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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE MONDAY , FEBRUARY 0. 1885. " 1 THE DAILY J.EE IMondav Morning , Feb. 9 ( AVnntrd At the DKE office , an tctivo , IntelliRont boy 18 or 1C ye&r of fto. W'tc LOCAL BREVITIES , - Houndsmsn Mike Whulcnjnrrestod yestcr day afternoon Fred Hazen , charged with the larceny of a pair of shoos. Oon. Frederick brought suit yesterday In Tudgo Anderson's court to recover 8100 tax paid under protest for grading. Mr. J. T. Allan will go t Now Orleans to asiist Governor Furnai in the management of Nebraska' * agricultural exhibit at the ox position. It U expected that the United States ctr cuit court at Ijiocoln will adjourn when the jury brings In a verdict in the celebrated case of Hosford v . Insurance companion. A meeting of the Canadians in this city , to ftnn a Canadian-American club , will beheld held on Monday evening at the west store on Farnam street , in the 1'axton hotel building. Tlurowlllho a vocal and instrumental concert given bv the hrat choir of the cathe dral , at St. I'hlloiuona'a hall , corner Ninth and Howard streets , Tuosd&y evening , tin 17th. The Woman's Christian association holds a meeting Tuesday at 2 p. in. , at the rooms , comer of Sixteenth and Farnam streftU. Called by the preiidciit , L. Uliphaut Dodge , secretary. Jacob Kaufman loft Saturday for JSVw Orleans where ho will purchase a complete stock of Wines and Liquors. Mr. Henry Jllussor and wife also started for Now Orleans to taku in the exposition , At 12 o'clock lust night the term of United States Marshal Ulerbouer expired. Unlms that gentleman has been roappointeil or same now official baa been solecluJ , thi district is without a marshal. A sostabta will bo hold in the parlors of the St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church on St. Valentino's eve , Friday , February lit. Special novelties have been prepared , and the ontertaiuuiont promises to be a pleasant one. A mooting of the Nebraska Women's In dian ; i33ociation will ba held at the residence of Mrs. J. M. Wool worth , "Courtlandt 1'lace , " St. Mary's avenue , on Monday , February - ruary 9th at II p. in. A largo attend inco Is desired. MM. U. M. James socrotary. The fourth anniversary and ball of the Omaha Lodge No 26. Knights of Pythias , which was celebrated .Saturday night at ( ! er- mania hall , was well attended. The arrange ment committee , consisting of Messrs. II. Anderson , J. ] ! . ICrauso and Charles Ilinz , did everything in their power to uako It enjoyable - joyablo for uvory 0110 present. Dancing was kept up until an early morning. The Swedish Library Association held a grand masquerade at Turner hall Saturday evening. A largo number of dancera were present and all enjoyed themselves hugely. A section of tha Mmfcal Union Or chestra furnished tie music which was very fine. Judge Stenberg acted as master of ceru- monioi and he showed by his splendid man agement that he was able to rule on the danc ing platform'as on the bench. Ex-Coroner Maul has receiveda letter from J. II. Mockelt , insurance agent at Lincoln , making inquiries about the Hagen mystery , and asking for a certificAte of the inquest on the floater aa well as a record of the testlrcony adduced. Thcro is no such record , but a copy ( if the verdict rondeted has been forwarded. The insurance companies interested in the case Tcrruuo these p pcrj , before determining whether or not the insurance policies shall bo paid. Charles Kirk was run in Saturday night an a vagrant by Officer Matra. Kirk haa been Icaliug for Home time , living In a questionable manner , and his : been under the keen sur- veilanco of Matza , who at length grow weary of his specious promises acd arrested him. The town is full of these men , who derive tholr mippirt in a mi unr sh truston and vile , resorted tu only by the blotted bums and da- luuchcos lost to all BObHo of do.