Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1885, Image 1

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Third Edilon of the Lincoln
Legislative Literatore
Of Similar Import and Nature of
Those Before Givoni
The Tbroo Oont Railroad Bill Set
tled By the Senate.
They Also Pass a Dozen Other
Bills ,
Special Correspondence from the
House and Senate ,
Ilio llnnsc DlhoohHCh the Hill to I'ro
vent ContiKloiiH ll ) cn CH
Among AnlniiiU.
Special Correspondence of The Bee.
LINCOLN , Neb , February 12. The follow' '
ing bills , In addition to thoie alre.iJy pub' '
li hed , havn been introduced in the home :
House , 292 Corr , Prohibiting d'jcrimini' '
tion iu rates or facilities by railroads , fixing
passenger ratuj nt two tents pur mils and
freight not inoro thnn was charged November
1 , 1885.
House , 19C ! Bollcy , Prohibiting dlrcrimina-
tion by railroads in rates or facilities , and
providing that shippers shall obtain cars on
five days' notice ; twenty days notlco of charge
of ratoi must bo given , and echeduloi shall be
posted up in all depots : penalty not less that
House , : U2-Troup , Directing the assess
ment of railroad an 1 telegraph property , BUC !
aa depot ] , shop" , building * , grounds , etc. , bj
House , 231 Nellgh , 1'rohibiting discr'm
Ination by railroad * , by spcret rebates , draw
tucke , etc , end providing that all per'oni
shall receive equal facilities fir shipping
loading and unloading good * . A schedule o
freight rates , covering 7 ? pages , is attached ,
HOUSP , SOU Nellgh , Providing for adver
tisement of eala of property for delinquen !
Jlouse , 275 Bassett , Itegulating duties o
House , 279 Troup , County boards maj
grant liijuor for not Uss thtn $ > 00 per annum
Home. 273 Umnell , Denning the bauua
aries of BUino lounty.
House , 284 Johnston , Ululating collec
tion of ta\en by distress.
House , 3 Id New omer , Limiting assets
ment for county purpJMrt to 1J per cent ,
uhlH i autli itiiul by majority ot voters.
House , 300 Irwin , Chang ng the return ol
aSHOjimontH from , ! uno to Ma\ .
HOUSP , 27ri Tioup , Providing that ever ]
county jiu'ge ' , county clerk , cjuuty treasurer
and thoclfT , whose feeoxieo 1 SIC1 0 a year ii
tbo firat two ottlcoe , und 52,000 tbs last t\v
officers , slnlj turn into the coun'y troa nr ;
the surplus ; in counties having 2,1)09 populii
tion nr over , county tie isurtr shall rocei\
$1K)0 ( ) and necessary help , county clerl
$2 fiOO , cnunty judpe § 2 000.
House , 301 Turner , Inquires the listing o
personal proj erty between the 1st of Marcl
and the 1st of Juno
llouee , 20) ) Gill , Regulating the Tiling o
mortgages And other instrument" .
Home , 205 Holmes , It eluding D\on ! .101
Dakota counties in UK * act preventing cattl
jmm ng at large. _
House , Il ! ) } j tabh0hini ; a normal schoi
at Aurora , Hamilton county , provi led a ei'
in djuuted , an 1 levying a Ux of onu-sixteent
of a mill for ill it purpo-t .
Housn. 2ri Conger , Providing for inspe <
tion of illuminating oils and regul it It g sale <
Buma ; imped ir and deputies to be nppuinte
by the governor.
House 310 Tronp. Fixing thu teinn <
courts on tha lit day of J.iuuury and public
tion of Hauiii in districta ,
llous 'MS S joe'ul cim'nit'.oo. ' Approorl
otloa of 510 00 1 for support of Homa of til
Friondledii in Lincoln.
Home 307Crook , Declaring that an
porxm who i-uall obtain go < N by 'concoiliii
any fact * , put , pnnentor future , " shall u <
be oiitUleii to exemption pr ividud by tlio lt
House 310 Miller. Appropriating S10
oath to pay Georgn W. liemig , K M. Colin :
J.V liuler atd , J. C. lljberts for service
at district attorinn'H.
House 21M Olnutead , Making IrgU n
torejt 8 per cent , but fcr a lens pone 1 than
ye IT 1 per cent per month miy bi charged
Houao ,100 1 iun ) , Piiiiithing the mllini
glvuu nw.iy ur luvui ? In p uses-un ob uei
nr lndtU3iit binkri , newxpaperii , magazine
pictures , etc. IN n lty , destruction ot artic
and fiuo i ot les tli in $25 und In prUnnm n
Houee 2M ) Wiiliamc , Auth ruing cou
lien , precincts , township , tuwn , villagrt i
fchool flUtrut t c. > iiiproiiito its iiidobtMluo
by Healing or discounting , .n may bo agrei
with holderrf.
House , V8t Joiinson , Amending section
of tha geut3r > tl vlectioa law ,
Home , 277 Troup , Mailing memorial di
A legal holiday.
llonsB , -Newconior , H gulating colle
tion of coHa of trialt of fel > u
Home , L'sl ! Colt' , Ptoviding the decent
interment of any ii'iion eoMier or dulor wh
may die without leaving Hjtllcivnt means
defray funeral fxpenn's , the grave to
Biiltibio Oeiulttiwe.
-ran hi\vTF. :
HpoeUl Correspuudenco to THE
LINUOIV , Kobnwry 11' . Attorney-Genei
J.oesa wjbmitted au oplbioa thin inoiiung
the liabilitieK of counties for the cost of carl
for their lu ano , to the trlVct that tuch co
could bo collected by the usual process , 71
opinion woiin aniwer to Senator DolanV n
olutiuu introducid several ds > ago ,
A bill was iiutroducetl by Senator Mile
jobn t > prohibit bi llarj playing in ll < ] uor i
loom , Hjvoral koure bills were read for t
firit tiuio.
