Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1885, Image 4
r i THJK DAILY BEE-TUESDAY FEBRUARY 2-i , 1885 , THE DAILY BEE. OMAIU Ornon No. 014 AMD 919 FABXAM ST. > Xsw You * Omo , Uoou C5 TBIDONB BDILD- IKNO. _ rubllihed T ry morning , e1 "P truly Monday morning d lly rublUh winhrM Monlla . I SM . Tear . BlrMonthl On. . J.OO | On * Month . . . l.OQ The WceVly Bco.I'ublihscd every Wednesday TURKS , rostfiin. OnsYear , wllh premium . * On Year , without premium . MX Month ! , without premium . trUI ll OneMonth.on All Communlcallonj relating to Newi and Editorial mitten ihould b addrewed to the toitoa or TUI HEX. ' U8raXSS LITTSRJ ! All Builnesi IVsttert and tlemlttMicoj ihouM b ( ddre'sod to Til tins roBtwinxo CowrAHT , OMAHA Unfts.Ohfcki und Pott offloecrJon to b made piy > able to the order o ! the company. THE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , Props ' E. IIOSKWATEH , Kuiron. I A. II. Klch , Manager Diily Circulation , P. O. Box , 483 Omaha , Neb. _ | - Mn. CLEVELAND will devote the wooli to the preparation cf bh inaugural ad- ( Itooa. It ought to 1)3 made n wcok ell l > ojor among the democracy. Tin : Arabs slick to the El Mahdi like dcn'.h to a defunct African. Wo presume their htlaohincnt to the Falio Prophet it dua 13 n liboial tupply ef putu Ainbio. A PAIITY of Now York Fcn'nns ' pro. ji-uo to join the Mfthdi in Egypt and ttrow dynainilo at the Eoglieh troopi. Now thcro ii tomtthiog Bcnalblo and practical In ihio method of djmmito war iaro. If tlio English soldiers ate to be hilled wo ftuppoao Ihoy just as Eoon dlo bj dynntnito ED by gunpowder. THE proposition , under the now city charter , to make the bribe-elver equally liable with the bribc-tnkor , Is very objec tionable. It clotci the month of the giver , and cocs'quontly neither can be convicted. It'la simply a prot'clion and nn inducement to br.bocy. Tha only party that ohould bo pun'shed i ) ihe oflicor who receives a bti > o. AMONG the names of the Fenian allies of the False Prophet , who propose to nsi ] in e , few daja from Now York for the iSLiiJan , wo notlca tlioso of Rocky Maun lain O'Brien and Dick Moihrity. Thcss nro two "bad man , " and if the other mem- hers of the party ara like thorn El Mahdi cm congratulate himself upon acquiring a vn'uablo rolnforcotnont. llocky Moan- tain O'Brien ia n tarror from the wild vrcat , and Morlarlty is the gentleman ol vrhom it is so often aakodAra you there , Morlarityr TnK goddess of fortune smiles occa Blonally even upon a tramp. Such an in- oldout hss occurred on tlio Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton railroad. A tramp who saved a train , fioaa being wr c\od by A broken nil was presented with $50 by Ilia pisatngtri and baa since been given a permanent position in the employ ol tha company. TLh ia a hint to tramp : who ars counting ties bf-tween staticm those cold doyj to act as volunteer track Inspectors. The discovery of a broken rail may ho worth a fortune. A PENNSYLVANIA iromm has recently v'uited both hell end heaven. She wai In a trance , and while in that condition vena transported to the Infernal tealms oi bis Ba'nnio majesty , after which oho took a brief trip io the regions of the blessed , commonly known as heaven. She met friends and acquaintances in both places , and is now firmly convinced that there if both n heaven and a hell , and she ex- proinos great sorrow that eho wai not al lowed to remain in henven. Wo don'l blame her for not wanting to return tc this corruitrlal ophoro , particularly during eucli a cold winter. COLONEL FRANK JAMES , of Missouri , Las been made a free man. The colonel In wantciHn Minnesota tD answer the charge o ! being connected with tin Younger gang in the Norlhiiold banl robbery , but General Marmaduko , gov craor of Missouri , will probably nol boner tha requisition cf the govcrcor o ! Minnesota. Undar the circumstance ! OolonolJemes itill no attend the dtmo crAtlo blow-out at Washington next week , but koap within the confines of old Mi - nouti , and thns keep out of the clut.lioi of Minnesota. ALTHOUGH Anthony Oomttok ocn o'onally makes nmutako in his elLrti tc aupprcBS obsoaco literature and vile pic tutcs , it is certain that ho is accomplish ing a groit gjod. His latest efforts an directed against Indecent advortlatinoii'a ' and against auoh publications as tb JL'olicc ffewa and the Police Gazelle , th illu illations of which are coiUlnly to great oilont very questionable and d < moralizing. Mr , Oouistuok , backed u Itj ROY. Dr. Oroiby and Henry BerRl oaoh rapioientlng a reformatory soclotj proposes to proseod uader tbo rootnt' ; onscted Uw la Now York under whlc the vender of a paper devoted principal ! to the Illustration and description < crhnas can bo sent ; to pilson. The fir arrests are now being niade , and Con Block dechros that not a copy i tbeeo piptrj shall bo sold in No York stftto. Mr. Gomatcck ] hi undoubtedly taken a b'g ' contract , as tt proprietor * of thoio paper j have grow rich out of their publications and w : naturally nuke a strong fight and spct a great deal of inonoy. There ii n gen ral londonoy all over the coun'ry to ens laws probibillag the circulation of BUI llloslrit.d pipoia. Some legislature among thorn being thologtslatarcs of T aa iiid Qooig'u , have rrcontly paisjd BUI laws , and a similar bill has been Intn tiaood Into the Nibrasica leg'slaturj ' wi a strong probability of bccomiog a la Wo would suggest ( hit it bo a ? amondi Ai to prohibit each vile pester * os the of tha Adaiulcsi Eden companies fro Iwlng put up on tbo blll-boirdi and hui in public \vkdowB. TIIE NEW CITY OQAIITER. The honao bill providing