Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1885, Image 5

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Tin S uate Retire io Allow New
Leg's ation on the
Appropriation Bills and an Extra
yes sion is Imminent.
Sec. McOullougli Accomplishes a
Financial Transaction.
Quibbling Over tbo ITanror of An
nouncing tbo Electoral Vote. .
The Condition of Speaker Carlisle
is Much Improved-
Tlio Union I'AClllc Ilulroiul Company
I'.adly Scared About the Kuiul-
inx Ulll.
WASHINGTON , February 11. Mnnderon
presented an a memorial a joint resolution of
the legulituro o ( Nebraska urging congrein
to pa n bill for the relief ? f aet.lcrs on tha
Ht. Joseph nnd Denver dty rillrund lands ,
Alllsi n , from the committee on approprin-
tlous , reported the army appropriation bill ,
The chair lit ! I before tha ponato a bll ! to
> ) uit titles of Bf.ttlers en the Lei ) Molnea river
Uoda nnd roadiuz of reports waa procoedtd
TngalU ioterrupted the reading to Inauire if
it win understood that the rtnato would ro-
iiimo legislative bminess on the completion of
the electoral count todayAfter nn inter-
clunpa of vioK-n the unanimous understanding
waa rcacliud that coarse bi pimued.
At fivu minuU a before twelve message ? were
received announcing the houte would , nt
twelve , bo ready to receive senat ? , that in
joint convention both homes may count the
electoral vote. The chair announced concur
rent resolution providing for joint convention
would now bo executed anil senators headed
by ; president protein , and secrettry of the
Bounto preceded by the Bergeant-at-armo
proceeded to the house of representative * .
At 1:25 : p. in. the scn.itorj returned to the
sonata chamber , and the president pro torn
having tesuniod the chair , the tellers on the
prut of the nenato appeared , and in their be
half lioar reported the result of the o'ectoral '
count. When thu reiwrt waa completed ,
the preeieltnt of the senate repfa'.ed
verbatim the closing sentence of the an
nouncement made by him in the house rela
tive to the declaration of tha voto.
Conger caid he desirjd , as ono member rf
the senate , to say that lie entirely dissented
from the declaration. The president of the
senate , or vice president , had no other power
in announcing tha vote than to announce the
facs , and he did not know by what authority
the sentence quoted had been made a part of
the declaration ,
Sherman said : "I , also , wi'h , for myself ,
having put on reconl my opinion on this ruiex-
tloa ot othf r times , to again assent nnd p it on
rooord my opinion that tlie decl ir iti ) i > of the
gentleman who presided on that ccc-ision , ex-
fireniiop- ) own opinion and should not betaken
taken ai a precedent , except DO far a < it may
command the judgement of mankind , I ba-
lieve that the vice president of the Uuitod
Htntes declared and executed a constitutional
power when bo presided over the
body to day , and counted ths
votoj anil that liia announcement of the vote is
the conclusive end of all argument on the
subject and that in doirg so be not only gave
Ilia own opinion an the result of certain paper. ,
given to him , but ha mido only thq constitu
tional declaration provided fcr under thu ex
isting law , who was to ba the president of the
Untied States after the fourth of March.
After remarks by Hoar , , Wilson ,
and Ingalls , the chair ( Edmunds ) said IH ro-
pnrdnd the Senate as In no way respon'ible for
the declaration made by him. Ho had per
formed his constitutional duty nnd had on hia
own responsibility nmdo thu delaraton ! re
ferred to.
The resolution was offered by Ing ilia de
claring that the senate does not assent to Kd
inunds' declaration , went over until to mor
row , as did the resolution by Ifoar approving
of his course.
The senate resumed thu consideration of
the bill to repeal tbe pre-emption of the tim
ber culture laws.
Sinter opposed the bill , llo said the prop
osition tj repeal the pre-emption law was
monstrous. Greater prosperity had come un
der the operation of this law than under the
hometteai law. lie would entitle the pend
ing bill an act to facilitate the sale of land <
of the land grant corporatiins. There had
been eviU under the pro rmption law , but
they were not fuch M would bo remedied by
its repea' ' . Within the past twenty-five or
thirty jcars the weit has been coverfd with
land grautt. No longer in several states
could homesteader * get land ? , yet the land
grant roads had abundance of land for falo.
It was said that KiO acrei ws enough for a
farm. It win enough in inch a stite na Iowa ,
but in the great wett more was necessary fcr
the farmer to ba Biiceseftil in making a home.
1'nder the homestead and pre-emption law * n
pettier could lecwu 320 acres. Slater woulJ ,
however , be willing to repeal the timber cut-
turo and ilernrt net ? .
Tha bill was now reported to the senate , nnd
Eom amendment ) ! , rejected in committee of
tli9 whole , went rtotfered.
1'ooding their ditcutsiou the Fenate went
into executive session aud eoon adjourned.
WASIHXIITOS , February 10. Townshond
olfered a rusolution providing that during the
remainder of tha fession the dai y hour of
meeting uf the huiiio shall lie 11 a , m. Ro
Hpringar , from the eipenditurfs in the de
paitiueut of juitice , reported a bill reluinz to
tint coiiipoiuiiti'in of marshals and other
Vnited States ollici.ilr.
On the lioucc belli ? cJloJ tn order Kclfar
olTerud a lenolution. reciting the result of the
joint convention of tha twu house' , and de
claring it to bo the secsa of the house that
the coLBtitiitinn mid laws had baun duly ex
ecuted , and that no further declaration of
those tacts la necessary.
Springer said it seemed from the announce
ment of the presiding officer of the jnint con
vention that there was no declaration of a
vote. Contrary to all ptecedt-nt the view
preeidcnt hud simply declared It appeared
from the count m.vjo by tba tellers that
lirover Clevelaml had rrcelvid a certain num
l > er of vote ? , but h d diicUImed any inten
tion to make any declaration of tbo
result of that voto. Ha preferred that the
matter should ba refened to the judiciary
rummittcf , with Instructions to repjit incb
resolution ai may bo neceiKtry for the pur-
poxa of making known the result of the elec
tion.The ipesker pro tern "The presiding officer
of the joint convention , ia making the an
nounceini'iit cf tbe vote , announced the resull
that had been found , and f imply Added tha1
he ditcliimrd any authotity on hii part n1
prreiding otlicer of the senate or joint conveu
tion to make any declarttion at all. "
Springer- wove that the whole matter
be referred to tha judiciary committee. "
Speaker "In tbtj judgment of the chair ,
tbe decUration tnado by tbe preiidiDg oUictr
was e-xtctly what it should ha\o been.1
"I have not aaked the speaker for his opin
ion ; I desire to state my own. "
Tbe speaker "The chair acting as the
otticcr otlieer representing the home in joint
convention would hav nude the protest if
any improper doclataUon by tha presiding
t > UKfr hid bee-n dtl > vered. "
llaudall taid tbe vcte of the electors had
Ixva aunouic d and that any ministerial pro.
oecdlrg was not etrntial to tba main fist ,
that Urover Clevehmil had been elected.