On tilt ji&ssage of bills to a third r adii
Senator McAJluter moicd that Seuate P
II , the lomewhat famoui Scent milcigo bill ,
bo referred back to the committee on the
whole. lie gave as hl reaton for BO moving
.hat ho coniidored the bill unconttituttonal in
imIUng the law to that part of the tttta east
of the lOlit principal metidlan. He Raid the
railroad members knew this to be true and had
lavored itn parsieo.
Senator Sncll nnld that ho hod at first been
n doubt as to its constitutionality , but ho
was convinced that it was all right , and ha
wanted to nee the bill go through. 'Theblll
Ins been cut up till it is now a inanglrd mass
of humanity , " laid Mr. Snell , "but I want
snmo railload legts'ation , and don t want to
ice tbii defer rod longer. ' ' Ho accused the
anti'innnopulltts of lighting everything that
was not exactly us they want'd it
Mr , 1) ty moved an tinendment to refrr to
Lhn juillciiry committee. He aid the bill , at
it stood , was detiimontil to the now settler * ,
"tho bone- and sinew of the new west. '
Mr , Klnael could not tee why the newly *
tettltd portion of the state should ba ( avortd
the smne .11 the old. Ho did not think It dU
Senator McShacesaid that the bill had bean
urged nnd pushed forward for consideration
for a year , y jt nothing had been accomplished ,
and now , when it wai up for p s ngo , llw very
friends of the bill wanted it posipoiud.
Senator Paul thought the judiciary committee -
tee should examine the bill : that it had never
been before any committee except the rail
road lie thought there was d nger of too
much talk.
Sena'or iMcShane was of the opi ion that
thn bill lud already been talked to death.
Mr , Burr raid the constitution permitted
the leglilature to pass any bill not forbidden
Mr. Durland was surprised that the antimonopoly -
monopoly member , should so suddenly turn
from thtir course nnd favor positioning a rail
road bill. He wondeted if they had expert ,
tncml a changoof heart ,
Ti > which slur Mr. Day repliel that ho did
not hivoa rkilioid at ornoy at his elbow tc
coach him through his speeches.
tJcnttor MikolJohn believed the passenger
bill had butn forced along to inv cdo the
fre'cht ' bill. Ho thought it looked Itko a tail
road scheme.
Mr , Burr said he had Introduce J the amend'
ment which had cutud to much discussion ,
Hu represented the people of Lancastui
county who wanted railroad legislation and he
had comet intending to voteforsuih laws. He
had accepted as true tha statements of the
railroad men who talked the other day and he
believed it gross injustice to make railroad ;
carry passengers at such low rates there
wore only fifteen people to the milo ta is tin
case beyond tha lulst meridian ,
Mr. iSrown thought that it was injustice tc
tax some peoolo more than others becaun
they lived "llim , " and that it ' 'was a thun-
derm' thin law "
The amendment to report to the judic'ary
committee was lost , and the vote on refening
back to the committee of the vvhola vxas a :
follows :
'lh as'favoring such action : Urown , Day ,
Dollan , Lewis , McAllister , MeiVeljoliu , Mills ,
Paul , Putnam , Smith of rillmnro , anJ Smith
of Lancaster-11. NaysUuckworth , Burr ,
Cheny , Clark , Durland. JIiusel.Filson , Ooeh
n r , Hoebol , Hov\n , Howell , Hycr , Love
McShino , M etr , Morris , Shervin , Skinner ,
Suf-11 , Sjwers and Spencer-21. On tha bil
and Its amend msnts being read they weri
found to Inve b'en incorrectly engro aed , and
on motion of Senator Ho were orderec
back to the enpro'sit g committee.
The quiet manner in which this amendmenl
slipped through the Fonato yesterday vvai
mentioned in these dispatches , and it is now
a ) parent thnt ihn munucn havintr sowed th <
wind are about t > reap a whirlwind
Of the ninn members of the senate railroae
committee , it is said that six will vote agains
the freight bill na di cus'-c'd by the committei
nf the whole yesterday. Senators P.iul
Mtiko jnhu , Mot/ oLd Sewers aru four of th
six. 'i hi ) only rc'isnn for recoinmendiog th
bill to the senate f > r consi Jerutiou was to pr < !
ent a minority report
The Echemo now brewing is a commiio !
ill. Senate Kile 177 , whicli al-o beura Sen
tor Snell'd name , id the proposed bill ,
AKcmnoii Session ,
pccial Telegram to THE BEK.
L COLN , Fobruiry 12. Tha three-cent bil
was Bottled by the senate this afternoon. I
was reported , correct'y ' engrossed , read an
bo vote taken. Senator lironrn'd was the oul
I opposing voice , and ho had liiu reascnaeutere
1 on the rejorda.
Twelve other bills were passed , none c
hem calling for extensive mention.
The senate then wont into , i committee c
, he whole ,
Senator Day then moved to take up th
[ rrinlit bill , Benata Fils 171 ,
Dr. .Sowers moved to amend , by substitut
ng the commission bill , hlu 187. The no ,
, wo hour * were upei t in arguing this sutmt
tute , ilm committee finally rising without vol
ng on it.
