Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1885, Image 6

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iFriday Morning , Feb. 13
" " " ' " " " " " -
By"- - " - - " I0.oo-p.rycu
o. T Mart Btr rt , Hear Broadway. '
Royal Arcanum ball to-night.
Chief Sklnnor has boon getting his life
The Bavarian band wont to MUsourl
"Vftlloy l&st evening to play at a danco.
M yor Vaughan has made husband and
jrlfo of G. H. Adams and Mary Iloyt.
In the c'rault court yostonhy much of
the tltno was spanl In probito buaitum.
A new rottiurant will shortly bo opened
"by Jacobson & Nelson at VI I'oarl stroot.
St. Patrick's bonovolant society will
give Ihtir annual bill on .Si. Patrick's
The dark duolllata nrj to have n hear
ing bofora Jndgo Aylosworth to-morrow
The chief yostortUy ran In another of
the colored population , Jo Banks , for be
ing drank.
A team belonging to Bon Marks took
a ran yostordny , and smashed the buggy
A genuine and fatal case of trichina la
reported us occurring at Walnut , the
victim bolng a Gorman woman.
S. H. Filbert , brother of the grocer ,
.7. P. Filbert , was married last evening
to Mian Maggie B. Zolgler.
The funeral of Rev. Father McMon-
omy'a mother takes placa at Iho Catholic
church at 10 o'clok this morning.
[ Mrs. HubbarJ , wlfo of the well-known
Nonpareil scribe , has a very bciutlful bit
of crazy woric on exhibition at the
People's store.
Mrs. James MoNaughton has com
pleted crayon portraits of Mr. and Mrs.
C. B. Walto , which wore put on exhibi
tion at Bushnoll's yesterday.
The cases of the two young men
arrested for burglarizing Cooper it Mc-
Geo's atoro have boon continued until
to-morrow , a partial hearing hiving been
OluTcrd's dramatic company appear at
the opera housa tonight in "Tho Planters
"Wife. " To-morrow sftornoon in "Tho
Galley Slave , " and to-morrow night In
"Davy Crockott. "
One of the evening pnpois is trying to
got some advertising by threatening to
bring a libel euit against itself , if it can
not got anybody .else to cue.- Noth
ing like onterprisD.
The docket for the Avosa term of cour
is filling up rapidly. Forty cases have
already boon placed upon It , enough to
fill up all the time , one week , which i
assigned to holding court at Avoca.
The savouth annual meeting of the
Potlntrattainio county Farmers' Mutua
Tire Insurance Company is called for the
court houeo on the ISth iasl. , to elect of
ficera and trans.ict other Important busl
II. H. Field , the ex-chief of police
and W. C Eitop , wko has been conncctoi
with Scofiold & Cofvln , hiwo entered int
partnership In the undertaking busines
and will occupy J. 5 , Auirorda ( b Co. *
old store , No. 317 Broadway.
Mrs. Vallralh , At whoso house Halj !
Lewis wai boarding In Des Molncs , sue
who was to impartant a witncci in hi
behalf , is now thinking of moving to thl
city and opening a boarding house here
with the help of her two daughters. Sh
is now running the Hutton houseat SI
From all account ) there must bav
been a lively row In an upper Bro.-.dn
: Hiloon about 2 o'clock yoatordnymcrning
Bottles were thrown , and fuultur
amashed , according to roporti , but th
police know nothing about it , and no ar
zests were made.
One f the Indupenalbl ] articles fo
the traveler through lo ra is the pooke
a-illway guide of the Ute , publlihed b
"Nelson Brother ? , of Cedar Kaplda , whlo
contains eve rypDteiblo detail of necde
information in convenient form for a are :
cnco , and all for a quarter. The Fobri
number ia juat out.
In Council BlulTi * laat weak wo Ban
upon the streets a woman , once au PS
pedal favorite of Atlantic's show goin
l > ; oplo ; and 111 the leer < d at ua ai eh
passed ua in company with a broke
* poit , It ojourrod to in that If the "bon
tou& " of Atlantio who only last wluto
opened the dpors of their homes t j , an
feted and lioniz- l her , coald s-u her
they would bluah that tit 9 had over dl
them the honor of "taking tea" wit
them. Atlantio Democrat.