Hammond thought that the joint conven
tion having made its declaration , thu house
had uothln ; . farther to do with it ,
Springer vithdraw hit mo'.icn and Cox , of
N. V , , slating that the constitution declared
who had been elected president and vica pros ,
ideut , and ho moved to Jay the resolution in
tbe table. Agreed to.
On motion of McOold tha bill pasied far the
erection of a puhlb building at Kegkuk , Iowa ,
limited to cost 8100,000
The home thca went Into committee of tha
hole ( Springer In Ins tha'r ' ) on the pcst fE
pproptiation bill.
HorroT ! T < d aa amrn'lmnit mcrecslrg it
rarn Sl.l'O.lOOto 84&lOCH.O for the letter
To mhenTcilled attention to tlia fact that
he bill , M it now tojd. appropriated $ jOXO (
mete than wai appropriated for the current
Ho'min warned the hon e that U couM not
as * HIP appropriation lil' ' , if they wen ; all
cd . g M the present oce was.
retd to-ICO toGJ.
H < ir > amer-dincnt wa a
Skinner , K w York , c Herod an amendment
, -oudin ; ? that letter c rricra rray be tppoint-
d when'tt.o public toiMnpM demanded it , In
owns of net Irii than lO.COO , and when the
n u rf vcnus at Mich tlRees amounted to SIO-
0) ) , rio several placs war each other ,
hero tlia segregate population waslOlHO ,
nd the g OM revt nu9 not less than § 10 000.
'cndlnp aetltti the comniitt"J rose and the
ouie adjourned.
A concurrent re nlntinn was adooloa that
irna representatives and two senat'Ta bo np-
ointed to watt on Cleveland and Hendricks
nd notify them that Itry had been daly
ccteil. Tlia icsolution as originallv offerc 1
lacla It the duty of the pr-nMent of the ter.-
to to frame ami sign a caitiBcate of election
obe i-resanln.l to U.O president nnd vice
rosldpnt.elfct by the joint committee , but
n motion cf Ilolrcao. part of the resolution
ertaining to the certificate was elimlnittd.
pecial Telegram to THK BKK.
WASHINGTON , February 11.Ths icnate has
irown down the gauntlet to the house and
bso'.utsly refused to allow the naw If glslalion
bo engrafted upon the appropriation bill' .
; they adhere to thia line of policy , and lead-
g republicans fay they ill , it will crr.-atly
LJunco the pro.'pacU of in extra seminn of
MKrpfs , as til's democrats of the homo h.ivu
ontidintly railed ui > on necatin ? the enact-
icnt of considerable and new legi la
cu by tacking It on aproprlatlon bills. The
onio will undoubtedly tnako a light for the
'slti n it hvi taken and unUfs ono branch of
ingress yield' , an extra sasalon cannot very
ell bo avoided. In tha meantime , however ,
16 senate dee urt uvi'a condder the extra
: ; iMMion on tlio npfropriatton bill now
tiding , but contents itselt with slmplv strik-
g it out of the bill. The tight will come
hen the blih get back to tha houoc for coc-
urroaja in the senate noiendiri'iita.
Many people in Washington arc thanhful
: at the high wind which prevailed jmtcrJay
emonstratoJ the unsafe charactsr of the pa-
llion nhich had ben erected around the
MO of the Washington monument tn ncsom-
odato the several thousand of iuvited guists
i the dedication of the monument on the
1st instant. The wicd blew tne structure
own. thereby , in all probability , averting a
alamity on tlie occasion of the services next
aSurday week. A large force of men will ba
mployed to erect another structure , which
ndoubtedly will be made Hrong enough to
IB crowd cf ppopl-j who have received the
cceisary invitation from the committee cf ar-
n the new charges preferred Is expected to
0 forward this weak. His statement to the
ourt on Monday that his formtr counsel had
ade other engagemorita for this week which
ould cot permit them to conduct his de-
cso would apptnr to bo tnio a d not a sub-
rfugo to gain time from the fact that Gov-
rnor Boutwell ba bjen callud in to take
la'peof tlieoisi > for Sw. > im. Tne
lal 'n not exp cted to last but a few days.
icpntly accomplished a neat rinanaial trins-
ttion In the inve tinent of some $ : ( , COO,0,0
eloDjing to the Pacific rai road sinking fund
1 United States four per cent bonds , to qul-
, Iy that there was no dunce of a combiua-
pn or bidding up of price. " . Such portions
this fund ai had heretofore bsen invested
id befn placed in tha three per cent rede m-
I'B londi , but thij course waa not entirely
itistactory , owing to theseb nr/a being called
from time to time , thus rendering a new
vestment nece fary with tha full consent of
IB company. It'a understood the fund ha i
ow been pa ! ed in tne longest time bonds.
cton at New York , on Monday , in paying
ut silver certificates to the dealing house ,
as merely a blind to en b'e the trosury de-
aitrnent to answer tha home resolution of
iquiry that there is no discrimination prac-
c > 'd by the department in paying out eilter
srtificat'B. This action relieves the treasury
o-n the charge of being ai the mercy cf the
"ew York clearing hou e , but at the same
mo it ij understood here * that no further
u men ! sot certificates to the c earing house
ill be made , and that onlv gold or legal toner -
er notes will bo paid in the settlement of
ilances npainst tbo government ,
The Union Pacific Huilly Scared.
poctal telegram to THE UEE.
WASHINGTON , February 11. There has been
omlderabla comment at the fact that the
Tnion Pacific pixty-year funding bill has not
cen called up in the senate. The gentleman
ho has been closely watching this gives the
illowirg reason" for it : When Hoar intro-
ucad thu amendment to thu amendment it
rigtsned the Union Pacific.
They atnf a man named Story from Boston ,
lie of tbo attorneys tor that raid , to insist
lat if tlie bill wna pised in that foim it
mid bankrupt the company. When he wiw
old that the understanding was that the b'll '
eportcd by ths judiciary committee was that
hich had been submitted to Mr. Huiitington
ud Mr. Dillon and approved by them , he said
lit this wai not the bill.
