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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1885)
nr THE DAILY BEE-MONDAY FEBRUARY 23 , 1885 THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA Omo No. 014 AND Oie FAIIXAU Sr. NEW YOBK Omo , Roe 63 TBIBONB BcitD- INNQ , ruse every tnoTnlng. ' ' " , , . . In th lUte enly Uondiy morning dtlly rubllshed T RH T MAII , Ont Tear. . , . | , aOO | Thre MonthJ . > 2tO . BlcUonth ) . 5,00 | Due Month . 1.00 The Weekly Bco , I'ubllhsed every Wednesday TIRMS , roaifAin. OnsTetr , with premium . J Ono Year , without premium . Bit Monlhl , without pronnum . < o trial . . lu One Month , on comiuroiritcii i All Communications relating to New-sand Editorial nutters ihould bo tddre ed lo the Estto or iua llss. BC9IJZSS WTTIRS All Buslnesi Utters nd llemittinces ihould b suldre-iod to TUB llsn punusiiiia COMPACT , OMAHI Drtfts.Checks and Past olllcourdcrt to bo made p y- ble to the order of tlis company. THE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , Props , K. UOSKWATEU , IDITO : . A.H. Fitch , Manner Diily Circulation , P. O. Box , 488 Omalm , Neb. Dn , MILLER pronciibos a milk dial for the roaiUn of the Herald. HKIWAHKA will hsxo no more Valcn- lines to Baud to congress after tlio 4th of March. IF Dr. Miller gets into the cabinet wo are a Mil'erilo ; but If ho does not , then wo nro for filorbon. TUB Icgitliluro may bo a bore , but that is no ronuon why it should invoat a hundred thousand dollars in boring for .fjalt. UNDKR lha caption of "What nro we "hero foi ? " the BEF. furnlehoi aomo spicy reading for ilia democratic Flnnng&ns oi Kobraslio. UKCLB SAM has unveiled Jits white ele phant , the Washington monument. It is 550 feet high , and HOB over any other monument in the world. IT will bo a great relief when the two legislative bodies at Washington and Lincoln fold up their tents and return to their beloved comtitnonls. WE wonder by whit name Mr. Hunt- Injjton will call Senator Van Wyck in his future oorrojpondenca. Perhaps ho will adopt Njc's opithat of "idiot. " Ir la not to muoh a quosticn In Nebras ka aa to who will got a cabinet oflica as it is \ > ; ho will bo atato veterinary surgeon and atato superintendent of census. Ir is muntloccd as a remirkablo fact { hit there is only ono lawyer in the In diana penitentiary. It is evident that Indiam lawyars stand by each other. TIIK lower houeoof the Illinois legisla- nro cona'sta of 153 momborf , and 101 omployeB. That is not quite to bad a < i the Nobi-jHki senate , which has. only 33 members , while it has 70 employes. Now that wo are to haven ttsto census taken wo want a raliablo ennmerat'on. ' For ( hat reason wo hope that the great lightning calculator , Brad Slaughter , who is palling the wires for appointment as superintendent , will bo left out in the cold. IOWA has not pooped lately on the cabinet qjustion. Perbaps her demo cratic stitesnion h&vo baon naaurad that when the dlstribuMon of bureaus take place that atato will not bo forgotten. Two bureaus in thu hand are worth a cab inet pcs'.tion in the bash. Oun own gallant Colonel Colby , from the state of Boatrica , hero of many a militia campaign , was prancing around the Washington monument on dedication day In briaa buttons and epaulettes as cno of tbo aids to the trand ; marshal. Col. Colby in all his grandeur loomed up and lacked only nix inches of being as high as the monument. l.v Washington the birthday cf the Father of his Country la observed to-day , while in Omaha It will not bo celebrated until Monday. The principal celebrants in Onuha are the banker J , who , when a holiday comes on a Sunday , collect on Saturday their bills which fall due on Monday. It Is a very handy thing to liavo a holiday once in awhile. IT is becoming quita popii'ar among the democrats to hold primary elections to docldo their preferences for candidates for office , particularly the postoflice. The democrat ! of Contralia , Illinois , recently expressed their choice ( n this way , and BO have ilia democrats o/ fiutala , Alalnmi , and ether places , Isn't it about lime for the democrats of Omaha to hold auch an election ? Here U a grand opportunity for thoatww.ficnd who ba > had nothing to do alnco the presidential campaign. THBIIE aeomaio have been an erroneous ' Impreaslon created canoerntog the atti tude of Senator MeU in regard to the Slocumb law. Be assures na that bo U not attempting to have that law repealed , but la only trying to h ve it amended BO that the jurisdiction ot the city will bo extended over the two-mile bolt , and that certain acts of the authorities , anch for instance as the receiving the license money in quarterly tiutallinents , and ex- omptlng whnlosile dealtrs mny be legal ized , Mr. Mett at first intended to make an effort to have the minimum license fixed at ? 500 , but this Idea , ai ws are Informed - formed , ho has abandoned. la this con- I motion we would augceir , if ( ho law la , amended to as to iniko the quarterly payments legal , that It be farther amendsd to as to provide a premium In caios where the yearly license of $1,000 it paid lu advance. ThU would be an inducement to a large number of liquor doalora to ialco out a yearly license and would ba an ndvantigo.Iu many rtspools. i ANOTHER RAILROAD REFORM. IIouso Roll No. 190 Is a bill compell ing railroads to build indmiiti am depots in towns tf 500 or more inhabitants. The bill is a good ono so far cs it goes fcr tbo COO Inhabitants. But it goes cot fr enough. Railroads should to cnmpolhd to build in towns of I 000 tnlubitanta at let at ono depot and establish and maintain a free Ituoh counter , the aupphts for wblch should bo open at all times fi r If g- iilatlvo inspection. In towna of