Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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    - - - -
, comhlnlng Iron win-
uv i ) tonlr outPkly Anil pointilfi
Knri't llt tn < i ilti ; : inllK < ' "ll"ii , Vrului
. 1 HII unfnllliip TCWK\J for
ilnryi , nnil l.Urr.
Si Is Invnlunblo for WSCMCS p < 'r"I'-i' ' !
i , inil nil who IcmUcdcntary live ]
. .
cuiiMlpntlon o/irr ( Iron mrdltimv '
pnritlicintnl piirlflcs tli < ii lno < 1Mlni'iii i
' , ( sphotltB.nlcli tbe Hwlmllatlor of fo < ' t
, li "ijllcnrtbiirn nnj licit hlug , and s'rv ! . >
i'.n iho tnu clj * und ncrvel
l'rr Intermittent rotoM , . .A 'itidc , * .trl J
vrjt , Ac. , It has no cqunl.
? Jc Tli" gfnu'rir bnshtioTnt'ftlc i \
c > "f red llnoa 01. wtRnrrr liki
KTeroflTcrccl to llin nubllo.
llorllcl Koo.1 for Infanti hai
anr lltci , wrltci
It , V.Jio tr , M II. ,
Mcaio.lll. Bold by
& 1I drutglita l'rlc
( lutiKittnti. Pent
ly inallfur amouotla
Direct Line for England , France
and Germany.
The steamships ot this wo'l known line are built
of Iron , In water-tight compartments , and are fur
nished with every temilelto to make tbo passive
both sifo and agrccablo. TLoy carry the United
States and European malls , and lci\o Now York
Thuadaysand Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON )
Chorbouj , ( PAUI1 and IIAMIIUIIG.
Itatas : StccroRo from IJainhurn $10 , to Hamburg
010 ; round trip $20 First Cabin , ? 55 , ? 03 and $75.
Henry Pundt Mark Hanson , F , E , Jtoorcs.lf.
Toft , aKtuts In Omaha , Oronowcp & S-hoontRon ,
agent" in Council niufls. C. It. lilCHA.HD & CO ,
Oen. Faps. Agta , 01 Brr ulway , N , Y. Chaa. Koz-
& OooOonnal Western Aent | , 170 Wash-
. ? t
.rjtr JiKOTereu A af tuple meannof solf-cure.
which lie vrn' > nd KRK1C to bis fullow-nufferorr ! .
Address J.U.HKKVaia. < 30bnthambUJiew Yc ) t
Nervous Dabilitv ,
Health is Wealth !
I tumntood snoolflo for Ilyelorla , DinlneM , Conval-
dons , Fits , Kervoni NeaialgU , Ileadaohi , Nervoos
Pioatratlon oansod by the one ot alcohol oi tobbacoo ,
Wakofalnoas , UenUl depreaalon. SoftenlDe of tha
brain , regoltlnK In Insanity and leaping ; to mlfery ,
decay and death , Premature Old age , uaronfsa , losa
ofpowor In either > sz , InToluntary Loeaoa and Sper-
f atorhoracausodby over oiertlontof tha brain , self-
BbuBeororer Indnlgenoo. Eaoh bor , contains one
mooth'a treatment , f 1.00 a boxer ilz bottlei or
Bf.00 , lent by mall prepaid on receipt ot piloo.
To onro any oaio With aaoh order rcoolved by ru
[ or elz bottleg , acoompllihed with 16.00 , wo will lend
he purchaser oar written guarantee to reload the
money If tha treatment doea not effect a cure. Qoar-
Bntces lesaod oa'y by JOHN 0 : WEST & CO. ,
] y IS-m&e-rr W&Stt Ifsdlion St. , OhloaRO , III.
James tledicallnaiitub
Chartered by theStnteoflllS.
nois for the express purpose
orgivinnimmedlnte rr.licllc
all chronic , urinary ana prl-
, vate dlncr-sc lonorTbcw ,
Gleet ondSyphills In all their
complicated forms , also al' '
discuses of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
ftrmanentlycured by remo-
- t > l > teiall'raetlef. Seminal
WcaUuess. NiRlit LOSSL. by Drenms , Pimples on F.icc.I-oat Manhood , tiiaUivrly eitreil Then
< \inorjti > ert irnttim > fte appropriate
< - > ntcncc used in each cute. Consultations , per-
' . nal or by letter , sacredly confidential , Med.
fUnei < env bv Mail and Express. No marks on
( P' rvnnc to Indicate contentu or sender. Addresi
finU/l.\1ESNo. / 204Wa3hinfllon Sl.dilcaooll ! ,
- - . . . .n. . . , . . _ iiii.nn . ( ) . .
Eoyal Havana Lottery !
Drawn at Havana Cuba ,
Every 12 to 14 Days.
CKKTS , 11.00 , HALVES. 11.00
Bableot to no minlpahtlon , not oontrolled by the
.partial In Interest. It Is tha fairest thing In It a
oatora of ohanoo In existence.
Vet tloUU apply to 8H13KY i CO , . 1212 Broad ;
y , N. Y. City ; A. MOLL & CO. , 417 Walnut St.
t touls. Mo . or M OTTKNS It CO , 019 Haiti St.
ty , Slo.
Af t04it prracrlptlon of a noted apdclallal ( uow r *
Krvd. ) Drurrisli ' u nil U. A r
The S'ory of an Extraordinary High
way Hitey ,
" \Vcllc. KI"KO At Co.'s IJOE-CB Upon I he
Honu During Fourteen .Vo rs
An Intern low with Special
Olllccr Ilunic.
