r H BEE. FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , THURSDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY 12 , 1885. NO , 133 ; LINCOLN A Cen'iimatioi if Oir Lii'oln ' Leg- islalire Li erainro , Matters of Eovenuet State Insti tutions , Bailroad Corporations , Courts , County Government cud Various Other Matters , And a History of Each Member of the Snate , Brown and Ohuroh Howa Have a Paasage "at Arms , Hntmo A | > proirJntc | < $1OOO ( > for tlio Homo or the Friendless. liKCISti ITIVT UTiit.ATUKi : : . A FEU lions mn.H. Special Corrfsooiidenco to the BZK. LINCOLN , February 11. Following it n brief outline cf aamo of the bills now before the house : MITTKIU OK IlEVKVUK. Home , 1)2 ! ) Nichol , Providicg tin pay- msnt of taxes in two imUllrncnls Mtuch 1st and October Itt. In case the first install ment 13 not pud before April l t tbo whole Jjeentnta delinquent ; penalty 10 pei cent. House , 172 Jinclrj , Governing the mode of assessment by county commisiionurs. House , tCl-IIolt , Sch ° duo ! for aisesaors. Housa , 2J1- Caper , Making it the duty of county board ) to have stricken from tax hooka asaessmEnti against l.anda prior to is suance if government patent. This includes urjpatontcd railroad land , House , 199 Kobsrteon , Hclating to duties of assessors. House , 155 White- , Providing that holders of ti\ title ) may tecure poBacsjion In 10 months from date of purchase on giving riropsr notice. TATT INSTITUTIONS. Honsi * . 1"S Corn llm , l tabhshing the Central Nebraska asylum for the insane- , the plica to be designatol by the board of public lands and bull -Ings , and approptiating S100- 009 therefor. I House , V 10 Holt , l.stablishing an asylum for the fieblo minded at Beatrice , providing the citizens donan forty ncrci of laud fur a stt , and appropriating fc.i-,000 therefor. House , ' . .il"Wiipht , Providing fora STS- toin of tenrernsro for lha csnltcl jointly with thn city of Lincoln , one ha'f ' the cost to be berne by each , and api rour'atug ' SJ33IJ tote to pay the s'ate's ' proportion. Himi , iif ! ! Merlin , Providing for the lo cation of a lun tic mj lum at York , en con dition that ughty acres of land are given for a tile , nud lovjtng one-half mill for 18S3-G to carry out the provisions of the act. In addition counties 1 tin charged with the cost of caring for Ita luinntse. n ULKO vtcor.ro P.ATIONS. House , VJO-Uuwll , Making it the duty of rf > ilrj.idd to erect statiocs uad ut"p trams .it nil towns on the line having a pop.ilaticn of House , 181 Lee , Vipa'senijor rates on railioadsa * . tinea c nt ) p"r mile ; peaulty for violation SJ" > for u , ch olleu e. Houaa till Joliniton , l'i\ing maximum rttsa of freight and creating a boaid of rail road commissioners. THE COURTS. House , ICO Harlau , Giving cither party to ii suit where the tin mat exceeds .soj , the Tight to deniuul a jury trial. House , 1-t'J Brandt , Limiting revival of House , li ! ) > IMoy , Ciovoruing proceedings against tenants. House , -Olinslead. ( ! . Uepe ling chanter 1 of title S of atatutcj of ISM , entitled ' Arrest and Hill. " Home , 155 Wright , Defining powers and tbtiea ot court coinuii sumera. House , 1UIJ ! S'BVI n on , govoruicg appeals from judgments in certain caas , Huu e , 201It ley , Amending section 1011 of the cede of civil procedure. COLNTY fiOVKUVMK.ST. House , 179 B ace , Piovi ing forabanion ment or coutmtianco of township organization as the iiuj r ty of vutera may elect. Home , 13.4 Kik-y , Authorizing the opening of public roada on tic. ion lious without ) > : e limmary survey. _ Home. 10' ) Wolbi h , Dafimng qiialifica tioim of county Kjpenutt'rd'Jiitt of echools. to be not loner than tirst prado. Hocne , Ili3 Ku my , Dstendiig tin nsd jurisdLtlnn of cnyii'il villngj elli eu. House , 133 Henry , Provic ing for thu election of c-oii ity commUnioni'm of high ua > and dthuliiu duli-a. House , 19.1 Hill , Prc liibitinpu tcbool dis Irict othcer triching tchool in tlio district in which he retiJrs Houtu , 107 Taggait , Kegulating formation of well ol dUtii2tH. House , 1SJLoe , Uelnting to ollci'.ion and p lyint'iit ot claim a ? unit countled. House , ID'J ' Uilty , Pixmg fees for survey ing lots , lamld nnd cnnaty road * . Houat ) , -Holiworth , l'ro\idng ! for annexing unorpiul/ul tLintory to adjoining coii'itics on ni.ijoiity vott ) . HnusiIJOiluUahill , To dividp school dittriui on lines of railways in certain caves , UISC ELLA ! < ECU'S. H < jii ! > , 171 'I mun , Ju-utmg to the rtgis trttion of inunicipil oouds by sUto auditor. Hous9. 213 I'linoo Committee , Traniftr- ring to the state Hiukln fund moneys credited to county truttur r ' fund H'juaj , 173 l.icjvieldt , Umug authority tote any uuinbtr of pcr.oni not to rxcuod tOl ) ton Insure thHintelvei fro.n 1 nby fir a or death. Home , llii lliley , Limiting aiinunt of un taxiblo UuJ for cemetery purposed to blO acres. ' 10y House , 10 -King 1 , Miking the property , reul and pers m.i1 , tiled or occupied by tulojii keepfrj , liabla far lines aud < costs usseaitd ajaiQat them llous } , IWi Johnitin , PunuWn ? tlio crime of rapj ultli deivtli ; abuio of famala child un > dcr 1U join with her content , Is'tnadu Irapria onment for life. 1 louse , 202 Tgi ? rt , I'/olilb'tinz thfl Jump iog of circasiea of dvai anluula , or offal , 01 patrid tnntttr In ih t , crcek , pond , rod , licet , nlley , ] jt , fifld , mesdow or public ground ; pt'iully tit t more tlmi 850. Hous23S Knley , An tlsbor te law gov- ornlng the orginlzttlon ncd nlfairj of life In surance compan-cidolcg bu lne s in the state