Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1885, Page 6, Image 6
l\ \ G THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS MONDAY , FEBRUARY 0 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE Monday Morning , Feb. 9 HUBSCiUlTlON HATK3 , , Bjr C rrlel - - - - - - -SO cento per week By ilill - - - . . 110.00 per yen OFF10EI o , 7 Pa&rl Strait , \r2Broiii-w&7. . MINOR MENTION , Burdolto lectures a1 the opata house io-nlght. 1 | bad quilts , 7"J , at Oocko & Morgan's. The city conncil did not have a quorum Saturday evening and adjourned until 2 o'clock this afternoon. Slightly damaged mualina 5 : , worth Oc , at Cocko & Morgan's. The now frame building balng erected nt 1007 Main ktreot IB to bo occupied as a saloon t.y M. Connor. 100 dozen towels 25c , worth 40c , at Cocke & Morgan's , 347 Broadway. The building occupied until lately by Brann as u restaurant is now being fitted np aa a gambling house. Great solo of slightly damaged muslin still continued at Codes & Morgan's. Dr. Elnigh , cf Chicago , aupottntondcnt of mlHiiona for the northwest , preached In the Baptist church yesterday. The young man Shoemaker , who a whllo ago stabbed Jim Snoddorly , was arrested Saturday tiight for being drunk and disorderly. The case against Chris and Xjran Thompson charged with assaulting David Abel , was dismissed by Justice Hond- rlcks Saturday. Some of the fiiends of Jakollogors are srrongly urging his tiamo for the chief tainship of the fir a department , ho being an old fireman , and a goad fire fighter. The last hoard of Lorch the skipping geinun editor ia that ho collected totno Frolo Prosso bills at Mlnoola , borrowed $25 there beside : , and started from there to St. Loun. 1 ho tenth annual niaquoralo ball of the Council Bluffis Maennorchvr la to bo given In Benu'a hall Tuesday evening. Fob. 17. The lieiMnan band is to fur nish the music. The city jail Is getting to ba known as a flag station. The stars and stripes have been allowed to snitch from the polo in a'l ' sorts of weather , day and night , until there will 00011 bo Httloloftof the ban ner but stars , A traveling man just from Clarlnda Bays It's Impossible to got ; a drink of whisky or brandy there , oven on a phy sician's prescription and that the old to pers there would bs satisfied to bole their mouths at the eaves of the roof ant catch the dew off the same were were i 'V.- - at nil convenient. llav. Mr. Snyder of the Bible Alone church , having his attention drawn to & statement in THK Bui : that the Brother en's church numbered 1,000 mlnlsterc and 75,000 momboru , says that ho hat just received reports showing the number bor oven larger than this , there boiti [ 1,811 minislors and nearly 100,000 mom bera. Capt. Hathaway and Officer O'Brioi found a man in a humble drunken coridi tion , who had on his person loiters rnc nowspipcr clippings allowing him to b Hon. R. W. Cromuton , of Strckvillo Nob. , a temperance lecturer. The mm represented himself to bo in the stoc business and refused to glvo his name but when acibcr.'d up was glad enough t beg oil' , and get out of the city. Kato Herbert's daughter , Mrs Wm La Rue , has lately Lad trcublo with he husband , mid a sepcraticn cnsuei. 