Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1885, Image 8

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    r AILY , 'ITJeZBKDiuxi
Monday Morniud : , Feb. 16
Th AiUmleBs Kden Company repented
their performance Saturday tiUht and left
yesterday for Denver.
The Castleton company left for Grand
Island yeiterdny mornlDg , after plnyinc at
Boyd'n Saturday afternoon and evening.
The Foul KngHth Opera Company arriv
ed yeatcvdiy mornlnR from DCS Moinos.
Twelve of the loading r.coplo are regiftored at
thoMillatd. . ,
The circuit court at Lincoln n aim In
nesiion , awaiting the arrival of Marshal Bier ,
bower , who will bo formally reinstalled.
Dr. ( ! ) Smythe , alias Smith lias brought
suit ugalnit the BKE for S'25OX ) for alleged
dcf.tuition of his character. How modest
aomoot tlie o quacks nro.
The joint concert of the Musical Union
concert and the Glee Club at the opera IIOUBI-
yeaterday WM a largely attended and artisticAlly -
Ally delightful atf air.
- A gentleman in the employ of V. 15.
Her lost a watch Friday night. ThioTcamado n
raid upon his home and carried oil the plun
der while ho was asleep.
A South Tenth street second-hand clothes
cloalor conpliiiied to Judge Hoc eke Saturday
that tha polica h d so thoroughly cleaned out
the thiovoa that then ) was no longer any profit
in his business.
The notorious Carrie Mullen , who has fig-
wed largely in the courts for the past three
month * , has aold her tifctta nnd left the city ,
greatly to the relief of the police and the people
ple on lower Capitol a\cnue.
Col. A , Hoagland delivered hia farewell
lecture tq thu citizens of Omaha last night at
tha First 1'ioibytorian church. Stirring addresses -
dresses were made by Ilev. W. .T. Harsha and
Mr. K. 0. Newton , of the Charity Uuion.
Burglars ng.Un made an a 3iult upon
G ring's auction store Fridiyjnlijht. Tliey removed -
moved two panes hf glus : from the roar win
dow but were frightened awey before they
hod time to got in and make n haul.
Charles Jjiwrcnco , wlio was accused by
Jntnci Dowd of an attempt to rob him Tliura-
dry night on thu river bottom , has boon ro-
leased. The matter waa compromised by
Dowd , whoappeatH tohavobecomo involved in
with Liwrence.
a mere horse trading dlsputo
For Sale A general merchandise business
wilhin twenty-five
ness in a thriving town
miles of Lincoln , established seven years , best
trade in town , stock will invoice about
§ 5,000. iWill anil or rent building ; terms easy.
For further particular * , address McCord
Brncr , of Omaha.
A prearranged series of cock-fighta which
were to hava taken place yesterday afternoon
In the usual Douglas street resort , drew n
largo gathering of the citysports. _ Owing to
the failure of one or two of the persons own
ing the matched birds to appear , the fight was
declared "oil. "
The "Young Mechanics' club , " of thin
city will given social partyin Masonic hall on
Tridoy evening , February 2Uth. This party
will surely be an enj oyablo one , ns nil of the
gentlemen in charge of the alTiir nro well-
known and can no relied up to furnish a firal
claen time for ell.
If Dr. Smythe , alias Smith , who wants
523.000 for a compound f ractureof hia charactei
will call at this ollico he will learn something
to his advantage. Perhaps Dr. Smythe , alias
.Smith , has not heard of Dr. Mumcr , th
masher and the pioua Dr. Aldricb , the twc
quacks who departed so suddenly from thie
city after asking ttic Bus for damages ,
Mr. J. C. Knight , of the superintendent's
olficoof the Nobra-kadiuaiju of the Union
I'acific , IH rejoicing over the advent of a
young boy ut his home , Tbo cigaiH are Hying
around lively at the headquarters. The
weight of the young man is fourteen pounds ,
and his father sayH ho is wurth his weight in
U. I1 , checks.
The bricklayers' union , gave their thiri
annual ball at Crounse hall , Fiiday evening
with a largo attendance , time being fifty
couploj In thu grand march and li ilf ; i9 many
more before midnight. Kvorybody had a
good lime. Tito floor man.ixcu were W. J ,
Callnghan , Fred lloyo. Win. Stevenson , II.
