6 THE DA1LYBEE--COUNOIL BLTJF.FS SATURDAY , FEBKCJARY 21 , 188F. THE DAILY BEEt COUNCIL BLUFFS. Saturday Morning , Feb,21 , BUuscRirrioN BATES. BjOirrlei - so oonti r f week By Wall - - - - - - HO-00 P > * ' OFFIOBt o. 7 rear ! Street , Hear Broadway. ! MINOB MENTION , Don't forget the party nt Spiritual hnll to-night. Music nnd dancing. A move will bo raailo Ihls spring to got Pearl and Bancroft stroota paved. The Hoop of Gold company Is booked for the opera house February 25 and 2G. This week everything at cost at Cocko & Morgan's , 317 Bro.vlw.iy. City Treasurer Clausan by a fall hai strained his back so that ho IscoaGnod to Ills house. This lalo only hats ono week. Oomo early and bay dry gooia at prlmo cost. Cocko A ; Morgan. This week yon cm save 33 1-3 per cent by buying your dry good ] of Cocko it Morgan. 347 Broadway. Wheeler , who was recantly shot by Jef foris , ia reported aa growing mush worse , and his friends are anxious about him. Rev. H. L , Hammond , of Chicago , will till the pulpit at the Congregational church to-morrow , morning and evening. Reserved soils for Copt. Souloy * lec ture Tuesday evening , the 24th inst. , can 'bo procured at Bushnoll's and at Foster Bros. Bros.Conrad Conrad Ooiso yesterday lost a valuable young colt , which was gored to death by aomo of the cattle with which the colt was running In a field. Yesterday morning tlio thermometer stood at 18 degrees below zero , and at noon 4 degrees above , ono degree warmer than on the previous day. Master James MoNaughton , son of the superintendent of the city schools , has mot with rather a serious injury of a iknco-cap , by a fall on an icy sidewalk. A Chicago firm is sending to citizens of Council Bluffj circulars about boat * , steam launches , yaoli's ' , etc. It is appar ent that the Ohlcigo firm expect Council Bluffs to have a flood. Charles D. B. Mills is to lecture before the "Every Thursday" Ladles' Reading club , Tuesday evening , March 3 , in the parlors of Mrs. M. E. Smith. His sub ject will bo "Emewon. " Mayor Vauhan , who is deputy for tbo Knights of Pythias , yesterday rocolvcd notice that oixtoon of the beat business men of Kimball , Dakota , want him to Initiate a now body thcro. Mr. L. Sherwood , of this city , has In Ills poisesilon one of the original copies of General Sherman's farewell address tel hia array , which he has had for twenty yeara. It Is an interaatlng rollo of tbo days thai are gone. The Mnpleson open company , In charge of T. W. Leo tholr manajor nnd D. H. Win ton trainmaster , came in ycs- torday over the Iv. C. road in a special of nlno cars from St. Joo. They are onrouto for Sin Francisco. "Lifo 13 ever Lord of death , and love can never looeo Its own. " Spiritual circle clo to-morrorr ( Sunday ) afternoon and evening at 2 and 7:30 : o'clock , In Spiritual 'hall ' , entranca on Main and Pearl etroots via. stairs , two doors south of the poat- office. There's musio in the air at tbo county jail theaa days. Quito an orchestra has been formed among the prisoners , ono having a Halo , another a violin , another a mouth organ , and still another a banjo. With a sheriff with ouch a mmical name Guittar , how can ( hey help it ! The entertainment given by the X , 1' . / . club last night waa a happy auccoaa , despite the coldneas of the weather. The young ladles teem to kno just how to t arranga and carry out an entertainment so that all who attend are given an enjoy i able evening , and the treasury of the h church is helped. Among the spotting mon cf Council 'Bluffs ' ia ono deaf and dumb young man , who is indeed a curlojity. Ho can hear K nothing that is going on at the gambling K tabloa , bnt Is keen-eyed , a fine poker player , and despite his lack of hearing .and speaking , is aa click a gambler aa .there is in the city. At the milo race at the tknttng rink Thauday night , John Epenolcr , jr. , de feated Ilonry Schoidlo , winning by ten toconds , and nuking ths mile in 4 min utes and 33 aeconda. Johnnie will not therefore have to give up any of his high ly pried medals , and