > lntll UH
ivpoFod of within tun year * after thn pis < nge
f this act , and If nut UKpnstd of "lull bo for-
ritidto the UniUd H.ntee , All property
ctiulrcd iu vii lalion of tills uct , shull bj for
filed to tlm Unittd States.
Secrota'y Frolhiizhuj > tn , in n long letter to
ioiiator M liter , chai'iimn of the htinato com-
ittti'o on fore It'll ru'ation ' , t.kku < the ground
lint wo mu t look to thu nation * inferior to UK
1 wealth and p pu'niion ' for uuy limited im-
areemnit if our export trade , Mid that the
ociprocily tre. tioi a o only prolitaldo with
tich tmtions In of this .VH rtion hu
ubmitB the tradu utatistici already familiar
o tliH putilio , of tlio rimuh Amoiican states ,
be Wcbt Indies and Mexico.
tli > Chliinso In
OTTAWA , Febrnaiy 24.-The report that the
binoju cummiibion pretexted to Parliamtn1
o-night stut a that th-j rapid development o
ho resources of British Columbia depends
argely on the continued influx of the Chinese
nd rocoinmeiidsmodiratorotrlctijomfasuMH
ia od on police and eimitary primiplts DO on-
oi ml by ritild regttlutions and
hat tlio Dominion government fchall
nuct legislation imposing a tux of ten
lollnrs upoi every Cluneapman , woman or
hild coming into the province , the revertm
tins raised to bu devoted to the ptymtntof
napectors , whoso duty it sh.ilI ro to rep > rt
ha number , tex nnd condition of all Chinese
tnmuiranta , and jep rt upon all matters per-
aliiing to trio vjhinboin ! that province. The
eport also recommends the provincial Irgia n-
ni'o to pasa an act to regulate tbo domestic
affairs of the Cbinere ,
ClovclaHilto. ,
ernor jfciidriektf tulrgraphell the
etter to Cleveland last-night : ,
INDIANAPOLIS , February 2-1 ! , 1885. Hon
jcrovrr Cleveland , President-elect : Afy Dear
3ir Mrs. Hendricka and I have been much
nnriojtd by the publication in eome of tl.o
newspapers of a picture sume'whn * resembling
tier , and an article In bad t ate , attributing to
Imr an umbltion quito absurd I need not uy
thnt the i > ut.liratl n wua without uur kuowl-
edgoj that to no uers ins cin it ho eo offena've
as to ourselves I understand thnt nch pic-
tureit niid articles nro prep tred In New York
and 'tiinidhcd to subscribing newspapers for it
small prico. We trunt that it will not bean
annoyance to yourself or the ladies of your
faintly. With great respect.
( Signed ) T. A. HKNIHUCKS.
Tlm Nlnetonntli Century Club.
NEW YORK. February 21. Mra , CoitUndt
Palmer's residence was tbrongad to-night , the
creation being the regular month'y ' nineteenth
century chi > . tha feature of uhia i wn a pipei
nn the elective Bystem in colle.o Btudiei , bv
President Kliiott of Harvard. He thought the
average AmeiicJii boy of olghtirn y art
of oga c luld bo lot ) hut not driven.
Such a youth can celect fur hiimelf a hotter
cotiriie of study than any college faculty car
map out for him , The only WISH cour o waite
to let him fi How his own inclinations. Undei
the elective i-y-tem , ho continued , a ereat ma
jority of Kturlentn eUct nonie particular eub
ject and widely doyotitho gr ator part of thcil ,
time to it. The iii cii8Hiim followed in wliicl
Ir M'Go li of I'ririCBton , viguroualyattacket ;
President Elliott's theory.
It/inuriil' / < 'K Doiiniiiin.
WoitCESTKit , afass. , February 21. Oeorgi
Bancroft , the historian , a native of this city
ins signified his dealro to present the clt'
'und with SlO.OtX ) to form nil ' Aaron nm
Lucratla t'aticrifc schola nhip fund. " Th
income to be dovotad to tlm liberal educatioi
, of Bomo one scholar from Worceiter.
BeraliiU U prttVymcri general than any
other dlseiw. H b Insidious In character
and manifests Itself In running sores , ptistula
eruptions , bolls , swellings , enlarged Joints ,
abscesses , sore eyes , etc. Hood's Sarsaparlll.i
expels all trace of scrofula fiom the blood ,
leaviiiB it pure , enriched , and hcaltliy.