Hon. W. D. Wearar , of Wyoming
came In on the D. l\ train thla morn
ing on hla wiy to N. 0 , with ten othe :
from that section. Mr. Weaver report
ihe cattle in \ '
\Vyomiug as in bit'cr con
ditlon this winter than iiey have eve
lioen before thla late in the reason , II
siya they h vo not as yet had any sever
atorm , and that the winter-has been mild
Mr. Weaver was a mcmbfrof Uio legla
lataro from Carbon county , and js th
foreman of A , M. .Jackson & 0 % II
tayi their crops lava not emouatod to
anything so fan
Sir. John S ork and Mi a Alice Boo It
wew yeeterday uaitcd In m rn j j , the
cer > raony tnk'njf place at the residence
r.flie bride's parent * , corner of Waili'ng. '
* oija 6uu' ' j nd So > tt street , ani Rev.
Midny ptlijUtlng. Mr. St ft U
no of the popii'ar employes of Stewart
roa. , and Mlaa Booth has boon cathler
I the people's atoro. The young folks
vo many friends here , and the host of
oed wished arc theirs. They ttartod on
tr p to Chicago , expecting from there
o go to his ho no in Li Feyetto , Ind. ,
nd oftor an absence of two weeks they
toy will return to make this city their
It Is understood that there will bo dtf-
cnlty between the county and city in
egard to the payment of the bills caused
y the Into small poc cases. The city's
oatd of health understands that by the
aw it baa power tj card for thoto cases ,
nd certify the bills up to the onnty
oard , and the county mint pay thorn ,
ho county board has laid these bills
vor till the April meeting. The nurses
ml guards , who need their money now ,
re sorely diatres-cd at the delay , and
ho city has concluded to advance the
money to them , and collect It back from
ic county. It is understood that Col.
Ulny , the county attorney , fa propar *
og a report against the allowance of
: ioso bill i by the county. In c.-uo such
report 1 made and concurred in , there
ill bo inora fun ahead. The city will
ithcr have to boar the whole expense erne
no the county.
Before yon buy a hnrncsj call on Beckman -
man & Co. , 525 Main street.
Chas. W. Kussull , of tllenwoocl , was in the
ity yesterday.
Jack Smith took List night's Wabash train
, > r Now Orleans.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. .T. Bliss left yesterday
\cr the Wnbnsh for Now Orleans
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I'nwcott , on 1'iorco
troet , have a nice , now little maiden at their
omo ,
T. J. K\nna is prepuing to lonvo next
week for California , oxpectiug'.to be absent six
John Heicough , of Pacific Junction , was in
lie city yesterday , and left over the Wnb.vsh
or Now Oilcans.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Uo Con and J. A. Da
3ou and wife , of Woodbine , left yesterday
\ortbo Wabash for the sunny south and the
N'ow Orleans exposition.
Ben T/eeser , who is in the employ of Spot
nan & Brother , wai taken Monday with brain
ever , and is ( very ill , UN brother Henry
rom Carroll City ia attending him. |
Miss Lou 15. Neal , of Jancsullo , WK , who
ias been vikiting friends here and at Fremont ,
. , left lent even > DR for the cast , intending
o visit friends in Atkinson , Ills. , and in Chicago
cage before returning home.
A fine organ , half price , at Board's
wall paper ttoro , next to postofice.
Tlio Oonii ua , Klect ion.
The mayor ha ) Issued bis proclamation
irovlding for the city election , which is
o bo held Monday , March 2. There
are to be chosen at the election one al
derman at largo In place of Alderman
McMahou , ono alderman < for the Third
ward in place of Alderman Keating , and
one alderman for the Fourth ward In
place of Alderman Jones.
Thcro are also to bo elected three p k
commissioner * , who are to servo without
pay. They are to serve for three , four
and iivo years , respectively , and theii
successors are to bo elected lor the ful
term of five ytarj.
There Is also to bo submitted to the
voters the question whether the counci
shall levy a tax of not more than one
mill for the pnrpoao o improving the
The polls will open at 1) ) o'olock a. m.
and close at 0 o'clock p. m.
The voting places' decided upon nro n
follows :
Fliot ward , 3C8 Eaet Broadway , a
"Western house. "
Second ward at the " "
, "city building"on
Bryant street.
Third ward , Woathorby & Bennett'
livery ttiblo oflicn. Kifili sticet.
