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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1885)
6 THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS MONDAY , FEBRUARY 23 , 1885 THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS , Monday Morning , Fob,23 , KUB3CIUITIOH BATK3. : . . ntl wetk ByCantM - - - - - 0 p By W U - . - . . - . . (10.00 per yeir OFFICE I o. 7 mrl Btr ot. Nsur MINOR MENTION , Sco that your lumo Is properly gls- farad. Gfttnor township Is bo ng greatly troubled by Ir.unpa. D. M. Wyland , the banker of Ilailan , was in tha city Saturday. A. B. Ko'.th , of the Crawford county Bulletin , waa in the cUy Saturday. The paving contractors say they will llnlah Broadway next week if tno weather moderates. MM. Dr. Burroughs loft Saturday evening for Ohicigo , intending to bo ab- aant about -week. . A solost psrly is to be given by lie- bokih Ledge No. II , Thursday evening nest at Bono's haU. The man Gordon held In j ul here as a vagrant , proves not to be the Gordon who Is wanted in Kama ? , whore ho broke jail. jail.Tho The trial of Jack Fickle , the murderer of Maurlco Slattory , brother of Vrof. Slattory , of thij city , will commsnco In St. Louis to clay. Thu board of rrgistration mecta in the city clork'd olliea today for the purpose cf complying and correcting the registry for the city election. "City warrants nraselling at 80 cent ; . " So says the official organ of the city. So far as can bo learned no one ii buying thorn at any price , except an occasional tax-payer who wants of a few of the $40,000 outstanding. Tomorrow evening you shall hear * Oapt. Scoloy'a leclnro at the Masonic lull. If you cannot go yon should never theless buy all the tickets you can afford to and help swell the fund for the sol- dter * widens and orphans. Thcs , 0. White , reprasenling a St. Loul manufacturing hens ? , was in the city Saturday , interviewing Sept. Burns about furnishing now street cars for the Council BluiTi lines. Now cars of some sort are noedod. That is evident. Nepbi Winchester , the Indian who is frequently In duress vile on account of too much fire-water , Is again in the city jail for the old offense. Hia hands are badly frozen and ho will loao ono or moro fingers bcciusa of this lasl spree. The democratic caucuses are to bo hold tbii evening at the following places , at 7:30 : o'clock : Firat ward , Weiss & Ciau- aen's store : second ward , city connc 1 chamber ; third ward , Justice Schurz's oflicc ; fourth ward , St. Jojeph's academy. Bill Berry waa released from the city jail Saturday morning , hiving served a Bhort term for beinj : drutk. Before Bight ho wai brought back in again and Bomo hours sftorward was let out to empty a pan of ashes and forgot to re turn. The city election is ono week from to day. Only a few daya for tha true citi- zan's of the place to rally aboiii true men , and got them elected. Paity and pertonal pwfcvjncas should ba lost sight of in the unltod effort toget none but the bott In ollico. Officer Cuslck on Saturday afternoon arrested a colored mm , on suspicion. The fellow gave his name as Will PJnmb , and had in his possession five pairs oi new pantj and ono vca : , which ho had Apparently ttolon. The owner ot the gooda hua not been found yet. The decent democrats should tnrn oul io the caucuses to-night In such goodly numbers as to ofluctually act eloKn OE any attempt of any gang or ring to die- tate nominations. Iho city government Is in such shape now tint the democrat ! must nominate their best men. The prohibition sheet must bo gottinf hud up for complimentary