Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1885, Image 5

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A Snow Avalanche Destroys the Alia
Mining Camp
And Causes the Death of Sixteen
Seven Mexican Children at One
Birth from Oii9 Mother ,
"The Fathsr at Last Accounts
Still Alive ,
Pr sident-Eleot Ol&voland Pre
paring Bis Inaugural.
The Iltilllinnro .M-Ohlo Telegraph Co.
AVantii Fair Show on the t' .
P , lilncB.
SALT LAKK , Fobrimty 14 , A from
l.ittlo Cjttonwoo 1 tnyn : Last night nt .t
quarter past 8 o'clock n jiiow.slldo &wci t
through the mining cutnn of Alln , dettroylng
throo-fourtba ot the town nnd killing sixteen
jurjimj , Including fivechildren. . It lias been
Rnowiog fur a weak , mid It in twelve ftut deepen
on n level BIU ! ntlll Btormliifr hard , Last
night SOCHI after H o'clock it tremendous vol-
nuno of snow nnupt down ovur ( lie Kmiun
niiiHivorki , doing no d tmnfje there ixcfpt to
tftko the Binoke-atnek ulonp. Tlmi it struck
thu town , crushing ubout tliroa-fuirllu of it ,
Init fortunately m\iiy : of tlo hoimoi WITU deserted -
sorted for the winter. Tli'J place li built nt
the foot ( it converging gulcher , nnd tlio
Hlidca have n Inlr mark J'ower'n butcher
shop and Simps n's drug ttoro wcro
thi only buildings which entirely es
caped. Tucket'd hotel nnd tfco Val-
ley'ri work , including buildings and tramwayo
were entirely dum li > hod. A larga portion uf
the lins wrre in the Tucker homo. Twenty-
eight in nil were buried m.d twelve were dug
out nllvo thia morning. Thn nut nro nil un
doubtedly The iron from City Hooks
rninu nnd the Kvorgroim form the digging
foica to got lit the bodies. Three had bi'on
taken out nt lant accounts ntnid much ditli-
culty nnd in n heavy storm nnd in n severe
cold. Titnothy Mndden WRB not dead when
taken out , but died suon after. The bodies of
Jnme.s Watson and Mrs .John Ford wcio nlao
tilien out cjulta dead. A rescue party xtnits
lioiu hero in the morning ,
The following is n correct list of thoto not
yet recovered : Andrew H. White , Barney
( iibson , Kred Cnlllnn , Mattia Hiaiy , Chirlie
Volk , ( Chinamnii ) liigJim , ( Chinaman ) Jerry
Keeim , D.ivid 1 > . Kvmn , n child of Mrs. Ford
-and f jur children of Kd Unllon. Tlio total
loHH'.s will not exceed S42.100 , of which the
most important are onof 830 090 to the Vul
ley's mine and to .John Stiickley , § 5OOJ.
Anotbor Heavy Snow Storm.
CHICAGO , February ] > . A diiving snov
storm prevailed hero nearly nil day , ceasing
this oiuning otter darkness Ret in. The ( now
ig fine , moist mil ilingiiig , nnd drifting badly
before n strong north viral. Trains coming
in to-night nro delayed , nnd fears arn expressed -
pressed , in the present condition oE altilra ,
that , with Mich vnat quantities of snow piled
tip along the track * , the block ido of last wosk
will be reno-tod o-morrow unlosi tlio wind
H\tkonB. Advices received nro to the effect
that the Btorm Is uf much the eamo character
and extent as that of tin week ago. Thorn is
a. tierce blizzard in IOWA and snow has fallen
during moat of the diy
The heaviest enow sinms to have fallen in
Central nnd Southern Illinois , nnd trains are
reported as laboring heavily or entirely aban
doned in that tectlou. Klin H reported in
Southern Ohio , and warmer weather in the
south and east.
1'repurlnR Ills IiHiUKiir l Address ,
AI.IIANY , February 14. Among the callers
on President-elect Cleveliud to-day , were
Senator Gonnnn , of Maryland ; CougrerHmnn
William O. Scott , ot Pennsylvania , and Smith
M. Weed , of New York. It in underntoot1
that Cleveland Is devoting til his spare time
to the compilation of his inaugural address.
The II. JfcO. Telegraph Company Want
a Fair hhiiw.
Special telegram to TUB Bun.
NEW YOKE , February 10. Most of the
western railroads henefitted by the land-grant
Mibsldles own nod operate their own telegraph
linen The clause in each subsidy grant pro
hibit * the rnilroid compmyfrom giving any
othi r c irparation or talegraph company ex -
elusive telegraphic privdrgea , The Western
Union , b iwever , praotii-ully enjoys the PI-
clunivo privllegoj in use of the telegrophio
lines belonging to thn Paiflc railroads con-
trollud by Jny Gould. The Mnltimore &
Ohio Tel'grnph company has determined t"
o intent til i Union IVclliu'H right to keep its
e c'udve privileges. 1'ivildtnt Hates , of the
Halt moru \ . Ohio , applied tn Ch'irles ' Francis
Adamn , president of tbo Union Pucllic , for an
inter hango of Imaineii ) over the llnej of the
I'ill' n 1'iicilio nnd ils subsidiary roads.
After lUtei had lep-aHiily reiu < teil n
dfinite answer to the iijipllcation , Ad'ims ' re
plied H full i\vt , Janu.iiy f > : "Oar company
will at any plnct ) whoru ishas nn otlica for
commercial toligraph InisinesH receive from
any person or corporation , ino udli jj the cor.
pnration represented by you , any mo caga
otfdrfld to it , nad tranmnit the fame without
discrlmlniiUou of any kind , at thn samu rates
and on the fame terms in it
decs tmpnagfH for any person or cor-
pirutian , I luvo not at luiud thu
ut'ill of rales , but surh tarilt cm bo obtained
bv your company at any of our company's
ollicet wheni it does telfrnlih ( Inisiuii-a tor
the public. This company will not mnkoauy
contract in respect of n general intorchmigo of
buiinrxs Involving thn keeping of accounts for
busiiU'-H 10 rocclungrd ,
1'cesident B tas wrot ) such ttrms would bi ;
I > erfectly eatitfiictory to the Baltimore aoil
Ohio company , nnd in order that the neces
sary arrangements might bo uimleled | , requested
quested AdamH to Bind li'm n list of the tele-
cruphlo stations on tbn line of the Kaniai
I'ticitic rend between Kainis City and Den
ver , there are caid to bj ibout tixty of these
Htntioni ,
After sonia do'ny , Mr. Adams replied there
win uo list of ttntfous kept by thi company ,
> < ut that the stations were "well knovn. '
Thin the m.ttcr stands nfer five mouths cor
The ollicers of the llnltlmoro and Ohio tele
r ph company ntuixfct strong Western Unioi
inllui'Dca In the Union I'tcltic directory , e
countable for the ilitiuc'inntlnu cf the olllcera
ot the Union l\tcifio to enter into the at range
incut propoiod.