still holds the championship of Council Bluli'i. Another conteat is ta ba hold next Wednesday n'ght , the distance to bo two miles in- atoid of ono. The yearly report of the Y. M. 0. A. ia being distributed amen those inter- es'.ud in the work. The membership on February 1st , 1884 , waa only 30 , nnd the number add til during the year GO ; da cojsal 2 , leaving the proaent membership 5)4. ) Harry Curtis , the tecrotary of the association , Uaa certainly done a grand work , and deserves apodal credit for the wledom and enterprise ho has ihown in managing all departments of the work. John T. Stewart h s commenced cult aga'nit the city fcr $5,000. Hi ) claims that the building occupied by Stewarl Bra's1 c n MUn street , \\u \ bailt Bciorcl ing to the grids then eatablithed , and that afterwards tbo ci y CJUDC 1 changer the grade and hlhcl in iho atrett , ao that the first lloor cf tbe building wis belov the street. The matter was brought be fore the council nid that body referred it to the city aMoroey with power to act , Jl tnlejcd lut > a con'ia : * . to tcttlo the claim for $1,200. The council since then has refusal or neglected to pay the $1,200 , so Mr. Slowart , met for the full damages claimed. J. F. Grocn was the name given by a follow who yesterday sneaked a pair of shoos from Pierce' * nloro on Main atreet. The shots were found In his posicsslon and ho was sent to jail for five days. Ho didn't aoom to like It becinso ho didn't get twice that amount of free toarJ. During Judge Aylcsworth'a absence in Dos Molncs Justice Tralnoy hai climbed up upon the wool-lack of the anperior court to dlepDao of 'ho city c oj. Ho had thtco before htm on charges tf being drunk and disorderly. They gave their names as John Clifford , Jack Daly , and W , B. Robinson , and were each fined a double dcso. Mr. Lcrcho , the oriing odllor , a day or two ago secured names enough as bondsmen to have secured his rolcaic , but the signers lujinlng that Mr. Goiao would not premiss to drop the prosecu lion , actntchcd their names off. Thoto was also an Intimation nude by Mr. Crcsilann that if Lorclio was released on ball on this charge , ho would illo an information - formation and have him arrested for some queer work In regard to a check purporting to bo signed by Cropland a year ago. Lorcho will probably remain in Limbo fcr a time , until his friends cau investigate further. As was t3 ba expected some di walls faction has arisen among the architect ? , on account of the adoption of certain plans for the proposed now court homo. Ono of the architects who sent plain for exhibition before the bcaul , but who was not here in peraon , now claims that his plans were kapt In the d rk , and given no fair show. The archil act has been misinformed for his plans were ox hlbltod fully , and talked over R gcod deal. Inact , another architect who was hero with plans , claimed that this first man's plans wcro stolen from his. The Crd complaining architect has been Informed of this charge , and these two will now probably devote their time to quarrelling with each other instead ol complaining further against the board. Afino organ , half prlco , at Board'a wall paper store , next to postofiice. GUILFEATHER'S FEATHER , Ho Wins His DAinngc Suit Asslnst the City , snd Gctn A JadRiiiciir for Yesterday morning tno cas3 of Gull feather against the city waa given to the jnry , and at the end of an hoar and a half the jury rctnrnad a verdict In his favor far $300. GuilfuV.her'u chini was for damage. ' ciuaod by the oveifbw of Tn- dian creek , ho chiming that hi a land and garden spot would not have thus saftered d it not been for certain Improvements made by the city. 0. 