Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1885, Image 6

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    " " " " " " li i [
jk i * ' ! JI M IJiM.I.-Uli--w7 Tuir V-
. J . . . - - - |
Tuesday Morning , Feb. 10.
- - - - - - - SO o
110.00 POIJ.M
11-4 bed qnllts , 7G : , at Oocko &
Young Whoolcr who wai shot by
Jeflcries Is reportud aj getting along
nicely with a good prospect for recovery ,
The council had no meeting yesterday
afternoon , Aldorraan James bolng In Chi
cnRO , Aldorraan Keating in Chicago , and
Alderman Mynstcr aick.
At an early hour yeatjrday morning
Mr. Golds'cin TM aroused by hearing
some ono trying to break into his pawn
uhop , on upper Broadway. The follow
skipped out in n hurry.
The Daughters rf Kobokah had n
happy social Saturday evening at the
Loino of Mra. E. Burhorn , on Sixth
avenuo. They have made arrangements
also for a ball on the evening of the
The circuit court opened yeatrdiy ,
with Judge Connor on the boncli , thin
being the first chance the people hnvo
had to BOO him In that poalti.n , There
vraa llttlo done of public interest , the
calender bolng callo'd , and cases assigned.
This evening at 8 o'clock the regular
weekly and literary nodal of the Y. M.
0. A. will bo hold. A good programme
will bo presented. Both ladles and gen
tlemen are invited to bo present. These
gatherings have become very popular ,
and an evening can bospont to advantage
to all coming.
A boy named Jo. Hilta , who loft It's '
homo In lirockcnrldge , Col. , and cani3 to
this city where ho has a married raster
living , was yesterday started back again
al the request of his folks , who tent the
needed money to pay his way back.
Chief Sklnnor wont with the b-y to
Oniiha , and saw him oafoly started on
his journey.
The Evening Herald man has already
gained enough of a reputation for bolng
gulled , without having boon confidonced
intj believing and publishing that there
was n plan on foot for running a gas main
ovjr from Omaha to supply this city with
gas , unless the quality of gas hero was
improved. Who iu the world has been
filling up the Herald man again.
L. Harris , the well known Broadway
merchant , on Saturday evening gave a
isuppor to about twenty of his male
friends. The tlrou was a merry one In
deed , and uporjuh'cs as wall as rafrssh-
inonts , cro enjoyed heartily , Mr.
Hariris leavoa this evening for Now York
city , where ho will in a few days load to
the hymonlal altar ono of Now York's
fairest daughters
Mr. McClurg has returned from Chi-
cs ( | > where ho has boon attending a
in idling of the cracker manufacturers.
At thla mooting a western association was
f jrmed , and it is understood that as soon
as it gets In good working order the prloe
of crackers will ba advanced. It is said
tlai to secure a uniformity of prices ,
< ) ? cl ) manufacturer put ] up § 1,000 to bo
forfeited in case ho.cnts prices , and that
this amount will go to the person detect
iug the cut.
Bob Bnrdotto lectured at the opera
house last evening , to ono of the largest
and best made-up audiences over githor-
cd thera. Ills delivery Is poor , but
what ho had lo deliver Is good enough to
make up for that. It is on almost hopeless
loss task for a man to moot the oxpocta
tiona of an audlonco , who expect to hear
the tunnloat SDrt of a man , and who have
lannod to have all tholr buttons shaken
Dose by tholr convulsive laughter , but
nrdotto comes as near it as any man
The lecture was not only sparkling of
oan wit , but full of pathos and senti
Bookman & Co. , D25 Main street , will
h and oil harness cheap , now.
' Notman Green ia very ill with pneumonia
Miss Nettle Kiusaid is visiting friends Ii
Croaent City.
Jno. 1' . Organ , of Neola , arrived al
llechtelo'a yesterday , to attend court.
* Freimnt Benjamin of Avoon , wai at the
Pacific yesterday , and attending court.
I' Jno. T. Hinkley , of Ashland , Nebraska
came In from ono of hia trips yesterday.
.Tmues K. Wooloy. the business 'manager o
" the Kdwiu Clifford company , was at the 1'a
cifio yesterday.
J , M. Ptlent , who , notwithstanding hi
name , is an insurance ! man , and a good oua
ii at the iiechtolo's hotel.