TIU1TI ! : < : SKI ) IjYXOIIIX 7.
KAM.AKKJ. Ill , IMiruary 11. The threat
fued lynchinz of Xt > l on , 'ho ' tramp who miir
dtroutly insuilted Mrs. Sclinlll-Jr , uarr'tiec '
In the nfternnon diipitchcti. In keeplnir Kan-
knkes in u ferment cf e\cit ment. 1'rniiiin-
k > nt men of this county di > cusitvi the matter
in nn excited \y y , waiting for to night t
hear from ths uctim , wbo e death ii moment
arily rxpectod , aid promts a hanging l e ,
should the die. Sherlfl IiUowrneau iHded
> xti guards At tha county ) M to night.
Word was rccMvtd at 10 o'c'ook that the
woman was ( till alive. Thrtnli heard thtt
UM nelghb'irs of the Injured w.imau from Irs )
Kims ndManteri > , thculd she die , would virit
Kankuk'u to-night , intunmiies putniu excite
ment here. Talk that trie iherjtf m y re
movotna prNiner to-night to Chicago for
safety kiepi the feeling nt fever heat.
The LuriKStrikt' In the Hocking \'al <
I ley P. ilnl.
Cot.cmifs , Ohio , 1'Vbniary 15. The an
ur.u ceaent wti tnadu In 11 parti of thi
UnckilM Vulley to day that the ccuimlnarj
lisd gnen out and udvl lrg the nun to go t
work. Ttli euii the strike which ttnrtgil Ivs
How HID New Union Pacific Ms
Affect t e Empires. .
Injiistlco mid Coercion 1'ronilncnt
rciuurcs-iluinorn ot Trouble.
Union IVclGo onglncora and train msn
Rcnerilly , along the linu of the from
Ornah * to Udgon , are earnestly protoat-
ng against thi clforta of General Mana
ger Cdllaway to abridge tholr frco rghts
and inafco tlicm the abj jot slaves ot the
company. The clauao ia the rules nnd
regulations recently adqitcd by the com
pany is very twooplng , mil ahoald the
omployoj Bcqaioao it would inaugurate a
system of espionage ever thorn never bo-
'oro nttomptod under an cnl'ghtoncd and
TOO government.
The rnlo states that any man working
: cr the company shall hold it blameless
'or any accident or injmy that ho may
sustain duting the discharge of his dnty
whether by his own negligence or thai of
another employe , defective tracker
or machinery , or thoculpablocirclossneiB
of train cll'u-hls. The
dlspathors or cm-
iloyo gives np his ti ht to remuneration
n any caso. Under the desired contract
10 ngrcuj to pay for all broakogca which
may occur wh.otb.or by Ills onrn fiult ,
hit of d'herj or by uaavcidablo accident ,
r virtually this , for the employe will
lave to prove directly ilia1 the damage
was not his fault a very lunl thing to
lo or stand the coat of ropiira.
To cite a case recsnt'y ' tr ught up
Vn rnglnoPt accidentally brolio the cow-
oAtchcr cf It's tnjlno. llo was chugod
M5 for repairs , an amount greatly
out of jrjportlcu to the v lua
of ( ha work done , and ucaily hnlf
a month's wages , llo paid It f > . rliovraa
crmpelled to do so or 1 sj bis position
Dhia is but an instance of the cotr.iir.ii
usul by the ompany. All mirried
men's wives w 11 bo expected to sign the
contract so in cvio of the husband's
death the wife trill have no action at
aw , rgilrst Iho railroad. The \yholo
matter irom the boglnulDg lo end is an
attempt to take away from nu Intelligent
and honorable clasa of men common and
nctorious tights guaranteed to them by
the laws of a free country.
The ojcactiocs of the Union Pacific
company are without limit. If a switch
man In the Omaha yards sends a car by
mistake f'oni the lower to the upper
yards dutioR ths night or day , ho is
charged $2.00 for it ; if the car Is taken
acrois the river it costs the unlucky fel
low § 5.00. Ever/ month in ( lie year 25
cents is taken out of each man's wages
for hospital dues. When a m m Is injur
ed or sick ho must go to the hospital.
Eo is proscribed certain medicine , and
mutt have the doator deei/nated by the
company whether ho wants him or not
Whn Chamborlaio , Sheldon and Norm
mot their deaths at thn Elkhorn disaster
some time since , North , v > h/ > did not die
immediately , was brought to the hospital
in Omaha. Eii brother desired to have
the fimiljr physic'nti attend him , and
brought him to the hospital for that pur
peso. It is said that the company sur
geon would not allow the other doctor
to oxamlno the patient , and in consequence
quence there was a fight at
the bed-side of the dying young
Norrls , between his brother and
the company surgeon. When it came to
burying the llirjo men the brotherhood
engineers took the funerals in charge and
conducted them properly. The weather
was warm and the bodies being badly
solalded wcro omtalmcd. The underta
ker's bills amounted to $102 for Sheldon
and $1CO for Chamberlain were dltnl-
lowed by the company's oflicitls in these
words : "Bill diaallowoi because the
association of engineers and firemen d d
not see fit to consult us In the matter ,
and fuitheinnro because tbo bills are far
In excess of what they would have been
under company's contract.