J. Holmes and Charles Stovemon.
Mr. Johann Svtndsen lias been im-
provuii g a now melody on thu violin untitlt'i
"I'm Father of .1 Bouncing Boy. " The boy
in question a-riv d at Mr. Kvoadson'a houna
n few days ago Both mother and boy are
doing splendidly. Mr. Isendsen it lha popu
lar vloliuint who gave several delightful con
certs at Turner hall a few mouths tince.
A revival meeting of much interest Is ia
progrosH at the Sowaid street M K church.
Nearly thirty poisons have profea-ed conver
sion in the pJHt two waok * . The interest and
attemUuco nro steadily iucr n'-iug nnd therein
promise of a great woik. The meetings will
bo continued inch overiinp , with prayer meet
ing every afternoon at II o'clock.
Copies of n trust deed of the Union Pa
cific railway rjmp.iuy are being filed in this
and all counties in which the company linn
property. Tha deed ia given by tha director. ) ,
stock lioMorH and bond holders of tha coin *
pany to a boitd of tru-itaes consisting of KII-
flu Atkins , K/.rii H. B.iker and Henry Me-
IKarlund and ia < li'cj : Boston , November 20 ,
Tbo grand jury Invmtigated the case ol
Ohns. William * , alias Wilson , who was arrested
od on a chat go of obtaining money of two dif
ferent purlieu cm forged checks , Thoyfallnl
to indict him and s.ild that the checks were
neither endorsed nor drawn to deceive any
person but a fool , Marshal Cummlnga deter
mined , however , to putiuh the swindler , ant
Williams lint been tukeu into custody as :
auspicious character.
At Turner Hall Saturday night , the Dan-
el ! Brotherhood , lodges 1 and - , hold a grind
masquerade , The costumes were very line
and thu evening passed elF pleasantly. The
brotherhood hold n masquerade eiery year ,
and those who have attended thwo parties
know that n pleasant evening is mierally
( pent by the company. The following per
sona word aw aided the prizes ; First I rice for
ladies , Dora Johnson ; second prize , Katie
Prcd ickien , First pri/.e for gentlemen , John
Knilth ; second piJA' , LauriU Jenton ,
The twenty-o'shth anniversary of DOJR-
laa Cuuuty Bible Society occurs on r-undtiy ,
the "id iuet. It waa decided in imm.tcr' *
itieutlcg to change tha uiual crder , ntd in
tta4 of a BingV IKJOII mouting on SuirJay
tiveulng , to request inch pa'to to pn tent tint
Bible cume to his ueo ; If , and taVtt tie nr.iui tl
IHbo ! ci'llec'un en that day , and to lulcl tha
nnniul meeting on Mundny eveuiug , at the
Pint chur.b. Kava. Sliorrill
and IMwti er wera appoiutui .1 cnutnlt'.to to
i nuke air. ngt'iiiintR ( or this meeting
Thi following from the Cbic.ij'3 TImej of
, HUurday rtfara no ilou'jt to O. Huwea :
"i'jtii.'l ; Ifaweft n wpacr | uaa from
Omaha , Neb. , whlla temporarily stopping In
his city last night , being on his way homo
rom Louisville , went across the etreet from
ho depot at tha corner of Cttial and Adams
tteetK , and returning fell on the Icy walk and
irikohlaleg. HewtiUken to the county
lospltal. " Mr. Uawo ' friends In this city
will bo pained to hear of this unfortunate ac-
Idont. He will probably bo removed to his
lome In Omaha as aoon as ha ia able to
The "Gaiety" company appeared In "An
Adamloss Kden , " nt the Academy ol Miwic
Saturday night. The house was crowded and
ho usual patrons of such show * wete ftll in the
rent seats before the curtain went up. The
c no of the play Is an island inhabited only
ly women , who have determlnnd to hence-
orth live only for themselves nnd to keep the
torner cx forever from their sacred precincts ,
They , however , ate unable to resist their 1m-
mlses , nnd the play concludes In their nil
singled captives by those whom they had
mutually aworn nlwnys to hate. The parts
throughout were well sustained and highly
appreciated by the audience , which several
times called bifk the actresses.