Bliss Tompkins , of Omaha , who haa been
guest of Misa Lizzio Brown for the past wee'
has returned across the river to her home.
Dr. Montgomery was called to Omaha yea
ttrday for consultation with other physician
In iho caao of L. Kinnotnu , whoso foot was
recently crushed by the cars , Mr. Kinnehan
ia in a very precarious condition , and hi
many friends are very anxious about him ,
ASIlKlitBimi ,
Yesterday about 1 o'clock the fire da
partmont was called out by the discover
of a blaze at the residence of John H
ClarV , the court reporter , on Fifth a've
nuo just wctt cf Pearl street. The Gr
wja quickly put out , the damage boin
but nominal. The causa was a defectiv
Two car loads of hones , mules nnc
mares just received , for ealo at the stable
of Schlutor it Boloy , Kiel * barn , cornt
Fisth avenue and Fourth street.
A I Pest House Patient Tells How Ho
Was Treated ,
A Sad Showing of So-Galled
Christian Civilization ,
Iik ( k oi Holding , of 1'ootl , of Heat ,
and of Medicine ,
Now that the email pox scare Is over ,
and the pest house has been closed and
quiet has been restored , there is time for
a careful and complete- investigation of
the charges lloaUng thiongh the air , as to
the treatment of patient ! . The facts
cannot ho changed now , nor can nny In
vostlgatlon do any particular good to
these whose have- Buffered , but an Invea-
tlgat'on ' may rosuli in causing publ c olll-
cnls to mo dill'ti-jut method ] and take
dllTcont mcaiurcs iu case there should bo
any such cnsa arise In the future. Small
ox cassa are difficult to Icok after , be-
auso of Ilia fctr of contagion , but there
loutd be some moaauroi adopted eo that
oroaftcr thor o will bo no dlflicultlca.
ud proper ca-o promptly g ven those who
tc thus called upon to sulTor , nnd to bo
"iiitolf from the rest of the world.
Ona of the patients at the pact liiusa
ivcs the following aworn statement as to
s experiences there , and ceitnin it is
hiit iu comment is needed , it being ovt-
unt from tha statement itself that theio
as \ ceil sul neglect , us should nevar bo
ermittod again ia any community clam :
ng to bo civilize : ) :
'o ' thu Editor of THK BEE.
Iu order that the public may know ox'
, ctly the facts in the cve , 1 deeiro to
make a atatomcut as to how I was treated
it the post house , I was taken from the
Ony liouso on the 25th of December last ,
wai not broken out then , and was not
von olck. Mr. Kirftcndall , the nurao at
lie pent house , came for me , by the or-
uro cf the county physician , Dr. Bcllin-
cr. I was taken in an open wegon , iu
lie evening , and It was very cold. Bo-
ore leaving the Coy house Mr. Kirkcn-
all { old Dr.Belllngor in my presence that
tioro were no bed clothes ncr mattress at
tie post housa for mo , and the doctor
romlsed to send sonioouttho next morn-
ug. That night Mr. Kirkon-
"all gave me his two quilts ,
cry thin onca and an old broken down
ot to lay on. Thcrj was no fire iu the
com , and I lay there shivering nil night ,
'ho next day there was no fire , there bo
ng no ttivo for that room. The ncit
light I lay there ahlverlng ( till with nero
ro and with no more bedding than on
ho firtt night. The next day 1 began to
> roak cut some , and felt BO sick that I
ad to keep in bed. That day Dr Bell-
nger came out , and ordered Etnma
virkondall , who was helping her father
mrso the patient' , to have ino como out
o his buggy to see him. I got up and
rent out in the cold and snow , to the
odor alt'ing ' In hia buggy. Ho naked
mo how I was gattlng along , and when I
old him that I was shk , ho told me to
o Into the kitchen. To reach that room
had to go around the hous ; , outjido In
ho cold , that room being CUL elF from
ho other rooms. Mr. Kirkendall
uid myself again asked the
lector to send out these bed clothoa ,
hey not having yet como. Ho p'omlsed
o do so at onco. Ho kept on promising
ivory day after thst , but still no cLthes ,
intll the 29th , four day. } after I had been
here. 'Then ilr Kirkendall got the cx-
raas man , Mr. Bntton , who brought
omo wood , to co into the city md got a
lattress. Ho biought it out tLat same
Mr. Kirkondall had aoledtho doctor
0 got astovo for the room I was in. The
.octor said it would bo too much of an
xponso to the county. After Ella
ielley'a death , th atovo from liar room
? as brought into the ono I wad in. until
Ir. Kivkendnll could clean up the room
liat she had used , disinfect it , and got it
eady for me.
