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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE MONDAY , FEBIOJARV 2 , ° , , 1885. THE CHEAPEST PLAGE IN OMAHA TO BUY Ono of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United Stated to Select From : STAIK3 TO CLIMB. , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVA OU Are now offerim * AT The greatest bargains ever seen in Omaha 200 ORGANS ! ! 100 PIANOS ! FOR CASH OR ON INSTALLMENTS Also great reductions in Diamonds , elrv. Clocks and Silverware. The only importers of Havana Cigars , and Meerschaum Goods in Omaha. Wholesale dealers in Guns , Ammunition , Sporting Goods , Notions and Smokers' Ar ticles. WHOLESALE BY L , A STEWART & CO , 1013 Jones Stieot \ * BK FOH RED cm < m OMAHA NEB RAILWAY. TIIE BEST nOUTE AND SHORT XjIISTE ! Omaha CoiiiiGil Bluffs and Chicago. ITio only line to take for DJS Moinoi , nrshall ro n , Ccdat Uaplds , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , 1111 waukoe and all points ewt. To the people ol No iiaikaColorado. WjomlnR , Utah , Idaho , Ne\ada , Oregon , WaBhlnRton and CAlllornia It oHora superior advantages not possible liy any other lino. Among a few oltho numerous ( iclnta or eupcrlor- Ity oojoiod by the patrons ol thia reid between Omaha and Chicago , are Its twotnlna a day ol DAY COACHES which are the llnoittlnt human nit and Ingenuity can rrcate ; Its PAIjACB SLEEPING OAHB which aru moilolaol comlort and defiance ; Its PAU LOU DRAWING UOOM HAHS , unaurrai'cil by any nnd its ttlJoly celebrated 1'ATATlAL UINISO OAKS the equal of whlih cannot bo lound clawhoro. At Council llluda the trains ol the Union Picine By. connect In Union Dupot with tboso ol the Chlca co&Northwestsrii Hy In Chicago the truna ol this line make cloao oonncctlon with those ol all eastern ForDotroIt , Columbus , Indlanapolii , Clnclnnatl , Niigara K IH , Buffjlo , I litibur , ( orouto , Huntrral llOBton , Now York , rhlladolphii , Biliimno , Waih- I UK ton and all polntt lu the r. t , nik the tltkct a-'cnt lor tickets > U the N"UT'I WKSTEUH , II you wlsn the l " 8t accommodations 1 All llokel M'ents neil tlkoto U thin line M. HuaniTT. m.nAin , General Manager. Ge . PJUJ. Agent CHICAGO. \ Vehicle naJn . . . . . . . , , _ p , v _ Anita one par ion M with two \m < ii. ' ThuHprliii cndhcB Bndibortoa eroHIni lo the weight lh e rrr. Equally well adapted to rough couitr roadi andnncdrlreiorcltlei. MmnfactnrwS ouky Uholra4lBL'BrrlaeeIlnllilrriM > 4 lift xr > . Krury Tl t * * . nt. 7 ADBOtTBUBBY CO CHICAGO , . * [ iliatee & st Pan The SHORT LINE. And BEST ROUTE PnOU OMAHA TO THE EAST. TWO TIUIVB riAILT EKTWEK.V OMAHA AND Chicago , Minueni > ells , Milwaugeo , Bt. I'aal , Cedar Ilaplda , lavouport Clinton , Dubuque , Uoclcford , Kock Island , Kreeport , Jaiusvlllo , 3Il in , JIadlson , La Croaee , Belolt. Wmuna , Aud all other Important points Hast , Nortl east and Southeast , Ticket office at Not Karnam stect ( lu faxton IK tel ) , and at Union Pacitto Depot l > oujit ! < SLEiFKiuaml the Kniar DIMNO Oiaii TU WORI.B are ruu on the main HUM ol the Cliicag Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y and every attontlo lipaU toputeugen bjr coimooLi emporeiol ] tl oouipany. a 8. UUlltlLL , A. T. IT. , GcucralManazor , Oonl I'auenzcr Auen ] { J1ILLK1I , OGO. K , UBAt'tOltD , Au'tQen'lUanagtr. Ant Oenl Paw Agcn J. T. CLAKK , Oen'l 8ui > cruteadeut. _ rii TOUSilel > l Ity. all wraknceacfccueratix OB j-eti'ii ] reltticr BU tl.UvmftU. JiUWuruLT'lU7btBtuht..cmcu Loss and Gahit CUAl'TEU I. , "I wna talcon elck a year ago With bilious fe\er. " "My doctor pronounced mo cured , but I