" * THE DAILY BEE TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 17 , 1885 1 > THE CHEAPEST PLAGE IN OMAHA TO BUY Ono of the Best and Largest Stocks in tfce United States to Select From. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB. ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOK XJtr T. CI.AffKjl'mt nnJ Ttea * . \ .V. ri.AHKK. l'.v I'rfml , it' JUIIX T , Cl.MlKK , SV.-r./nro. H. T. CLARKE DRUG COMPANY , SfCCEEDINO CLARKE , n IAROEVT Jnl.blnu . Drag homo bctxcon Chlci&i anil San Kranclico. CAl'mfc STOCK. S200.COO. W J shkll ' lattho bittomrf tiomtiket &ta'l ' tliiioj. Will dupllcita ChtciRO anil St , Louis JTICCS with frd.-ht ailcetl Our jpeclfttty wilt lu J'nrc fftrnys. J * < tinfs , Oils find Whitlow Glass Kd imntes ( dim on | il no n'nss. ' Ti thoao about to uTl > vk In the cru ? business will do well to consul heir Interest licilllui : 011 us or send for our iirlco l t which n111 nprcaraliiut January 6th , Mill orders elicited. 1114 HAUNEV Who have trilled away their youthful vigor nnd power- Who are suffering from terrible Drains and losses , w h o arc weak , IW1POTEN T , "I"1 " 'lt ' for mar- Hafjc.Bfl [ PR I of ullages , who llml their lira &a M power " ! vital itV i B I BB I ii c r v o and SKX- U AL STHKXGTIt weakened , whether hy KXCKSS or early habits CAN re-eive a positive & last- ine CUHE , NO matter of how loiig standing your case may he , or who his : failed to euro yon , by a few- weeks or months n o of the celebra ted Myrtleain Treatment. At home , wltliout exposure , in less time , and for LESS money than any other method in thcTvorld. Weak back. Headache , EMISSIONS , lassitude , loss of spirits and ambition , gloomy thoughts , dreadful dreams , defective memory , Impotence , impediments to inairiage , epilepsy and many other symptoms leading to Consumption and Insanity , are promptly removed by the MYRTLE AW TJJKA T 1KNT. MARRIED MEN , AND MEN ABOUT TO MARRY , REMEMBER , PERFECT SEXUAL STUEXGT11 MEANS ; healthy and vigorous offspring , long life and the love and respect of a faithful \ \ ife. Xo man should ever marry who have been guilty of early indeseretions , until ho has been restored to PLK- 2TECT MANHOOD. Wo guarantee a permanent cure in every case undertaken. Send 2 stamps for treatise with proofs and testimonials. Address The Climax Rfleclical Co , St. Louis , Mo. tiLBP.ASKA AGENCY [ (3UCCESSOKS ( TO DAVIS & SNYIJER. ) GKNKKAL DKALEitS IN L WK Aa 'i 1505 FAttXAM STREET , . - OMAHA. Ha\o ( or sa'o 209,000 acres cirefully selected lands In Kastcrn Nebraska , at low ptlco and on easy terms Improicd lariTH ( or silo In Dotnlis , Dad c , Colfax , I'latto , llnrt , Cumlng , Sarpy , Washington , llcrricli. Hanndcru , enl llutlorcoutitlnx. Taxes putd In all parti of the fctato. Money IO T ol on improved fnnna. Notary 1'ubllo oluays In olllce. Correapondccco poidled , CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R1 ? Hy I no Jfi'ral piBillon of la Una , connects th JIaJit unil II.Vur hy ilio niiorlcnt lO'ite , unil car ric pdHScnunif.tit > tcut ctinnro of rarb , bctweor l iu-aja una Kan.'n < Cujf Council 131uils , Leaven hortu. Atchuon , Uinacapolm and Ht. Vaul. li conaivs iu Union Ucpunwith all the principal lines of road between tno Atlanuo and the 1'acmc . ltd equipment in unrHAlpd and macnlll * oenl. biln * i-Jinn"tert if Mo t Corafortablo aui lloii-ddil Day Coachei , MnKnirtccm Jlorlon Ho- clinluu Ch tr CMru. I'liUnun'tf Vrottic 1'nlnca Lieepinc Cir , .tn4 the Uct 4no of Hmlng Cnrri Jnthewirld. Thrco Tralni ijtf'iAE Ct JJSO MIC' Jdmourl Hivcr 1'oiutn.Ilw"1 4 u-- nCl > l ) "ALBERT LEA /JOUTE. " A New