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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 21 , 1885. RAILROAD NEWS- 'The Through Fast FrclgW Line , An Improvement Portlic Iiuenmollvo DlssatUiloil K K ROIIlllH. ItisniwprjbaMolhittho paoUloofut frc'ghtffomOli'cujotiSsii ' ' Franclsjo will 1 > 9 commencnl about Match 10th. The podium roads w.H bo Ilia Central ind Union Pacific for the west nnd the R cV Island , 0. M. & St. P. and North western -for the otst. The ( able of rates nnd dlviiion of profits will be datormlncd nt n meeting to bo hold in Chicago or Omaha within the next two wodka. This move i ) considered a very Important cno in railroad circles. Its effect upon the general - oral freight business la awaited \tith no small interest , It is proposed to pnt freight through from Chicago to S < n .Franciso in ulna days or bettor , which Is approaching quite near paessnger schedule t mo. Ono thousind now freight cars , thoroughly equipped and providtd with tbo impravtd Westinghouse air br ko , will bo placed tn thu eervice. Four htmdrol are now equipped ready for use. will bo made via Onitlia and will heighten tbo city's al ready great importaLca as n commorcll ecu I re. re.A yr.Vf HPECIB3 OP LICOJIOTIVE. The Union Pacific will ahoitly oipsrl- mont with a naw specloa of engine which ptonrsaa woudorful tbiugs for the freight and pasionger business of the loid , if it proves all tbat oxjcctitions Ind c-to Tbo now oiijlno is built by the Locojintive Improvement company of Ttloic , Ohio , and his been cxpnitnonted with tu a considerable extent on tbo oiatorn roads ani on the Kansas Pacific line. The points of Bup-nonty chuiml f. r the In vention are that it plvts greater spco'l Tfith loia fuel than the ordinary kind , The inventor claims that au ordiiary en ginu can bo romidutdd and given the full benefit of to Inventlrn. A t-ial inglno which has been nuking experimental trips on the Kansas Pacific to Denver will shortly bo transferred to thii ci y , and will hu experimented in thu ' prrsenca of neles'ted exports. If the trial .proves satisfactory tlu invention will be oppUed to a'l ciuinis now in csa on the Union Pao fie eyetutn. IllSSATISFIED IINOIKSEIIS. The committee of grievance rcprcicnt- Icg the engineers and fitvmon who aie dissatisfied with certain aec'ions of the now code if rul-ia and rtgnlations , hat left tha city. What hai b ion accoui- plishoJ is not known. The m mbars of the commidce sloidily refused to ay any thing ns t ) whether any points have been g tilled toward the granting of the con- coisi 113 di'iiunded , r-r ti specify any bas a of settlement agreed upon. The local members < f tits Brotherhood of Engi neers osicrt with wssuranco that the road will grant the r quest of the employees , in point of rescinding the obnoxious rulei. rEESOXAL. ( TGaneral Mana tr Call > way'who was called awiy by the andden sicsnesa of hla slater in Toronto , Canada , is oil hii way homo. Hts sister died shortly after he had loft Toronto f > r Boston. General Supeiintendcnt Smith is in Kaunas Oily. General Freight Agent Smith , Assis tant Ganoral Manager Holdrod , > o aad C. Montiu irency , of tbo B. & M. , have returned from Lincoln. Hmry James of General Pastcngor Agent Adce'a o'Hco in Denver , Colo. , and editor of the paper , the New West , pnb llahed by thu Union Pacific , Is in thu city arranjlnu certain papers w th Mr. Morse , of the pasiongoi department. BOYISH PLA.Y , And Its Serious Sequel John fjorty Stahbru Ycstorilay Afternoon , Yostordiy afternoon , about 4 o'clock , Jobn Haggerty , a boy fifteen years oi age , was atabbod by Haas Riclicinan , c very Boriona brjaat-wound being inflicted by a knlfo in the bands of the latter. Haggtr'y , who ii employed as meeaengei 1 > y the Wo star n Union , was taken to tlu ofliso of Dr. Woroisloy , where his wound wia droBsod. The knife was found tc have ponitrated whhia an inch of th ( heart , and tha injury may retult latilly The boy waa ttk < m to his homo iv Twenty-sixthtiiid Grand sticots , when ho nuw 1 us 'ii n prdctrloui condition Itichoinsn , * ftothu biliny , Itnmodi t'li lldd to "nil homo in South Omaha , bu was c'p'uicd , attjr a htrdruu , by Ollioe Joe liorelos , near Tnirt erith unit ( Jeutri etroeta. lie 19 IIDW iu j.ii ) , awaiting i tral. K'choman ' , it appears , has boon mori or lass parscciitcd by tie boys surronnd < IUK him. Yca-erJay ufcuuiooa , ho BIJS n number of bo j a orgigpd him in i quarrel iioar the llepubiicin otlico ci Tenth street , atsul < iug him wuliou provocation. Ilo drove them off au < rnn around to Farriam street , bolop Tenth , where ho w s agtin hasot by hii partociitus. They rusbod upon him , hi asya , ami d rove him into u small "ciitein h > It" in a vacact lot nosr the BF.K oflioi * Hero cno of the boys proprsad to thioi Buiiio paper ILI i the hole and sot it afir in order to ec ro and burn him , for th pleaiurd uf hearing him beg to bo re Icnaad The paper and nutoli wor procured ixud the Cro win started ll'cboman ' , liowovor , managed to acrain bto out of the holu before ho win serlout lyinjatoJ. The boys began iiishln ; a him , and ho drew his knlfo In ajlf-dc fense. Flo siya t nt lu the general melt he did not stab liapeorty , but thtt h flltnply pUcod tbu Lnifo against hiu body and tlut tha latter in rushing against bii was thrust t < n ugh tha I r.n t Whothc thla porim of ins story lu true or no it appears to bo pretty gcnemlly agree that Richemaii has been more or lei oitrjcitul ind ponccutod by the biya ( hia gs and that Ira action of eelf-defon ; was jca-itiablo. He hai no father < mnlr-or , nl ppo r to be pescibl/dl poaltlonod aud qaiot. Uu tr y'd ory dots not differ uu terially from llioheman's , except that 1 ays n * ihlng about the clrcuu stances of proro3kt'ou. Much eympttV Is felt f r h B mother who is a wldo with eijht children , depending alrno ao'o'y upoQ the