3an 1'ranciaco Call ,
Almost ovoty one In San Frvnelsco ,
nlmost bvoty ono on the I'ncilfc ucait , in
fact , knows , either personally or by rep
utation , J. IJ. Hntno , of Wells , Fftrgo &
Uo.'s special jiolico service ; Mr. Ilumo
liavlcg been prominently connected with
that service during more than [ fourteen
years past. Learning that ho , in con
junction with special officer J. N.
Tlmcktr , wna preparing for the company
a report of their police service from No
vember D , 1870 , to November 5 , 1884 , a
Cell reporter dropped into Mr Hume's
ollico yesterday nud interviewed him upon
the report and kindred matters. .After a
little convcrea ional forcing , the Wolls-
Forgo man BUIr < adored nt discretion a
thing ho has novcr bton knorrn to do in
a physical contest.
"Now1 Bald the victorious journalist ,
"auppoao wo begin with figures and wine
up with moroenttrtatnir matter. Please
summarize for mo ilio mum points in the
fourteen year war that you and your col
leagues have boon carrying on agalna
the army of robbers. "
In reply to this request Mr. Hume
road from Ins notes thu following con
denied statement. Durlr-'tho , fourteen
years cited the number tf atngo robbi v ea
was U13 , nt'cmpted ntngo robberies 34 ,
burglaries 23 , train robberies , stttmpt-
ed train rtbboriea 4 , convicti > na for robbery
bory and attempt at stcgj robbery 200 ,
comictions for train robbery and at
tempt st name 20 , convictions f. v bur
glary 14. During the robberies and at
tempted robberies bvo referred to , the
highwaymen killed 2 guards , 4 tttgn
dnvots and 4 passenger1 , and wounded 0
gutmls , 4 stage diivorn snd 2 pa > Bungvj ,
whllo 5 hi hwnymon worp killed in the
act of robbing Btogps , 11 in the act of re-
BS ! ing nrreat and 7 wcro hanged by citi
zens , who tock the law into their own
bauds. Aside from the breaches < f tiuat
on the part of employes , the leen-g to the
company from criminals weia us follows :
Total amount taken from Wells , Fargo &
Co.'a Express by eUgo robbers , train
robbers and burglar * during the fourteen
years beginning November 5 , 1870 , § 415-
312 55 ; rowerJs paid for arrest aad con
vict on of said robbers , etc. , and percent
age paid ou treasure recovered , $73,451 ;
attorneys' foes and legal expenses of
prosecution , $22 307 ; incidental expenses
ncnrrad in arrests and convictions , $90-
)70 ) ; salary of guards and special officers.
§ 326,517. Total loss , § 927,720.55.
As this was enough in the way of dry
tatUtlcj , the interview merged Into a
chatty conversation , In the course of
vhu".h Mr. Hume said : "Thoro is a tro-
monduous amount of fiction in the yarns
old about detectives , and particularly
s to the marvellous disguises they are
npposea to adopt. During the twenty-
oar or five years that 1 have devoted to
obbor-hunttng I have never once as-
umcd a disguise , and have never known
an attempt at d sguiso on the part of a
veil known officer that did not prove a
'ailuro. There aio times when a coat-
collar will bo turned up , a hat pulled
down and a handkerchief held at the
nose to conceal one's features for a few
nomonts , but this Idea Is simply abanrd
hat one's appearance , manners , move
ments and voice can so bo altered as to
cacapo detection for n considerable time.
A thief taker's Identity may of course bo
loncealod from these who do not know
lira well , but the fact that ho is a dis
guised man will soon become apparent to
every one , and will hinder his efforts to
obtain information by making every one
uspiclous of him , especially these por-
icns of the criminal clasa amongst whom
to expects to find his gamo. My busi
ness as a special officer of this com-
lany is thoroughly legitimate , and
ppcah directly to the sympathetic
sslatauco of every respcctablo clti-
en , and , therefore , by an attempt to
onceal my Identity I would loto many
uore chances than 1 could possibly gain.
) ar service consists of three special ofli-
eia and a varying number of guardf , or ,
a wo call thorn , shotgun mcsaeng'rs.
'hose latter travel over the lines that of-
or the greatest temptations to highway
men , and are every ono of them stayers.
Vo may temporarily employ an extra
nesaongtr , who turns out to bo made.
f poor BtniT , but all the regular guards
re men of taorough
nd robbers are always careful to steer
lear of any stage on which they suppose
no < > t thoio men may be riding. In all
ly oxptr.onco there has never been an
cession wh n a regale r shotgun mossen-
er showed the white feather , no matter
what the odds against him or the promise
of danger might bo. They are the kind
of men you can depend on if you get in a
ix with the certainty that they will pull
'ou ' through , or stay by you to the last ,
n the great majority of stage robberies
wo can pretty soon get a cleir to the
tarty or parties who iuvo done the job ,
.ad frequently can name them at once ,
> at there are caios where they escape de-
ectlon for a long while this being al
most invariably where their apparent re
spectability prevents sufpiclon Irom rest-
ng on them. A marked Instance of
this was the man Boles , or
'Black Bart , ' ai ho Is moro generally
known. That chap ran his court o as a
highwayman for o'ght ' years , during
which time ho robboa single handed , no
less than twonly-nlno stages. Ho was ,
without excepiin , the most singular
stage robber 1 have over known , for ho
had none of the vices common to such
men , kept free from accomplices , lived
very quietly until tbo proceedH of his lusl
steal were gone , and then made anothei
haul to meet his expenses for the nexl
few months. In fact ho systemizoc
stage robbery better than any of his
predecessors and carried out his plans BO
carefully , and at the samotime so boldly
% s to nuke detection almost Impossible.
