Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1885, Image 5

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The Lincoln Uir.vrsty . AJjonrns to
LoWiy an Appropriatiou ,
The Paoulty and Students on the
Floor of the Houso.
The Mysterious Methods of Ma-
natti and tli9 RegentSi
Two Weeks More of Legislative
Wind Assured !
The Kearney Grab Rushed Trough
the Senate at High Sposd
Tin ; Ant l-Slocunib Bills or Met7. and
o Gosblp About 'tins
I Special Cornspondonco of the BKK.
LINCOLN , February 20 The house met at
0:30 : tkls morning , nnd nftcr.half on hour had
baon spent in preliminaries , went into com-
mtttco of the whulo , with Mr. Leo of Merrlck ,
in the chair , to consider the general appropri
ation bill. And then half an hour was spout
in discursing points of order , _ during which
tlmo much confusion prevailed. Nobody
ncsmed to know how things stood or whore
tha committee had to begin on the
bill they left unfinished yesterday afternoon.
It wa.s eventually decided that the ntnto of
affairs wn ) something like thin. Mr. Holt
had moved to amend the bill as follows : That
no moneys accruing from sale or loasa of agri
cultural college lunds aha 1 bo appropriated.
Mr. Holmes had moved an amendment that
the following appropriation for the university
bo made : Academic salaries , SI1OOJ ; inci
dentals S3.00J ; fuel and gas , S3OjO : perma
nent improvements , setting up chemical lab-
ratory , SlO.OOd ; library , ? 5,010 , ; horticultural
dopartmpnt , $5,000 ; tt nm hoitlng. $10,000 ;
repairs , 35,000 ; deficiency In stocking farm ,
When It was understood that the above was
thn exact position nnd that these wcro the
only motions before Uio committee , Mr.
Thomas of Casg , took the floor , no thought it
extraordinary the 1)39 ) students nt Peru only
cost ? 30OlO for two years whilst this univer
sity cost
Ho Biid ho was ODD of tha finance committee
nnd they found it most difficult to get any
orttim.-Uos from the university ofliclaUi other
than they had worked bird for three weeks
trying to do so. When Homo slight informa
tion WAS given It was because they could not
kcoplt backnny longer. Ho said nowspiptn had
attacked him nnd the finance committee nud
charged them with making n trade of the
treasury , but seeing Mr. Gero in front of him
Mr. Thomas said "p.vpcrs ouUIda tha city "
Ho said the university authorities didn't
want to nppaar bo tore the committee , but
thought they would cet moro if they came
nnd lobbied in the house when the bill was in
committee. Ho had omitnred into the work
ings nnd management of tbo university nml
hou found that no three separate accounts had
been kept according to law , nnd that the ac
counts generally were kept in n very
slipshod and unbtisiness like manner
Ho was satisfied that there was something
wrong somewhere , when the university hov-
ng kept quiet upto now , hnn last night thrust
his sunn judgment upon the hous3.
Mr. King supported a liberal appropriation
and said Mr Hull's amendment would bo con
trary to organic law.
Mr. Butler said the university should have
presented Us estimate long ago. Ho thought
their action very mysterious. Ho was against
the medical school provision.
Questions as to how things stood nnd would
Htard if the motion of Mr. Holmes were
adopted , ciuacd him to withdraw it for the
The question now was on the resolution of
Mr. Holt. Several did not eoi this andr > noke
for some tlmu on Mr. Holmes' motion. Very
considerable time was wasted in this wny.
Mr. Troup now moved as on amendment to
Mr. Holt's motion , that not more than § 15-
009 bo provided , and some of that sum to go
to the medical college. This was accepted by
Mr. Holt , nnd the amendment as proposedtby
him. carried ,
Mr. Holmes now brought up his motion
again , with the exception that the $10.000 for
tto medical school was stricken out. The
whole profoasioualstair and nil the students of
the university were on the floor
The gallery was full of their friends and
when ttio appropriation was made applauded
ns If in a theatre. Mr. Stevenson next spoke
nnd in an able manner showid up the under
hand dealings of the university. lie siidpro-
fefieora wcro no better tbau other lobyi&ts.
The students were the name , and if they
could put out nothing tuparior than this in n
university the sooner it was abaliohod the bet
ter. Mr. Henry said the university made its
estimate in a lump that people infant not see
how it vv.ts disposed of. They wanted to steal
a march on thn huuso Ho moved tha innort
of the financial committee bo adopted , which
was eventually loit by 40 to 4L votci.
Mr Holmes' omcndmont was then put and
carried. The commuteu rose and the hotuo
took n rccesd until 2:30. :
Special Telegram to the
LONDON , February 21 , After a short cn-
ilouthi , morning , in which n number uf bills
w ro pniBcd , thti senxta adjourned till TUCH-
day at 12 o'o'ock. ' This moans two weeks
inoro of legislature.
Special Correspondence to THE UBE.
LINCOLN , February 21. Thirty thouiand
dollars of the people' * mcney have taken unto
thutcselves wings and vanished In tha air.
Scarcely had the secretary of the senate begun -
gun reading the journal this morning than the
inevitable eonator from Lancaster , Mr. Burr ,
vvaa on his feet. Ho moved the reading of
the journal ho dispensed with. This , of
course , prevailed. A gun Mr. Burr was re Uy
nnd moved that the sonata go Into committee
of the whole to consider homo roll 180 , the
bill appropriating SHO.IViO to the Kearney reform -
form school. Senator Hosting * was called to
the chair and as soon an the cl rk hid finithad
reading tin bill Mr. Bun moved that the
commuted report back the bill with the
recommendation Unit It pan. Thin wai dona
almost beloro tha members ha.i found the bill
on their fi'e. ' Having secured the passage of
the bill , Mr. Burr moved that tha com mil toe
rite , and the motion prevailed. Too regular
order of eenate muinoas wa then taken up.
Usually the innate transacts all euch buii-
ne § ! , hears report * , etc. , before going into
coiumltteo of the who'e. ' Evidently tli ra
VY&Buschflmo on foot this morning to crowd
that bill through , u was made apparent when
the hour of adjournment c.vne. Having held
another long session in committee of the
whole to consider bills on general file , a re-
j > ort wai made and adopted , During the en
tire reading of tha report of thd cornmitteo
Mr , Burr ( stood waiting ti > get recognition
from the chair. He then moved that IbO ba
read a third time and put upon Iti passage.
This was another nnueual proceeding ,
especially for an appropriation bill. The
following tngmberg are on record nt
voting againat the bill : .Senators Filson.
Ooehner , Ha ting , McShane , Mills , and
Hnervln , all democrats but Mr Goehner
The Kearney lobby are cricking their heels
together In high gloi and may well do BO ,
ot every town can get ? 30OLO In such an
ew way.
Durimc the second tcminn of the committee
of the whole , President Howe cvllnl Senatoi
Krown to the chiir. Nine bill * were coiuid
ered and reported upon. Amour the numbd
wu oun to give the second judicial dUtrlct-
Cass , Lancaster and Utoo counties , twi
judge * . The incra.'onf buiineaa hu madi
th' ' a cecoistty , The Metz liquor bill had it
title amended and was recommended to past
Senate file 01 , a bill to amend the prwent X-
T emption law met with scino discussion and
WM finally rejected.