and IMr.'ct Line , via Seneca and Kantn. her. haa recently beeu opened between Hlchmond H o Icl'c ' , Newport J-tcws. ChattanooKa. Atlanta , Au u. HunhvllU' . l.outnviUo , Leilniitou , Cincinnati. ndiunapolli and l if.iy otto , and Omaha. Mlunoip- Dhi unit ril. Vaul and inlcrmediata points. All Thvoui 'i 'Xiiioujicrt Travul on 1'ut Ezpreai Xrtlna. Ticket ! frr ulo at all principal Ticket OfflOMir the United Utatvii and Canada. llaiRace cheeked through and rates of fara ' . - nai tti low a > campetttora tunollor leu advaa- tact * * . For detailed InformHlon.Bol lbell p and Toll. ra of the CHEAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE A your Of arett Ticket Offioe , or adiireaa P. R. CABLE , , E. 8T. JOHN , * l..a lM j'r , UialTtt.4iraw.AliW Mendelssohn & Fisher. Kooma 2S and 290iiialiaNatl.DankBlock BCCCIUbOIUI TO Dufrene & . Mendelssohn Oeo. L. Fisher , fumory with W. U 1' . Jenny Archltoc * , Chicajto. JanHeltu Nurseif Stack I Fjr | > rlced c t loguool the POMONA NUU3K1UK8 Jdref * , Jl. 0. lUvmoml. Box 29J , Om h . Neb. Nursery prouudi hituittd lmu dUt > ly north ol th Institute for tbu Uoil anU Dumb. UoutitcU UVuu or tr < o plantluc , Jan2SJ3mwl Before bnyin" yonr loinher elsewhere pall on Goo , A , lloagland. * VW"V "ff * f > TTTX TTTTW > rM HILL & YOUNG , ( FORMERLY HILL &CO. , ) IK TO /2X3 JTat'ttam Street. Waulll now eoll FUUXITrilK , CAUPIJTS , OHOCKK11Y AND STOVES , At the tiOtrcst Cosh Prices to reduce stock lietcrc mating. Clhoiis ncalland S3\i > money. 116 NORTH 18th SritKET. Will rviove March 3d , to 1513 DOUGLAS ST. , YOL'NG'd OID STAND , CommcEciBB Monday , wo v/ill sell Pictures , Frame ? , Pianos & Organs , Plush Goods , Etc. , Etc. , liegardless ef coet to reduce etodc before tnov- ing. Coinu and convincu yourself. Kvery- tiling Roof. KETAIL 77/e Finest in the City. uAui ) CASH GIET op 8500 ix GOLD 1C > 0 > FamumSY. . , S Doors "West from 15th Street. Omaha National U. S. DEPOSITORY' J. H. MILLARD , WMffWALLAOE , Cehloi $500,000. Flro and Burglar Proof Safes. For r nl at from I lo 140 per annum St , Charles Hotel , O STKEET , 11ETT 7th anil 8th , . LINCOLN , NEB. lira. Kat CoaUy , Frcprtotorew. Neoly tndelei ntly lurnlahoJ. Good wmnlo j on Qrit floor , -JI.M toftptl day , SpeoUl rate * irlven tcemb ri ol the liKWatuiu. novlO-lm-me I.OU1) AVOLSELKY'S MISTAK1 ? , Gon. Slono on the Cunpulgn A nlns the > ialitll. New York Times. Gen. Stone sat last night In his tuxur Ions drawing nom nt Flushing , Lou ; Island , aatrjundod by all the comforts that rjiulor cold weather a pleasure , On the innntolpicco was a hundsomu bronza bust of the unfortunalo Khcdire , Is mail ; on the wall hung an oil pilnth ol the same li1 fated parton , painted by n young Egyptian whom Ismail had sent to Italy to study the art. "What do you think will bo the cll'tct of Gon. Gordon's death ? " "Well , " said Gen. Stone , "It is 1m- > 3slble tj tell wbnt tlio effect will ba. The primary object of tlio campaign is lost. lie nui that clijoct. Withoutknow- iaij 'ho plans of the Britlch ministry it ia impossible to conjectuto what may occur. Aa far as the indications RO , from the line of llio English papers , it wonldeojm that they Intend to make a now campion and puutali the malidi. Thnt would re quire very hc vy reinforcpincnts , nnd would hardly bo snfo without moro than .hoy seem to hid cite as InUuidlng to send. "And a campaign nt the npproachicg Beaten of the year irould be very dillisult. The Nile will fall steadily from this time until May. The river will glvo but little ch&nca of tranhpcr nUou , aud ravigatlon will bo moro d llicult dy by day. And : hey have