[ Signed ] EUASIUS YOUNG ,
Auditor. "
The action of Mr. Young , however ,
wni afterwards overruled by Mainger
Ca lway.
The company has a standing contract
frith an Omaha undertiker to bury the
company's dead at ? 42 per head , and Mr.
Young thought anything bet the plainest
pharaphernlla Inconsistent withtruo , cccn-
umy.Union Pacific engineers are paid ' ) .85
per 100 miles of travel , and they rcako
from § 125 to § 150 per rcoith. Their
position is one of great roipousibitity and
danger , doitti stiring thorn in
the face it n'l times when
on tbo road. Their judgement
and courigo must bo beyond question ,
conductors and brakeman tioaro selected
with rcgml to their qualities in this re
gard. They all have hard , dangerous
wcrk and no company over was known to
ever pay their men or allow too numcr
ous privileges. There Is a clause In the
now time caid that no conductor orbriko-
man shall coupe ! cats without a stick , yet
if thxy ute ouo iluy are very likely to be
discharged because they do. The rule is
n blind put In for the purpose of avoiding
( Umtges sliculd a man bo killed or badly
Injund whila Baking a couplicg. The
otlicers wojld lay , "tho men are forbid
den to couple without a stick ; this man
hai done so contrary to rule , and the
company in not rasponsiblo for his In
juries. " The rule works as a boomer *
An engineer told a BEE rrprlor lait
night tbut they would never sign thu
ruiei under any conmdsrntloD , If Afau-
ner Galloway insists thcra will be trouble
ulong the whole line of the road. The
Brotherhood of Loomotlvo Englnem
and Firemen are the two ittocyest labor
orgaulzilims in the United States , If not
In the world. The former cumbers about
10,000 members , while the latter has
something like 8,000 to 10,000. Thiy
ra coed ruou , and wi Island by cacn
other to the livt , and have plenty cf
money to fight the nutter for almo.t an
indefinite period.
Dnr nz Galloway s management of the
Chicago & Grind Trunk railway sorao
years : igi he tiied to adopt a similar set
cf rules to the onoi now under ecu Hera
tloa on the Union Pacific. The origin
eeis strack and after a lorg fight ) won at
every piiut , the rules being nnllilied snd
the uinal regulations luplacod , The
Union Pacific has fine or g neers. T hero
re nnuo better in the United Stales than
Ilambriglt LovingBton , Dalan , filathej ,
Wilklni. Van Noyes , Muuhah , Jfhlclde.
Qill , Btavley , Able and many otburc
men who have duUvirad their trains
eafely at tha ends of their dlviilou
thouainds of times and ive careful n :
thoughtful at all times. Under tbo new
rul s such men would ba discharged fo
seme triiltrg unavoidable tccident a
quIoUf as a jooag runner who had mxd
bis fitat ( r i > .
The Hnnn Ocrciuonlo.
The Sans Ccramonle ohib hold Us Val-
oalino parly last Friday evening at Mason
ic hall , about thirty couples participating-
The valentine episode wai the dlttiibutloa
to each penoa cf n comic valantlno en
closed in na envelope anil numbered ,
hoio bain ? tire of each numbar , tliBg > n-
tloman posscaaltig which woto obliged to
sesk their partners for the valentine
dance , which wn * n polka. Thij fta'nro
W.M productive of no lit llo merriment ,
and it is to be recorded that all respective
couples were mated by the time the polka
was annnuncid. Amone the gucstj were
\Iisi \ McOord , of MllwAnkos ; Mlts Mo.
Cerd , of St. .Top , and Mr slid Mrs. Fur-
; uaon Jennings , of Milwaukee ,
"TliomnHVH lUltcr , "
To the Kditor of the HKK.
It ecoma no mora than just to nnko
ho following romaiki In ccnnectlon with
thoglato trial of the case "Thomas vs
Hitter. "
It acorns that Air. Thomas has not done
aatico to either himself crtho tax paying
> ooplo of our city.
The pUIn fasts of the caio have been
gano ever several times in court , this bo
ng the third trial , each one o ! which has
teen decided Fgainst Mr Thomas. The
uit involved a question of difference
> otwopn property belonging to the parties
if taking liberty of space , etiy between
wo and eighteen inches of ground Mr.
I'ttor ' has tried to nettle
with Mr. T. in order to save costs but
without avail. The question in our mind
as tnjpijers Is why should anybody bo
Otnpullod or forced to pay costa of .suits
when the lawn have tnico vindicated the
njuioi ono.
This case has been in court throe
years has caused an untold amount of
.Diioyacca . i > ditfVrant peopla and upon
hrao trials , dricidod by the ] ur/ each
line Rgatnt Thnmae. Tbo verdict stands
hat Mr. Hitter has bo n shamefully im-
loood upon \ > y some dtfect in our laws.
* The inlluenco tf your honest decisions
f justice fcr or against the fact that you
ro always fearless in cxprctsltg your
pinions prompts the undersigned with
nany others to tuk npaco forlhoabovo
Gr.o. L. UAUHOLL ,
nnd hundreds of others.
Tlio Wife of : i Hotel Keeper-Decamps
wldi all IHsAVcAlth.
About a weak ago W. E. Jones , pro-
irlotor of tha Jones House at the Stock
arc's eont his wife to Flattsmouth to
pay a bill of § 25. .At tha end of six
! ays , as Mrc. Jones had not returned
and Mr. Joncn had not heard anything
rom her , ho made Inquiries and fonnd
.hat she had not paid the bill at Platti-
mouth and had not been saon at that
Upon looking through his eiFects , l\rr. \
"ones dlecovtrod that his unfaithful wife
iad taken with her notes to the amount
of $1,700 , belonging to her husband ,
farther developments convince Mr.
Tones that his wife has eloped with a
vaiter who was formerly employed at the
Tones house.
Heal Estate Transfers.
The following transfers were Clod In
, ho county clerk's office Tuesday aad
reported for THE BEE by the Ames * real
tate agency February 13 , 1885.
George P Bemis and wife to Thomas
klcftlaoni , w d , lot 13 , In block 1C , Col-
ego PJaco to Omaha , $750.