lDOOin- bnbitants , In addllion to the foregurg , the railrpada shou'd bo compelled to fur- nUh and nuinfain a tufllcient number of vehicles to convoy any of the 1,500 Inhab itants from the depot to their respective residence ! . In towns of 2 OCO Inhabitants the rai'rosih should bo compelled to keep at least ono thia bodied African for cech fifty inhabitants or frtc'ion thereof , nnd in proprrtlon to the increased number of inhabitant tbo railroads ihould ba com pelled to improve accommodations In the proper ratio. If thu bill should become a law , there ia nothing more ccr'nin ' that the towns along the lines nf the rail toads would bo a favored list , cxcapt that there would ba few towns through which rail roads would care particulatly to tun , fjon.'n Roll 100 ia the woik of a genius [ Oinahct Herald. If there is any aonao or wit in the above sickly attempt of the Herald to nuke fun of a much-ncoiod law wo fall to 330 it. The Herald seems to forget that a placa having 500 inhabitants B a pretty good-sized town in Nebraska , and it over looks the Important fast that a railroad Is a public servant , and that it cannot al ways do an it pleases. The paiaago ol thii law ffi 1 prevent such a discrimina ting and unjust course as that pur mod by the B , & M. against the town of Blue Springs , a place of 1,000 inhabitants The B. ittM. . , because Blue Spring ! would not deed tote to the Lincoln Land company which Is a ring of town-lot speculators , composed prlnc'pilly ' cf rai'road ' oflicials a largo trait of valuable lands , refused to build a depot thcro or stop its trains In the town. Blue Springs to-day has no depot , and the trains run through the town without stopping. If a railroad can thus attempt t } mill any town against which it may liavo aorno spite , it i ] high time such a law as housa roll No. 100 should bo pasted and tnforcad. Suoh an artlclo as the Herald publishes on this subject is r insult to the Intelligence of Us readers. WHEN the bill to teach llttlo children in the c'jmmcn schools the anatomy oi drunkenness waa presented to the Penn sylvania legislature thcro wai surprise over the multitude of petitions from a'l quarter ! of the atato praying for the passage - sago of the moasuto. The popular furor fora bill Hko thia could not bo accounted for. But , as wo learn from the Philadel phia Record , what was sh.owdly sue- pooled turned out to bo true. The poti- , iona that wcro apparently so spontaneous were the Indus'rloiu work of enterprising book agents with an eye to business. Beaks giving a smattering of scientific in formation concerning ttb effects of spirit uous liquors on the human system have been introduced into the common schools of other states by popular nnd seductive agents whoso objost fs to widen the iiirkot. So innocent was the Pennsyl vania senate in regard to the methods used in pushing the bill that it pjssud .hat body without a word of comment. A .similar bill has been passed by the No- oraska legislature. Is it possible that ; h'u measure was qulotljr pushed through oy "enterprising book agents with an eye .0 business ? " It would not surprise us .n the loasb , for the school book agent is up to all sorts of deep-laid achemoa , and ho Is aa liable to pull too wool over the eyes of the Nebraska law-makers sa ho ia over these of the Solona of Pennsylvania. IN connection with the approaching in auguration of President Cleveland , two lapors promised for the March Harper's will have especial interest. Ono of the treasure cf the library of Mr. 1'ilden is a good-sized book , bound in calf , filled up n the handwriting of The mas Jefferson. [ t Is the financial diary cf the graat man , copt by him from January 1 , 1701 , while ho was secretary of slate , up to 1803 , covering thus the first two years of his presidency. Among Its entries ia a ciro- rul summary of all his expenses from March 1 , 1801 , to March 1 , 1802 , show- ng an expenditure of 832,081 81 , the vt- riona elements of which are given in de tail. Jefferson hai aa great a dlsllko of presents as Mr. Cleveland , and even In- slttad on paying the duty on cerla'n ' wino proourod from the Spanish minister , who had imported It duty free for his own uto. He also piii sixteen cents a ) onnd for a monatcr cheese that wai evi dently sent him as a present. The Inter esting paper drawn from the ma'erlal of ; hls di iy is from the pen of the Hon. John Bigolow. THE Oregon legislature , which has been balloting for United States senator for about two woeka , has finally adjourned without au election , and the governor will now nave to make the appointment , which holds until the next seation of the Ug'slature , two years hence. The ohancea are that the democrats with their patronage will then bo able to elect a aerator for the remaining four year * . The republi cans have only themaelvea to blame for thia result. Their leading candidate , Mn Hindi , who was a member of the legls'a- tare , came within one vote of being elected early in the contest , but ho was too modest to vote for himselfand hence be failed , Moieity may bo a good thing , but there la such a tbini ; aa being alto gether too modest , especially in politics. ACCORDINQ to the Chicago Tribune the Messrs , Oliver brothers , proprietors of the great chilled Iron plow works at Sooth Bend , Indiana , are bound to move their worka to Indianapolis cr aomo other city , because they hive been annoyed and damiged through political influence upon their employts , who number from 1,000 to 1,500 men , principally of Polish birth. At thia distance It lools a gtoit deal mete feasible for the Mosara. Oliver brothers to lomovo their Trorbmon i they are tioublcsomo tbsn it does to mt-vo their woiks , but If