uot j-i-ovlded what tboy shoulil mvo done in my opinion a very grjivt number of utmols to effort ilut trans' portal on. Then the boat ia ahoincto\ ? . at this time of the year. The Euro- ion troops even at the best s-nsons trill iull'er greatly from debility and from the 'ovois of t'ao country. It they take tha suakiui ronto to Berber to reinforce Gon. liord Wolaelty they must either move in very tmall bodies , and therofoto subject hemaelvca to constant attacks , or they must have at loaat three camels to every inn to cany uot only the nun , but the irovieiouEf , the ammunition , and nearly ill the water to bo used. " 1 regard it as utterly impracticable , ' ' said Gen. St no ( lowly , "to march European troops on foot over that route n the Boaern which is now coming. From the observation of my owu oflkers , very car , folly made , the heat will be at an average ot 100 lo 105 degrees in the shade overafrornoon. . If they lalco thn tfilo route to reinforce Lord "Wolseley , " laid Gon. Stone , spreading out a map of ho country on his knees , "tho march would bo immensely lunger and much slowjr , unices they ns d vast numbers of camels. There Is therefore littla hope of Lord Wolssloy receiving any largo enforcements before the mlddlo of April. von that wonld require such activity , energy , and good adinlnistia'icii .13 has > eon rare'y aeon in any army. " "Dp you consider Lord Wolsoloy'a ituation critical. " "He is in a country where it is ex ceedingly diilicnlt to obtain supplies , " said the geneial. "Ho is between the dcaoita , having only a narrow strip of cultivated land along the Nile. The rich countiy near Berbsr is in the hands of the enemy and has boon already icavlly foraged by the largo forces of the Vlahdi , The rich country to the oonth- cast Is in the hands of the Alahdi also. 7rom them ho can draw no supplies. Ho must get them either by the Nile or they must be brought to him by a strong foioj Tcm Sankin af tor ho shall have occupied Berber. " Gen. Stone drew a sketch of the posi ; ions of tlio varions towns playing roles n the campaign. "If Lord Wolseley had intelligent men fir enemies , " ho said , "lie would be badly oil' . If the Mahdi wore to send a force to Djbbi , through which all Lord Wolaeley's supplies muat of necessity be sent , the game wonld bo up. Ha would aimply go in for a dce- porato fight. The only things ho c.nld all back upon would bo his camels. He w6nld have ta oat them. " "Do you think thoru was any partlcu- ir error in this campaign ? " "J. dislike very much to ctiticfss , " said 3sn. Stono. "I tell you 1 think tbat un der all the circumstancea Lord Wolsoloy chose the best route tj accomplish the declared pcrpcsea of the government 5ut he c'.ioao the wr 115 mcaaa of trans- ) rtat'oa. Ho held to his i Jen of small > oit8 , whe ra I tlilnk ho should have de- icndod almost entirely upon camels. Hud ho assembled at Wady Half ay 30,000 or moro ouneln 1 think his concentration n the Upper Nile would have been much nero rapid. 1 think ho could have con centrated in lcs than half the time. That wai a great fault. " "What do you think of a second cjm- pa'gn/ / " "fha qiiEstion is , ' ' said Gon. Stone , can ho inuke a soccn.il campaign and be succeeaful. Of course it can be made. [ s there ) any o flic 3 of coi responding Inter est now to the cue which actuated this campaign ? That ia fer Tirltleh ttitcsiifn to decide. Do jou know that I always Eiippcscd that Gon. Gordon would hold out to the very last with a few men , and if ho found at last that that things wore at their worst blow himself and his men up rather than