Then ho moved the steve bask , and
mt mo iu that room. It was four days
itcr I was taken to the pest housa that
had a mattress to lay on , and six or
oveu days before I got the quilts which
ad been prcmisad mo when 1 weal out.
'ho nurse , ovary time tha doctor
11113 out , would trder provisions
oo , bat they would not como , and the
jctor would got the same order tha next
1 me ho came. All the excuse no gave
or our not having provisions was that
ho city board of health and county oili-
lals wore quarreling , and ho could not
got them to do anytning. I lived on su-
; nr and water for six or govon days.
Tliaro WHS nothing provided by the county
hat I , hi my sick condi ion , could eat ,
roiu the 25 .h of December to the 5th ol
fanuary. There was bacon , flour , pota-
oc9 , buckwheat , rice , and a little oat-
neal , but nothing to make any of these
tito palatable dishes no milk , or uny-
hiag of that sort. The doctor said that
10 could not got any milk from the county ,
On the 5th of January , when Dr. Soy.
jert and the city board took charge ol
ilMra , there was a vpeody change for the
jotter. From that time on wo hac
ilunty , and of such a kind as n alck man
; ould eat.
So far as medicine was concerned Dr ,
Bellinger did not pivo mo any. I go
Bomo oil once from him for my face , bu
it burned my face so I bad to throw i
away , as I could not use it. Ho siid i
was swiut oil , cut with alcohol. That was
all I got from him. He would como to
tlu posthousj nni cn'ortho ' room where'
was , pull his coat about him , put the
coattails between his legs and say : "Mr
Co'lamor you're looking elegantly
You've only got a alight touch of th
varloloid. " Then ho would get in hi
bucgy and go off. Ho would not chang
his clotlrng , and I never saw him us
duinfoctanta. Ho never examined in ;
pu'so ' , looked at my tongue , or anything
of that sort.
I kept getting worse and worse , and
finally my palate went down , si I could
not swallow , and oven the sugar and
water , which wai all the county fur-
niched mo , would como out of my nose
instead of of going down my throat. Mr.
Kirkendall. as well aa myself , told the
doctor what a horrible condition I was
In , and yet ho did not como out to sje
mo for two days , or give ma anything to
relieve me. Then through my own skill
and usalatlncB of Mr. KUkondall , 1 auo-
ceeded in getting up , ao that I could ( swal
low a llttlo nourishment. I waa as near
death's door in any man could be and not
die , and yet was allowed to llo there in
that dying , helpless condition , for two
lontr d ys , without oven BO much aa the
eight of a doctor.
Another instance of how affalra were
managed. Aiter I had been In the house
three or four days , nnd had broken out ,
the doctor sent out aomo clothes for mo
and the nurses , with orders for us to
clean up and como Into town , aa the pott
house was to ba closed up. Mr. Kirkcn-
dull gent wcrd back that I wss broken
out , and asking the doctor to como out
at once. Ho did not como until the next
Aa to the bedding , while I was in the
hcute , thera wore only two qnllta for
each cot. These qnllta were cheap ones ,
woolen rag clippings being used for fill
ing , and far from warm , the filling workIng -
Ing apatt so that yon could see daylight
irough them. Mr. Klrkcndnll , part of
10 time had to uio his ovorcont for a
overing for himself , nnd lay across two
Even Mr. KirkcndnU's hcraoc , which
ere kept there fcr the county's use ,
were allowed to go two clays end nights
t ono time witlnnt feed , and thirty-six
ours at another time , the county nog-
octlng to keep tholr ajrcomont to fiend
ut food to them. The f'ed was ordered
imo and again through Dr. Bellinger ,
ut for some reason , llko the provisions
or the patlonU , It failed to come.
In making theco KtatenunU 1 do not
oslro to cast any retl actions or bhmo
pen Mr. Kirkondall or his daughter ,
rho served ni nursoa. They were kind
ud attentive , day and niiht ; , and did all
n their power to make mo comfortable ,
nd to sacuro provisions , bedding , etc. ,
or the houso. In Ella Kijley's casaMr.
virkendall would ask her time nnd again
what she wanted , and thun would order
t fcr her , but It would nor como , nnd the
oor girl would toll Mr. Kirkondall often
ipforo her death that she did not blame
iin for not having the thlr gs needed.