Although ao long a time patscel before
wo could place him , still his style was
such that we know every ono of his rob
beiies was committed by the same [ man
Inttead of standing at tha eido of the
road , as atago robbera almcst always do
he'd step out directly in front of the
horses and call a halt ; at tha same time
stooping to conceal his height and hold
ing his arms well op before bis face
Then , again , ho always wore a long linen
duitor , to hide his cluthea , and neve
used the profane language that all rob
bois indulged in to intimidate the driver
and the passangors If you want
however , I'll tell you the most remarka
bio ono that over came under my notice
that I ever heard cf , indeed. It only oc
cnrred a few yoara ago , but the pattlcu
lars have never appeared in mint that I
know tf , and 1 cn promise you snail
have them cirrectly fi m my note bock
In which such things are recorded. Mil-
tin Anthony Sharp was a school loiohor
In Missouri , 1 btllovo , find came to Iso-
vada whin ho was about twcnyycaw old.
During the next fourteen yoiri , that is
until 188P , ho lived in Nevada and Cal
ifornia , working in the tn'nea and at other
jobs , and obtained o good icputftUon in
every place where ho stopped. Ills hab
its were excellent , the only fault found
with him being that ho WAS a trllle over
cautious In speeding money on any ono
but himself , but this was considered more
a matter for juklng ttan an absolute mis.
erly habit , and Sharp was generally roc-
ognizcel as a model of intolllgcntand hon
est Industry. The reason why ho did not
got up in tbo world was his mania for
( peculating In cheap mining stocks ; in
which ho invested and lost every cent of
hlsoirninge. Daring tbo hut eight months
of 1870 ho worked on Mio farm of Peter
A , Kart , nuar Auburn , and on a-
count cf his superior education and
manners was the only farm hand
who lived with the family. Towaiel
the cloec of that year W. C Jones got a
job on the simo farm and HDCH became
became intimate witli Sharp , who , by the
way , was a man of great physical cndur
anco and pluck. Unknown to Inn un-
pkyer this W. 0. Jones , aliis Frank
bow , alias Keith , had -just completed a
term in the cUte prieon for a burglary
committed in Butta county , and ho un
doubtedly poisoned t o mind tf Sharp ,
who had sunk his last cent , as utiul , iu
stocks. In the early spring tf 80 they
left the farm and woio scon around th ra
no moro , aa they lay clcso for some tiuio
a fiw miles firm Auburn. This rabln ,
by the way , bilonged to Chief of I * , lice
Ciowloy of this city , and wo ha\o often
joked him upon the mo to which It wao
put. The pair etai ted their now business
on the 3Dth of May , whe-ii they lobbed
the stage from Forest Hill to Auburn
and then left the country. Un Juno 8th
they robbed the atago frcin L'araon to
Bodic , and again robbed the Bnmo stage
on Juno lth. ( Alter this they took a
rest , but on August GtU they rjbt-ed the
stage from Auburn to Forest Hill , anil
on Snjjtembcr 4-.h the stage fiorn Ca'sou
to Bodie. This last ailuir occurred be
tween ! ) and 10 o'clock in the nve-
niug , and the driver explained
matters when ho met tha itigo com
ing fiom B dlo. On the Bodio ccach
there happened to be ono of our shotgun
mess iigeri named Mike Tovoy , and also
an txira guard who had boon temporarily
employed on some job. Thera wore alee
five or six passengers on the stage. When
the place of the robbery was reached.
Tovey got down from his seat by the
driver and by the light cf a lantern found
the fresh tracks of the highwamon in the
dusty road. As there was no travel over
the road at that time of night , the tracks
wore undisturbed and they led on in the
direction in which the stage was going.
Every now and then Tovey would make
mother examination to see if the parties
lad left the road , and finally had the
stage atop at the fork where the Hall and
Slmpkins road turned ofi , about ton
miles from the point where the other
atigo had been robbed , Never dream
ng that au attempt would bo made on
us coach , Tovey lift his gun on the driv
er's seat and went on with a lantern.
