Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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Monday Morningi Fob. 23i
Henry Voai la conitrucUnjf n brick resi
dence for II. A. Tcmplcton , of Tckamah.
The exhibit of curving and colored piper
work prepared by the pupils In the public
chools , h to b3 continued during the coming
wool : .
-Charles K. 1'errif , of the Planters house ,
repotted at the city jail yojlt-rdny that a wolf
lap-robe had been stolen from buggy jcsteiday
fl The.Monlo Chrlsto company arrived yes-
terdfty "morning. Kho of the membora In
eluding Jnuus 11. O'Neill and wife , are
reflUtored at the MilUrd.
Mrs. Gcorgj Chamberlain , widow of the
engineer who wai killed In Iho wreck at Kik-
horn , hai receivoJ the full amount for which
lior hto hmband's lito wts insured.
Throa carloads of fruit arrived yesterday
from California , consigned to the local cjiu
mission trade. A hrgo proportion wna found
to bo in a putlallr frozen condition.
The Monlcal Union concert at the opura
Lonno yesterday afternoon was Isrgely at
toudi-d and muiicilly was an nitltlio success ,
The chorus of tha 1'ord opera company pu
The commutes of grlovanco representing
Uio wstern engineers on3 firemen of the
Union Pacific is still In the city. The
mombtra report that they have not yet
roichtd a s&tUfaotory conclusion of thtir
labor * ,
A man nomod John Kilsy cbmplainod to
Uio pollco SUurday that ho had been rob
bed of § 1,31) ) yestord , y in a llttlo ollico near
Uio cornoc of Tenth and llarnoy etreots , The
police took the mittar in haud and will sift it
to tliB bottom.
-It th > uld not bo forgotten that Mr. D. TJ.
Moody , thfl celebrated r < augelitt , will bo in
Omaha , March 16-18 , to hold a convention of
Christian workers. Tills will ba an event of
no little impoitsnco , and Omaha nhould give
him n rousing reception. ,
O. II. Smith , the pugilist , arriveJ laat
night from O'Neill. It is staled that ho bai
keen backed by Miller for a soft glove fieht
with McNally , of O'Neill. If nil arrangements -
monts are made the 6pht will como off ne\t
Saturday night.
Iho next meeting of the Ohautauqua Lit
erary and SelmtiDo clrclo will ba hold at tha
rosidoncj of Mra. I1' . 1' . Salmon , 190 Farnham
Btreot , next Tuesday ovenlnj. A very excel
lent Longfellow programme haa been ar
rantrcd , and all members are requested to ba
prompt in attendance ,
The United States National , First Na
tional , Merchants' National , Omaha National ,
Commercial National , Nebraska National ,
Omala Savings and McCaguo Bros' , banks
will bo clos d on Monday , February 23 , in
observance of Washington's birthd ly , as that
day is n legal holiday , but falls on Sunday.
The Omaha Union Veteran club , nn or-
RMizattou of veteran eoldiers and sailors of
the late war , clearo nil ex-soldiers and sailors ,
resident * ot Uouglad county , to Bend their
named and poatoffico address to the iccretary
of the club , D. St. Gojcr , 1533 North Eigh
teenth street Omaha , the object baing to per
fect an organization of tbo club.
Mr. Samuel Burno will entertain the
"Golden Fleece" society nt the St. Mary's
Avenue Congregational church this ( Monday )
evening at 8 o'clock at bis residence on the
corner oC DodgE > and Eighteenth street ? . The
young ladies are tospouslble for the programo
which promieoi to eclipse any thing hitherto
rendered. All frinuds of the church nro
On Thursday evening , February 19 , n
very quiet but happy wedding took place at
Uio residence of Mr. John Bluatt , on Saward
atreoi , the contracting pirtlcs being Mr. G.