they are benne to movn wo would suggest to them th Om h is a good plica to locate In. We ctn aasnro them that hero they can make all the plows that they ant to wlthoti any interferences from politics and Ihei pi ) ical preferences will have no weigh with the frmcrj of Iowa , Notr ki Karais atil othar atatc where plows are in most demand. Al that they will require of the Oliva brothers la that they will attend itrlctly to busincBi and furnish good p'o s. We are Imlobtul to Senator Mandcr aou for a copy of the act for the rcpca of the pre-emption and timber cultur laws , which wo publish in to-day's leau of the BEE. Th's act was paaaod by th house , and having been tllghtly amcndei by the senate , it now goes buck to th hoDssfor concurrence , and will probabl ; roomo a LIT. It is an Important moat uro , and if adopted will put an end ti tbo finnds that ara committed undc those laws. Til ESC are hard times , but that is no excuse for attempting to pass business college bank notes for lawful curtoucy Such an attempt cost two yaing men o Cleueland ono hundred dollars In Unitot States bank notes , that being thoamonn of the fine Imposed upon them. THE ex-communist and cut-throat Oliver Pain , who is reported to bo bo h command of the Soudan rebel ) atMotom nch , wont from Paris last year opcnlj avowing his intention of joining E Modhi's army. The English ought to give him a doao of Pain-killer. "WHAT ARE WE HERE FORi" A three-column chapter concerning the factional troub'ei of Nebratka's dem ocrasy appears in the St. Louis Globc- Dcmocrat , under the heid of "Wlu Are Wo Hero For1' ? This csmpound o fact and faction will onlyattract attintloa because It is the product of a member o the editorial stiff of the Omaha Herald whoso editor Is a possible cabin o officer , and the head and front oi ono o the factions of the Nebraska dew oracj The picture drawn by this nrtlst moy flatter the vanity of Br. Miller , but it is ai uncomplimentary to his party as It is cruel and unjust to promhiont democrats In every section of the state. It Is , more' over , grossly incorrect In many esecnlh' ' particulars and exhibits inexcusable ranco or wilful maliceon the part of tlu writer , With a reckless disio ard of sta tistical fasts Nebraska is represented as having a population of nearly half a million people , when the census of 1880 gives us 452,000 , snd the vo'o of 1881 , which was over 134,000 , as against 87,000 in 1880 shows an incraaso of over 00 per cent , which would make the presen popu'atlon of Nebraska nearly three-quarters cf n million. Passing b } this ( light discrepancy wo find that I he 1389 reiidont offico-holderj in Nebraska are credited with drawing salaries amount ing to § 2,000,000 per annum , which is an absurd exaggeration , bocausa 805 are postmasters , and only tcrly-aix of theeo bavo talaries over § 1,000. The big prizes , wo are told , are the United States nnrjhalship and the land offices. This is on a par with the rest of his fiction. The biggest prV.o ; in Nebraska among the fed eral offices la the internal revenue col- lectorjhlp , nhich is worth § 4,800 per yen- , while the majority of land offices are no better than deputy ships in the of- Ice of the collector , and storekeepers and lingers. Thu district attorney receives : ully a ) much as the marshal. But the interesting point to the Nc- ornika democracy Is embraced In the ful- owicg account of its factional feuds and " ittcr helplojfness : The cenators and congressmen are all rcpub ican ? , HO the hungry horde have nothing to expect in tlut direction. When they turn to their own party they find it In the throes of ' convulsions. In fact , there is ro anger a democratic organization ia Nebraska All that is left of the political skeleton ara the filler and the anti-Miller wlogg , nnd the spoils hunters are In grave doubt as to which ; o cling to. About twelve months ago Dr. jeorge L. Miller and J. Sterling Morton wcra warm friends of years startling. Miller re * signed hla place on the national democratic committee In Mortnn'd favor , and the latter began to boom up as n party loader , Before hat ho had been content to pose a : the for- orn hope of the dumocrnts for ; overnor each year , goinp into each fight with the belief that hh lersonil popularity would wlpo out the over whelming republican majority. When the ime c&mo to choose delegates to Chicago Norton announced hu intent ion of carrying he state for Itayard on a free-trade platform. Dr. Miller refusing to bo a delegate himtolf , vent quietly to work to aecnro the delegation or Cleveland on a buslneaa-llke t a rill dcclar.v ion. The struggle jvna short and iharp , and when the roll was called at Chicago Nebraska voted nlno for Cleveland and one ( Mr. Mor on ) for Bayard. It la also an opan secret hat tbo tariff plank adopted by the conven- Ion w&i conceived not far from Urn Herald office in Omaha. This waj a double knock down to the vanity of Mr , Morton , from which he hu never recovered. With the above key-note of the fac- lonal feud , the asssclate edi'or ' of the Herald begina to use his acalplng-knlfe n a review of the candidates for the arlous offices , which would Indicate that a political intelligence bureau has been opened In the Herald sanctum where office brokerage will be carried on during .he coming four years. A few rample bricks from this published memorandum will Bnflire ; DEWARI ) , SEWARI ) COUNIV. The postomca at Seward In run by Charles K. Van Pelt , whoaa term expirenln June next. Van Pelt's salary ii 81,700. Charlei S. All- Ing , GeorgeM. . Wright and J. S Kittle have taken the field openly , iTLLEnros , .VANCE cooNir. There is no atir In Nance county among thfc demo ; There are 10 few of themtbat tha to know that there will bo ficos enough to uround. . S. Odoll is th present postmssUr at I'uUerton. llii al r In § 1,200. Col. L. V. TappMi in the niper intendent ot lha Indian school at Genoa liuy , 31,20) . Tbero ore no avowed candl dfttei for either position. AI.M.IIAHLAN COVXTY. ThopJslolIiriritAlirap ya Sl.OCOa year nnd la BOW ; n di/wgo / cf 1 * 15. McMamw whose tanii expires In .Tuly , 1SS5. The onl. candidate tint * far h S. L Uobeits , a gooi man. baning his politics. 