Just as ho reached the head of the near
oader two shots wore fired , mltsing him ,
3iit killing the near leader. Tovoy dropped -
pod hislanturn , jumped back behind the
itago lights and grabbed his gun. In
rhe meantime the robber Jones called
out : "You wore trying to anoak up on
us were yon ? " and then with
exclaimed : "If there is a shot fired ,
we'll kill every one on the stage. " Trovy
called back to him aa though ho was
lightened , "What are you kicking
about ? There'a nobody talking about
hooting but yourself. If you want any-
hlog como out and got It. " At the same
ime he told the extra messenger in a
whisper , to get off on the other aide ef
he stage and attend to the robber over
here , while ho weld look after the one
on his aide. Jones approached slowly ,
and when ho got to the collar of tbo
whoel-horao Tovey shot him dead. The
extra guard I won't name him for the
ako of his brother , who had been In our
imploy , and who had proved himself to
> o a man of true grit the extra chap , 1
ay , scrambled behind the stage and let
oil' both barrels as soon aa Tovoy fired ,
missing the man clean. Tovoy hurried
.ho coach , and was in the act of firing
when Sharp pulled the trigger and put a
mllot through Trovoy's arm , causing him
o drop his gun , which exploded when It
truck the ground. Sharp then sprang
lack into the buthes and everybody sup-
losod he had cleaied out. When Tovey
ixamlned bis wound by the stage lights
ho blood was running BO fast that It seem
ed as though an artery muct b.ivo been
cat , and that it must bo &ttandod to at
once. The extra man , who couldn't
hoot straight , and a passenger , slutted
over with Tovoy to a farm house , Tihoro
10 conld got his wound drocsed. In the
meantime , Sharp had been lying low iu
ho bnshep , listening to all that was siid ,
and the throe men hadn't got a hundred
yards elf when he stopped out anco morn
, nd ordered the driver to throw off the
WelU-Fargo box , This order was mtur-
j\y \ ] complied with , and the cool rascal
iroko open the box and took $750 from
t , whila his companion lay dead there iu
ho road. After pocketing the money he
started oil , without appealing to notice
ho body of Jones , and tbab was the Iwi
that wan aeon cf him for some days. It
was altogether the most daring , cold-
iloodod port jrmanco I have ever heard
of. Tovry heard Sflarp
and would have goao back , but he < vas
already fa'nt from loss of blood , BO ho
begged the extra meeaengf r to return and
kaokle the robber. The tellowlinked , '
however , and couldn't bo Induced to go a
atop , although Tovey awore at him and
taunted him with cowardice. 1
may siy hfra that Tovey got
all right nga n , and is still in the
strvlco , although he has had two shots
put into him since then. On the dead
robber a bank-book was found that
allowed ho hud $1.000 deposited in the
Savings Union of this city. Through this
clew wo learned that a man who lived in
the sure housa with him , on Minna
street , also had a deposit in that bank ,
and wo lay low fcr the gentleman to turc
up , which he did In a few days , when wo
nabbed him , and he turned out to be the
exemplary Mr. Sharp. That extraordin
ary chap had walked oomo two hundvad
nvlos over the Sierra a to Newcastle ,
at which placebo took the train for San
Franclsoo , in the bulief that ha had ej
caped all thanco of detection Ho waa
Uken from hero to Aurora , Nevada , and
convicted on the 2d of November , ion
touco being postponed until after o'ec '
lion. Sharp bad the freedom of the ccv
r dor , and on election day he dug a hole
through tlvo wall of the j il and escapoi
in broad daylight , The town was full o
I ro 'a , t iu by yuUing Sankot over j , ;
hoftd ho passed for on Indian , nnd no cno
ptid any attention to him. Aa an ovi-
denca of the man's endurance I can lell
you a remarkable thing about tint es
cape. ( n his leg WA * riveted an Oregon
shackle ilut weighed fifteen pounds , nnd
that you'd suppcso a mnn couldn't walk a
quarter of i mlle with. lie , however ,
walked eorcn miles with that weight
upon his anklu and then
by laying It on ono stone and poanding
IttiUh anGthfci1 the rnly lime , bjr the
way , that such n shackla has boon' bro
ken except with proptr tools , As soon
as his escape was discovered n hue and
cry was raised throughout that region ,
largo rawavJa offered and the country
was Bcouml in overdirn < > tion. After
a roundabout journey of 100 miles Sharp
reached Candelaria , wht 10 ho know ho
could get half from Dobo Witloughby ,
who had been in the jil with him nt Au
rora , nnd who Isnow tcrvlng n life sen
tence fcv runnier , It cost our company
81,100 to vac plnro Sharp , but wo got
him nnd bo It now doing n twenty years'
penance in the Nevada state prieon. In
addition the watches snd money of pas
sengers , .Tones and Sharp , during their
short season as sttgo robbers , got from
the Wolle-Fargo boxes something moro
than $0,000 , of which the greater portion
has boon recovered by the compiny , "
Central City Scnuoii ( ln > Noilli No-
Untikii Conference Semlimrj.
Special correspondence of the BKK
The deep interest the North Nebraska
conference manifested at ita last annual
sceslon hold nt Ulalr , Washington counly
Nebraska , In the matter of a higher ,
Chrlstain education , culminated in tlio
appointment of an educational commis-
8ion , consisting of seven nmisteis with
inatiuc'una ' to locate , organize and es
tablish n cominary within the bounda of
the confcriiice , within ninety doya from
Un adjournment.
Tha ccininisiim appointed contistod of
the following , viz : Revs. J. B. Max-
field , D. D. , I' . E. of Omaha district ; D.
Marquette , P. E , Norfolk district ; N.
II. Gale ; J. Fowler ; J. B.
Worley ; . ! . S. St. Clair nnd J. B.Leedon.
The comin'salon at onuo advertised for
b ds for the location of the sem'nery.
Three points competed for the school ,
viz , Norfolk , Fullerton and Central City.
At the third mooting ol the commission
bids vtoro presented and claims ably sot
foith by strong dclegat'ons from each of
the competing towns. A vota waa then
tibcn wbieh resulted In giving ono vote
to Norfolk , two for Fullerton and four
for Central City. Accordingly Central
City wa\ declared the seminary town of
the cocfdronca. On motion the vote was
mndo unanimous less ono vote.