"I was severely aflllctcd with scrofula ,
and for over a year had two running sores
on my neck. Took flvo bottles ot Hood's
Barsaparilla , and consider myself cured. "
0. K. I.OVKJOV , Lowell , Mass.
C. A. Arnold , Arnold , Mo. , had scrofulous
sores for seven years , spring and fall. Ilood'a
Sarsaparllla cured him.
Salt Rheum
William Spies , Klyrla , O. , Buffered greatly
from erysipelas anil salt rheum , caused by
handling tobacco. At times his hands would
crack ojion and bleed. Ho tried various prep
arations \\ithout aid ; filially took Hood's Sar
saparllla , and now says : " I am'entlrcly well. "
"My son hail salt rheum on his hands and
on the calves ol Ids legs. Ho took Hood's
Barsaparllla and Is entirely cured. " J. 11.
STANTON , Mt. Vernon , Ohio.
' Hood's .Sarsaparilla
Sold by all drilgflsts. ei i MX for * 5. Made
only by 0.1. HOOI > & CO , , Lowell , Mass.
1OO Doses Ono
Leifc Articles On 'Change ' Were on
iho Down Torn ,
Oattlo Rgoeipts Were Heavy and
the Market Rather Slowf
Hogs Wera iu Heavy Sapply nnd
Values Loworr
Little but a Scalping Trade Done *
Corn Lightly Traded in and As
sumed the Same Tone.
OatH Continue Nniuliml lljo Itnlcct
Quiet Seine of tlio Pork Oi > -
oratura Gut Iivft.
pecinl teleginm ( o the Bnu ,
CIIICAOO , Fob-tiary ! 21i-Loading i\rllclet >
n tliu market to-ilay were wlixhtly on the
lown tinn , nnd whllu fairly native cnuld neb
13 cnllid much bettor thun catty. The nbn-iico-
if \idblemipply statement wan in a mean-
ire disappoiiit'ng ' , thonnh from < cartful titiuf-
icial estimates it ia laid there will bu but
iltlo change from ) : t t week's rigttiea. Tlio
greatest nctivily , nnd jikowiau easiness , was
u thu provision list ,
) poncd rathnr higher but condltinnii were tin-
si tiled , in that the vitiblo Mipply Klntcmimt
raa delayed neatly a day , with no | inspect oE
jcim ; potted until inenuip. Local trxdlng'
ivmked the prices up $ ' , from whkh they
alcr reacttU ilc , li-tlo except n , modn > : ito
icalping tnale being done. Stocks lu Now
York all showed u Ueciea-o.
Was lightly traded in and aammod the eamo
'ei.orul tone _ H , advancing jjiemly ,
: htw weakening , ai.d clo ing Ht thn bottom.
N'o. 2 ca It wan c.ilhd nominally at 3S.ii } > 38c.
Thu oh HU ot the nioiiiiug uts.-iou was easy nud
Continue litt'e botterthnn nominnlat31@31jict
'or teller May to * llich futuio all' speculate a
trading is confined.
ilulod quiet with noaellois appearing frrNP .
2 ; ( Jlo was bid for fresh rriipt < , ami tSc for
lojul'tr. "ltd hard to kick ngaiimt the pricks" _
ws thp Bcrjptmnl jninHiir. uf n , tmdor in the
pork pit this morning , When May pork waa
quoted ot SKt f > 0 nnd Armour was Helling
steadily but very quietly thi * trader , tog thor
wlili a'tuyirUiug largn number ol others ,
thought { , hu l-rjcu ol t he "articlo was on the
sceuaiiiB""c'Mo , . , and 'leaded up with'
the , tlntf. " Saving nbout that
time that thd .ju Ket , cotiuud to bo >
"temporarily" weak , U.LWB tn.dt-M thought
they could ufford to rialr/u Ettlu of thi ir tup-
port. So th y bought moro pork. To-riny ,
with'tho option referred , , t > U KI lllngat S12 80 ,
These liol.iurs ofluy _ pork felt that circum-
Htincea were npninat them. Hero nnd tiiero
ono of tliBin would let un IHM hull ) and prices
woull qnick.y respcnil' ' by dropping n pepf
lown- . The louott iiiiint , reached by May
lorkto-il > y wna 81280 ; the op i ing w s Go
lower at SI3 05 und thu clone wo.ik at $ 28) .