11. Soott , who ap peared for the pin'utill' ' , in arguing the case before tbo jury , gave the ciiv gov ernment n feactul "turning over , " deal ia ing i out sarcasm without mercy. Ho pilcl special ic attention to tha mayor , and de clared that this horrible way cf doing business woud ! bo kept up forever unless the mayor was removed by impeachment or by some kind providence. Ho sild ho did not wish the mayor any ill , aud would not haim a hair of hii held , but that if bo saw the mayor sitting on a can of dyna mite , to which was attached a fuee. and ho ( Scott ) had a match in his hand , ho feared that the devil might tempt him to touch it ou" . Tno other officials were likewise attacked , cntil the jury wore bolter pouted in the present administra tion than cm the real fasts in the case. These who have hoard Col. Scott in his lightning thrusts of sarcasm , can ca imagine how ho lliyed thoto whom ho held responsible for the damage done to his clients' property. Bfckman & Co. , 525 Main street , will waeh and oil your harnoas cheap now. PUSEY'd ' PLUCK , Ho Succeeds in Getting the Atlilt tlonl Appropriation Tor tlio Coun cil Blnfl' * I'OHtolIIco Yesterday aftenioon the glad news rcache3 the city that Congressman Pusoy had succeeded in getting the bill passed by the house making an additional $100- 000 appropriation for the government bni'ding hero. The news caused general joy , because it seemed equivalent to buv- ing ths money In band , there soomlng no donbt but that the bill will readily pasa the senate , and ba approved. As Is generally known the original ap- preprint on was $100,000 , HO that tbit new appropriation will secure for Council Bluffs a $200,000 government building. This will not bo too largo or expensive a ono for the importance of the location , the amount of Dimness done here , and to meet the future demands. „ Thia additional appropriation will cause o no material change in the foundation already made. The rosin change wi'I ' be 'c in the superstructure , which will now bo tc built of etDiio instead of brick. The 0 building will go right ahead , and ns a building eiUorpris ) wi'I bo a great help to the city in many w-tis bl Jninea O'Neill anil wife 010 at tin ; Ogden lioueo , Jacob Sims , l' returned \ yesterday from " Madleon , Nob. , wheie ho has boon on some business for a client. 11. F. CUy ton hai returnud from New Or- Icina looking none the worse for the talk there has been about making him the republican nominee for governor of Iowa Hu eayg the $2 ezpotitlon Is a euccesr , In spite of the reports to tbu contrary. Duriug his absence ho at $ tended the Formers' congieaa , and served .13 cliainnan of that body , $ Get Your I'rt'spnt To-tlay. $1 We ara sorry to iUt * that tbo prcacnls which were to be given aw y hit Satur day did not ir/rivo until too late , being snow-bound. To-iui bring all the little and big ones to A , JFJoape'j and receive your preien * . 329 Hroad ay. Before yon boy a Litiifai call on Bcc\- man & Co. , 525 Main strict. CITY WARRANTS. arc city warrant * worth ? That Uanuory easier rukod th n answered. 11di Tun BEK man trlod tj flnd out yoiicr- cUy , and got the nniatisfactiry informa tion that they wtro worth from tevonty five to eighty cents on a dol'nr , if any body wanted to bay any , bnt that no ono wanted to buy. It aeems that all Ilio demand there la for them is in casoa wlioro men want to pay their tixoi , ami buy up t few warrants at a tlueoiint to turn tliem in , bat no ono 0eoms buying for speculative purposes. At the banks the Inquiry revealed the fact that they would pay nothing for them. They hail boon buying a few , when customers wanted any , ami loft orders with them , bnt they did not want to buy any them selves at any pr'cz. Ono man who lud some wan-juts was Informed that ho could depotit them as collateral , and get n little cath loaned him , but there were no buyers. At ono of the banks It TTSS learned that a few wanants had boon bought for 7 * > cents and offered for tnlo at 80 cents , bat with no inkers oven at I ho cost , 75 cents. One prominent taxpayer ( aid ho hid been buying about § 100 worth , bnt had enough , and oven more than bo ould mo now to rny hi ] tniaj , find hence would buy no more. Ho had paid 8C conta for whit ho purchased , Some days ngo another prominent taxpayer lefl word with the city auditor that if any body wanted to sell warrants to como to him and ho would pay 75 couts for