WASHIMGTOM HEWS , The Steamer ' "Alert" D lie Mnraii tithe 5ntish Qovernmfnt With the Thanks of Uuola Sam , Signs of a Storm Brewing in ths Democratic 'Tho South Want Most of the Cab inet Offices , 'The Senate Trying to Oheokmatc the Land Grabbers. Dlr. Hort'H ItcnmrltH I'mssn o of ( lie Army Approjirltitlon IJill In tlio Bonfttc. HENATB. WASHISOTOS , February VJ. The chair laid ticforo the senate the liousn concurrent reio- lutlon proNidlnR for the joint committee frou the house and tunato to notify Cleviland and Hendricks of their election. On motion of Garland it wax rcferied to tha committco on privilege ! of elections. The Hcnttc parsed the joint resolution authorizing the president to return to the govornmciit of Great Britain thy i learner Alert with thu thanks of tha United States. The resolution i ffered yotcrday by IngAlla and Hoar ivlatiiifj to the electoral count were on motion of Hour referred to tha ujminittce on priviJrga of the elections , The resolution offered by Sherman author izing the president of the senile to Appoint n committee of throe to maVii the ntscatsary arrangement ) ) for the inauguration of president elect. Agreed to. Van Wyck intiuirod of the ch.vr why the 1)111 to forfalt the Texan I'ncifio land erant had loon illspUoid from its position nt the head of the epeml order. Kdmunis ( In the chair ) said Ilia hill had h'on placed before the eunrito as a npecial order , and the f enito by n vote refused to consider It nnd proceeded to consider another bill. Tlit rofueal sent the bill back to the Reneral calendar. Van Wyek ailcod the ununitnoui consent that the bill bv restored to its place among the sped il order * . Hiu reqiH'it was acceded to and the Mil was restored to its place among tha sna-.ial orders. The hill repealing thopro-emption and tim ber culture Iaw8 was taken up. Vest read a letter from agantlcman ro > riding in Michigan , whoto re.spectabllity hat been vouched for by the senator from that stato. Tha letter itatod that the amendment of fered by Senator Palmer , apparently for the benefit of bona lidn purcht craof public lands wa- not in reality in their interest , but in the interest of a few per/tons / who , through col lusion with government land agents , had beer enabled to buy Rr at tracts of public lands at Dmatu ealo , contrary to law , thus Rbttinir foi $1 15 ! an aero lands worth $23 nr $10) an acre , With the letter were newspaper clippings itatlngthat liarnhait , Hill nd 1'rwman o ! Grand ISapid * . ( Jisu and McKinney of Mar iiuetto , nud otliers now in Washington , owned lOO.OOu acres of those Unds. Vest lelt warranted in declaring that there hod been stupendous speculation in pnblii lands on the part of the. men who hoped tr come in and poiu as "innocent purchasers. ' Palmer laid no doubt speculators and lum bermen had invested inland ? , .but.tlui men he would help went poor farmers , who had pill their a weat ; and toil into their lands. The amendment of Palmer now pendinz to too bill would confirm and declaio valid the latter latida withdrawn from sale bj reason of railroad grants , or where landa had been reduced In price to $ L 25 pec acre , anil purchiHed in good fallh , without the land : having been otfered at publia auction. Conger said tbu mission would relieve their nanU of poor men , and if in doing that i helped afno a few rich men , he would not 01 that account vote against it. Palmer's amendment agreed ta yeas , U3 naye , 12 ? . Morgan offered on amendment provicllm lor the settlement of alUuiticstinna of , 'conflipt ' Ing claims by the department of r the interior and giving bonafide settlers under the home ateiti and preemption laws preference eve previous entries made at $1.25 an acre Mar gan said be did not like the aspect of the bit tn the ( senate. It looked to him too much a if some private enterprise 'was being cirie < forward , Pending the debate , Van Wyek hubmittei the joint resolution making it unlawful fo railroad companies to attempt to trade in an ; portion of the Und grant while the bill fo forfeiture of the mine 1.1 pending in congros or before n patent shall havu baei issued , making the person violating I ubject to a fine not exceeding $1000 , or im Vrisonment not exceeding one year. Koferrec to the committee on public lands. The army appropriation bill was thet The consideration of the bill for Ilia ropqa of thd pce-ciiipuun and timber culture law. ivas reaunicd , Morgpn expiesHi'dsurprUo at the oppasitior of the Honiitorii from Michigan , llosaidi had becniue obvious that the object and in tent uf the bill was to confirm men who Imt not acquired land by proper means. Cjngdr declared that such an insertion wai unworthy of the senator from Alabama ( Mur gun ) and of the senate. A moJ.IU-ition ; of Morgan's a-nondmon offered by Harriaon was accaptid by Morgni providing that the United Stutos court Htioiild Imvo also jurisdiction of contllctin ylaim * . Morgan's amendment was then n reed to Yens , 2i , nays , 1 1. An amendment offered by Sherman wa ngn-ed &to , providing thut pnblii ) land ? no beretufprooUered at public Rale , nhall bo soli at | iuhlia sale , or be subject to private tdo ; ex cepc military rcsorvatiuns and mineral lands The bill then pissed yeti 20 , nays 20 , I'M imiuds voting with the ddinacrtU against the bill and iirowu with the republicana for it. The chair laid before the ncnato the PAclfi 1 mil giant bill. lilair attempted to bring ill * tha anti-far tfn contract labor bill , but on learning thl ould displace the torfeiture bill , Van \Vyol declined to yield , Kxecutivo teaiion adjourned. 