notices o ! itself. It pn's a paid ndvealiscmont in r little religious -noekly having almost a small a clrcnlat'on as its ovui , and thci rep oduois the advertisement in Us OTTI cohims , chiming It is the editorial ex presaion of the religious weekly. N < modcst'y about that , snro. James M. Lowii aad W. B. Robioao ; were tried Saturday en n charge ef steal Ing an overcoat from a man named Brln ton , at the dummy do.ot ; , Lewis wa disharged , bat Rub'r.sou was pinched Tiu coat was fouud in a second h ni Rter > , ani Robinson acknowledged liav ing add it , but claimed be did ao at th mqii''stof another rnuD , and that ho dii not do the stealing. Neolahaa boon up over the prc hibitory law. Following the brilliant ea ample of Council Blulls , n pop ordinanc WM pusBil Hoenting laloons at $300 yen" . Ona falcon man , O'Connor , refuse to ray Iho requisite revenue under 111 evasive ordinance , and was arrested b tbo city nmraha1. O'Connor In tar BWOIO out infornut'oii ! against tin mayo ; city marshal and the aldermen for elite ; IngJlLto a conspiracy , end another agalm the city official * fur fatlirg to enforce tt prohibitory law. These caicj wro a dlamlsaed , and O'Cotnor acquitted , Tl excitement runs high , M. F. llohror , the ipoalal ujent of tl Mutual Life Imurinoa company of Ne York , la dlatributlng copies of tl b'clonco Alnunao for 1885 , one of tl moat valuab'o ' publications which 1 ; ever bcon sent out by the oonoptnjr. ] la typographlcully a beauty , and will I greatly appreciated by all cbiorveia < nature. It Is hindscmoly Illustrated , full of intetcaling facts , and us a refer * i n co bcok Is most excellent. In view of the prediction tint the cholera will visit America he Io also diitrlbntlcg a little punpblet confining nnny tncful h'nta ' as to how It thould be treated. The annual rchool election is toba held Monday , Iilirch 0 , nt which two directors will bo elected for the term of three ycata. The public shooh of the city are too ImportJiit an interest to bo a'lowcd to fall into the hands of mere political cBsUra , and the citizens should boon their guaid , lest scms such schemes bo sprnng onto the voters as have been tried at two or three previous elections. Tha lopublicans scorn ilow In making any move toward nominating men for alderman at the coming election. Lot each party put up Its bcit men , and then lot tins voters support the best of these thus to'cctcd. Council Binds needs to rnakb a decided change In its administra tion ef city affaire , if it dcsirca to keep up its reputation or its credit , The moral and financial looseness of the &d- miulotratlon Is fast making this city a by word throughout the west , and all good citizens must rally for a change for the better , and by thcs voting ono moro elec tion after this may make a complete change fo : the hotter. Caucuacn are generally a enaie and a fraud. A few tpivlncd polit'clana make up ono slate , and parhapi a few dltBilu- ficd rln atcrs rn&ko np another. The good , honest eouls who feel it to bo their duty to attend the ciucnaaos , and who know little of the graviom scheming , find on coming to the deeijnated piece of mooting tint their choice ia nan-owed down to ono of two ovils. They can simply vote for ono ring or for the oppo sition ring , or caet their vo'e where it counts for nothing. If thoao nho hon estly desire good men in ctlico would put in a. little moro time before the caucuses , tholr votes might be combined and de feat any and all zing ? , and emash all bad slates. AGno organ , half price , nt Board's wall paper store , next to