forthoamend ment of tlio city charter , n * drawn by City Attorney Connell nni Introduced by Mr. Branncr , will , In all probability , be- corao a law with perhaps a few ( light alterations. This bill creates a now elec tive cflice , that of city andltor , making the elective oOlcors &i folloir8.Mayo : ? , pollco jadgo , treasurer and auditor. The city clerk Is to bo elected by the council , as heretofore , for a term of one year. Tbo nurahal , engineer , attorney , chief ol the fire department , and street commis sioner are to bo appointed , BS now , by the mayor and ccnfiruicd by the council. Among the new powers of the council is the right io establish , maintain and regulate hospital * , workhouses , houtci ol correction , jails and station houses , which will prove quito sn Important rent- tor. Tha power la n'eo given to tvgu'alc ' daughter houtoi , stockyards , and o hci such poalablishmcnls and places not only within the city bat within tbrfo milci ol the corporate limits , The jurisdiction ol the council as ta llluminanta Is extended so ss to cover electric lights , and tbo power Is also confemd upon the mayor and council to order all elcctiio light , tele phone and telegraph wires to bo phced under ground. The city council b also an ! homed to es'nb- llth tcarkst houses and olaccs , and to locale such matkot homoi on any alloy , ntroet or public grounds , or open any hnds purchased fcr inch pur- roses , coaditlcml , however , that if tha coat of the buildirg is to oicosd 85,000 , the people are to veto upon the propo-i- tlon , The ci'.y council dull rnvo the light , In nn addition to regu'ating ' rail road crossings , to rcgulato the time ncd manner of running street cm aud to the healing and cleaning cf the same. No city officer ii permitted to become a snrc'y ' on tbo oQliclal bond of another city oilicor. The board of public woiks is unchanged. The limit of the aslary of the chairman is iixod at S2r > 00 , trhUo the other members are not to receive a ralnry greater thnn $1,000 oich. The mombois of the board may bo removed by a two-thirds vota of the council in connection with the ap proval cf the mayor. A sot of covr oQi- cirj is created under the name of com missioners of adjustment , io conslct of the city engineer and t o other compo- tcntclvl orgincors , for the purpose of giving the city a re-survey , aud platting and fixing permanent metes and bound ) and monuments , with a view of hiving a map of the city plattsd and recorded , in order to avoid litljratlon in the futnro in regard to variations of surveys , which have heretofore existed , and also to for ever put at rest the disputes arising over the difleront maps. The right to construct sewois is given to the council , tlio bonds not to exceed in Interest Gpjrcent. Notrnoro than $100- 000 in bonds are to ba issued in any one joar except funding bonds and district paving bonds , .and no bonds on bo voted except by a two-thirds vote at a general or special election. Guttering and curbing shall not bo ordered or required to bo done on any street or alley not ordered to bo paved , except npon the petition of a majority of the otuicra of the property abutting on the line of the street to bo Improved. The same provision is made with regard ID paving , the property owners being given the privilege of choosing the ma terial , The coat of paving thall bo levied at one time , but is naio psyabla in ton annnal installments , except the first , dranirg seven per cent interest. A pen alty of ton per cent is provided for de- Hcquent ] , and ono psr cent a month , a ) in the caio of other delinquent cpecial taxes. Any party who pays his entire paving tax .Yithin . fifty days from the time it ia lev el , secures a release of his prcpotty from ny lion thoie'n by reasiii of the district > ond. Whenever curbing and gultorlng re done en any street on which pivlcg as been ordered the district curbii g and aving bonds may be ioeucd in tha same iinnnor and paid in the same way .13 the aving bonds. Heretofore the cuibiog nd gat orlng tax was collected in one [ nsUllmont sixty days after being levlod , vbuh made it quito a harJehip. The salaries of the city oflicors have ifcn fixed AJ fo'lows : Mayor , § 1,800 itllos jud o , $1,500 ; trojsnrcr , gl.-lOC , nd tois for himself , with $1,500 fn deputy ; cry auditor , $1,500 ; marshal 1,000 in full compensation for hlmsal and deputy ; city cloik , $1,500 ; police men , the suna as now , $70 per month , bat with no allowance fur witness foes it iso court ; ooucoilmen , $300 , which i an iacriaao of $300. The following ipeciGo proviso is trade Any oflicer of the city or member ef th council , who shall by himsalf or agent , o aa the agent or representative of any ether or person or corporation become a a part to or In any way iotereoted in any con tract , work , or letting under the author ! ty and by the ec'.lon of the city council or furnish nny material to bo used In an such work or ucdar such contract ; or wh shall aorept or locolvo any > n'u blo con sldorati. n or promise for hla influence c vole , acil ovtry person who skull oflV such vjloablo c ntideintlon io tuch ell cor for hla influence or vote , ehil. bofiiii in any sum not excoading ono thcusvc dollarf , or irripii.oncd in the county ji not exceediag six insntba , or both , In tt discretion of the court. THE govcrnmsnt cliim ogents are t iadustiions and tbrff.y tct cf shark They sioa bonanza In the French spoil thn act , acd have already opened nutrc omoflictsin the lirgo cilies for 11 prosecution of cUiini. They ire no llo ding the country with c'rcalarp , whi < sttto that daroager , amoanting