Mat torn In Um DlHtrk-t anil County
CotirtH To-ilro's Dockets A
School Teacher In
Sixteen dlfforont property ownora have
irought salt BRainst the city to rocovt r the
sewer tniua prii under protoit , In the
St. Mary's nvonuo district.
A verdict of § 08 80 waa rendered Sat
dfty In the suit o Nthon vs. Mlllor.
Ed Mauror haa entered suit In the
county osurt njalnat Charles Child for
§ 1,000 danwgog. I'l&intifl allcgoa lint
In 1882 the defendant , in crectinR n
building on Farnam street , undermined
the foundation of the plaintlfl'a buaincBB
house and residence , Immediately adja
cent , cainlnp It to topple violently to one
side. The ahoek broke a , largo quantity
of bottled atorago in the plalntUFa
Before tha Hen Eleazer Walie'.ey.
Thomas TS ThoniM.
Hammond va. Woodworth.
Stcphosson VB. Coirigan.
Uites VB. Price.
Fcrboi va. Brown et nl.
Befiro the Hen James Novllh.
Mercer va. Culver.
Bryant va. Woolwortb.
Kuhlman vs. Poyko et al.
Lucas vs. llypinski.
Weir vs. BaUlorf ot al.
Chcnbery va. Smith.
Hcndrir vs. Bd. Co. Com'rs.
Alvln W. Parker , ono of the Icaohers
in the Oklahoma addition district school ,
haa boon airosted on a charge of severely
whipping three of his pup'ls. ' Daniel
Way , a parent of ono of the chastised
scholars , filed a complaint in Jndgo Scl
den's court , and upon trial , Parker was
found cnilty , and sentenced to pay a
fine of $1 and costs. Daniel O'Kcofo ,
another father whnsa youthful scion had
been "ecion" nntjto say howling , under
the birch rod , filed a similar complaint
In Justice Bartlott's court , bringing
his boy as prima facie evidence -
donco that a sorloui assault
tisd been committad. The boy's cheek
was found to have been welted In several
places , and in ono place pirtlcularly had
been cut , sufficiently to draw blood , foi
the length uf threa or four inches. When
arra'gned by Judge Bait'ett , Parker ob-
st'imely refused to plead , saying ho did
net like to plead Ruilty to the same
charge twice. At length Judge Bartlett
entered a plea of "not Ruilty" opposite
his name , and continued the case , by
c ment ot all parties , until next Satur
day.Tho c.183 promiioo to bo an interesting
ono. Parker's friends say tint Mr
O'Koefo , who is modoratf r of the scbuol
districticfuaea to sign a warrant foi
Parker's pay.
Tlio AVeathrr.
The condition of the thermometer
yesterday indicated that it had taken n
violent tumble probably to the ground
hog theory. The weather hasa ain M-
sumod a marked Ecsrbily , in painful con
trast with ( ha balmy weather of the few
days piovious.
Tha office showed yesterday a
tompora'.uro of ( ! ° at 7 B. mI ; ° at 11
a. m. ; 2 ° at ! ! p. m ; 2 ° at 7 p. in.
and 8 ° at Iho midnight observation.
General ropoiti from ttio wttt and
northwuit indicate cn'.d ' weather , with
filling barometer.
Heavy black clouds were sjcn ap
pro ichmg this vicinity ab > ut 7 o'clock
Nat night , and many thought thvt a
blizzard was abont to sweep down upon
tan city. Fortunately , thi'y ' pastel over
without being productive of any ttich
dlro catastrophe ,
Seal of North Carolina Smoking tobac
co ia the beet.
Anniikl "Western Gonforonco or the
Swedish Ijtithrr.iM Synod.
The western oonfercnco of tbo Swediali
Lutheran Augustaim synod of Xoitl
America will hold the fifteenth annual
mooting in thn Swedish Lutheran church
or this ci y , February 17 to 22. This
will probably he the largest Scandinavian
church mooting over bold In Omaha.