Ralph E. Gaylord and wife et a1 , to
Win 0 Bartholomew , q o d , lot It ) , in
ilorbach's 1st add. to Omaha , $156.
W O Bartholomew to John A Hor-
lacli , q o d , part of lot 55 , in Hoiluch'a
.st add. to Omaha , $1.
A Chanx" In Position ,
Air. Harry Gilmore , for yearj yard-
naster In the Union Pacific yards in this
city , has been relieved from such duty ,
iho position Is a hard one , and by strict
attention lobuiinesiMr. Gllmoro'a health
las been impaired , and it wai impos-
iblo for him to continue longer in that
apaci'y. For the present Mr. Gllmoro
will take charge of a passenger train and
wield the punch. The appointment shave
u t all been made yet , and it is more
han likely llut Mr. Gilmore will HOOD
) o called to aieumo a mcra responsible
Pol too Court ,
In police court Saturday morning three
women for being innuros of a house of
( restitution wu-o each fined § 5 and
Four men charged with vagrancy
proved they were laboring men and they
wera discharged ,
"Duck" MtGnlre was charged with
icing a vagrant Ho pleaded not guilty ,
but the jodgo evidently thought Hut ho
needed a dose on general principles , and
Hjntenced him tothitty days en bread and
water , following the sentence up with ,
'And I will HBO that you got it ? . '
'Well , ' s iJ "Duck. " "You had better
v it until I plead puilty , " ' Oh , we all
mow jour histiry , ' remarked his honor ,
and nude out tbo mittimus.
Dropped I linHtttIt.
Sa urday morning about 4 o'clock , KB a
oer'ain backman In this city was returning
to his home , after enjoying a night of
pleasure at the bricklayer's ball , ho saw a
man at the corner of Nineteenth and Casa
streets , with a sack of Hour upon each
Hhouldcr and a big ham dangling down
by a string from one arm. The hack-
man hollered "drop that. " The burden
bearer , however , only quickened his
pace , still clinging to the stiitf , The
liackinan then drew his revolver from his
poekot and fired one nhot ia the air.
This wai nuro than the fellow with the
liam and 11 iur could stand , and bo drop
ped the whole busln ° Bs and gallcpad down
ilia street jiko a quarter hcrsa. The
backman left the stull'm the road and re
paired to his home.
Ixui lilt Coat ,
Satu thymoiu'iigMr. ' ! ' . A. Ocumpaugh
who resides at IfilOHanujy direct , took
his overcoat out and hum ; It on a nail on
the back porcU ta air. In a v ry shcr
time hU dBiijhlor wnit out upon the
porch an-l found that the overcoat hat
been itolen. Mr. Ocumpaugh re ; or to.
at [ ohcu hoadpuartors but no clueto tbo
thief has as yut been discovered , Sume
cf these follows Mil get to after a wliil
that they will steal ilia overcoat utF cf s
man's back while ho is walking along tb
street ,
"Sanfly" Forbes Positively Declines t
be AiTiStd
Captain Siilllv n'8 Stirring Advent
nro 1'itiv
About U o'clock Sunday morning a
Council Bluffa man , ono A IT. Emoiluo ,
who had been in the city , tqusnderhig
lis worldly wealth in dlvois wicked ways ,
approached Ollicer Charles Bloom , and
told him that ho had been robbed of a
? 20 check by Sandy Forbes , to whom ho
qivon it to have it cished late Satuiday
light , but who had refused subsequently
0 account for it. Bloom and Eoiorlnr ,
after considerable fruitless search , suc
ceeded in locating Forbes in lligglns1
alcon on Doug'us street. Bloom walked
up to Forbes tni laying a band on his
boulder , told him that ho was under ar
rest and would have to g } to jail. Fi rbos
asked Bloom why ho had been placed
under amst , and was told that it was
was bsoiuso ho had confiscated the $ -0
chock. Forbes , it appratc , afler spend-
ng an hour or BO in trying lo cash the
chock , gave it to a friend , asking him to
take it to ceitaln places and eo if it
: ould bo cashed , 'lira second "cashier"
md not rottirnod , and Forbes denied
having the chock. Ulcom told him ,
neverlieleis ! , ho would have to go to
ail , where the matter would bo invest- !
ahd. Forbes defiantly shook the bravo
ulcer from him , and rising up in all Iho
oworing majesty of his six feet height ,
cpltod tint bo would not submit to ar
es : without a warrant. Bloom meekly
va Led oil' , oboyinss "SandyV request
with the most affable obtcqulousnesj. Of
otirso ho could not and did not get a
rnrrant , and Forbes was net arrested.
Cowiirdlco Is out of plsca on the police
orco. Admitting that Bbom was wrong
n his judgment a to the propriety of
tvdstluf ; Forbta on the charges indi
cted , hoshould nevar hive backed down
when once ha ilocln-dd hia intontlotH.
'hero ' are itany reqmsitss in the make up
fapnd poltco ctlicsr , and cour.igooua
otcnnlnation is the moat essential. It
s probable that the matter will bo ofli-
lally investigated.
Captain Maurice Sullivan , of the police
orce , met with an adventure yestc rd.iy
which ho voBTS to remember as long ua he
Abont half-pssb forjr in t'o afternoon
13 was called upon to airjst II. T. Doyle ,
partially intoxicated individual who
waa engaged in rusing a disturbance on
ho corner of Sixteenth and Oapl-
01 avenue. Ho succeeded in
aptnrlng h's ' man and ordered him to
'como alocg " At this point Doyle turn-
1 to n female ball-dog , largo and savage ,
which was by his side , and tet her upon
7apt. Sullivan , Ttat worthy at once
oleised Doyle and prepared himself for
h.ind-to-fight with the animal. To
ise his own esprosalon Lo had never felt
o frlghtcded bsforo in his life. His heart
.hreatcncd . to stick in his alimentary
anal , and he was literally "paralyzed. "
'ho bull-dog Haw at him and bit him
nco on the hand. Before any more
crioiu results were accomplished the
niraal was driven off.ltn . ; colored man
who came to the rctciia at this most
pportuno moment. All th's
ccopied but a minute. Dojl ? , hox-
ver had obtained a considerable stilt
Captain Sullivan started after him , but
Duld not stop him before ho entered a
loarding hocsa near the corner of Four-
couth street and Capital avenue. Doyle
went upstairs and tried to conceal him-
clf under a pile of bed-clothes. Captain
Sollivan entered the rjom , and despite
ho threatrnicg "Arroit me , if yon
are ! " of the fugutivo , drew a bead on
ilm , pUcad him under guard and
marched him off to jail. Tbo hull do ,
uean whilewaa dispatched by Hounds-
man Whalen.