poatoltico. OHLLDEEfl'd ' .SERVICE , A i'lcasiiiR Allcjjnry Presented by Hcv. B. lli. lluniui ntl , ol' Chicago. At the Congregational church yester day momlnK there was an unusually large number tf children present , owing to the arrangements made for a special service fur them. Rev. H. L. Hammond , of Chicago , gave a very plenilng discourse in the form of an allegory on "Tho Voyage of Life. " Ho pictured the river of life springing from a core In thu groit moun tain of eternity , with the many little boats bcrna upon its bosom. Ho described - scribed how oaoh bent had a captain by the name jf Will , who had such wise counsel ors a ? Reason and Conscience * , and such wicked on a as the Pa'sion family , of whom thera were many. Ho dssctibod how the boat ] rrcro manned each by twenty help'ra , five on each side , above and below , with two sentinels In front above to watch , and ono on each aide below , and two moro In front , oao to twto , Jho othar to smell. The leading of these boats , tbo chait which should bo studied , the letters sant back by those trho had pone further down the , the white dove which could bo called any tluie to help and blosa ; the Pica1 reaching ot the by whore many ships wera to to found some In pairs , some going about singly ; the various itl.inds In the bay at which these ships made landings , that oi fashion , hope , sorrow , sickness , devotion - tion , duty , etc. , and the various thlcgi to bo found on thono Inlands , then how every now and then some ship was seized by an undercurrent and cirr.'od in spite of aail or oar out of the bay , through the narrows into a great bcj-ond , the eight of which was obscured by a great fog bank ; how the chart used on the voyage along the river and around the bay , and found experience what thera wes beyond ; how the vessels Jadon with the trno treasures and free from contagious clseasss , would H il np the river of life , peaceful , oereno , Into the pioicnco oi him who made the channel of ibo rivar and staittd out tha little boats in the bo- ghmiog , and had furnished the chart ; hp\v the boata laden wish rubbish , with diecaso and corruption , would ba citrisd along adark channel to the dead sen , whore storms and winds prevail. From tliit allegory , full of beautiful description ! F and of practical t ach ngs of truth , the speaker urged the lit'lo ones to look oul aud gel tlulr bo it laden with the beet. As tjleising b caka In the disconrs appropriate songs were given by the choir , end by the children. The wholi formed a moat pleaflog children's service and ono which will long bo r < memloioc by all who attended. Last evening Rev. Mr. ETaramcn1 : preached on 'Tho ultimate success c Christianity. " This was his closing ser niou M a supply for tha church , as tin now pastor , Rov. Mr. Crof B , of S > nd wicb , 111 , Ig oipjcUd to urrivo thli _ week , and coinnuuoo bis mlniatra , tinns next Sunday. Mr. Damnioni ha icrved moat aoeujJibly ai a snppl1 fer the pulpit for several we ks , and hi lennona have lnon listened to with clos atteiitlon and much iut aret , while sofall' bo baa no loss won the hearts of the po. plo. Uo Is a grand inttn , everyway , n < wlillo the wolcomoto the new pastor wl ! be uono the less hearty , yet there willb a regret with many to have Mr. Ham motid depart , and wherever ho may b bo Mill carry the best withes of thos with whom ho has cimo in contact here Tbo oburch rightly feels that It was ver for tan it o in being able to eecura him n a lupp'y during this Interim of vraltln for the auipal of the now pattor. Bfckman & Co. , 525 Main street , wl tt waeh and oil your hart ess cheap now. T. N. Dr y , 102 Main street , oflei RAUE BAHOAINS in Urora AND SHOES fc io the- rest of this month. Womens' kid button shoes , gcoc 10 § 2 50 , former nr'co ' $3.50. Womens1 kid button shots , coocl ? 