10KK , tonic COUNTY. L..T. Gan-ly fa po tmaster t York. HI salary is $2OCO , an J tis comrr.tceton expire December , IS * . " . F , L Whedou , Dexte Abtytelati\oot ( Vice-President Hendrickf atd A , II. Campbsll are aiiirants forth pltce. Tha pms seem to bo let for Whulon who is ano'd democrat and rx-oditor. Abb i also a stanch democrat , whtlo Campbell I branded aa a renegade republican , HKDlinv , THAI Kit COUNTY. J. M. Kltipatiick , posttnasterat ; Hebron , 1 Hio only federal oll'icor In Tliaycr count } Uh iilary is 81,300. Small as it IB , there ar fhc men niter It namely , O. II Scott , M. H Wils ! , W. L. Thompson , H. C. IJlgolow an J , H. Stlckol. The last bamed gentlema was thn fuiion candidate for congress in th Sccocil district last fall and was bid ! snowed under by Congressman Laird. Thi IB thu lint timn Sttckcl haa "pooped" sine election day. KEAIlStV , BUFFALO COfNT\ . 11. M , Grlmoa Is postmaster ut Keirnoy His salary is 81,009 and lib coinmijtion ex ptrcs in 18SS. Thu aspirants for the oflir.o are J. C. Morgan , editor of the Uulfalo Count Courier , an Iowa man , who hm bbon in No braakn less than a year ; P. Phlllipot , an ol line democrat ! George K. Smith , who wa postmaster eight years ngo , nnd Watson a "genman frum do eouf , " Junu lioylo , an other southerner , Is an avowed candidate fi something , but ho baa not shown down hi hand yot. J11NDK.V , KKAllNSr COUNTY. Editor Brobat , of the Kearney County Bom ocrat , Is a candidate for postmaster at MIn don. The silaiy is 81,200. The present post master is John W. Gordon , whose term of ol tico expires June 31 , 1885 , NOItFOLK , MADISON COUNTY. Norfolk has but one luoirod candidate thu far. His name is Alexander 13oar , end h wants tabs United States marihal at Omahn Or. Bear has nothing In particular agains Uiei bower , the present mnrehal , but ho hank era after his fat salary and easy work. Th ollico pays about $3,600 a year , Dear has strong opponent in Con Gallagher , of Omnha A J. Thatch , of Madison , would like to b regibtcr or receiver of the United States Ian otllca at Xtligh. lie has no particular choice BCHUYLIlt , COI.rAX COUNTY. The present postmas ttr at Schuyleris Jiune F. Woods , whoeo lease of oflicial Ufa expire Februnry 7 , 18i. . Mr.JWoods1 salary ia $1,500 Ulght gentleman have announced thcinstlvo as candidates for the place. They are : O. Uro A ri , S. W. McCluug , Miles Zantmeyer , J P. Smith , James Hughes , D. F. Davis , E. C Smith and George K , Saundcre. Brown an McClung are doing tbo most talking , bu Zentmeyer has the inside track. Ho is Miller man nnd haa been prominent in etat po itics. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Nearly every man iu Blair who voted th democratic ticket is an nepirant for office but most of them are quietly awaiting the out come of the Miller-Morton fight. They don1 like to identify themselves with the lee side. These who ha\e spoken fur the post- office are F , M.Staufield , an ex-saloonkeeper W. H. Farnsworth , lawyer ; Frank Har rlman , county treasurer , and K. H Clark , attorney. The present postmaster a Blair IB L. F. ] III ton , edito of the BUirl'ilot His salary is $1,700. w ! C. Soiton , a salooi man , has dealgns upon Col. Tucker's placa ni receiver of the United States land office a Valentine ; salary $3,000. JUNIATA. At Juniata , S. L. Druse has a clean walk over for the postoffice. Col. E , M. Allen of Juniata , would like to succeed W. Amjai as receiver of the land office at Grand Island and draw 83,000 salary. Amjau's commission expires In June. Richard Thompson , editor of the Democrat , has a wistful eye on the McCook land office , but would bo willing t emigrate to Grand Island. NIOUBARA , KNOX COUNTY. The only applicant for the postoffioo at Niobrara ia 3 D. Gorton , who has the solic ; support of all citizens. The cilice is worth about 31,000. John C. Santee , editor of the Knox County Newp , IB now postmaster. John ! l. Markley h a candidate for Snndford Parker's place as receiver of the Niobrara and Itffice , and has hearty endorsements The salary is § 3,000. James Kothwell wants ho same place but is not malting a very lively canvass. Fied White , of Crelghton , now a nember of the etito JegisUturo , li making a till hunt for the register's place in the Nio- > rara offica. The salary is 5,003. : ) The com- nisdon of Maj. Chambers ex.ircM [ in Juno White thinks that there will be a struggle for lie ollico and ho u ill have to take It himself o save troublo. IlKATniCE , OiOE COUNTY. Thcro are only four federal offices in Gage county , receiver and register of the United States land office , postmaster at Beatrice and Jnited States commissioner. Thu preaent ecilver of the land ollico ia W. H. Someraj alary aid fees , $3,000 ; commission expires in 8S8 ; applicant for tbo place , 31 , H , Mahanna. teglater of the land ollico U. J. Dobb ; ; alary and fees 53,000 , commission expire * 887 ; applicant , A. Hardy. Poitmaetor , Jacob Dunn ; salary Sl.OCOj applicant , G. P. Marvin ditor Usge County Democrat. Beatrice ale ma a candidate for United States district at- orney In the person of Judge Hazlett. If iallagher , of Omaha , secures the marbhalehip lazlett will stand a good show of getting what he Is