1 Hociiu that the young lady on S turda sought to effect a reconciliation by folgi ing that she had poisoned hersslf. Th word wont out , aud the cruel William on being told , took no stock in it , ea } Ing : "Oh , nonsense. She's only got th enakoa. " The coroner was summons by Ollioor Smaller ) , and finding that ! was a clear cieo of put-up-job , he inslate on the young lady paying the fee ? , bu at lait accounts she refused to Eettlo th coroner's bill , claiming that ho ought t vviit until the was gone nnd than got I out of bur estate. Rov. Mr. Mackey proichod a nitho sensational sermon for a dostrlnal one at the Hplgcopal church yesterday morn Ing. Ho touched upon the doutrinoi o Trinity , and rather favored Rev. Di oS'owton , who hai been brought bufor the bar for heretical teaching. The soi man was full of charity to thoao who I'm doubts arising in their minds , and th speaker insisted strongly on putting HI before creeds. lie bjliovcd in the doc trine of the Trinity , and explained li own view of it , which dillVrul some doubtless , from the idea held by many c Ilia honrer . lie believed , too , In ctoedi but believed still more ia a tiuo life Mr. Mackoy is certainly fearless in utter ing his honest onvlctioiiB. TronlileH ol'tho Ton iio * . A lively tusilo Is rooted | as bavin tako'.i pUce recently in a storionMai ntr'ot nosr Ninth avenue * , batwepn a cs soronrr of his county and iho pn. prietrc-es of n South Mama'.rtct board inq hmiBO. It Is eald the lady in ijUEs-io met the ex-coroner in the stove an wanted him to retract something that eh ha I heard ho raid in r < grd to her now ) married daughter , and without wjitir for a reply to her ijuottii'ii , pUked up chair and "went for" him , the chai ntruck the counter and broke. Stio thai tickled him with emi of the rounds o iln broken chair , ho raught her arm am flio "cau&ht on" to hi * bmtd with bet hands ami it took the united efforts o throu m on to take the boarding hone .keuper awuy , THE CITY FINANCES. flie Trne Inwardness of the City Ana- iior's ' SnpulfiincEtal flenorf , Some IJitllirr Slni'tlltiK Knrts. At a recent mooting of the city council lie city auditor presented whnt ho termed supplemental report , which was referred without rending and given so llttlo np. > aront attention that a careless looker on vonld not Imagine th t it was of any pub- c Interest. THE BEK called attention o the nttompt to mislead the public , and 10 cat being out of the bag , the next jcal thing for the city financiers to do ai to moot the demand for the report to ) o made public by publishing it In paper having as small n rculntlna ns possible. The old rnndmothor was therefor glvfn the docu- lent , to put in her scrap book , knowing ory well that that the old lady would ot have enough wakcfullncaa to moke ny comment on the statements con- tlnod therein. The following Is the re- iort ni the lady givoa It : To TIIK HON. MAYOR ANO CITY Cora- IL OF THE OlTY OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. Gentleman : The following is a list of arrants l.ianod by order ot the council o January 31 , 1885 : pacial iwinp warrants . § 1G",918 TJ ntersoction paving warrants . 6G-108 11 ntcrHPCtion aewer warrants . 19 , ! ) 15 40 tiecinl Buwpr warrants . 10,520 1 ! 1 oiincll muffs City Water Works Co , wntur . 12.883 33 Council Uluffs frao public library. 2151 17 ndian crook sawor illtcli . 11,172-17 Total . 8277,200 43 For nil of which special r.vjviMt/n . 1ms iceu made ; paving and sewerage , by the ague and sales of bands ; for the Watar axn D-mlll levy tax now being collected ; ndian creek sewer ditch , warrants leauod n the strength ot an ordinance now in jxlstonco providing for the Issuing of > onda and levying a tax therefor. In respect to the ordinary city ox ) onscs it ia estimated that thuro was on anuary 1 , 1885 , llttlo more thin $10,000 f general fund warrants outstanding , nd for the redemption of which the city ; cneral fund tax of 1881 , now being col- octcd , is § ! 18C50 ; pnllco faud , cstirnitetf , 20,000 ; total , ? 