-em-y and self respect. A few months gojlogicd : research ou soiiio largo rock pile would pio\o a good thing for come of these worthies. Orders from Waihington retiring Captain Ed win Tollock , of the Ninth infantry , were received at army hoadqunrterB , in this city , yesterday. Thu ctpttin waj for aloigtimo stationed at Fort Omnhi and made man ) ' friends in this city. Ho was fontth on thu list of captains for promotion to majorities at the time of his retirement , the examination for which took place in this city about two weeks agn. The reason for Captain Pollock's retirement wus a severe injury received In being - ing thrown from a buggy. Ho leaves his po sition at Fort 1) . 0. ItiHsoll , Cheyenne , with the respect of both superiors and Hiibordi- nates. I'EKSONAL. S. AV. Willis , O den , Utah , is at the Paxton - ton , II , 0. Hoke , St. 1'aul , was in the city yes * terUay. Wilson Reynolds and wife , of Fron-ent , registered at tbo I'uxton lait night. Mr , Cioorga A , Joslyn , proprietor of the Ifetroiolitiin | hotel , left yesterday on the (2. for Chicago , Mw. 12. 15 , S ngster , cashier In Milton Hogera & Son'd store , las gone to Indianapo lis to spend a month In visiting with friends. Mr , Harry Ciemcr , who linn been employee ] in the Nebiasku department of the World' * Fair , at Ni > w Orleans , haa returned to Omaha J. D. Howe , of St. Paul , uttorncy of the St. . 1'mil & Oiiuilu rrad , in In the city , \mtlnp Ills old friends. Ho will return to hi ] homo in a day or so , Mr. J. U. O lesby , brother of William OjkHby , of Paitoi hotel fame , leaves Lea veil worth , Kas . lor Tourgte , M. T. , to-day to ongoge In the cattle biitlncfH , Mr. L , L. Smith , the F.\rnam str ot dn goods man , loft for Chicago lost nijlit ; on upecial budiieii , which will cause lilt abiouco from thu city fur tnju'rdl dayp. "Lou's Uurke , North 1'lattu ; H 0. Kern Norfolk ; John F. Calvin , Grand , ( ieo A. Mariipy , I'npilliopj W. U. Lsiuy , We p Ing Wati-rj Walter Townsend , Duviil Citj Fred Kenrer , Jr , Hastings ; T. F. Ymng Woppiiig Water ; G. M fekldtnor , Urainard and W. H , Overtoil of Fulton , Neb. , are flopping at the Metropolitan II1101) OttlFFIN-In thihci'y. ' Februarv 8 , t S oclock p in. , John Gritlin , ged " 4 yetrn. Thefuneri\l i to t.ko place Tuejday HUTU ing , Febimu-y JO , at6:30 : a , in. , from the ieai- deuce of his ii , ' < > r , Mr * , ifpran , on Kixteentl Street , ne r Masou , THE OHABITT FAIR. Closing t'p Accounts I'limtiHnl s' The I.Mcljy Votaries nl' Fortune. Tlio charily fair given by the Ladles Denovolont ocoty ; of the llehrow con gregation C'CBOC ' ! Saturday night , a largo attendance bolnj present. The nork of figuring ap uoeipts and expenses , so far as t has progressed , indicatci that the total receipts of the fftir will bo nbont $2,700 , the amount netted about $2,200. A. number of articles not yet disposed of will bo rallied clT at oomo future time The following list will show the successful - ful patrons , who carried off the various articles , of greater or Ifsj value , which were rallied oil' : Crazy qti'lt ' , W. II. Craryj glovoand cologne case , Stella llosowater ; fancy drees doll , Simoon Bloom ; fire screen , Mrs. A. Brown , sofa cushion , Mrs J. P. Braudeis ; toilet set , Dr. J , Wertz ; old coin , Martin Qberfoldcr ; fane ; dress doll , Emma Rvplnsky ; banner , EmmaJPundt ; palloto , 1 SchilT ; scfa pillowTilda Newman ; pillow alums , J. B. Brandol ; handkerchief case , Mtns Fannie Hnu ; carriage robe , Louis Holler ; chieironlor , I. Brown ; tidy , Mrs I Obor- folder ; fancy drots doll ; A. L. Kfttz ; mantel lambrequin , Max Meyer ; painted phquo , llattio Oborfeldor ; paper holder , Miss Sollgsohn ; boy's suit , Ed III ley ; pin cushion , Bella Brandols ; crodlo and doll , Mrs. N. Baswi'z ' ; $100 , Ilco Nownian and S , Oborfeldor : lamp and mat , M. M. King ; ba'kot , M. Hip. Inako ; floor rug , A. Newman , fancy doll , Mrs. Craig ; panel , N. B Falconer ; oil pilntlrg , F. S. Stolling ; jilush iniror , Mrs. M. IIoilman ; pair bronz'j vases. H. Hart ; aoilskln boa and nnifT , Thomas Boyd ; wax work and globe , Mrs. Daun- hanm ; gold wa'ch ' , Dr. Ilnr fluid ; manicure , George Moiton ; sofa cushion , Adolph Moior ; baby Af han , M. Mich nols ; Ilogerj group , Wlllio Krug ; wash machines M. Bellman ; one-half dozen shirts , N. B. Falconer ; jewel case , Albert - bert Calm : pair pants , A. Harris ; smok ing jacket , A. II. Gladstone ; butter dlah , .J E. Boyd ; , A Popporburg ; largo jewel ease , J. E. Elchman ; plaque , Mibt'l King ; pa'cnt rocker , Sire. Bur- neil ; tublo linen , E. Burmriatcr ; table scarf , May Willis ; silk suspendcra , Goo. Hpyn ; baby cloak , I. Oborfel- der ; pic la difh , L. H. Baer ; spoon holder , Geo. Hoimrod ; boy'a over coat , L. H. Baer ; castor , A. Pol lock ; plaque , L J.Fodd ; gold pin and locket , Simon Fisher. THE COUNTY JAIL , Something " \Vroii ; ; In the "Workings and an investigation on I ho TnplH. There Is doubtless something wrong ot .ho county jail and It Is now more than likely that an investigation will bo mado. The fact that the notorious George How ard escaped from the jail before his time was half out , has opened the eyes of Slior- ff Miller and he is now at work to find ant why these things are thualy. Gioorgo Howard , a notorious an oak thief , tras aont up to the county jail for thirty jays on bread and water and to servo out i fins of $20 and cuati. Before hia thlr- ; y dnya were out Howard was roamlnc ; ho otroota at will. After Howard had bsen in about three weeks , Joe Miller , the jiiler , wont to Ju go Boneko , and told him that ho wanted a man to nasitt In the work with in the jail and naked that Howaid might be put oc regular rations and allowed to work within thu jail. Judge Btnako in- ( [ u'rad ' why Howard had beoi selected and Miller replied that ho was a handy man and know nil about the bu lnts3. Judge Beneko granted the rcqueet and the next thing ho know Howard was down town phylnij f at o back and havlntr a general goml timo. Joe Miller explains this by saying tint qo used H > ward to Bend on crands. The hui'stioii now arises , "uhat right liad Miller to allow Howard to leav the jail to go ui > oii m or and c r any other inii- sion ? If Miller wanted an cr < and boy why did not he select some one of the men who an sent up to the county jail for simp y gett ng drunk instead of using anotorioiis sneak thief mid crook piesence upon th- streets breeds contam ination and vice ? " THE COURT DOCKET , Tlic Grand .liu-y Imlirl mom * DN- Irirl uourl CascH-lMlluo N\Vh. ( ! The grand jury returned Indictmonte Saturday again- the fo'lowing paries , oil charges indicatsd. Charloa H , llyboitj , two iadlctmanta for grand larceny. Charles O'Connor , Charlts Miller and Charles Erlington , one indictment ci3h for gr nd larceny. Will'am ' Kinca'd ' fd d n patitlon