2.2u , frmfr price § 3. Women * ' jjraln bult'n ahcea , gooc $1 25 , formerprico § 175. Women * ' gwln poli-li ihoei , gooc $1 , former rr co $1.50. Men * o U ho ts and shccj 25 per cec ° loll. I sTial looicvoiuy entire stock t } f Oanva March 1st. " " * ' * ' RECEIVING AND GIVING , Tito nnnlvorflary TVItsslonnt.v urvmon R ( the AlctlirjOlmlCliurcli. Her. A. Thornbruo of Donnlson , Iowa , preached thonnnivarsary sermon nt Iho Methodist church ycstordnj raonilnR , nf which tlio ft'llcwing is a aynopils : ' Freelyyo have rucehod ; fraoly Rive. " Matt. 10 , 8. If wo ntnnd in the Bummer time at the baao cf toaio mnuntiin that i ? elevated so high that Us , summit Is continually crowned with Know , \vo might rrondor perhaps that the snow did not boccmo SD deep sometimes , anrt pllo up m high that the eye could not reich the top. But at a socbiid thought , wo re member tkat thoto Is j * continual irogcta going on umlcineath that tuow to riplftcotho Immcnso volumes overlying "it. L'.tllo slroanu nnd rivnkti come out fnm beneath it , which wo Qnd to bo ( rno by g icg to the BOOW line. It is true that the menu- tain top has bcon receiving fiom year to your the snow fall * from thu hi arena , but hns been going back to the earth again by the prociss mentioned , to bo caught up , cat nod to the clouds in vapor , and then showered again In snow upon the rrountfdn top. Thoinloby which this procena Is carried - riod on wo will find to hold good In all phases of life. The laborer goes forth and sows the seed , expecting In tlmo to bo riimmorattd for his work , when the harvest pourti forth Us golden ntorcB. The same is gaod in the law of iutalli- gonco. Ilia atndtnt who burns Ilia mid night oil expects to reap a benefit from his earnest toil and constant study. lie expects some time to eland in the pulpit or befora the bar , or ha expects to ft Low the calling of a ttitesmau or a phy sician. Sometime in llfo ho expects a retuin for Ida earnest study or his it into tlnught , Again in the line of Inter national good , i e expect tbo exports wo send to other countries to bring back to us from foreign shore ? , cthur gouh In their place that are necessary to our welfiic. Now If this holds good tn the line of Intelligence and in tbo line of hbor end commerce , will it not hold gocd alao in the moral life ? The great thought that should be In the heart of o miss'onary ' worker , and of all workers fho work lor the salvation of eouls Is the thought that their duty Is to sow the seed and leave the result with the Almighty Father. Now there are some qualification ! ne cessary to missionary woik One of the first qalific&tlona Is to ba divested of sin. The second qualification Is to ba invested with power. "Wo nro a1 ! ordinary men , moro among ordinary men , and are of the ordinary class of humanity , but wo can have extraordinary power. Wo can bo Invested with that power that conies from the Almighty Father. The third quali fication is an cvldonco and conviction that men can bo saved. I fool that wo ought to have Christ as the Stirling point , The individual that grts Ubrlef before the people , the Indi vidual that holds up t&o law of Christ , and gets people to see in JUiin their Savior , can hope io succeed. If I thought I could not get your minds above and beyond myself , I would feel that my work is a failuro. Wo must