During the brief gofnon ot the fcoate , Seni
tor Burr offered a resolution and memorial
asking corgrf ( to pl co General Grant on th *
retired lint of army officers By nwpensi. n of
the rules this was tn\il thrco limes and | a * rd
Mr. Burr seems to h ve the knnck of cracking
hh mflftMire * through in n wny that mokts
guilelcfB man's hood SB Im
During n brief inttrval thin m mlng Lieu-
tniant Govern T S tdd , stated to the senate
tint ho would linrcafler decl'nn ' to vote in
csfiM of ft tie , thfro blng thirty-thtoo sniv
tors anil they having thnpwcr to stttlo all
questions thennelvf ! Ho aUn atated uliV
hii rnlinga would bo on entertaining n motion
to adjourn nftor the previous qtio tlcn hii-l
been called for. Ho wotil 1 cntt rtain but one
motion. This doclMtiii was called out by tbe
( quabbli nf hst Saturday between Senator *
iJ.-xy and Molkeljohn ntul IVetdent Howe.
Ltscor.x , February 21. The way * ml
wiles cf legislator * arc peculiar. It will b >
romrmberciillhit several fpeclal committee
were appointed to vi lt the state in tituti ins
Bnfnro tlio honorable gentlemen wont on their
mission It wa * agreed that the state hould
pay their transportation and at all rode nn
PSBO tills was con-idernd a geol tiling , 01
thfty all drew their regular pay In addition ,
But now it is Javt-lopad that the hmiso mein-
bcN who \isited Kearney , and wcro wintil
and dined tn numptlously , have put in their
claims for SU per day on conjlnltteo work
This fabulous charge urn of onureo rightly re
fused by Chief Clirfc Xcdikcr , who consulted
the attorny general in rcg.ird to Iho matter.
Llkol'at Hawoi , these fellows will likely
hold claims ngainit the state.
There it cormderablo indignation among
some Bcnatots at n game attempted by the
two DonglaH county senators. They each in
trodiiccJ a lltiuor bill. Senator Mot/ Intro
duced ono to rernovo tha liceii'e from whole-
pale dealers. It looked ilko n harinlifrs bill
till studied closely when It waa rev-oiled tbat
the title would repeal the Slocumb Uw en
tlrely. The senator claims this wai umnten-
tlonal , butnppraiancca are othcrwite. Hina-
tor McShane slio Introduced n liquor bill , to
ramovo two mlle limit of the S ocutnb law in
whicli liquor soiling is prohibited. In
ono corner of this bill was also a repeal of tlie
Slocum law. This bill wont into the hands of
the judiciary comrnltto where the lUw vya
ditcovercd nnd the bill cut up and amended
properly. The senator made a strong fight
befoio the committee for his ameddments , hut
It was no o. It ia a question whether the
Douglas county constituents , with the excep
tion of tbo saloon-keepers , will approve of
thia effort to abolish a good law. Legislators
nra elected to make lawa. not to doatroy good
ono ? .
In a former letter mention was made of B
bill , senate file 115 , which sllpp'd throned tbo
upper housa without a dimont. The bin is very-
brief and read- ) thus : "Ba it enacted by the
legislature of the states of Nebraakt :
Section 1 That sectinn 10 of nn act np
proved March 1st , 187i > , entitled "An'nct to
provide a ttensral election law , the ptocoiure
relative to contested elections , and the filling
of vacancies in olhce , " be , and the saino is
hereby repealed. Tlio bill WAS introduced by
Senator Burr , ind means that county treas
urers may bo elected as often ns foople see
fit. It is a bad bill in principle and badly
gotten up , being by Ita concisa wording in
tended to dictivo. It waa gotten up for thu
benefit of Mr. H. B. I ! rah am , now county
treasurer of Lancaster county. It is a ring
movement tn again put him in place.
Tlio law limiting ; tbo term of a county
treasurer is a good one , and while It may not
suit Dome locnlitiee , is a safe general law. It
was put up 'n tlio statute books by the earnest
effwta of n few citizens of Schuyler , who were
( Ii'8ftth6td with their county tit-usurer bu
could not defeat him IIu bad held the p'ac-
for sevento0 ! ! consecu ivo yoara when th
present law went into o feet. When ho went
lit hololt n vacaney b-tilnd him valued n
S3J.OOO Similar IriHtano's ml bt be cited
An influence will be brought to bear on tin
house to defeat tbu bill of few words but large
meaning. _
Teaching University Students to Bc-
coino LiOfobj ists :
Special Correspondence to THE BKE ,
LiNCOLy , February 22. Ono of the most
important piecs of legislation to the tax
payers of Nebraska was tbo passage on yew-
trday of the general state appropriation bill ,
that which provides for the payment of the
expenses of tha state for the next two years
As wai to ba exported the economist s , headed
.by Miller , made ssveial objections to the passage -
ago of Ilia bill , but succeeded in doing nothing
towards reducing the expenditure.
The two items of which there was the lonpr *
est discussion was tbo state university and
penitentiary appropriations , The first of
these brought the whole professional stall
and their students into the 1 ibby and on the
floor of the IIIUBO. They worked assiduously
for their crime and stood around tbo Lancas
ter delegation prompting and instructing
them in theinanner they should fight.
The ipsctacle of n university profoiiorial
atblF lobbying for a political purpose and as
sociating themeclvoa with railroad jobbers
nnd echcmers ef labor and saloon lobbyists
political demagogue } , runner ; , nnd others of
even a moro disreputable clns.i , ia not very
edifying to say tbe least of it. If legislators
by their action compel this ntato of things the
oirlier it is rcmidied the better ,
The present htate of things only tends to
bring into disrepute the principals
of which Is Buppoved to bo
the chief educational establishment In th
sta'o. Tlio university authorities should a'so
learn by the experience of the priscnt session
to have thtir estiuatcs prepared and itemized
na every other institution lias done thereby
guarding against nil insinuations of underhand
work which have prevailed during the discus-
si ( > i > on tbu university voio.
As vvna to have boon expected the hunatt
haa repealed on second reading the raihoad
bill of tbo bouse which passed thU week.
It requires no very gioat foresight to have
fornrold thic.
Thu ptuilo was that any member of the
houaa thould have thought for n moment tha' '
the senate vvou'd pisa n railroad regulatioi
bill. Wbilo there h is been some struggling
with railroad legislation , it Is conceded on nl
nidi's that nothing muni will ba done.
Tbo rnllrcad lobby ia ctill here in force nnt
Koom to enjoy the prospects of no legislation
They attended the opfra in a body on Friday
night and occupied boxen vvhero they could bt
seen by the poor legiclutcrs who had to sit or
comni > n chain ? .
' "Iho railroad lobby Is smarter than thi
memberc , " said a gentleman recently. Thi
railroads can afford to biro the bo t talon
while nuny political shy aters are allowed to be
elevated to positions of trust ,
Tbo lions of Cfttllo on "Western Kansc
Special Oorrespondenco of The Bee.
LINCOLN , February 22. A prominent stock
man of this city , in a recent interview , eayt
the repotted loss of cattle on the ranges In thi
west U exaggerated. He says the loss 1
great , but will not average higher than in
other yean. He has received letters from
Hevral eattle men , who say they have vliitert
their ranchru and found the cattle in much
better condition than waa anticipated from
the seveie cold and heavy enowi. About.