W. Dluett , of York , and Misa Alice 1'arrott ,
of Fremont. Tha caromony was performed
by the Itev. G. 1' . Iloo In securing such n
charming I.ride , Mr. Bluett has tha congratu
lations of a boat of friends , all of whom join
in wishing them both long livea of unilloyed
Jiapp'neiH ,
Detective Neligh has just returned from
Dorchester , where ho ban been engaged in glr
lugcvldenu ) in the preliminary oxamlnat'.oa ' of
\V. 11 , Tojle , of Dorchester , formerly township -
ship troisurer , and who is charged with em
bezzllrg on tha night of December 29 , 1881 ,
. between 82,000 and $3,000 of the tjuus
fund ? . Upon a hearing before the county
judge , Toolo was bound over to ths district
court in the sum of $5,000.
-YisterJay , February 1)3 ) , was the anni
versary of tbo natal day of G'Orgo Wswbiog
ton , "the father of his country. " To-day will
ba ( fdiierally celebrated , though in a quiet , in
formal way. The banks will bo closed , aad
busiiiMR moro or less generally suspended ,
IWin-uter Cuutint has decided to close the
postullics , with but ona delivery In thu morn
in * , the ollioi beiup open forgeuural delivery
from 12 to 1 p , in ,
The genius who evolves the local humor'
ositlas from time to time Inlllolcd by the Her-
nld upon its readers at so much par dozen
jokes is clever , "deuced clevah , don't ye
Uuaoiv. " But ho is cheap , very cheap. He it
doub'e action , is this funny man also pivoted ,
Lot him also bo given credit for being sharpen
( on the edgoi ) , Ho is Imported by tha bun
died grots , mostly from Birmingliivn am
Sheffield , Uuglaud , retails in job lota for 76
cents , and ia raa'Io of a matoilnl known n
" * teiv' , " Apropos of thU cruel fact lot it be
fioitly , gently wbi < percd into the ear of th
reading public , which his dmbtlecs noticec
tbo H UnrJay Herald's \eislon of the
inan'u hiteruew with Mile. Ne\n.Ja , that tc
this sniiu brilliant geni is must bo ascribed th
lionor of b.kvlrg evolved the cbarmlnf littli
joktiltt , It was reproduced word for won
frcfn IhoSt , Joseph Uazetto , of February 19
Smoke Seal of North Carolina Tobnc
CO ,
A Calico Vnriy ,
On next Wednesday overi g the uni
for mill lank , K. tf P. will piv
; i ca'ico p rt/ iMettop 1
jiii I a I. The Jailea will dns
in inlisii drcisuacd vi'l ' enclose a i ic
cf thtir drcaa iu na eitvolope airl the en
volumes < viH Lu dm tn 1 > v the g mliiiu
rtnd the lady wfitrine thedat soi iivsp > bl
lug w t-i tiiu pi c tlr n hy th * g Title
rran will bt > h'a ' ; wrtsn' , Durnylh
for inv of tin ivdiiu/ tin ) uli-o vi
choi B i ibo i art era at d thu Ittttr ] > 3rt i
vill lug ntUniBu's cluvce.
TllU I'OHtl IliU ' ,
Th ) Omnbo'vioBttHicj will In closed 01
Mrnday , the 23i lust. Ofiko open fro
12 m. to 1 p , tn. Carriers will
the moroin * tiip m u ual.
CUAS. K CouTiM , Po lu ter.
Matter * In the District uml County
Judiciaries Ttio u 7.oln Cnso
Docketed For Trial
To.Dnj- , |
The verdict of the jury in the much
litigated land replevin cnao cf Dr , 8. D.
Mercer VB. Ed .yard Culver ot al , YTHS
opened Sittirday and found to award
dnnagoaMo the defendant in tbo sum ol
$10 and coate.
Before Jucgo Wakoloy.
Btoolunson ve. Ocrrlgan.
lladllff VB. Dolono ot al.
Thomas vs Thomni.
Mitto ot al. vs. McQuckin ,
Morlnrlty vs. City of Omaha.
EsUbtcnk tt nl VB Ooota.
Orosch . S/aoln .
Glapsy VB 0.4or ot al.
Ilall va. llartlpnn.
Moore vs. Qoi dlurd.
Knblmnn vs. Pokey octal.
Lucai ve. HyiiiasKl.
Ohlnbsry va , Smith.