Fourth ward , 35 Pearl otreet , at Glen
son's coal ollico.
The people will now have a chance to
make some charges at least In the make
up of the couiuil. It matters less jus
miw whether democrats or republican
are elected than whether good men o
bad men are chosen. The .people . shcnlc
unite iuan efltrt to put three first elm
men Into the council men who will loci
sharply after the city's interests nun o ;
wisdom and integrity. They should be
olei tad without luviug to lid under anj
obligations to the bummer element or ta
"tho gang. " It la fr oaeior an i bolter
to chooeo good men at the polls than to
choose bad men , and then spend the roj
of the year ' 'kicking" about them.
The parks of iho city are lmf.otint
and trie people should tieit them s )
Council Bluffs cm , by the expenditure
of a small sum aniiinlly , not only add to
the health and enjoyment of Its citizens
but can gain a mtionul reputation for thi
beauty ot itsjurki. Fatrmount paik ij
doubtlesi the moat beautiful natural park
to he found m auy city in this country
and with some improvements can b
made an object of Interest to all travel
Un. Council Blaffc is richly favored ia
th s respect , and it should appreciate its
The park commissioners halng callei
on to serve without salary leaves thi
whole levy tog ) int ) Improvements am
the mutter ii removed ent'roly ' from poli
tics Loading rtapomiblo , cntarprieirf ,
cit icjcs ahnll bo chosen aa commlsiloncra
Beckman tt Co. , 525 Mnln slreot , wil
wath and oil your harness cheap now.
A. Banker Hi IdinlK ) .
Since the auspension of the West Side
bink , Mi , Miller , the banker has been
rus'icsttag ' at Colfax Spring ] . An invee
tigut on of the affairs of the institution
seem to Indicate that the collapao wi :
evidently anticipated and that Mr. Miller
ia left in better ficancial circumstances
thin tbo [ majority of his depositors , 1 Re
turned trim the springs , suit for the em
bezzlemont of of intarent money on notes
wis brjuiht ? agatnat him by Antonio
Bros , , of Asniiwall , JiuMco O'SIilley
held Miller in theaum of $500 ball , which
was furuiihed by friends. Tha end ia
n'jt yet , and parties who chim to havn
be n swindled may make it very inter-
eiti. v for the doct ir. If the current ru-
ruora respecting Millur'd banking inBthoda
are seusoned with truth ho ii onti'lod ' tone
no clemency. Stinford County Bulletin.
Seal cf Forth Carolina Smoking tobac.
c ? Ii the beef.
\Vhni it DctiKic-i-nllo Ertltor Has
Say Aliout AthcrtNInK Dem
; OniulUlnH- .
0. F. Chase , of the Ciss County Dom
crit , sharpens his pencil afresh thla
week , to touch np the methods adopted
> y aomo of his fellow-democrats of Coun-
11 Blull'i. The paragraph in TUB BEE
ioncornlng the omission of " , " serves
is the text for the following editorial :
Recently a very oulogittis notica of a
democratic district politician , who lives
n the city beside the Big Muddy , was
printed In the Burlington Gazette , and
iftorwards copied in n number ot' the
jotter dais of papers in the ttito , but
vlthout comment. A prominent nowa-
lapcr printed In the city where Ihoa the
[ entl oman so profusely eulogized , in uo-
iclng the arttclo said that otio thing had
loen forgotten , that the criginil pub-
lahcr had failed to mark it "d. 1 1 , ' '
which In nowtpapor parlance meant ,
ly , 1 time , nnd Indicates that the no-
leu is of the "paid" spocias.
Come to th'nk ' of It , are there not too
many of the "d. 1. t. ' notices published
aud the mark forgotten ? Js not the over
worked and poorly paid editor far too
> rene to "bubble'1 tea profusely when
emptcd with a S10 bill , and to "shoot"
o high as to "scatter , " at the light of
$100. Local politicians , ward workers ,
hug loaders , men unfitted for and un-
.hought of In connection with high and
: oaorabla position , occasionally break
upDn the startled and wondering readers
ii some wotthy and trusted nawspanor ,
is entirely fitted for positions
, o which none but the best and
ho ablest should bo called. Little
olloffs , nho have ealnod a limited and
confined notoriety by "standing in"
vlth the controlling element , and being
elected mayor a couple of times , Bra her-
.Ided to the state by somp paper neg-
ecting to put on the distinguishing "d.