got sick oga'r. ' , with terrible palnain my back and eideo , nnd got aa bad I Could notmovol 1 ehrunkl From 228 ttm. to 1201 I had been doc toring for my liver , but it did mo no gcod , I did not expect to live more than throe months. I began to use Hop Bittera. Directly appetite returned , my pains lefl mo , my entire ayBtom aoemod renewed ai il my magic , and after ualng several bet iles , I am not only as sound as aaovorolgr hut v olght moro thin I did befova. Te Hop Bittera I owe my llfo. " R. PlTZPATRICK. Dublin , Juno G , ' 81. C'HAITEK II. "Maiden , Mns3. , Peb , 1 , I860. Gentlemfn- htilfered with attacks of eick baadache. " Neuralgia , feamalo trouble , for years ii ho mo at terrible and excruciating manner No medicine or doctor could give mi ellof or cure , until I tiaod Hop Bitters. "Tho lirat bottle Nearly cured me ; " The second made mo as well and ttronj a when a child , "And I have been so to this day. " My husband waa nn Invalid for twent ] our * with a sarlous 'Ktdnoy , liver and urinary complaint "i'ronouuced by Boston's best physl ilana "Incurable ! " Seven bottles of your Bitters cured tin and I know of the "Lives of eight persons" In my neighborhood that have saved b ; your bittere , And many moro are using them wil' reat benefit. "They almost Do miracles ? " Mrs. E. D. Slack. I low TO OUT SICK. Kxposo yonreolf do nnd ulsht ; eat too much without exercisi work too htrti without rfbt ; doctor nil tb time ; take all the vile nostrums then you will want to know how to cut wel which is answered In wfirds- Take Ho Bittcu ! None genuine without a bunch ol gresn Hops t , he whlto label. Shun all the Hie , poisonous etu vith "Hop" or "Uopa" in their name. ABIE CAT ologae , Also li ! volunblo and reliable rt cipos ( never before published , ) anj oiio ol : which is worth 51.00 an from that to 825.00 , nnd a copy j the ' 'Cultivator" sent PltEE t any one that sends 8 stamps to pa postage etc. , 3 comic picture card will also bo enclosed in the pacli age. These recipes are valuable the t ho household and any energetic pei son knowing the secrets they disclos need never want for money. Pleas write name and address plainly. Pi 3 stamps in a letter and address i to tbo WESTERN PUB , CO. , bo 509 , Omaha. Neb. a po > ltlTa reotd j lor Ihe mboie dU i l br I > thonitndiof cti > cl tb wont Undmdor foi t odlDKttftT9l ) cacurtd. lDd J , ottronUmyf ) U laln ffle r , h t Iwlll nodTUO I1OTTLE8 fUK ! toetlberwItdlVALUiBI.KTUBiTIBlicnJblnlUtl- t BJ ( Ufferer. GlTtcxprtiitDd f U. Jir < - . iitt. T. A. HUOOCM , lit mrl 8L , h' w Totl LADIES ONLY ! , LI8UCD. . , rn TttUATIdB ON MEI.V ItCVIiLOl'ni : * ' OP TUU VeMAI.II HU T. " latent tutonlci rtiUr > ll Cf pluttltD , tt.Jlc l ptaloal , tie. Start tbi OBjt l t < dor kiuokeu coatflUuo U tlnonul Mil nt | 3 toUf t f U "n * pn > v r I , ii l | .l \ > i ( ImlUf preMU. ) A ccpf of IliU Till x > m li.41ui 4i4J oTIo | < ri30cU. . Minu v , r. o. f wtr no , uvvv AI.O , tf > ifti COUNCILJIUFF8 ADDITIONAL LOOAL NKW 5. CONTINUING- CONTEST , Anottiri'Movp In ttip At tempt or Aytpsuorth to Supplant Judge The jadic'nl conical , In which Jiulgo Aylcsworth claims the illatriob bench now- occupied by Judge Loofbourow , 1ms had another nct-bick , or rather sot ahoail On Friday the caao caino up nt DUB Moinea before .Judges Given andOonnnr , Judge MoQenry being wnab'o to ba pres ent. Thoattornoya for Judge Loofbourow moved to luvotho casedlsmus dallegiug inenfliclcncy of notice nnd luck of juris diction by the court. The motion waa promptly ovcrru'ed , exceptions taken , and an answer filed. By agreement the case wru Ihon continued thirty