Over 100 delegat a from Nebraska , Kan. .
saa. Ookndo and Texas are entitled tc
Boats and it IB exposed that raoet all ol
them will coino. Buaidea , tlioro will bi
a gocd numbo r cf vlbitoro horn Iowa and
parta of Nebraska. The conference
ucoets nest Thursday cvuilug and vill
continue all the wuik ni'lil next Sunday ,
On Tut-edf y evening ; at 7:30 : , the annual
formou willho piowlicd by tha urealdcnt ,
llov. J , Selo n. Business meetings in
'he foionoon fr im 9 to 12 and theolt fjlcil
ilbcuts'.riu botwaan 2 and 5 p , m , Wt > d-
nosday , Thurt'ay , Friday and Saturday ,
Februaiy 18 ti 11 , clvioo eervlcea nud
preaching by two paatora every evening
of the week. All Scandinavians are wol-
Martin tint Hniollorf ,
The smelting works will lu staitud np
agaioinafow days. The wotla have
baen shut down fcr about a weoV , and
nesr'y thrn hundred men have thus been
forced ( u Idlenetp. The news of the reopening -
opening uf the works will be irelc im
inws to tl.o men who depend upon the'r
w rt ia thlj phce frr n Hv'nj. '
With One of the Choice Female Divin
ities of the
A reporter Saturday evening called
upon Kato CAstloton at the Mlllard , with
the avowed nnd determined purpose of
Interviewing that lady ,
After eomo moments' lime , tufficient
to allow the paatobofttd ID ho conveyed
to the sacred presence , the summons
came to usher In the man of the quill.
' Miss Caitletjii , yon aeo ooforo you n
representative of that cla s of bcinga
before whom , and only whom , Napaloon
himself was wont to tremble , "
"Aw , yo , yon ah a r piwiah ! "
"No , madam , I am ii"t n 'repawtah. (
I am a Genius a genius of Interview
ing propensities. "
"Aw , yes ? Well tali , I decline to bo
inlahvlowed. "
"But , madam , yon surely have some
thing t < ay to the anxious public through
the columns of the BEE ? For instance
what aizo of "
"S b , I told you that 1 won't ! nawt to
intahviowcd , I moan , sab , preciioly what
I eay. " ' \Yith special omphaslB on th
Here the " /cpawtah" puMed out his
notebook and oommencoa wiiticg aasidu-
"rfoah , hoah , sah wh t are yon writ
ing1 with an nervous , almost sg iiraed
turn npw d of her boautllnl optica.
"Madam , 1 decline to bo intar-
viewed-- "
"Hut flee h ab , ash , pray foil mo what
you nro doing ; now , nltniudot" ( unbending -
ing a little , and descending a tcillo to the
common level , )
"Well , Miss Cistloton , lest the curi
osity of your Bex carry yon to some vlo
lotit extreme , 1 will toll you. I am
writing an interview with you. "
"But but but" gasping fcr breath
"I have said nothing , positively
nothing. What , sab , have you had the
impudence to write about me ? "
"I decline to bo interviewed. "
"Oh , well , then , if you must IntaV
viewing , I suppose you must , Thoah Is
no telling what you hawrld creachans
will write. I suppose ( this with an In
tuiitton t.f . supreme disgust ) you wint to
ask mo about the value of my wahdroba.
diamonds , etc ? "
"No , madam , I have already written
that part "
"Whatlll How could you bo ao
cruel aji to do that , without my tolllna
yon ? Let mo BOO what you have writ
ten. "
"Miss Castloton In looking o\\r my
shoulder you are violating ono of the
fundamental rules of Chcateifieldian ,
eti . "
"But I must see what you hive wilt-
ton about mo. Now please read it tome
mo , that's a doah. "
"The doah" relenting read : "Miss
Castloton li , . * lady of possibly aorao 35 or
40 years of ago , with features that remind
ono of the bnsinesi end of a hatchet ,
her eyes are the color tf Socncetian
wtitlng fluid No. 2 , her ha'r beautifully
and skillfully bloudlned. Her stage C03
tumes are nudols of the dressmaker's
avr , being selected with rnra taste from
the stock of the Now Yi rk "Grand Cen
tral Bureau for the Collection and DIB-
trlbutii n of Old Clothes for the Poor "
Mies Caetletoo'a diamonds _ are worthy o !