Church Howe leid off in the first speech i
'aver uf Sowers' motion , followed of course b
Jrown , whos iid he was opposed tithe tactic
employed to bung this commission bill befor
he Ht nate. It w.ta railroad measure , Tb
iiipreme court sat doun on it In't full and th
tuprnmo cuurt hid dec'nred it unconetiti
ioiial. Ilo did not believe the houee vvuul
; > ISS it ,
< l.iy ) nnd Hewn hid a little squabble for th
lluor , Chairman I'.urr deci tin , ; tor Howe , bu
lie > lfl.ld to ] ) > > ' , wliJ explained hid motioi
Howe explained thut his Ide t wai tj tab
uu thn U'immUsiou bill and incorporate tl
freight bill with it. He bthetod a law againi
i ail run 1 discrimination wus needed mord tha
one fixing & rule.
Henntijr f owflrs said ha never had Leen i
favor of a freight bill , .iud had never liror
itrd lim C3ii tHUnitn to vo o for one. lie b
himd ttm conimidbion wts the only vy '
bund e it
Meiklt'jolm thought it uiclejs to aubstitu
when it wus poaeibin to amend.
Suell wanted a bill Unit would bosatisfa
fury to the people , and he believed In a cot
IIIHM in bill.
.Me Mlidter did not bslievo in a comm * > -ei (
with lit a law fixing a rite.
A Hi rnoy Durlamf , of the Sioux City ioa
gave fume figures on how gieat the cut won
be mi his roa I if the freight bill pasted.
Mclhanu opposed on the grounds thnt tl
Buprema court had declared it imcnnstit
tion ) , and the people declan el they did n it.
Haatlnga aald ho had been much edified 1
the ducii'Mon but would move that the cor
luitt-o ri e and consider the question iigain.
After the committee had reported Mrikl
John offered a resolution tn make 171 t
BH > cial ordur for Friday aud each day thei
atti-r until the bill vvai dispouxl of ,
The railroid tatellites declare to-night th
they will substitute tbo commission lull t
morrow. They claim to have counted not
and have the votes to do It.
Special Correspondence to the BEE.
LINCOLN , February 12. Tbo members
the railroad fraternity are In high glee tl
morning. Mr. Church llowo t nl o jubilant ,
for the supreme court DM decided that the
conititutional amendment ha not carried ,
and the legislative tesiion cannot bo pro-
prolonged beyond forty dayi. This decision
was arrived at by Judges Maxwell and Reese.
Judge Cobb , dlmcnllng , has filed ft contrary
opinion. Thl decision , more than anything
else , so'ties the question of railtoad lawmaking
ing for this tosclon , It will bo utterly Imnos
siule for both houses to piss a law In the time
now left which would affoid relief to
mid check railroad extortion. Neatly two-
thltdiof the ectsion gone and nothing dounin
fac. At the p citnt state of thing ! thn sea
ion will end nnd Nebraska will remain the
serf of monopoly for two years longer. The
railroads know this , hence their Joy , Until
to-day n tmllo lisa not been teen pa ° s over
their count nances tinco the etislon com
menced. Hut now they nro delighted with
themtolv is , and really tpoak of fulfilling en
gagements away from Lincoln , Nothing like
this was remembered before the decision of
tlm supreme court was made known ,
The report from the committee appointed
to test the question was the firat bustuept of
tha tiny this morning. Ttio hnuto then went
Into commltt o of tli9 whole , Mr. Illley in the
chair. Of Into the speaker has a fancy fur
selecting Douglas men to occupy the chair
during committee of whole. It may bo
said that the three Whltmoro , Wlmpoirand
Klleyhave made good chairmen , nnd have
hhoftii that they Iud lomo Idea of what a
chaiimon's duties vvero.
The first bill in committee wai house roll
157 , a bill to enable employe ] on railways to
obtain damages If injured while in tha em
ploy of the railroad.
Mr , Stevenson , who explained the bill , said
it was to remedy a defect m the prcseut law ,
and was to provide that an employe injured
on the railroad thould bo allowed damages ,
although the Injury was c.msed by the negli
gence of another employe Mr. Caspai
Htrnnglv suppoited the uill and Mr. Troup
and Mr. luiley oppoaul it. The bill WOE
eventually ordered to bo reported to the
lioiiRb with the recommendation that it dc
House roll 12.J , by air. Johnston to provide
that all ii e insurance companies should pa >
persons whose pioperty was insured the eiacl
turn stated in the policy , This was opposed
by Hice and others , aud was eventually or
dered to bo reported for indefinite postpone
ment. This committee considered hou > o rol
113 for fifteen seconds , and condemned it
House roll 115 , however , a bill to provldi
double decked c.ittle cars on the railroad ?
was ordered for passage. The committee rose
and the house ndjourmd until 2:30. :
Afternoon Sc.sslon.
Special telegram to the BKK.
LINCOLN , February 11. Tneonly buslnesi
in the house this afternoon was the considera
tion of hcuse bill No. 1-14 in tha committee o
the whole , introduced by Adams.