In adopting Central City the confer
ence secures ono of iho most eligible
sites in Nebraska.
The campus of ono hundred acras is
located in the centre oi tbo section which
corners on the town section.
The unanimous opinion of all who visit
the pround i ] "nothing finer in the
state. "
i The board ci trustees are fully organ
ized , and consists of the following mem
bers : Dr. J. B , MaxQeld , D. Matquette ,
N. H. Gale , J. LSt. . Clair , Wm. Wor
ley , J. B. Loedon , S. Fowler , Hen. N.
R. Persinger , of Central City bank , J.
Stephens , lumber merchant , O. L Bar
ton , M. D , J. W. Sparks , of Platte Val
ley bank , J. Holden , cashier , and M. J.
Dr. Maxfiold was elected president ,
Hon. N. R. Porsinger secretary , J.
Stephens treasurer , and N. H. Gale fin
ancial agent.
A meeting of the board was held In
Central Cily on Tuesday , February 3d.
Important business was tranaaeted , part
of which was the adoption cf the platting
of the seminary section into blocks and
lot * , wrh the campus (100 ( acrei ) In the
centre of the toctlon.
The section as sub-divided contains
ono hundred nnd fifty blocks of fouiteen
lota each.
The trustees have put into the market
every altercate block , commencing with
block ono. Hence over 800 lots are now
offered for rale , the proceeds oJ which
will ha nsttl fcr putting up a oollego
building , etc.
These lots are in size 00x132 feet , and
are put upoailha market at $60' per lot.
The street * nro CO feet wide nnd the
alleys 1Gfott. .
Tao rjiaUiug was done by Mr. Sim
mons , of this city , who la an tilicient
onglneor , surveyor and draughtsman.
'Ilia tor in a-of sale for ono or more lets
is cash on eash lot sold , $10 the bahnco
in four equal annual in.ttallmenta , nt 10
per cent per annum.
The pooyflo of Central City prspoao to
bake at least 400lota.
The bivetbinent is fate , , with a reason
able certainty of aa advance of 100 uor
cent within two years.
The groundi ara high an4 dry , being
sight ftot higher than the Union Pacific
depot , which gives ample room for good
Well water is nearly aofr , . and as pvrf ,
wholoeomn nnd cool ai oan bo found any
where in Nebraska.
There ia no local disease , The purple
ire hearty and strong nnd full of western
enterprise and thrift
Notwithstanding the snow and thaw ,
yesterday the streets were dry and dusty.
Ono boast of the city ia her line roads.
The soil is a saiidy loam and Is easily
cultivated. It produces all kinds of grain
and vegfttab'os ' of superior quality.
There are six ahurches thoMethodlot , .
Eptecopal , Presbyterian , Baptist , Free
Will Baptist , Episcopal and Catholic. All
have church building , * nnd are enjoying
The town of Central City la blessed
with an unnsiial nnmbur of able bnelnosa
men , of broad tdessand of sterling Chris
tian character , and they almost to a man
tUnd pledged in money and work and
brains to make this seminary a grand suc
cess.If the good people of the conference
will give the seminary as strong and ear *
neat support as. lies in their power , then
the prosperity of tha school at once pastes
beyond a peradventure , and makes it ono
of the grand institutions of tha state.
Between 400 and 5CO lota over ana
above Iho number taken in this town are
placed upon the market for sale.
Every lover of liberal and Christian
education Is Invited and njgcd to aid in
this most worthy enterprise by purchas
ing ono or moro lots. Several of our
people aid taking a whole block each ,
that they may render tlio greater aid to
the seminary. It Is predicted that a hun
dred new buildings will bo put up on this
college ccctlon the.coming season.
Arrangements are being undo to put
out 30,000 treea ou the campus and anr-
ro'-wding block on arbor day ,
The present rapid ia'e ' of lots attest
the popularity and mi nUude of the en
The next meeting of the b-jri of trna-
toje i 1 bj he il at Gcnlml City , Neb ,
Murtli 3 , at 7 SO p m. at which time i
will ado | t pluis f T the oollego bulldirj ,
and advertise at ones for contracts fo
puMli i ; up the tome , at n coU of fron
Sir. 000 to 820,000. Several plans nro
almac1in ilio hands of Hon. N. R. Per
since r , secretary of the board.
Every p aitor and church in the conference
once Is especially requested ti place this
matter at i nco before the people. The
opportunity now is ours ti build a schoo
worth of our great and rapidly growing
As tbo question of location Is absolute
ly settled , Is it not well , as Chrlstiat
ministers atd people , to g'vo ' 111 s North
Nebraska conference onturplso , our Ititlu
enc , nur hearts , our p'arora ? and the
( ted cf Heaven will crown our labors
with abundant success I
For once in the h'story ' of church out
school building aid ia solicited when the
donor receives direct pecun'ary value ,
equal to or greater than the gilt.
Hundreds of families In our own btito
and in thai ait are seeking homes In a
col ego town. _ Hero is an opportunity
unprecedented in the history of colleges
nhero f jr a few dollars such a homo may
be secured.
For further information addtuss lion
N II. Persinger. secretary of the boarder
or Nov. N a. Oale , at Central Ci'y
Nob. , orllev. J. B. Maxlield , D. D.
Omaiia , Neb All communications wil
receive prompt attention.