ol mandamus against County Judge LIe Culloch t3 compel liiint ) pay tu peti tioner the sum of $104 now held by the Lention execuUr.s. This is anothei phaio of the Kincdid-Lonnon suit the pnrti ulars of which have been thor oughly expressed. Thu call of casoa in tbo dlatilct contl to-day is as follows : liofnro the Lion. James Neville : llilleko vf. I'uss. ' Hilleke vs. Hasp , Weyunt tt ol vs , Omaha. Fnulk va , Kennedy Muniifac'.nrlng Co. Morcpr va. Cuivir ot a ) , Cole Utos. it H rt va. Hilllko. Stout va. Wallbauin. Van Tuyl va. Omthi. Williams va Bomla. Thomas vj Drlecoll. Koleon vs Miller. Be ore the Hon. Eleazer Wakolcy. Itobinaon va. Clifton. Burthold va. Guy. Perry ot nl. vs. Bcrthold et al. Sheppard et al VB. Berthold nt nl , Ilesor ot al. vj. BershoUl ot al. Cin. gtova Works vs. Bertliold ct al. Wcstorn Steve Manufacturing Co. va. TroBtin ot 1 William Gander ot al. VB , Trcssin ot al , Hibbard ot nl. va Troeiib et al. Bites ot al. vs. G itthoimor. Warren ot nl. va Moi r3. Horton it Oo. M. it M. Cor. vs. Tros sin et al. I'OLICE Peter J. Williams , who la one of the official bo rd of the A. M. E. church OB Eghteenthaid Weba'er s r OB ! , Ulcd n complaint iu tha police court Siturday against Cyrus D. bull , charging him with crimfnil hbtl of the Ia1o pastor , Her , B. Mitchell and o' her membrr ? , fn a csm- munijatlon written hy defendant and published in the llmld over his algnn tore. . A complaint was filed agningt Carre Mullen In pollco coutt ycsteidiy charg ing her with the larceny cf SO from Jennie Kcsslcr. The defendant w s transfcttcd to the county jail. Ch-trles Wl'son ' ali&s Williams wns held to bail in $500 and ccsis to answer two complaints of forgery. Ono preferred by Mathnw Nou , and the other by 0. Jor dan. Wilson was committed iu default. "Storm llentcn. " An Omaha audience had its first oppor tunity last week to witness Robert Buchanan'a play of "Storm Beaton" arranged from hia own romance entitled "God and the Man. " It follows the story about us closely as most dramatiza tions do , except in the ending , which is much better In the play than in the noveL It Is a strong spectacular drama , iinoly eot , well played , nnd scored a dis tinct euccoea , The plot , In br'cf , Is a family fend between the Ochardeons and Chi-lslhnsons , In which Iho daughter of the latter is boirajcd by the son of the former , Youug Christiansen , Mr. Edmund Co'li-r , av\ cars vejigeaiico on h s sister's seducer , who isalso his o\yn lival , and follows him to the Arctic legions for revenge. The vessel in whl li both men , and tlio lady whoso love they both s ek.ate , is wrecked on the ice Tne rival remain in the lloo \ \ lieu the rest escape , but Clni tiamon forbears Vtligeaiice and olTers his cue i < y half his food 10 sustain life. 1'olief ' lin- ully arrives and all ends happily. There are enough charac ers in the play to populate a small village and most of them are well interpreted The Squire Orc'urd- ' son of Mr. Winter , the U chard of Mr. John T. Burku and the Dame Chrintlanson of Mr . Isabella Preston aiTordod no great opportunities but are civon with all the succe's they deserve. Mr. Collior'a Christiansen is a very good potniimtlou , and shows him to bo pos sessed of much force and foellne. Mies L zzo 0. Hudson as Kate , gave a very flfectivopiocoof work , and rocolvod much applause. Priscilla Sefton , the daughter of the blind preacher , is a pretty character nnd prettily played by Miss Charlotte Waj land. The comedy clomcnt in the play is well introduced by Mr. Augustus J. Bruno , who as Jabez Greene , a eliop- ard lout , la very amusing. The Sally Marvel of Miss May Steele aho deserves avo.