It was put through in grand style by FIolc
and Kilcy , with Johnston in the reserve. Tin
object of the bill Is to prevent contagious dia
eases among animals , and it provides for i
state v eterlnarian , who shall v Isit stock farms
inspjct c.ittls and in his opinion if they an
Buttering from any infectious dltease ho shal
have the power to order their destruction
and allow compensation to their owner. Th <
veterinarian is to receive a salary of 52,500 i
year , and is to ba assisted by asEcssorc , win
.irn also to be well paid. liy the action o
this bill the etnto will be compelled to compen
Kite faimtrs for the destruction of their cattli
by disease although it may arise from clrcum
stances over which i he state has no coutrol
The state Lccoiuej an insurance compan
compeniatinp ono chts nt thu expo se v
another ; the householder might m reasonabl ;
demand damages from the state for th
destruction of his _ property by hurrlcaiu , pro
viding be got a bill passed to allow it
The I III consists of thirty-two section
which wore read and passed without a remirl
from anyone nnly tbo above named gontlc
men voting when asked after the bill had bee :
passed ,
Mr. King thought it time to object , am
moved it be leported to tha bouee with th
recommendation that it do not pass. He sal
"the bill was unconstitutional , " atd strong )
objected to paying damages under the coed :
tium. It UL-J : in his opinion .is beneficial t
the fanner as to tnestate to have anunuU HU |
feriug Irom diaeasa destrojcd. How coul
such animals be valued ? Tney were wort
nothing , and ho objected to pay 1114 foi notlun
besides , it would bu unfair and unjust to th
people of Ue Mate. Ho thought disease
animals vvi uld ba emuggled into the Btito t
get the compensation If persons must sul
for , persona whu owned the animals were tti
proper pfrjons. He object-id to the bill as i
atood , and wanted it amended
Adams vyhu followed charactori/ed King t
n conBtiiutiuna ! _ kicker. He raid thu htjc
raisers were an important people in tne atal
and deserved some legislation nf this kind ,
Itiley and tha tpeaker followed with tt
same arguments in favor of tha bill they bur.
Hupport d by ISluir ,
Nichol objected to the bill but it was ode
do ed to be reported to the house for
No other busings of importance w.-vj trail
acted and the house ridjourned.
Special correspondence of the BEK ,
LINCOLNFebruary 11 The homo n'temble
this afternoon at 2:30 : nnd proceeded to e ;
presj its verbal power. A few days ago tl
consideration of the bill to appropriate SIC
010 for the use of the homo for the frisndle
was made a special order for this afteraoo :
But jetterdsy another special order was mac
tor this evening at 7.30 to take into consider
tion the appropriation of & 16,0/0 for tl
Woman' * nssoilate charities. The fir
of these is on old j and well trii
establishment which ban proved Iti mer
nnd worth aud Ii most deserv ing of every eo
tidtratlon find help. But the latter ii .v ne
institution of whuli nobody LIIOWB but llttl
To u disinterested observer it would appe
as beinc ; au attempt to establish a charitah
tate institution , hiving for ita object tl
flattering of the potty beauty of a few ladie
They would undertaue to care and piovlde
AT THK STATIC'S Exrt.ssi :
for the old and the young , the indigent , t !
orphan and tha fallen woman ,
Hitherto It has been thought a dlffici
task , for any one society to undertake t
case of one branch of charity but theee ladl
without tuy previous experience or practu
knowledge us far aa IB known are willing
undertake tha whole lot and will gather fro
the four corners of the state under one ro
the aged , the infirm , the lielpleis and the i
phan , the pure child and the debas
famaics. Is la no wonder that the legislat.
hesitated tn nlaco such a responsibility In t
bands of those ladies nnd it is to
hoped that for the * sake of tbo subjects th
would have to deal with members will cc
tinuo to hesitate and never consent to such
is absurd proposition. What good could not
bly come of neocidting those different reel pi.
ents of charity ? The thought of the ilmulo
and innocent Infant being made n companion
or associate of the debauched and thamole s
female ta in Itself enough to make one object
to inch an absurd and Kenseleos proposal ,
1 Ivory member of the legislature has already
hewn his desire to further and help
charitable institution ! . It remains for
him and the u of his discretionary powers in
sifting the chatf from the ho t before he ap
propriates the money of the state to tuppoit n
society which would not only bo useless , but
Injurious ti thosa it waslntendod to relievo.
The ladies o ( the Won an's Christian Char
ities have been lobbying for the lat ten days
or more , and right well have they done their
work. They may bo found on the floor dally ,
soliciting the pationngo and support of mem
bers by
such as women only know how to make. They
doubtless fancy they ara woikinginn good
ciuto , nnd have ntidintly pcrtuadod several
gentlemen into the suns way of thinking.
'Ilia rinilen and entreating glances of women
rrovc'ry IhUeiinp , but mtinbeis should not
forcot thrt they are dealing with tru people's
money ; that they hnrn n duty to the people ,
nnd that they thould consider well before
they make an appropriation for the cnrour-
ngement of such an association aa the Wom
an's Christian charities.
M'r , Kutrell made n very powerful and
telling speech on behalf of the Houio of the
Friendless It was his maiden speech in the
house anil many will regrnt that ho does not
not apeak mote often Wo then might have
some some instill , d Into things which am
now enshrouded with jabber nnd jaw. Mr.
Casper followed and forcibly showed ho
tiecds nf thin old tried and deserv ing charity.
Mr , lilain aim spnko in favor of the institu
tion at also did Mr. Stevenson who is always
in the front in the subject of philanthropy.
Mr , Sterling made a few remarks on the fcd-
vlsabilltv of allowing the grant
Mr , followed , and like M'r , Kus <
cell hould be more often hoard. Ho strong *
ly advised the appropriation , and said the
ttate ought rather to take care of itsfiiendles !
thtn Its piiionotB ,
_ Tha Bpeeches of these gentlemen , all ol
which weio above the average , seemed to be
enough for the committee , for it pasted the
bill appropriating $10,000 for the Home , and
Immediately rose and leported to thn house.
Thn speaker having taken the chair , bills
fiom the senate were road for the first time
and the committee on finance reported un
favorably on senate file 27 , bill to provide foi
the payment of back 5 per cent on taxes
An effort was made to have the bill placed ci
the general file and seve'ral member ;
jumped up , said a word and BI
down again. This continued un
til Mr. HcDvlllo ypoko in favor o !
pit ing the bill on the general nlo. Ui
was followed by the great and only Nubra > ltai
in the house , who got up , stretched his legs
dropped his jaw and the hill was placed 01
the general file.
Tins custom of having overjr bill that ii
rejected bv tha ftindirg committee placad 01
the general hie is becoming monotonous.