surrender. That was aV ways my idea. 1 never thought Gen. Gordon would to rakon alive. " And Gen. Stone s'ghed rs In glauced at the portrait barging on the wall , Col. 0 0. Long , win wits Can. Gnr- ilon's chief of ttaff from 1874 to 1877 , while the latter commanded tha Egypt.an . forces at Khartoum , said last night that lie ivgu'dod the news of Gen , Gcrdon'a death as lacking confirmation , and that if the London pnpjis had not accepted It as true , ho rhould bj inclined to disbelieve It altogether , Ho could on'y ' believe it on the Mippoaitlou that Gon. Gordon htd lost his luad , and from his intimate ac quaint nice with him ho did not think that prjbablo. "Gen. G rdon , " continued Col. Long , "being an able soldier , and thoroughly acquainted with tha people with whcm ho had to deal , would natur ally bo on hs ! guard ajalnattraacheiy and prepared to circumvent It. With four stenmerj at his command , which he had after Binding the others down the river to meet Gon. Stewart , it waa easy enough for htm to ojcapo from Khartoum. The White Nile opposite Khartoum h a bold , rapid river , from a mile aad a quarter to a mile and a half wide , but juet below the junction of it with the Blue Kilo the river becsmoj ox- oeedinglv narrow , and its banks are lofty sind fail's , from which the enemy could command its passage. This fact would account for Gordon's not attempting to ctcape north aud moat the advancing Britlah fu-c.-a. On the other hind theio would bo nothing to pravent his escape south by ascending the White Nile in his steemars. "By the way , this may bo the mcnnin _ of a statement 1 have read In one of the papois that Col. Wllaon reported hiving icca on hla npprcah to Khait mm three steamer ) going up tha White Nilo. He could prcntod up the "Whi'o ' Ni'o in bii steamers l.DOOmlloitoGondokuro , whio ho wonld encounter friendly trbo ) > , and thence , with the aisistanca of K 113 Mteai , croes 'ho great Lakes and doiccnd the Congo to the European eetilemcntg , It I Is all the more probable tlmt I his route o oicspo would occur to Gun Goulon , aup posing his escape north tr. luvo been en oil" , bfcioss , as you will remember , h had jest befcra h's ' ttart'ii for f > o Pou dan boon appointed the egi nt < f the King of Belgium for the Cor gu country. 0 course , this is cnly _ supp"iiii n 01 my part , ard is ctven , in tdo abjonco of defi nite information , for hat it may ba worth. " . 1 Ts very iirovalont at this sewon , the ivmptoms being bitter taste , oll'etulvo neUh. coated 'tongue , s ck headache , Irowsinees , d'uzjncss ' , loaa of appetite. If this condition is allowed to continue , serious consequoncou may fallow. By > romtitly taking HoDd's Suenpatilln , n ever may bo avoided or promatnro I' a'h prevented. It Is a poniiive euro "or liillIousiiMO. Sold bv all drogg'sts. I U A I NINGFOUTHKSrA Q 1 ? . The Dlir.-ronoo lleiwcril the Educ * lion for tinStnuolii Auu-i-iua ami in 1'jitropc- ' 'What is the vital dill'orenco between hocdncitlcii fur the stage in America nd Iu Europe ! ' a vetoian Ucrnian actor low hlbernatiag in Chiuigo was nikud , "Tlio great dill'irenco is that hero they 17 to li ; people for pnr s i'lii ' volingttir atni.a-jioi , while over in tha old com try buy hue nilhered the otock company yatem , and therefore octonand actreasi-j ucoivo a thorough stage training , onab- og them to fill a variety cf parts credit- bly. The hta ? syttom as in vogue hero nd partially in Eng'and makes ma- liinosoutif cur growing stage talent , 'hesa machines may work with wonder- nl procnlou and neatness , but they lack lie spaik of life , of individuality. It