eirnlngi cf her cld BOO , the wounded boy. Mnnlial Blerbower's ComnilHslon , Ti9 ) oflicUl c mmlsilon of newly i appointed Mirshal Bieibowor hit be received from Wathington , Unly pi fumed , sealed and benbboned. T nitnhtl has been sworn in , and hna CI bUoflicUl bond la tbo United SU court. So that this district ii no longer without n federal inwhil. Ono cf the firzt oflicIM lutlo3 of Mr. Blcrbowtr will bo to onttr upon the prosecution of the makers and veudeis of the new substi tute for liquor , known OB "B. B " The I nitcd SUtos court will reconvene some two or thrco weekn honcc. At nrwcnt tli9 txchtquor is completely ex- Inustod and thcrj Is no rconoy to pay wlfnoesosor jorors. Mr. Uierbower has entired upon the work tf making a da- tailed statement of expenses for ths past term , In the way of jury and witnois fee ? , acd will forward this , together with a requisition for new funds , to Washing ton , County CoimuUHloncra , SATUIIDAY , Febranry 21 , 1883. Beard mot pnrscntit to adjournment. Present , Commissioners O'KcciTo , Cor- llta nnd Timmo. The following resolution was adopted : Kcsolvcd , Teat the county surveyor bo and Iio Is heieby Instructed to prepato and file in the county clerk's ofilco , a cnmploto eot uf inapt bf all ouUIda products In Douelai conn * ty , fehowiDR sub-division of lota and land ; , to- gather with ochool districts thereon. Also inako trncliiRs of same for use of attcseora , The matter cf road No. 8 , " 0 , " this day oamo up and on motion the report of the cuniniitlouuM wni aic > ptcd and read ordered laid nad vacncation made as poti- tlonul for and county clerk is ordered to dtaw a warrant for d-inngea as found by appraiser. ! . The following acsounts were nil owed : 1IIUDQK KUNI ) . Stephen Kobinson , on account of W terloo bridge 8350 00 E.V , Uixou , lumber for toad C 00 ItOAl ) FUND. fleorgo IHrd , damaRes Koad Xo 8 0. .S1GO 00 If. U. Thomas , work on road , 1884. , . 000 0. A , Jensen , on account grininp ; Wist Faroitm troet 320 00 Jultua Bchroodcr. material to nuke fill 2J 00 OK.VKI'.AL KONI ) . Milton Kncerc , giand juror , February term. ISS. . $ 22 00 Win. J.\Vhitilimi50 , grand juror , Feb ruary term 18S5 2200 T. 11. dchwalcnherft grand juror , 1'eb- i nary term 1SS5 2200 Hi lurd KImbtll , irrand juror , 1'cb- rtiary tonn , 1SS5 22 00 Blnx Meyer , gtaud jiuor February 18S3 to m 22 00 Charles lieirdoiir , juror February 18SD Urm 22 00 Kdward Callahan , juror February 1885 term 22 00 Wm J. Phillips , juror Felnuaiy 18SS t rm 22 00 Cornelius Smith , juior February ISSo term 2200 C. S. Higgin , wit. fcea Oct. term ' 81 S 00 V * .Toseijti Neville , wit. foes Oct. teun 1881 2 01 Perry Kllic , wit. ftoi Fob. 18S5 term 2 00 Jacob Petoraoa , wit. leca Fob. 1SS3 t ni 2 00 N. W. Noleon , wood for city poor 8 0 Gib < on , Miller & Klchardson , blanks blnnko , etc , for poor OR fiO Ceo Pub. Co. , 15eo Bupdlonionts I < 0 00 John 0 Ortun , grand juor Feb. 1885 Urin 22 00 Stoclri , JohoBou & Co. , goods for poor farm 580 C K. Mansfield , talej juror Feb , 188.1 turm j 1C 00 Stefllo , J hnson & Co. , goods for poor house 30 CO K. T. Duke hurdwnrs for co 4"t > 99 L' . J Quaaloy , soap for city poor 23-10 J. Mnunwnitfr , witnean imane cnse. . 2 Oil C. A. Andrews , tall ? juror , Feb. ' 8S T1 00 Cha ? , Fleck , care of imana p r on. . . . 12 00 John J Galligan , wit. fees , ' 83 term 2 00 Jerome 1'or.tzJ , " " " " 2(0 Ch'cogn ' Lumbar Co. , for co. piorfarm 13 SO Ii. H. Bright & Co , hardware for poor farm 39 53 Wm. Gentleman , groceries for city poor 0 50 Henry Grebs , bailiff Feb. ' 85 term. . . . 3i ( (0 John Marrli , nrond juror " " . . . . 2200 Troxel & Williams , weighing 40 loads of coal j 400 Jno , A , Marsh , poll tax of 1860 re funded 2 00 Adjourned to Wednesday the 25t hist. H. T , LKAVITT , County Olerk. Petty Thieving. A complaint was made by a prominent citizen yesterday to Marshal Gnmmlnga , Judge Boneko and Mayor Murphy , fos tbo suppression of an evil which hat sprung up in certain localities within the past few months a system of pett ; thieving and depredation which is annoy , ing groa > 'ly the inhabitant ] In the sontn- west part of the city , as well as those in the northwest portion. In those localities certain bold in truders from tha river bottoms hayc taken up their abode net In dwellings , duly rented or paid for , bu1 In huts or cibms built In tquatter style , upon nn- occupied lands held for speculation by local real estate firms. Hero , as canters of operations , these gangs of thlovc ; hold firth. Their depredations ore net conducted on a very targe ecalo but are of that jiatty annojing character which oft times provo as aggravating as thtf s i i greater magnitude. E-pucial'y ' in the sectlr n of the city near Cruii > hton college are these thieves working mo.t assid uously. The citizens affected have de termined to take some decisive action It suppressing the nulsmico , and are band ini ; tliemselvua together to that ond. Tlio Charily Union. The Charity Union lias moved its head' ' quarters , tbo Newsboy's Homo , frjir South Fourteenth street to 719A Nortl Sixteenth street , in Eddy's block. Hen the quarters nro much more commodioni and convenient. There nro sleeping fie comiuodationa for sixty people , though a present Ilioro is bed roam but for thirty , From tbirty-Qvo to forty can bofurnidiet meals every day. It is int nded to fit up tbo now quarter permanently , and oitabllsh a contra poiiit of assistance for the desjrviij needy. An oltico will b3 furnished wit ! telephone , etc. , and the loims will b fitted up on a scale partially commensurate surato with the donunda which are dail ; inado upon the in-tituUon. 