Home , IS'-Tfggut , Legalizing the incor- porntlon of the village of Uennett. Houie , 183 Wnght , Allowing dim'nutirjn ot time tf sentence lor good beh tiur. Home , 214rioaoco cxuitnltteo , Trinifer- rinp money in the elate bond fund to lha attic sinking fund. Special Corrcsp-mdencc totha HKE. LINCOLN , February 11.Tho cenato lobby wai crowded tin' morr.lng to hoar the dl'cua- slon ol tailroad bilta. After Important pro- limlnu-iea tin jennte reaolvod Itself into a commlttcf ! of thavhoU , and cjcsidercd the Hprcul older , SncU'4 three cent mllcaee bill and thr rail- ro i J commltt e' < freight bill , Mr. Snoll'a bill intochantred fmm tha original wording that It 11 doubtful If ho can rtz-ognlro it now. The title is about all that remain ? . Senator liurr ollercd tbo firzt amendment making the bill applicable to n ails cut cf the 101st principal in ridbn. Tli'u was cracked thtougb so lively that feiv nu-mbeia knew its Import. Senator Lewis , cf 11 irt , then offend to thpfrt ! section by dividing all toada into three clasoe. Cla * ' A" to lie all r .ils eirn- in oscr § lrO ) ptr rijile i > er nnnum , nnd to charga throe c < t.it8 per mile Cl.its " 11" all nals naming lets than Sl.irOanil o\crSIPOO per mile per nnnum , toch.irga three an J ouo lialf ci-nt u Clm"0"ull roads uiiiiin lois thrn .t,00) ) to charpo four centi j > er nuln Stiutur LawN stated hi < reasons that it uas un ] ift to new iotdn in he north part of the < > t lie ti impose such low rates aad as height rates ha' ba n cl ismfiej , he thought it proper tj claa > ify the i avenger terdT. Sen.vor Durland Blnof \ lei the tunnd- niont , acd procotded tORi\o n number of f cts nnd Iignrp3 rearfling tto Siour City road , Uohlnd Mr. Durlnnd Bit John 1) . Howe , so licitor of the St Paul road , who coiclud Mr. UurHi.d through his ppccci in duo style. Mr. Durland asked tint Mr. Howe bo allowed to addrees the committee as rcpriMentdtivfs of other road a bad done to , and ha thought it was only fair to treat all alike. Ho made a motion to tint effect , v.hich motion was fcup- pottfd by Mr. Lo\o of H own , an 1 opposed by Mr. McAllister , of Platte. The motion uas loit by \otoof 11 to II. and Mr , Houo was not beard ( n the question. Senit Jr Snell then spoke npa-nst the IVmia amendment as ha Ins spoirn in vain ag.tinst every oilier amendment ollered to bit bill. Senator Hastugs thought the amendment would kill the whole meaaniH. At the eug gfstun of Ptiiato- Howe , clvss "C" was Htrickcn entirely from the amendment and clasj "U" made to include. Mr Howe favored a reduction of paEsanger rates on all roads. Sanator McAllister fmored the amendment because the senston from the northern p rt of the stita i-eeined n > f.tron , ' in its favor , and not because he believed the railroads could not stand it. Senator Melkeljohn added ncinen h.it to the amendmunt by iraklng tlu computation of the tarnlnRS apply to tha entile tjBti m of any road m the ttite. A feu M gh chatijtesveri - made in oth r p itioLS of tlu bill and it uas repirted forpj'iagp. Sonata hie , 171 The railroad committee's bill wis then tnkeu up , but Dr. Sotn , evidently fearinz its pistaje , IntroducfJ a ic oution ! with an intfrrmtiublj preamble t" the ilfett tha' mnj mty of the milroad commitUe o o not favorab o to tne bill but would like to substitute senate fie ! 187 , SiT.i- tor SnellV railroad tomuuatlon bill. Thn struck the eecatjrs "all in a luap" cs it were. " Si > m tor Urown dfn'ol that Iho majority of the railroad committfp nanti1' ! to * nsuuits the commission bill K mirkablo to ril'to , Senator Howe tpretd with Mr liroivo. This n the first time th ° so two belligerents have talke 1 on thn same f ido rf any question. Mr. Howe * -ili3\e't tl.e seu = ta ( .hould con bider the freight bill ai d dispose of it one way or amthcr and u ovtd thattln c < mijitte rise mid asked leav t > set .ipa n on this bill m the afternoon This motion prevailed and Mr. Sower'd resolution dlod , Wh-n the report of the ccmmittse of th \ , hole wxs made to the senate Stnator lirowa mov d to Btrile on : th Hun amendmeat ro p.vding the lOlflt pnrcipil meridian. Mtnatoi f Howe opposed and tha two stalwarts grappled ' in worn y conflict for feverol minutes , when Senator Spencer pque'chtd further proofed ing * by .1 motion to adjourn , which prevailed AFTKKVOOV Special Telegram to THE UEF. LINCOLN , February 11. The entire sfter noon heesiou cf Ili3 eenatu was spent in con Eidering the railroad bills brought up in tin murning. When the committee of the nhol rejoiumendid the Soell thrco c8Lt bill foi final passage , an effort was made by Snoll t Etiiko out the ameLdments , thn was lose , Senator Brown moved to strlko out th < auu ndii.ent makirg tl-o law in fores only ca of thu lOlat principal m-iirtifln Senators P.iul and Mriklejohn arsuad tbV this amundmi-ut made tlu bill un onstitu tiunal. fci 4iator Brawn cald that it vvaa Bpeci.v I Itginlatinn. cenator McShanenaid thafoint was covert by the othf r amendments. Howe , Haatirgs nnd Bnir opposed the amendments. It was lost by a vote of 10 to 17 , and Howe thin moved an amendment , making tin rate four crnts per mile bejo id thg lOlit p incipal j meridian. Tne bill was then reported back to n third reading with its many amendment' . As it co.v utand > the main , Ines of the Li. X M. and tlio Union Pacific will 1 > 9 the only ones rhufiiog tbiea cents per mile , all ether charging thrro and a ha f. It u doubtful if tliH homo will concur in the amendments , The cenVe than reeolved itself into a com mittee of the whole nnd to > k up Sen.ito