1IOXJHK , U'.vHlilNOTOS , I'fbruary 12. The Senat amenJmenU to th consular and diplomat ! iind pi'ii lon apiiropriation bills were non-cor LMirrt'd in and ttie conference committees ap pointed. The Homo then proceed to tbu c.i ihliTitlou of buHiness under thn special rnh Thompson oilleil up the bill amending th Pacitio ruilr. > ad net , HO in to authorizu the cue utructlon of the roud from Sioux City , lowi tu ; i point on thu Union Pacific west of tli 100th meridian , J'eidioc tbo ronRideratio tha hour allowed under the special rule c : plre i. The hoiuo then went into committee of tl \fholo ( Kpringti ; in tha chair ) on tha poatnli'u uppropriutiou bill. Notwitlntandlnj oppiiition of Townshon and Holnun , all new legiilation conornln mill oid mail couipeniiitlon waa stricken fro , the bill. llorr thn moved tint the nnpronii tlo for Inland miiil transportation bu livd i SI I 1)10.000 ) , LI ! that 1,705.0(0 ( bo apprulirii ted fur for the railway postulDcd car MTVIC This , he said , \v a made nvciurary by the a tinn of dm cjimniUeo In ii'rikitig out the lej i-latkn r Uting to the railroad and until trau poiUtii'ii Inthecovni of his reicarki ho s ld , tl prrt-ident who had b-f u electeil for tlm nn : four yiura had not called on him for advice ; to hi < u ministrJtion or as to thacouiposlti' of hi i cabinet , hut if he w < ra railed Jtion I would bu able ti lay to Mr , Cleveland , the WM kiie man In the democratic party , t'1 ftrring to M mey ) , ha utidfi-jlo.d tins po otlics I lumetia.oml had shown that fact in 111 delate. He ( lloir ) was elad ti tlnd one item crnt wfco not only understood it , Imt who w willing to stand up and lav a t ) the Housa. 'IWi thend contend' d tint tin aiuendme olfera 1 by Hoar jnuceated tha appr prUvuu m the Mil IIUTJ tlian hi a inillion of dollars \yhicli provi nndoubteitly , ttiat the i i U inn which hi I e u utiieken ( n > m the bill wou d hive resul eu 1n the retirilchuieut bt thu ecptii'llturi ' When that expendltnro was stricken from th ( bill ths ueMiiry lest more ihftn SoOO.UCO. Il wrw put Into thn poLkets of railroadi. Jlayna declared It was evidently the pur p&Bi of the men hnvlnz charge < > f tha appro p'iatlnn bllll to dump them into the senate and neccisiuln an exlra session. How wni Ihe appr piiallon committto prowxing non leRUlalion on its bills when It WAS known thM the flciitlo would sttlko it out. llQlntimatnd it was theiiurposoof Iho donr octntic momb'rs of the houjo to ba there whftt 1'rMldent Cleveland took htsseat , in order that they might nuke applications fet ollico. The country would hold the demo' cratic mnjoiity rcipon ible if there was an extra Bosnian. Townihend , there is no danger of an extrn session and there will bo none. Withdraw your river and harbor bill and there w ill bo wo extra scstlon Horr's nmnndmont wai than adopted , Nicholl * offered an amendment appronriat. ing $2ir ! > , TCt for necessary nnd special lacllilies on trunk lined. After n briet and noisy debate by INicholIe , McComaa and Money In favor of the amend ment and by Townshend in opposition , it wai adopted. On motion of Herr , the appropriation foi tha ntar route service was Increased S-0COO. Townihend gave nottcn that on thoto three amendments he would demand the yea and nav vols In the house. Townshend elf c red an nmondmcntproviding that all publications nf the second-class sent to actual subscribers ( hall , after the 1st of July , 1885 , be entitled to transmission nt 1 cent PCI pound. Agreed to. Pending further action the commilteo rose , Townehend moved thai the house take n recess - cess till 8 , hut White , of Kentucky , made the point of no imorum. During the roll call , White , of Kentucky , belrg in the cloak room , tlieunnninioiu cou < sent wag obtained for the desired receia. The evening session waj dovot-id Io thn dls ciKfion of the paragraph allowing additional compensation for the transportation of ocean mnil In American steamships. Pending the discussion the commitlco rose , and the house look a recess until lu-inorrow. WASHINGTON NE\V3. WASHINOTON. February 12. The president to-day Iransmilted Ilia memorial of the United Stntej commissioner * of tha Now Oilcans ex position , repealing nn additional appropria < lion Io extinguish Iho deficit in its accounts and asking'authority to reopen the exposition dating the winter o ( 'S.VS. The president in his message transinilted says : "A failure rn the part of tlio management to carry out tha original intention in regard to the exposition might rolled on the honor of thu United States government tinea twenty-mo foreign nations and forty-tlx BtatOH and territories have joined in thu enter prise through faith in Iho sanction of the gov ernment. In view of this fact and In consid eration of the vast exposition to the cause of material progress and general education , I re spectfully submit the report mentioned for the favorabld consideration of congress. " The senate committee of foreign relations lo-day reported an amendment to the eundiy civil bills to appropriate § 15,00) to enable thu president Io bestow testimonials upon tin so ollicors and subjects < f Iho Russian govein- mcnt who aided Ihe survivors of the Jeannette expedition , or who aided tlia sea ch parties sent after members of the expedition. This was alto recommended in order thnt Ihe president may ci.nvey to the goveinmerit nnd people of Russia an expression of the high npprociallon which thu United Stales holds the services rendered. The house committee on foreign c flairs , to which was referred the various resolutions relative to tbu recent dynamite explosions in London , to-day decided to report it unbecom ing the dignity of the house of representatives to assume that American citi/.ins had been in uny way connectad wilh Iho crime , where no clurge tiad been ma le , and thut the commit- lee wax unwilling to request ny ollicer of the government to search tor the proof of guilt where theio was no charge , Tnu Ecnati : cqinmit'e ' on Indian alfalrs , hich reeiilly investigated the leaning of indH by thu Indians to cattle men. will make partial repoit in a few days recommending ub-conuniltees Io be appointed to visit the ndUn territory and Monlina during the ummer tn investigate the policy of tha In dians leasing their lands. Thu committee will also report that the olli- iala of the interior department , except cor al n Indian agents and traders , have not l)3 n uilty of iinnro ] > er conduct in connection with ! io leases of thu Indian lands. Two agent ? , 'ownshend and Pollock , it will say , intoiest- d themselves In leases while goveinmont of- "cials contrary to law. When the coroinltteo on appropriations con- cnes to-morrow to consider that portion of bo navy appropriation bill relative to thu ropoted increase of the L-nvy , lEandall will novo the adoption of Iho following : The President of the United States bo ulhori/.od to appoint a board of fix civilians who Khali bu skilled in wood or iron construe- ion , in ship building or engineering , the sec- etary