Jacobson vs. B & M. 11. R. In Kob. "
Befiro Judge Novlllo , the caiocfWll-
IAUI Qazolo , charged with the murder of
Louis Xtrga on the nijit of July 0,1880.
s docketed fur trial.
In the county court Silurday Judgp
UcOullnch rendered dec'alon in the cjao
of Utbilck ve. Spllonck for ( .lamagcn from
jiitol allot wound. The onit Win dis-
niascd at phlntilT'o coit.
Alvin W. Parker , teacher in the Okla-
lonm school dts'rict , was again tiicd
SiturJay for asaaulting young O'Jv ofo ,
son of Daniel O'Kecfo , thistltno in Judge
IJir lott'a couri. The trial was hold b.v
jury. The verdict roturued was "guilty,1
met Jndgo Birtlott aoutoncod Parker to
ny a fine of $1 and coats , in all norne-
ihing 1 ko twonty-fivo dollars. Parker
ias lit d an nppwl bond , and will tnko
ho cno to the district court.
JHic S\vedisli InUlioran.s Knfnso Ne
braska's llMiuearto Wltli-
clratv From Iho Con-
Tha Kanaaa-Nobraska conforenca of the
Swedish Lutheran church held ita final
jSBicii Saturday.
The request of the Nebraska dlslrict to
vithdraw from tbo conference and to
oiu that cf Iowa , was not granted. The
istricta of Missouri , Kansas , Colorado
nd TOXJS refused to occcdo to the propo-
[ tlou of withdrawal. The matter haa
eoa raforred to higher churh authorltj' .
The report of the orphan asylAm at
ilarlodahl , Kansas , ai submitted showed
partially attaining i nsomo of § 2,000 ,
ajlum property worth § 15,000
nd an indebtedness of § 1,500.
The board of mlaalons was elected as
ollows : Rev. J. Solcon , president ox-
fficio , A. . W. Dahlsten , E. M. E iokson ,
5. A. Sironasjn , A , Lincoln , John Ro-
The executive commltteo was elected
I ? follows : president cx-cfllclo , Rev. J
Seleon ; 0. Sncnsaon , M. Noyd , J. E
Norllng , 0. J * Stromqueat , J. F. Hcltn.
Dtlogatoa ti the gpnertl synod meot-
ng at Hock I fluid in Juno weri chcson
as fillwfl : Iliv. J. Seloeu , Prof. M
Noyd. J. F. Htlin , J. G. Bcivaton.
The closing dovntional excrascs of the
mootief ; wjro held ytstordiy in the
church nt Nineteenth and Cua str.'ols
lev. 0. Sodorgrtn , of Holdredgo. preach-
d i-'o communion Eormon and Itsv. A.
W. Dahlttsn the sermon of parting. At
.ho evening Ecrrico Rsva. Brandolle ot
3envcz , and Siresscn of Llndsborg , do-
ivered oloqu'ont addreeses.
Nearly nil tha dolcgatoa have returned
> o their homes
fl. llattlin ; * Among the Dry Bones of
the Old Vags and Crimuials.
In police court Saturday morning Brnno
Ejhtomeyor and Minnie Brown were
charged with distarhancrj of the pcacj.
Minnie 13 onoof the fairies from the Buck-
ngbam dlvo and said that the man and
icraelf wcntiato Higginsrca nurnnt about
lalf pa t ; three o'clock Saturday momiog
and got a litt o to cat nod n good deal to
drink. Iu fact they got drunk and
Echtoinoyor got into aomo tHQicalty with
oae of the wnitcrj. The woman was dis
charged and Kchtomoyer waa fin * d § 10
raid cost * . When urreatcd ho lud in liia
S. McMtilu VTAB chjrgod with being n
vanraiit. flo was found guilty and aon-
; tncdd to ttn days in the coauly jail on
jjcaiatitl water.
JAIU.B Flttcher was charged with being
avagrnut. 11 o prom ! that ho win run-
ii'n ' ? a barber eliop on Elovcn.h itroet
ubd was oi chargtd.
.1 hi L. Siriyer WPS oh rjod ; with in-
MX ratu.n He was fined § 1 and costi
and sentenced to ten , days in the count/
jjil on brjad and water.