till 117. The railroad committee's frtbht bill I ) Dr. Sewers again nttemptod to ci t it out of the way by n luaolutiun and to tubmit the bill , but w nr.it upon. The bill was consul i red section by section , a ftw amendments being made , The entire teieion w < is spent In its consideration , and tbu committee arm1 aid repjrted prrgreif , and uskedleava to set njain. There does not tee m to be thn haste to to handle the frei , ht question that vv < u ditplaycd on the passeng < r problem , .Senators Drown and Howa amuied tbe lobby by a vuorous ducnsslon cf the tariff rate , HOAO claiming that by the newsibrdule the through rate on corn t > Chicago would lo fifty two centi p"r buudrf d Instead of tlility- - threa as now. Mr Brown did not deny it , - but claimed that then ) was a reductu n rf twenty per cent on local ratoi , so a railroad man lud eaid. Then Howe nccutrj llrownof getting all hia mformatiun fioin railroad nun , and Brown accused Howe of kerne a riiiroid altornny. and there was a mutual Interchange of compliments. TUK 110USB. , N , Febtuuy 11.- The morning s ° es lions of the hous i re usually cot rf a very lively nature. This waa uo exception. Mem- bits generally ( troll into the [ lioute in a moat liltleia manner with a more or leas out-all * nUlit look , sit In their places , light a cunr and look throiiiih ths d illy papers. 'Iho first actual buslnoia was to receive the report of commtlteea. The committee on common schools repotted II , H. 01 , 1JO , 10cd 10.1 all fir pissare. The comtnlttto on const tution&l amend ments reported H. H ' . ' 10 , with a rccommcn- ditionllutitpass. The judiciary committee sent eight bdl , all ftavo on ? for pauage. Tno claims committee , havihg reported favorably on Pat Uawo ' claim , and seeing the reception th lr report got in lh * huuio , are more cariful now , ml reported the bd dealing with the claim if Peter Pr.mlo and tbe cll > of Line.In for iLilsfinate pos'pona- rr.ent , Tha tpectal ccmm'ttee appointed toitit the aj > lum for the feable uillidid at Glen- wood , lovva , mala a Rlowlrg report , und advocated a similar Ins.itution for tins state. The clerk rea-1 for first lime the tills from tha senate vh ch had accumulated on iho deik. Tcia occupied the nn-st of the morn- lug , tha renmluder 1'tin ' ; ub.'orbid In rallme the roll ti pars bills , for third time , vvhicU dealt with civil procedure or amendments of criminal code. 'llw house took a receis rt 11.30 until 2,30. 'I here will bo threa settings cf t ) o house today , the i\trasottin ? b ing at 7 . " 0 p. m , to all'ivr thn ladies connec'ed with the differ ent charities of thu state un opportunity of explaining to th houeo the objects and work- in 'a of tlic different proposed Institutions. Wo may expeei a picric to night , for every one of iho ladles will p eve that the ins'.uu- lion ( In is interested in is the one worthy of needed aid. In thu state they pro cat their motives to the lion -o aud take good rare to give us any facts concerning that which they were adv ocattng , AITKRNOON' SE-SIOX. Special Tolegtam to THE BEE. LIMOLN , 1'cbruiry 11. This aflatnoon Iho house received .a rjport fr m tbe special com uiittce appointed to imjulre into the condition of the etato agi { cultural farm. The commit lee reporled lha farm building in a very d ! lapldalcd condition aud unsafe. Tin durmi- lonca weie In a disgraceful statJ , the beda were of the worst dcsciiption , with no bed ding , atd in 0113 cajo a boy al.pt on the fl or , utiug his own overcoat as a mattress. Tue trees were bad'y ' planted , an > t ttiiigs were generally in a atate of neglect , decay ur.d des olatun. The ropilt was read amidst prt- found silence , and its contents fell upon the eira of the members producing startling effects. The ne\t business wai the tp cial order which c imo up at three o'clock aud the house went icto committee of the whole , Carf in the chair. This was to appropriate SU'.OOJ ' for tils Homo of tha I'rKndit&s an lacrfnSdeal of wian lirg too * place over the bd a , son e want'ug to postpone tha cnnsiderat oa until to mn lit at 7:30 : The difficulty arose from tin f JC ! that two special oid n for tame sub ject were made for dilhciei.t times , tin ) first ben g that fcr the Home of the Friend esa lor vomaa'd charities kreevcnHt night. It waa desired to . .intiUu'iiatbth- usion c-f thesy etc , but the friinds of the Homecf the idltBS would not permit it , andr , r iceided iu the aiteriicou work of tlieir aiipiopriation , leaving the woman's charitiea to iijjht iheir own battles. At night , after a slipht discufnion , $10,000 was appropriated for the Home of the Fneud IPB ? . The bc-n o thiuklug , no doubt , tint from 9 30 a. in to 6 p. m was net sufficient time for the appropriation of thu f-tato's mot ey , cho-e to ait this evening from 7 30 ti 10 30 , in iitd-r to set apart ni other $10,003 for the wo'uan'a chanties Eo.