of the navy on thotevenlh member ol he biud snd to act as chairman. The board hall meat in Washington and ibsuo circulars a those prominent in nnd having knowledge n ship building , asking for information in re- alien Io lyper vessels , or other mollera lerlaining to the naval attains or to the na- lonal defence ; . The board shall on receipt f replies determine thu general classes uud haraeter of tbu vessels to be constructed , and n approval by the president the board shall all for competitions in designs for .such ves- els to bo first construcled. The board shall make awards for ( lotions for rach cla'.s of esafl * , and for each meritorious u < c- ibit of parts of tbu tame ai lay be deemed worthy of adoption ) r the soivlce. For the best of each claiw tha ward shall bo S'-0 , ( 00 ; thavccond bott , 815 , 00 ; ! ar.d fo : thu third best , S10.CCO. OBI ; tfNsl of each type slifcUbabulltbyuoii tract wilh he lowest responsible bidder. If after oue ionth' < trial at HFU It fhall prove eatirfa-.tory , t f hull hi ; adopt-d aa the standard of its chixs , and thurnifter if any ctnttruclor shall , at lii > wu cofet and r ik , produce an equally good 01 > ttter vi Mel , it shall bu purchased by the etc etaiy cf th navy at the same toil as thi rst , or with such additional bonui as tin ocrotnry and congress may determine , \V.\SIIINUTO.S GOSSIP. ijxtcial Telegram to TlIK ) ! EK. WASHINGTON , February 12.Many of tin emocratic lenders manifest surprising nnxietj boul the new cabinet since the publics ion of the story that unless Bayard accept ! lie state department hn will not be called Inti ho cabinet at all , and that Cleveland cnler ains grave doubts now as to the udvixabilitj f liayard leaving the senate. The fiioudt ut liayard tave been uncuiy and some of them sue charging privately thin attempts havh been made to poieou Cleve and'a mind sgaimt the Do uwaru senator lij some of the vliiting htiitesmen who went ti New York ! : wt week , Already there an signs of u etui m brewing umong Iho leaders which may atmimo very formidable proper .Ions utdes * Cleveland gives some private odlc.ilions as Io who he intends Io cull lute lisinbiuet , Petty juiloutiea are lx. lnuinf ; o appear and tn cause considerable trouble ti .huso peace nuking democrali who want larmony to pievail , and the new a Jminialra .Ion to Btrit oil with tha earnest support o , hti entire party. The southern demojrati are claiming tha' ' as the south contributed inoro electoral vote to Cleveland' * election thau did the north they are entitled to at leant throa uf i-evei cabinet positions , and they say they want th nonliillict ) , Intel lor uud di'partmt'nt of jmtici1 Their claims In this direction me not aciiui Oi-ced In by the northern and wettern latder of Ihe party , who feel confident tlut ( Jhivi land hai. no Intention of giving the t-outh th control. The senate tovenl days ago passed a nuc Intion providing for Uiu phi : ing of a marbl bint of Iho la'u Vice President Henry Wilsu in the vice pretidunl'i ! cluiuiber , where h died , Thu coninilttej having the matter i charge have contracted with D. 0. i'rencl Concord , Man. , thu young icfclptor whoi atatue ' The Minute-man if 7V tint brougb niiu into piotiiiutnce , touijikn tha bint. Hen jtor Day aid does not fauiul'y ' deny that h received a coinmunlcatum from Clevohnn upon tbo subject of a cabinet offer. Ha sail .11 . corrc3 | > ouileut Unit IIP le'uivel no did patch < > ( my klcd fiom Cleveland , and the pasiJidin to other toplcy. In sj > eaklDg c Ocvfluud : [ a unuther place hu il j natural ) tha president-elect was i.ot free to niako an otlorn tu any ouu , He naturally doslii'd innr cimathanif ho bud been perfectly familii with llid publiu men , Hayurd wai usked if t did not think that servio i in the senate wi preferable to my pulton In tha cabine ' Yei1 " laid "I tbluk thu , liayard , poMtioa i enaSor h vnt gnatly to Iw preferred t ) on under the coverntmnt. The scna'e ia a grei field , where any man no matter how proM hi capabilities may find ump'o appoitunily t xert I ii full power * . But I am not given t over inyclory attiiit myself or my plans. prater to meet questions plainly atd simply There need be no speculation about me. 1 M-oplo really knew mo they would find m ; imhitlon as furthest from any mere ofiico loldiog. My doiiro i simply to serve when may bo most u ful. " It wai clear tn Infer from tlut , if Bayim bought ho could bo of mote service to thi ; Juntry bv leaving the senati ia would einfc at once all frue Ions of personal preference and go FJUUIUN M5WS. A nnmsii vicronv. LONDON , February 12 General Wolselej elegraphs that Urackcnbnr * re polls fron ) ulka islands , about seventy miles nbovi lerawi , Ihit Kirle's attack was well plan- id and gallanlly exoculsd. The c\i > ecto < l fleet will bo Io open a way Io Berber without uilhur fighling. Tha rebels held a liigV Idgo on Ihe rlvrr-backod by'.hllla. Six com ) nles of Iho Ulack Watch nnd six coinpanlci f the Stafford regiments marched around thi ligb'lnll * , entirely turning thn enemy's posi Ion , which wai then attacked from the rear 'hu enemy was not great ii lolnt of numbers , but hi ] position wai ery strong and difficult of access , Thcj ought wilh Iho most determined bravery Carle was among the foremost tn the attack nd his fall was thu cause of deep lament fron very ollicer nnd man In the forco. Ho wai tilled on Ihe fcummtt of ihu hills , behind whict ho enemy was posted , At almost the sami imo Lieut. Col. Eyre was killed. Tha cami vaa captured by the Nlneteenthhuzzira. Tin English success was complete. Ten standard ; vero among the spoils of the victory , tht 'ii'iny's ' dead lying thick among the rocks nud u the or.un field. When they found Ihomselve' ' urrounded , they made n desnarato elForl o ruh Ihruugh the Knglish coluini n which rush but few escaped. The Knglisli nstBR coii-ists of Gen. Kurlo , Col. liyre , Lieut. 