After Dr. Scybort too < c charge of
ifialrB , there was nothing lacking. Ho
assisted mo as often as necessary , fur-
mailed medicine , nnd saw that therj waa
to lack of provisions or o'hor comfort ) ,
'n fa 11 have great cnuso fc r expressing
hanks to him uud to the nursaa for Imv-
ng lived through the discomforts and
Institution of the fit&t part of my etay at
he post house , nnd being kindly nursed
mck to life again , City Mi > nhalGnanolla
ins also b on very kind , and I desire to
publicly thank htm. For those who loft
no to die llko a hog , I h&Vd no harsh
vordc , and do not dealro to dp them ill ,
mt I make this at&tamont in the hope
hat hereafter there may be no sHch neg-
cct of small-pox patients , nnd that the
ublic will hereafter BOO to it carefully
hat none but kind-hoartod nnd com-
otont persons are placed in charge of
tub. Important public truats. If any
witnesses are desired , or further facts , I
. 'ill gladly produce thcna at any proper
Imo and place. D. G. COLLAMEU.
Sworn and subscribed to before e and in
ny presence by U. G. ColLirasr , this 9th day
f February , 1885. N. Scuuii/ ,
Justice of the J'eacc.
A fine organ , half price , at Board's
wnll paper ttore , next to postoftice.
Tlio < 'lly Improvements.
To the Editor of the BEE.
As thu time Is about at hand for the
, ax payers of this city to look aronnd for
omo ono to represent them , In the capac-
ty of alderman , I think they ehonld beery
ory careful who they aro. It is true
bis city haa made largo Improvements at
great eoat , and how hvvo they doni It ?
et every tnx-pajer answer for himself ,
t is true wa have Broadway and Main
treot paved , with good material , but waa
, here oven less brairw used by any set of
ouncilman on machinlsm. A struct llko
Broadway paved with the material it ia ,
with side gutters ton to twelve lushes
deep with the center of the
.treat so tbr.t thu water runs
n It like a gutter , and nota crossing from
ono end to the oher. Also Main Etroot.
Think cf a paved street so Hat tint yon
have lakes and ponds on it , eo that citl-
7.0113 want a mft or a boat to cross it
with. Lojk at the skill displayed in In-
lian crook. I eay , tax-payers , look out
BBO you gotauch men for your nlder-
men that will give you all the needed im
provements nocuianry to the beat Interact
f the city. Wo want aldermen that
when they let n , contract that will take
line to see it id dOe ri ht , that it is in
iscordanco with the contract , and that
ho tax-payers got the benefit of their
Look nt the v , irk on Sixth street , j
wonder if over au alderman inspected It
nee , If no , I she.del think they would bo
careful how they lot llko conducts. Let
every taxpayer examine the curbing
around Baghea paik and see what they
"isvo for their money. I do not wish to
jnaiiro the present councilmcn , but they
have driven aomo things too fast , they
have made the burden of taxation too
heavy and mure particular In the filled
district. The burden of filling and
raising buildings was enough for ono
year without luing compelled to put
clown curb stones and building walks , oo
say Itt us look for men that will have
ome Interest for us , and net for some
idfish motive ot their own , A largo
unounl of money goes somewhere , and
the taxpayers should try to Inform them
selves where it goes , therefore , como out
and got good material for our aldermen.
Parting AVltli I'nstor ,
The Congtvgatlonal church of Sand
wich , M. , has piastd the followlnc- reso
lutions in regard to Rov. G. W. Crofts ,
who has resigned to accept the call to the
Congregational church of Owuncil Bluffs.
Resolved , That this church has re
ceived with deep ro rat the resignation of
its pastor , Rev. George W. Crofts , and
acodos to the same only In view of the
Imperative necessity of a change required
by his Impaired health.
Resolved , That the church , with grati
tude to our common Lord and Master ,
deeply appreciates hia services to Itself
and this community for the past eight
years In the cause of religion and truth ,
and hereby places on record Its high
estimate of him as an able praachor of the
worl , a firm defender of the faith as it Is
in Jesus , and a tender smpathlxer with
the bsrjaved and the alllictcd , as well as
a kind and genial filond In the social
walks of life.