. t. , " as "resembling in physique and
nontal capacity the late Alexander H.
Stephens1 and the daily readers of news-
tapers wonder who they nro while they
ead that "their ptesonco in the cabinet
would prove a tower cf ttrongth. "
The danger in the omisslou of the
distinguishing mat k , lies in the scattering
.hronghont . the country thote pnrchatod
infTa. The fellows flattered at the ox-
lonse of their own dollars pay for nnd
llstrlbute , whore they will do the most
good , hundreds of "extras , " properly
marked. Thcao notices fall in the hands
of men personally unacquainted with the
eulogized distributor , and they are as
iablo to believe that all the good things
said of thorn ara as trtic as the unsought
and unbous ht notices dcsorvingly con
ributed to really worthy and represen
tative men.
Justice to , and the proper treatment
of , the real statesmen cf the democratic
party in Iowa , demand that such notices
is wo have referred to , should cot bo
pnbllehed without being marked , and
iinloss they are marked the nowapapcrs
in which they find birth will lose a largo
portion u ! the confidence usually placed
in nowspapora by their readers ,
"In mental cspaclty resembling the
late Alexander H. Stephens ! " Shades
cf the truly great departed ! Forgive
At 320 Broadway. A. Hospo's Art ant
Music store will on Saturday , February
14 , give to each boy or girl who appparj
in person a present and a picture ) card
Docj't forgot the Art and Music store
# 5 > JRrwt flinty.
DchCrtodVlfc In Search of Ho
Seeks Help JJcro.
There wan yesterday at the transfer
very respectable appearing woman , whoe
story was a aad one and whoao condition
eccitoct pity. She gwo her nnrao as Ma
loncy , and vfat accompanied by thrc
children , i\\o \ oldest a girl of seven , am
the youngest a baby of iivo months , Th
baby was sick with the croup , and th
woman had not oven money enough t
eot ; any medicine. She e.'ikl that her horn
was in IVlinndapolis ami times bsiu
r.Uhor dull , her husband , who was a mo
clnnio , started away to find work. Sb
had hcatil nothing from him for thrc
weeks or more , nnd had ttirlci to f < How
him up. Sbo had ran out of money , tine
was dhcpuragad aa well aa helpless. Sh
was anxious to get aomo way of goltlnf
hack to Minneapolis , and the mayor nm
Deputy Murjhal Bates patting lntercjte (
in her cato started a subjcriptlon to rals
money to keep her out of din tress.
Captain SccIpjV , Tjecturo.
Abe Lincoln Poet , G. A. R. , has on
giged the celebrated soldier and orator
Captain IT. B. Soelf y , lo lecture for th
bouofit of their raliof fund , at Mnsonl
temple. Tuesday evening , February 2-1
The subject of the lecture will bo "Th
Battle of Gettyabttrg and Southern Piia
on Life. "
Thu captain is a gentleman uf fine gen
end appearance , n graceful , easy and i-lo
qucnt epeoker. Ills deecnpliiia of ind
dents of thu great battle of Gottysburi
and prison life are maiveU In word paint
ing and have cillod oat utiquilifiei
pratao uf the pr < jsa aua paoplo wherever
ho has apokpn
Wo hope the citizens of Council Blairs
and viclnty will t-lvp the locturcr a ful
house on this occasion , especially as tbo
proceeds are to bo appMud to the relief o
the destitute soldiers and their families
T ckots of admission will bo placed nn
Bulo at the usual places and by commit
teen ; ik 50 cents , Seats reserved tnthou
extra charge.
Wheat No. 1 mlllinff , 65 ; No. 2 , CO
Nr. 8 , tO.
Corn Now , 25e.
Data For local purposes , 23c ,
IUy-S5 00@6C3 per too ; baled , 60 ® CO ,
Kyt 35o.
Corn Meal 1 SO per 100 pounda ,
Wood Good supply ; prlcea at yarda , 6 00 ( ?
Coal Delivered , hard , J ) 50 par ton ) eof
i f 0 per ton
Lnrd Falrbank'a , wholesaling at 9 c.
Flour-Olty flour , 1 60@B 00.