after. ULOOSJINQTON , VBANKLIN COUNTY , Thera are three federal offices In Blooramg- on postmaster and receiver and register ot he United States land offica. G , W , Hwltzer'e commission aa register of the latter will expire n887. The. most prominent applicant for bo placa Is Thonua F , Ashby , but as the ffice is worth S3.GOU n year , It is not uolikelj bat some democrat out side of the district \\ill et It. Swltzor a faithful , but is a red-hot epublicsn , ahdjjxpecta to be turned out , The enimisslon ojl ) receiver , It. W. Montgorn- ry , expires ( haune , 1885. F , A. Harman , he "LttlofGl ! nt of Democracy , " is slated for he place. | J will make a good officer aid ake goodSra ; of the 8t,000 ; aalary. The post- matter ia Jfe PJoVeiiog , Ha | , aary ] j , gRoO. Vhile l'lWP f "Dually votes tbo republican icket , Wptt not meddle much In politics and attends faithfully to business. This may save him , but , J. 'W. Doary says be would not object to. having the job himself. KOKTII FLATTB , LINOOIN COUS'H , Uev. H. C. Baskuryille lias gone cast , o * . tenslbly for the purpose of publishing a book on theology , but raoro probably to look after his appointment as commissioner of educa tion. A number of others have gone eiut from NPrtb TJatte on "A Feel's Errand. " Aihm Ferguson. Charles W. Price and John KflUher are candidate * for thn North PJallo postcflico. The present postmaster Is T. J. llvans , tal ry $1,5.0. Hlg ccmmJfsInn plrea July ] , l ss. FeiRuion ha llttlo the bet ot the TACC. A. J Mlmbal * nd W. S. t'nilfton would both like to bo register of Ihs United PUtes l.ntl tlllce nt North Pintle. They are closdv matched as to chancrs. It , M. Grlims now hfti the places salary $3,000. Grime * ' tfrm cxpirfs in Augnit , 1E88. Wil Ham Ne\illo and l > r. M. 13. Clark nro cacdl- t'ates ' fcr rccei\i < r. Nftvlllo was the funton canilldfltn fcr conprcm Irut fall , being bostcn l > y Hnn. O. W. ] : . Dorsey. Ho will probably Kct the c ffice ns n bilm for the wounds of de feat. The preM'nt roccher is John D. Sea- mar , who o term expires in October , 18S7. The salary is $3,000. NKHIUSKA CITY. Nebraska Uity , Otoo county , U the homo of lha 'Sago of Otoo , " Hon.-J , Stetling Morton , who Is jtir-t now runnliu a one-tided fight to control the patronage of the stile , Murton Is a brilliant , powerful , whoso chief failing U hi ) overweening vanity nnd rgollnn. Last week Merion wrote to n ftleml in Umahn , Charles Brown , who was the fusion candidate fore nprtsi in the First district last fall , sayIng - Ing ho had received n letter from Mr. Dayard asking nhclhcr ho would accept the' portfolln of slile. The paculiar wording of Mr , Mor ion's loiter led m ny itinplo people to believe that Mr. Bayard lud asked him lha question as n fuelor for Cleveland in case the Utter should think of imlting Morton into the cabi net. The real object of Mr , Bayard'a query was to get Morton's advice ai to his own no ceptance of tha place. Morten's candidate for postmaslorat Nebraska City Is hs ! brolh'r , Thomas Morton , cdilor of the NOWH. The commission of the prccut incumbent , Paul Sclimlnke , ruin to January 15 , 1SFG. The 8 lmy Is $1700 , Stilton's opponents arc "Undo NntH" Simpson , 11. H. Miller and John Stcinhart. OMAHA , POUOI.AB COt'Kn. The mott prominent candidate for office in Nebraska is Dr. George L. Miller , who as1 pires to bo postmaster general. Like the pre- r ent incumbent , Frank Hatton , ho is nn edi tor , and has n wlio knowledge of men and hfTaira. The $8 000 salary is no lemptatlon to Dr. Miller , as his income from his newspaper butincss and other sources Is comiderabl ) moro than that. Dr. Miller in handicapped in the race by living in n solidly republican slate , but ha is heartily supported by Samuel J. Tildcn , Horatio Seymour , Daniel Manning and other friends of President Cleveland , nnd stands a lair show of success. The entire nest Is for him , nnd SalurJny Texas and Mis- BUirt wheeled into lino. To n tpecial corns pondcnt at W.iihingtin Col. Broadhtnd on Wednesday last said : "Dr. Miller is a warm personal friend of mine , and I would be glad to eee him made poslmtBtsr general. He h.v the hearty , united backing of the Missouri dole gallon. " Hon. James E. Bnyd , memter of HIP national democratic committee , is in truming for the United Slates senate to succeed Van- Wyck. The latter , it is understood , is desir ous of going back to the political flesh pots himself , and is willing to make any kind of a deal to accomplish that end. It hai been tujc- gesled that a coalition of democrats and Vun Wyck republicans could be formed at the m t eebslon to elect Vun Wyck , nnd two yearf later the same peiformanco might be enacted for Mr. Boyd's benefit. It is hardly probable however , that Boyd would consent to take part In such a fjrco , Con. [ Gallagher wants to be United States marshal for Nebraska , Failing to get tbo marshalshlp Gallagher is willing to officittr- as poalmaelnr. The salary and fees of the marshal amount to abcut SIOCO ! n year. The present incumbent Is Kills liierbower , who was appointad Monday lost for four years. As Bicibowor wont into office against the wishes of the Nebraska congressmen and sen ntors , it Is not probable that ho c.m retain tbe place very lorjg. The postmaster at Omaha is Charles K. Coutant , a protege of Senator Manderson'a. His salary is 5-1.OCO , and his commission runs to June , 18S7. Hugh G. Clark bai already declared his in tentions of being n government director of the Union Pacific Kail way. Tlio salary is Sl.OCO , and the present member from Nebraska in Frank J. Clopetzer , who = o tsrm expires next August , George E. Pritchett has been promised Ihe Uniled Slates dislrlct altornejBhip. Tfc