Resolved , Tint Rov. Mr. Crofts will
carry with him the cordial love of this
people , and their best wishes for bis fu
ture welfare and usefulness , and we here
by most heartily commend him to the
generous confidence and lovp of the people
ple of his new charge , Invoking upon him
and ( hem the divine favor and blessing ,
A Mississippi lady grows 300 varieties
of roses In her garden every summer.
Before yon buy harness call on Beok-
raan & Co. , 525 Main street.
The nearest approach to squaring
a circle is a new augur htoly Invented
that bores a square hole.
Si'itiNQFJELD , Maoj. , April 10 , 1883.
' For diseases of tha kidneys , liver ,
bladder , and urinary organs I received
Croat benefit from HUNT'S [ Kidney and
Liver ] REMEDY. I pronounce It the
best. n. W. Payne , Manufacturer ;
Hain uoa , Trunks , etc , , 447 Main St
A full stock of MOBS' , Womens' ,
Boys' , Misses' and Cbiltkens' New Jersey
AECTICB , now ready in any quantity to
suit purchasers , CHICAGO TEEMS and
DISCOUNTS every day in the year. We
also carry FULL lines of BOOTS and
SANDALS of above named goods , includ
ing the nicest line of SPECIALTIES for
fine retail trade made by ANY company.
We have some Felt Boots to close out
cheap , Try a case of our COMMON
recommend them.
Write for list on "Lumbermen , "
Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St
CiTica ? 412 Lroadway ,
To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria.
the lost ( hoyears there lias not boon a death from dlphthcrU In any casowhcro Dr. Thomm
DURING ' proven the and euro wai used. It has boon the means ot savin ? thousands of lUot India
nenslblo In putild sort ) threat , In rmlignant scarlet Jeter , clianRinelt lo 48 n urstathn Mlinjilo form. For
sale only at the doctor's olfico , No 23 douth Eighth street. Council lllufls , Iowa , Send for It ; price 82.
Djspcntlo , hylUe In misery and illo In despair with cancer of the staniacn ? Dr. Thomag Jolfcrla cures
o\ery CIEO of Indigestion and constipation In a very short time Bejt of references given , dfepeiiseia.
the cause of all of ninety per cent diseased conditions.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Hard Soft any Blossburg
W. H. SIBLEY , Mnnaser.
Ofllco. 38 Main St. Yard , on C It. I. & . 1 * . anil C.
J L St. l > . llallw ay.
Corn Meal ,
Graham Hour ,
Ground Fresh Every Day !
Ground Feed Always on Hand.
Mill , corner of North Sixth and Mill Streets ,
Schmitt & Harb
Ilftve rcDTXircil from under the Opera House to
. 402 BROADWAY ,
They vrfll contlnuo their CIQAR AND TOBACCO
builnoo , and Invite all tholr old friends and the pub
lie to call and Bee them. The flacet cigars aad to
Vftooo alwftyi oaband ,
All the Latest Improved
All Work First Class.
Orders by Mail Solicited
Express Paid on all Or
ders over $2.50.
Collars and Cuffs a
Specialty ,
Established 1882.
H. E. REMEE , Manager
111 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA.
'iciel ' Agent
No. 607 Broadway Council Bluffi.
Railway Time Table ,
Corrected to Januarr 7,1835.
The following are the times ol the arrival ind de
parture of trains by central standard time , tt the
Iocl depots. Trilna leave transfer depot tea mtn.
Qtos earlier nd airlve ten minutes Uter ,
onioico , BURLisaroi IMD qomar.
LliVI. i RlV -
8:35 : pm OhlcaKOEiproaa BCO : m
8 : 40 , m Faet Mall. 7:00 : p m
IliXO p m Accommodation. 1,0 ] p u >
At local depot only.
UK818 NTT , 81. > 0 * AMD OOUROIL JLUFM.
10,05 ft m Mall and Expicit , 0.25 p m
BllCpm Poolflc Eiproao , 065jin ;
55 ; p m Eiprcaf , 9M : ft m
BiZiftm Kipreea , CtJJpm
J25 ; p ra Atlantic Esprtei , % 96 ft m
0.25 ft ia Day Kiproaa tM p m
7lSO .m "DosUolnM Accommodation , ttU p m
"At local depot only.