Clara Thomas , a very big black nvgro
wench , YM arroited night before last for
on-payrnent of her license as a prosli-
; ute , She was jailed and while there
ras visited by George Polndextor , a
gentlem friend , " who was desirous of
iboraliog her. The gentleman did not
iivo the money i\qu'aito ' but hit upon a
inppy scheme for obtaining it. Ho wont
o one of the largo hot.h , approached the
lerk nnd giving the name of n colored
man known to bo employed in the ostab-
iahment , asked fur $7 00. The clerk
urned to the hnoks and found the nsmo
redltod with § 15 00. Accordingly with-
ut hoaitot'on ho handed the man Iho
mney domandod. Ho paid Clara's fine
ind aho ii noir at largo. Poindoxter ,
lowover , was arrested yesterday , and
now poscH in a sacrificial attitude in the
ounty jail.
A member of the firm of Shriovo , Jiir-
v's ' & Co. , wholesale noticn merohant ) of
larnev street , reputed to the police
yettenUy that some fifteen or twenty
dozen cuff and oolliir buttons had been
aloUn from the ba oraor.t of thtir ttoro
SitorJay night Entrance was effected
by the thfovcs by prying optn shutter
on the eldoopjning into ilia alley und
burttiog in a pane of glass. There is no
clue to the G'
The L'nltr Club.
Fiiday night a largo number of the
riondH of Unity church gathered in Fal-
conei'd hall to participate in an onter-
nlnmont which had been prepared by
he committee of ladles designated for
luch work. At about 0 o'clock the liter-
iry and nnniiol programme waa rendered
ind was greatly enjoyed.
A fine sextette from tbo Glee club ,
consisting of MOSSIH Northrup , Van Tvu-
ran , Wilbor , Wllldns , Smith and Snow
gave one of their most beautiful nolec-
.iouf , and althouch but ono liai been
annouoced they sang in addition "Annie
Laurie. Ilia sit volcei blended well ,
and this little gem showed them all to
good advantage.
Mifs Chsmbarlain , who sang "My
Qaeeu , ' has a very sweet voice , of fine
quality , uod oed rsngo. Uer mBiioer Is
easy and unaffected , and she made a most
delightful itnprcifllrii ,
Tne "Bridge of Sighs , " as recited by
Mn. Shreve , give cvidenca of u strong
appreciation by that la y ( f the beauty
and rathoa cf the wonderful poem.
A contrast to this was the "Candle
tact arc , " delivered by Mrs. Pollock , who
very nbly preionted her romli'ion ' of the
well known character of "Mrs. Candla.
Mr. Jay Northrup Hing tha "Ship-
wreck" magnificently , and in re ponft > tea
a very perelitiiit recall , fixw a "Sere
nadc,1' which vat very sweet.
At tbo piano Mis. Coleuian menis
great praise f r her product .on of dotU
i-Ji Ik1 * "tast Hope , " and Mr. Frank
Drown noted as nccompaultt t ) Iho Oleo
Club and soloists mrst satisfaatorlly.
In the inUrniis-nn Mrj. blirove
brought out an * ' Introducled a very young
lady , who oiptiratcd ll ho rsy : \ n roci
tntion , The > oung lady wa > < dainty
lilt'o ' Mn-ioKoch , aul her "Twinkle1
Uinklo litt'o star , " gi\en wlln uj lifted
finger nnd grave demeanor took the hous <
by atorm.
At the cloeo of the enteit ilnniont sand
wichea and colfeo were served up itx > r
the HOT was c'.cinod and in n few mo
nionts tlm room was filled with tUnccn ,
who "trcd thu incniute"uut'l ' a late hour.
Financially and socially the Unity Club
sociable was a success.
.V Broken IiCff.
Siturday forenoon an employe nt the
Union olovatorhadthomltfortuno to break
bis leg between the knee and ankle. The
man , whote name is Amos Anderson ,
was scullling with a fellow unknown and
n tome way came in contact with an iron
railway aa above stated ,
[ In- Story of tin * Travels of mi
lift liny Variety AillHt , Joiirnitl-
1st , AVnltci-mill Detective.
Last October , Frank Colbnrn , employed
od In tbe datuitive buslncaa bete , left the
ity and s'rack out for the wild we t.
'ho talcs of adventure ] , einca leaving
) maho , ss related in a latter wiittcn to a
ii-nd in this city roads like the tale of
ho dlmc-novol hero , end shows well the
onghand vaiied vicissitudes cf a man who
'knrc'ia &bom" in the west.
Af or loavlEg this cily , Colburr wont
ei Denver where ho obtained cmphyment
n Gen Cjok's Ricky Mountain Dotcc-
Iva Hutc.ui. Th's prs lion lie held
: rs ma weeks , when a searc ty of gcu-
tal detective wcr'c forced him to seek
omo more lucritivo nmployinont. Being
omothlng of a voriity ait'st ' , Colburn
pplied for a position on the boirds cf
hii Theater Ct iniquo. The ituuay.emont
of the institution haatenud to avill thorn-
elvus uf his service ? , and fur three
weeks ho posatl auccustftl y upon tbo
arioty stnge , doing song and dance acts ,
lolght of hand tricks , old At length
ho Denver authcrllies , seized with
a virtuous fi * , closed tip tha The
ater Comlqce. Colbuin and tha
iroporly trail then statt'd upon the road
u a duo combination , CMbuni'a knowl
edge o ! variety songs , and his skill at
leight of hand helped him out , and
ho two sncioeded in gett ng to Albu
querque , Now Mexico. Hoio Colburn
laving had soruo experience in journal-
tin , got a position on the Evening Dem
ocrat. This place he held till ho secured ,
as being a newspaper man , a pass
over the Atlantic & Pacific
oa-3 , westward. Ho jouineyed
nto Arizona , traveling as a tr'ck and va-
lety srtlat. Ho undo considerable
noiiey in thorough mining towns , as the
; old and silver pickerj always patronized
us par fo nmiees liber illy. Somn nights
10 "seooped" in na math as $15 und
nmotinids aa little as $5 , but the profits
of this Echemo weio absorbed by the
noimous living exp nies tush us a half
.ollar fcr a shave , aevanly-fit'o cenln for
a meal , one dollar for lodging , ets.