3 1. Coventry niul nlnu men of the rank and Io killul , four ollicers and Iwonty-ono men onncieJ. Tliu KnglUh intended to continue In advance along ihu river by dny light Vednesday Io c.iiry oul Wolscley' iustmct1 on ? Io Earle. The above accounts are from Ilicial rcpoits to Wolseley by Brackenbur atod Dulka Island , THE I'ATK OK Losnos , I'tibiiiary 12. Lord WoUeley tel- grKphod nguin lo--.ay from Ko'ti la the gov- rnmunt that no rellaDlo paiticulars in regard o Gen. Uordon'd fate ha'l yet been received Io assures the mlnistiy that the pre33 reports iavo all been ba ud on iiimors gutherod rom Col. Wil ou'a patty upon their cturn down tha Nile from u futile ttempt to reach Kharluum. In addition a them slutementi Loul Wolcetey fays that IIH Mudir of Dongola and all n.itiveH Ihere- bouts poisist in tin belief that Khartoum hai it yet f illen. Col. Wilson , however , ia lOHtlvo tlml there ia little or no doubt on iis point. Wol elcy hopes Io receive in a lew ays specific and reliable informailon concerti ng thu situation at Kb irtouni and Iho fate of lordon from trusty epie s which ho dispatched u the Is'ilo for the purpose of ascertaining lie exact factc. These messengers : ire ex- lectcdtj reach Korti on their return in a ew days , TUB CO.NOO 8ETTLF.5tI.Vr. LONDON , February 12. It is announced mt thu government of Portugal and thu In- ernatlonal African atsnulalinn has been ena- tied throtifh niedialion ! of Kngland , Franco nd Germany to ra&ch an understanding in : gard Io Iho lighls claimed by each along Iho ver Congo. The understanding is in com- ileto harmony ( .with the status securred by 13 nsnociatiou in its convention. It is under wood that Portugal is prepaiing to sign the ; reeinent with the asfociation similar in 03- ullals with tbo3u already signed by liuesia , England , Germany and France. onilMASV ANNEXES SAMOA. LONDON , February 12. Nnws received to- ay from Wellington , Now Xeiland , says in- ease excitement prevails in Now Xealand wing to the publiehed statement that Ger < nany annexed the island of Samoa. This aa ion is tikni by thu ( iertnan squadron in .spite f Iho protests by thu Koglish and American onsuls. NO MOUK KIOHTINO AI.ONO THE Nir.K. CAIUO , February 12. Tha Khedivu to-day oceived a telegram from Gen. Wolselay iu which he cay a that he believes there will nc nore fighting along Ihe Nile until Got , IracVenborry reaches litrber with the lati jen. Karl's force. AN INTKUNAT10NAL COStMISSION. BEIILIN , February 12. The Kritish and lennan commissioners appointed for the pur > ese will soon meet m London to discust ac Adjustment of all disputes belweon England ml Germany conceining their rcspectivi ights in Ihe South Sea Islands , New Unmet nd Fiji Islands. A Y1SSINO llfSSIAN 1 OI.ICKM AN. WAIWAW , February 12 Policeman Sto erba , who WAS sent to Skiernenin on special tity during the meeting of the three omper- us at thai place , haa nol been Keen since , and ; is feared hu has been murdered for political easons. ON TO HUAKIM. LONDON , February 12. U is reported that en Graham , in the war counc 1 to-day , ad < oca ted the advance for Sualtim without wait ng for the laying of the railway track. IlD.MOHKt ) I1ATTI.K AT MKrKMNKH. KOHTI , February 12 , It Is rumored lhat /ol. liuller attacked thn Arabs entienchod at letemneh , Tuesday , and carried the p aitioi. y iisBtult. No ollicial confirmation of the umor hn : been received , OPi'HKI ) TO DVNAMtTK. PAULS , 'February 12. Delegates to thi rieh National coiiferenca at Pan' " , invited fames Stcph H3 , ex-Head Center , to prealdi iver their deliberation * , Ho declined unloei ho conference would exclude all -oluliun > u favur of dyn > mte ! , Tlio Wont tier. WASHINQTON , 1) . C. , February 13. Foi ho upper Mississippi valley : Fair weather .lowly rising lempernluru , wind * shifting wed mil south , lower barometer. For thn lowe Mihsoun valley : 1'alr wfather , slfjwly rislnj finpera'.uro , lower barometer , winds xhiftlii | tosDtilherly , ANOTIIKH Cl'ITEAl . AllltUST AT bT. LOUIS Ol1 A LUNATIC Wild IMM ) I-O-IKSTO "IIKMOVB" ritEuniKNT KI.KCTCH.VS LAND , Sr. LOUIH , February 12. William Kay , n lunatic from Seneca Falls , N , Y. wa arrested hero to-day for tbrcuUnlng I remove President-elect Cleveland. He en , ered the oilice of the health department am ntroducod him ef ] SB Dr. William Jliiy an entered into a diecuselon with Dr. Doi ett regarding the conduct of In fait ) iirylums und the tieatinvnt ( the incanu. He suddenly pMuei n tlm midtt of his urgutnoLt and naij thn 'levoland onitht to bo removed and lhat h isd boon elected by divine power to do th "lemovlng. " lr , Dorietl agreed to this proposition whereupon the medical expert drew hu chai up close and proceo led in u conrieiitlal under toni'Yes : , wu atn agreed that h cuijht I ba removed , but the queHtlon i * , How ? I v itudled the nubject up and I've t'o ? ii down t a fnu ) point- been to Wuthiogton and kno * nvery inch of the Rrounil. Tn ro'd ' dltfeum 4'avx , but ono of them would do. Now , sup poilng lie win walking down the strps ci theN hite lUaitf , I couM ! lyitg und r th itops and when he reachul the bottom I couli rush out and hboat him and then c cat ) ' Another way would In to hide behind hi favoritd seat on the Whit * Houm- steps an ihoot ) .im after Le had tat down , I've though ihout the railroad-depot p'an , but don'c lik t at well s my otbiT plan , for 1 don't beh-.v I could eicai.H so easily from the depot. No' ' t ymi would let me know which VuU think i Ihe heat way to r.im-vo him. " I'lio man's eya tUih-d and hi * whole appea moo undurweut a ch nge. Dr. DjrsHt a-i soon s posslblii mmmont .hu police nod thodargerouj cr uk was a re lfd. When searched a long ibeath-km * fo'md on hit | .erion , Ha wan locked u &n I invettifutlon nhowcd tntt he h d r irly escaped fiom the tuvlum at Senei Fal t , N. VT. _ FOK UF..VT Office room and thli ioor. Inquire 1207 Fanum St. WESTERN NOTES. ' DP , McGillicnilfly and tlic iniia tCNib Office , Dr. McGllllcnddy , 'Indis-ti tgent n Pine Ridge egoncy arrived In the cit ; ast night and fa stopping at the Paxtoc His mission hllhor ia to superintend thi opening of bids next Saturday , for build ng contracts , as advertised , for tha otcc iou of a now and complete lmluatii chool on the Pine lUJgo reservation The school for which duo apptoprla Ion has already boeu rriulo bj congees is to bo modelled after the east- irn industrial tchoola , and ia doiliaod t < oraiih the Indian youth with a thorougt Aotistl knowledge of the various trades. . Dr. McOillicnddy has just been tr&r ollng ever the novlycompUtad road-bet if the Sioux City and Pacific railroad , rom Valentino to Gordon , which pisioi nlthin twenty-throe nulus