John BoDn rchargod with dijtuibanc *
of the puio , pleaded not guilty and hla
KS3 was onnttnuod
Ohai. Jlitchell , Walter Meyer , Ellen
Ilowaid and Lily Dale , ffoic arrested for
being iamatis of a disorderly htuoo. It
act-ma that the two fellows have been
tunning a piker room on Douglas attest ,
and have boon arrested before on this
charg ? . F i lay night all f our of I ho above
namud parties wcio found occupying one
rcoai , The two rnon wcra lined § 10
each and coats and tbo women $5 each
and coot * . Mojcr is a eon-in-law cf
Batney Snanuon aad the wiath of Bar
ney IIIIDWS no boundti at such InfaraoiM
lirucQcdings and ho will at ouco have Mi
daughter file a petit oa for a divorce from
her unfaithful pou e.
MHk and Domino ,
The Danish eocloty bold its annual bai
rnn'qno at Turner hall Saturday night ,
and a largo and joyous assemblage < \
representative Danes was present on tbo
occasion , The masquerade costumes
were striking. In mott caees the dit-
galsa was complete , and many were the
turf rises when the signal to unmask WJB
given at midnight , SiTppor , was served
at the customary inter ? * ! , aad dsnolng
resumed , which was io.t , up uuiil an
caily Irtur.
Amurg tJi-'ie in roUuoio , the reporter
noiioed : Mrs. William Nelsrn , Mall
O.rriur ; Mts. Geas , Dinghter 11
thu Hugiment ; Mils filaiy Johnson ,
Pop-cnin Gill ; ftlisi Aura Ihranc , Fr -
in n' Pa'ight r ; Mtai Staoslo Thr ne ,
Unirsh Ilua'fr ; Mixfoa Jtcihicn , 8 i nj
Gir's ; Connc'lmau Thratio , "Kinjj Fr l-
crick ; " Council nun Haicall , German
Sch > oltoj ; John Chtist Barton , O.'dMau ,
II. T. Kundscn , Clerics Xlf.j Claries
HasmuRscn. Bootblack , H }
At Giroiftti hall Saturday ovonins
the Omaha Turvarein held the floor with
ono of tholr dol'ghtful inisked dancing
paitlca. Among the knights nnd Udics
of the maik and dc mini there were many
raombars of cultarod Gorainn lociely.
Si.x geii'lcmon ' dr , sicd ss Sptintatds , ol
Gnnadn , conetltuttd the door commltico.
Amen those present wore : Jtt8
Ttinmo , Papagena , Miss Wcinhagcu
Jar.nncso Iftdy , Mns llumbolJtionnan ,
peasaiU , Mlts K. Uoinriors , Pocahonta ? ,
.Ui s Andres , Oleormtra , Jlrs. 11. Stein ,
Russian poasnit , Miss Spahn , Pcri ,
Ml s Mlncn Brandt , Columbine , Mrs
Ltcdrinin , Ahatlan , MrJ t'ula Ahl , Hlflu
jrt , Mr4. Metz , Uian , Mlts Btiuadorf ,
pagpnn , M r. GOD. ParnsleD , Schiller ,
Mr Adolf Brindes , prlnciMr. . Philip
At-dres , Priuca Carnival , Mr. C. Saul ,
SOOH To No Closed For Iho Year
Boinotliliif ; 4bout Them ,
It Lii been decided , nt the cud cftho
prctont month , lo close the night ecaools
which have baen estiblishod during the
pait winter for the bcnolit of thono who
could n .t attend Iho day sessions.