ottice pays about $3OCO , aud is now filled b ; 3onio M. LambertPfln , who has two years t serve. Mr , Lambertsou has made quito a record during the year past by conducting the only successful proseculion over made ogains men for fencing the public lauds. There an nnny other democrat ! in Omaha anxious lo di luty and draw pay from the public puise , bu under Ihe sensible nduce of thaleadeis Ihoj are keeping themselves in the background , Taking thosUoof the place iutoconsidor&tion bere ia less opeucffico liunlinginOmiha than n any ether locality In the etato. A /ew sach chapters the above frjm the Herald's ' intelligence bureau will tear the Nebraekt democracy into shreds and tatters. Such ttabs ncil inuondoEs , al hough appearing in a great republican u'nily , the Qloio Democrat , but orlglnot- ng inthe editorial roomi of a leading dciu- ucratio rapir , the Omaha Herald , cinnot oil to bo productive of a cyclone of wrath imong the followera of both MiUor and Morton. It is hardly necessary for in to ay that th'ri Kilkenny cat fight Is nuts or the republicans , and while some ot heir ofllco-holders may feel tender around heir necks , the tabk and file lll wafch the intelligence bureau with a oed deal of interest , if not p'oiauro fflo muinest part of tbo article la the coa- omptiblo slurs at such men as Captain tlckel , Hon , V/ra. Neville , Senator Van rVyck , and others , who arc in no way onnecttd with the Morton-Miller contro- eray. The sneer that Captain Sticktl va snpwed undbr by Jim L ird is un- ailed for and ungenerous , esptc.'ally when t Is ranuinheredtliat Mr.Stickel received vcrlT.OCO votes in a dlstiict that has ess thin 7,000 democrat ! In Ir , nd ran evaral thomaQdJvctjs ahead of tha fusion lectors. The remark that Mr. Neville ranta a balm 'or hla wounded feelings la i unkind as the statament that btiutor /an Wyck wau's ' to tiado4rlth Mr. Boyd a unttue. Tim IllliioiK OontcBf. nKLl ) , 111. , Jantury 21. In tha olut iemion the democrat ? refused to answer lie roll call , The republicans were in fulr nrce. Some debate occurred ai to whethe b w s competent for the speaker to preside A'hen he refused to answer to thu roll call , but Mr. Speaker VIM of the imprestion that It * ould come out all right. Thu total number I f votea cast were 101 , of which lxgan re- eivnd 100 , K. U. Wachhmn 1. no quorum otingr Uia joint assembly adjourned , A uinber uf ( IcuiocraU loft for home lunt night , ml it is not probable that they will return > n time to tote Monday , SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONKV. [ OMiY IOANKP J. T , Uiatiy loam on eh tttl I | < roitity | 2133 lltli St. , Uittalrf. ] SfSnilSp TO t.OAN Jn sums ol $10 Mil up , on MONKY * , i > l inw , hirnltuio mil all Mnd o cliMUK W II MotUr , 1401 Fitnam it. , o\er Mnr o > hoe More. VI OXhV To t.OAN 1 liuo tnonty to loan on Im i l | refill cl'y tirorcrtv In eny unountR to tull ftt tcMonU > r csV. . II. Mottcr , 14:4 K rr. m t. our Moiev'sf lire store. 85SII 10 LOAM lu sunset WOOMiO apwknl MOWCT D tlJ nJ Co. , Kt l n UU Mid Ix n Agcnti , HMFMtiMnSt. ONKY lOMicd on chttol9 , KAllro il Ticket M < 1 Nild. . Foreman , SIS . 1Mb HELP WANTED. \ \ 7ANTKnAconts tat Mitk Twain's tew boolr llicUslirrj lliirsfnr Nc'iriM > AnniUon * | A liomnzi tor f Rcnti Semi 70 rot t < for outfit , nr c on M .1 Coin ( Icncril Agent , 101ft C ] < ltcl a\o. Om li , Ntb. , ttot 4 p ir. SCO' ' ) ) ) A tlioroiiRti MV ! rolhblo baol.kocpri ti > the rlshtm n teed W KH will lie | ialil Ac ! drc'i"Mtli Ttlcrinctisiuid tUto stlary expected ; \ . cure Dee ollico 34-21 17 ANTED rhumtcrmalil at it. Chiilcn hot < l. S271I lATAXTKI ) J- nl ity , ft prlvnti ltif.tni.tor la Atlthiuotla , Address ' 1' . O. " Ikucllico. 3MMp ! 'AMKD clrl fr-r general litnnoBork. Mrj \ \ Rll Wilbur , 631 lotsiutBt. 31311 \ l7ANinllj > ixdrr.nMi , aplUttUon In n whole ' in'o nr retail csiaUlchxcntbo.tilofcroncij ( AdilreM . X , ci\to Iloo. COj-Slp -A Mil' ' 'or ' Rcncrnl htiucwork. Apl | to Northo < of Lcavonvorth fit. ni ( lotnian ptolirtcd. 3.0-J3 \T7ANiri ) A Ersto'av ' < f > hllu ) J-urmjmin Ur Ybcrttt Fdttj'sChlcaR i lartirrthrp.ltolumlm * Neb Forimrtlcuarslnqulsocf Louis Faltt , Outthn S04-21p A TKD A co-npotobt girl. Wood nnRCS. 1S2J w Kurnamstioet. 2731 A laumltcei ftt the Jon s ] Inn \ ) WANTBO Omaha ImUiio | at J. B. I'ronch & CV 1 18r tnamtt. 2:8-23p \\TANT.U-A thotmiglil corrputont cook nt \ \ laundress ; tcloionccs required. Mrs. W II UoCtrd. aV oor 13th and Dougl s , 2S2IJ A nurtl d man who understand WANTEIi and ttock ralMiiR , to take cli nr o four her o toun. Apply to Charles.Chlld , IRC ANTf U ! V competent ton ai t Rlrl to do Rcnor W al homo work at 1917 Chicago 8t 243-lf kccodaerman or BohomUn Kill a WANTKU UDO for laundress work at European ttl , lOthSt 261 2lp \xrANTRD-AitcotJfor our new book. Rood m W to workers Pallor address Gco. Uuntcr , 181 DurtSt , OmabaNcb. 116-m4 VT7 ANTED Good llvo solicitors Address ilutua V balllnturanooCo. , StmaitNeb. S85-lmp SITUATIONS WANTED. 'VTITANTED By n om r , a situation is house- VV keeper ; cor. 10th rd Ct t , up stair * ; over Gciitltnun'8 gr/cery store. I033p ! ! i"TAINT UB } ft pdy , a rosltlon n * tiook-tecpor ; > \ rcforcncts. AddietsW. V. K. , Bco office. \ 7A TK1) Sltuat on by an cMcnciucd nursot V i tar" lor an Invalid or lor cbilJrtn. Adil o-s A C.EcocllIo. SWJHp 4 2ouDg Dia/riaa I/UD M uta Bitumen u ft at A. keeper , In irbo'.owle ( itftblUbment In Omihk. idJreoa " 0. " care Bee. . ESMf MISCELLANEUUS WAISTS. i T rCTE feT oTsTsTsTjicoorncc.82521S 825-21S WANTED By 3 ysung Rentlcmen , eult of nicely furnished rooms , 1 sill IDR and 2 bed rooms , wlthSsirglobedB.locafcd south ol Douglas street. Addrcfsslatlnuprico F. W P.Bcoolllcc. S21 p A ecntlcrnan room mate to bca-d li WANTBU private lamilj ; references required. Adclrcfc ! C. A - Boa rlllco 320 tf - two ccntlemon , Irgo , iinfunilsh WANTED-Bv , board , in private lamll- . State terms Addrts , Cl. It , lice clll-o. 305 21p IXTANTtl ) Advertiser bavlnps'.or In gootl loca- tlonw ntsrr.rtncr to start grcccry buslpcss. Address "B D"B < oolllco. Any one wi'hlng to sell a first ela s WANTED anJ lot , chein , be' . 