It is a systnm that shou'd ' be put down , I
i ? disrespectful , amounting to a vote of wan
of confidence In ttm cjrr.mitteo who have re
ported the bill. The committees
it it were thought they nro not competent t
consider and report honestly on bills. Beside
this it loads the general file with rabbith tha
may prevent due consideration being given t
important measures. Members should no
forgtt t at the session of the legislature doe
not Uft a century. Neither thould they forge
tint they will ho ; quite enough to do to pas
the billfl that are reported favorably , even i
the cession is extended to sixty days.
The house met ngain at 7:30 : p m , and c
once went into committee of the whole o
hou o roll 213 , n bill tii appropriate § 15,00
for the Woman's Christiamchantiej.
Mrs DinMn re was allowed to nddreafl th
committee on beInH of tho'society. ' She nf
cenried the platform in front of the speaker
( hair and ppoUe. for almost an hour on th
subject of charity. Nothing was enid of th
workings or management uf the propose
institution except patients would t
gathered from all parts of' lhn state A'ti '
the Indy Iud concluded the committee look u
tha bill fc r amendment \ About a hutdre
amendments were made until the working (
the committee became a farce , or as Mr Uemj
ster called thn actlun e f tchool boys. The bi
was eventually ret aside for future consideri
tion and at 10.30 p. m the , housn adjourned.
Mere than half tha tifficiali of Dongl.i
county are down here and after the house ha
adjourned a mec-ting of the Douglas delete
tion was held in the corner of tne house t
nr'itrnto ' to'ween ' the county commissionoi
.mil the county clerk on a bill which tin luttf
fan introduced and which the commisMonei
object to. After an hour's argument nothln
was done nnd the meeting b eke up. Th
bill in que tion provides that the count
clerk ulinll get four cants n line for makiu
out the county tar l t This i < in additl
to his puscnt salary. The bill is not like !
to pass even if the Douglas commis-icuerd c
not object.
Special telegram to the EXIT ,
LINCOIX , N < b , February 12. The suprer
court rendered a decision thU morning d
cUriug the constitutional amendment
extend the legislative seision to sixty dn
not carried , Judge Cobb dissents in tl
The Three Cent Bill.
Special telegram to tbo liXK ,
LINCOLN , February 12 Another effort wi
made In the senate this morning to amer
the thico cent mileage bill and strike out t
cl.iusa making tha law elfectivo only east
the 101st piiucipnl meridan. S't mm
amendments have ben added to the bill tli
It was not correctly engrossed and was i
committed to the engrossing committee.
ON A mn.
CIIIOVGO , February 12. The Daily No
Albion , Ilia. , Rpeclal Bays : This afternoon ;
! U teen men went out to the residence of Bti
Senator Urown , republican , who Is v dry i
and carried him hit ) Grayville , a dintanco
G or 7 miles , on a strttchcr. Ho wiU reim
In Gray villo to-morrow , and to-morrow moi
ing w ill leave for Springfield in a special c
He is very weak , but his friend" think lie fl
ttand the trip He Is paired with Senal
Bridges till to-morrow , and upon his preee r
in or absence from the cipiul the election
United States senator may depend and wi
out him the republicans are one in minority
joint ballot.
The Fire Fieiiu EiiYGl ps and Con
sumes the
insane Department of the West
Philadelphia AlmshouEo ,
NinetoenlnBano People nra Roast
ed in Their Cells ,
Some of the Horrors of the Dread
ful Night ,
The Loss Roughly Estimated at
Nothing tint Wild Thcorl/ln nt to
the Origin ol' the
February 12. A fire broke
out In thoimano department of the County
alniihouse , in West Philadelphia to-night.
The flames spread rapidly , and bafoio the 0
inmates could bo released nineteen of them
were burned to death Others wcro lot roan :
aiound the grounds at will , and many of them
wcra picked up by tlio police throughout the
city. The building ix still burning at 11 to'
night , and the other departments are in great
Tin fire originated In the wing uf the old
bulldlncr , which fronts toward the Uchuylkill
river , and directly east of the main building
of the nlmshouse. Th's ' wing la 145 feet front
and liO feet deep. Connected on the tout ) :
with the iniln building of the old structure !
Is the Insane department , which runs eoutr
400 feet to a similar wing to the ono In whicl
the disaster occurred. In this north building ,
where the tire broke out , there were sixty top
nrato cells for violent patients , twenty on eacl
floor. In addition to this there was a largeroon
on each three in whicli cots for twelve met
were placed , allot which were occupied w ber
th o fire broke out. On the second floor oppo
site the central cell of the row , separate celli
on tha north side of tha corridor , which run !
f re m east to west , was the dry room , heatec
by steam. This room , which was about ter
feet squ ire , vvvs directly along side of tlu
middle stairway leading to the floors abovi
nnd below. Hero the flames originated , bu
from what cause is not known. At the timi
there were insane patients in each of thi
twenty calls on these three floors , ten in thi
large loom on the first floor , and twelve ii
each of the larger ones on the second am
bird floors.
From ad accounts to bo obtained it appears
netty certain thae the first alarm was given
iy an insane patient on the first floor. Thii
nan , Joseph Nadine , occupied a room nd
oinlng tha stairway and drjing room , will
bou twc-nty other quiet patient * . Abou
en minutes to 8 o'c-li etc he eav Binokn i.-isuini
rom above tha door which opened into ttu
ving In which the cells were situated H' '
.in to a big Iron grated door f urn tine 01
he maiu corridor of the bulldini
nd cried out ' Fire ! " This roachei
iara of Jos. Bhroeder , on attondent of lh
; round floor , who was In his room directly , of
XT--1 ! * ' '
- - -
xjsite the one from which
ho alarm.