-ioty. The JaJiei of tin i soci-ty had the Ibrr , aid Mrs. Dins- m ire adc'resicd thj mtmbera nt auhou''ii l"uglh SLO never ona attemutei to prove the ability or the cxpeiienca of the ladies who sovght to have t o money entrusted to ih Ir ciro for cliatitab'o purpose ! . This flmuld hi\o been done , a < tbo propoBcd insti tution ia to include the car of tlio aged , the bl nd , tha dumb , the orphan and the fjlUn women Th's ' leviathan ta > k requires a good ( leal of consuleratiol before tha in ney n iutruHtd in Ilia hands o ; ineiperiecced women , Xo one obj cts to thi disLciisin if chaiiti-swl-enthiy aie intrusted to persona that will properly manipo thei dittiibutioD , but to luud over 610 OoO to any one who has lot g 'ii proof of ability tc handle-buch ii ollcclion if Eubj cts as this In Btiiutiou propotoi tj chelter , ifui ea ciuid orable rtllection. Tin b 11 to provida th charity waa in commut'o of ill's whole to ni ht nud reported to paw as an amendment whiih amendment favored the 3.0.0CO apprc prlatiou. TUK OArilOl , GIlVi : . IT Dmwj \ cr.owi ) . Special Correspondence of the BKK. LINCOLN , rebnnry 10. At half past tw this cfterucoo , tlu tuna appointed fur Iho mestlcg of the houe , tha gallery was crowd ed with \tsltora evultiitly aiutous to learn how members would apeak nnd vota on the capltol bill. Yihitors were nut kept long in doubt , for on the bill for incieavmg tbe capitol - tel tat. to one mill being brought up members took their aides. As your readers must already know , the question was how funds should be raised to allow Mr. Stout to proceed with and finuh the construction of the capitcl building. Mr. Stout has alreadv drawn large amount < frjtn tha treasury of thi ttH9 for tni.-t purpose and wishes to draw more. Hela apparently de- mroua of MAKING Ills I'lLK on the job , and it will not bs his fault nor tin fault of tli9 Linciuter n g with Sneaker Visld'a help , if he does not succeed Speaker 1'ield and M r. Wught wiibcd 13 bettjw on Mr. Stout a superabun dance of funds out u [ the ntate uoifcury n3V a Ivocotiog the 1 mill ( Ute tax for IfeSi 3Vd : 1850 for computing tha capital. This wou'd ' have given HJES Stout fabundance and to Hpare , but other * lud to be ccniidcrecl and tuinga changed , idat Mr. Ntttleion fought the fcheme with treat vigor. He ( bowed by itatntics that J mill tax waa ample for proceedicg wilh ihe construction of ths building. Speaker Tleld ywould ccpi of .1 i mill tax although veater- day he would stop as nothiug but a mill Mr. Sterling , who by the way la ono of the moet thorough acd logical eueakera in the lioiue , spoke In strong terms against excetahe I taxation at this time. Hu was natlafied teat mill tax wis iiiQiciontanj IH would support no other. Ho ftkrt In stronp tetm a ni't the contractor , Mr. Stout , who p mntieuvrea ho evidfiit'y ' Isfwoll ncinultt d with Mr. StPilug ch llengedanone to th .w . bun whore Stout HAH FDinLtKU AS 10.THAI r ho h d tver ent red Into with ihctUte. They lud i snransa tint he Would fulfill thla ono even If they madea levy of'Jlmills in the dollar Slout woud t iki all the Lit- tltuih he C3ti' 1 git and mire if nllowed. Ho ( Sterling ) ndvl na J mill tax as being lust nnd ( uthctent. H ' would mpport no other. Mr. Stevenson § 111 lliopcoplpmitt h o and if tlio lieu < pn\er taxed thr-in \iould bo 1m- pu ible. Thohousohai nnriRht to take the p'op e s money without c mulling llun about it He advocates thelulf rnllo tax , Mr CaiperBftVB an chborate ati'ement of figures proving that one half tndl was all that was required a'.ptescnt . Mr , Miller kJpVorted Ca'per in his argu ment , Mr. Niehol hw besa figuring and was satis fied that moro than ono half Uiili was neces- rv. t'lm ' * nd was of the same opinion Mr K nerton lold n ridiculous awry , nud Lee of Journal ( pouted in favor of heavy taia- tion. tion.Mr Mr , Dompiter'was in favor of alow tax and eo was Mr. HntJnu. \Vrightijuoted statistics to ( how that a small tax would not miet requirements. Hu wanted tha capital faiishud and would sunpolt the raising of means to do it , Mr. Bruuner'thelight ono eight mill too much and would reduce it if ho lud his way. Ile eondeuiccd the bui'd ' li * which bad bten alieidy fiuiahed and nlvis d no levy , if wo coul 1 have no better buddltg 'llmroti n to adopt thfl one ta'f centl-vy was eventually c ed. When the Lincoln ring found tht tiiby lODLll NOT VEIthlAHE Till' HOI SB to impopn the high and e\h < rbitant tax , Speaker Field , with Iho ireli dramatic effect 01 e sees in a low1 cHes trjpedy , walked up to Mr. jNeitlctdn aud thikin ? him by the Laud , jiskingvll tj vote for thn i mill levj Vh-ri this had beeu disposed of the second section of the bill c ni9 up for considi-ratlou. It deals with the Interest th.it Stout , tlio c n- tractur , draws frolu the state on warrants he holds Hi ) contract proh'b ts bis drawing Interest , but Etill bo gc 8 it at | ) rtsen' . This cUusa w.ts amended in the bill BO as to pre vent this aid It met with opposition from Speaker 1'ield and the Lancaster ricg. This opposition was of no avail , honever , nad the amendmeat was canisd. During the debate Mr. Stiut was on tha floor , and a constant communication was kept up between him , Sp aker 1'ield and eomo otl.ors of the Lancaster schemers. IbasS out's co'nplacont smile'was turned iiitu n ecowllong bi fete things were tettlc-d. The committea now rose on J Iho speaker took the chair. . A bill had bean Introduced , promoted by some ladtci of the state. Iho bill seeks to 1'BOVIDK A HOSPITAL for the aged , the Infirm , orphan' , tlio nick , fallen women and othare. The committee hid repirt ° d it unfavorably and Mr Olmstead wanted it placid on the geim.il file. After eoma wrangling MM. Dmamoro was allowed flvo minutsa to instruct the lnu e in tha v/nnts of tae proposed imtitutiou. Sin ap- pearetJ , Lut c'airned five minutes would not be long enough for her to exphm everjthing. Tha hou e then ma ie a sptcul order f > r tomorrow evening at 7.30 to allow the lady the opportunity ti oxpUin , and also ta allow ottier Indies of other institution a chance \ontihting their requirenunta. Tnis cut m of allow- in ; ladies on the floor of the hou-u to explain , is becoming tirieome ta any the least