58G50. It appears that there troro on the first f January over § 40 , COO cf general war rants of tha city stil unpaid , and the irobiblo cash income of the year 188) vlll bo § 58,000 ( Jtf this was all collected. which is doubtful , it being subject to lirinkage , while the outstanding warrants ucroaso with interest rather than shrink , t would have § 15,000 to § 18,000 to op- ily on warrants this year. The auditor's nonthly report thowa that the number of varranti hailed from March 17. 1884 , to February 1 , 1885 , was § 77,010 , or at the ate ot § 7,501 a month during the year. Vt tins rate there will bo for the year 885 , § 00,000 of warrants issued. Add o this the § 40,000 outstanding January , 1885 , and a total is reached of $130- 00. To meet these warrants there is an stimsted Incsmo of § 58,000. Thin will eave the amount i f outstanding warrants next January 872,000. In other words , out of the § 58,000 which Is exooctod will ba collected this year , it will take § 40.000 to pay the warrants outstanding on January 1st laar , and will leave only $18,000 $ to meet expenses , which , on the aaais of last year , will be § 7,500 a month , or § 90,000 for the year. Just how the council can justify themselves In increas ing expenditures at much more rapid rate than the receipts are increased , IE not apparent ID a looker-on. The mayor has time and time ognii sail that the city had more money thai ever beforj. All the Improvements ui streets , the filling , the paving , sewerage , water , etc. , nro being paid for by spccia assessment , and leaving the regular income como of the city , general and police fund , licenses , tines , etc. , to bo used io : running expensed. Ha has rcpoat ° di ] asked the question , what thai bo done with all this receipts It is the public's tun were ti aik , what has been done wit ! thorn ? It appcara that at the present rati the present administration although re lievud of havicjr to pay for itreet im privomonta etc. , is drifting into a finan cial stress , and at the rate of expenditure : f jr the past ton months , the next tor months will see city warrant * Hying abou like ll ikes cf snow. In view of the f ct ao presented in tlii suppiomontal report of tno city auditc it ID not to l > e wondered at that the cit ; oHiciulu did not care to give any f ru publicity to It. The city financai should bo well lookei into before the heat of a city electioi comes on , and should bo examined with out political or personal blaa , but if , a appears , there is an extravagant am reckless policy hi ing pursued the puopl should BCD to it tliat aldermen are clu HOI at til's ' election wbu will servo as some what , of a chuck , nnd as fast in fie tarm of otaer othclals expire they should b dropped nut , until the business cf the cit ; is put In the hands of careful , honest business men wh > will use business mctb ods and follow bueinow principles. AVIiM.y. A good ouo now leaks out on the pc lice. A follow was arreitid Sstunla , night for buing drunk , was taken to po lice headquarters , searched , his effect laid away , and ho laid In jail. Votorda morning ho wai found lying on the lluoi drunker than over , ia fact cold drunk It B0om8 tint ho had iwo wore bottle filial with whisky hidden in his beetle lo s , and the police did not anllt'it After getting In jail ho made a night of i pulling out there buttles oviry tlmn h returned sulliciontly to cuaaclousnos to do ao. That C M of Pi' Deputy M > raliil ; IHtoj , if Ooiiuol Blull'j , appeared at the Unicn Pacili hoaduattflra | yesterday sf .ornoon and sc cur > d the redemption of a through tickc from Avoca , Iowa , to Portland , Oregon The ticket liai boon Issuad at Avoca tone t ono Henry Shulz At every station 01 the westward journey Shnlz drink cop jnsiy , and haddi t ridden many nii'ei be fore the- fumes of ) , H