Is uly oxcuptlonal talent of genius that an rise to the top ordinarily under these ircuffistances , unlots there is money lo jack the sprouting ambitioniu which caie , lou'c'ver , tha mimic Hedging ! moro often ollapses thin inflates , evou if there is 3al stult' iu him , slnco ho hasn't had the lotough training necessity to pivo him xperienco and v. raitliity. Generally peaking , tlio star sytteiu as practiced in lie country ia the worst conceivable for iringingout and nursing to it.s fullj rowlh rdiuitlu talent. Undtr it art docrior- ; tes to mannerism ; mauotary aucceaa or allure bo-onus the tolo criterion by hich to nuasora phys ns well a ? astcrj. ' ' "Now you'\ done your little nharo in ) prating the prevailing uyetam hero , toll 10 haw It la over there. ' "Easily d < IID. In all the Jargor towns n continental Europe but moro cspeclal- rln Germany aud France , there are thea- ors which have g iod sized stock compa- ics , in Borne cScS 100 strong aud more. t Is easy to understand li'jvv in tlusj , with n ditl'aront pluy to perform every Ight , there ii a chance not only forcvdry i mbor of the company to loatn , but leotoriie , to domoastrate ability , and o win applause and popularity , which neane , of course , alee money. The op- icrtunity ii aura to como , sooner or later , Every member knows that , and thus.am- > iton ; n festered , the doairoto loaru and niprovo la iutcneiliod , and the occasion ia win to every one to gain aknowludjo of its weak and utrong poiata. Then these argcr stock campanlco maintain a uni- orm otamlard of excellence , mid are pcr- uuent Rcaonl af tbeatrlcnl trainog. ! Of OUKO , a special and prjfessional oduca- on haa io be Imparted as well to all lese who aspire to Ilia higher walks of lero nit. Klo'cutioo , stage presencp , nakup , stage h'story and traditions , o'c , ro all tauRht to thee anxious to perfect \f nnt Ives by old masters win lava fin- abed their brief strut upon the stage , for cms reason or other.1 "Hoy about support ilia public gives ic theatersthera as compared withherj ? ' a "There is no country on earth where lieatres are unirp liberally patronized by 10 people than in Amarica. But there s this difference : Acrc.si the channel voiybody recognizas the theatre aa a uesatty , as nn important factor In thn ducation as well as in the amusement cf 10 people. In England and still moro n this cjuntry a no : incouslilTable par- on of the population djems the theatre omething wicked nnd to bo frowned up- n. Iu conformity with this divergency f opinion is the fact that in the capitals nd oven In K > aie of the larger provincial ; owin ( if Europe the llimtcra are aubsi- ized by the nation , proviuchl or muni- ipal govcrnnmnr. In aoino caaoa the ima thui expsndad are very largo. In 'aria several rnilllonn of franca nreannualy Dent in this fashion , and in Berlin and Vienna the ciau ia similar. In Drisicn 10 loading theater derives a not incon- dciMblo portion cf its rccpiptn from tho. irivato treasury of | the king of Saxony Many theaters Jm a coat millions of dol- ura. Everybody knows wlai an im- icnso amount the prand opera Jioino in 5irls ( nut and thi ) notv couil theater in ) rc3den , just finished , nnd the grand pern house iu Vienna , built several 'cotsagD ' swallowed up between $10,000- 00 and S10OOU,000 each. Nobody ex cels those theaters to pay anydividends 'hoy are int run aa a mouoy-miking ln- .ittitione , 113 moro than are churches icro. They are maintained aa tempjes if art , in which the nmo of perfection a uiuitd at , If not always reached , The I'o'enco ia obvious. " YOUNGMISN ! KB II ) THIS. TUB