The Armstrong bill the one submitted bye
o cJimni&iiotiLTif railroails list year had
cm approved by tha company : uut thi < ia a
Itlcreut bill , and the cjuipany could not
perata under it. Thr suppoitsra of tha fund-
IR bill were not alarnuil. The Central } 'A-
ilic peopl were telegraphed to by their
fprrsentitivej here ai to tha situation. They
ro tryin ? to luparatu their intwefts f Mini
lio. e of the Union Pacific. Th-y think that
lieir cautu will IH ; better served if thiy etaud
lone. f 23
In Bpooclies made hy the Biippnrtors of the
' 111 btatomenU were nuilo tint tin reid i-i
ow in a condition of bankruptcy , notwith-
Gliding Mr. Admns within two > ens r preen -
en ted its condition to bu such that tbo
idows and orphana of Xew Kngland have
nvcsttd largely Into it.
It now apprari from Saturday's statement
lut tbo compiny own'd over five ] ) T cent in
it montlin. Tee probability is tint thu bill
vill rnnaln v here 1C is until a reply shall ho
ecfived fjpm tha secretary of the interior in
ospone to a reiolution as to the amount due
rom tin' cinipiny under thu theory get fotth
n a recent court cf claims report.
It is reported that Mr. Garlacd U not to belied
lied upgn to support tne funding bill ; that
ha < been lufn-med thu If he shouM da fo
would be Injurious to his chances for the
A I.KTTEH rilOSI 1 > B SIIENT AtlillS.
WAMHI.VGTOX , February 11. The following
was received to-day by Secretary Teller :
OmcK Usio.v PACIKIO K.MLWAY Co , \
1J03TON , February U. )
lion. II , M. Teller , secretary Interior ,
iVashingtun ; le r Sir : My attention has
been called by tha Congressional Hfcoul to
an aider pissed in the senate Thursday last ,
cnlling up n the secrttary of the Interior
Among other things for information whether
the annual settlement was male by the Union
I'aciBc lUilway compiny Febuury 1 , 1885 ,
M provided in the Thurman act. I wish to
say for jour Information there will ba no de
lay oa tha part of thii company In making
settlement referred to. Whenever the depart
ment will specify the sum due in tbat settle
ment , a draft for the uncunt shall be for
warded by return rc.iil.
The bill which paised the house , providing
for the lalo of the Sac and Fox Indian reser
ration ID Nebritka and Kansas , concerns a
tract of land f enabling of 80 H acrea. It i
provided in tha bill that the land * tlull b
sold to the highest bidder , and fur cot les
than eijjht dollars an acre. The provision i
also made that actual settlers art ) totmvo thes
Undt io iiuantitien nut to exceed Hi } scree
There are residing ou thu reservation at th
present time cn'y ' seventy-five Indiana.
PostmkstoriSamuel U. Kell , Ceutrilla
(11. ( ; John K. Johnston , Wuriiw , III ,
referred tbe off r of Madame Arline to con
promiie the suit pending agalmt her In Ch
c eo for violation of tbe cuttoms law ) , to th
United States dUtnct ttorcy at Chicaso fo
nvestigatlon unil rfpott. The acceptnc3 o ]
ho offer is ubj cted In torn to the approval
.f the dNtrlct atUrney oh. Uorof the UMS-
m-and ( f cretaiy of thetreaury.
It i leirned ihit the sentence nf thf court
Bftrt'al in Col MI rroir's CMS is that In b
fpritnandul by tha secretary of war , ftcd
hithereUIn hi. ' p-psent grade for n period
f two vcnr * . Tlia rate will to Jefe rod to
he ptetidiiit fcr final action.
Postmasters-Jacob Drum , Beatrice , No. . ,
lliaa 1 , . Uiat bower , United States marshal ,
istrict cf Nibriska.
i much improved to Jay. His physlcinn
links he will be able to bo out ai to n ai the
'father ' tnoierat < .
Tto jres'di'nt to-day trannnitlfd to con
ress the s > c nd annual report of the civil scr-
Ice commission , covering ihs period tndlii ?
anuary 10 , liS ? > ,
In his letter ho ays : "Tho commi'slon is
n thn 9cond ytar rf it * oxHecoe. The pro-
dent corgratulatss the country on the tuc-
issof Its lAl.orj. Hocjinrnetids the mbjet
0 the favcrablo consideration of cot grf si aud
ska for an appropriation tJ continue the
-ork. "
The report Is volumlmuj , but Its scope it
onfintd to in account f the action of the
ommicsion aud the results achieved.
c < > uvnx < ; tin : VOTK.
rnr.3tiSNr AND vicE-ritEsttiKxr.
'ASHINGTON , February 11 On motion cf
Ceifer , the clerk of the house was directed to
iform the senate that at 12 o'olcck the homo
would bo prruired to receive that body in
onformity with tHe provi ions of the concur-
out resolution rclntin ? to counting the electo-
il votes. At piec'tely 12 , tha eenato of tha
fn-tcd Stitej was announced and headed by
Ir. JUmunds and othVjra of tint body tha
ilors filed in and took tin * first two rows
; peat J which had beau preuously provided
IT them , tha president of the senate seating
itii elf by Acting Sneaker lllackburn.
Proddtnt Klmundi , in callitgthe assembly
order , said : "Tho two house .f c mresi
ive met ia puminnce of the conttituiiun and
, s and coccurrtnt resolution for the purpojo
' executlog the duty required by tbe consti-
itiun Mid Uwa in the nutter of counting the
ectoral vote for president r nd vice prsfiJeut
! the l"nitod State ? , c 3t by the electors of
10 several et to , for tbe term commencing
ioIth of March , ISM. The tellers appointed
y the twobouses will plos o take their place' . ' '
Senators Hoar aad Pemlleton and Hepre-
entatives Clay and Keife , having
iken their place ? nt the clerk's desk , Kd-
iiicds nail : ' Tin president ot the ecuata
ill open the certificates of tlio several states
n alphabetical order and now opens the cer-
'ficato for the stateof Alabama ' '
He hands the chairman of the tellers on the
art of the eenata the certificate from Ala-
ama rec'ivnd by mail and to the chairman
: the tellers on tlie part of ths nouae of rep-
eaontativea the certificate received by tnea-
Certificates of the other states were opened
id rrad in their order.Vhon
'ew York was reached CUy , o' '
Centucky , read the certificate and
nnonnc'd the thirty-six votej of the
; ate ca't for Clevehnd and Hendricks , and
) some vtguo rumor was in ths air this
lorning tint trouble wonld be mada over tha
tinting of [ the vote of New York , amur-
nur of relief went up when Clay finished
eadinp , and announced thit the ccrtiScatcB
'tho electors wa § certified to by tirovcr
levehnd , governor , A manifestation
: applause was promptly suppre-Bcd by Kd-
mndf , who ordered the sergeant at ortna ta
rest nny gentleman or oilier person who
iiturbed tha order of the proceadmga by
pplawe , or other man feataticii ,
At the clojo of the count by
10 tollersthe presiding offi er of the senate
nnounced that Clrover Cleveland nnd Thomas
, Hendricks have rcc.ived a majoritv of tha
ectorial votes for the refpfctivo olh'ts of
refident and \ice-president cf the
Jnlted Statpg. The declaration
e ? aid , was made ns only a public stnttment
1 the two hous of congrcs * and not piasess-
ng any authority of law to declare any legal
ondltion whatever.