0 8 IMBI ) , MAUTIN , In IMlaruK , on February S2J Mrd , Fiances It. Martin , aged 78 yeara. Funeral caremoniea will ba held at tt Presbyterian church , in Bellevue , on Ful j ruar/21th , at 11 o'clock a. m. is 80IIIKOIC IB this city at hnr sister's m if dtnci , 0.20 North Kighteenth strett , Fel tuary 22d , lloto Pbilomena Shirck , aged Her remalnt will ba takrm to Carroll , low to morrow morning for interment , I'S. H. Sornborger , Waboo ; K. II. Cowlc "j Gibbon , Neb. ; K. Thompson , Hastings ; 1 L. I indsty , Fullertogj \ . lUlntz find wlf Co.umbin ; M , C. Jones , Tulcamah ; C. Adair , Logan , lawa , are regUtered t t Mlllard. 8. II. Jcnei , Wahooj It. D. Stnrtevai Genera ; M , L , Ho'mer. ' Holmeivillet J. Colby and wife , Uozid ; Harry 0. Nibloc ColumbuB ! II. V , Sike , Cleveland , Wl antes Geoige W. Duncan , St. Joseph ; H. T. Lit sty , Chicago , are at Uie Paxton. " " * " ho " " David G. T t was am ted la t night ! ed attempting to pats a counterfeit quarter , ] tes ( hat the act WAQ unlnt uUonftl. BEDU01NG THE HATES , The Tf-1ept' " 1 < % People Molested l > y n I'roposeil liCRislfttlvo Hilt. I'lornon Drnlio , gcnerAl rantnjcr of llio Nebraska Ttlephoao coinpioy , gcci to Lincoln to diy on D mattot of tpscial 1m- pattinco. A bill has been introduced Into tbo legislature by Mr. Norrla of Johnson county , which Is designed to re gaVe , on n low s.-ixlo , the charges of such telephone coEpanioi ns may transact business thtoughout the Btrv'e. The bill provides that the rent of n telephone instnimont shill not bo over $2 per month , and tint for convoisjtlon with other cllioa the tar iff shall not bo moio than a half ciiit a word for each ten minutes. Whatevcrmay bo the undeveloped ratrlts of the bill , the telephone people claim that It Is un just and should bo defeated. The prenent charges of the campftny nro § i > f jr telephone privileges In citlis of the alza cf Omnhn , and $3 for smeller towns ; end for cmvoisitlon vtith ex changing ciliea about double the rites proposed in the bill. For cxamp'c proposed change in t irlfl1 would imkn the rjto to L'ncoln ' about 1)0 ) oatits per liiur loan than it la at present , or about $2.13. Durhg this same Imur tbo telegraph company can send only forty mca > rgas txi 25 cants oich , making a total cf § 10 for the period. } n view of this , the telephone people er uo that the distimlnation is nu unjust one ugiimt them , in favor cf the teleyroph company. \VAlt. KOCKY MOUNTAIN' O'BRlgX , DICK MOBIAnTt AND OIHEU O'DONOVAN ROS1ITK3 GOING TO REIN'- rOIlCE Till ! MAHDI. NEW YonK , February 21. A prominent Fenian paid to-night : "There is something now in Manhattan circle ! , at least Itoriginated there , and I presume tha other circles will unite 0.3 soon a * the huad center Is out of the hospital and fit to bo consulted on the subject All the preliminaries are arranged , honrovcr , and the matter only awaits lih formal appro val , or additional bugcjestloiu Irani him , " "What la it ? " "Another expedition to the Soudan to assist the Mahdl. " "To join the Persian party ? " " 0 , no ; n'lHo an independent a [ fair. The party from I'aria is all right so far as Jto-lie- foit ii concerned , but Stephens it not with us in our ideas of u-ing dynamite. Theio IH an other Irishman there , however , on whom wo con rely. " " "Ilm it been decided who are to go from New York ? " "Yes ; at least tin loiders of thn expedition have nearly all lisen ( elected. Thuru will bj tuven or eight of them. " "Da jim know their name * ? " "Some of them , Felix MiClnskuy Noinan , who talks 1'r nch BO fluently , will have clurfo of the party as far aa Mutseilles There wo Khali meet Gen. Macadam * , one of the 'No. 1'su-ptcs , r.s you sro aware , who will be provided with Anlvc guides light from the CJinps of the Milidi and Oiman JJigma. " "Who pleo are going ? " "Dick Moriarty , 11 > cky Mountain O'Brien , and a man fn in lire kly a , a man recommended by William liurus. br. Hamilton \Villi uu has been spoken of , but objections hive been made to him on the giound that his appear ance Is to well known and ho gets too much excited nnd talks to much about Irish affairs. John Kearney has been propo dhut _ bis excitability is aljo considered nn objection , nnd he is too well known by the S otland Yard detf ctivea. Dr. Williams would be very de sirable on account of his thorough knowledge ol the manufacture of dynamite if he could hold his tongue. " "When does tha expedition propose to start ? " "Early in March , if nothing intervenes to disturb the plans now in operation. " "How will the parly leave ? " "They will di- tribute th mpelves in differ ent vessel * of the Frencli and Italian lines , as I understand , making MarsoilltH rendezvous Ouco on European soil and wo ehall be entirely guided by Macadaras and his confreres. " " You spoke of a former expedition ? " "Ye , thire was a small party went out about the time of the London explosion. It has been succe-eful in reaching its destination without being molested , and wo have received encouraging report ! from it through our French agency. " Tuat inquiries have been made for passage to Mediterranean oort * i evidenced by letters written by M. Louis de llrau , agent hero of the French line of steamers , to 1'atrick Joyce , and also by F. Li Bou'a gur , the agent uf the Compania Bordelaise de Is aviation a Vapeur , to the am party. Those letter * give the dates of failing of steamers from this port and fro'ii Marseilles , and tha faros ; also from Mar- sell es to Ked Sea 1'orts. National Tja\v and Orilrr League , NKW YORK , February 23. Tha Law and Order league elected 0. C. Bonny , of Chicago , pro-ideal. The conference declared its objects in Sericr'a statement which was made the known ballet of the body. Among other things , that liquor dealers bad pretty much their own way , and that the bett way to secure better lawa was to obtain the en forcement < f those fxleting. "Save the Boys , " was adopted as the watchword. Audrow Pnxton told tha meeting how the league had cleared all the ' concert gardens" out of Chicago , TUB NKW