Brooms 2 05@3 00 per dor ,
Cuttle Batcher cows 3 25@3 75. Butehw
tnora , 3 76r < 4 00.
Sheep 2 f30@3 00.
Uogs 4 004 K ,
ruonccB AND fEOiTB.
Poultry Live chickens , ( per doz. SOOj'dresB
od chickens , So ; dreasod turkeyt , lOc ; dress
ed ducka , PC ; dreaaod ROOSC. 8 : .
Butter Oreameiy , li5@2Sj ; choice country
27 per dozeo.
VegeUblea Potatoea , 50 Co per bnaheli
onions , OOo per bu ; opplea , choice cooking or
eatmp , 3 flO ; boani , 1 OOfoil M per bushel ,
Cld8r-32 gillou bbl. , ? G.M.
OranRos i 0 1 per \wx. \
-i JOS5 CO par bsx
rOR the purpose of reducing stock and
"making way for spring urcliases , we
shall , January Bill , offer our entire stock
of Dry Goods , Carpets , Cloaks , Curtains.
Etc. , fo he Isold without regard to cos }
This stock comprises a Fine tine o1
choice Dress Goods , Silks , Flannels ,
Ginghams , Prints , Etc. A * choice stock
Newmarkets Brocade elvet anil-
Seal Plush Cloaks.
Ladies' and Childrens' White and Scar
let Underwear and Hosiery , Lace , Lace
Ties , Fichue and Embroideries ; also a
lot of homemade Comforts Blankets ,
and Table Linen ,
Our Carpet stock is comnleto and
offers sepcial Inducements for select
ion from choice variety of patterns. It
includes Exminster , onuettes , Bodv
Brussels. Tapesiry Brussels. Three Ply
Ingrains Hemp , Hattan Matting , Napier
Matting , Etc , , Etc
Fine Lace Curtains , Tambour , Turco
man , Curtain Goods and Curtain Shades
elegant in beauty of desten ,
gios Jaouaif 6th
Customers "will secure
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria ,
last flvoveara there has not beanaie.ith ( rom diphtheria In any cue where Dr. Thomas
. .
JcftcrU' preventive tnd euro wai used. Ithas boon the mc.iuH ot saving thousands of ll\cs. IndU
penslblein putildsorotbr atIn millsnantscurle'fcrer , cliancinit it lu 4Sn urs to iho simple form. Foi
ealo only at the doctors aftlco , No 23 douth Eighth street , Council muffs , Io , Semi for it ; prlca J2
Djspcptlc , why ll\e In misery and ale In despilr with oincir of the btiiuncn ? Dr Thomaa Jcllrrh curer
cveryouoof Imil cstloii arid coiBtlint'.on In a very shorb . time. Boit of rcfjicncesi given. Dispepssla '
the ciusa tf all of ninttv per cent diseased conditions.
Wholcsa'o and Retail Dcilcra In
Hard Soft any Blossburg
CO _ _ .3L _ . i 1 i H -
W. H. SIBLBY , Manager.
Ollico , 38 Main St. Yard , on C. R. I. & P. and C.
if & St. 1' . UailH ay.
Corn Meal ,
Graham Hour ,
Ground Fresh Every Day !
Ground Feed Always on Hand.
Mill , corner of North Sixth and Mill Streets ,
Schmitt & Harb
H o removoJ ( rom under the Optra llJuwj to
They will continue their CIOAK AND TOBACCO
builnes , and ln > He all their old friends and the pub :
tic to call and ice them. Thu Bntst cigars to j ; :
All the Latest Improved
All Work First Class.
Orders by Mail Solicited
Express Paid on all Or
ders over $2.50.
Collars and Cuffs
Specialty ,
Established 1882.
H. E. REMER , Manager
Jll Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA.
No. 507 Broadway Council Bluffi.
Railway Time Table ,
Corrected to Januuv 7,1BS5.
The fo lowing are tha times of the arrival and At
pirtmr 11 trains by central atandard time , at the
local dipcta. Trains leave transfer depot ten mln
atei e illt r and arrive ten minutes later ,
onioioo , Bnauaaroa IKB QDUOT.
LliTJ. 1 IVB.
S:5t : r m Chicago Express B:00am :
BUO s m Fast Mall. 7:00 : p H'
ISJO ; p m Accommodation. JlOO p m
At local depot only , 10 * IBB ootwoji ncm.