potat'una ' gt th best of his judgment , rind 1 o confident lally informed the pfiweuifors th&t he wn n dusniter from the regular army , Roc ] Island nreenal. The statement was tele graphed ahead to Council Bluffr , uiu when the train pulled in Marthal Date. . arrested the man. Shulz' story fa true and liu will serve a term in Lomnworth [ Omaha Ilooublican , Now it is the turn of the polloi t > kid * . It seema that the destrier win a . arrested by Deputy Marshal Bates , bu thatGeorjo EJgar , the pr vatj detective leaning of the felluar , informed Oth'oei Wheeler , who went to the depot > nJ made the arrest. It la said tlut among ho fc'low's pcrirmaletFocto was the ticket efcrrtd to , and that the deputy , win as iUr had the man in custody , succeded n buying the ticket of him for § 10 , nnd hen wont across the river and secured Its odempsion , realizing a handsome profit f § 45. Some of the police think It Is mingli for Bates en make so Imndsomo a rjlit speculatsng ell'of prisoners effects , without seeking the honor jf having made the arrest , which belongs to one of ho police force. UNEASY RESTS 1HE HEAD Of the IVllow Who UmtWH All Aliout ( ho 1'nllfc. A night clerk at ono of the hotels in city has been very uneasy for the > ast week. It wns reported that ho know omething In regard to the doings of the ollco at night , and ho was vciy nuxlous itt the Investigating committee of the ity council should not find it out , ns bo id not carj to "cjlve away" any of the 'coppers. " Some atqualntanco told him liat the committee wanted and would bo 'tor him last Thureday. So on Thurs- ay morning when ho wa * roliovedby the ay clerk ho asked his "rcl ef" to toll the ommlttoo cr any ono maklt g inquiries c r h in that ho had gene to Omaha. Ho ould not sleep and WES uneasy , o g-t up and did go to Imaha to get away fr in the omrnlltoe. Friday bo wont to hiu room t 8 o'clock and at 9 a. m. was down taira saying ho was going to see the com mit1 eo , as ho could not sloop , and ho wns ; olng to give the "whole force away" iDonor than bo troubled the way ho had > een. Ho could find none of the "com- ntteo , " and on Saturday ho only slept wo hours , thlnklrg the investigation might Uko place that day. Yesterday 10 reetad well , knowing the city fathers o bo t .o . pious to investigate anything on Sunday , and to-day ho'd probably bo neasy If it wasn't for THE BEE coming o his relief and letting htm know that it s a sell on him. Al Dickey , of EarllnR , was in the city yes- erday. J. F. Mullan , of Lincoln , was nt the Ogden esterday. Deputy Marshal Ud Bates was on the pick st yesterday. Jacob Williams , now of Omaha , was In the ity Saturday. J. D. 0 arriaon , of Logan , was at the la- ific yostsrday. II. R. Moorhead , of Missouri Valley , was t Hechtol's yesterday. L. A. Dovino returned from a Nebraska ; rlp , and spent Sunday nt the Pacific. Dr. Deetken has returned from his Now Orleans trip. Ho reports an excellent time. L. C. Lange leaves this week for Chicago , nd expects to visit the "Battle of Gettys burg. " Mias J. J. Auwordn is visiting at present n Ottumwa , nnd is expected here to-inorrow or Wednesday. Isaac Bowloy , of the firm of Schlenter & iJowloy , leaves to-day for Missouri , to buy moro horses and mules. W. C. Morgan left hero Saturday evening ; or Boston , and on his return trip will atop in Now York , Philadelphia and Chicago , and return home in about two weeks. S ANi Two car loads of horses , mules and mares just received , for sale at the stables of Schlutor ite Boloy , Kiels barn , corner Fisth avenue and Fourth street. AVanl ; i riiXh AVhccl. The following Is the petition signed bj over ono hundred names , asking the city council