a fow. Several of the employes of the city were told of this chance to neil , but they all refused , saying they would not take leas than 80 cents. Ono broker , who deals In securities of all sorts , told THE BEE man that ho wou'd ' not piy over CO cents for warrants , and won d not go across the street to get any at that price. In fact , bo did not caru much abcut putting any more money Into them. Thcao who are in the employ of the city and draw their pay in wanants , alone dependant upon this Income , find their wages sadly cut down by any such shrinkage , and It acorns just now very difficult to lind purchaser * at any pricn. It seemi that thoio is need of a radicn' change in the management of city finsn- citl affairs. The people will socn bo called upon to select thrao now aldermen. In view of the present state of the city's ' credit , as shown by the way ita paper stands in the market , or , rather , otands out of the market , the votera should sco to it that good , clear-headed , clean handed men are choasn , who will devote their wisdom and honesty to clearing up the present tangle. Tin : BEE his already shown , from the city ofllcials' own figures , that under the present management- shown by the records to date , thcro will ba twice as many uoiuld warrants outstanding at the close ! of this year as there were on the opening of the year. Taxpayers should look the to facts sqnaroly | in the face , and reek a remedy by selecting wise men nt this election. AGRICULTURAL CIOLLE&E. HemIIH Now President T Ucs Will ( ho Educational Men of tlio State. The readers of THE BEE will remember bor the recent mooting of the ttito teachers' association , and the sent.itlona features of the election of a preeidenl for that body ; how Leigh Hunt final j succeeded In getting elected , bnt when o storm was raised about the peculiar methods said to bo used by some of bis friends In securing this result , ho quickly dropped the laurel thus gained. In spite of the expression of feeling on the par of loading educational men of the state , both as gathered In convention , and as Individuals , the regents of the state agri cultural college , on the nomination ol the editor of the DCS Moines Register elected Hunt as president c : that institution. Thij action was a great surprise in educational circles , ana has called forth many ox prosuioiu of dissatisfaction. His friends are not charged tbii time with sending ir any _ oxcimii.ii trains of pretty tchoc maidens to secura his election to this position , but the election causes hardly loss diesatlsfact'on , and the quiet mutter ings are breaking out publicly. Asa simplp of tlia feeling the follow ing appeals in the Mason Oity Express , In the educational department edited by Superintendent Kl nefolter , of that county : There is a clear and well defined notion in this part of the state that Leigh Hunt , of Des Mi ines , has been elected CAN VASSING AOK.ST for the State Agricultural college , with ths title and saJ.-uy of pres ident , and that the real pio'ident of the college is editing a piper in Des Moines. There seems to bo no disposition on the part of those who understand the jitna- tlon to find fault with the arrangement farther than to regret that the two jrs'- tlons could not bo kept separate , and that to secure this result it was necessary to rcsirk to very questionable , not to say dishonorable , means. While it would be very easy to aiy many tilings In ridicule cf the absurd ac- t'on of the board of regents , we do not feel like saying them. It is too serlons a matter when ono of our leading educa tional otato institutions is placed under the charge of a roan whcso methods the great booy of the educational workers of the state , thcso who have made the sUto what it ia to-day , cdncationally , have no respect whatever. But enough said for this time , Itenl Etitata Transfers. The following is n list of real estate tramfors filed yesterday in the recorder's office ) of Fottawattomio county , Iowa , ns furnished by A , J. Stophenaon , abstrac tor , real estate and loan agent , Council Bluff * . Iowa , February 20 , 1885. G. R. I. R. R. Co. to M. FetKlaff , sw ] neSO 76,40. S3GO. Agnes Folsom to Emily Martin , lot C , ok 21 , FJemmlng & Davit' addition. 