He loft the property man In ArV.ina
nd proceeded Frisjowrrd. Hoeuceeded
d in reaching Talare , Callforui < , where
10 obtaiced n position nt wa tar in a
estaarant. It was not 1 ng before he
Kcamo entirely rehabilititid in thi *
jontion a circumstance which proved
ilghly opportune. The lady proprietress
; are him ii old suit of clothes belong-
ng t ) ono of her sons. As for a hat , be
onfiaQ < ted a tito belonging to a antic-
man who refined to pay for a meal
Journoyinp , after a few weeks to the
Goldtn Gate , Colbura obtained an cn-
; agement on the beards of the Adelohi
Variety Theatre , where ho renmood for
omo weeks aa head variety artist. Ro-
inqnishing this position ha bf came socre-
ary of a private bureau of information ,
n which position be now relates ulth an
ir of calm and well earned case , tbo
tory of his wanderings through the
7 F.\prefsajo of a Neugjispcr.
"I would 1)3 obliged lo you , " said a
lose-fisted old fellow to a country e ( liter ,
'if ' you will express my thanks , through
our excellent p'per , to tbo m ny e tl-
ons whose tlm > ly aid last night swod
my hens from luiny deitroyed by firo. "
"Certainly , " rplied tbo editor. ' !
vlll express your thanks , but it will bo
neccs'ary for you to advance alnut a dol-
ar and a half to pay thu expresntgo. "
The Pipe was "JJiiHtcd. "
) etrcit Kren I'less.
"Say" Ii9 called as ho entered a plum
jor'a shop , "ihuro'asomething the matter
at our house. "
"Wei1 , what Is ill"
'Our rraler pipe has all frozen
"Yes. "
"And t'io hired girl says ehodidn'c do
t , mi in atys she didn't do it , and pa
ays he'll put a bullit into some plumber
jafrrj night. "
"And you want mo to como up ? '
"I gucHj wo do. Tbo hired girl she's
jcit anl all tbo coiling ) are leaking
aown and ma and pi are talking about a
' '
"Well , I'll go up. "
"Well , yon'd bolter wait till pa pros
down town and Via gets off to the roller
rink anil then you como around to the
lack door and knock three tlmcH , and
I'll ' lot you in.
A Bli//.mrd of Melody.
There is oftentlmoi a node us difference
of opiti'oo ' in matters of oultura in the
family. The head ot the house is too
: > r c'ical and the fint lieutenant too < i--
: hotic.
"I really think that Mabel ought to
uvo a pi mo ; don't joa ? She is sever
yoira old , and the sooner she begins the
iconor tha will hi able to matter the in
tricacies of Ldzt. "
"Lit/t bo blowed , and tha piano , too. .
Whan the girl's legs on reach the pedali
we'Jl la'k ' pi no. "
Then it will bo too Ute , perhaps. "
' Go ahead ; buy a piano for liar , a cor
net for.I im and a drum for Jack. Loi'a
nave a b'izzud cf melody while wu arj
about it. ' Oartfcra Poit.
Tlioiuaa AVanta to Learn Ho\v.
"Well , Mr. llendrickj , Kbanoum has
at laU fallen.1 '
"Ves , to I eeo. There Is ono man
down thoru with whom I would like to
hold about twenty minutes' converai
tion. "
"Wh..1 * Iliati"
"Fersz "
"Why ? "
"I'd like to have him tell mo how ho
maiacid to open the p.atca and let thu
rtbs a in. '
The t > hllo'oi > h r of the riatt mnuth llrr
al < l nooria llint any nmn rtn jut < n lyl
\vho fi'ttli-s hit di.bts at forty uitmiiUi
dollar ,
nightly moundes b
It U now pin o rd to connect nil Uir > town
in tin Klkhuni.Vley by tclpphono ,
Thi' funnel * uf the l/fg. > n orgnniteil ni
agricultural nocloty nt Wakefield , dumlay.
Alniworth police round up all boys at
o'clock e\ety night.
At Ainnwotth It costs live dollars to hoe
four niunds into a neighbor's home.
lirojs brothers , cf M iliijn. recently con
feMod judgment In favor if ttalr father fo
! ? 10,0fl ) , and RJM'nR him n mortg.tgo on ren
cstali' worth ? LT,000 , leaving otlior creditor
to whittle , Crliuiu > l prcseciitlon i expcctci
to follow.
The oxttntHtion of J. Uobort Willlntns. the
David City svvluller , from C.inmh , will 1
ehooiing new * to the ullnln'alctiins in Hut
UT county. The rascal his Iniastod that h
went to David City to suimllo euiybody h
could got into his clutches nnd nhadod hi.
op'rAtlimi In the luipe of getting tlti-lter uriler
tha ln'novolent laws ot CnnvJa. llo 1m
reached the OM ! nf his tether ;
U. K M. nurreyors ate running lines WPS |
from Hold oga through what is known ni tho'
"llig Divide , " tnideully hit tiding ti > tifp the
foddrr liuul in Keith mil ndjoining countio ? .
Columbus Is bidding for tha additional in
pate asylum. U appears Irom tin * Journal
review , tlmt tha town has hid Ita bcautioB and
beuoticont * brceroj under n bushel , only U
tint tt.eniulit when ' minds iHdweil" seek n
new rl.vfiuni , "do\crrlan reason , " quotes the
.Founml , "like sweet bolli jangled out of tuuo ,
and hnrth , " will ba bunotited by the "gentln
soothirg influence of surrounding intura. "
Norfolk , Fiemont nnd Noith 1'iiitto will
plonsc make a tiatn of it ,
The Lincoln News nrVstjitoi nn nrliclo In
the Council llluIN department of Tins HUE ,
rafoning to mtsiuaiu gi'm > nt neil citialty in
the pest hou B there , in luv ing occuriod in tha
Oninha pest homo , The latter has hit I but
imo iiimato this jear , and 1m WBH properly
cared for and promptly cured.