VOLTAIG BELT Co , , of Marshall , Mich. , Her to tend their celebrated KLKCTIIO-VOL- AID BELT nnd otlur Ur-Ecrmo API-LIANCKS on rial for thirty Jays , to men ( young or old ) lllfcted with nervous debility , loss of vitality .nd . manhood , nnd all kindred troubles. Alee or rhoumatlem , neuralgia , puralyela , and nany other diseases. Cotnpleta roetoration to lealth , vifior and manhood guaranteed. No [ ; ak IB Incurred aa thirty days trial ia allowed , a Vrito them nt once ( or Illustrated pamphlet rce , _ A ISlU/nril or > rcloily. lartford Tost. Thuro ia ottantlmcs a lorlons difiorcnce f opinion in matters cf cultura in ( ho amily. The head of the homo ia too iractlcal and the first lieutenant too "Irslly think that Mabel ought to lave a piano ; don't ? She I'H seven yeaw old , and the sooner aho begins the eoanor he will ba able to maatcr the Intricacies of Llszl. " "Llext ba blovred , and the piano too. When the girls lega can reach the pedala we'll talk piano.1 "Then it will ba too late , perhaps.1 "Go ahead ; buy a piano for her , a cornet for Ulm and a drum for Sack Je't have a blizzard of melody while wo are about It. " I'oor Invalid PicUeil Up. "I was a poor invalid , " writes Mr. S. P. Thornluo , of Oxford , N. C. "I u ed brown's Iron Bit tors and 1 thluk it a fine onio. It hai had such a wonderful ef fect on mo that I am now ab'o ' to w. Ik ab.ut wi h the greatest o&ae. ' Tnis wan a c.sa of dreadful debility. Other people who Bra troubled as Mr. Thorntsn was ore reminded thai any dragfiH will sell ; hem Br : > wn'a Ir m Bittsra at a dollar a aot le , and they might aa \\ill recover their health and atrecgth , TOO MAW l Iil < JOM2SES. Iilnlio Sliorlrr- * and IijncticrH Contused liv Tliulrninliar. . The prejonco o ! six B 11 Jocose ? in thi camp , Avrite * an Aunri-nti Falls , Idaho correspondent to the Now York Sun cam ad much trouble the ether il ty. Oh Bill Jones has bci-n hcrj ever tinea tit counMy was oceiU'J to aottlemont. Ho is looked up 11 oterywhu , Eerybcdj knons Inn , and hi- knows every bcdy. llo kcepj a ialoon , iul toniotimcs d nlaga emu or two , M 710' ' ! as buys dual from strapped miiuri at a small iliauv Old Bill Jones htan'c nn anoroy in the whole torrltiry , and if ho had ho would naver reat until he or the enemy had quilt id f-c world or the territory. Ono afcor another five other Bill Joncica put in an appoatauce. For a long tanoovory thing went well. They wore all fine fel IJWD , ovldoatly , and no great trcublo w a experienced by them or anybody else In prejemng tlu-'r ' identity. But ono day jnit weak llio sheriff and four men i-imo in on horaiback with a wartant for the arrest of Bill Jones. The Bill Jones wanted had murdered a family of emigrant ! over In Paradise cnnyou , and the court had aont fir him. As old Bill Jones wai the Bill Jinea , sj far aa Americans Falls nnd its POL pie n oat , no was at once fo.n'oa out ns tins man , and the iliorlira ollicura minded him up in g'od atylo. Old Bill protested hia iimncmeo and would Invo offered rctiilanco if ho hid soon my tn- cjuragcinent in majirity of them had a amplciou that t'loold ' man vu ; caught at last , and conaciiuancaa of tils fAct bioko his heart. Ho went off with h'scaptora , proteoling hi ] Inuocenco and ewoirttig he would get ovun with somebody on bin re turn , The civalcado hai not much rmro than vanished over the mountainn when an other shoclil'spaaaocinia in from tha lu-jt also in ijucat of Bill Jonc ? . The first ono that came to hand was the Bill Jones who tends bar nt the Star saloon , nnd ho was accordingly thkeu in charge. Ho protested hip innocent , likctho old man , but the poonls wore pretty evenly divided on the question : f his guilt. Old Bill had boon taken east , and this ono W&B carried off to the \vo.it. The next afternoon , while most oj the sattlcra were discussing the ftto ; of Uo two nun , a intlla of hoof a was heard and a party of hraotnon daihed madly through the tswn , itjpping at ono fo the saloons long enough , to got a drink. The crowd rushed over to see what the trouble was and found that the men had Bill Jones , a murderer , iu charge , and wore going to lynch him up iu the t mber. Justice of the Peace Fallen hero spoke up aud said there had boon two Bill Joneaoa taken out of the camp in the proceeding forty-eight hours and it might bo that nomolionriblo mistake was being made. All ho wanted was to have the right man caught , aud ho would pnll as hard on the rope ai anybody ; but until that point was eoitloi ho thought there should be no fuelling. Otheri made bold to cxpreso the name opinion , and the lynchers , after conferring with ono another , agreed , aa whifky was good , to wait hero a few days with their pr'siuor and investigate. Last Monday old Bill rode i i with a brand-now ritla , two revolvers and a bowle knife and dared the whole tawn t ) jump on him. Ho wan the maddcnt man 33on in Idabo since big Ed Larrabco ran off with Tom Belden'n bride , at Tom's honsowararing , when Tom trh'ppjd ' all the guests and shot two of their horses. Nobody waited to fight old Bill and the biwn kept in tiia houses while Bill gal loped up and down the tlroot , yelling and n\v < arifig. Altar a whih ho began to shoot in tno windows , and tbon the justice was sent ont an a peace clltji- ing. Old Bill came very nrar r ding - ing him down , but at last ho sobered oil litle : , and listened to what Fallen bed to siy. The justice explainoi mattjra th bast way ho could , and told how Bill , the bartender , had baen carried ell'aud Bill , Ilia cowboy , wai hold a captlvo up at the other end cf the town by a party of lynch- ira. Tiis mollified the old man to some extent , and , after a momoir.'s .rellection , he declared that if the boy * would help blm rescue tlio Cnwboy Bill and then round up nil the Bill Jpnesaa in the vi cinity ho would Cud no'more fault. All decided 11 d'j as f'ld ' Bill desired. After a little preparation a party of de termined men undo a raid on the lynch ere , capturei Cowboy Bill and drove th& lynchors ont of to ? n. Then old Bil. commanded that a'l the other Jonoaes bi brought bftforo him. This took eomo little time , but the next day tlio five oth- ur Jonoans were in conference with old Bill at the Ophir saloin , whin the sheriff who had arrested old B 11 came In with a stranger , who laid hii iiaino wai Bill Jones. No ono had ever sioa him in these rarls befor' , and ho was the off nJ- ur whom nil the oflisoro aud lynchera liad been after for a week prcviun , it was all that the old man could do to keep the othf r Joneses from laying violent hands on hfm. When ho and his keopora had p.wod on old Bill ma'io [ a speech some thing like this : "I'hero's too imny Bill Joneses in thin camp for camforv , and romothing'a pot to bo did to keep thing a ain right. Now , I'm hero iirar , ami 1 m the oldest man in the camp for money , r d my n&mola Bill JonoB. As an hcno i b o title , to bo used by youboya or not jatt f B you please , jou can call mo Old Bill Jonoa if yon want to , but Bill Jones plain end simple h my name. You , now , Bill Jones ( referring to the bartender ) , I'm goins ; to christen you Bill JOQCH Ale oho1 , and that's your name from this time forward. You , Bill