10.05 a m Mall nd Kiprcu ! , 6 25 p m
815pm ; Padfla Kipresn , 6:65 : pm
iS5 : r m Etprew , 0:06 : a ra
8:26 : > m Eiprees , CM f m
J:26 : p m Atlantio Etprees , 0:05 : a m
SS5 ; a m Day Kipresa BM : p m
70am ; 'IHsUolnesAcoomiaodatlOD , 8:16 : p m
At local depot only ,
WiliSlI , BT , LOUIS AND MCint.
ClOpm Accommodatoa 9'00am
: 0 p m Louis Kijireo 8i5 : p m
l(0pm : ChltARO Kspress 10:56 : a m
A I Trintferonly
0310100 and KOBTUWuTiur ,
t:60 : r ra Kiproti , Bto : p m
9i ; im Paclflo Express 0:05 : a m
uoox cm I D rAcine ,
lid p m 81. I'aul Express , 0:00 : t m
\10 > m Day Express 7:00 : p to
CT.IO.X finno.
8:00 : p m Western Exr-toM , B:80 : a m
1:00 : a m I'adfio Expresa , i : < o p m
SHO a n Unooln Exprees , 1:15 : p m
AtTran f ronlr
nVMUt TIIAI'.ii TO ( lllAMi
Lea\e-7:20-8.30 : t TO 10.W-I140 a. m. l.SO
:30-80 4 ay 8SO-oSO : 11 : 6 n. m bundaji
:20 8.30-11.40 a in 1:303.31t:30 : : B.SO- j
l:16p. : m. Antte 10 inlnutej bclotolcirlof time. ,
'from trtus'cr only. ,
Merchant Tailors !
7 and 0 Main St. ,
COUNCIL lii.rrrs , - - - IOWA.
A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From ,
Keep Horses aud Mules constantly on hand whlo
wo will soil In retail or carload lots.
All Stock Warranted as Renresented.
\M clunk M.dttlill dc m Ii cirnln cd Utlid lUy. l'rlc i
Satlttaction Oumntcotl.
? . < Sc
Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. UouucllBlulTs.
Winter Ooods Heady. Suits Made to Order in Latest Style
en Short Notice mid at RuasonRbl * Prices.
200 Main Street , > . . . Council Blafla ,
Drs. Judd & Smith's New Improved Electric Belt.
IT I OSHlVtLY CUIIE8Kl.lney . and Liver Complaint , might1 * Dlseav Ithcii-natlsm , NotiraleU
njsporela . , Nenoiiitcxii . ' W 8tlnR . Wcaknee" , I'arMyth. Siilinl AH-ctloin , , Imllgo'stlon . . . . . . . _ , Heart . . . . . . . I . ) | . . OMI . . . . , , Plto
IlvadachLaine ) llaflf. , Co'd Vr > * lt. . atld nil illsoaBoa roiiulrlng InorcojoJ motUu powers. Now luiprutca o
f3and 6old ; etjloi inch.
Brick builrlinRs of nny sl n rai oil or moved nnd Knlhtaction gunranteod. Fraiuo houses. ,
moved on LITTLE GIANT trucks , thu best til the world.
W. 1' . AYLSWOUTir.
1010 Jsinth Street , Council UIufTs.
NOTICE. Special k rertlsomonta , > uo at Lost ,
found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wnnta , Board-
Inff , etc. , will bo Inserted In thla column at tbo low
rate o ! TEN CENTS PER LINE ( or tha Diet Insertion
ind FIVE CENTS PER LINE ( or eaob eubaequent n-
ortlon. Leave advertisements t oar office , No.
Pearl Street , near Broadway
I10II HUNT-Two rooms at No. fiSO First avenue
' Ground floor , lioulloj , ' ou park.
F'OIl S LE A rarccliaii'otoKct ' flnc , ncll 1m-
prov cd farm ot 400 ac > c , w ithln a f nw niilca ct
Council BluBs , at a bargain. Lnw pilcc anil easy
terms. C.UAS & WAI.KKR
] TVK SALE A good pajlru hotel property with
llvoiy ft.ililc In onu ot the heat small towns In
western Iowa will \\ithor\\ithciitliUDlturc , or
nill tiada for a email ( arm ulth ftnck itc.
faw.xs & WAI Km.