YOKK KIIKI TRADE CLUB had iti annual dinner to-night. Kverett P. Wheeler presided and 1'JO members partici pated , henator liay.ird wrote : "A frank and full di cu-uion of true economic trade and commnce , whether uith foreign nations ir arnoiii ; the United States , Is greatly to be de- sired. " Congressman Cox wrote : "I have omitted no opportunity , in boaenn or out ot eeaeon , tc pu-siia my early thought as to the wrong tc labor which our pietent tariff eyatem in volves. " Carl scliur/ and Jjininr Call on Cleveland ALIIAXT , February 21.Carl Kcburz to-daj called on CleveUnd and h&d a conversatior of over two Inurs in length. Before leaving Mr , Schurz said ho had nut seen Cleveland slcce tha election and took the opportunity topiy him aislt. . He wanted no cabinet 01 other position fi r himself or anjbxly elie Schurz nay ho was n ked by Cleveland hli opinion of certain men nnd gave It frankly lie had nothing more to say. By tha snmi tram , but nut in company with Schur ? , cami Senator Lainar , who went to a hotttl , nuc aulwpquently culled at tin reilduncu where In met Schurz lit stayed until a lata hour Lamar declined to any what transpired be tweeu himself and the preniclont-oloct. St. Iioiils C-irls XeKlect Their Knll St. Louis , February 23. The knittln girls who ttruck last Saturday for an increai of wages held a meeting to-day , and agree to organize a union for protection , Seven members of tha trade * aisfinbly and Mr CleveUnd. one of the fending oiliccrii of U Won an'a Tf mperaucfl Christian union , ww prueut , aud urged the fir's to take spfeii action ai.d asais'ed in ghiog rh&po and dirt t'on to the proceadinga. It inoty t d cided whether tharo > hall bo a general Btrik St'nmcr Eluck Fast in An lee Flo LuniNQTOK , Mich. , Februiry 2a. Seve teeu of the crew of tha Goodrich tteaun City of Ludlngton , reached here after a lo ; and peiiloui journey over the Ice and op w ttr. The boat li twenty-five miles i Point Bible , well provisioned and fait la ice Hoe. a PloiiR Rank Defaulter. or BllLElt , I'n. , February S3. Edward. Yi Je ley , bookkeeper of the Duller Sayings bank , ! ! U thortage la estimate J at 810 , ( U $0 ,000. A oflty VM a member of the Pro'bylerlaa churcli nnd uto'dior In tie Sun- dav school. He npfculaleil in nil. H in need fall cr Is on ono bond for $10 fOO. Ho will bo ruin d finincially A run on the bauk is r\- jioctcd to bo in full bHft to-1-.nrrow , The in stitution has the rpu a ion of being solid , WASIUXOTOS , Februiry -Upper Mis sissippi valley , light snows , partly cloudy and tightly warmfr weather , variable wind * , goncraly easterly in southern portions ; lower barometer. For th ' Mlisouri yalloy , light snows , paHly cloudy wcitherari blo winds preceded by north went winds in the touthern portion : low er barometer , nearly stationary , followed by a slight rise In temparatur ) . In no Harry to Kill tlio Vncnncjr. SALKM , Oregon , February 23. KeRatdirg the failure of the It gi-latuio to elect a United Slates senator , Oov. Mooi'y said to-dayi "No vaci.ncy will occur until Match 4 , and unices 1'reHldett Cleveland mils u extra session there will bo no need to appoint a i-onator till December. 1 bhall bo In no haste to fill the vacancy. " Dalrtnrkct. . CIIIOAQO , February 23. The Inter Ocean's Klgln , 111 , , special cajs : llutter qulot. Keg- ular sales , 17COO pounds ; creamery at 33 contij 250 boxes hard skim cheeee .it1 csnts. Pri vate sales , ItL'.CHjO pounds butter ; 2,80J boxes cheese , Farinorn Ilnld Goal Cars , KANKAKKK , 111. , February 23. During the coal famine at Herihor , near Kankakco , yes terday , forty farmers raided the coal can * en the Illinois Central tracks , helping themselves to thirty tons of it. , Bettor Htoek , OSCEOLA , la. , Fobrusuy 18. For aov- oral yoaia Ilia cry has been "hotter Block , ' ' and to this end the tifir'.s of the majority have boon directed , and to n greater ( rloso degico they lirxvo attilued reaeonnblf good GUCCIS ; . Some have not boon excelled by any other etn'o in tbo union. Iowa lin not only not inado "bet'cr ' itock' her tco'.to , but hai nindo It n palpable faot , a fact tint rpaahs for Itaelt. With her line grazing lands and her ample ability , Iowa austa'ni ' well her reputation as a line ntotk-groning state. But oho is doitiued to surpssi n < l former efforts in this special lino. The gioU and Important woik is by no moaiu ascomplishtd. There Is room fcr 1m- provuuunt. Tnken ns n masa , the rdMills ( all f-ir bjlo tholoity ideal. Many here aa claewhero hnvo combated the idea ot line etccV , and have stub' bornly acd persistently refused to even try to provo tholr faith by actual experiment. Yet thcso very men huvo and are largely enjoying the Rood results ccautiag from the til'jrts of others put fcrch in beluOf of better stock. In proc3S of tinia they ciuld not ots'.ly do otliprniso if tluy rc- iiuined among tbu men of enterprise mid ptogrois. Sj ovoutuully these men who arj sitting on the chirt-tall of progreta , crying wtoal whoa ! cannot but BOO they a-u wrong , but wi'l ' not admit it. But than tha itnportatt wo'k uow to firmly Oitib iihcd H.O/IS steadily along , tccm- indy unretardtd by ih S3 mca .vrho are pulling the wrong way. i'ucic 18 auothur uisis of men who are rccoiviog throat benotit from the Introduc tion uud improvement cf stock. ThpsQ men are cf very limited miana acd Era justly cntitlol ti a fair shard ol the beneficial results. Men couejstng tbo caji'.al buy fito horsas , cattle , bo s and thoep , nnd pi tee ill-sir asrvlcis utuilly within the reach ot the poor man's purse. Thus all are benefited , thtir iulerc3ta being inutuil , The h wo of tc-day i > a wonderful c n- trastta the hoi so of Uealy-five yeara eg ) . . The ontrast furnished Dy the cat- tin , hogs and shei p , aa compared to a forntsr day , Is no lesi striking. April pita are ready for the December maiket , weiihinp ; 300 or more. Tha long snouted hazol-iplltter hid to to fed twoyeats , and tliou would aciu times fall shoit of 300. Thd few evidence ] clearly indicate that tha interests rf all deinind a universal adopt on of the caniprehen svo moUe : "Bettor Stick. " JEKF W. WAYSIOK. The Guards , Chicago Times. Liter telegrams frrm London annonnco that It wai the Oold < ircam guards , and not the Lifo guards which have boon sent to the Soudau. This is more ccmpro- hemiblu than thotripinal Informatiui , The ColtUtroam goarda a o a fighting reeiment , air' , have a hi-t cy which Is well known all ovir civil zatlou. The rtigim nt takes Its nima from a town named Coldstream , in Scotland , wliero .t came into existence under the pa'roosgd of the celebrated George Monk , duke cf A bcnnrle , who fought an gallantly and successfully on belli tides duiiog the stormy period of the rolgn of Charloi I. It waa onijinally known as Monk's regi ment , but laur it look the name of tin Sc t.ith town whcro it wai raised. It is nU in aoy sonic a play , or display , regiment , but his shown Its fighting qiul tioi on maoy a contlinn'al battle field. It Is ono of the three iof ntry regiments kuonn as the Foot goa < di , and consists of two battilloiis , one of which lisa been stationed in Wellington barracks the one just sent to Egppt > nd the other In Chelsea barracks , i.i . Lopdon. Eichbit- lalii n has n lieutenant colonel and fi.ur mujnra , all of whom are oxpurlenced military men. Po pi a who know anything cf the nuko-up of the En lith'oroa ' weio aston ished when the announcement came that the Life guards wtrd going to Egypt , but the tttteinont WAI direct and emphatic. Tbo Life guards are not intended for field rorvlce ; but with the g-llant Gold- s'riniicr the case Is dilFer < nt. Thty have a CghUng record which extends over more than two ccntnri s Taoy are the tldts11 , and pmbibly ttc best , regl- raont in the British sorvicc : Trottlnjr a JIHu In l\\o Mlnuton. St. Louis Globe Democrat. \\liuu Daxior trottid his milo In 217j ; in 1807 , It Wis hardly belioml that hii ttmo Hoald ba beaten , and It was nrl bra-oa for seven years , when Ooldsmltl Maid csins ahng and marie it In 2:14 : Then Ilarus redoced the figure to 2.U1 ] and thuj in sncjihslrn cimo St. Julleu Jay-Eye-Soj nd Maud 8. , the hUU : bringing the reconl do n to 2:9 : ! ) ] . Am Kyet | all these tnumprs elnco Iaxtei' egrfat | perforoiauco represent n g 10 o dloiily light sacnide , and tbero are stll nine and ono quarter to bs over come bofoio a milo shell bo trotted I 81 to ininutop ; but hoiBcmco are c nbden that this f tat will ultimately bo accom plished. Why pay oxorbitint prlcoa for you I meat while you can buy the bvat of meal . cho&p for cash at the Washlngto j _ market , Sixteenth and Cumlnga atrotti Como and try our 25 cent dinner ; froi ° 12 m to 2 p , m. , and 6 a in to 7 p. n 0. S. niggins' 1203 DooglM street. an I Five o'clock 25 cent dinner av. 0 , ! Higgles' , 1203 Douijlas s not. Twenty-five c nt dinner 'r ' in 12 m I is 12 p. m. at 0. B. HlpgW , 1203 Doui < l 00 tticct. Liri-UtAllV NOIKS. When a nfcw ilr.nirlus proved snccss : cctstul , it ii custoniaty for the audience to call tlu nilhor before tin curtain. They have a curiinl'y ' to coo what aort of nun It is lint creitjd tha ploy tint Lrn mntiscd nnd insiructul them There Is something very inuili like tlra in rtgird to onr great noffspapcts ; tiolr uditfrial utterancoa sro nil anonymous , but thotu la genorall } ' a tradition of como hilf shadowy personage who hts ostnb iihod the journal , givtn it its character , and constantly directs It ; and the public like lo have htm como baforo the curtain now nnd then , to address them In his own person , This Mtirat llalsto.-xd , of the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette , has done in the March number of the North American Review , to which he contrib utes an article on "Tho Revival of Sec tional sm. " In the aamo number , Arch deacon Farrar pwscnts hii views on "Future IMtibiitlon , " nndPrff. N K. Davis d'scusics "Tho Motnl Aapcc's ' ot Vivisection ' in a way lint brings together brltlly nearly overythlrg that nny ptr on of tote has said on the subject. Max Miller dotcrlbcs the astonishing ideas if the Buddhists on the tnbject of Charity , and George Jdin Romanis opens up a great subject wi'h au nrliclo on "Mind in Men and Anitnalf. " The other articles are cni by President Gi'min on Titles ( chi fly ilomustlc ) , ono by Judge John A Jameson on "Spccu'ation in Politic ) , " and ono hy John NV. Johnston on "Rail way Land-grants. " Ho is a good archer who fills the March Quiver , for its nrrowa tro of the bett matoriais , and ehort , straight nnd sure. This number is in in way boSiud Its prodecossois , The Lord Biihop of Ro h stjr tells of the church work lu South London , through tl o low haunts male numiritl br the pen of Charles Dickens. The llav. W. M. Strutham gives the aocrnd of his ' Rtstfnl Tuiki in the Rush if Life. " AH snonjnicui author furnishes tome Intercstinc ; facto about "Somo Singular Stoejilea , " with illustrations , ani the Dtan ( f Denver , C ilo , the Rov. Msr'yn ' Bar > , his n word to sty about the malokitjr. Dr. John Stjnghton'is "Suuday Thoughts In Ven ice , " sr * inspiring and. instrm'tivohllo the vrn < jrablo Arthur Gnre , M. A , con tinues his history of "Tha Growth of the Now Tistsmont , ' ' nnd the Rav. Hora tins Bonar concludes his paj.oiB en "Tbo M rks cf the LorJ. " Perhaps of a'l ' the in creating pjpcts in the number tint of the Rov. LI. D. Bavan on "P < pular Amsr'can preachsre , " wi'l ' nttrnct the mmt&ttontijn. The editor of the Qu'ver ' has net forg itton th so numbers if tlu housih Id whoco tisto inus in the dir.c- tion of fiction. Stories long acd storioi shor1- , and absorbing semis are-to bn found , all luuusomoly illiutratsd. Pott'y acd music lend variety to