ol ? ino Ridge reservation. Th ( < 10w rend ia dliplaying Vtst probabilities n tint section uf the a tat a and ii destined o play an Important part in opening U [ ho coantry lor rnpii aottlomciit. At additional sjcticn of trie * , tiiaoty roilei weatof Gordon to the Whitj Htver , h ) ciog couttructjd. From t'lla ' point ? , ll a rumored , the road will eventually be extended ts the lilsck IIills , for In that Ili'dcthn tlin line sotiui t j bo headed. Sinford 1'arkor , Esq , nud Ho a. S. ) raper , of Nlcbrarn , ueru at the Milliard tat uight , < n route homo from Lincoln. ? ho firmer is receiver of the Innil cilice it Niobrara. Question by n BKK re- > ortor as to tLo prob.iblo out-comei of the lontost between 02seill and Cieightuu or the land ollise , Mr. Parker , aa alae Ur. Draper , wcro prsitivo in tlmr bolloi hat the oilice would remain In Niobrara , ndimmcdmtelyiktleasv , wouHnot ba re- muvod frjiu Niobrarr. Said Mr. Parker : 'J ' think it should go ta O'Neill insttsvl f Oroighton. A removal to tha latter ilaco would convey it further eati , when bout SO per cent of the land baolncsa onias fr. in Ilolt county atd the western jsrt of Kuox. If the bill to open the sauteo aml Ponca resirvations passes , Jlobrara will bo in the center of the act ! bujlneso. " THE PRESS BALL , 'ho Kvciit. DUO f the Momorlcu ni tlio Kiidocl I'ast. Poaltlvo'y the greatest and crownlnjj vent of the social season occurred last ight at Masonic hall , in the grand mcquerado carnival glvui by the Omaha 'reas Olnb. Do not smile , gentle reader , or if a ripple of the incredulous pastes ver thy face than will bo relegated by bo atom and Inflexible mandate of tha ligh Royal Mcgam of the Omiha Jour- alislio Brotherhood to the dreary and atkacnio depth of the atvx. Without exaggeration , therefore , the vent was rich and inre. Would lie imay nation nd ( Jescrlpt'vo powera f the sosioty raporter of ths jouuial wore Bdeqiute t > ihe taak of describing n all ita brilliancy the ntv.r to ba for- otttn Decision ! But living on four cent unchos and ik'upi.'g in adrygooda 'bat ' re not conductive to cl jar , 'succinct tnd xtended powers of description , and the ccioty man will not attempt the tiak. The costumes wore rich and reaplend- nttho d ; imond , compiislng selections of he noted collect ona of the white gem , were dazzling , while the foma'c ' baauty f the occasion , setoiF by this incidental ieplay. was cf a rarely striking typo , "ho youthful beaux of the town , and omo who had reached the bald-head isrlod , were on hand , and indulged free- y in the joya which Toipiichoro livisbei upon her devotees. All elements com mingled In the festivities of the occasion , nd the event. BO far aa enjoyment waa onccraod , may be termed , to use an xproasicii of Walt Whitman , one of 'rnpturoutly beatific significance. " The programme , one of twenty four nnmbari , luld the dancers until a late our. The mus c for the occasion vat urnlahed in good style by the Indo- lecdcnt Orclumia. The inoxonblo laws of time and ( pica lone prevent a full account of tfcojc ircsont , costumes , etc , etc So far as the pecuniary aspect of the question [ A concerned , nothing dttio.it ; an bo annotated , as yet , for the benefit if the nn.x oin people , but it is nol irobaH * that tie reporter ! will lea a more lun § iiOO in fu n'sbi-jg tbia rare trea or the dear public nt least lot us hopi cot. COUKT ISOALENDAK , \otca of tlio District .Judiciary To llt'o The trespass cai > 3 of George llibinaoc va. Dan Clifton weti tioishcd yesterday ii .ho dlslrlctcoiir ; , The suit , which t lc saforo has be on aboi lively tried , wa brought for $1,000 damages alleged ti have bean done by Cllltm'a cattle break ng into Robinson's fleldi in 1880 am Taoipllng down orn and injuring trees The cDstj of tbo ault , already amonntln , to between 8UOO and $700 , have not ( It Uriel thu parties from dropping the suit Tha jury , after remaining out som : ionrr , brought in a verdict of five cant 'or defendant , which nln ? carries ooati. The suit of John D. Thomas agalns Henry Ilittir , to recover occupancy _ o a llliunted plecn of Itnd , ia it 111 on tiii in Judge Novillti'd branch of the judi ciary. OAU. OK THE IMLKXUAK TO'llAY. Bofora the Hon. Elenxer WakeUy. Thomas VB. ThomsH. Claik VB. Armslring , on I rial. Hamniotd va. Wnodworth. Stephenion v . Corrigaa. Merchants' Natioml Bank of Dead wood TS McIIugh. Irving vs , 1'age. Bates VB. I'/ica. Oefnre Uio Hon. .lamoi Neville , Ntl-ou va. Miller. Merctr vs. Culver. Flulolestou va. U. P. Hy. GJ , liryant VF. Woolwcrth. Kstabrock ot fil M Dohlr , Abiatna vs , Wakefield. Ivahliiun v. 1'eyke et el , Lucas VB. Hypincki , Weir vs Batdorf et al. Clunbery v . Smith. Forbes va , IJrown et al. IlearirVia va. Bd. Go. Coaj'w. U. T. Clarke filed a. suit against Tn iai BucV , city treaauror to reovi 1,202. tG of aotver tax paid under pn lori on Warlci ? sewer sjatora In Soozy' addition. roucB roi.NTKns. John Smith , who swindled the rustic Verzin , out of $01 , was adjudged guilty upon trial in Judge llonoko'a court yes tcrday , and given the full benefit of the law , S'JO and thirty days on boid and water. A complaint wai tiled against Chris Specht for violating the fire limits ordi nance in moving fiom OBI ? lot ti another a frame building on Deut , ' ai stJoot. George Say en was lined $5 for nnanlt and battery. HOW TO ulH1 1UOI1. Die M > ltnils or the lUslnij Million' nlrca In and rtrontiil Sidney. St > eclal Corruspondeivco to TUB BKK. SIPNF.V , Neb. , February 10. Our lo cality has not been represented in your inper lately ; in fact scarcity of no ITS has ) eon my only excuse. The land "boom" las filrly ttruok us , and everywhere the > ooplo are liomeste.idlng , pre-empting and taking timber claims. Besides J. T. 31ark.im : Is making an Independent for tune ont of the Union Pacific lands. Ho , k from $2.50 to $1 00 an acre for up- and , and for the bottom-land from $5 UO o $15.00 per acre , and buyers arj plonti- ul at that Never In the history of western Ncbraek * has such a land excite ment predominated All who cau scrape up a few dollars invest for tbo purpose of loubllng (1) ( ) their money. No doubt this will hat sis im ntha longer , and it la con * idcntlr expected the population < f Chcy- mno county will incroito throe-fold. At > : dgo Polo , eighteen m lea east of hero , pretty town his bcou laid out by Ilobjrt . Obcrfoldor of this place , and no is fast llapoaing of hla town lots. The country unrounding Lodge Polo is the paradaa : of Ohcycnuo county. There tro now over orty settlers in chat Ijca iy : , and all ho trco claims within a radius of 'on miles Imo been filed upon the prot ects of Lodge Polo are excellent. At Vntolopp. tliiity-eix miles west of hero , s nmthor growing part cf this comity. ' . T. Clarkeon has laid out a town site nd ts finding many ready buyers. Andy Jurg , euperititauctent < f pump ) and inks of the Mountain division of the Jnion Pa-iific railway , has ] ccHd a claim it Antelope station , which is 0119 of the mat \alnablo pieces of property in the wcstrn of the . 