Thcao tchcola are three In number , ono
on Morth Sixteenth street , conducted by
S. S. Inpyon , cno on Fiftotn'h and
ITojvard , conduted by F. J. Everatt ,
and Iho third on.South Thirteenth street ,
of which Georgj L. Fishsr has bean prin
The work accomplished by the ocholars
his bocn In many points bancficlal , ami
ono , perhaps , that could ba c omjjl'slied '
In no other way. The
attendance in total , wag , at the
Mart , Hat Novotnbtr , about 200lbui lias
gradually fallen ou" until It la voiy rnucb
amnllar. Scholars ot all ages have bean
Among the regular attondanta , from the
bavor girl of eight or tun yean of age
to the overgrown eookor after knowl
edge , of thirly-iivo or forty. In the
south-end night schools the proportion
of very youthful paptls la espaclally
largo. It has bsoii the pcltcy of the
superintendent not to allow those to at
tend who can possibly como in the doy
time. But there have been largo num.
bora of boy a and girls who are admitted
because they are obliged to work
during the day and BOJIO of
thorn are vary young , under
ten years of ago. Among this class of
pupils results oipesinlly hopeful have
biin accomplished ; the cider ones , it h
found , are not BO ready to learn and do
not grasp so readily the truths preaentad
to them.
Now that the days are langthouing Iho
pupils will begin to got reallo a and anx
ious to spend their nif'hls out doora in
the various plowures which spring ard
summer cv ningi provide. This bo'ng '
tbo case , tha night schools will retire
rom the field aa before st.Voi. It ia
propojpd to open them next year en an
enlarged scale.
Mr. F. M. Ba'ley ' , who has bean out north
on business returned homo Saturday.
Miss Mollie Brown left yosteiday for n visit
with frl.nds at Omaha , St. Joe Gazette.
Mr * . D. G. Hull is now visiting in New
York , the guest of Hon. J. P. Dash , of that
Henry James , private stcretary to General
Passenger Agent Ad eo , of Denver , ia In the
Mr. Ira P. Higby , who waa formerly con
nected with the Paxton hotel force , is how
stationed behind the counter nt the Gotham
louse , Lincoln.
Mr , Oscar Devries , manager of Himabaugh
i Taylor.s hardware stoic started Saturday
morning for Now Orleans , in company with
a party of friends ,
J. E. Webajer , Denver ; A , J. Galloway
and wife , Lincoln ; 11. W. linden , Pocatillo ;
3. Horowitz , St , Louis ; N. 1C. Sherbly , J ,
lEcmtn , Chicago , aie at the CUufield.
H , L , Chamberlain , cf the firm of Cham
berlain , llowo & Marshall , loft Wednesday
for Grand Ivapids , Mich , , where ho will pur
chase a largo stock of furniture for the Bpring
Miss Tony Metr , of this city , was present
at the Micaneruhor masked ball , in Kt. Jo
seph , Saturday night , drowsed in her charmiug
costume of "For heaven's sake don't Bay I
told you. "
Mr. Chnrlru Metof the extensive brewing
ing firm of MeU Bn.s. , Omaha , nnd ono of the
most agreeable youcg men in the world , came
down jeaterday to nttoiid the Miunnerchor
masquerade. St. Joe Gazette.
A F. Shuinan , representing the AnJorjon
I'resaed Brick company , of Chicago , h in the
city on Business. Mr. Shuinan ia nil old news
paper man , being connected for eight years
with tbo diily journal ] of Chicago ,
II. R. Wheeler , Davenport , Ia. ; Alex ,
Mitchell , Jr. , Silt Lake City ; Jumos F.
Matthew ; , Denver ; J , M. McKarland , Colum-
m > , Neb. ; P , J , Lanphear , Louisville , Ky , ;
K , IS , Lincoln , St. Paul , Minn , ; Henry Lath ,
Li 1'ortf , Ind , , are at the I'.txton.
H. 0 , Stewart , DJS Moines ; J. J. Selleck ,
Chicago ; Orrin Leonard , Hock Inland ; Gee ,
W. Post , York , Neb. ; K. E. Ximmerman ,
New York ; K , J. Fmukltn , .St. Louis ; J. L.
Schwees , Philadelphia ; C , A , Fay , Toronto ,
are at tbo Millard ,
M. A. Brown , Nebraska City ; L. S. Kjtolle
and wife , Uhir ; W , J. iDavIe , Ord ; 0. II.
Bell , W. D. Miller , Janus Kwing , AVood
Jtlver ; T. V. Golden , O'Neill , Neb ; J. O.