-ablo mention. Mr. Ploodj- . the At the InvIUtlon of the Omaha Minis terial associatiin , Mr. Moody , the evan gelist , will visit our city and hold a con vention of Christian workers , March 10 , 17 , 18. A committee lo arrange for the convention has been appointed , and a meeting railed for Monday , Feb ruary Oth at D p. m. The following named pastors and laymen conatituto the commit too : REV. J. S. DETWEILEU. REV. \ \ . J. HAKSHA , REV. J. W. HAH IS , REV. O. W. SAVIDGE , REV. G. S. PELTOX , REV. E. B. GIIAHAM , REV. R. H IXOUAM , Mu. P. L. PEUINI : , Mu. J. S. RiciiAuasoN- , Mil E. F. RINOEU , Mil. P. C. PjMKIlAUOH , Mu. J. L. McCAOUE , Mit. O F. STEPHENS. A. Scrl'iiiB Fall. Saturday morning .Mrs. Harlnn fell at corner of Fourteenth and Harney streo's and Biill'crcd a S3voro dislocation of the ankle. Officer Poironot saw the lady fall nnd hastened to her ssiiitanca. A carri age wai called and Officara Pe'ronot nnd White asslbted the lady to enter Ihg carriage - riago and hod her diiven to liar homo o Loavtnwoilh streat , A phjsiclnn wn Bummoned and found the injmy to bo very aerlons one. SIGNAL SEEVIOE POINTS , Tlio l''allin - Thermometer a ( Homo and Ahroad Other Matters. Yesterday morning the world cf Omaha awoke , rubbed i'8 eyes , and gizod upon a city once moro In the power of the Jco King. The agreeable warm weather cf the piut few days has given way to that Artie condition of afLira which has been the rule of fcho wint r. At 1 o'clock In the morning ( ho ther motneter registered G dogroea ; at 11 , CO ; at 4 , 7.5 ; at 7 , 08 , and at midnight rho mercury had tumbled to 2 7 degnei aboco zero , thti wiiitl blowiig H saml huriicano at the eamo time at iho rate tf 24 miles an hour Repo'ts from other signal sthtions flhiw falling tem perature. The afternoon bulletins show : Salt Lkp , 2 ! ) a'jovo zero ; Ddiivur , 30 ; Ohcy nuc , 2IJ ; North Platto. 11 ; Yank- ton , 7 ; Des Molnrs , 11 ; St. Paul , 7 ; Vincent , D. T , 18 ; Helena , 20. Apenornl enow fallis r poilad throiiah- out iho northwest. At this point the depth Is four inches. Tlio Ipal signal authorities are nogott- ating with the W ahlt.gton cilico for the erection of a small observatory , protect ing the instruments on the rout of thu government bull ling. The report of the burning of the homo office records nnd charts atVa hington Saturday night , is received with no small consternation here , and it is only hoped that the loss will not prove as eorious as at first anticipa'ed. ' The records of the oflico ran as ly be replaced f re in the duplicate ci pies nC-Htered at the signal stations throughout the country , but the oher-s of statistics acd diagram * compiled after years of experiment and observation , will bu with great dillioulty , If at all replaced , " " " The Miihii-al Union Concert. A larga audlenco greeted the Muslca Union orchertra yes'erday ' afternoon al the firet of tholr saiitscf Sabbath con. certs at Boyd'a opera housj. The pro. gramme [ rjtonted a series of exquisitely executed claealcal geirs. which wtra ro. colved with marked applause. Coronation March " ' " 1'roplift" . Mnrorbeei l\ertiirf. "Tho Mill on the Hock" JtiirHlgei Uoiutt Salo. . . . . . . .Sttmhttueei H. T. Irvine. llridal Procpsslon , "Lohengrin" . . Wnjni'i Overture , ' Daina Illaucho" . Uulldicii JaKyeniDB SJUR . v.ict I b .Minuet . liuccuriiic Idyllo. "The Forge la the Forest , " by re quest . Michaelis Overture , "Morniuf ? , Noon and Nicht In Vienna" . Bevvrc . % ? er l , > rMch , ° ' Marionet ' " . " "Tha .Skatcra , . Tlio