oxtenswo description , beitg of ultra-
puto paste , nnunt' d "
"You wretch ! If yon daah to print
that I shall sue you for § 200,000 dam-
ogre. I'll I'll 111 now fcr goodnets"
aako don't aay I "
At this juncture the repcrier eecaped
with a wild , reeounding shriek c f joy.
Ho h still alive , arid thanks Providcuci
for the fact The interview , of which
no noted wuro'.laken at the time , is repro
duced from 'iimglnntion.
The tniliiiu ScliooK
Agent M cGlllicuddy opened the bldt
In this city Saturday for erecting the ill'
dustrial bul'.diuga at the Fiuo Ridge
agency b ardinc ; tcaool. and found there
were two bidders : Hubbavd & Osborn ,
of this city , and G , II. Jowctt , of Sidimj ,
whose bids were only § 250 apart. Tin
firm c'iuud the crntract at their bid ol
$10,750. The buildings are to compria
shoa , harness , tin , whoelwiight , carper
tcr and miscellaneous shops , a bakery ,
slaughter house and etoreigo houses.
Tlio Boiml nlTrurto Decide on Six-
ttcntli anil Fain am BH ttic ;
I'liico to IluiUJ.
An adjoornrd meeting of the Boari oj
Trade wai hold Saturday ovoiiiog to de.
clde upon the location of the project cl
"Chamber of Commerce" buildiii/ ! ,
President Blpyar and about thlny of tht
membora were prcsjnt. Secratory Gib.
eon read the roll of niotnbera tf the ! ' (
organizjd beard over sixty names and
Proiidoa t Moycr et ted that the board ol
directors would raiaa the momberahip foe
fnm § 12ii to$250nnBocn as the lot IE
bought and th bulldina rninmoncod.
Secretary Gibsun itnted that the hoird
of directors hid already made an offer tn
the city of § 13 000 fur the lot en Six.
tefcii'li ard Fnrnaai atrcotp.'nnl they now
ask if the board will cuttiin them in any
action tlioy may taku respecting a choice
of Ircition.
Mr. Datrui ? sngRoated that the board
had butter Brat rniio the noceesiry monej
and then dlsoneH the nnoitlon of a loca
tion , Mr. Her endorsed this suggest ! < n.
Mr , Dafreno added that the lot at Six.
totii'hftnd Farnam would bo a good in-
voatmoat , whether or no the board built
uoot , it ,
fgJSocittuy flibson said that five or ah
wocka ago the board waa united upon
this location , but since that tinio one
member had agitated a change to a loca
tion down town , and th a agitation had
kept buck nearly enough men from sign ,
ing tn have outlicod to have raised the
31S.OOO rcqnirod.
Mr. Wakeful ! assured the board that
if the aito on Sixteenth and Farnam
should bo decidtd upon the dlroctora
woul'l ' have no healtnncy about buying
the lot or difficulty about paying fir It.
Mr. A. Roiewater uesur cd that the lut
st Sixteenth and Farnam would bo n
bargain a"d if tlio b wrd uantod jr , it
sboold taktto piopoeition of tha pro'cnt
city council and run no c auco that n
now countil would withdraw It , He
moved to authori/.o the directors to buy
thu lut
Mr. E. Hosowitar pointed out the fact
that tto doctors alwdy J-nd tbo power
to proceed , and fila meeting was only ad >
Tie : ni'.tiin to anthoriiso tbo dlrpn'ors '
to puichase the lit en Six'ofnth ' a d Fur-
n m atieeti wai carried , with cn'y ' two
diss ntlng void's.