18th aid 5th sts , can find a cioti customer by addroj lr. "J , ' Paxton hotil. 303-2p VITANTED A hrg furnished loom , oentrillj lo- V > ca'cd ; sultab'e ' for dressmaking. Addrm Box 32 , F. 0. 307 21p \ \ ANTRD Ladles and genllsrmm to take nice , VT Pght , pleasant work at Iliilr own homos ( dis tance no object on ) ; woiksent by mail ; SHe S5 a day canboqulctlv made ; nocanvssalng Ploifoad- droEB at ooce , UilUbls Manfg Co. , 1'hllidclphla , Pa. Box 1603. 2M-23 | > WANTKD Ily Apill 1st , 1835 , a house w l h seven or eight rooms and modern improvements , nonr buslnciu ; south cf Farnam and west of 17th St. preferred. Addrcn 1)10 Farnam St. 270 SSd W ANTKD Slen , good ; reliable ones , who want emjloymctit , to tend for full particulars con- iK a good p-olng lins'nii-s ' Address at once , If want a money madim ; position. Jnhism& Glcmc , Lo3k U\ , Lll.coln Ncl ) . 219 21p \ \ ANTED Ladlf s atd gentlemen In city or coun- Vt try to lake light work at their o n lioao. f3ti > jl adaycasil ) made ; wrrkfcnt by mall ; no canvassing - ing We havogood demand for fiurwork and furm h stculy emplojment. Addrcorwlth stamp , < 'll WN Sl'F 0. COML > A Y , SOI Vine t , Cincinnati , Ohio. 113 m 4p ) rust racrs to buy at Hliannnn's , 17tb W and Nicholas et ail kinds of meats -15 pur cent cheircr tlun any packing homo In the o'ty ' Ho also kcepsacommitfi'on house with a'l ' kinds of pro ducc , the biet and cheapest in the maikol for cash. gflt 23p ( \7ANTED Agents to woik for tbe Western Mil I r ttml Ilfncvo'ent Assocla'lon , of Bcatrko , vtb C fll ca | ItalSlOO.lOO , paid up In full. Ilioso dealrlr g Kgcncivsin Eattcrn Nerratka or Wo Krn Iowa , should address 0 , A. Wootley No 122J Farnam st Omaha , Neb. , or Oliver C. Kabln , feo'y , Beatrice Nib , To good agents , men or nomcn , a HLo a comiicmatlou will le paid. Company li ro opera tlve in plan , safe , reliable and cheap , and ca y t work. 800122 i'OH KENT HOUSKS AND LOTS. FOR KENT A ( our room bouse , with cellar cloneta and out blnben ; 818,00 per month. Ka qulro OiIlN'Jlfctet. I1. J , Cradon 8l7lf PENT Several mall cottafej In dlfTerct FOIl ] aiU of tbe city. Alno eco Urge room on ! ! > llocr , B rker' § bl. ok IDib and Ftrnirn , and a sleep Ini : room tn Sd floor. V. E. iujne , SW ICth tnd Farimn. 339 20 FOIl KENT Brick house , 8 locme , 24th and liar ney , O. F , David & Co. 321-23 F 1011 KENr-Cottigeat 1718 Dudtc street 271tf [ FOIl DENT Store on Cummlngs fit. , with toomi for family. J , Kline , 1318 Douglas St. ZctVml ] FOHRVNT New brick bous' , 11 rooms , modern Improvement ! , No. 112 N. Z2d sU Inquire SI 18 California it 1C7U FOR HfNT-New cottage , 5 rooms. J.rilprwttoe , 1512 8. tthst 648 U TT'OH ' REST Nice 0 room cottage corner 24th and X1 Iav nport street Apply to K. B , Chapman , 1217 Howard Bl gU-tf FiOH IlENT A new tight roomhousr. Enquired Mrj. K. Iloddls , JHb.UtDaveipoit andUil-a- go eta. 791U i ROOMS FOR RENT. "T70H KENT - Furnbhed rooms , K5 , N Uth it. JP 22-27p UUNT-L'iiluinUned rooiLi , 1017 Chlcavo et. FOH 3lZ-28p Fill llENT-Furnltbod lloom Mto board , DOM V. irtlu 124-U / A UENT A larje front room cnflrbt H or , UJ3 I/O Howrrd st. 3 8-24p ITAOll HKNT Ku/nlshid and uiilun Ishwl riMinr , L1 wlthbjarJ , 1/oUI , CVpltoltve. and 13th it. Mil , . W Hold , F01UIKNT hurriUlKdliont rocui with bay win- L duw , brick Iiouw , with beard , 605N 17th ttuat SISSip T7 Oll UEM' Two rooms t 88. AliOtluall liuua ; Nc L1 (9. for icoulb , 1913 llonatil , 247.t8p t ' 't-3 ; IJIOIIRFNT N'cely fnrnldird frcrtroorn ; Ifot.cio ' exrellcr.t , at 1118 Ilonnid t 207-1p 7011 nKK-nirnl heii front looms. ItOO Kirr.itm 1 1 ft. , bit , lOlb aid ! 0th stf. S J .lp UK T-Millocf'tirnl ' hpd rotms , HtlTrall Iron 1 fcrnia t. Jlr A. Caldi-rwooJ. .70 tt 11KM liooiuj ' 1610 HatncysT iJAUll 1 CJ2-11 ITOH HKXT Hi cm and board for two go ntlemcn , Jf 10 3tapltoU\o 10. . 21p " ? FOH MUST Nimlv futnlohcil cist fxpaj ure , single orcntultc , 3. W. corner 17thand ( fi ITNT Two unfutn'slied ' ttximisu lalle ' r 1110H housekeeping , llccintt'8blocktcor R b am ) IIowanUK ID-'tf URNT Nlctly furnlehed looms at 171 < ! i > u 17011 Wtf TO l.KT Ktqulro Otug toic , cor , ' 0b : ROOM Ucug'ai. IWtf With lx ) nl , doilrhbla 01 winter. ROOM8 Cliailci II ttl. \ IlKNT-For light boufckc-et Inp , two ro < nn 17\OH for that purpwc , S. W. cor fth and Howard. 8"Rl 11KNT Furnished rooms At 1810 Dmlso ct FOR OCSfeliJS RUNT Two elognit rooms In lledltk's block , Taulson S : Co. , 1M3 041 U RKNT Fi-rnUhed room tnd board ? "LOO per FOH . Vcrv best location , 1814 Davcnpii t 778 fcb Sip FOR SALE. 8\LI-Bedrsom sets at 1814 Webster t A , Bb'vri ' lets. ' A bargain. Full lot , 3 rnnm o t'crc , 1 two I locks wu t of 1'ark Avc. ? 30C. ( r Majne , S W crrucr 16th anil I'arnsm 3.11 is TJIOH SALII ClIKAI'-Ono ilogant clumber set , JL1 former cost S37S.OO. One regulator clock , one roariy now hnabo Piano , two uoM framed plctuns , cue horse , barncs * Mid pluutcn , ono lulls safe , email size , imu beautiful china codes set. Also a Urge Ice lo\ . Inquire 1016 Dodge St. SALE Bilok hruno , i < onalnltg * 10 rooms , FOH and itab'c , and nice caty onthnit'cn , In ID h et. A ) pi ) to toits . " . Bosatd , Cor. Ibth anil 815.27 BALK A beautiful lot , "PxlOOtcct.evt front , 1 IcrrglaATu. 81.EOJ Ktsy terms , C. H Mayno 6thand itrnam , 33123 OIkS ALK llrstiumnt , ono block from depot. Knqulro 8U S 10th st. , Omaht. 