to $ UC 000,000 , were InflcUd upon Atnorict i ine by French privateers durlrg tbo oaninder o ( the Eighteenth century ubscquont Io the rovolulioD ; that these pjarica were , after much International Ickor , olfoot against claims brought gitniit us by the French government ; ut that tli9 individual lossis , numbctiog ot lesj than a thoutandaoa captains and wneru of oeize'd veesols and cargoes , got o r.csmpcnic , although Ih'aty-tcvcn ' itTotent committees ot congress ropor'cd ' vorably and only five advoncly on the uoation whether our government ihould like good the losses. The act catab- shcs n special cqurt of ellims , nnd un- oubtedly the findings of this tribunal 111 bo accepted by conqrces. Consider ng that nearly a hundred years have laptod since the spoliation , the descend- nts cf the despoiled men arc * to bo num < > crod by the thousands upon thousands , The claim agents will undoubtedly make great deal of money , oven if their ro- oipts are confined to the five dollar feet which they charge for n search of the cc nh. Already the money la llowinc n upon them from the multitude ol lalrnanls , the majority of whcm It It nly fair to state will never got \aliu ocoived for their invotttnout. A NEAT LITTLE GAME. The last puH Is now being made on the ppropiiat'on ' bills befora the legislature , ud the claim Egonts , the claim brokorp , nd the barnacloi gonoral'y are poullng it'ir issues for the final raid on the rcasnry. Wo notice that Pat McArdle , bnlrman of the house committee on [ aims , has introduced an appropriation ) lll for the payment of certain niisclla- BOUS "items of Indebtedness. " It pro- ides fcr the payment to about 77 papers E $77 each for publishing the governor's ! octicn prcc'amatlon , making the totil mount nearly $0,000. Mr. Mcirdlo akes advantage of these appropriations or legal advcrtlalng to sindwich in n lot Mother claim ; , in order to pull them irough , it being taken for granted tbnt icprces v > ill not equeal If their appre ciations ate allowed. Among these lalma appears tbo name of J. W. Pol odk , as aEslgnoo , in numerous places and or various amounts. Ho is tlio assignee f nine d-llerent cUlms for witness lees , L'ornoy'a fees , theritfs fees and inoala or jurors , amounting in all to $1,040.78. ho Inevitable W. H. B. Stout j a'so dragged Into th's ' bill In lopca of riding through on the > nk of the rrcsi. Ho pnta in a p.ficioncy claim on on allowed claim mounting t ) $39.43. It would ba a very ainatkablo thing for Sir. Stout not to lave n JeBcioncy , but his claim , in this amo bill , of $3,029 , for putting in a ccsj- tool on the capitol grounds , is the essence E gall. How much , wo wou'd ' like to ek , doaa it cost to build a cesspool ? In maha a thousand-barrel cesspool can be onstructed fcr loss than $500. The euro f $10,000 was appropriated by the Icgls- atura for s = > war8g , and why should the ogislatnro now make a special appropria te : ! for the contractor who Is erecting ho capitol ? WE understand that the street car ompany proposes to send to Lincoln a obby for the purpcso cf defeating the aartor rmendment providing for the egu'atiou of the time end manner oi nnnlug street care , aud heating and leaning the sirna. Thu amendment > rovides for what is only necessary for le public welfare and comfoit , and the ompany is advised to abandon the idea I attempt'ng ' to defeat It. The people E this city have submitted for a long . ma to abuses on the part ot the street ar company , cipecially In the method of mining carp , end making overcharges bcnover there is a tt.ta fair or ciroue , r other big attractions in Omaha. There s only ono ttrott car ccmpany in thla ty of alxty thousand people , and the nulcc's onftht to bo sofiiciont for that orporatlon to conduct its affairs with a low to eccoramodating the public and ifcmitting to reasonable rules and icga alien ) . IF there is any d nibt still existing ate o the Caruiir gfant being a humbrg , the neeticn ought to bo fcravor sattl-jd bj be recant exposure caused by the burn ng of the opera house at Huron , Dakota 'ho giant wai being exhibited in thi pera luuer , end aflor the fire i rumbled away , dijcloalng an iroa fruni if rods upon wh ch it had been con truolod. This duchsuro ought t petrify Prof. Paig-1 , of Council Buffi ! who , when the Cardiff gUnt was on ox ubition In0m haiomo yiarj ago , cx > ammed It raiofully nnd tciontificully aui pronounced it a [ genulno petrifaction am so certified. Wo rd led to the conclu slon that Prof. Palgo'a scientific knowl dgo WIB as much of a humbug as th JarJ iff g'ant. ' THE latest piece of matrimonial gosiii concerning Groper CUveland Is that ho I going to marry Miss Folsim , agei oiity , the idetl of feminine beauty , an daughter of Mr. Cleveland's former la1 partner , Oicir Folcom , who died In 18f Mr. Olovoliad first Intended to mart bor author , bat upon second though according to Mrs. Grundy , he Ins concluded cludod that beauty is preferable to ago , THE Louliiana lottery crowd wai Jonas at postuuattr-ger.ora1 , and H-J Dd Manning Lai mtda up a now wbic aisfgns Dr. Miller to the war di p , r men Now wo have all along thought the docti ought to bo secretary of war. U always has been a great friend of tl ral'itiry ' , end In that paihion ho can c Omaha and Nebraska rutrj gooi than 1 oocldaaP. M. G. TUB salary of tLo city rrarahal fixed under the proposed naw city ch > tft at $1,000 , in full coinponrntlon fi hlmto'f and deputy , If the marshal o bava a deputy thia salary la altogether nadcquatn , as ho cionot afford lo pay a opuly out of that sum. The talnry hould cot be less than $2COO , if the pay f