Mr.Yakefleld said that the next ques
tion was tdo rairlng of luada to complete
the building , Ho said that lha advic3 of
the capitalists inulted w s to
jonds when Iho building was cimplotod ,
but cot boforo. To provide for carrying
out thia plan ho proposed subscript ons
; o first mortgage bands , to run not over
twenty years and to bear not less than 6
DOS cent interest , no bonda to ba Issued
ir calls made on the subscriptions until
; ho lot has boon fully | rHd for from the
general treasury of tbo b'-ard < f trade
and tlio deed rccirdcd , the subscriptions
not to bo valid until $00,000 bonda arc
subscribed. Already nine § 1,000 have
been received.
Mr. Falconer signed the anbacrlptlon
to the binds nd called on the other
mombota to di likewise , whtrauprn
quits a number algned for $500
and $1,000. ,
The board adjourned.
The board of dlroctcn hold a moating
and au horized the secretary to bo in
collecting the assotnimnta for the lot.
General J. At. Thayer U in the city.
It. Nordlinger has gone to Now Orleans.
Clumh llowo wui In the city yesterday. )
W. F. ClarkIcftSaturdny tovisltrelallonsln
Mr. John D. Howe , of St. Paul , is at the
Paxton thaking hands with old friends.
Mr. J. D. Kllpatrick and Mr. U. J. Kil-
patrick , both of Beatrice , ate at the Paxton.
Miss Ltila Wllaon has returned from Fort
Leavenworlh , wh ° ro ho waihiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sbull and Mr. and Mrs.
H. D Shull leftyiHterJay for New Orleans.
Jerome IVntzel 1ms recovt-rcd from the ef
fects uf hi ) Into Berloua fall ,
Mr. J. N. McKay , of St. Louis , Mo. , i in
the city.
Mr. 1L D. Shull nnd wife left SaturiUy for
New Orleans , to bo present at the Mardl Gnu
11. Phillips and wife and Mi as Ada Full-
man , of the Kate Cabtleton company , are at
the Mlllard.
Twelve of Ford'a English Opera company ,
with Zelda Sfguln , are quarteied at Iho
Cal Brown returned from Sioux City last
( .veiling , having decided not to abandon tbo
roivl for the lyric stnge ,
Ilonry Mies , connected with the B , and M.
railway at Oxford , came in last evening to
visit his old associates , and will remiiln about
a week ,
W. W. Bullock , who has been a valued res
ident of this city for tbe past two years , has
gonu to Lcumillo , Ky , , to engage in the drug
Rev. W. O. Pearson , of Wooster , Ohio , baa
been engaged to coma to this city and atf
ia tne mis sionary work connected with Trinity
cathedral. Ho will hnvo charge of Grace
chapel and Si. John's mission.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. W. Gray , and Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Bradford , returned Friday from
thtir trip to California , wliuto they have been
for a month past.
Mica Grace Barrett , n ( liter of the ilittin-
guUhed actor , in the city ,
the guest for the winter of Mr. and Mra , It.
\ . Willie , Cumiuj ttroat.
Mlsa Kale C-ist'oton ' , n lady very well and
favorably known to the theatre-goers of thia
city anil the country in , n occupying
apartments at thu Millard hotel.
Frank Calbut and wife , J'rtnk Palhna
Castell 13rydge , J. It. Brown and Johnny
William1 ! , nil of the Kato CastUtun coinpauy ,
are icgistcied at the Metropolitan ,
H. Blaca. Blair , W. S. Jay and wife. Lin-
cola ; R. S. Norton and It.C O\er , Sewnrd ;
G. K. Angicrand C. > 1KiazI , Creston , Ia , ,
are nt the .Millard.
D. Anderson , Columbus ; II. N. Dickaon ,
Ochkojb , Wis. : Win. Armstrong , Green
wood , and four members of the Ford ccm-
pany are at thu Canfield.
L Clark , Lincoln ; George T. Brown ,
Jumato ; L , B. Mack , Koukford ; K. S Rood ,
Do. Mollies ; W. 13. Bern ! * , Chicago ; W. L ,
Al > ft > , Philadelphia , and Charlui Tobias , Ciu-
ciiiuati , are at the Paxton.
A. G. Kidling , of Fort Francis , Oatarlo , has
arrived in the city and is the guest of Mr ,
Arthur W. Pattaraon. Mr. Kidling will
make Omaha his future hume , connecting
himself with the No'jraika and Iowa insur
ance company.