N. H. GAI.K.
TI t f 1 : IIIOAKI'd OK TE X A S.
so < > ( Ural Cowboy tjll'c AVIilcl
Neither Wicked Xor Itndc ,
Trxai Correspondence Cincinnati Ccmmerin
( ia/.otto ,
There was a minaluro forest of long
horns and the young steers wore playful.
I hero were eomo little old Ttxs cowa
Hut wore as 1 ght-atuppirg as a deer.
They wire of ilio wild breed from the
south , hardy and prolilLTho cowman
tald that thu boys rarely milked , because
the cows wore so wild , but ho ahonld ask
his visitor to t > y SOILO of the milk cf a
full blooded Lug-horn. It was , ho Enid ,
the Brrcetest milk In the world. Tht
cattle began to move oil' to the elevators
in the dlsluuco , lowing as they wont.
Soon the western rim of the prairie blaz
ed wi < h a sunset that ssoinud like a dis
tant lire , and all was as still aa death , ex
cept the creak cf the wind mill and the ,
bleating of the young calves. "Now
sling j'ouree'ves together. " This was the
tnlutation of the cowboy who acted as
cook. Ho attended to tiia duty with his
armra on. The table was bare , the platas
and cupn were of tlu , and the ccli'to was
in a pot S3 black that night Doomed a day
beside it. The meat was in fcho atowpan
arid the milk waa in a tin pal ) . The tomatoes -
matoes were fresh from a can , and the
blacuita were froeh from the oven. Del-
nionico never served a meal that waa bet
ter roliihed. The cowboys have a way
of putting sweetbreads , liver , a bit ol
tenderloin , marrow , and some calves'
bialns in a dish that would do honor to
; ho Manhattan club's chef.
Hero were several gcnuino cowboys ,
ind moro came loping into camp later.
They were need to rough life , and aa thio
was a quiet night , when there waa no
storm lo make the cattle drill over the
3oundary , they ranged themselves on a
t > euch before a cook steve , wboro the
aacsquito roots were cracking into a hot
ilazu , and without san gor or bluster ,
lei-jo play or boisterjusness , chatted qui
etly and gcod-huraei'tdly about their rides
over the ir ranches. They had killed pan
thers and grizzlies and antelope and wild
cats and rottknnakes , but they did not
talk about them. One of them accident
ally referred to a recent expcrienco whoa
camping near a sheep-herd. Bo was
sleeping out of doow , with his boots on >
and was awakonad by a wildcat that had
aahcupbytho throat. He leaped up
and started to wind the cat , when ibmado
A spring for tils threat. Ho had nothing
to 1'iRit with except his hands and feet ,
md couldn't run. By way of apology
or relating the story , ho eaid that ho just/
md to fight that that was all there was
ibout it. He knocked the wildcat off ,
ind it leaped , back. Ho jumped away ,
, nd aa thu animal fell ho gave it a kick.
lhis ? knocked it over , and quick aathought
10 jumped upon Its head. It got free ,
hough stunned , and started for him once
tnoro. He knocked it again with effect.
md getting It 'under his feet stamped it
.oath. "I was never so glad to aeo
nythlog die iu my life , " ho added
s ho- rolled ! a Mexican cigarette.
The cowboys are good friends. They
eve conversation , for It is irhat they are
nott deprived ( if. Unoaheop.herdon said
hat ho was three months in a cinyon In
aorth Texas without hoaiiag a haman
lolce. and that iho only thing that fright-
nod him during his atay was a man who
uddenly came upon him one day. Ho
jscd to talk aloud to keep himself com
pany. There was an educated cowboy in
ho rdnch. Ho vtas a handaomo young
nan. with broad shoulders and full
Dlondo bcurd , His cheeks were cosy and
lis eyes were bright. Educated in Bal-
imoro lo'bi ) a phjsldan , ho suddenly
ifc the haunts of men to go to the far
* ost. Ho was the picture of health , and
0 seem til to cnj > y his life. It was
ilnted that ono of the brunette beauties
f Baltimore could , if she would , toll
fthy ho turned his raok rn all aocloty.
It AHtnntalied tliu I'ulilic
/.hear . of the ro-igiiaiion of E c. Fierce as
i Con r ssmaii to douotu liimsuli Boluly to-
1 H labors as a physic an. It was because
lis truu constituent a were tu ) > sick and
lillicted everywhere. They will find De.
'unco's "CJolden Medical Discovery" a
jcnetict'iit use of ha ; scientific Knowledge
H their b hal' . CiMiHiimpticn , bronchiiis ,
'ough , heal t discnou , fever Mid ague , in-
vmittent fever , Jr psy , nnumlgia , gtitio
tr thick neck , ind nil diseased of thoU
( this 'vuilel-rcnc nriifil
> U > wl are cuicdby - <
medicine. Its p optntiiutiv o Ho
tt action magical. By ilrniggistH.
i News ,
"Whataortofaladyhaho who sends iv.o
this card1 ? irqQi'od Congrftsmaa Finery.
; laociog norruusly at. the bit of enameled
? aBobcnrd.
"A Ull and hanl mo yonjg woiuan ,
air ' rep ; wd the pijo.
"Han she largo blue oyor. a straight
nose , ripe , pouttnj ! lips , aniauisillh of
dark brown traseaa ? " aakod thu Btatoman-
ly dynamiter.
"I Coa'trciutfiiiber , "aniworodthopige.
" \Vlth a tort af Jinn do Arc or ( Jhar
1 Uo Uorday oxpreaslon upon her mobile
foatnrcsl" continuf d the lion. Fmerty.