Musical Union orchestra will give a grand Sacred concert in Boyd's opcr. liomx ) tu-mo' row ( Sunday ) afternoon at 3 o'clock. AdmiajloJi 25 cents , reserved ecata 35. A CHARITABLE SOOIETT , Article * < 'f Incorporation ns I'jrepnrccl by tlio Consolidated Chfirltftblo Societies. The Charity Union nncl the Y. M. C.A. have consolidated and the following are the nrticlcs oi incorporationunder which the business will be conducted : Know all Men by These Presents ; WP , the undersigned. Kred Nyo. Al fred Miller , Henry 1) . IMabroolr , Frank 1) . Mutr , W , J. , Trunk Itvlno and 1'ii. 1'cck , citizen * of tlio United States and reiil- ing In Omnlit , Douglas county. Nobrn k . t.ropoeo to form a corporation under rm net of thalcgHnttireof thostato of Nebraska , en titled 'An act for tlio Incorporation of Om it.Societies. . " Passed Vebmnry 25 , 1873 , iind that for tlio purpose of such organization was hereby agree among ourselves ai follows , to-wit : I , The nnmo of this corporation shall lie "The Charity Union of Oinnlm , " Mid Its ollico f > r HID transaction of business shall be located In the city of Omnhn nfmcsnid. II. The period for which it is Incorporated snail bo thirty jcars , commencing on thn lml ! day of , A. D. 1885 , and expiring on the 2nd day of February , A. V. 1016. III. Il object is to aid the deserving poor of Omaha , in want , ( sickness , or distress , In such manner and through such _ agencies as may seem best adapted to the union , and the clrcumstoncen of each caso. Said corporation is non-sectarian and with out politics. IV. Its officers shall consist of line trustees from whom and by whom nro lobe chosen | ite ident , vice proiident , fccrotary , treaRuror auil an executive committee of three. The annual meetings of said union shall bo ho'-d In the city of Omaha cm thoprcond Mon day of February , in eacli year ; and special meetUPS will bo called i t any tiu.c by the president or by any three memburs of the board of trustees. V. Any person may become .1 member of paid union upon the payment of one dollar ( Sl.bO ) per month ; | rovided that to cnUtln a member to a vote at the annual meeting ! ) of said club , all dues , assessments and arrearages must at such time hive been paid In full. VI. The board of trustees may adopt such rule ? and by-laws for the regulation of said union as in y teem to them expedient , andwhidiaro not in conflict with these articles mir with the laws of the state of iybrisli. : ; VII. The following persons are hereby elected as tniHtoes to control and manage said corpora tion for the first year of its oitistenco anil un til their successors are elected : Fred Nye , .Tnmes M. HOP * . W , .T. Jnckman , Alfred Millard , Clem Chase , Frank Irvine , II. V , Katabrook , F. D. Muir , Ed. 1'eck. VIII. The officers of the union for the first year are : Fred Nye , president ; Clement Chase , vice-president ; James lloss. eeciutary ; Alfred Blillanl , treasurer. Incentive < 5 < mmitteo- Fred Nye , II. 1) . Kstabrouk , Alfred Millard. Stita of NoLrasUa , Douglas county ss. I , G. JI Hitchcock , a notury public in and for the counly aforesaid , do hereby certify that on thu 25h day of January. A. D. 1SS5 , personally appeared before mo the ahovo portions tions whose names are to them articles sub scribed , and who are to mo personally known to ha the same persona who executed the fore going statement In duplicate , and severally acknoweledeed that they had executed the same for thn purposes therein set forth. In witnchs whereof I havu hereunto set my hand and aotorial seal the day and ji-ar abo\e written. G. M. HITCHCOCK , Notary Public. CEANKY COMMENTS , And Generous Suggestions on the this Paper. To the I'ditor of the I5nn. I notice in my evening paper in loud letters , "Arr.b Victory ; " please in the near future give equal prominence to "Biitish Victor'y. " I knot ? not what nationality youbelong to , ( if an } ) , but In your alighting re marks abcut tha British you seem to for get we are not only Ctiislnf , but brothers and tutors , Cranks have In all history , but , rferringto Dynamiters. I assert , Sir , it it not In the blood of any Scot , or Englishman , to do a Mean thing to gain any end. DM the people of Graat Britain gain the Franchise Bi 1 by domoliihing Bishops palaces or by vi- o'onco ' in any waj ? NJ ! Will the Irish improve their position by violence ? No ! Lot them take example by tha Ulster lulo , especially Sc < t ai d where ( excepting the riuali Skyo afl'd.r ) wifi anmo landln-is , as In Ireland , and with a comptr. lively birrui soil , they by frucaltty and in dustry | ; aln a compe'nncy ; not only BO ; but In times of noud , hulp tbo'r alwaja needy noighbrri , by ( is I hwo djno twice ) sanding th m pnvibinns pnch a- ciiiiestf potatoes , out of their Supers abundance , Then , as to your mystification r'gDrJ- "IrishAmi ric ascent " lain Irg an - in , a acut born , now Am , cit. Do you mean to ray tvy anyone would fail to nuo [ am a Scotchman ? or , visiting as I did litily my native land , do you imagine any difficulty in tracing tny rjccnt pris- cnso in Amirlca , without in any way using our slang phnuua such ua , TOO HUN , which I cf nsidt r your remarks for any li < tcliient reader. 2 0 85- J. D. S. . BALL NOTES , Tlio Comlnir > la-in ( | > rnlo of tlio Prcsw Clul ) , The "Press Club" niafqncrndo hall to ho given In Masanio hall , on Thursday evening , February 12tb , will bo all thtt Is promleod for it , The management have made etrcnuous efforts to make it a raoet successful vontora and everything points to the fact that it will ba such. A Urga number of tickets have already boon soli ) , but thoio are many morj yet to bo told to somebody and the boys l.ivn not forgotten yon , but will euio y bo mound CaimU l n- Although Omaha is noted for the co-mopolUtm character of its citizunahl ] ) , it will suiprlto ronny of our rendora to know that it is estimated that there nro ever n thousand Canadians among us , mnny of them occupying promiqunt jioi- Itioiis in financial , tnerrantila and pro- fosu'Jiial circli'B. A moating will bo held at the Piston house , an Monday ovonlnu nexi , nt7:30 : , for tha purpose of orgnnlz- inga Canwdian-Amerlcan society to which all Canrulhi a are cordially invited , H , S , ATWOOD , Plnttsmouth , - - - mionor TBOMoanBiis no man ti > i HEflEFORD UD JEBSET GAHLE D PUtOOiOB JIUIT UD iWISl ft luiUiV 111 i ) e. ( ctiutiUirci icll easons Why We Succeed in Our Enterprise , 1. Because we r'o as we advertise , 2. Because we sell goods at less than the cost of material , 3. Because v\e guarantee a genuine tailor-made suit at ready-made prices , 4. Because we guarantee a perfect fit , 5. Because we alter goods to fit the purchaser free of charge , 6. Because we give the purchaser more than he anticipates for his money 7. Because we have the confidence of the public- 8. Because we never allow a garment to be misrepresented. THE-- ORIGI MISFIT IV.vtends a eortlitil invitation to all t/iaf are aii.viotis to inspect otir hajiuLsome display of Smtinys atul Overeoatsatnl eom/mre our priees with the ready-matle elothine , house * . J8V offer tailor-made suits for less than , the ehtiryefor shop elothint/ . BEHOLD OUR PRICE LIST AS A GUIDE. Overcoats. Pants. ? 