to take a slice off the Fourth ward ) , and maku it the Fifth ward : To the Honorable Ma or and Council of the Cliy of _ Council Blufls : We , the undersigned citizens and taxpayers , res idents of the present Fourth wardwould respectfully ask your honoriblo bo3y to recenalder the resolution introduced by the lion. Judge James a short time ai'o , rela'ivo to a division of the Fourth ward , or more properly the fi rmation of anew now or Fifth ward , from the present ont weatern portions cf the present wards. Wo fnlly btllevo tha divisions as proposed would aciruo to the intereit of all citixons concerned , by giving a moro perfect representation than cun bo had at prcsuit from ono rapreseiitatlvo from Biich n densely populated dlotiict and covering such a vast arda of territory as is the case at present In the Fourth ward , and other good and weighty reasons too tedious to mention herein. Further , owing to the limited time at command In which t ) act. wo hope you will take a prompt and energetic action toward granting the above , our prayer. Seal of North Carolina Smoking tobac co ia the best. The city council inui B tins evening. Seal of North Carolina Smoking tobac co Is the best. Schmitt &iHarb TIJK- llno rcmovcJ from under the Opera IIJUKI to NO. 402 BROADWAY , They vill oootlnuo tlielr CI3AH AND TOBACCO liuiluesj , and lntc all their oldfrlenda and the pub Ho to call and MO them The finest cijars anl to lea --AT- - - - FOR tlie purpose of reducing stock and making way for spring purchases , we shall , January 6th , offer our entire stock of Dry Goods , Carets , Cloaks , Curtains , Etc. , fo he Isold without regard to cost This stock comprises a Fine fine of choice Dress Goods , Silks , Flannels , Ginghams , Prints , Etc. A' choice stock of Newmarkets Brocade elvet and Seal Plush Cloaks. Ladies' and Childrens * White and Scar let Underwear and Hosiery , Lace , Lace Ties , Ficluie and Embroideries ; also a lot of homemade Comforts Blankets , and Table Linen. Our Carpet stock is comnletG and offers sepcial Inducements for select ion from choice variety of patterns. It includes Exminster , otiuettes , Bodv Brussels. Tapesiry Brussels. Three Ply Ingrains Hemp , Hattan Matting , Napier Matting , Etc. , Etc Fine Lace Curtains , Tambour , Turco man. Curtain Goods and Curtain Shades elegant in beauty of design. Cnstomnrs will secure BEST BARGAINS , 11V fiftBTV PTIBPUAQl ? DI MnLl runbflAoJi --AT-- - - - - 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , "MURDER MOST FOUL , ' To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria , D1 COUNCIL BLUFFS Wholesa'o and Ho'.all Dealers ia Hard Soft ani Blossburg O O .A. W. II. PTBLEY , Maiinscr. Olllco. 38 Slain St. Yard , on C U. I. . \ , P. and C. JI A. St. 1' . Uailway. .VSK YOUll GltOCKll 1'OU Corn Meal , Graham Mour , Hominy. Ground Fresh Every Day ! Ground Feed Always on Hand. , corner of North Sixth ami Mill Streets , COUNCIL , BLUFFS. EVERYTHING NEW , All the Latest Improved Machinery. All Work First Glass. Orders by Mail Solicited Express Paid on all Or ders over S2.60. Collars and Cuffs B Specially , Established 1882. H. E. EEMER , Manager 111 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. . H. Shorradon DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Council Dlo2 low * . Practice In State and Fcdcril Ooartj. Oolloctloni promptly attended to. lloom 10 , Shugirt'a Building , OOUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA ADMISSlON-OtntS Uc ladlci 100. EUATK3-Cent ISO. UJIu 103. AdmlBilon Fr e to Ladles each mnrnlng ftnd Tni day and ThureJ y tftcrnooni. Uio of Stutsa li cents. A. r. ECDANCK , E. 0 , ProprleUtt St , Charles Hotel , 0 STUEET , IJKT 7th and 8th , LINCOLN , NCD Mm. Kato Coakly , I'roprlctorcps. /VNowly and elegantly furnished. Good eainjilc r. OIH : on llrat floor. ns $ ' .60 to2 per day. SpccKlratca Riven itunibcra of the liKlblature. iiovlO-lm-ino j. L , DEBKVOISE. No. 507 Broadway Conncil Bluffs. Railway Time Table. Corrected to January 7 , 1SS5. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Th foilowlni ? ore the tlmfa ol the arrival nd do mrttire of tialnu by central etandard time , t the kx-j.1 dc ! < oti. Traln leave transfer depot too mlt uti > 9 eaillor nrrlvo ten mlnutos later. CUI01QO , KUELlHarCN AND qUINCT , LP1T1. iBEIVI. t:8pm OhlcatrnKinrcea 8:00 : in ttO : t m Fast Mall , 7:00 : p rr lQ : p u Arconnnodatlon. IiOI p m "At local depot only. K1N8A8 OITT , Dr. J01 AND COUNCIL BLUFJ" ! . 'C.05 t m Mill Hnd Kjproso , fl 25 p m 8:16 : ptn 1'aoldc KiiiroM , UOSJim OUICAW , VilLWil'HBI AND BT. PAUL. J6 : p m Ksprcaa , 9:05 : a io 5:25 : m Kxpri' i , tlt : > p in CUICAQO , IU CK ISLAND AND FACI710. S6 r m Atlantic Kipredt , 9:05 : in P:5i : t m Day Kxprem f.ii p in TSU ; io 'Oti Jlolnca AncointnoiiatlOQ , 6:16 : p is At local depot onlv WAtABn , NT. UU18 AND PACinO. ClOpm Ar omnjn < lat.on 9:00 : am 1.0 : p in Lniili i\prc89 : 8:15 : p m It0pui : Cnlui.o KKirt9s | 10:55 : a m Al Transfer only 0 UOiao trd KOHIIIWIUTIBV , j:60 : p a KxprunH , Cto : p ro 985 ; a u I' clflo Kiprcn B:0i : a m HOT I CITT AND PACIFIC , f' lpm f. I'aul EiprueB , 9:00 : i m Day nxpreni 7:00 : ptn ONION rAciwo. WoBtcin Kxpitn , 6JO : nn 11:00 : < 13 I'adflo K < pmi , lilOpm 18119 ra T.lnnnin Kipriieti 1:18 : p Ml At Trmetor only BrKHT TRAINS TOOUAUA. ve 7:20-8:80-flSO-io.80-llM : : : : . ro. l:8o-t:8 : : :506:80SOllos : : : : p. m Sunday 7:20"- : 1:10 : . m. iso-8so : : sso-eao-no6 : ; p. m. 10 mlnu'ra b'luie leaving tlrar. m trauiler only SMITH it TOIUi : ( , A TS. Merchant Tailors ! 7 and ! ) Mun St. , Coi'Nca Di.rrrs , . . . IOWA. A Complete Line of Now Goods to Select From , KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Horses nnd Mules constantly on haiid whlo wo will neil In retail or carload lota. All Stock Warranted as Reoresented , W ] > .it < .nlc Luicl lltlPi.mli ( , n > li > tntl I'tlid ' HM Bonixblo SatMortinn ( luiriiitoiM. . Sc Corner Fifth Avo. A- Fourth St. NOEENE ft IiANDSTRQM , . © 3obLoi/ ] tOP Ea lXoo * s3w Winter Goods Cloudy , Suits Mndo to Order in Latest Style on Short Notice and nt Rpnsnn * \ ) \ Prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 905 Mam Street , Council Bluffi , AGENTS WANTED. Drs. Judd & Smith's New Improved Electric Belt. SIB imoADWAY , COUNCIL llU-m , IOWA ; 725 KL1I ST. , DALLAS , TEXAS ; ami KT. WAY.VB , I.VD IT I'OSITIVKLY OtmKSKl.lnr.v . n > l I.lrcr Coiii ] > lAlnt , IlrlKhfa lUcft % . Uhoicnatl m Nouralel * eli\ , Ncr > < u " l \\i-ftknrgii i \ , I'aralysln , bplnal Atf.'Cltoin , , . pniiriG Itnllirottlon Heart h.l.Mnn llir-k. Cn',1 ' K. . , . , . .n , . Ml .lijcaaoa luorcasod , l > l om. : KltD ' riiiulrinu motlic ( uwtrs Now finprmoa o ami oiii 93 fi' ; Btjlo J2 tach GENUINE SLAUGHTER m THIC rntcia or ing and Heating Stoves 5 A. J. Mandel , . . , aJ5 brondvu.y. . Uouniiil Kluff < i. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOT10K. flpjctalcrttHomcnt ? , fta an fxrat fonnd.To Lo.\n , KOI Sale , Tu Kunt , Wants , llonrJ \ag \ , etc. , wttl bo InBortoJ lu this oulnrnn at the Ion rate ot TEN CiXT3 : 1'EU LINK tor Iho first Insertion mil FIVE CKNT3 TEH LING ( or oaoli eubeoquoul n ortlon. Leave advertisement ] at car offiw , No. Pearl Htroot. near nrradvs-av WANTS. 