FOR 84LE Klghty acres U"lipro\cd ! land in
Unoncountvt ! Iowa. 3J in lei eouthcasto ( A-
tnn , the o lliitj Ecat , cr v.111 trni'o ' for XebraBka or
Kansas land. SUASYAI.KVU ,
J/Oll SALE A Z aero tract of tool hnd about
1 one and a halt u lies Irom Cnuncil liiifi- pout
nlflco. nt a bargain. SH IN & WALhhit ,
J/Oll SALE In Harrisonoiunt.v , Inwn. 320 acres
' uraas land , nil undir ( encu a ! 0 > a ru farm
with line linpioretncin' all under cull hall nc\-c | t
10 acres crast 81 ncrta gciotl gnns or pauturo land ,
a'ld Revcril other tracts c ( ( roui 40 to 160 ncrttt of
unimproved land. SW\N .V W
* : ) - ( rood city proper IK
In ( "ou oil BhiflKi" improMil ( aim , my brick
livery etabluand entire s net or the stock only und
lease ot ttab'c ' tor fiu-.U'.vsor mom. UM a ln | .
russ o ( ovcrSS.OCOIn 18 4wthclKht ! llvcrv horses.
W. L. Patton. 23 N. llaln street , Council
IpOH S1LE Lands Improved aad unimproved.
1 H you want a ( arm In v\oitern loua , Kansas
Nubraaka or Dakota , let ua to tr ( rom \ ou.
FOR SM.B Special bargain. A largo two story
( ran o dwtlhne , ton r onuIth all modern Im
provcmints vvcll located a-ul almost new. IMce
(5jU ; jl(00 cash balance louf ' , tiiro
WANTH ) To correspond with any iion-renldcnt
owner ol property In Council Illullt or t'otta-
nattimo county , or any DIM wUliIng tt buyer
or sell piopoitv In wt8tcriilo\vaKnnsi8orNibra.tka.
011 SA1 E Alartro Dumber o ( business and rest-
dcnce lota In all pans of Uiimcil IllulN. See
tu before jou buy , twAN & WALKKII.
IOH KENT Wo h'\o ue\eral housfa on our list
lor rent , vacant now , SWAN ii WALKKR.
17011 8LK l'artl < M lsliiiit9 ) buy chcnp lotl to
P build oacaubuy en iLOinlily payment * o'frum '
$21 } $10. bus & WALKKK
JJlOrlKKNr We will rent you n lot to bu 1J on
I1 with the jirlillagotobuylf jnu l h on my
llbeial tcrnr. EWA.V & WALKER
T17"ANTED To cirrefpond with ny ono wlshmsa
Tf Rncd location I r ilannliiK m'H. cash , iloar
and b mil manufactory , uo liruo liulldlnit and
matliincr ) , well locateil , for ealu. Icaan or ttalc ;
FOH KKNT Iiar o twottorv ( ramo liiillilInK Biilt
aUo for warehouse or Btoravo purtioeoa , ncir
rallroul depot. bnN \V/iiiiu
KKNr < JK HM-r , ou.j : ( ( uin !
fii'tallo tor sn.all ( oundiy and machine lioi. ]
( Jooil boiler , eoidnc , cup da , b'owtr wltli l
lug cto. , itady to put lu inotloa
I7MJl ) SALE bhculiiK , OfluiUrs , tabled dak * , Ran
J' Hxturos etc. Eniilroot | II. t. Siainan , Jiajitr ,
Ijookn anil bUtioncn , Mlllroailway ,
J TXJU WALh IwchoiHen tinulu bufjtj. and llIit )
uliiKlo imrntbu. U , H , lioUitnoii tUI llrnail. ay.
.j'OK HAM-1 lloUBes. Lots and Land. A. J ,
J1 ' tc'pl c'i ' > on , toil hirst nviinic.
J.iOll SALE A top-buKKy , drat1 1 B * male mid
1 in ex ellent ixinditliiii Or will lr ile lor chcjp
of. Mittor j\U lleodlke , < onncll lllu78. _
GOAL. AND K'OOU OtoiKO Huatoii , 0/8 "iTro.Tf
way. eclls coal tnd wood at renaonaklo prlcoa
t08 \ 2.000 Iba. ( or a ton , and 1 28 cubic ( or a corJ ,
1'ry him. _
WANTKO Every bouyiu Council llluflu o ttkb
Tuillii. Dollvored by carrier at only Iwtnty
xnts week.