830.74. Parrnolia Walto to Charles Fonn , eL 10. 74 , 41. $800. Sheriff to E. A. Johnson , part block "D , " Johnson's addition. $112.80. Total silcj , § 1,303 04. T. N. Bray , 102 Main street , oflbra RAKE BARGAINS in BOOTS AND SIIOKH for the rest of this month. Womona' kid button shoes , gcod , 50 , former price ? 3,50. Womens1 kid button ehncs , good , $2.25 , farmer prlco § 3. Women * ' grain button shoes , good , $1,25 , former price $1.7" . Women * ' grain polUh thoes , good , , former price $1.50. Moils' calf to jts and shoo * 25 par cent iff , I shal joMovemy ontlro sock ; to Omaha March 1st. MANDEMAKER & VAN , ARCHITECTS , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS , lc Mo. 201 Upper Br ndwiy , Council BlottV. -RUBBERS- A full stock of Mens' , Womens' , Boys' , Misses' and Cbildrens' New Jersey ARCTICS , now ready in any quantity to suit purchasers. CHICAGO TEEMS and DISCOUNTS every day in the year. We also carry FULL lines of BOOTS and SANDALS of above named goods , includ ing the nicest line of SPECIALTIES for fine retail trade made by ANY company We have some Felt Boots to close out cheap. Try a case of our COMMON SENSE ARCTIC for MEN , we FULLY recommend them. Write for list on "Lumbermen. " Z , T. LIlfBSEY & CO , . Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St. Office , 412 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. "MURDER MOST FOUL , " To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria , TvUTUNQ the last flvoyoars there has not been a death from diphtheria In any case "hero Dr. Thomas JLJefferii' proontho anil euro was used. Hhaa been tlio meats ot saving thousands ot lives. India- pcnslblc . In putiideora threat , In malignant scarlet fo\or , changinc it In 48H urn to the simple form. For 8.ilo only at the doctor's otllco , No 23 South Eighth street , Council HlufTa , Iowa , Send ( or it ; price 12. Dyspeptic , why li\c in misery and ale In despair with cancer of the stomach ? Dr. Thomaa JelTcrls ourea every cuao of indigestion aud cooatipatlon in \ory short time. Beat of references given. Dispepeeia la the C1U90 6l all ot ninety per cent diseased conditions. COUNCIL BLUFFS Whoesao ! ! and Itctail Dealers in Hard Soft ana Blossburg O O .A. W. H. 8IBLEY , Manager. Offlco. 88 Main St. Yord , on C. II. 1. I' , and C. M & St. T. Hallway. ASK YOUR GIlOCEll FOR A. B. HOWE'S Corn Meal , Graham Hour , Hominy Ground Fresh Every Day ! Ground Feed Always on Hand. Hill , corner ol North Sixth and Mill Streets , COUNCIL , BLUFFS. REMOVED Schmitt & Harb > THE I IlaieremoveJ from under the Opera Houss to ' | NO. 402 BROADWAY , They will continue their CIO AH AND TOBACCO biulneei.and Invite all their old friends and the pub 7rt to call and IM them. The flneet cifarj to tiiocoahiajf on band , EVERYTHING NEW , All the Latest Improved Machinery. All Work First Glass , Orders by Mail Solicited Express Paid on all Or ders over $2,60. Collars and Cuffs a Specially , Established 1882. H. E. BEMEB , Manager Jll Broadway , COUNCIL BLUlTJfS , IA. J. L. DiBEVOISE. No. GO ? Broadway Council Bluffi. > Railway Time Table , Corrected to January 7,1886. COUNCIL BLUFFS. bl The following are the tlmei ol the arrival and de parture ol trains by central standard time , at the local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mln > Qtea earlier and arrive ten mlnutea later , CHICAGO , BTOJiatOH ABO DUOT. LliVT. aAUTl J iJipm CliIcajtoKiprcas 9:00 : am 8Warn : Fast Mall. T:00prr : IJlMpm Aooommodatlon. 1,00pm "At local depot only , IlKSil CITT , IT. 101 ADD COUNCIL BLDTTS. 0:05 : a m Uall and Kipreu. 