halp tne people to totk Christ , and must have Christ as the great object of the soul. soul.And And then again the Chrlttiau worker ought to foci In his heart that there is no restriction to bo placed upon the diirctor < f charity. Our missionary society was established in 1781. The first missionary sent ont from America was tent In 1794. We will l-o'i this morning at the fruit of this labor in our church. It now contains tixtcon missionary iiolds. The ministers and membership combined , amount to 1,800,150 people. This is a part of the result of missionary work in 118 yours , and if wo continue to progress in this manner for the next 118 years it is possi ble for Africa to make as goi a showing as tlilg. Now wiat is our church doing for the causa of mi-alonai What ia she doing to tavo the world ? The mi slonary col lection last year was $015,920 , and with the bequcat wo find that it come up to § 7 > U,123 , nearly 'M cents per member exclusive of bequest. With the Inquest , 11 cents par member. Wo are willing to eavd the world by giving an average of 41 cents per yo .r aphce. Willing to risk that much fur the salvation of the world. It is not a good ehowlng. Not so gcol 88 wo ought to havo. Some elo net bsllovo In going away from homo to do this work. 1 admit that charity begins at home , but it does not ( top there. It goes ont into the world. 1C die individuals slnnt yon i 1 not reelvo the Lotd Jesae , yon mutt go to thoao who will. It is our basinets to go into all the world and teach the gcapol. Ono of our missionaries asked thaDukoof Wel'ington at onotlraowhat ho thought about rnlsslona'y wcrk. Trc old so'.dler ssid "what are yonr orders ? " [ let nn&worad , "It is going into all tie world for the spread of the gospol. " "Then , " said ho , "All you have got to do is to obey orders. " Wo read "Go yc Into nil the world , and preach my g spel unto every people. " It ia our command giving of Garish It is not our bueineai to bo restricting our work. It is oui business to bo obedient to our erJers. I do not bollevo In this idea of the heathen being in our midst. Ic is right to look at the welfare ot those Burrotmd ing ns , but I do not beliavothevo , is ar intelligent nun or woman in this citj who can bo clacscd as heathen , There it not one but 'who has hcai'l something , about the gospel of Chrlct atdiavlni faith In Him , There may bo wicked moo tbeto may bo thoto who have givei themselves to pleetmro and are thoupht- lois about their soul ealvat on , but I d ( not think ttiern i ro any who know so IH'i cone rning their future welfare as to re qulro all of our cervices to convert thorn whonth y are unwilling to be converted io much as those who luvo had co oppor tuniiy to know that which eo nearly concerns corns them. All the world i ) open for gospel wrik What Is your share in giving to Goa What bUrs iijs do you obtain ? Hoi much morjcan there bo ? What grea blessings you are continually rccaivini fr in on high. How grand and munlfi cent are the I r mures that we rccsiv with open arms from the Father of al b'ofslnpl ' Are jourodprocal ? Ob , tha the F.vho ; may keep that thought be fore ns Before yon boy a hatn > sj c ll on BecV man & Co. , 525 Main street. .MANDEMAKER & VAN , , AUOHITEOTS , CONTRA.OTOUS ' o AND BUILDERS No. 201 Upper Br-adw y , Council Bluffs A full stock of Mens' , Womens' , Boys' , Misses' and Ohildrens' New Jersey ARCTICS , now ready in any quantity to suit purchasers , CHICAGO TEEMS and D3SOOUNTS every day in the year. We also carry FULL lines oi BOOTS and SANDALS of above named goods , includ ing the nicest line