n niott a'trac tive number Cassd & Co. , Limited , Now Yoik , § 1,50 a jcar. 11cent events lend special Interest tn the opening paper in the March Century on "The L < md of the False Prophet. " by General 11 E. Colston , formoil ? of th < < Egyptian General S'aff , and leadar of the oxpediti .n ) of the Sondin. Numerous illustratti in and mnpi aid thudescriptions and a put ait of General Gordon , frtiu a pho'ogra } . ] ! majo in 1807 , is worthy of note. note.Four Four profusely illustrated artlclef. ore conipr sod in the March contrlbut on to ilia series if the Americin Civil Wtr , and they ard remarkable both with loipect to the pictures and to their historical im portance. Colonel John Taylor Wood , the senior surviving officer , of the Merrl- mac.descrlbosthocombatwiththaMonltor , ston from within the Morrinuc , and en titles his pspar "The First Fight of Iron Clads" Tlrs Is followed by a graphic account ot what took place "In the Monitor Tuiret" by the lata Cora mander S. D. Greene , who commanded tno turret , and received Admiral Woideu when the latter waa disabled In the rjilot-horjBj. General Col&t n wh ) , during 1ha fight , was "Watchirg the Merrlmao" from the confederate works on All'a Point , doecribes the scene in a brief paper with the above title. In the ihiid part cf the ' R > collections of a Private , " Warren Lo Goss deacr bis the ma-ch up the peninsula with McClellan Several eubjecti ate treated in "Memo rsnda of tno Civil War , " notab'y ' the conduct of "General R S K eil a * . Bull Run , " who is defended by Major C > mp b It Drown against ttitpmonts maao in General Doaurojard'd aiticlo publi'lud in the Novcmbtr CENIUUY. The difeme cineists nnlnly of a correspondence which tixved bolWtiin Geneia's ' Beaurcgard and Ewoll. In this number of TUB CINTUI.Y : Mtsjrp. Janus and Howrlls continue their respective ssrialp. The nitroaom-r Lingdy oncludBs his papers on 'The Now Aitrcnumy ; " Mr. Jthn Bi elow prints his ' Rcolluclim3 of Ohbi-les ( yOonnor , " t o famous l-wyor ; and Mr. Stephen M. Allen his ' II miniactnc's of Daniel Wibatar , " each ariiilo bslng accompanlid by a fu'l.p g3 portrait. Ruv O B. Fro hmgham hus a otriking oss y on "Tbo Worship rf Shaksprrt. " Be sides fie verao in "Brio a Biac1 poem ) are pab'iihdd by Stedman and Cheney The first fdiwn of the February CF.N- TUUY was 183,000. a siibsoqueijt idt'ou bunging the ciiculbtli n up t ) 210,000. The first edition of the March LENTDRY is the 1 rgest tint edition nf this nuga- zino jet printed , n iu ) y , 190,000. St. Nicholas for Mnrch opens with a frontiapicco picture of tno "Inauguration of President G < trfie1d , " to illut t rut i thin month's Installment of "Among the Law makers , " In which the boy page tul s also of Gem ral Giani'd stu > nd inauguiation , and c nioaros thcao with the inaugnra. tons of Prealdinta George Washington and Them is Jefferson. Another attractive tcrles , entitled "The Children tf tbo Cold , " is started. The new series , whtln acurcaly less winder'ul , la ( ( uito true , and In It Lieu * . Sch atkt , who has spoilt ssvoril ycarj living ainons thu Eskimo in their new horxoi , rolatit the many In eres-ing tblncs ho kn > W' about child-lifo in the Are h Circl * . E. P. Roe , In the second chapter n Driven Back to Edin , ' tel i tha ontcrt inlng story of tbo little ftmi'y ' if apartmcnt-dwul er j Jiirneycd b ck to the garden land , UK of their very un-E-len-liko riceptlon- rendered even more graphic by the uu moious cliaracterlstio il list rations b ; Birch and W. II. Dr-ke ; while W. A Rogara anccaakfully performs a similar ol fi.o fur three chapters of J. T. Trow bridgd's popular serial , "flla On Fault , " Among the shorter stories are : charmi g tile by Mr. . Julia Scliayei c lkd "L-esl. " tellirg of a little Gonna girl who waa bcf ioi ddd by the fjmoi and benevolent Prit co P. nlatowak "Little Kinp , " a blight tt ry akouh , b M , 0. Griftilt , of child-lifd in Japn , 1 which third la much that la now on strange to ua who live oa tbo other ii J o' ' the Wrld ; auda clover s'.oiyby Sophi Swoit , with thu title , "flow banta Clai Fouud the Poor luute ; " and there ai other stories , sketih > a and poems b Linlso Stockton , Co'ia Thaxlor , Malc.lm and others. The March nnnibr r of Hnrppr'i M gt- 7tco contsinoa the thitd Ins t\lnifnt of Misa Woolann'a new stiry , "K t Aligns. " which tnralaca lo ba cno of thom m nt iNHiiaiktblu of Amerlcau mvils. The dins' ' m ed rticlca ra"Tho Uouso of Orange , " by Pro'o sorV. . T. Ilowott : "A Glimpss ot Some Washington Uomes , " l > y E. W. Lg < itnor : 'The Capo Ann Quarries , " by Ellen Day llale : "in * n Old Virginia lon , " ( Frodorlcksbnr ) , by Frediriok D , icl ; Mid "Tho Tricks atd Msniota1 of n Cat-bird , " by Olive Thorno Miller , the Illustrations of which nro from drawings by William Hamilton Gibton. The third part of the anonymous novel , "At the Hod Glove , " islllus'ritoJ by 0. S. Rolnhart. John Fiako c ntrlbates the third and last of his toiies of papers on American political ideas , entitled "Manifest Des tiny , " in which ho ra-ouforcea Mr. Glad stone's recent significant utteianco tu- apaoting ( ho natural alliance of the En- g.ish-spo.klng nations. The Incoming of a now nnd demoornUo adminlatratlon gives special aiRii'fiOftnco to a i > ipor by the lion JUin Blgolow on "Jellerton's Financiil Diary" an nuto graph MS. Tdlumo which hasrociutly found its iray Into tholibriryof the Hon. Samuel J Ti dun. Tnia volunu contains n full ace unt of .Toffdreon'a expenditure * from 1701 to 1803 including , therefore , three years of his fiist proahlontlal term. term.Ouo Ouo of the moat interesting papers in the number ia Dr. A. L. Runmy's , on the hunan brain , embracing the impor tant reaults ol r.caut Investigation con cir.ilug the localiKition of cerebral functions. Mary E. Wil kin's tlnrt story , "A S'.nvenlr ' , " is a marvolona