of it The pi pie might bj asked to ulfc5 a body cf lulled to do iFgi Ittive work , who m'glit bo allowed teic alternate days with tun men if it is desirous this kind of thing abou'd con time. We have" h d the ludin from the Homo fcr the Friendlo's , ladies from the Chritan Tempfranee union , and geutleman fr ,111 thu railroads addressing the leeislatars in th < M'r own behalf. Ivo telling who wilf .qu.iuder the time of the leg ! ? ! ituro next. Tlio llistorj of Nebraska's Fcn.it Special Corre'pondenco to TUK BEP. LINCOIN , 1'tbruary 11. There ia nlwaya moicor less of curiosity concerning the lives and history of public men. The Kebi.iaka sjnat rs are no exception , and in order tha the pub ic craving for information may b gratified , a Bn. reporter has compiled a fev statst'is regarding each membsr of the sen ate : Kzra Brown was born In Washicgtc : caun'y , Xow York , February , ] S3aad ha been in Nebraska since 71. He u a rnerchsn of Harvard , Clay county , aud la lepublica IQ politics. Ho waa county comaJseioner o Clay county six years , and w A3 in the tinat tno . . _ Alexander D. Buckvvorlh waa torn in Ros county , Ohio , in April , 1W3 , and has bem i Ntbia ka fourteen jeara. Ho is now .1 re. estate broker at Noith Platte , th juijh physician by education. Ho was register o lha laud olhce for ttn years , and is , uf course , a rep.iblican. Oarloa C Butr wzs born in Kane county , Illinois' , in lt > 17 , and hta been in Nehr sua tigtitdsn yeurt. He was in the nena'o in ' 73 , and h is been a member of the city council of L'ucoln. ' By p oftaaion hi is a lawyer , acd a republic ! ! ! Abram B. Cherry , of Gage county , waa 1-oin \Varrsn county , Ohi ; iu April , 1841 \S \ , aud has been in Nebraska tix jcara Ho 13 now a farmer , but was a government employe in IiliLoia for many } cara and It a republi rPi. can. can.Henry 1'ielding Clark , of Bellvue , la the youngtit member of homo or scuata all re porta to tha contrary notwithstanding. He waa bora in Bellvua iu AiiRiist , ItO'J ' , conmi- ( juently is not yet twenty-five jears old , Hii j occupation is fanning and stock raining and his politics republican rCh tries A , Day , of Saunders , waa born In Chenango county , New York , in November IMS , and has lived In Nebr&aka f/urteen yf ar. . Ho is one of tlu numerous republican ia'inEra , James W. Dolan was born In Ireland m October , 1815 , and has lived mNeb aska foil- tf en years. Hu is a banker at Indiamd t , Ko 1 Wilhvv county , which he represenU , wilh other adjomlcg counllas. Ho id a republican Andrew .luckson Umland , aa hie namu would indicate , is a democrat who hrtt Baw the light ot day at Mlddletewn , New York. InJuuolSil. He is one of the Jawjera of Norfolk and 1m beca A NebrlA. n four years. Lphram U. Kinsel la one of that gie t many Ohio men being boru In 1'ickaway county in March lb'0. He has been In tha utato imar IIIy h iv fii years and is a banker at tlu new town of Huldridge , in I'helpa county , Oaorge M. Kilion U ono of the occasional domocrUto senators who was birn in Colum bia CJimty. Ohio , December I8J3. He his been 11 resident cf th n state eight years acd it o hotel keeper at Humbpldt , of which liltlt city he ia mayor. John F. Uoehncr was born it Westphalia , CiMinuiy In October 1S.M1 , but has l n a Ni'itn | kaii nfto n yc.ua. Ho Is u merchant William G. H tiigjls a native of Me- llinry count } , llliurn , hetc he wa'born in April , 185j. Uti liw been a r' dentcf > etrcM.a ince U7 < > mul n a dftmcratfc law- jer of U ilber , Silme c unity , < > f which he was county atlornev time v i.ars Louis Hncbel was burn In Stevenson countv Illmolf , ii UMi'iiiber , l l > , but ln ) lived in this t te five yeai . He was a member of the house two ycara ng , reprefenlltg tbo drin > crUs of Otos county , Ho is a b.nk r at Syr- acu'e. Church Hovvn u as brought into the woild at WoM-ster , Mt sichu elt' , In Dec'tnbor , it-39 , nd Mnce M ) has be n a citizen tf Nc bra kn. Hn hut bum In thu In is attire live times and it Isnudhss to sav ho is a republi can. He announces Inm-i'If n farmer and stock ra ser , though savetal in tenets demand his attention Malthe * Howell 1 < an l.nghOiman , bcln ? born in tbat coun'ry In Mutch , 1MO. but In ? been a icaldMitof this ' itatxtince 7'J. He i * one ( f the few memb'ra ' who were in the sen ate t 7o veai * ngo. Ho N a fanner and ( .took grwer iiMr Ycrt , Itiubeii W. Hvira was b rn in Leo county , Iowa , in Septcmb r. 13-13 , but has been a re l- dent of Nebraska fiftesn r.w. HnisaCa a countv farmer , ur.il was elected xheuff by Ihe republicans there three tinirp , Iheron L. L3 i , a lawyer from Bart cotiuiy , was born in Crawford county , Pentr Hjlvariia , m November. I8o ! ! , and IMS lived in Nebraska Mr co 71. He is a republican. I'.ihvnrd M. Lo\o , who tepres nta tha ro pub loins cf Brown countv and some un r paii nod territory , wts born in Waj no county , Indiana , in March , l.s y , nnd has been m this utalo but two jears. He is a lawyer and banker at Amawoith. vV. A. McAllister is another lawyer rf the republican tendency who practic sat C him- bus , Platte county. He was born atGlaB row , Scolalnd , In Juno 1817 , hut has been in Ne braska twetity-six jears. He wta a member cf the house live years ago. John A. MeShane , of Omah.i was bam in Perry county , Ohio in August 1S50 , and has lived in Nebraska since 71. Ho hia b'cn m the legislature thren timea , representing tha democracy. Hia tiulLc s Interests are live stock dealing. Frederick Metz , the other Douel.is county democratic enatT , was born in Dermal y , in May 1K52 , and aince ' 67 has lived inNebraakn. He was in tha nt itj aouate in 71. Ho la a brflwer George D. Meiklejolm. a lawyerof Fullerton - ton , le-i-rpsenta tha republicana of Nonce county. He was born in Wauteca county , Wisconsin , in August 18 8 , and has lived in Nebraska live \t > arr. Milton A. Milla is a democratic lawyerof Oscoolo , Polk county. Jle had the good for tune to ba born in Ohio in September , 1M1. He baa been ( even 3 ears In Nebraska. thaunc H. Norrla ia a native of Fullon county , Illinois , where he was born In Jnnu rfe.0. ) . He came In Nebraska in July , IS S , and now represents the republicans of 1'aw ueo and Johnson countier. Ho is a m chant at Tsblo Hock. Jarces Ney Paul la a republican lawjcr of St. Paul , Howard county. He w s born in B-avor county. Pemnr-yivania , in September , is JO. and has lived in Nebraska fifteen years. 1'rauk C Putnam is a farmer and etock grower of Hamilton county. He was born in .lumrners county , M aine , in June , 18U , and fortneHe jears has tilled Ntbr fka prairie. Ills p h ic.al fath ia with the republican party. Jthii K Slu-'Vin RIVCB as his birthplace , \VaOungton county. Maryland , cd the time December ls.0 ! He has lived in Nebraska tvvflDtyjara and was treasurer of Dodge cfunly lour years , and mayor of Fremont throe term' , which is a good record for a dem o rat iu a republican state. His trade ia that of a lurceis nmVtr John B Skianer was horn in Miami county , Ohio , in November lSjp Ha has lived it chant at Hardy , Nuckolla county. IFn wa cnunty juoge of Thajer county two terms Ha is a repu llcan. Hiram USmith , who represents FilJmri csunty , waa bnrn in Frankliu c untv , N. V. , in Ojtobrr , 182i. lie was educate ! as a phj eicia" . but since moving to this state ten > mra aeo he hna been eugaged m farmicg and stock. rai ing near Geneva. Alv.v L Pinith , of Lancaster county , wa bnrn in OrantcountyVitconsin , in January ISjO. He hia live 1 in this ej.ite eleven jeaif Diul tickles tin inollow soil and raiaea stcc for a livelihood He is a republi an. Willinm H. Snell n a native of Mechanics burg , Pdnn ylvania , w h ro ho was be rn in July , 185" but tint 'l > 3 lu hired in NH bratka He practices law at 1'anbury. Jeff tnun c un'y , ard is a republican. Ad m U. Sowera was born in Lancaste county , Pennaylvania , m _ AiiRU8t , 1 32 H lias been in the st.a'e light > c&n > , aud is pra.ticmg pbysicun at Hastings. Ho was i : the sena'c two jcars ngo. .Tnhn I Spencer Ini'a ' from Crawforl coun tv , Pennsylvania , where he was b 'rn in June IS ? 11 He has Lern practicing law in Ne biaska for thlitani yeira , living at Bakot Cily. Ho lus lon been prominently con lucted with educational matters , b"in ? coun tv niperlntendent and mcmbsr of the boar of tru'ttes of the normal school nt Peru Ho i' , of course , a republican. Senator I'll'on is the olde.'t ni'mbT , Senator Clar't the voting st. SeiatorMet Ins been in the ttati the lorge t time , ar Sen atur Lov o the thoitHat. Sen itor Br > wu tha largest man , a-d Senator Sntll It 8 -mallfst Senator llouc lias had the mo legislative e\pennicB IlllKAKi : , ( , Till IlLOtKADK CHICAI o , Kebnmry 11. The mercury he registered 18 degrees bu'ow ' sro at 5 o'uloi tbia morning , but reports from points through out tli3 northw 6t indicate that the wetither ia mcdoratinff rcpidly. St. Paul is repoit d 8 below and Winnipeg 19 below , les Monies' reports f.cm points m Iowa EtUe tr.alnH , both passenger and lieight , are beginning to move again Una mormug , In Illinois , howev er , tlio b ockade still contlnii'B TATO tr una only left for theeabt t'is morning Ho ids to tbo southeast are ( till blockaded an i a large J numbir of pa > i > engor and f'eight trains are snow-bound The statement n made that 1,0 0 head of c.i'.tla and hogt were fro/m to death In abandoned freight train i. re were no arrivula &t the Union ttock j.irda up ' to 11 o'clock this forenoon. THE 81TUATION IK UIICU.O. CHICAGO , February -Today has wit. necBed quite a dec'dej Improvement in { thu general titui'ion of allairj , brought aoout by ' . the ereat enow storm. The HtreoU are still . filled with i now , but on all but unfii'iuented thoroughfares roads have been broken through > them , and tbe eidevvalka have been either cleared by shovellers , or in ouUido street i where there ere vacant lota , pitbu have been beaten down , la thexe aections , however , psdestriana are Inclined 13 go In tbo middle of the ttreet" , where the walking ia bt tier. In streets where there are car linen the anew is flntelled fioin thn sidewalks and thn tracks mtVi'i Croat ridges on rath Hr which it l Imppnibli- eco over in yoino pUcf > . Much ircinvrr.lenco nud no ( mall am tint of utffrlig has l > e n occislooed by thelc ibiltty < f coal daa'tra to supply thir cuxti m ° r' , largo and ittnill Apilrot lior < s which tuml y draw * two tots of coal can , under IV pirs nt rir-umntances , draw cnlv nltrn' half a ton. Tlris f id , coupled with the exira consumption cau e b by tlio extreme wcatber. ha overlived delivery facilitloi lor p Mate fiirilie * . Many pers in h.avn been ohllgixl to employ teims ti liiul dioujh to orry them thr nih tip "nip. nnd largo mini b is of iiwr people hive been obliged to trudge Ixbvpon tbo cwl v ids id tbHr hnii'ps with bitfs and basVe'i ' to keep their f mlli' from f.cc.nnp , Many nannftc uiinge t.a'ill hnenta re n\io \ niuning Hho t < f cost , mid unle-s the blockidu i < eon brnlitn will b ) c impelled to * hntd iwn , What a < 1ds to the gravity of the situation la the fact tint a large