1'he ; part county. re- ources of Cheyenne county are numer ous and the encouraging proipccts add a 'igoroua portion to tie wealth and main- ouamo of a sucussful future. In three yeara heaco this will be ono of the finest if wheat countries. While rrjentlor.ini' his , wo might aid that almoit any veg- table can thrive and g'ow Jura without trigatlon. Our winter tore hai been quite under- te , and cattle lava done well , except few yearling Texans , owing to their ar- iving h r t too late aad not being nccut- omed to the range or climate. Sheep iavo dona better ihin ivor , and scarcely ny loisis are reported. Uotsj-riiBing Is ilso an important industry here , and -hoao directly Intorcttsd in It are well latlsfied with the ytac'd work. There laa been sjmo very fine s'alllors brought lore , consisting o ! Ncroianf , Perchtrjna nd Cleveland Bays. . Tniler , of ireenwocd rancho , has a valuable buoch f horses , the largest in this county , tnd ao far have proved quito icmuncrathc. Tboi. Kane las completed an elegant lonao on his rancho alx miles wet of own. She rill Simuol Fowler is alcn eavlly interested in cattle raising. Hen . J. Mclntofh , oar county clerk , is a oavy properly owner hero , and ho troll oturves the success that baa attended lim. Ho is always accommodating , and bo people oie well ploaend with the trust cposed in him. BuHintsa has tcm very good among ho marcbants the past season and the irospccta are lltttering for a livu'y spring , rado. Every one is stocking np heavily. The U. P. pawongar train from the ast is six honrj lat : ) to-day ; no doubt aused by the heavy enow storm which irevailed through the atato yesterday. FEDOUA. VIEY"NEAT , low .Teinca Dowd , of Onmlin , to Biivo 15eon a Victim or High way Ilobborr. Charles Lawrence was arrested about 11 o'clock laat night , on a charys of ighway robbery , preferred by one Jamas ) owd. The story , of the lattar , sjmo- what curious , Is as follows : Ho west over to Council BlufJa early rootorday morning , on horseback , and hero met the man Lawrence , who la a lorso trader , or at least , appeared to iavo hones for sale. Dowd was importuned to buy a team for § 180 , but through aome miaundrr.tandinp , the bar gain was not consummated , Dowd and Liwivnco wandered around together and finally drifttd into a saloon where tha re- iiiiitk waa bur.tarlcgly . dropped by thu latter that Dowd did not have the money to purchase the tram , oven if ho 10 do- stiod. Duwd coald not take such an affront at that and Immediately produced a roll of $200 which ha waved in Liw. rence'H face. Shortly afterward , al ut 7 o'clock , ho mounted nU notuj and s : rtoa for Omaha , reaching th * Jjwa aide of the liver ulunt dark. [ 1 01 oho was itippoi bv Lawranco arrl a companion who ] rder dhlm to huh nd "flash" his wealth. Dowd was baity frightened and gave the foot pads a $20 gold piece. Ho WM then allowed to pursue his way'unimlosted. Lawrence then walked towuid town. Dowd turned and followed him , t aclng him to Julian Treltschko'a ' ailoon , ThlrUentn and Howard. Leaving bis liorto hitched there , he proceeded to the cily j il tnd notified tbo authorities of hla lots OQicer 0'15oyln wont down to the pluo Indi cated bat could not Had Lavrencj. Search van made fjr him along rhlrteeuth itr-ot , but tc no aval ) . Returning again to Trellacbkep.O'Boylo ' airiDr.wd eaw the entleman of alleged Dick Tarpln prc ensiliea , and th t wo tiy wai Imme' dlatuly put under arreat. Hii tile Is strikingly different from Dowds Ho claims tint the ? 20wsHfiet to him by the Utter to bind a bargain ol horae-tnlo. Dowd , ho raid , wanted the monry back , and ho refuted to return It , Itcal ICnialo The following transfers were filed li ilio county clerk's ofiico Tuenday a1 reported for THE BEE bv the Amos' rea itato agency February 12 , 1883 , J W BedJrri tt al t j Frank A Hob biiu , w d , lot ! l , blicc y , Kirk wood adi .o Omaba $370 Isaac S Iliscull and wife to Martare EbetH. w d , lot "B" in Haaiall'a tdd t Jmnhi ? 120. , II A aid Mtg Io Nultj to Thoodor V n Al t , - r d , lots 10 and 11 , In bloc 1 , town of Klkhorn , by Crawfcrf S20i 0 W Hamilton , trustee , to 0 thodn Chapter of Diocese of Nobwska , lot 1 block 10 , Shlnii'a add tn ( Iniuhn $50 ( Detloy nnd Christiana Tbicsson 10 Wi helm Gerndorf.w d , lota 7. 8 anil ! , bloc 3 , town of Millard M.OOO. THE NEW RULES. Tlio FcnTRnrAUcni'rnl Strike Ulioir Adoiilliin .Vllii.\cil. Superintendent Dickinson ia still or ; agud on the western sections of thoroa n quelling the incipient feelings cf re ) olllou over the now rales nnd code c Ignals which ara announced to KO int olFect over the Union Pacific ayalrm nox nonth , The nnployes arc disposed t modify their antigon'sllo demands , and I now appears as though thoaerlous feat of a general strike am-ng train employe will net bo roali/.il. Saya the Lanml 5ooinor.log : "The englnoora and fireman In Lara mlp City , to whom the pxamlnation ro juired by the Union Pacific company us bojii put. have creditably passed it > ut thi ) ' have nnannmuslj1 refuted ti Ign the rules. The objectionable para raphs in them rules are these whicl irovldo that the company is not rcapon * iblo for physical injuries sustained bj mployos in accidents , and which make mployca liable f > t damage to the rolling titsk or other property of the company y accidents reaultlng from their ntgli- ; enc3. "Tho employes at Cheyenne are being xauiinud , but aa ynt nouu of them , with bo exception of tlm telegraphers and tatton men , have s gnttl thn rules , and t ia generally ngreea