bit of loilism. Other ntoriis nrp contributed by Con- atanco Cary Harrison and the llav. Canon Machray. In Babyhord for February "The Baby' * Bith1 with all that poitiins fo It , by Marion Hurl and , rcakea ono of the in let Inlcrott'itg nnd p-a.tcal ! inhjett yet t inched U.ou by this msgixlne. A i tmpoituit ir iclo in "Fulio Croup : Its Pie > ontion and Troutment , ' la by D : John H. Rlpley , profo-sir of tin diatas o of children at the .Now York Polyclinic. Gootgo E.Vnrii g , jr. , the wull-kiown sanitary engineer , glvoa many ptac ic'l siugtatlone regarding vluoibiog In its re lations to pure air fcr nursery innutea. Q&rlan H. Ballard , -nlioeo Inbirs in the young poip'e's Agissiz Assncia ion have identified h m as a fri nd if till lovois o' nature , contribu'ts a charming paper on ' Naiiuo in ilia Nurarry,1' urg iisj the do- ilmbility i f giiriiig full sway to irqiniiea by the littUst ones obr.ut "their f o ds , tie UJTICW , the pcbb'cs , sni the birds. " Dr. Cyrus Edssn , tf tt o Now York board ot lisa th , writes on "Poisonous Candy" in a manner calculated to niako a vt st difieronco in the purahajea of certain kmdi of ccloicd ci n'i c i Jiicry if his ad vices woio heeded. The department of ' Nursery Prob'ems queries by ic.dois , nrlth nnswerj by the oaltore Is btc nuug exceeiogly uto'ul ' , comprisi g a great vaiicty cf topics of interest lo all. The United Service h fceciming mooof a ruiptaclo for railitaty aijdnavbl rjmin- isctncua , intcisp.rjid with novelottca , and devotes lees apace to vigorous criti cism and comment on current war meth od * and w r implements than formerly. It is a bright readable magn ine , be- s des having tha mot it of wondirf ill cheap- uees. The priso is 3 a joir , and the T. H. S. Hameis'ey , 835 Broadway , ow York. The English lllutt-ated maglzina for obrnary contains "Shakrpoare'a Coan- y , " by Rose Kingaley ; "Nawurth Case - e , " by M Crdiphtou ; "Tho Dramatic ) tlock " by H. A Jones ; "Jn a South ; * lUn Taverno , " by Charles Grant ; The Girl at the Gate , " ( concluded ) by Wilkto Collins ; "A Family Affair , " by icgh Conwjy ; "A Cesual SOUR , " by loien No.l | The magazlnn la hand- mely lllnat/ratrd. / [ Macmillan & Co. , ublisbors , Hew York ] Miss E. 11 Skldmr re , who has made overal visit ] to Ala kinnd POBBOBBCB ox- optional qiulificaticns for the writ IB boauth r of a book onii.lod "Scutborn Uaskn and iho Siihan Archipelago , " which ni 1 prova au invaluable n annul ol nfoniiatiou rolatirg to that mariclloue eglon. It will bo issued by D. Lothioj ; Co. How SuccctH Is Won is an attractive olcnr ) i liiN'rUcd ' by portrait ] made ex- r.sly aid with f > rokt. care , in whicli 3Jiiiih K Bolton sketches the history cl mo of the most euccofsful men of ted - d y. D. Loihrop it Co. , Publishers. Illiteracy nnd Murmonlum la the title f a brochure published by D. LHhroj k Co. , fn in the pen of Htniy liaidal " , it . at i nu ilnio oditr r of the lnt < rna iotal R'JVlbW , niH later , EtitistUiin til bo ttmth census in coa-ge of Inqalii t. elating to oduoAtijn , illiteracy , itu. Tlu ubst n oof'hosjpapersorlgiiall/appoar- ' d in i ho Princeton Review , and at- rect d wide attontitn. His VIOWB , ther hunio-erized as "broad , comprehensive , iln'a ' ly ands1iiUarDfinllko"nad as "tht : i st iluughtful and e nclusivo argu ; i-ii'j8iipon the snbjeo'syet presented , " ra here published with added matarlal , CasioU'a "Popular Gardening" ccmei while frost is in the air , bit urno to < eon for tbo ilniit to ronl and pondet var. The work Is deii.jned to liring t knofledyo of the boit girdeciag practice , , nd thu p iuiipl s upcn ftlilch it is based > ithin easy reiuh of tbo people at lirgo The boi k lus a colcrid froutiBjiiecutliaw n j a la'go viaiety of roacs , and U pro nioly niuttratcd throughout with pic- urcsanddlagrania The "DlcMc n y ot EnH h H'stoiy1 ncounccd ty C'a Bjll & Cotnpmy , wile > o icidy in a f < iw d ys. It is edited b ; Sidney J. Lone , B. A , andF. S. Palling M. A , atd will be irsaed in ono Urge oc ave vo'tmie of 1 120 jntev The valu . f a dictionary of Enjjn h bistrynee be dwelt upon. Why tba want of en Wis not supplied l > ng ago is the fire questi nlthat suggests itflflf. F .w die tu n tries w i 1 be in ra f rcqupntly r f on o to by Htudeiiti in and out of school , Uu ttii tno , "SVolumo IF. of OasieU'e "Gnator Lor dm , " by Edward Wtlford , it neat ! ruady. This coinplt t a a moit interos ing and valtublo nair tvaof the won derful ( itycn the Tlumoa. The real iiul engravings that accoinj'aTjy thoboc r.i an aHrac'.no featnre , aad inako it ti vxltiihlo t } thoio JITIOQB who want ' Hiw London as thd ia and has linen f < ro many jcaa. Mr. ,1 ihn Webb I'jobyn'o ' Italy ; fro the fall of Napilfcn 1 liilHID , to tl death of Victor Eramuel in 1878 , will I publi.lied by MtiuCa sill & 0 In a fww dajB , The purpojo Mr. Pfobyn's buok ia to gi\o a c ntiionpcoiint of the chlof ouiJes and events which have transformed 1 nlyfivim * divided Into nn united country. Mrv Probyu vaucd iho greater put < .f U-u ytais In I-fi y and among Italians , s ? that to writca from an intlmnts knowledge of mcst of the events described , Colonel Will Vieschor h s completed li'a story In vewo "Black Mummy , acd has tent It to nn eastern publishing liouso which will soon produce it. This ii do- cldodly the boat of A'ischer'sruaiiy excel lent production ? . It is the story of the south before ( ho war of the days of plantation luxury , snd Indolence , and slaves. It will appjsl to every southern heart and will excite at Ic-aat n fooliug of Intorojt throughout Iho north. Wo fool very euro that the book wilt moot with n largo sale , TUTT raKmnMBamnHBi PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Iho Greatest Medical Triumph of the Ago ! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPBDLBVER. ' lof of npprtltc , lie rrli coatlvr , l' ln In thn hcail , with n dull eoantlon In tltv bnck part , I'nln uuilrr the honlilrr- blailp , Kullnoi nftrr rntlnir , wllhnilli * Inclination to cxcrllunof boilr ormtnil , trrllnlillltr ot temper , l mr oplrln , > rllh a feeling nflmvlnu nrcloctcil lomo ilulT \Vcarlncm , Hlr.r.lnrni , I'luitcrlnir nt the Heart , Dots IiuTorotho eye * , Hrnitncho over the rlgrit eye , llcBtlrmnmii , veilli Qtful ilrcninii , IIlEhly colnrcit Urine , unit CONSTIPATION. TDTT'S l lIjT.R nro especially adapted to auch onsen , one iloao ollecta micli n shanKnoffcollnrjnstonstonlilithosurreror. They IiirrrnHo tli A | < nrtttennilrnusotlio body ti > Tnlio oil 1'lnli , tlun thn nrvlom H nnlirUtinl.nnil liy tlielrTnnlo Action on ' tbu l > ljeitlve < rKallilltr uli\rHliOl ftro proiliit-i-cl. l'rl"naSc.I niurmy > UIUT IlAin or WiusKEilo ohixiiRBil to n GLOSST lll.xcic liy a sliiRlt ) nppllcatton of this Dm. It Imparts a nuturul color , act * instantaneously. Sold by ] Jnigjl t8 , or cntliy csprcRson receipt of 31. Office. 44 Murray St. . Now York. TIMICEN ftrry. Equally well adnpto . to routh countri Qidiandnnedrlveiof cltle Alftmifaclared an ! olilby Illhotp JlniC' rrl enlliiMirr < tDd IV * . Jt . nriiry TCttntirn , I'mrntfv. (11. ( fl BBOtTBUSGY CO. RAILWAY. THE BEST ROUTE AND 3LI3STE Omaha iCouncil Bluffs and Chicago , The only line I o take for DIB Motnc * , urihall * coirn , Cedar Baplds , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , Mil. waukne and all points cft'-t. To the poojlo of Ne- 'jta-ka , Colorado , Wjomlrc , Ulah , Idaho , N ad * , Oregon , Washington and Calllornla It odcra eupirlot adv i t K < B nut posMblo by any other lino. Among a lew of Iho numerous i nlr to of BUf erlor- Ity or Jo cd by the patrons of thla toad botwcen dinaha and Chicago , Drolls twotrilDi a day of DAY COACHES which nro the"nc8t that human ait ml Ingenuity .an rreate ; It 1'ALACE SI.KIU'IKQ UAH which tro mr dels cl comfort and elegance ; Ita I'AIl LOU DUAWINQ HOOM ' 'ADS , unsurcaotcd hy any and its widely celebrated l' IATl-L , l > IMr.O CAlia the inual ol nhl ( h cannot bo fou * d ola where. At Council Blufls tbo trains of the Union 1'iclflo R } , connect In Union Dcrotnltb those ol the Chlca go&Northwostein Hy In Chlrogo the trains ol this" line make cloeo oonnectlon with thoto ot all eastern , Unre. ' For Detroit , Columbus , Indlan&po'le , rinclnnatl. NI.ROra Pklla , Duftjlo , I titpburf ; , Tornnto , llontrral Dceti n , New York , Philadelphia , UaMmire , Wwh- nKton and oil points In the Kafct , ask tbo ticket agent for tickets > ta the N"HT'J WESTERS , If vou wlsn the I"1 * ' . accommodatloBl I All tlcke ( | amenta Bell tickets \la this line , U. IIUOlllTT. H .HAIH , OeucroJ Manager. Oo . F s. Agent CHIOAOO We Vnfi itiTTrtu ne Til ) UUy.lolt or rrt4rdr I rt-oulli tir pliHulfBKa uvficuiuv l > y nvw ni AM untaUInc Al l > tiilf l Uwt rtn l > e. Qlivi rol > uit | j rlr tlp.r . nj > < Jmlr l > l t < > , 'l lt l > r I'Ull.llm up Hi * ( < ! tlnnifl nn.l ooocrulrfttliiff nourhlimeiit to wckktit n.rlloDi. Full lUB'Ktti ' , il eloi mtnt , "J runctlon , clten in i r7on n or t'i > t < > 'lrKil - < li nlmwn lililn m ! r. Nol > ilir lliniiUtiti fe'liuuriit ' , ) 1 i Aiitllinpi ! > . Medlrfel. rnerliinlrAl AMI ) AlmtnlnlPAl rl uc0cnTnl > llie I. * ' W I 1IT9 tliU mii.le i > r tr , tinciit tlielnoiit nrrrnn'iil kuown to t liicllctl pnifffi inCin. . n M wrrl'iI ( liutlt. ' * We A4J our tnilomemrntli'iffr Mrr , lirrlttf. AbOTA nfccktrj ormlinrr1 tullon. " H. y llon'tnn I Ifr-me. < 'H reru * t9 emlllirnt 11 ! * * ! I < * U InAf rntU'y ' til * nnflf n without cnt. " / / . 1. I't'pttch , * 'Allliiitllullnufir truem rll UI | Tinv r lielmlnr Army ol cvmiln * neitlOcAlfi. " JVf Or I miMflf' . Wrtle for our " rrr tli' f r Nt IMv , " ctrlnc il | n lion.r.lftfuc < AuJ l.ivvt. UAllialeAUJ laiplAla CUV0II1H1. Alllltll ERIE MEDICAL CO. . BUFFALO. N.Y. HILL & YOUNG , { FORMERLY HILL i CO. , ) - TO JL213 Street. We rill noiriell KUKNITUHK , CAltl'CTS , OllOOKKUY , AND STOVJCS , At the Lo e l C sh Pilcei to icilucc titock beloro moving. Olve ui a call and BBrnoiity. . 110NOHTI1 18th BTHKKT. PROPOSAiit * . UNITED BTATKH INDIAN HKRVIOK , " ) I'IMl KI1 > OK AUR-CT , V Dakota , Junuary 12 , 1B85. ) Bfdloil propoealu I' ' trlp'lcatt ' Inlun-crf , propoealt lor the erection ol cine Weiul l < ht and t'arp'ntei shop , one liirne , uhce and i 1-cila'ieoui hO | ; utio hlai'K'hter touwt o w un anil utoriKo bbeda. one luVu houco mu collar , at thin n 'fii y ti d direct ed t' ) tie umlen 1'ntd , care 1 1 C'tnel QuartcrniMlcr , department , < I thu i ) > tte , Orntria Nclj.ttlll hu ro- celtcJ null 12 in. Hiturday , IMrunry U , 1-85 1'laun arid BicclCutKrib | ron hv ixtrntnid tn the of co ol tha e 'il ' | uarten inter , deiartncntol trio I'latte. Omaha , Nub , the "I > tcr Octart" t'lilt K"i 111. icd the "Journal" t Kaimai City , Mo , Contioct will t > u avtardud tottieluu i > t rtapocblbla hlitder , mhject tb the approval ol the iltpirtmeutof thelntcrloi ' - - " * 1 he rlKbt , however , 1 > renervtdto reject any ami all , or any part nf any bid , II doomed loc the tut la. tereitol tie service I'roixH.U uiubtilale length ol lime required ( or com , JgUtum ol bulMiiu ntr oi ] > rfM l ol ontMct , ani in < et ho tccoinpilned b > a ccrtlllol chock upon * nia United fitate * U po Itniy , ( ayab'o to the oidvr ol the untLrBlgoco , lor at lea > t ftie ( 'j } percent ot the a.iuunt llhoiiropo l , hl h check Jhall IfO lorltil ol lo the United htattn In cafe o | ipjr bl d r itcdtlnir the aw rd ; thill Itll lo execute urcmutly a contract with KOO * ! " 'JuWclcn' ' nvcurl- UK , aoconlln < lo t"utirra ollilj llil , oilier l u to be returne 1 to the bidder. For lurthcr I I 'tii'at ' on addretu the uudcrilrneit | at Fine UWge Ali ) cy. I ) , kola TreuudnriUtitd will will I * at I'axton Houw , Onnari , Neb. , by the Friday , Kebraaiy Y.T. tt'OlLMCIDDT Jau t-8w m U. b , inOUe Aeeu-