* WASAail , IT , LOUIS ADD rACinC ,
6:10 : pro Acoomuiodat.on 9:00 a in
liSS p m Louis Eipreea 3:15 : p m
1-J0 p m Chicago Exprew 10:65 : ft m
At Transfer only
eaioiao and MOBTUWUTICU ,
lifiO p m , o:5o : p m
9:25 : ft m FaoifioKipresa 0:06 : ft m
fiiO p m St. Paul Kxpreu , 0M : ft m
mo ft m Day Eiprotu 7:03 p m
irsios rAcino.
B:00 : P m Western Expru * , 8tO : a m
IIX : ( ) ft m I'adflo Kxpiixs , itO : p m
18)10 ) ft la Lincoln UxprcM , 1:1 : J p m
At Traniter only
pcunr TEIISS to otuiu ,
7:20-8to-9SO-10:80-UWft. : : : : : m.
-6:90-8:30-11 : : 5 p. m Sonday 7:20' :
0 ft. m. lSO-8:80 : : ( : SOSOUWt : p , m.
mlnalti before le rtof time ,
SMITH A' Touii ; : , KMS.
Merchant Tailors !
7 nd M mSt , ,
CouxctrI3ifrrs , - - IOWA.
A Complete Line of Now Goods to Select From ,
Keep IlorBcs nd Mnlca coiiatnntly on hantl whlo
wo will soil hi rotull or cnrlorul loU.
All Stock Warranted as Reoresentel
\M.'c.oo ! ttnitltll dr fn Ii ( rail anl 1'tlu' Hr.1'ilcii iri
oonablo Satkfactlnn Clu rantci\l.
Corner Fifth Avo. A Fourth St. C'omicllHIulTs.
Winter Goods Ready. Suits Ma.le . to Order in Latest Style
oa Short Notice and at Ue'isoir bin Prices.
SOB M&tn Street , Council Bluffs
Drs. Judd & Smith's Now Improved Electric Belt.
IT rOSlTIVI LY CUUKSKMiuy i nl Llrcr Comphlnt. Htlclit'e Discus. UliciimiktHm , mlirlt
ljape ; sin , Nononsuem W BtIiij ( Wrakli'BH , l' . rilj l , Hjilnil Alfrotlona , ImllirMtlon , Itcnrt UNoai . Kits
Ilcadncl ] , Limo Hick , Co'il Feet , ami nil disrasM requiring lucrcosoj iiiothujuu era. Noir fmmotc
$3 and ? S ; old etjlo $1 inch. o
NOTICE. Special \orttEomcnta , BMO ni LOT >
round. To Loan , For Sale , To I'.ont , Wiuitn , Hoard
lag , etc. , will Lo Inserted In thla coluruu at the low
mto ol TKN CENTS I'KH LINE ( or the flret Insertion
nnd FIVE CENTS VER LINK lor each cnlwcquont u
crtlon. LOAVO ad\ortleomenta it CUT nBoe , ) To
Pe&rlSttoot , ne
KENTTno rooms at No 630 First a\cnuo
I7 1 nround Hour , fiontlni ; on park.
FlUS ( > IK-AraiochJiirotojcta Ore , ell Im i
] iro\od farm of100 actc , within a I w inllcfl ! 0
Onunclt Llullp , at a birgnln Low ptlco and easy
J7011 SAtK A good pa ) In ? liotcl property nltl
1 ll > ery ttAblo , In ono of the best small towns In
wcbtcrnlowa will soil with ur without furniture , o
will tiade for n tinall farm with Ptock itc.
FOR 8VLB Eighty acres unln > ] iro\cd land ii
Union county , ) own , 3J nulcn south last of At
ton , tha o tmty ecat , or will trade for Nebraska 01
Kansas land. SWAN A , WALKKIU
J/Oll SALE ASOnoro tract of ( food land abon
1 one and a half a HOD from Council Uluflt I' *
oinco. at a barg'xln. S AN & WALKFI : .
ipOU SALE In Harrisoncountj , Io a. 320 acres
1 crass land , all under fence a 501 nrro farn
with line improvement ; , all under cultivation c\ccpl
JO acres crass 8) acres good grass or pasture land.
aid so\ertl other tracts of from 40 to 100 acres ol
unhuproiul land. SWAN .1 WJII.HKII
FOR SALi : OR TRADE For Booil citj proncrt ) ?
in Council Hludd or Improu'd farm , "my lirict
Ihery stable nnd entire stock or the stock only and
lease of stable for flvejuaigor moro. Did a Imsl-
ness of cucr $5,000 In 18'4 with ciftht lUurv liorb
W. L. I'atton. " 3 N. Main street , Council BlulTj.
\V 3 A boj with a pony to carry TIIK UKR.