M'r * . Ump'tpad who has general charge
iglit PR ) s it was about 8 o'clock when th
alarm reached her. She was in her offic
about 200 feet from the dry room , ami nt out
.unied to tlio scene. She Hays that an , x
empt wai made to put out the fhmea wit
nickels of water , and at first it was suppose
IIP tUmes wcro only burning from the groun
leer near the stairway , but almost instant !
t was found that the real point from whic
, ho danger came , was the second floe
it the top and above the dry roou
She then hastened to get
.be patients from thu main building extend
"eg back from the ea't wirg.
Attendant Shrocder takes up the thir
itory at this point i.nd relates some uf the ho
rors of that die-adful night : ' I do not kr.o
w ho sounded the alarm. As Boon as I bin *
S'adino cry I rushed to tha foot of tha stall
and after a short attempt to ch ck the fire a
once ret to vvirk to get out tha patient
I'lrxt I unlocked the door cf the room i
which NniMne and lili cotnpkiilons weri
They ran out at once. By thi * time the flim'
vveregntherirfj in fury , and dense volume * i
smoke nscecdmg into the upper atoty. I RUC
cecded in unlocking tin do ra of all the c\ \
on the first floor , and although wirh difficult
in some caies BU ccuUd iu gttting the lumati
out , I had no time { to look after the
Further than run them m the yai
While I was getting the men out 1 clew , A
tendunt Win. Strain was doing the fame fi
inmates on tlio second floor. I met 11 ami
night watchman , who w s also hblj my , nr :
wo went up to the thud story , but we
driven back by the flames , which had force
their way through and were creeping along '
the cells of the doomed inmates. We ran aroui
to the other stiirway , near the new building
ou the west , and by that time some limn
arrived. All the inmates hnd been gntttn c
of the second htory , BO theio remained nbo
38 on the third 20 in the cells and 8 in tl
large common room at the we t end. "
The following are the names and ages of t'
occupants of nineteen cells in ward M , ne
where the fire fust started , all of whom n
supposed to have bem suffocated or burned
death , with the eicejitlon of 3 , who were r <
cued by firemen : Frank D. Dechaon , 35 ; Jc
McCoj , 10 ; John J\don , M ; Isaac O'Nel
Hr > ; Chailes Scott , ( colored ) i'J ; John Dwyt
10.las ; , liurkv , ! ! 7 ( tbis man , killed three
the inmatH ot the Institution during t
twenty-two yearn he was confined there ; f
twenty veura his hands worn clirunrd to I
body ) ; Thomas Husk , 60 ; Michael Wroth ,
Kobeit Cm uineham , 40 ; Cli tries Xolenhiirgi
00 : Thomas Jones , ! ! ) ; Jehu Her IKCB ,
.D ( Hnrrig H > i the man who was discovered
lb"o in a shanty at Fourth and Lomba
Btu-ct , where ho had been confined in cba !
by liia parents for twenty year
John Knehler , CD ; ThomiM Smith , I
IMwnrd Murphy , 4H ; Chaa. O'Biieii , !
I'hillp Kowborger , CO , Jsc b Glosiuion n
cued by thewatclimBii , The Ixdies of 1) )
chaou , Wroth , Jones , liurk , Kochler , Hi
ringer and KoledbeJger have Deen taken fn
the ruiLH and itinuved to the dead houeo
midnight. Them were four of the imnatfs
the waid who were rescued by the police , b
one of them wai BO badly burned ( about t
f e.t , that he died teen after being brought 01
The names of the three taken out by the fi
men could not be learned to-night , owing
the confusion prevailing among the attendai
the unfortunate occupants of the cella wi
beinc tmothercd to death by the tmoko and
ixrnnps blistered and burned by the Mimes
Their crUvi were hcattntiding , eomo tf tnem
cursed and woro. otheri latiKhod hideously ,
nnd others yelled with pain , vsith inch awlul
erica as would have nppalled the harden !
heart , Thn firemen , myself cd n patltnt
naintd Itatforty crawled on our hand * And
knees to tuch of the men as we could reach ,
and dragged out fourteen. Kight of them
weio olive , four itiffoentpJ to death , and two
to horribly burned thixt they died befoiu
we could get them out of the ballding. We
could not sre n'ny uf tbo man in the c-ells of
coutse , but could hear their horrible cries
above the rearing of thofl.imfs AH they cams
to realize tl horrible fate that was m it ore
for them ,
tWulle Sliroedor was going throuili ; tht ter
rible \penenco the ftaint'i were extending to
the main building department. The wiug In
which tha victims were being burned atlvo
was wrapped in ( lamer , which wild chootiig
many faut Into the air , and tllii'iilnatiug tha
city for many iquues. At half pa tSlhe
alarm had been struck and in half au hour the
peneral alarm wag sounded.
When the firemen arrived fire wai envelop
ing about onthird of the main building aud
burning fiercely. Two plugs in tha yaul gave
but an Indifferent npply of water. Truck
F arrived on the scene BOOH after the hut
alarm , and its ludJer was run up to the third
tloorjto the windows of the cells in which the
maniacs wuo fustoued. With ax and hook
thn hicmen utUckul tha iron gratings i f the
cells and ntccmli'd In tiklig out teven men ,
Four of Ultra wore suffocated to death and
thrco were etll alive. 1 ha last mau thus m
cued was notorioim Jim Unrke , who has been
m the institution over tuirty year * . Ho was
brought from the Kjston prison , There ho wat
undergoing ft llfo ( ent 11:0 for murder. He
has killed since ho lus been iu Ilia insane de
menti the cook and _ two atttndunt ) . The
firemen lurescued him Bt ta thut bo died
while being taken to the ground.