' Jleally , 1 can't B y. "
"Aud did you nbscive the stok of a
Annn musket protiudlng from her
"Uoon my word , I dcu't know wliaf
you mean , air. "
" 1 inspect you'd better take thu cure
to Mr. Robinson. " said the FunUn leader
"I prefer that all experimenlH ahou d be
' dee rs-aUd convic
mada on him. I've a
lion that I huvo no aiubi iun to bo cut ol
in the ( lower of my yimth. '
GU K windows were first introduced
iito K1 > } , 1 rd in the ohh'li O9n'ury. '
o u n ES
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , , Hoaitachc. Toothache.
Son-Tin-out.Si , rlUMU .S | > r-iliii..HI-UN , . .
IIill-ii .S < 'lilil > , l'm l Illicn ,
\n ui , id n in iiniitn i-ins IMI UIIH.
PolJlj 1' l > crli".rMMirrr. . Illll ClliUlbillK
Inrtvtum , in II lrfiiieiMr (
TIII : en viti.r.s A. > co.
( u < CTktf , lo \ootURi CO ) llilllmorr , Jlil. , 1.1. t.
A plrl In my employ hn < l > ccn rutcil nl conttttu
lODnlecrolula by ttiou ofsnl't " pocldp ,
.1,0. MiO Mni , , Ml.tooiu. (1 .
sccnllcinan Is tlio fatter of tlio tlo\crnor o
n. )
VanilcrMIt'ii milllona could not btiv from mo lia
SHllt'aSjiccl'o lias ilnu * for mo , It curcil mo o
ecrotulti of 1C.M ' fttmli' ' ) ; .
TtTTTIIll After BVidorlnir Hh Tetter for clc e
joivrs , AI il nlnit nil forts of trctimout , 1M re
lloNoil entirely b } Sulft's Six-tlllc.
L. H.LKK , H W3on , Ox
BNATCHit : > FUOStTIIKniUVi-I : was Jiroiich
to dcAth's 1)001 ) by a rmiililn.viiui nl ir7cmi am
crjflnfl.i" , frrmh cli I luil HiilTtruil for til to jc.irs
\V * > truatcil by euxcrtt | hj-l In nltli lonltio | iot.i < i
luin. wlilch 8 rmeil to firil tlio H'omc. I liavc IM-C
cured sound anil well Ij then uof swit 'a Hpoiinc
MIIH. BAR Mil ! Timru , llumbulJt , 'Iciin.
Sullts Spcclfln UcntitcloKot.i1 > lc. Trcatl eon
Blooil nnd Skin Dhoascs luMlea frrc
TIIK swiKrHrniric Co. , DruvcrS , Atlanta , Oa ,
or IfilV. . 23J St , No York
Etlobll.npil IBM i ; " " < onarantea nlven
-i J < rverucnitti mtiferfafcrn.
* "beiiilt onamii3fort'olctrnti'illleaical Works.
Address , lSt. . ObAHKIS , ffl. J.t , 0 S0 ,0.
Clark btrcct , CIIKACO. ILL.
fil 7 St. Chnrlos St. , St. Louis , Mo.
1 rcgutnr gpn.luitoof IttoMcJIr-fil Collr n , ban Itft n lonptel
toc R l ID the pfelnltrenttiicutor OVEONIC. NvBotTn , BMI
and HIOOD lu : A.mllinD nr other fnjilclin In m.CouU
u rltjr piptri klio r nutl nil old rrRldeoti know.
Nervous Prostration , Debility. Mcnttl and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other ' - Sections
tions ot Thraat , Skin or Bones , Dlood PotirxMtg ,
Old SoreS and UlCCrS , nro trratM vlth norR xllclod
lUfecM. on livust > rlcntl c rtlQclplFi Mn'clr , I'rll nttlr.
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , vhieh prodiico ton orth
roHo liig ffftct l uervoiiineM , ilcHlitr , dlmnfi of slibt
and iltfectlro menwrr. rlmplti on the htt . phjileaJ dftt > 7 ,
nrcnlonlotbt wcl-lj o t fi'mnlt , , conlu u of IJciu , cti ,
rcnderlnc Marrlnco improper or tmliapny , t
permanettlyourcd , l'nmphletS ( | geifil > a .l. in *
laicaled rntrlc'n.rrretii anr nJ.lri-M. Uon ull ll nH c (
Ococrtjmaliritr , nii.llnThfa. Wrllo for question.
A Positive Written Guarantee
( tlvem la all UMIolnesstnt crcrrwhtro.
Pnmphlen , Snellih or Oorman. 04 paje * . d .
above diseases , la male or female ,
DOpaecu fineplalpn. Illuitratc4 In elolh il rllt UaJlnt
JOV : , money oro..tnt ; Fame , paper col cm , Z5c. TbU b oTt
cmtalua all tbo curloui , Joultlul or laail.ltlre vnit t *
kDov. A t)0ilf ) cl ercat I&t rM to alt UCMlUl. Uoautg
T lICfittO 07 tU aUVI
nnd VIGOR , of YOUTH. Dy *
licpslu , Want of.Apiwilte , jn >
digestion , IjjicJc or MruliRtll ,
cincil. nones , nancies ami
ni'rvcs rcoclvo utw lorcc.
Enlivens tlio luliul anil
eiippllcs llrolu 1'nwcr.