Dodge City , Kan. , there has been great loss ,
owing to the fact that many Texts cattle were
driven in there in the fall and were not used
to cold weather.
An net , passed by the U. 8. senate , to repeal
all I&WB providing for the pre-emption o
the public lands and tha laws allowing en
trlea for timber-culture.
Be it enacted by the icnate and house o :
reproaectatlvei of the United States of America
ica In cinarvsa assembltd , thnt tortion 2.29'
and chapter four of title thirty-two ,
excepting aoctluna 2 , 76 , , ' 70
2.2S3 , 2.VSG , and 2 268 , of tha revised statut.
ot thfl Uiiited States , are hereby repealed ;
Provided , however , That this repeal shall iiol
affect any valid rlvhta heretofore accrued vr
accruing under laid Nwu , but all bona fide
claims lawfully Initiated before the first da ;
of July , 1835 , ma ? ba perfected , ur.xm due
compliunco with law , io tha tame manner ,
u on thi ! lame term * and conditions , uod
gtibjact to tha name limitation , forfeiture ! , and
contests nt if this net hud not be n puisod ;
And piovtded furtlier , ThU any perron who
has not heretofore had the beneBt of the pre
emption law , and ho has failed , from sty
cauie , to perfect title to a tract of Und hcie-
toforecnteied by him under the homettead
- Uwr , may inaltti a secocd homutead entry in
lieu'f thn pro orrntlon pilvllego hereby re-
prnled ! And furtlier provided , that nil outstanding -
standing ccrtiricvtesof d po it on r.ccountof
urve s heittofnro16 \ tinder the provisions
if s ctions 2,101 2,402 , 2,1 M of the roviietl
< iauitfs. and nrtt oupplen cntal tln'retn , hall
> -e rnx'ivnble a c h ( except for fees and corn-
mi slontIn ) the tii po al of public lands it the
Und-ofiices at whhn ftich ccrtlfi ntp nro now
r.'coivoblfl in commutation of homestead tud
-cinpt'on ' right * .
S-c 2 That mi net entitled "An net to
amend an nctcttitUd 'An net to encomnjn
the growth of timber r > n Western prairlcB1'
approved Juno 14th. 1878 , bo , nnd tha SMUO is
hi-rcby , repenlnl : 1'iovidcd , Imwever , That
( his repeal dmll not affect nny valid rixht <
Imrotoloro accrued or ( vrcrulng under said
law * , but all bonn fide claims lawfully inltint-
od Liforo tbo firnt dny of July , IbSfi , may
Ixi perfected , upin duo compliance with
law , In thn fivmo manner , upon the satto
emit and cnnditinn * , and subject to thn name
limitation , forfeiture' , nnd contests as if this
n d not b m pissed.
Sec. 3 , That section twenty-throe linnilml
nnd imo of the rev toed atatutues bo umaodud
10 as to rf a'l ns follows :
"Sec. 2301. Nothlnt : In this chapter dmll
ba o construed ns ti > prevent nuy ietsou who
has availed himself of the LinctiU of section
twenty-two bundled nnd cighty-nino from
ixiing tlio tnin < mum price for the quality ef
land BO rnturcd nt nny time nftcr the txpira-
lion of thirty cilcndar mnuths from the date
, f such entry , nnd before the expiration of
fivH yutts , mid obtnlnine n patent therefor
from the government na in other cases di
rected by law on making proof of eottlomnnt
and cultivation , its provided by the lnwhoro- |
ttloro In force graiitiugmo-fniption Hghf. "
See.I. . That nu net cntitlid "An act to
provide for tha rale of destrt lauds In ceitilii
ftit'ts ' and teriltorles. " approved March KJ ,
1877 , is hereby repoilcd. 1'rovMcd , however ,
tint this repeal thnll not alfect nny valid
rizhts heretofore nccrued or accruing under
-aid laws , bnt nil bona fide claims J awfully
Initiated before the 1st day of July , IfcS'i ,
mny bo perfected , upon duo comuliance with
law , In the simo manner , upon tha same
terms nnd conditions , nntl eubjuct to the same
limitation , forfeiture * , nuU couteuts na if this
act had n it been
S/o 5. Thnl hereafter no public land of the
United Stataa not heretofore ottered nt public
s. le , except abandoned mlhttry or other res
ervations and mineral and other lands the
ale of which at public auction has been an-
homed by nets of co grets of a special nature
mving local application , shall bo sold at pub-
' .c . s lo or bo subject to private entry.
Sec 0. Thnt section twenty-two hundred
.nd . eighty-eight of the revised stntutes be
.mended . so ns to rend ns follows :
See. 228 * . Any parson who has nlrendy
ettled on tha public landf , cither by pre-
unption or by virtue of Iho homestead Inw , or
my amendments thereto , nny parson who
hall thereafter settle on the public lands by
rirtua of the horn t stead law or nny amend
ments thereto , shall bnve the right
* o trantfer , by warranty against his own nets.
my portion of his pre-emption or homesteader
or church , cemetery , or school purposes , or
or the right of way of railroads across such
ire-emption or omeatoad : and the transfer
i > r auch public purposes shall In no way
itlato the right to complete and perfect tliu
, itlo to their pre-emptions or homesteads. "
See. " . That , an act entitled "An act to
irovido n-Jditionnl regulations for homestead
.nd . pre-nmption entries lands "
on public , ap-
iroved March Sd , 187'J , bo , and the sauio is
le-reby repealed.
Sec. 8 That whatever lands hav o been with-
rawnfrotn sale or disposition on the pait ) of
.ho . United States by mason of grants made to
id in construction of railroads or other worka
f internal improvement , nnd such withdraw-
,1s , have been terminated by an act of con
; iO38 , executive order , or order of the laud
lepartment , or where lands have been by op-
ration of law reduced in prlco to SI 25 per
.cjo , and said lands have been purh wed in
jed faith at raid price , or entered with war-
'antB ' or pcrip , and the oflicera of
.ho . land department have issued cer-
ilicatsa or patents thereon in
ccoidance with such puiclnso or entry ,
vithout auch lands having first been proclaimed
> y the president and oifoted nt public auction ,
md where , on the twenty iithduyof Jnnuary ,
lighteen hundred and olghty-five , there were
io val'd ' conflicting claims thereto or settle
ments thereon , all su h ontrioa and the cortifi-
utes and patants issued thereon , are hereby
lontirmed and declared valid and legal ; nnd
ill questions relating to suchconfllctiug claims
ir settlements shall be subject to adjudication
md final decision in tha department of the in-
enor and4 the proper judicial courts ; nnd io
aso there is any actual settlement on any of
uch lands , in good faith , under the homestead
ind pre-emption laws of the United States ,
made prior to January twenty-fifth ; eighteen
' -.undrod and lighty five , the rights ot auch set-
lor shall prevail against any previous entry at
ho price of SI.25 per aero.
Passed the house of representatives Juno
I , 18Sf.
[ Attest : ] JNO. B. CLARK , Jit , Clerk.
Amend the title eo as to read : "An act to
epeil all laws providing for the pro-emptiou
if tha public lands , the laws allowing entries
or timber-culture , the lawa authorizing the
; ilo of desert lands in certain ctatoi and tcr-
itorics , and for other purposes. "
Emmet's Anniversary ,
The Emmot j\Ionumcnt \ atsoclation are
making extensive preparations to cele
ir&tD in a bscomlrg manner the birth of
iroland'a patriot rnnrtyr , Robert Emmet
Boyd'a ' Opera houao Jn3 boon oaga cd for
.ho occasion , and those attending are
iromiscd a genuine treat.