311-21p nOR SALE Wallpaper business , moll stock of JnOR Oiift xnBtti KlIlUf O. T.Oti par.crSoD north 16lh St. 2i7-Sp BALK Very cheap , a pool tallc P elBe FOR , 10th and ta\cnoit ) 2021p IiWKSALK Two beautiful loft.hftlt bio , k oil Park * A\cSlcOO ; each ; ty terms. ( . ' H. Mane , 16th and Karnam. 332-23 TUSH 25 barrels of fresh and fait fl < h , ot all kinds I 1 at Shannon' * , on 17th and M < .liolA6 itn , near oil works. 201 U3p F 10U EXC'IIANOE . For Improved or un'm- proved Om ha proiioity two land lu Coming and rieriucountie. , Ncbraeka. Ad dress , W , this oltko. 1)1 ) 5.10 770U SALK Oil FXCIIANOE At a harpaln , one or JL two lurtlODS of tlcli bm1 , odaptnl for cither farming or stock purposes. Addrois ( f. N. II. . I * . O. Box 510. IflGSIp \ On montlly pavinrnts a ircod lot In IpOHS\LE ' ll ns"rni thconcarl'ark Avc. ( 00 Thli is a b.irgtln. C' . E. ilajtf , Ifitb and tnrnaio. . " . . " 3 C3 ' . - , Iloedlnr , Stover , ( Ju-ens- ware , and nojdiliiK nco inu > f r houso'icep' li'lf.stl'lD Lvavcuwcrthat. Chiip lloueo nrrcut If Tinted 307.2IP - SALE-Climp Two countern and 45 lit FOH , atir.thaid Howard. J. II. Sjcttroii SALf Ata crest bargain , for net each , o FOK btork ot merclm d ss , o nilstliif ; o u choke line ol Dry Ucodc , Clolhirj- , Hoots , ho R , Hats , Cape , etc , etc , Ihls cntlru stock must IKI a Id atoncotoeaUbfy ihlraB R ln'llt. For partlcu. are.apilj to Jacoa Mclr , , Nib. Fcb 17th , 18 J6. SKlZOp YTIOR BALK Oil fcXOlIANOE A * 10 pot ftcto , t\ > X ? or part ot two thousand acres ot timber laud forty miles east ol KansaaClty , wll oxchan o Coi Nbraslta land or merohandlea. Bedford , Bonei ° " " IHJB _ _ _ S iLKSilllne of at cr ft and stcro nxlurea for FOR Ko o:0 South lOih Strtct , Omaha , heb. S Ii. Bchwarlz , piop ? * ! > ftp _ SALK Stock ml fixtures one of the lest FOIl the city. I'otfitsum [ then the fl'Bt Utasons fortelllcB , ill hotlth. Address X.V. . " Bee uinco. 1S2U OH SALE OH TOADE tor I'l proved lanJ , a P pood2t.tory etoro , property In Wii > uo , Nth. A resldenro , barn , 2 lota In Allvrton Iowa , ami 2 tfood I into Norman stallions. Addresj O. I ) . Dlrmal Walnut , 1'ott Co , Iowa. 173 in Dp 8ALK A good rnyiDK silicon with Drat class FCK cnuutor and restaurant attached. A bar Rain. S. Trcbtler , 203 South ISth St. 162 U ,10H , HALE-Or rxcliariEO a full stock of cIothlnK F ' boots an J ehw8 , pent' ( urnlshliiKKOOds , will ex- chnngo for Nobnsha Ijniia. Q. U.ietoisont > 04 S. 10th tit. , Omaba , .Neb. 155 tf 8ALK KO wroi of lioft ( ami lanila In Wa h IpOlt 1 county , Kcb ; 2i uillot from Herman ; 3 miles from Blair. Will cither Bill for cash or will trade for homo In Omaha , II foujer will tika up jomatiotce on long tlma. Ti o whole lard under rultlvntlon Address Jos. Kolouralck , No. 1SJ4 9 ISth et. , Omaha , Nob. Ml-tf IOHSAIiK Cheap ono half aero In north Omaha. F Address X. V. / Bee office. 01SU FFOIl FOIl 8ALK 200 tons iclectcd hay nt Kihliorn Sin tlon , price (8.00 per ton. Ajipljto m Hopper < lbhorn. 062-linp 7Oil H"iLl' A gcoil paving Impl'incnt buainena . will'ocatcd ' and ctal > 1l > lied in thriving town on . 4:11. 11 K in Neb. bvtrjthlig naily to ttep Kht Into good tr Ie. Only modoiato en ) Ha ) re- ulrtd. Addrois "X. V. " Beeollicc , 012 ftb 28p ' 7011 8ALF. (5x165 feet on Ciimlng street 8 blooks L1 wcat of Ullltary bridge , 1,600. John L.McCaguu pposlto Pott olllui. 031-U 710R SALE 132x124 feet on corner , couth-eiat _ front , house 3 rooms , bain , 8 blocks west o ark avo. and Luavenworth , easy pajmcnts , cheap 1,700. John L. llcCanuo , opposite Vobt Ofllco. 017-i FOK HALE-The chooprrt firm In Iougla ) < county ; 120 acres , 8 milts from On aha : CO senH broke , lotisv , stable , nrchtrd , vli eytrd , timber , living wa- cr Tllle perfect 1'ilco &J.OCO. K U Emery , real state ugcU , ItlO Hiney utrcet , Umahn. V44 21 B ALKDIIAY Good quality , lowoit ptloe. T. B. Clarkscn , SchujIcr.Nob. 116-m4 ( > BFOH FOH BALK OK KXO'IANGK For Itock of do goods 1860 acre ) tockranoh , plenty hay land , creel : uns through rntlro tia > t. go d buildings , oorralfs to i only 4 miles from ; lallrcad town , one of lin best and in st convenient i nclun In central Neb. J'l'lj to tr.c Noitb Loup Banking Co. , North Loup , ftb. SM6 _ MISCELLANEOUS. _ rOST A red Iilih setter dog , about sixteen J months ol < 4 , answers to the oam ol Major , jiu lew wlilU hilrs on hlschist ; a llnr.l reward for is retain to Win I'rcstou. Ut and Iloward Ht. 7 > OUNO A re.ll cf point 'lico. Owner o n bare L1 f rae br cilllnit at ottlca nf U. F fiearr , t Uth ad Uiidge , up ulrs lu Will Urn's block , and paying Mkof tl > U advertisement. IM 23 pOCHAKGB8tojki of xoodi end rnerrhtn. L dlte tor land , Improved or unimproved. Chasll. 'ooll y , room 9 , Uuuba Katlonil Back , Otnalu , P. KOlmarie _ DO EXCHANQK-Improved farms and wlldlandto trade f r stoakKf meruhat dlia or Omalia cty | roperiy Cha * K. Woolly , rooia W , Oua a National tuli , Omaha , Neb SOOnurlO ) UIVV vfilts , sinks and c e iMXI ) cleaned at the . short * it not oe and at any tine of t be ilty , In no itlrelyorderltB * way without the Ictit molestation occupants or neighbors , with rur Improved and lorkss apparatus. A KvniuiCo. , Oil Cai.lf I ve _ OSlmlp Oou 'lUAUf. ror luuruokuuiw gruuiriv * urv * ? ferred , tbrte (8) ( ) valuable IcU In Dayton , Ohio. oelot ) In St. I/ul , Mo ; 040 acres of line land In inwa ; One (1) ( ) farm In Ohio. This property U free lacumbranco All communications will ba UeaUxl rlctly confiaontbU. B. II , Wlnspear , 204 Cumlnr , ) REXEL ft MAUL , { SDocEsaona TO JOBS a. JA.OOBJJ JNDERTAKERS I 41 , o'd ' Und JJ17 Faroam BL Crd.n by UW. . h solicited and promptl Uteuded to. TeUrboM