All of the inmates in the Insane depart
ment were rescued safely except thosa iu the
third story of the wiug In which the tirooiigi'
uuted. Total loss of life , eighteen ,
Dr. Alicj Avery was ttio only physician In
the building when the fire occurred. lr
Richardson , physician in chiif. arrived from
IIH homo n ehott tlmenftcrthe first alarm \\u
There Is nothing except wild theorizing ae
to the facts of tlu-fire , INO facts are known
which would justify any statement whatever.
At 1 o'clock this (1'riday ( ) morning the entire
group of buildings mukiug up tha insane do
pnrtment are in llamei' . There is no prospecl
uf saving any of them , although the hroinet
then had the fire well In hand , and all tin
other department buildings were safe. Ttit
loss to property will amount to nearly
51 0,000.
The ward in which the unfortunates me
their deaths was tn charge of Win. Strain , i
young man , wh ) had his face singed befori
tie could make his e.cipe. Strain tells a ter
rible story.
Ho cays : "Tho rules of the institution require
quire all the inmates to retire at 8 o'clock. . '
had just succeeded in getting b7 men uude
my care to bed , and eat down to make ou
the UBUul repoit whtm somebody rushed inti
my apartment and nuuted ! 'fire. ' In an in
Btant tha utmost confusion pievailed , Th
smoke came ruling upsta la iu voliunts uni
before we could hardly realize our position th
flames burst upon us. Sixty ono o.cupants o
tiio beJroonii all managed to make their es
ope dov\u staira , 1 believe the rooms wen
net locktd and nothing to proven
eicapng The flames spread with terii
bio rapidity. I tiled to read
tlio cells where there were IU of the most MO
lent patleuts confined , 1 knew they would bi
toasted to death if the dcort ) wcro not uu
locked to let them out. My only thoiuhl
WUB the liberation of tboee poor felloux Th
nuoko and flames poured tutu the ward am
before 1 advanced far 1 watt driven back b ,
the flames It was imp saible for mo to g
another ttep forward and so i hud to ily t
save my life. I barely pot out alive. Th
light side of my face and inousla he wtr
singed by ths flames. I could hear the pee
felljwuiu the cells halooiiig und cursing life
demonsfor the urd wimupon them , I thougl ,
their l > eing tlowly rousted alive , coujilai
with curses aud jeering cries , was terrible
Oil , UoJ ! I never lived through such fright
ful t rtnie of mind as that I expeiicnced ilur
ing the few momenta I tried to gioip my wa ;
out of the buildimr. 1 could lunr their kick
ing and pounding , but they m'ght ' a ) Wc'l
h.ive tned to got tnrouga a H'.OUU wall as tin
celln were constniited with au ( "jieeial viei
ofcoufanng duapcruta and violent pViout
thersin. When I rfaehed the gniuud th
oiliar attendants and myself orgaied tli
inmates into a fire brigiUe , the autuuishm
thn g was the. way in which the imnaU
worked in cairjmg viati r and trying to av
a ima of tli3 gocda in the building. The
Hhouted and encouraged OLO auotnor an
were of vuluub e
trying to fight the flames during 111
early stages of tha conflagration , But m
thoughts were nil the tune on tin poor cii'il
urea whom 1 knew wore being consumed o
the third floor. Aa boon as the firemen BI
nved 1 tuld the men of the truck abuut tl
ociup.mtBof thu cells , aud tLej raised tLi
ladders to the windows and lore off tl
iron bars and rfnuul four i
them , I do not know who llu
were , or where they .ire except oil
John Burke , who hud his feet so badly burnt
that ho died afterwards. Watchman Ham
said he drove HIX mm it is who were abed 01
ol wmd M. "I .drove them cue , " he Bay
' and then ran tn cell IU and unlocked tl
door , Jnc' b Ulubsmau occupied it ar
he wanted me to leave him alon
I kmw it was uso'c'ss ' to talk
him , to 1 grabbed him nnd hurried him ou
When I WHS passing through the b drooi
from whicli 1 had driven the aix men out un
a inumi nt before , 1 found tame of them hi
returned to their lydf , though tha fire w
dropping down un them frrm the ceiling ,
compelled them to leave , and then helped
get about thirty feeble men out out of the i
Ihirmry. "
Kumorn prevailed nt the rilmehoneo groun
late to night that seme forty uf the moat v
lent patleutH were coufimd on the upper flu
and nil peiiehul. This lumor could not
traced to any authentic t > ourco , nnd it is 1
liuved by thn attendant thut the patient *
the upper floor w ra ull nbcued , andean
accounted for tn the morning , or as uoon
the prevailing excitement and contusion
Bide * .
n Severnl Men Killed nt a Banco
nd ClilcUiifinw Nntlon ,
\ * Font SIIITH , Ark , , February 12. N
: liounds gave a dance at his homo In t
Ol Chickaiaw nation n few nights ago. Kv <
l-dk got drunk atd a general fignt ensue
K F , Craig aud oeyural htraiiRtrn were kill
outright , and a number of others were btc
Xho Du\ld Cliy Korftor Will Uo Ii
unfilled ,
Sr. THOMAH , Ont , 3'ebruary 12. In I
case of Jo , K. William * , of David City , Ne
former arrested here , the nvidenoo declared
day IB fiiificieut to hold the accused for evt
ditlon ,
Qnilo a Scramble for tbe Thonsanil
Cars of CatOo ,
Hoes Were No Higher Thau on
Tuesday ,
Only Three Cars of Wheat ami
Thirteen of dorm
Wheat Opened a Littlo''Groegv" '
and Closed at 83 l-4i
And May Corn Stood Around
Forty Cent s v
The Hoporcq or Wheat and Corn
AVoro the MOM llcrnnrlcnhlo
Kior Posted , ,
OHIOAGO M\111C1'7T9.