Thcs. Broxicnn , lals necrofary of the
and league In Ireland , will be the orator
if the evening. lie la a Natlcnalht
.bout . wlioao conviclioni there can bo no
loubb tr quosllcii , uad the people of thU
'ity ' will have nn opportunity cf hearing
the career of Robert Emmet , and the
national movement , of which the younp
martyr Is ( he typical hero , tra&tcd in
broad , comprehensive and atalesmanlikt
manner so Mr. Jironncn knows from per
sonal experience and close observation
the needs of the national movement o
to-tlay , itasirencthond HJ weakness , 1
will glvo to his subject that Jnterer
which a strong Intellect alone can give It
Mr. Patrick Egan , of Lincoln , preai
dent of the Irish national loaguoof Amor
ion , will preside. In nddilion to this ti
Omaha Glee club with the best mtulca
and vocal tilont of the city , will add t
the ovonlng's entertainment ,
The coltbration should properly tab.
plsca on March 4th , but owing to the
ipera lionso being engaged on that eve
ning it was decided to hold It en the eve
ciirjg following Thursday , March 5th
A.I1 farmer celebrations of the kind havi
been a pronouncoi success and this on
promitos to ba as good if not better than
any of previous yeara.
The lull programme will ba published
la a few days.
Dr. Worthlngton'a Consecration.
The consecration of Dr. Woithington
io the oQlco of bishop of the Protestan
Episcopal diocese of Nebraska takes place
to-morrow at the church In Detroit ,
Doan MULspaugh , Canon Ptteison and
Canon Doherly go from this city to at
tend the ceremony ,
In this connection
the following an
nounctment has been made by the loco
eplscopito ;
"On Tuesday at 12 o'clock a special
letvico of Intercession willbo | bold In St
Btrn bfts church. About this hour con.
iecr tlng hands will bo laid on Dr
Worthinijlori at Delimit. The churc-
people of Omaha ftro eirnostly Invited U
uuue with their brethren in that city.
Encharitt prayers In behalf of their new
blshcp , at the hour of consecration.
House ,
BOSTON , February 22. The managers of
the leading clearing houses of the United
StUef , report for the week end'U 'February
1 , tbo to til clearances of ? 070,7Cl,03J ( A
decreata over tin clearances of tbe corro-
tpouding week lutt year of 20.1 ,
Mr , Clcvc'aud Annoyed by WonU-Bc
Ohio ! Mate ,
Daniel Manning Stock on the
Down Grade ,
United States Marshal Gosling
Shot by Desperadoes ,
A Deputy Postmaster Suicides at
Batavia , N , Y ,
A Wall Street Speculator Bereft
of Eeason ,
Mrs. firumly Now AVnnts to Mnrry
I'rcsUloniJGIcct Cleveland to
.School GUI.
Mr. Cleveland Annnyccl by WouliI-Bo
Cabinet MnKers.
Special telegram to tlio Br.v : .
ALBANY , J'obruary 22. Urover Cleveland
sauna lesu troubled about his cabinet nod
nbout hs ! tnnugmnl thin tlio majority of his
comtilucntB. Ho expressed to day grant as
tonishment at tlio over anxiety of tlio press to
find out vv hat ho was going to do , and oven
pretended to lin nnnoycd bj ; the work of tbo
RossippcH. "Von tea , " paid lie , "whonoxer
newspapers mnko a fresh guess about tlio
cat Inet I got flooded with loiters from people
who think I am nbout tn mnlto n mistake ,
even eomo of the visits I have had ttnco my
return from Now York , luvo been caused by
nothing elao but newspajor Btiitemonta , nbout
my intentions. Now tbo fact ii I shall not
need MIV cabinet until I urn inaugurated nnd
there is still plenty of time to rnuko my flnnl
( elections. " "Then you have not yet Bottled
on any cabinet petition ? " "That ( .ncstlon I
will not nnsvver , " ho said , looking almost
n'gry. During the entire conversation ho
studiously evaded the names of cabinet possi
bilities and even the question of n geograph
ically consideration , but intimated that most
of the cabinet gossips wore far oil the mark ,
Daniel Manning Stock on tlio Down
Special Telegram to TUB BKE.
ALIIANY , N. Y. , February 22. A storm is
gntheilng about Manning' head vvhich
promircs to make his appointment to a cabi
net pontlon a great source of embarrassment
for Glovol.ind's administration from the statt.
Not nlono is the management of the Albany
penitentiary now under investigation , but the
inquiry into the stnto printirg which Mann
ing has controlled since Tweed first became n
power , has iilso been instituted by a commit
tee of the independent citizens' association ,
and in both cases , it is said , sensational de
velopments affecting Manning m&y Lo ex
pected. The committee has been working in
secret and their leportu nil ! not bo forthcom
ing for some d j8 , but enough hai leaked out
to explain Manning's evident reluctance to
admit of hi.s intention of going into the
cabinet. It is soid the investigation of the
printing contracts will establish Manning's
connection vvitutho Tweed ring , and the
penitentiary investigation will connect him
with alleged irregularities of the superin
U. S. IVf.ii-blinl Onsllns of Tcvas Sliot
anil Killed.
Special telegram to THE BEE.
ArsTttf , Texas , Febiuary 22. ITal Goslinjr ,
United States marshal for the western diatnct
E Texas , was shot and killed yesterday on the
nternational train a short distance north of
v Braunsfcl , by Pitts and Ycagor , a few
ay * ago convicted in the Unilea States court
nd tcutenced for life for mail and postoffico
obbery. Oosling , in kindness , allowed them
riviloges , and they secured pistol ? . When
n the train they suddenly jumped to their
cot and began shooting. Gosling fell dead ,
nd his deputy , Manning , waa dangerously
ounded. 1'itts and Yeagcr belonged to a
angurous gang , Including the Brannons.
Josling took an active part in breaking it up.
Vssociated Press ,
GALVKSTOX , 3'ebruary 22 In the account
f the killing last night of United States
farsbal Gosling and Deputy United States Munuing , a San Antonio special
ays : The officers were conveying two prisoners
rora Austin to San Antonio for sate keeping ,
lie prisoners , Jos. 1'itts and Charles Ytager ,
otel highwaymen and mail robbers rccup'o ' i
eats on tbo opposite side of the cir from the
ulcers and WHO securely Imndcuffod together.
Vjththo prisoners were two women tieir
olatlyes. who pat immediately in front of
hem. The vvorren wcro o < corhd by four men
vho occupied boatt , at a little distance. Tnu
oacli was filled with passengers. The women
> rsmers : vveic qulto nirectiimate , Tlio first
ntimalion that anything was vvrong was tbu
harp report of a pistol. This vvaa followed
jy a raplo : exchange of flints , which filled the
car with emolie. Marshal Gosling fell forward
nlo the aisle , ninuing Deputy Manning to
ho boat under him. Be fora Manning cuiild
extricate himself ho received a rhot in the
icck and ono in tbo ( boulder. Ha finallj
reed himself , nnd taking a position in the
loir cmntlnd his revolver at the prisoners BLI
.heir . friends.