that they wili re- UFO to do BO if it Is pressed. "Superintendent Dickinson , in hla pri- ate c ir , ai rivetl from Denver laat even- ) g. Ho would only nay , in ro'pjnso to quoUirn , 'I am going tn Laramlo City , ' ud wlun the weat bound train pull-d ut lii o r was attached. It wai the pinion among the employes at the depot .but hla nmaion to Ltramlo was to moot nd confer with 1)19 ) men there , ntul icu-taln what could bo done to quiet the ing disaffection. " Ivo Men Aipli.vxtntcd in n Sewer. ClliCAfio , IVbiunry 1' . Five men werons- lyiintcd in a sewer Into thin afternoon. Sov- rnl days ngo tha innm sewer in Kinzioatroot , ve feet in dlatm-ter , beuauio cluggeJ , nud to- ay n Rang of eleven men were Bent to uVan c. Xino went into the newer with a ecraper .ting the confcrnmtion of the power , ( Ira ? . op it from mm hole tomanbolu. While IB other two remained above ground to draw > ttio mail through tbo ninn holes between alt ted and Uniou rtreeta mi unusually long me was consumed. Finally , the foremsm lending down at the mouth of the man hole , irnrd n cry for aid , and going down found tha neu cear the oponirp , some gasping for ireatb , others dying. There was very strong nell of gas. A lope was | ia sed donn to him x the survivor * were unable to climb up the adder. After two had been assisted up , the reman found himself failing fiom thu elfectH gas nnd nis obliged to fo to the surface. nothennnn went down and rescued three nd a third assisted the retnainiDg four. Four eto dead when brought up nnd another diet ! eon afterward. The names of the rlend are : Iicha l Laski , oseph Gill . Ivines C ! rady , Daniel Curtis and : atth w Mason. AH Bro matriud except ill. The urvivors May tlitir first intimation lat anything was wrong was when Gill drop ted dead. It in not known whether the gae u the xewer was the eccumulation of ordinary ewer goa nr illuminating gaa from n leaking po , or what is known a.i fire Tlio Illinois Democratic Oontopf , CiliCAiio , February 1' ' . The Jjlly News' : > ringfield ( III. ) npecial says : The ropubli- ans of both houses to-day rofuaed to recog- 7.0 the actiim of thu democrats in the mat er of voting for senator. A few members each ach party are still absent. The morning lour in tbo home was idled away , the epnblicans making several Ineffective Forts to adjourn. At 12 o'clock 10 doorkeeper annnuncsd the at- : endance of the sensta and twenty-two emocratic members of that body filed in and ook seats. When thu vote for senator was eclarod only onu vote waa recorded , the emocrats fearing that the republicans were in greater force than seemed apparent , and ould , if the'deinocrntaoncu voted , appear and vo their candidate a clear majority. Ad' ournment was then taken till noonto-mor < A Million anil a Unll' Watrr-Mctor Jot ) . The city comptroller of Now Yrrk paid jadgomtnt last week of § 1,409,505 , irincipal and interest , for water-metort urniehad the city by Joeo do Navarro , pea an order given by Boas Tweed , then ommlseioner i f public irorka , the ] > oa- ion now hold by Mr. Rollins M. Squire , 'his claim wai assigned to John liairJ Jov. 3 , 18" ; ! . The contract was given ftcr 1-g slatlnn et Albiny had been so ured by ilia Tweed ring , but , when the ing was broken , Andraw H. Green , whc locamo comptroller in p'ao of Richard I. Connolly , refined to p > for the meter * or to rocrgn'za the contract on be ground that it was fraudulent. Sail ras brought In 1880 , anl the city con- estcdit , claiming tint the contract wa > not blndiop , and that dishorns1' service geneaad intervention had baen utuc o ox'oit money f.ora . the taxpayers d * < ew York ; but judgment was rcndorn or the plaintiff Oc1 . : i3 , 1880 , fii $1,120,148. An app < ii\ \ was taken , am n the Infer part i f 1881 tin ccurt ol ppo la decided thit the city musi paj cr the 10,000 wa'or-naotera ' at S70 foi oich mater , iuterett fdlcd , which nlnu loubles the amount cu'.noi ui.dtr ill c.in net. O o feature of this contiact nitnaclaus which waa eo1 need at Albany tniktut ; ih owners of cnu'i building whore u mo'e ' was plaod r sjin H bio tor ( ! M cost of Ih am . Ncnalmve h.'on put in , na thu 10 , MX ) mo era hhva not boon UHud to any ox on' , a lav having been taken to ti'st th juin : i'y of WRtor in < mo ertwo pabll ilacci.s. It ( ppearithatNavairJ hud aovu r eight mtchinos rntler tea * , but tbu pn /cilar one fatu'thid to tlio cliy nude In rrnl.r ot w. s cot amcrg them , it Jiv ng beoa patented in January , 1871. Th ne'er it n v.hrillng single piston motet aad is said tj bo veiy compact and sluipl In HH construction , bu' , whether It ha lurabil ty is yat to bo mccr'ainod. Th taxpaorsof Now Yorlc will watch wit great Int ra t the imnlt of thin pnruhast H la a silo which could not hive bee cousumma'id In any other city on tb face of ihoglovo Foorteen years ha\ elapsed since thooider was gi en. Twoe h&s been dead eeven year ? , and a per io of time meters have boon made for man a's , and whU condit'on ' they are in li d y no one ai tell. Mr. Navatro ben tuit years fgi tj compel payment whc he had delivered only a portion , and h counsel advised him to complete the roi tract , and ho did ao. Ths city of Ne York has 10,000 water motera on hand i coitof 81-tOD.OCO. Needles , Oil Belts and Parts at whol tale and ratul , for 11 machines. Wn for prices.IIITB SKWINO MAUHINK C < 121 North 15th St. CU.STEU rofNTV. Ali-onOy < \.nilnKi.rci , . nialloiiK For Ilir Shi'li.Hush. . TUB UKK. S.MIOKMT. Cnslrr County , Neb. , Fob- nury ! ) Although thcro irj aj yet no * S'.KUI of sjiting in the w y of bud > , bitd8r etc. , but the "pinlrio schooner" and the "man locking for land" are looming up moro nnd morj every day in thoio solid jnitjof our much ivorl ! od t tc , and Cus'er county especially will receive her ehau > of newcomers. No one coming hero tbe first t'ma goes away with feelIngs - Ings of diatppiintmont ; but on the other hand la quite favorably imprfsicd/ with the richness of the soil , the lutural growth of hay , and especially the high claaa of cultivation notirad on every hand. Few counttis in the atato are as little kc j n aa Ouster county , and yet with all the drawbacks she haj to contend , ' with few Indeed are her tuporlora. With the best c soil , pure wattr , plenty of canon luy , finograsscs , etc. , ranka among the lirat for mixed faimttiR purpose * . The cllmato Is auothor cxculluut feature neither too cold In winter or too w.irm In summer for the comfoit i cf man and beast alike. Wo have line crops nnd fi-j free from droughts , cyclones , hal'.storms , oto. , and the tiller of tbo s.il is gladdened frjm year to year ever his bountiful crops. Those who arc contem plating a change , cannot do bettor than to come and see Cn.iti c county for thorn- solves as lharois y t plenty of loom for those who contemplate cither farming or onti ring buslncoa ami tboro la otill aomo government land that ia wrrlh occupying. 