Loveridge , Newton , Ia. ; ] } , A. Kivtidall ,
Olo\uland , Ohio ; and T , M , Davis , of Denver ,
are at the Metropolitan ,
"Weather ,
The following general forecast of WOE-
thor for tbo next throe months has been
submitted by Prof. Orouch.
Neb :
Tin oloung diya o ! Februarycr d firal
days of March , 1885 , v.11 glvo the wild
w'orm of tha winter , commonc'iij near
February 27th. Stockmen and traveler *
In the n irthwest and'mountain roglona
ahou'd have warning. The toathorn
rlvera will get roariog high. By March
4th Iho aky will become quiet and warm ,
followed the Tith nnd '
by 7th by ra'n or
ay w , and cold by the Oth. Storm arcie
will eUrt aoroia the continent the 12 h
inth , 11) ) h ; cold wave Iho 23d , stormy
the 27h , and old the 30th. Apiil will
baairfit rrlghttjll th * 22d. followed bi
bad weather , nhi'o May will bo teir.fic.
Until March lt , wo give a discount of
twcnty.fivo per cenf. on all bo vy wool
goods MO'NNIS & BU&SEY ,
10 .hsndWobaUr Street * .
An Interview AVIth lnna pr lloyd In
llc ard < o Uio Mnplcsoii
la regard to the gtitomcnt made by
Sir. M pc8tn ! In another column , Man
sg'jr Doyd , of the opera houto. in
an Interview with a BEE ri porter Saturday
said : "Thu ttatfinont made by Mr.
Mtplo3on In regard to mo and his ar *
rftngomtiita vtith mo la simply a tlaauo of
fAlaehoods from beginniug to end. Over
A month ago 1 wioto Mr. Mapleoou a
letter and told him that wo must h vo
Pattl in Onuhn , or nothing. In answer
to a IcUgrnm rostivod from Mr. M plo
aon later , I tolegraghud him at Now
Ofloins RB follow * :
OSIAHA , February 3d , 18S5.
J. Mni'LERON , Now Orleans La. , Must bo
Patti , ouo night only , at your own risk You
ninety [ .cr cent. No othrr protio-itlon.
Tnos. F. lkm > .
Mr. Maplnion then vrroto a loiter ,
atntlrg that ho did not ( juita undoratond
and 1 nga n tclegtnphed him that wo
would nit have n'jybody but PaUl. IIo
stya that ho oupposod until a we ok ngo
tbat ha wao booked for Omaha the 21st
acd 22d. Bo knew hotter then that oa
ho had been iiiforaiod that unless P.Uti
appeared with the company they
could cob phy in the honao
Meploaon tlilnka ho runs thia whole
country , and thought I did not mean
what I said , but hn t'onnd L did. A pum
bor of peraona have aald to mo if wo
can't have Patti ; wo don't want nny of
the Manleaon pirty. There is tiov no
poaiibllity of luvtng Pattl , as tha only
dale on which &ho could bo had hero la
ilpril 3d , and Tom Kcano ia booked for
that dote , and will nnt glvo awoy. "
" 1 tried every way to make a deal with
Maploson. but ho would not lialcm to
anything but a cash guarantee of $0,000
for ono night. "
In thia connection it might also bo well
to add that Mr Ruaowntsr neither wrote
or telegraphed anvthing to Mr. Maplcaon
in ivgoi'd to Pftlti or hia company coming
to this city.
IJcal Ksliilo Tiunalbrs.
The nollowlng tranafora were filed Feb.
20 with the county clerk and reported
for the BEE by Ame& ' real cs'nto ' agency.
Frank lines atd wife to Joseph Gust ,
w A lot 3 block 7 , Improvement oBsocla-
ti n add. to Omaha , w d , SSC5.
Sam Peterson end et al to IJnoa Lar-
siu , l'it ' 3 block 3 , Cunningham's sub-
n , w d , SC25 ,
Joseph M. Reea to Jonnlo L. Bl'sj ' ,
part of Rocs pine3 in 21 , ID , 13 , q c ,
§ 50.