Loviiut , another deputy , backed to tbe rear
leer and fired at tbo prisoners also. Aa he
* irU his last ehot the desperadoes got past
um and jumped from the train. An
.hey jutnntd Col. Mayfield , of Helena ,
and Conductor Fowler nieil , wounding the
irisoners , who , Imwovcr , made elf in a north-
Hv direction Wnen tbo train was stopped
Marshal Gosling was found dead. Mrs. 12.
A , Drawn , grandmother of 1'ltts , was lying
near , almost dead. Miss Kosa Ycagcr , sister
of tha prisoner , wua found in an unconscious
eta to ia the seat recently occupied by thepris
oners , shot through the leg. Drpnty Marsh * !
Manning was powder burnt In trio face end
iliot In tlio neck and shoulder. Two shots
lad gone through the first class coach , one
of which gra/ad the bead of a lady ,
who was thrown Into a swoon ,
The rear of the jmoker where the affray oc
curred was riddled with bullets.
The train stopped within 300 yards of
ano through which the prisoners were fleeing ,
I'ha deputy marshals had reloaded their si :
shooters by this time , when Loving was called
.o the assistance of Conductor Fowler who
tad the four men mentioned above under or
rest , while Manning started in pursuit of the
detperadoea , His atrergtb , however , failet
ilm from loss of blood and be waa taken
aboard the train which pulled out for Hew
tlraunefels where the wounded women am
our prisoners were d I jembarUed nnd lodge *
Tbe remains of Marshal Gosling and ac
companled by Deputy Manning wore taken
to San Antonio and removed to the rrsl
denco of Mrs , W. 11. Wallace , his lister
where they were viewed by hundreds o
Manning t wounds arc not necessarily fatal.
I'oatea loft Autt'n end San Antonio lor the
* ceno of tbo tragedy to aid in tbo capture
of the desperadoes and while Deputy Loving
organized party at New UrautufeJn last am
instantly started In pursuit , which found the
dead body of Pitts a short tlatanca up the
lane from , tbe rceno of the tragedy , and cams
upon Yeeger tleht mllf s further on.
Yeager gave tight and wai pierced by thre
ball * tired by the posse and was mortally
wounded. Ha was taken to New Braunsfelf
where he died In a few mlou'ea.
Tbe lour men under arrest KI-O confederates
of the dfad desperadoes. The excltemtmf
over the killing cf tJoellrt' it intense. Mia
Drown , mother-In law of Pitt , died at S a. m
la jail t New Braun eld io P '
nKOuy. Pitts wts wouui ed in f ° u
different placej , three of which w ra mortal
Taey at the rooueit c ( Mn. Drawn were
buried side by ride toxlay. MisJ V atr ) to
day with the wlf of Pitta and her brother
arelnamented In the cecond tory f tb
Jill and t ha male rrnfederaten in tbo lower
cells of tie jail at New UrauinfeU where they
will bo held until the talk of lynching sub
Deputy ManliM Manning who made n pal-
Innt tight i gainst tin drspeMdoc * , n lying
u n prcciuloui condition. Mtrihal U ollng
will bo buried tn-morrou- S.intitoclo nlth
nllittry and chic honors.
A Dt'iMitj I * , mnmitor SulciiU" .
Bin KALO , Tebruary 2 , Df puly 1'o'tm nIT -
: IT Horace 15. Ftrrni , of Untnih , N. Y , this
morning rotlrnl to n oliad b.ickif liis mi
leiiiio and killed himself. Ho wg drvl whrn
'ound. A fhoitngo in hl ftieounls of S2.COO
* regal tied us the c.Mi'o of tha detd. HP had
tn the postal firvico nearly nil his 1'fo ,
AAVall Street MpconUtnr Hcrcfi ot
Special tslf gmm to THE Bir.
NEW YOLK , Fcbmary 22. A rumor is cur
rent that William J. Hutchinsui , once n
iraminontVnll street broker nnd epaculator ,
inq lost hia reason. Hu was dntgcdith
wslBg up John H. Duir's fortune of S3COO,000 ,
> ortons ! of which , according to allegations ,
10 applied to h's persoaal use. Ho cornered
ho llatnibsl & St. Jeieph tatlrond stock for
) ufT , and ran it up to 240. It Is n legend of
he ttreet that ho torcatl Jny Gould to " ttlo"
in tliii deal. In ronseqiiouco of tlin Dull alTair
.lutchinson lc ! Ilia portion in Wall etu-et ,
and neuit was brought to recover the money
lint it was reported ho had taken. Ho wan
expelled fiom the Stock Kxchanco , His
roubles lucrcasoil nnd prc-ycd upon his mind
until 1m n susject tor the phytlcinn's
aio. In October ha sailed for Kurojo with
lis family.
Mrs. Grinitly 1'roposcn to Hnvo Pree-
Idunt-lClcor Cleveland 5I rry
n School Girl.
Spoial Ulegram to the L'KE.
AIIIANT , N.Y. , February 12. It n.ny bo
tartling news , but it seems novoitholcss n
act , that Grover Cleveland is engaged to be
married nt nt an i-atly duy. lib afliauccd is
n girl ef 20 summers , the of feminine
jeaixly , and nt present n pupil of Wells Col-
oge , Aur-rn , N. Y. She is n daughter of
) car Folsom , of Buffalo , who wai a partner
of Cleveland , and was killed in mi atcidciit in
8r > . She , with htr mother , will bo prtFent
nt the inauKural ceremonies , nnd hi9 : been
Clevolnnd'a ward in fact , if not in law e\cr
icco her father died. Sbo H said tube n very
bright and Intelligent lady , heir to nil the c.\-
lellent qualities of Jier father , to whom Clove-
and is said to be a truer fiietd than many
> oople vvill surmtio.
When the marrtogo will take plnco can not
jo stated , but it is suld to bo n settled fact , to
JQ accomplished within a year. Cleveland
it first ( Hit Intend ti wed the widow of his
'rlond Folaom , but was met by the latter's
prejudice ngaintt remarrying. A few years
later ho saw what n woman Ini friend's daugh-
.er had grown to be and decided she was his
dfnl of womanhood , _ : md he is said to have
: ecn true to her ever since. There is BO ques
tion about Clevolands intention to marry this
girl , but some doubt as to her readiness to bo-
: omo bis vvito. Still eho Is known to be nm-
) itiou3 mid sentimental , and the idea of her
: ecominc the mother of her country at so
early an ngo may provo n very powerful mo-
-ivo in deciding on the offer of marriage
which it is certain is to bo made to her , if
lot already made by the preeident-ttloct ,
ConccrniiiR O'Donovan Itosna's Assns-
ipocial telegram to TUB BEE.
Nor.THFiKU ) , Minn. , Feb. 22. Today a
ettcr was discovered at the Archer house
which may throw bomo light on the attempted
aaiassination of O'Donovnu ' Ilossa. Sumo
imo ago the propiiator of tie Aicber homo ,
T. E. Lawrence , found on the writing table n
etter addrotHed to a gentleman in Chicago.