of SPECIALTIES for fine retail trade made by ANY company. $ e have some Felt Boots to close out cheap. Try a case of our COMMON SENSE ARCTIC for MEN , we . FULLY recommend them. Write for list on "Lumbermen , " Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St , Office , 412 Broadway , "MURBER MOST FOUL , " To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria , the last flvo ycara thcro h 3 not boon a death from diphtheria In any ca < M\hcre Dr. Thomaa DURING ' prcxentho and euro wai used. It , lias boon the mcam ot saUui ; thousands of Ilvos. lotllj , tecr , clmnitlue It In 48 n to i ho form. For ponaiblo in nuti Id eorn thr at in millgnant soarlof \ cr urs simple ealo only at the docloi'a ollice , No 23 South Eighth street , Council IHuITs , Iowa , Send for it ; prlcn J2. Dvspcptio , why lUe In misery and ale In desp lr with cancer of the etoamcn ? Dr. Thomas Jeftpria cures every of Indlccstion and constipation in a * ery short timo. Bert of rtfeiccces given. Dispopssla is . the cauao ( all ol per cent diseased condllloue. ! < " II. OIICCTT. S. T. FniiNCH. . . . . . . I. M. SCCCKSSOIIS TO Casady Orcutt & Frencli 405 Broadway Council'Bluffs , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Mattings , Linoleums , Oil Cloths and Upholstery , Mail Orders Carefully Filled ! GOMGIL BLUFFS ET GO. ASK YOUR OROOKIl FOB A. B. HOWE'S Corn Meal , Graham F-lour , Hominy Ground Fresh Every Day ! Ground Feed Always on Hand. Mill , corner of North Sixth and Mill Streets , COUNCIL , BLUFFS. OOUHOIL BLtirrS MABKET. Wheat No. 1 milling , 65 ; No. 2. CO ; No. 3 , tO. Corn Now , 25o. Oata For local purposes , 23c , Hey S5 00@6 50 per ton ; baled , DO@GO. Rye 35o. Corn Monl 1 30 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 6 00(2 ( G 50. 50.Goal Goal Delivered , hard , 0 50 per ton ; sofl 4 CO per ton Lord Kalrbank'e , wholesaling nt 9 c , Flour City flour , 1 50@2 SO. Brooms 2 95@3 00 per doz. LIVB srooK. Oattlo Butcher cowa 3 25@3 75 , Batcher atoers , 3 75(2-4 ( 00. Sheep 2 50@3 00. Hofrs 1 00@4 25. PBOnUOK AND FBUnS. Poultry Live chckenBper ! [ doz. S00"dross- ; cd chickens , 8c ; dressed turkeys , lJc ( ; dress ed duclu , 9c ; dressed goose , So. Butter Creamery , 25@28o ; choice country 18@20a. Eppfa 27 per dozen , Vegetables Potatoes , /50(5'ipfl / ( ( per bushel ; ontnua , ( JOc per buj applox , choice cooking or eating , 3 00 ; beans , 1 00@1 60 per bushel. Cider 32 gallon bbl. , SG.50. Granges 4 0(1 ( per box. Lemons 4 60@5 00 cer box J. L. DuBKVOISE. No. C07 Broadway Conncll Blaffi. Railway Time Table , Corrected to January 7 , 1835. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following re the times ol the urlral nd da. pirturo ol trains b ; centrtl standard time , it the lee l depots. Truing leave transfer depot ion mln- utos earlltr and arrive ten minutes later. OHIOAOO , lOBUXOrON iNP QOIXOT , L11V3. ' AEUV * . 6S5pro : CHilcaKoKspreGt tiOOatn 8:10 : a m rant Uall. 7:00 p IT 1SO ; p n Aocommodatlon. 1.00 p m At local depot only. K1XU4 OITT , BT. ; 0 iND OOtTNOIL ELUTT-S. 10:05 : a m Wall and Kiprcis , 6:25 : p m 8115pm Pftolflc Eipreiu , 0:65 : pm OIUOAOC , UlLWiUHBl AHO St. FAC1. 5:15 : p m Ezpiear , 8:06 : a m 9i6 : a m Kxprow , Hi'5 P m cnicioo , IOOK IBLUID AKD Ji5 p m Atlantis Express , 8:06 : a m 9:15 : a m Day EipreBS 0:64 : p m ritO a m Dei Koines AooommodatlOD , 8:16 : p m At local depot only. "VAIAJSn , IT. LOUIS * D TICITIC , 6:10 : p m Aocommodaton 9:00 : a m ISO p m Loul Express I'M p m 1:60 p m Chicago Express 10:66 : a m At Transfer only omcaooand lORTinrasmV. 