'I'o reach this portion of the county par- tils should chaogo at Orand Island ami take the U. 1' , brnnoh jailroad to North L ( up. Hero a comfortublo hack leavoj ftrSirgont on Mondays , Wodnesdnyn and Ji'r.thys of each week upon arrival cf paasongor tramo. The drive from Norllt Louplabith pioturciqito and sublluio , and na oboontoiB the Mira valley and further on thn pnnd Middle Loup valley the visitor Is natonlshod nt the unnoramio view that lies before him. After enter- > ng the beautiful v.V.'ey ' of the Middle Loup , a plo isant journey of ten miles along ita bank Vriugj the traveler to the lively town of Sarjont. Hero is locntod the business Interest of the valley and hna a la'Re and cominod'oui hotel nt low rates. Thia town ia the liuadquasbetH for land hunters in this euctitn of the ouii- try. llero c n Iw oil lined plals and ro- lisblo information for nil qonrtorp. Also a first-elaes livery stable whore rigs can bo ob'a'nod nt a low rate to show new comers over the country. A full Hat rf claiirs for sale can bo g't at the "Jfoglo" land office with parties to show land free of clurge. A good lumber yard la alsa located fioro whuro lutiber can bo had as cheap na at sty place , and the town has n'ready BOIIW hendsomo reeidcnccr. A well stocked furniture atoro , hardware store , two general stores , two drug orec , . two blacksmith shopn , shoe maker shop , land office , bonk , milicerp storr , livery „ . , a , stable , lawyers , doctor" , town hall , etc. , , , . also adds Io the comfort 4 of now-coincra. N o leas than three railroads are expected up th's valley or through this part of the county during the summer , viz : the U. P. . B & M. , and the Northwestern from Not folk. Any one of them will re ceive a warm weloeino from the inany aptthrj in thoeo partewho will contribute liberally towards its ( onstruciiMi , and receive - coivo their ontlro suppjrt. The bridge across the Middle L'oup nt this point in. being pushed as rapidly as prs ible , mid if weather pcroilis will bn thrown opci to the travojling public about May 1. Not far above Ill's bridge is one ol the " " < " ' [ fincBt imill sites the wiicer ever aiw , and there is already some talk of organ- L , izlnga stock company and erecting a mill . J at this point. It would no doubtprove a ' protitablo investment as it wonld have a Urge tori hory Io driw from. If any miller wishes a location thin Is the best point wo know cf In tbo elate , as the stock company would willingly withdraw- in favor c f a practical man. The Mu'hcdists ' have just finished a landsome paracnigo for their minister , ind are now talking cf a suitable housa 'nr ' wnrf hip. At prctont they are using , ho town hall. Considerable building will be done this ipricg , aa already one or two oontracla iavo been given out for business house * , nd poveral residences will bo among the lumber after the season opens np. Stock of oil kind is thriving well many fat hogs ara going into market dally ' S3.70. Now comers will receive a trarm wel- iomo end full particulars con bo had ry riling to D , 0. lulley , Etq , Sargent , luster cjunty. Neb. COI.ONKI.5JA.MKS. STATK J01'CiNO3 I.onp 1'inu had a $15,003 blo/.u last week , The 1'Vnumt crpa.nery pays $ l.ti ! ahuu- red weight for milk. The state papers ( fenorally agree thut the round hog Rot in hli work , The city council of Frwnont it loolcmg rcimil for a site for a city hall. The 1'lat I D river biiclga nt Fremont hu-i iOon icpalrtd and is ug | u open to tratlic. Jack AVinterH wan Hcnt toStoii''rt quairiPH fur n.ir yiMra for assaulting n woman ut North .lend. HJThoStpnu company , of Omaha , I putting ho mauhinerv In the now Hour mill at 1'lmn rtok. The 1'lattHinoiith lluildin ; nnd Loan nHto- iation , with a capital of .fTtOU.OO ' , hat IHISU irguni/.fd. A Kfarnnr papT Blnliieintly ( puintn out .hat thu only f ilur i thtrj wem thodoof > usinoBs mon who rofuioil to ailvi-rtiso , Lew May h&i other than political fifth to ook iiftor. Sixty thomand j oung fish will ba jilnntad In tlm lakes auil cioeks of tlio Klkburu vallfy thU month. North 1'latto i < bidding nlruvK tar a ntat normal Kclriol , if the leK'inlatmn docldct ti rect mi1 ther , A liaiiim In property valued at 25,00 < i las been offered. A. H , ( ! at H , n Hurt cnuntv Hshuol director , ailvertijeu ' 'A school teiichfr wanted at A-iiona Ci'titHr , u K''ntliinttii pieforred , but u lady wi'h li'u In her fytv , and vi-niceunca ' ' lursoul will d'j.1' Ir\in Kairubcc. the Juniata aluKKTi whi killed llairlHn YOIIIIR with one blow of liU int , wai acquitted on thu xround f self-flu- joutti. A ] mi'-o nhotili ) bo uiudo up to Indiicu Kurrnliee to taekly thu lluxton profeNior. The Went Puint TroKruiH MJH "if all ttii good di'iii' cruts of Oinnlnir county thut are cx- pectln oilice under Clevrlatd am nicretnfril , and ihtiy ii'inuvit from the couity , tint lie.- nuhllcano wi.llmvou walkWi > y n : Ilia neit ' * election Tha d hirip nnd ] io > tivn youiiK widow Mcdlintock , win h * been tnrnln ( { the hca'Jh c.f old nndy-iiui ; men m 1'aiU City for HUIDU months , paid n farewell visit to u'l ' i\i9 \ > torr in town one day I . t wrck , xedired al iK uniount of ptudH on e dlt and departed b twoou days f jr other tiuhla of freslme.vi. The ( iioeluv Trlbuuo NtaUxiuiiiorii uruthkk in Hull and line ? cinniim llut contract * liuvd but ii let by the It. A M. lor RrnJiiv i u tbcir proX | ) od Branch noithwmt of tinmd I - hnil , a oil thut thu dnt will tly an i-o''nm thn flint in out of thn Kruund thu Hi e tn ran tbrotuh tlia noutli e tcin portion < > ( Howard county , through Hlu i nun into Cuttt'r. JtU believed the I' . 1' . will make u run up the northwest , tnd a > i > Iiled iKthy U lot ,