At the close of Kdrnunds' ' announcement
iat Cleveland and Hendricks had received a
nijority of the ballot ? , the immense audience
rota into nptluuse and cheerj , which the
residing officer attempted to suppress , but
with little success. The smto tnen retired
) its chamber , and the house took a recess
or fifteen minutes.
Tlio Illinois Senator ! * ) Contest
CIIICARO , February 11. Tha Journal's
pringfield (111) ( ) special says : After some
ill cells , including the call of the house on
hieb republicans did not vote and fifty-six
emocrats did , Hamilton moved to proceed to
eel a United States senator. Speaker
[ aiaes refused to entertain the point of order
lat no quorum was presort and ordered the
erk to proceed with the roll call which 10-
ulted : Morrison ! ( > , Haincs Ij Richard
ishop 1. Morgan , of Will county voted for
'ainw on the ground tbat he coald not vote
> r a frje trader , Haines votfrd for ISiihop
luring tlia roll cill tba republicans
ft their tea's at the house. The democrat )
otuJ to invite the senate to joint cession at
eon , aud thea took a ress fa.
The M-Miita met , * ith fuven republioini and
irie democrat ! absent. Tb republians
roke a quorum , when Senator moved to ad-
ourn untU lloO Ciriieil. Tha senate re-
"livened and the democrats tried to have the
rk of the house- recognized , but the preai-
eut iu'ed that ho could recognizn no ore
ithont a quorum. A few minutr. < before 12
'cloc'c ' the democrats rose in a boly and
enrolled over to the houfe. Tno remaining
on.itors c.irriod a motioii to adjourn.
When the penatornatd repreJKntativei had
sscnbled Hnines said , as he understood law ,
made no difference whether a quorum was
resent or cot. The law was imperative that
vcte should bo Ukcn. The ro l call result-
d senate , Mo risou 112 ; house ,
lorrisnn . > ! ? , Haines 1 , Moran voted
or Haines aud IKiiies voted for Morrison
'ho demrcrnti appUu led when Haine's vota
as ann unc d. Ilainea announced no qno-
um and no election ai.d that tbo ballcting
would be resumed at noon to-morrow , The
enatois then left.
CHICACO , Ftbruarj' , U Arbitrator Hiland
o-day imposed a fine amounting to SUO ,
'aicnt the Chicag ) k Xorthweetem ru\d for
'x vitiations of tha manager's agraoment ,
nic-h pruhibltad tbo payment of commUsinns
o outside pa'usnger solicitors. Th viola-
ions were on Umiba aad Counc 1 Blutft lua-
netis , and the complaints in questiou were Gl
ad by thu Itock Is'aod ' road.
Snow IJound.
CHICAUO , February 10. The pasienger
rain over the Chicago & Alton road , whiih
eft hero at 11:23 : lait night , having on board a
men bar of members of the Illinois legislature ,
s mow b und at Uracaville , with an uncer
tain prospect as to thu time when the train
an baextiicaUd.
Tbe Dakota assembly has passed a bill glv <
ne women the right to vnte.
The wagon works of Fish Uroa. at Hacine
Wi < . , burned , entailing a Iocs of S40.0CO
They were owned by J , I , Caie.
The gre t cotton plantrn' convention li in
session at New Orleans.
TlioChlncso Will not Go.
SAN FRANCISCO , February 11. The Chinei
government Intenrii making the expuliion o
tbe Chinese from Kureki , California , on th
7th init. , an international matter and daiu
Indemnity from tha United States ,
UYAN.-In thta city , February 10th at .1:30 :
p. m. , Kllza , daughter uf J. Hyan , aged SO
Funeral will occur February 13th at 11 a.
m , , from the residence en tbe Bellevue road.
Interment at S , Mary's cemetery.
WILLING--In thU cHy February llth at
:30 o'c'ock a. tn. Leopold Willing , ngtd
GS year * .
The deceased is an node of Miss Maggie
McCarthy of this city. His funeral will take
p'ace to-day , February 12th at 2 o'clock ,
at the northeast corner of Xinth ar.d Leaven-
ttiect ,
A D.ciO Jictory for ihj British
Forces ,
Tao Itabel Loader and Several
Emirs Wore Kilhd ,
R&bel Corpses Lie Pil.d up in
Gen , Earl Killed Whila Leading
tin Black Watch ,
Some Hopes of Gen , Goulon Being
Still Alive ,
What l'V\v llenels That
Swum the Itlvcr
SCAKtM , February 11. Chilian Digra iwued
a lunimona forull tubes to roily at Tmnatiteb.
LosnoS , February 11. The cabinet to day
approved General VVoUeley's plan frr nn early
advanca f'om ' Siiildm to IJeoer. Thi narr ) W
( juftRa rnilroBd will be laid to Ami ) , thir'y '
miles ( vi-st of Suakiin , wluro an entroi chi-il
camp u ill be formed with the ccnrtral depot
fcr > tnr it l.fivlnjf Araib , thettoips will
proceed by forced marches t" Herder. It ij
calculated that tba navanco will b pin abmt
the third wetk of March and hopes Rcrbor
will bo reached in six weeks. Arnib where the
entrenched camp will bo formed la on
the read from Stnkim to Herber , and dc-
sciibed ai a ' niiihrg nass : , " whtra there is
good pasturage and plenty of water.
It is announced that a narrow puage railway
will bn constructed between Suikim nnd 13er-
bar. English tirma ollur to undertake the
construction of tha road within a fortnight by
, h mo of manufactured sections aoveriU rails
n length.
The contingent from India to take pirt in
the Suaklin Berber expedition Is to be 3,000
men. Gen. llucl-on ( uot Gen , Roberts ) will
command. The entire force for the exp di-
; lon will be du at Suakim within three wct'k * .
Many tu'geona luve volunt , rily gone to San
dal to aid the medical corps.
A number of femnla nurse ? will accompany
tha expedition. 3 he majority of the nurjei
B leclcd for aeruco have had medals presented
'or efficient work in the former Ejtypta'n
campaign. The government has decide ] 10
acc pt the ttmptrary girvLcs of a limited
number of office rs of in'litiajaml reserve fores ,
T.tiXDO.v , February 11 The following
official announcmneiit is made todaLord :
Ilosebery ia oppointtd Lord of thu 1'nvy Seal
and first cimiutHiuner of public work * .