6.25 p m 6:16 : p m Ficiflo Kxpreea , 8:65 : p m OniCAOO , KILWADBKl AUDIT. TAOI. tltpm : Kxpreee , 0:06 : am 8:24 : a m Kij.ress , 0:66 : p m OTOCAOO , OCK ISLAND ASD rACmO. C 6:55 p m Atlantlu Kipreea , 0:06 : a m M6 * m . D r Kipresa 8:61 : p m WO a D Do Uolnea AooommcdatloD , tilt p m At local depot only , . . . W4IABB. T. LOUW AD rACIHC , 6:10 : pm Accommodaton 9:00 : a in P. : ' " P > Loul Kipress IM p m It0 : p m Chicago Expreu 10U : a m Al Transfer only ISIOAOO and MOBTinruriH. i0 ; p u Kxrireai , BM : p m 92i ; am Pacido Kiprew BMaru : uooi CITT ADD rAcmo , ; iO p m BL 1'iul Kipreu , ooa : m MO a m Day Eiprua 7.-M n m OHIO nemo. 8:00 : p m Western KiprMt , BM : a m 11:00 : a m raUflo Kzpieaf , tuo p D ItllOan Unoeln Expren , lilt pro At Trawler only Dl'Mur T > AI\li TO ClVAIM. C Uav7:208:30 : : - : SO-KSO-ll : : 0 a. tn. 1:80 : 2:30-3:30 : : V.3 > 6:30-0.3C : 11 : 6 l > . m. kundajs f 9:30 : 11:40 : a. m 1:30-3.30 : 6:30 : 6.80 11:06 : p.m. Anl > e lOminutcibelorelcavintr time. i'roio tr m' r otlj- . ' SMITH & TOMiIitl , AGTS. LKAU1NG Merchant Tailors ! 7 and i ) M tn St. , COUKCII , BiA'Frs JOWA , - - - , A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From. KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Horacs and Mules constantly on hand whlo wo will aoll In retail or carload lota. All Stock Warranted as Represented. a mil tt ! ln ami Tiltt Htv. I'tlctl tenable SMItfACtion Oumnttctl. cSc BO3LHT Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. UouncllBlnffs AG-ENTS WANTED. Drs. Judd & Smith's New Improved Electric Belt. 810 BtlOADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ; 72S KIM ST. , DALIES , TFA'AS ; ami KT. WAYNE , IND IT FOSITIVKIACUIIES , - Kidney anj Liter Complaint , llrlght'rf DIsM . Hhour > tl < m , N url l poFiiM KononsncM W'ltliiR Wcakn , ftralyil. , Biln l , AftVctloiu | Induction , Hoiit l > ! wvi , Kits- ' Ilcadach , Umo Hack , Co'dlect , anil all dlioasoeroiulrlnj Increased motUo . Now fintirorod . powers. nu.uu o $3 and l&joM ptjloJ cuch. cuch.W. W. P. AYLSWORTH , Brick buildings of any s\ro \ raited or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. .Frame hotiso moved on LITTLE ( JiA.vr trucks , the best In the world. W. P. AYLSWOUTH. 1010 I mth Street , Council lllufls. H. II. FIELD. W. C. ESTU FIELD & ESTEP , HTXsTID E ! IR T.AIKI IBIR S No. 317 Broadway , Council Blufld , Town. Office Onlls Attended Promptly , Day and Night 1'nrtloilnr attention given to Kmbalmlnf ; SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special a vcrtlsomonta , tuo M Iioet , round , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , BoardIng - Ing , eta , will be inserted In this column at the Ion tate ol TEN CENTS PER LINK for the first InmrtlOQ ind FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each subsequent n- ertlon. Leave advertisement ! at onr oOco , No , Pearl Street , Dear Broadway WANTS. WANTED A peed girl to fo Bcneral homework. Call at ICO Bancroft street. FOR SLE Ararochanrotoftct a fine , well im proved ftmnol 400 acres , ulthln a few miles of Council UluQe , at a bargain. Low prlco and easy terms. hwA.s & WALKER. FOR SALE AgoodpajlrK hotel property with llyety eUblc , in ono ot the bc t email towns In western Iowa will sell with or ultbcut furniture , or will tiade for a email farm with ttnck ttc. SWAN & WALKKR. FOR ( ULE Eighty acres utlmprotcd land in Unioncountv , Jowa , Similes south-east ol At- ton , the oiuuty eeat , or will trai'o lor Nebraska or Kansas land. S AN & WALKER. TjlOK SALE A 20 acre tract ol good land about JL1 ono and a hall a lies from Council It'ufli post ofllco , at a burtfa'.n. SUAN& WiuitR. IpOR SALE In Harrison county , Iowa. 320 acres 1 trrnss land , all under fence n JOe nro farm with line improvcmcni" all under cultivation except 20 acres grasi 8) acria gnod Rrtft or pantuio laml. and seven ! other tracts of from 40 to 160 acrca of unimproved land. SWAN & W FOR SALE Lands Improved aid unimproved. If you vv ant a farm in western Iowa , Kansas Nebraska or Dakota , ictus bcir frcm you. SWAN & WALKER. FOR SALE Special bargain. A large two story frai o dwtlllng , tea r.01113 with all modem im provements , veil located and almost new. 1'iico 0JCO ; J1.COO caah balance long tlo-o SWAN & WALKRK. To correspond with any non-resident owner ol property in Council BlulT ) or 