.lolm r.nrrett , : ifrand _ ! Island tough who
wm't ' d a little gill some ti nu upo , will as-
list in building the ilomn of tbo si alt ) capitol
nuder n the years'contract. .
15dl Delli'y , a CJrtnl Isliirl crni'ktmin anl
| ii-ofos or ot the science of hiRhn'ny robbery ,
will ucjupv tha chiir of domejlie tconomv in
Ihn state panitontiiry for thg two and a half
A worthier cur mined K. S. .Tcimlng' , of
[ .rjiitl Ivl mil , ihfiirtvd lit ] wlfi * nnd n-vpu
immthi bnbi1,1 if t week , leaving them j mm-
lees and dependent mainly ou ckatity. In
the worih of the Tiii ' , ' 'biicli mm b'hould be
Irowned like nurplm llitouH. "
Fremont won the ccntir of a vocal cycloto
la t week. It WUH c.illpd for short n musical
convention. Tbo profuudo wuiblera of Ams-
ivorih exchange. ! notes with tbo buitnnoa of
Wahuo. while the canniy like tocors of David
City joined the jr.ockiig birds nf Arlington
until the raftcis of the 1'refcbytfrian chmch
trunbltd witli mcIcdUnis SDULJ.Vist ( | l\int
: uul North Hunt chirpid in to swell the
churn ? . Frcmunt stood by and shivered.
HOIHO thiuvcs made awny with two onlmils
belonging to IPJIUC Tliordykb , in Dodge
[ ounty , aad a ie a d of $150 ia olfeted for
Ihi-lr recovery atd tha capture of the thieves.
The Crete Vidette assorted that Congru'S
man Laird once bo&slcd ho would make a rec
ord in congress or break a Ifg. Ho brolo n
Undtr the rtrsnt decision of the attorney-
? eiicrnl , ttmt CduniifH must paj- the c et of
maintaining thtir I'MUIIO in theasylum , Dnilge
; ounty fin-is herr > f If indebted to the state $11'- '
131.TA. Nearly euvy county in the state is
; roattd to a Blndlar surp ieo party.
i : gB are JO cents a dozen in Omaha , and
: o well ri'gulalrd hen can afford to be out
nid at that piicu.
"Thu beastly conduct t f the hocdlums In
, ho Cjlmnbua opu > n luiiiu is a dlrgrdcu to
: lvil < zed society , " nceordir g to the democrat.
Tlia Columbua Democrat advises Cleveland
Lo invite the author rf tto three ll's to open
[ he inauguration ccremoLies with prayer.
1 ha train wan moving slowly between No.
brapka City and lirowimlle , Conductor Lee
it the piiLch. The engine tooted the cattle
arm , iho spco i slackened up and the "man
From tha country" inquired the cause. L ° o
mid it waa a steer on the track. Two hours
later the ctigiuo whittled again and tbe coun
tryman ehouted , ' 'Hell , we've caupht upith
thatstoer again.1
The firemen of Fremont will give their
annual dance February 25.
A team of horses bolorglng to an old lady
living near Syracuse \voio stolen last week.
Ihey were the only ores she had otd the
main support rs herself and son.
A "hlocdy ehirt" idiot was among the pas-
lengeri on u 13. k M. , triln out of Flatts-
mouth the other day. Ho denounced tha ras-
ungcrH as traitors and relic sympatberr. It
was discovered thot he W.IH an oliico holder
whoso conimiieion would soon expire.
The neat app'araticn. compact and artistic
make-up and lively and gossipy c ntonta of
the Button Register are nowaccoun'ed ' for.
It U managed , edited , printed and delivered
by two enterpiising ladies , Mrs , Kvans nnd
her filter , Mlaa Mary \Villiams.
The ska ing rinks in Lincoln nro known In
legislative parlance an "thud IIOIUCH. "
Thirty-two rcsldonts of Humto'dtard vi
cinity ore ready to swear that they saw Veer
hte' in town on the day of the wreck of the
It. .V M" . train for wh'ch herm convicted and
K'litonced to the Kansas penitentiary for
ninfty-riiii" years. TIH | excii | ! iti' plcco of de
tective war cost the 11 & M a out S O.OOO.
There H much speculation in North Ne
braska towns HS to tlio route of the proposed
road , tlio northern branch of the Unn n 1'a-
ciBc , the charter for which passed the lower
fcousacf c ingress laHt week. The eastern
lerniiriu < of the road H Slnux City. Tim road
will run due wet and connect with the Union
Ticitic some whore in Wyoming. Frlemli of
the meaiiiru are confident it will pass the
I'mirlo tchnanera nro already railing inti
Ciutor county.
Mobrara hit cjit on Its hnnda and taken
another Blip on the United States land uliicc ,
which they claim tlieyill continue to hold.
In these days < f fat mails and prompt dc
livery , it only takes five daj'R to tret a letter
from I'Aplllion to llellvne , a diitanceof tun
milea , "as the crow flies , "
At ft cl'pth of ab'Hit > ixty-fivo feet. M r.
Daah IIIH found a ten inch vein of coal near
Iliibljull. Ho ihinka a guiHl p yin ( ? vein will
bo found nt a depth of from ( iuO to 'MO feet ,
and is rrady tn imt a dnih in the bowels of the
earth If bonemlunt citi/.ern will put up the
wherewith ,
A. handfioiiin now ! < chol buiidlrg is np
preaching complttifin m Springfield , S riv
It is nuiinrrd Hint th1) Albion line of the
O. N k . H II. I ! , l.i to extended to O'Xiil
in Holt county. Tliis will make anothir
through line between the U. I' , and Sioux
City madf.