1:60 : p u ExprtM , 8:60 : p m Fadflo Kxpreii 8:05 a m noox CITT IVD ricino , f.U p m St. Paul Eipreei , 9:00 : a m MO m Day Eiprew J.-OO p n raioa noino. 8:00 : p m Wertern Eiprcfi , 8M : a m 11:00 : a m 1'adflo Eipteat , UO p ta ISUO a ia Lincoln Kxpreaa , 1:11 p m Al Transfer only DUVMV IMil i TO OW1I1A. ; M-Sao 9:30-KSO : : IlW : x m. 1:80 : 2:30-8:50 : 1:3 : > 6SO : 8.SO 11 : 6 p. m. frundaji 7:20' : 9.30 11:10 : a. in 1:30-3:30 : : 1:30 : 8.30 11:06 : p. m. AnUe 10 tnlnutebeforeka\Ing tlmo. from trini'cr only. Irs , H.J , Hilton , H.D. , PEISIGIAN & SURGEON , r , C * acU SMITH & TOUJ1K , ACTS , Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 0 Main St. , COUNCIL BtA'i'rs , - - - IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From , KIEL BALE STABLES Keep Ilorecs nnd Mules constantly on hand whlo wo will soil In retail or carjotd lota. All Stock Warranted as Reoresented , ale iidrclilldrt crt Ii Grain at d I the 1UTilitj lonalilo Bfttlof.iction OuirantcoJ. Oonior Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. UouncllUlnfTg AGENTS WANTED. Drs. Judd & Smith's Now Improved Electric Belt , 810 IJROADW'AY , COt'KClI , 11LUFFS , IOWA ; 725 ELM ST. , lUI.tAS , TEXAS ; mid IT. WAYVK.IND IT rOSniVHiY CU11R8 KMncy and Llvct Complaint , HtlRhl'ii DNoas. . llbcii-nallim , Ncurnlirl * DjBpcrsta , Ncnonst cii W tlnf ( Wmhn a , I'araljstn , bplnftl AlrVolloni , IiullBSstlon , Hcatt tiseM % KIU IlcuJacli , I.otne Uack , Co'd Foot , nd all disease * rciiulttuj InorcasoJ motive pjwere. Now ( nintovoii a S3 and (6 ; old etylo $2 inch. inch.W. W. P. AYLSWOBTH , Itick bniWinps of any a'r/o raised or moved and sntlsfaction guaranteed , L'ramo house ino\ed on TarrLK OrAST trucks , the beat in the world. W. P. AYLSWORTH. 1010 inth Street , Council Ulnffs. H. II. FIKLD. w. c. ISTI : ESTEP , TJ35No. No. 317 Brondway , Council Blufl's , Iowa. Office Calls Attended Promptly , Day anil Niglit. Particular attention given to SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special ft vortlaomcnts , eiia aa Lost , found , To Loan , For Salu , To Beat , Vi'ttDts , Board- log , eta. , will be Inserted In tbla column at tbo low rate of TEN CENTS PER LINE ( or the flret Insertion ind FIVE CENTS PER LINE lor oaoh eaboeqnenl D- ertton. Leave advortlsoments at our offloo , No , PoarlStreet , near Broodwav WANTB. -A student In den'Alclllcc. Mustba\e WANTKD trcai 8 ol smlf-Biippott Call on or aildrt'93 a ! No. 12 1'carl St. Council Binds. TA7ANTKD Acoodglrl to i'o irencial homework W Ctll at 1CD Uanaolt rcot. FOll S'ljE A tarcchun ctoRct a fine , veil 1m- pro\cd farm of 400 ocics , Uithin a few miles ol Council Blufls , at a lurgalu. Low p'ice and easy tcnns. twA.s d WALKER FOR KALE AROidpajirf ; hotel property with Ilvoiy iUb'u , in one of the heat small tonns in western Iowa will sell with or without lurnltuic , or will tuvdo for a email farm with ftock i to. " - & WALKER. FOR SALK Eighty acres urlxprotcd land in Union counti , Jun-o , . " ) miles south cast of At- ton , the a tibt > Ecat , or nlll trade for Nebraska or Knnfoa Ind. SHAV & W / SALi ; A 2i aero tract of good land aboilt i/Olt and a half ulloa from Council II nil i poet nfflco. at a bi'ijam. SHAN Si WM.KhR. I > > 011 HAM ! In Harrisoncnunty , Iowa. 320 acres Jt1 crass land , all under fence a SCO ivro farm with flnolinproietECin" all under cultivation c\cr t 0 acres eras'8 > acres gcod gn.s.3 or p&atuio land , aid se\eril other tracts cf from 40 to 160 acres of unimproved land. SWAX & FOlt SALE I.nnJs Improved aad unlni | roved. If yru want a farm in uo-tera Iowa , Kansas Nebraska or Dakota , Ictus boir from you. SWAN & WALKER. FOll S LE Special bargain. Ahrpe two story fra > a dwillmir , tou r ems with all modern Im provements veil located aud almost new , I'tico < GjvO ; $1,100 cash balance long tiiro & WALKKB. I'X/'ANTKD Tocorrceiiond with any non-resident > > owner ot property In Council Bluffs or Potta- \\atUm e county , or any oil" wifhinp ; to luy or eull propeity Ia westernIo aKnns < > sorNchraaka. IV'AI.hKIU SA1 E A larco cumber of business and resi dence lots In all parts of Council lilutfrt. Hco us before jou buy. bwAN & WALKKK. rOIl HENT Woh vo several houses on our Hat for rent , v acaut now , Sjw AN & WAUIXR. POK 8 LE Parties wlshini'to buy cheap lots to hulld on can buy on aouthly imjmcntu nT from 52 to Sio , bwA it WALKKB FOK KKN I Wo will rent you a lot to buld on wfth thopritilago to buy If von with onotj liberal term * . SWAN & WALhr.n. WANTED To correspond with ny onn vvtahtnea K'ocJ locitlon f r | lannlni ; null. a h , door and bind manufactory , wo have bulldlntc and machinery , neil located , for sale , Irnse or tiailc ; HWAN& WAI.hKll. 11KNT I 'k'B two itory frairo bulldlrf ; eult FOll for wareliomo storanc , UMIU IUI V * purpofcn near railroad depot , bw * N W LhKn. KKN r UK HAi/h , IIU..JK : and ( 'routidn 170H mi'tal Io for email foundij and machine shop. Good holler , engine , cupola , b'owtr with ( Ued uhalc- inir eto. , I utdy to put in motion. SWAN WALKKI , .jiOll tiAUB llousca , Lots and EnnJ. A. J , JL1 Ptoploi'nn , 60S Hritatcnuu , _ HALK A top-biifny , flrotlisi male and ipOlt ' ex client condition Or w 111 trade for cheap " , ot. Addrcub r. iIBo9oin _ _ < c , roiinollBlu7 _ . _ _ _ _ _ OAl7 NirpOoD Oo(7rKe Iluaton , Osa llro.J. way. sells coal > nd wood at reasonable prices Klvcs 2,01,0 Iba. for a ton , und 123 cubic for cord , Try him. _ TTrANTKlJ Every bouyin Council Bluffi to take YV TuiBii. Delivered by urilorkt only twenty junta week. OLD PAPERS Foi e lo tt Bn office , t ! 5 ocotl * hundred JTACOJt SIMS , Attorney - at-Law , COUNCIL BLUF18 , IOWA. Office , Ualn StrMt , Iloom 8 , flhugart and L'eoo block. Will practice In S ate and Kudeial court * . N. BOHUEZ. Mce of tie Peace. 07EB AMKRIOAH COUNCIL BLUFFS. 10 W A. ORDER YOUR Cob , Coal | Wood OF 33. 0. arooxriner P. 0. luldrnn , Lock lion 1IE9. Council Illuffn. JOHN FOX , Deputy Sheriff and Geneial Collection Agent , Office with N. Scburz , Justice ol the Ptace , 0 uucll Dlufli , low * . JOHN NAGEL , SCCCRStOB TO ILtSTlXGS < f' Ar.t/T , Produce A.nd Commission. h 31 Holladay St , DENVER , COL , So'icit Cousi nment3 and guar- hnteo quick sales and prompt re - turns. Give lisa ( rial. References Bradstreet's or Guns .Agencies ; and First National Bank , Denver. rnoi. omcx&i ir. n , M. rent Council Bluff ] , . . ! ! Established - - 1856 Dealeri In Foreign and Domeitla Ezahang * ted Horn * StcurltUi. E. RiceM , D. ft XyflTinn oi oth r tnmon remored without Ihi Ulifl UlJltu , knlfs oi drawing cf U ad. CHRONIC DISEASES0" " * w euiT , Over thirty ye r i/r ctlcAl exptiiwu OSlM Vt I , Purl otrei , Conncll Elafli. ATContulU/lon free. Dr"W. K. Shorraden DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Council Blnfli low * . * r" * " * " ' < | 2J - COUNCIL BLUFFS Wholcu'o and Ilotall Dvalcru in Hard Soft ana Blossburg O O - W. II. FIBLEY , Onieo , PS Main St. Yard , on 0. It. I. 1 * . and U , I. i , bt. I1. iUHtt ay. REMOVED SchmittHarb -TUB II > e rcmonxi from under tht Opera House to ING. 402 BROAD WAV , Tbey will continue tholr OIOAU ANUTOUACCO itulnoi , and lot Ite all their old Wends and the pub Io to all and too them , The Ootst cigari to ivooo always on hand ,