a deputy It to bo Included in it. IN looking over the bill lo amend the Ity charter \u find tint the penalty of 0 per cent , on delinquent special taxes oes into the city treasury , but there ia no srccifiea'ion us to what tmrpoto uch penalties sVall bo applied. There is no way of getting the money out of the roiauiy. It seems t3 us tint here is n ( feet that oncht to bo remedied. niul 1'unli. Boston Trans ciipt. Senator Pugh , of Alabama , sarvod Ir ho same congress with Sorntsr Logrn uat prior to the outbreak of the robol- lon. They Troro than membera of the smo p'litical party Mid were mutual rlonds. Net.r ( hu cloto of the warwhoii ho union soldiers wont through Alabama , a detachment of Wilson's civalry ap < ) reached the sldenco of Senator Pugh , of Eufsula. When they saw the troopa approitchlng , Mr. Pngh , vho had boon in he confedtr&to atmy entl the confederate ongrcss , nftnr having served In the con- grosa of the Utitod States , expected tc io rc-ughly handled. Ho walked out tci the front yard , and when the doUchment raw up to his gate hoaald to thorn : 'There's the house ; go In and take poa- " In command in- esiiou. The oflicer - Luiro3 : "Isyoor narno Jarnoa L Pagh ? " 'Thbt is my rnmo , sir , " rospindoi tha cnator , suppoalnu tlmt the uuicn bti menly wanted to identify him In ordot a make him suffer the moro. "He rj ore ny orders retpaoting you , sir , " slid the flicar , extuidlnj ; a paper. Mr. Pugh unfolded the paper , expecting to read n rdor for hla Immediate arrest and trans- lortion to prlscn. Instead of that , he oad about as follows. "To - , ofl'cer corninandlng , ptc. : You ro hereby ordered to proceed to tlio residence f Hon. James ! . Pugl ) , ut Kuf uU. and to iation n Rimid around tha premium. Sft list neither Mr. Pugh nor anything bel rifiing 0 him is molested. JOHN A. LOQA.V "J Iajor General Coimnanding. Tlio Experiment at I'ulliniui , III. lichard T. iiy : , in Hariier's Muganno. In looking over all Ihn fuels of the ase , the conclusion isuntvodahlo that haidiaof Pullman la un-American. It s a nearer * ppro ch than anything tha writer haa soon to what appeals to be lie idea of the great Gei\nau chancsllor. t la not the American ideal. It is beno- olont , well wishing foudalum , which do- Ires the happiness cf the people , bnt In uoh way as i haU plea'o the auth jritios. * * * It is to ba hoped that whiit its been begun at Fulhmn will bo con- inued in a larger spirit , and tint a grander structure will uriso en the foun- ntions already laid. It la flei.oi lly to io desired that means should bo dis ovci-dd to aw. km in the retidinti an in oreatnnd a pride in Pullman. It Is now liought a prahoworthy toing to 'Jboat " in itself which ; ho conipauv ; phnso : oint3 to samotliog radically wrong t is quito practicable io ovclop a democracy , or at leant what might be called a constitutional monarchy , out of the dopoli m of Poll nn. It is not more ihan hai boon done laewhf ro , as for example , by M Godin , t Guise , Jfnr co , where the affairs of the (3oiul Prtlaco" are managed by commlt- ecs of lab r rs elected by laborers. omo co-operaUvo features might bedded ddod , which foould bo a move in the ight direciif n , and every great phiUn- .hroplc enterprise ought aa eo n as posii- ) lo to bo pliced on such a f lotin as note , o bo dependent npon the life of any on-i ndivldual. Not a few have ventarod to xpresa the hope thit Pullinaa might bo wid ly iniitattd , and tbns Inaugurate a new era In the hist < 17 of labor But .if his signifies approval of a scheme winch would imm rae our laborers in a not-work f communities owned and managed by nduatrlal fiuptrlori , Uien let every > atriotij American cry Gcd forbid ! Vhat would tLis mean ? The et- .ablishmoot of thomoit absolute power oi apaslly and the repression of all free cm It matters cot that they are well- waning capitalists ; 11 capltallata ara not evotod heart and soul to the lnt-ro ts cf boir employes , and the hittory of tha world has long ago df monatrated that no laes of men is fie to bo in iMsted wi'h ' un- mlted power. In tha hour of timpa- ion the pressure Is absolute and the rasl ntnro of the abuse may for a time be ncoalcd oven from him guilty of it ; but t degrades the dependant , cjrrnpa * the morals of ihe superior and finally that is 1 no unblu'hir gly In the light which was nco scarcely allowed In the dark. A Farm lor Brrctllns Geese. Vorn the PaiUdolpbia Pross. Toe only go ( S3 ranch that Is , a f < rm devoted tj the breedirg and care ol get-ec In thla country is owned and operated bPhiladjlphtans. . The f-rm s located on the ca torn shores of Vn- giuiu and covora nearly 3,000 acres , ovoi which the foitberid occupmla are free U oam In England , there ara a nuu.boi > t Bueh farmf , 8)raoofthem ) having ut ligh a 1 000 popto The Amtricanoni s f much Jmger prf p rt ons , aa its il > cki nnmbor in tne noighboihood ot 5,00 ( olrds In certain textile branches of traio the down and fea hera of gooao are the mail rawnmtirala. The nunufncturo of fiui quilts aud the prepantlon of cortnh articles of u.i.iza the down , and In cheaper gradts of goods the your -ar an s ftoc feathers a > o used in the way o ndulteiaK/n / The largo and ttropf Teailisrs of the tails and winga go marn'j into the quill pens used by pro'eis or-a oaRroeaere , lawyew , clurgymen , tutluia aud others , ' are too tough foi much U33 in the tcxtilo productions notct above. The American farm is dovoiod exclu alvoly to producing the raw material ! urodud for the fine down quilts. Saver al species cf gee o are bred and the plu m KO of all its snowy wblttneBS. Tin birda ara regu'arly fed with coin