50.Joarph M. RJOS to 0 , H. Itaiei , part
of lot 3 , Roes plao in 21 , 15 , 13 , q c ,
L and F. Younghusband to Blfss and
laaaca , lot 21 In b'ock ' 3 Eanscom place
to Omaha , w d , § 1.000.
Seal of North Carolina Smoking tobac
co ia the beat.
He Moves Up.
Mr. L. A. Garner , who has for Ovo
yaari been couneotad Trith tlic offica of
\Yella-Fargo and American cxprcaa cim-
panioa In this city , will leave tomorrow
night i-3 take up his residence ) at Omaha ,
Neb. Previous to his coming io this
city , Mr. Warner was cashier of the
Amorlcin express company at Omahi ,
which position ho vacated to bjcomo the
route agent for the American , reaidiog
in this u y , having charge of the baalnetw
on the Hiinalbal & St. Joseph road. In
1881 hi became routs rg. nt for the
WallirForgo corapiny , and took charge
of all Ins b twoiii Ivnnaai City and
Puoblo. For the pat yo r ho has as
sisted Mr. E L. Pat.'h in the division
work. He gooi to Ooiba to act as agent
For both the Willj-Fargj and American
esprois cimpinifs , the poaiti n f irmoriy
lisld by Mr Ohailoi Slum , now division
euper.nlo'jdjnfc of tlio Welle-Fargj com
pany ia this city Mr. Garner lias a
lioat of friends in thia city who are sorry
to Invo him go , but who rejoice that his
starling buuncsi qualislcs and faithful
dijcharpo of bis antics have been thna
rtcngmzed Kansas City Journal.
V Pure
This powder never vnrlea A marvel of pnroty ,
strenirtb and who'oaimcucw. Moro economical than
the ordinary klndB.ard cannot bo sola Iu competi
tion with tbo multitude of low tcrt , uhort weight
lumol r.bynflirte p < vclora. Sold only la cms ,
UOYAL BAK1NO 1'OWDEU CO , , 109 W ll BtNT. ;
ill Linen , BOTH
Uo'ngs ' AND Exteriors.
Aik for them
CA.HN UROS.AgentB for Umab
jj. 3 ; rp ! I N < 3r S ,
Lead Pipe and Sheet , _ ,
MOaTllIlUTU " " "I'M.
. ' -
Hth&DodgeSIS.OMAHAlEB. (
, { . ° cr thut nil can attend.tho Inaugural on Iho 4tlt of March. 1885 , with but HtUo cost , iho OriK-
nml Misfit Parlors , 1J12 Douglas St.Jurn shes the savings ; by purchasing your outfit for the occasion from
thtm , your fare
TSl ! TII Q Rflfi 8 R ? Q 8 A Saved by bnytng that pair of § 0.50 Pantaloons for $1.10 from ono ot our loadlna tai-
By U tf 6VIUS Hi E.5 , 3 A. , Ion. Original MlaQt Parlors , 1912 Douglas Street.
Til B IRPRTVf BA Saved by hnylng thU S12 pair of Pantaloons for $ u.0 ; ! , custom-made at the AlUOt ClothlnK
Bin ia Parlors , 1312 Douglas St.
1& R Saved by purclmslng that elegant $18 pair merchant tnilor made PanU for 88 GO nt the
J , LL.IJ Onginal Misfit Parlors , 1312 Douglas Stroot.
g B Saved by buying that $21 custom made Overcoat for $11.25 at Iho Original Misfit Parloro
I L.3.B ] 1312 Douglas Slreot.
Saved by apcuring that § 28 merchant trilor made Overcoat for ? M,25 at the Original Mistit Parlors
1)12 ! ) Douglas Street ,
f 1 TV Svocl fay purclnstui ; tint elegant 835 caitom made Overcoat for § 17.20 at the Orlcliul
Ui JB B j M-Blit Clothing Parbra , 1312 Douglas Stroot.
Made by apcnrlng that handsome satin lined ? 00 custom maio Overcoat , for 823.70 at the BIUll
_ _ > Parlors , 1 12 Douglas Stroet.