Call at BKB olllco immediately.
I 1710R SALK T/ands hnpro\cd aad
1 If > on want a farm In western Iowa , Kansis
Nebraska or Dakota , Ictus hetr from \ou.
FOR SALE Special barjjaln. A largo two story
fra o dwtllmir , ton rooms with nil 1m
ptoM'inciits. well located and almost new. 1'iico
| 5A.O $ l(00ca3h balance longtime
TX ANTED To correspond with onv non-resident
T f owner of property In Council Illnffi or Pottfl-
watttm e county , or any onn wliihiiiK to buyer
or sill propotty iu w cstcru low a , Kansis or Nebraska.
SA1 E A hreo number of business and rrsi-
dcncc lotH In all parts of Council ItlutK See
ID before 3 ou bu > , SWAN & WALKKK.
TOR RENT Wo hi 10 several houses on our list
for rent , \acant now , SWAN & WALKKR.
FOH SLK Parties wiuhiujto buy cheap lots to
build on can buy on u-Oinlily paincnts of from
$2 to ? 10. bwAWAI.KKR
FOR RENI Wo will rent you a lot to buld on
with the prlvilago to buy II JOH wifh oncry
ibcinl tcrmo. SWA
TT7"ANTEI ) To correspond with any oa" wlsblriff n
V r pocd locitlon f r flamiing mtll. Hash , door
and li'ind manufactory , wti ha\o bulldlntr and
macliiner } , well located , for Halo. Irasn or tra'lo ;
Foil RENTLaruo two r.torv frame bulldiru suit
able for warehouse or storaco purposes , near
railroad depot. bvrw WALKKR.
IlUNl1 Ull hAl-r , , ) „ . , „ : „ ( ; ami
Biiltal In for fcmallfoundiy and niuchlnu
Jooil baileroutline , cupola , blower wl'.h Uicd ehau-
ug eta , itady to put in motion.
1 7\'OH \ SALK Hhclviiii ; , counters , tables detlB , ( ?
1 ( Ixtururt etc. Eufilroof | 11. f. Scunan , paper ,
jooks and ututiouer i'Ml Ilroadwa .
pOU SALh Twchoincs. finulo liu'f > , anil Unlit
* sliiKlo harness. C. II. liolititson tM Droady ay.
| j < OR SALE Houses , Lots and Land. A. J.
I1 Kepi e-iion , 603 First au'tmu.
IpOK SALK A top-liuB'Ky , llr tl l > m nmi.o and
' in ex client condition. Or will tradu for cheap
ot..ddrcis i" , M Boo olllco , Council DlnTu.
way. soils coal and wood at roauonablo prices
( th ts 2,000 Ibs. for a ton , and 128 cubic for a uord ,
Try him.
' ji. > ry bouyin Council Ulunu to I KO
WAN'iKU . Delivered by carrier at only twenty
oontfl a wook.
f \LD 1'Al'KUH For e lo at Il oSlco , at H ceatt
\S * hundred
Offlco , Main Btieet , Iloom 3 , Shugart aril Heao
block. Will practice In Hialu and Federal oojiU
ornou OVER. AUKIIIOAK xti-arw
Cob , Goal | Wood
33 09. ar03XT33S3
I' , O. addrctu , Ix > ck Hole llrtO , Council IlluDs.IJ
Dr , W. H. Sherraden.
Maaonic Temple ,
Oonnoll Olnfl < : loir * .
U nplirodiBiac , nrniifl
t > u iictluty , iioBitlvut
curou lniKjtuiiof | lost
I Ity , all weakness ofcnripratlto By 'tcm ; i > itn r BOX
* li by mull. J , I.WuruvrV107 btutoljt.UlcE& (
Mrs IU Hilton M
, , a.
v y , CounoU Kludt.