and oth cr grain , and are pivtn the ntiruat frea doni coiuittoot with tha prdvuiitlon o strajing and lota. In coca queuco inei are employed aa herden to koup a patch ful oyu on their charges. Shtda fj shelter are provided in cnio of inclemen or cipaclally aetora woa'.hor , but tbi bitdi atldom use them. About evcrp sx weeks tbo pluckic ; tikes place Oiily the breatt portions o the aldt a are toocted , the fottheis of thi back , the wing i and the tail being lof iiitaat. It requires neirly 100 averag pease to furuiah a pound i f downthougl the am ) Ur feathers , which are also taV en , weigh much he&vhr. These feathir bovcvi r , fotin an in iiely toparate grad of product fri.w the valuable down. The avtri o llfd of the gooio is laid t ba about f' H ) ' Vf ari a d tt ey prodnc from aix to t n eugs per onnom , a lar nroporth n of which nro hatched A bir hatched In February i In ondition fo pliuklrg the following August , nd so o tlmrtwfter every dx or ci ht woaka. Th lea haw are pained m eacks and tett t ho PhlliidelpT > i UcUry where they are rimmed , washed , atuamcd and other- vlso prepared for tlclr ultlmato usra , u adulterating the fluffy down for the hoapir prides of go idu t o foathen are ihoppcd op fine and then uiirgled with ho irroro valuable nntcrlal So prac iced - cod are aomo manufacturers that it re quires an expert to distinguish botwcon lie grides , The local factery , which is ho only ono of prcminenco in the country , irnkea nothing but the finer pods. Heretofore tbo dnwn and feath- irs used in American maikets have boon mported. _ Clover Mi * . Alnuk. Chicago Her Aid. The CIBO of Mrs. Mack , of Janosvllle , Wia. , Isa romatkablo ono. Suvou yean > go her husband was found doadundtr , ho foot of his horses in his barn. There woio Boveralbruleo ! on his body and onn or two frnslu'oi of the skull werj found o have boon eulliciont to have caosod lenth. It wa plain that thisa wounds lad been inlliotcd with n blunt Instru ment of some kind and physicians who examined tbo body declared that the man ud not been kicked to death. Suspicion attaching to Mrs. MrcV , she \vaa arrested and eurno time aftortrnrd icr hired men wai taken into oattody. Thothotry cf the authorities in that the two had conceived a fondness for each other , murdered the hiiibnud and mt his body under h's horses' heole or the parpoio of convtyirg the lm > ircaslon that ho had buen kicked to leath. After a while iho man confocsrd liat thla view of the case was correct , out ho rcprojcntod tbo woman ai bolng not only the prlnc pal coneplrator , hut ho poreon who executed tlio naurdor. 3o was rcleatud after a while , the wunan swearing on his trial thitt 'neither ho not die had over had nny undoratandlng ibout the murder of Mack. When Mrs. \Ia \ k wm tried thn juiy atirprissd every- jcdy by aiccptlng tbo hired man's teatl- n ny as true end finding her pnilty ol murder in the first degrop. The only other ovideno tgtintt her was of a cir cumstantial character Soon after her inctrcoretion in the pen- toritia'y oa n tontanco for lifo her frlomle applied to the liupramn com t for a now rhl , which waa fintlly grtntcd. On this t ialtho jury dltn reed and she was then " ulmltt d to ball , "it Lai n > w boon dii- coverud that shn has unrried the hired man wf'O ' tts'ilitd n ninat heron the two > rovir us 'ri\ls , ncd ns ho fs the only wit 1031 thtt stito has it ii thnuglt that shu will novi'icgaln V > o celled bjoa to answd 'ortlucnm- . Under tha state lair the mun's cvidcncn would bo inc mpo'cnt ' coxy cvcin if hi wss diaoorod to turn igainat her , and cs thnvliolo cnao res s on hleconfomtn the an Iioritics will have .0 mn o the boat of the tituaiion. They lave boon outwitted by a very clever if not a very wicked woman. Whether Mrj. Mail ? WAS guilty of the nnrdor or mt , this casj thowa how laws , allcUs'gnudfor the public good , may be nade to defeat etch n h r. Telegraphy o . MovliiR Cars. > few York Timea. Three coaches filled with railroad man , iloctriclans and cng-noorc , left the grand Jtntril Station over the Now Yi rk and tfew IIiV--n llailroadyesterday afternoon Vt Now Kochelle the coaches were de tached from the thrju h train and cou- ) led to an nigino and baggage car , in ono ; rner of which were the batteries andin- trumonts cf the Phelps Induction Ttlo- raph C mpany. The train WES run to ho Hailem River , tni on the return tripe , o New llcchtllo and opportunity waa ; iven to see the working of the now in vuntion , by which it ia claimed that a rain ir motion can bo kept in constant elegraphio communication with the stationary world. The ttlegraph compa- ly has laid about twclvo miles of wire on ho H rlfm Branch , and the sjs'otn has ) een in daily uao fur aboiit two weeks. The principle of induction ia made nro > f for the operation of tha lino. A single suUtod wire is laid along the alcepuis midway between the rails and ia connec- .od . at the various s'atlcns Under tro ) ody cf the car in arranged a coil or cop ier wire In a twoinch pipe. Tin upper icrtlon of tlo coil is carried al < ng inside ho car proper. The lower portion is car ried parallel wllh the track and directly over the line ccnductcr at a distance of six or seven Inches. The coil is connected with sit Instrument in the car. Toe tele- jraphiop between thn car and the main ino is effected by induction. The ex- lerimonls yesterday were not wholly sat- tfictory in receiving , bat any number of ueBsages were act t while the train was a motion. Iho telegraph will bo In dui- y opcntiou rn the reid on trains leaving the Harlem River at 11:55 : a m. and 2:10 : ) . m. A Congressional Orator. tVashiogton