Dunbar is to li va n Sl.'i.OOO II tiring mill , t
Nabra ka Citv lias firfl'l IU soap iniulcs out-
klda of tbe illy limits , Have no use tor It in
town ,
An irate fanner brcnme incenrrd at a portrr
u thu Hliprinaii liouee , Tecumaeh , nnd
reached for hit gun in order to lay tlio co'orrd
nan out , but that hlmn'lf in the hack of tha
load inHteud ,
Tbe new town of liurnhain , in Lincoln
Miinty , baa just b't'it Hunojeil , and is named
n honor of Land ( 'omrni > niouer liurnham , ol
.ha Union 1'iuiKc rnilvay , The town IB lo
cated twenty-two mlles west of North 1'lattt.
vBUiint Hu'arii'H ' I'm' I'Jajcm En 111
lo Consume tlto KecciptK ,
liojton ( jlohe ,
Theio it no money in base ball now
adays , " said ,1. K. Alien , ono of the di
rectors of the 1'rovldeuco club , a * the
recent bsse ball meeting in Now Vork
acfdrding to the Han. "Tlio time waH
when a man who put his money into a
club was rjiiite sure of earning out more
cr lews ahead , but that is past. When
the National league had ooLtrol cf all tbe
co.t jilsyers la tin ountrya few years
ago , and hid no oppohltiou , silaiies worn
loir , and a player who recclvca SI.5CO
for liis season's work did well. In 1881 ,
when thoAmcrloniinBPocii .
t.on was ori iii-
\ zciIn \ opposition to the les c , the
players ial riM a1 once organ to so tm ,
IM cne'i s.ilo tried to ru'bid the tVr.
\Vhtn ilia two er.nnlr.iTii informed whv.
is kiinTii as the national ajrcomui * . the
clubs re tuned their i > lttycn at ilia butuo
oil IT aio < hi iocs were thin
. „ in dilleruLt parts of the coun
try anil admitted timlor the protection cf
tliuiiitiuiil BKroouu'iit. ' Uli-B served to
tnnko good ball plnyow , cspcc ally pitch-
en , ecar.'o neil foiead cahrlcs up alill
higher , until nt the present time B first-
class pitcher will not look nt n malinger
for lets than S 1,500 for n ecnton. lliul-
bournc , of list year's I'fovldonco club ,
received the latest nmount of money
that has ovcv bci-n fa'A to a ba'l i > htor.
HH wonderful pitching , whlcli won the
clump'unahlp ' for the club , e t nbout
50,0(0 ( , ni ho did the work of two pitch
ers nd received the pay of two.
"Somoof ihoHiUricR whi h baio ball
players will R0t next sonaou nro : Grr-
hirdt , O'llourlie. Doailoy , Ewjnir nnd
Ward , of Iho Now York club , Sll.OOO
each. Jlullnno wmto h'avo plnyed with
the C/ncinnntielub / for § 4,000 Diulapluvs
n ojiitrnet with the nosv luagiio club of St.
Louis for St,400. ; Thoao nro only a law
of tha liif-hi r prices paid , while Iho num
ber of nun who got from ? 2 000 to $ ! 1,000
la Inrge. At these prices a olub with a
tram costinn only from § 15,000 to ? 20-
OOOlalocky ; but it Ins not much chance
ofvion IIR the chntnpuinabip. To thiB
oxp-ino must bonddcd the ground ftiit ,
the anlarios of gate koeptis , nnd Iho ex-
ponaca , which will bu nbout as much
"As a high-priced club , tin Now York
olub leads , while llo Metropolitans are
tioarly na expunstvo. The Incomn of
theao two e'ub Iratycar wnsiiosvly $1UO-
DOO , yot'ha Mttfqolitans lost money ,
nnd lha Ntw Ycrk club wjsonly a llttlo
nhaad. The first ycnr Iho Motrounlltnns
wcro in the Held thiir mlary list was
ligbl , as were their traveling rxpotisep ,
md nt the end of the neaaon they woio
jvor 550,000 hhoud. "
tiK an Hii'ijioiiirnt ,
"Yep , Auyustup , our imajcincct mutt
: e life kin. '
"uh , Ohnrlo'.to ' , do n tfoy sn. You
mow you said you would bo imno for
ito "
"Yrs , I knowbt.t ; that wai li-frro papa
ave me my dour lit.lo pug. " [ I'itttbnrg
Mr. Adolph Sutro will model the frto inib-
Ic library 1-n it lords to RVO | to San Prim-
tsco after UiC8o of Loip ic , (7ottiiiROii ( and
Icidelburp. Uo already hat od.COOohmi08
or it. and will probably IncfenKo the number
o 100.0CO. Ho will nlgq e-rect n llbuty build-
igof splendid propoitione.
1'or CoiiKlis jinil Tin-out
ever changed my mind roepec-'init them , ex-
nt I think better of that which I brKnn
liinklDc well of. " Jtci. Jlcnry Want Hccchcr.
old only In boxes.
We Move March 3d
Will Move March 3d , to
1513 DOUGLAS ST. ,
Commencing Monday , wo will Hell
'ictur.cs. Frames , Pianos & Organs ,
Plush Goods , Etc. , Etc. ,
s ef cost to reduce stock before rnov-
ig. Com and convince yourself. Kvery-
tnng ROCK ,
- -
Wo will miw soil
< s 1'rlcoa to icducu fctock lioloro
( aveu8acallanilBi\emuney.
The Fashion Cigar Paflor
a lu tinI' n'il if. Tltfjiii
in tht city.
3uANii CASH Gin1 OF 850(1 ( i.v Gou
I'tO'i I < ' nitn ) .SV. ,
3 Doors West from 15th Street.
Omaha National
1'roelJent. C hlo
Flro nnd Durglnr Proof Snfos.
For rent at ( rom t to 160 rwr innuta
aia Nortli im.h ritruet.
01 < 1 Kee Illve Stand.
Tlie prrsent Drojultitor wlnlieii U that
all phoiOKraplia ar made tatUlatlory Ularuivof
delftcrvd rrum thli akry. ! Thu olJ icar iio ot
retlrca and Mr. It. K. ( iray niucuisdn.
Dr , Amelia Llunouotis
617 Dodge St. , - Qmalia *