cJnjs , March 23 bolng the dnto now set for a hearing. WHEELEtTwORSE , Young JefVcrN Jtc-iiTi-cstotl , unit Hie Ball iMurctisctl , Wheolcr , who won nhot aomo weeks ago by young Julia-is , is glaring worse , and there are fcais that ho wili dio. Satuuby aftarnoan Jofleris was re * arrested and his ball Increased to 53,000 , in view of Wheeler's a'armiog condition , A AVora flo ? "My Fellow Workingmen - men ! " Once moro you are called up in to give your voice for honest government at the coming city election. Parties , cliques and individuals are at work to feat31 their interests. Men ara corrupt .itu : rotten in principle as a poriahod skanli top forth fcr r ilico particularly In the 'onith ' ward and from amouy the demo' ' rats. Office Backers have their ward-bum < mora out to catch you in their clutchu ! von at the nominations. It la to say , 'set up second class lawyers , " keepers ol lens and othois that liavo hut lltth ntereot in the welfare of the city , spc.ili ho loudest words in the conventions , n of honor generally "stiy away. ' Our Christians contented with their good "reliefs are asloi p , or diolntsrestcd , ant et this thimeful'y ' ttato of attain go on. Shall itgo on my labor ftitmd' ' Will you assist in reform or not ? Shal Council Bluffa keep on to bo the corrup' ' argot for the s'ato to shoot at ? ShnV _ our wives and daughters bo Insulted ant allured by a gang of thugs , thieves one "oafers on Sunday , when going to church any longer , unmolested by the guardian : if the city , generally their friends ? W > dvisa the republicans to place straight , ipright men , who are not Identified -nitl gas , electric light or other contracts , ir .ho field , and they shall BOO that hones1 abor will stand by them , at loaet thai crtion that has learned a lesson from tin last city election. Wo want men wh ( ave brain and honor ; who can do more , ban ride on free passe * , vote away prop rty , get illegal compensation , hole midnight sessions , glvo corrup 'oclsiom ; select boyish short-legged po- iccmon over men like Clougb , Dnrhyh > r Leonard ; stand in with Eluggers ; give uders for patrol wagons ; appoint in- pootorj enough for all the rocks In Cole ado ; ] have the crack filled up uitl nunuro and rubbiah , breeding malaria liseaao and death ; and defame the gooc lime of our city generally , and for al hat accept bungles and stars from ques- lonablo donatow. Shall the polltica uities not hoed this or a public moetinr. 'rom all incDtrupt citizens will bo callt ( o effect a change. j. s. AND j. A. Col. Hogeland , the newsboys' friend , is i\o\ ivorkinp ; Atlantic. John T. Pugh , of Pacific Junction , came u ] Saturday to BOO Monte Crieto. Ch.irles Barghausen and 1C. I'osecrnns ha\ gone to Sioux City to plant a now grave c Druids there. irs. Lamon and Mrs. O'Neill , of Missoin Valley , nero in the city Saturday to attom tbo matluco. Thaccloro A. Terrell , of South Bond , Ind , ipont Suudny nt the 1'aciBc. IIo is a cousi : of Nat Terrell , the popular 1C , O. conduetoi C. A. Wright nud wife , of Santa lloaa Cal. , arrived nt the I'.icifie yesterday. The both formerly resided here , Mrs. Wright bein a nleco of J. 1J. Hue , who lives in tha auburl of the city. Quite n pirty from Missouri Valley came t this city to tee O'Neill ' in Moato Cristi Among them worn Ed Cusack , Joe Bradloj W. II. Lovekin , W. Coolbauelt , T. Y. Wooi worth and Fred Humphrey. They " > Uye o\er night at the Pacific aud returned heir yesterday. A. Clianfjo in the Oongtollalton. There was a change nboat In the polk forca yesterday , ofliocrs Smullew , Au tin and Towns K ° ' "g on