Coi. Philadelphia Itecoid. John W. Daniel , of Virginia , will bo mat eloquent among the new members. HO is a yonn < { man yet , well this nido of " 50 , although in very bad health and mnch older L oklng. Bis curly hair ia as black ss g > rd con1 , though , liii smo nh- shaven fuco is pi la. Do rather resemt les iho ordinary portral's ' of Byri n. Thoi gh very young he fought all through the lite war. ri inn to bo a mtjorintho eon'ed- oral o army , and coraiDg out rr'ppltd ' by s voro wounds IIo is BII old-ttishinnod Virginia gentleman of knightly rntuncra , great ri ( moment , tn'l nil the col uro tbtit the o'd University of Virginia could g ye lilm. _ Un has bsen a prominent figure in rgirjit for years as 010 of iho foremost opponents of the roucljus'or movement , Ife will pnbably s t ia th < senate foi V r lnia if he lives t n j oars moro. Hit eoquonco ! fir.t won national fame in the democratic national convention in 1880 , when , ( n behalf of the Virginia del ga t on , ho seconded tbo nomination of Gor , tlanocck. Wo aball nil have a chance U hear him on the Slit when ho will clbllvei an oration in tro houioof representative on the Waahlng on monuratnt Bo ii cer'alnly ' the beat man who could have beensoloolod tonpraront Virginia , fci hi is her foreracst orator. COLLARS if > CUFFS THII UAKX AKI THI FINEST GOODS EVER MADE , tiNa ill Linen , IOTH LtD'ngs ' AND Exterior * . Aak for them ( JAM ' HIUSMAe ) Tt ) for Omaba ( anooxesona TO JOHH a , JA.OODI ) UNDERTAKERS At the old Un < l 1117 Karnam Bt , Order * by We Kr phBolicJt d cJpronp'4 ttHodedto. Tslephoo SPECIAL NOTICES. M OSKV LONKPJ. . T. n.Ally loinjon fh tlVl 2138. Utli st , | ' ( ! f. MO KVTOI.O N-Jn mms ot $10 uml p. on lior ffi. iil no , turnlturo nJ all kluil ol chMtcK W. 11 Hotter , H04 r tnMn tt. . Pr MOXhV TO LOAN 1 haxo mouty lo lo n on Im. | to\nlcl' > jiroiortv In tnj nmuiitu to milt , t ca nn l I a r T W. H. Mottcr , 1U4 Karcnm t. , our Moist'a ( hoc store. SSStt MOMKT TO LOAN lo sumi Pi KtOtuJ ui'wiM 0. F. Dull unj Co , , I'.idl KUtfl Mid Xxun ARtnts , 1105 Firtim SI. 5U7 tt ONKT lc ned on ch lt t . lUlltc d M bought and cold. , Totatat.0 , 118 M. 1Mb WANTED. _ - A Kill to ( oRciurnl houionork , ejok- l li'B , nliiKi\nillioiilui , al'nftwoa d lrl to do up Blnlrs woik nd tike cure ot a 1 ln , In n small fnl1'7 ! ' . .lncoml > ct.1 ' * ' ' > > " ! tot U' < S 2Sdtt , 4th liuunolrotn ittifim. 3IJSJ \yAXTKO--lTincil'M | jr , tnn eiUanltnl Iron ' w' ' ' Unlju WANTKH A flrtt cUs MnuW book forwarder at C. F. Whlltjoj' , 1121 Fntim ii st SM 55 T\'ANTiD-A : goad Kill J Uth and D M-n110tt TT A. Carey _ : ; in ( V\/AN rPl ) Aconln for JlnrW Twain's tew book , II cklobcrry HMD , lor Kchrai andlu Aj A bonftir ( orsRcnti Send "Scctit- for outfit , nr cal on M J Torn Rcncrtl ARcnt , 1615 Ca | > ltcl a\c. Onuha , Nub. , after 4 p U ) . Si ) 24p WANTIIU tliorouRn aiH rollablo book-keeper to the rllit ( man cnod u > KOS will bo paid. Ad drcMlth rrfcrcnct and ttato Hilary expected ; \ . euro Hccolllco & 34 21 1VANTKD Chamtcrtnald at it. Clnilca hotel , > 1 327U \\7"ANTii : > y nlidy , a prhati liutrJ.tor la arltbmttlc. Address ' 1' . y. " Ikoolllco. 314 24p "ItT'AMliD A clrl ffr generalhousonork Xfrj. > V R. H. Wilbur , f > 31 i loisuitet 313U A till f > r general h u'tftorli. Apjlt to Korthwost cot ntr of Lctu on worth ct. uni touthatu ( lerman prcf rri-d 3 0-13 \\fAXTlll ) A etout toy OT joui'Rtian. Itcfortn Tl COH an tohonoitj rtqultcd. a. Lehman , ItflS I'arnaui xticcl. : < 43tl \T7ANTKI ) - n cxpirleiiccil seoitid girl ; mu t lie nco.dnaltoilra.Jolui M. Thuiston , 1305 Karniin at lilltl ANTKC A launilrcsa a the .Ion H Ho"se W South OmiLa luiiuuo at J. II. French & C 'e I'mFurnaniht. ! ir82Jp A\TAS1MJ- A thoou.hl , coTHtont rook rit I f laund'tsa ; ictoitnctH icigulrud Mrs. W It. JlcCcrd. d Woor l th and Dou l s. 2S2lf TVTANTKn A marrl d man who unrtcr tandi I' fani'lng ' end ttock raiting , to takn chtncol a four her e teiin. Apply to Charlea Child ; , 1VCC Lci\cnuortli it. 280-2 j > * D A crmpptcntrctM * ' t glr' to do ginr WANT work u : 1517 St 2l3f WANTFD / gents for our new bof.k. gcoJ pay to nortotu ' "nil cr address Goo. Hunur , KS > ! ) Hurt St , Omaba Neb. 1 5-m4p TXTANTHD GcoJ Hio solicitors Address Mutual \ \ i all InmranccCo.St wnitNeb. tf5-lmp Sll'UATIDKS WANTED < TKD ll a wom r , a a'tuatlnn s hwv o- WAJ ; cor. IBth ki.d C s , up ital' . o\er Gentleiiuu'tf r o rj store. 1(13 ( 23p ' i'AM' 1 > ti > : i id , , ai oai'lo i a > icoketpcr ; It rtfurcucca. Addro sV , ' . V. K. , Die oiUcu. Sltuat on Ij an exi cr cmc'l Mirsoto ( i' fur an i-i\olld or for cbil Irtn. A > M o H A. C.lIaecr.Ic. < r > uiiieaii.bawiii5 eituilluu tt Atouu , Io wholesale oeUbllabcrei ; ! lu Ore h . Addrnw "O. " r re Bee. r 1M M1SCELLAKEOUS WAo'i'S. / N lYn-Tos I1 aooYcctlon of < lT U sT"atd foreign coins , czitap. O. A. Kogo < x 41H N 14th St. , oty 3i52Jp WANTED llr 3 yauiiR gcnt'einun ' , eultof nlrely furnished rooms , 1 BUI Ing nnd 2 bed rionis , wlthSBiiglcbcilK , loca'ort south ot Douglas ( .trcet. AddtctBSiatlDgprico FV I'.Jico ollle. C'.Mp \I/ANTKD E\crj l ly In nied of oso'lngnia- TT uhine toBCethonew Impr ml An-erlctn No. 7. r. V. Hadniin & Co. , a mta ; 20S N lOlh. 3M.I A tcntUman room mate to b'a d 111 WANTUU ! > ; rcltrcncca icqulred. Adir sa C. A.tieiofllco. . SiBtf . Ad\erti er having s'orIn peed 1-ca- WANT1.D t > Btuit gr.ctry bualtow. Address -B U " Bee olllce. 208-23p V\7ANTKI ) Any ono \ > i hlng to Bill a first cla a V > hnuso and lot , cheap , bet. ISth a < d 23th bta , can find a cwli cubtomor by addrojeUg "J , ' Paxton lotcl. S03 2ip _ Ladlm arc ! gmtl'mon lo take nice , I Ight , pleasant work attlulr own h'mm ( dlj- tancu to object on ) ; voikecut by nrt'l ; $ ' to S ri a day cm > tu qulcth made ; no cam a < ug Tie no ad- Iroieatoi OH , RiJUbla Man'fg Co. , I'hll.itulnhlu , I'o. Bc1BO ? . 