Deputy Slioriff nnd
Offlco with N. Sohurz , Jttstlcoof the Peace , C cncll
Ulitfls , Inwa.
moi , orricisKi IT , n , ii. rein
Ooancll Bluffs ,
Established 1856
Dealori In Foreign and Doraeetlo Eich Dg.
Horn. Stcurltlu ,
P ft MPPB Q or olh" torncn removed without thi
Uilll UJjilUj knll. oi durrloz cf bl 4.
Over thirty years practical expitliMi OfflM Ke.
f , Pearl street , Conncll Blnfl * .
fConiulta/lan fret.
Chicrgq , MnmeapclJK , MllwauKeo ,
St. Paul , HapiiiB , Dnvonport
31inton , Dubuqiio , Itockford ,
lock Island , Freeport , Jnnesvillo ,
Klfir. ArndiHon , IM Crossu ,
lioluib , WinCim , .
Ami all other | ) points LLvit , North-
e.-wt and Soutlioust.
Tlciiet olllco it 14011'arium stoet (111 ( r iton Heel -
el ) , and at II ilon I'acillo Depnt
PuuiAS Si , < ) ni'i'ii nnd iho KiNKsr DIA'MI tMrmx
UK Woiil.naio run on the main llnus ( if thu Chicago
MllwauUoo&St. PautK'yand ovtry aitontlnn
sjmid to pausjugtrs by courteoi.s amplo\o3of the
S. S MhltRIM , , A. V. n. CAHl'IOTTEK.
GoiiLralMana cr. Uun'l . 'aHtjungor Airont.
Ass't Gen'IltanaKer. A8Oen'l ! VMS Agent
J. T. CI.AHK , Ccn'l SupoiJjtondant.
Oouncil Bluffs
and Chicago !
Tie only line lo take tar I'm ilolruis , urshiU
own Cedar ) ( n > lile , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , Mil
waakno auil all points eait. To the pee ) > ! of N
uankaOnloradj , Wjoininu ; . Ulah , Idaho , N'in U'
OrcBOJi , WuhliiKtan nnAOkllfuuriU It ollorj suptrii
a.huitai.n not plunblo hy any other line
AuonK a fuMiuf the unuorouH points of Biip
ty enju eil ' , < y thu lutronii of this rcadlwt
Omaha and Chicago , are Us twotnlne o clia of DAI
COAUI1EH which are thoflnwt that lininan ait ao4
iiKinult ) . aa cruite , Jl HALACK Hl.irtl'INQ OAfU
vlilch are moilclsct comfort and cleiianco , IU PAK
I.UU DHAWINU UOOM < MIIS , unaurpiiM ,1 , ly ioy.
and Its vtldoly cclehi UKl IMlATlAlUININO UAiU
thu tual | ( A whli h .uiinot > > u found eijiwliori. IM
AtOounell Illiilf * the trotns of th' < Union ? > olflix.
ty. connect 111 Uiuin Ihi | ctwith tbr o ot thnChloa
roiNiii ttiitii > H ) luChlraKn tb trainu. of thl.v
Ine inak close ocaiibctlbu with ttua of Ml oaatern.
KorDvtrolt , Cohunlwi , Indlarapo'lii , Clrclnnai ) .
IhKariv Falls , Illlfulo , filtuburK , 1 < > rnritnMantrcal
IICBtcu.Now Y clf , I'hlladclphU. lUlilnuru , Wuh-
rutonand all ( xjluti In thu Itnt , mil Uia Utiut
ae'cnt for tlckititA ! thu
MOUTH WI31EK.1 , '
If you ulhn ihg l * t accoimcodatloBa AH ticket
aicats null tlkota via thla Ho ,
U. HUQIim V.i IIA1H ,
Gi.iicriJil3J ) ( ; tr. CJei Vu * At unt.
St , Charles Hotel. .
OSTHKET , IJET 7Uiand8th , . . LINCOLN , Jf IU.
MM. Kate Coakly , I'rcpilutorcBd.
vly nd tlegantly furnished. Good
rooms on drat Ibor.
nal.w to Vt per day. nUe Klven
rceniberi of tin k-k-Watui * , novig Im-mi
oif THH HUMAN I'.IIDV i/ . i t ii > ni.vTTZ
< ll'l II M 111 N.f ( III M.I I , " | u , , U.n | nl < .r .llnir
lulvt rtiitHiiitiit lutitf run in > i77T' < r7. < r ! T7rry | < ly t iii