25 00 JMorchnnt-tallor inndo Suits for PI 2 CO SO 00 1(0) ( ) Sl5 ! OOMcr'nt tailor made OvercoaUat § 10 00 8 0 00 Merchant tailor made Tanta at. , 3 35 00 10 nn ISO 00 11 50 800 4 00' 40 00 18 LTi 10 00 II 75 15 00 10 ! CO 15 00 L'O 00 10 00 5 00 DO 00 23 CO 12 00 50 00 G GO 00 VS 00 J2 00 65 09 HO Oi CO 00 Ji ( 51 15 On 7 75 00 : tj oo 70 00 no oo 18 t0 ! 8 CO Open evening * until 9 o'clock ; Saturday nights until 10 o'clock. All Alterations Done Free of Charge to Insure a Good Fit , Al TEE 1312 DOUG-LAS ST. , UP-STAIRS. by Electric Light. OSS' E3s3t Absolutely Pure , , This powder never varies. A mnr.ol ol purely , Bticn 'th ai dwho'csinicncBS. More economical than the ordinary < t ( .annot be sold In cuinj otl tlon with the iDUltliude ot low tot , shirt uiht ( 1 m of phjd hrto 11 > udcrs. Sold only In cans. KOYAL BAKING 1'OWDEU CO. , 108 Wftll bt ; H.Y. Omaha Medical & Surgical Institute 1118 Howard Street , ( N. K. Cnrnur 12th and Howard Streets , ) ( for thu Treatment ol all Chronic and Surgical Diseases Diseases of Female" , rf the N'enouq .System , Pr Vdto DljmsM of the Urlniry ami Sexual Organs , Mid Ulbtiuca of the Head , Throat and LUIIL'SI Bcchltlea. ; KYR AND 1'AH , treated by unexperienced spoclallBtj also itlreiBtH ot tha Hinrt Liver , btomach , Klilnejc , Illaddcr , Kc'iirulk'li , Hheumat urn , 1'ili s , Cancer , etc. CATAHUII. IIHOKCIIITIH , And all other dl-caaex of the ' 'hroatmid I.nnifBtreat cd by Medicated Vapor . ( Bend for Inhaler or circular nn Inhalation. ) All dlrntsta of thu Illootl , Urinary and Sexual Or gang. 1'thttto UUc'aucs and Piles Cured or no Pay. 05 Yuars Ilo'plutaml Prlvito 1'rftctlce. ) OotiMil atlon and examination freo. Call 01 wtltof r clroiilar ; on chronlo dl'ta'ta and deformities , Dlueaai H of Funnies , I'rhato Ul'fuace > f thn Urlnar. and Sexual onrans , Seminal Wnak- ne , Nervous Debility or KxbauntUii.ctc. , ut3. , ud ( ur new restoiatUctreatmtrit. All letters and coimultatlouConfidential. JtiHllcines tentto all parts of the country r > y ex- I rtsH.Huuutuly packed from observation , if full do. tcriiition of case latUcn. Onoi | > - onal latenlew nrfftTred If convenient. Open at all hours. AiJdntaall letters to Omulm Mdioul & Surgical Insttute 1118 Howard St , Omaha. Neb. Orrics ADIUTOH OK I'cnuo ACTOUNTH , ) tsTAIK OKKKIIItAfKA , i. LINCOLN , Jan. 10 , 1885. J It U hereby certified that the Webtc-rn Rfu- tual Di > n voU'nt Aefloclatlon of Jleatrico in the state of Nebraska , haa comnliod with thu - luianca law 'jf this btate , and IK authorized to trautact thu business of life inmrance in tbia state for thn current year , CummeiKinR 1'tb- ruary 1. 1KS5 , Witness my hand and the neal of tlw Au- dltor of 1'ublicAccounts the day and year above written , BKAL ] U , A. HANCOCK , Auditor 1 * . A. ON ALL CF I I 8J2JE OTTJI REDUCTIONS : Suits formerly SfrJlO.OQ now $7.50. Muifsformerly $12.00 now $9.00. SuitsJ-oraiierl'y $10.00 now $12.00. Suits formerly $24.0O now $ /fi.00. Over Couta formerly $ fi.00 now $ 0.00. Over Cotttsformerly $10.00 now $ 7.5W. Over Coutsformerly $10.00 now $12.00. Over Cott fa formerly $1&.00 now $18.0. Ove.t Coats former$24.00 } now $18O0. And every other article in proportion. Call and see our prices. 8 Farnam St. -LARGEST STOCK OF JClO. Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraask ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track , ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Orders for Indian Deportment given for Buflalo Scalea ex clusivflly. -IIR SHIO-P - - , GO DOUGLAS STHEET - OMAHA , N EBHABKA jf