250-Mp ANrfiBy Aurll 1st , 183" , a house wl h 83' ' on or eight lo rnn and raojcrn luiprovciucnts , notr bu > lnuiH ; B th of Farnam and wc t ol ' 7ih * t irclerrcd. Addrn Plu Karnaui St. 278 > 3d II f NTED La 11' a at d gentlemen In city or conn- W trj to nke light work at their on h"ue 3 to $4 $ a day easily made ; wrtk > nt bv mall ; nn canvass. ng * u \ogood demand for turwork nnd furnish steady employment. Addrca- with btauip , i H WN MT 0. LOMl'AitY. 201 Vint ) t , Uliiclnnatl , Ohio. H3in4p WANTFI ) Hit rncrBtnbui atShann n's , 17th an i M'io'asbt ull klhds of nuats 15 i or cent chopper thin any paiklng homo In iho o ty IIo alno kiepK a c < miii'iB on houto with a 1 k'nds of pr > > duct- , the best and cheapest lu the nuiKot fur < usb. _ _ _ _ fOl 23p T17ANTEII Agcnti to wo'lt ' for t'jo WtBtern Mu VV tual lUneto'cut ' Assocla'lon , ot Beatrice , * < ! > . ca | ital 81uO 1 00 , paid up In full I huflc deslrlt g ogcncti- In Duteru Xe ra > ka orVo iirn luw-ii , sh Did kddrcsj ( J , } . Wooilty No J22i TamJin st , Omaha , cb or Other t'nbln , tec'j , IJeotrito Neb. To good avonta , men or woiuin , a llbo al compcn-atlon will bo pa'd. ' Company Ii rooi > tr - t vo lu plan , eafu , reliable tnd cheap , and ca y 1 1 work RM.IX2 HUNT-HOUSES AND LOTS. FOR KNT-Clgnr store furnltuiu for silt , c r. 12th bt. , IZOi Uodgo Bt SIS 2p FOI KENT A f , ur room IIOUHO , with ctlUr , clOHetB and out I-1 then ; ? ' 8.Su per inoLth. K qulro 0.3 N 21st at. 1' . J. Crvdon 3l7tf lENT-Setenl mill cottafo' In illllcrni FOR ( arts cf tl.o cltv. Aluoor o l > rjo ; room i n a Ihi-r lUrker'flbl ckldhand I'arnuin , 6"d a ai < cp- Inir room tn 3d Hoar. O. K ytie. 8 W irtli * iu Ftrnaui. 33) 28 - , \ KENT -Ilrlrk honsc , 8 roims , S4lh and ll\r. I-\JR . . K. Davis i. Co. ! 1.2.l F ° 111 1713 Dodge street. Will FOR KENT titoieon f ummlrga Pt. , with rooms for ftoilly. J , Xllne , 1318 Doi Uj at. 2.C-mlI T'OU RVNT N w brick bouH' , 11 nmr , modern i1 linploterutoU , No. i2 N 22d Bt. lr.qulr ! lie California bt. )57tf ) f. jllU NT New cottage , 6 rooms. J I'llpiwlloe , I1 1112 6. Uhbt. 013 tf FOU Ki\T : Nice 0 room cott ? e corner 24th and r > ancrt ) elrtet. Apply to E. It , Cliapman 1217 Howard dt 803-tf I'H HKhT A new tluht room tiousr. Fnqulroo ; F Un. K. lloddls , iUhUt Datei poll and Ull a gouts 70111 nOUMS FOU HENT. ORRKNT-Ncely lurnlihid frcntioom ; I c.tlon F ocelleM , at 1118 llovoid tt. 29r > 2lp RENT-Fu nlibed frcnt rcoui , S10 1'aclnn Bt ITiUH J3J-Wp HKNT A mite of my dttlnhli fu tisbed front roonn.H Eojr Chicago uu 2Uh Ktl. one block tro'ii ' red c.r Hi o. 34. 29j 1 011 HEhT FuiuUhcd rooms , U5 , N Uth * t. Jl Mi Sip 7 > OK HEAT UutuiuUhid loorn , 1617 CMrajnot 7\ ill HKbT-FuiDUhed lloomwlto board 603 N ix KENT A Ur. e front room on flf t II * or , 1612 I 1 II . rd t 324p OV ! KK.V1 KuiliHiid aii'l UK ur lilini io mi , P wltbb arJ. UuUl , Capitolfc\e. nnd 13 h t llr/ L.V. . l IpOtl HT.rtTT urnbhcitfretf ronm w th buy win d .w . , btlrk houw , mth bf rd , OcSM ITllutroot. SiflfSp UM UK.NT-lwofooiiKHtfS AloMnkll hoiidj f ! > per li.onth , 1(113 tlo atd , 547-S8 | > 1 ? OK IIE T u to f urnl he < l rocitK , KM Call fornlait. MM A Cddtrnoul. S70II 2 : ° tf ( OM8 roil IlKNT-Kewh liirnl'lifd rant MUM. , urc , single ortiuultr , 0. Vf , corner 17tlianiu ) < a. iWMI IriOU lir.ST-T o nnlutrlfhtil rwini unital I fn- lltlit bomektcpliift , liccinii'iblpck.oor 8 Ii tul IIo\T til ft . ] 02tl 7 < 0n UBNT Nlcclj lurtltlin ! tl7IS r * > KOOM TO LM-Knijulto dtiiR itoio , cor , 10th out DotiK'ag ' , Un ) tl TJ 00X18 With txvml , dnlrablf or nln r. At'il ) li i Ht ChMlca HMol 839-11 IT'OUHKNT-Kor light lionpckoft mj , tuoroomt. Urtdthcil for that l'Utixc , S. W. cor Mh and llomnl _ 8W 10ll UKKT FurnUbrd nvmt at 18ieil lfe ot. P.SfcbS8 I0.11 1JKNT T o dcKUit rooms lu H llolt' hlook , ' Jj I'aulscnftOo.lBlSFMiinn. P41-U FOR SALE. ITlOIt BALK10j acrm cbnl-oUnd , 4 imleg ( ram Albion , Neb , , S6 acres bliko , IrAino lioiw.JIS M Addri ilt K , Copton , Omaha , s i . I7IOIIUKNT-A uro.1 btlekjarJ. App'y at Me" i ? Cauo , llioa , , oip I'otUlllco. : II7 58p F ItettMirnnt , ono block from depot. Knqulre M2 S 10th ft , , Ou.aln. 3U.S p f OHHALtlHiinlKue , Hoi dlnr ( , Mt\c , ( .Mi-ens- I warf , and uuijtliliig nco istij f r liouxcteep. l' ( , ' . t cHi Lca\cn cttlint. I'luap lloum or in't It a teii ; ia ; < p 17 > 0ll UALK-Vvrt t-hia - , a pool table. I'nclflo ' llniiio , 10th and m\eii | tt 'Jni-tp [ 70S S\LK lloJtsoiu 1811 Wobft > ri t. 1 > . JL1 A , Sliari letg. _ r.Q -17-OltSAIK Oil UIINT A Rcntr * ! * Ur iiia lUo r Nobra katoAii doinit anrstooM luslniM Con. sUta of a Rood tt tl.of Kroeerlo- , butts ml ( .hotc , O'o.'kerjnnl over ) thins conrii'cUi ) wltli n tint c ins Kticort nnd nhoo otoro. Tor pMtUuUtaaUdic n I. . 