day duly. Au tin wi'l ' patrol Broadway , Vine an Fierce streets from Main street to Buc street. Towns will patrol Bsncrof Main , Pearl and Sixth streets froi Brca-iway to Sixteenth avonno. Offici Smullorn will patrol First Avenue , Broai way and avenues A and B from Mai street to Twelfth street. Oflicers Cualc and Whoehr now go on night duty , th first taking Hroidway , First Avoano an avenues A and B from Pearl street I Twelfth street , and Wheeler patrollic Broadway from Pearl to Market s'rae ' North Main , Bancroft , Main and Pe\ : streets from Broadway to Willownvemu TIio other beats remain unchanged. Real Kutato Transfera. The following is a list of real oatal transfers filed yesterday In the recorder oflico of Pottawattomio county , Iowa , i furnished by A. J. Stephenson , abstrai tor , real eitate and loan agent , Counc Bluff * , Iowa , February 21 , 1885. John Eokery to 0. L. Cooper ; lot I part of 10 , block 23 , Neola , 01,200. Brlgham Graybill to JohnGrByblll : li 10 , blook 9 , Underwood , 850. ArvllU Johnson to Babotte Wao ] part lots 10 and 11 , block 1 , John Join aon's add. , 8300. Ellz Johnson to Babet'o ' Wack ; pn lots 10 and 11 , blok 1 , John Johnson add , S525. Total tales , $2,075. T > re s Ui > . " Junes Franoy , the well known no -hant ; tailor , has not only co far recover ! from his illness as to be able to give h pjrtonal attention ts biulnees , bat h got'hts new goods in , to that m\v Is the tlmo for his many customers to drop in on him and "dress up. " IIo certainly hai aflargo and varied stock of goods as cau bo found In this jmtt of the world , and as t > good fit ) and excellent msko everybody knows that Frnucy takes the load. Put in your orders early. tow.v iruai.s. Ida county lini n debt of § 55,210.9. . . A citizen of Boone shoveled the snow from bis sidewalk , and it killed him. Cedar Uaplds will vote on the question of nn amended city clutter en March 2d. 2d.Tho The la'cst uovclly ia the DCS Molues man who b . < grown fat on hot water , Increasing u j weight thirty pound * in fifty o'ght ' daya. An Inn bridge , 2,200 feet long , will bo comtfitecl over the Mississippi atlvtith'- bnrg duriiiff the coming season , lluss'll Sago , of Kevr Yotk , is president of the cuinpMiy. The Chicago , Hock la'and nnd Pacific will shortly boRln work on nn extension if its Wiutcrsot branch from Wlntoreet outhward to a connection with the sauth- eatorn divlehn. A couple of bralcs living MODIBurling - en , bent n IG-yoar-old boy to iuscnil- illity , alleging ns nn excuse far the nhurann nssiult that the boy had enow- ialled them. They were arrested. The ministerial union of Cedar llapida icllovo thay have diecovorid that the , oung of the huronn kind find nmnao- uotit in roller skating , and now the rink must go. Iowa's two naval cade Is failed in their nuapolh examination , nnd were , , as is instoinnry in such caeoj , allowed to kick .ham.iulvea . out of the bick door of the icsdemy by rcilgning. Kookuk ii cackling with delight over bo congrostional appropriation of § 100- iOO for a govornmontbullding. By jurtl- : ious management tbnt starter of $100- 00 can bo made ta pan out n half mil lion. lion.Tho The 128,500 acras planted in IrUli utatocs In tie stata in 1881 yielded 12- )53OCO ) bushels , or nearly seven nnd ono. lalf bushels for cah Inhabitant , nnd irought an nverago prlco of 27 cents pai luchcl. The Burlington Gazatio insists that the present telephone rjto means robbery , , nd calls for a reduction to $25 per year , ind further bjllbvaa the hello nnchluo ates elnuld bo rognlatad by legislative innctment. The Des Moines News rapsris