O Id ) I'AI'KKS-for sale at Un offloe , at SI cents
a hundred
JTA.COS SflffS ,
Sltorney - at-Law ,
Office , Main 8tr t , Iloom 8 , Rhiigart and Ileuo
lock. Will practice In U ate and i'udtial courts.
Bee of tie Peace.
ornoE OV/.H AJIKHIOIW upnrss 1
1II 0
Deb , Coal I Wood
33 a. irorjoas
0. iddrtsj , Ixjck Bon 1)89 ) , Council UluffD.J
irs , HJ , Hilton. ! ! D , ,
Drotiwuy , CounoU Bluflt.
Deputy SlicriU and
OfHco w ith N. Scliurz , Justice ol the Peace , Cruu >
BlufTe , Inwa.
TDOI. ornciEi \r , n. u. rcii
Ocuncll EIutTa , In
Established 185
Deatcri In Foreign and Domeitla Eiob ng t
Horn * Stcurltlii.
Eiee M. B.
or nther t&mon reraored FJ * * . * } ! .
! j kul/e or drawing cf blood. . <
CHRONIC DISEASES * * * * * * * <
Over thirty ycira pr ctlc l eip rl ao Qac
C , I'c rl atropt. Council Clufli.
/JTConiulta/lon frc .
Dr , W. E. Shorraden
Council Blade loin
Council Bluffs
and Chicago.
The only line 10 take ( or I ) s llolnon , urslmll.
tojfiiCcfar Kaplds , Clinton , DUlo , Chicago , 1111-
waukrc anil all poliila m t. To the people o ( No
Malta , Col'irodo , Wjoinli K , Uiah Idabo , Noiad * .
Oregon , WaBbliiKton and Ciillornli It nlleru superior
ad\ai tagts riot [ lusflblo by auy other line ,
Ainont ; a few of ibu niiu.crcjiH . 'di t of pitpcrlor-
Ity or jo ed by thu patrons ol thla roul botwecn'
inahu nnd Chicago , aru Ua tw 'tralua a day ol DAY
COAOHKHihlch nro ( homiest that human alt anil
luKcnulty an rrcato ; Its I'AliAC'i ; SLUKI'lNd CAI13
which ro incilolitif comfort and elegance ; IU I'AIl
LOK JMlAWiMj UOOSI i AllH , unsiirt'aKU'd ' by any
and its wlilely rolebratal 1' I\TII , DIMNOUAIUJ
tneiqual of will'h r.iiinot bo ( ourd clmwhcru.
At Council Illuflu ihe IraliiH ol the Union 1'iclflo
ItJ. contirct In Union lh.o | with thodo of tbo Chlca
KO&Ncntlmost rn HIn Clipaii | the trains ol thlii
lit make close oouncctloii with these of all eastern
For Detroit , Columbufl , Indlanopo'ls , rnclnnatl. |
Nl. ara fnUi , liiiltaln , I ilt burh' , Inrnnto , Hjntrfal
Hcut' ' n , Niw York , l'illadclihla ) | , Ilalilmno , Wajli.
nitonaid { all polnti In the Kant , ask tbo ticket
agent lor tickets \la the
W'llT'I WIISfKHK , '
I ( you wl n the Iwt accomiiiodatloM ' All ticket
aienta ; veil ilskets via this line.
OcncralMaiianer. Oo * . Vuu. Acuit.
r M
LtllULII , * . liiloiiKl , | iropona )
IHDCCKSSOIW ftM > M M < t Carpentot
ul oil unrein Bhopi ,
on and nt , 0 ncda ,
b Ntb . win bo re.
briury Il.lm
" ' " " ' ln ° "
( ) "llo ii-Ject any r. ]
r Puil fui tliu bcvt In *
l/of I line ri'iulrcil fcr
lNT Prr val ol o-ritract ,
. . „ , . * a Artin l thMk unou
ohn Uockatra 8 r O y , r > > < ' tolljuonlct
* f t Unit flit ) rs
8 , T ntb Street " Prupojil , , ! . ) ,
J I'axt-ii Homo.
" > 'rld y ,
. T jraiu.ict'uw
U. a. ludUn Ar J