Trade wai not nt ull actl\-e nud apne.trunco ?
eenned to indlcttn tint the marki t w > ttltl'
liavx been a dccling ono with no sale of long
The recsipta wnre ho vy , nnd the gonernL
mnrket wm rathfr id w. lilg export stoem i f
1,51)0 ) to 1 000 pounds and thereabouts may bo
quoted fully as high ni atxauy time hint work ,
onu car loud of tucli Bel in < ut * ( ! -III. Oiillnnry
shipping and drtepod bof hurt of hU'ern. of
l,30il to 1,400 poumla aiid > theiuabouH , weio n.
nliado easier , nnd were Belling an tiud a' ' out
S.r BOW5 Oil ; a choice Jot uilght tull fi i-SCMIO.
M ditim BU < I rn , Huch a cnunirxinun Ui-ually
claHsHy aa fat , nro niHking 31 80uf ( ) 25 , per-
I hapi innro. So called' fnt < n tlo liuvo Hold
" more wittiiti th nho u range thu past week
r than for utiv other prio'B. 1 nrgH numbers
have g no over the ( -calas at S4 9(1. ( Tt os
w ro Btnmg , hut 11 c lower to-day thun at tha
r clone of last week , Common tteoiH , 1,0 0 to
1,600 pounds , mo ahv .y * plentiful , ml always
clew uf H.ile. They aru belliuu at $1 2o@l 75.
Fat cows It'id heiferd and ihoica butclura *
stock is commaniiug tne liighrnt prltut fur tv
yuur p.iot Tin ro are ftvii lar.oeHtnhhshmt'ntB
now in iic'unl ' op > ri.Uun tliat havuu special
lemand for tills tlava ot utoc" . ConniiK ; Httck
a not aa plentiful iiu-lait week , but prices remain -
main about thu name ,
1C OH ,
With the friish receipts them wro from 40 ,
) fO t'i 45OCOim , 8uli > , and under thid heavy
fuiiply uid the hn-ak i.f iOu ou IIIIMK pork ,
values dropped 10fe.fiu ! on ull torln , nnd at
the ilechru there wts un fctlvu demuid fioni.
uhlppeni I'tvl 8i sulatorii , but up to it late
Inur thn p ickers hut b.uuht , only hulf tholr
uttul iiumbtr. they vein luoking lor moro
of a decline in tlm atterneon. Pnoax nro ICc
lower thai , ft week ay a tu-d y A noticeable
fiature WIH thu cxtraoidirirry ilemund cf
caitturn eliippors lor Unlit uuit . Packii g and
ah'ppii'g ' , 2'JO ' to 450 poundu , Si TO&u lU.ll > ibt
150 to 10 pourida , $1 " " "
MI-H Dudley lUiiln ii * OIHulu Ioiicla
Special telfgrnm to TUB BEK.
NEW Youx , February 21. Mrs. Dudley
has so far failed to obtuiti ball notwitlistand-
ing the combined ulforta of her ooiueol. Mr ,
Ilntts said this inornlDs ; that ho axpcctod to
find bondsmen for tliu bonds of thu woman
thin nfturnoon or fco-morrow. Thu great
trouble about prociuuig hail i it thi fejr that.
Mm. Dudley , the moment thu KiU her ILbtr-
ty > will See to 1'nphmd wheroabo hoa every
bxpaotution of hemg lionix.d.
NEW YonK , Ii1 < biu y 2l-7hero
a \try fair ordes tridu wklcji linn take a many
ftuortunmte , bet north ol th * Ohio nvtr trans-
jorUtion Is u intorrupttid that f01 . 'ariHnfa. ;
are yeitrictcil to necessitlw by cn ep . For
the Boutturu trade tliuro b H been uiure doing ,
J'.jporta of domeatlu ontt 1 for the \veuk.
y.121 picktset. and for th uxplitd p/irtiou of
thu yv r total of 83 U B aguuut V'J.UB'J p-'ck-
ug a tin. inn llinn last year : 32.0.52 1BA3.
BKainftX2.481 in IBrt ! , and WJ-tf in Ib8l.