C. L. Hurt , Fullerton ; W. K , Smith , St.
Paul ; W. H Price , Lions ; O. W. Kiley ,
Lincoln , Neb , ; O. A. Mason , Topuka Kan. ;
C. U. Williams Sr. Louis ; G. G. Hall , At-
Untie , Ia. ; F j ; Beales , Lowell , Mass. ; D.
0. IIartinr ; , Ogden , Utah ; end B. F. Young ,
of Kansas City , aio at Metropolitan.
P. SMdonstricker , PlatUr..outh ; G. J , lifts ,
Sprinpfield , K , Jones , Auburn ; W. Tjson ,
UUr ; K. T. Leftich , St. Paul ; W. 11.
Spaare , Grand Island , Ntb. ; O. Maurer ,
Lliicao ; Frank P , Lawrence , Racine , Wia. ;
\Vihi m Brunow , Milwaukee , and William
llesluy , of Paw Paw , III , are at the Metro
politan ,
li" ' * nsabtolittolf pure
PNro a can top down on a iiutttorp until rje&ted tbei
uuotu thaeururaiiil miK'll , A rlitmut U1 not bi r
" -Jol ct tha proiunco of aimiionla.
In millionhom ( or A quarter of . centurj It hu
-ini4 the cotnunierii rellnbla teht. .
Dr , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts ,
Tbiitn > ntilmoil dilleloBi and oitur > IHimrkiio iiui )
Dr. Price's Lupulln Yeast Gtms
I'or Llsht , llMilthy Urfa.l . , Th Dry Uoa
Viatt In the World.
H , S , ATWOOD ,
Plattsmonth , - . Nebraska
tiuDiaor taotooaBtiis in HUH IUM
irrrrscrc *
A 1312
F % Mil B" & / & * & A " % l * * M TB&K tfb.
To Kansas City $6,45 , S
Maio Fnnti , made for $13at Misfit Parlors , 1312 DoDg'as street.
To St. Louis $12 75. UsA Tailor purchasing Made Suit made Hut
for § 2(5 ( , at Misfit Pailots , 1312 Dooglss street.
Tn GhlraPTI vfilB 30 Y ° Ur ' 'avwl b > ' unyinc thaUnml.
1 \ _ MJIIS.VJVS. .
vxiiioagMJIIS.VJVS. some $15.70 Custom Made Ovotcoat ,
made for $32 , at Miatit Clothing Parlorj.
Tr i r CH-iA/CH" 'RlQ RO 'our nro SJVCl' ' hy bnyirg that rlogant S20
I U L/CIlVC/l tp I C7.\JVS Custom Made Sui , made tor $10 , at Mi fit
Clothing Pailors ,
To Washington D.p.$22.50. „ . . _ . „
Custom Math Overcoat , nude for § 15 , at Misfit PtljrB , 1312 Djuglu s root. „
To Philadelphia $23.70. S
frock , fa in lined Suit for $20 30 Custom made , undo for § 50 , at Mittit Pailotn ,
1312 Douglaa otrtut.
To Rochester , N.Y.S25.40 ? ln ! &
Custom Made Sack Suit } , made for $50 , at Misfit Pailow , 1312 Douglaa street.
Tr Ra llimr Mr ) fROR QK Your faro sived by buying
I O Dail I mOre , IVIU. , CP 0 OO. trllt $ yoSilkined ] Cus
tom Made Overcosinitlo * for $57 , at MisQt Parlors , 1312 Duuglat s : :
To Salt Lake City , $27.60.
Four Button Cutaway Frock Soit , made for $32.40 , Ccstcm Mndo , made for $00 ,
nt Misfit Parlors , 1312 Douglaa street.
TrMcxA / Yonr faro "avod b buying that
8 O IVGW '
French Corkscrew P'our Button ,
OuUway Frock Suit for § 33 , Custom Made , made for § 55 , at Misfit Parlors , 1312
Douglas street.
NfMAYnrU - OitQQ RR Your faro Hjvod by buying
/ . \ / .