piooortion of them hd lei > n gelling thur coal tlliect from the i-ais by mpans of svvltchi . The < o must novr'bo sup plltd by wagoti < , iho haul in occasional in s'anc's being st\cral ti.I'c ' * oyer the wind avvept prair is , wh re the "and moves like BCOW driftf&tul iiblltcratis the roads as fast as broken. Thi ratcoad blockade la also beginning to re felt by Oeilera in milk anil othir ctipplioa from tbiTcnunlry , and a famine In those ar tiel'n IH bung looko ) finv rd to asamnig tha pn glbiliii > If not probibilltlt's" . Kveu nnw mauy of tha smaller restaurant * mo un- nlili to supply milk or ireaui for tea and cc If uo. The ilifrin"inetor ngntlrod 18 dcgrots lii - low rtro at 8 i > c1o k tins motning hut it lias b > en gradmlly provriPK wanner a ) the day propro sed and at ' o'cl c-k to night indicated un abn\ ? ro , and at H o'clock a 1 sht snow b ean falling In the prcs'iit condition of affairs but little will l > 3 recpilred to undo all that lias been done tjward taieiug the bliwk.tdea. The rvilrond ntuntlon baa dei'dedly ' Im proved during thu p st twenty four lumrs nnd railway m.aragrrs generally express the bdlef that nil 10id < will bo clear and In good run mug order by S turd j , unless more annw falls or a heavy wind i icreigen dnfticg. On the Alton load snmj of the bl'ckuded traaa were released tJay. . and are slowly working thotr wav in. It still IMS two unovved in- The Lak'e Shore IH open but It I trains are late The Bait more > l Ohio sent out a tram this at- frnoon which will att'inpt to rescue its block aded trains. The Burlington atnt its gcr trail s out as usual aud aomo of its trains have come in Tli1 ? incoming trains on the Peun'ylvitii.a nro delated , but its outg > icg trains leave on time Tlm Itock Isl.uil is about clear The blockade ! Ilhmvs Central trains were released tn day. The Monon atd Danville routes nnd the Panhandle are still in drifts. The Wis conein division of the NuthweUfrn baa been lil cVadad at Palatine since Monday , but triina am moving tl > wlv this morning. The Michigan Central IH in f tiily good condition. The Cincinnati Lafayette it Chicago , Grand Trunk , and the Eastern Illinois and Maduon division cf the Northwestern are still snow bound Of thirty-four mails due Monday twelve arrived Monday and ta day. Of euhty nlno duo vneterday twenty six hirued today. Of forty five duo to day fourteen came in OBO third of the schools out ido of the city are closed. TK IILOKMIE VT nt'lltijOE. Dcncqrr , IVbruuy 11.Tho railroad blockade Is partly raistd. Tha Illinois Ceil fril is open ea t to ' liicngi , and west to Waterloo. It ia stdl blocked from Waterloo to Slow City. There is nothing inuring yet 'nit passenger , stick nndvjy Ircight trams. Tne Chic x o mail , diw hero ye < ter Jay fo o- noon , got ho-o to d.av at noon. The western passenger tram \vr ich left hero on Monday vva Btuck eighteen hour * in tbe mow on the men with great difficulty got provisions fro a farm houaaovor a mila away Tnoy froze their faces in Retting them , Tha pis'engers bid ta n'flst in throwing snow Into tlm tender tank to keep water In the boiler The liver road is oprn. but the Chicago , St. Paul & . Milwr.uk e west of McGregor is s'.ill bl icked. The wholesale trad ) ia who ly mispiiidid. Socialists to Cflclrat nlrltHl.iv. Special T egram to THE BKE , NEW YOIIK , February 11. The socialists , under the lead ° iship of Justus Schwab , ore prep Hint * to celebrate vVaslnngtcn's birthday by a public parade. The leaders say they m toad to show the r-olicivtnd tbe milltii that the libei ty-lovers of this c ty do not beliovii inner nor respect theexis'it.g laws , nrd hava no feir of the oflioera. The recent riot at Cjncordia hall , when P Oicf Captain Mef'ullaph was as saulted by Hchwnb'ii followirs , h a created on intense feeing of dl-like oa tioth Melts , an 1 it is cl"arly iindfri-to d that if th1) I ish po'ica of th c'ty re eivu ord rs t'i ' stop the German eneiallBtn from parading a blcotly meeting will Hiirely take place. Old HOI-IMS Still Around. DETKOIT , Mich , February 11 The cild weaMiT mojorated elijhtly since lait n'ght , but is still severely f.-lt , the lowest tempera ture-of the signal eervica was 13 bel-jw , and 10 lust night. At noon tj-day" they repirt /ero. Accurate thcrmomotera in different parN cf the city thin mriaing rec-rded , CK low us -5 an 1 i'.l degrns Li low ze o Itepnrts from different parts of the sVito all placa tlu teini ) ° rature among tha mli.in figures. tt.CITA , Mich. , February 11 Tno the' inomettr at 7o'clock this moruint : w.n0 ( Ifpn ft I ( low zero. It conti .uea very cold. The hou e and fii'iiilure. ' of dilutes A. Smith burned th's ' moining. Sdvon firemen their hacda and feet. Mrc. DmIcy ) In O ui-t. NEW YORK , I'dbruary 11. Mrs. Dudley , who shot Hoaaa , wai to-day taken to the supreme court on a writ of haveaa c rpua , obtained yosterdny. Her counsel claimed th .t as she had not been convicted of apy of fense , eho hhmilJ bs released from imprison ment or < dmitted to tail. Counae i r the proeecutiiu nnsed to have the | > isoner re manded. Judge Donahuo granted the ru- quoat. A I'oHral TliiuC ( ntcnviTl. PoiiTHNI ) , Oregon , February 8. Same months ago Harry DeLjili * , ono of the postal route agiiita here , blob a registered package from tha United Statea malic , contaminp $203. Before thu theft was discovered and tbi crime traced to DeLeallo , hi tied , and lid whereabouts waa for some limit unknown , nit ccticti\ea finally Ideutilied him In Iowa Hi was brought baclc hen , tried , comictfd nd ] sentenced to the