Lord Kosebmy and Mr. Shaw-Leftver ,
postmaster general , will occupy seats m the
General Graham ts appointed to command
the Suakim expedition.
General I'remsntlo will rommand the
Ruarde , and ( iuccral Urueves will Lo chief of
staff.Up to midriflht Wednesday the govern
ment had no official advices confirming the
report of General Gcrdou'ii death.
The Standard's conoipoadent with General
Karle's column tends the following dispatch.
djted Dulki Island , Tuusdaj :
The British troops advanced to attack ( he
snerny , who neld a strong position oa the
liillp. After eoim fighting1 the enemy were
completely mrrounded. Finding it impost i-
bio to dielodpe the rebels from their foititied
position , General Karl ordered the troops to
clarge. Geiifrjl Karl was kilhd while lead
ing the Black Watch regiment , captured the
position beyond , the cavalrv taking pccaeesion
of the occmy's camp.
General Brockenbury , upon the fall cf Gen
eral 12arlastumed command and ordered that
the remaining p.-sitlona of the enemy be
stormed. The troops acted promptly and
made a gallant attack and teen captured all
the enemy's positions. The fight lasted over
five honia. There wi s great ilaughter among
the enemy. Time who survived escaped by
swimming the river.
LONDON , February 11. AnotVer account
cf the death of Gen. Karl , jilted nt Koiti ,
sjya : Gen. Eatl was killed in the action on
Tuesday , the fight occurring near the Nile ,
a few miles above Uulku , The Arabs
1ml fortiljfl the piss , and had built a small
fort en the left bank of the river.
When Gen. Earl's foices reached the p.vs
the wf re subjected to a he.ivy lire fiom the
Held gunt which the Arabs had placed in a
commanding position. Gen. Karl had no
artillery , end commanded thetroops to charge.
It is more of a scramble than a charge , but
the Arabs were driven from the height ) ntthe
point of the 1 > yi net , an-l fell back slowly
towards the liver. All that remained to ba
captured was a little furt on the river Uink ,
and as the British column advancad it was
met bv n stea-'y ' and well direo'cd fire from
jaliind the sand and wathugs which composed
, he Arab fnrt. Many men of the attacking
jarty were killed.
General Karl airain orJercd the men to
charge , and put himself at tha head of thu
column , Ho was killed during this charge ,
and tbe f > .rt was immediately captured , but
t a terrible cost. In iddilioa ta General
' larl t-jree officers aii'i eight man were killed
and thlrty-fivfl men wo'.uded.
The Briti'h force corsUted of the Black
Watch and the South Stafford recinoents , a
rqtiadron of huzzira and to guns of tlie
Egyptian rtlery.
LONDON , February 11 , Nocn. The cabinet -
net met ct 11 this morning and is still in s3 -
sion General Wolselry telegraphs the govern
ment that scouts font to Khartoum have re
turned. They confirm the report cf the
illing of Gen , Gordon and the atrocities
ommittcd in Khartoum by the JIabdi's men.
R , February 11 Negotiations between
IB British and Italian Kovernment with a
tew to Italian co-operatioa in Soudan etill
proceed. Clnvaller Negra , nmbistador to
Condon , haa been instructed to assure Lord
jranvlllc , British foreign secretary , of the
mufidencu that Italy rn.i in the power ofHog -
and to o n h the reholllon in Soudan and re-
igaiite Kgypt , and to stito that Italy la wil
lug to occupy with h ° r troops strategetic post :
10 ad ti euaMd Kugland to mass her forces
.gainst the mahdl.
GIBUALTKB , February 11. Troops have al-
eady Balled from lure to reinforce Wolseley ;
th era will ba dispatched Immediately ,
. - LONDON , February 11. The war office re
ft ! sea to officially confirm the dispatch which
suites that Woleeley telegraphed tha govern
ment that tha scouts sent to Khartoum ti
ascertain the fate of General Gordon have re
turned with proof of hia death ,
elaigow add eiploaion
Hopcailiat Gen , Gordon IK Still Alive
LONDON , February 11. Thers is etlll
.light . ground for hoping that Gordon Is stil
ilivo. The accounts of newspaper corret
undents come from tha common natty
source. No witness of General Gordon'
deatn Is mentioned ,
With Gord n were Hauzal , the Austria
vice ccnsul , and twenty Greeks
and n Levantine merchant of a
h'rrn at Alexandria , for whom the Greeks have
been icticg as igents. do cot believe the story
of tba ma-iucio at Khartoum , It U known
that tbe mahdi holds fifty G reels prisoners ,
and tint they are well treated ,
In reply to inrjulriea , Gen. Wolseley tele-
graph'that he li H no more authe > tls newi
than that brought to Ki rti by Cul. Wjlson.
Miratoua Notes ,
Toe Earitoga L'tsraty and Debating
c ciety held their usual meeting Saturday
evening. The programme , which con
elstad of muilo and recititlone , was gouJ ,
and was followed by the debate. The
question chosen for dcbtto next Ea'.urday
evening If. "Retolved , That the railroads -
roads ebould be controlled by tbe United
. . . .iv. eov rnment. ' ' Qu"o n number
f fem the Florence LUsrary toslaty were
protcnt , nho Silts Son h. from Froaiout.
Mrs. Edwin ntUMird last
Monday frjm Blair , where ? ha haibcvn
vlsttiug her daughter , Mrr. J. J. Smith ,
On accannt f > f the kc'orcency i f the
wcathir the "Band of Ilopo" did tel
moet last week , but w 11 meet nl Mr. W ,
El. L wloa's next Tuesday ovenine.
Mr nnd Mrs. Litvton will takoatrif
west fcr a few days this week.
Some Sarllisg Fci's ' ( Oanless Let
tir Writers ,
AVhnt the Servants of Undo San
11 nvc tj Contend TVItli In llnnil-
lint ; the IJOCA ! Malls.
"If you want ti kaow why ao many
lottera no\o : reach their daatiuiiiDn , just
follow nic , " and Assislaiit Postmaster
Wcoilatd led a reporter , ia quest of information -
formation upoa tlij poin * . , inti the lirgo
mail tccsiving tni distributing rooms of
the pottollicc.
"You ought to ace aotnc of the curlcsl-
iss ia the wfy of Utters which pa's
through cur hinds. Now heic la ono ,
without any address oa whatjvcr , not
oren a name jus < the stamp. Hero ia
anoth'i- with the u.iaio and city acd
county wrlltso , but no state. Sto 'Q.