[ Jo put it in his pocket , intending to take it
o the hotel office , where it could bo claimed ,
: ut changed hia coat and forgot the letter
mtil today , when it was accidentally dis-
covered. It read ; vs folio WE :
Chicago , Jan. 21. The life of Roesa will
eon have run its course. Wo have fivp por-
_ .ons on his track , watching an opportunity to
rid him of hU lonthmoiiio life. As scon as I
im euro the deed is douo I shall start for my
lomo nt street , Llvcipoo ) , England ,
\\liua I shall retrain until July 1 , 1SS5. As
rou will nee I am here in tbis awful country ,
'reezlng to death almost. If my Intentions
lo rot fall me I shall bo the receiver of n
Jiaudsoinc fortune if the above act is executed
io the will of . I leave hero tomor
row. 1 am well.
This litter Lawrence claims to have picked
up two days before Koisa , wai fhot in Now
York. For obvious reasons ho insists on
leaving she names blank , although they are in
, h < j original lotted.
Dynamite Diatribes ,
CHICAGO , February 22. The dynamite BOC-
.ion of the socialists held a rcceting this after
noon in n hall very iioar the licirt of the faeh-
ionable portion of the south division of the
city. A number of highly Incendiary speeches
in Kngluh and German were delivered by A.
[ 1. PareoGB , his wife , Gecrgo Mibinger , Au
gust Fehling and others. Mrs. Tarjons , who
Is n colored woman , mode sn unusually fiery
speech. She began by berating her hearers as
cowmds and unworthy cf the name of man-
liood because they allowed the aggressions of
capital to continue ; allowed their daughters
to barter their virtue for braid. If they were
men , as they claimed to bo , the said , they
would blow up every honse on the udjoir-irg
avenue btforo they would eulmit to it ; would
derrolith the p ilice stations , court house and
jails ntvl fling djnr.mito in the faces of the
army and the navy. If they were nfrall to
do this , however , they need cut lack for a
captain for the would fill her apron withdyna-
mita and lead them on the avenues of the city
where the rich reside , destroying as they went
Her husband advieed his hearers to study
t hemietry and take lessons from these expoit
in the manufacture of deadly explosives.
Dynamite Tallr.
Special telegram to the BEE ,
CHICAGO , Februaiy 22. Captain Mack , an
inventor , says in an interview that Cunning
ham , now in priton In Lor don for an attempt
to blow up tlio tower , was In Chicago two
years ngo with two other men named Dalton
and Brennan , and that they had two infernal
machines ; ono to blow up a chip after It pot
into tough seas and rolling , by the swinging
of an iron ball. The other was for private
as a sination in the shape of a bottle or a do.
canter , which would explode on being tet
down hastily. Mack tayx when Cunningham
wai here he received n telcgrarA from 0'Jou ' <
evan Koaca , and the three left at once for New
York , Mack says that Chicago is the head-
centre ol Fenianinm ontsido of New York ;
that there are three pronounced dynamite so
cieties here , backed by plenty of money from
rich Irishmen , who are not suspected of any
such tendencies , and that there are three
Chicago men now abroad on a dynamite mis
sion. He believes that the djnamitera are
now hathcing most desperate schemes , and in
timates their next move may be on Canada oren
on Canadian vessels in this port ,
RonimlnSrof Fat her Calnll Transferred
tn Ireland ,
BOHfOK , February 22. The remains of the
Irish patriot and preacher , Ilev , D. W. Ca-
bill. which for more th&n twenty yeara rcatet
in HolyhoDd cemetery near Brookline , wer
this morning borne to Brookline preparatory
to a removal to Ireland In accordance viti
the lait wish of the dead priest. An immense
crowd gathered to-day in honor of his mem
ory ,
Echoes From OgalUlu.
Special Correspondence to THE BEE.
Ocm.LALA , February 23. The cold weather
of tha last two weeks seem to have broken
and a warm wave his struck this county , ant
the mow Is disappearing rapidly ,
The citizens ot thli county ara very mud
ehttd over the proapett of the B. & M , rail
road coming to thu placs in the near future
Should tha company conclude to build up < n
the Burvey now beiog made , property in town
and county will double In Value in a very diort
A number of our inotnhunt bmintfs men
hava formed n ( lock compiny , Mid will at
cnco mfct ft toivn lill am ! aiollcr tkttme
rink f)0 KO fret and IS fret high. 'Ihi arti-
u'cjii'f ' incnrpor.ition luvo ! > oen tiled in i'n ' >
enmity cltrt ! tillicn. Capital3.000 , divided
ntnth re * of S'-'Otach.
1 , . Aufd rtnibli hns commenced Ihr pree-
; 'on i f n largo buildinc fnr ( juiu'rnl harjw ro
and aericulttiral Imphuiiiits.
u ll'rou' ' ot1lersnro ntrivirg tUily with
ctr loads of household gondr , nttli' , lie
ptc. The government Inm ! In the coiintv
ib'lit llbp n taken up by nctunl seit.
Thl < of itjclf 'panics louncr than words of the
reomtrcrs nnd protp'ets of n new county.
At. M Necvei , iditurof the OqMlnln Uc-
Icctdr , is doing i\ good work In advertising
his county , and his efforts are fully appre
ciated by our eltlz n .
District oourt will convcro hero on Match
2 with a full docket , Hon. Francis G , Humor
irceidlng. LK.X ,
McCook ts lo have n now flouring mill.
Tim Methodists are building nl,5CO church
at Arapahoe.
The recount of the vote gives llartirgton
ho county scat of Cedar.
CJordon expects n ropulalion of U.OCO bo-
ere novv flics next winter.
Olnllobroti creamery disposes of Ilia milk
ot 111 111 cans and wnuti 700 more.
An aveiago of forty entries a day ts the
ecord of thu Valentino l.nid office.
Niobrnra and Kuniiing Water nro In a hello
f Rloty , being connected by telephone.
A ineotinst "f dilrjiuen will bo hfild at Tin-
oln , Tuesday , to or anixj n sta'e association.
Another victim of infinity , Mrd. Jiieigens ,
has been sent from 1'reuiont to thu insane
Will H. Fowler , of Vrcmont , hs been ni- |
lointeri tecretary of the state commissioner to
New Orleatif.
Sneak thieves are BO bold and numerous in
Crete thnt tlio reeidents are talking of a grand
ound up and bounce.
/'Tho 'Wild Men of the West" was the ig-
lific nt tillo of the first volume purchased for
ho now Oulcdalo library.
The JKckson artesian well at Niobranv has
cached n depth of 170 feet. A good flew of
vater expected at SOO feet.
The railroad bu inessr.t I'npillion nmonnted
0 $11,600 for the first nineteen days of i'ob-
uary. The town is bocming.
The Plattstnouth canning company I ] casi
ng about for ito. The company has already
oiitractod for the machinery and a suiioiu-
Govornrr Dawos has designated lion. John
.t. . ahurttou to deliver the address at the
Vorld'a exposition on "Nebraska l ) y , "
larch 11.
The "Nebraska Giant" i giving c\hlbiticns
f alleged fistic xelenco and pall In north No-
br.\8ko tnwne. The. , baby should ba nursed
ct rvwlnle.
The ladies of Ulalr have rcquo ted the
aloon-kecpora to close nt It p. m. They want
few moments of the evening with their hus-
) ands and IJC.IUB.
The resldenco rf nfr. Peckenpaiigh , llireo
miles from Table Hock , waa burned -on the
Oth. The building was a costly ono and
was not insured ,
The Fremont city council propose taxing
milk venders to the extent of $25 each per
annum , nnd furthennoro establish , by ordi
nance the price of milk.