the birth f a spotted child lu that city , the result ) f luhccjonation , the father boing'black , ho mother whlto , with red ha'r. ' The hild Is whlto with blajk opotj about the ihouhlars nnd back. A teacher in a Dubuque Third ward chool sent one of her pupils , a little ; lrl , to bring & botlla of acid from n lotot , in getting which the child broke , nd spilled thu terrible liquid fire ovoi icrsolf , burning her little hands in a. hor- iblo manner. Gov.Shermanlus appointed the follow- ng ladies and gentlemen as delegates to ; ho conference of charities and cprrectian nhich meets nt Washlcgton in June : Dr. Jennie McCowan , of Davenport ; Mrs. Mary Wright , of Des Moines ; and Hon. L D. Lowolling. of Mitchollvillo ; Hon. W. J. Moir , of Eldora ; lion B. J. Miles , of Eldora. Sixty-eight applications for license tc iell liquors from residents of twenty lonntlcs of the third Iowa revenue dis- rlct were received by Deputy Collects Jogan , of Waterloo , in ono day last week. Of thcso sixty-eight applications thirty were from persons desirous of engaging 'n the retail business. Wabaah station agents have boon or dered t3 procure now uniform botweer his and April 1. Orders arc to bo sent direct to the company and the suits arc to bo fuin'shed ' by a St. Louis house al $22 50 a suit , cash on delivery. Agent ! will bo required to gat two suits a year ono April 1 , and ono the Isb of Novemb- bur. The Wab&sh may bo short on in tetcst but it's bound to DO beg 01 clothes. Mnhonry [ Over Two Centuries ABO The London Freemason of Novembc Ittsays : Bra. Whytehcad , in a very op portune paper , last week , calls attentioi t > a fact , which , thongh for some timi known to Masonic student ? , is Inrjly ye known to the majority of English Fics maions. It is tbo existence of an organ zed body of Freemasons speculntivi and opera'ivo in the seventeenth csn tnry. Dr. Plot ( a non-Mason ) first calJei attention to the fact itself , and the pub Mention of Ilandlo Bo'ma's works , nn : "Athruole'a Dairy , " continued the asatr tion of 0113 who ( by the way ) docs no appear to have boon slurred over , if no Ignored and forgotten , by our MRsoni historians. Andereon , In 1721 ! , for aom reason or other ( parhaps explicabledor ) not mention the matter ; though , i 1738 , ho glances nt it in the extracts fron "Ashmolo's Dairy , " Dr. Plot's i-t marks , and the seventeenth cen tuvy connection with Freemason ry ot Inigo Jones , Sir Chrltta plier Wren and the Doka of Richmond Until qulto recently , our best writer passed the seventeenth century histor ; over , n , perhaps , a subject someha difficult ta explain , though in the Brit ish museum moro than onejioventeontl century guild legend remained , as if re produced then to moot a want , to sallsf ; u demand. And jut nothing seems nov to bo moro clear than that from IGil ( ctrln'nlj ' ) an English Masanlc bady ox istcd akin to our own in this import in fact , that non-operatives were member of the lodges. It is not too much to ia that Masonic llfo was going on at Wat rlngton in 1540ork ; , 1003 ; Chester 1G70 , at any rate ; London , 1082 ; Stal fordshira , 1G80 ( and there and olsowhor much earlier ) , if Dr. Plot bo correct and again at York about 1C90. If th Swalwell ledge traditions are correct that ledge was In existence in the seventeenth toenth century , and we hive no doubt as limo runs on , these evidence will ba mnltlpl'ed. ' The Import anca nf Brother Wbytohead' spap3rthen amounts to this that In the tboary o Masonic history being contlnuouj , whlol the nineteenth csntury proclaim ) , be sup plies another goodly link in