11 A. " tlcoulUcc. S37.Ipj J7Ull SALK-ISH ncrofann , lmpro\cd or will tmdo foro.tpropcity or etjck.tooii M , U I't rlsh , _ IJIOHHAI/K A K"r > d Imillj horse butc ) a' d Imr- ncsi. Inijul o2fli2 iHttln 8r. . A K x Sl-.SSp iriOIl SAt.vl. l. . rB lii.r > o , . c t-.rc. J1 Iwn blocks west ut Park Ma SOC. C f llajno , SV ui rncr 1Mb i nd rnriimi 33t 23 Ii'Oll HAI.f V "arm of .SOS-re' , B nillcn ncrlli * t o' ' th llo d , 160 acres uiidtr nil notion , M lu'losof llio IIow itnt , oiiomiioclvhlch li ntlid hego / 18 > cms oil , 3 mil , of wlio fiuce. Iniln'luc pta uro crmcad neirlr.ll nofdo.lto . tame g a ! Darn ifxSOfeai , ciibiii ( f > r 2,00 busbc'Mol cirn , 3 Roodcoir l , 1 wlul mill , aid.lvtlH.I wVe',1 K naty 16x0 feet , a liru c 10x84 fict , ltiiln o- mo t undtr cullrf Inusc. Price StO prnirilialt ; dou n , balance on tltr u to f nit | urc Imn r K rqulru tt I Mil. Ill e , nrofV. \ . IJ. Yaw , olttl lliiid.heb. liOJ i nrJ2p FOH SALE CUE r-Ono clezant ch mber set , former cost S3T6 Oa One rcRUlttnr clock , ono luarlj new Knabo Viano , t o cold framed plctur , cne horco. baincs' nd phaeton , ono Hulls fafp , small sbc , one beautiful china codec eU. AUo a Urge ice tot. Inquire 1815 D-deo St. 34If ] 7\OllAtK \ litick h'tiso , rrn'ahiliR- ro'irfl > bnru niid I tsb'c , arid litre iiy onthoi-ics , In Uh bt Ad | ] > to teim.'c Bouaid , Cor. IMh nnd If. d os's. ' 36 | s ; jTiOr. SAIi-A brvit fLl lot , 7S\10nfcet ontt front , P < r'rjrh e. J1.SOJ EIB ) terms. C. K Mavno ISthnud mrnmn , 331-23 TTIOH SALE-Wallparer buslncns , tnrall flock of JT pa | or 3in noetli 161 h bt. 2.7-28p SAf.E Two Ixnutlful lots ball Hcvkctl Park FOU A\c , % 1COO cacli , Hfttniis. . C. K. Ma ) ne , intlt .ind Farnam. 332-23 FISH 25 bnrro'D of 'rcbh ' and ealt Hah , ol nil kinds at bhiuLou'a , on 17th aa < l Miholu ( ta , near ni w orl.8. 264 23p FOH EXUnAftOK _ For lniiro | > ol or nn'm- pn > cd Oinnlia proi o t > two eiphtifH wild land In Cjndnj and IMcrcocountto' , Kebratkn Ad- dries , W , thin ollkc. ZDl-ySo "IT OIl SALf-On montlly pa\m > nta n ec-fxl lot In. J.1 llvji-i'ln ' ] l. cu urarl'njfc A iCW ( 1H < 19 a tuirgfcln. I' G. Jlaj'iie , Jfitn aud fatiiani. 'M3-S3 SALE Chtop Two counters and 45 cct FOR Ing , ntlSlha .il. Howard. J. II. H ] ttujoii. 21)9 ) 20p FOK 8ALK Atajtreat feargaln , for net ( ath , a Rent * aLbtork ol mercln d HO , o imltthiK. of a rlio'collnu ol Dry OcoJv ilutlnri ; , UoutH tbovv , lla , Capa , etc , ttc. Ibis uitliu Htoik inu t bu < Id at cnicetouatluly ( tdmRni ; > ln < 'tlt. For partial- in , upjlv lo Jacojllotz , 1' , Neb. f b 17th 18$5. 3U2 Slip ytOU BALE Oil EXCHANGE At till per ncro , al F or patt of twothou an1 norei ot timber land lorty mllci oaet of K nsaa City , wll exchange foi Nbraska land or morohandlso. Bedford , Soaor Ii lala CI41I _ _ SALESclllne of atcn-t rd etrro tlxlurcator FOR solont No 0.0 South 10h Street , Omaha , Nch. H L. Skhwarta , p op 246 2 < p SALE Stock ind flxtincg ono ol theteet FOH palooittln the rlty rosbthHion K'VKII ' thn ( let of p II Koasoiib forECllicg , ill health. AilJrtm "X. W. " B o ofllce. 18211 FCU SALE Oil TRADE For Itrprovod , hnil , a l/ood 2rtory ( tore , prnpritv In Wayne , ISM ) . , biiD , 2 lote 'in Allcrton low'a , ami 2 gocd lirgd Normal ( ta'dlone. Audrma O. I > lllfmal WaiDUt , 1'ott Co , Iowa. 178 mOt > 171" II SALE A good p'JirR eslron with first cU lonch counter and tstnurait attached A l r cam. S. Trcttlcr , 213 South ISth 8t 102 If IjViU SALE-Or ixcbaiiBe a full MctV ff clothing J1 bootbarid ihots , gem * lurnlililu.n''oods , will ex chtngo for HeuriHua Lands. U , ll.ftttra nKtB. luthfat. , Omata , cb. 155 tf BALE KC acres of hott farm laiuU In Wa > h- FOR Initon cunnty , Nrb ; 2k inlUx from Herman ; 8 mllra from Illalr \ \ 111 tllhcr fill lor cauli or w 111 tiade f. r bou-o In I maha , Ir buyer will take up flomenoteb on long tlm T e whole lai.d unier iiiltlvatlon Adtro'a Jot Kolevrutck , i\u. 13)4 & 12th ! , , Omaha , Nib. POMI 11 HALB- hear > ono liall ecru In north Omahs. FO AUdri-bS X. Y. V I3uu olllou. FOU SALK-200 tons itlecttil haj at K'UiornMa ' tlon , pilcota.COper ton. Applj toWm Ilcppi-r XUhorn 052 lap 011 H IK A grod rwtirg Impl merit buslntw well ocatcd and oitab.'lihudIn thrltlngtowuoa H , & M. It U In Nth. tvir tblrg nany to tiep right Into go d trade. Oul ) mode ate cnillal a- ijulr.d. Addrufa "A. V. " iHoollki' , OI2ftb Op BALK 68x181 lift on Cumlng BtrcHit S 'Jock * FOR of Military I idge , S1.00J. John L.McC'agut opponlto Co t olllye. 'Mi-ll ' Ull SALK 13ZilS < Ictt on corner , donlh-enl F froi t , house 3 rooms , barn , S blocks wr t o I'ark BVB. and Uu nworth , easy payminto , chmp C1.700. John L. Mo' ague , oppiralto I'oat OWc . 8 7-t "B ( li > cd quallly , 1-woit pilot ) . T. B. , Bell Jjler. Neb. UBinSp SALE OKCMANCJK For itotk bf dry FOIl l , 1 0 a-re i tuck ransh , ) > k-nt > h y land , crct k luimtliroutrhtntlre t.ait , go U bnlliUigs , ourrall9 etc , on > 4 inlljn IrumtbrU nir tailri wl tvwn , me of | b. U.-tnnd m Btconuidmt fuclKB la central Neb , Appli toUsN-itbUuplIanklngtu , Noith I up , Nib. - ' 6 M1SOKLLANKOUS. - A ltd Iil'h stttrr d'g , about Ute a IO3T- oM , wnwrt ri u Ihe nuine ol Mior | , IAH ufuw whlta h lr n < > hlsch-h1 , a II tr-l rtward tor hli ittuti to Win I'rtbton.iiVjl ar-d Howard 81. , - > OUN'A n Ii < t l > i < lnt hoe. Owmr cm huve JOUN' oiling t UU-s of V. 1' HcariV. ) ! lh aud Itodgu , up .Ulm | j Willl < in' block , and inylug co to * Ihla ajvtitUeinicnt. k&O 23 ri OK.\CUANOK-K'o ' ol good anil rner h n. J. due tor laud , Improtudcrunimproved Chan It. Wotllaj , room Ui ) , 1/rnaLb allonl ll i k , Omaha , N b. toimarl II ) fc.\CIIANOK-linpro\id'arr rid w-IJIandto T trade fr Btoali f o cr ha dltoor On aim city proper y Chan It. Woolly. ro > iu2t , On a atlolla ' llinl , Omaha , Nib SOOinnl'J TKIVY v.ulti , blokiinid ce.fixicl * cloined at lb > J kbortc t not o ar d t any Uito of the d y , In an tntlralj crd rl.M ay without the Itafct moleiitatlon to wcupanta or neighbor * , ltri lur linproted and odorlti apporatu * . A KtaniltCu ,911 Uap roi uiiiubaiM IM > K" * -.I1' * ' J lirred , lhi e(8) ) alu bo ! IcU lu Dayton. OMo. On ( > ) l't InHU Loulitlo je < 0crinof Bnelmdto Katun ; One ( I ) Ur.u In Ohio. 'IliU | < roiitity i fr of ii.citiubranco All will bo litatwj tiletJ ) ecuttiwiUil. H. U. Wiwiw , JIWl at.