1710K KKNT-TnoronmsatXo. f.30 First n\cnuo Qrounil tltiuft ( runlin on park. Full S LK A raroclian c to et a fine , well Im pro\oil ( armoftOOacics , within a few inllca o Council llutl ) , at a lijir ain. Low price ami casj tciin.4. ttt JTlOti SALE AftoaJpajirn hotel property will Ihoyttiblo in ono ot the l > cst small tonne li western Iowa will tell \\itli \\itlicut fuiniture , o nil ! tiaJs for a small farm with Hock < to. Svs & WAi.Krn. FOK S LE Flchty aeren url pro\cj lanl n Unioncountv , Jowa , 3J miles south ca t of Af Inn , the o uut > eeat , cruilt trailc for Nebraska o Kanpaa I.irJ. S AV .1 Ii'titl SALE A2'ncro tract tf ( ; " < " ' l nil abou 1 one nml a halt ttik'S frum Cuuncil It till poe otlico , at a barj a'n. ' , SuN it WLKHI l/oll SALK In Harrisoncount.v , I > a. 320 acres Jl1 uriiss land , all unikr fence a 10J a ro farn with line improtciccni" all under cult nation except iOarri'H era * ) ! 81 acrua pnod gruss or pastuio laiul aid bc\ other tracts cf from 43 to 180 acres u unimproved land. Swss , V TT OK StLGOK TIIADK For 'iiod oitj prorertf , L1 In Tnu cil lllulljor impro\ed fatni , my bik'1 livery Htatiloand entire a'ock or the stock only nnc lease of btablu fur fivi'jea > 8 or in-jr. IJiil a , buel ness ot over ? 1,0rn in la 4 w th cinht liverv lior.scs \V. L. ration. S3 N. Slain Direct. Council bluffs. "Y\7"AKTii > Situation ns 11 si clahs ireat ami 'pas > n man ot experience. H. II. Letjz , MctiopoliUu Imtul , Council tvurtj. 17ANTED A boy with n pony to carry TUB 15x.n. > Call at UI.K o'llce Immediately. IJ OIl S l K Ijinils Iinprovcd uid uiilmprotcd. If \ ( u vvanta laim in wo Ura Iowa , Kanim Nobraaka or Dakota , lotus heir Ironiou. . a V/ALKxn. Troll SLE Special bargain. A largo two Btorj " fra > ' odwilluit' , to'i r oma with all modern In pTOvcmcnts. well located atiil almost new. INico < fiCU ; § 1,100 cash balance Ion ; ; tin o hvvA.N & WU.KXR. \17ANT.'D To correspond with any non-resident i owner of i roperti In Council Illuffi or 1'otta- wattimo enmity , or any on ul > liln | ; ti buyer or cell piopoity in wi attrition a , KanaisorNibraska. SVIA.V it SAi 13 Alarco riimbrrof business and rei ! FOK duiee Ictslli all \\ftt > o ( Cuincil Ilii lf . Keo ti3 bcfiru j ou buj , Lw vA , WAM.KII. UKNT \ueevcralliom-H n our list 17011 rent , vacant now , { 7011 HLK I'urtlui nishinKto buy cheap lots to P Inillil oncanbiiy ou n-omhlv pavmcnt > < o'from e2 ti lo. 6V. * v & WALKI-II (7011 KKN I Wo will rent you a lot to bu lil 1111 I with the pritihgo to luy If um ieu mi ery Illiumltcrni' . h\v.\s & WALhKR. AtCANTED Tn cnrrcFioNil ] with any nan u ( shine a I' picil luotlon f r ihniiiii ' ni'lll. Hash , duor anil hiiul inanufaitory.u lm\u bulldlnc aiut inacliuiorj , null locateil , far sale. Icain or tralo ; KUA.N& v. ALKKH. lir.STLar -o two itory Inmo ImllillrK suit FOll for v/urthoiito ur stotniiu purpnHUH , nt'nr railroad depot. few \N WALKKR. HUM1 ui ; hrtl.r , - u , . . . , . : . . ( ; and K' " " 171011 1 HU tal Io for Mnall foundiy and nmehino t-lmp ( iooil luilerent'lnu , ni ] ; a , b o\vcr \ with fUcd thulc I UK' utc , icady t put in motion. SVVAV WAI.KKB , r. HALI hhuIIIK , CuUtitcrii , tililoiiu-l ! > H , flsturuH tic. IJ ( piiruot II. e. . hciiman , jiaj u i.nil ututiOLerv , 3I1 ISrcaiUaj. SAUTvvthoiH s miilo ; liiiifti.v , and Jiht ( ; ijio harneet. C. II. lioi cilson fUl Iltnail * uv. ( j'OK SALK II.USIH | : , Lola and Land. A , J. I1 _ topi o 1--OH , M3 hirst iivinuo. _ . riAl.h A 1'ip-ini Kj , llritt- I HI uunu anil J.AOIV ex client condition Or will trsdo for chcp int. Addrc-o i. II llou nlllio , Council 1I1U7H. GOAL r > K\i \ OOI-Uet iue lluaton , O J ! nay , tells coal nnd wood at roaaonablo prices t\\K \ 2 ooo Iba. lot a ton , and IM cubic for a c/ircl , 1'rj him. . hvury m i > lu ouuneii Uluno tu c kO WAMK1.I Delivered by currier at only twenty * > ntft ft