Ilil'iday , Jacksonville , Washlnglm
county. ' liira Is another cf the tama
conu ? , 'Mils Ivato Trajnor , 80 Nortli
ilooro street' no city , uo state. We
requenty receive Init n of tint chata-
, T bushela of th.-in every month
Hero's another auto way of h mUrlng the
jrorapt pjssago of a letter through the
hails , \'uu see tlie writer forgot to put ou
a a'anip. What do w 3 do with tush
opiMies'Wo / fill up a blank form
aud address it to fie penon for wlum
the lottr is intended , Infonuirg him that
upon Binding the postage due on the uu-
stamped latter wo will forward it to him.
Alter two week ) the lettjr la forwarded
o the dead letter ollho a1 Washington.
[ his gpecloa of carelessness , forgetting to
tamp the letter , is perhaps tin mojt
"Dj you over receive a-jy le tars with
neither address or stamp ? "
l'Oh , yes , quito ficqttcntly. Here's
onp. " And Mr. Wooddrd plskod up a
oaled envelope , upon the virgin white-
ices of tthoio bick sarfase neither pen
lad been eciattud ncr stamp licked ,
and handed it totho 3ctlbc > ho fol Iback in
lorror tt khe forms of gross nefiligonce to
which tae Inbits of aomo people adapt
"Yes , wo receive letters addressed hi
every postiblo aliBpa. Hero is oao sd-
dresscd , XelriBkH , Nebraska , ' anoth rene
ono 'Jlct Spriugi , ' Iowa in neither
s'ata ' is there any tuch pcstoflico. Tine
peclea of cirel'tsness , iu directing Jot-
ois to pistcflicea Trhich don t exijtj
vnd never have , ia v ry com
mon. "NVo receive mail vcrj
requently , with ppatollico on , bnt no
name. And .so I rai ht C3i.t'nup , ahow-
ng yon the vjriona forma of miadirrc d
mail mattar nhlcb go through our hands
low in in y unmallablo lalteis do we re-
caive every daj ? I suppose about fifteen
or twenty. Nearly every day wo send
off a largo consignment to the dead 1 ttor
cilice at Waalington , liatd : on tpscia'ly '
mpired blank fotni * . At that place
ho htteis , or parcel ? , if there bo any
such , are opoicd , and if the ccntenta
are ionnd to bo of apec'al value , they arc
returned to the wiiter.
"Thero U a package of'hotel lotl era'
addressed to partica in the cue of ctrtain
lotels. Th'se are held by tha hctsls for
a length of time deemed enllicient , and
are then turned over to ua. Wo try to
each the partica addrcised. if possible ,
and when satisfied that delivery la im-
)3S3ible , seed them on to Washington to
; o throngh the regular course. ' '
"So that jou aee , and the dear pnbl'c
ught to so ? , thit the failure of a letter
o r < ah it destination is not always the
aclt of Uncle Sim or hia employee. "
elm Smith Hopes In Julia Vcr/.ani
for $ l.
John YorzanI ia the rntru of a verdant '
ou'h who jnat arrived inOiraha Tusida' )
night fresh frcm the snov ( chd hills and
cy dolls of Elk Point , Dakota , .lohn
was not on to the , ways of the world and
vas fat food for the human vultures who
ark around evsry city of any preten-
Yesterday John met a fine appcar-
rg gentleman who invited him into a
_ aloun on Tenth it'eet to tavo a il-ink
They drark , sm kcd mid talkul together
intil they hail become the best of friends.
Che line appealing stranger was from New
Drleans dis father was the owner cf a
large foundry there and the s n was in
Omaha for the purpose of hiring men to
work in his faticr's foumliy. Ho was
greatly pleased with the appearance of the
veidaut youth from Dakota anil very
so.n hired him to diivo his father's
private orriagoa in New Orleans. Jdin
was delighted with the prospects. How
his bosom swelled with pride as he
thought of himself seated upon the top ol
the box , dr.-ssed In n dsxz'inp ; suit of ribbons
bens and handling the nica over a crackIng -
Ing span.
As he thought of all these things his
heart warmed toward the yonng stranger ,
and ha kindly ( Informed him that he
vaf the posseseor of $01 , all In gooc
United States money. This waa joj fa
news to the stranger , and bo warmly
congratnla'ed the yerJant youth upon his
principles of economy and advised him to
keep oat of bad company and save his
The two men left the saloon and won
to tike a walk. They wandered alor |
until they came to the corner of Nintl
tnd Dodge street ) . lhro they slopped
to vlov the beauties of natnreand tize np
Tom Murray's row. All at once the fit.
young stranger laid tbat be had to eee a
man , and riqneatcil the verdant youth t <
reiiuln where ho was until he returned
lie went over to Wallace's dire , ccrao
of Ninth and Doughs streets , and ii
a few minutes returned end joined hi
companion. Following close inhiswako
came a second stncger who derxaided
payment open some bigciigo which was
owned by the yonng lid iiora New Or
leans. The young fellow didn't ' have the
money and asked for a Icaa of $01 frcm
the verdant youth and of course wai ac
commodated. Then the two sttangars
atked the greeny to re ran Q where he
was for a few minuses they would
return , He did as he we s bid and the
two men took their departure.
All at nice it dawned Dpon the sucker
Ftimi Dnkotrt that lie lm l boon mbhod aiul
he luvan gal oping tip and down the street
like a itiartor | liorso. In the course of
ItU tfavols he cfttnc a'mss ( , > tlicor Doii
, \ < iii at.d ui.lwigomcd liiniself t . him. The
j otlieiT at ones wen' to the Wailaeo r.uich ,
co-tier of Ni th ntul Dodge , and captiuxxt
the y ung htt'ixr : who claituiHl to bo
fr m Kew Orleans , but his \ < n' ' had sk'p- '
j'l'd out thu baek door with the money.
J ho yrccney identified the nun who was
fiiight aiul ho was placed in jail.
Tfco aa'i vho is now in j ll nnd hia
yal answo.4 the d srlpioa ! gtvtn rf t
neu who are suppose ! t ) have r , > bb
the C. , St. P , ai.\t C. depoi n few d ys
sicce. The wn arrested givts the un
mini name of John Scntf ] ,
The verdant yjtith from Dakota is nut
SCI nnd there Is a etrong probability that
lie will never SJQ fho mtnay again. IIo
probably will not 1 nd any more until ho
gets lf , fur ho s flat trolo.
The BcnsAtlnim of a Gcntlcm.tiiTlio
"Wont Down In the Smoker at
tlio Crouton M'rcok ,
"IIow did I foal ? Don't ' ask me , for I
can't tell you. "
Mr. E. U. Cotdes , of Gitlnn , Neb ,
and prjeidont of the Concord Cattle csni
piny , wan stopping nt tbo MilUrd 'ai
jUi' , having just arrived via the ' \ >
from Crcstou , where ho haa been laid tip
since the fatal accident of Sunday night.