that happ ; chain of undoubted and authanlio facts which is now irresistible , und which , after tor long years of forgatfuloess and des quietude , Is lengthenint ; , hour by hour We cannot oipcot full light all at once bat let us hall the twilight ( keeping olta of raoonsh'na , however ) , and seek to has ten the dawn of a clearer atmosphere. At the ins'alhtton ' of Doric lodge , No 210 , 0. M. Chase , P. M , was the recipl cut of an eleg nt jewel , inUld with din- mondi , nt the hands of his brethren Merits KclmuV , the o'destP. M. of D i it , presented the same , on hoh lf of th Qiemberahlp , in fitting terms , and the rt tpouse of the recipient evidencad hii ap preciatlon cf the beautiful testimonial ) > banquet coucladed the interestln moet'ng , MO11HTOX IMIWAX UN. \ Skotcliof an KnulKli Oniitc'KInu nnd Jlis "llomi > Unncli" in AVjiuiilnjr. Too Isit numb r ' t'jo Ijindoa World ) Ut&lr.s > ( < n ' 'Ctlebr.ty nt H < MC"H ko ch of orloa ) Frowcu , who iwell 11011 in Now York ns tbo toa-in-la * f Mr. Leonard Jeromn aud oniu > r of ilia lomo Ranch on the PodiT river. Koi r away from the Homo Uincti nccord- ng to the muMiirj of a pl.ioj from whish lie ni'irost railway stall u is tno him- red and twenty miles distant ore the pnta In which General Mnjkoozio foil lit tie Inst great Indian lulit ; nud a h Ho urthor , on tfmvorgo of Mr. Frjwen's ango , is the full BJ ot in the Llttlo iloiu illli where Gonoial Ouster nnd rib co.n maud wore eJt up oy the S.ou.x. On Uio1 > ralrio Borne fifty yards frim fie hou o , the ijrjivo ot nsoldur "A Warren , " who was shot by Indians and butied where ho fell. Standing on r.n elevation nbovo the Ivcr , the housu lies mttiln a ben 1 on a oil of peninsula , around which the troain curves In a porai circle , a slluati n ilwajs preferred by Brit m , Saxon end liuiau for purposes i > f defence , and ux- ircHicd ia the Cjllh derivation of Col- hes'er , corrtipteJl into the latin camultv tmum , Tha bankj nro prettily fringed with largo cotton-woad ttoaa. Above hem tisja a two-storied log homo built of e a tire plno-lrcca , phatorcd and c.ilud nude , with chlmueya if stone quarried within half a mile. Within era indues of uther than prsitie life. The drawing- room is prettily famished , has a pintjo- orto and phnty of bojks , Including the works tf Ffoudo , Macaulay , and the late Jord Lytton , whoso "Xaaoni" has baon oitored to notlco by recent works on I3uddhlnn. The house Iijiaafar west palozzoshoule be , built , as it nero , round a lirgo lul which rutis to the top of it. This hugi apartment , with its immense rough-hewi : 3 covered hero and ( hero with thi skins of beaver caught in the liver and } iaon killed on the prairie , and the dcc < oration cuustets of heads of clka , of black- tailed and white-tailed door , big-horr sheep , aud other creatures. Amid those ' sigaaof wild llfo ii a tolophonoconnpctclt' with a postoflico and telegraph oflico ni ; ho crossing of Powder rlvor , twcnty-lwc miles below. Mr. Frowen will some times tay , "I frequently connect oui wire with tha Rovornmont wire running up lo fort McKlnncy , where Lieutenant McKir ney was killed in the great Cghi of 1877 by the Sioux Indians on the Red Fork of Powder rlvar , though tha dla- , inca is mora than eighty mileu , nnd _ con > versation la as eaiy as possible. This is , [ think , owing t > the extreme lightncsi and diynots of the atmosphere. " Around the Homo Ranch ore outbnilct- ngs of no very coos'clerable ex'ont cow louses , a dairy , and the all important cehonaos , without which no American dwelling is complete. There arc nc tockyards and suchlike in Wyoming , mainly because ranching Is quite anothoi jininess , from farming in Knghnd. II s a stcck-raleing business , carried out oil argo linjs in the grand old origins ! man ner. Thoio is 113 fencing in of cattle : and ono man's beast is only known from mother's by the brand , tmd perhaps a lit- .lo by the broad. For the braed of the : attlo uoy replacing the primeval and joellcsj bison is nut llko that of the lorses called muatangi. The herds which roam tha far wes'orn prairies are ecni' > osed of magnificent's , cf fine breed ind corresponding wcjght. Toxaa fever , that plague of southorr ranches , is unknown in Wyomirg , whore , ho intense cold kiils it oil. Hence Mr. Frowen argues that gocd sound utock , at well bred as English cattle , could bo In- ; ro3uced from the northwest of Amcrics .nto England , If the present laws as tc ha importation of live stock wer : imended , or a capacloin quarantioc-stv Jon cjtablished. Bij idea appears to b. that If loan stick was imported from th > : Ear west and fattened in England , tha re suit vtould be better for everybody tb&i that oxen should bo rattened in the fa west , killed in Chicago , and eont to E. g land as dead meat. Frewen's ancestral seat is in Surses Engl-mi. At Northlam Is the homo o the family , formerly occupied by , or H least the liirthphco nf , "Accepted Frowen , seine time Arahbsioj of York , tutor of Oha-le II. , end brothar of "Thankful" Fiowtn who helped him In nettling the prajo book. In Mr. Frewen's London hous there are abundant Indications of lifo ii the Rocky monnta'in. A bald oagl flap ) his wings on the slaircaao , an am / ing head of a white-tailed deer brlstlo with its sixty paints In tin hall , nnd th > largest wapiti head in the world look o\ertho diuinR-tible. In her drawin , room Mrs Frowon Iraasures among great wealth of nicknacks a charming pfc turo of her homo in Wyoming , paintei for her by Bierstidt as a wodoing pret ent. In Chapel streo * , dur'ng their cc casioiul illghts to England , the youn couple entertain agricultural and bncolt authorities , f a well as friends of Mr Fn wen's Cambridge days , when ho wo matter of the dreg andprisldont of th Allionit'am , and gcod men acr'csi cocntr ; who were with h'm ' when ho rode Sbaugh ratin In tha great run from liaukebor , Gorao. PIIiESI PILiKSI VlliKSl A SUKE CUKE FOUND AT NO ONE NEED BUFFER , A sure euro for Blind , Bleeding , Itching nn Ulcerated Flies has been discovered by Di WillianiB [ an Indian Remedy , ) called Di William's Indian File Ointment , A elngl box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 t 30 rears standing. No ono need sutler fiv minutes nftor applying ! thia wonderful sootl ing medicino. Lutlons , loBtrumonta nnd elo < tuarlea do moro harm than good. William Indian File Ointment abnorbs the turners , n lays the intense itching , ( particularly at nlgli after getting warm in bodncU ) ( as a poultia givea instant relief , and la prepared only fc Files , itching of the private parts , nnd fc nothlne else. Head what the lion. J. M. Opffinlxi ry , c Cleveland , says about Dr , Williatn'a India Pile Oolntment : "I have used scores of Fil Curea , and it affords me pleasure to say that have never found anything which gave BUC Immediate and permanent relief as Dr. Wi ! lioia'a Indian Ointment. For sale by all drup gisti and mailed on receipt of price. Wo an 81 , Bold at retail by Kuhn & Co. 0. F , GOODMAN , Wholesale Agent , KecorcJ. H. 0 , 1'rice , Foci-Seller , in FitUburg : Chronicle. Tha largest payiog $5 mutual ticket on any horse during the season of 1884 was on Roy S. Cluka In the Twin Ci' ; handicap ran at Crlghton Bescb , Sep. 8 The starters wer : Fer Kyle , Lute string , Plunger , Haledon , Gleaner , Mie BrewBtor. Checkra&ts , Chickadee , Bur ton and Roy 8 , Oluko , The distanc wai onu and a quarter miles. Auctini pools sold ; Ubanor , S OOjKylo , § 11(1 ( Ohfcmstc , 8M5- Miss Browstar , ? 