JonoH [ to tha cowboy ] , y ur naino is to bo Bill Jones Puncher. Yen , Bill Jones to a blacksmith who once hid expioicol wish to travel in Sooth America ] , your name ia Bill Jones Patagonia. You , Bill Jones [ to a laborar In themiruH whosarno from tno coast ] , your namu is Bill Jones Sicramento , and you , Bill Jones [ t3 a proapootor and vfliis'ij-drinker not over four feet tall ] , your namn Is Bill JODOJ Shor- * , The tirst ono cf you that goes back on thcto names lias got mo to fight , and I want the camp tonuderatand it too. ' AU hands agreed that the chrlatoninc ; waa proper ; that they understood it ell perfectly , and that there would ba no further trouble. Tin olb man Ia now having painted for his aalron a sign boar ng the inscription in rod lett-ra three fott high ; "Old Bill Jonea. " Mrs. E , Selbert , 71 N. Broadway , Ba' -Imoro , Maryhnd , eajtaahovai very much annoyed with a cough nnd cold , and could itt no relief. Fiually Red Star Cough Cure waa iccomraeuded , A few dose cured her. Tlio IC\ircgs ni ) of a N " 1 would bo oblidgud to you , " eaid . cloaa-fiUo'l old follow to a country editor "If jou will exprosa my thanks , thr-n. : ! your exec lent paper , to the many uti zans whoa timdy aid last night savoJ a } house from b < iag destroyed by fir A " "Certainly , " replied the editor , ' will express your thark' , but it will h oecostary for you to advance about a do' lar and a half to prepiy tha eijiresioge. OHAS. SHIVEEIOK , UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERIES , I'ASSKNQKn ELKVATOn TO ALL ftOOUS. | ISM , 1203 nJ 1S10 F rn m SI. , Ora hi , Kc 8L. OO FACTORY 1409 and 1411 Doitee St. { } Omaha KB And Jon't &ose This Chance. The beat oppoitunity over offered to try your lucle in tlu-oo hard llinlos. lu order to L'ivo the public in general tha advantage with a small mm of money , to par- ticlpnto In n ronl German Money Lottery , gimtnutpcd mul ennctionrd by the Goiiunn ROVCpar - yonw In existence ; hiw ono hundred tlioutand tickota mill fifty Uioiumnd t > 00 winnhiR numbers which is over one hlf the actual amount of tickets. Kadi holder of tickets received , after thf > drawings , the Original LiaU , also the amount of the prize if won. Wo hope , ns we give 10 different number ? , that ovary ticket holder , on receipt of tlio winning lists , will bo patishocl with the result. Tuo capital prices nro mark 500.000 , 'SOO.GOO , 200.CUO , 100.0CO. 90- 000 70,000 , 50,000 , JiO.OOO , etc . tlio smallest boicg 115 murk. It is of interest to each and overyouo to invest as soon ni poaslhlo before the tickets are nil aold. Hf-mit sithor by Post- office order or draft and tickets will RO forward nt onco. Original tickets of the Hamburg & Brunswick and Saxon , constantly on hand. C. F. R011M1UT Jb CO. , , C2 Congress Street , Detroit , Mich. GJERMAN JD. Cuini nes and 20th Sts , , Omaha , Neb. ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & GRAY ) . LIME AtfD CEMENT. -AT Pactoff Pfices -AND EASY TERMS. Send forourcatalogue and price list before pur chasing elsewhere. MAXMEYEE& BRO. LEADING JEWELERS And Solo Importer of Fine Diamonds , Watches , Silver ware , Rich Jewelry , Wholesale and Retail. Cor. llth and Fnrnam Sts. SOL.E IMPORTBBS OF [ AND- Meerschaum Goods , JN Wliol'-Balo and Iletail Dealers in Guns , Ammunition , Sporting/ Goods Notions and Smokers' Articles. { Stationery , Cutlery , Druggists' Sundries And Fancy Gocde. Full and complete line and BOTTOM PRICES Max Bf ever < fc Co. ? 1020to1024 FarnamSts. , Omalia Orange Blossom Flour WHOLESALE BY L , A STEWART & CO , 1013 JoneaStieet i u ro BED CROSS , i OMAHA NEB