VTCbk. O I.O I'Al'Klta For Oklu at Uik. olSou , at Si. oontB k hundred JTACOJS S COUNCIL ULUFI S , IOWA. Office , Main Rtreft , lloom 8 , Shu ort and L'euo jlocli. VN 111 pructlcv In 8 ate and I't-Jciul cuurte. H. SCHURZ , Iisflce of tftB Peace fIVKll AMKKIOiM EIl'UEIS ULLTFKS. IvVA. ( ) OJtDEU YOUR Gob , Coal I Wood OK I' , 0. addrtnj , I/irk lion 1180 , Council _ _ _ rte iiiiixit. ii lub _ ' OliUl s , * , j | Vnuwli t ll ty all wriikncBaoft'i'iirrativi' > bU in iitlurMi * riUy aiuil. J. U\V'ainiiK'7 fttuu bt , Ct > icu Irs HJ Hilton H D , , , , , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , . CouncU Blufli. JOHN FOX , Deputy Sheriff and GendCollectionlgent , Offlco with N. Sehurz , Justice of the I'cacc , Ccuncll lilllllg , ln\\a. . ornczm . n. u. ream Council Bluff * , 11 Established 1856 Denlcn In Foreign and Domotto Kichiujo and Bom * Securltliii 01 other \nman removed without Ibo UnUo ot drikvrlna cl blood. CHRONIC DISEASES Over tolrty yc ru pt&ctlcxl aiptsleaos Ofi tio. C , Pearl s'.riH t , Connctl Blcffj. 2TCoutuU/ion tin. E CHICAGO * RAILV/AY. CHICAGO , The SHOUT LXHE. And BBST ROUTE. I-ildM OMAHA TO THE EAST. TWO ritAINS HAII.V HhTWH.NjOMAllA AND IMinne.apoliu , . Pnu ) , Ci' U.ipidn , ] ) .ivanpnrt ] ) ubiuiic' | , ll'iclcfurd , Itock luland , ] ' 'rci'nrt | ) , .lant'stvillu , UlRin , Miulis.m , I.a CIOBSC. Heli it , Wimuia , Ami all olhor Important points Uast , Nortli- nd Sdiithouht , Ticket otllco at 1101 Farnam ttuct ( In I'axton Hotel - tel ) , and at II .ion I'afiflo Icint. | l'"U.M v Si.Kr.rxim ami tliu I'ISRUT DI.IIKO C imv TIIK Wuiu.iiaro ni'i ontliu main lines of tliu Chicago UllwaukOO&St. Paul ll'y ami every attuiitluii f.ald | . to iiaBeuiiKtra Ijy courtcoi.a emiilojejol tlio ponipiny. H. S lIHHIIII.n , A. V. H. CAHI'K.VTKU , OiincralManagcr. Oen'l 1'nnwftit Airunf , U MIL..KK , OHO. F. lil r'Olll ) , AtVt CJcii'lSfainiicr. A ' , t Ucli'l I'.U3 Agent. J. T. CIAHK , Ocn'J Superintendent. T1IH Ill'.ST UOUTB AND SI3IOE-T UKIHKKS Omaha Councii Bluffs and Chicago. The only line 10 take ( r 1) ) H Mninm , uraliall- own , Ut'dar ItapidK , ( llntuu , Dlxiu , ( 'hicn ; . ) , Mll- uauki < 6 and all iiolntn rast. T < < the i.u i Io of No- iraika , Col nado. Wjoinlr u' , Utah , limho , Nevada , Un \V'ubhliiKt'n. ' . nnd CVlfc.rnli itoifcro Hupalor advai't'i tii ii' > t poet ilitu l > an > uthir lint * . AimniKa'ew uf tlic nil i > uriiuiiil'tH " ' Hiipirlor- ty etjn uil by thu patrniiHOf this roicl h itwecn unaha and C'lucaio , am Its tv , > ti > lnua il y of DAV C'UAtJHKS which atu tlieHncst tint ruiinan ait anil nti unity an rruatu ; H I'AC.ACK Sl.KKI'ING lAH uliuli Am iniilului f iiiuilcirt and IUKUICI' | : ; It * I'All .OU DUAVVIMi U'MiM i ' .US , nntmroauud hy any ndltnuidulycvlclirjtul 1' H'llftl. DIMNU C'AKS hu cipial nf whli It cannot liu f'lil'd ' tN iwhcru. A > L'liiincil Itlnlldttu trains uf tlie Unhn 1'tclflo l > . iv/nnif. In Uninii 1 > | o. wltli tliouuI tlio Ctilra- ; os .s'nit ) ] . ut in llInC'Iil.u / < i trutraiim of tli iif niaku clofii ( xinnectlun with tlinue ul all vaitcru JI < H. r'or Di-trnlt Cc Illinium , Indlanapu'ls , ' 'liclnnitl. M > iara \ \ , llulliln , i llWitir , ; , iiirontu , Mui > tr > al lost nN < K Yi/rt , riii'adfl ' | > liu , ll > llniru , Waih- i.ll pilnti In the Kibt , aik thu tltkit L'cnt lur tltkUH i U thu .N" T'I WKSTCll ! ' , ' ' u wi-n thu i"1. ac'coinniadatloia ' All ticket iuiit ; sell nliOluia thU line. I. HUOIinT . HAH : , CIIICAOO.Out. . I xas. Agint. CIIICAOO. WEAK , UNDEVELOPED : PARTS JV 'i m : HITMAN I'.onv I.M.AI ; I-D. invi : i IIM.I ) Kl lil N ( . Ull. M.I ) . ' ijfc r l IHK in t" 1 1 1 \t \ m i' fji iij n t m 1 1 r n [ ) v n i i ' ' hutf ftttont HUH , Unltm. .nlr