Wily < , th t35 Satin Lined Coikt
rrrow Sack Suit , Custom Made for § G5 , at MisQt Clothing Pailorr , 1312 Douglas St.
To Boston , Mass , , $30.80. S r ± ibl6 |
Prince Albeit Suit , Custom Made , mailo for § 75 , at Misfit ParlorsI312 Douglas St.
BllCinocO Qlli + O ln ack fllul li < rock Ocata , vaiiaty In aizaa and
U 3 I I I COO XJ U I LO styles of goods. Pantaloons in domestic and lin-
parted fabrics , at priuea that astonish the natives ,
- AT THE -
1312 Douglas St. , Up-Stairs , 1312.
Open until f ) / * . in. Saturdays , until llty , tit.
Absolutely Pure ,
Thla powder never vanes. A marvel ol purely
BtrenRth anJho'esimenc88. More economical thai
( ho ordinary d cannot bo ola In cumpetl
tion with the multitude ol low te t , sh rt weigh
lumol ph)8"hrto pondera. bold only In cans
Omaha Medical & Surgical
JL118 Howard Street
( N. E. Corner 12th and Howard Strolls , )
( For the Treatment ol all
Chronic and Surgical Diseases
Diecseea ot Fenmloa , of the Nervous Syatcni , Pr
vuto Dlacasos ol the Urinary and Sexual Organs ,
and Diseases ol Iho Head , Throat and Luiiga ,
Diseases treated by an exiicrlenced Dpoclnllsti alee
dltoascs ol lha Drart Liver , Stomach , Kldnoyt ,
Uladdcr , NcuraliiU , llheumat sm , 1'llie , Cancer , etc.
And all other ( ll-canc ol the throatind Lunga tretl
ed by Medicated Vapors. ( Send lor Inhaler or
circular on Inhalation , )
All dtri'isra ol the Illooii , Urinary and Sexual Ol-
gang. 1'rlvito UUeascs and
Piles Cured or no Pay.
(16 ( Years Ho'pltaland I'rlv.tu Practice. )
Consultation and OBinluatlon Iree.
Call or write I r clrculars'on chronic dl'ta'ea nd
deformities , Dlscas. n o ! Kuimlcs , 1'rhato Ulsi'asei
ol the Urliiar. nil Sexual orirona , Seminal \V * k
nesa , Ncrvom Debility or Kxhaubtlm.ctc. , ct3. , Dd
cur new reatoratlvetreatmcnt.
All letters and consultationConfidential.
Medicines rent to all parU ol the country ' > y ex ,
prtessecurely packed from observation , If full de >
ecrlptlon ol case liKhen , Ono i.craonal Intel via w
preferred II convenient. Open at all hours.
Address all letters ta
Omaha Mullen ] & Surgical fnsttute
1118 Howard St. Omalia , Neb ,
Acnrrou OK Pnitio ACCOUNTS ,
LINCOLN , Jan. in , its. ' . . ,
It is hereby certified that tlm We tcrn Mu
tual Benevolent Association of Beatrice in vho
state of Nfcbiaska , haa complied with | | lo -
BUiance law jf this state , and in uutliori/.od to
transact the business of llfo Ineumncn in tiilt
ttato for tha current year. Commencing Feb
ruary 1 , 1885.
Witness my hand anil the seal of tha Au
ditor of PublicAccounU the day and year
tbovo wiitten ,
Auditor P. A.
Having quito a number of
From our Merchant Tailoring department , we
offerthem to all purchasers at about one-half of
their actual value. These are no Ready IVIade
Goods , advertised as Custom A/lade / , but Real
Merchant-Tailor work ,
Clothiers and Merchant Tailors ,
'VJG ' Barnaul Street.
Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it.
Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nenraask
Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track ,
Orders for Hie Indian Department given for BuQalo Scales es
clusivoly. Scale
I SIHIO-r ? ,
riaUll , Wlodow C piJronCriltlrii , UiUUlc Bki.ll hls , ftc. He , Iica'til IU I
a , Ut Scats mr 8lr. l Vmibi Ktbiwk * . '