105 field , $80. Cluko , with eighty pound up , took the raca at the stut and wo etsi'y ' by a Irngth in 200fc ; Muliiil pad $622,75. ThoUrqesV paying inntu ala on record were ona race troa by Kid a-Jank , at Jerome Park on Oetober li 1872 , when the tickets ps.iJ $1,178. CHAS. SHIVERICK , UPHOLSTERY AND DUAl'BRTES , P.wsengcr Klovntor to nil floor * . 1200 , ICO * nnd 1210 rainam Street , OMAHA , Nr.llllASKA , 1409 and UlLDofeeSt. { } Omaha Ne- And Jftou'f Xose This Chance. The best opportunity over oiTureJ to try your luck in those- hard tlmlcs. In order to plvo the public in general the advantnto ; with a small turn ol money , to par- ticlpnto In n re. ! Gcrtnnn Money Lottery , guaranteed and pnnctioiuul by the Gotinnu go\orn- ment , woolTer live whole orignal tickoti which wo have made Into Id ditlorcnt numbera of the 287 , Hamburg Loticry , In club plays and Boll amo for the small sum oC $5 M long as wo have seme on hand. Tliefo tickets are good for the laot three principal drawings whioli com- m-nco March 11,1883 , nnd tcrmicatoou Mny 13 , lfcS5. This Jjottory has been for over 113 ycara in existence ; haa onu hundred thousand tickets nnd fifty thoupuiul 500vlnniiif ; numbers which is o\cr ono half the actual amnunt of tickets. Each holder of tickets receives , after thn diawicgs , the Original List ? , also the i mount of the prize if won. Wo hope , as wo give 10 dilTerpnt nuinbor * , that every ticket holder , on receipt of the winning lists , will ba fntlsfied with the result. The capital prlcw nro mark 600 000 , ISOO.OOO , 200(00 , 100.0CO , 90- 000 , 70,000 , 5(1,000 , . " 0,000 , etc . tbo Binallost being 1 15 mark. It la of interest to each and e\eryono to invest as soon ns possllilu before the tlelots are nil sold. Kpinit either by Fost- ollico order or drnft nnd tickets will co forward at onco. Original tickets of the llamhiirg & Brunswick nnd Saxon , constantly on hand. C. F. SPI1MIDT & CO. , C2 Congrosii Street , Detroit , Mich. H B > . Guiniass and 20th StsM Omaha , Ne.b. ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & GRAY ) . LIME AND GEBIENT. Afl Ilnlale. Window C poIron Creallnjs , Uelilllo Blrjr-llKhls , tc. na > Iicn'enJ El > J ! , ! tri blO Bonlb ISlb Elroot Om k Kcbritkn. i fi 11 ERTELS HAY PRESSES. ! 1 Are the Cheapest. Most Durable. Smallest in. Size and Lightest in Weight. WIth'no Hay 1'rmta cf any hind can the amount ot work produced , sucli little expcnef , ( ten ten ) lit hay Iti'ljovir toloiU ralioul liox carat can lioJoiiowllU thu Kitnl Iruprovtil MarhlnM. Warranted or uo air. For lllulstia-cil new circular addreea , KIITEL & CO..Qulccv , Illinois. Mention Ouiaha lite a llcm liubUiiliclIn UOS. IIUKH Y T , Cl4JIIKK , I'rot. and Treat. A. M. C//.111KK , Vice 1'retident JOI1X T , CI.IKKK , Semtnry. H. T. CLARKE DRUG COMPANY , SUCCEEDING LEIGHTON & ; CLARKE , Jobblne DrtiK hoil9 | bct ecn Ch'on-Jtnil San Franclioo. CAI'ITM. STOCK , 200MO. W IAHGKIT Intlora'l tleiniitH at a'l ' tlmgi. Will duiIlcituCh CJBOand tit , Uuti pilccj with Irf lijht ad lid Our ipeo'ally ' will hi Jui'e DruijH , JL * iint8 , Oils and Window CUanf < Ki iuiate elvm uu ijl'.iu Klabu. T i thi * about to enliaik 11 the drug lm > ln.i will Jj well to coniull heir l terL8t l > > ctlllu ouiuorsendlor our pricohit wtilcnwlllappcir tliout January 6th , Mall order * J