penitentiary. DeLrslie is. said to be highly connected In the east where 1m leaves a vvifo end three children , Hu for inerly llvol in Denver , Colorado , aud I'H sale to have been a wealthy aad InlluentUl citi/ci at one time. OM Bojiiicss 01 'Change ' Yes'irlay Almost , at a stands ill , Twenty-Eight Lotids of Stale Onl- lld ia the Market , Thsro Wore no Hoes Received at the Yanls YoslerJoy , The Continued Blooado Makes the Wheat Market Slow , A Light Day's ' Business Was Done iu Corn. Oats Continue I.ltlJo IKltiT 'I li ri Nominal llyo Very Dull I'ritvl- Uiilt-d Hasler. CHICAGO Special telejrniu to the lilts. C'Hictno , February 11. Bufino's on "charge t3 day was aim.at at a standstill , F.arly iu the losilon the attuntlanco vvns very Bl'ght ' , but it improved as the day advanced. No outside orders were receive ! , whllo the local cperatots tojk but llttV interest in the mar ket. There were no features , and buttlight lluctuatlona from tha opening to tha C'IMO. The feeling of inactivity atd moderate sto&di- neaj prevailed iu everything. UIHAT Opened absut Jc higher than yoaleiclay's cili- cial closing , and for May deliver/ advanced : Jc. Trade was very slow , the continued blockade making lihtatteudancttcf operators. The entire morning so slon was feittureleeit and Inactive , No. 2 anting sold nt 7S.\c. \ i OIIN- Opened stondy and only fractionally clmnpoil from th ) piiuial cloa uga of Tuesday , \ light day'n biuineso waa dune , active cp'.iona cnly eluwing jjc lluctuatton. ovrs cortinue little better than nominal , the u'ual ' lack of trading in more Important grams tending to innka oala inactive ; nit speculative trades were confined to seller May. ll\K very dull. The bid ptlco for Mnroh was ( ! 2Jc and for May G7c ; tiack s'.uff iarutd ; from < > 0c to OJJ. ram isio.vs ruled generally easier , but about ntc.idy at the decline. Tiled preying inlluenoowas exurted by the complete t-uspi'iisicn of b'i'ine s at the jards. Veiy inorte ate t-pecu'atuo ' business- was carried on in futures. CATTI.K receipts for the dny none , against O/JIS" \\'eduisd ym.aking about 114'J : ! lor the week so far , against lb,7il for same limn last week ; there were about US luads of M.ilu catllu on the market , Bhippsra we.apam shut at east ern roads were og ia rtfu-ingSu take stock , -A load . or two i of cowg vreio aoldAto.city butchera and .wjtli _ theio- few traniaclJotii11 * the business of day closed. The prices nro 25a 4 c higher thunbifoio the ftorni. Not in the history of the stock yards has it happened until to-day when nest ck has bosn recmed in twenty- four hour' . Through til tlio etormp , and interruptions of the great railroid § tnko of 1.S7I5 thsgieat fire , the epizootic outbreak : came und went , jot a tow cars each day armed , but the * ( Treat 10 d aod utmii of Feb ruary 0 , 10 , mill have- the proud credit of entirely shutting out raceipN of stock at Chicago The nmkut H iiwnnully "tronznr ; sbipi-inf ilt-eia 1100 ( 1J > (0 ( HIP. , 6 li'C ' li20 ( 11 ! OgjliliOlbB. , BL'U ( Oi 0 : lOCO'alliJO Ibs. , iriO'0,5 10 ; blltch"r. ' , 2 W ( tfK ) > 0 , Bulk. 3 tO@ : l 7 : > ; Bto.-kPis , 3 5nc 4 00 ; leeoera , I 001 tO ; Te\an , : ' . OU IIOi.S. Ileceiptn for tire dny nonn .igainst II011 last WotJnetday mokin ? about lna/7 for thu week ao far ngi lust 7 "i2.1 for the Hiime time last e"k Tlitro were 300) ) to 1003 latt ast night and teen dispoaed of. Shippeis could not op erate on aci mnt of the 1 ten of tr&upportatli n Uie railiondn again rifusing to take stock- Tno few hud * of puking IIOES sold a * , a range of § 1 70r r ) 15 and lluht atl * ( ® 90 with pigs and tkips .16 91 I ( "I 10. Prices arn 10 ( & l.'ic higfer than before tlio t-totm PuckiiiE ( and ( hipping , I'M ' ) aad100 pounds S3 0 ) ( s5 a ; li ht , 140 and 211 pouniln , SI 10 1 I" ) . Kxploslon In a Coal "Mini ) . HALIFAX , February II. At nlno lant night an oijilosijn occurred in the old pit of the Vale Colliery , Wc-'tville , Pictou. Owirg t > the hard atorm which interfcrred with tele graphic connection , li'.tlo moro than Iho Laro fact can be obtained .It id rumoro 1 in thla city that 103 men were in thn niino at thu time , but it is reported from New G'arg'iw ' that iho people there beard of only fi teou bung down. Thu lutttr report is likely tj be nearer the truth 11 Now Glasgow is only stwcn inlle from.WestMlle. When the men. are alivs or detd is not knonn. 1'iro ! roko out innnodi- atily after the ixplosion ami men hive gene down to attempt to get the llauioa under i-anlrol. Immediately after thu explosion a rcfenin ? paitv dttctnJtd the nhaJt , und reacluJ tha patty ; Boven of those who were in the ir.lno utthetirnuof tin explosion wort ) brought ti the eurftic * , OLV tllghtly injn ud. Latir Ibreobodlvi of tlu dead men were brought upA A telegram received li < ra atalea tlw b.aik Kriiia frnm New Voile J vnuary 17 , fsr Ant. weip\ bias been ] ) asaii ! at n'.i dlama t d , abandoned and on tire. No furUisr particu lars , 1 Ire at Imnsini ; , Michigan. LVN < IVO , Mich , February 11 A lire liv Kutfmaci'd ' building , used as a bakery and < roe'.aurant , waa d'Ucoverecabout inidn gbt last night. The high wind made tho-hre spread rapidly , The lire burned ItHclf out at Ihla mwtiini ; Inteneo cold , 20 ' below aero , froze the hc o and dinblod the ntcamwr ao ttu' tlio fire waa uccontrollod ilurirv ; tba . last two or tXrea hours. ItWi , ijr/J.CKiOj. in aur nca 835,000. Tfcstca'd w&vi ) H tuck PUt burg on 'van - i hed all fear * of Hood. The uitrcurjj Ml t T degree ) iu thirty hours , crjRere recognizeel Smoking Tobacco