_ Suflvi Ingjroni cumnlnliits
- 3 > n.eBlarto ! thplirsi-x will
_ _ _ In DR. it'-JUXEa'S JKOK lONId t nofn nnil
epopily euro. UIHcsailuar , liLiUUivcoinpluirlnn.
Frc'iuunt ancniplfl at c ° 'tT"vf"Tfll.liiK onlyatlU
to thoporiularjtyurtlto orlKlnnl. Do uvt cxpvri *
Oient flctllluOlllOINAI. AND JHCTk
xsSeniiri'uraddrrsstoTbnDr. HnrtotMtid Oo.X i
. StI us. ! Mo. , for our "DJlEAlIi UOOK. " D
V i Fnllol atiuofe und uwfaLUiforma'uOD.tnnJ/
Iff BOTTU53.
:5rlangor : , . . . . - . * . Bavarin.
> alm baaner , . . . . . . . .Bavana.
: * il3ac ? . . . . . . . . * Bohemian.
laiser . . . . . . - . .Bromon.
- .St , Louis.
. . - - .St. LOTUS.
3chlilz-Pilsner - . Milwaukee.
tru 's . . . . . . .Omaha
Ale , Potter , Domoatcic and Ehine
1218 Farnam Sb.
IJttj and Capitol Avennr. treats aU tales Crlj
plod oi Deformed alej diseases < IIL
Karvous System ,
Throat , Lungs and
Urinary Organs
All uses o Oarvatureof the Spins , Crooked Feet
Uirs and Arms , DtseMoi of ths Hip , Hue. and
Inkli Joints. Also dionlo affw-tlona oltae tlrer
Khsumatlsm , rualja'rf , Illu , Ulcori , Cttaitb , Asth
ma and Bronobltla ai * all trea'ud by niw and sno-
eeaaful methods. All diseases cf tbe BlooO and Vila-
try Organs , IncludUK those itanltlng from Inc UCN ;
lion , or exposure , are safal ) &od auoceatVally tri U < l
Young men , uladle agad , and old uen uf2. < lsc
Irom Woikneai and Nervwu eihaustjouprodiiclak
inJIzcstlon.I'alpJUtlonoJ ths Heart , Despondency
DlirJnesi , Ixui of Memcuy.Lack ol Energy and Am
bltlon , can U rvstored to health aid vlior , II case
la not t ( o leufC nc leotwU The Durgeoa In charge
was president ol tha Northwestern Buifloal last )
tute and Surgeon ol the National PurjlvaJ lu.Utute
If atlUtaed , oallorwrltolulldMcrlptlou of your case
and inodljlne may be seel you. Consultation
Irra. Addrei.Omsha Dliptasary , Ciounas Block
Omaha , Neb. Office houri 10-U a , m.l-Sa 7-8 p.
to Banliyi.10 a ra. . . .
Dcwareolall tr vclir ; sweats , V0 have
Bsnl for
The romnrknblo growth of Omahk
during the last few yoara Is A matter of
great astonishment to those who pay an
occasional visit to thla flowing city. Tha
development of the StocV- Yards tha
necessity of the Bolt Llns Road tha
finely paved ntrooU the huudroda of now
rosldonccD and costly business blocks ,
with the population of our city more than
doubled In the last live years. All this
la a great anrprlso to visitors < snd la ths
admiration of onr cltliuns. This rapid
growth , the buslnoos activity , and the
many nnbstnntlnl Improvements msdn a
lively demand for Omaha real catalo , nud
every Invontoi has uiodo n handsomt
Slnao Iho Wall Street panic May ,
with the unbaonuont cry of hard tlmoa ,
there hao boon leea demand from specula
tors , but n fair demand from invoatorj
nooklng homea. Thla lutUiv claas ara
taking advantage of low prices In build
ing material and are securing their homes
at much loss coat than will bo posolblo o
year honco. Spocalators , too can bny
real csta' 9 chonper now and ouht ; ; ti tnko
advantt o of present prlcoo fox future
pro ta.
The next few ycnrn promlsoi greates
dwolopmonti in Omaha than the past
ti v ) years , which have been as good awe
wo could reasonably desire. New man
ufacturing establishments and largo job
bing housoa are added almost weekly , BUI *
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many In Omaha and through-
bnt the Stata , who have their money in
the banka drawing a nominal rate of
toroat , which , If judiciously Invested I
Omaha real citato , would bring thorn
much groatar returns. Wo have many
bargalna which wo arc confident will
bring the purchaser largo profits in th
near future.
Wo have for sale the finest resi
dence property in the north and
western parts of the city.
North we have fine lots nt reason
able prices on Sherman avenuo,17th ,
18th , 19th and 20th streets.
West on Farnara , Davenport ,
Cuniing , and all tbo leading streets
in that direction.
The grading of Farnam , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible some of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Farnam , the pro
perty in tne western part of the city
will increase m valun
We also have the agency for the
Syndicate nnd Stock Yards proper-
.y . in the south part of the city. The
developments made in this section
> y the Stock Yards Company and
, he railroads will certainly double
; he once in a short time.
We also have some line businesB
ots and some elegant inside rosi-
IOUCCP for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
30me good bargains by calling u
South Mth St ,
Bet 76011 Farnhain and
P. S. Wo ask those who have
property for sale nt a bargain to ive
us a callWo r/ant only bnrgaina
We will pcaiiively not handle prop
ertv at raorat'aan ita real value.