Special telegram to the UKK.
CiltCAQO , February 12. The roportn ot
wheat and corn posted to-day wore BB temark- i
nblo as ever posted. There wore 3 cars oC , ,
vvhct 13 of corn , and 2 of Cats , Of course |
everybody knew that there was plenty ol ! i *
S rain cn-routt1 , and that it was simply mow !
bound , and would all bo in hero In a bunch |
Bomo clear warm day , when the railroads got
their tracks cleared up. They did not at all
affect the market.
Opened a litle groggy nnd got down to SSJo
for May. {
tonv j
May corn stood around lOo. I'ork was let J
oft to 13 1' i for May , aud lard to 7 If 4 tor the f
name month. \
Liter the figures on wheat , corn and pork 'y '
vvero tha low eat of tha day. Pork led the
way to-day as it has done for a fortnight aud
ai it IB likely to do for some foitnights to i
come. FiomH1312lMay ; wout to 13 17J , S
aud from this latter tip mo to 13 12i agaiu. ,
It closed at 13 : t2i. "Speculation In pork | f
from this on" said n picker , "In ;
a dead open ani thut for Mr. Aimour
and his fellow packers. They Imyu
made their pork , they know just luw much
they have made. They hold It themselves
aul proposa to hold it. Outsiders who nro
selling the product haven't any pork to sell
and won't get any to deliver. They will unJ
packers accommodating , however , nnd ready
tn take what money they have in lieu uf pork ,
which they haven't got. I've talked SIC
p rk for March for a long while. I'm talking
it yet. The flurry just now is in May , but
the Bqueezo w ill ba in March. " ' ' *
Wheat was uneasy after the first hour'n
trade. It would not stay at 83 aud would
not go under it Sellers saw this and tooc
watr , and at the same time took op sqmo
wheat too. This aeut May up ) 83JJ , whom
It closed. On call everything was steady and
There wai & scramble this morning for Iho
one thoutacd cars or moro of freah receipts
nnd they made extraordinary high juices
which cannot bo accepted as anything like n >
market under an ordinary supply , A big lot
of coarse "horsey" steers that averaged about
l.GOO j.oundtoIdforSOnO and Ilglit , little
things , not averaging 1,00)1 ) , so'd ' at $5. Tliceo
price. s cannot ho sustained Liter than another
day or BO , as there is plenty of stock on the
wnv , nd nn abundant supply will bo hero by
tli. i last of the week. Shippers were thu prin
cipal buyf-rj , as dressed beef dealers claimed
they rould nut pay the prices asked , which
are -10@DOc higher than before the Btorm.
Canning stock is scarce but not much in de
mand ai all the leadirg c.icning boutcs vo
running shoit handed and Armour's depart *
ment closed lost night.
Hutchera stock is also scarce nnd idling nt
high piiceo. There were a lew loads < f stack
ers among the iceiipts tint were OBBily dis
posed of at good prlcec. H. lies , shipping 1300
1503 Ibs , 85 SOf' C CO ; 1100fel200 Ibs SI DO ©
fi 10 ; common , 10(0 ( < r,1100 Ilia , $ HO@480 ;
cawf , .f260@47P ; bulk 8300(0,10(1 ( ( : etockora
and foeuers S3 2Ss ( 1 CO ; Texans 83 Ou@ i Ol > .
There were only two packing firmon the
market nnd they bought 1COO. The course of
the market on common to fnlr lugs may ba il
lustrated by changcH uf a bunch of 2. > 0 thnt
sold on Monday t.l 70 , on Tuesday at § 1 fc5
and to-day nt $4 00. The ndvnnco sinca the
atorm Is. mainly on commnn , and medium
heavy Rorts are not appreciating in proportion
to light and medium , in fact no higher thnn
uu Tuesday. The prime cause is that there
are no shippers buying as they cannot yet
get transport. KoadJ that uau.dly take hogg
refused to take hog * to-day. 1'rlmo heavy
IngH may lie ( luoti d nt 65 10@6 115 ; packing
and chipping 275&KO Ibu. , 3t85ft 520 ;
light , 100 210 Ibs , 81 ( )0@5 (0.
The Ciuindliui OoiitinKcnt ,
OTTAWA , February 12.TJie offer of Lieut ,
Col. William' ) and Tyrhltt , M. 1' , , Col. Von
Straubcnrlo and other Canadian oflicnrx to
raise Cnmdian rrgimentH for service in Kzypt
has been declined , ( but the Canadiain will bo
employed to doganisou duty in England If
they dotiro to clo BO. Tina proposal la not
likely to bo ( .cccptud , a ] it is extremely
doubtful if a thoiunnd Canadians could bo
railed for garrison purpose * ,
Fire nl 1'riiioeton , > lc > .
1'niNCKTON , Mo. , February 15. Early thia
morning a fire destroyed the entire woit fide
of the public tquare , including six brick build
ings und five frumes , l < eBb about $70,000 , In-
Buranco one-h.ilf ,
Down In Alul ) ina ,
Ala. , Fobruaiy 12. The
snow fall began here thia morning at 5 o'clock
and is Hill at it. The depth of snow is
greater than known in many years.
.lowi'Iry I' Inn AflKlKiird.
NEW Yoim , February 12. Joseph IJacb-
man and Alexander Dacbnmn , jewelers , as-
tigned , LiabilitleB , $ " 0,1.00 ; actual assets ,
IInri ( { lor Wlfi
HOLIDAY Hnniu ; , February 12. 1 leach wa
hung hero to day fur the murder of his wlfo
on April 7 , Itfel ,