1'otta- wattimo county , or any onn wishing to buyer or sell piopeity in western Ion a , Kansas or Nebraska. SWAN & WALKKR. FOR SAIE A lareo cumber of business and resi dence Ma in all parts of Council IlIulTu. See ua before you buy , EWAS & WALKKR. r OR RENT Wo htvo several houses nn our list for rent , vacant now , SWAN & WALKKIU FOR SALE 1'artloj wishing to buy obpap lots to build on can buy on u.omhly pavmcntx < > ' from $2 to $10. bUA.s & WALKKH FOR RENT Wo will rent you a lot to bu Id on with tbc pritllago to buy If jolt vlfh on very liberal term' . SWAN & WALKKR. WANTED To correspond w Ith any one w Ishlnff a gocd location f .r planning mill. Bash , door and b'md manufactory , wo have bulldinc and machinery , well located , for sale , Ica a or trade ; SWAX& WALKKR. FOR HKNT- Largo twoctory triiro bulldlrg suit able lor warchouio nr etoiago jiurposes , near railroad depot. &HAN NVALKKR. 770R UKN ! UK UALb I.U.JJK : and grounds I1 suitaUo for email foundiy ar.d machine shop. Good boiler , engine , cupola , blower with filed ehatt- ing eta , icady to put in motion. SWAN WALKKH , jj'OK HALE llouscm. Lola and Land. A. J. - _ > lc | " ci'on , 6C3 First a > crmc. FOll BALK A top-bugx/i drtt-iliai ma to and m ex client condition , Or u ill trade lor cheap iot. Address f. U. Booollko , Council Ulu7B. _ GOAL ftl > < / > UOll-UuulKe iloaton , dzt ) JlfutiH way. eella coal and wood at reasonable prices Elves 2olio Iba. for a ton , and 123 oublo for a cord , Try him. Every body in Council Clutt * to late WANTKW Delivered by carrier at only twenty jents a week. ' \Ll > PAI'KUH For sale at Jin offlov , at 26 cent * a hundred JACOB SIMS , on COUNCIL ULUF1B , IOWA. Office , Main Street , Iloom 8 , Shugart and L'cno block. Will practice In 8.ate and Kvderal courts. N. 80HUBZ. . jBSficBoflliePeace , ' * ornoK OVER AUKBIOAH jtxp csa COUNCIL iiLUFF3. 10 W A cij on ORDER YOUR frc tin Cob , Coal I Wood an si 03 K ag O. aildrfio. Ixx'k Ikik lit0. Council Illuffa. lie inHJ , fiUtonH.D , , aOl PHYSICIAN & SURQEON , t * * ! DjaUw.y , C * noU lofla. fi JOHN FOX to , 50 Deputy .Sheriff and Office with N. Sehurr , Justice ol the Place , 0 uncll ity. t luSf , Inwa. 1 U JOHN NAGEL , scccBsaoa TO < c- Producer rConmiiiisioH. r- . No , 386 Holladaf Si , DEIKII , COL , Solicit Consignments and guar- Imtee quick sales and prompt re turns. Give usa trial. llefcronces Bradstrcet's orQuna Agencies ; and First National Bauk , Denver. 4 1. nios. ir. n , u. rein Council Bluffs , Established 1858 Dealer ! In Foreign and Doraeitlo Eiob ngi and Bonu Stcurltlcii E , Rico M , D. CAUCERS , CHRONIC DISEASES0"1 < * * Over thirty y ra [ .ricttoM axpiiluw * OfflM K * I , Pearl Blrrnt , Council Blcfli. ( ret. St , Charles Hotel. t 0 STHEET , IJET 7th and Bth , . LINCOLN , NEB. Urn. Kato Coakly , PrcprletorcEs. fly andolcgantlurnUbed. ( . Good umplo rcoms on flrat tloor. UTTerma - $1.60 to (2 per day. Special ratce ( dven members ol tbo IculHlaturo. uovlo-lu-uio Dr. W. H. Shorradon DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Oonnoll Blnfl * lova. TIMICENwrt. . VEHICLES wrt. * * ' ia'"a ' . - P * - - - n iihou" at with two V i t Th Kprtaii Dflilbca oDilihorlrnaer Tdlpiloliiewelihlili rrr. Equally well adapted to roiifh couitrf oldky . Ilthcli-Ajn | , ' rrl fclliilldr * nr5 l" - ara. Mrnry Tlaihrn. l"i i ni < > . HI , X vliu oVAS'm7 ' ABBOTT DUBBY Ctt 18IG CUT FREE Also 13 vnltmblo nnd reliable ro- ipes ( nf vqr before publiBhed , ) nny- mo of which is worth 1.00 and rom that to $25.00 , aud a copy /I' ' 'Cultivator" sent FllEE to ny ono that Bcnda 8 stampsto pay iostag etc. , 3 comic picture cards vi\ ] \ also bo enclosed in the pack- go. ( Thpse recipes are valuable to household and any energetic per- knowing the secrets they disclose eed never want for money. Please rite name and address plainly. Put stamps in a letter and address it toe : WESTERN PUB. CO. , box OU , Omaha. Neb. ' aroai- Earner's Vigor..ro , ] lott . , , . „ li bll- .all wcaknosaofaviirratlrn ' . nyutciu idtiiurhi'i. Uv wall , J , Il.WuniurViy7)3tntcSl..ClJsi& , ) .