A special halo cf glory circles around
Mr. Cowlcs' Identity , for the reason that
ho went dorrn in the tr ia with the
1) i-'gj on that terrible occasion.
Ho Is , moreover , the only
ono of the pafs > ngora who
was not mrri or Jess teriuus'y Injured ,
having ercipoi with as'ight ' cut in the
back of h s heal , a few trivial Drnisjs ,
and a gocoral nhaking up. Prrsicd by n
rcpotter to describe his feelings , vapuo
though they nny have been , Jlr ! Oonha
replied :
"No , I can't tell you much about my
ft clings at the time Thny are best rep-
r-snted by a blank. I was In the
Binokor , and -whoa I hiard the tra'n '
paasinp ; over lh-3 broken rail , and the
rear end of tha train gtatlrg as it was
thrown off the track , 1 jumped to the
automatic bell cotd. 'i'hon wo were
prociptntod down the embankment ,
and the three cira fell In a boip. i re
memboied notbiag until 1 found myself
lyin ? in the Improxijed hotpital at the
yummtt House in CuMtrn. Iwish yon
would state , however , tHtt the C. , B. it
Q. people did everytHng in their power
to alleviate the sufferings of the vic
tims "
Mr. W. C. Davenport , the divis'on
superintendent and general freight osjent
of tbe read , wai removed yesterday to
Burlington , nil iujuths , fortunitoly ,
were not .11 Kerions as at firat antici
pate ! .
Xho Second I'arty ot ( he Myrtle
Serlct Gnjnore's
The accond of tha pleasant aeriea of
socral partisa civen by Myrtle Division ,
U. II. R. of P. , took place at Metropoli
tan hall Fast night. About sixty conplca
of the Sir Knights and their ladles with
invited friends , were prcxont , and In
dulged in the pleaiurea of the dance un
til an early hour. Sixteen numbars con-
atltuted tbo prcgr&mme , the music being
rendered by "a section of the Mutioal
Union Orchestra. Following are tha
committees :
Mts'er ' of Cercmonie : D. Kaufman.
ExjcutiveCooiinittee D. Kaafncao , J ,
Donnelly , Jr. , A. Borden , 0. Stjveus ,
\V. F. Manning , I F. DeLorimcr , J. J.
Monoll , Jr. , F. J. Knapp , Thos. Bn rjl' ' ,
G. H. Leelie. Red r.bbcn.
Fbor Comm ttee D. Kaufman , Goo.
Sibine , 0. Sjmli , W. F. Manning ,
Frank Wilson , Th < > 3. Barrell. Blue
U'cepllon Cjrnmittce E. E. French ,
J. S , tihropthire , E. D. Croivell , J.
Donnelly , Jr. , A. Borden , J. J. Monell ,
Jr. , W. F. Manning , Thos. Burrell.
AtCroucso's lull a private maaquendo
party , given by Mr. J. M Gaynoru to a
number of hia friends , was a pleasur
able event ol the evening.
'I'lin City Marelinl of Lonvcinvorlli
Wants an ( Ixvnor Jor Some-Books ,
Yesio-day Mtrthal Cnmmlnga rc-
colvod the foUowlcg leHcr from the clly
maratal at Leavenworth , Kama. ? :
LVAVESWOIITH , Kan. , Ftb. , Sth , 188r > ,
hef ! of l'olic ( > , Omaha :
Dear Sir--\Vo ams'ed or.u Cbafl. Wilpon
iera on su i > iVion und fcund him in poaHee-ion
if the fol owinp ilescubed bookc :
Seventeen volumes of Nev American en-
clopiL'dm ; - books cf tha world ; 2 bocks of
e Lifo nnd Time ( .f Homy Clay ; 2 volume *
fvtho Life of Julius Labors 5 volumes
f the Hint-iiy of the Jleformatinn ;
olumrs of the llittory of Kn ' nd
iy Mcl'iiilly , nnd eleven bunks of tlillerent
: indj. The books look as though taken from
library. Tlu-re is no mark on them , c xcept
the iniidt * of the cover * , where there WAJ a
> nster of eotno kind panted on. The palter
.M been taken oil , mid all tint remains h tbo
iiutllage. W. D. SlI MJ.citoss ,
City Marshal ,
The marshal says tbat Wilaon la about
feet 11 inches tail , iredium bulkl , has a
'lack ' muatachp , black hair and eyes. He
s an er-ionvist , having seived seven
em in the Kansas atatea prison.
Mnrihal Cuminings nil received from
Jeorgfl Bamett , Baker , Kansac , a Utter
which , ai a sample of extraordinary spelling ,
writing and rhetoric , U simply a phenomenon
if ignorance. Twu hours' intense study of
> he document reveala the fact that fieorg
, vant tha Umaha autborlticH to bo on th
lookcut for three filtls , one Mollie Fort
roclnatint ? blonde , Grace Smith , p tito and
charming brunette , nnd : i third fascinating
dnmiel , name unknown , who ran away from
home and iritmds in JUkor , Kaa. , with semi
ay Lothario , Tlio party 19 supposed to ba n
or near Omaha. Five thousand dollars rew.itd
B otf nod for the apprehuatioa of the runn
way * ,
Antonio Ganbon is the name of a gentle
man who applied fur lodciog pilulegea at thi
jail lust night , Antoulo ii a dirk-haired : Mex
ican who OIK bci > a traveling around the worl
a sjil r , waj stranded with very Httl
monty at Phlhidtlphla , tnj is now making hi
way hoina i3 Matzlan , Old Mexico. He
ttaited two yearb ago frcm San Francisco , in
thu vessel Jaunttne , having goce cu board
with plenty of wealth from the silver mines
of Matzlan , He vowa nuvtr to leave Old
Mexico agiin In case ha ever leadiui that
sunny clime. Ganbon h a youth of no mean
intelligence , c ntt-rung with a polyglot rep-
of tint patter In Spaniib , French ,
Koglitb , Ix-sldei Hpeakiog fluent
ly , of courer , his utstbfr
Itctimi'kalile \ppi-oiici | of
lifstfr t > li ) lctiut 1'ully
Clevtland , 0 , Hptald.
Vwtorday and tha day before no copied
into our columns from the Ilichsslor , N.