TO Tfli PBlflj Saved in maklne the pnrcha o of that h.iD lotno four button cutaway frock mtit , made for $50 , Misfit
BU ft ULBiJjIii/y Parlors price § 23.00 , 1312 Douglas Street , up stairs.
fl"f A n At n D B n tt r Made in prncurinR that cork four button
screw cutaway tuit , made for 500 MisGt Cloth-
I ing Parlors price § 28.
Made by selecting that handsome Prlnco Albert suit , made for S70 , MijfU Parlors price , § 32.50
PSTTQflS S B5P Saved b ? DnV'"B that hamlsomo eilk lined 570 custom made Ovorcont for $30.50 , Misfit Cloth
B II 8 tPwUllBlSj lug Parlora 1312 Douglaa Street.
W AQySMPT PiJ fl f * Morn than made by Eocaring that most handsome $85 custom made Dvorocat for
BH/iOnilVW B Wi\3j \ IS , V , § 32.80 , at Misfit Parlors 1312 Douglas Street.
Tin's is i sure guarantee at tlie Misfit JParlors. One call will satisfy
Electric Light. Electric Light.
Open cvouingj until 9 o'clock ; Saturday nights until 10 o'clock.
N. B. Would be pleasel to hear from all tailors having misfit or uncalled for garments to dispose of. Ad
dress Misfit Clothing Parlors , 1312 Douglas Street , up-sta rs. C in aha , Neb.
Vnnlllnl.rmonOrange. c < c.flnvor Cnket ,
L'rcnmiIiiU < lliie , .fcc.ii ( lellciilL-lynnil tint *
iirullyu * the fruit from \\hlch tlicynreiuiule.
Price Baking Powder Co. ,
Chicago , III. Qt. Louis , Mo.
utxcni or
Or , Price's Cream Baking Powder
Dr. Trice's Ijiipiilin Yeast Gems ,
not IIry Ho | Ycnit.
2TOI3 SAT.X : 132onoc
Omaha Medical & Surgical
13th St. , Cor Capital Ave ,
Chronic and Surgical Diseases
Diseases of Fcumlca , of the Nonoun Bvntem , Pi
to Diseases o ( the Urlniry ana Boxual Orgaaii ,
and Dlstoaca ol the Held , Throat and LUDL'S ,
8p > I lUes
treated by an experienced apeclallBt/ o
of the Heart. Liver , Stomach , Kldnej ,
Bladder , Kcur lcl , llheuroat'rm ' , rilts , Canoor , ota
And all other dl cancii oj the ' " hroat nd tMo&l reil
ed by Medicated Vapors. ( Send for Inhaler or
clicularou Inhalation. )
All dlrcawj of the Ulood , Urinary and Sexual Or.
gang. Trhata CUcoses and
Piles Cured or no Pay.
JIB Vean Hofpltalami l'rlv to Practice. )
Coniuliallon and elimination free.
Call 01 write fir circulation chronic iHxvca and
deformities , Dlae .8' of Females , prhate Oiseaoei
of the Urlnart an < VBvxail orirans , Seminal W * k-
nes , NfrvoueDfltlUty or KxhausUtn.tto. , etfl. , ind
our now rcstorathctreatment.
All letters and couiultailou * Confidential.
Medicines enUo all i rt of tbe country by ex.
pre8 , securely jiaoked from observation , If fuU de
scription of cose U given. One personal Interview
preferred If convenient Open at all bonra.
Addrees all letters to
Omaha Mtdica ) & Surgical Insttute
13th St. , Cor. Capital Ave ,
Mendelssohn- & Fisher
Koom * 23 and SOOmahaNatl Bankttlock
Dufrene & Mendelssohn
Oeo. L. .tiher , fermery with Vf. 1 H. J
Architect , Cole o. Jiollelia 1
Having quite a number of i
From our Merchant Tailoring department , we
offer them to all purchasers at about one-half of
their actual value. These are no Ready Made
Goods , advertised as Custom Made , but Real
Merchant-Tailor work.
Clothiers and Merchant Tailors.
JL216 Farnam Street.
Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it.
Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraask
Oo ntor , Hay , Stock and Kailroad Track ,
Orders for the Indian Department given for Buffalo Scales ex <
clasivnly. Scale ;