An important question to Fremont nnd
Jot'go county , the permanent dminapo of the
latie bottoms , is being considered In all its
beatings by all interested.
Thn Blair Republican has discovered n v\ido
fi ld for a temperance pacer in Omaha. The
ity cou'umes-l.COJ.OOU gallons of water per
ay , straight goods at that.
A late reference to the paralyzing qualities
f Lincoln wlmky produced n serious case of
irn jams in the News office. A few moro ap-
) hcatoDK ! will turn Hyde into leather.
IMward Blowott , of Fremont , has pone to
( Vance in the interest of the Oregon Horse
nnd Land company. Ho will return with a
number of thoroughbred draft horpeH.
Weeping \yater is figuring on a system of
water works including reservoir , engine , ten
lydrants , the necesinry pipe In the ground
nd 600 feet of hose , all for the sum of § 3,003
Thatptrtion "f the Hantco and Sioux In-
iftu reservations routh of tbo Niobrara river
will bo open to publin settlement , May 15th.
'no lands will bo sold to the highest biddo : .
From the ISth of December to the 1st of
"ebruary Moito , Rogera & Co. , of North
3end , shipped 173 cars of corn and lud nbout
ixtythrea cars left which they could not ship.
The coinb'ned genius of Dr , Sextan , of
' 'ontenollp , nnd John Sextan , of West feint ,
resulted in the production ef a wrench ,
which has ben pitouted , anil § 10,000 refused
or It.
Clark and Belts , well known young men of
Syiacutp , were bound over in the dibtrict
: curt for stealing a. team from Mm. Clark.
Choy were lodged in the Nebraska City j&il
'or safe keeping.
At Iho town of Homer , in Dakota county ,
1 religiou * revival rescued twenty Imperilled
[ Inful boulj. Thu United Brethren eecurco
i\tofn. of tliCEo for fnturo asjoaEinouta urid
.ho . Methodists four.
The 1'latto river is frozen to the bottom in
hallow place ? , and tliero has not been in
years tuch * n average ihicknihiof Ice seen in
ho Platte liver. It the npriug thaw coiner
with a rush and at once , look out for high wu-
er nnd Hoods.
Hans Ho1 ry Tirakp , a German , was l.illcd
ly the cars in the 13 , & M. J arUu in Line ) ln.
Iho doceaeed WHS emplovid by the cojupunj
s car repairer , wai forty five years old , am
unvfH n nifo and ono grown daughter.
"The unparalleled activity In the baby
narket , " faya the Blair Republican in un
nouncirg tlio arrival of thrco joungalers ol
regulation weight , proves "that the younp
republicansof this city are gettinp down to
jusiueta in a very encouraging manner. "
Vn Albion "aloonkcnper made 81,000
discovering the dilFereiico betwcuna drug ctore
ltd falnnu , Its nil in the sign lucil , 11 >
bought § 10 worthof patent wedlcincschaDKe ( )
ilgne , s ved 1,000 license , and continues IL
Business at the old stand.
The Bartlmg faction of the Lutheran church
lave secured full poisesainn of the church
julldlng , the injunction ot'.iintt them havii g
> een dissolved , The rumpus was camod by
an attempt to change thu language of the scr
vice from German tu Kngliah ,
Ivos & Gaylotd , of Omaha , who for1
a largo held of cattle about six miles east of
Jroto last winter , have purchased a stock
ranch in Kansas , about twenty-five injlo
south of Bcnkloman , on tbe B. &M. , and
mvo organi/oJ a company with a capital il
$250,000 with which ta stock their roncb.-
Ureto Globe ,
Part of tha lieu and bridge timbers that
pats through this city for tbo Valentino ex-
it'niinn are crossed tq tha Nebraska Bi'do al
this point and turned over to tbo Sioux Citj
and faclHc at Valentine. 'Ihe St. Paul and
Omaha campuny is also bringire in about twu
train loads of ties per day. These * til-io an
crossed at thi city for tbo alleged purpose ol
repairing tbo truck of tha Nebraska division.
Ad that division was neatly all built faui
years ago , it would ppBr | to a non-export
that a very liberal amount of repairs nr to
bo put on tbo coining HCU on Hiour Citj
Journal ,
W , Ii , Msof Fremont , has been pre
Minted by II. H. Bramard , a brother of Sergt
Bramard of the Arctic expedition , with t
memento uf that perilous trip one of thi
( tars that adorned thy American iUg whlcl
was planted by Kergt. Bratnord and Lieut
Lockwooil at tbo northtrmoet point eve/ /
readied by civilized man on the nliortH of tin
Arctic ocean , Tha flag originally contamee
thirteen stare , and was made by Mrs. ( iruuly
tlio wife of the commander , oil ol which havi
been removed thorafrom ami tronow trean
urod M mementoes of the expedition by thus
BO fortunate aa to bave secured them ,
Tlio SlrlltiiiB C ilCt AVouverH Dollar t
YONKEIW , N. Y , February a2. Tlie striking
employes of Smith's carprt works still em
pballoilly derlaro their intention to rernal.
out until their demand * are conceded. Shop-
ktopern take a dinnal view of Iho tituttion
Over half tbo population are dependant uptn
tha factory for u llvlrg. The proipecU ole
o rrj ing the operatives through a lent ; itrlk
aru not looked onftvirubly. The itrlkers na }
tieyhavo fuuda auiKcient to luupjit them
fur u long time ,
Ihe latest Cow Story.
Inrpcr's BazAr.
' 'UiPo , M'ko , nh ppy New Ycnr till
ol An' h&vo ynacjw yo wftant to tfll
ui'itgHin' milk ? "
"Sure n' 1 rmvo the foinn ciw , t n' H'n
itt glfln' itself nwnyvid milk she i . "
"An" Vow much la she ch in' at a nil k-
' , thlu ? "
"C. mo htro lill 1 ti > ll yo , now. Au'
t's this very morriu' thnt ho nivo oigh-
y-four quarts of milk , nn 1 hone to dij it
ho kldn't. "
"Bo orra , Mlko , tn' it's lyln' yo MO
low , euro. "
"ll'a not lyln11 rm nt nil , nt nil. An1
f yo don't bolavo mo yiv may como round
o-morry niornin' an' BOO her milked , If
o hlkn , hut I'll r.o' foil her to moi-ry ,
ai' 1 will the ilny. if 1 kin got nio nrieo
or the wsnco nskln' nn' the mnnoy dovm ,
or it's n good cow eho i > , rvn'.rm net c\t-
n' to till Jicr , 01 yivny.1' '
"It's too much yor aslcin * for her , nn'
1 don't want n cjw to llooil the houso. do
fo seo. '
"Ojh , its only t o fair nrlco thnt I
vimt fir her , for ftho'il ' not bo glvhi1 thnt
: uautity for long , thin nv oourso , au' she
jcing noff ntilka aflatn hefiiMtho } ORI'O
nt , If yo tnind. " I
A Batisfhcioiy price won sgivod npon ,
hs tnoncy pnid , and the o iw driven oil'
) y its new owno- . Bat Mike called
pen the next inoinlrg by hta friend
vllh an an ry complaint thnt ho had been
heated , jthnt tl.o covr only pnvo four
unrle , "au' ' nlvor ft dhnp nbavo , BO nho
.itln't. "
"An" VftMi't it yoraslf said yo didn't
vaa't n cow to iJvo ; overmuch ? An' nsldo
rom the milk ; whnt have yo to complain
"Tho cow is n purty cow cnoncsh , liut
o 1'od ' about the quantity , to yo did. "
Jl'ko turned toward the houss , cal'cd
> a woman otnndlng in the door , "Como
icro till yo toll P.Uay how much the cow
' to'd give yo at n uillkiu' . "
"Four quarts , anro , " taid Uio womnu ,
"An * yo said oiohty-'oiir qnaila , nuro
jrmllvinl"fft'dl > try.