\ , JJcnwcrat and Chronicle , a ranutk.
able statement , aaiebj.1.15. Iltnlou , M-
D. , a gen1 loman win Is mil known hit his
clly. In that article Dr. Llonion recounted
counted a wonderful experience which
bifillhim , and the next day wo pub
lished from thoe.vuo paper a second arti
cle , giving an aicount of the "Esc'tjuiont
in Rochester , " caused by Dr. Uonlou'a
slatemsnt. It is dtuSlful if nny two nr-
ticloa were over published which caused
greater commoiisn both among ptofce-
ional people and laymen.
Since the publhaMnn if these two arti
cle. , having bein bes eod wiih lotteis cf
Inquiry , wo sent a commnntia'im ' to Dr.
Utn ! n and as ! ) ono to II. 11.Vnrnor it
Co. , asking if.any additional proof oulil
bo Rifon ID us as to the valid ty of the
statements published. In answer thereto
wo have received the fo Lwing loltsis ,
which add interest to the entire sibjoct
and verify every tln'ctnnnt hitbcit midc :
GK.NTLIMEX : Yciir favor ia received.
The piblishod ala'omcnt , over my sty.
nutuie , to which you refer Is true in
every respect , and 1 OYO my life and
proatnt health wholly to the rower of
Wa-nar'a S.ifo Care , which snatched mo
froai the very brink of the grave. It ia
not surprising that vorplo should iitiea-
lion tin atatemtnt I mide , for my roeov
c-y was as great a mirvnl to myulf , BH
to my physicians , and friends. * * *
J. B. HK.MON , M. D.
RociiESTEtt , X. Y. , Jan. 21
Silts : Acknowledging yctir favor duly
received , wa would say : The best proof'
wo can give you Hut the atBtBtnonU uicdo
by Dr. IIoulou arc entirely true , and
would not have been pnbliehcd unless
strictly ao , ij the following testimonial
from the bsst citizens of Rochester , andn
card published by Rev. Dr. Foato , which
you are at liberty to use If you wi h.
II. fl. WAUNEH & Co.
To Whom it may Concern :
In' the Rochester JJemocrat and
Chronicle of December 31 , there ap
peared a s'a'omflnt In the form of a card
from Dr. J. B. Ilonion , of this city , re
markable recovery from Blight's dlsoaso
of the kidneys , after several doctots of
prominence had gavon him up , by the
uao cf Warner's Safe Cure. Wo are per
sonally , or by reputation acquainted
with Dr. Heuion , and wo believe ho
would publish no ititemcnt not literacy
true. Wo are also personally , or by rep-
utition well acqudintcd with D. if.
Warner it Co , , proprietors of that
rjmedy , whose commercial and personal
standing in thia ccmxiunity are of the
highest order , and we bollevo that they
would not publish any statements nhich
were not literally and strictly true in
every particular.
C. it PAUSOSS , ( Mayor of Rrchotter. )
Wit. FimcELL , ( Editor Cnion and Ad
vertiser )
W. D SHUAUT , ( Et-Sarrcgato Monroe
Connty. )
EDWAUD A. FKOST , ( Ei-Clork Monroe
County. )
E. B. FEN : < -EK , ( ex-distiict attorney
Monroe county. )
J. M. DAVY , ( cx-mciuter Congress
Ro hestcr. )
Joux S. MOUCAX , ( County Judge ,
Monroe county. )
HIKAM SIBLEV ; ( Capitalist and Seeds-
inaa. )
W. C. ROWLEY , ( fx-counly Judge
Monroe county. )
JOHN VAX Voouuis , ( ex-MemVer Con
gress. )
To the Editor of the Living Church ,
Chicayo , fit.
There was ptib'isbed in the Rochester
Democrat and Chronicle of the Ulst of
December a statement inado by J. B.
Ilenion , M. D. , narrating how ho had
been cured of Bright'a disease of the
kidneys , a'mosl ' in i 3 last stages , by the
use of Earner's Safe Cure. 1 was icfer-
red to in the statement , as having recom
mended and urged Dr. H onion to try the
remedy , whi h ho did and was cured.
The statement of Dr. Hcnion is true , ss
far as it conco'ns myself , and 1 believe it
to bo true in all other icspects. Ho was a
parishioner of mine and L visited him in
his sickness. 1 urged him to take the
medicine and would do so again to any
who was troubled w th a disease of the
kidneys and liver.
ISRAEL FOOTK , ( D. D. , )
( Late ) Rector ij't. 1'atil'a Episcopal
Church , Il.clusttr , N. Y.
Oiniilia Commercial Collie JjiUrary
and Debating Society.
At the regular mer-ting hat Sa'urday
evening Mr. E. E. Xlmmerman favored
the audicncn with a description of hia
his "First Encounter With a Dentist , "
which was wiraily received. Thoqucn-
tion , "Should tha Usury Laws bo Re
pealed ? " was handled by Messrs. Scin-
neil , Gideon , Uendrlcka and Pritohoid ,
and decided in favcr of affirmative. Next
Saturday eveiiing Mr. Isaac Ac'atna will
favcr the society with a talk on Naples.
All are lnvitd. ; B. J. SCANKEM , ,
lASMUSSKN'-At 1 i. in. , Infant dauehter
of Ellen and Char , Kaamusien , ag l tbrco
Funeral will take place from residence , 812
South Nineteenth street , Thuittd&y , 1'ebnuiry
2tli , at - p. m. Friends are Invited ,
MiMiW ini MMH Ha M
rhe Greatest "Medical Triumph of the Age !
lei * ofnppctlte , Ilowcli co llve , I'aln la
tbe bead , with a dull en alloa In the
back part , 1'nln under tbe ibonlder-
blade , 1'nllnci * after eating , wllh adli-
Incllantlon to exertion of body or mind ,
Irritability of temper , /ow plrlt , with
a feeling of bnvlne ncelccled louie duly ,
\Vrarlne i , Dlzzlueit , I'luttcrtni at Iba
Heart , Dot * before tbo eyc , Headache
over the rlzht eye , lleillestncni , wltU
Dtful dreamt , Hlcbly colored Urine , and
TDTT'H l > IIiX > n are especially adapted
to auch cases , onu doao eiTecta such n
: haiW < > of feullnrrm to astonish tne sufTorcr.
They Iiicrtiue tlm A ppe til e.ind cauee tbo
tody la T Uc oa Fleih/triui tba r > tcm In
nuiirlihcil.anit by their Tonic AcUon on
tnal > i tlveOrttBiiiHciUlnrH ooljBro
rnvluci-fl. l"rl' a5e. t ! tf array Mt..N.Y.
O'UAT HAIH \VI1ISKEH8 changed to a
Giostr U.iCK by n eliifilo application ot
tills DTE. It Imparts a natural color , ncti
Instantaneously. Solil by DrugKUta , or
nt by exprt a on receipt of 1 ,
tjfflco,44 Murray St. . New YorK.