"You're a soft ono to think a cow end
Jvo eighty-four quails to n niilHn' . Bliko
old the tiuth , fur mo name Is Ailio , an'
Idn't she glvo Ailio four nuirls at a
uilkin'lax yt ? "
This was ngonuinotratiBiction ! , nud the
est of it wao thnt Patsy , nfhi- looking
t his ftionda for a moment , took c IV hla
at , nnd making a low bow , snid : "I for-
Ivo yo , Mlko for the nako ny the jtko. "
Juat received a nice lot of male and
enialo canary blrdn nt Wm. Gentleoian'a.
Price from $800.00 to $1,250.00 per
ot. 20 per cent down balance on long
imo ,
These lots witl bo offered on nbovo
onus until April 1st : First como lirat
otved ,
Th's is the choicest and cheapest prop-
rty that can bo found so near the center
f business.
is sub-division this Sp-ing and summer.
Cnllat 1511 FARNAM ST and lota
rill bo shown at any time.
Why pay oxorbitint pricas for your
moat whllo yon can buy the best of mea'n
o cheap for cash nt the \ > nshlngton
market , Sixteenth and Guruings strootu.
Too Mui'li Otiiiie For tlio HOVH.
"rom the Lexington ( Va. ) News ,
Ono day last week Hjman Wilson , a
oy about 10 or 12 yeara old , son of Al-
xander Wil-on , Eeq , , of Rockbridyo
Jiths , vvau playing vrith two or thrco olh-
r boyd In the neighborhood , and they
oncludrd to go hunting. They took a
og nud atrnl'ud out Into the woods In
ho direction of Laurel Hun. The doge
o ( k a triil nnd followed it to n hole 1111-
cr a bl ? cliff. The boyp , suppoeing a
nbblt ur fox had taken re f ngo there , got
iomc pnlca Did undertqok to punch him
mt , v hin , I o their anrrrlsp , out carxo
, brco Urge bontH , The bojs , having no
monna of utpturing cuch largo garuo atd
o much of it , ran about a milo ncd n hnlf
llstant , nnd got Mr Harry Wilson , to
nko a gun and go with them to the spot.
Anivlug there they found the faithful
kg with one of the beam still nt-bsy. A
well aimed t-hot killed the bear , and an
bruin rolled over in the liavca the boya
aland u yell and declared they had lots of
rplIE Cleat JlalHimlo IHUilbf on
J. ol Witch Hml , .American
1'Inc , Canada Fir , Marigold , Clcr , , cti- , railed HANFORU'H
IIAUICA1. CUUK.forllielinmcdlato .
nlitf and ] K inum nt euro ol ciery
(01 ( ni ol CUanl ) , dom a tlniplo
CoM In the Iltai to Lou ol Sutll.
Tula arid llorltj , ' ConRh anil
Catanhtl Ccii'uni | tion , tornrlcto
Ircatn cuf , consittii K vt cno bottlu
Ilaulcul Cuiu , ono box Caturrhal
Solvent anil ono Improved inhaler.
In ono jiackB . may ntw le had of
nil 1) UjL-I-N lor 81.10. Ark lor
lomplctc Treatment with Inhalcrl
"Thoonlr lsoluto epoclflo wo know d" Met ) .
T.tnci > . "rholnst we Imvo fontiil In a llfetlma vt
Ilev. Dr. WlgKln , Ikaiou. "Alter a loni ;
with Cat'irli the KADICII , CI'HB ' has con.
" llov. 8. W. Monroe , LeHlslmrKh , I'a. "I
lave not laund a cage It did not relloio at once. "
Andrew Lee , Manchcwter , ilam.
1'ottor Dmjf and Chemical Co. , Boston ,
* fM I IMf > * For the 'ellet ind prevention
Cy.-trJjVvV the lr tant It la anpllej , of llhen-
\\\y ? 11 / ° / / raalUm , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
- \V Jv/X V Coughs , Colds , Weak Uaok. Btom.
, A VV % - aoh , ana Bowels , Shooting
& - -a t S.P " ln8 ' * l > nln NumunoM n l..lll , Ujit _ _ rl _ _ _ , _ Ko-
Fever , HalaiurBmrEptdomlcal
use Collln'i PlaiUre ( ui Klectrlo
Uattcrjr combined with a11'uYouj
. _ . I'Ustcr ) and laugh at pain Zoo
HMf IlIMK iOK < CT , V
D&kota , January 12 , 188G. )
Scaled proposals In triplicate h donod , nropot&lt
( ortl.a erection ol one Wetolwltht and Carj ntoi
ihop , ono htroMu , bhoo and aliorllanooui ehopi ,
) iio slaughter bouse , two W KOB and storage ihedu ,
ine bake house ana cellar , at thU agrnry and direct
nl to tbe undcri'gnod ' , care ol Chief QuartermuUr
leputment , ft the I Utte , Omiha NeU , will bo re.
heJ uotli 12 n > . Hdturdty , February 14. I86 |
I'Jans and H | > cdflcMlcus can bu txirolntd In the
if co ol the eiilel ruartoi-n | 6tcr , ( lertrtccut ottha
t'latte , Omaha , Neb , the "Ittcr Oocan" Ctilcago , III.
md the "Journal" at Knmai City , ilo.
Con 11 act will Im awarded to tee lowest remordblo
Bidder , uubjcct 111 th approval ol the dij i mmt el
' .lie Interior , '
S.- > i
Iherlxbt , honevcr , I ) rcMivedto reject any and
ill , or an v part nl any bid , II deemed tot tbe U t 111'
teieitottheicrvlce inuBtfitBte length ol time required let
om lctltlon ol bulldliu 'tcr ' approval ol orntract ,
ind mint bo icconiptlnod by a certlBod Uiock upon
nine United hUtou Donotltory , ) ayablo to the cider
vl the lUDcerblgucJ , ( or at Icatt flio (5) ( )
xr cent ol the amount nt the proposal , hi ill check
ihall be lorltltol to the Uoitcu btaua In rate ot any
bl.'dor rcctlrinx tlie nvird ; ihall I > 11 lo eiecutu
Jinnptly a contract with good md lulildenl tccuil.
Uci , aooordloK to tHe t ( ruin ol hla Lid , oilier * Uo to
MI uturnod W the Udder.
for ( urther li l < rrnkt on addreca the undcro'trned
vt i'loe lUd e Agency , Dikota.
Tfoundertl .n ! will will bo at Pnxton Uouw ,
" ' " . Neb. , b/ the laurnln. ol Friday , February
18 IttS.
Jan a5w a U. B , ludiau AUCQ